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Nama : Nia Sevila Br Ginting
Nim : P010311120110
Dosen Pembimbing : Siti Rakiyah,S.Pd M.Hum



Pertama-tama  penulis ucapkan rasa sukur kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa karena dapat
menyelesaikan buku Bahasa Inggris ini dengan baik.

Tujuan dari penulisan buku ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas yang  di berikan oleh Siti
Rakiyah ,S.Pd M.Hum selaku dosen mata kuliah bahasa inngris. 
Dan dalam penyusunan buku ini, penulis banyak mendapat tantangan dan hambatan akan
tetapi dengan bantuan dari berbagai pihak tantangan itu bisa teratasi. penulis menyadari
masih banyak kekurangan yang terdapat dalam penulisan buku ini.

Olehnya itu, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak
yang telah membantu dalam penyusunan makalah ini, semoga bantuannya mendapat
balasan yang setimpal dari allah yang maha esa dan di kita semua berkahi allah.Penulis
menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan baik dari bentuk penyusunan
maupun materinya. maka dari itu penulis berharap kritik dari pembaca sekalian dapat
membantu penulis dalam menyempurnakan buku selanjutnya.akhir kata, semoga buku ini
dapat bermanfaat untuk menambah pengembangan wawasan tentang ilmu samantics.

Kuta Jurung, 20 November


Nia Sevila Br Ginting

Bab 1 : Introduction Yourself and Other
A. Pengertian Introduction Yourself andOther…………………………………………………………
B. Closing Introducyion Yourself andOther……………………………………………………………….
C. Listening Introduction Yourself and Othe……………………………………………………………
D. Exercise………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Bab 2 : Pronoun
A. Pengertian Pronoun……………………………………………………………………………………………
B. Jenis-Jenis Pronoun……………………………………………………………………………………………
C. Bentuk-Bentuk Pronoun………………………………………………………………………………………
D. Contoh Kalimat Pronoun ……………………………………………………………………………………….
E. Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Bab 3 : Simple Present Time
A. Simple Present Time ……………………………………………………………………………………………
B. Simple Countinous Tense ………………………………………………………………………………………
C. Perfect Tense ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
D. Present Perfect Countinous Tense ………………………………………………………………………
E. Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Bab 4 : Past Time
A. Simple Past Time …………………………………………………………………………………………………
B. Rumus Simple Past Time………………………………………………………………………………………
C. Keterangan Waktu…………………………………………………………………………………………………
D. Exercise………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Bab 5 : Future Time

A. Pengertian Future Time……………………………………………………………………………………
B. Rumus Future Time……………………………………………………………………………………………
C. Contoh Kalimt Future Time………………………………………………………………………………
D. Exercise ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Bab 6 : Passive Voice

A. Pengertian Passive Voice ………………………………………………………………………………………
B. Fungsi Passive Voice ………………………………………………………………………………………………
D. Rumus Passive Voice …………………………………………………………………………………………….
E. Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Bab 7 : Taq Question
A. Pengertian Taq Quwstion ………………………………………………………………………………………
B. Rumus Question Taq ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
C. Contoh Kalimat Taq Question …………………………………………………………………...............
D. Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Bab 8 : Modal
A. Pengertian Modal ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
B. Penggunaan Modal ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
C. Contoh Modal ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
D. Exercise………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Bab 9 : Adjective
A. Order Of Adjective ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B. Comperative and Superlative ………………………………………………………………………………..
C. Seperlative Adjectives ……………………………………………………………………………………………
D. Mitigators Adjectives ………………………………………………………………………………………
E. Noun Adjectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
F. Possessives Adjectives …………………………………………………………………………………………..
H. Exercise ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Bab 10 : Preposition
A. Pengertian Preposition………………………………………………………………………………………….
B. Jenis-Jenis Preposition ………………………………………………………………………………………….
C. Contoh Preposition ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
D. Exercise………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Bab 11 : Cordinating Conjuction
A. Pengertian Cordinating Conjunction ……………………………………………………………………..
B. Jenis-Jenis Conjunction ………………………………………………………………………………………….
C. Exercise ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Daftar Pustaka
Kunci Jawaban


What is introduction ?
-          Introduction is an expression of introduction to know one's identity, we need to introduce
ourselves to a clearer communication process with whom we talk, about what we are talking about
and other conditions.

-          There are two forms of introduction that is formal and informal

introduce myself !

A.   Formal Introduction
A formal introduction is used when you introduce yourself in a formal room for example. Self in
front of class, workroom, meeting room  and Official forums, such as seminars ,. Formal intakes are
used in formal situations.

Here are some Exspression and Responses for formal introduction

Expression Formal Introduction

 Good morning. My name is Beny

 Please, allow me to introduce myself.

 May I introduce myself. My name is Kasih

 Would you mind if I introduce myself. My name is Kasih                          

 Let me introduce myself        

 I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kasih

 Good evening. My name is Beny.

 May I introduce myself? I’m Beny.

 Let me introduce myself. My name is Beny.

 How do you do? My name is Beny.


 Good morning, how do you do?

 How do you do, nice to meet you?

 Oh, hello, nice to meet you

 I am Kasih / my name’s Kasih

 Hi /Hello Mr Beny

 Hi, I’m Kasih. Glad to meet you.

 Hello. My name’s Kasih. Pleased to meet you.

 Good evening. I’m Kasih. How do you do?

 How do you do? My name is Kasih. Nice to meet you.

Example of formal Introduction :

-          Let me intoduce my self. My name is Ismail. I’m sixteen year old. I was born an Oktober
17th 1987 in Subang, where I live till nowdays. I study at SMK Subang.

-          let me introduce myself. My name is ARIE DWI PRASETYO, and you can call me “ARIE”. I am
one of a million babies who will be born in the Indonesia in 1994. I was born in Mojokerto on 18th
October 1994. I live at Anjasmoro street, Bangun village, RT/RW: 003/001, Dk. Ploso. Subdistrict:
Pungging, Regency: Mojokerto, Post Code: 61384. I am studying in SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya in the
12th grade with the skills competencies of Chemical Industry.My hobbies are cycling, listen the
music , reading comics, watch movie and comedy because that all make me happy and entertain my
self. I was the youngest of two sisters. I have one sister, her name is Weni Piji Lestari. She was
married with one child. I have pleasant personality. I’m very friendly,sometimes Iam shy if I meet
new people. Sometimes I become annoying person and selfish. I like study hard and I smile a lot. :DI
have a parents who very loving me. They are never mind to accept all my desire. After I am finishing
my study, I want to give my parents is happiness that previous ever they give me.

a.  Informal Introduction

Informal introduction is used when you introduce yourself to someone at about the same age with
you. Informal introduction id used in a non formal situation. Usually used on unofficial events or
forums, such as introductions when in public meet new friends or friends. Commonly used words are
as follows :

-          Here are some Exspression and Responses for informal introduction

 Expression Informal introduction

-          Hello, I am Kasih Nice to meet you 

-          Hi, I am Kasih Nice to meet you

-          Excuse me. I am Kasih what’s your ?

-          Hi, what’s your name ?


-          Hi, I am Beny. Nice to meet you 

-          Hello, I am Beny  Nice to meet you

-          I am Beny

-          Hello. I am Beny / My name’s

Example of  informal introduction :

Hi friends My name is Jack Ortiz. But please call me Jack or Carlitos. Carlitos is a Spanish name which
means that Masculine in English. I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998. I am 18 years old. I live at
Austin No. 40 Round Rock, Texas. I live with my parents. I am single and I am a student. I study at
The University of Texas. I have taken a Business as my majoring.

How to create a good Introduction?

The thing you should know is about the 3 main points in conveying a material:

§  Opening

§  Main Idea

§  Closing

A.   Opening

Is the first step where you should open by saying greeting.

Greeting has 2 types:

§  Formal / Official: Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening.

§  Informal / Unofficial: Hi, Hello

Example in the sentence:

    Good morning Mr. Rudolph, I would like to introduce myself. (Formal)

    Hi friends, I will introduce myself. (Informal)

B.     Main Idea
Is the essence of the material to be delivered. In this case the Introduction.

What are the content in Introduction?

·         Name
·         Place and Date Born

·         Age

·         Address

·         Status

·         Religion

·         Blood Code

·         Hobby

·         Family Background

1.       Name

Name there are 2 kinds:

·         Full Name - Original Name

·         Nick Name - Popular Name

2.       Place and Date Born

To make a sentence about Place and Date Born you will use the preposition:

·         In to Place

·         On for Date

Example in Sentence:

I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998

3.       Age

Example in Sentence:

·         I am 18 years old.

4.        Address

Example in Sentence:

·         I live in Texas. Still common

·         I live at Austin No 40 Round Rock, Texas. Specific lebis

5.       Status / Status

Status has 2 types:

·         Marital Status / Relationship

·         Occupation

Example in Sentence:

·         I am single. - Marital Status.

·         I am a student. - Occupation.

6.        Religion

Example in Sentence:

     I am a Moslem.

·         If you are Muslim - I am a Moslem.

·         If you are Christian - I am a Christian.

·         If you are Hindus - I am a Hindoo.

·         If you are Buddhist-I am a Buddhist.

7.       Blood Code

Example in Sentence:

·         My blood code is O

8.       Hobby

·      Hobbies are important in delivering introductory material / Introduction. Because of the hobby
of chatter can be closer and familiar.

Example in Sentence :

·         I like playing the guitar and listening to the music.

9.        Family Background

For Family Background, you can simply introduce your family in general.

Before introducing your family, it's a good idea to open it using the following sentence:

·         I would like to tell my family.

C.      Closing
Is a cover sentence or often called Leave Taking

Example in Sentence:
·         I think that's enough. Thanks for your time and your attention. It's nice to see you.



Task 1

Listen and fill in the blanks with the words provided in the box !

Tony : hi,my name is Tony. (1)…………………..?

Lyra : my name is Lyra.(2) ……………………….Tony.

Tony : nice to meet you too Lyra. By the way (3) ……………………?

Lyra : I live in JL.Murakata no 17. How’s about you ?

Tony : (4)…………..…., I live at 15.

Lyra : really ? That's good, (5)………………….?

Tony : Yes, of course.

Lyra : by the way Do you have a sister at home?

Tony .(6)………………. And you ?

Lyra : (7)………………. , She is very cute and adorable.

Tony : really ? I really like the little ones.

Lyra : You can meet my sister just come to my house later.

Tony : Yes surely I will later to your house.

Lyra : by the way What are your hobbies ?

Tony : (8)………………., Because i love sports. And you ?

Lyra : (9)………………..., Because my mom also likes to cook.

Tony : Very good, I like it.

Lyra :  I think enough. (10)…………………

Tony : See you later too Lyra

what is your name         nice to meet you                                                Yes i have a sister        

where do you live           No, I'm an only child                                          so we are neighbor

See you later Tony         my hobby is footbal and basketball                      my hobby is cooking

can I visit you later


Task 1

Retell the conversition    below !

Formal conversition

Today is the first day at school for Dian. She meets Rian. Then, they introduce each other.
Dian : Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Dian.
Rian : Good morning. My name is Rian. Nice to meet you.
Dian : Nice to meet you too. We are in the same class, right? I saw your name in the students’ list of
my class:

Rian : Yeah, right. By the way, what book is that?

Dian : This is a book about cooking
Rian : Oh, so you like cooking? I like cooking too.
Dian : Really? Good, so I have a friend to share with. Anyway, I must go now. Bye.
Rian : Bye. Take care.

                        Informal conversation

Lina is reading a book in the city park. There is someone , Tuti, approaching her.

Tuti : Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit beside you? I’m waiting my friend.

Lina : No. It’s OK. My name is Lina.

Tuti : Hi, I’m Tuti.nice to meet you ?

Lina : nice to meet you too Lina


Task 1

Read the details column and fill in the main idea below !

No Main idea Details

1. Hannah tells about ? -          Hannah knew Alia from Caroline.

…………………………………………………. -          Caroline told Hannah that Alia wanted to

have pen pals from USA.

2. Hannah tells about ? -          She is 16 years old.

…………………………………………………….. -          She attends Thomas Edison High School in


-          She has two brothers and two half sisters.

-          Her father died a few years ago,so her

mother runs the house and the family business.

-          Her father used to be a barista.

3. Hannah tells about ? -          She likes music.

……………………………………………………… -          She likes sports, especially tennis and


-          She loves animals very much.

-          She really likes to discuss with her Hmong

friends about different cultures that they have.

-          Her favorite subjects at school are art and


-          She’d like to become some kind of outdoor

guide when she graduates.

Soal Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choice) Greeting and Introduction

1. ''Hello, ... is Nadin.”

A. my
B. I am
C. what
D. my name

2. Diana : “... is your name?”

Rafi : My name is Rafi.'“
A. What
B. That
C. This
D. It

3. Sena : “Good moning, Via.”

Via : “ ... “
A. Good night
B. Good morning
C. Good evening
D. Good afternoon

4. Alda :”How are you?”

Ghea : “...”
A. I am
B. Fine
C. My name
D. I am fine

5. Koko : “Are you Ok?”

Ami : “ ... ”
A. Yes, I OK.

B. Yes, I am OK.
C. No, I OK
D. No, it is OK

6. Gina : “Good bye, Radit.”

Radit : ...”
A. Good bye
B. Good night
C. Good morning
D. Good evening

7. Reza : “ ... are you?”

Ima : “I am ten years old.”
A. What
B. What is
C. How old
D. How do

8. Mary : “Nice to meet you”

Anggi : “ ... “
A. Good morning
B. How are you
C. How do you do
D. Nice to meet you, too

9. Fani : “ ... ?”
Ira : “I am very well, thanks.”
A. How are you
B. Good morning
C. Nice to meet you
D. What is your name

10. Syifa : ”... are you from?

Kayla : “I am from Bogor.”
A. How
B. What
C. When
D. Where

11. Tina :  “Bye-bye, Dea”

Rifa : “ ... “
A. Good morning
B. See you later
C. I am fine
D. Thank you

12. Nina : ”... is he?”

Lili : He is Hendra.
A. How
B. Who
C. What
D. Where

Text for number 13-17!

