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Soal Latihan PAT B Inggris Kelas 8 Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023

Materi Pokok Indikator Jenis Nomor soal Contoh Soal Important Notes !!!
Simple Present Disajikan PG 1 1. Andi: What do you do before going to - Ingat : Lihat Subjectnya .
Tense (habitual sebuah dialog school? Jika : He,She,It , maka Verbnya tambahkan -s atau -es
action) tentang habitual Raya: . . . Jika : They,we,I,You, maka Verbnya tidak usah ada tambahan -s
action a. I usually have breakfastT atau -es
(kebiasaan b. I always has breakfast !!! They,We,I,You TIDAK SUKA ES
rutin).peserta c. I goes to school by bike VERB 🡪 Kata Kerja
didik d. I prays dhuha before going to
melengkapi school
dengan time Time signal 🡪 Keterangan Waktu yang diapakai dalam kalimat
2. Duta : How many times do you pray a day
signal yang Simple Present Tense yang menunjukkan kegiatan rutin.
as a moslem ? Contohnya : Every day = setiap hari
Syifa: I pray . . . Every afternoon : Setiap sore
a. Every day Twice a day : Dua kali sehari
b. Five times a day Once a year : Setiap tahun
c. Twice a day !!! Lihat catatan y......
d. Six times a day

Disajikan PG 2 1. Shila: Dad, I always tidy my room before I Rujukan kata biasanya ditandai dengan : refer to
sebuah dialog, go to bed. Refer to artinya merujuk kepada . . .
peserta didik Daddy: That’s good my daughter! You Dengan kata lain, kata yang ditunjuk (digaris bawah /dicetak
mampu should do that every day. tebal) adalah apa atau siapa?
menentukan The underlined word refers to . . . Kunci : Lihat pada kalimat sebelumnya.
rujukan kata a. Daddy
yang sesuai b. Mother
c. Shila
d. My room
Disajikan PG 3 1. Travel – country – every – house – to – Jika mengurutkan kalimat, ingat :
kalimat simple they Letakkan Subjek di depan kalimat. Baru diikuti kata Kerja (Verb)
present tense, 1 2 3 4 5 Pola Kalimat Verbal :
peserta didik 6 (+) S+Verb 1+-s/es+Object+Adverb
menentukan – their – weekend. (-)S+ do/does+not Verb 1 +-s/es+Object+Adverb
susunan kalimat 7 8 (?) Do/Does + S+Verb 1 + Object +Adverb
yang baik dan !!! They,We,I,You TIDAK SUKA ES
Arrange the jumbled words into a good
benar paragraph! Pola Kalimat nominal
Answers : (+ ) S + is/am/are+ Adjective/Noun/Adverb
2. Naughty – the children – nice – are (-) S + is/am/are+not+ ANA
(?) Is/am/are + S + ANA
!!! is -🡪 jika Subjeknya he, she,it
Am 🡪jika Subjeknya I
Are 🡪jika Subjeknya You, They, We
Disajikan PG 9 1. Rita doesn’t usually . . . milk every Semua kata kerja dalam kalimat Simple Present Tense berbentuk
kalimat morning. negatif dan interrogative adalah VERB 1.
rumpang, a. Drink TANPA TAMBAHAN - s, -es, -ed, -ing
peserta didik b. Drinks
menentukan c. Drank
kata kerja bantu d. Drinking
yang tepat
kalimat negatif
Disajikan PGK 23 1. The sentences which show Habitual Habitual Action adalah kebiasaan. Maka menggunakan Simple
kegiatan dari Action (Kebiasaan) are: Present Tense.
seseorang, (1) I always go to school on foot every
peserta didik day.
menentukan (2) She gave me a box of chocholates
kebiasaan yang yesterday
menjadi suatu (3) Rara washes clothes every morning
kebiasaan (4) Dita is making a cup of coffee now
a. 1, 2,3 c. 1,2
b. 1,3,4 d. 1,3

