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Name : 1) Zubaedah ( SMPN 1 Gajah )

2) Ajeng Wahyu Anggita ( SMP IT Roudhotus Sholihin Sayung)

3) Luluk Hidayati ( SMP N 3 Wedung )

4) Sukmo Nugroho Winurcito ( SMP N 3 Dempet)

5 ) Risa Taurina ( SMP N 3 Bonang)

Lembar Kerja Peserta 3E2
Seleksi Bahan Bacaan
Kategori Keterpakaian
No. Judul Alasan Easy Challenging Difficul Adopsi Adaptasi Dipakai/ Catatan
t Tidak

1 Chirping Chirp 1.Guna challenging adaptasi Membantu

mengembangk membentuk
an minat kepercayaan diri
bacasiswa siswa dalam
2. siswa dapat
mencari kata
kata yang
dianggap sulit/
2 The Ant and the Dove Siswa mampu easy adopsi Siswa diharapkan
membaca dan dapat memahami
membangun makna yang
kecintaan akan terkandung dalam
membaca cerita tersebut,
dan dapat
dijalankan dalam
kehidupan sehari

3 The Town Mouse and The Siswa dapat challenging adaptasi Siswa di
Country Mouse mempelajari harapkan
bentuk Verb dapat
II dalam memahami
bacaan maksud dan
tersebut alur cerita
Siswa dapat dalam bacaan
mencari dan tersebut
menemukan Siswa di
arti kata kata harapkan
yang sulit mampu
dalam bacaan menguasai
tersebut perubahan
Siswa dapat bentuk “Verb
mempelajari II”
penggunaan Siswa di
“Pronoun”da harapkan
lam bacaan mampu
tersebut menguasai
m kalimat.

4 A Cold Place to Live Siswa dapat easy adopsi Siswa di

mempelajar harapkan
i “Present dapat
Tense memahami
dalam maksud dan
bacaan alur cerita
tersebut dalam bacaan
Siswa dapat tersebut
mencari Siswa di
dan harapkan
menemukan mampu
arti kata menguasai
kata yang materi
sulit dalam “Present
bacaan Tense”

5 A Butterfly’s Life

6 Amazing Ants

7 A Frog’s Life Cycle

8 A Kangaroo’s Life Cycle

Modul Pelatihan Praktik yang Baik di SMP dan MTs III 203
Lembar Kerja Peserta 3E1a
Teks 1
Lembar Kerja Peserta 3E1b
Teks 2
The Ant and the Dove

One day, an Ant went to the river to drink some water, but unfortunately he fell into the water and was just
about to lose his life. That moment, a Dove saw him and, eager to save his life, threw a bough on the water, so
that the Ant should climb on it. Soon, the Ant was out of any danger. He was very grateful to the Dove for
saving his life, so, one day, when the Dove was in danger, too, because a hunter intended to shot at her, the
Ant stung him in the foot. The hunter dropped his gun because of the pain, and the Dove flew away in a

One good deed is rewarded with another good deed.

Lembar Kerja Peserta 3E1c
Teks 3
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

A Mouse living in the countryside, invited his cousin who lived in a big town to spend some time in her modest
home. She agreed and they spent a great time together, despite the modest conditions they lived in. Nothing
ever seemed to trouble their peace and harmony. Before returning to her home, the Town Mouse asked the
Country Mouse to come with her. As the Town Mouse described the city life full of surprises and luxury, her
cousin was very curious to see all that herself, so she said „Yes”. They traveled together to the Town Mouse's
house and everything was indeed as described with lots of food and fun. But, at the same time, many dangers
that the Country Mouse wasn’t made aware of. A cat tried to catch them while they were eating, then a dog
barked at them, so the Country Mouse decided immediately to return home and never come back.
“I’d rather live in poverty, but in peace. What’s the use of having plenty of food and lots of dangers, too?”, she
said happy to be back home.

Better a peaceful life in poverty, than luxury at the cost of losing your life.
Lembar Kerja Peserta 3E1d

Teks 4

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