I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Fatya Kartika.
My nick name is Fatya.
I am 10 years old. I am a student.
I am from Bogor

13. The girl is ...

A. Drawing
B. studying

C. listening
D. introducing

14. The girl name is ...

A. Fatya
B. Kartika
C. Kartika Fatya
D. Fatya kartika

15. The girl's nick name is ...

A. Fatya
B. Kartika
C. Tika
D. Tya

16. Fatya is ... years old.

A. seven
B. eight
C. nine
D. ten

17. Fatya is a ...

A. teacher
B. student
C. doctor
D. nurse
18. Fatya is from ...
A. Bogor
B. Padang
C. Jakarta
D. Bandung

19. Rama : Where do you ...?

Indri : I live at jalan Bunga.
A. old
B. live
C. life
D. born

20. Aris : “Thank you, Ratih”

Ratih : ...

A. You are welcome

B. Good morning
C. I am Ratih
D. I am fine

Soal Essay Greeting and Introduction

1. Cika : “Good night, mom”
Mother : “ .... “
2. Fina : “ ... “
Dila : ”I am fine.”
3. I ... at Jalan Sudirman 71 Bogor
4. Mela : ”Nice to meet you”
Safa : “ ... ”
5. My name is Sandra. I am ... Bandung
6. Nana : “ ... “?
Azka  : “I am ten years old.”
7. I am Sarah Salimar. My ... name is Sarah.
8. Bayu : “.. do you live?”
Rika : I live in Jakarta.
9. I am Disa. My is reading books.
10. Dena : “.. Agi.”
Agi “See you later.”

Concepts of Pronoun
Pronoun adalah kata ganti dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda
(noun). Kata benda ini dapat berupa manusia, hewan,dan nama tempat. Apa fungsi pronoun?
digunakan untuk menghindari penyebutan nama atau kata benda secara berulang di dalam sebuah

Jenis Pronouns (kata ganti)

1.Personal Pronoun
kata ganti dalam materi pronouns ini  digunakan untuk menggantikan orang atau benda tertentu.
Personal pronoun dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu personal pronoun sebagai subyek dan obyek. Contoh
sebagai subyek adalah:

 I

 You

 They

 We

 He

 She

 It

Contoh penggunaan dalam kalimat:

 I go to school.

 You are my classmate.

 They are playing football

 We are family.

 He is my father

 She is my sister.

 It  is my book.

Sedangkan contoh sebagai obyek adalah:

 me

 you

 them

 us

 him

 her

 it

Contoh penggunaan dalam kalimat:

 It was me behind you

 my mother give them an advice

 Don’t follow us

 She can not go with him.

2. Demonstrative Pronouns
Kata ganti jenis materi pronouns ini digunakan untuk menyatakan/menunjukkan suatu benda
yang berjumlah tunggal atau jamak. Dalam bahasa indonesia kita sebut “ini” dan “itu”.
Demonstrative pronouns untuk “ini” adalah “this” untuk tunggal dan “these” untuk jamak.
Sedangkan kata ganti untuk “itu” adalah “that” untuk tunggal dan “those” untuk jamak. Contoh

 this is my chair. (ini adalah kursiku)

 these are my pens. (ini adalah pulpen ku (banyak)

 that is my hat. (itu adalah topiku)

 those are my books. (itu adalah bukuku (banyak)

3. Indenfinite Pronouns
Kata ganti jenis ini digunakan untuk menyebutkan ornag, benda atau hal-hal yang umum dan
tidak spesifik. Indenfinite pronouns dibagi menjadi tunggal, jamak, dan keduanya. Jenis nya
seperti: another, anyone/anybody, anything, each, everybody/everyone, everything,
nobody/noone, someone/somebody, something  and the other. Jamaknya adalah each other, one
another, dan the others. Sedangkan jamak da tunggalnya adalah, any, anywhere, none dan

4. Interrogative Pronouns
Jenis ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang tidak kita ketahui.

Contoh jenis kata ganti ini:

5. Reflexive Pronouns
Jenis kata ganti ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa si pelaku/subyek menerima aksi
dari kata kerja (verbs)  pada suatu kalimat. Reflexive pronouns menggunakan -self untuk
tunggal/singular dan -selves untuk jamak/plural.
6. Reciprocal Pronouns
Jenis pronouns ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa dua subyek atau lebih sebagai pelaku
atas kegiatan yang sama. contohnya, each other dan one another.

7. Possessive Pronouns
Jenis kata ganti ini digunakan untuk menggantikan kepemilikan baik, orang, benda maupun hewan.

Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Shakira and _____ went to see movie.

a. I
b. me

2. My uncle, ______ is an engineer, works at Sony.

a. That
b. Who

3. ______ red car is _______.

a. These, me
b. That, mine
4. Are you going to meet ______ tonight?
a. Her
b. She

5. The restaurant was very dirty. There were many flies buzzing around _____.
a. We
b. Us

6. She was standing at the balcony of _______ apartment.

a. her
b. she

7. Have you seen _____?

a. them
b. they

8. _______ bag is this?

a. Whose
b. Who

9. Show me _____ blue bag with white flowers.

a. that
b. those

10. The person _____ was accused of the burglary has been caught.
a. which
b. who

11. What ‘s _____ plan for Sunday?

a. you
b. your

12. They looked at _____and smiled.

a. each other
b. another

13. Shall _____ meet tomorrow?

a. we
b. us

14. Is this _____ umbrella? Yes, it is _______.

a. you, me
b. your, mine

15. ________is my brother ,Tarun.

a. This
b. These

16. _______ was an interesting story.

a. Those
b. That
17. ______ of you are invited to my birthday party tonight.
a. All
b. Some

18. Don’t worry. _______will be taken care of.

a. Everything
b. Nothing

19. Is _____ interested in having pizza?

a. anyone
b. none

20. She did the homework _______.

a. herself
b. himself


1. She was rather suprised at …. (myself/my/I) asking her to help

2. He wanted the group to treat … (he/them/him) as an equal

3. People who work overtime usually do … (it/they/themselves) for a good reason

4. They found that … (he/him/himself) was the one who had taken the money

5. Why don’t you go on holiday by … (one/you/yourself) ?

6. The birds opened … (they/their/them) beaks when the mother arrived back at the nest

7. She needs to develop a bit more confidence in … (she/herself/her)

8. You will just have to get there on … (yourself/yours/your) own, won’t you?

9. He has succeeded in a situation which is much more difficult than … (me/I/mine)

10. … (our/ourselves/we) all think he is doing the right thing

Simple present time terbagi menjadi 4 bagian yaitu : Simple Present Tense,Present Continuous
Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous Tense

A. Simple Present Tense

1. Pengertian Present Tense

Simple present tense adalah tenses yang digunakan ketika suatu kejadian sedang berlangsung saat
ini atau kejadian yang berlangsung berulang kali (kebiasaan). Tenses ini merupakan tenses yang
paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.

2. Rumus Simple Present Tense

Untuk membentuk kalimat tense  ini, biasanya digunakan kata kerja bentuk dasar, atau Verb 1.
Kecuali untuk kata ganti orang ketiga, menggunakan Verb 1 + s/es. Seperti ditunjukkan pada table
dibawah ini.

Subject Verb The Rest of the sentence

I / You / They / Go to the school by bus

She / He / It goes to the school by bus

3. Macam-macam Kalimat Simple Present Tense

 Simple Present Tense Affirmative

S + Verb (1) / Verb dasar / to be (is, am, are) + O

o Susi Pudjiastuti is the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

o She reads Harry Potter book everyday.

 Simple Present Tense Negative

S + Don’t / Doesn’t + Verb (1) + O

S + (is, am, are) + not + O

o Susi Pudjiastuti is not the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

o She doesn’t read Harry Potter book everyday.

o They don’t watch new movies every sunday.

Note : untuk subjek bentuk ketiga (she, he it), setelah kata don’t atau doesn’t, bentuk verb tidak
ditambahkan s/es.

o atch new movies every sunday.

 Simple Present Tense Interogative

Do / Does + S + Verb 1 + O

o Does she read Harry potter book ?

o Do they watch new movie everyday ?

o Do you play basketball every morning ?

Note : Apabila kata kerja (verb) berupa To Be atau Modal, maka jangan menggunakan

kata do atau does.

o Is Susi Pudjiastuti the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries ?

o Are you new staff of Wall Street English ?

o Are they football fans of Persija Jakarta ?


1. Pengertian Present Continuos Tense

Present Continuous memiliki pengertian yaitu cara untuk menyampaikan setiap tindakan atau
kejadian, perbuatan, dan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi. Bisa juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan
perubahan atau perkembangan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.

2. Fungsi Present Continuos

 Menyatakan Suatu Peristiwa yang Sedang Berlangsung

Tenses yang satu ini masuk dalam kategori The Present. Dimana suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi
bisa diungkapkan menggunakan tenses yang satu ini.

Ex : He is playing the game now.

 Menyatakan Suatu Peristiwa dan Perbuatan yang Memiliki Sifat Sementara

Selain digunakan untuk menunjukkan peristiwa yang terjadi sekarang, tenses ini juga digunakan
untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian bersifat sementara.

Ex : Jinnie is cooking now but she will wash the pan soon.

 Menyatakan Suatu Peristiwa yang Akan Segera Dikerjakan

Present Continuous Tenses juga digunakan untuk menyampaikan kalimat yang akan dikerjakan
segera. Sehingga bisa diartikan sebagai kejadian yang akan datang. Namun untuk keterangan
waktunya harus disertakan dalam kalimat.

Ex : Rose is leaving for Australia tomorrow.

 Menyatakan Peristiwa yang Sedang Berlangsung Namun Tidak Dikerjakan Ketika


Tenses ini juga digunakan untuk menyampaikan suatu pekerjaan atau perbuatan yang dilakukan.
Namun pekerjaan atau perbuatan tersebut tidak sedang dilakukan ketika menyampaikannya.

Ex : I am studying Korean letter at the State University of Seoul now.

 Menyatakan Sebuah Peristiwa Sebagai Bentuk Immediate Future Guna Memberi Perhatian
Fungsi yang satu ini memang hampir sama seperti kategori The Future.  Namun fungsi tenses ini
lebih kepada pemberitahuan agar diperhatikan oleh banyak orang. Peristiwa yang disampaikan juga
akan terjadi.

Ex : The student are going to do exam.

 Menyatakan Peristiwa atau Kejadian yang Berubah-Ubah

Fungsi tenses yang satu ini juga digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang berubah-ubah.
Terkadang ada perubahan kondisi secara tiba-tiba sehingga cara menyampaikannya menggunakan
tenses ini.

Ex : The price of smartphone is increasing very fast.

Berikut ini beberapa keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan pada tenses ini.

 Now : Sekarang

 Right Now : Saat ini

 Today : Hari ini

 This Morning : Pagi ini

 This Afternoon : Sore ini

 Soon : Segera

 Tonight : Malam ini

 At Present : Sekarang ini

3. Rumus Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense

 Kalimat Positif,

S + to be + Verb -ing

o You are eating noodle now.

o I am learning book.

o She is sleeping.

 Kalimat Negatif
S + to be + not + Verb -ing

o I am not watching tv now.

o Joonie is not eating pizza today.

o They are not using room today.

 Kalimat Tanya atau Interogatif

To be + S + Verb -ing ?

o Am i studying English now?

o Is my mother cooking a spaghetti today?

o Are you sleeping today?


1. Pengertian Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense adalah suatu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum
satu spesifik waktu di masa lalu tetapi masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Tense ini terdiri dari
gabungan aspek perfect (sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau) dan bingkai waktu present
(masa sekarang). Kita menggunakan Present Perfect Tense untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang
telah terjadi dalam waktu yang tidak spesifik. Jadi, keterangan waktu seperti yesterday, one year
ago, last week, dan lainnya, tidak dibutuhkan dalam tenses ini.

2. Penggunaa Perfect Tense

 Menunjukkan suatu pengalaman

o I think I have seen the movie before

 Menunjukkan suatu perubahan

o Your English has really improved since You studied at America

 Menunjukkan suatu pencapaian

o My Daughter has learned how to read

 Menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang belum selesai

o I’m so worry, my boy has still not arrived from school.

 Menunjukkan beberapa kejadian dalam waktu yang berbeda

o I have seen several doctor for my illness

3. Jenis Present Perfect Tense

a. Kalimat Verbal

Catatan: Present Perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “have / has” dan past participle (verb-
3). Has digunakan untuk subjek (She, He, It) dan have digunakan untuk subjek (I, you, we, they) .
Sedangkan past participle yang digunakan dapat berupa irregular atau regular verb.

 Kalimat Positif

S + have / has + Past participle

o She has worked in the hospital for six years

o I have fixed my computer

 Kalimat Negatif

S + have / has + not + Past participle

o She hasn’t worked in the hospital.

o I have not fixed my computer.

 Kalimat Tanya

Have / has  + S + Past participle

o Has she worked in the hospital for six years?

o Have I fixed my computer?

b. Kalimat Nominal

Catatan : Untuk kata ganti orang ketiga seperti (I, you, We, They) maka kita menggunakan Have.
Namun untuk kata ganti orang ketiga seperti (She, He) maka kita menggunakan Has.

