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Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)

(1 Tahap 2 Sampul)
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)


DAFTAR ISI........................................................................................................................I-i

BAB I INSTRUKSI KEPADA PESERTA (IKP) .................................................................I-1

A. UMUM ........................................................................................................................... I-1

1. Lingkup Penawaran dan Jangka Waktu Pelaksanaan ...................................... I-1
2. Sumber Pendanaan.............................................................................................. I-4
3. Calon Penyedia Barang Jasa/Peserta Tender ................................................... I-4
4. Larangan Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme (KKN), Persekongkolan serta
Penipuan ............................................................................................................... I-4
5. Larangan Pertentangan Kepentingan ................................................................ I-6
6. Pendayagunaan Produksi Dalam Negeri ........................................................... I-7
B. DOKUMEN TENDER .................................................................................................... I-9
7. Isi Dokumen Tender ............................................................................................. I-9
8. Penjelasan Dokumen Tender (Aanwijzing) ........................................................ I-9
9. Adendum Dokumen Tender .............................................................................. I-12
C. PENYIAPAN DOKUMEN PENAWARAN ................................................................... I-13
10. Biaya dalam Proses Tender .............................................................................. I-13
11. Bahasa ................................................................................................................ I-13
12. Dokumen Penawaran ......................................................................................... I-13
13. Kelengkapan Dokumen Penawaran dan Kualifikasi ....................................... I-16
14. Harga Penawaran ............................................................................................... I-17
15. Jenis Kontrak ..................................................................................................... I-18
16. Ketentuan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa ................................................................. I-19
17. Mata Uang Penawaran dan Pembayaran ......................................................... I-19
18. Masa Berlaku Penawaran .................................................................................. I-19
19. Jaminan Penawaran........................................................................................... I-19
20. Format dan Penandatangan Dokumen Penawaran ........................................ I-21
D. PENYAMPAIAN DAN PEMBUKAAN PENAWARAN................................................ I-23
21. Metode Penyampaian Dokumen Penawaran ................................................... I-23
22. Penyampulan, Penandaan dan Penyampaian Penawaran. ............................ I-23
23. Batas Akhir Waktu Pemasukan Penawaran .................................................... I-24
24. Penawaran Terlambat ........................................................................................ I-24
25. Pembukaan Penawaran ..................................................................................... I-24
E. EVALUASI PENAWARAN ......................................................................................... I-28

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)

26. Kerahasiaan ........................................................................................................ I-28

27. Klarifikasi Dokumen Penawaran ....................................................................... I-28
28. Evaluasi Dokumen Penawaran dan Kualifikasi ............................................... I-28
29. Koreksi Aritmatik ............................................................................................... I-30
30. Evaluasi Harga Timpang ................................................................................... I-30
31. Ketidaksesuaian Item Pekerjaan ...................................................................... I-31
32. Konversi ke dalam Mata Uang Tunggal ........................................................... I-31
33. Preferensi Harga ................................................................................................ I-31
34. Ketentuan Evaluasi Harga Penawaran ............................................................. I-32
35. Pembuktian Kualifikasi ...................................................................................... I-34
36. Negosiasi ............................................................................................................ I-35
37. Usulan Penetapan Pemenang ........................................................................... I-35
38. Hak Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk Menerima dan Menolak Penawaran ...... I-36
39. Penetapan Pemenang ........................................................................................ I-36
40. Pengumuman Pemenang .................................................................................. I-36
41. Sanggahan .......................................................................................................... I-36
F. PENUNJUKAN PEMENANG ..................................................................................... I-38
42. Kriteria Penunjukan Pemenang ........................................................................ I-38
43. Penunjukkan Pemenang.................................................................................... I-38
44. Tender Gagal ...................................................................................................... I-39
45. Tender Ulang ...................................................................................................... I-40
46. Penghentian Proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa ................................................ I-40
47. Contract Discussion Agreement (CDA) ........................................................... I-40
48. Penanda-tanganan Kontrak .............................................................................. I-41

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum

1. Lingkup Penawaran 1.1 Sehubungan dengan Pengumuman Tender yang
dan Jangka Waktu ditentukan dalam Lembar Data Tender (BAB II
Pelaksanaan LDT), Pengguna Barang/Jasa, sebagaimana
ditentukan dalam BAB II LDT, menerbitkan
Dokumen Tender ini untuk pengadaan pekerjaan
konstruksi sebagaimana ditentukan dalam BAB VI
SSUK (Syarat-syarat Umum Kontrak).
Nama paket sebagaimana tercantum dalam BAB II
LDT. Lingkup Penawaran sesuai dengan Lingkup
Pekerjaan sebagaimana tercantum dalam BAB V.1
Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek.
1.2 Jangka waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan
sebagaimana tercantum dalam Bab VII SSKK
(Syarat-syarat Khusus Kontrak).
1.3 Di dalam dokumen tender ini dipergunakan
pengertian, istilah dan singkatan sebagai beriku:
“Peserta” adalah badan usaha yang mengikuti
proses Tender.
“Daftar Penyedia Terseleksi yang selanjutnya
disebut DPT” adalah daftar Penyedia Barang/Jasa
yang dinyatakan lulus oleh PLN melalui mekanisme
penilaian kualifikasi, ditetapkan dan disahkan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan dimutakhirkan secara
“Dokumen Kualifikasi” adalah dokumen yang
disiapkan oleh Manager Perencana Pengadaan
sebagai pedoman dalam Pelaksanaan dan
Penilaian Kualifikasi.
“Dokumen Aplikasi Kualifikasi” adalah dokumen
yang disiapkan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berdasarkan Dokumen Kualifikasi yang
disampaikan kepada Manager Perencana
Pengadaan dalam proses DPT dan kepada
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan dalam proses
“Dokumen Rencana Pengadaan” adalah
dokumen kebutuhan barang/jasa yang meliputi
volume, waktu penyerahan, estimasi anggaran,
strategi pengadaan, metode pengadaan, pelaksana
pengadaan dan pemaketan/grouping/joint
procurement apabila diperlukan
“Dokumen Tender/RKS atau Rencana Kerja dan
Syarat-syarat (RKS)” adalah Dokumen yang
menjadi pedoman bagi Penyedia Barang/Jasa
untuk membuat penawaran dan sebagai pedoman
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum
bagi Manager Pelaksana pengadaan dalam
melakukan evaluasi penawaran.
“Dokumen Pengadaan” adalah dokumen terkait
dengan proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa meliputi
antara lain Dokumen Kualifikasi, Dokumen Aplikasi
Kualifikasi, Dokumen Tender/RKS, Pengumuman,
Berita Acara-Berita Acara, Dokumen Penawaran,
Surat Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa (SPPBJ),
Jaminan-jaminan, Contract Discussion Agreement
(CDA), Kontrak
“Due Diligence” adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan
untuk verifikasi langsung dalam rangka menilai
Kualifikasi, kompetensi dan kemampuan usaha
penyedia Barang dan Jasa
“General Manager (GM)” adalah jabatan struktural
1 (satu) tingkat dibawah Direktur Utama/Direktur
yang mengelola Unit Induk/Pusat-pusat dan
bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direktur
Utama/Direktur Terkait dengan jenjang jabatan
Manajemen Atas
“Integrity Due Diligence” adalah proses untuk
menilai lebih lanjut sifat dan tingkatan Risiko
Penyuapan dan membantu Perusahaan untuk
mengambil keputusan terkait tindak lanjut yang
perlu dilakukan terhadap transaksi atau proyek atau
Mitra atau calon Pegawai
“Jasa Konstruksi” layanan Jasa Konsultansi
Konstruksi dan/atau Pekerjaan Konstruksi
”Jasa Konsultansi” Konstruksi adalah layanan
keseluruhan atau sebagian kegiatan yang meliputi
pengkajian, perencanaan, perancangan,
pengawasan, dan manajemen penyelenggaraan
konstruksi suatu bangunan
“Jaminan Penawaran (Bid Bond)” adalah
Jaminan yang diberikan oleh Bank Umum (tidak
termasuk Bank Perkreditan Rakyat)/Bank Asing
yang beroperasi di lndonesia atau Lembaga
pembiayaan Ekspor lndonesia kepada penerima
Jaminan untuk membayar sejumlah uang
“Kantor Pusat” adalah induk organisasi PLN yang
membawahi Unit Induk.
“Kualifikasi” adalah tingkat/kedalaman
kompetensi dan kemampuan usaha Penyedia
“Negosiasi” adalah kegiatan untuk pembahasan
aspek teknis, harga dan atau waktu pelaksanaan
antara Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan dengan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum
“Pakta Integritas” adalah surat pernyataan yang
berisi ikrar untuk mencegah dan tidak melakukan
persekongkolan baik vertical atau horizontal,
bertindak dengan penuh kehati-hatian sesuai
dengan ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku dalam
pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
“Manager Perencana Pengadaan” pejabat
struktural yang bertugas dan bertanggung jawab
dalam perencanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
“Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan” adalah pejabat
struktural yang bertugas dan bertanggung jawab
dalam pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
“Penilaian Kualifikasi” adalah kegiatan untuk
menilai kompetensi dan kemampuan usaha
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
“Personel Kunci Mitra” adalah pemegang saham,
komisaris, direktur, dan posisi strategis lainnya
yang memiliki pengaruh di lingkungan Mitra.
“Personel Kunci Perusahaan” adalah pemegang
saham, dewan komisaris, direktur, manajemen
atas, manajemen menengah, manajemen dasar
dan posisi stratgeis lainnya di lingkungan
“Personel Kunci Subkontraktor” adalah
pemegang saham, komisaris, direktur dan posisi
strategis lainnya yang memiliki pengaruh di
lingkungan Subkontraktor.
“PLN” adalah Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT
Perusahaan Listrik Negara yang didirikan dengan
Akta Notaris Sutjipto, SH Nomor 169 Tahun 1994
beserta perubahannya
“Proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa” adalah
kegiatan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang meliputi
inisiasi Pengadaan Barang/Jasa (identifikasi
kebutuhan dan penganggaran), perencanaan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, proses pelaksanaan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, penandatanganan
Kontrak, pelaksanaan Kontrak, dan serah terima
hasil pelaksanaan Kontrak.
“Surat Ketetapan Anggaran Investasi (SKAI)”
adalah Dokumen formal yang diterbitkan oleh
Direktorat Keuangan untuk menetapkan besarnya
nilai AI (Anggaran Investasi) dan AKI (Anggaran
Kas Investasi) dalam nilai rupiah untuk tahun
“Tahun Anggaran” adalah kurun waktu 1 (satu)
tahun takwim terhitung sejak tanggal 1 Januari
sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum
“Unit Induk/Unit Penunjang” adalah unit
organisasi satu tingkat dibawah Kantor Pusat yang
melaksanakan kegiatan usaha tertentu sesuai
dengan tujuan dan lapangan usaha PLN.
“Value for Money Committee” adalah fungsi yang
melakukan kajian/analisis value for money terhadap
proses pengadaan barang dan jasa di PLN pada
tahap perencanan pengadaan dan pada tahap
laporan hasil tender atau pada tahap usulan
penetapan penyedia barang dan jasa.
1.4 Dokumen Tender ini disusun berdasarkan
Peraturan Direksi PT PLN (Persero) No.
0022.P/DIR/2020 tanggal 02 Maret 2020, tentang
Pedoman Pengadaan Barang/Jasa PT PLN
(Persero) beserta perubahannya.
2. Sumber Pendanaan 2.1 Pengadaan ini dibiayai dari sumber pendanaan
sebagaimana tercantum dalam BAB II LDT
(Lembar Data Tender).
3. Calon Penyedia 3.1 Calon Penyedia Barang Jasa (yang selanjutnya
Barang disebut Peserta Tender) sesuai ketentuan
Jasa/Peserta Tender sebagaimana tercantum dalam BAB II LDT.
4. Larangan Korupsi, 4.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa, Manager Perencana
Kolusi, dan Pengadaan, Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan,
Nepotisme (KKN), Penyedia Barang/Jasa, dan Komite Value for
Persekongkolan Money dan para pihak yang terkait dalam
serta Penipuan pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa baik secara
internal maupun eksternal harus mengikuti Etika
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di lingkungan PT PLN
(Persero) sebagai berikut:
a. Melaksanakan tugas secara tertib, disertai rasa
tanggungjawab untuk mencapai sasaran
kelancaran dan ketepatan tercapainya tujuan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa;
b. Bekerja secara profesional, mandiri, dan
menjaga kerahasiaan informasi yang menurut
sifatnya harus dirahasiakan untuk mencegah
penyimpangan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa;
c. Tidak saling mempengaruhi baik langsung
maupun tidak langsung untuk mencegah dan
menghindari terjadinya persaingan tidak sehat;
d. Menerima dan bertanggung jawab atas segala
keputusan yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan
kesepakatan para pihak;
e. Menghindari dan mencegah terjadinya
pertentangan kepentingan (conflict of interest)
para pihak yang terkait dalam proses
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, baik langsung
maupun tidak langsung, yang merugikan
kepentingan Pengguna Barang/Jasa;

