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Nama : Wa Ode Listyanti

Nim : M201901046
1. Masalah Pesisir Aspek Kesehatan Masyarakat (Nasional dan Internasional)


1 Candra Kirana, 2018 Analisis Perilaku Sanitasi Perumahan suku Bajo di Rancangan penelitian  Sedangkan jumlah  Hasil uji statistik dengan
Suhadi dan Lingkungan Pada Desa Tanjung Pinang yang digunakan adalah responden yang tingkat menggunakan uji Chi
Yasnan Penggunaan Jamban sebagian besar tidak observasional analitik pengetahuannya cukup dan Square menunjukan
Masyarakat Suku Bajo Di memiliki fasilitas jamban dengan desain cross tidak menggunakan jamban bahwa tidak ada hubungan
Wilayah Pesisir Desa bahkan tidak memiliki sectional dimana yakni sebanyak 51 pengetahuan terhadap
Tanjung Pinang tempat pembungan penelitian ini dilakukan responden (28,8%) hal ini perilaku Sanitasi
Kecamatan Kusambi sampah yang layak untuk mengetahui disebabkan karena Lingkungan pada
Kabupaten Muna Barat sehingga untuk membuang analisis perilaku sanitasi responden kurang paham Penggunaan Jamban
Tahun 2018 limbah mereka memilih lingkungan masyarakat mengenai teknis pembuatan Masyarakat Suku Bajo di
membuangnya di laut atau bajo pada wilayah pesisir jamban sehat untuk yang wilayah pesisir Desa
di sekitaran rumah. Hal ini Desa Tanjung Pinang bermukim di atas Tanjung Pinang
menurunkan kualitas Kecamatan Kusambi permuakaan air serta karena Kecamatan Kusambi
lingkungan baik dari segi Kabupaten Muna Barat adanya faktor kebiasaan Kabupaten Muna Barat
estetikan dan juga Tahun 2018 masyarakat untuk Tahun 2018
kesehatan membuang air besarnya di  Hasil uji statistik dengan
atas permukaan air tanpa menggunakan uji Chi
menggunakan jamban. Square menunjukan
 Sedangkan jumlah bahwa tidak ada hubungan
responden yang peran petugas kesehatan
mendapatkan penyuluhan terhadap perilaku Sanitasi
cukup dari petugas lingkungan pada
kesehatan dan tidak Penggunaan Jamban
menggunakan jamban yakni Masyarakat Suku Bajo di
sebanyak 19 responden wilayah pesisir Desa
(10,7%) hal ini Tanjung Pinang
disebabkan karena Kecamatan Kusambi
responden kurangnya Kabupaten Muna Barat
kesadaran masyarakat Tahun 2018.
mengenai penggunaan  Hasil uji statistik dengan
jamban serta karena adanya menggunakan uji Chi
faktor kebiasaan Square menunjukan
masyarakat untuk bahwa tidak ada hubungan
membuang air besarnya di pendapatan terhadap
atas permukaan air tanpa perilaku pada
menggunakan jamban Penggunaan Jamban
 Sedangkan jumlah Masyarakat Suku Bajo di
responden yang wilayah pesisir Desa
berpenghasilan cukup dan Tanjung Pinang
tidak menggunakan jamban Kecamatan Kusambi
yakni sebanyak 91 Kabupaten Muna Barat
responden (51,4%) hal ini Tahun 2018
disebabkan karena  Hasil uji statistik dengan
responden kurangnya menggunakan uji Chi
kesadaran masyarakat Square menunjukan
mengenai penggunaan bahwa ada hubungan
jamabn serta karena adanya Kepemilikan jamban
faktor kebiasaan terhadap perilaku Sanitasi
masyarakat untuk Lingkungan pada
membuang air besarnya di Penggunaan Jamban
atas permukaan air tanpa Masyarakat Suku Bajo di
menggunakan jamban wilayah pesisir Desa
 Jumlah responden yang Tanjung Pinang
kategori tidak memiliki Kecamatan Kusambi
jamban dari yang tidak Kabupaten Muna Barat
Tahun 2018
menggunakan jamban
sebanyak 176 responden
(99,4%) dan yang
menggunakan jamban tidak
ada (0%). Hal ini disebkan
karena masyarakat di
wilayah tersebut kurang
memahami pentingnya
pemanfaatan jamban sehat
2 Elva Zania, 2018 Faktor-Faktor Yang Berdasarkan data awal Jenis penelitian ini  Hasil uji statistik dengan Hygiene Personal
Junaid, Berhubungan Dengan yang diperoleh di 5. adalah penelitian menggunakan uji chi square pengangkut sampah terdiri
Ainurafiq Kejadian Dermatitis Puskesmas Latambaga Observational analitik, pada tingkat kepercayaan dari aspek, kebiasaan
Kontak Pada Nelayan Di didapatkan bahwa dengan menggunakan 95% atau α = 0,05 mandi, kebiasaan mencuci
Kelurahan Induha penyakit dermatitis kontak pendekatan Cross didapatkan nilai p = 0,015 tangan, mencuci kaki,
Kecamatan Latambaga merupakan penyakit yang Secsional Study yaitu (PValue<α) sehingga kebiasaan memotong kuku,
Kabupaten Kolaka Tahun masuk dalam kategori 10 variabel dependen dan terdapat hubungan antara dan kebiasaan mengganti
2017 penyakit terbesar dari independen diamati pada hygiene personal dengan pakaian. Berdasarkan hasil
tahun 2014 sampai tahun periode yang sama kejadian dermatitis kontak pengamatan yang dilakukan
2016. Dimana Jumlah pada Nelayan di Kelurahan pada nelayan di kelurahan
kasus penyakit dermatitis Induha Kecamatan induha kurang
pada tahun 2014 sebanyak Latambaga Kabupaten memeperhatikan personal
120 kasus, pada tahun Kolaka hygiene, karena setelah
2015 sebanyak 146 kasus  Hasil uji statistik dengan selesai bekerja tidak
dan pada tahun 2016 menggunakan uji chi square langsung mengganti pakaian
sebanyak 226 kasus pada tingkat kepercayaan kerja mereka padahal
95% atau α = 0,05 pekaian tersebut diganakan
didapatkan nilai p = 0,027 saat melakukan aktifitas
PValue<α sehingga terdapat yang berhubungan dengan
hubungan antara lama air laut. Setelah nelayan
kontak dengan kejadian selesai bekerja mereka
dermatitis kontak pada langsung pulang ke rumah
Nelayan di Kelurahan masingmasing masih
Induha Kecamatan dengan mengenakan baju
Latambaga Kabupaten kerja yang digunakan saat
Kolaka berada di laut Pemeliharaan
 Hasil uji statistik dengan kebersihan perorangan
menggunakan uji chi square diperlukan untuk
pada tingkat kepercayaan kenyamanan individu dan
95% atau α = 0,05 terhindarnya dari beberapa
didapatkan nilai p = 0,980 masalah gangguan
(PValue>α) sehingga tidak kesehatan salah satunya
terdapat hubungan antara adalah keluhan gangguan
riwayat penyakit kulit kulit. Salah satu penyebab
sebelumnya dengan gangguan kulit yaitu
kejadian dermatitis kontak pekerjaan dan kebersihan
pada Nelayan di Kelurahan perorangan yang baik.
