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Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kepastian/kebenaran/pernyataan yang berlaku secara umum, atau pula suatu kegiatan
yang selalu dilakukan sejak dulu hingga sekarang (kebiasaan)

A. Patterns that contain such verbs (Pola kalimat yang mengandung Kata Kerja)
(+) Subject + (Adverbs of Frequency) + Verb 1 (s/es/ies) + Object + Adverb of Manner + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time
(s/es hilang, diganti dengan ‘es’ yang ada pada ‘do es’)

(-) Subject + Do/Does + Not + (Adv. Of Freq.) + Verb 1 + Object + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time
(‘not’ nya hilangkan) ‘s/es’ hilang (kembali ke Verb asal)

(?) Do/does + Subject + (Adv. Of Freq.) + Verb 1 + Object + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time
Do not dalam kal. negatif/ do dalam Interrogative = untuk Subject : I, We, You, They.
Does not dalam kal. negatif/ does dalam Interrogative = untuk Subject He, She and It.

Adverbs of Frequency (tingkat keseringan) terdiri dari :

Always 100%
Usually 90%
Often 80%
Sometimes 60%
Seldom 50%
Rarely 30%
Never 0% (not ever = tidak pernah)

Pengunaan “never”
Subject + Never + Verb 1s/es + Object + Keterangan tempat + Keterangan Waktu
Meskipun pola kalimatnya berbentuk Positif namun pengertiannya adalah “tidak pernah”
Contoh : I never go to the discotheque = I do not ever go to the discotheque

Kata Kerja tersebut hanya dipakai dalam bentuk Positive, Kata kerja tersebut akan kembali lagi ke Kata Kerja
Biasa bilamana dalam bentuk Negative dan Interrogative
Subject Verbs
I Go Catch Wash Kiss Fix Try Borrow visit
We Do Watch Crash Miss Mix Study Make play
You Teach Finish Bless Cry Send think
They Reach Fry Bring , etc.
Touch Fly Have

He Goes Catches Washes Kisses Fixes Tries Borrows, visits,

She Does Watches Crashes Misses Mixes Studies Makes, plays,
It Teaches Finishes Blesses Cries Sends, thinks,
Reaches Fries Brings, etc.
Touches flies Has
Catatan :
Kata kerja try, study, cry, fry, fly konsonan “y” nya berubah menjadi “i” karena sebelum “y” terdapat konsonan r, d, l - lalu tambahkan
“es” ; sedangkan pada kata play, say, pay, konsonan “y” nya tidak berubah menjadi “i” karena sebelum “y” terdapat huruf vokal a.

B. Patterns that contain such Adjectives, Nouns, Adverb of Place and Adverb of Time (Pola kalimat yang mengandung Kata Sifat,
Kata benda, Keterangan Tempat dan Keterangan Waktu) dalam Simple Present Tense.

1. Subject + To Be 1 + (Not) + Noun
Adverb of Place
Adverb of Time

Bilamana bentuknya positif maka “not”nya hilangkan, namun apabila mau membentuk kalimat negatif tambahkan “not” setelah “to be-1”

2. To Be 1 + Subject + Noun
Adverb of Time ?
Adverb of Place

Examples :

1. John usually g o e s to work at 8 everyday (+)

es – nya hilang

John does not (doesn’t) usually go to work at 8 everyday (-)

(Karena Subjectnya orang ke3 tunggal, maka menggunakan does )

Does John usually go to work at 8 everyday ? (?)

2. They always play football in the field every afternoon (+)

They do not (don’t) always play football in the field every afternoon (-)
Do they always play football in the field every afternoon ? (?)

3. We never come to the office late every day

Do we never come to the office late everyday ?
(Tidak usah ada bentuk Negatifnya karena kalimat di atas pengertiannya negatif = tidak pernah)

4. My father is in the office now

Adverb of Place

5. ‘What day is it ?’ ‘ It is Friday’

Adverb of Time

6. ‘What time is it ?’ ‘It is 10 o’clock’

Adverb of Time

7. ‘How are you ?’ ‘I’m fine’


8. ‘Where is Lucy ?’ ‘She is in the living room’

Adverb of Place

9. ‘Where is Linda, is she in ?’ ‘She is absent, Mom’



A. Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, or D.