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum
f. Menghindari dan mencegah terjadinya
pemborosan dan kebocoran keuangan
perusahaan dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa;
g. Menghindari dan mencegah penyalahgunaan
wewenang dan/atau kolusi dengan tujuan
untuk keuntungan pribadi, golongan atau pihak
lain yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung
merugikan perusahaan; dan
h. Tidak menerima, tidak menawarkan atau tidak
menjanjikan untuk memberi atau menerima
hadiah, imbalan berupa apa saja kepada
siapapun yang diketahui atau patut dapat
diduga berkaitan dengan Pengadaan
4.2 Peserta dan pihak yang terkait dengan pengadaan
ini berkewajiban untuk mematuhi etika pengadaan
dengan tidak melakukan tindakan sebagai berikut:

a. Berusaha mempengaruhi Pengguna

Barang/Jasa atau Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan dalam bentuk dan cara apapun
baik langsung maupun tidak langsung untuk
memenuhi keinginan Peserta yang
bertentangan dengan ketentuan dan prosedur
dalam Dokumen Tender, dan/atau peraturan
perundang-udangan yang berlaku.

b. Melakukan persekongkolan dengan Peserta

lain untuk mengatur hasil tender sehingga
mengurangi / menghambat / memperkecil /
meniadakan persaingan yang sehat dan/atau
merugikan pihak lain; dan/atau membuat
dan/atau menyampaikan dokumen dan/atau
keterangan lain yang tidak benar untuk
memenuhi persyaratan dalam Dokumen
4.3 Peserta berkewajiban mengisi form kuisioner
Integrity Due Diligence (IDD) yang sesuai format
pada Bab IV Formulir Penawaran.
Assesment IDD akan dilakukan kepada calon
pemenang tender yang akan diusulkan sesuai IKP
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan melakukan
assessment berdasarkan jawaban kuesioner IDD.
4.4 Peserta yang menurut penilaian Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan terbukti melakukan
larangan-larangan dalam IKP 4.1 dan IKP 4.2 dapat
dikenakan sanksi-sanksi sebagai berikut:

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum

a. Sanksi administrasi, yaitu digugurkan dari

proses Tender atau pembatalan kelulusan

b. Masuk daftar hitam sekurang-kurangnya 2

(dua) tahun, serta tidak diperbolehkan untuk
mengikuti pengadaan untuk 2 (dua) tahun
berikutnya untuk perusahaan, pemilik
perusahaan dan direksi perusahaan;

c. Gugatan secara perdata; dan/atau Sanksi

berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan,
berupa dituntut ganti rugi/digugat secara
perdata, dan/atau; dilaporkan untuk diproses
secara pidana.
5. Larangan 5.1 Para pihak dalam melaksanakan tugas, fungsi, dan
Pertentangan perannya, menghindari dan mencegah
Kepentingan pertentangan kepentingan para pihak yang terkait,
baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
5.2 Pertentangan kepentingan sebagaimana dimaksud
pada IKP 5.1 antara lain meliputi:
a. Dalam suatu badan usaha, anggota direksi,
atau dewan komisaris merangkap sebagai
anggota direksi atau dewan komisaris pada
badan usaha lainnya yang menjadi Peserta
pada tender yang sama.
b. Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
dan/atau Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan/atau
pejabat lain yang berwenang, baik langsung
maupun tidak langsung mengendalikan atau
menjalankan perusahaan Peserta.
c. Konsultan manajemen konstruksi berperan
sebagai Konsultan Perencana dan/atau
Konsultan Pengawas.
d. Pengguna Barang dan Jasa dan/atau pejabat
lain yang berwenang, baik langsung maupun
tidak langsung mengendalikan atau
menjalankan perusahaan Peserta.
e. Hubungan antara 2 (dua) atau lebih
perusahaan yang dikendalikan, baik langsung
maupun tidak langsung oleh pihak yang sama
yaitu pemegang saham dan/atau salah satu
pengurusnya sama.

f. Setiap Peserta, baik atas nama sendiri maupun

sebagai anggota Kerjasama Operasi (KSO)
atau Konsorsium hanya diperbolehkan untuk
menyampaikan satu penawaran di dalam satu

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum
paket pekerjaan. Peserta yang menyampaikan
lebih dari satu penawaran akan digugurkan.
6. Pendayagunaan
6.1 Peserta wajib memastikan barang dan jasa yang
Produksi Dalam
ditawarkan tercantum dalam Daftar Inventarisasi
Barang Kementrian Perindustrian yang dapat
diakses melalui website P3DN

6.2 Peserta menyampaikan sertifkat Tingkat Komponen

Dalam Negeri (TKDN) yang masih berlaku (bila
ada) yang diterbitkan oleh Kementrian
Perindustrian dan/atau dalam hal pengadaan
Barang/Jasa yang tidak terdapat dalam Daftar
Inventarisasi Barang Kementrian Perindustrian
maka peserta wajib menyampaikan surat komitmen
TKDN dilengkapi dengan self assessment
6.3 Peserta harus mengisi Formulir Rekapitulasi
Perhitungan TKDN baik yang disertai dengan
sertifkat TKDN maupun self assesment sesuai
dengan format Bab IV Formulir Penawaran.
Besaran nilai TKDN minimum sesuai dengan
persyaratan pada BAB III KKE
6.4 Pada saat Evaluasi Dokumen Penawaran, maka
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat melakukan verifikasi
terhadap capaian Nilai TKDN dan Nilai Bobot
Manfaat Perusahaan kepada Peserta Tender
6.5 Dalam pelaksanaan kontrak, apabila terdapat
perbedaan nilai TKDN hasil verifikasi/audit tidak
sesuai dengan IKP 6.4 maka akan dikenakan
sanksi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku di
lingkungan PT PLN (Persero).
6.6 Dalam pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Konstruksi
dimungkinkan menggunakan bahan baku, tenaga
ahli, dan perangkat lunak yang berasal dari luar
negeri (impor) dengan ketentuan:
a. Barang belum dapat diproduksi di dalam
b. Spesifikasi teknis barang yang diproduksi di
dalam negeri belum memenuhi persyaratan.
c. Jumlah produksi barang dalam negeri tidak
mampu memenuhi kebutuhan.
d. Pemilahan atau pembagian komponen harus
benar-benar mencerminkan bagian atau
komponen yang telah dapat diproduksi di
dalam negeri dan bagian atau komponen yang
masih harus diimpor.
e. Komponen berupa bahan baku belum
diproduksi di dalam negeri dan/atau spesifikasi
teknis bahan baku yang diproduksi di dalam
negeri belum memenuhi persyaratan.
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
A. Umum

f. Pekerjaan pemasangan, pabrikasi, pengujian

dan lainnya sedapat mungkin dilakukan di
dalam negeri.
g. Semaksimal mungkin menggunakan jasa
pelayanan yang ada di dalam negeri, seperti
jasa asuransi, angkutan, ekspedisi perbankan,
dan pemeliharaan.
h. Untuk memenuhi jenis dan tingkat keahlian
yang belum didapat tenaga ahli Indonesia, dan
keperluan tersebut harus disusun berdasarkan
perencanaan atas keperluan nyata, termasuk
upaya semaksimal mungkin terjadi alih
pengalaman/keahlian (transfer of
knowledge/transfer of technology).
i. Peserta diwajibkan membuat daftar
Barang/Jasa yang diimpor yang dilengkapi
dengan spesifikasi teknis, jumlah dan harga
yang dilampirkan pada Dokumen Penawaran.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
B. Dokumen Tender

7. Isi Dokumen Tender 7.1 Dokumen Tender terdiri dari:
BUKU I Prosedur Penawaran
 Bab I. Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender
 Bab II. Lembar Data Tender (LDT)
 Bab III. Kriteria Kualifikasi dan Evaluasi
 Bab IV. Formulir Penawaran

BUKU II Syarat-syarat Teknik dan Gambar

 Bab V. Syarat-syarat Teknik dan Gambar

BUKU III Ketentuan Kontrak dan Contoh

 Bab VI. Syarat-syarat Umum Kontrak
 Bab VII. Syarat-syarat Khusus Kontrak
 Bab VIII. Format Kontrak
7.2 Pengumuman Tender yang diterbitkan, terpisah
dari Dokumen Tender.
7.3 Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak bertanggung jawab
atas kelengkapan Dokumen Tender dan
adendumnya, jika Dokumen Tender tidak diperoleh
langsung dari sumber yang dinyatakan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dalam Pengumuman
7.4 Peserta berkewajiban memeriksa keseluruhan isi
Dokumen Tender ini. Kelalaian menyampaikan
Dokumen Penawaran yang tidak memenuhi
persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam Dokumen
Tender ini sepenuhnya merupakan risiko Peserta.
8. Penjelasan 8.1 Rapat Penjelasan dilakukan pada waktu dan tempat
Dokumen Tender sebagaimana yang tercantum pada BAB II LDT,
(Aanwijzing) dan apabila diperlukan dapat dilakukan peninjauan
8.2 Dalam pemberian penjelasan, Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan menjelaskan kepada peserta antara
lain mengenai:
a. Lingkup Pekerjaan;
b. Metode Tender;
c. Metode pemasukan Dokumen Penawaran;
d. Kelengkapan yang harus dilampirkan bersama
Dokumen Penawaran;

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
B. Dokumen Tender
e. Jadwal batas akhir pemasukan dan
pembukaan Dokumen Penawaran;
f. Tata cara pembukaan Dokumen Penawaran;
g. Metode Evaluasi;
h. Jenis Kontrak yang akan digunakan;
i. Ketentuan dan cara evaluasi berkenaan
dengan preferensi harga atas penggunaan
produksi dalam negeri;
j. Pertanyaan dari Peserta Tender.
8.3 Apabila diperlukan Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
dapat memberikan penjelasan dengan cara
melakukan peninjauan lapangan sesuai jadwal
yang tercantum pada BAB II LDT. Biaya yang
diperlukan peserta dalam rangka peninjauan
lapangan ditanggung oleh masing-masing peserta
8.4 Peserta yang ingin mendapatkan penjelasan
mengenai ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Dokumen
Tender dapat menyampaikan pertanyaan kepada
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
sebagaimana yang tercantum pada BAB II LDT
8.5 Pertanyaan tertulis mengenai penjelasan lapangan
dapat juga diajukan pada saat Acara Penjelasan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, dan akan dijawab secara
tertulis juga yang akan menjadi lampiran pada
Berita Acara Penjelasan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
(Aanwijzing). Apabila diperlukan, Manager
Pelaksana pengadaan akan menentukan
8.6 Penjelasan Dokumen Tender sekurang-kurangnya
dihadiri oleh wakil Peserta yang kompeten dengan
disertai Surat Kuasa untuk mengikuti penjelasan.
8.7 Bagi Peserta yang tidak hadir/tidak mengikuti
Penjelasan Dokumen Tender dianggap telah
menyetujui hasil penjelasan dan telah mengetahui
keadaan/datalapangan yang diperlukan untuk
penawaran dan tetap diperbolehkan memasukan
penawaran (tidak menggugurkan).
8.8 Apabila diperlukan perubahan atau ada ketentuan
baru pada Dokumen Tender setelah diadakannya
Penjelasan Dokumen Tender maka perubahan dan
ketentuan baru tersebut akan dimasukkan dalam
Berita Acara Penjelasan dan dituangkan dalam
Adendum Dokumen Tender yang akan
disampaikan kepada Peserta.
Hal-hal penting pada Berita Acara Penjelasan yang
menyebabkan adanya Adendum Dokumen Tender
menjadi bagian dari Dokumen Kontrak.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
B. Dokumen Tender
8.9 Penjelasan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa bisa dilakukan
lebih dari satu kali pada hari yang berturut-turut
ataupun tidak.
8.10 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa tidak
bertanggung jawab atas uraian atau penafsiran
yang lain dari yang dimaksud dalam Dokumen
Tender ini.
8.11 Hasil penjelasan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa (Berita
Acara Penjelasan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa) harus
ditandatangani oleh Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dan disampaikan kepada
seluruh Peserta.
8.12 Peserta harus dengan usahanya sendiri
mendapatkan keterangan/informasi tentang segala
keadaan dan faktor-faktor yang akan berpengaruh
pada pelaksanaan dan penyerahan barang,
termasuk dan tidak terbatas pada pengadaan serta
pembayaran tenaga kerja, peraturan perundangan
yang berlaku dan prasarana angkutan yang bisa
digunakan, fasilitas bongkar muat dan
pengangkutan serta pergudangan barang dan
peralatannya. Faktor-faktor tersebut harus sudah
diselidiki, dianalisa dan dipertimbangkan dengan
seksama dalam persiapan Penawaran yang akan
diajukan Peserta.
8.13 Peserta wajib mengetahui kondisi lapangan beserta
lingkungannya dan harus memahami benar kondisi
lapangan sebelum mengajukan penawarannya.
8.14 Peserta wajib mengetahui keadaan alam, lokasi
lingkup pekerjaan, peralatan/bahan-bahan penting
bagi pelaksanaan pekerjaan, dan akses masuk ke
lokasi, angkutan yang dibutuhkan dan secara
umum harus mendapatkan informasi penting yang
menyangkut resiko, biaya-biaya tak terduga dan
keadaan sekitar lainnya yang dapat mempengaruhi
8.15 Peserta wajib meneliti berbagai hal yang
mempengaruhi penawarannya secara menyeluruh,
termasuk membuat perencanaan yang tepat bagi
penyediaan akomodasi yang layak di luar lapangan
bagi tenaga kerjanya sesuai dengan peraturan
Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah yang berlaku.
8.16 Kondisi tersebut diatas (IKP 8.12 s/d 8.15) sudah
harus benar-benar diperhitungkan oleh Peserta
dalam penawaran harga.
8.17 Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak akan menanggapi
tuntutan (klaim) penyesuaian harga atau
perpanjangan waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan dalam
kontrak yang sudah ditetapkan bagi pekerjaan ini
seperti tersebut dalam spesifikasi dan dokumen-

