Anda di halaman 1dari 124


Pelajaran Judul Halaman

1 Senang Berkenalan Dengan Anda………………………………………………………….. 2

2 Sampai Bertemu Lagi!……………………………………………………………………………. 8

3 Ada Berapa Pelajaran?................................................................................ 12

4 Kapan Pulang Dari Singapura?.................................................................... 18

5 Mau Titip Pesan Untuk Dia?....................................................................... 24

6 Ini Anak Bungsu Kami…………………………………………………………………………….. 30

7 Apakah Itu Pedas?...................................................................................... 36

8 Berapa Harga Satu Ikat?………………………………………………………………………… 42

9 Ada Berapa Kamar?.................................................................................... 48

10 Ibu Mau Lemari Ini Di Mana?..................................................................... 54

11 Saya Mau Pergi ke Bank…………………………………………………………………………. 60

12 Di Mana Loketnya?..................................................................................... 66

13 Saya Mau Booking Tiket Untuk Ke Medan……………………………………………. 72

14 Minggu Lalu Kami Berlibur Ke Bali………………………………………………………….. 78

15 Ibu Sedang Apa?......................................................................................... 84

16 Ada Acara Apa?.......................................................................................... 90

17 Kerja Sebagai Apa Di Sana?........................................................................ 96

18 Mau Cari Keringat Ya?................................................................................ 102

19 Bapak Sakit Apa?........................................................................................ 108

20 Riwayat Hidup……………………………………………………………………………………….. 114

Lampiran A Pembelit Lidah Indonesia ………………………………………………………………………. 117

Lampiran B Lagu-Lagu Anak Indonesia……………………………………………………………………… 121

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the letters below. Then see if you can repeat the names of
each letter correctly.

Abjad (Huruf Dalam Bahasa Indonesia)

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr
Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz

Note that just like in English, the names of the letters and the sounds they make are not
always the same. You will learn to pronounce the sounds of each in future lessons.

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Aji berkenalan dan bercakap-cakap dengan Mark.

Aji : Selamat siang.

Mark : Selamat siang, Pak.
Aji : Boleh saya berkenalan?
Mark : Tentu boleh!
Aji : Nama saya Aji. Siapa nama Anda?
Mark : Nama saya Mark…. Eh, maaf. Bisa eja nama Bapak?
Aji : A-J-I, Aji.
Mark : Baik, Pak Aji. Saya senang berkenalan dengan Anda.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Aji : Saya juga senang berkenalan dengan Anda.

Mark : Terima kasih!
Aji : Terima kasih kembali. Mari!

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Indonesians divide the day into four parts roughly based on the following times:

Division Approximate Time

Pagi 4 am—10 am
Siang 10 am—3 pm
Sore 3 pm—6 pm
Malam 6 pm—4 am

To greet someone, simply use the word selamat in front of the word for the appropriate
time of day. While selamat literally means “safe” or “secure”, it is used in a wide range of
greetings to wish a person well. Below are some of the most common:

1. Selamat : _____________________________________________________
2. Selamat pagi : _____________________________________________________
3. Selamat siang : _____________________________________________________
4. Selamat sore : _____________________________________________________
5. Selamat malam : _____________________________________________________
6. Selamat datang : _____________________________________________________
7. Selamat ulang tahun : _____________________________________________________
8. Selamat Idul Fitri : _____________________________________________________
9. Selamat Natal : _____________________________________________________
10. Selamat Tahun Baru : _____________________________________________________

Note that if you are greeting an adult, you will typically add the title Bapak/Pak (for men), or Ibu/
Bu (for women) following the greeting.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Not all greetings begin with selamat, however. Below are some others frequently used in

11. Halo/Hai : _____________________________________________________

12. Apa kabar? : _____________________________________________________
13. Sedang apa? : _____________________________________________________
14. Ngapain aja? : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Selamat siang, Pak

pagi Bu
sore Mas
malam Mbak

B. Nama saya Aji

aku Mark

C. Siapa nama Anda?


Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Look at the question words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of
the words. Then ask and answer several questions with your instructor using objects in the room.

As a new language learner, one of the first grammar concepts you should be aware of is
how to ask questions. Over the next few lessons we will discuss some of the most basic question
words and phrases.

• Apa? = What?

Apa ini?
Ini pena.

Ini buku.

Apa itu? Itu kursi.

Itu meja.

*Note: The phrase “Apa kabar?” literally means “What’s the news?” (How are you?). Hence the
use of the word apa.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

• Siapa? = Who?
Indonesians do not use different words for subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
However, there are other distinctions you will need to be aware of:

Bahasa Indonesia Person English Pronouns

Saya 1st, singular, formal I, me, my
Aku 1st, singular, familiar I, me, my
Anda 2nd, singular, formal You, your
Kamu 2nd, singular, familiar You, your
Dia 3rd, singular She/he, her/him, her/his, hers/his
Kami 1st, plural, exclusive We, us, our
Kita 1st, plural, inclusive We, us, our
Kalian 2nd, plural, familiar You all
Mereka 3rd, plural They, them, their

Siapa dia? Dia guru di sekolah kami.

Siapa itu? Itu ibu saya.
Siapa mereka? Mereka teman-teman saya.

Siapa nama Anda? Nama saya _____________.

Nama Anda siapa?

Siapa nama Bapak? Nama saya _____________.

Nama Bapak siapa?

Siapa nama dia? Nama dia ______________.

Nama dia siapa?

Siapa nama mereka? Nama mereka _____, _____, dan _____

Nama mereka siapa?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Titles are very important in Indonesian culture. You have learned several of the most com-
mon ones today, but many tribes in Indonesia will also have their own unique titles in addition to
these. Because the correct title often depends on whether the person you are addressing is older
than you, do not be surprised if people often ask you how old you are or what they should call
you. They are simply trying to determine which title to use so that they can show you appropriate

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Go for a walk around your neighborhood before your next class. Use an appropriate
greeting to “say hello” to anyone you meet. If you have opportunity, be sure to exchange names.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the vowel in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct vowel sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

Bahasa Indonesia is generally a very phonetic language, and most letters have only one
possible sound. The vowel /a/, for example, always sounds like the “a” in “father.”


Beginning Middle Ending Double Multiple

abu datang tiba maaf apa
adil malam peka saat anak
asin iman bina taat mana
air pasar lusa kesukaan rasa
amis ramah rupa keadaan Amerika
ahli tambal bela perusahaan Jakarta

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Lucy berkenalan dengan Hera dan bicara tentang tempat tinggal.

Lucy : Selamat siang.

Hera : Selamat siang, Bu.
Lucy : Kenalkan, nama saya Lucy. Siapa nama Anda?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Hera : Nama saya Hera. Senang berkenalan dengan Anda, Lucy.

Anda berasal dari mana?
Lucy : Saya berasal dari Amerika Serikat.
Hera Oo... Anda tinggal di mana?
Lucy : Saya tinggal di Way Halim. Kalau Anda?
Hera : Saya tinggal di Kedaton. Maaf, saya permisi dulu. Sampai bertemu
Lucy : Sampai bertemu lagi! Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

In the last class, you learned to use selamat for several greetings. However, selamat can
also be used in certain phrases to take leave. Below are some of the most common:

1. Selamat jalan : _____________________________________________________

2. Selamat tinggal : _____________________________________________________
3. Selamat bekerja : _____________________________________________________
4. Selamat makan : _____________________________________________________

Note that selamat pagi as well as the other times of day can also be used when taking
leave. However, not all forms of taking leave use the word selamat. Several other possibilities
are listed below:

5. Mari : _____________________________________________________
6. Sampai bertemu lagi : _____________________________________________________
7. Sampai jumpa lagi : _____________________________________________________
8. Sampai besok : _____________________________________________________
9. Sampai nanti : _____________________________________________________
10. Hati-hati : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Saya berasal dari Amerika Serikat.

Arab Saudi
Dakota Selatan

B. Anda tinggal di mana?


C. Saya tinggal di Way Halim?

Bandar Lampung
Jalan Kartini
rumah teman
belajar di Connect

Look at the question words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of
the words. Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Last time, you began learning the basic question words apa and siapa. Today we will look
at the next question word: di mana.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

• Di mana? = Where?

Anda tinggal di mana? Saya tinggal di _____________.

Di mana Anda tinggal?

Anda bekerja di mana? Saya bekerja di _____________.

Di mana Anda bekerja?

Anda belajar di mana? Saya belajar di _____________.

Di mana Anda belajar?

Anda sekolah/kuliah di mana? Saya kuliah di _____________.

Di mana Anda sekolah/kuliah? Saya sekolah di _____________.

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

When you meet Indonesians on the street, it is quite common for them to ask, “Where
are you going?” (Mau ke mana?). This, and many other common questions (Where do you live?
How tall are you? etc), may seem too personal or prying to those from western countries, but
don’t worry. Culturally this is just small talk, much like “How are you?”. You don’t need to give a
specific or detailed answer.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Go for another walk around your neighborhood. Try to meet at least 2-3 people by shar-
ing your name and where you are from. Be sure to greet them with the correct titles and take
leave appropriately before you walk away.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the vowel in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct vowel sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /e/ is the only vowel in Bahasa Indonesia that has multiple sounds. It can sound
similar to the schwa in English (“uh”) or it can sound more like a short e (“eh”).

/e/ (pronounced “uh”)

Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

empat selamat ide bertemu
embun belajar kode generasi
entah senang animisme menerima

/e/ (pronounced “eh”)

Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

enak preman sate ejek
esa beda jahe pendek
elok becak Ade becek

Mixed /e/ (“uh” and “eh”)

sepeda seekor membela kereta api

menengok melewati jendela Desember

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Pak Ilham bertemu dengan teman dia, Justin. Ilham bertanya tentang kelas Justin.

Pak Ilham : Halo, Justin. Apa kabar?

Justin : Selamat pagi, Pak Ilham. Kabar baik. Bagaimana kabar Pak Ilham?
Pak Ilham : Baik. Justin belajar Bahasa Indonesia, ya?
Justin : Ya pak.
Pak Ilham : Belajar di mana?
Justin : Belajar di Connect, pak.
Pak Ilham : Sudah berapa pelajaran?
Justin : Hari ini pelajaran ketiga.
Pak Ilham : Ada berapa pelajaran?
Justin : Di Unit 1 ada 20 pelajaran, pak.
Pak Ilham : Baik. Selamat belajar!
Justin : Terima kasih, pak. Mari.
Pak Ilham : Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Numbers in Bahasa Indonesia work much like those in English. You will need to memorize
the numbers from zero to ten below:

0 : ______________ 4 : ______________ 8 : ______________

1 : ______________ 5 : ______________ 9 : ______________
2 : ______________ 6 : ______________ 10 : ______________
3 : ______________ 7 : ______________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

To form the teens, simply add the word belas to the basic numbers. Note that eleven is an
exception. The prefix se– with numbers always means “one.”

11 : ______________ 14 : ______________ 17 : ______________

12 : ______________ 15 : ______________ 18 : ______________
13 : ______________ 16 : ______________ 19 : ______________

Twenty and other groups of ten are formed by adding the word puluh to the basic num-
ber. Note that the number ten is repeated here to help demonstrate the pattern.

10 : ______________ 40 : ______________ 70 : ______________

20 : ______________ 50 : ______________ 80 : ______________
30 : ______________ 60 : ______________ 90 : ______________

The remaining numbers can be formed using the same principles and the other words be-
belas : _____________________________________________________
puluh : _____________________________________________________
ratus : _____________________________________________________
ribu : _____________________________________________________
juta : _____________________________________________________

See the examples below for how to combine numbers. Note than in Bahasa Indonesia the
(.) and the (,) swap places.

39 : tiga puluh sembilan

72 : tujuh puluh dua
158 : seratus lima puluh delapan
643 : enam ratus empat puluh tiga
4.960 : empat ribu sembilan ratus enam puluh
51.072 : lima puluh satu ribu tujuh puluh dua
2.750.000 : dua juta tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu
18.003.400 : delapan belas juta tiga ribu empat ratus

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Not all numbers, however, are whole numbers. Pay attention to the patterns in the frac-
tions below as well as the one exception. As before, an initial 1 can also be written using the pre-
fix se-.
1/4 satu per empat seperempat
1/3 satu per tiga sepertiga
1/2 satu per dua setengah (not seperdua)
1 5/6 satu lima per enam
2 7/8 dua tujuh per delapan

To form ordinal numbers, simply add ke– to the number. Note that the number one is an
1st : pertama pelajaran pertama
2nd : kedua kelas kedua
3rd : ketiga unit ketiga
4th : keempat buku keempat

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Hari ini pelajaran ketiga.

keempat belas
kedua puluh

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

B. Ada berapa pelajaran?


C. Di Unit 1 ada 20 pelajaran, pak.

Unit 6 18 orang
buku 9 7 bagian
kelas 2 SMA 5 kelas
kelas 3 SMP 4 guru

Look at the question words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of
the words. Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

The next question word we will look at is berapa. Note that this question is generally used
whenever a number answer is expected, even if the English translation would use “what” rather
than “how many”.

• Berapa (banyak)? = How many/much?

Ada berapa? Ada _____________.

