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Judul Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant Activity and Larval Toxicity of Ethanolic and
Ethyl Acetate extracts from Rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.
Jurnal International Journal of Research and Review
Volume dan halaman Vol. 9; Issue: 9; hal: 13-24
Tahun terbit September 2022
Penulis ADOVELANDE Jacques 1 , CACHON Fresnel Boris 2,3, ASSOGBA Mahoudo
Fidèle 1, AHOTON Djidénou Paul 1, BENOU Joachim Djimon 1,4
Reviewer Febry Prasetya Aryanti
Tanggal 7 April 2023
Introduction Pada pendahuluan penulis menjelaskan Selama berabad-abad di daerah tropis dan
subtropis, beberapa genus dari famili Zingiberaceae telah digunakan dalam
masakan sebagai bumbu atau pewarna makanan, dalam kosmetik, dalam
pengobatan tradisional. Di antara genera, Kunyit adalah yang paling banyak
dipelajari.(1) Genus ini mencakup sekitar 110 spesies dari kawasan Asia tropis dan
Australia bagian utara.(2) Spesies Curcuma longa L. adalah tanaman abadi yang
diproduksi terutama di India dan Asia Tenggara.(3) Rimpang adalah bagian
tanaman yang paling banyak digunakan. Rimpangnya digiling menjadi bubuk dan
digunakan sebagai bumbu dan pewarna makanan. bubuknya memiliki rasa pedas
dan pahit. Warna oranye- kuningnya disebabkan oleh kurkuminoid. Di antara ini,
kurkumin adalah molekul yang paling banyak dan paling banyak dipelajari.
Curcuma longa L. juga digunakan sebagai pewarna dalam industri tekstil.Apalagi
tanaman ini sangat terkenal dalam pengobatan tradisional India dan Cina. Memang,
itu digunakan untuk mengobati asma, alergi, penyakit hati, penyakit kuning,
anoreksia, rematik, pilek, sinusitis dan penyakit menular. (4) Baru-baru ini,
Curcuma longa L. telah menjadi subjek banyak penelitian ilmiah. Hasil pekerjaan
ini mengkonfirmasi data pengobatan tradisional India dan Cina. Selain itu,
efektivitas kurkumin dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan banyak penyakit seperti
kanker usus besar, diabetes, penyakit Alzheimer kini telah diakui.(5) Saat ini,
pentingnya kunyit cukup besar di seluruh dunia hingga tanaman ini dibudidayakan
di sebagian besar negara tropis dan subtropis dan merupakan subjek perdagangan
internasional yang penting. (6) Dengan demikian, Kunyit ditemukan di Benin di
mana ia semakin dibudidayakan untuk tujuan kuliner dan pengobatan. Namun,
sangat sedikit karya ilmiah yang dikhususkan untuk produksi orang Benin ini.
Dalam konteks inilah penelitian ini dilakukan.
Metode penelitian • Pembuatan Ekstrak Etanol
• Pembuatan ekstrak etil asetat
• Skrining fitokimia
• Penentuan polifenol total
• Penentuan flavonoid
• Penentuan tanin
• Aktivitas antioksidan metode FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioksidan Power)
• Kapasitas antioksidan Metode DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl)
• Penentuan IC50 ekstrak
Hasil dan pembahasan Hasil ekstraksi
hasil ekstrak etanolik setidaknya dua kali lebih tinggi dari ekstrak etil asetat. Oleh
karena itu disimpulkan bahwa hasil terbaik diperoleh dengan ekstrak etanol.
Pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh Ameur et al menghasilkan 11% hasil ekstrak etanol
Curcuma longa L., yang lebih rendah dari penelitian.
Penapisan fitokimia
Skrining fitokimia pada bubuk rimpang Curcuma longa L. memungkinkan
memperoleh informasi tentang nilai biokimia dan/atau kimiawi melalui uji kimiawi
yang teridentifikasi. analisis fitokimia mengungkapkan adanya alkaloid, flavonoid,
antosianin, turunan kuinon, tanin, steroid dan terpen, senyawa pereduksi, lendir dan
