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KD. 3.3 DAN 4.3

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMP ….

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1

Materi Pokok : Memberi himbauan

Alokasi Waktu : 1 Pertemuan (2 x 40 menit)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran : Dengan disajikan video pembelajaran, siswa dapat memberi himbauan lisan
dengan baik untuk mencegah penularan covid-19.

2. Materi Pembelajaran : Should dan should not

3. Kegiatan :
a. Kegiatan Awal : 1) Assalamu’alaikum. Good morning, my gorgeous students.
2) How are you? I’m fine, too. Thank you. To start our class today let’s pray.
3) Is everyone here? Well, welcome to my English class again. I’m really glad
to see great young people like you all and I hope you all are fine.
4) Do you still remember what we talked about in last meeting?
5) Excellent! We talked about dos and don’ts during covid-19 outbreak.
6) Tapi, jika pertemuan lalu kita belajar keharusan dan larangan hari ini kita
akan belajar bagaimana memberi himbauan lisan sederhana.
7) Tujuan pembelajarannya dengan disajikan video pembelajaran, siswa
dapat membuat himbauan lisan dengan baik untuk mencegah penularan
8) Penilaian akhirnya berupa rekaman video/suara.
9) Manfaat pembelajarannya kita diharapkan mampu menerapkan himbauan
pemerintah dalam rangka mencegah penularan covid-19.

b. Kegiatan Inti : 1) Latihan A. Siswa mengamati gambar dan menjawab pertanyaan.

2) Latihan B. Siswa menjoodohkan gambar dengan kalimat yang tepat.

3) Latihan C. Siswa menyaksikan video dan menentukan himbauan apa yang

harus dan jangan dilakukan untuk mencegah penularan covid-19.

4) Bagian D. (Praktek) Melengkapi teks monolog dengan himbauan apa yang

harus dan jangan dilakukan untuk mencegah penularan covid-19.

c. Kegiatan Akhir : 1) Mari kita simpulkan pembelajaran hari ini setelah tadi kita mengamati
gambar, memahami tujuan, materi dan manfaat pembelajaran serta
mengerjakan serangkaian latihan, bahwa must dan must not digunakan
dalam keharusan dan larangan.

2) Tugasnya silahkan segera dikerjakan dalam bentuk video atau voice note
untuk pertemuan mendatang. Pertemuan berikutnya kita akan belajar ….
Silahkan Anda browsing materinya terlebih dahulu. Ada pertanyaan?

3) Well, I think our class is over and I’m sorry I have to end this lesson. See
you again on … (day). Stay home, stay healthy, stay safe and stay
4) Thank you very much. It was really nice to join your class.

5) Let’s say Alhamdulillahi robbil’aalamiin Good bye, everyone.

4. Model Pembelajaran : Inquiry

5. Media, alat dan bahan : HP, video, gambar, dan LKS.

6. Sumber :

7. Penilaian :
a. Jenis
b. Bentuk : Praktek

: Monolog (Video / voice note)

Mengetahui; ………………., ………………………. 2020

Kepala SMP ……………….., Guru Mata Pelajaran,

……………………………….. ………………………………..



A. Thick it (√)
To protect others from getting sick, the picture suggests
us that;
We should:
cough or sneeze regularly
throw tissue into bin after use
cover mouth with hands when coughing
sneeze into your elbow
wash hands regularly
We should not:
stay home
protect others from getting sick
use hands to cover mouth when sneezing
touch face
Kunci jawaban:
To protect others from getting sick, the picture suggests us that we should:
1. throw tissue into bin after use
2. cover mouth with hands when coughing
3. sneeze into your elbow
4. wash hands regularly
We should not:
1. touch face

B. Match it.
We should wear mask. (2)

We should not touch nose (6).


We should use tissue when

sneezing. (1)

We should not touch eyes. (3)


We should throw away tissue

after use. (4)

We should sneeze into your

elbow. (5)

C. Watch it.
Watch the video very carefully and write what we should do and what we should not do to protect ourselves
form covid-19 correctly.
Should Should not
1. …. 1. ….
2. …. 2. ….
3. …. 3. ….
4. …. 4. ….
5. …. 5. ….

Kunci jawaban:
Should Should not
1. You should wash your hands frequently 1. You should not touch your face
2. You should sanitize 2. ….
3. You should stay clean all day 3. ….
4. You should wear a mask 4. ….
5. You should keep germs away if you are sick 5. ….
D. Speak to mic.
Buatlah video/rekaman suara berisi himbauan lisan tentang apa yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan untuk
untuk mencegah penularan covid-19 berdasarkan latihan A, B, dan C. Anda juga dapat menambahkan hal lain
yang sesuai dari sumber lain; buku atau internet. Tambahkan penjelasan singkat jika perlu.

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. (for moslems only)

Good …, everyone.
My name is …. (nama)
I am class … (kelas) of SMP …. (sekolah)
I want to tell you what we should and should not
do to protect ourselves from coronavirus
First, we should ….
And, we should not ….
Make sure to #stayhome #staysafe #stayhealthy and #stayinformed.
Thank you . Bye
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb. (for moslems only)

Kunci jawaban:
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. (for moslems only)
Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.
My name is Fery Setyawan Saputra (nama)
I am class 8A (kelas) of SMP PGRI 7 Wanareja (sekolah)
I want to tell you what we should and should not do to protect ourselves from coronavirus
First, you should wash your hands frequently (Dari latihan C)
You should sanitize (Dari latihan C)
You should stay clean all day (Dari latihan C)
You should wear a mask You should (Dari latihan C)
You should keep germs away when we are sick (Dari latihan C)
You should use tissue when sneezing (Dari latihan B)
You should throw away tissue after use (Dari latihan B)
You should sneeze or cough into your elbow (Dari latihan B)
And, you should not touch your face (Dari latihan C)
You should not touch your eyes (Dari latihan B)
You should not touch your nose (Dari latihan B)
You should not touch your mouth (Dari latihan B)
Make sure to #stayhome #staysafe #stayhealthy and #stayinformed.
Thank you . Bye
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb. (for moslems only)

E. Kegiatan Pengayaan.
We Are The World (SUARA PAPUA UNTUK PARA PAHLAWAN). Click the link below

F. Kegiatan Perbaikan.
Berlatih kembali menyamppaikan himbauan lisan dengan baik dengan berkonsultasi dengan guru secara
intensif secara online untuk kosakata sulit.

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