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Rangkuman Materi Minggu 2/ Week 2 Material Summary
ASKING & Giving Opion
Asking Opinion

Secara bahasa, asking artinya meminta sedangkan opinion memiliki arti opini/pendapat.
Apabila kedua kata tersebut digabung, asking opinion berarti “meminta pendapat” atau
“menanyakan pendapat”. Asking opinion digunakan ketika kamu ingin bertanya atau
membutuhkan pendapat dari orang lain. Ada banyak cara untuk menanyakan pendapat dalam
bahasa Inggris, yuk simak contoh berikut:
 What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat/opini kamu?)
 What is your idea? (Apa idemu?)
 What are your thoughts on …? (Apa pendapatmu tentang …?)
 What is your point of view? (Apa sudut pandangmu?)
 What/how do you think/reckon about …? (Bagaimana menurutmu mengenai …?)
 How do you think of my idea? (Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang ideku?)
 How do you feel about …? (Bagaimana perasaanmu tentang …?)
 Do you have any idea? (Apakah kamu memiliki ide?)
 Do you have opinion of …? (Apakah kamu memiliki opini tentang …?)
Giving Opinion

Jika di atas kita belajar mengenai menanyakan pendapat, sekarang kita akan melihat
bagaimana cara untuk memberikan pendapat atau giving opinion. Sebelum mengutarakan
pendapat atau ide yang ada di pikiranmu, kamu harus tahu bagaimana mengawali kalimat
yang tepat. Supaya orang lain bisa dengan mudah memahami pendapatmu. Catat baik-baik
contoh berikut ini ya!
 I think/Personally I think… (Menurutku…/Secara pribadi, menurutku…)
 In my opinion/In my humble opinion…. (Menurut pendapatku…)
 From my point of view… (Dari sudut pandangku…)
 To/in my mind… (Menurut pikiranku…)
 I (strongly) believe (that) … (Saya (sangat) percaya (bahwa …)
 As for me, I reckon… (Adapun saya rasa…)
 As far as I am concerned … (Sejauh yang saya ketahui…)
 To be honest… (Sejujurnya…)
Contoh Percakapan Asking & Giving Opinion

Vic: Hi Kev, have you heard about the new bakery store? (Halo Kev, apakah kamu sudah
mendengar tentang toko roti yang baru?)

Kev: Yes, I have (Ya, sudah)

Vic: What do you think about it? (Bagaimana menurutmu mengenai hal itu?)

Kev: Personally, I think the flavor is little bit too sweet (Secara pribadi, menurutku rasanya
agak terlalu manis)

Vic: Hmm, I disagree with you. (Hmm, aku tidak setuju denganmu.)
Kev: Then, what is your point of view? (Lalu, bagaimana menurut pandangmu?)

Vic: In my opinion the cake and bread is delicious. (Dari sudut pandangku, kue dan rotinya

Kev: Fair enough, As far as I am concerned they’re still new so they can still
develop. (Cukup adil, Setahu saya mereka masih baru jadi masih bisa berkembang.)

Vic: Yes, I totally agree with you. (Ya, aku sangat setuju denganmu)
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 3/ Week 3 Material Summary
Capitalization and Punctuation Mark

Punctuation merupakan tanda baca yang digunakan dalam penulisan.