turunan antrasena, tetapi kami mencatat tidak adanya leuko-antosianin, saponosida,
turunan sianogenik, c-heterosida dan kumarin. Bubuk kunyit yang terkandung
alkaloid, yang juga terjadi pada Boukri pada ekstrak kasar pembuatan Curcuma
longa L. dari rempah-rempah yang terkandung dalam campuran Ras-el-hanout.(16)
Namun hasil ini menunjukkan kontradiksi dibandingkan dengan Leela et Anchana
pada berbagai rempah-rempah yang berbeda. (17) Senyawa ini memiliki sifat
mikrobisida yang digunakan untuk mengobati kanker tertentu. (18) Selain itu,
mereka memiliki tindakan fisiologis yang luar biasa pada sistem saraf pusat atau
sistem saraf otonom simpatik dan parasimpatis yang bekerja dalam jumlah kecil.
Kandungan polifenol total
Penentuan polifenol total dilakukan dan hasil yang diperoleh dinyatakan sebagai
setara mg asam galat per gram ekstrak (mg EqAG/g E), dengan menggunakan
persamaan regresi linier dari kurva kalibrasi yang diplot untuk asam galat.
Kandungan tertinggi diperoleh dengan ekstrak etil asetat (1304,596 mg EqAG/g E).
Hasil ini sebagian besar lebih unggul daripada yang diperoleh dari penelitian yang
dilakukan pada daun dan batang Curcuma longa L. oleh Brahimi et al yang masing-
masing memberikan 10,64 ÿg EqAG /mg dan 11,71 ÿg EqAG /mg untuk ekstrak
etanol dan etil asetat.
Kandungan flavonoid
Penentuan total flavonoid dilakukan. Hasil yang diperoleh dinyatakan sebagai mg
quercetin ekuivalen (Q) per gram ekstrak (mg EqQ/g E), menggunakan persamaan
regresi linier dari kurva kalibrasi yang diplot untuk quercetin.
Kandungan tanin
Uji tanin dilakukan dan hasil yang diperoleh dinyatakan sebagai setara pirogalol mg
(P) per gram ekstrak (mg EqP/g E), menggunakan persamaan regresi linier dari
kurva kalibrasi yang diplot untuk pirogalol.
Aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode FRAP
Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas penangkapan radikal bebas
dapat dikaitkan dengan tingginya kadar polifenol total untuk ekstrak etil
asetat.(39)Ekstrak kasar kunyit hadir dalam campuran rempah-rempah "Ras el
hanout" dipelajari oleh Atti di wilayah Wilaya Ouargla (Aljazair) memberikan
aktivitas antioksidan dengan IC50 0,55 mg/mL terhadap 0,06 mg/mL untuk asam
askorbat.(40 )
Toksisitas larva
Studi toksisitas pada larva udang dari ekstrak memungkinkan untuk menentukan
konsentrasi mematikan LC50 dari kurva regresi yang menyatakan persentase larva
mati menurut konsentrasi ekstrak. bahwa ekstrak etanol dan etil asetat dari Curcuma
longa L. tidak beracun. Memang, dalam evaluasi toksikologi ekstrak tanaman
dengan uji toksisitas, nilai LC50 <1000 ÿg/mL dianggap bioaktif.(44) Uji "udang
air asin" adalah penyaringan awal untuk menentukan tidak hanya tingkat toksisitas
suatu produk , tetapi juga adanya potensi senyawa antikanker.
Kesimpulan Tumbuhan obat merupakan sumber dari sebagian besar nutrisi alami dan
antioksidan, namun masih kurang dimanfaatkan dalam bidang medis.
Pengembangan pengobatan baru dengan tanaman ini harus menjadi agenda karena.
Curcuma longa L. yang dibudidayakan di Benin di Bopa terbukti tidak beracun dan
kaya nutrisi dan senyawa polifenol.Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa
konsumsi curcuma longa L. Dapat melawan defisiensi nutrisi dan memiliki aktivitas
antioksidan yang baik dalam kapasitas menangkal radikal bebas; yang akan
berkontribusi pada fungsi tubuh yang baik.
International Journal of Research and Review
Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
Research Paper E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant Activity and