 Kalimat Positif

S + has / have + been + O

o Brandon has been recovered from illness

o We have been back from office

 Kalimat Negatif

S + has / have + not + been + O

o Brandon has not been recovered from illness

o We have not been back from office

 Kalimat Tanya

has / have + S + been + O

o Has Brandon been recovered from illness?

o Have we been back from office?

D. Present Perfect Continuos Tense

1. Pengertian Present Perfect Continuos Tense

Present perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus
berlanjut sampai sekarang. Aksi pada tense ini biasanya berdurasi waktu tertentu dan ada
relevansinya dengan kondisi sekarang.

2. Rumus Present Perfect Continuos Tense

Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense Contoh Present Perfect Continuous Tense

kalimat positif (+): She has been driving

S + have/has + been + -ing/present participle

The toddlers have been sleeping

kalimat negatif (-): She has not been driving

S + have/has + not + been + -ing/present participle

The toddlers haven’t been sleeping

kalimat interogatif (?): Has she been driving

have/has + S + been + -ing/present participle

Have the toddlers been sleeping

3. Penggunaan Present Perfect Continous Tense

 Menyatakan kegiatan/peristiwa yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai
saat ini. Penanda waktunya adalah for dan since.

 Menyatakan hal yang baru saja terjadi dan hasilnya masih terlihat sekarang

E. Exercise

A.Multiple Choices

Choose The Best Answer By Crossing a,b,c or d

1. She …. her dog everyday

a. To feed

b. Feed

c. Feeds

d. Feeding

2. I …. always …. to the dentist

a. Do not, go

b. Does not, go

c. Do not, went

d. Does not, went

3. When …. you …. a shower?

a. Do, took

b. Do, take

c. Do, taken

d. Do, taking

4. Q: Do you like to sing?

A: …

a. Yes, I likes to sing

b. Yes, I like to sing

c. Yes, I am liking to sing

d. Yes, I liked to sing

5. Tom and I …. together.

a. Do surfing

b. Don’t surfing

c. Do surfs

d. Don’t surf

6. I …. breakfast every day at 7 AM

a. Eat

b. To eat

c. Ate

d. Eaten

7. Q: How do you go to school?

A: We …. the bus to school

a. Rode

b. Ridden

c. Ride

d. Riding

8. Q: When do you do your homework?

A: …

a. I have did my homework at 6 PM

b. I did my homework at 6 PM

c. I do my homework at 6 PM

d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM

9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?

A: …
a. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing in the park

b. No, I no enjoy playing in the park

c. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park

d. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the park

10. Q: Does he love his mother?

A: …

a. He love his mother

b. He loves his mother

c. He to love his mother

d. He is loving his mother

11. I…… 5 am

a. Get up

b. Gets up

c. Getting up

d. Got up

12. I …….a letter for my mom

a. Write

b. Writing

c. Wrote

d. Writes

13. They… so well

a. Know

b. Knew

c. Knew

d. Known

14. We…….this food here

a. Ate

b. Eat

c. Eaten

d. Eating

15. She…….a homemade cake

a. Made

b. Make

c. Makes

d. Making

16. I……a delicious food for you

a. Cooking

b. Cooks

c. Cooked

d. Cook

17. She…….a picture here

a. Drew

b. Drawn

c. Drawing

d. Draws

18. It most…….. all the time

a. Happen

b. Happening

c. Happens

d. Hapen

19. He often….to my gym

a. Come
b. Came

c. Coming

d. Comes

20. You can…..fresh vegetables

a. Gets

b. Get

c. Getting

d. Got

B. Essay

a. Change the sentences into negative and interrogative!

1. Grandfather drinks coffee every morning.



2. The tour guide talks to the tourist.



3. Mr. Jhon speaks japanese in the meeting.



4. The boy takes a bath twice a day.



5. The technician repairs the motorcycle.




b. Fill in the blank

1. He … to office by train daily.

2. The earth …. Round the sun.

3. She always … to bed early.

4. Rain … from the cloud.

5. The baby … for ten hours every night.

Simple past tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di
masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau. Berbeda dengan past continous tense, yakni
menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau, namun masih terjadi di masa sekarang.

Rumus Simple Past Tense

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut

S + Verb 2 + O

Dalam kalimat simple past tense, kata kerja / verb yang digunakan merupakan bentuk kata kerja 
kedua. Terdapat 2 jenis kata kerja / Verb, yakni Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb. Untuk regular verb,
tambahkan -ed / -d dibelakang setelah kata kerja bentuk pertama. Sebagai contoh

 Stay -> stayed (Tinggal)

 Punch -> Punched (Memukul)

 Play -> Played (Bermain)

 Touch -> Touched (Menyentuh)

Untuk Irregular verb , termasuk didalamnya to be, bentuk kata kerja keduanya sangat berbeda.
Sebagai contoh :

 Awake -> Awoke (Terbangun)

 Begin -> Began (Memulai)

 Drink -> Drank (Minum)

 Eat -> ate (Makan)

 Run -> ran (Berlari)

Namun, ada sebagian Irregular verb yang memiliki bentuk kata kerja yang sama dengan bentuk kata
kerja dasar. Sebagai contoh:

 Put -> Put (Meletakkan)

 Split -> Split (Membagi)

 Spread -> Spread (Menyebarkan)

 Set -> Set (Mengatur)

 Cut -> Cut (Memotong)

Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Affirmative

Berikut ini, Wall Street English berikan contoh kalimat simple past tense positif :
1. Abdul went to Bali for holiday last Sunday (Minggu kemarin, Abdul pergi ke Bali untuk

2. She joined english club class at school yesterday. (Kemarin, dia bergabung kedalam klub
bahasa Inggris di sekolah).

3. Last Monday, Joni got an accident at the office (Senin lalu, Joni terkena musibah di kantor).

4. Dani bought new laptops last night. (Dani membeli laptop baru kemarin malam)

5. They watched “Dilan”, the newest movie at the cinema yesterday. (Kemarin, mereka
menonton film “Dilan”, film terbaru di bioskop)

6. Ade went to school by his new cars this morning. (Ade pergi ke sekolah menggunakan mobil
barunya pagi ini)

7. Dewi applied for manager position at Wall Street English company. (Dewi melamar
pekerjaan sebagai posisi manager di perusahaan Wall Street English)

8. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was the president of Indonesia. (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

dulu merupakan presiden Republik Indonesia)

9. I was born on Surabaya. (Dulu, saya lahir di Surabaya)

10. My mother cooked grilled fish for my birthday party. (Ibuku dulu memasak ikan bakar untuk
pesta ulang tahunku).

Contoh kalimat simple past tense negative

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense negatif, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut

S + did + not + Verb 1


S + To Be (Was / Were) + not

Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimatnya :

1. I did not sleep well last night, (Aku tidak bisa tidur dengan nyenyak, tadi malam).

2. Rani did not come to the office yesterday. (Rani tidak datang ke kantor, kemarin)

3. Adi did not win english debate competition last month. (Adi tidak memenangkan kompetisi
debat berbahasa inggris bulan lalu)

4. Arif was not the smartest students in the class. (Dulu, Arif bukan murid yang paling pintar di

5. She did not complete her job. (Dia tidak menyelesaikan tugasnya)

6. Many kids did not like horror movies. (Banyak anak-anak yang tidak menyukai film horror)

7. Dodi did not eat the vegetables. (Dodi tidak makan sayuran)

8. John did not buy a car. (John tidak membeli sebuah mobil)

9. Thomas did not come to my party yesterday (Thomas tidak pergi ke pesta saya, kemarin).

10. George did not go to the dentist because he was afraid. (George tidak pergi ke dokter gigi
karena dia sangat takut.

Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Interogative

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense interogative, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut

Did + S + Verb 1


Was / Were + S

Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat tanya simple past tense :

1. Did you see  my bag on the table? (Apakah kamu melihat tas ku di atas meja ?)

2. Did the student come  to school? (Apakah para murid datang ke sekolah ?)

3. Did you sleep  enough last night? (Apakah kamu tidur dengan nyenyak kemarin malam ?)

4. Did she deliver  the pizza on time? (Apakah dia mengantar pizza tepat waktu ?)

5. Did they allow  you to join their english club? (Apakah mereka mengizinkan kamu bergabung
ke dalam klub bahasa Inggris?)

6. Were you late  to come to the office at 11 am yesterday? (Apakah kamu datang terlambat ke
kantor jam 11 kemarin?)

7. Was he  so busy? (Apakah dia sangat sibuk?)

8. Was the movie  so fantastic? Tell me (Apakah filmnya sangat berkesan? Ceritakan kepadaku)

9. Did he clean  your room yesterday? (Apakah dia membersihkan ruanganmu kemarin?)

10. Was Dewi  happy to work here? (Apakah dewi senang bekerja disini?)

Read carefully and choose the correct answer between a, b, c, or d

1. I………to the school alone yesterday

a. Walk

b. Walked

c. Walks

d. Walking

2. We……in this restaurant 2 days ago

a. Ate
b. Eaten

c. Eating

d. Eat

3. I……in this sofa with him

a. Sleeping

b. Sleep

c. Slept

d. Sleped

4. We…… each other 2 years ago

a. Love

b. Be loving

c. Are love

d. Loved

5. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday

a. Cuted

b. Cuting

c. Cut

d. Be cutted

6. ……he read novel last night?

a. Do

b. Did

c. Done

d. Are

7. We….. to aceh two weeks ago

a. Gone

b. Come

c. Went

d. Go

8. They……. this musc two hours ago

a. Listened

b. Listen
c. Listening

d. Be listen

9. Anita……me in this market yesterday

a. Meeting

b. Meets

c. Met

d. Meet

10. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

a. Cooking

b. Cooked

c. Cooks

d. Cook

11. I….. this floor yesterday

a. Swept

b. Sweep

c. Sweeps

d. Sweeped

12. My brother…….this novel yesterday

a. Reading

b. Reads

c. Read

d. Readed

13. We……to the collage yesterday

a. Walking

b. Walk

c. Walked

d. Be walking

14. My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday

a. Has

b. Have

c. Having
d. Had

15. I….. sad when my bestfriend left me yesterday

a. Am sad

b. Were

c. Was

d. Did

16. I……in this office 2 years ago

a. Working

b. Worked

c. Work

d. Be working

17. I……my wallet in this market two months ago

a. Loose

b. Losed

c. Lose

d. Lossing

18. My brother…….a letter for me

a. Write

b. Wrote

c. Writing

d. Was writting

19. My students……hard last night

a. Study

b. Studied

c. Was study

d. Studying

20. When I…….it is raining 5 minutes ago

a. Got up

b. Getting up

c. Gets up

d. Get up

1. The hotel was very expensive. It ............................... very much.

2. The film was very good. I ....................... it very much.

3. The window wasn’t open and a bird ......................... into the room.

4. Was weather bad when You .......... on holiday?

5. I was thirsty, so I ............. water very quickly.

6. Joe ............ Ana yesterday.

7. I went to joe’s house but he ............. at home.

8. Joe ......... asleep.

9. It ........ a happy situation.

10. My brother and I ............ ball yesterday.

The Simple Future Tense

Jenis time ini biasanaya digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa Sebuah kegiatan atau peristiwa yang
belum dilakukan sekrang dan akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang.

Perhatikan contoh kalimatnya dibawah ini:

• My family will visit Lampung next final examination holiday

(keluargaku akan mengunjungi Lampung liburan akhir semester esok)

• I will decide to choose my choice tonight

(aku akan memutuskan untuk memilih pilihanku nanti malam)

The Future Continuous Tense

Jenis time ini biasanaya digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa Sebuah kegiatan atau peristiwa yang
belum dilakukan sekarang dan akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang dengan ,menyebutkan
waktu yang spesifik.

Perhatikan contoh kalimatnya dibawah ini:

• Fairuz will be finishing his painting in the in front of the home next morning

(Fairuz akan sedang menyelesaikan lukisannya di depan rumah esok pagi)

• We shall be helping you in the morning

(kami akan sedang menolongku di pagi hari)

The Future Perfect Tense

Jenis time ini biasanaya digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa Sebuah kegiatan atau peristiwa yang
akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang dan akan sudah selelsai ketika terdapat ada kegiatan
yang lainnya berlangsung pad masa yang akan datang)

Perhatikan contoh kalimatnya dibawah ini:

• I will have finished reading this magazine by the end of this week before you come

(aku kan sudah menyelesaikan membaca majalah ini diakhir minggu ini sebelum kamu datang)

• Rina will have cooked before she goes to the party tonight

(Rina akan sudah memasak sebelum dia perempuan pergi ke pesta nanti malam)

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Jenis time ini biasanaya digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa Sebuah kegiatan atau peristiwa yang
akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang dan akan sudah selelsai ketika terdapat ada kegiatan
yang lainnya berlangsung pad masa yang akan datang namun dalam jenis ini kita ditekankan untuk
mengisyaratkan peristiwa yang berdurasi/ berlangsung diawaktu mendatang.
Perhatikan contoh kalimatnya dibawah ini:

• I know that we will have been following the examination all the lessons next week

(aku mengetahui bahwa kami akan sudah sedang mengikuti ujian semua mata pelajaran pada
minggu esok)

• I will have been living in Lampung for ten years by the end of the year

(aku akan sudah tinggal di Lampung untuk sepuluh tahun pada akhir tahun ini)

Simple future tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang belum
terjadi atau akan terjadi di masa depan dan berakhir di masa depan.

