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Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

3.1 3.2 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
IDENTITAS SEKOLAH teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan
SATUAN PENDIDIKAN sebab akibat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
SMK Jakarta Pusat 1 (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan because of ..., due to ..., thanks
to ...)
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
Bahasa Inggris
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
KELAS/SEMESTER hubungan sebab akibat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
XII / 5 struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
Cause and Effect

4 jp x 45 Menit


1. Smarteschool
2. Powerpoint, video tutorial
3. Laptop/Handphone

Model : Discovery Learning
Pendekatan : Saintifik
Metode : Diskusi dan Penugasan

3.1.1 Menentukan (fungsi sosial dari
sebuah teks dialog sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait Hubungan Sebab Akibat
3.1.2 Menentukan struktur teks dari
sebuah teks dialog sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait Hubungan Sebab Akibat
3.1.3 Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan
dari sebuah teks dialog sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.1.1 Menyusun kalimat menjadi
sebuah teks / dialog tentang
Hubungan Sebab Akibat
Peserta didik dapat :
1. Memahami gambaran umum / isi teks dan tujuan teks tentang
cause and effect dengan cermat
2. Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf dari teks monologue tentang
cause and effect dengan tepat.
3. Menganalisa informasi rinci/tersirat dari teks monologue tentang
cause and effect dengan tepat.
4. Menganalisa sinonim / persamaan atau makna kata dari cause and
effect dengan tepat.
5. Membuat sebuah teks/Video dialog/monolog tentang cause and
effect dengan benar.
1. Mengkondisikan peserta didik untuk mempersiapkan pembelajaran luring,
mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
2. memotivasi peserta didik, melakukan apersepsi serta melakukan do’a
bersama sebelum kegiatan inti dimulai.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
1. Guru memberikan stimulus kepada siswa melalui video pembelajaran /
power point yang berisi tentang materi dan latihan / Contoh Soal tentang
cause and effect agar siswa menggali secara details tentang cause and
2. Guru melakukan diskusi dengan siswa tentang materi dan latihan tersebut
3. Guru memberikan ketentuan dan instruksi untuk membuat contoh teks
cause and effect tentang fenomena alam atau kejadian yang mereka ketahui
dan memberikan rentang waktu untuk mengerjakannya.
1. Rencana Tindak Lanjut, Refleksi dan Kesimpulan
2. Berdo'a bersama menutup pembelajaran

PENGETAHUAN : Tes Pilihan Ganda dan Uraian
KETERAMPILAN : Penugasan membuat teks/dialog tentang cause and effect

Jakarta, Juli 2022


Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Lilik Bintoro TP. SH., MM. Tim Bahasa Inggris

Lampiran 1: Contoh teks tentang Hubungan Sebab Akibat

Cause and effect : a text that explain about analysis of the writer to give a learning about phenomenon
Structures :
1. Topic sentences
2. Supporting sentences
3. Concluding sentences

Long Drought 2011

Drought during 2011 has caused many problems. First, the people lack of clean water to either take a
bath, wash clothes or drink. Consequently, the government has to spend more expenditure in social welfare.
Second, many breeders do not find grass for their cattle, sheep and goats. As result, their animals get thinner
day after day due to lack of enough food. Third, many farmers who depend on rainfall can not cultivate their
land. Consequently, they do not get regular income from agribusiness. This also causes the farmer labors of
losing their jobs. Therefore, poverty rate gets increased this year. Finally, the drought has a great impact on the
water reservoir: dams, lake, canal. Their water level go down or even totally dry. All of those conditions are
clearly due to mono cause that is long drought in our country.

Alcoholic drinking
Alcoholic drinking is very dangerous for our health. There are lot of problems caused by this dangerous fluid.
First, it can cause a swell in our liver. This is because it can trigger the liver to work extra hard filtering the fluid
in our body, so that, the liver becomes swollen because it contains so much fluid. Secondly, alcoholic drinking
damages the human brain. It will decrease the function of alcohol addict’s brain, thereby increasing the risk of
depression and frustration. If this happens, there will be a change in behavior on the alcoholic, even they can
be mad.
Then, alcohol also decreases the functions of our senses. One is our eye is absolutely can be blind
because of alcohol. In addition, this drink can also speed up menopause in women because it decreases the
function of reproductive organs in women, so that they will get menopause sooner than the period in general.
Last, it is also able to cause defects in the fetus. Alcohol that comes into the body of pregnant women also has
an impact on their baby, so that they will be born with disabilities. Therefore, the circulation of alcoholic
drinking is prohibited in Indonesia because it causes several dangerous diseases to the body.