Induha Kecamatan Untuk memeliharan
Latambaga Kabupaten kebersihan kulit, kebiasaan
Kolaka yang sehat harus selalu
diperhatikan seperti
menjaga kebersihan
pakaian, mandi secara
teratur, mandi menggunakan
air bersih dan sabun, serta
menjaga kebersihan

3 Ida Muslikhah, 2018 Identifikasi Masalah Permasalahan perumahan Penelitian yang  Dari 116 responden yang Desa Wawatu memiliki 2
Hariati Lestari Kesehatan Berbasis sehat juga terjadi pada digunakan adalah memiliki tempat unit bak sampah yang sudah
dan Jusniar Rusli Lingkungan Di Wilayah masyarakat di wilayah penelitian deskriptif pembuangan sampah lebih disediakan oleh mahasiswa
Afa Pesisir Desa Wawatu pesisir. Penerapan rumah observasional dengan banyak yang tidak yang pernah memprogram
Kecamatan Moramo Utara sehat dinilai sulit diperoleh pendekatan survei memenuhi syarat yaitu Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)
Kabupaten Konawe oleh masyarakat yang sebanyak 113 responden di dusun IV tersebut tetapi
Selatan Tahun 2017 berada di wilayah pesisir (97,4%) sedangkan yang sangat disayangkan bak
jika dilihat dari memenuhi syarat sebanyak sampah tersebut tidak
keseluruhan aspek 3 responden (2,6%) digunakan dengan sebaik-
indikator rumah sehat,  Sumber air yang digunakan baiknya. Sampah yang
seperti pembuangan responden lebih banyak sudah dibuang di bak
sampah, lantai rumah yang yang tidak memenuhi syarat sampah tersebut dibiarkan
permanen, serta yaitu sebanyak 131 (97,4%) berserakan di sekitar bak
kepemilikan jamban sedangkan yang memenuhi sampah sehingga sampah
keluarga. Masyarakat di syarat sebanyak 3 berserakan begitu saja,
pesisir pantai secara umum responden (2,6%) sementara tempat sampah
merupakan nelayan  Dari 116 responden dengan yang sesuai dengan syarat
tradisional dengan kepemilikan jamban kesehatan apabila tempat
penghasilan pas-pasan, keluarga lebih banyak yang sampah dibuat dari bahan
dan tergolong keluarga tidak memenuhi syarat yaitu kedap air dan tertutup,
miskin yang disebabkan sebanyak 101 responden bahan yang kuat agar tidak
oleh faktor alamiah (87,1%) sedangkan yang mudah bocor, tempat
memenuhi syarat sebanyak pembuangan sampah
15 responden (12,9%) sementara terletak di tempat
 Dari 116 responden terdapat yang mudah dijangkau oleh
10 responden (8,6%) yang kendaraan pengangkut
memenuhi syarat, sampah. Sementara di dusun
sedangakan sebanyak 106 IV tidak dijangkau oleh
responden (91,4%) tidak kendaraan pengangkut
memenuhi syarat sampah sehingga sampah
tidak diperhatikan dengan

4 Karman, Ambo 2016 Faktor-Faktor Yang Berdasarkan salah satu Jenis penelitian ini  Dari 76 responden (100%), Masyarakat pesisir di Desa
Sakka dan Berhubungan Dengan laporan hasil mahasiswa adalah kuantitatif dengan terdapat responden yang Bungin Permai memiliki
Syawal K. Pemanfaatan Pelayanan yang melakukan kegiatan metode penelitian cross memanfaatkan pelayanan pengetahuan yang kurang
Saptaputra Kesehatan Bagi Pembelajaran Lapangan di sectional dengan kesehatan sebanyak 53 dalam memanfaatkan
Masyarakat Desa Bungin Permai yang mengunakan analisis responden (69,7%), pelayanan kesehatan karena
Pesisir Di Desa Bungin mengemukakan bahwa univariat dan analisis sedangkan yang tidak kurangnya pengetahuan
Permai Kecamatan Kegiatan pelayanan bivariat tujuanya untuk memanfaatkan pelayanan keluarga tentang pentingnya
Tinanggea kabupaten kesehatan yang dilakukan mengetahuai faktor- kesehatan sebanyak 23 pemanfaatan pelayanan
Konawe Selatan Tahun di Desa Bungin Permai faktor yang berhubungan responden (30,3%), Hasil kesehatan serta kemampuan
2016 yaitu berupa kegiatan dengan pemanfaatan penelitian menunjukkan ekonomi keluarga yang
Posyandu, tetapi kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan bagi bahwa pemanfaatan tidak memungkinkan untuk
posyandu ini ternyata masyarakat pesisir di pelayanan Di Desa Bungin memanfaatkannya, ini
masih saja kurang Desa Bungin Permai Permai Kecamatan dipengaruhi oleh mata
ditanggapi oleh Kecamataan Tinanggea Tinanggea Kabupaten pencaharian masyarakat di
masyarakat, hal ini dapat Kabupaten Konawe Konawe Selatan yang desa bungin permai yang
dilihat dari tidak adanya Selatan diperoleh sebagian besar mayoritas sebagai nelayan.
antusias dari masyarakat berada pada kategori Sehingga, dengan demikian
dalam memanfaatkan memanfaatkan (69,7%) walaupun masyarakat
pelayanan kesehatan  dari 76 responden (100%), mempunyai pengetahuan
dengan baik terdapat responden yang tentang pentingnya
menyatakan mudah di akses penggunaan sarana
yaitu sebanyak 29 kesehatan tetapi tidak
responden (38,2%), didukung dengan
sedangkan responden yang penghasilan yang cukup
menyatakan sulit di akses serta akses transportasi
yaitu sebanyak 47 masyarakat yang sulit maka
responden (61,8 %) hal tersebut tidak akan
 dari 76 responden (100%), tercapai
terdapat responden yang
pendapatannya cukup yaitu
sebanyak 26 responden
(34,2%), sedangkan
responden yang pendapatan
kurang yaitu sebanyak 50
responden (65,8%).