Berapa harganya? Harganya _____________.
Ada berapa murid di kelas? Ada _____________.
Kamu kelas berapa? Saya kelas _____________.
Anda semester berapa? Saya semester _____________.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Because Indonesians are more relationally focused than task focused, you will find that
“precision” takes on a much different meaning here. This is especially true when dealing with
numbers. In many cases, being exact is simply not considered important. Do not be surprised
when numbers are approximated or rounded off in Indonesia when a more exact number would
be expected in a Western culture.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Ask a friend or someone in your family to write down 10 numbers of varying lengths. Then
try to read the numbers without looking at your notes. Finally, write down the numbers using

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the vowel in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct vowel sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /i/ in Bahasa Indonesia sounds like a long “e” in English.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

itu naik jadi gigi
ilmu air mandi iris
ide terima lari piring
induk kasih berani permisi
iseng manis berhenti Inggris
ikrar tinggal mengerti Indonesia

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Imas bertemu tetangganya, Ibu Cempaka, pada hari Minggu setelah beberapa hari tidak

Imas : Selamat sore, Bu.

Ibu Cempaka : Selamat sore, Imas. Apa kabar?
Imas : Baik bu. Kapan ibu pulang dari Singapura?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Ibu Cempaka : Baru kemarin.

Imas : Hari Sabtu?
Ibu Cempaka : Bukan. Saya pulang hari Jumat malam.
Imas : Oo….eh, maaf ya bu. Saya permisi dulu. Ada acara jam lima sore.
Ibu Cempaka : Baik. Hati-hati ya, Imas?
Imas : Ya bu! Mari.
Ibu Cempaka : Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

To talk about basic periods of time in Bahasa Indonesia, you will need the following
hari : _____________________________________________________
minggu : _____________________________________________________
bulan : _____________________________________________________
tahun : _____________________________________________________

The days of the week are listed below. Note that some Indonesian calendars begin with
Monday as the first day of the week. The column on the right shows how to refer to a particular
day relative to today (hari ini).

Senin : ______________ Tiga hari yang lalu

Selasa : ______________ Dua hari yang lalu
Rabu : ______________ Kemarin
Kamis : ______________ Hari ini
Jumat : ______________ Besok
Sabtu : ______________ Lusa
Minggu: ______________ Tiga hari yang akan datang

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Months in Bahasa Indonesia are quite recognizable for English speakers. Just pay careful
attention to the differences in spelling.

Januari Mei September

Februari Juni Oktober
Maret Juli November
April Agustus Desember

The pattern for referencing weeks/months/years relative to the current one is shown be-
low. Note the similarities and differences with the pattern for relative days.

Tiga minggu/bulan/tahun yang lalu

Dua minggu/bulan/tahun yang lalu
Minggu/bulan/tahun lalu
Minggu/bulan/tahun ini
Minggu/bulan/tahun depan
Dua minggu/bulan/tahun yang akan datang
Tiga minggu/bulan/tahun yang akan datang

To indicate a particular date, simply add the word tanggal before the number. Note that
in Indonesia the date is given before the month.

Tanggal tujuh belas Agustus

Hari Jumat tanggal tiga Mei

Dates are not the only way to indicate time, however. To talk about time on a clock, you
will need the following words:

jam : _____________________________________________________
pukul : _____________________________________________________
kurang : _____________________________________________________
lewat : _____________________________________________________

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Indonesia also has three different time zones, outlined below, that are frequently used
when telling time.

Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB) Sumatra, Java, West Kalimantan

Waktu Indonesia Tengah (WITA) East Kalimantan, Bali, NTB, NTT, Sulawesi
Waktu Indonesia Timur (WIT) Maluku, Papua

When stating the time, you can use jam then the number and time of day or pukul and
the corresponding 24 hour (military) time and time zone. Note that when reading the half hour
using setengah, the point of reference is the following hour rather than the preceding one. See
the examples given below.

7:00 am jam tujuh pagi pukul tujuh WIB

11:30 am jam setengah dua belas siang pukul sebelas tiga puluh WIB
3:00 pm jam tiga sore pukul lima belas WIB
8:30 pm jam setengah sembilan malam pukul delapan tiga puluh WIB

To give times including minutes, use kurang to read “until” the hour and lewat to read
“past” the hour.

9:15 jam sembilan lewat lima belas (menit) jam sembilan seperempat
1:45 jam dua kurang lima belas (menit) jam dua kurang seperempat
4:20 jam empat lewat dua puluh (menit)
5:55 jam enam kurang lima (menit)

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Kapan ibu pulang dari Singapura?

kembali ke Lampung
bertemu di sana
berangkat ke Eropa

B. Saya pulang hari Jumat malam.

kemarin pagi
dua bulan yang lalu
tahun depan

C. Ada acara jam lima sore.

janji setengah sembilan pagi.
kegiatan sepuluh lewat seperempat
kelas pukul dua belas WIB
Ibadah sembilan belas tiga puluh WIB

Look at the question words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of
the words. Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

The next several question words all have to do with time.

• Kapan? = When?

Kapan dia pulang? Dia pulang _____________.

Kapan kamu menikah? Saya menikah _____________.
Kapan kita berangkat? Kita berangkat jam _____________.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

• Jam berapa? = What time is it?

Jam berapa sekarang? Sekarang jam _____________.

Jam berapa kelas kamu? Kelas saya jam _____________.
Kelas kamu jam berapa?

• Berapa jam/lama? = How long?

Berapa jam kelas Anda? Kelas saya _____________.

Kelas Anda berapa jam?

Berapa lama kamu menunggu? Saya menunggu _____________.

Kamu menunggu berapa lama?

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Unlike the West, in Indonesia time is NOT money. Here relationships are the currency. As
a result, times are quite often approximate. Indonesians generally operate on what is called jam
karet (rubber time) which means that time can be stretched to accommodate a relationship or
situation. Don’t be surprised if an Indonesian shows up “late” to an appointment because they
were talking to someone. It just means that they value that relationship more than the clock. Be
aware, however, that as a foreigner, many Indonesians may expect you to be on time even if/
when they are not.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Write down 5 basic “kapan” questions that might be answered in different ways (clock
time, time of day, month, year etc.). As you go about your activities before your next class, try to
ask people that you meet an appropriate version of each question.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the vowel in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct vowel sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /o/ in Bahasa Indonesia sounds similar to a long “o” in English.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

oke boleh bakso toko
obat sore kado obor
orang kontak jago foto
oleh dosen saldo borong
ojek goyang resiko oncom
otak coba sembako jorok

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Pak Ketut menelepon Pak Bonar, tapi Pak Bonar tidak ada di tempat. Pak Ketut titip pesan
untuk dia. Kemudian Pak Bonar membalas lewat SMS/WhatsApp (WA).

Malusi : Halo?
Pak Ketut : Halo, selamat pagi. Ini dengan nomor 0895-7887-6059?
Malusi : Maaf. Salah sambung. Ini 0895-7887-6049.
Pak Ketut : Oh, maaf.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Pak Ketut : Halo, selamat pagi. Apa betul ini nomor 0895-7887-6059?
Donda : Betul. Mau bicara dengan siapa, Pak?
Pak Ketut : Boleh saya bicara dengan Pak Bonar?
Donda : Pak Bonar sedang rapat, Pak. Boleh tahu, ini dari siapa?
Pak Ketut : Dari Pak Ketut.
Donda : Pak Ketut mau titip pesan untuk dia?
Pak Ketut : Ya, tolong beri tahu dia bahwa saya menelepon!
Donda : Baik, nanti saya sampaikan.
Pak Ketut : Terima kasih.
Donda : Sama-sama.

Pak Bonar : Maaf. Tadi saya sedang rapat. Ada apa?
Pak Ketut : Ya pak. Tidak apa-apa. Saya mau izin besok.
Pak Bonar : Mengapa?
Pak Ketut : Ada acara keluarga, pak.
Pak Bonar : Baik pak. Sampai jumpa di hari Jumat.
Pak Ketut : Terima kasih, pak. Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.
Whereas English often focuses on nouns, Bahasa Indonesia is a “language of verbs.” Be-
low are several common verbs for daily conversation. Some of them you have already been intro-
duced to briefly.

1. berkenalan : _____________________________________________________
2. berasal : _____________________________________________________
3. tinggal : _____________________________________________________
4. belajar : _____________________________________________________
5. bekerja : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

6. pergi : _____________________________________________________
7. beli : _____________________________________________________
8. menikah : _____________________________________________________
9. punya : _____________________________________________________
10. bermain : _____________________________________________________
11. titip : _____________________________________________________
12. menunggu : _____________________________________________________
13. tidur : _____________________________________________________
14. pulang : _____________________________________________________
15. mandi : _____________________________________________________
16. berangkat : _____________________________________________________
17. belanja : _____________________________________________________
18. makan : _____________________________________________________
19. minum : _____________________________________________________
20. datang : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Ini dengan nomor 0895-7887-6059?

Pak Aris
Apa betul ini Ibu Tuti

B. Pak Bonar sedang rapat, Pak.

lagi tidur

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

C. Ya, tolong beri tahu dia bahwa saya menelepon!

mencari dia
Tidak, nanti saya telepon lagi
Tidak. Terima kasih.

Look at the question words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of
the words. Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

The question word “why” has two forms: mengapa (formal) and kenapa (informal).

• Mengapa/Kenapa? = Why?

Mengapa dia terlambat? Dia terlambat karena _____________.

Mengapa ibu tidak datang? Ibu tidak datang karena _____________.
Kenapa kamu tidur? Aku tidur karena _____________.

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

These days, Indonesians are more likely to text than they are to use the telephone (except
in formal situations). Texting, however, can seem to be an entirely different language upon first
glance. Indonesians will often leave out punctuation and vowels and shorten words in other ways
in order to make the process faster for them—though not necessarily for you! Take another look
at Pak Bonar’s message on the following page written in a common shorthand/“Bahasa SMS.”

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Pak Bonar : Maaftd sy lg rapat. Ada apa?

Pak Ketut : Ya pk gpp. Saya mw izin bsk
Pak Bonar : Knpa?
Pak Ketut : Ada acara klrga pk
Pak Bonar : Baik pk. Sampai jmpa di hri Jumat
Pak Ketut : Mksh pak. Mari.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Ask an Indonesian friend to practice phone conversations with you. Ideally, you should
practice by actually calling on the phone. However, if necessary, you can also practice in person
by pretending to call.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the vowel in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct vowel sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /u/ in Bahasa Indonesia sounds like the “o” in “to.”


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

ucap buah tamu buku
undang kue aku jujur
ukir cuek rindu utuh
upah kabut malu putu
uji tukang pintu untung
ular kurang bolu runtuh

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Jonathan memperkenalkan istrinya kepada Pak Teuku dan keluarganya di swalayan.

Jonathan : Selamat sore, Pak.

Pak Teuku : Selamat sore. Bagaimana kabar bapak?
Jonathan : Baik, terima kasih. Kenalkan, ini istri saya. Nama dia Eva.
Eva : Halo Pak.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Jonathan : Apakah ini keluarga bapak?

Pak Teuku : Ya, ini istri saya, Dhien, dan ini anak bungsu kami, Galang.
Jonathan : Berapa umur dia?
Pak Teuku : Baru sepuluh bulan, Pak.
Jonathan : Bapak sedang belanja?
Pak Teuku : Ya Pak. Kami permisi dulu. Mari.
Jonathan : Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Many Indonesians have large families (keluarga) with many relatives (saudara). Using the
diagram for the Balinese family below and the statements that follow, see if you can translate
these important words regarding family relationships:

Niluh Mahesa

Putu Gusti Kadek Gede Ayu Nyoman Dewi Ketut

Wayan Nengah Praba Suasti Made

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Mahesa adalah kakek Wayan. Putu adalah kakak Kadek.

Niluh adalah nenek Praba. Ketut adalah adik Putu.
Ayu dan Nyoman adalah orang tua Suasti. Made adalah cucu Niluh dan Mahesa.
Mahesa adalah ayah Ketut. Ketut adalah paman Nengah.
Niluh adalah ibu Putu. Kadek adalah bibi Made.
Gede adalah suami Kadek. Praba adalah keponakan Putu.
Dewi adalah istri Ketut. Suasti adalah sepupu Wayan.
Wayan adalah anak laki-laki Putu dan Gusti. Mahesa adalah bapak mertua Gusti.
Suasti adalah anak perempuan Ayu dan Nyoman. Niluh adalah ibu mertua Dewi.
Nyoman adalah abang Ketut. Ayu adalah kakak ipar Ketut.

1. kakek : _____________________________________________________
2. nenek : _____________________________________________________
3. orang tua : _____________________________________________________
4. bapak/ayah : _____________________________________________________
5. ibu/bunda : _____________________________________________________
6. suami : _____________________________________________________
7. istri : _____________________________________________________
8. anak : _____________________________________________________
9. laki-laki : _____________________________________________________
10. perempuan : _____________________________________________________
11. abang (kakak) : _____________________________________________________
12. kakak : _____________________________________________________
13. adik : _____________________________________________________
14. cucu : _____________________________________________________
15. paman : _____________________________________________________
16. bibi : _____________________________________________________
17. keponakan : _____________________________________________________
18. sepupu : _____________________________________________________
19. mertua : _____________________________________________________
20. ipar : _____________________________________________________

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Kenalkan, ini istri saya. Nama dia Eva.