Present Continuous Disajikan sebuah PG 4,5 1. We are . . . . football in the yard now. Perhatikan keterangan waktu (bergaris bawah).
Tense (events in kalimat rumpang. a. Playing c. played Kalau now 🡪sekarang. Gunakan Present Continous Tense ,
Progress/ 0n- going Peserta didik b. Plays d. Play cirinya : menggunakan Kata Kerja + -Ing (Verb+Ing)
menentukan kata
kerja yang tepat
untuk 2. Sinta . . . English right now.
melengkapinya a. Is studying c. study
b. Are studying d. studies

Disajikan sebuah PG 6 1. Ana : Listen, Rahma . . . very beautifully . Kata listen menandakan aktifitas terjadi sekarang. Maka pakai 🡪 to
dialog, peserta Rita : Yes. Her voice is very beautiful Be + Verb+Ing
didik menentukan a. Sings c. sang
kata kerja untuk b. Is singing d. Are singing
kalimat yang
Disajikan sebuah PGK 25 . . . are playing football at the schoolyard. Utk menentukan Subject : lihat pada to be
kalimat rumpang, (1) They
peserta didik (2) The Children Is : He , She,It
menentukan (3) The boys
subjek yang tepat (4) Karton To Be am : I
untuk mengisi
kalimat tersebut The blank spaces can be fullfilled by . . . Are : You, They, we
a. (1), (2), (3) c. (1),(3)
b. (2), (3) d. ((1),(4)
Degree of PG 7,8 1. Bag costs Rp 50.000,-. Shoes costs Rp 1. Positive Degree (Tingkat Setara)
Comparison ( Disajikan kalimat 60.000,00. The shoes are . . . than the Positive degree adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk
Perbandingan) perbandingan , bag. menyatakan bahwa suatu benda atau orang dalam keadaan sama
peserta didik a. Most expensive dengan yang lainnya.
menentukan kata b. More expensive
perbandingan c. Cheaper Rumus:
yang tepat d. Cheapest
Subjek + to be + as + kata sifat + as + objek.
2. That whale is . . . than this dingo
a. Big Contoh:
b. Bigger This bag is as cheap as that bag.
c. Biggest The car is as fast as the bus.
d. Most big S2. Comparative Degree (Tingkat Lebih)
3. Bag costs Rp 50.000,-. Shoes costs Rp Comparative degree digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa keadaan
50.000,00. The shoes are . . . the bag. suatu benda atau orang lebih dari yang lainnya.
a. As expensive as
b. As cheaper than Rumus:
c. More expensive than Subjek + to be + kata sifat + -er + than + objek
d. The most expensive Subjek + to be + more + kata sifat + than + objek

Yoona is stronger than Jessica.
Sooyong is more diligent than her brother.

3.Superlative Degree (Tingkat Paling)

Superlative degree digunakan digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
suatu benda atau orang adalah paling dibanding lainnya.

Dalam Superlative degree tambahkan akhiran –est di belakang kata

sifat atau menambahkan most di depan kata sifat. Kata “the”
ditambahkan sebagai penegas sebelum kata sifat yang berfungsi
sebagai penegas.

Jack is the cleverest student among us.
Taj Mahal is the most luxurious cemetery in the world.

PGK 21,22 For questions 1 and 2 , based on the table

Disajikan table below!
tentang umur dan Number Dog’s name Age Weight
berat anjing, 1 Bingo 12 45
peserta didik 2 Helly 10 50
memahami 3 Blacky 14 42
perbandingan umur Below are sentences based on the table.
dan berat anjing (1) Bingo is younger than Helly.
tersebut (2) Blacky is the oldest
(3) Helly and Bingo are younger than Blacky
(4) Helly is heavier than Bingo and Blacky

Simple Past Tense PG 10 Tyo : how do you go to school, fajar? Simple Past Tense berfungsi untuk menunjukkan aktifitas yang
(events in past) Disajikan Fajar : by bicycle. But yesterday i … to terjadi di masa lalu.
percakapan, school by bus because the tire of my Karena ada kata yesterday, maka kalimatnya bisa dipastikan
peserta didik bike got flat. menggunakan Simple Past Tense.
kata kerja yang a. Go
b. Went
dlm kegiatan
lampau c. Will go

d. Have gone

PGK 20 Diah : why did you late yesterday?