Berikut ini merupakan penjelasan dan contoh dari penggunaan tanda baca (punctuation) yang
sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Capital Letter
Capital Letter atau huruf kapital dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk
mengawali Kalimat
Huruf kapital digunakan untuk mengawali kalimat.
 We went to Bali last month.
mengawali Proper Noun
Huruf kapital digunakan untuk mengawali Proper Noun.
 David James is the consultant at National City Hospital.
judul buku, majalah, koran, drama dan musik
Huruf kapital digunakan untuk penulisan judul buku, majalah, koran, drama dan musik
The Jakarta Post is a daily English language newspaper in Indonesia.
Full Stop ( . )
Full stop atau tanda titik digunakan
untuk mengakhiri kalimat yang berupa pernyataan
 We went to Bali last month.
setelah singkatan
 Dr. (doctor)
 etc. (etcetera)
 G. W. Dawny
Comma ( , )
Punctuation ini digunakan untuk
memisahkan tiga/lebih item berurutan
 Emily invited her best friend, Cathy, Ella and me to her birthday party.
memisahkan bagian dari kalimat
 The woman, who is so beautiful, was my teacher.
Colon ( : )
Colon digunakan untuk
mengawali daftar dari sesuatu
 There are three main reasons for the success of the government: economic, social and
mengawali direct speech
 Then he said: ‘I really cannot help you in any way.’
mengindikasikan subjudul atau subdivisi
 Life in Provence: A Personal View
memisahkan pernyataan umum dengan pernyataan yang lebih spesifik
 To make the delicious meatball, we need food ingredients as follow: meat, flour,
water, garlic, salt, and pepper.
Semicolon ( ; )
Semicolon digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause yang sangat
berhubungan menjadi satu kalimat.
 It’s yours; it’s not mine.
Question Mark ( ? )
Question mark digunakan untuk
mengakhiri direct question
 Where are you?
mengakhiri question tag
 She is beautiful, isn’t she?
Exclamation Mark ( ! )
Exclamation mark digunakan untuk mengakhiri exclamatory sentence (kalimat seru).
 Close the door!
Quotation Mark ( “ ” )
Quotation mark digunakan pada direct speech, juga untuk menampilkan kutipan, baik tulisan
maupun ucapan orang lain.
 She said, “Where can we find a nice Chinese restaurant?”
Hyphen ( – )
Hyphen digunakan untuk menggabungkan kata agar terbentuk suatu makna yang utuh dari
gabungan kata tersebut.
 hand-in-hand
 short-sighted
Slash ( / )
Slash digunakan untuk memisahkan pilihan, menunjukkan periode waktu, menggambarkan
kata “per”, dan menuliskan singkatan.
 The speed is 40 miles/hour
Parentheses ( ( ) )
Parentheses berfungsi untuk menambahkan materi yang dapat berupa informasi tambahan
maupun komentar dari penulis.
 That bag is (too!) cheap for a billionaire.
Apostrophe ( ‘ )
Apostrophe berfungsi untuk membentuk possessive form (kepemilikan), contraction
(penyingkatan), dan plural (menjamakkan)
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 4/ Week 4 Material Summary
Mangking Paragraph
 what are the requirements to make a paragraph

There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain:
unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development. In order for a paragraph to
maintain a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on a single idea, point, or
argument that is being discussed.
 What are the 3 criteria for a successful paragraph?
A paragraph is a collection of sentences which all relate to one main idea or topic. Effective
paragraphs have four main characteristics: a topic sentence, unity, coherence, and
adequate development.

 What is simple paragraph?

Difference Between a Simple Paragraph and Body Paragraph of an Essay. A simple
paragraph is the first element taught in writing. It is an independent entity, without any
connection to any other topic, thought or idea. ... It has no ending sentence, as it connects the
thought with the next paragraph.

 What are the 5 types of paragraph?

Different Type of Paragraphs
 Descriptive paragraphs.
 Narrative paragraphs.
 Expository paragraphs.
 Persuasive paragraphs.
 Literary paragraph.

You can looking for the description about paragraph in other references.


Control systems provide a means of replacing human operator in many industrial processes
They are widely used to monitor and control pressure temperature motor speed the flow of a
liquid or any other physical variable they must be capable of fulfilling a number of function
First, the physical variable to be controlled such as the air temperature in a factory of the
pressure of a hydraulic system must be measured then its value must be compared with the
desired value Next, action has to be taken to reduce to zero the difference between the actual
and desire value
the basic components of a control system are an input transducer an error sensor a controller
and an output transducer. The input transducer converts change in the physical variable into
electrical signals. Figure I shows one type of transducer which converts changes in pressure
to frequency changes. Pressure changes move the diaphragm in or out. Thus altering the
position of the ferrite core in L, which forms part of a tuned circuit. This causes the frequency
of the circuit to change. This altering the output frequency of the oscillator. The output is then
fed to an error sensor. The error sensor measures the deviation between the actual and desired
values for the variable. The controller receives the error sensor output and uses it to control
the variable either directly or indirectly. A simple controller is an electromagnetic relay
which uses a small signal to control a much larger signal such as a power supply output.
The output transducer converts the electrical output from the controller into whatever from of
energy is required to change the physical variable. It may be a valve, a heater, a motor-
operated valve which controls the flow of fluid in a pipeline.
Let us take as an example a process system for controlling the speed of a dc motor. The input
transducer measures the speed and converts it into a voltage. The error sensor compares this
voltage with the voltage across a speed-setting potentiometer. This increases or reduces the
supply of current to the motor, thus controlling its speed.
The operation of a process control system is summarized in Figure 2 which shows a closed-
loop system. In such a system the result of the action of the controller are constantly fed back
to it.

