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Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)


A N B3.7
E L/A4.7
J A/R4 M
/ 7A) N D I R I ( U K B M )
( BING- 3.7 / 4.7 / 4 / 7 )

Cause Effect Relationship

1. Identitas

a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

b. Kelas / Semester : XI / Genap
c. 3.7. Menerapkan
Kompetensi Dasar fungsi sosial,
: struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi iransaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan because of ..., due to ...,
thanks to ...)

4.7 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks

d. Materi Pokok : tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan

sebab akibat
e. Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 2 JP ( 4 Pertemuan )
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Melalui pendekatan scientific approach dengan menggunakan model

pembelajaran problem based learning dan metode diskusi, tanya jawab,
penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik dapat menerapkan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait hubungan sebab akibat sesuai konteks penggunaannya dan
menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait hubungan sebab akibat dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,
sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama
yang dianutnya, mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan
bertanggungjawab, serta dapat mengembangankan kemampuan berpikir
kritis, komunikasi, kolaborasi, kreativitas (4C).
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

g. Materi Pembelajaran
Let’s study :
about called connectors showing cause and effect:

1. Connectors showing cause

To state causes, we can use several words, such as because, as, since, for. The words
‘because’, ‘as’, ‘since’, ‘for’. The word ‘because’, ‘as’, ‘since’, ‘for’ are followed by complete
sentences or clauses.
See the following examples:
1. Amelia called her close friend because she missed her.
2. Teacher punished him for he came late to school this morning.
3. The flight was postponed since smog covered the town.
The sentence connectors may be positioned as the beginning of sentences . In this case, we
must put a comma between the clauses.
1. Because Amelia missed her friend, she called her.
2. Since smog covered the town, the flight was postponed.
3. As many people are on strike, there is a terrible traffic jam.
Note: ‘for’ never comes at the beginning of sentence.

We can also use ‘because of, due to, thanks to’ to show causes. They are followed by
nouns, noun phrases, pronouns
1. It was due to storm.
2. It is broken because of water.
3. Rizal will treat us thanks to his victory.

2. Connectors showing effects/Results:

To state effects, we can use several words, such as ‘so, therefore, as a result, consequently.’
All of them are followed by complete sentences or clauses. The word ‘so’ is a coordinating
conjunction, while ‘as a result, consequently, therefore are conjunctive adverbs.
Coordinating Conjunction (‘so’)Conjunctive Adverb (‘Therefore, Consequently, as a result) 1. The Biology
teacher was sick, so Mr
Nando taught the students.
2. The road is being repaired, so we have
to take another way.
1. The Biology teacher was sick. Therefore,
Mr Nando taught the students.
2. The road is being repaired.
Consequently, we have to take another
way. Note: Connectors showing causes can be placed at the beginning of sentences,
connectors showing effects/results cannot.
To get more information you can read your textbook.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

2. Peta Konsep

Connectors showing cause


Connectors showing effect

Social Function

Generic Structure

Linguistic Features

3. Learning Activity
a. Introduction
Read this text carefully and pay attention to the sentences using cause and effect relationship!
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Long Drought 2011

Drought during 2011 has caused many problems. First, the people lack of clean
water to either take a bath, wash clothes or drink. Consequently, the government
has to spend more expenditure in social welfare. Second, many breeders do not find
grass for their cattle, sheep and goats. As result, their animals get thinner day after
day due to lack of enough food. Third, many farmers who depend on rainfall cannot
cultivate their land. Consequently, they do not get regular income from
agribusiness. This also causes the farmer labors of losing their jobs. Therefore,
poverty rate gets increased this year. Finally, the drought has a great impact on the
water reservoir: dams, lake, canal. Their water level go down or even totally dry. All
of those conditions are clearly due to mono cause that is long drought in our

1. What are the effects of long drought in our country ?

2. Why do the farmer labors lose their jobs ?
3. Which sentences use connector showing cause ?
4. Which sentences use connectors showing effect?
If you have finished solving the problem above, you could go to the next activity

b. Main Activity
1) Learning Procedure
Read and study about cause effect relationship in your textbook
After you have finished studying the material, use your higher order thinking skill to do
the tasks in this unit individually and/or with your classmates.
a) Do the tasks in your workbook or in the space provided in this unit.
b) You can study gradually through “Have a go” activities. If you have understood the
materials and you can solve problems in the learning activities, you may ask your
teacher for a formative test of this unit. Then you can continue to the next unit.