5 Firdaus Duwila, 2018 Pemetaan Sanitasi Dasar Perilaku masyarakat yang Penelitian merupakan  kualitas sanitasi dasar yang Dengan diare di Desa
Trijoko, Hanan Dengan Penyakit Diare berkaitan dengan sanitasi Jenis penelitian tidak memenuhi syarat di Waitina. Hal ini sejalan
Lanang D, dan Pada Masyarakat Desa dasar seperti buang air obervasional analitik Desa Waitina paling tinggi dengan penelitian Taosu
Nikie Astorina Pesisir Kecamatan besar dan pembuangan yang ditunjang dengan adalah tempat sampah dkk pada tahun 2013 dan
Y.D Mangoli Timur Kabupaten sampah masih dilakukan pemetaan untuk yaitu sebesar 60%. sanitasi dasar yang
Kepulauan Sula Provinsi di laut mengetahui gambaran Persentase SPAL dan mendominasi adalah sarana
Maluku Utara Tahun 2018 suatu keadaaan secara jamban yang memenuhi jamban. Masyarakat di Desa
objektif. Desain yang syarat lebih besar Waitina sudah banyak yang
digunakan adalah cross dribandingkan yang tidak buang air besar
sectional dengan metode memenuhi syarat menggunakan jamban yang
survei Riwayat diare didominasi memenuhi syarat. Meskipun
pada rumah dengan kualitas begitu hasil statistik
jamban yang tidak menunjukkan bahwa
memenuhi syarat. Rumah terdapat hubungan antara
dengan SPAL tidak kualitas fisik jamban dengan
memenuhi syarat yang diare. Hasil penelitian ini
memiliki riwayat diare lebih sejalan dengan penelitian
besar dibandingkan dengan Dini dkk tahun 2013. Hal ini
rumah dengan SPAL disebabkan oleh
memenuhi syarat. pengelolaan pembuangan
Sedangkan riwayat diare kotoran manusia yang
pada rumah dengan tempat kurang baik sehingga dapat
sampah yang tidak menyebabkan terjadinya
memenuhi syarat lebih kecil pencemaran pada sumber air
dibandingkan rumah
dengan tempat sampah yang
memenuhi syarat
 Uji statistik yang dihasilkan
menunjukkan nilai p pada
ketiga variabel sanitasi
dasar adalah p<0,001. Hal
ini berarti terdapat
hubungan antara kualitas
masingmasing sanitasi
dasar yaitu jamban, tempat
sampah dan SPAL dengan
diare di Desa Waitina
6 Ghea Yanna 2017 Gambaran Status Anemia Kadar hemoglobin rendah Pengambilan sampel  Siswi SMP Negeri 1 Anemia timbul jika kadar
Aulia, Ari Pada Remaja Putri Di banyak dialami oleh dalam penelitian ini Getasan yang memiliki hemoglobin kurang dari
Udiyono, Wilayah Pegunungan Dan kelompok remaja putri menggunakan simple status anemia sebanyak yang diharapkan sesuai
Lintang Dian Pesisir Pantai (Studi di yang merupakan kelompok random sampling. 58%, sedangkan siswa yang dengan usia dan jenis
Saraswati, M. SMP Negeri Kecamatan populasi rawan terhadap Populasi target pada tidak berstatus miopi kelamin, dimana kadar
Sakundarno Adi Getasan dan Semarang defisiensi gizi khususnya penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 42% hemoglobin saat kita lahir
Barat) defisiensi zat besi siswi SMP Negeri  Siswi SMP Negeri 1 tinggi (20 gram/dl), tetapi
Kecamatan Getasan dan Getasan yang memiliki menurun pada kehidupan
Semarang Barat. Sampel status anemia sebanyak tiga bulan pertama sampai
yang digunakan dalam 56%, sedangkan siswa yang angka terendah (10 gram/dl)
penelitian ini berjumlah tidak berstatus miopi sebelum meningkat kembali
100 responden untuk sebanyak 44%. menjadi nilai dewasa
wilayah pegunungan normal (>12 gram/dl pada
yaitu SMP Negeri 1 wanita dan >13 gram/dl
Getasan dan 100 pada pria) Hemoglobin
responden untuk wilayah adalah jenis protein yang
pesisir pantai yaitu SMP merupakan bagian dari sel
Negeri 31 Semarang. darah merah yang kaya akan
zat besi dan memberikan
warna merah pada darah,
serta memiliki afinitas (daya
gabung) terhadap oksigen
untuk membentuk
oksihemoglobin di dalam
sel darah merah yang akan
dibawa dari paru-paru ke
Status anemia di wilayah
pegunungan lebih banyak
dibandingkan dengan status
anemia di wilayah pesisir
pantai. Persentase anemia di
wilayah pegunungan sebesar
58% sedangkan di wilayah
pesisir pantai sebesar 56%
Rata-rata usia responden
adalah 12 tahun untuk
wilayah pegunungan dan 13
tahun untuk wilayah pesisir
pantai. Sebagian besar orang
tua responden di wilayah
pegunungan bekerja sebagai
petani sedangkan di wilayah
pesisir pantai sebagian besar
orang tua responden bekerja
sebagai pekerja swasta.

7 Delfi Kasim 2016 Faktor-Faktor Yang Salah satu permasalahan Desain penelitian ini  Responden jenis kelamin  Berdasarkan analisis,
Mempengaruhi Rendahya kesehatan yang ada di adalah struktur laki-laki 60,6 % sementara dapat dideskripsikan
Penggunaan Jamban pada Desa Bulontio Barat kuantitatif dengan perempuan 39,4 %. bahwa tingkat
Masyarakat Pesisir Desa adalah masih rendahnya pendekatan survey Sementara pada tabel 4.2 pengetahuan responden
Bulontio Barat Kecamatan penggunaan jamban deskriptif dimana terlihat bahwa umur sangat rendah pada
Sumalata Kabupaten variabel variabel responden mayoritas pada pengetahuan baik. Dengan
Gorontalo Utara dependen : Pengguna umur 15-25 yakni sebanyak melihat hal ini, Menurut
jamban, variabel 46 (34,8 %), dan minoritas Notoatmodjo (2007)
independen meliputi : responden berumur 56-65 bahwa pengetahuan terdiri
Pengetahuan, kebiasaan sebanyak 6 (4,5 %). Untuk dri berbagai tingkatan
masyarakat, dan tabel 4.3 pekerjaan yaitu : mengetahui,
pendapatan responden terlihat bahwa memahami, aplikasi,
yang paling banyak sintesis dan evaluasi.
terdistribusi berprofesi Mengacu pada
sebagai URT yaitu pengetahuan diatas dapat
sebanyak 35 responden dijelaskan bahwa tingkat
(26,5%) dan paling sedikit pengetahuan masyarakat
yang berprofesi sebagai Bulontio Barat yang
wirausaha sebanyak 9 persentase terkecil pada
responden (6,8%) kategori baik dapat
 Responden yang dikelompokkan pada tahap
berpendidikan SD lebih mengetahui dan mampu
banyak terdistribusi yaitu memahami
sebanyak 35 responden  Berdasarkan analisis,
(26,5 %) dan paling sedikit maka dapat dideskripsikan
responden yang tidak bahwa tingkat kebiasaan
pernah sekolah sebanyak 11 responden sangat rendah
responden (8,3 %). pada kebiasaan baik.
 Selanjutnya tabel 4.5  Menurut Suhadi (2009)
terlihat pengetahuan bahwa masyarakat pesisir
responden mayoritas yang kurang biasa
berpengetahuan kurang menggunakan jamban
(42,4 %), minoritas untuk Buang Air Besar
responden berpengetahuan (BAB) hal inilah yang
baik (25,8 %) dan sebagian mempengaruhi daerah
berpengetahuan cukup (31,8 pesisir menjadi pengganti
%). Untuk tabel 4.6 jamban Sesuai dengan
menunjukkan bahwa wawancara masyarakat
kebiasaan masyarakat Desa Bulontio Barat, mata
mayoritas kurang biasa pencarian mereka adalah
dalam menggunakan nelayan sebagiannya lagi
jamban (62,1 %), minoritas buruh tani dan petani.
kebiasaan responden baik Faktor inilah yang
(9,1 %) dan sebagian cukup mendorong sehingga
biasa dalam menggunakan untuk pembengunan
jamban (28,8 %). Untuk jamban tidak begitu
tingkat pendapatan menunjang, karena masih
masyarakat terlihat pada banyak kebutuhan yang
tabel 4.7 bahwa mayoritas mereka harus penuhi
responden memiliki
pendapatan rendah (72,0 %)
dan minoritas pendapatan
tinggi (28,0 %)
8 Armin, 2017 Hubungan Sanitasi Dilihat dari segi tempat Penelitian ini merupakan  dari 76 responden, terdapat Hasil penelitian
Yusuf Sabilu, Lingkungan Dengan tinggal keadaan fisik metode penelitian survey 25 responden (32,9%) yang menunjukkan bahwa dari 76
Sabril Munandar Kejadian Penyakit Diare kawasan pesisir Desa analitik dengan tidak menderita penyakit responden terdapat 29
Di Desa Tanjung Pinang Tanjung Pinang berpasir menggunakan diare dan terdapat 51 responden yang memiliki
Kecamatan Kusambi dan kurang bebatuan pendekatan cross responden (67,1%) yang ketersediaan air bersih
Kabupaten Muna Barat dengan kondisi rumah di sectional study, dimana menderita penyakit diare memenuhi syarat,
Tahun 2017 desa yang kurang baik, variabel independent dan  dari 76 responden, terdapat diantaranya terdapat 24
sedangkan dilihat dari variabel dependent 29 responden (38,2%) yang responden (31,6%) yang
profil kesehatan sanitasi diukur pada suatu waktu memiliki ketersediaan air menderita penyakit diare
lingkungan dasar, daerah secara bersamaan. bersih memenuhi syarat dan dan terdapat 5 responden
tersebut jauh dari yang Variabel independent terdapat 47 responden (6,6%)yang tidak menderita
dikatakan sehat dengan dalam penelitian ini (61,8%) yang memiliki penyakit diare. Selanjutnya
kurang adanya sarana adalah, air bersih, tempat ketersediaan air bersih tidak terdapat 47 responden yang
fasilitas lingkungan yang sampah dan rumah sehat. memenuhi syarat memiliki ketersediaan air
mendukung, seperti Sedangkan variabel  dari 76 responden, terdapat bersih tidak memenuhi
pemilikan tempat sampah dependen adalah diare 12 responden (15,8%) yang syarat, diantaranya terdapat
yang belum memenuhi memiliki ketersediaan 27 responden (35,5%) yang
syarat, sebagian besar tempat pembuangan menderita penyakit diare
masyarakat membiasakan sampah memenuhi syarat dan terdapat 20 responden
membuang sampah di dan terdapat 64 responden (26,3%) yang tidak
sembarang tempat ataupun (84,2%) yang memiliki menderita penyakit diare.