Read the text above, put the punctuation marks and give the title that suitable according of
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 5/ Week 5 Material Summary
Presentation Of students'Idea
Coming up with a presentation topic idea that's meaningful, relevant and has a creative angle
can be tough. If your teacher or professor just assigned you a presentation, and also asked you
to pick your own topic, you're in the right place.Presentation Topic Ideas for Students I know
how difficult it can be to come up with a compelling presentation topic idea quickly. That's
why I compiled a list of over 200 ideas to help you out.But first, let's dive into the topic idea

Current Events Presentation Topic Ideas

 What is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

 What is happening in Kashmir?
 What is ethnic cleansing and is it still relevant in 2021?
 Who is Malala Yousafzai?
 What are the different stances on immigration in the US?
 Should the death penalty be outlawed?
 Should University be free for everyone?
 What is racism?
 How can non-minorities be allies to minorities?
 What is White Privilege?
 Can a border wall really fix the immigration crisis?
 What is Brexit?
 What is Pride?
 What is gentrification?
 What is the European Union?
 What is Sharia Law?
 Why is it more profitable to be a plumber than a doctor?
 What is happening in Syria?
 Who is Harvey Weinstein and what is he accused of?
 What is the #metoo movement?
 What is happening in North Korea?
 What is the problem with guns in America?

Education Presentation Topic Ideas

 What are the pros and cons of online education?

 What is dyslexia?
 What is the Pythagorean theorem?
 Is a college education worth it?
 Is reading better on Kindles or paper books?
 What is worldschooling?
 What is unschooling?
 Why are teachers underpaid?
 What is sociology?
 What is anthropology?
 What is social archaeology?
 Why do schools need mentorship programs?
 What is an education in Finland like?
 What is Montessori Education?
 Who is Rudolf Steiner?
 What is the most difficult language to learn?
 What is an Ivy League school?
 What is the SAT?
 What is the TOEFL?
 What is the IB program?
 How to get into an international university
 What is a learning disability?
 What is a gap year?
 Why is it important to learn a second language?
 What is a TCK?
 What is the foreign exchange program?
 Why is it important to study Physics?
 How does reading benefit the brain?

General Culture Presentation Topic Ideas

 Is Graffiti considered art?

 Ancient Greek myths in modern media
 Why should students learn about different religions?
 What are crop circles?
 What is Area 51?
 What are the origins of Rock and Roll?
 What was the Woodstock Music Festival?
 10 memorable things about any country
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 6/ Week 6 Material Summary
Cont.Presentation of student s' idea
Presentations are a great way to have students practise all language systems areas
(vocabulary, grammar, discourse and phonology) and skills (speaking, reading, writing and
listening). They also build confidence, and presenting is a skill that most people will need in
the world of work. I find that students who are good presenters are better communicators all
round, since they are able to structure and express their ideas clearly.
Presentation skills are extremely useful both in and outside the classroom. After completing a
project, a presentation is a channel for students to share with others what they have learned. It
is also a chance to challenge and expand on their understanding of the topic by having others
ask questions. And in the world of work, a confident presenter is able to inform and persuade
colleagues effectively.
Example :
The Pros and Cons of Offline School in the Midst of a Pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic
affects many aspects of our lives, including school. Schools are held online at students’
respective home. However, there is a discourse that schools will be reopened in July 2020 or
January 2021.

Many parents are worried their children will have to return to school in the near future. It is
because some local governments have included plans for reopening schools in the new
normal policy. For example, Central Java Education and Culture Office will enforce the
implementation of the new normal in its region starting July 2020. Some options emerges
such as imposing a shifting system, limiting the number of students, and implementing
existing health protocols. On the other hand, epidemiologist dr. Dicky Budiman advises not
to open the school until the situation gets better. He says that schools reopening is risky, and
it probably rises to the second wave of the coronavirus. The students can go back to schools
only if the preparation is done and screening process is fulfilled. Furthermore, if the screening
process is not fulfilled, schools reopening is not recommended for it is dangerous. In the end,
Offline School can only be done if the situation in our country gets better, or zero case. Since
the case is still rising these days, online school is the best option to avoid the new cluster.
Rangkuman Materi Minggu 7/ Week 7 Material Summary
Work safety introduction
Safety induction is an exercise on occupational safety and health given to new workers, new
contractors or guests who are arriving at the company's location for the first time. The
purpose of this safety induction is to communicate general occupational safety and health
hazards that occur during their work/visit so that they are aware and can take control actions
against these hazards.

Symbol Safety at Work

1. Prohibition Symbols

The prohibition symbols gives information about a dangerous behaviour, Stop, Shutdown,
Emergency cut-out devices or evacuate. Round shaped with a black pictogram on white
background or red edging with a red diagonal line.

2. Warning Symbols

Warning sign has a yellow background. It tell you to be careful, to take precautions, and also
warns about nearby hazards. The sign do has a triangular shape, black pictogram on yellow
background and black edging.

3. Emergency sign

Emergency sign always have a green background pasted on doors, exits, escape routes,
equipment and facilities, etc. It is rectangular or square shape with white pictogram on green
4. Pinch Point

5. Low Temperature

6. High Voltage

7. Emergency Assembly Point

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