1.Simple Future Tense

Rumus Simple Future Tense

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple future tense, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut :

S + will + Verb 1 + O


S + To Be (is, am, are) + Going To + Verb 1 + O

2.Simple Future Tense Affirmative

Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense Affirmative

• They will take school examination next month. (Mereka akan mengikuti ujian sekolah bulan

• Budi will take public speaking class tomorrow. (Budi akan mengikuti kelas public speaking

• Peter is going to move to his new house next week. (Peter akan pindah ke rumah baru
minggu depan)

• Dini is going to finish her homework tonight. (Dini akan menyelesaikan PR nya nanti malam)

• I am going to take english class at Wall Street English next monday. (Saya akan mengikuti
kelas bahasa Inggris di Wall Street English senin depan)

• The president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, will visit Irian Jaya tomorrow. (Presiden Indonesia,
Joko Widodo, akan mengunjungi Irian Jaya besok)

• Wanda is going to give birth next friday. (Wanda akan melahirkan hari Jum’at depan).

• Rara will take another flight, because her current flight have an accident. (Rara akan
mengambil penerbangan lain, karena penerbangan saat ini sedang terkendala).
• John will join Digital Marketing competition at USA tomorrow. (John akan mengikuti
kompetisi digital marketing besok di Amerika)

• She is going to go to party after her job is finish. (Dia akan pergi ke pesta setelah
pekerjaannya selesai)

3.Simple Future Tense Negative

Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense Negative

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple future tense negatif, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut

S + Will + NOT + Verb 1 + O


S + To Be (is, am, are) + NOT + Going To + Verb 1 + O

• He will not join sport club at school. (Dia tidak akan bergabung klub olahraga di sekolah)

• They are not going to go puncak because of the wheather. (Mereka tidak akan pergi ke
puncak dikarenakan oleh cuaca)

• Peter is not going to buy new house tomorrow. (Peter tidak akan membeli rumah baru

• George will not pass the test because It’s too hard. (George tidak akan lulus tes karena
tesnya terlalu sulit).

• You will not know the process, untill you try. (Kamu tidak akan tahu prosesnya, sampai kamu

• Motorcycle will not pass through sudirman street tomorrow, because tomorrow is Car Free
Day. (Besok, motor tidak akan melewati jalan Sudirman, karena besok adalah Car Free Day).

• He will not buy new Handphones at online marketplace. (Dia tidak akan membeli handphone
baru di toko online).

• I will not wear green shirt at Parangtritis, Java South Beach. (Saya tidak akan memakai baju
berwarna hijau di pantai selatan Parangtritis).

• Anto will not borrow money from bank, because of its interest. (Anto tidak akan meminjam
uang dari bank, dikarenakan bunga nya).

• John is not going to swim tomorrow. (John tidak akan pergi berenang besok hari)
4.Simple Future Tense Introgative

Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense Introgative

Untuk membentuk kalimat pertanyaan simple future tense, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut.

Will + S + Verb 1 + O ?


To Be (is, am, are) + S + Going To + Verb 1 + O ?

• Will you come to my party tonight ? (Apakah kamu akan datang ke pesta saya, nanti
malam ?)

• Will John buy new car next month ? (Apakah John akan membeli mobil baru, bulan depan ?)

• Is Juli going to watch Harry Potter Movie next sunday ? (Apakah Juli akan menonton film
Harry Potter hari Minggu depan ?)

• Will you keep your promise ? (Apakah kamu akan menepati janjimu ?)

• Will you marry me ? (Apakah kamu mau menikah denganku ?)

• Are they going to go to Dufan tomorrow ? (Apakah mereka akan pergi ke Dufan besok ?)

• Will he come late again ? (Apakah dia akan datang telat lagi ?)

• Are you going to have Yoga Class tonight ? (Apakah kamu ada kegiatan kelas yoga malam
ini ?)
• Is he going to go to office by bicycle ? (Apakah dia akan pergi ke kantor menggunakan
sepeda ?)

• Will she go to Surabaya next month ? (Apakah dia akan pergi ke surabaya bulan depan ?)



1.Your sister . . . . . happy if you send them a gift on her birthday.

a. Will be

b. Will

c. Going to

d. Are

2.I ………. going to buy a new car next year.

a. Was

b. Am

c. Had

d. Were
3. I . . . . . rich someday.

a. Will be

b. Will

c. Going to

d. Am

4. There . . . . . no drastic development in my town in 2020.

a. Will

b. Will be

c. Is

d. Going to

5. I ……… complete the task.

a. Have completed

b. Have complete

c. Will completed

d. Will complete

6. I saw weather forecast on TV that tomorrow . . . . . windy.

a. Will be

b. Is

c. Going to

d. Will

7. . . . . . . buy a new car next week.

a. I

b. I will

c. I am

d. I am going to
8. I think spain …….. win the World Cup 2014.

a. Was

b. Is

c. Will be

d. Will

9. Your parents . . . . . proud of you if you finish your study at University.

a. Will be

b. Will

c. Going to

d. Is

10. Afriadi . . . . . all of his friends to the celebration next week.

a. Will invite

b. Invites

c. Invited

d. Invitation

11. I ……….. to your party tomorrow.

a. Am coming

b. Coming

c. Come

d. Was coming

12. Manda and I . . . . . some plates and glasses on the dining table for the dinner tonight.

a. Was preparing

b. Prepared

c. Shall prepare

d. Prepare
13. We …………… football next week.

a. Going to play

b. Go to play

c. Going to playing

d. Are going to play

14. Yongki and Yoga will not . . . . . in music competition at school next month.

a. Participates

b. Participate

c. Patcipation

d. Participated

15. Ami : Hey! Look at those dark clouds!

Kiki : Woow! It is . . . . . rain soon

a. Will

b. The

c. Coming

d. Going to

16. She ……….. in tokyo.

a. Were

b. Was

c. Will be

d. is

17. . . . . . . Rama give back Dayat’s phone?

a. Is

b. Will

c. Does

d. Was
18. Will you . . . . . the suspect tomorrow?

a. Arresting

b. Arrest

c. Arrested

d. To arrest

19. I will not . . . . . my Dad about the accident.

a. Tell

b. Telling

c. Tells

d. To tell

20. He ………………….. a prosecutor.

a. Was going to

b. Is going to

c. Going to

d. Is going to be


1. A few people…. Eating pizza

2. Maya …. At my house when you arrive

3. You will still be …. For her when her plane arrives

4. He will be …. Letter for his girlfriend

5. I will be …. At home

6. My friend will have …. From university by the end of this month

7. He will …. His coat when he go to the his friends party

8. He …..have been in my boarding house next week

9. She will have … the eraser to erase false rejoinder

10. He … make telephone call to her brother that study in MedanTURE TIME


A. Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah jenis kalimat atau klausa di mana subjek menerima tindakan dari kata kerja.
Pada passive voice, subject kalimat tidak melakukan suatu tindakan/aksi melainkan subject
menerima tindakan. Berbeda dengan kalimat aktif, dimana subjek bertindak sebagai pelaku
tindakan. Active voice dapat diubah bentuk menjadi passive voice namun hanya berlaku pada
kalimat dengan transitive verbs. Transitive verbs adalah kata kerja yang diikuti direct object. jadi
singkat kata Passive Voice adalah kalimat pasif yang mengandung makna di atau ter. Seperti

Hal yang harus dipahami didalam mempelajari Passive Voice adalah kata kerja (Verb) karena semua
kalimat Aktif yang dapat diubah ke dalam Passive Voice adalah kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja
(Verb) dan kata kerja tersebut adalah kata kerja bentuk ke-3(Verb-3)

Kata kerja ada 3 jenis yaitu:

1. Verb 1>>> Present

2. Verb 2>>> Past

3. Verb 3>>> Past Participle

Selain memiliki 3 jenis, kata kerja (Verb) memiliki 2 bentuk, yaitu:

1. Regular Verb (beraturan): play-played-played

2. Irregular Verb (tidak beraturan): sing-sang-sung

Contoh berikut ini akan membantu anda memahami, mengapa harus kata kerja (Verb) bukan kata
sifat (Adjective) atau pun kata benda (Noun)

 Active: May sings a song. (ini adalah sebuah kalimat Aktif, kalimat ini dapat diubah kedalam
kalimat Passive Voice)

 Passive Voice: A song is sung by May. (pahami! ada perubahan struktur yang terjadi,

tetapi tidak merubah arti sama sekali)

 Active: May is preety girl. (ini adalah sebuah kalimat Aktif tetapi kalimat ini tidak dapat
diubah ke dalam Passive Voice. Mengapa? Karena kalimat ini tidak menggunakan kata
kerja melainkan menggunakan kata sifat)

 Active: May is an accountant (ini adalah sebuah kalimat Aktif tetapi kalimat ini tidak dapat
diubah ke dalam Passive Voice. Mengapa? Karena kalimat ini tidak menggunakan kata
kerja melainkan menggunakan kata benda)
B. Fungsi dari passive voice

Kalimat pasif atau passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada seseorang atau
objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang melakukan tindakan. Jadi, hal
atau orang yang terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat.


 The passive voice is used frequently. (=kita tertarik dengan kalimat pasif, bukan siapa yang

 The house was built in 1654. (=kita tertarik dengan rumahnya, bukan siapa yang

 The road is being repaired. (=kita tertarik dengan jalannya, bukan siapa yang melakukan

Terkadang, kita menggunakan kalimat pasif karena kita tidak mengetahui atau tidak ingin
menyatakan siapa yang melakukan tindakan.


 I noticed that a window had been left open.

 Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.

 All the cookies have been eaten.

 My car has been stolen!

Kalimat pasif sering digunakan dalam teks formal. Mengubahnya menjadi kalimat aktif akan
membuat tulisan Anda lebih jelas dan lebih mudah dibaca.


A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few well- A few well-chosen words convey a great deal
chosen words. of meaning.

Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases. A mass of gases wrap around our planet.

Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of The city disposes of waste materials in a

ways. variety of ways.
Jika ingin mengatakan siapa atau apa yang melakukan suatu tindakan dalam kalimat pasif, kita
menggunakan preposisi by. Saat kita mengetahui siapa yang melakukan tindakan itu dan tertarik
dengan subjeknya, lebih baik kita mengubahnya ke kalimat aktif.


“A Hard Day’s Night” was written by the Beatles. The Beatles wrote “A Hard Day’s Night”.

The movie ET was directed by Spielberg. Spielberg directed the movie ET.

This house was built by my father. My father built this house.

C. Rumus Passive Voice

Rumus utama dari Passive Voice adalah:

To Be + V3

Penjelasan tentang To be

Simple Present Tense: To be  yang digunakan yaitu: is/ am/ are (ingat! to be ini akan diberikan hanya
pada Passive Voice)

P=Passive Voice

1. A: Jack plays games.

P: Games are played by Jack.

Pertanyaan: Mengapa tidak menggunakan is, bukankah Subjek nya adalah Jack?

Jawab: Benar Subjek nya adalah Jack tetapi ingat! Jack adalah Subjek untuk kalimat
Aktif bukan Passive Voice. Sedangkan Subjeck untuk Passive Voice adalah
Games. Karena Games adalah Plural maka harus menggunakan to be are.

2. A: Jack plays game.

P: Game is played by Jack.

Pertanyaan: Mengapa kalimat ini menggunakan is? bukankah kalimatnya pun sama seperti kalimat
pertama diatas yang seharusnya menggunakan are.
Jawab: Benar kalimat aktif pada no 2 memang sama dengan kalimat pertama tetapi bila di
perhatikan lebih jelas…lihat! ada perbedaan pada kata Games (kalimat ke-1) Game (kalimat

ke-2) ini berarti akan ada perubahan to be karena Game adalah Singular. oleh sebab itu Game akan

menggunakan is sebagai to be. Contoh kalimat ke-1 dan ke-2 memiliki Subjek sama pada kalimat
Aktif tetapi tidak untuk kalimat Passive Voice.
3. A: She makes a cup of tea.
P:  A cup of tea is made by her.

Pertanyaan: Mr, mengapa She berubah menjadi her?

Jawab: Nah itu dia, She adalah sebuah Subjek dan Her memegang peranan sebagai Objek. Jadi
apabila She pada kalimat aktif maka untuk Passive Voice nya She akan berubah
menjadi her. Mengapa? ini disebabkan karena She mengalami perubahan struktur dan posisi.

Gampangnya adalah She berada di depan atau awal kalimat, She tidak bisa berada di belakang

kalimat tetapi She akan berubah menjadi her bila berada di posisi belakang. Dan ini akan berlaku
untuk semua Subjek.

Berikut ini adalah Subjek nya:

I  : me
You : you
We : us
They : them
He : him
She : her
Jack : Jack/ him
May : May/ her

 Simple Past Tense: To be  yang digunakan yaitu: was/ were (ingat! to be ini akan diberikan
hanya pada Passive Voice)

A= Active
P= Passive Voice

1. A:Jenny studied English.
P: English was studied by Janny.

2. A:Tom repaired the computers.

P: The computers were repaired by Tom.

3. A: Mat drovea car.

P: A car was driven by him.

4. A: Adele sang Someone like you and Rolling in the deep.

P: Two songs were sung by her.

 Simple Future Tense: To be  yang digunakan yaitu: will be (ingat! to be ini akan diberikan
hanya pada Passive Voice)
A= Active
P= Passive Voice

1. A: They will watcha football match.

P: A football match will be watched by them.

2. A: I will cook the soup.

P: The soup will be cooked by me.

3. A: He will sell his house.

P: His house will be sold by him.

4. A: She will write some novels.

P: Some novels will be written by her.

 Simple Present Perfect Tense: To be  yang digunakan yaitu: has been/ have been (ingat! to
be ini akan diberikan hanya pada Passive Voice)

A= Active
P= Passive Voice

1. A: They have watched this movie.

P: This movie has been watched by them.