di laut, dan perkarangan ketersediaan tempat Berdasarkan hasil uji
rumah, sedangkan sarana pebuangan sampah tidak statistik dengan chi square
fasilitas lainnya seperti memenuhi syarat diperoleh nilai ρValue=
sarana air bersih  Dari 76 responden, terdapat 0,042. asil penelitian ini
masyarakat menggunakan 28 responden (36,8%) yang sejalan dengan penelitian
sumur gali untuk memiliki kondisi fisik 16, Hasil uji statistik dengan
kebutuhan seharihari rumah memenuhi syarat dan uji chi square diperoleh nilai
sehingga dari aktifitas terdapat 48 responden X2 hitung = 23,402> nilai
tersebut dapat (63,2%) yang memiliki X2 tabel =153,841sehingga
mengakibatkan masalah kondisi fisik rumah tidak H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima,
bagi kesehatan terutama memenuhi syarat artinya ada hubungan antara
kesehatan berbasis ketersediaan air bersih
lingkungan dengan kejadian diare di
Desa Tapi-Tapi
9 Rini Andriani, 2017 Analisis Faktor Yang Peningkatan kejadian Penelitian ini  Hasil uji statistik Chi Hasil penelitan dengan
Junaid, Karma Berhubungan Dengan DBD ini disebabkan oleh menggunakan studi Square menunjukkan bahwa observasi yang di lakukan
Ibrahim Kejadian Demam faktor lingkungan antara analitik observasional di ρ=0,318 (ρ>0,05) Hο pada masyarakat di
Berdarah Dengue (DBD) lain masyarakat masih mana peneliti hanya diterima, artinya tidak ada Kecamatan Tomia
Di Kecamatan Tomia terlihat membuang sampah melakukan pengamatan hubungan antara kebiasaan Kabupaten Wakatobi yang
Kabupaten Wakatobi sembarangan, peran serta terhadap subjek kemudian dianalisis
Tahun 2017 masyarakat dalam penelitian dan tidak tidur pagi dan atau sore hari menggunakan uji statistik
pelaksanaan PSN masih memberikan perlakuan, dengan kejadian DBD di SPSS dan disajikan pada 14
kurang dan kurangnya intervensi maupun Kecamatan Tomia tabel dalam penelitian ini ke
penyuluhan tentang DBD paparan terhadap subjek Kabupaten Wakatobi tahun lima variabel item
penelitian tersebut. 2017 diantaranya kebiasaan tidur
Rancangan penelitian  Hasil uji statistik Exact pagi dan atau sore,
dalam penelitian ini Fisher menunjukkan bahwa kebiasaan menggantung
menggunakan desain ρ=1,000 (ρ>0,05) Hο pakaian, frekuensi
potong lintang (cross diterima, artinya tidak ada pengurasan kontainer,
sectional) hubungan antara kebiasaan penggunaan obat/anti
menggantung pakaian nyamuk dan keberadaan
dengan kejadian DBD di jentik pada kontainer.
Kecamatan Tomia Berdasarkan uji statistik
Kabupaten Wakatobi Tahun tidak terdapat hubungan
2017 antara semua variabel
 Hasil uji statistik Exact dengan kejadian DBD di
Fisher menunjukkan bahwa Kecamatan Tomia
ρ=0,525 (ρ>0,05) Hο Kabupaten Wakatobi.
diterima dan Ha ditolak, Hubungan Kebiasaan Tidur
artinya tidak ada hubungan Pagi dan atau Sore dengan
antara frekuensi pengurasan Kejadian DBD di
kontainer dengan kejadian Kecamatan Tomia
DBD di Kecamatan Tomia Kabupaten Wakatobi Tahun
Kabupaten Wakatobi Tahun 2017 Kebiasaan orang tidur
 Hasil uji statistik Exact pada pagi hari dan atau sore
Fisher menunjukkan bahwa hari akan mempermudah
ρ=0,186 (p>0,005) Hο penyebaran penyakit
diterima, artinya tidak ada Demam Berdarah Dengue,
hubungan antara karena nyamuk betina
penggunaan obat/anti mencari umpannya pada
nyamuk dengan kejadian pagi dan atau sore hari.
DBD di Kecamatan Tomia Aktivitas menggigit nyamuk
Kabupaten Wakatobi Tahun biasanya mulai pagi sampai
2017 sore hari, dengan dua
 Hasil uji statistik Exact puncak aktivitas antara
Fisher menunjukkan bahwa pukul 08.00-12.00 dan
ρ=0,664 (ρ>0,005) Hο pukul 15.00-17.00. Hal ini
diterima, artinya tidak ada menyebabkan seseorang
hubungan antara yang mempunyai kebiasaan
keberadaan jentik nyamuk tidur pagi dan atau sore hari
dengan kejadian DBD di akan berisiko untuk digigit
Kecamatan Tomia oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti
Kabupaten Wakatobi Tahun
10 Vebi Yogawana 2018 Studi Psikografis Dalam Pada tahun 2017 Jenis penelitian yang  Setiap informan biasa Faktor penting dalam upaya
Putri, La Ode Pemilihan Dan berdasarkan hasil laporan digunakan dalam memilih dan menggunakan program keluarga berencana
Ali Imran Penggunaan Alat analisis ibu bulan Januari penelitian ini adalah jenis alat kontrasepsi yang adalah pemilihan alat
Ahmad, Konntrasepsi Pada sampai dengan bulan metode survei dengan berbeda, sebagaimana hasil kontrasepsi yang tepat.
