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Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Nama acara : Language and Creativity Challenge From Home (L2CFH) 2022
Waktu pelaksanaan : 15 Desember 2021 – 21 Februari 2022
Tema acara : “From Mother Tongue to Other Tongue: Preserve Your Mother Tongue,
Master the Other Ones”
Deskripsi tema : Penetapan tanggal 21 Februari sebagai Hari Bahasa Ibu Internasional
adalah penegasan bahwa terdapat beragam bahasa ibu yang digunakan
oleh masyarakat dunia sebagai bahasa pertama mereka untuk
berkomunikasi. Keragaman ini harus dijaga dan salah satu upaya yang
dapat dilakukan adalah tetap menggunakan serta mempelajarinya. Akan
tetapi hal ini juga harus diiringi dengan penguasaan bahasa nasional dan
bahasa internasional.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, Pusat Bahasa Universitas Telkom
menyelenggarakan kegiatan L2CFH 2022 untuk memfasilitasi para pelajar
agar tetap kreatif dan produktif selama di rumah dengan cara
mengekspresikan ide tentang bagaimana menjaga bahasa ibu dan
meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa asing dalam bentuk perlombaan
L2CFH 2022 ini ditujukan kepada pelajar Indonesia tingkat SMA/SMK/MA

1) Peserta adalah siswa SMA/SMK/MA/sederajat.
2) Peserta tidak dipungut biaya (gratis).
3) Peserta wajib follow Instagram Pusat Bahasa @lac.telkomuniv untuk mendapatkan
informasi terbaru tentang L2CFH 2022.
4) Lomba dibagi menjadi empat kategori berdasarkan bahasa yaitu:
a. Lomba bahasa Inggris yang meliputi lomba Speech, Pecha Kucha Presentation
dan Poster.
b. Lomba Storytelling bahasa Prancis;
c. Lomba Storytelling dan Comic bahasa Jepang; dan
d. Lomba pidato bahasa Arab.
5) Pendaftaran dan pengumpulan karya dilakukan pada laman

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.

1. Lomba bersifat individu.
2. Jenis bahasa yang diperlombakan yaitu bahasa Inggris.
3. Peserta lomba yaitu pelajar Indonesia tingkat SMA/SMK/MA sederajat.
4. Pemenang lomba dari masing-masing kategori bahasa terdiri atas juara 1, 2, dan 3.
5. Peserta yang mengikuti jenis lomba ini tidak berhak mengikuti jenis lomba L2CFH 2022

A. TEMA LOMBA : “My Mother Tongue and How I Preserve It”

Deskripsi tema lomba : Tema diatas merupakan topik yang diberikan kepada peserta
lomba agar bisa di kembangkan menjadi presentasi yang sesuai.

No. Kegiatan Tanggal

1. Pendaftaran dan Unggah Karya 15 Desember 2021 - 31 Januari 2022

2. Penjurian 1 - 15 Februari 2022

3. Pengumuman 21 Februari 2022


1. Presentasi yang dibuat selanjutnya dikumpulkan dalam bentuk video berdurasi 6 menit
40 detik dengan kualitas minimum 360p.
2. Video diambil dengan sekali take tanpa cutting dan trimming.
3. Penyuntingan hanya diperkenankan dalam hal peningkatan kualitas video (cahaya, suara
dan penambahan takarir).
4. Peserta wajib membuat alat peraga visual dalam bentuk PPT slide untuk pecha kucha
presentation. Panduan pembuatan PPT Pecha Kucha bisa dilihat pada laman
5. Peserta menggunakan seragam sekolah.
6. Proses perekaman presentasi boleh menggunakan segala jenis aplikasi rekam layar
seperti Microsoft Powerpoint dan yang sejenisnya. Peserta harus memperlihatkan wajah
dan slide pada saat yang bersamaan. Panduan presentasi Pecha Kucha dengan rekam
layar dapat dilihat pada laman
7. Presentasi yang diikutsertakan dalam lomba ini adalah karya yang belum pernah
dipublikasikan atau diikutsertakan dalam lomba yang sama.