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
B. Dokumen Tender
dokumen, sebagai akibat kekurangan informasi
yang diperlukan pada waktu pengajuan penawaran
9. Adendum Dokumen 9.1 Sebelum batas waktu penerimaan dokumen
Tender penawaran berakhir, Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dapat mengubah
ketentuan Dokumen Tender dengan menerbitkan
Adendum Dokumen Tender.
9.2 Apabila terdapat Adendum Dokumen Tender/ RKS
atau Memorandum, maka Peserta akan
mendapatkan pemberitahuan dari Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan. Dokumen yang akan
diterima oleh Peserta adalah Dokumen Adendum
Memorandum dan formulir Pengakuan/Penerimaan
Adendum/Addendum Receipt yang harus
ditandatangani Peserta.
9.3 Adendum yang diterbitkan merupakan bagian yang
tak terpisahkan dari Dokumen Tender dan bukti
penerimaan adendum menjadi bagian dari
dokumen penawaran.
9.4 Apabila adendum yang diterbitkan oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
mengakibatkan waktu yang tidak cukup bagi
Peserta dalam penyiapan dokumen penawarannya
maka untuk memberi waktu yang cukup kepada
Peserta dalam menyiapkan penawaran, Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dapat
mengundurkan batas akhir pemasukan penawaran
dengan waktu yang cukup dalam adendum
9.5 Dalam kondisi tertentu diperlukan perbaikan
perubahan Dokumen Tender/RKS setelah
dilakukan pembukaan penawaran teknis,
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat melakukan
perubahan tersebut dan dituangkan dalam suatu
Adendum yang merupakan bagian tidak
terpisahkan dari Dokumen Tender/RKS dan harus
disahkan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
9.6 Adendum sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka IKP
9.4 dapat dilakukan sebelum dilakukan pembukaan
penawaran harga.
9.7 Adendum sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka IKP
9.4 harus disampaikan secara tertulis kepada
semua Peserta yang memasukkan penawaran dan
kepada Peserta diberikan hak untuk menyampaikan
tambahan penawaran (supplementary bid

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran


10. Biaya dalam Proses 10.1 Semua biaya dan risiko Peserta dalam mengikuti
Tender Tender ini sepenuhnya merupakan tanggungan
Peserta. Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa tidak bertanggung jawab atas
kerugian apapun yang ditanggung oleh Peserta
untuk berpartisipasi dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
11. Bahasa 11.1 Semua Dokumen Penawaran harus menggunakan
Bahasa Indonesia.
11.2 Dokumen penunjang yang terkait dengan Dokumen
Penawaran, Spesifikasi Teknis, Gambar-gambar,
Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga (Bill of Quantity), dapat
menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa
Inggris agar tidak terjadi kesalahan interpretasi
terhadap yang dipersyaratkan.
12. Dokumen 12.1 Isi dari dokumen penawaran untuk “Satu Tahap
Penawaran Dua Sampul” adalah sebagai berikut:

 Dokumen Sampul 1, terdiri dari:

a. Dokumen Penawaran Administrasi

1. Surat penawaran
2. Surat kuasa jika dikuasakan
3. Asli Jaminan Penawaran
4. Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama Operasi (KSO)/
Konsorsium (bila berbentuk Kerjasama Operasi
5. Surat Pernyataan NPWP Perusahaan yang
mewakili KSO/Leader KSO.
6. Surat Pernyataan Kebenaran Dokumen
7. Form kuisioner dan Pakta Integritas Integrity
Due Diligence (IDD)

b. Dokumen Penawaran Teknis

1. Jadwal Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan

2. Metode Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan
3. Critical Path Method (CPM)
4. Pengalaman Pabrikan (Supply List/ Supply
5. Surat Dukungan dari Pabrik
6. Nama dan Tempat Pabrik, Pengujian dan
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran

7. Surat Pernyataan Certificate of Manufactured

(COM) untuk material utama
8. Surat keterangan kepuasan pelanggan
(satisfactory letter) dari Pengguna (End User)
9. Fotocopy Sertifikat ISO 9001 dan ISO 14001
10. Technical Particulars And Guarantee (TPG)
11. Spesifikasi Barang (Brosur dan Gambar)
12. Fotocopy Sertifikat Uji Jenis (type test report)
dari barang yang ditawarkan.
13. Surat Dukungan/Jaminan serta pernyataan
bertanggung jawab atas kualitas barang
setelah terpasang
14. Surat Pernyataan kesanggupan bertanggung
jawab terhadap kegagalan bangungan selama
10 tahun sesuai UU No. 2 tahun 2017 tentang
Jasa Konstruksi.
15. Spare Part and Tools (jika diminta)
16. Daftar Sub Kontraktor yang diusulkan (bila ada)
17. Surat Pernyataan Kesanggupan (Komitmen)
Pencapaian Nilai Tingkat Komponen Dalam
Negeri (TKDN) sesuai dengan formulir 13 Bab
IV Formulir Penawaran
18. Sertifikat lain yang mendukung penyelesaian
pekerjaan pada proyek yang sedang
ditenderkan. (bila ada)

c. Aplikasi Kualifikasi:

1) Kualifikasi Administrasi

(1) Akta Pendirian Perusahaan

(2) Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
(3) Sertifikat Badan Usaha Jasa Penunjang
Tenaga Listrik SBUJPTL yang masih
(4) Ijin Usaha Jasa Penunjang Tenaga Listrik
(IUJPTL) yang masih berlaku
(5) Sertifikat Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi
(SBUJK), Surat Ijin Jasa Konstruksi
(SIUJK) yang masih berlaku
(6) Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berbentuk persekutuan usaha, wajib
mempunyai perjanjian kerja sama
(7) Fotocopy SPT dan SSP Bukti
Pembayaran Pph Pasal 29 atau PPN
10% dalam 3 bulan terakhir

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran
(8) Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) dan
surat pengukuhan menjadi Pengusahan
Kena Pajak (PKP)
(9) Sertifkat Manajemen Mutu (ISO 9001
terbaru) yang masih berlaku
(10) Sertifikat Manajemen Lingkungan (ISO
14001), SMK3 (OHSAS 18001) yang
masih berlaku
(11) Formulir Isian Penilaian Kualifikasi
(12) Data tambahan apabila Pengguna
Barang/Jasa akan menambahkan sesuai
kebutuhan setempat (bila ada)

2) Kualifikasi Teknis
(1) Daftar pengalaman dan kemampuan
Peserta dalam melaksanakan proyek
(2) Data Personalia (Tenaga ahli/teknis yang
(3) Sertifikasi Kompetensi sesuai
bidang/keahlian setiap personil
(4) Daftar Peralatan Kerja/Perlengkapan
Kerja, Umur dan Status Kepemilikan

3) Kualifikasi Keuangan
(1) Surat Dukungan Keuangan/Referensi
dari Bank
(2) Neraca Keuangan Tahun Terakhir, Daftar
Pekerjaan yang sedang dilaksanakan
(untuk menghitung SKK, KP).
(3) Daftar pengalaman peserta pada sub
bidang yang sesuai dalam kurun waktu 8
tahun terakhir (untuk menghitung
Kemampuan Dasar).
(4) Balance Sheet perusahaan 3 tahun
terakhir dan credit line dari Bank (untuk
menghitung annual turn over, liquid asset
+ credit line dari bank).
(5) Sertifikat kemampuan keuangan yang
diterbitkan lembaga pemeringkat
keuangan yang kredibel.

4) Kualifikasi K3
(1) Dokumen Rencana K3L atau HSE Plan;
(2) Sertikat CSMS minimal Level Risiko
Ekstrem yang masih berlaku atau Berita
Acara Hasil PQ CSMS

Setiap urutan susunan dokumen agar diberi

pembatas yang diberi label sesuai daftar isi dan
dokumen penawaran Sampul 1 serta dimasukkan
kedalam sampul tertutup.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran

 Dokumen Sampul 2, terdiri dari:

Dokumen Penawaran Harga
1) Surat penawaran Sampul 2 (dua)
2) Daftar kuantitas dan harga (BOQ)
3) Sertifikat TKDN barang yang diterbitkan
Kementerian Perindustrian (bila ada)
4) Surat Pernyataan Pengurangan Harga/Diskon
(bila ada)
5) Rekapitulasi Formulir Isian Tingkat Kandungan
Dalam Negeri (TKDN) sesuai dengan formulir
14 Bab IV Formulir Penawaran