Larval Toxicity of Ethanolic and Ethyl Acetate
Extracts from Rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.
ADOVELANDE Jacques1, CACHON Fresnel Boris2,3,
ASSOGBA Mahoudo Fidèle1, AHOTON Djidénou Paul1,
GBENOU Joachim Djimon1,4
Laboratory of Pharmacognosy and Essential Oils, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Faculty of Health
Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP 918, Cotonou, Benin
Laboratory of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Environment, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques,
University of Abomey-Calavi, 04 BP 0320, Cotonou, Benin
Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Biology, National School of Applied Biosciences and
Biotechnologies, National University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics, Abomey, Benin
Laboratory of Research of perfume, aromatic, food and medicinal plants, FAST-ENS, Natitingou, National
University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics, Abomey, Benin.

Corresponding Author: CACHON Fresnel Boris


ABSTRACT beta-carotene (0.139 mg/100 g) assay, the

ethanolic extract had the highest contents. Note
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), a plant native to also that the ethyl acetate extract showed the
Asia, was the subject of the present study whose best antioxidant activity (IC50 = 0.007 mg/mL)
objective was to evaluate the antioxidant compared to the ethanolic extract (IC50 = 0.009
properties of the rhizome powder of this plant mg/mL) after the control (ascorbic acid 0.0074
cultivated at Bopa, a commune of Benin. The µg/mL).
methodology used consists in evaluating the
toxicity of the extracts by the shrimp larvae, to Keywords: antioxidant activity, phytochemical
make the phytochemical analysis of the analysis, rhizome, larval toxicity
Curcuma longa L. powder in order to obtain
information on its biochemical and/or chemical INTRODUCTION
value. It also consists in the determination of For centuries in tropical and subtropical
polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins and beta- regions, several genera of the Zingiberaceae
carotene of ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts, family have been used in cooking as spices
and in the evaluation of the antioxidant activity
of these extracts by the FRAP and DPPH
or food coloring, in cosmetics, in traditional
methods. Phytochemical screening of the medicine. Among the genera, Turmeric is
powder revealed the presence of alkaloids, the most studied.(1) This genus includes
flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins, steroids and about 110 species from tropical Asian and
terpenes, reducing compounds, mucilages and northern Australian regions.(2)
anthracene derivatives. The yield of ethanolic The species Curcuma longa L. is a perennial
and ethyl acetate extracts gave 31.94 % and plant produced primarily in India and
14.66 % respectively. The larval toxicity test Southeast Asia.(3) The rhizome is the most
performed on these two extracts revealed that used part of the plant. The rhizome is
they will not be toxic. The ethyl acetate extract ground into a powder and used as a spice
had a high content of polyphenol (1304.596 mg
and food coloring. The powder has a
EqAG) while for the flavonoids (1259.938 mg
EqQ/g E), tannins (259.859 mg EqP/g E) and
peppery and bitter flavor. Its orange-yellow
color is attributed to curcuminoids. Among

International Journal of Research and Review ( 13

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

these, curcumin is the most abundant and Preparation of ethyl acetate extract
most studied molecule. Curcuma longa L. is To 50 g of Curcuma longa L. powder is
also used as a dye in the textile industry. added one liter of ethyl acetate. The mixture
Moreover, this plant is very well known in is left to macerate for 24 hours and then
traditional Indian and Chinese medicine. filtered through Whatman filter paper. The
Indeed, it is used to treat asthma, allergies, ethyl acetate extract obtained is evaporated
liver diseases, jaundice, anorexia, under vacuum at 45 °C using a rotavapor
rheumatism, cold, sinusitis and infectious and then dried in an oven at 50 °C for 24
diseases.(4) Recently, Curcuma longa L. has hours. The residue obtained is preserved in
been the subject of much scientific research. colored vials and stored at 4 °C in the
The results of this work have confirmed the refrigerator.
data of traditional Indian and Chinese
medicine. Moreover, the effectiveness of Phytochemical screening
curcumin in the prevention and treatment of It is an analysis based on staining or
many diseases such as colon cancer, precipitation reactions using relatively
diabetes, Alzheimer's disease is now specific reagents for each class of active
recognized.(5) Nowadays, the importance of ingredients described by Bruneton and
turmeric is considerable throughout the repeated by Assogba et al.(7,8)
world to the point where the plant is
cultivated in most tropical and subtropical Determination of total polyphenols
countries and is the subject of an important The determination of total polyphenols was
international trade.(6) Thus, Turmeric is carried out according to the method of
found in Benin where it is increasingly Singleton et al and adopted by Assogba et al
cultivated for culinary and medicinal with some slight modifications.(8,9) This
purposes. However, very little scientific determination was carried out using the
work has been devoted to this Beninese Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Gallic acid is used
production. It is in this context that the as a reference compound to make the
present study was conducted. calibration curve.