Lisnawaty Masyarakat Suku Bajo Di September berjumlah pendekatan kualitatif. wawancara mendalam yang Pemilihan kontrasepsi
Desa Bajo Indah 1.506 dengan peserta KB Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan pada 5 informan berdasarkan efektivitasnya
Kecamatan Soropia aktif sebanyak 157. Hal ini bertujuan memperoleh biasa, 1 orang dikategorikan menjadi dua
Kabupaten Konawe Tahun mengalami penurunan gambaran seutuhnya menggunakan implant, 2 pilihan metode kontrasepsi
2017 setiap tahunnya, dan mengenai suatu hal orang menggunakan pil KB, seperti suntik, pil, dan
kondisi ini tidak terlepas menurut pandangan dan 2 orang lagi kondom yang termasuk
dari faktor yang manusia yang diteliti  menggunakan suntik. dalam katagori non metode
mempengaruhi tingkat mereka menjawab alasan kontrasepsi jangka panjang
fertilitas penduduk menggunakan alat (non MKJP) dan katagori
setempat dengan latar kontrasepsi tersebut karena, metode kontrasepsi jangka
belakang suku, budaya, anak mereka sudah lebih panjang (MJKP ) seperti
agama, termasuk faktor darii 4, tidak perlu IUD, implant, MOW, dan
sosial-ekonomi dipasangkan alat lewat MOP
vagina seperti saat Pemilihan dan penggunaan
pemasangan IUD, alat kontrasepsi adalah
harganya pun tidak mahal upaya yang dilakukan untuk
seperti pemasangan IUD. menghindari/mencegah
Sejalan dengan hasil terjadinya kehamilan
wawancara yang dilakukan sebagai akibat pertemuan
pada Bidan Puskesmas antara sel telur matang
Soropia didapatkan terkait dengan sel sperma
dengan pemberian Sebagaimana hasil
informasi tentang wawancara mendalam yang
ketersediaan jenis alat dilakukan pada 5 informan
kontrasepsi yang disediakan biasa, 1 orang menggunakan
meliputi implant, pil KB implant, 2 orang
dan suntik menggunakan pil KB, dan 2
 Setiap informan memiliki orang lagi menggunakan
aktivitas, efek samping dan suntik. Mereka menjawab
pengalaman yang berbeda alasan menggunakan alat
selama menggunakan alat kontrasepsi tersebut karena,
kontrasepsi, sebagaimana anak mereka sudah lebih
hasil wawancara mendalam darii 4, tidak perlu
yang dilakukan pada 5 dipasangkan alat lewat
informan biasa, rata-rata vagina seperti saat
menjawab tidak mengalami pemasangan IUD, harganya
gangguan selama pun tidak mahal seperti
menggunakan KB, dan juga pemasangan IUD
1 orang mengatakan bahwa
selama menggunakan alat
kontrasepsi tidak pernah
merasakan efek samping
sehingga tidak
mempengaruhi aktivitas
sehari-hari, dan 4 orang
lainnya mengatakan bahwa
sering merasakan efek
samping setelah
menggunakan alat
kontrasepsi seperti, berat
badan naik, munculnya
jerawat, tapi tidak
mengganggu aktivitas
11 Lewis R Elliott, 2018 Recreational visits to Seven years of data from a Repeat cross-sectional  An estimated 99.3 million This study analysed a
Mathew P marine and coastal large representative survey survey of the population visits were made to other representative sample of the
White, James environments in England of the population of of England which coastline environments. English population to serve
Grellier, Siân England were analysed to employs a face-to- face This means 3.5% of visits as a reference for decision
Rees, Ruth examine patterns of usage administered interview included an 'other coastline' makers on visits to marine
Waters, & Lora of coastal environments in protocol using a weekly environment, at least in and coastal environments
Fleming terms of key demographic, quota-sampling part. Similarly, 'sunbathing for recreation Our first
motivational and temporal methodology to capture or paddling' was the most research question was:
variables (compared to key a representative sample popular water-based Annually, how many leisure
inland natural of the population of activity undertaken here, visits were made to coastal
environments) with the England throughout the undertaken on 11% of all environments in England
aim of informing marine year. A total of 326,755 visits to other coastline between 2009 and 2016?
planning decisions individuals were environments (≈11.1 Approximately 171.7
sampled in the seven million visits), with other million such visits were
waves water-based activities made to beaches and a
undertaken less often further 99.3 million to other
(swimming outdoors ≈1.2 coastline environments,
million, water sports ≈2.3 together meaning that 9.5%
million, and fishing ≈1.4 of all leisure visits to natural
million; see Figure 2). In environments involved these
both coastal settings, the locations (notably less than
most popular activities the numbers of leisure visits
undertaken were walking, taken annually to rivers,
either with or without a lakes or canals, urban open
dog, conducted on ≈123.7 spaces and woodlands or
million beach visits forests)
annually, and on ≈78.2
million other coastline
visits. Other popular
activities in coastal
environments included
eating or drinking out
(≈27.2 million beach visits
≈14.7 million other
coastline visits), playing
with children (≈21.6 million
beach visits, ≈6.1 million
other coastline visits), and
visiting an attraction (≈9.2
million beach visits, ≈5.8
million other coastline
visits; see Figures 1 and 2)
12 Kayleigh J. 2016 Factors That Can This article also addresses Experimental stimuli.  Finally, the between tidal While the effects of marine
Wyles, Sabine Undermine the three secondary questions: The experimental stimuli state and presence of litter litter on the environment
Pahl, Katrina Psychological Benefits of Does tide (a naturally consisted of 12 was statistically significant and wildlife are well
Thomas, and Coastal Environments: varying state of the individual photographs for perceived restorative established, the present
Richard C. Exploring the Effect of environment) influence the taken on British sandy quality. Even though ratings research investigated the
Thompson Tidal State, Presence, restorative potential of the beaches under dry of restorative quality did impact of litter on people.
and Type of Litter coast; does initial weather conditions decline during high tide Previous studies have
connectedness to nature (picture quality was compared with low tide, typically focused on green
influence people’s further controlled using ratings were considerably contexts, grouped litter with
experiences of these computer software) worse when litter was other degraded features, and
environments; and finally, present in either tidal state. directly asked participants
to embed the coastal Perceived restorative about these features. Prior
findings, how do these quality was much lower for research has rarely
ratings compare with other environments with litter examined individuals’
(clean) environment types during both low tide, t(39) feelings and expected
that have been used in = 8.48, p<.001, d= 1.38 impacts but rather focused
prior research? (large effect), and high on evaluations of the
tide, t(39) = 8.36, p< .001, environment. In contrast,
d= 1.18 (large effect), this article focused on the
compared with the clean global issue of marine litter
Alternatives and carefully took account
 Statistically, these differed of actual types of litter
between the four conditions evidenced in the marine
on each measure: science literature. By using
preference = F(1.39, a subtle yet systematic
108.25) = 190.82, p < .001, manipulation where litter
ηp 2 = .71 (large effect); was not explicitly stressed
mood = F(1.42, 110.89) = to the participants, we
167.21, p < .001, ηp2 = .68 adopted a mixed-
(large effect); arousal = methodology approach to
 F(1.74, 135.45) = 13.79, p examine how marine litter
< .001, ηp2 = .15 (small- influences the perceived
medium effect); and restorative quality of an
restoration likeli- hood = environment and how it may
F(1.59, 124.19) = 161.79, p affect people’s experiences.
< .001, ηp2 = .68 (large
effect). Repeated contrasts
consistently found that
ratings were significantly
more negative for the
fishing-litter compared with
the seaweed condition (ps <
.001), and that publiclitter
was given significantly
different ratings compared
with fishing-litter (ps<.001;
see Figure 2A for all
statistically significant
repeated contrasts)
 Quantitative analysis.