B. Ya, ini istri saya, Dhien, dan ini anak bungsu kami, Galang.

C. Berapa umur dia?

berat badan

Look at the question words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of
the words. Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

The last two question words we will look at are bagaimana and yang mana. Both of these
are often used as “follow-up” questions to other questions or statements that have been dis-
cussed previously in a given conversation.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

• Bagaimana? = How?

Bagaimana kabar dia? Kabar dia _____________.

Bagaimana kabar istri bapak? Istri saya _____________.
Bagaimana kuliah Anda? Kuliah saya _____________.
Bagaimana makanan itu? Makanan itu _____________.
Bagaimana dia tahu itu? Dia tahu karena _____________.

• Yang* mana? = Which one?

*Note that this question is only one of the ways the word yang is used. You will learn
more about it in Lesson 18.

Yang mana motor kamu? Motor saya yang _____________.

Motor kamu yang mana?

Yang mana buku dia? Buku dia yang _____________.

Buku dia yang mana?

Yang mana ibu suka? Saya suka yang _____________.

Ibu suka yang mana?

While the two ways of phrasing the question technically mean the same thing, the first is
sometimes preferred when asking “which one” because it only has one possible meaning. The
second phrasing, however, can also be used when multiples of something exist and you want to
determine which one is being discussed. For example:

Yang mana istri bapak? “Which one is your wife”

Istri bapak yang mana? “Which one is your wife”/“Which one of your wives”

Generally the intended meaning is clear from the context of the conversation, but in cases like
the one above, the first phrasing would be preferred.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

In Indonesia it is not always common someone to voluntarily introduce their accompany-

ing friends or family to you. You may need to take the initiative to ask, “Who is this?” Alternative-
ly, you can just introduce yourself to the unknown person.
Because Indonesia is predominantly Muslim, how you introduce yourself usually depends
on the person’s gender. If the person is the same gender as you, feel free to give them a hand-
shake. Keep in mind that many Indonesians consider firm handshakes as an act of aggression, so
be prepared to shake their hand limply if that is how theirs is offered.
If the person is the opposite gender as you, you can generally just give a gentle bow of the
head and smile. You can also put your palms together in front of your chest if the situation calls
for you to be especially polite.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Map out a family tree by asking an Indonesian friend, helper, etc. the appropriate ques-
tions. You do not have to record every family member, but try to do as many as possible—being
sure to go back at least a couple of generations.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

Unlike in English, the letter /p/ in Bahasa Indonesia is not aspirated—in other words,
there is no strong release of air at the end.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

pak apa siap pupuk
pagi empat cakap papan
pulang kapan balap popok
pergi tempat tetap prinsip
pasar depan lengkap pendapat
pisang gampang rangkap penutup

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Pak Hamen pergi ke suatu restoran. Dia mau pesan makan malam.

Pelayan : Selamat malam. Bapak siap pesan?

Pak Hamen : Ya, siap.
Pelayan : Baik. Mau pesan apa?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Pak Hamen : Saya mau pesan mie goreng. Apakah itu pedas?
Pelayan : Sedang, Pak.
Pak Hamen : Baik.
Pelayan : Mau minum apa, Pak?
Pak Hamen : Saya pesan es teh manis saja.
Pelayan : Ada yang lain?
Pak Hamen : Tidak, itu saja.
Pelayan : Baik. Tunggu sebentar, ya?
Pak Hamen : Terima kasih.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Like many people, Indonesians love food! You will learn many other words related to food
in future lessons, but some important ones are given below.

1. nasi : _____________________________________________________
2. mie : _____________________________________________________
3. bihun : _____________________________________________________
4. kwetiaw : _____________________________________________________
5. ayam : _____________________________________________________
6. daging (sapi) : _____________________________________________________
7. udang : _____________________________________________________
8. ikan : _____________________________________________________
9. es : _____________________________________________________
10. hangat/panas : _____________________________________________________
11. air putih : _____________________________________________________
12. teh : _____________________________________________________
13. kopi : _____________________________________________________
14. tawar : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

15. manis : _____________________________________________________

16. pahit : _____________________________________________________
17. pedas : _____________________________________________________
18. goreng : _____________________________________________________
19. bakar : _____________________________________________________
20. rebus : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Mau pesan apa?


B. Saya mau pesan mie goreng.

ayam bakar
kopi pahit

C. Apakah itu pedas?


Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Look at the question words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of
the words. Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Unlike the previous words we have looked at, apakah only indicates a question—is not a
question in itself. It is used to indicate that what follows is a question with a yes/no answer.

• Apakah...? = Is/Are/Do...?

Apakah itu ayam? Ya. Itu ayam.

Apakah nasi goreng itu pedas? Tidak. Sedang saja.
Apakah bapak siap pesan? Ya. Saya siap.

Notice that the third example above looks different than the same question in the open-
ing dialogue. While grammatically speaking, apakah should be used when asking yes/no ques-
tions, in practice many people leave it out and just indicate a question by raising the tone at the
end of the sentence. Occasionally, some people may also shorten apakah to apa. Context will
help you know whether it is a true “what” question or a yes/no question.

Apa itu? What is that?

Apa(kah) itu manis? Is it sweet?

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

There are a wide variety of restaurants and eateries in Indonesia. You could order from a
push cart (kaki lima), a pop-up tent (warung tenda), or any manner of more permanent establish-
ments. In some places you may be given a menu and a pencil to write you own order. At other
times, you may be given an extensive menu only to find out that what you try to order is unavail-
able or sold out (habis). As you learn to navigate restaurant culture in Indonesia, try it all! Ask
friends for recommendations of different types of eateries or invite them to join so they can
show you the ropes.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Go out to eat at a local warung or restaurant before your next class. Ask the server any
questions you may have, then practice ordering in Indonesian. If possible, try to customize your

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /b/ in Bahasa Indonesia is similar to English. The main difference is that the air
in Bahasa Indonesia often comes more from the mouth than the chest. Note also that when /b/ is
at the end of the word, it is generally just used to stop the sound and resembles a /p/.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

bola ibu kitab bibi
bagi sibuk jawab bebas
bisa obat takjub sebab
beli habis wajib bubur
botol kabar tertib jilbab
bungsu ubi salib babak

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Bu Nara pergi ke pasar untuk belanja. Dia ke toko sayur dan menawar harga kangkung.

Penjual : Pagi bu. Cari apa?

Bu Nara : Saya mau beli kangkung. Berapa harga satu ikat?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Penjual : Tiga ribu rupiah, Bu.

Bu Nara : Wah, mahal sekali. Bisa kurang, Bu?
Penjual : Itu harga pas, Bu.
Bu Nara : Bagaimana kalau dua ribu rupiah?
Penjual : Mau beli berapa ikat?
Bu Nara : Saya mau beli tiga, Bu.
Penjual : Baik.
Bu Nara : Ini uangnya, Bu.
Penjual : Terima kasih. Ini kangkung ibu.
Bu Nara : Terima kasih, Bu. Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Traditional markets in Indonesia sell primarily fruits and vegetables as well as a few other
household necessities. Some of the most common are listed below.

1. kangkung : _____________________________________________________
2. bayam : _____________________________________________________
3. kol : _____________________________________________________
4. selada : _____________________________________________________
5. wortel : _____________________________________________________
6. kentang : _____________________________________________________
7. ubi (manis) : _____________________________________________________
8. bawang merah : _____________________________________________________
9. bawang putih : _____________________________________________________
10. buncis : _____________________________________________________
11. mangga : _____________________________________________________
12. pisang : _____________________________________________________
13. nanas : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

14. semangka : _____________________________________________________

15. jeruk : _____________________________________________________
16. apel : _____________________________________________________
17. alpukat : _____________________________________________________
18. telur : _____________________________________________________
19. beras : _____________________________________________________
20. minyak sayur : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Saya mau beli kangkung.

minyak goreng

B. Berapa harga satu ikat?


C. Wah, mahal sekali. Bisa kurang, Bu?

murah borong
cocok beli dua
bagus tambah sekilo

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Partitives are words that express an amount as part of a whole. You have already learned
about fractions, but grammatically, partitives often refer to how things are sold or packaged.

• Satuan = Partitives

Saya mau beli dua ikat kangkung bunch (literally “tie”)

Satu setengah kilo mangga, berapa? kilogram
Harga minyak goreng Rp 38.000 untuk satu liter. liter
Dia butuh tiga ons. 100g (miscalculation of ounce)
Ada berapa bungkus mie? pack(age)
Dia beli lima saset kopi. sachet
Berapa harga satu botol kecap manis? bottle
Mereka cari satu kotak sereal. box
Di Amerika orangorang beli telur per lusin. dozen
Keluarga saya beli dua ekor ayam. whole animal (literally “tail”)
Anak-anak saya makan satu sisir pisang. bunch (literally “comb”)
Berapa kilo dalam satu karung beras? sack

Indonesian currency is called rupiah (IDR). To count money, just add the word rupiah
after the number. Rather than a symbol like $, Rp is used to indicate currency.

• Uang = Money

Rp 6.500 : enam ribu lima ratus rupiah

Rp 21.000 : dua puluh satu ribu rupiah
Rp 340.000 : tiga ratus empat puluh ribu rupiah
Rp 8.790.000 : delapan juta tujuh ratus sembilan puluh ribu rupiah
Rp 15.830.400 : lima belas juta delapan ratus tiga puluh ribu empat
ratus rupiah

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Notice that just like in English, the (.) is a helpful indicator when reading the rupiah
amounts . Whenever it appears you should include a place value name.

Rp 15.830.400 : lima belas juta delapan ratus tiga puluh ribu empat ratus rupiah

Below are the different denominations of Indonesian Rupiah. Note that there are no frac-
tions of a rupiah. The smallest coin is 100 rupiah.

Kertas Warna Koin

Rp 1.000 kuning Rp 100
Rp 2.000 abu-abu Rp 200
Rp 5.000 jingga/oranye Rp 500
Rp 10.000 ungu Rp 1.000
Rp 20.000 hijau
Rp 50.000 biru
Rp 100.000 merah

As you can imagine, it can be difficult for newcomers to get used to all of the zeros
on Indonesian currency. It sometimes helps to remember that generally speaking the more
vivid colors are worth more and the muted ones are worth less.

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Most Indonesians shop at a traditional market (pasar). A typical market usually consists
primarily of a large open space with wooden stalls each selling a particular item. You may also
find a few proper “stores” around the edges and even tarps spread on the ground out front. In
addition to fruits and vegetables, you will also see people selling snacks, spices, beef, fish, chick-
ens, etc. While some items have a fixed price (harga pas), it is common to try and bargain for
most everything in the market.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Once you have bargained and the seller has agreed to your price, you are expected to buy
the amount/item in question. Be aware, however that in many places in Indonesia exact change
is not available. You may be asked to throw in another item to make up the difference or even
accept a slight loss. In some cases you might even be given a few pieces of candy rather than

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Take a trip to the local pasar or fruit/vegetable stand. Ask any questions you may have
and then try to negotiate and buy at least two things. Remember to greet the seller and take
leave appropriately.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /d/ in Bahasa Indonesia is also similar to English. However, it is generally not
enunciated as much as in English especially when it comes at the end of a word.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

dia Anda abad duduk
dari pada murid dada
dua mandi tekad dandan
domba tidur sujud dinding
dengan sedang masjid didih
datang pindah ustad denda

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Pak Jeff mau sewa rumah. Pertama, dia telpon agen. Lalu dia melihat rumah dan
diskusikan harga.

Pak Jeff : Selamat siang, Bu. Saya mau tanya. Ada kontrakan di Jalan
Mawar, betul?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Agen : Betul.
Pak Jeff : Ada berapa kamar?
Agen : Kamarnya tiga. Ada kamar pembantu juga.
Pak Jeff : Baik. Boleh saya lihat rumahnya besok pagi?
Agen : Bisa pak. Jam 9:00 bagaimana?
Pak Jeff : Baik Bu. Terima kasih.
Pak Jeff : Selamat pagi, Bu. Saya Pak Jeff.
Agen : Pagi, Pak Jeff. Saya Ita. Silahkan masuk.
Pak Jeff : Ada tiga kamar tidur ya Bu?
Agen : Betul. Ada tiga kamar tidur, dua kamar mandi, ruang
tamu, dapur, dan kamar pembantu.
Pak Jeff : Berapa harganya untuk satu tahun?
Agen : Dua puluh satu juta rupiah.
Pak Jeff : Ok. Saya mau diskusi dulu dengan istri saya, ya Bu?
Agen : Baik Pak.
Pak Jeff : Apakah nomor kemarin nomor kantor atau nomor Ibu?
Agen : Itu nomor kantor
Pak Jeff : Boleh saya minta nomor telepon Anda?
Agen : Nomor telepon saya 0821-4679-3685.
Pak Jeff : Terima kasih. Mari.
Pak Jeff : Selamat sore, Bu Ita. Ini Pak Jeff.
Agen : Ya, selamat sore Pak. Bagaimana?
Pak Jeff : Apakah harganya bisa turun sedikit? Bagaimana kalau dua
puluh juta saja?
Agen : Bisa, Pak. ... Kontraknya mulai bulan depan tanggal 1, ya?
Pak Jeff : Baik, Bu. … Saya ada acara besok. Apakah kita bisa tanda tangan
kontraknya lusa?
Agen : Bisa, Pak. Terima kasih.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

When renting a house, the most common questions are about price and the number and
type of rooms. The most common types of rooms are listed below.
Note that while both kamar and ruang are translated as “room,” kamar is usually used
for those whose function is more private and ruang is for those whose function is more public.