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.
8. Presentasi yang diikutsertakan dalam lomba tidak mengandung unsur penistaan SARA,
pornografi, dan apapun yang bertentangan dengan hukum di Indonesia.
9. Presentasi yang diikutsertakan dalam lomba adalah hasil karya sendiri, bukan hasil
rekayasa dan reproduksi.
10. Presentasi yang diikutsertakan dalam lomba maksimal 1 untuk setiap peserta.
11. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam lomba ini adalah bahasa Inggris.
12. Setiap peserta mengunggah karya video di akun YouTubenya masing-masing dengan
judul English Pecha KuchaPresentation#L2CFH2022_Nama_Judul) dengan hashtag
#L2CFH2022 #lactelkomuniversity #telkomuniversity dan kemudian mencantumkan URL
YouTube tersebut pada form pendaftaran yang dapat dilihat pada laman Fitur komentar harus dimatikan. Ubah pengaturan
Visibility ke Public (jika ingin video dapat dicari melalui pencarian) atau Unlisted (hanya
yang memiliki URL saja yang dapat melihat video peserta. Video yang di-Private tidak
dapat dilihat siapapun dan akan didiskualifikasi.
13. Peserta mempersiapkan foto terbaik mereka (pas photo atau yang lainnya) untuk
dilampirkan saat mendaftar.
14. Semua video yang diunggah di akun YouTube harus dapat diakses dan harus tetap ada
(tidak boleh dihapus) sebelum proses penjurian selesai.
15. Semua hasil karya peserta lomba menjadi hak milik panitia setelah karya tersebut
diserahkan kepada panitia.
16. Apabila di kemudian hari karya peserta dipergunakan untuk keperluan publikasi,
dokumentasi, ataupun promosi, nama pembuat presentasi akan tetap dicantumkan
sebagai pembuat karya tanpa ada royalty fee.
17. Hasil penilaian juri merupakan keputusan mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
18. Jika ditemukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan yang telah dipaparkan, maka peserta
akan didiskualifikasi.

No. Indikator Kriteria Bobot

Karya sesuai dengan tema lomba:

1. Kesesuaian Tema “My Mother Tongue and How I 20%
Preserve It”

Jenis video berdurasi 400 detik

2. Format Video 10%
dengan kualitas minimal 360p.

A. Gagasan dalam PPT tersusun

secara logis dan koheren.
3. Visual Aid B. PPT menarik 25%
C. PPT efektif

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.
A. Kalimat efektif.
B. Kosakata luas. Pemakaian
4. Penggunaan Bahasa kata yang efektif dengan 25%
ragam (formal, informal) dan
tata bahasa yang tepat.

5. Pelafalan Pelafalan mudah dipahami 10%

Mimik wajah
6. Ekspresi Gestur 10%
Eye contact

Semua pemenang akan diberikan insentif uang tunai (pajak ditanggung pemenang), sertifikat
dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

Hadiah Presentasi Bahasa Inggris

Juara 1 Rp 2.500.000 + E-Sertifikat

Juara 2 Rp 1.500.000 + E-Sertifikat

Juara 3 Rp 850.000 + E-Sertifikat

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.
English Edition

Event : Language and Creativity Challenge from Home (L2CFH) 2021

Date : 15 Desember 2021 – 21 Februari 2022
Theme : “Mother Tongue to Other Tongue: Preserve Your Mother Tongue, Master the
Other Ones”
Description : The designation of February 21 as the International Mother Language Day is an
affirmation that there are various mother tongues used by the world
community as their first language to communicate. This diversity is to be
maintained and one of the efforts to do so is to keep using and studying it.
However, this must also be accompanied by the mastery of both national and
international languages.
On this occasion, the Language Center of Telkom University holds a 2022 L2CFH
activity to facilitate students to stay creative and productive while studying at
home by expressing their ideas on how to maintain their mother tongue and
improve foreign language skills in the form of a language competition.
The competitions in 2022 L2CFH are aimed at Indonesian students at the
SMA/SMK/MA equivalent.