2. A: I have cooked dinner.

P: Dinner has been cooked by me.

3. A: Mark has sold his cars.

P: His cars have been sold by Mark.

4. A: May has bought some vegetables.

P: Some vegetables have been bought by her.

Membentuk passive voice

Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris terdiri dari dua unsur:

bentuk kata kerja to be yang sesuai + past participle

a. Passive voice dengan infinitive

Kalimat pasif infinitive digunakan setelah modal kata kerja (modal verb), dan kata kerja lainnya
biasanya diikuti oleh infinitive.


 You have to be tested on your English grammar.

 John might be promoted next year.

 She wants to be invited to the party.

 I expect to be surprised on my birthday.

 You may be disappointed.

b. Passive voice dengan gerund

Gerund digunakan setelah preposisi, dan kata kerja biasanya diikuti oleh gerund.


 I remember being taught to drive.

 The children are excited about being taken to the zoo.

 The children are excited to be taken to the zoo.

 te being interviewed.

 Most film stars hate to be interviewed.

 Poodles like to be pampered.

 Poodles like being pampered

D. Exercise

A. Multiple Choices

Choose a, b, c, d or e to complete/answer the questions!

1. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

a. Some old documents are translated by them last week.

b. Some old documents have been translated by them last week.
c. Some old documents were being translated by them last week.
d. Some old documents were translated by them last week.
e. Some old documents been translated by them last week.

2. The important email has been sent by my secretary. What is the active form of this sentence?

a. My secretary was sending the important email

b. My secretary sends the important email

c. My secretary is sending the important email

d. My secretary has been sending the important email
e. My secretary has sent the important email
3. We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

a. Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.

b. Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.
c. Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.
d. Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.
e. Our grandmother would have been visited by us next week.

4. We can see many beautiful paintings in this exhibition. They were ……. by famous Indonesian

a. Painting
b. Painted
c. Paint
d. Be Painting
e. Being painting

5. Two tents for our camping would …….. by my mother.

a. Being bought
b. Been bought
c. Be bought
d. Bought
e. Been buying

6. They cancelled all flights because of fog. The passive form of the sentence is, because of fog….

a. All flights had cancelled

b. All flights were cancelled
c. All flights have been cancelled
d. They be cancelled
e. They are being cancelled

7. A well known architect is designing our new office. The passive form of the above sentence is, Our
new office …… by a well known architect.

a. Design
b. Designed
c. Be designing
d. Is designed
e. Is being designed

8. Jupiters four moons ……. through a telescope by Galileo.

a. Were first viewed
b. First viewed
c. Had been first viewed
d. Were being first viewed
e. First being viewed

9.  They had just been living in that house for two years when ..... by fire.
a. Destroyed
b. Had destroyed
c. Was destroyed
d. Be destroyed
e. Was destroying

10. "Bambang looks very happy today."

"Don't you know he ..... to General Manager."
a. Has promoted
b. To be promoted
c. Being promoted
d. Has to promoted
e. Has been promoted

11. "Why does the baby next door keep crying ?"
"As usual, it .... by the babysitter."
a. Is neglected
b. Is neglecting
c. Neglect
d. Is to be neglected
e. Is to neglect

12.  "Why can't I find the file on the annual report in the computer?"
"Because it .... in the hard disk."
a. Was not saving
b. Not saved
c. Did not saved
d. Not being saved
e. Was not saved

13. Mommy cleans the room every day.

Passive voice is:

a. The room was clean by mommy every day

b. The room is clean by mommy every day
c. The room is cleaned by mommy every day
d. Mommy is cleaned the room every day
e. The room was being cleaned by mommy every day

14. My uncle fixed the toy yesterday.

Passive voice is:

a. My uncle was fixed the toy yesterday
b. The toy was fixed by my uncle yesterday
c. The toy was fix by my uncle yesterday
d. My uncle was being fixed the toy yesterday
e. The toy had been fixed by my uncle yesterday

15. Joe has taken a Mandarin course.

Passive voice is:

a. Joe has been taken a Mandarin course
b. A Mandarin course taken by Joe
c. A Mandarin course has been taken by Joe
d. Mandarin courses have taken by Joe
e. Mandarin course will be taken by Joe

16. Daddy drinks A cup of coffee every day.

Passive voice is:
a. A cup of coffee was drink by daddy every day
b. A cup of coffee is drink by daddy every day
c. A cup of coffee is drunk by daddy every day
d. A cup of coffee is drank by daddy every day
e. A cup of coffee was being drink by daddy every day

17. My brother repaired the motorcycle yesterday.

Passive voice is:

a. My brother was repaired the motorcycle yesterday

b. The motorcycle was repaired by my brother yesterday
c. The motorcycle was repaired by my brother yesterday
d. My brother was being repaired the motorcycle yesterday
e. The toy had been fixed by my aunt yesterday

18. Johan has taken an English course.

Passive voice is:

a. Johan has been taken an English course

b. An English course taken by Johan
c. An English course has been taken by Johan
d. English courses have taken by Johan
e. English course will be taken by Johan

19.  Sam has taken an English course.

Passive voice is:
a. Sam has been taken an English course.
b. An English course taken by Sam.
c. An English course has been taken by Sam.
d. English courses have taken by Sam.

e. English courses has taken by Sam.

20. Students are using computers now.

Passive voice is:
a. Computers are being used by students now.
b. Computers are used by them now.

c. Computers were used by them now.

d. Computers is being used by them now.

e. Computers were is used by them now.

B. Essay

a. Fill in the blank

1. The instrument …. (buy) many years ago. Simple Past.

2. My Mother always …. (always visit). Simple Past.

3. Many people …. (understand) by their boss. Simple Future.

4. How many boys …. (forged) by you? Simple Present Perfect.

5. Whose brother …. (meet) by her in meeting room? Simple Past.

b. Change these sentences into passive form!

1. The tiger catches the mouse in the jungle.

2. You don’t get many mistakes.

3. She will make a cup of tea.

4. Have you visited me?

5. Does a beautiful girl pick a good flower?


1. Pengertian Question Tag

Yang dimaksud dengan question tag adalah suatu pertanyaan pendek yang mengakhiri (diakhir)
suatu kalimat, question tag ini digunakan untuk menanyakan (penegasan) suatu informasi atau
untuk meminta/memohon suatu persetujuan dari orang lain (lawan bicara). Sederhananya, kalau
diartikan ke bahasa Indonesia, question tag akan menjadi seperti ini “kan?”, “iya kan?”, “ya kan?”,
“ya?”,”bukan?”, dalam kalimat akan menjadi seperti contoh dibawah ini:

 Kamu sudah makan kan?

 Admin blog ini ganteng, iya kan?

 Kamu baru bangun tidur, ya kan?

 Kamu diet ya?

 Film tadi malam bagus, bukan?

Nah itulah yang dinamakan question tag jika diartikan dalam bahasa Indonesia, anda mau
mengartikannya sebagai kan, iya kan, ya, atau yang lainnya itu terserah anda, inti dan maksudnya
akan sama saja.

Kalau menyusunnya dalam bahasa Indonesia terlihat mudah sekali ya? Kalau dalam bahasa inggris,
walaupun juga mudah namun ada beberapa hal yang perlu anda perhatikan, khususnya rumus yang
digunakan. Nah, dibawah ini ulasan tentang aturan-aturan dan rumus question tag yang dapat anda
gunakan untuk menyusunnya.
2. Rumus Question Tag
Ada dua rumus yang dapat anda gunakan untuk menyusun question tag, ini bukan pilihan tapi
anda harus menyesuaikan penggunaannya berdasarkan bentuk kalimat/pernyataan yang
mendahului question tag. Jika bentuk kalimatnya negatif, maka gunakan rumus positif tag (untuk
menyusun positif tag), sebaliknya jika kalimatnya positif maka gunakan rumus negatif tag (untuk
menyusun negatif tag),

Positif tag = Auxiliary Verb + Pronoun

Negatif tag = Auxiliary Verb + Not + Pronoun

Yang dimaksud dengan auxiliary verb ini banyak sekali ya, bisa primary auxiliary verb seperti is, am,
are, was, were, do, does, did, done, have, has, had, atau juga bisa berupa modal auxiliary verb
seperti can, must, will, shall, may, would, dan sebagainya.

Baca materi auxiliary verb selengkapnya pada: Materi kata kerja.

Untuk pronoun (kata ganti) bisa berupa I, you, he, she, we, they, dan sebagainya. Dan ingat juga,
ketika membentuk negatif tag, itukan ada auxiliary verb + not, nah antara auxiliary verb dan not
tersebut harus disingkat (contraction), contoh, is not menjadi isn’t, are not menjadi aren’t, have not
menjadi haven’t, begitu seterusnya. Juga, sebelum question tag pasti akan di dahului oleh

Contoh positif tag:

 He's not French, is he? (Dia bukan orang prancis kan?)

 You don't remember my name, do you? (Kamu tidak ingat nama saya kan?)

 You won't be late, will you? (Kamu tidak akan terlambat kan?)

Contoh negatif tag:

 He is French, isn't he? (Dia orang prancis kan?)

 She read this book, didn't she? (Dia membaca buku ini kan?)

 You're Jane, aren't you? (Kamu Jane kan?)

Dibawah ini ada tabel contraction yang dapat anda pakai nantinya:

Is Isn’t

Am (tidak ada contraction)

Are Aren’t

Was Wasn’t
Were Weren’t

Do Don’t

Does Doesn’t

Did Didn’t

Have Haven’t

Has Hasn’t

Had Hadn’t

Will Won’t

Shall Shan’t

Would Wouldn’t

Should Shouldn’t

Can Can’t

Must Mustn’t


Hal-hal Lain Yang Perlu Di Perhatikan

Gunakan auxiliary verb berupa do/does untuk kalimat simple present tense, dan gunakan did untuk
simple past tense. Contoh “He reads a lot of books, doesn't he?”, “Alex didn’t come late, did he?”.

Jika dalam kalimat terdapat lebih dari satu auxiliary verb, maka gunakan auxiliary verb yang pertama
untuk menyusun question tag. Contoh “The mechanic will have checked my car before I drive it,
won’t he?”. Will have ini sama-sama auxiliary verb, jadi untuk menyusun question tag kita harus
menggunakan auxiliary yang pertama, yaitu will.

Terkadang untuk membentuk kalimat negatif tidak membutuhkan kata not, tapi bisa saja
menggunakan kata yang memiliki makna negatif seperti never, nothing, impossible, unusual, absent,
rarely, hardly, dan sebagainya. Jadi jika anda menemukan kalimat seperti ini, question tag yang
harus anda susun adalah tag positif karena kalimatnya berbentuk negatif. Contoh “You never come
on time, do you?”, “Nothing will happen, will it?”.

Jika anda menemukan kalimat positif yang menggunakan auxiliary verb “am” seperti “I am really
handsome”, maka question tag “am + not” tidak bisa disingkat karena memang am + not tidak boleh
disingkat apapun yang terjadi, maka diganti aja dengan aren’t, jadi nantinya menjadi “I am really
handsome, aren’t I”.

Jika ada kalimat yang menggunakan “let’s” maka untuk menyusun question tag anda harus
menggunakan “shall we”. Contoh “Let's have a beer, shall we?”.

Jika dalam kalimat terdapat “Everybody, Everyone, Someone, dan Somebody”sebagai subjek
kalimat, maka untuk menyusun question tag, pronoun (kata ganti) yang digunakan adalah “they”.
Contoh “Everybody likes him, don’t they?”, “Everyone is so sad, aren’t they?”. Tapi jika
menggunakan Everything dan something, maka menyusunnya menggunakan pronoun “it”. Contoh
“Everything is nice, isn’t it?”.

Kalimat yang menggunakan “this dan that” menggunakan pronoun “it”, contoh “This'll work, won't
it?”, “That was my car, wasn’t it?”.  Dan jika menggunakan “these dan those” maka menggunakan
pronoun “they”, contoh “These cars were expensive, weren’t they?”, “Those are your cars, aren’t

3. Contoh Kalimat Question Tag

Contoh kalimat question tag Arti

He doesn't know what he's doing, does he? Dia tidak tahu apa yang sedang dia lakukan kan?

This is really boring, isn't it? Ini sangat membosankan, bukan?

He was the best in the class, wasn't he? Dia yang terbaik di kelas, iya kan?

Be careful, will you? Hati-hati, ya!

You don't really love her, do you? Kamu tidak benar-benar mencintai dia kan?

We'd never have known, would we? Kita tidak akan pernah tahu, bukan?

The weather's bad, isn't it? Cuacanya buruk, iya kan?

She can hardly love him after all that, can she? Dia tidak bisa mencintainya setelah semua itu kan?

They've been to Japan, haven't they? Mereka telah ke jepang kan?

He can help, can't he? Dia bisa membantu kan?

John must stay, mustn't he? John musti tinggal ya?

She can't speak Arabic, can she? Dia tidak bisa berbicara arab, iya kan?

They mustn't come early, must they? Mereka tidak harus dating lebih awal kan?

Jack is from Spain, isn't he? Jack dari spanyol ya?

He shouldn't say things like that, should he? Dia tidak seharusnya mengatakan hal seperti itu kan?

They rarely eat in restaurants, do they? Mereka jarang makan di restoran ya?

He hardly ever speaks, does he? Dia hampir tidak pernah berbicara kan?