1. kamar (tidur) : ________________________________________________

2. kamar mandi : ________________________________________________
3. kamar pembantu : ________________________________________________
4. ruang tamu : ________________________________________________
5. ruang keluarga : ________________________________________________
6. ruang kerja : ________________________________________________
7. ruang makan : ________________________________________________
8. dapur : ________________________________________________
9. garasi : ________________________________________________
10. teras : ________________________________________________

In addition to these you may want to ask about the following items/services.

11. listrik : ________________________________________________

12. sumur : ________________________________________________
13. tower air : ________________________________________________
14. iuran keamanan : ________________________________________________
15. iuran kebersihan : ________________________________________________

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Ada berapa kamar?

ruang kerja

B. Boleh saya lihat rumah itu besok pagi?

sore ini
Bisa minggu depan

C. Saya mau diskusi dulu dengan istri saya, ya Bu?

bicara anak
ngobrol keluarga

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Many grammar concepts in Bahasa Indonesia work differently than they do in English.
One example is the addition of —nya to the end of words. It can function both as the definite ar-
ticle “the” or as a possessive adjective like “his/her.” Recall that you have already learned dia
which is the possessive pronoun that can also be used to demonstrate this.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

• —nya = the/his/her

The following examples show how —nya can be used as a definite article to refer to a
specific object that has either already been discussed or one that is clear to both speaker and
listener based on the context.

Itu rumahnya. That’s the house.

Dimana kamar mandinya? Where is the bathroom?
Berapa harganya? What is the price?

Similarly, the examples below demonstrate how —nya can be used to show posses-
sion. Note that all three ways of showing possession mean the same thing

Pak Jeff sewa rumah. Jeff rented a house.

Rumah Pak Jeff mahal. Jeff’s house is expensive.
Rumah dia mahal. His house is expensive.
Rumahnya mahal. His house is expensive.

Ibu Kusuma punya dapur. Kusuma has a kitchen.

Dapur Ibu Kusuma besar. Kusuma’s kitchen is large.
Dapur dia besar. Her kitchen is large.
Dapurnya besar. Her kitchen is large.

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Real estate agents, especially for rental properties, are not as common in some areas of
Indonesia as others. If one is not available, there are several other common ways of finding a
house to rent.
Many people simply ask their friends if they are aware of any houses for rent that might
meet the particular needs of the family. This is often the preferred method once you have lived in
Indonesia long enough to have a broad network of relationships.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Alternatively, if you find a particular neighborhood or area of town you like, you can simp-
ly go there and ask the neighborhood leader or those you see on the street if there are any hous-
es for rent in that area.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

If you are looking for a house to rent, take a walk around a desirable neighborhood and
call the realtor of any that you find to ask the appropriate questions. If you already have a house,
talk to a couple of Indonesian friends about different rooms in their houses and any other appro-
priate questions.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

In Bahasa Indonesia, the letter /t/ is not aspirated as it often is in English. Rather, it is a
“soft” consonant made with the tip of the tongue and the upper teeth.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

tiga juta empat telat
tujuh roti cepat takut
tua untuk angkat titip
toko kantor jemput tetapi
topi datang dapat taat
tinggal sepatu selamat otot

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronuncia-
tion, intonation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role

Ibu Anna pindah ke rumah baru. Kemarin dia belanja dan hari ini toko mau antar barang.

Sopir truk : Selamat siang, Bu. Ada barang untuk Ibu Anna.
Ibu Anna : Ya Pak. Itu saya.
Sopir truk : Baik Bu. Ibu mau lemari ini di mana?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Ibu Anna : Di sebelah tempat tidur itu aja, Pak.

Ibu Anna : Rak bukunya bisa di bawah televisi ya Pak.
Sopir truk : Baik Bu.
Sopir truk : Dan rak piring ini?
Ibu Anna : Bisa di atas meja dapur saja, ya Pak.
Sopir truk : Itu saja, ya Bu. Terima kasih.
Ibu Anna : Terima kasih, juga Pak. Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Since Bahasa Indonesia is a language of verbs rather than nouns, many objects that have
unique names in English may all be translated as the same word in Bahasa Indonesia. For exam-
ples, see some of the most important household furniture/fixtures (perabot) below.

1. sofa : _____________________________________________________
2. kursi (tamu) : _____________________________________________________
3. karpet : _____________________________________________________
4. meja (makan) : _____________________________________________________
5. meja (kerja) : _____________________________________________________
6. kursi (kantor) : _____________________________________________________
7. rak (buku) : _____________________________________________________
8. laci : _____________________________________________________
9. lemari : _____________________________________________________
10. tempat tidur : _____________________________________________________
11. kasur : _____________________________________________________
12. bantal : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

13. guling : _____________________________________________________

14. wastafel : _____________________________________________________
15. meja (dapur) : _____________________________________________________
16. lemari (dapur) : _____________________________________________________
17. kulkas : _____________________________________________________
18. kompor : _____________________________________________________
19. rak (piring) : _____________________________________________________
20. mesin cuci : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Ada barang untuk Pak Jeff.

peralatan rumah

B. Bapak mau lemari ini di mana?

meja makan

C. Rak buku itu bisa di bawah televisi ya pak.

Laci di samping meja
Mesin cuci di belakang rumah

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

As you probably know, prepositions are words that show a relationship to a given object/
noun. Bahasa Indonesia has many prepositions. Today we will look at those related to location.

• Kata Depan (Bagian Pertama) = Prepositions (Part 1)

Bola biru di dalam kotak kuning. Bola biru di luar kotak kuning.

Bola biru di atas kotak kuning. Bola biru di bawah kotak kuning.

Bola biru di depan kotak kuning. Bola biru di belakang kotak kuning.

Bola biru di samping/sebelah kotak kuning. Bola biru di antara kotak-kotak kuning.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

When buying larger items, many stores in Indonesia will deliver for a small fee. Some
stores will even deliver for free if you purchase over a certain amount. Don’t be afraid to ask for
delivery if it could be helpful, just know that it isn’t always available.
If delivery is available, you will need to be prepared to have someone on standby at your
home to receive the items. Typically a store will only make one delivery run each day, and stop at
several other houses before they get to yours. As a result, they do not know exactly when they
will arrive and usually will only give a date and not a time for delivery.
In cases where a store also offers assembly or installation, be prepared to wait. The deliv-
ery crew and the assembly/installation crew tend to be different. In most cases the assembly/
installation crew will come 1-2 days after the delivery is made.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Ask an Indonesian friend to help you practice prepositions by getting a few objects and
describing their locations in reference to each other. Then describe the layout of your home or
another building to them, telling them where the different rooms are in relationship to each oth-

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /l/ In Bahasa Indonesia is similar to that in English. However, those from other
Asian countries like China, Japan, and Korea will need to make sure they relax their tongue.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

lima kilo betul lalu
lupa alat sambal lalai
laki tali jual lulus
lama ular kapal halal
lain alamat sandal lalat
lemari selatan tebal Allah

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Michael mau ke bank. Dia tidak tahu jalan ke sana dan tanya seorang bapak di jalan.

Michael : Permisi, Pak.

Bapak : Ya, Pak?
Michael : Saya mau tanya.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Bapak : Silakan. Bagaimana saya bisa bantu, Pak?

Michael : Saya mau pergi ke Bank Indonesia. Di mana itu, ya, Pak?
Bapak : Bank itu ada di Jalan Sultan Hasanudin.
Michael : Lewat mana, ya, Pak?
Bapak : Dari sini, belok kiri di Bundaran Gajah dan lurus terus sampai ke
bawah. Bank Indonesia ada di sebelah kanan jalan, di dekat rumah
Michael : Terima kasih untuk bantuannya, Pak.
Bapak : Sama-sama.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

In order to ask for and understand directions, you will need to know both place names as
well as directional words. See some of the most common place names below.

1. rumah sakit : _____________________________________________________

2. kantor pos : _____________________________________________________
3. sekolah : _____________________________________________________
4. kampus : _____________________________________________________
5. pasar : _____________________________________________________
6. taman : _____________________________________________________
7. warung : _____________________________________________________
8. rumah makan : _____________________________________________________
9. toko buku : _____________________________________________________
10. mal : _____________________________________________________
11. bioskop : _____________________________________________________
12. stasiun : _____________________________________________________
13. terminal : _____________________________________________________
14. bandara : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

15. swalayan : _____________________________________________________

16. bengkel : _____________________________________________________
17. masjid : _____________________________________________________
18. gereja : _____________________________________________________
19. vihara : _____________________________________________________
20. pura : _____________________________________________________

In addition to these place names, you will also need to know several other directional
words and helpful landmarks.

1. lurus : _____________________________________________________
2. terus : _____________________________________________________
3. belok : _____________________________________________________
4. kiri : _____________________________________________________
5. kanan : _____________________________________________________
6. lewat : _____________________________________________________
7. jalan : _____________________________________________________
8. perempatan : _____________________________________________________
9. pertigaan : _____________________________________________________
10. bundaran : _____________________________________________________
11. jembatan : _____________________________________________________
12. tikungan : _____________________________________________________
13. arah : _____________________________________________________
14. jauh : ______________________
15. dekat : ______________________
16. seberang : ______________________ barat laut timur laut
17. utara : ______________________
18. selatan : ______________________ barat timur

19. timur : ______________________

barat daya tenggara
20. barat : ______________________

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Saya mau pergi ke Bank Indonesia.


B. Lewat mana, ya, Pak?

Ke arah mana
Belok di mana
Di sebelah mana

C. Terima kasih untuk bantuannya, Pak.


Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

We have previously discussed prepositions of location. However, Bahasa Indonesia has

many more prepositions that are important for you to learn. The ones that follow are commonly
used in giving addresses and directions.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

• Kata Depan (Bagian Kedua) = Prepositions (Part 2)

dari = from
Dari rumah, belok kanan. From the house, turn right.
Dari mana? Where are you (coming) from?
Dia berasal dari Italia. She is from Italy.

ke = to
Saya harus ke Chandra. I have to go to Chandra.
Keluarga Jones pindah ke Jakarta The Jones family moved to Jakarta.
Mau ke mana? Where are you going (to)?

di = in, on, at
Saya belanja di pasar. I shop at the market.
Connect ada di Jalan Onta. Connect is on Onta Street.
Kami tinggal di Bandar Lampung. We live in Bandar Lampung.

sampai = until
Lurus terus sampai taman. Continue straight until the park.
Dia tidur sampai jam 9:00. He slept until 9:00.
Mereka lari sampai capai. They ran until (they got) tired.

Indonesians are
Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

generally very happy to help you when you ask politely. In fact, culture dictates that they
must help you whether they are really able to or not.
When asking for directions don’t be surprised if someone takes you by the hand to
show you where something is, invites you to follow them, or offers to take you there.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

On the other hand, don’t be surprised if you get very clear directions that don’t actually
get you to the place you are trying to find. No ill-will is intended. It’s simply more polite for them
to give you directions (since you asked) rather than disappoint you by telling you they don’t
know. In time you will learn to read expressions and know whether the person is confident in the
directions they are giving you or not.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Tell an Indonesian friend how to get to your house (or some popular locations) using the
direction words you learned today. If you are “directionally challenged,” you can look up the di-
rections in your favorite app first. Just be sure not to use the app while actually giving the direc-
tions to your friend. Ask them to help correct any mistakes that you may make.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The letter /r/ In Bahasa Indonesia is rolled (similar to Spanish)—regardless of where it ap-
pears in the word. The sound is made as air passes over the tongue like a flag in the wind.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

rumah mari kabar rapor
ribu biru pasar ikrar
rasa istri nomor karir
roti harga kompor berumur
rusak harus tidur reformasi
rambut berapa lancar Februari

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Ibu Jane ada di bandara. Dia mau naik taksi ke rumahnya dan mencari loket taksi.

Ibu Jane : Permisi, Bu. Saya mau tanya.

Ibu : Ya Bu?
Ibu Jane : Saya mau naik taksi. Di mana loketnya?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Ibu : Di sebelah sana, Bu. Silahkan antri, ya Bu?

Ibu Jane : Terima kasih, Bu. Permisi.

Ibu Jane : Selamat siang. Saya mau ke Perumahan Bukit Kencana. Berapa
Karyawan : Seratus tujuh puluh ribu.
Ibu Jane : Mahal sekali! Ke sini naik taksi online, hanya seratus empat puluh
Karyawan : Maaf, ya Bu. Di sini harus bayar karcis masuk, bu.
Ibu Jane : Oke, Pak.
Supir taksi : Alamatnya di mana, Bu?
Ibu Jane : Jalan Waru Nomor 25, Pak.
Supir taksi : Baik.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

There are many forms of transportation in Indonesia—both traditional and modern.