The examples of cause and effetc sentences

◦ I don’t go to school because I am sick
◦ I am sleepy, so I don’t go to school
◦ He can not drive as he does not have license
◦ Since he was sick, the teacher allowed her to stay at home
◦ It was raining; therefore, I bring an umbrella
◦ It was raining. Consequently, I come late
◦ Sarah was very busy; as a result, she left before the time
◦ He was absence due to his illness
◦ The man was arrested by police because of his bad behaviour

Lampiran 2: Contoh soal tentang Hubungan Sebab Akibat

1. What is the EFFECT in the following sentence:

The mother bird gathers dried grass to build her next.
A. mother bird
B. gathers
C. Build her next
D. gathers dried grass

2. What is the CAUSE in the following sentence:

The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind.
A. high wind
B. because
C. tree fell
D. in the middle of the road

3. Select the best CAUSE for the following EFFECT.

cut her finger
A. outside
B. in the house
C. yesterday
D. Sarah picked up broken glass

4. Select the best EFFECT for the following CAUSE.

Ashley loved to read
A. story books
B. reading
C. she had many books
D. loved

5. What word or words indicated a CAUSE/EFFECT relationship?

◦ When the fire alarm sounded everyone walked out of the classroom in a quiet line.
A. everyone
B. When
C. sounded
D. Walked

6. Identify the CAUSE in the following sentence:

◦ The yard looked nice since Kyle mowed and raked the grass.
A. looked nice
B. Kyle mowed
C. since
D. mowed and raked the grass

7. Identify the EFFECT for the following sentence:

◦ Bradley improved his hitting after taking batting practice.
A. Bradley improved his hitting
B. after
C. taking batting practice
D. practice

8. Select the best CAUSE for the following EFFECT.

◦ The house was dark
A. when
B. electricity went out
C. last night
D. dark

9. Select the best EFFECT for the following CAUSE.

◦ the cat ran away
A. therefore
B. and
C. Kate cried all day
D. ran away

10. What clue word or words identify a CAUSE and an EFFECT relationship and/or connection?
◦ Mom made lemonade so that the kids could have something to drink.
A. made
B. so that
C.could have
D. lemonade

Long Drought 2011

Drought during 2011 has caused many problems. First, the people lack of clean water to either
take a bath, wash clothes or drink. Consequently, the government has to spend more expenditure in
social welfare. Second, many breeders do not find grass for their cattle, sheep and goats. As result,
their animals get thinner day after day due to lack of enough food. Third, many farmers who depend on
rainfall can not cultivate their land. Consequently, they do not get regular income from agribusiness.
This also causes the farmer labors of losing their jobs. Therefore, poverty rate gets increased this year.
Finally, the drought has a great impact on the water reservoir: dams, lake, canal. Their water level go
down or even totally dry. All of those conditions are clearly due to mono cause that is long drought in
our country.

◦ Questions:
1. What is the first problem posed by the long drought in 2011?
2. What is the consequent of the scarcity of clean water?
3. Why do animals get thinners?
4. How can the drought impact the water reservoir?
5. When did the long drought occur?