1. I’m not late,……..?

a. am I
b. am I not

2. The bank saves your money, ……?

a. doesn’t it
b. isn’t it

3. You shouldn’t do that, …….?

a. shouldn’t you
b. should you

4. You don’t put much salt in my noodle, ……..?

a. isn’t it
b. do you
5. She looks sad, ……?
a. does she
b. doesn’t she

6. There’s a station near the market, …….?

a. isn’t it
b. isn’t there

7. He came on time, ………?

a. isn’t it
b. didn’t he

8. Nobody has finished the assignment yet, …….?

a. have they
b. haven’t they

9. It’s time to fish, …..?

a. isn’t it
b. isn’t there

10. I’m wrong, …….?

a. aren’t I
b. am I

11. You had known him before, ………?

a. hadn’t you
b. don’t you

12. Everybody seems happy to have holiday, ……..?

a. doesn’t it
b. don’t they

13. You wouldn’t leave me, ……..?

a. would you
b. wouldn’t you

14. He’ll play basketball this afternoon with me, …….?

a. won’t he
b. isn’t he

15. Everybody is busy with their works, …….?

a. aren’t they
b. isn’t everybody

16. She’s had too much work to do since yesterday, …….?

a. isn’t she
b. hasn’t she
17. It won’t occur since I don’t want it, ……..?
a. will it
b. doesn’t it

18. They should come home soon, ……?

a. shouldn’t they
b shan’t they

19. I don’t blame you, …….?

a. aren’t I
b. do I

20. Nobody’s got to lose hopes, ………?

a. has he
b. have they

Soal Essay

1. Father went to office late last day, ….?

2. She wasn’t happy when he didn’t came to her house, …?

3. They were learning Physics when we came last morning, …?

4. I can do this faster, …?

5. He could try again if he wanted to get more, …?

6. I will be happy if you bring me many chocolates, …?

7. Retna eats many fresh vegetables every night to her dinner, …?

8. They shouldn’t play a lot if they want their task to be finished, …?

9. Mia and I wanted to shop together last Friday night, …?

10. He had many things to be sold, …?


1. Pengartian
Modal atau modalitas adalah bentuk kata yang membantu kata kerja. Modal harus disandingkan
dengan verbs. Oleh karenanya, modal juga sering dinamakan kata kerja ganti.

Adapun beberapa jenis modal, yaitu modals present dan modals past.

modals present

 Can

 Will

 Shall

 May

 Must

 Should

 Ought to

modals past

  Could

 Would
 Should

 Might

 Had to

Namun terkadang kedua jenis modal tersebut memiliki makna yang sama, contoh:

Can/could : be capable of. be able to. manage to

Will/shall : he doing to, be about to

May/might : perhaps, probable, possible, presumable bad better, be supposed to

 to be yang digunakan : is, am. are, was, dan were.

Adapun rumus darri modals, yaitu:

Positive ( + )= S + modal + V1 + ( O )

negative ( – ) = S + modal + not + V1 + ( O )

introgrative ( ? )= modal + S + V1 + ( O ) ?

2. Penggunaan Dan Contoh Modals

1. Menyatakan Kemampuan (can dan could)
Can digunakan untuk menyatakan kemampuan di masa sekarang (present), sedangkan could
digunakan untuk menunjukkan kemampuan di masa lampau (past).


 I can sing, but I can’t dance.

 When she was twenty, she could dance all night.

 I couldn’t finish my dinner, because I had a stomachache.

2. Menyatakan Perkiraan (will dan shall)

Will dan Shall mengandung arti akan. Walaupun artinya sama, kedua modals tersebut berbeda
subjeknya. Will bisa dipakai untuk semua subjek, sedangkan shall hanya untuk I dan we.


 Sule will be in Jakarta this evening.

 I shall/will visit my friend tomorrow.

3. Menyatakan Penawaran (will dan would you like…?)

Will dan would you like…? digunakan untuk menyatakan penawaran dalam waktu sekarang dan yang
akan datang (future). Bedanya, would you like…? digunakan dalam kalimat pertanyaan dan
merupakan ungkapan penawaran yang lebih formal/resmi daripada will.


 He will help you if you want.

 Would you like to come to her office?

 Would you like a glass of water?

4. Mengungkapkan Permintaan
Ada dua jenis permintaan: meminta sesuatu/izin dan tolong. Jika Anda meminta sesuatu atau izin,
gunakan may I, could I, can I, atau might I.

May dan could digunakan dalam situasi formal dan sopan, sedangkan can dalam situasi informal
(biasanya untuk teman). Adapun might cukup sopan, namun jarang digunakan.

Contoh :

 May I borrow you notebook?

 Could I borrow your notebook?

 Can I borrow your notebook?

 Might I borrow your notebook?

Sementara itu, jika Anda meminta tolong kepada orang lain, gunakan would you, will you, could you,
dan can you.


 Would you send the letter to my friend? [lebih sopan]

 Will you send the letter to my friend? [formal]

 Could you send the letter to my friend? [formal]

 Can you send the letter to my friend? [informal]

5. Menyatakan Keharusan (must dan have to)

Must dan have to digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan di masa sekarang. Bedanya, must
menunjukkan tingkat keharusan yang lebih kuat dibandingkan have to.

Contoh :

 You must keep my secret.

 We have to go now.

 She has to go now.

Untuk menyatakan keharusan di masa lampau, gunakan had to.


 I had to do my homework yesterday.

 We had to go to Lampung last night.

6. Menyatakan Ketidakharusan
Modals yang dipakai untuk menyatakan ketidakharusan adalah bentuk negatif have to yaitu
do/does/did not have to). Do/does not have to digunakan untuk waktu sekarang, sedangkan did not
have to digunakan untuk waktu lampau.


 She does not have to spend a lot of money if she knows blogging basics.

 I did not have to go to the doctor.

7. Menyatakan Larangan (must not)

Untuk menyatakan larangan, modals yang digunakan adalah must not yang artinya tidak boleh.

Contoh :

 You must not running here.

 We must not tell anyone our secret.

8. Menyatakan Kepastian
Untuk menyatakan kepastian, gunakan must, may, might, dan can. Tingkat kepastian untuk must
95%, sedangkan may/might/can kurang dari 50%.

Contoh :

 She must be sick.

 She  may be sick.

 She  might be sick.

 She can be sick.

9. Memberikan Nasihat
Untuk memberikan nasihat, modal yang digunakan adalah should, ought to, dan had better. Semua
modals ini digunakan dalam masa sekarang. Dibanding should dan ought to, had better lebih kuat
dalam memberikan nasihat.
Contoh :

 You should stop laughing.

 You ought to stop laughing.

 You had better stop laughing.

10. Memberikan atau Meminta Usulan

Untuk memberikan usulan, gunakan shall I…? (bagaimana kalau saya…?) atau shall we…? (bagaimana
kalau kita…?).


 Shall we go now?

 Shall I open the door?

Sementara itu, untuk meminta saran, gunakan juga shall I…? atau shall we…?


 What shall I wear?

 What time shall we meet?

Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Your glass is empty. …. I get you some more fresh water?

a. Shall
b. Will
c. Can
d. Should

2. We …. like to visit that new store some day.

a. Shall
b. Will
c. Can
d. Would

3. You are sick, but you don’t come  hospital to see a doctor.
You …. visit him soon.
a. Would
b. Could
c. Should
d. Will

4. “I really don’t know why Tony didn’t come to the meeting”.

“There ….. something wrong with him.

a. Might be
b. Could be
c. Will be
d. Must have been


5.“Rini is old enough. She …. know better than the others about it.

a. Will
b. Could
c. Must
d. May be

6. They …. study hard because next April they will take the examination.

a. Will
b. Should
c. Can
d. Must

7. You …. permit to your mother if you go to school.

a. Must
b. May
c. Mustn’t

d. Would

8. She .…. Come here tomorrow.

a. Will
b. Can
c. Must
d. May
9. He .…. speak English well if he took English course.

a. Will
b. Can
c. Could
d. May

10. You seem to be having trouble there …. I help you ?

a. Would
b. Will
c. Shall
d. Should

11.Look at this street. it is very muddy. It …. have rained heavily last night.

a. Will

b. Would

c. Could.

d. Must

12.The child ate up all the meal we had served. He …. very hungry.

a. Will have been

b. Could have been.

c. Must have been.

d. Would have been

13.Alfred visited some countries in Asia, Europe and America. He bought luxurious things for his wife
and children. He ….. a lot of money.

a. Could have

b Would have

c. Ought have

d. Must have had

14.Berta : “Can I have your report soon?”

Jono : “sure, I …. it before you go to the meeting”

a. Will finished
b. Will have finished

c. Am going to finish

d. Am finishing

15.Dina : Roni, that’s the most popular book nowadays

Roni : oh yes. it must have been written by a distinguished professor ….. that book.

a. Wrote

b. Would write

c. Should write

d. Planned to write

16.Mom and dad just left for the airport twenty minutes ago, so they ….. there yet.

a. Can’t have gotten

b. Shouldn’t have gotten

c. Had better have gotten

d. Could have gotten

17.Although research scientist had hoped that the new drug interferon …… to be a cure for cancer,
it’s applications now appear to be more limited.

a. Prove

b. Had proven

c. Would prove

d. Will prove

18.Henry will not able to attend the meeting tonight because …..

A. He must to teach a class

b. He will be teaching a class

c. Of he will teach a class

d. He will have teaching a class

19.The theory of continental drift assumes that there …. long-term climatic changes in many areas
during the past.
a. Must have been

b. Must be

c. Must have

d. Must

20.the man standing over there asked me whether he …. the flowers from my garden.

a. Took

b. Might take

c. Ought to take

d. Would take

B. Essay

Complete the following sentences using can/may/must/should. Sometimes you need the


1. My father is very smart. He ________ speak five languages.

2. Look! The girl is falling into the river. We ________ rescue her now.

3. Tom gets failed in his exams. I think he ________ study harder.

4. There is nobody in the room now. They ________ go out to buy something.

5. If you don’t bring your dictionary, you ________ borrow mine now.

6. You ________ touch the wall. My father has just painted it.

7. You ________ care about her since she loves you very much.

8. John is absent from school today. He ________ be sick.

9. The bus 1 has just left. We ____wait another later.

10. Sorry, I am very busy now. I ________ help you.



We use adjectives to describe nouns.

Most adjectives can be used in front of a noun…:

They have a beautiful house.

We saw a very exciting film last night.

or after a link verb like be, look  or feel:

Their house is beautiful.

That film looks interesting.

adjectives: -ed and -ing

A lot of adjectives are made from verbs by adding -ing or -ed:

-ing adjectives:
The commonest -ing adjectives are:

sur frig
am sho
pri hte
usi ckin
sin nin
ng g
g g

int disa
ere ppoi tiri
sti ntin ng
ng g

ter an
bori rif no
ng yin yin
g g

If you call something interesting  you mean it interests  you.

If you call something frightening  you mean it frightens  you.

I read a very interesting article in the newspaper today.

That Dracula film was absolutely terrifying.
-ed adjectives:
The commonest –ed adjectives are:

annoyed bored frightened worried

tired closed        excited delighted


If something annoys  you, you can say you feel annoyed. If something interests  you, you can say you
are interested.

The children had nothing to do. They were bored.

1. order of adjectives
Sometimes we use more than one adjective in front of a noun:

He was a nice intelligent young man.
She had a small round black wooden box.

*Opinion adjectives:
Some adjectives give a general opinion. We can use these adjectives to describe almost any noun:

Good bad lovely  strange

beautiful nice brilliant excellent

Awful important wonderful nasty

Some adjectives give a specific opinion. We only use these adjectives to describe particular kinds of

Food: tasty; delicious

Furniture, buildings: comfortable; uncomfortable
People, animals: clever; intelligent; friendly

We usually put a general opinion in front of a specific opinion:

Nice tasty soup.
A nasty uncomfortable armchair
A lovely intelligent animal

Usually we put an adjective that gives an opinion in front of an adjective that is descriptive:

a nice red dress; a silly old man; those horrible yellow curtains

We often have two adjectives in front of a noun:

a handsome young man; a big black car; that horrible big dog

Sometimes we have three adjectives, but this is unusual:

a nice handsome young man;
a big black American car;
that horrible big fierce dog

It is very unusual to have more than three adjectives.

Adjectives usually come in this order:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

General Specific
Size  Shape Age  Colour Nationality Material
opinion opinion

We use some adjectives only after a link verb:

Afraid alive alone asleep

content glad  ill ready

Sorry sure unable well

Some of the commonest -ed adjectives are normally used only after a link verb:

annoyed;   finished;   bored; pleased; thrilled
We say:

Our teacher was ill.

My uncle was very glad when he heard the news.
The policeman seemed to be very annoyed

but we do not say:

We had an ill teacher.
When he heard the news he was a very glad uncle
He seemed to be a very annoyed policeman

A few adjectives are used only in front of a noun:

north northern
countless eventful
south southern
occasional indoor
east eastern
lone outdoor
west western

We say:

He lives in the eastern district.
There were countless problems with the new machinery.

but we do not say:

The district he lives in is eastern

The problems with the new machinery were countless.

2. comparative and superlative adjectives

We use comparative adjectives to describe people and things:
This car is certainly better but it’s much more expensive.
I’m feeling happier now.
We need a bigger garden

We use than  when we want to compare one thing with another:

She is two years older than me.

New York is much bigger than Boston.
He is a better player than Ronaldo.
France is a bigger country than Britain.

When we want to describe how something or someone changes we can use two

comparatives with and:

The balloon got bigger and bigger.

Everything is getting more and more expensive.
Grandfather is looking older and older. 

We often use the with comparative adjectives to show that one thing depends on another:

When you drive faster it is more dangerous

> The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is.
When they climbed higher it got colder
> The higher they climbed, the colder it got.