Though you may not use them all regularly, the words below will be helpful when you do.

1. naik : _____________________________________________________
2. ongkos : _____________________________________________________
3. loket : _____________________________________________________
4. mobil : _____________________________________________________
5. ojek : _____________________________________________________
6. motor : _____________________________________________________
7. sepeda : _____________________________________________________
8. angkot : _____________________________________________________
9. kereta (api) : _____________________________________________________
10. pesawat : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Permisi, Bu. Saya mau tanya.

Maaf ambil itu

B. Ke sini naik taksi online, hanya seratus empat puluh ribu.

ojek delapan puluh ribu rupiah
Kemarin kereta api seratus ribu
angkot dua puluh ribu

C. Di sini harus bayar karcis masuk, bu.

pesan dulu
beli tiket

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Politeness matters—especially in Indonesia. Though some of the mannerisms of polite-

ness may vary from tribe to tribe, polite language is valued and used nationwide. The words be-
low are the ones most frequently used. Some of them you have already been introduced to, but
note all the different ways they can be used.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

• Kesopanan (Bagian Pertama) = Politeness (Part 1)

The phrase terima kasih literally means “receive love.” It is used to express thanks for all
manner of things. Note that it is often shortened in everyday conversations.

Terima kasih/Makasih = Thank you/Thanks

Terima kasih. Mari. Thank you. Goodbye.
Terima kasih untuk bantuannya. Thank you for the help.
Wow! Makasih banyak. Wow! Thanks so much.

To respond to someone else’s expression of thanks, you can either use kembali kasih
(literally “may your love return to you”) or sama-sama (literally “same to you”).

Kembali (kasih)/Sama-sama = You’re welcome

Terima kasih kembali. Thank you too!
Sama-sama. Mari. You’re welcome. Goodbye.
Kembali. Sampai jumpa lagi! You’re welcome. Until we meet again!

Apologies are made using maaf. It typically comes at either the beginning or the end of a
sentence. Notice that you can also use it when you are interrupting someone who is speaking.

Maaf = Sorry/Excuse me
Maaf. Saya tidak mengerti. Sorry. I don’t understand.
Saya tidak tahu. Maaf. I don’t know. I’m sorry.
Maaf. Saya mau tanya. Excuse me. I want to ask something.

Interruptions can also be handled using permisi. This is more often used when inter-
rupting someone’s work/activity rather than a conversation. It is also used when asking to be ex-
cused from someone’s company/presence (ie taking leave).

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Permisi = Excuse me
Permisi. Mau tanya. Excuse me. I want to ask something.
Permisi. Numpang lewat. Excuse me. I need to get by.
Permisi (dulu). Please excuse me. (I’m leaving.)

The word silakan in Bahasa Indonesia, does not have an exact English translation. It is
used to encourage/give permission for someone to do something that the speaker believes is
beneficial for the listener (similar to “go ahead”). For this reason, it is also used in polite com-
mands (“Please” …).

Silakan = Go ahead/Please
Silakan duduk. (Go ahead.) Have a seat.
Silakan masuk. (Go ahead.) Come in.
Silakan antri. Please get in line.

Although it is not always used in the context of politeness, the phrase tidak apa-apa and
its shortened forms is frequently heard in Indonesia. It has a wide range of meaning, but is most
often used to make the listener feel better about a particular situation.

Tidak apa-apa = No problem/Don’t worry about it/It’s fine

Tidak apa-apa, Pak. Don’t worry about it, sir.
Tidak apa-apa, Bu. Saya bisa. It’s no problem, ma’am. I can do it.
O...tidak apa-apa!’s fine!

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

As previously mentioned, there are many forms of public transportation in Indonesia and
the system of payment can vary. In some cases (kereta api, pesawat, etc.) you may buy an official
ticket at a fixed price. In other cases, there may be a “standard” price based on how far you

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

travel, but no actual ticket (taksi, angkot, etc.). Many times, however, the price will be nego-
tiable (ojek, becak, etc.). A good rule of thumb is to try and negotiate whenever there is no
official process/tiket involved.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Chose a destination you would like to visit in the city and try ordering a traditional
taksi/ojek or an online one. If you choose a traditional option, remember to negotiate the
price before leaving. In either case, however, be sure to use the appropriate words and
phrases to demonstrate politeness.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The cluster /ny/ is common in Bahasa Indonesia and therefore treated almost like a letter.
It is very similar to the “ny” in “canyon” or the Spanish “ñ.”


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

nyaman banyak — nyanyi
nyamuk tanya — nyonya
nyawa bunyi — nyutnyut
nyata senyum — nyenyak
nyaris kenyang — nyenyeh
nyaring sinyal — nyinyir

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Pak Tarigan mau ke Medan. Dia pergi ke agen perjalanan untuk booking tiket pesawat.

Agen : Selamat pagi, Pak. Boleh saya bantu?

Pak Tarigan : Selamat pagi, Bu. Saya mau booking tiket untuk ke Medan.
Agen : Tanggal berapa, Pak?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Pak Tarigan : Apakah bisa untuk hari Kamis besok, tanggal 13 Juni?
Agen : Sebentar, ya Pak. Saya coba lihat jadwal pesawatnya dulu…. Oke,
bisa. Ada dua pilihan pesawat Pak. Dari Lampung, Bapak bisa naik
pesawat Garuda jam 08:30 atau Lion Air jam 10:00.
Pak Tarigan : Berapa harganya Garuda?
Agen : Sejuta dua ratus ribu rupiah, Pak.
Pak Tarigan : Hmmm…boleh minta tolong untuk cek harga Garuda dari
Palembang tanggal itu?
Agen : Boleh. Sebentar, ya…. Dari Palembang ada pesawat Garuda jam
09:45, harganya sembilan ratus ribu, atau jam 12:15, harganya
satu juta, Pak.
Pak Tarigan : Oke. Saya mau jam 9:00 dari Palembang saja, Bu.
Agen : Baik. Atas nama siapa, Pak?
Pak Tarigan : Yulius Tarigan, Bu.
Agen : Baik, Pak.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Ticketing and airports in Indonesia can be quite different than other countries. The words
below will help you make more sense out of agent explanations and airport PA announcements.

1. berangkat : _____________________________________________________
2. tiba : _____________________________________________________
3. penumpang : _____________________________________________________
4. maskapai : _____________________________________________________
5. penerbangan : _____________________________________________________
6. lepas landas : _____________________________________________________
7. mendarat : _____________________________________________________
8. bagasi : _____________________________________________________
9. ditunda : _____________________________________________________
10. dibatalkan : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Saya mau booking tiket untuk ke Medan.

beli Bali
pesan Yogyakarta
reservasi Surabaya

B. Saya coba lihat jadwal pesawatnya dulu.

kereta apinya

C. Boleh minta tolong untuk cek harga Garuda…?


Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

We saw several words and expressions for being polite in the last lesson. However, there
are many others. Look at the words on the following page and note the similarities and differ-
ences between each.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

• Kesopanan (Bagian Kedua) = Politeness (Part 2)

The word bisa is used to discuss ability. It is used much like the word “can” in English.

Bisa = Can
Kamu pasti bisa! You can do it!
Apakah kita bisa bertemu besok? Can we meet tomorrow?
Dia bisa naik pesawat atau kereta api She can fly or ride the train.

The word boleh, on the other hand, is used with reference to permission. It functions
more like the word “may” in English.

Boleh = May
Boleh saya coba? May I try?
Tentu boleh! Of course you may!
Boleh saya pinjam uang? May I borrow some money?

There are two words for “to help” in Bahasa Indonesia. Bantu which you have previously
learned, is usually used in the context of cooperating with the person to accomplish something.

Bantu = To help/To cooperate together

Dia bantu saya cuci mobil. He helped me wash the car.
Bisa bantu saya angkat ini? Can you help me lift this?
Boleh saya bantu? May I help you (with something)?.

The word tolong, on the other hand, is used more in the context of an emergency or
when asking someone for a favor.

Tolong = To help/Do someone a favor

Tolong! Tolong saya! Help! Help me!
Tolong nyalakan lampu, ya? Do me a favor and turn on the light.
Tolong bereskan ini. Do me a favor and straighten this up.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

In Bahasa Indonesia, the word minta is used to ask for routine, everyday things. For that
reason it is often combined with boleh and/or tolong.

Minta = To ask for something

Boleh minta tolong? May I ask you a favor?
Dia minta tolong dari Jefri. He asked Jefri a favor.
Saya minta kue kelapa. I asked for coconut cake.

The word mohon also means “to ask for” but is used In a much different contexts. It is
generally more of a plea—either due to urgency, importance, or politeness.

Mohon = To ask/plead for help

Mohon, Pak! Mohon! Please help, sir! Please help!
Mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya. Please accept my deepest apologies.
Mohon doa restunya. Please pray for us and give your

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

It is no coincidence that words for politeness and asking for help would be in a lesson
about airports and ordering plane tickets. Even for veteran expatriates, dealing with unexpected
changes, last minute travel delays, cancellations, etc. can be a frustrating experience in any coun-
When traveling in Indonesia, try to keep in mind the old adage that “you catch more flies
with honey than vinegar.” Being friendly and polite to those who are working isn’t just good man-
ners, but it will often get your situation resolved much faster or more satisfactorily than if you
choose the opposite route.
If you find yourself faced with options that are unavailable, schedule changes, cancelled
flights, etc., take a deep breath, force a smile, and use your full vocabulary of politeness words.
“Permisi, bu. Maaf mengganggu. Boleh saya minta tolong?” will work infinitely better than “Hey.
What’s going on? Why didn’t you…” Indonesia is a shame and honor system society, after all.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Ask an Indonesia friend to role play with you. Practice getting tickets for some form
of transportation for an upcoming trip and address any problems or issues that arise. Don’t
forget to be polite.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The cluster /ng/ is always combined with a vowel in English but not in Bahasa Indonesia.
As a result, it can be challenging for English speakers at first, but the words below will help.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

ngobrol mengapa siang ngomong
ngapain dengan belakang bingung
ngeri mengerti goreng ngengat
ngilu sengat kurang cangkang
ngamuk bunga sombong dengung
ngambek sengaja potong selongsong

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Ibu Anita bertemu dengan, tetangganya, Pak Martono di jalan depan rumah mereka.

Pak Martono : Selamat pagi, Bu. Bagaimana kabar Ibu?

Ibu Anita : Saya baik. Terima kasih. Bagaimana dengan Bapak dan Istri?
Pak Martono : Baik juga. Sudah lama kita tidak jumpa. Ibu ke mana saja?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Ibu Anita : Ya, Pak. Minggu lalu kami berlibur keluar kota.
Pak Martono : O ya? Pergi ke mana, Bu? Pulang ke Amerika?
Ibu Anita : Bukan, Pak. Kami pergi ke Bali.
Pak Martono : Wah, Pemandangannya pasti indah sekali.
Ibu Anita : Ya, Pak. Cuacanya juga bagus. Sejuk, cerah, dan ada sedikit angin.
Pak Martono : Ibu pergi dengan siapa?
Ibu Anita : Saya pergi dengan keluarga saya dan teman saya dari Jambi.
Pak Martono : Keluarga Ibu senang di sana, ya?
Ibu Anita : Ya, kami senang sekali.
Pak Martono : Ada oleh-oleh?
Ibu Anita : Maaf ya, Pak. Kami lupa beli.
Pak Martono : Tidak apa-apa, Bu.
Ibu Anita : Saya permisi ya, Pak? Mau masak.
Pak Martono : Baik, Bu. Kalau berlibur lagi, jangan lupa ajak kami, ya?
Ibu Anita : Ya, Pak.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Weather forecasts may not be common in Indonesia, but talk about the weather is. The
words below will help you as you discuss it with friends and neighbors.

1. cerah : _____________________________________________________
2. mendung : _____________________________________________________
3. panas : _____________________________________________________
4. sejuk : _____________________________________________________
5. dingin : _____________________________________________________
6. angin : _____________________________________________________
7. hujan : _____________________________________________________
8. salju : _____________________________________________________
9. musim : _____________________________________________________
10. kemarau : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Minggu lalu kami berlibur ke luar kota.

ke Raja Ampat
jalan-jalan ke Pahawang
piknik di Wira Garden

B. Pemandangannya pasti indah sekali.

sangat bagus
Perjalanannya melelahkan

C. Kalau berlibur lagi, jangan lupa ajak kami, ya?

coba masakan khas

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

As in other languages negative expressions are important in Bahasa Indonesia. It is im-

portant to remember, however, that a negative expression grammatically does not necessarily
mean that the meaning is negative in the emotional sense. For example, “I didn’t fail” is gram-
matically negative, but the meaning is positive (“I passed”).
The words on the next page are used in many important negative constructions in Bahasa
Indonesia. Make sure you understand the similarities and differences between each.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

• Kata-Kata Negatif = Negatives

The most common negative in Bahasa Indonesia is tidak, which means “no” or “not.” It is
important to note, however, that it is only used to negate adjectives and verbs.

