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The Process Of Tsunami


a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS WAJIB 8

b. Semester : Dua (2)
c. Materi Pokok : Explanation Text (Social and Natural
d. Alokasi Waktu : 3 x 45 menit
e. Kompetensi Dasar :

KD 3.8. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks explanation lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran
lain di kelas XI, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

KD 4.8Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks explanation lisan dan tulis, terkait gejala
alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di kelas XI

f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui Pembelajaran Discovery learning dengan menggunakan metode

diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik dapat
menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
explanation lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
gejala alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di kelas XI,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya, sehingga peserta didik dapat
menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya,
mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta dapat
mengembangankan kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkomunikasi,
berkolaborasi, berkreasi(4C).
g. Sumber Belajar :

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Bacalah bacaan pada Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA,
SMK/MAK Kelas XI Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, buku teks
Shymphony 2, artikel – artikel pada internet, serta materi pendukung lainnya.


Social Function Generic Structure Language Features


a. Petunjuk Umum

General guideline of learning this unit

a. Through this learning unit, you will develop your skill in oral and written of how to
state suggestion. You will be directed through some situational context. This is meant at
giving you the opportunity to enhance your analytical skill and critical thinking toward
the situation around. Therefore, you are required not only mastering only for the
knowledge about the language expressin, but also the way how you have to use it in its
proper context both oral and witten. You need to set yourself patiently, and prepare
yourself of the way you think critically the situation around.
b. Read through the material from this source:
Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA, SMK/MAK Kelas XI Kementrian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, buku teks Shymphony 2, artikel – artikel pada internet, serta
materi pendukung lainnya.
c. Do this learning unit in the worksheet or directly answer and do the given instruction
in the space provided. In one occasion you are requested to work of your own, but the
other will make you in group work, therefore set yourself for good cooperation with your

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d. in the case of oral production of how the expression is used, you will be asked to work
with your pair presenting your dialogue. Meanwhile for your written work, you will be
asked to write the use of intention in the form of a letter independently. But you will have
a moment to have friend review of your work before you finalize that

b. Pendahuluan

Before studying on this material, please first study and read the explanation as

1. Materi Pokok
An explanation text is a non-fiction text that is used to describe how or
why things happen. It usually includes a sequence of events (explaining how)
and provides reasons for a process or phenomenon (why).
2. FungsiSosial
An explanation is used to explain the process how or why of a natural or
social phenomena happens.
3. UnsurKebahasaan
1. Focus on natural and socio cultural phenomena
2. Using simple present
3. Using passive voice
4. Using action verb
5. Using causal conjunction
4. StrukturTeks
The generic structures of this text are divided into three parts as follows:
1. General Statement
This part consists of a general statement / general introduction of the
phenomenon that we are going to explain
2. Sequenced Explanation
This part explains about some process involved in the formation of the
phenomenon (how & why)
3. Closing (optional)
The concluding paragraph is presented in this part of explanation text even
though it is not a mandatory

The example of Explanation Text


General Statement: Flooding is a natural phenomenon that usually happens in a lot of

areas drained by the river flow. In simple terms, it can be defined as the presence of
flood water in a vast region that covers the area of the earth’s surface.
Sequenced of explanations: Flooding process itself occurs when the rains come and
cause water sources such as rivers, seas, lakes, and ditches no longer able to

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accommodate the water drop. The barren land covered with trees without overflowing
water will speed up the process of proficiency level, because the trees that should
absorb the water have been used as a furniture material. When the water source is no
longer able to accommodate, the water will overflow and flow into residential areas and
have a big impact. Nowadays, flood is an annually happening in some big cities in
Indonesia, especially Jakarta.

c. Kegiatan Inti

Learning Activity
Take your time to begin studying of Explantion Text with your
full patience and concentration, not forgetting that this is fun!!!

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Learning Activity 1

Have you understood after studying of Explantion Text? After you do all the
activities above, I hope you could answer Task I to identify the Explantion Text.
Let’s do it. Spirit!!!