Statistically, apart from the
arousal measure of affect
(p = .85), ratings differed
significantly between the
four conditions: preference,
F(3, 54) = 25.73, p < .001,
ηp2 = .59 (large effect);
mood, F(1.90, 34.15) =
39.71, p < .001, ηp2 = .69
(large effect); and
restoration likelihood,
F(1.58, 28.52) = 19.20, p
< .001, ηp2 = .52 (large
13 Ousmane Koffi 2019 Online Media’s Role in A total of 26 health Content media research There is a significant Overall, the public health
Abdoulaye, Public Health Information districts in the country will methodology has been association between Cue to care issues were major
Hasmah and Communication be affected by this used widely by Action and the main actors concerns by the news
Zanuddin Sharing in Cote d’Ivoire outreach operation researchers (AlYousef, as the source for the news, coverage of the
(Ivory Coast) supported by UNICEF and Almahallawi, Watimin, chi-square χ2 = 14.463, df Even though health care is
several other national and Ambikapaty, Cheong, =1, sig. = 0.05. The source available for free for
international programs. and Zanuddin, 2017). In of information played a Ivoirians, poor quality
The first stage will focus the context of significant role in cue to prevailed in many aspects.
only on 12 districts in Cote development of social action for the Ivory Coast The hospitals in Cote
d’Ivoire. In Côte d'Ivoire, media usage, content public. This hypothesis d’Ivoire were lack of
out of 10,000 women who analysis approach was showed a significant infrastructures and modern
give birth, 614 lose their appropriate (Watimin, association between the two equipment. In addition, the
lives. And out of 1000 2017) and the author variables. Most participants ambulance services were
births, at least, 38 children views that the content were local government quite limited. Finally,
do not reach the age of 5 analysis corresponds to health officers, NGOs and medication stocks were
years. And out of 1000 the objectives pursues by political leaders of the Ivory reported to be insufficient,
children over 5 years, at any social research as it Coast or even unavailable. On the
least 108 of them do not provides an opportunity  The opinions of local other hand, the issue of
reach adolescence. These to conduct objective, people towards the public accessing health information
loses can be avoided if systematic and healthcare programs and in the wake of e-healthcare
there is an awareness quantitative description services were also featured services initiatives; as in the
campaign of the content, in line in the news. Cote d’Ivoire, which could
with (Almahallawi, Ivorian people were enhance health services and
2017) Inter-coder interviewed in the news and provide people the access to
reliability was deployed the opinions, thoughts, and healthcare in their daily
to test the validity and attitudes were recorded. lives
reliability of the content  Hence, there is a
analysis instrument, a significant association
method of summarizing between the healthcare
the substance of a set of service and perceptions of
mediated messages the people, where they
(Freedom, 2015). wanted improvement in
many areas of services
(Table VI). Chi square
value, χ2 = 4.785, df = 1,
sig. = 0.05 is significant
between Ivory Coast public
view and the public
healthcare programs
14 Mahin Al 2016 Drinking Water Salinity drinking water salinity and The study was carried Coastal communities drink Hypertension is one of the
Nahian,, Ali Associated Health Crisis in associated health crises, out under the framework water from a number of major risk factors for
Ahmed, Attila Coastal Bangladesh more specifically of ‘Assessing Health, different sources; however, cardiovascular diseases
N. Lázár, Craig hypertension, in coastal Livelihoods, Ecosystem these can be brought under 4 (CVD). Studies done by
W. Hutton, Bangladesh. In addition, Services and Poverty major categories: ground Khan and Talukder showed
Mashfiqus we further assess two Alleviation in Populous water sources (shallow/ deep that increased salinity in
Salehin, Peter critical factors in future Deltas (ESPA Deltas)’ tubewell, borehole, piped drinking water has an
Kim Streatfield public health provisioning project. ESPA Deltas water system and dug wells), association with
and water resources was a large multi- surface sources hypertension among coastal
management: ground disciplinary project, (river/dam/lake/pond/stream/ population (Khan et al.,
water salinity and which aimed to canal/irrigation channel, etc.), 2011, Khan et al., 2014,
population vulnerability. understand the link rainwater and others like, Talukder et al., 2016).
between environmental bottled water. It was found However, Khan in her
change, ecosystem that, the majority (about 80%) studies worked with
services, human of coastal communities are pregnant women (both
wellbeing (including dependent on ground water proxy and direct water
health), poverty and sources with only about 11% salinity measurement and
development within the on surface water and 7% on blood pressure
world's largest delta – the rainwater. Ground water was measurement with
Ganges–Brahmaputra– the main source of drinking sphygmomanometer) and
Meghna (GBM) Delta water in 5 SESs except Talukder with young adults
Sundarban dependent and (both male and female,
Saltwater Shrimp SES multiple respondent from
(Figure 2). The shifting of the same household, direct
sources was also visible in salinity measurement and
these two SES, depicting the blood pressure measurement
poor water quality and with digital BP monitor);
salinization problem in the both of the studies used
areas. In the Sundarban SES, urinary sodium excretion
surface water sources were as a proxy to calculate salt
primarily used for drinking consumption. However,
purpose with shifting to these studies worked with
rainwater in round 2 which small target populations
intersects with the monsoon and from urine sodium
season in the country. The measurement to back-
same type of shifting was calculate the sodium
visible in saltwater shrimp intake. Contrary to that
SES. Only a very few study, the ESPA Delta
respondents took water from survey took a much larger
bottled water in Sundarban population sample; salt
SES intake was measured from
different sources for
attribution and linked to
blood pressure to direct
drinking water
consumption. This study
also found that the highest
physical health was more percentage of hypertension
likely to be reported by 1.4 among women aged 35
percent (CI: 0.006, 0.022), years and above, more
respectively.. precisely in 30 to 39 range,
 Compared to high-income which is quite similar to the
participants, water pollution result indirectly.Water-
more significantly related programs and
influenced mental and interventions should be
physical health among low- launched as an effective
income participants. More way to improve physical
precisely, for each water and mental health,
pollution intensity, particularly people of low
participants with lower socioeconomic
income showed lower status.
mental health than those
with higher socioeconomic
status (0.036 vs. 0.045 for
high and low-income
participants, respectively);
and respondents with low
income were significantly
associated with bad
physical health, while
higher one were not.
15 Rémi M. Daigle, 2016 From coast to coast: Public Therefore, this study To evaluate the public Both the Likert-scale (Fig. One way to influence the
Philippe perception of ocean- examined whether the perception of benefits 1A) and BWS questions (Fig. development of
Archambault, derived benefits in Canada apparent implicit provided by the ocean, a 1B) revealed that Clean environmental po licies that
Wolfgang government policy that market research company Waters is considered, on are broadly accepted is to
Haider, Sergio favours extraction over was used to distribute an average, more important than bring a wide array of
Fernández- conservation reflects the online survey to a other benefits by Canadians. perspectives to the table.
Lozada, values of the Canadian representative cross- Aboriginal Needs was Our survey of Canadians
Kimberly Irwin, public. Ten ocean-derived section of Canadians in consistently considered the included frequent and
Isabelle M. Côté benefits were considered, each of five regions least important benefit (Fig. occasional users of the
which corresponded (n≅400 respondents per 1A,B). In the two-class LCA, marine environment and
approximately to the 10 region): British the most and least important yielded three key insights
goods and services Columbia (BC), the ocean benefits remained the about the importance of
considered in the Ocean Prairies (PR; Alberta, same, but the ranking of ocean-derived benefits.