Tidak = No/Not
Dia tidak capai. He isn’t tired.
Kami tidak kecewa. We weren’t disappointed.
Apakah kamu tidak bosan? Aren’t you bored?/Are you not bored?

Mereka tidak pergi ke Bali. They didn’t go to Bali.

Saya tidak tahu. I don’t know.
Apakah dia tidak ikut? Didn’t she join?/Did she not join?

The word bukan, has virtually the same meaning as tidak. However, bukan is only used to
negate nouns.

Bukan = No/Not
Itu bukan rumah saya. That isn’t my house.
Saya bukan turis. I am not a tourist.
Itu bukan kota yang panas. It isn’t a hot city.

Another important negative in Bahasa Indonesia is jangan. It is equivalent to “don’t” in

English and is used to express negative commands or prohibitions.

Jangan = Don’t
Jangan lupa bawa oleh-oleh. Don’t forget to bring a souvenir.
Jangan telat, ya? Don’t be late, alright?
Jangan berenang setelah makan. Don’t swim after eating.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

The concept of oleh-oleh is very important in Indonesian culture as it is one more way to
demonstrate hospitality. Oleh-oleh is a special form of gift or souvenir that is typically brought
back for friends whenever someone travels. Although it can take many forms, most often it is an
inexpensive trinket (like a keychain) or the specialty snack from the area recently visited.
Almost inevitably, you will be asked for oleh-oleh when you return from a trip. Although
this may seem forward and/or awkward based on your own cultural background, it is somewhat
of a cultural obligation when you travel in Indonesia. At the same time, Indonesians generally rec-
ognize that there is no way you can bring oleh-oleh for everyone you know every time you travel
somewhere, so don’t worry that you have offended people if you don’t have an oleh-oleh for
them every time they ask.
Below are a few tips from fellow travelers that may help you navigate this unique aspect
of Indonesian culture:
• A good rule of thumb is that the further the trip, the more interested people will be in an
• The closer the relationship, the more important an oleh-oleh will be in the mind of the
person requesting it.
• Oleh-oleh doesn’t need to be expensive. Most people just want to know you remembered
• An individual oleh-oleh for each person is neither expected, nor required. The easiest way
to accommodate the most people is to bring back a package of snacks to be shared with a
whole group of friends when they are gathered together.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Describe a recent (or favorite) vacation that you experienced to an Indonesian

friend. Tell them where you went, with whom, what the weather was like, and what you did
while you were there. Then ask them to share their own recent vacation experience.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

As with “t” and “p,” the /k/ sound in Bahasa Indonesia is not aspirated. Notice that partic-
ularly when it appears at the end of a word, it’s function is often merely to stop the sound.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

kita toko bapak kakak
kota mereka tidak kompak
kursi bekerja banyak kakek
kiri ikut besok kontrak
kotor silakan sibuk rokok
kamu angkot ketik kapak

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Susan lewat depan rumah Ibu Meutia dan mampir untuk ngobrol-ngobrol.

Susan : Eh! Pagi, Bu Meutia. Bagaimana kabar?

Ibu Meutia : Baik, Mbak Susan. Bagaimana kabar ibu?
Susan : Baik juga, Bu. Ibu sedang apa?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Ibu Meutia : Saya sedang bersih-bersih rumah saja. Mbak Susan mau ke mana?
Susan : Saya mau kuliah, Bu. Ada ujian hari ini…. Ibu sudah masak pagi
Ibu Meutia : Belum, Mbak. Saya akan masak sebentar lagi….Ngomong-
ngomong, apakah Mbak Susan ikut acara di rumah Ibu Gandes
Susan : Maaf ya, Bu. Saya tidak bisa. Kami sedang ada tamu dari luar kota.
Ibu Meutia : Ya, tidak apa-apa, Mbak.
Susan : Baik, Bu. Saya permisi dulu, ya Bu? Saya takut terlambat.
Ibu Meutia : Oke, Mbak. Hati-hati di jalan.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Education is a common topic of conversation in Indonesia for people of all ages. Grand-
parents love to brag about their grandchildren’s performance, parents worry about how to pay
for it, and students wonder how and when they will make it through. The vocabulary below will
help you participate in these types of conversations.

1. pendidikan : _____________________________________________________
2. kursus : _____________________________________________________
3. sekolah : _____________________________________________________
4. kelas : _____________________________________________________
5. SD : _____________________________________________________
6. SMP : _____________________________________________________
7. SMA : _____________________________________________________
8. kuliah : _____________________________________________________
9. murid : _____________________________________________________
10. mahasiswa/i : _____________________________________________________
11. guru : _____________________________________________________
12. dosen : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

13. ujian : _____________________________________________________

14. lulus : _____________________________________________________
15. mata kuliah : _____________________________________________________
16. jurusan : _____________________________________________________
17. fakultas : _____________________________________________________
18. wisuda : _____________________________________________________
19. ijazah : _____________________________________________________
20. SPP : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Saya sedang bersih-bersih rumah saja.

menunggu angkot
perbaiki gerbang

B. Ibu sudah masak pagi ini?


C. Saya takut terlambat.

senang bertemu lagi
sedih mendengarnya
kesal melihatnya

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Bahasa Indonesia does not have different verb tenses to indicate time. However, this does
not mean you cannot indicate when something happens. Often, this will be clear (or sufficiently
clear for a culture that doesn’t prioritize time) based on the context of the conversation. When it
isn’t (or when you just want to emphasize when something occurs) you can use an adverb of

• Kata Keterangan Waktu (Bagian Pertama) = Time Indicators (Part 1)

The word sudah literally means “already,” and is used to indicate completed action as well
as anything else that is true at the time of speaking but wasn’t true at some point in the past.

Sudah = Already
Dia sudah berangkat. She has already left.
Ujiannya sudah selesai. The test is already finished.
Apakah kamu sudah makan? Have you already eaten?

In many ways, belum is the opposite of sudah. It is used to indicated that something is not
yet true, but there is a possibility of it being so in the future.

Belum = Not yet

Saya belum bisa menyetir mobil. I can’t drive a car yet .
Mereka belum punya anak. They don’t have children yet .
Siapa belum datang? Who hasn’t come yet?

When something is currently in process (whether it is actively being worked on or not),

the word sedang is used along with the verb.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Sedang = In the process of

Dia sedang kuliah She’s in (the process of) college.
Kami sedang di jalan. We’re (in the process of being) on the way.
Sedang apa? What are you (in the process of) doing?

To indicate that something is planned for or will happen in the future, the word akan is
used in Bahasa Indonesia.

Akan = Will
Saya akan masak nasi. I will cook rice.
Mereka akan mampir besok. They will stop by tomorrow.
Apakah dia akan ikut? Will he join?

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Since time is not as valuable as relationship in Indonesian culture, you probably are not
surprised to learn that the time indicators in Bahasa Indonesia are not as specific as English tens-
es can be. Rather they only indicate a general sense of when things happen. In the next lesson,
you will learn some more time indicators that can be combined with those from this lesson, when
the situation calls for you to be more specific.
While these time words may be less specific than English ones in a chronological sense,
however, they often carry significant cultural implications and meaning. For example, when the
word sudah is used, it implies a completed discussion and that one should move on to a new
question or topic. “Sudah. Sudah. Sudah.” is roughly equivalent to “Just drop it.”
The word belum is also culturally significant. Because it is used to indicate that something
could possibly happen in the future, one should always use belum rather than tidak to talk about
anything that is not true at this moment, but you would like for it to be true in the future. For ex-
ample, if you are single and someone asks “Sudah menikah?” answering “Tidak.” would imply
that you do not wish to be married, since you have left no room for the possibility in your choice
of words. If you were to answer “Belum.” however, would imply that you are open to the idea,
but at the current moment are not yet married.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Go for a walk around your neighborhood, paying attention for anyone who is outside
their home. When you see them, greet them appropriately and find out what they are do-
ing. Once the conversation draws to a close, make sure to take leave appropriately before
continuing on your way.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

Unlike /k/, the /g/ sound in Bahasa Indonesia is voiced. When it appears by itself, it is a
“hard” sound (as in “golf”), not soft like the /ng/ (as in “ring”) you have previously learned.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

gula tiga — gagak
gila pergi — gugup
garam juga — gigit
gelas pagi — gagap
guru lagu — gelagap
gitar agama — gerogot

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Ari bertemu dengan tetangganya, Anjas di depan rumah mereka.

Ari : Hei Anjas! Apa kabar?

Anjas : Baik. Ari sedang apa?
Ari : Tadi beres-beres. Sekarang baru mau berangkat ke Chandra. Mau

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

belanja untuk acara nanti malam.

Anjas : O ya? Ada acara apa?
Ari : Kakak saya wisuda….Apakah kamu bisa datang ke rumah kami
nanti untuk syukuran?
Anjas : Ya, saya bisa. Apakah pestanya besar?
Ari : Tidak. Ada keluarga kami dan teman-teman dekat saja.
Anjas : Boleh saya mengajak abang saya?
Ari : Boleh sekali
Anjas : Oke. Jam berapa acaranya?
Ari : Mungkin jam 19:00.
Anjas : Baik. Sampai nanti!
Ari : Oke….Jangan lupa ya!

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Special events, both formal and informal, are quite common in Indonesia. In later units
you will learn about these more in depth, but some basic event vocabulary is below.

1. acara : _____________________________________________________
2. pesta : _____________________________________________________
3. merayakan : _____________________________________________________
4. syukuran : _____________________________________________________
5. khitanan : _____________________________________________________
6. cukuran : _____________________________________________________
7. pernikahan : _____________________________________________________
8. ulang tahun : _____________________________________________________
9. mengajak : _____________________________________________________
10. mengundang : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Ada acara apa?


B. Kakak saya wisuda.

berulang tahun
Adik dikhitan

C. Apakah kamu bisa datang nanti?

mau ikut
ada acara

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Time indicators in Bahasa Indonesia, do not only indicated whether something happens in
the past, present, or future like we saw in the last lesson. They can also be used to show how far
in the past/future or even whether the action is still going on. Take a look at the following words:

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

• Kata Keterangan Waktu (Bagian Kedua) = Time Indicators (Part 2)

In Bahasa Indonesia he word pernah basically means “at some point in the past.” Depend-
ing on the grammar it may be translated as “ever” or “have been” etc. Note, however, that it is
required in Bahasa Indonesia whenever the meaning is “at some point in the past” whether or
not the translation would appear in the English sentence.

Pernah = At some point in time/Ever

Saya pernah makan durian I have eaten durian.
Dia belum pernah ke Korea Selatan She has never been to South Korea.
Apakah mereka pernah ikut? Have they ever joined?

Dulu is used in a variety of contexts to talk about something prior. It can refer to some-
thing that was true in the past but is no longer so, something that happened previous to some-
thing else in sequence, or something that you are telling someone to do for a relatively brief peri-
od of time before they continue on with another activity.

Dulu = In the past/First

Dulu saya kerja di Australia. I used to work in Australia
Dia dulu tinggal di Jakarta She used to live in Jakarta.
Dulu kami satu tim. We used to be on the same team.

Kita makan dulu sebelum berangkat. We’ll eat (first) before we go .

Saya harus bersih-bersih dulu, lalu mandi. I have to clean first, then bathe.
Dia mau coba dulu sebelum beli. He wants to try it first before he buys.

Tunggu dulu. Dia bilang apa? Wait a minute. What did she say?
Duduk dulu. Jangan buru-buru. Sit down a minute. Don’t be in a rush.
Mampir dulu, ya Pak? Stop by for a minute, ok sir?

The word masih in Bahasa Indonesia means “still.” Like pernah, it is required in Baha-
sa Indonesia even when it is merely implied in the English translation.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Masih = Still
Apakah dia masih kuliah? Is she still in college?
Saya masih di kantor. I’m still at the office.
Kami masih di jalan. We’re (still) on the way.

For events in the immediate past, the word baru can be used meaning “just” . Keep in
mind, however, that the same word can also mean that an object is new (ie just purchased).

Baru = Just/New
Kita baru kenal. We have just met.
Mereka baru punya anak. They just had a child.
Dia baru dapat pacar. She just got a boyfriend.

Mobil itu baru. That is a new (just produced) car.

Apakah itu sepatu baru? Are those new (just purchased) shoes?
Dia dapat pacar baru. She got a new (just made official) boyfriend.

To indicate that something happened earlier (within the last twenty-four hours), you can
use the word tadi in Bahasa Indonesia.

Tadi = Earlier
Ya, dia telpon tadi. Yes, she called earlier.
Tadi mereka mampir. They stopped by earlier.
Dia di sini tadi. He was here earlier.

On the other hand, to indicate that something will happened later (within the next twenty
-four hours), you can use the word nanti in Bahasa Indonesia.