12.2 Dalam hal pada satu pekerjaan terdiri dari beberapa

lot/paket maka Peserta dapat menyampaikan
penawaran untuk salah satu lot/paket atau multi
lot/paket. Apabila Peserta menyampaikan
penawaran untuk multi lot/paket maka dokumen
penawaran harus disampaikan untuk masing-
masing lot/paket.
Pemberlakuan klausul ini sesuai dengan ketentuan
dalam BAB II LDT.
13. Kelengkapan 13.1 Peserta harus menyusun dokumen penawaran dan
Dokumen kualifikasi dengan mengisi Formulir Isian pada Bab
Penawaran dan IV Formulir Penawaran sesuai ketentuan dalam
Kualifikasi dokumen tender secara detail yang diperlukan
untuk dievaluasi Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa atas ketanggapan (responsiveness),
kesuaian (compliance) dan penerimaan
(acceptability) dari data penawaran dan kualifikasi
terhadap persyaratan Dokumen Tender.
13.2 Peserta harus mengusulkan nama Sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (bila ada) termasuk pabrikan-pabrikan
yang akan memasok peralatan utama, Peserta
harus melengkapi informasi dalam penawarannya
sesuai yang dipersyaratkan dalam Dokumen
Apabila dalam penawarannya Penyedia
Barang/Jasa menawarkan lebih dari satu Sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk item pekerjaan
dan/atau barang/peralatan yang sama dan
semuanya memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan
dalam dokumen Tender /RKS, maka Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan dan/atau Pengguna
Barang/Jasa berhak untuk menentukan salah satu
Sub-Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang ditawarkan tanpa
adanya penyesuaian tarif dan harga.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran
13.3 Peserta harus memastikan bahwa semua Sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa termasuk pabrikan
memenuhi persyaratan sesuai Dokumen Tender.
14. Harga Penawaran 14.1 Kecuali ditentukan lain dalam BAB II LDT, Peserta
harus menawarkan keseluruhan biaya pekerjaan
yang mencakup semua pekerjaan persiapan,
desain, pengadaan, pabrikasi, pengujian pabrik,
pengepakan, pengangkutan, erection, stringing,
pengujian lapangan, pembuatan gambar kerja dan
As Built Drawing, penyelesaian akhir, termasuk
asuransi, penyediaan panduan pengoperasian &
pemeliharaan, serta pekerjaan pada masa
pemeliharaan dan garansi material peralatan.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab atas
testing, pra-komisioning dan komisioning sesuai
persyaratan dalam Dokumen Tender, perijinan,
persetujuan dan lisensi beserta pengoperasian,
pemeliharaan dan jasa lainnya yang mungkin
dipersyaratkan dalam Dokumen Tender.
14.2 Peserta harus menyampaikan rincian harga
penawaran sesuai dengan yang ada pada Daftar
Kuantitas dan Harga (BoQ) Bab IV Formulir
Penawaran. Item pekerjaan dalam Daftar Kuantitas
dan Harga yang tidak diisi harganya dianggap
sudah termasuk dalam item pekerjaan lainnya.
Formulir Penawaran harga sesuai dengan
ketentuan pada BAB II LDT
14.3 Dalam Formulir Penawaran Harga, Calon Penyedia
Barang/Jasa harus memberikan rincian yang
diperlukan sebagai berikut.
a. Untuk bagian pekerjaan harga satuan,
mencantumkan harga satuan dan harga total
untuk tiap mata pembayaran/pekerjaan dalam
Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga.
b. Untuk bagian pekerjaan lumpsum,
mencantumkan harga satuan (apabila
dipersyaratkan) dan harga total untuk tiap mata
pembayaran/pekerjaan dalam Daftar Kualitas
dan Harga.
c. Total harga penawaran adalah penjumlahan
harga dari bagian pekerjaan harga satuan dan
bagian pekerjaan lumpsum.
Biaya overhead (biaya umum) dan keuntungan
termasuk untuk penyelenggaraan biaya
pengawasan dan staf lapangan/tenaga ahli
lapangan, administrasi kantor lapangan, konstruksi
dan fasilitas sementara, transportasi, konsumsi,
keamanan, kontrol kualitas dan pengujian, serta
semua pajak, bea, retribusi, tenaga kerja,
praktik/magang, dan pungutan lain yang sah serta
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran
yang harus dibayar oleh penyedia untuk
pelaksanaan paket Pekerjaan Konstruksi ini telah
diperhitungkan dalam total harga penawaran.
14.4 Dalam Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga (BoQ) yang
ditawarkan, Peserta harus memberikan rincian
harga peralatan yang diimpor dari luar negeri
maupun yang disuplai dari dalam negeri, jasa
pemasangan dan biaya pengangkutan (termasuk
didalamnya harga asuransi)
14.5 Peserta dapat mengajukan diskon harga tanpa
syarat dan harus dinyatakan dalam Surat
Penawaran terpisah mencakup nilai diskon yang
ditawarkan dan cara penerapannya.
Pemberlakuan diskon melalui surat terpisah di
tentukan dalam BAB II LDT.
14.6 Dalam hal satu paket pekerjaan terdiri dari
beberapa lot/paket, peserta dapat mengajukan
diskon gabungan bersyarat yaitu diskon gabungan
dari beberapa lot yang diajukan Peserta apabila
ditunjuk sebagai pemenang beberapa lot/paket
yang ditawarkan dan telah memenuhi kriteria
kualifikasi akumulatif.
Diskon gabungan bersyarat harus ditawarkan
dalam Surat Penawaran terpisah dimana mencakup
besar diskon yang ditawarkan dan cara
Pemberlakuan diskon gabungan bersyarat melalui
surat terpisah di tentukan dalam BAB II LDT.
14.7 Ketentuan mengenai pemberlakuan Penyesuaian
Harga sesuai dengan ketentuan Bab II LDT.
Apabila dalam BAB II LDT diberlakukan
penyesuaian harga kontrak (adjustable price) dalam
masa pelaksanaan Kontrak, maka Peserta dalam
dokumen penawarannya harus menyampaikan
sumber informasi yang diperlukan untuk
menghitung penyesuaian harga yaitu indeks harga
komponen seperti: upah buruh, bahan, transportasi,
alat kerja dan lainya sesuai formula penyesuaian
harga pada Bab IV Formulir Penawaran.
Apabila dalam BAB II LDT tidak diberlakukannya
penyesuaian harga kontrak, maka harga satuan
dalam kontrak harus tetap (fixed price) selama
masa pelaksanaan kontrak dan tidak dapat
berubah. Peserta yang dalam dokumen
penawarannya mengajukan kondisi harga kontrak
yang disesuaikan (adjustable price) akan
15. Jenis Kontrak 15.1 Jenis Kontrak dalam Tender yang akan digunakan
adalah sesuai dengan ketentuan pada BAB II LDT.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran
16. Ketentuan 16.1 Peserta harus tunduk dan menaati ketentuan
Pengadaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang diatur dalam
Barang/Jasa Dokumen Pelelangan Barang/Jasa ini yang
berpedoman kepada:
Peraturan Direksi PT PLN (Persero) No.
0022.P/DIR/2020 tanggal 02 Maret 2020, tentang
Pedoman Pengadaan Barang/Jasa PT PLN
(Persero) beserta perubahannya.
Apabila Peserta tidak dapat memenuhi ketentuan-
ketentuan tersebut, maka Peserta tidak dapat
mengajukan tuntutan dalam bentuk apapun.
17. Mata Uang 17.1 Mata uang yang digunakan dalam Dokumen
Penawaran dan Penawaran dan Pembayaran harus sesuai
Pembayaran persyaratan yang ditentukan di dalam BAB II LDT.
18. Masa Berlaku 18.1 Masa berlaku Penawaran harus sesuai persyaratan
Penawaran di dalam BAB II LDT. Penawaran dengan masa
berlaku lebih pendek akan dinyatakan tidak tanggap
dan ditolak.
18.2 Jika jaminan penawaran dipersyaratkan dalam
penawaran, maka masa berlaku jaminan
penawaran juga harus diperpanjang sampai
dengan 30 puluh hari setelah perpanjangan masa
berlaku penawaran. Apabila masa berlaku surat
penawaran telah habis, sedangkan penetapan
Pemenang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa belum
diterbitkan maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak
meminta perpanjangan masa berlaku surat
penawaran tersebut secara tertulis tanpa
mengubah isi dokumen penawaran.
Peserta dapat menolak perpanjangan masa berlaku
penawaran dan jaminan penawaran dikembalikan.

19. Jaminan Penawaran 19.1 Dalam penawarannya Peserta harus melengkapi

Jaminan Penawaran dengan nilai sesuai dengan
yang ditentukan dalam BAB II LDT.
19.2 Peserta harus menyerahkan surat jaminan
penawaran dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Diterbitkan oleh Bank yang termasuk dalam
Daftar Penerbit Jaminan Terseleksi (DPJT)
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di Lingkungan PT
PLN (Persero) sebagaimana tercantum pada
BAB III KKE lampiran 1.
2. Masa berlaku jaminan penawaran sekurang-
kurangnya sama dengan masa berlaku surat
penawaran ditambah 30 (tiga puluh) hari
kalender, dengan masa klaim sekurang-
kurangnya 14 (empat belas) hari dan selambat-
lambatnya 30 (tiga puluh) hari setelah
berakhirnya masa jaminan.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran

3. Dalam hal masa berlaku Jaminan Penawaran

diperkirakan akan berakhir sebelum
Pengumuman Pemenang, maka paling lambat
7 (tujuh) hari kerja sebelum berakhirnya masa
berlaku Jaminan Penawaran tersebut, Jaminan
Penawaran Peserta harus diperpanjang sesuai
dengan permintaan Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan, apabila tidak bersedia maka
Peserta dianggap mengundurkan diri dan
Jaminan Penawaran dikembalikan.
4. Nama Peserta harus sama dengan nama yang
tercantum dalam surat jaminan penawaran.
5. Nama Penerima jaminan penawaran sesuai
dengan yang ditentukan dalam BAB II LDT.
6. Nama Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang menerima
jaminan penawaran harus sama dengan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang
menyelenggarakan Pengadaan yaitu sesuai
dengan yang ditentukan dalam BAB II LDT.
7. Nama Paket pekerjaan yang dijamin harus
sama dengan paket pekerjaan yang diadakan,
yaitu sesuai dengan BAB II LDT.
8. Isi surat jaminan penawaran substansinya
harus sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam
Dokumen Tender (pada Bab IV Formulir
19.3 Penawaran yang tidak dilengkapi dengan jaminan
penawaran yang sesuai dengan ketentuan IKP 19.2
dianggap tidak tanggap sehingga ditolak oleh
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
19.4 Pengembalian Jaminan Penawaran:
a. Jaminan Penawaran dikembalikan kepada
seluruh Penyedia Barang/Jasa setelah Kontrak
ditandatangani dan Jaminan Pelaksanaan
b. Peserta yang dinyatakan gugur/tidak lulus pada
tahapan proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa,
maka Jaminan Penawaran dikembalikan
setelah hasil tender pada tahapan dimaksud
19.5 Jaminan Penawaran dari Calon Pemenang urutan
kedua dan ketiga dapat dikembalikan setelah
Kontrak ditandatangani oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
yang ditunjuk, atau setelah Pemenang yang
ditunjuk telah menyatakan persetujuannya.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran

19.6 Ketentuan jaminan penawaran sebagai berikut:

a. Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa
mengundurkan diri pada masa penawarannya
masih berlaku atau sampai dengan Kontrak
ditandatangani, maka Jaminan Penawaran
dicairkan dan menjadi milik PLN.
b. Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang telah
diumumkan sebagai calon pemenang tidak
bersedia memperpanjang Jaminan Penawaran
sampai dengan penandatanganan Kontrak,
maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa tersebut
dianggap mengundurkan diri dan Jaminan
Penawaran dicairkan dan menjadi milik PLN.
c. Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang ditunjuk
gagal untuk menandatangani Kontrak dengan
alasan yang tidak dapat diterima oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa’, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa akan memberikan sanksi Blacklist
selama jangka waktu 2 (dua) tahun dan
jaminan penawaran dicairkan menjadi milik
d. Apabila tidak melengkapi Jaminan
Pelaksanaan sampai batas waktu selambat-
lambatnya 14 hari kerja setelah kontrak ditanda
tangani, maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan
memberikan sanksi Blacklist selama jangka
waktu 2 (dua) tahun dan jaminan penawaran
dicairkan menjadi milik PLN.
19.7 Pembayaran atas klaim atau tuntutan pencairan
adalah mutlak dan tanpa syarat (unconditional)
meskipun ada tuntutan permintaan atau keberatan
dari terjamin atau pihak manapun.
19.8 Jaminan Penawaran dari KSO atau Konsorsium
harus atas nama masing-masing anggota KSO atau
19.9 Jaminan Penawaran tidak dipersyaratkan dalam hal
Penyedia Barang/Jasa adalah BUMN, kecuali
BUMN dan eks BUMN menjadi leader atau anggota
konsorsium bersama perusahaan non BUMN.
20. Format dan 20.1 Jumlah Dokumen Penawaran hardcopy, terdiri dari
Penandatangan 1 (satu) set asli yang ditandai "ASLI" dan salinan
Dokumen yang harus ditandai "COPY", bila terdapat
Penawaran ketidaksesuaian antara dokumen asli dan salinan
maka dokumen asli yang berlaku.
20.2 Peserta menyampaikan salinan Dokumen
Penawaran sebanyak yang ditentukan pada BAB II

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
C. Penyiapan Dokumen Penawaran
20.3 Surat penawaran asli dan salinan harus diketik atau
ditulis tangan dengan tinta yang tidak dapat dihapus
dan harus ditandatangani oleh
pemimpin/penanggung jawab perusahaan atau
oleh yang diberi kuasa atas nama Peserta. Surat
kuasa harus dilampirkan dalam penawaran. Nama
dan jabatan yang menandatangani harus ditulis
dibawah tanda tangan. Seluruh halaman surat
penawaran harus ditanda tangani atau diparaf oleh
yang mendatangani penawaran.
20.4 Dokumen penawaran yang disampaikan oleh KSO
atau Konsorsium harus memenuhi persyaratan
sebagai berikut:
a. Surat Penawaran harus ditandatangani oleh
semua anggota KSO atau Konsorsium. atau,
b. Surat Penawaran ditandatangani oleh orang
yang diberi kuasa mewakili KSO atau
Konsorsium berdasarkan perjanjian KSO atau
c. Setiap perubahan, penghapusan atau
penimpaan berlaku hanya jika ditandatangani
atau diparaf oleh orang yang menandatangani
surat penawaran.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
D. Penyampaian dan Pembukaan Penawaran


21. Metode 21.1 Metode Penyampaian Dokumen Penawaran pada
Penyampaian Tender adalah “Satu Tahap Dua Sampul”.
22. Penyampulan, 22.1 Penyampulan dokumen penawaran sesuai dengan
Penandaan dan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Peserta mengajukan penawaran yang
dimasukkan ke dalam dua sampul dan
diserahkan secara bersamaan.
2. Sampul Satu berisi kelengkapan data
administrasi dan teknis serta Jaminan
Penawaran asli yang dipersyaratkan, dan pada
sampulnya ditulis “Data Administrasi dan
Teknis“. Dan disertakan soft copy TPG dalam
format Excel.
3. Sampul Dua berisi data penawaran harga dan
pada sampulnya ditulis “Penawaran Harga”.
Dan disertakan soft copy BOQ dalam format
4. Cover dokumen Sampul Satu dan Sampul Dua
minimal mencantumkan kelengkapan informasi
yaitu nama pekerjaan, nama Penyedia
Barang/Jasa, tanggal penawaran, keaslian dari
dokumen (asli/copy) dan nomor buku (dalam
hal penawaran terdiri lebih dari satu buku) pada
setiap bukunya.
5. Sampul Satu dan Sampul Dua diatas
dimasukkan ke dalam satu Sampul Penutup.
6. Sampul Penutup mencantumkan alamat
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan sesuai yang
ditetapkan dalam Dokumen Pelelangan dan
nama paket pekerjaan.
22.2 Penandaan sampul Dokumen Penawaran adalah
sebagai berikut:
a. Dokumen penawaran terdiri dari 2 (dua) berkas
yaitu berkas asli dan salinan yang dimasukan
ke dalam 2 (dua) sampul terpisah serta ditandai
“asli” dan “copy”. Sampul asli dan salinan
dimasukkan ke dalam satu Sampul Luar.
b. Sampul luar harus:
1) Dialamatkan kepada Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan sesuai yang ditetapkan dalam
2) Memuat nama paket pekerjaan yang
ditenderkan sesuai yang dicantumkan
dalam BAB II LDT.
3) Memuat peringatan untuk tidak membuka
sebelum waktu dan tanggal pembukaan