MATERIAL AND METHODS Determination of flavonoids

Plant material The total flavonoid content of the plant
The plant material used is the rhizome of extracts is estimated by the aluminum
Curcuma longa L. harvested in September trichloride (AlCl3) method. Quercetin is
2021, in the Valley farm in Lobogo, used as a reference compound to make the
Commune of Bopa, Department of Mono. calibration curve.(8,10)
Our samples were cut and dried out of the
sun. They were then ground into powder for Determination of tannins
extraction and analysis. The method used to determine the content
of condensed tannins is the vanillin sulfur
Preparation of the ethanolic extract method of Broadhurst et al and repeated by
To 100 g of Curcuma longa L. rhizome Assogba et al.(8,11) Pyrogallol is used as a
powder is added one liter of alcohol at 96 reference compound to make the calibration
°C. The mixture is left to macerate for 24 curve.
hours and then filtered on Whatman filter
paper. The ethanolic extract obtained is Antioxidant activity FRAP method
evaporated under vacuum at 45 °C using a (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power)
rotavapor and then dried in an oven at 50 °C The FRAP (Ferric Reducing antioxidant
for 24 hours. The product obtained is power) method is based on the ability of
scraped into colored vials and stored at 4 °C extracts to reduce ferric ion to ferrous ion.
in the refrigerator. The total antioxidant capacity of each plant

International Journal of Research and Review ( 14

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

extract was determined by the method of C: concentration of free radical scavenging

Hinneburg et al.(12) Thus 1 mL of an compounds in mmol EqAA /g E or dry
aqueous solution of each extract (20 mg/mL fraction.
diluted to 100 to obtain 0.2 mg/mL), of Cread: concentration of the sample read.
ascorbic acid, was mixed with 2.5 mL of D: dilution factor of the sample.
phosphate buffer (0.2 M ; pH 6.6) and 2.5 Ci: concentration of the extract stock
mL of the aqueous solution (1 %) of solution in mg/mL.
potassium hexacyanoferrate K3Fe(CN)6. M: molecular weight of ascorbic acid (176.1
After 30 min of incubation at 50 °C, 2.5 mL g/mol).
of trichloroacetic acid (10 %) was added.
The mixture was then centrifuged at 3000 Determination of the IC50 of extracts
rpm for 10 min. 2.5 mL of the supernatant For this test, samples were prepared by
was then mixed with the same volume of dissolving in ethanol.(8) For each extract, a
water and 0.5 mL of a freshly prepared stock solution is prepared in distilled water
aqueous FeCl3 solution (0.1 %) was added. at 0.1 µg/mL. This solution is then diluted
The absorbances were read at 700 nm in geometric series of reason 2 to have
against a calibration curve obtained from different concentrations. In dry and sterile
ascorbic acid (0-200 mg/L). The reducing test tubes, 1 mL of the test extract solution
power was expressed as mol ascorbic acid is introduced, 2 mL of DPPH solution (0.04
equivalent per gram of extract (mol EqAA mg/mL) is added. After vortexing, the tubes
/g E) considering 1 mM equals FRAP of 1 are placed in the dark at laboratory
mL of the extract according to the following temperature for 30 min. The absorbance is
formula: measured at 517 nm with a
spectrophotometer (Biomate UV/VIS). For
C = c x D / M x Ci each dilution, a blank is prepared, consisting
c: represents the average concentration of of 1 mL of distilled water and 2 mL of
your extract by projecting its optical density DPPH. The positive control is represented
on the calibration curve. by ascorbic acid (100 µg/mL) and is treated
D: if you did not dilute your extract before under the same conditions as the test
reading, your dilution is 1. sample. The antioxidant activity AA % is
M: molecular weight of ascorbic acid (176.1 given by the following formula:
Ci: concentration of the extract used for the AA % = 100 - {[(Abstest - Absblanc) x 100]
study. /Abscontrol}
Or Inhibition % = ((Abscontrol -
Antioxidant capacity DPPH (2,2- Abstest) /Abscontrol) x 100
diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method AA: Antioxidant activity.
The capacity of the extracts and fractions to Abs: Absorbance at the wavelength of 517
trap the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1- nm.
picrylhydrazyl) radical was determined
using the procedure described by Lamien- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Meda et al and repeated by Assogba et Yields of the extractions
al.(8,13) The antioxidant capacity of the The yields of the different extractions were
extracts was determined using an ascorbic obtained by the formula below and the
acid calibration curve (0-10 mg/mL). Each results recorded in Table 1.
test is performed in triplicates. Antioxidant Y = Mass of the extract x 100 / Mass of dry
capacity is expressed as mmol ascorbic acid matter
equivalent per gram of extract (mmol EqAA Y: yield in percentage
/g E) using the formula below: Mass in gram
C = (Cread x D) x 100 / (M x Ci)

International Journal of Research and Review ( 15

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

Table 1: Aspects, colors and yields of extracts of Curcuma Longa L.