1. Participants are Indonesian High School/Vocational School/MA students.
2. Participation is free of charge.
3. Participants must follow Language Center Instagram account @lac.telkomuniv to get the
most updated information about L2CFH 2022.
4. The competition is divided into four categories based on the language used:
a. English Speech, Pecha Kucha Presentation and poster competition.
b. French Storytelling competition;
c. Japanese Storytelling dan Comic competition; and
d. Arabic speech competition;
5. Participants register and submit their work on

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.

1. This is an individual contest.
2. The language used in this competition is English.
3. Participants are Indonesian Students (SMA/SMK/Equivalent).
4. The awards are given to each category for the first winner, second winner and third
5. Participants who take part in this competition are not entitled to take part in the other
competitions in L2CFH 2022.

A. THEME : “My Mother Tongue and How I Preserve It”

Theme description : The above theme is the topic for the presentation competition to
be developed into Pecha Kucha presentation in accordance with
the detail requirements.

No. Event Date

1. Registration and Submission 15 December 2021 - 31 January 2022

2. Review 1 - 15 February 2022

3. Winner Announcement 21 February 2022


1. The presentation video should be 6 minutes and 40 seconds in length and with a
minimum quality of 360p.
2. The video is taken in ONE TAKE without trimming and cutting.
3. Video editing is allowed only in terms of quality enhancement (lighting, sound and
4. Participants must create a PPT slide as the visual aid in forms of pecha kucha
presentation. The complete guide for creating the PPT Slide can be downloaded on
5. Participants wear their school uniform.

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.
6. The presentation recording process may use any screen-record applications such as
Microsoft PowerPoint. The complete guide of pecha kucha presentation using
screen-recorder application can be downloaded on
7. The presentation must not have been previously published.
8. The content of the presentation must not contain material that is obscene, defamatory,
libelous, threatening, pornographic, racially or ethnically offensive and must not violate
Indonesian law.
9. The presentation must be the original work of the participants.
10. One participant could only send one video.
11. The language used in the presentation and the visual aid is English.
12. Participants must upload their videos on their own YouTube accounts by creating the
title English Pecha Kucha Presentation #L2CFH2022_Name_Title with the hashtags
#L2CFH2022 #lactelkomuniversity #telkomuniversity and attach the YouTube URL link to The commenting feature must be turned off.
Visibility settings must be changed to either Public (the video can be accessed via global
search) or Unlisted (only people who have the URL can view the video). Videos under
Private visibility cannot be viewed and will be disqualified.
13. Participants prepare their best picture (it may be a pass photo or regular photo) to be
attached in the registration process.
14. All videos uploaded on Youtube must be publicly accessible and must remain on the
channel (not deleted) before the reviewing ends.
15. All entries of competition participants become the property of the committee after the
work is submitted to the committee.
16. Should the participant's work be used for publication, documentation, or promotion
purposes in the future, the presenter’s name will still be stated as the author of the work
without a royalty fee.
17. The results of the judge's assessment are final and cannot be contested.
18. For violation of any of the rules, the participant shall be subject to disqualification.


No Indicator Criteria Scores

1. Adherence to the Theme Adherence to the theme of the 20%


“My Mother Tongue and How I

Preserve It”

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.
2. Compliance with the format The duration of the video is 400 10%
and criteria seconds with the quality
minimum of 360p.

3. Visual Aid A. Ideas are structured 30%

logically and coherently.
B. PPT is interesting.
C. PPT is effective.

4. Language Use A. Effective sentence 30%

B. Wide-range of vocabulary.
Effective use of words in line
with the context (formal,
informal) and proper

5. Pronunciation Pronunciation is easy to 10%


6. Expression A. Facial expression

B. Gesture
C. Eye- contact


All winners will receive a cash prize (the tax is paid by winners), and certificate. The following
are the details of the prize.

First Winner IDR 2,550,000 + E-Certificate

Second Winner IDR 1,500,000 + E-Certificate

Third Winner IDR 850,000 + E-Certificate

Mother tongue is the language acquired by everyone ever since his birth or the native, or first, language of a student who is
learning a second language.
Other tongue is another language learned at schools/communities as a second or foreign language.

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