Disajikan Vino : because I … my bike yesterday
sebuah kalimat morning
peserta didik The blank space can be fullfilled by :
(1). rode
kata yang tepat (2). Lost
untuk (3). Lose
melengjkapinya (4). Was lost
a. (1), (2)
b. (1).(2), (3)
c. (1), (3)
d. (1), (4)

PGK 24 Below are sentences called Simple Past

Disajikan Tense :
beberapa (1) She bought ice cream last night
(2) They were in the class yesterday
kegiatan dari
(3) I was sick last week
seseorang, (4) I want to go to Jakarta
peserta didik
Kegiatan yang The correct Simple Past Tense is:
a. (1)(2)
dilakukan di
b. (1)(2)(3)
masa lampau c. (1)(3)
d. (3)(4)

Recount Text PGK 16,17,18, Last holiday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. We went to Guci, Tegal. The spot was near from our
Disajikan sebuah 19 town. It was about two hours to get there. We chose Guci because it was not too far from settlement.
text tentang We prepared everything before going on camping. The boys prepared the tents, the girls prepared the food, and I
checked the accommodations.We brought cooking utensils and the food from home,clothes, camera, guitar, etc.
Camping at Guci, We went there by car. We went there in the morning.
peserta didik
mampu On the first day, we set up the tent on the spot near waterfall. The girls made the fence of the area and the boys
memahami isi text took a bath on the river. Then, we cooked the food for lunch. We,had lunch together tried to fish in the river but wè
tersebut got nothing.
On the second day,we had some activities. We went on hiking up the mountain,took some pictures in tea garden,
and picked strawberry. The last night of our camping was so cold,we made a campfire,sang song together and told
spooky stories which made us frightened.
We had camping for three days. On the last day, we packed everything we bought.we cleaned the area and made
sure there was nothing left except our footprint. We didn't took anything except photos, we remembered that we
must keep the nature as it is, friendly with environment and keep it. We made a memory by taking photos together
in front of a waterfall and then went home happily. We felt very tired but very happy.
16. The best title for the text is
(1) My Trip to Guci
(2) Camping at Guci
(3) My Camping experience
(4) My Bad Day

a. (1)(2)(3)
b. (1)(3)
c. (2)(4)
d. (4)

17. The activities we did at first day, except . . .

(1) Set up the tent
(2) took some pictures
(3)made the fence
(4) took a bath on the river
a. (1)(2)
b. (4)(3)
c. (2) (1)
d. ((2)
18. Below are the generic structure of REcount Text:
(1) Orientation - Events - Reorientation
(2) Reorientation - Events - Orientation
(3) Orientation - Events
(4) Events - Orientation

The correct answer is :

a. (1)(3)
b. (1)(2)
c. (2)(3)
d. (3)(4)
19. Here are some words of feeling
(1) excited
(2) happy
(3) joy
(4) unpleasant
What did the writer feel ?
a. (1)(2)(3)
b. (1)(2)
c. (3)(4)
d. ((2)(4)
Short message and PG 11 Bumpy : bergelombang, tidak rata
Notice Disajikan sebuah Slippery : licin
percakapan, construction : pembangunan
peserta didik
kalimat (notice) A : Look at that sign! What does it mean?
yang tepat untuk B : It means . . .
melengkapi a. The road is under construction
kalimat rumpang b. We must be careful because there
will be a bumpy road
c. There will be a hill a head.
d. The road is slippery
PG 12,13 Look at the notice below! Pelajari notice di LKS
Disajikan sebuah
notice, peserta