Extracts Aspects Colors Yields (%)
Ethanolic Sticky paste Dark yellow 31.94
Ethyl acetate Sticky paste Bright red 14.66


Figure 1: Ethyl acetate extract (A) and ethanolic extract (B)

From the results reported in Table 1, the the alkaloids, which is also the case with
yield of the ethanolic extract is at least twice Boukri on the crude extract of Curcuma
as high as that of the ethyl acetate extract. It longa L. making from the spices contained
is therefore deduced that the best yield is in the Ras-el-hanout mixture.(16) But these
obtained with the ethanolic extract. The results show a contradiction compared to
work done by Ameur et al resulted in 11 % those of Leela et Anchana on a range of
yield of ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa different spices.(17) These compounds have
L., which is lower than our study.(14) This microbicidal properties used to treat certain
difference may be related to the genetic cancers.(18) In addition, they have
properties of the plants as well as the remarkable physiological action on the
geographical origin, the conditions and central nervous system or sympathetic and
duration of storage of the harvest and also parasympathetic autonomic nervous system
the conditions under which the extractions of which they act in small amounts. Other
were performed.(15) The remarkable colors pharmacological effects also attributed to
of these two extracts (Figure 1) would be alkaloids such as analgesic (cocaine), anti-
due to the strong coloring character of cholinergic (atropine), anti-malaria
turmeric and their pasty aspects could (quinine), anti-hypertensive (reserpine),
possibly depend on the concentration of antitussive (codeine), central stimulant
vegetable oil in the rhizomes of Curcuma (caffeine), cardiac depressant and narcotic
longa L. diuretic (morphine), anti-tumor and
sympathomimetic (ephedrine). (19) Our work
Phytochemical screening reveals the existence of gallic and/or
The results of the phytochemical analysis of catechic tannins. A study by Shamsuddeen
turmeric are presented in the table 2. revealed that the alcoholic extract of
The phytochemical screening on the Zingiber officinale does not contain
rhizome powder of Curcuma longa L. tannins.(20) But the same author confirmed
allowed us to obtain information on the the presence of tannins in the aqueous
biochemical and/or chemical value through extract of ginger. Tannins (especially gallic)
identified chemical tests. The are considered good remedies in the
phytochemical analyses reveal the presence treatment of respiratory diseases and against
of alkaloids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, coughs. Internally, tannins have an
quinone derivatives, tannins, steroids and antidiarrheal activity. Its antiseptic,
terpenes, reducing compounds, mucilages antibacterial and antifungal properties are
and anthracene derivatives, but we note the clearly demonstrated in the treatment of
absence of leuco-anthocyanins, saponosides, infectious diarrhea and dermatitis. Tannins
cyanogenic derivatives, c-heterosides and have a strong antioxidant activity, they are
coumarins. The turmeric powder contained very good scavengers of free radicals and

International Journal of Research and Review ( 16

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

inhibit the formation of superoxide fragile and rapidly degradable. Terpenoids

radical.(19) The phytochemical screening of rare in many other genera are present in
the rhizome of Curcuma longa L. powder Curcuma longa L. as also demonstrated by
reveals the presence of flavonoids. Our the results of Boukri.(16) Quinone
results corroborate the results of Tacouri et derivatives, reducing compounds,
al which testify to the richness of flavonoids mucilages, steroids, cardenolides, o-
in spices.(21) heterosides, free and combined anthracenics
are also present in Curcuma longa L.
Table 2: Results of phytochemical analysis of Curcuma longa
Chemical compounds Results Total polyphenol contents
Alkaloids + The determination of total polyphenols was
Flavonoids +
Anthocyanins + carried out and the results obtained are
Leuco-anthocyanins - expressed as mg gallic acid equivalent per
Quinone derivatives +
Catechic tannins +
gram of extract (mg EqAG/g E), using the
Gallic tannins + equation of the linear regression of the
Triterpenoids + calibration curve plotted for gallic acid.
Steroids +
Cardenolides +
Saponosides -
Cyanogenic derivatives -
Reducing compounds +
Mucilages +
Free anthracene +
o-heterosides +
c-heterosides -
Coumarins -
(+) present ; (-) absent