Task 1
In group! Read the texts carefully and identify its social function, generic
structure and language feature.

A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the
ocean floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption.
A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this
fast-traveling wave grows very large.
Tsunamis occur when a major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The
displaced rock pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water
waves at the ocean surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the
earthquake source and move across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where
their height increases as they reach the continental shelf, the part of the Earth’s crust
that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor up to the land.
Tsunamis wash ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss
of lives due to drowning, and damage to property.

Element of
No Detail
Descriptive Text

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1 Social function

General statement
2 Structure text Sequence explanation

Focus on natural and social

Using simple present

3 Language features
Using passive voice

Using action verb

Using causal conjunction

How do you think the above Task, It is easy right? If you still don’t
understand yet, you may ask your teacher or the smart student in your
class to explain it back to you. Nothing difficult. If you quite comprehend
and be able to do Task I. We go to the next test.

Prepare your self !!!

Task 2. In group! Read the texts carefully and find out the differences and
similarities text 1 and text 2.
Text 1

Flooding is a natural phenomenon that usually happens in a lot of areas
drained by the river flow. In simple terms, it can be defined as the presence of flood
water in a vast region that covers the area of the earth’s surface.
Flooding process itself occurs when the rains come and cause water sources
such as rivers, seas, lakes, and ditches no longer able to accommodate the water drop.
The barren land covered with trees without overflowing water will speed up the
process of proficiency level, because the trees that should absorb the water have been
used as a furniture material. When the water source is no longer able to accommodate,
the water will overflow and flow into residential areas and have a big impact.
Nowadays, flood is an annually happening in some big cities in Indonesia, especially

Text 2


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A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the
ocean floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption.
A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this
fast-traveling wave grows very large.
Tsunamis occur when a major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The
displaced rock pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water
waves at the ocean surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the
earthquake source and move across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where
their height increases as they reach the continental shelf, the part of the Earth’s crust
that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor up to the land.
Tsunamis wash ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding,
loss of lives due to drowning, and damage to property.
Difference Difference
Text 1 Text 2
… … …

Task 3
Answer these following questions based on the text ‘tsunami’!
1. What is tsunami?
2. How is tsunami happening?
3. Do you think tsunami is dangerous?

Hmmm....the task above ask you to think harder. How can you find out the
differences and similarities of both explanation texts. If you find
difficulties, check back the explanation above.

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Learning Activity 2

Individually, Read the text‘tsunami’ carefully and write the main idea of each

No Paragraph Main idea

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Task 5
Individually, Read the texts ‘tsunami’ carefully and write down the summary
of the text.


How is thing going for you now?

After completing two different activities, now answer honestly about your mastery toward
the material of Explanation Text by putting a check (√) in YES or NO column corresponding
your situation toward the given statement

No Questios Yes No
Have understood the social function, generic structure and
language features of Explanation Text?
2. Can you explain the social function?
3. Can you mention the generic structures?

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4. Can you explain the language features in detail?

If you put a check in NO column, you should take your time to review again the
material or consult further to your teacher about your deficiency. You may also
ask the assitance from your peer. Do not be hopeless and keep trying until you
reach the success. If you choose YES column to all the questions, then continue
to next UKBM.

Where is your position?

Measure yourself in mastering the the social function, generic structure and
language features of Explanation Text. And you can use the expressions in
both writtenly and orally. Use range 0 to 100 and write in the box provided.

After you write down your mastery of that above material, continue to meet your
teacher asking for a formative test !

Let’s check your mastery of the material!

In order to make sure that you have mastered the material, answer the following
formative text!

Note : The following Formative Text will be given by the teacher directly, when you
meet him/her.

Tes Formatif


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After doing all the assignments above, this is the final part of UKBM Grade XI
KD. 3.8 and 4.8 in mastering the social function, generic structure and language
features of Explanation Text. And you can use the expressions in both writtenly
and orally

- Artikel yang ada di
- Symphony 2 English Course Book for Senior High School Grade XI published by
- Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA, SMK/MAK Kelas XI
Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

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