Health Index but were Saskatchewan and benefits of intermediate First, Canadians rank Clean
customized to reflect a Manitoba), Ontario importance varied between Waters as the most
Canadian context. Two (ON), Quebec (QC), and latent classes (Fig. 1C). Food important ocean-derived
approaches were used: a the Atlantic provinces Provision and Coastal benefit. Second, Canadians
Likert 5-point importance (AT; New Brunswick, Livelihoods ranked 2nd and are not homogeneous. Two
question and a Nova Scotia, Prince 3rd, respectively, for Class 1, groups emerge whose
complementary BWS Edward Island, and but were 6th and 7th for Class divergent ocean preferences
experiment, to measure the Newfoundland). There 2. Conversely, Biodiversity are linked to age,
importance accorded to were not enough and Carbon Storage ranked geography, environmental
each benefit by a broad potential respondents 2nd and 4th, respectively, for engagement and political
sample of 2000 Canadians residing in Canada's Class 2, but ranked 5th and affiliation. Third, in spite of
distributed from the northern territories in the 8th for Class 1. The other these differences, most
Pacific to the Atlantic database to include this benefits varied little in Canadians ranked non
coasts. Latent-class region relative importance between extractive ocean benefits
analysis was used to classes. Members of Class 1 more highly than extractive
identify cohorts of (52.3% of respondents) were benefits. These results have
respondents with similar more likely to be from the direct implications for the
attitudes and examine the Atlantic provinces and less public support that should
socio-economic and likely to be from BC (Table be expected for different
attitudinal predictors of S3). Sixty percent of management strategies for
cohort membership. respondents from the Atlantic Canada's oceans
provinces, compared to only Canadians generally agreed
47.3% of BC respondents, on the extremes of the
were assigned Class 1. importance ranking: Clean
Members of Class 1 were also Waters and Aboriginal
more likely to eat seafood Needs. Interestingly, Clean
frequently, less likely to be a Water was also ranked first
member of an ENGO (27.8% in a survey of experts to
were), more likely to be prioritise health indices for
older, and to support the the California Current, but
Conservative Party of Canada Sense of Place, equivalent
(67.5%). They were less to Iconic Places and Species
likely to support the New in this study, ranked a close
Democratic or the Green second [19], in comparison
Party (35.6%). to its intermediate-to-low
importance in this study.
This difference in priorities
might arise from cultural
(Canada vs west coast USA)
or methodological
(elicitation of expert vs
public opinion) differences
16 Sabrina 2016 Salt Intake and Health In Bangladesh about 20 The study was conducted  In Chakaria many farmers  Our study revealed that
Rasheed, A. K. Risk in Climate Change million people are at high in Chakaria (sub district)- are involved in salt salt is as an essential
Siddique, Vulnerable Coastal risk of hypertension due to a rural area of the production from sea water component of food with
Tamanna Bangladesh: What Role climate change induced Southeastern coastal during dry season. The strong cultural and
Sharmin, A. M. Do Beliefs and Practices saline intrusion in water region of Bangladesh locally produced unrefined religious roots. The deep
R. Hasan, S. M. Play? during April-June 2011. salt is bought by the salt rooted values and
A. Hanifi, M. Chakaria has an existing refineries, salt vendors (for meanings associated with
Iqbal, Abbas health and demographic local market) and villagers use of salt in food indicate
Bhuiya surveillance system (for household that implementation of salt
(HDSS) run by Centre consumption). During the reduction strategies in our
for Diarrhoeal Disease dry season villagers study community will be a
Research, Bangladesh purchase enough unrefined challenge. In the study
(icddr,b) and a quarterly salt to last a year from the community people
survey of health and farmers. Salt farmers also described both health
demographic events are keep enough salt for yearly benefits and risks related
collected through the household consumption and to salt intake. Some of the
HDSS. The total HDSS often supply relatives with positive perceptions have
area is about 288 KM. the khola lobon (unrefined been influenced by public
About half of the HDSS salt). The unrefined salt is health promotion of
area belongs to lowlying priced at 3 to 4 taka/kg iodized salt and oral
coastal area and the rest during production season rehydration solution. The
of the area has plain land and 5–6 taka/ kg during off few negative perceptions
and hilly area. season. Along with were also influenced by
Availability of the HDSS unrefined salt both refined preventive messages from
allowed us to sample iodized and refined non- the health care providers
respondents for our iodized salt are available in for those with
quantitative study. the local market. A kg of hypertension. The cultural
Details of the study area refined iodized salt costs perspectives such as
and the 2 HDSS have between 20–25 taka beliefs and practices
been provided elsewhere whereas refined non- presented in this study
iodized costs between 10– have, to our knowledge,
12 taka. Mostly people use never been previously
that khola lobon (unrefined reported in Bangladesh.
salt) in food preparation. Understanding the existing
 Respondents explained that perceptions and beliefs
salt was an integral element that affect the patterns of
of food and the taste salt use by the community
enhancing property of salt will contribute in
is the reason why salt is designing strategies for
used in food. The reduction of salt intake at
respondents’ usual diet community-level.
consisted of rice (Bhaat) Historically, salt has
and curry which is often played an important role
flavored with oil, spices, in human society. The
chilli and salt. Absence of value placed on salt is
chilli, spice and oil from evident by its use in
curry was considered religious ceremonies,
acceptable but not the cuisines and premise to
absence of salt. One conquer land [26]. In the
respondent perceived Indian subcontinent,
expensive foods as introduction of salt taxes
‘tasteless’ and ‘useless’ in led to the movement
absence of adequate salt. against British colonial
The amount of salt used in rule that culminated in
food preparation depends independence of India in
on individual preference. 1947 [27]. Respondents in
According to respondents our study described the
 Most of the participants religious and cultural
thought that salt was significance of salt in their
beneficial for health and did community.
not cause any harm. Those
who perceived salt as
harmful for health only
mentioned table salt rather
than salt used for cooking.
A few respondents thought
that table salt is harmful for
those with specific illnesses
and not everyone

17 Maiko Sakamoto 2017 Saline Drinking Water and Saline Drinking Water and This section describes  Time series clustering was One-third of the monitored
Salt in Diet: An Salt in Die basic information of the applied to the collected tube wells contained more
Approximate Picture of the study site, procedure of salinity data of tube wells. sodium than the tolerable
Situation in a Coastal Area data collection regarding The result of hierarchical level for people in terms of
of Southeastern salinity level mon itoring clustering based on the taste. However, the mean
Bangladesh and household diet defined distances between salinity level across all
survey, and time series time series data is shown as monitored tube wells was
clustering for processing the dendrogram of 58 much lower than this during
and visualizing the sample tube wells in Fig. 2 the monitoring period even
obtained salinity data. The remaining tube wells though this was the most
did not contain sodium. The salt-intensive season (dry
number of clusters was season). Maybe because of
determined at the level with the low level of mean
six clusters based on salinity, only 7 households
explicit division by height used other households’ tube
of the dendrogram (Fig. 2). wells for drinking water and
Figure 3 shows the time all other households
series of the salinity levels continued to use their own
for each cluster, which tube wells. The salinity
consists of 58 samples, and level seemed to vary
the number of tube wells in depending on the depth of
each cluster is given beside tube wells, and those deeper
the cluster number in than 200 m were likely to be
brackets. The amounts of salinity free (see Fig. 6).
rainfall in the region three Even if households felt their
days and seven days before water was too salty during a
measurement are also certain period in a year, they
shown under the salinity were able to use other
level graph. households’ tube wells for a
 Figure 4 shows the spatial while and manage during
distribution of the clusters the most salt-intensive
identified above. The time. However, analysis of
clusters appear to have the spatial pattern of the
spatial cohesion. Salinity- depth of tube wells showed
free tube wells (cluster 0, a similarity among tube well
42 wells), are distributed depths within
from one side of the neighborhoods, so some
Chakaria study area to the communities may suffer
other. Figure 5 shows the more broadly from saline
spatial distribution of tube water and need to get water
well profiles. It shows that from a long distance away.
the depths of tube wells These could be poor
tend to be similar in a given communities since wealthier
neighborhood. Figure 6 people tend to have deeper
shows depthaverage salinity tube wells that are more
relationship. It indicates likely to be free from
that the depth of tube wells salinity and economic status
can be clearly classified into of households seemed to
the two categories— have regional similarity.