Lampiran-3: Contoh Penilaian Observasi Keterampilan Berbicara/Presentasi

A. Rubrik penilaian
A. Content : Isi/Pesan
1. Very good (25) = pesan tersampaikan sesuai permintaan
2. Good (20) = pesan tersampaikan dengan sedikit perubahan
3. Fair (15) = pesan yang disampaikan kurang sesuai dengan permintaan
4. Poor (10) = pesan yang disampaikan berbeda dengan permintaan
B. Fluency : kelancaran
1. Very good (25) = penyampaian dengan lancer
2. Good (20) = penyampaian dengan cukup lancer
3. Fair (15) = penyampaian dengan kurang lancar
4. Poor (10) = penyampaian dengan dibacakan
C. Performance : Penampilan
= sikap dan postur tubuh baik dan sesuai, suara jelas dan lantang, dapat
1. Very good (25)
menarik perhatian peserta
= sikap dan postur tubuh cukup baik, suara jelas, kurang menarik perhatian
2. Good (20)
= sikap dan postur kurang baik, suara kurang jelas, kurang menarik
3. Fair (15)
perhatian peserta
= sikap dan postur tubuh kurang baik, suara pelan dan tidak jelas, tidak
4. Poor (10)
menarik perhatian peserta
D. Vocabulary : Kosakata
1. Very good (25) = diucapkan dengan tata bahasa yang benar
2. Good (20) = diucapkan dengan sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa
3. Fair (15) = diucapkan dengan tata bahasa yang kurang tepat
4. Poor (10) = diucapkan dengan banyak kesalahan tata bahasa

B. Format penilaian
Aspek yang dinilai
No. Nama siswa Content Fluency Performance Vocabulary
(max. 25) (max. 25) (max. 25) (max.25)

Penilaian Kognitif (pengetahuan)

Jumlah benar
Jumlah soal X 100%

C. Penilaian Sikap
1. Teknik penilaian : Tes dan non tes
2. Bentuk : Tes tertulis dan observasi
3. Penilaian :
Nama Tanggung Rasa Ingin Nilai
Disiplin Jujur Santun
No. Peserta Jawab Tahu Akhir
didik 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

a. Rubrik Penilaian
Kriteria penskoran
4 : selalu, apabila selalu melakukan sesuai pernyataan
3 : sering, apabila sering melakukan sesuai pernyataan dan kadang-kadang tidak melakukan
2 : kadang-kadang, apabila kadang-kadang melakukan sesuai pernyataan dan sering tidak
1 : tidak pernah, apabila tidak pernah melakukan

Kategori nilai sikap:

Sangat baik : apabila memperoleh nilai akhir 4
Baik : apabila memperoleh nilai akhir 3
Cukup : apabila memperoleh nilai akhir 2
Kurang : apabila memperoleh nilai akhir 1
Nilai akhir sikap diperoleh berdasarkan modus (skor yang sering muncul)

Indikator Penilaian Sikap:

Sikap spiritual
1. Berdoa sebelum dan sesudah melakukan aktivitas
2. Beribadah tepat waktu
3. Khusuk dalam beribadah
4. Mengucapkan syukur atas karunia tuhan

1. Masuk kelas tepat waktu
2. Mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu
3. Menaati perintah kerja secara lisan dan tertulis
4. Memakai seragam sesuai ketentuan

1. Tidak menyontek dalam mengerjakan ujian/ulangan
2. Tidak menjadi plagiat (mengambil/menyalin karya orang lain tanpa menyebutkan sumber)
dalam mengerjakan setiap tugas
3. Mengemukakan perasaan terhadap sesuau apa adanya
4. Melaporkan barang yang ditemukan
5. Melaporkan data atau informasi apa adanya
6. Mengakui kesalahan atau kekurangan yang dimiliki

Tanggung Jawab
1. Melaksanakan tugas individu dengan baik
2. Menerima resiko dari tindakan yang dilakukan
3. Mengembalikan barang yang dipinjam
4. Meminta maaf atas kesalahan yang dilakukan

1. Menghormati orang yang lebih tua
2. Mengucapkan terima kasih setelah menerima bantuan orang lain
3. Menggunakan bahasa santun saat menyampaikan pendapat
4. Menggunakan bahasa santun saat mengkritik pendapat orang lain (teman)
5. Bersikap salam, senyum, sapa saat bertemu orang lain

1. Mampu menggunakan kesempatan
2. Berinisiatif dalam bertindak
3. Memiliki prinsip dalam bertindak (tidak ikut-ikutan)
4. Bertindak dengan penuh tanggung jawab

1. Menangapi pertanyaan
2. Kesempatan bertanya
3. Melakukan instruksi

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