Nanti = Later
Istirahat dulu. Nanti kita berangkat. Rest first. Later, we’ll leave.
Kamu masih sempat nanti. You’ll still have time later.
Saya akan telpon dia nanti saja. I’ll just call him later.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Formal written invitations are rare in Indonesia and are typically reserved for wed-
dings and governmental events. Verbal invitations tend to be very informal, and very im-
promptu by Western standards. In fact, in some cases you may not receive an invitation to
join an event until after it has already started!
Much like the oleh-oleh previously discussed, inviting those they meet to their event
is not only a pleasure, but somewhat of a cultural obligation for Indonesians. They are gen-
erally sincere in their desire to have you attend, but are usually very understanding if you
cannot attend. Just be sure to offer them your apologies and a polite explanation either
when you receive the invitation or the first time you meet the person following the event.
Some common ways of expressing this are shown below.
Maaf, Pak. Kami ada acara lain kemarin.
Maaf sekali. Saya sudah ada janjian.
Maaf ya? Saya di luar kota tanggal itu.
Conversely, if you are the one inviting people to an event, do not be surprised if they
do not give an advance response. Indonesians do not typically like to commit to things in
advance because they never know what might come up later.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Plan a simple event (movie/game night, dinner, etc.) and invite a couple of Indonesian
friends to join you. If this kind of invitation is new to them, you may want to ask if they have ever
been to a foreigners house, or played a particular game, etc. Remember that they will be more
inclined to accept the invitation if they know they can come with an Indonesian friend they al-
ready know.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

In Bahasa Indonesia, the /c/ is pronounced much like the “ch” sounds in the word


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

coba baca — cuci
cepat suci — cacing
cukup kecil — cacar
cinta laci — cincang
cantik kaca — capcai
cari lancar — cincau

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Putri dan teman kuliahnya, Ayu, bertemu di mal setelah beberapa tahun tidak berjumpa.

Putri : Eh, Ayu! Apa kabar?

Ayu : Halo Putri! Saya baik. Bagaimana dengan Putri?
Putri : Baik juga. Sudah lama kita tidak bertemu, ya? Masih tinggal di sini?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Ayu : Sekarang saya tinggal di Bandung. Bagaimana dengan Putri?

Putri : Saya masih tinggal di rumah yang dulu….Sekarang Ayu bekerja di
Ayu : Di sebuah mal. Namanya Cihampelas Walk.
Putri : Kerja sebagai apa di sana?
Ayu : Saya kerja sebagai staf pemasaran.
Putri : Pasti sibuk sekali!
Ayu : Ya, lumayan. Tetapi ada teman-teman di tim juga….Putri sekarang
kerja apa?
Putri : Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga. Saya sudah menikah dan sekarang
punya anak laki-laki.
Ayu : Selamat! Saya senang sekali dengar itu….Tanggung jawabnya
besar, ya?
Putri : Betul. Tetapi saya senang….Selamat belanja ya?
Ayu : Oke Ayu. Sampai jumpa lagi. Mari!
Putri : Mari.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Although jobs and positions are not always discussed as early in an introduction with In-
donesians, they are still common topics of conversation when meeting new people and old
friends alike. The following words will help prepare you for such conversations.

1. petani : _____________________________________________________
2. nelayan : _____________________________________________________
3. tukang : _____________________________________________________
4. pengusaha : _____________________________________________________
5. pedagang : _____________________________________________________
6. teknik : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

7. perawat : _____________________________________________________
8. bidan : _____________________________________________________
9. wartawan : _____________________________________________________
10. pramugara/i : _____________________________________________________
11. tentara : _____________________________________________________
12. pembantu : _____________________________________________________
13. keuangan : _____________________________________________________
14. pemasaran : _____________________________________________________
15. penjualan : _____________________________________________________
16. karyawan : _____________________________________________________
17. SPG/SPB : _____________________________________________________
18. OB : _____________________________________________________
19. kepala bidang : _____________________________________________________
20. PNS : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Sekarang saya tinggal di Bandung.

bekerja Kalimantan
Dulu Lombok
Kemarin belajar Connect

B. Saya kerja sebagai staf pemasaran.

manajer keuangan
seorang petani

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

C. Pasti sibuk sekali!


Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

In a previous lesson you learned the word seekor as a partitive for buying certain meats at
the market. The same word is also used as an article. Unlike English, where the indefinite articles
“a” and “an” are used for any noun, articles in Bahasa Indonesia depend on the type of noun they
accompany. Since you already know that se– can mean “one,” it should not surprise you that all
of these articles begin with that prefix.

• Kata Artikel = Articles

For humans, the article seorang is used whenever referring to a general person of a cer-
tain type.

Seorang = A/An (person)

Seorang pria A male
Dia seorang perawat. She is a nurse.
Ada seorang ibu di depan. There is a woman out front.

For animals, however, the article seekor is always used.

Seekor = A/An (animal)

Seekor ikan A fish
Kami punya seekor kucing. We have a cat.
Saya baru lihat seekor tikus! I just saw a mouse/rat!

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

When referring to objects, there are several possible articles depending on the type of
item. Sebuah is the “default” article for most solid objects not just fruit (buah).

Sebuah = A/An (solid object)

Sebuah kursi A chair
Kami beli sebuah motor. We bought a motorcycle.
Hadiahnya sebuah kulkas. The prize was a refrigerator.

If the particular object generally comes in pairs, you should use the article sepasang. Note
that this is also used with humans and animals when referring to a male/female pair.

Sepasang = A/An (pair of something)

Sepasang mata A pair of eyes
Mereka punya sepasang anak. They have a pair of children.
Di sana, sepasang sepatu Rp 350.000. There, a pair of shoes is Rp 350.000.

Other objects are distinguished by their shape or composition. Selembar is used for thin,
flat objects.

Selembar = A/An (thin, flat object)

Selembar daun A leaf
Dia menulis di selembar kertas. She wrote on a sheet of paper.
Ada selembar uang di jalan. There was a bill (money) in the street.

However, if the object is more flexible in nature, the word sehelai is often used.

Sehelai = A/An (thin, flexible object)

Sehelai kain A piece of fabric
Kiki butuh sehelai tisu. Kiki needs a tissue.
Dia pinjam sehelai sarung untuk solat. He borrowed a sarong to sholat.

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

For objects that are long and thin enough to be considered cylindrical in nature, the word
sebatang is used.

Sebatang = A/An (cylindrical object)

Sebatang kapur A piece of chalk
Dia potong sebatang kayu. She cut a piece of wood.
Pak Bambang minta sebatang rokok. Mr. Bambang asked for a cigarette.

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Indonesians do not often think of “careers” in the same way that Westerners do.
With the exception of educators, medical professionals, and government employees, the
majority of people you meet have probably had many types of jobs over their lifetime. Thus,
asking where someone works or what they are currently working as (sebagai) is a much
more culturally appropriate question than asking about their career.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Get to know your Indonesian friends/neighbors a little better by finding out more
about what they do for a living. Be prepared to share more about what you do as well.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The /j/ sound in Bahasa Indonesia is very similar to /c/ except that it is voiced. It sounds
basically the same as the “j” in “jump.”


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

juga meja — jajan

jago baju — janji
jumpa ajar — jejak
jambu saja — jujur
Juni eja — jijik
Jumat rajin — jelajah

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Agung sedang lari di Stadion Pahoman. Temannya, Rizki, mengajak dia ngobrol.

Rizki : Halo Agung! Apa kabar?

Agung : Eh, Rizki! Aku baik. Bagaimana kabar kamu?
Rizki : Baik juga...Sedang apa di sini? Mau cari keringat, ya?

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Agung : Betul sekali. Saya mau sehat terus.

Rizki : Apakah Agung ke sini setiap hari untuk lari ?
Agung : Tidak setiap hari, tapi dua atau tiga kali seminggu.
Rizki : O….Apakah lari saja atau ada olah raga yang lain?
Agung : Saya juga main sepak bola.
Rizki : Bagus sekali!
Agung : Rizki bagaimana?
Rizki : Saya punya teman yang kerja di “gym.” Saya kesana empat kali
Agung : Rizki mau dada dan bahu yang besar, ya?
Rizki : Saya mau tubuh yang sehat saja.
Agung : Baik. Saya lanjut dulu, ya?
Rizki : Ya. Mari!

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Because health and exercise are important topics in Indonesia, you should become famil-
iar with the following vocabulary.

1. sehat : _____________________________________________________
2. keringat : _____________________________________________________
3. badan : _____________________________________________________
4. tubuh : _____________________________________________________
5. olah raga : _____________________________________________________
6. sepak bola : _____________________________________________________
7. bola basket : _____________________________________________________
8. bola voli : _____________________________________________________
9. bulu tangkis : _____________________________________________________
10. berenang : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

kepala = ______________ rambut = ______________

alis = ______________
kuping/ = ______________
telinga mata = ______________

hidung= ______________ mulut = ______________

bahu = ______________ leher = ______________

dada = ______________

sikut = ______________
tangan = ______________

perut = ______________

pinggul = ______________

pinggang = ______________

jari tangan = ______________

lutut = ______________
kaki = ______________

jari kaki = ______________

punggung = ______________

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Saya mau sehat terus.

cari keringat
makan sehat

B. Saya juga main sepak bola.

main bulu tangkis
ke “gym”

C. Saya kesana empat kali seminggu.

seminggu tiga kali
tiga kali sebulan
setiap minggu sekali

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

Learning to describe things is an important skill in any language. Bahasa Indonesia is no

exception. Three of the words most frequently used in this context are ada, punya, and yang. Be
sure and take note of the variety of ways each of these words can be used.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

• Menggambarkan = Describing

To describe something by discussing its existence (or lack thereof), the word ada is used.
It is similar to using “there is” or “there are” in English. Note that literally speaking, the common
question ada apa? means “What is there?” (What is it?).

Ada = There is/There are

Ada acara minggu depan. There is an event next week.
Tidak ada orang di stadion. There is no one at the stadium.
Kapan ada waktu? When is there time?

The word punya is also related to the existence of something, but refers to something
that physically or abstractly belongs to someone, much like the verb “have” is used in English.

Punya = Have/Has
Saya punya ide. I have an idea.
Dia punya seorang abang. She has an older brother.
Keluarga itu punya rumah di Krui. That family has a house in Krui.

In addition to existence, being able to distinguish between multiple similar things is criti-
cally important when giving descriptions. In Bahasa Indonesia this is done using the word yang. It
functions in a similar way as the relative pronouns who/which/that in English, but it is required in
many Indonesian sentences where it might be omitted in English.

Yang + Kata Kerja = Who/Which/That

Bapak yang pakai baju biru The man who is wearing a blue shirt
Teman saya yang tinggal di Inggris My friend who lives in England
Orang yang lari di stadion The one who runs at the stadium

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Yang + Kata Sifat = Who/Which/That is

Dia baca buku yang bagus. She is reading a book that is good.
She is reading a good book.
Mereka beli mobil yang mahal. They bought a car that is expensive.
They bought an expensive car.
Kami belanja di toko yang jauh. We shop at a store that is far (away).
We shop at a far (away) store.

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

As is true in most cultures, health is a topic that is frequently discussed among Indo-
nesians. In fact, one common way Indonesians answer the question “How are you?” is to
simply respond, “Sehat” (healthy). This being the case, don’t be surprised if Indonesians take
a seemingly unusual interest in your health habits like exercise, what/when/whether you
have eaten, etc. Part of it may be curiosity as to your habits as a foreigner, but more often it
is a way they show concern for your overall well-being.

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

If you enjoy sports and exercise, talk with a local friend about what you do, how
often, etc. and either ask them to join you or ask them if they know where you can go to
find others with similar interests. If sports are not of interest to you personally, talk with
your friends about whether or not they enjoy exercise, what they do, how often, etc.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Listen to your instructor read through the words below. Notice the sound of the consonant in each
case. Then see if you can repeat the words using the correct consonant sounds. Note that these words are
merely intended for pronunciation practice. You do not need to be overly concerned with their meaning.

The /h/ sound in Bahasa Indonesia is similar to that in English. It is almost always clearly
pronounced, so one must be careful to expel air wherever the /h/ appears in the word.


Beginning Middle Ending Multiple

hari tahun salah hikmah

hidup lahir buah hadiah
hujan tahu rumah hibah
habis bahwa sampah hijrah
hilang saham bawah hajjah
harap Tuhan darah harfiah

Listen to your instructor read the conversation below and pay attention to the pronunciation, into-
nation, etc. You will then read the conversation together with your instructor and do some role play.

Pak Hutabarat sedang sakit. Dia pergi ke tempat praktek seorang dokter untuk periksa.

Pak Hutabarat : Selamat malam, Dok.

Dokter : Selamat malam, Pak. Silakan duduk….Bagaimana? Bapak sakit

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Pak Hutabarat : Kepala saya nyut-nyut dan ada sedikit demam.

Dokter : Demam Bapak sudah berapa hari?
Pak Hutabarat : Baru dua hari, tapi kepala saya sakit sekali, Dok.
Dokter : Apakah Bapak sudah minum obat?
Pak Hutabarat : Ya. Tadi sore.
Dokter : Boleh saya periksa dulu?
Pak Hutabarat : Boleh sekali, Dok.
Pak Hutabarat : Bagaimana, Dok? Apa penyakit saya?
Dokter : Bapak kena masuk angin saja.
Pak Hutabarat : Bukan infeksi, ya, Dok?
Dokter : Tidak….Saya akan beri resep untuk obat sakit kepalanya. Terus,
Bapak harus minum banyak air dan istirahat.
Pak Hutabarat : Oke, Dok.
Dokter : Ini resepnya. Minum satu kapsul tiga kali sehari.
Pak Hutabarat : Baik, Dok. Terima kasih!
Dokter : Ya, Pak. Semoga cepat sembuh.