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
D. Penyampaian dan Pembukaan Penawaran
4) Jika sampul penawaran tidak ditutup dan
tidak diberi tanda maka Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan tidak bertanggung
jawab atas salah penempatan atau
kerusakan/hilang dokumen penawaran
sebelum waktu pembukaan atau dibuka
sebelum waktunya.
22.3 Penyampaian Dokumen Penawaran adalah
sebagai berikut:
a. Harga penawaran dalam Surat Penawaran
dicantumkan dengan jelas dalam angka dan
b. Penawaran bersifat rahasia dan dimasukkan
oleh Peserta yang bersangkutan ke dalam
tempat yang telah disediakan oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan.
c. Dokumen Penawaran wajib disampaikan pada
waktu yang telah ditentukan.
d. Dokumen Penawaran yang diterima setelah
batas akhir pemasukan, tidak diikutsertakan
dan diberitahukan kepada Peserta untuk
diambil kembali.
23. Batas Akhir Waktu 23.1 Dokumen penawaran harus diterima Manager
Pemasukan Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa tidak melebihi
Penawaran dari waktu yang ditentukan dalam BAB II LDT.
23.2 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan dapat
memperpanjang jadwal pemasukan dokumen
penawaran bila diperlukan melalui adendum
Dokumen Tender. Dalam hal ini seluruh hak dan
kewajiban dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan dan
Peserta tunduk pada batas waktu yang
24. Penawaran 24.1 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan akan menganulir
Terlambat penawaran yang masuk setelah batas waktu
penyampaian sesuai IKP 23.1. Dokumen
penawaran yang disampaikan setelah batas akhir
pemasukan tidak diikutsertakan/ditolak dan
dikembalikan kepada Peserta yang bersangkutan
dalam keadaan tertutup (sampul tidak dibuka).
25. Pembukaan 25.1 Pembukaan Dokumen Penawaran pada dengan
Penawaran metode penyampaian penawaran “1 (satu) tahap 2
(dua) sampul” adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa

membuka kotak/tempat pemasukan Dokumen
Penawaran dihadapan Peserta.
b. Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
menghitung jumlah Dokumen Penawaran yang
masuk dihadapan Peserta. Apabila penawaran

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
D. Penyampaian dan Pembukaan Penawaran
yang masuk kurang dari 2 (dua) Peserta maka
Tender dinyatakan gagal.
c. Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
membuka Sampul Satu di hadapan Peserta.
Sampul Dua yang berisi data harga tidak boleh
dibuka dan sampulnya dituliskan identitas
perusahaan dan diparaf oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dan 2
(dua) orang wakil Peserta sebelum disimpan
oleh Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
d. Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
tidak diperbolehkan untuk menggugurkan
penawaran pada saat pembukaan penawaran.
e. Pada pembukaan penawaran, Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
memeriksa, menunjukkan dan membacakan
keabsahan dokumen di hadapan Peserta atau
yang diberi kuasa mewakili, antara lain sebagai
1. Nama Peserta
2. Jaminan Penawaran (Bid Bond).
3. Bank penerbit jaminan penawaran
4. Masa berlaku penawaran
5. Hal lain yang dirasa perlu oleh Pengguna
atau Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa (bila ada).
f. Setelah acara pembukaan penawaran ditutup,
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
segera membuat Berita Acara Pembukaan
Penawaran Sampul Satu yang memuat antara
1. Jumlah dokumen penawaran yang masuk
2. Nama Peserta
3. Ada tidaknya Surat Jaminan Penawaran
4. Kelainan-kelainan yang dijumpai dalam
dokumen penawaran (bila ada)
5. Keterangan lain yang dianggap perlu (bila
6. Alasan jika terjadi penundaan waktu
pembukaan penawaran (bila ada)
7. Tanggal pembuatan Berita Acara
g. Berita Acara Pembukaan Penawaran (BAPP)
Sampul Satu ditandatangani oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang hadir
dan 2 (dua) wakil Peserta.
h. Setelah evaluasi Sampul Satu (Administrasi
dan Teknis), Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa akan mengundang Peserta yang
lulus evaluasi Sampul Satu secara tertulis
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
D. Penyampaian dan Pembukaan Penawaran
untuk mengikuti pembukaan penawaran
Sampul Dua
i. Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
akan menyampaikan pemberitahuan secara
tertulis kepada Peserta yang tidak lulus
evaluasi penawaran Sampul Satu dan
penawaran harganya (Sampul Dua) akan
dikembalikan tanpa dibuka.
j. Pembukaan Penawaran Sampul Dua:
1. Peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan
administrasi dan teknis pada evaluasi
penawaran Sampul Satu diundang untuk
mengikuti pembukaan penawaran Sampul
Dua. Undangan disampaikan melalui surat
undangan tertulis atau melalui papan
2. Pembukaan penawaran dilakukan di
hadapan Peserta yang hadir serta
disaksikan minimal 2 (dua) orang saksi dari
wakil Peserta.
3. Dalam hal saksi dari wakil Peserta tidak
ada, Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
dapat menunjuk saksi selain dari Peserta.
4. Pada pembukaan harga penawaran,
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa memeriksa, menunjukkan
dan membacakan di hadapan para wakil
Peserta mengenai kelengkapan Dokumen
Penawaran yang terdiri dari:
i. Nama Peserta
ii. Surat Penawaran dilengkapi dengan
materai, tanggal cap dan tanda
iii. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga (Bill of
iv. Surat Penawaran diskon (bila ada)
k. Berita Acara Pembukaan Penawaran (BAPP)
Sampul Dua ditandatangani oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang hadir
dan 2 (dua) wakil Peserta
25.2 Pembukaan Dokumen Penawaran dilakukan oleh
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa pada
waktu yang ditentukan dalam BAB II LDT.
25.3 Pembukaan Penawaran dilakukan oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa segera setelah
pemasukan penawaran ditutup oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
25.4 Bagi wakil Peserta yang mengikuti acara
pembukaan penawaran harus menunjukkan Surat
Kuasa dari Direktur perusahaannya, dan setiap satu
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
D. Penyampaian dan Pembukaan Penawaran
orang wakil Peserta hanya dapat mewakili satu
perusahaan. Bagi yang tidak dapat menunjukkan
Surat Kuasa tidak diperkenankan mengikuti acara
pembukaan surat penawaran.
25.5 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
meminta kesediaan sekurang-kurangnya 2 (dua)
wakil dari Peserta yang hadir sebagai saksi dan
menandatangani Berita Acara Pembukaan
Penawaran (BAPP). Apabila tidak terdapat saksi
dari Peserta yang hadir, Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan dapat menunjuk saksi selain dari
25.6 Jika syarat pembukaan penawaran di atas
terpenuhi, Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa membuka kotak/tempat pemasukan
penawaran dan Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa menghitung jumlah sampul
penawaran yang masuk (tidak termasuk surat
pengunduran diri).
25.7 Dokumen Penawaran yang akan diproses lebih
lanjut adalah Dokumen Penawaran yang dibuka
dan di bacakan pada saat Pembukaan Penawaran.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran

26. Kerahasiaan 26.1 Pelaksanaan evaluasi penawaran dilakukan oleh
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan terhadap semua
penawaran yang masuk, dan dapat dibantu oleh
pihak lain sesuai keahlian baik internal maupun
eksternal PLN.
26.2 Informasi yang berhubungan dengan penelitian,
evaluasi, klarifikasi, konfirmasi dan usulan Peserta
tidak boleh diberitahukan kepada Peserta atau
pihak lain yang tidak terkait dengan pelaksanaan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sampai dengan saat
penanda-tanganan Kontrak.
26.3 Setiap usaha Peserta untuk mempengaruhi proses
evaluasi dokumen penawaran atau keputusan
pemenang akan mengakibatkan ditolaknya
penawaran Peserta yang bersangkutan.
27. Klarifikasi Dokumen 27.1 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan melakukan
Penawaran klarifikasi dan apabila diperlukan, Peserta dapat
melakukan presentasi, baik di kantor PLN atau
teleconference di hadapan Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan dan dapat mengundang pihak lain
sesuai disiplin ilmu/keahlian dari internal atau
eksternal PLN
27.2 Klarifikasi dilakukan untuk memperjelas substansi
penawaran administrasi, teknis, harga, kemampuan
keuangan, K3. Klarifikasi bersifat rahasia.

Peserta yang tidak menyampaikan jawaban

klarifikasi sampai dengan batas waktu yang
ditentukan di dalam surat klarifikasi dari Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan maka Penawaran dapat
28. Evaluasi Dokumen 28.1 Evaluasi dan Klarifikasi Dokumen Penawaran
Penawaran dan Sampul Satu:
Kualifikasi Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
melakukan evaluasi dokumen dengan urutan
sebagai berikut:
1) Evaluasi penawaran administrasi
2) Evaluasi penawaran teknis
3) Evaluasi kualifikasi terdiri dari kelengkapan dan
kemampuan administrasi, teknis, keuangan
Berdasarkan kriteria, metode, dan tatacara evaluasi
yang telah ditetapkan dalam Dokumen Tender/RKS.
28.2 Evaluasi dan Klarifikasi Dokumen Penawaran
Sampul Dua:
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
melakukan evaluasi penawaran yang meliputi
evaluasi harga, berdasarkan kriteria, metode, dan

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
tatacara evaluasi yang telah ditetapkan dalam
Dokumen Tender/RKS.
28.3 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan akan
melaksanakan evaluasi administrasi dan kualifikasi
serta teknis secara rinci dari penawaran untuk
menentukan apakah sudah sesuai dengan
Dokumen Tender/RKS. Penawaran yang tidak
memenuhi standar minimum dari hal yang bersifat
penting/pokok dianggap tidak responsif/tidak
memenuhi syarat dan akan ditolak.
Untuk melaksanakan evaluasi, Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan akan memeriksa dan membandingkan
aspek administrasi dan teknis dari dokumen
penawaran yang diberikan oleh Peserta, dengan
mempertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:
a. Kelengkapan Dokumen Penawaran secara
keseluruhan dan kesesuaian terhadap
Persyaratan Dokumen Tender/RKS;
kesesuaian peralatan dan pemasangan yang
ditawarkan dengan kriteria unjuk kerja yang
ditetapkan, kesesuaian dengan standar
minimum yang ditentukan (atau maksimum,
dalam kasus tertentu) dan kesesuaian jaminan
fungsional yang dipersyaratkan dalam Bab III
b. Tipe, jumlah dan ketersediaan peralatan (suku
cadang) dan jasa pemeliharaan untuk jangka
waktu tertentu yang diwajibkan (jika
c. Faktor-faktor lain yang relevan seperti yang
tercantum dalam Bab III KKE. (jika ada).
28.4 Penawaran yang memenuhi syarat adalah
penawaran yang sesuai dengan ketentuan, syarat-
syarat, dan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan dalam
Dokumen Tender/RKS termasuk perubahannya
(Adendum/Memorandum), tanpa ada
penyimpangan yang bersifat penting/pokok atau
penawaran bersyarat sesuai IKP 28.5.

28.5 Penyimpangan yang bersifat penting/pokok atau

penawaran bersyarat meliputi:
a. Jenis penyimpangan yang berpengaruh
terhadap hal-hal yang sangat substantif dan
akan mempengaruhi lingkup, kualitas, dan
hasil/kinerja/performance pekerjaan.
b. Adanya penawaran dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa
dengan persyaratan tambahan di luar
ketentuan Dokumen Tender/RKS termasuk
perubahannya, yang akan menimbulkan
persaingan tidak sehat dan/atau tidak adil di
antara Peserta yang memenuhi syarat.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
28.6 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan melakukan
evaluasi harga terhadap semua penawaran yang
memenuhi persyaratan administrasi, teknis dari
penawaran. Dan memenuhi persyaratan
administrasi, teknis, keuangan dan K3 dari aplikasi
29. Koreksi Aritmatik 29.1 Untuk jenis Kontrak Harga Satuan, berlaku hal-hal
sebagai berikut:
a. Volume pekerjaan yang tercantum dalam
dokumen penawaran disesuaikan dengan
yang tercantum dalam Dokumen Tender/RKS.
b. Apabila terjadi kesalahan hasil perkalian antara
volume dengan harga satuan pekerjaan, maka
dilakukan pembetulan, dengan ketentuan
harga satuan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan tidak
boleh diubah.
c. Jenis pekerjaan yang tidak diberi harga satuan
maupun volume tidak dicantumkan, maka
dianggap sudah termasuk dalam harga satuan
pekerjaan yang lain, dan harga satuan dan
volume pada surat penawaran tetap dibiarkan
d. Hasil koreksi aritmatik dapat mengubah nilai
dan urutan penawaran menjadi lebih tinggi
atau lebih rendah terhadap penawaran semula.
29.2 Untuk jenis Kontrak Lumpsum, hasil koreksi
aritmatik tidak dapat mengubah nilai total
penawaran. Hasil koreksi aritmatik digunakan
sebagai alat untuk konfirmasi kepada Peserta yang
mengajukan penawaran.
29.3 Untuk jenis Kontrak gabungan Lumsum dan Harga
Satuan, hasil koreksi aritmatik dapat mengubah
nilai atau urutan penawaran menjadi lebih tinggi
atau lebih rendah terhadap penawaran semula
29.4 Bila penawar tidak dapat menerima jumlah
penawaran hasil koreksi aritmatik, maka
penawarannya ditolak dan jaminan penawarannya
disita dan disetorkan ke kas PT PLN (Persero).
29.5 Jika Peserta yang menyampaikan harga dengan
nilai terendah tidak menerima koreksi aritmatik
setelah evaluasi, maka penawaran akan dinyatakan
tidak responsive (gugur).
30. Evaluasi Harga 30.1 Apabila terjadi harga satuan timpang yaitu harga
Timpang satuan yang nilainya lebih besar dari 110% (seratus
sepuluh persen) harga satuan HPS, maka perlu
diklarifikasi dengan memeriksa koefisien dan/atau
kewajaran harga dari komponen harga satuan