These compounds are known mainly for

their "veinoactive" role, i.e., reducing the
permeability of blood capillaries and
Figure 2: Histogram representing the polyphenol content of
strengthening their resistance.(22) Some anti- EE and AE extracts of Curcuma longa L.
allergic, hepatoprotective and antispasmodic Legend: EE=Ethanolic extract, AE=Ethyl acetate extract
properties are also attributed to these
compounds. Flavonoids have antioxidant Comparison of the polyphenol values of
and anti-inflammatory activities and play a ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts
positive role in the treatment of highlights the polyphenol richness of these
cardiovascular and neurodegenerative extracts (Figure 2). The highest content is
diseases. In some cases, they are known obtained with the ethyl acetate extract
for their antiviral and antitumor activities. (1304.596 mg EqAG/g E). These results are
They have been shown to be antimicrobial largely superior to those obtained by the
substances active in vitro against a wide study performed on Curcuma longa L.
spectrum of microorganisms. This activity leaves and stems by Brahimi et al which
would be due to their ability to complex gives 10.64 μg EqAG /mg and 11.71 μg
with soluble extracellular proteins and the EqAG /mg for ethanolic and ethyl acetate
bacterial wall.(23) Anthocyanins which extracts, respectively.(24) But the study of
represent one of the subclasses of flavonoids Marfak on the methanolic extract of
revealed their presence in the turmeric Curcuma longa L. records a value of 4.14
powder used here and their absence in the mg Eq AG/g ES and that of Seggani et al a
research work of Boukri on Turmeric.(16) value of 18.125 mg Eq AG/g ms.(25,26) These
These powerful antioxidants cleanse the differences in concentration may be caused
body of free radicals and maintain good by the low specificity of the Folin-Ciocalteu
blood circulation.(7) This absence may be reagent. The reagent is extremely sensitive
due to the fact that these substances are to the reduction of all hydroxyl groups not

International Journal of Research and Review ( 17

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

only those of phenolic compounds, but also The comparison of the flavonoid values of
of some sugars and proteins, etc.(27,28) The the ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts
extraction solvent carries away non- shows the richness in flavonoids of these
phenolic substances such as sugars, proteins extracts (Figure 3). Of the two extracts the
and dyes that may interfere during any highest content is obtained with the
phenolic evaluation.(29) The assay by this ethanolic extract (1259.938 mg EqQ/g E).
reagent therefore gives a crude evaluation of But Boukri in his study on the crude extract
all phenolic compounds in an extract. It is of Curcuma longa L. obtains 6.52 mg EQ
not specific to polyphenols, but many EC/g ms and flavonoid contents of the
compounds can react with the reagent, leaves and stems of Curcuma longa L. give
giving an apparently high phenolic content, 16.31 μg EQ EC /mg for the ethanolic
which is the case here for Curcuma longa L. extract and 7.98 μg EQ EC /mg for that of
rhizomes.(30) The distribution of secondary ethyl acetate according to Brahimi et
metabolites may change during plant al.(16,24) Curcuma longa L. from Malaysia
development. This may be related to harsh was reported to contain 0.094 mg /g
climatic conditions (high temperature, solar flavonoid content of a dry sample, while
exposure, drought, salinity), which stimulate Sumazian et al reported 4.05 mg /g
the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites flavonoid content of a dry sample of
such as polyphenols.(31) The phenolic Curcuma domestica.(33,34) Similarly, Tilak et
content of a plant depends on a number of al reported that the flavonoid content of
intrinsic (genetic) and extrinsic (climatic turmeric in India ranged from 3.58 to 7.86
conditions, cultural practices, maturity at mg /g.(35) Our values are significantly higher
harvest and storage conditions) factors.(31,32) than those of all these researchers.
The main reason for choosing this class of Flavonoids are widely studied in turmeric
polyphenols is that flavonoids are the most for their broad advantage of
important polyphenolic class, with more pharmacological activities.(36) Flavonoids
than 5000 compounds already described.(28) are antioxidants that can prevent or delay
oxidation of substrates even when present at
Flavonoid content low concentrations.
The determination of total flavonoids was
performed. The results obtained are Tannin content
expressed as mg quercetin equivalent (Q) The tannin assay was performed and the
per gram of extract (mg EqQ/g E), using the results obtained are expressed as mg
linear regression equation of the calibration pyrogallol equivalent (P) per gram of extract
curve plotted for quercetin. (mg EqP/g E), using the equation of the
linear regression of the calibration curve
plotted for pyrogallol.