Look at the words below and talk about their meaning with your instructor. Then write down the
definitions. Be sure to note the pronunciation and usage of each.

Hopefully you will not need to visit the doctor while you are adjusting to life in Indonesia.
If you do, however, below are some words you may find helpful.

1. sakit : _____________________________________________________
2. sakit kepala : _____________________________________________________
3. sakit gigi : _____________________________________________________
4. sakit perut : _____________________________________________________
5. sakit tenggorokan : _____________________________________________________
6. sakit punggung : _____________________________________________________
7. flu : _____________________________________________________

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

8. masuk angin : _____________________________________________________

9. demam berdarah : _____________________________________________________
10. tipes : _____________________________________________________
11. asam lambung : _____________________________________________________
12. gejala : _____________________________________________________
13. demam : _____________________________________________________
14. pilek : _____________________________________________________
15. batuk : _____________________________________________________
16. bersin : _____________________________________________________
17. mual : _____________________________________________________
18. muntah : _____________________________________________________
19. diare : _____________________________________________________
20. pegal : _____________________________________________________

Read each of the sentences below, being sure you understand the meaning. Then practice substi-
tuting other options for the underlined words. Feel free to mix and match the options as long as it is ap-
propriate for the context.

A. Kepala saya nyut-nyut dan ada sedikit demam.

Perut mual diare
sakit batuk
Tenggorokan pilek

B. Saya akan beri resep untuk obat sakit kepalanya.

beri rujukan dokter gigi
suntik infeksi

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

C. Minum satu kapsul tiga kali sehari.

dua pil setiap hari
satu sendok setelah makan
dua tablet setiap enam jam

Look at the words below and notice the examples. Pay special attention to the order of the words.
Then ask and answer several questions using words you have learned.

There are several words in Bahasa Indonesia that can all be translated as “hope” in Eng-
lish. Each of them has a particular usage, however, so they are not always interchangeable. The
following explanations will help you know which to use when.

• Harapan = Hope

To talk about one’s hope for everyday things that you are unsure about, use mudah-
mudahan (“hopefully”).

Mudah-mudahan = Hopefully
Mudah-mudahan saya bisa ikut. Hopefully I can join.
Mudah-mudahan kacanya tidak pecah. Hopefully the glass didn’t break.
Mudah-mudahan dia mengerti. Hopefully she understands.

The word semoga is more often used to express a personal wish or hope for a particular
outcome of something in the future (“I hope that…”).

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Semoga = I hope that

Semoga dia tidak marah. I hope he isn’t angry.
Semoga cepat sembuh. I hope you quickly heal/get well soon.
Semoga sampai dengan selamat. I hope they arrive safely.

In a more formal context where you are literally or figuratively speaking on behalf of a
group of people, it is more common to use the phrase harapan kami (“our hope is that…”).

Harapan Kami = Our hope is that

Harapan kami, kamu akan Our hope is that you will
segera wisuda. soon graduate.
Harapan kami, cita-cita kamu Our hope is that your dreams
akan terkabul. will be realized.
Harapan kami, kamu cepat Our hope is that you will quickly
dapat jodoh. find your soulmate.

Read the cultural note below and then discuss it with your instructor. This is your chance to ask
any questions you may have about the topic before you go out to practice in real life.

Medical care in Indonesia operates very differently that in Western countries.

Whether at a clinic, doctor’s office, or hospital, it is good to go with an open mind and try to
learn their particular system.
For example, because most Indonesian’s use government healthcare they are as-
signed to a particular clinic for all non-emergency care. Their insurance (BPJS) will only pay if
they go to the appropriate clinic (or are referred by them to a facility that is better equipped
to care for them.)
Doctor’s offices also work differently. Most doctors work out of a hospital during the
day and only open their private practice (praktek) at night—often out of their homes. For
this reason, you will hear about people going to the hospital much more often in Indonesia
than what you may be used to. There is no need for alarm. It likely just means they weren’t

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

feeling well and went to see a doctor who was practicing at a particular hospital at that
time. Unless you hear opname, they haven’t actually been admitted to the hospital for care.
When someone is admitted, however, that still does not mean they are cared for in
the way you might expect. Pubic hospitals in Indonesia, as well as some private ones, are
not “full service”—meaning that they provide only the medical care itself. Getting food for
the patient, taking prescriptions to get filled, etc. is generally the family’s responsibility.
Don’t be surprised to see families “camping out” on a tikar both inside and outside a pa-
tient’s room. They are there to provide necessary support and encouragement for the pa-

To help reinforce the material you learned today, complete the task outlined below. Be sure to
discuss the experience with your instructor during your next class to gain valuable cultural insight.

Talk to a few of your friends about the last time they were sick. Find out about their
symptoms, how long they were sick, etc. Then share similar information about your own
most recent illness.

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

In this unit, you have learned a number of new concepts, vocabulary, grammar, etc. in Bahasa
Indonesia. Using the following material, review a few of these key concepts as part of your preparation for
your unit test.

A Riwayat Hidup (sometimes Daftar/Surat Riwayat Hidup) is the Indonesian equivalent of

a resume or curriculum vitae. They are used when applying for jobs, introducing speakers at
events, etc.
Although they are now typically composed on a laptop and therefore have all manner of
possible formats and designs, an example of the most traditional format can be seen on the next
page. Regardless of the format and design, most Riwayat Hidup have three major sections: per-
sonal details, education, and work experience.
Using the sample Riwayat Hidup on the next page, practice introducing the person as a
speaker for an event of your choice. Remember that this setting will require more formal Bahasa

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar


Nama Juni Caniago

: ________________________________
Umur 31 tahun
: ________________________________
Alamat Jalan Kamboja No. 23
: ________________________________
Perumahan Griya Mawar
Bandar Lampung, 35147
Tempat/Tanggal lahir Kota Metro , 30/1/1991
: ________________________________
Status Belum Menikah
: ________________________________

Pendidikan :
1997 - 2003
Tahun …...… ………. SD Negeri 1, Gunung Sulah
: ________________________________
2003 - 2006
Tahun ……... ………. SMP Al-Azhar 3
: ________________________________
2006 - 2009
Tahun ……... ………. SMA YP UNILA
: ________________________________

2010 - ……….
Tahun ……... 2011 Kasir
: Bekerja sebagai ___________________
PT Indomarco Prismatama
di ______________________________
2012 - 2017
Tahun ……... ………. Administrasi
: Bekerja sebagai ___________________
PT Bintang Karisma Jaya
di ______________________________
2017 - 2022
Tahun ……... ………. Pemasaran
: Bekerja sebagai ___________________
Bank Central Asia
di ______________________________

Daftar Riwayat hidup ini saya buat dengan benar.

Bandar Lampung
……………………………………….., 2022
Juni Caniago

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku


Below are some Indonesian tongue twisters that you can use to practice your pronunciation and
enunciation. Just like English tongue twisters, the contents themselves may or may not have any real

1. Buaya, biawak, buaian.

2. Jangan coba-coba cium cucu-cucuku kalau cuma mau cium cucu-cucuku cuma-cuma.
3. Sempat-sempatnya semut-semut itu saling senyum-senyum dan salam-salaman sama
semut-semut yang mau senyum-senyum dan salam-salaman sama semut-semut itu.
4. Tiba-tiba, si Botak batuk-batuk di atas batu bata.
5. Kakaktua kakak kakekku kenal kakaktua kakak kakekmu
6. Satu ribu, dua biru, tiga ribu, empat biru, lima ribu, enam biru, tujuh ribu, delapan biru,
sembilan ribu, sepuluh biru
7. Kepala, kelapa, kepala, kelapa, kepala, kelapa.
8. Keledai makan kedelai di kedai.
9. Kutuku butuh tubuhku, tapi tubuhku tak butuh kutuku
10. Engkau ulung guling ulang ulas suling,
11. Dudung, ambilkan dandang di dinding dong, Dung!
12. Ular melingkar di atas pagar pak Umar, besar benar.
13. Kelapa di parut, Kepala di garuk
14. Ular lari lurus.
15. Kecoa kuaci cakueh, kecoa kuaci cakueh, kecoa kuaci cakueh.
16. Boli bolak-balik beli bola bulat.
17. Orang Batak pakai batik batuk-batuk.
18. Rika tarik-tarik rok Rina dan Rina tarik-tarik rok Rika.
19. Toko-toko di kota kita tutup ketika kita tetap buka toko kita.
20. Kuku-kuku kaki kakekku kaku karena tertusuk paku.
21. Apakah pita-pita kaki kuda sudah tiba di toko Mika di kota kita?
22. Katak tergeletak di dalam kotak
23. Partai-partai perempuan berpertemuan di dekat perempatan Prembun.
24. Saya sebal sama situ sebab situ suka senyum-senyum sama suami saya sehingga suami
saya suka senyum-senyum sendiri saja.
25. Santapan kita setiap jam setengah satu siang satu soto sapi sama seratus tusuk sate sapi

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku


Below are some common children’s songs in Indonesia. Use them as a resource both to help you
learn new vocabulary and also to help you relate better to your new community and the local culture. Go
to or scan the QR code in order to hear each of the songs on a YouTube playlist. The
playlist is numbered using the same song numbers as below.


Nenek moyangku seorang pelaut Cicak-cicak di dinding
Gemar mengarung luas samudera Diam-diam merayap
Menerjang ombak tiada takut Ada seekor nyamuk
Menempuh badai sudah biasa Hap… lalu ditangkap
Angin bertiup layar terkembang
Ombak berdebur di tepi pantai 5. KRING-KRING ADA SEPEDA
Pemuda berani bangkit sekarang Kring kring kring ada sepeda
Ke laut kita beramai-ramai Sepedaku roda tiga
Kudapat dari ayah
2. BINTANG KECIL Karena rajin bekerja
Bintang kecil, di langit yang biru Tuk tuk tuk suara sepatu
Amat banyak, menghias angkasa Sepatuku kulit lembu
Aku ingin, terbang dan menari Kudapat dari ibu
Jauh tinggi ke tempat kau berada Karena rajin membantu


Lihat kebunku Si Kancil anak nakal
Penuh dengan bunga Suka mencuri ketimun
Ada yang putih Ayo lekas dikurung
Dan ada yang merah Jangan diberi ampun
Setiap hari kusimpan semua
Mawar melati 7. BANGUN TIDUR
Semuanya indah Bangun tidur kuterus mandi
Tidak lupa menggosok gigi
Habis mandi kutolong Ibu
Membersihkan tempat tidurku

Unit 1: Percakapan Dasar


Ambilkan bulan Bu… Satu satu aku sayang Ibu
Ambilkan bulan Bu… Dua dua juga sayang Ayah
Yang selalu bersinar di langit Tiga tiga sayang adik kakak
Di langit bulan benderang Satu dua tiga
Cahayanya sampai ke bintang Sayang semuanya
Ambilkan bulan Bu…
Untuk menerangi 12. BURUNG KUTILANG
Tidurku yang lelap di malam gelap Di pucuk pohon cemara
Burung kutilang berbunyi
9. MENANAM JAGUNG Bersiul-siul sepanjang hari
Ayo kawan kita bersama Dengan tak jemu-jemu
Menanam jagung di kebun kita Mengangguk-angguk sambil berseru
Ambil cangkulmu, ambil pangkurmu Trilili lili lililili
Kita bekerja tak jemu-jemu Sambil berloncat-loncatan
Cangkul cangkul cangkul yang dalam Paruhnya selalu terbuka
Tanahnya longgar jagung kutanam Digeleng-gelengkan kepalanya
Cangkul cangkul cangkul yang dalam Menentang langit biru
Tanahnya longgar jagung kutanam Tandanya suka ia berseru
Beri pupuk supaya subur Trilili lili lililili
Tanamkan benih dengan teratur
Jagungnya besar lebat buahnya 13. BURUNG KAKATUA
Tentu berguna bagi semua Burung kakatua
Hinggap di jendela
10. TIK TIK BUNYI HUJAN Nenek sudah tua
Tik… tik … tik Giginya tinggal dua
Bunyi hujan di atas genting Trek dung trek dung trek dung olala
Airnya turun tidak terkira Trek dung trek dung trek dung olala
Cobalah tengok dahan dan ranting Trek dung trek dung trek dung olalaa
Pohon dan kebun basah semua Burung kakatua

Bahasa Nusantara Bahasaku

Kupu-kupu yang lucu
Kemana engkau terbang
Hilir mudik mencari
Bunga-bunga yang kembang
Pada tangkai yang lemah
Tidakkah sayapmu
Merasa lelah

Pelangi pelangi, alangkah indahmu
Merah, kuning, hijau, di langit yang biru
Pelukismu agung, siapa gerangan?
Pelangi, Pelangi, ciptaan Tuhan


Anda mungkin juga menyukai