Apabila terdapat harga satuan timpang maka item

pekerjaan dengan harga timpang tersebut akan

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
dituangkan didalam Contract Discussion
Agreement (CDA).
30.2 Apabila hasil klarifikasi ternyata harga satuan
tersebut tidak berubah, maka harga satuan timpang
hanya berlaku untuk volume yang ditawarkan dalam
Dokumen Kontrak awal.
30.3 Dalam hal terdapat kerja tambah, maka harga
satuan yang digunakan atas kerja tambah tersebut
menggunakan harga satuan maksimal 110%
(seratus sepuluh persen) dari harga satuan HPS.
30.4 Dalam hal terdapat kerja tambah, sesuai dengan
ketentuan Bab VI Syarat-syarat Umum Kontrak
31. Ketidaksesuaian 31.1 Dengan ketentuan penawaran sudah memenuhi
Item Pekerjaan ketentuan IKP 28.4, Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan dapat mengabaikan setiap
ketidaksesuaian yang tidak bersifat penting/pokok.
31.2 Apabila dalam Dokumen Penawaran terdapat
ketidaksesuaian yang berupa item pekerjaan
dan/atau komponen yang hilang dan/atau tidak
sesuai dengan Dokumen Tender/RKS maka
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan akan
membetulkan/melakukan koreksi ketidaksesuaian
tersebut dengan ketentuan Harga Penawaran tidak
boleh dirubah.
Jenis item pekerjaan dan/atau komponen yang
tidak ditulis dan/atau tidak sesuai dianggap sudah
termasuk dalam item pekerjaan dan/atau
komponen yang harus tetap dikerjakan sesuai
dengan yang tercantum dalam Dokumen
Jika Peserta tidak menerima hasil koreksi
ketidaksesuaian item pekerjaan, maka
penawarannya ditolak dan dinyatakan tidak
responsif (gugur) serta jaminan penawarannya
disita dan disetorkan ke kas PT PLN (Persero).
32. Konversi ke dalam 32.1 Untuk keperluan evaluasi dan perbandingan harga,
Mata Uang Tunggal mata uang dari penawaran harga harus
dikonversikan ke dalam satu mata uang yang
ditetapkan di dalam BAB II LDT.
33. Preferensi Harga 33.1 Preferensi Harga dapat diberikan kepada
barang/jasa dalam negeri dengan TKDN lebih besar
atau sama dengan 25% (dua puluh lima persen).
33.2 Barang produksi dalam negeri sebagaimana
dimaksud pada IKP 33.1 diatas, tercantum dalam
Daftar Barang Produksi Dalam Negeri yang
dikeluarkan oleh Menteri yang membidangi urusan

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
33.3 Preferensi Harga untuk barang produksi dalam
negeri paling tinggi 25% (dua puluh lima persen).
33.4 Preferensi Harga untuk pekerjaan konstruksi yang
dikerjakan oleh kontraktor nasional adalah 7,5%
(tujuh koma lima persen) diatas harga penawaran
terendah dari Peserta asing.
33.5 Dalam hal terdapat 2 (dua) atau lebih penawaran
dengan HEA yang sama, penawar dengan TKDN
terbesar adalah sebagai pemenang.
33.6 Pemberian Preferensi Harga sebagaimana
dimaksud pada IKP 33.1 dan IKP 33.3 diatas, tidak
mengubah Harga Penawaran dan hanya digunakan
untuk keperluan perhitungan HEA guna
menetapkan peringkat pemenang Tender
Terbatas/Tender Terbuka.
33.7 Harga Evaluasi Akhir (HEA) adalah harga
penawaran dengan memperhitungkan Preferensi
a. Koefisien preferensi harga terhadap komponen
dalam negeri barang/jasa adalah tingkat
komponen dalam negeri dikalikan preferensi
harga tertinggi sesuai dengan IKP 33.3.
b. Preferensi harga diperhitungkan dalam
evaluasi Harga penawaran adalah yang telah
memenuhi persyaratan administrasi dan teknis,
setelah koreksi aritmatik.
c. Perhitungan Harga Evaluasi Akhir (HEA)
adalah sebagai berikut:

HEA = Harga Evaluasi Akhir
KP = Koefisien Preferensi Harga (%)
HP = Harga Penawaran (Harga Penawaran
yang memenuhi persyaratan lelang dan telah
dievaluasi/setelah koreksi aritmatik)
Tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN) yang
dipergunakan untuk menghitung preferensi harga
adalah berdasarkan sertifikat TKDN yang
diterbitkan oleh Kementrian Perindustrian.
TKDN yang disampaikan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berdasarkan self assesment Penyedia Barang/Jasa
tidak diberlakukan untuk preferensi harga.
33.8 Pemberlakuan Preferensi Harga sesuai ketentuan
di dalam BAB II LDT.
34. Ketentuan Evaluasi 34.1 Penilaian kewajaran harga dilaksanakan dengan
Harga Penawaran membandingkan harga penawaran dalam Daftar
Kuantitas dan Harga/Bill of Quantity yang diajukan
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
oleh Peserta. Penilaian kewajaran harga ini
dilakukan terhadap semua penawaran yang lulus
evaluasi administrasi dan teknis terhadap HPS.
34.2 Dalam hal terdapat penawaran dengan nilai
penawaran di bawah 80% (delapan puluh persen)
dari HPS, maka Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan
harus meminta penjelasan/klarifikasi secara tertulis
kepada Peserta.
34.3 Apabila harga penawaran dinilai wajar dan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan, peserta tersebut ditunjuk
sebagai pemenang tender dan harus bersedia untuk
untuk menaikkan Jaminan Pelaksanaan yang semula 5%
(lima persen) menjadi minimal 10% (sepuluh persen) dari
total harga kontrak, apabila tidak bersedia maka akan
34.4 Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan melaksanakan
evaluasi harga per paket pekerjaan.
Dalam hal satu paket pekerjaan terdiri dari
beberapa lot (multi lot) maka evaluasi harga
dilakukan per lot.
Harga evaluasi penawaran dihitung berdasarkan
hal-hal berikut:
(a) Harga penawaran
(b) Perubahan harga penawaran akibat koreksi
aritmatik sesuai dengan IKP 29 (bila ada).
(c) Perubahan harga penawaran karena diskon
terpisah yang ditawarkan sebagaimana
dimaksud pada IKP 14.6. (bila ada).
(d) Konversi hasil penjumlahan terkait poin (a)
hingga poin (c) di atas dalam satu mata uang
(jika relevan) sesuai IKP 32.
(e) Faktor-faktor evaluasi lain yang tercantum
dalam Bab III KKE (bila ada).
(f) Harga evaluasi dengan memperhitungkan
preferensi harga sesuai IKP 33.7 (apabila
34.5 Harga penawaran terevaluasi adalah harga
penawaran dari peserta yang dokumen
penawaranya telah memenuhi persyaratan
administrasi, teknis dan keuangan serta
persayaratan K3 sesuai ketentuan Dokumen
Tender/RKS setelah memperhitungkan harga
evaluasi penawaran sesuai dengan IKP 34.4.
34.6 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan harus
membandingkan seluruh harga penawaran
terevaluasi untuk menentukan urutan harga
penawaran terevaluasi mulai dari harga penawaran
terevaluasi terendah.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
34.7 Dalam hal pada satu pekerjaan terdiri dari beberapa
lot/paket, apabila terdapat Peserta yang
menawarkan beberapa lot dengan mengajukan
diskon gabungan bersyarat maka penentuan urutan
pemenang Tender sesuai dengan ketentuan pada
34.8 Yang diusulkan sebagai calon pemenang tender
oleh Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan maksimal 3
peserta berdasarkan urutan penawaran yang
dimulai dari harga terevaluasi terendah yang
memenuhi persyaratan Dokumen Tender untuk
selanjutnya dilakukan negosiasi.
35. Pembuktian 35.1 Pembuktian kualifikasi dilakukan terhadap Peserta
Kualifikasi yang akan diusulkan sebagai calon pemenang yaitu
dilakukan verifikasi terhadap semua data aplikasi
kualifikasi untuk memastikan kebenarannya dan
jika diperlukan dapat dilakukan uji tuntas (due
35.2 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan dapat melakukan
uji tuntas (due diligence) sebagai pembuktian
kualifikasi, sebagai berikut:
a. Wawancara dengan pihak manajemen
Penyedia Barang/Jasa, pihak yang ditunjuk
manajemen Penyedia Barang/Jasa serta pihak
terkait lainnya sehubungan dengan kualifikasi
yang hendak diteliti.
b. Kunjungan ke lokasi pabrikan/manufacturer.
c. Konfirmasi silang dengan perusahaan dan/atau
lembaga dan/atau organisasi profesi dan/atau
organisasi lainnya yang mengetahui kualifikasi
dan dokumen yanghendak diteliti.
35.3 Pembuktian kualifikasi dilakukan dengan cara
melihat dokumen asli atau dokumen yang dilegalisir
oleh pihak yang berwenang, dan meminta
35.4 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan melakukan
klarifikasi dan/atau verifikasi kepada penerbit
dokumen, apabila diperlukan.
35.5 Apabila hasil pembuktian kualifikasi ditemukan
pemalsuan data, peserta digugurkan, badan usaha
atau peserta perorangan dimasukkan dalam Daftar
Hitam, serta dilaporkan kepada Kepolisian atas
perbuatan pemalsuan tersebut.
35.6 Apabila tidak ada penawaran yang lulus
pembuktian kualifikasi, tender dinyatakan gagal.

35.7 Apabila calon pemenang tidak hadir pada

pembuktian kualifikasi dengan alasan yang tidak
dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dianggap
mengundurkan diri, maka:
Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
a. dibatalkan sebagai calon pemenang; dan
b. dikenakan sanksi daftar hitam
Apabila calon pemenang tidak hadir dan dianggap
mengundurkan diri, maka dilakukan pembuktian
kualifikasi kepada calon pemenang cadangan 1.
Dan apabila calon pemenang cadangan 1 tidak
hadir dan dianggap mengundurkan diri, maka
dilakukan pembuktian kualifikasi kepada calon
pemenang cadangan 2.
Dan apabila calon pemenang cadangan 2 tidak
hadir dan dianggap mengundurkan diri, maka
tender dinyatakan gagal.
36. Negosiasi 36.1 Negosiasi harga penawaran dilakukan untuk semua
metode pengadaan, termasuk penawaran yang
melampaui/lebih rendah dari HPS.
36.2 Tata cara negosiasi penawaran sebagai berikut:
a. Negosiasi dimulai dari penawaran harga
terevaluasi terendah pertama sesuai IKP 34.8,
bila tidak tercapai kesepakatan dapat
dilanjutkan kepada peserta dengan penawaran
harga terevaluasi terendah kedua dan bila tidak
tercapai kesepakatan juga dapat dilanjutkan
kepada peserta dengan penawaran harga
terevaluasi terendah ketiga.
b. Apabila diperlukan, dalam hal belum tercapai
kesepakatan, negosiasi dapat dilakukan
kembali sesuai dengan urutan penawaran
harga terevaluasi terendah. Apabila setelah
dilakukan negosiasi ulang tidak tercapai
kesepakatan, maka proses pengadaan dapat
diusulkan gagal.
36.3 Hasil negosiasi dituangkan dalam Berita Acara
37. Usulan Penetapan 37.1 Dari hasil evaluasi pada Bab III KKE dan negosiasi
Pemenang sesuai dengan pasal IKP 36 terhadap peserta yang
akan diusulkan sebagai calon pemenang dilengkapi
dengan hasil assessment IDD pada IKP 4.3,
selanjutnya dilaporkan dalam bentuk Berita Acara
Hasil Evaluasi Pengadaan Barang/Jasa oleh
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
kepada Pengguna sebagai dasar penetapan
37.2 Hasil evaluasi pada Bab III KKE dan setelah
melakukan negosisasi sesuai dengan pasal IKP 36
serta usulan penetapan pemenang disampaikan
dalam bentuk Laporan Hasil Evaluasi Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa dan hasil penilaian IDD oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa sebagai dasar penetapan

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
38. Hak Pengguna 38.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa mempunyai hak untuk
Barang/Jasa untuk menerima atau menolak suatu penawaran maupun
Menerima dan membatalkan proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
Menolak Penawaran setiap saat sebelum penetapan Pemenang
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa tanpa kewajiban
memberikan alasan apapun kepada Peserta.
Peserta yang bersangkutan tidak berhak menuntut
atas tindakan tersebut.
39. Penetapan 39.1 Pemenang tender ditetapkan oleh Pengguna
Pemenang Barang/Jasa berdasarkan laporan evaluasi dari
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan.
39.2 Dalam hal Pengguna Barang/Jasa menolak calon
pemenang tender yang diajukan, maka dapat
a. evaluasi ulang; atau
b. tender ulang; atau
c. membatalkan pengadaan.
39.3 Apabila terjadi keterlambatan dalam menetapkan
pemenang pengadaan dan diperkirakan akan
mengakibatkan habis masa berlakunya surat
penawaran dan jaminan penawaran, maka sebelum
habis masa berlaku surat penawaran dan jaminan
penawaran Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan harus
meminta kepada Calon Pemenang Pengadaan
untuk memperpanjang masa berlaku surat
penawaran dan jaminan penawaran.
40. Pengumuman 40.1 Pemenang tender diumumkan dan diberitahukan
Pemenang oleh Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan kepada para
Peserta, melalui surat tertulis dan papan
41. Sanggahan 41.1 Untuk menjamin adanya transparansi dan
perlakuan yang sama (equal treatment) dalam
setiap Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, maka Peserta
yang berkeberatan atas pengumuman pemenang
pengadaan berhak untuk mengajukan sanggahan
secara tertulis disertai bukti-bukti kepada Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan.
41.2 Sanggahan sebagaimana dimaksud pada IKP 41
hanya yang berkaitan dengan kesesuaian
pelaksanaan pengadaan dengan prosedur atau tata
cara pengadaan dalam Dokumen Tender/RKS.
41.3 Sanggahan dapat diterima apabila diajukan dalam
waktu selambat-lambatnya 3 (tiga) hari kerja sejak
diumumkannya pemenang pengadaan.