Figure 3: Histogram representing the flavonoid content of EE

and AE extracts of Curcuma longa L.
Legend: EE=Ethanolic extract, AE=Ethyl acetate extract Figure 4: Histogram representing the tannin content of EE
and AE extracts of Curcuma longa L.
Legend: EE=Ethanolic extract, AE=Ethyl acetate extract

International Journal of Research and Review ( 18

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

The comparison of the tannin values of Legend: EE=Ethanolic extract, AE=Ethyl

ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts shows acetate extract
the richness in tannins of these extracts The evaluation of the antioxidant activity by
(Figure 4). The content of the ethanolic the iron reduction method allows us to
extract (259.859 mg EqP/g E) prevails over better understand the antioxidant power of
that of ethyl acetate (140.011 mg EqP/g E). Curcuma longa L. extracts. Ascorbic acid is
The tannin contents obtained for our used as a control and the extracts are at a
ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts are concentration of 0.2 mg/ml (Figure 5).
higher than the work of Tanvir et al whose
varieties Mura de Khulua, Chora de Khulua, Antioxidant activity by DPPH method
Mura de Chittagong and Chora de The DPPH free radical allowed the
Chittagong yielded 7.74, 8.93, 11.78, 7.15 g estimation of the antioxidant activity of the
tannic acid equivalent (T) per 100 g extract prepared extracts. The main results of the
(g TEQ /100 g extract), respectively.(37) The antioxidant activity of Curcuma Longa L.
turmeric varieties studied differed are summarized below (Figure 6).
significantly, reflecting the effects of
geographical variation between the
Chittagong, Khulna and Benin divisions.
Tannins are substances of plant origin that
have the property of transforming fresh skin
into a rot-proof material, leather.(7)

Antioxidant activity by the FRAP method

Figure 6: Antioxidant capacity of extracts for the

determination of antioxidant activity of Curcuma Longa L.
Legend: EE=Ethanolic extract, AE=Ethyl acetate extract

Determination of the IC50

The curves below were used to determine
the IC50 of each extract (Figure 7).
Figure 5: Reducing power of extracts in mol EqAA /g dry

Figure 7: Antiradical activity of different extracts of Curcuma Longa L.

International Journal of Research and Review ( 19

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

The values obtained allowed us to draw antioxidant activity of the extract and
curves with these different gaits. From these consequently the higher the free radical
curves we can determine the IC50 value of scavenging power.
the extracts and the oil. The smaller the IC50 Our results are contrary to the previous
value, the higher the antioxidant activity of report of Tanvir et al which says that
the extract. Another parameter calculated according to IC50 values ethanolic extracts
from the effective concentration is the show stronger scavenging activity.(37)
antiradical activity. The more these values On the other hand we can also say that our
do not tend and move away from zero, the ethanolic, ethyl acetate extracts of Curcuma
more the antioxidant power increases. The longa L. are all found to be antioxidant as
values of the inhibitory concentrations and Lee et al says that any extract with
the antiradical activity are reported in the antioxidant activity less than or equal to 10
table 3. mg/mL is an extract with antioxidant
Table 3: The values of IC50 and the antiradical power (ARP) The results obtained indicate that the free
Extracts IC50 ARP R2
Ascorbic acid 0.0074 (µg/mL) 135.13 radical scavenging activity can be attributed
Ethanolic 0.009 (mg/mL) 111.111 0.9992 to the high levels of total polyphenols for
Ethyl acetate 0.007 (mg/mL) 142.857 0.9997
the ethyl acetate extract.(39)
The crude extract of turmeric present in the
Compared to ascorbic acid (IC50 = 0.0074 spice mixture "Ras el hanout" studied by
µg/mL), ethyl acetate extract (IC50 = 0.007 Atti on the Wilaya region of Ouargla
mg/mL) has a lower antioxidant activity but (Algeria) gives an antioxidant activity with
better than ethanolic extract (IC50 = 0.009 an IC50 of 0.55 mg/mL against 0.06 mg/mL
mg/mL). The ethyl acetate extract is for ascorbic acid.(40)
therefore the one, which has an antiradical Nesrine in his study on rhizomes marketed
power that is farther from zero (142.857). in herbalists of the wilaya of M'sila showed
The FRAP and DPPH tests allowed to an antiradical activity of Curcuma longa L.
highlight the antioxidant activity of the with an IC50 of about 4.39 mg/mL against
studied extracts. an IC50 of 2.51 mg/mL for the positive
The concordance found between the FRAP control.(41)
and DPPH tests is that both tests retain the The antioxidant activity of curcumin is
ethyl acetate extract as a powerful mediated by antioxidant enzymes such as
antioxidant. superoxide dismutase, catalase and
From these curves we can determine the glutathione peroxidase. Curcumin is an
percentages of inhibition obtained according acceptor in the Michael reaction, allowing it
to the concentrations used as well as the to react with glutathione and thioredoxin.
IC50 value of each extract. Another The reaction of curcumin with these
parameter calculated from the effective compounds reduces intracellular glutathione
concentration, is the anti-radical activity. in cells.(42)
The more these values do not tend and move Also, curcumin acts as a free radical
away from zero, the more the antioxidant scavenger. It protects hemoglobin from
power increases. oxidation. In vitro, curcumin can
The anti-radical activity of our Curcuma significantly inhibit the generation of
longa L. shows that the ethyl acetate extract reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as
has the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 = superoxide anions, hydrogen peroxide H2O2,
0.007 mg/mL) compared to the ethanolic as well as the generation of nitrite radicals
extract (IC50 = 0.009 mg/mL) and the oil by activating macrophages. The latter play
(IC50 =3.767 mg/mL) compared to the IC50 an important role in inflammation.
of the control (ascorbic acid 0.0074 µg/mL) Curcumin can also decrease the production
The smaller the IC50 value, the higher the of ROS in vivo. Its derivatives,