2) Learning Activity
Are you ready............???
Now let’s continue your activity by doing these exercises.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Activity 1

1. Read and practice the following dialog with your friend !

Bobby : Dad, I am hungry. Will we drop by a restaurant and have meals ?

Mr. Andi: Sure. What food do you want to eat?
Bobby : Fast food
Mr. Andi: Why don’t we choose another food ? Consuming too much fast food
is not good for our health.
Bobby : Really?
Mr Andi: Yeah. It may cause several diseases.
Bobby : How can it be ?
Mr Andi: Fast food usually contains substances that stimulate people to eat
continously . In other words, it is addictive.
Bobby : You’re right, Dad. Tommy, my friend, addicts to fast food.
Mr Andi: Such condition is not good for our health. Fast food contains high
calories, high fat and low fiber. If we eat it every day, it will increase
our weight and may cause obesity. For matters worse, it may lead to
heart attacks.
Bobby : Are the other effects, Dad ?
Mr Andi: Yes. A study revealed that eating fast food from an early age declines
the IQ
Bobby : Really?
Mr Andi: Yup. It may also lead to Parkinson or Alzheimer’s diseases
Bobby : Wow! We had better limit or even break the habit of consuming fast

2. See the chart showing cause effect below.

Complete the chart based on the dialog above!
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

3. Now, match the words in column A with the words in column B so that they show
relationship! See the example !

1. drunkenness a. increasing numbers of vehicles on the

2. accidents road
3. air pollution b. deforestation
4. unemployment c. ozone depletion
5. dispute d. broken home
6. malaria e. mosquito bites
7. juvenile delinquency f. too much alcohol
8. flood g. careless driving
9. global warming h. vehicles and manufacturing emissions
10. traffic jam i. economic crisis
j. misunderstanding

4. Read the following statements, and analyze them by completing the table! Number 1 is
done as the example.

Statements Kind of Connector Connector Pattern

Cause Effect

1. Vera forgot to water the - √ so So + complete

flowers, so they are sentence
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
2. Customers like buying
goods there because the
shop assistants are friendly
and helpful

3. Rieke broke a vase in a

supermarket. Consequently,
she must pay for it

4. As the company is
bankrupt, the employees
are fired

5. When our muscle warm up

due to exertion, we sweet

6. English is very important.

Therefore, we should study
English hard.

7. It had begun to rain. As a

result, Sally and Jake had to
run inside.

8. Since it was so chilly

outside, Benjamin built up a
big fire in his fireplace.

9. Elphaba was getting very

angry and frustrated
because none of her good
deeds were being
recognized as good.

10. We went to the grocery

store because we needed
sour cream, eggs, and milk.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Have a go!

After you study learning Activity 1 through reading and writing, observation and
discussion, do the following exercise.

Complete the following texts with the correct sentence connectors showing cause
or effect !

Text 1
Recently , many authorities compete to make city parks (1) .... they intend to
make their cities green and cool. Parks are beneficial for our environment (2) ....
reducing pollution from vehicles and factory smoke. They can also. They can also
maintain the availability of water. (3) ....., people will not lack water.
Many people like to hang out in the city parks (4) ..... they are shady and
comfortable. They are wide , (5).....people usually use them for gathering. They are
also completed with playgrounds. (6)...... children like to spend time there.
The government provides city parks with many garbage bins. Notices for
keeping the cleanliness are also everywhere. Unfortunately, several visitors are still
reluctant to dispose of the garbage into garbage bins. (7) ...., rubbish is everywhere.
Ot only that. The parks look dirtier (8) ....graffiti on benches, even trees.