3. Superlative adjectives:
We use the  with a superlative:
It was the happiest day of my life.
Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
That’s the best film I have seen this year.
I have three sisters, Jan is the oldest and Angela is the youngest .

We use words like very; really  and extremely  to make adjectives stronger:

It’s a very interesting story

Everyone was very excited.
It’s a really interesting story.
Everyone was extremely excited

We call these words intensifiers. Other intensifiers are:

amazingly - exceptionally - incredibly - remarkably - particularly
We also use enough  as an intensifier, but enough  comes after its adjective:

If you are seventeen you are old enough to drive a car.

I can’t wear those shoes. They’re not big enough.

*Intensifiers with strong adjectives:

When we want to describe something or someone as exceptional you can use a strong adjective.
Strong adjectives are words like:

Enormous; huge = very big

Tiny  = very small
Brilliant  = very clever
Awful; terrible; disgusting; dreadful  = very bad
Certain  = very sure
Excellent; perfect; ideal; wonderful; splendid  = very good
Delicious  = very tasty

We do not use very  with these adjectives. We do not say something is "very enormous" or someone
is "very brilliant".

With strong adjectives, for intensifiers we normally use:

 absolutely -  exceptionally -  particularly -  really -  quite

The film was absolutely awful.

He was an exceptionally brilliant child.
The food smelled really disgusting.


Intensifiers with particular adjectives

Some intensifiers go with particular adjectives depending on their meaning:

I’m afraid your wife is dangerously ill.

He was driving dangerously fast.
The car was seriously damaged.
Fortunately none of the passengers was seriously hurt

Some intensifiers go with particular adjectives. For example we use the intensifier highly  with the
adjectives successful, intelligent, likely  and unlikely:

He was highly intelligent.
She’s a highly successful businesswoman

… but we do not say:

We had a highly tasty meal.

That is a highly good idea.

We use the intensifier bitterly  with the adjectives disappointed, unhappy  and cold:

I was bitterly unhappy at school.

We were bitterly disappointed to lose the match.
It can get bitterly cold in winter.

You need to use your dictionary to find what sort of nouns these intensifiers go with.

 Intensifiers with comparatives and superlatives:

We use these words and phrases as intensifiers with comparative adjectives:
much -  far -  a lot -  quite a lot -  a great deal -  a good deal -  a good bit -  a fair bit

He is much older than me.
New York is a lot bigger than Boston.

We use much  and far  as intensifiers with comparative adjectives in front of a noun:

France is a much bigger country than Britain.
He is a far better player than Ronaldo.
We use these words as intensifiers with superlatives:
easily - by far - far
The blue whale is easily the biggest animal in the world.
This car was by far the most expensive.

4. Mitigators
Mitigators are the opposite of intensifiers. When we want to make an adjective less strong we use
these words:
fairly -  rather -  quite
By the end of the day we were rather tired.
The film wasn’t great but it was quite exciting.
and in informal English: pretty
We had a pretty good time at the party.
We call these words mitigators.



When we use quite  with a strong adjective it means the same as absolutely:

The food was quite awful. = The food was absolutely awful.

As a child he was quite brilliant. = As a child he was absolutely brilliant.

Mitigators with comparatives:

We use these words and phrases as mitigators:
a bit - just a bit  - a little  - a little bit  - just a little bit - rather - slightly

She’s a bit younger than I am.

It takes two hours on the train but it is a little bit longer by road
This one is rather bigger.
We use slightly  and rather  as mitigators with comparative adjectives in front of a noun:
This is a slightly more expensive model than that.
This is rather bigger one than that.

Adjectives as intensifiers:

We use some adjectives as intensifiers:

total  - complete
utter  - perfect

We say:

He’s a complete idiot.

They were talking utter nonsense.

… but we do not say:

The idiot was complete.

The nonsense they were talking was utter.

5. Noun Modifiers
We often use two nouns together to show that one thing is a part of something else:
the village church; the car door; the kitchen window; the chair leg;
my coat pocket; London residents


We do not use a possessive form for these things. We do not talk about:
The car’s door; the kitchen’s window; the chair’s leg

We can use noun modifiers to show what something is made of:

a gold watch; a leather purse; a metal box

We often use noun modifiers with nouns ending in -er and -ing:

an office worker; a jewellery maker; a potato peeler; a shopping list; a swimming lesson; a walking

We use measurements, age or value as noun modifiers:

a thirty kilogram suitcase; a two minute rest; a five thousand euro platinum watch; a fifty

kilometre journey;

We often put two nouns together and readers/listeners have work out what they mean. So:

 an ice bucket = a bucket to keep ice in

 an ice cube = a cube made of ice

 an ice breaker = a ship which breaks ice

 the ice age = the time when much of the Earth was covered in ice.

Sometimes we find more than two nouns together:

London office workers; grammar practice exercises

Position of noun modifiers

Noun modifiers come after adjectives:

The old newspaper seller

A tiring fifty kilometre journey

6. Possessives: adjectives
Can you match these possessive adjectives to the right personal pronouns?

its, your, my, their, our, her, his

Subject Object Possessive

I me  

You you  

He him  

She her  

It it  

We us  

They them  

We use possessive adjectives:

• to show something belongs to somebody:

That’s our house.
My car is very old.

• for relations and friends:

My mother is a doctor.
How old is your sister?

• for parts of the body:

He’s broken his arm.
She’s washing her hair.
I need to clean my teeth.
Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Someone has left … watch in the bathroom.

a. Its

b. Their

c. His

d. His or her

2. Why do a cat chase … tail?

a. Its

b. Their

c. His

d. His or her

3. The lawyer or his assistants will ask some questions about your case in … office.

a. His

b. Their

c. Her

d. Its

4. My husband and I found two dead mice in … sink a couple days ago.

a. My

b. Our

c. Their

d. His
5. Some eliminate fast food from … daily diet.

a. His

b. Their

c. His or her

d. Your

6. Two children didn’t come to………..friend’s birthday party.

a. My

b. Their

c. His

d. Him

7. I have a cat. ……. fur color is black and white. It looks like

a cow.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. His

8. …mother is so tough. She is the hero of my life.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. His

9. Witty comes from Sulawesi island. She and…family live in Jakarta now.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. His

10. Tina and Tini go to school by bus everyday…little brother goes to school by train because his
school is so far away from the city.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her
d. Their

11. Elene never buy new dress…beautiful dresses are given by her cousins.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. Their

12. They went to an amusement park with …family and friends. That was a great holiday for them.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. Their

13. My brother likes playing guitar…likes listening to music.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. Their

14. Qiqi and Qiqo are Arabian…family are from England.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. Their

15. Where is (I)….book?

a. My

b. Our

c. Her

d. Their

16. Here is (we)…teacher.

a. My

b. Our

c. Her

d. Their
17. She goes to school with (she)…brother.

a. My

b. Our

c. Her

d. Their

18. (They)…father works in a car factory.

a. My

b. Our

c. Her

d. Their

19. (You)…laptop is very expensive.

a. Your

b. His

c. My

d. Its

20. (He)…favorite hobby is tennis.

a. Your

b. His

c. My

d. Its


1.he saw_____animals in the zoo

2.How _____ oranges did you put in the box?

3.There isn’t _____ sugar in my coffee.

4.I don’t have ______ friends.

5.The old man hasn’t got _____ hair on his head.

6. I’ve packed _____ bottles of water.

7.I didn’t get _____ sleep last night.

8.How _____ fruit do you eat in an average day? house is_____ than that one face is so________than yours

11.which is the (dangerous)______animal in the world?

12. He is ………………… than his neighbors. (rich)

13.The brides were much ……………… than the grooms. (young)

14.He is too …………………… to be taught. (intelligent)

15.He is ………………… than I thought him to be. (clever)

16.When the old woman became ……………………, she began to move about. (strong)

17.He is much ………………… now. (good)

18.The offer was too ………………… to be true. (good)

19. He fishes with …………………… success than I do. (great)

20.Shakespeare is the …………………… playwright in English. (great)


1.Pengertian Preposition
Menurut pengertiannya, preposition merupakan kata yang biasa digunakan bersamaan dengan
noun atau pronoun sehingga membentuk sebuah frase (phrase) yang disebut preposition phrase.

Preposition phrase tersebut berfungsi untuk menerangkan adjective, noun, dan verb.

Selain itu, preposition juga berfungsi untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara sebuah obyek dengan
elemen lain yang terdapat dalam kalimat.

Terkait penerapan preposition dalam kalimat, ada beberapa aturan penting yang wajib diketahui,
antara lain:

 Tidak boleh diikuti oleh verb

Dalam sebuah kalimat, preposition tidak boleh diikuti oleh kata kerja (verb). Namun jika kita tetap
ingin menggunakan kata kerja, maka kita wajib mengubahnya menjadi gerund (verb-ing)

Contoh salah: He is good in cook pasta.

Contoh benar: He is good in cooking pasta.

 Preposition harus diletakkan di awal atau akhir kalimat untuk interrogative pronoun

Apabila sebuah kalimat mempunyai object of preposition yang berbentuk interrogative pronoun,
maka preposisi tersebut harus berada pada awal atau akhir kalimat.

Contoh: What are you looking for?

 Untuk relative pronoun ‘that’, maka preposition diletakkan pada akhir kalimat

Ketika sebuah kalimat mempunyai object of preposition dengan bentuk relatif pronoun ‘that’, maka
preposisi biasanya diletakkan pada bagian akhir kalimat.

Contoh: Here is the book that you search for.

2. Jenis-Jenis Preposition
Bahasa Inggris mengenal setidaknya 5 jenis prepositions yang mempunyai fungsi dan kegunaan

Kelima jenis prepositions tersebut meliputi preposition of time, place, direction, instrument, dan

manner. Simak penjelasan rinci berikut ini.

1. Preposition of time
Jenis preposition yang satu ini dipakai untuk menerangkan waktu. Contoh preposition of time yang
paling lazim antara lain in, on dan at.

 Preposisi In mempunyai sifat yang paling umum dan biasa digunakan untuk menjelaskan
tahun atau bulan serta waktu-waktu tertentu dalam satu hari seperti in the morning dan in
the evening.

 Preposisi On bersifat lebih spesifik dibandingkan dengan In. On dapat dipakai untuk
menjelaskan hari dalam satu minggu seperti on Monday dan on Sunday.

 Preposisi At merupakan jenis preposition yang paling spesifik dan biasa digunakan untuk
menjelaskan waktu dalam satu hari seperti at 10 am atau at 9 o’clock.

2. Preposition of place
Preposition ini digunakan untuk menerangkan tempat. Contohnya adalah in, on dan at.

 Preposisi In bersifat paling luas dan biasa digunakan untuk tempat yang tidak spesifik seperti
negara dan kota. In juga dipakai untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang berada di bagian dalam.

 Preposisi On dipakai untuk tempat yang lebih sempit dibandingkan in. Preposisi ini juga
digunakan untuk menjelaskan benda yang menempel pada bagian atas benda lain.

 Preposisi At menjelaskan tempat yang lebih spesifik seperti at school dan at the office.

3. Preposition of direction
Jenis preposisi ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan arah atau menjelaskan gerakan. Contoh preposisi of
direction yang paling lazim antara lain away from, to, toward, dan into.

4. Preposition of instrument
Kata depan yang satu ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara pelaku dan alat yang
dipakai untuk mengerjakan sesuatu.

Contoh preposition of instrument adalah by, with, using, dan with the help of.

5. Preposition of manner
Preposition ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan cara melakukan sesuatu. Contoh yang sering digunakan
adalah with, without, by, dan like.

Baca juga  Conjunction.

3. Contoh Preposition
Preposition of time
 My father went to Africa in 2005.

 This examination will be held on Monday.

 Pick me up at 9 o’clock.

Preposition of place

 My family live in Yogyakarta but I live in Surabaya.

 Please hang the picture on the wall.

 I learned many extraordinary things at university.

Preposition of direction

 The girl goes to Jakarta earlier.

 The children jump into the water.

 My father drives around the town.

Preposition of instrument

 Clean the window glass with a microfiber cloth.

 I come to this party with the help of my mother.

 My brother repairs the car using the right equipment

Preposition of manner

 His parents always pick him up by car.

 She dances like an expert dancer.

 Please do this assignment without hustle.

Soal Pilihan Ganda

The ball is .... the box.

a. in

b. on

c. to

d. up

2. Some students go to school .... car.

a. in

b. on

c. by

d. at

3.The picture is ....the wall.

a. at

b. near

c. on

d. in

4. The little girl is hidding ....

a. on the bushes

b. behind the bushes

c. with the bushes

d. above the bushes

5. Where is the cat? It is .... the table.

a. between

b. under

c. on

d. behind
6. My uncle is sick. He is lying .... bed.

a. up

b. over

c. in

d. above

7. Walking .... the street, I found a wallet.

a. on

b. at

c. down

d. to

8. Kediri is famous .... its Jaranan.

a. of

b. from

c. for

d. in

9. My sister is interested .... keroncong music.

a. with

b. of

c. at

d. in

10. Java lies .... Bali and Sumatera.

a. in

b. among

c. over

d. between
11. Why are you looking .... me like that?

a. at

b. on

c. to

d. by

12. You'd better look it .... in the dictionary.

a. up

b. down

c. on

d. through

13. We must stay .... the track.

a. an

b. at

c. on

d. to

14. I'll pick you .... at ten p.m, OK?

a. on

b. in

c. at

d. up

15. The vase is .... the table.

a. above

b. on

c. over

d. in
16. Lina came here for ....

a. to borrow a book

b. a book

c. borrowing a book

d. in order to a book

17. We arrived .... at six o'clock.

a. Jakarta

b. to Jakarta

c. for Jakarta

d. in Jakarta

18. The ball fell .... the river and floated away.

a. into

b. on

c. for

d. over

19. " Stand .... !" father said

a. down

b. on

c. of

d. up

20. Sinta : "Which soldier is kind and handsome?"

Luna : "The soldier .... is kind and handsome."

a. on the office

b. after the office

c. is in the office
d. in the office


1.I borrowed this dictionary___pedro

2.could you please help me___these heavy suitcase?