International Journal of Research and Review ( 20

Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

demethoxycurcumin and bis- In view of the results obtained, we note that

demethoxycurcumin also exert antioxidant the ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of
effects. Curcuma longa L. are non-toxic. Indeed, in
Since ROS are involved in the development a toxicological evaluation of plant extracts
of various pathological conditions, by the toxicity test, an LC50 value <1000
curcumin has the potential to control these μg/mL is considered bioactive.(44) The
diseases through its antioxidant activity.(43) "brine shrimp" test is a preliminary
screening to determine not only the degree
Larval toxicity of toxicity of a product, but also the
The study of the toxicity on the shrimp presence of potential anticancer compounds.
larvae of the extracts allowed to determine Therefore, ethanolic and ethyl acetate
the lethal concentrations LC50 from the extracts of Curcuma longa L. could not be
regression curves which express the cytotoxic against cancer cells.
percentage of the dead larvae according to For 20 plant extracts tested using in vivo
the concentration of the extracts (Figure 8a, (mouse) and in vitro methods, the results
8b). showed a good correlation (r = 0.85; p <
0.05), suggesting that the Artemia test is a
relatively useful alternative toxicity
model.(45) The crucial point in discussing the
relevance of the LC50 values obtained
through the shrimp larva test is whether the
mortality data can be related to a more
specific activity. A general correlation of
this test with special types of bioactivity
does not seem to be accepted. Nevertheless,
in many cases it has been shown to be
possible.(46) McLaughlin et al in a study of
Figure 8a: Curve of larval mortality as a function of the the utility of this assay as an antitumor
concentration of the ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa L.
prescreening of plant extracts, was able to
determine a positive correlation between
Artemia larval mortality and cytotoxicity
against KB cells.(47) This led to the
discovery of acetogenins from Annonaceae
as a new class of natural pesticides and
active antitumor agents.(47) Similarly, Solis
et al found this test predictive of toxicity in
KB cells except for compounds requiring
metabolic activation, as Artemia larvae lack
the necessary cytochrome P450 enzymes.(48)
Richardson et al consider this test suitable
Figure 8b: Curve of larval mortality as a function of the
concentration of ethyl acetate extract of Curcuma longa L. for predicting the toxicity of trichothecenes
(mycotoxins) in roasted chickens.(49)
Table 4: LC50 values of extracts
Extracts LC50 (μg/mL)
Ethanolic 293.3
Ethyl acetate 702.8 Medicinal plants are the source of the
majority of natural nutrients and
Toxicity analysis of our extracts gives us antioxidants, but they remain under-
values above 100 μg/mL for lethal exploited in the medical field. The
concentrations (Table 4). Our extracts will development of new treatment by these
then not be toxic on shrimp larvae. plants must be on the agenda because

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Vol. 9; Issue: 9; September 2022
ADOVELANDE Jacques et al. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity and larval toxicity of ethanolic and
ethyl acetate extracts from rhizomes of Curcuma Longa L.

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