a. Arti dari
b. Dimana
11. What is the meaning of the sign :
notice a. Pedestrian is a king
tersebut b. We can be reckless
biasanya c. We can be what we want
ditemukan d. We must be careful due to the
people who are crossing the street
12. Where can we find the notice above?
a. in a laboratorium
b. in a shopping center
c. in a school
d. On the street
Song Disajikan PG 14,15 I Have a Dream, a song to sing
sebuah lagu, To help me cope, with anything
If you see the wonder, of a fairy tale
peserta didik You can take the future, even if you fail
menentukan: I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
a. Judul lagu I believe in angels
tersebut When I know the time is right for me
b. Pesan yang I'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream
I Have a Dream, a fantasy
disampaikan To help me through, reality
oleh lagu And my destination, makes it worth the while
tersebut Pushin' through the darkness, still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream
I'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream, a song to sing

To help me cope, with anything
If you see the wonder, of a fairy tale
You can take the future, even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream
I'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream
14. What is the title of the song?
a. Angels
b. A have a Dream
c. A fantasy
d. You are my Everything
15. What is the message/moral value of the song?
a. We must believe in angels
b. We must have a dream and strive to make it happen.
c. We must keep dreaming
d. Never try, always dream

Present Continous Disajikan Men 26 Match with the words in the right !
sebuah jodo
gambar, hkan
peserta didik 26 House C is the biggest among all
kalimat yang
tepat sesuai
Simple Past Tense Disajikan 27
peserta didik 27 Bullying is not tolerated in this school
kalimat yang
tepat sesuai
Notice Disajikan 28 & 29
peserta didik
arti dari
28 The boy is sweeping the floor

29 They rode bike to the park yesterday

30 Do not litter in this area

Degree of Disajikan Men 30

comparison sebuah jodo
gambar, hkan
peserta didik
kalimat yang
tepat sesuai
Simple Present Disajikan Isian 31,32,33
Tense kalimat Sing
rumpang, kat
peserta didik
bentuk kata
kerja yang

Disajikan 34,35 Sinta is 14 years old. Maman is 12 years old. Nadia is 15 years old.
34, Sinta is . . . than Maman
perbandinga 35. Nadia is the . . . among them
n , peserta
n yang tepat
Simple Past Tense Disajikan 36,37,38 For no 36-38, Fill the blank spaces to make into correct Simple Past Tense!
Yesterday, my family went to Taman Satwa to see the deer. When we (36). . . to the zoo, we went to the shop to
rumpang, buy some food to feed the animals. Before lunch, we . . .(37). . .to feed the deer. Dad . .(38) . . very excited
peserta didik because it was his first experience to feed the deer.
bentuk kata
kerja yang
Present Continous Disajikan Isian 39 dan 40
Tense sebuah singk
dialog, at
peserta didik
bentuk kata
kerja yang
tepat untuk
kalimat yang
REcount Text Disajikan Urai 41,42,43 “I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock
sebuah text an didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making
tentang breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
Coming Late
to School , Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted
peserta didik to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
1. Menentukan Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I
tujuan never have a day as the one I had yesterday.”
teks 41. What is the purpose of the text? (answer : to retell about the writer’s experience of
2. Meentukan coming late to school)
dalam teks 42. What happened to the writer yesterday? (He had a bad day yesterday)
3. Menentukan
pesan dari teks 43. What is the message of the text above? ( To wake up early so do not late to school)

Simple Past Tense Disajikan Urai 44 1. My brother and I – 2. Really – 3. Last year – 4. Was – 5. Fat
kata acak, an
peserta didik (answer : My brother and I was really fat last year)
kata menjadi 1. Ignored – 2. Last night – 3. She – 4. My call
bermakna ( She ignored my call last night)

Notice Disajikan aian 45

peserta didik
arti dan
dimana a. What does the notice mean?
tersebut ( The visitors are prohibited to swim in this area)
ditemukan b. Where can you find the notice ?


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