1. Linda ___________ to school everyday
A. go B. going C. goes D. went

2. Mr. Wilson ___________ the documents every week

A. signed B. to sign C. signing D. signs

3. My sister ___________ for a job every year

A. applies B. apply C. applied D. applying

4. I always ___________ the report to my manager every week

A. gives B. give C. gave D. given

5. Mr. Smith and Mr. Green ___________ the monthly meeting in the office
A. holds B. held C. hold D. holding

6. Her mother ___________ some cakes in the kitchen every day

A. makes B. made C. making D. to make

7. The teacher ___________ the lesson at school everyday

A. explained B. explains C. explaining D. to explain

8. The students ___________ the problem every week

A. discussed B. discuss C. discussing D. discusses

9. ___________ he tell you something ?

A. do B. is C. does D. did

10. We ___________ know how to solve this problem

A. aren’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t

11. ___________ they phone you everyday ?

A. do B. does C. did D. is

12. She ___________ always come to school on time

A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t D. aren’t

13. He always ___________ to work hard

A. try B. tried C. to try D. tries

14. My brother never ___________ his car carelessly

A. drive B. drives C. drove D. driving

15. The pilot ___________ the plane to the big cities every week
A. fly B. to fly C. flies D. flying

B. Change the sentences below into the right one based on the sign given.

1. Shinta goes to school everyday

Example: (-) Shinta does not go to school everyday

2. Do they play football every afternoon?

(+) _______________________________________________________ They play football every afternoon.

3. We discuss the lesson every week

(-) ________________________________________________________ We don't discuss the lesson every week.

4. My teacher always explains the lesson well

(?) ________________________________________________________ Does my teacher always explain the lesson well?

5. My father drives a car to his office

(-) ________________________________________________________ My father doesn't drive a car to his office.

6. His brother plays guitar beautifully

(?) ________________________________________________________ Does his brother play guitar beautifully?

7. I don’t know how to answer the questions

(+) ________________________________________________________ I know how to answer the questions.

8. Does Linda call you every night?

(+) ________________________________________________________ Linda calls you every night.

9. My mother usually shops in the market every week

(-) ________________________________________________________ My mother doesn't usually shop in the market every week.

10. The students always work the test every week

(?) ________________________________________________________ Do the students always work the test every week?

11. The manager always holds the meeting every week

(-) ________________________________________________________ The manager doesn't always hold the meeting every week.

C. Change the Indonesia sentences into English

1. Seorang perawat selalu memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pasien

________________________________________________________ A nurse always provides the best service to patients.
2. Perawat adalah pekerjaan yang mulia
________________________________________________________ A nurse is a noble job.
3. Pasien kadang-kadang meminta pertolongan kepada perawat
________________________________________________________ The patients sometimes ask for help to the nurse.
4. Perawat biasanya meminta data kepada pasien atau keluarganya
________________________________________________________ Nurses usually ask for data from patients or their families.
5. Apakah perawat bekerja siang dan malam?
________________________________________________________ Do the nurses work day and night?
6. Seorang perawat tidak pernah lelah merawat pasiennya
________________________________________________________ A nurses never get tired of taking care of their patients.
7. Apakah pasien ini menderita kanker?
________________________________________________________ Does this patient have cancer?
8. Berapa banyak perawat di rumah sakit ini?
________________________________________________________ How many nurses in this hospital?
9. Perawat yang baik selalu memperkenalkan diri kepada pasien yang baru
________________________________________________________ A good nurses always introduce themselves to a new patient.
10. Dokter bertanya kepada perawat tentang pasien itu
________________________________________________________ The doctor asks about that patient to the nurse.

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