41.4 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan wajib

menyampaikan jawaban atas sanggahan tersebut
selambat-lambatnya 7 (tujuh) hari kerja dari tanggal
diterimanya pengajuan sanggahan.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
E. Evaluasi Penawaran
41.5 Dalam hal sanggahan ditolak oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan, maka calon Pemenang
dapat mengajukan sanggah banding kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa disertai bukti-bukti
terjadinya penyimpangan terhadap ketentuan-
ketentuan pengadaan.
41.6 Sanggah Banding diajukan kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dalam waktu selambat-lambatnya 3
(tiga) hari kerja sejak diterimanya jawaban
41.7 Pengguna Barang/Jasa wajib menyampaikan
jawaban atas sanggah banding tersebut selambat-
lambatnya 7 (tujuh) hari kerja dari tanggal
diterimanya pengajuan sanggah banding.
41.8 Jawaban sanggah banding dari Pengguna
Barang/Jasa bersifat final dan mengikat.
41.9 Sanggahan dapat diterima dengan ketentuan
sebagai berikut :
a. Apabila pelaksanaan pengadaan tidak sesuai
dengan prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam
Dokumen Tender, maka dilakukan pemasukan
ulang penawaran dari Peserta yang sama atau
tender ulang.
b. Apabila terjadi rekayasa antara pihak internal
PLN dengan Peserta yang merugikan Peserta
lainnya, maka diambil tindakan sesuai dengan
Peraturan Disiplin Pegawai serta
menggugurkan penawaran Peserta yang
terlibat dalam rekayasa tersebut dan
memasukkan Peserta tersebut ke dalam Daftar
Hitam (Black List) PLN.
41.10 Sanggahan harus disampaikan oleh atas nama
KSO/Konsorsium jika yang terdaftar
KSO/Konsorsium dan harus disepakati dan
disetujui oleh seluruh anggota KSO/Konsorsium.
Sanggahan yang disampaikan oleh salah satu
anggota KSO/Konsorsium tidak akan dijawab.
41.11 Sanggahan yang disampaikan pihak lain diluar
Peserta tidak akan dijawab.
41.12 Sanggah dan Sanggah Banding tidak
menghentikan Proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
41.13 Peserta yang menyampaikan sanggah banding
yang dinyatakan tidak benar atau terbukti
menggunakan pihak lain untuk menyampaikan
sanggahan dan/atau mempengaruhi pihak PLN,
akan diberikan sanksi sesuai IKP 4.4.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
F. Penujukan Pemenang

42. Kriteria Penunjukan 42.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa mengeluarkan Surat
Pemenang Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa (SPPBJ)
dengan ketentuan:
a. Tidak ada sanggahan atau sanggah banding
dari Peserta;
b. Sanggahan yang diterima Manager Pelaksana
Pengadaan dalam masa sanggah ternyata
tidak benar;
c. Sanggah banding yang diterima oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dalam masa sanggah
banding ternyata tidak benar;
d. Sanggahan yang diterima melewati waktu
masa sanggah; atau
e. Sanggah banding diterima melewati waktu
masa sanggah banding.
43. Penunjukkan 43.1 Peserta yang ditunjuk sebagai Penyedia
Pemenang Barang/Jasa wajib menerima keputusan tersebut.
Apabila yang bersangkutan mengundurkan diri
maka jaminan penawaran Peserta yang
bersangkutan dicairkan dan menjadi milik PLN serta
dimasukkan dalam Daftar Hitam (Black List) PLN,
dan dapat dikenakan sanksi sesuai peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku kecuali memiliki
alasan yang dapat diterima oleh PLN.
43.2 Apabila pemenang tender urutan pertama yang
ditunjuk sebagai Penyedia Barang/Jasa
mengundurkan diri, gagal menandatangani
Kontrak, atau tidak menyerahkan Jaminan
Pelaksanaan, maka surat penunjukan dibatalkan
dan pencairan jaminan penawaran oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa. Kemudian Pengguna Barang/Jasa
menerbitkan surat penunjukan Pemenang kepada
Peserta pemenang tender urutan kedua (apabila
ada) mengacu pada harga pemenang tender urutan
pertama, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. Penetapan pemenang pengadaan urutan
kedua tersebut harus terlebih dahulu mendapat
persetujuan/penetapan dari Pengguna
b. Masa berlaku penawaran dan Jaminan
Penawaran Calon Pemenang Pengadaan
urutan kedua masih berlaku atau sudah
diperpanjang masa berlakunya atau apabila
sudah tidak berlaku terlebih dahulu
memperpanjang masa berlaku penawaran dan
menyerahkan Jaminan Penawaran yang baru.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
F. Penujukan Pemenang
43.3 Apabila Calon Pemenang Pengadaan urutan kedua
mengundurkan diri atau tidak dapat memenuhi
persyaratan sesuai Dokumen Tender (IKP), maka
penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa dapat dilakukan
kepada Calon Pemenang urutan ketiga (apabila
ada) sesuai dengan harga penawarannya, dengan
a. Penetapan Pemenang Pengadaan urutan
ketiga tersebut harus terlebih dahulu mendapat
persetujuan/penetapan dari Pengguna
b. Masa berlaku penawaran dan Jaminan
Penawaran Calon Pemenang Tender urutan
ketiga masih berlaku atau sudah diperpanjang
masa berlakunya atau apabila sudah tidak
berlaku terlebih dahulu memperpanjang masa
berlaku penawaran dan menyerahkan Jaminan
Penawaran yang baru.
c. Apabila Calon Pemenang Pengadaan urutan
ketiga mengundurkan diri, maka Pengadaan
dinyatakan gagal oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
43.4 Surat Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa (SPPBJ)
dibuat setelah masa sanggah dilewati dan segera
disampaikan kepada Peserta yang ditunjuk.
44. Tender Gagal 44.1 Tender dinyatakan gagal apabila:
a. Jumlah Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang
memasukkan penawaran/dokumen aplikasi
kualifikasi kurang dari 2 (dua);
b. Pemenang tender yang ditunjuk
mengundurkan diri;
c. Negosiasi yang dilakukan tidak berhasil
mencapai kesepakatan;
d. Tidak ada Penawaran yang memenuhi
persyaratan administrasi dan teknis;
e. Terjadi perubahan rencana kerja dan
mengakibatkan perubahan kebutuhan
f. Adanya indikasi kuat terjadi persaingan usaha
yang tidak sehat;
g. Adanya indikasi terjadinya Korupsi, Kolusi dan
Nepotisme (KKN);
h. Sanggahan dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa
dinyatakan benar;
i. Berdasarkan rekomendasi dari Komite Value
for Money atas usulan Pengguna Barang/Jasa
dan/atau Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan; atau

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
F. Penujukan Pemenang

j. Akibat adanya penetapan pengadilan

44.2 Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan wajib
menyampaikan pemberitahuan tender gagal kepada
44.3 Setelah ditetapkan tender gagal, maka selanjutnya
Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan mengumumkan proses
tender ulang setelah mendapat persetujuan.
44.4 Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak memberikan ganti rugi
kepada Peserta apabila penawarannya tidak
memenuhi persyaratan yang ditentukan atau tender
dinyatakan gagal.
45. Tender Ulang 45.1 Tender ulang dimulai dari awal proses tender atau
dimulai dari tahapan terakhir yang menyebabkan
proses pengadaan Barang/Jasa dinyatakan gagal.
45.2 Dalam hal tender ulang hanya terdapat 1 (satu)
Peserta yang memasukkan
penawaran/memasukkan Dokumen Aplikasi
Kualifikasi, maka tender dapat dilanjutkan.
45.3 Dalam hal setelah dilakukan tender ulang masih tetap
tidak ada penawaran yang memenuhi persyaratan,
maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat memutuskan
sebagai berikut:
a. Proses tender dihentikan; atau
b. Melakukan pengadaan Barang/Jasa melalui
Penunjukan Langsung
46. Penghentian Proses 46.1 Penghentian Proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dapat
Pengadaan dilakukan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa antara lain:
a. Adanya perubahan kebijakan Pemerintah
terkait dengan pelaksanaan Pengadaan
b. Adanya perubahan kebijakan strategis
c. Alokasi pendanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
tidak mencukupi;
d. Terjadi indikasi adanya persekongkolan vertikal
atau horizontal; atau
e. Berdasarkan pertimbangan tidak
menguntungkan Perusahaan atau tidak
memenuhi prinsip Good Corporate
Governance (GCG).
f. Setelah dilakukan tender ulang masih tetap
tidak ada penawaran yang memenuhi
47. Contract Discussion 47.1 Contract Discussion Agreement (CDA) atau
Agreement (CDA) Kesepakatan Diskusi Kontrak dilakukan dalam
rangka membuat konsep Kontrak yang mutakhir,

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
F. Penujukan Pemenang
dengan tidak mengubah esensi penawaran dan hasil
evaluasi tender.
47.2 CDA dapat dilaksanakan sepanjang tidak
berpengaruh terhadap hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan
oleh Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan.
47.3 CDA dilaksanakan setelah diterbitkannya Surat
Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa (SPPBJ) dan
sebelum ditandatanganinya Perjanjian/Kontrak
Kontrak antara Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
47.4 CDA bersifat final dan merupakan bagian yang tidak
terpisahkan dari Kontrak.
47.5 Beberapa hal berikut dapat didiskusikan dan
dikonfirmasi ulang sebelum penandatanganan
Kontrak antara lain:
a. Aspek Teknis antara lain garansi, after sale
b. Syarat khusus antara lain jenis jaminan,
asuransi, jadwal pembayaran.
c. Manajemen informasi antara lain frekuensi dan
isi dari laporan, kriteria penerimaan suatu
kemajuan (milestones).
d. Jadwal/time frames antara lain durasi Kontrak,
key milestones, delivery dates, dan response
e. Personalia antara lain key team members, dan
susunan personil subkontraktor
(subcontracting arrangements).
f. Penyesuaian Harga sesuai Bab IV Formulir
Penawaran (bila diberlakukan) dengan
koefisien komponen ditentukan oleh Pengguna
g. Hal-hal lain yang dianggap perlu, misalnya item
pekerjaan yang masuk dalam harga timpang
sesuai IKP 30.3 (bila ada).
48. Penanda-tanganan 48.1 Penanda-tanganan Kontrak akan dilaksanakan
Kontrak setelah dilaksanakan Kesepakatan Diskusi Kontrak
(Contract Discussion Agreement).
48.2 Dasar Pembuatan Kontrak Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan
antara lain ialah:
a. Jaminan Pelaksanaan
b. Surat Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
c. Kesepakatan Diskusi Kontrak (Contract
Discussion Agreement).

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
F. Penujukan Pemenang
d. Adendum/Amandemen/Memorandum
Dokumen Tender/RKS.
e. Dokumen Tender/RKS.
f. Berita Acara penjelasan (Aanwijzing).
g. Surat penawaran/Proposal penawaran dan
tambahan penawaran (bila ada).
h. Dokumen lain yang merupakan bagian dari
Dokumen Tender/RKS.
i. Dokumen lain yang diperlukan antara lain :
Surat Klarifikasi, Berita Acara Negosiasi dan
48.3 Penandatanganan Kontrak dilakukan setelah
diterbitkan Surat Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
(SPPBJ) dan CDA.
48.4 Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang ditunjuk
menolak/mengundurkan diri dengan alasan yang
tidak dapat diterima atau gagal untuk
menandatangani kontrak, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa membatalkan SPPBJ, mencairkan
jaminan penawaran disetorkan ke kas PT PLN
(Persero), dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa dikenakan
sanksi dilarang mengikuti Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
dilingkungan PT PLN (Persero) selama 2 (dua)
48.5 Pengguna dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak
diperkenankan mengubah Dokumen Tender secara
sepihak sampai dengan penandatanganan kontrak.
48.6 Menetapkan urutan kekuatan hukum atau hirarki
bagian-bagian dokumen kontrak di dalam Kontrak
dengan maksud apabila terjadi pertentangan
ketentuan antara bagian satu dengan bagian yang
lain, maka yang berlaku adalah ketentuan
berdasarkan urutan yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan
Bab VI SSUK 5.1.
48.7 Peserta yang ditunjuk sebagai Pelaksana harus
bersedia menandatangani dan memperbanyak
Dokumen Kontrak, sebanyak 6 (enam) berkas (atau
disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan), sekurang-
kurangnya terdiri dari 2 Dokumen Kontrak asli,
Dokumen Kontrak asli pertama untuk Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dibubuhi meterai pada bagian yang
ditandatangani oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa, dan
DokumenKontrak asli kedua untuk Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dibubuhi materai pada bagian yang
ditandatangani oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan
rangkap kontrak lainnya tanpa dibubuhi
meterai.Semua Kontrak termasuk salinannya harus
ditandatangani dengan tinta basah.