3.Sue, I’d like to introduce you_____Ed Jones

4.You shouldn’t stare____other people. it’s not polite

5.Marco Polo traveled ___china in the thirteenth century

6.Do you believe___ghosts?

7.Are you laughing___my mistake?

8.I admire my father___his honesty and intelligance

9.I argued__jack__politics

10.I discussed my educational plans____my parents


1. Pengertian Conjunction
Conjunction adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan antara kata, frasa, klausa, atau
kalimat. Dengan menggunakan conjuction, kita bisa membuat kalimat yang kompleks. Selain itu,
conjuction membuat kita menghindari ketidakberaturan kalimat-kalimat pendek dan membuat
writing flow kita menjadi lebih baik.
Tanpa conjunction, kita dipaksa untuk mengungkapkan setiap gagasan kompleks menjadi kalimat-
kalimat simple seperti contoh kalimat di bawah ini.

Sandy asked me to come to her party. I could not come. I got sick at that day.

Sumber gambar:

Lihat juga materi lainnya:

Conditional Sentences
Part of Speech

Aturan Penggunaan Conjunction

Terdapat beberapa aturan penting dalam penggunan conjuction, yaitu:

1. Conjuction digunakan untuk menghubungkan ide, tindakan, dan noun, clause, serta kelas kata

Contoh kalimat: Sarah and I went to the movies and watched The Nutcracker and The Four Realms.

2. Conjunction berguna untuk membuat list.

Contoh kalimat: John makes pancakes, eggs, and coffee for breakfast.

3. Ketika menggunakan conjunction, pastikan bahwa kelas kata yang dihubungkan dengan
conjunction bersifat paralel (mempunyai struktur yang sama).

Contoh kalimat:

 I learn fast and carefully.

 I learn fast and am careful.

2. Jenis-jenis Conjunction
1. Coordinating Conjunction
Sering disebut dengan istilah “Fan Boys” conjuction.
Coordinating Contoh Kalimat Coordinating
Conjunction Fungsi Conjunction

I had to clean the floor as a

For Menghubungkan sebab pada akibat. punishment for making a mess.

And Menghubungkan ide sekelas dan sama. I like fishing and hunting.

She doesn’t eat meat, nor does she

Nor Menghubungkan dua kalimat negatif. drink milk.

Menghubungkan ide sekelas namun I like to eat fish, but not to catch
But berbeda. them.

Or Menghubungkan dua pilihan sekelas. Do you want to drink tea or coffee?

Menghubungkan ide sekelas namun

Yet bertolak belakang. It’s sunny yet cold.

I didn’t get enough sleep last night,

So Menghubungkan akibat pada sebab. so I’m so sleepy right now.

2. Correlative Conjunction
Correlative conjunction selalu berpasangan.

Correlative Conjunction Contoh Kalimat Correlative Conjunction

Both … and Both London and Paris are worth to visit.

Not only … but also Japanese food is not only delicious but also beautiful to look at.

Either … or It’s going to rain! Bring either an umbrella or a raincoat.

Neither … nor My grandfather could neither read nor write.

Whether … or I am not sure whether he is lying or not.

3. Subordinating Conjunction
Subordinating conjunction merupakan kata pertama dalam dependent clause. Conjunction ini
digunakan untuk tiga jenis klausa, yaitu:

Adverb Clause

Fungsi Conjunction Contoh Kalimat Subordinating Conjunction

Waktu After Just as we left, he came.

As, Just as I waited as long as I could.

As long as

As soon as






While While I was studying, she called me.



Anywhere I like to shop wherever there is a sale.

Tempat Everywhere I use my credit card everywhere I shop.

As, Just as

As if I love wearing make-up as most women do.

Cara As though  

Jarak As + adverb + as We will hike as far as we can before it turns dark.

Frekuensi As often as I call my parents as often as I can.



Sebab Since I can’t take evening class since I work at night.

So that

Tujuan In order that He moves so that his home is not too far from his office.

So + adjective + that

So + adverb + that
I was so tired last night that I fell asleep at dinner.
Such a(n) + noun + that
She talked so softly that I cannot hear her voice.
So much/many/little/few
Akibat + noun + that It was such an easy test that all students got A’s.


Kondisi Unless We won’t go diving unless the weather is better.

Partial Contrast Although I love my brother though we always have different

Even though

My brother likes hard rock, while I prefer classical
Perbedaan Whereas music.

Adjective Clause

Fungsi Conjunction Contoh Kalimat


Whom They didn’t approve the man whom my sister married.

Menunjuk kepada
orang Whose An orphan is a child whose parents are dead.

Menunjuk kepada My new phone which I bought yesterday stopped
orang atau benda That working.

Menunjuk kepada
waktu dan tempat Where An orphanage is a place where orphans live.

Noun Clause

Fungsi Conjunction Contoh Kalimat

Do you believe that there’s life is outer

That clauses That space?


Whether or not

Whether… or not

If I can’t remember whether I locked the door.

If/whether clauses If… or not I can’t remember if I locked the door.

Who, whoever, whom

Which, what, where

When, why, how

How much, how many Do you know where the bus station is?

Question clauses How long, how often, etc He didn’t care how long he had to wait.

Conjunctive Adverb

Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause.

Fungsi Conjunction Contoh Kalimat

Menambah ide yang samaAlso I’m a student; also, I work at coffee shop.


In addition




Menambah kelanjutan I can’t cook very well; however, I make
yang tak diduga Still quite good omelettes.

In contrast
Sarah is ambitious; in contrast, her brother
Menambah perbedan On the other hand is quite lazy.

As a result



Menambah akibat Thus Joh’s lazy; thus, he gets C in Math class.



Membuat list sesuai
urutan waktu Subsequently I went to supermarket; then, I went home.

Our identity can be identified by several

aspects; for example, we can define
For example
ourselves by mentioning our physical
Memberi contoh For instance appearance.

Memperlihatkan Surabaya has hot weather; similarly,
kesamaan Likewise Jakarta’s average temperature is 34oC.

On the contrary
pernyataan kedua yang They planned to go to Bali; instead, they
benar Rather went to Lombok.

You can live in a dorm of campus;

Memberi kemungkinan alternatively, you can rent a room off
lain On the other hand campus.

Identity is the answer of the question ‘Who

are you?’; in other words, identity is the
Menambah penjelasan Otherwise way that we use to represent ourselves.
Membuat pernyataan Berries are common fruits; indeed, people
yang lebih kuat In fact love berries.

Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. My mother....I went to the market for shopping.

a. Or                   

b. Either

c. Neither         

d. And

2. He apologised....his bad behavior.

a. For            

b. Since

c. Because   

d. As

3. He was satisfied....not overjoyed.

a. Yet            

b. As

c. But           

d. Still

4. Can you take the pen on the table....bring it to me?

a. Or
b. But
c. So
d. And

5. I have body is still fat.

a. But
b. Or
c. So
d. And

6. Jim was hungry, .... he ate all burger

a. So

b. And

c. After

d. Since

7. She is tired ... she works really hard

a. since

b. After

c. For

d. And

8. I love watching drama .... action movies

a. But

b. Or

c. In

d. And

9. We can eat pizza .... steak for dinner

a. Yet

b. Or

c. But
d. Not

10. Thomas says nice words, .... you don’t trut him

a. Yet

b. So

c. But

d. And

11. Ones can’t eat their cake ... have it too

a. And

b. But

c. Not

d. Or

12. I want to buy a new car, ... i’m planning to trade in my current car

a. But

b. Not

c. For

d. So

13. My brother and i visited the zoo last week, .... we took some photos

a. And

b. But

c. For

d. Yet

14. She has some shoes, ..... none of them are comfortable for brisk walking

a. And

b. But

c. Yet

d. So
15. I want know how customers decide to buy .... not to buy a new car

a. And

b. Not

c. Or

d. Yet

16. My emloyer refused to accept my resignation, .... did he raise my salary

a. But

b. Not

c. So

d. yet

17. I lent my friend $10 yesterday, ..... her wallet was lost

a. and

b. but

c. for

d. so

18. Boby realy hates cold water,... he attends swimming lesson twice a week in the morning

a. and

b. for

c. so

d. yet

19. We are going to the beach .... we finish taking the exam

a. So

b. And

c. After

d. Since
20. ....his sister, he is very naughty.

a. Likely 

b. Unlike

c. Similar 

d. Differently

B. Essay

Fill in the blank

1. Diah is very smart, … the teacher likes her.

2. Thomas says nice words, … you don’t trust him.

3. Does Ben have any brothers … sisters?

4. I have got a home, … I haven’t got a car.

5. Neither my father … my mother supported me.

6. Please calm down. Let’s wait … see.

7. She is tired … she works really hard.

8. I love watching drama … action movies.

9. Aji doesn’t smoke, … drink.

10. Mia likes cakes … hates cookies.


Bab 1
A. Multiple Choice
1. D 11. B
2. A 12. A
3. B 13. D
4. D 14. D
5. B 15. A
6. A 16. D
7. C 17. B
8. D 18. A
9. B 19. B
10. B 20. A

1. Good night 6. How old you?
2. How are you 7. Nick
3. Live 8. Where
4. Nice to Meet you 9. Hobby
5. From 10. See you

1. A 11. B
2. B 12. A
3. B 13. A
4. A 14. B
5. B 15. A
6. A 16. B
7. A 17. A
8. A 18. A
9. A 19. A
10. B 20. A

1. My 6. Their
2. Him 7. Her self
3. It 8. Your
4. He 9. Mine
5. Your self 10. We

1.c. his
2. b. them
3. d. them
4. d. (I, she)
5. b. her
6. a. our
7. d. my, yours
8. a.Him
9. c. us
10. b. them
11. b. his
12. a. my
13. b. him
14. c. her
15.c. Her
16. a. (she, my)
17. d.(mine, he)
18. b. (he, it)
19. c. (he, he)
20. b. (he, it)

1. (-) Grand father doesn’t drink coffee every morning
(?) does grand father drink coffee every morning?
2. (-) The tour guide doesn’t talk to the tourist
(?) does the tour guide talk to the tourist?
3. (-) Mr. Jhon doesn’t speak japanese in the meeting
(?) Does Mr. Jhon speak japanese in the meeting ?
4. (-) The boy doesn’t take a bath twice a day
(?) does the boy take a bath twice a day ?
5. (-) The technician doesn’t repair the motorcycle
(?) does the tecnician repair the motorcycle?
1. Goes
2. Moves
3. Goes
4. Falls
5. Sleeps

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. B
1. asked
2. climbed
3. forgot
4. wrote
5. went
6. had
7. left
8. visited
9. didn’t enjoy
10. bought

1.A 11. D
2.B 12. C
3.A 13. D
4.B 14. B
5.D 15. D
6.A 16. B
7.B 17. B
8.D 18. B
9.A 19. A
10.A 20. B
1. Will be
2. Will be
3. Waiting
4. Writing
5. Staying
6. Graduate
7. Have hung
8. Will
9. Have put
10. Will have

1. D 11. A
2. E 12. E
3. A 13. C
4. B 14. B
5. C 15. C
6. B 16. C
7. E 17. B
8. A 18. C
9. C 19. C
10. E 20. A
B. Essay
1. Was bought 1. The mouse is caught by the tiger in the jungle.
2. Was always visited 2. Many mistakes are not gotten by you.
3. Will be understood 3. A cup of tea will be made by her.
4. Has been forgotten 4. Have I been visited by you?
5. Was met 5. Is a good flower picked by a beautiful flower?

1. A 11. A
2. A 12. B
3. A 13. A
4. B 14. A
5. B 15. A
6. A 16. B
7. B 17. A
8. B 18. A
9. B 19. A
10. A 20. B


1. didn’t he?
2. was she?
3. weren’t they?
4. can’t I?
5. couldn’t he?
6. won’t I?
7. doesn’t she?
8. should they?
9. didn’t we?
10. didn’t he?

1.A 11. D
2.B 12. C
3.A 13. D
4.B 14. B
5.D 15. D
6.A 16. B
7.B 17. B
8.D 18. B
9.A 19. A
10.A 20. B
1. Will be
2. Will be
3. Waiting
4. Writing
5. Staying
6. Graduate
7. Have hung
8. Will
9. Have put
10. Will have


1. A 11. D
2. B 12. C
3. A 13. D
4. C 14. B
5. C 15. A
6. B 16. B
7. B 17. C
8. A 18. B
9. C 19. A
10. A 20. B
B. Essay
1. Bigger 6. Richer
2. Much 7. Younger
3. Tasty 8. Intellegent
4. Fashionable 9. Cleverer
5. Fun 10. Stronger

BAB 10
1. A 11. A
2. C 12. A
3. C 13. C
4. B 14. D
5. B 15. B
6. C 16. C
7. C 17. D
8. C 18. A
9. D 19. D
10. D 20. D

1. to
2. to bring
3. to
4. at
5. to
6. in
7. at
8. for
9. with, To
10. with

BAB 11
1. D 11. A
2. A 12. D
3. C 13. A
4. D 14. B
5. A 15. C
6. A 16. D
7. C 17. C
8. D 18. C
9. B 19. C
10. A 20. B
B. Essay
1. So 6. And
2. Yet 7. For
3. Or 8. And
4. But 9. Nor
5. Nor 10. But

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