Text 2
All students want to receive good scores (1).... , they have to study hard and
regularly. However, a few students cheat (2)..... they intend to receive good scores
without hard efforts. They don’t realize that cheating will make them worse. They
receive good scores, but they don’t understand the materials they have learned.
Cheating is a bad habit. Students who cheat will not have self-confidence
(3)..... they only copy the materials. Once a student cheats and the teacher doesn’t
know, he/she will repeat it. (4)......, he/she will not be confident enough to do the test
without cheating.
For matters worse, students may lose other’s trust (5)..... cheating. Once the
teacher reveals that a student cheats, he/she will not trust him/her anymore. Actually
it’s hard to receive one’s trust, (6) ......we have to maintain it. We will be difficult to
regain other’s trust (7) .....our dishonesty.
In conclusion, cheating is a bad behaviour and has many negative effects. (8).....,
students must never do it.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Learning Activity 2

Now let’s continue to the next activity.

1. Observe these pictures , then write suitable sentences showing cause and effect based on
the pictures!
Compare the meaning of the sentences that you have made into Indonesian.

a. English :...................................... b. English :..................................

Indonesian:...................................... Indonesian:..................................

c. English :........................................ d. English : .................................

Indonesian: ....................................... Indonesian : ..................................

e. English : .............................. f. English : ......................................

Indonesian: ............................... Indonesian: .....................................

2. Read the following sentences.

Change the sentence connectors with the words in parentheses!
1. Toni has been in a deep sorrow since he lost his cat. ( due to )
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
2. Shanty fell down because the floor was slippery. ( because of )
3. Many students like Diana as she is friendly and kindhearted. (thanks to)

4. Erfan overslept since he watched football match on TV until late last night. ( as a result)
5. The farmer will have a great harvest because there is excessive water. (Since)

Have a go!
Write possible expressions of cause and effect based on the following situations. See
After example
study!Learning Activity 2, do the following exercise.

SituationCause Effect1. a teacher is asking a student why he

is often late.

2. Someone wants to know the reason

why the accident happened.
3. a close friend wants to know why he
/she doesn’t attend the student’s
4. A child is asking his/her father about the effect of throwing rubbish everywhere.
5. An employer is asking his employee
why he/she didn’t work yesterday.1. I’m sorry I live quite far and the bus is
unpredictable. Therefore I am often
2. ...........................................................

3. ..........................................................

4. ..........................................................

5. ..........................................................
Learning activity 3

Well, you have learned how to write sentences using the Cause and Effect relationship.
1. Now read the dialog carefully and answer the questions that follow!
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Anneke : What news are you reading ?

Yudi : A volcano eruption. People living in its slope should be alert because
this very active volcano often erupts suddenly.
Anneke : Yes. You are right. They should be evacuated to safe places
Yudi : Yes. The government is busy doing evacuations.
Anneke : Did the people not receive a warning about the eruption before ?
Yudi : They did, but they ignored the warning.
Anneke : Why?
Yudi : They had to keep their belongings and animals. Therefore, they were
not willing to evacuate.
Anneke : Anyway, there is a tourist resort on the slope of the mountain. It must
be closed too.
Yudi : definitely. People should stay at least 10 kilometers away from the top
of the mountain.
Find out :
1. Who are talking in the dialog ?
2. What is the dialog about ?
3. Why did the people ignore the warning ?
4. What will happen if they still don’t want to be evacuated ?
5. Why should people stay away at least 10 kilometers away from the top of the

2. After understanding the dialog above , now create your own dialog about the cause and effect
based on the phenomenon showed by the picture. Then, perform the dialog with a partner.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

c. Closing

How do you feel

After you study all the Learning Activities gradually, use the following table to measure your
understanding on what you have learned in this unit.

No Questions Yes No
1. Can I define the term “cause”?
2. Can I define the term “effect”?
3. Can I differentiate cause from effect?
4. What connectors that I can use to show cause and effect
5. Can I explain the use of those connectors in sentences?
6. Can I make cause effect sentences using those connectors?

If you answer “no” for one of the questions, study again the learning activities in your text book.
Never give up!! If you answer “yes” for all the questions, continue with the next activity.

Where is your position?

Measure your understanding of cause effect sentences in 0-100 by writing your score in the box
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

After you do your self evaluation, continue to the independent learning task. Do it in your
Try to find solution for the problem you see in the picture. Use cause-effect sentences
for your reason. Write in at least 50 words.


After finishing the task, discuss with your friends about the best solution of the problem!
This is the end of this unit. Before you go to the next unit, ask your teacher for formative
test for this unit.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
Wish you a successful learning !!

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