shallow tube wells with the
depth smaller than 100 m
and deep tube wells with
the depth larger than 200 m

18 Ariana E. 2018 Conservation of Wetlands Impacts to human health Sampling activities were For wetlands specifically, To be clear, we are not
Sutton-Grier & and Other Coastal via damage to ecosystem carried out at the four there is limited but growing suggesting that disaster
Paul A. Sandifer Ecosystems: a services from disasters lake dams in the year evidence that they do help managers, and in particular
Commentary on their have rarely been 2014. Ten samples of prevent disease transmission, first responders, should
Value to Protect considered in disaster dam water were collected although this function has not change their focus from
Biodiversity, Reduce planning or mitigation, nor at each earthen dam in a been linked specifically to providing immediate help
Disaster Impacts, and have the health benefits pre-acid washed glass biodiversity but more to and care for people who are
Promote Human Health been part of the framework bottles and acidified wetland presence and area. struggling to find safety,
and Well-Being for planning urban immediately For example, De Jesus food, shelter, and medical
greenspaces and land-use Crespo et al. (2018) (in this care. But for longer-term
issue) found a relationship recovery from major storms
between the occurrence of or oil spills, which often
dengue and the presence of takes months to years, it
wetlands in neighborhoods in could be useful for disaster
San Juan Bay Estuary response efforts to
(SJBE), Puerto Rico. Dengue incorporate access to
occurrence was lower in healthy coastal ecosystems
neighborhoods with higher to support mental
wetland cover even after restoration and reduce
controlling for population anxiety and stress among
density and other socio- disaster victims. And in the
economic aspects. Similarly, pre-disaster planning phase,
Skaff and Cheruvelil (2016) it would be useful to
reported that incidence of consider the roles that
West Nile Virus in humans healthy coastal wetlands and
was lower in US counties other ecosystems play in
with higher average wetland promoting community
size compared to those with resilience and human health.
lower wetland size, but These benefits are often
apparent wetland effects were overlooked or given little
also related to the dominant attention in disaster
species of mosquito vector planning and response.
and drought status. Lamb et
al. (2017) determined that
when seagrasses were present
there was a 50% reduction in
bacterial pathogens capable
of causing disease in humans
and marine organisms.
19 Thomas R. 2018 Linking Water We defined To apply an integrative  Increased tidal flooding After demonstration,
Allen, Thomas Infrastructure, Public “Susceptibility” as the perspective, we frequency and king tide participants were able to
Crawford, Health, and Sea Level degree to which a system operationalized key magnitudes may shift utilize the provided online
Burrell Montz, Rise: Integrated is open, liable, or sensitive concepts to enable baselines such that today’s susceptibility index and
Jessica Assessment of Flood to climate stimuli, like participating high tides become the resilience matrix tools with
Whitehead, Resilience in Coastal sensitivity, with communities to assess average low tides in the ease. It proved valuable to
Susan Lovelace, Cities connotations toward hazard exposure and future. The number of days station project team
Armon D. damage and/or disruption identify risks. of tidal flooding is to a members with each group
Hanks, Ariel R. or reduced level of service “Exposure” to a given great degree wired into the working on sectors to
Christensen, or function (cf. Cardona et coastal threat is system and increasing. support their access and
and Gregory D. al., 2012). This term operationalized as a Similarly, marine technical steps employing
Kearney augments our operational quantitative measure of inundation may intrude the web-based spreadsheets.
concept of “Vulnerability” assets, infrastructure, or saline waters into pipes In particular, participants
or the degree to which a population where a causing increased corrosion. noted the GIS maps
system is susceptible to, or coastal flood may occur, Tailwater will increase into enhanced their ability to fill
unable to cope with, a necessary first step to storm drains and reduce the out the susceptibility
adverse effects of climate quantifying resilience capacity of drains to convey matrices. In addition, by
change, including climate stormwater in high tides or using Google Forms format
variability and extremes— elevated water levels. Even for matrix input, participants
a function of the character, with just 20 cm of relative were able to more easily
magnitude, and rate of SLR, however, risk maps share information in real
climate variation to which reveal that some low-lying time across groups.
a system is exposed, areas of sewage service However, participants in
may experience salinization the first round of exercises
of soils, affecting pipes did request more specific
exposed to brackish assistance with how to
groundwater and the ground benchmark resilience
level of two pump stations judgments in the 4 × 4
under at high tides in matrix based on the
Morehead City The literature to reduce
geospatial approach subjectivity, and this
encountered accuracy component was added to the
limitations in the LiDAR second round of tabletop
DEM that required exercise testing. One of the
additional hydro- major benefits of the
conditioning and resilience matrix in our
corrections. Over 200 exercise was the tiered
corrections were applied by assessment by sectors,
manual and semiautomated which retained detail and
GIS data editing, which incremental variation.
improved the representation Decision makers were able
of ditches, culverts, swales, to assess their organization
and microtopography in the infrastructure and function
flood conditions. Along up or down the scale as
with these corrections needed. The process of
protocols and potential for evaluation for the tabletop
improved LiDAR or included approximately 30
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle min of debriefing and
(UAV) mapping of low- discussion
relief coastal topography
(Allen & Howard, 2015),
 participants with lower
income showed lower
mental health than those
with higher socioeconomic
status (0.036 vs. 0.045 for
high and low-income
participants, respectively);
and respondents with low
income were significantly
associated with bad
physical health, while
higher one were not.
20 Sophie L. Wood, 2016 Exploring the Relationship Childhood Obesity and The availability of a  The NCMP and coastal White et al (2014) showed a
Philippe R. between Childhood Proximity to the Coast relevant, small-area proximity data were first strong proximity gradient
Demougin, Obesity and Proximity to dataset (from the NCMP) explored using simple for physically active coastal
Sahran Higgins, the Coast: A Rural/Urban provided the opportunity descriptive statistics; Figure visits in England among
Kerryn Husk, Perspective for a cross-sectional 1 plots mean obesity adults (see also Elliott et al.,
Benedict W. ecological approach prevalence by coastal 2015) and a similar
Wheeler, based on a very large proximity. Initial possibility could be
Mathew White sample, with which to assessment of the hypothesised for children.
examine the association association between Indeed 17% of visits to
between childhood childhood obesity and natural settings in England
obesity and coastal coastal proximity suggests are with children under 16
proximity that the mean childhood years old (contact authors
obesity prevalence is lowest for further details) so it is
0-1 km from the coast at possible that the adult
18.03%. pattern is replicated in more
 Modification of the coastal visits among
association between children living near the
childhood obesity and coast (outside of urban
coastal proximity by conurbations). The
urban/rural category was explanation for the lack of
indicated by a likelihood association in urban
ratio test (p<0.001). conurbations, contrasting
with proximity gradients
observed for smaller urban
and rural areas, can only be
speculated upon here. It is
possible that for children in
larger urban areas, access to
coastal environments is
more challenging, despite
residential proximity.
Studies in several countries
have suggested that
perceptions of safety and
independent mobility may
be greater for children in
more rural areas than in
cities (Kyttä, 2002; Jones et
al., 2000), and these may
therefore present barriers to
access in urban
conurbations. It could also
be that the physical
characteristics of coastal
environments in larger
urban areas are less
amenable to supporting or
promoting children’s
activity. Cetateanu and
Jones (2014) observed an
association between this
childhood obesity measure
and area density of
unhealthy food outlets; it is
possible that the distribution
of these outlets in larger
urban areas could negate
any benefits of coastal
proximity. Lastly, findings
in both rural and urban areas
are subject to the limitations
of the study design and the
relatively coarse spatial
resolution of the data. These
limitations may play a role
in the differences found
between area types, and
these are explored further

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