Buku I
Bab I: Instruksi Kepada Peserta Tender (IKP)
F. Penujukan Pemenang
Biaya dan penggandaan dokumen Kontrak menjadi
tanggung jawab Peserta yang ditunjuk.

48.8 Kontrak asli dan copy harus ditandatangani oleh

pemimpin perusahaan atau oleh yang diberi kuasa
atas nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Surat kuasa
harus dilampirkan dalam dokumen Kontrak. Nama
dan jabatan yang menandatangani harus ditulis
dibawah tanda tangan. Seluruh halaman kontrak
harus diparaf oleh yang mendatangani Kontrak.
48.9 Kontrak yang dilaksanakan oleh KSO/Konsorsium
harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:
a. Harus ditandatangani oleh semua anggota
konsorsium atau,
b. Ditandatangani oleh orang yang diberi kuasa
mewakili KSO/Konsorsium berdasarkan
perjanjian KSO/ Konsorsium.
48.10 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menandatangani
Kontrak sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditetapkan
dalam BAB II LDT, atau dapat diperpanjang dengan
alasan tertentu oleh Pengguna Barang Jasa. Apabila
Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak segera menandatangani
kontrak dan tidak menyerahkan Jaminan
Pelaksanaan maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa dianggap
mengundurkan diri, Jaminan Penawaran dicairkan
dan disetor ke Kas PT PLN (Persero) selanjutnya
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat menunjuk pemenang
berikutnya sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.

Buku I
Bab II: Lembar Data Tender (LDT)

Buku I
Bab II: Lembar Data Tender (LDT)


IKP 1.1 Sesuai Pengumuman Tender Nomor: (ditentukan oleh Manager
Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa).
IKP 1.1 Pengguna Barang dan Jasa : General Manager PT PLN (Persero) Unit
Induk Pembangunan Kalimantan Bagian Barat.

IKP 1.1 Nama Paket Pekerjaan : Pembangunan Ext. GI 150 kV Tayan (arah
IKP 2.1 Sumber Pendanaan : APLN Tahun 2023
IKP 3.1 Calon peserta Tender dapat berbentuk Individu atau Peserta yang
melakukan Kemitraan/KSO/Konsorsium dengan Pabrikan Nasional.

a. Tender ini terbuka pada Perusahaan Nasional/Pabrikan Lokal

(Badan Usaha berdasarkan hukum negara Republik Indonesia)

b. Dalam hal Peserta Tender yang melakukan Kemitraan dalam

bentuk KSO atau Konsorsium, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib
mempunyai perjanjian kerjasama yang memuat representasi
kemitraan dan pihak yang mewakili kemitraan.

c. Calon Peserta Tender yang berbentuk KSO atau Konsorsium

dilarang untuk mengubah Perjanjian KSO atau Konsorsium sampai
dengan Kontrak berakhir kecuali atas persetujuan Pengguna

IKP 8.1 Rapat Penjelasan akan diselenggarakan pada :
IKP 8.3 Tanggal : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
Waktu : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
Tempat : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
Peninjauan lapangan diselenggarakan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa
(akan ditentukan kemudian)
IKP 8.4 Untuk pertanyaan tertulis dapat ditujukan:
Kepada : Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa PT PLN
(Persero) UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Alamat : Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50 G, Pontianak
No.Telepone : (0561) 762580
No. Facsimile : (0561) 762579
Buku I
Bab II: Lembar Data Tender (LDT)

Alamat email :


IKP 12.2 Penawaran salah satu lot/paket atau Multi lot/paket “tidak diberlakukan”

IKP 14.1 Peserta harus menawarkan keseluruhan biaya pekerjaan sesuai dengan
BAB V.1 Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek.

IKP 14.2 Formulir penawaran harga terdiri dari:

1. Daftar Kuantitas & Harga (BoQ) No.1: Pekerjaan Elektromekanikal
2. Daftar Kuantitas & Harga (BoQ) No.2: Pekerjaan Sipil
3. Daftar Kuantitas & Harga (BoQ) No.3: Pekerjaan Komisioning
4. Daftar Kuantitas & Harga (BoQ) No.4: Pekerjaan Enjiniring
5. Daftar Kuantitas & Harga (BoQ) No.5: Rekapitulasi Harga

IKP 14.5 Diskon per lot/paket tanpa syarat dinyatakan dalam Surat terpisah “tidak
IKP 14.6 Diskon Gabungan Bersyarat dinyatakan dalam Surat terpisah “tidak
“Dalam hal satu paket pekerjaan terdiri dari beberapa lot/paket maka
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dalam diskon terpisah dapat mengajukan diskon
gabungan dari beberapa lot/paket yang ditawarkan selama memenuhi
kriteria kualifikasi dan evaluasi akumulatif sesuai sebagaimana diatur
dalam Bab III KKE.”
IKP 14.7 Harga Kontrak adalah harga tetap (fixed price) atau harga yang dapat
disesuaikan (adjustable price).
Pemberlakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam BAB VII Syarat-Syarat
Khusus Kontrak (SSKK).
IKP 15.1 Jenis Perjanjian/Kontrak adalah Gabungan Lumsum dan Harga Satuan.
Adalah Kontrak yang merupakan gabungan Lumsum dan harga
satuan dalam satu pekerjaan yang diperjanjikan.

IKP 17.1 Mata uang penawaran dan pembayaran yang digunakan adalah: Rupiah
IKP 18.1 Masa berlaku penawaran adalah: 90 (sembilan puluh) hari kalender.
IKP 19.1 Jumlah Jaminan Penawaran sekurang-kurangnya adalah sebesar Rp
300.000.000,00 (Tiga Ratus Juta Rupiah)

IKP 19.2(5) Nama Pengguna Barang/Jasa sama dengan item LDT IKP 1.1.
IKP 19.2(6) Nama Paket Pekerjaan sama dengan item LDT IKP 1.1.
IKP 20.2 Jumlah salinan sebanyak: 1 (satu) set.


IKP 22.2(b.1) Penyampaian dokumen penawaran disampaikan secara langsung atau
melalui pos, dan wajib diinput melalui dan
Kepada : Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa

Buku I
Bab II: Lembar Data Tender (LDT)

Alamat : Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50 G

Tempat : Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat.
IKP 22.2(b.2) Nama Paket Pekerjaan sama dengan item IKP 1.1.
IKP 23.1 Batas akhir waktu penyerahan penawaran adalah:
Hari/Tanggal : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
Waktu : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
IKP 25.2 Pembukaan penawaran akan berlangsung di:
Alamat : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
Tempat : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
Hari/Tanggal : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)
Waktu : (sesuai jadwal dari Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan)


IKP 32.1 Konversi ke dalam Mata Uang Tunggal tidak diberlakukan.
IKP 33.8 Preferensi Harga diberlakukan.

IKP 48.10 Penandatanganan kontrak dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari kerja
setelah dilakukan sejak diterbitkan Surat Penunjukan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa atau dapat diperpanjang dengan alasan tertentu oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)


1. EVALUASI PENAWARAN .............................................................................................. III-1

1.1 PERSYARATAN ......................................................................................... III-1

1.1.1 Persyaratan Administrasi ....................................................................... III-1

1.1.2 Persyaratan Teknis................................................................................... III-2

1.2 KRITERIA EVALUASI ............................................................................... III-5

Metode sistem gugur ........................................................................................... III-5

1.2.1 Kriteria Evaluasi Administrasi............................................................... III-5

1.2.2 Kriteria Evaluasi Teknis .......................................................................... III-5

Metode Sistem Nilai ............................................................................................. III-6
1.2.1 Kriteria Evaluasi Administrasi............................................................... III-6

1.2.2 Kriteria Evaluasi Teknis dan Harga...................................................... III-6

2. EVALUASI KUALIFIKASI ............................................................................................... III-6

2.1 PERSYARATAN ......................................................................................... III-6
2.2 KRITERIA EVALUASI ............................................................................. III-15

2.3 KRITERIA MULTI LOT/PAKET (bila diberlakukan) ......................... III-15

3. EVALUASI HARGA ........................................................................................................ III-16
LAMPIRAN 1 ............................................................................................................................. III-17
LAMPIRAN 2 ............................................................................................................................. III-18

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)


1.1.1 Persyaratan Administrasi
Peserta harus memenuhi persyaratan Administrasi sebagai berikut:
a. Surat Penawaran, sesuai dengan contoh yang tercantum pada Bab IV
Formulir Penawaran, yang juga merupakan pernyataan tertulis yang
menyatakan tunduk terhadap ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku dan
bermaterai cukup dari peserta.
Pada Surat Penawaran mencantumkan masa berlaku penawaran
sekurang-kurangnya sesuai dengan yang ditentukan pada BAB II LDT
IKP 18 dan jangka waktu pelaksanaan/penyerahan pekerjaan tidak lebih
dari ketentuan sesuai BAB VII SSKK, bermaterai Rp.10.000,-, bertanggal,
ditandatangani oleh Direktur perusahaan atau penerima kuasa dari
b. Surat Kuasa Asli bermaterai cukup dari pemimpin/penanggung jawab
Perusahaan kepada yang dikuasakan dalam Surat Penawaran ditanda
tangani oleh Penerima Kuasa dengan ketentuan bahwa Pemberi Kuasa
adalah orang yang tercantum dalam akta pendirian perusahaan dan
perubahannya. (bila penandatangan Dokumen Penawaran dikuasakan).
c. Surat perjanjian kerjasama operasi/Konsorsium (bila peserta tender
adalah KSO/Konsorsium).
Dalam hal Peserta melakukan Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) atau
Konsorsium, Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) atau Konsorsium
yang dibuat dan disahkan oleh Notaris harus disampaikan bersama
Dokumen Penawaran.
d. Jaminan Penawaran sesuai Bab I IKP 19 yang diperuntukkan khusus
untuk mengikuti pengadaan barang/jasa pekerjaan ini dan mencantumkan
nama PT PLN (Persero) yang menerima Jaminan sesuai Bab II LDT.
Copy Surat Jaminan penawaran dibundel, sedangkan aslinya tidak
dibundel dan tidak di lipat namun tetap dimasukkan dalam dokumen
penawaran. Surat jaminan penawaran yang tidak dimasukan dalam
dokumen penawaran dianggap tidak ada dan jaminan penawaran yang
cacat atau dilipat dianggap tidak sah.

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

Nama Perusahaan yang tercantum dalam jaminan penawaran

dimungkinkan salah satu dari anggota KSO atau Konsorsium sebagai
leader sepanjang hal tersebut dicantumkan dalam perjanjian KSO atau
Konsorsium. Nama Perusahaan Peserta yang tercantum dalam Surat
Perjanjian Kerjasama harus sama dengan nama Perusahaan dalam Surat
Jaminan Penawaran.
e. Surat pernyataan tertulis bermaterai cukup dari peserta/penyedia barang
jasa yang menyatakan tunduk terhadap ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku
f. Surat Pernyataan Kebenaran Dokumen, berupa surat pernyataan diatas
meterai Rp. 10.000,- yang menyatakan bahwa Peserta dalam penawaran
ini, menjamin kebenaran dari semua dokumen yang dimasukkan dalam
sampul penawaran.
g. Form kuesioner Integrity Due Diligence (IDD) dan Pakta Integritas
diperlukan tidak untuk dievaluasi tetapi untuk keperluan assesment tingkat
risiko yang diperlukan dalam evaluasi usulan calon pemenang.

1.1.2 Persyaratan Teknis

a. Peserta harus menyampaikan jadwal pelaksanaan proyek dengan
persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Jadwal pelaksanaan proyek dalam bentuk Bar Chart atau yang sejenis
sebagai rencana kerja yang menunjukkan jumlah hari kerja kalender untuk
menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini sesuai dengan lamanya pekerjaan yang
dipersyaratkan pada Bab VII SSKK. Hal tersebut agar dapat
memperlihatkan secara jelas tanggal mulai dan akhir dari masing-masing
kegiatan: tanda tangan kontrak, survey, desain, review design/approval
drawing, pabrikasi, test pabrik, pengiriman/transportasi, instalasi, site-
testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning/RLB dan penerbitan Berita
Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BA.STP) dimana berita acara yang dibuat
setelah fisik pekerjaan mencapai 100% (seratus persen).
Jadwal pelaksanaan yang diusulkan harus menunjukan kebutuhan waktu
yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan, terdiri atas tahap
pelaksanaan yang disusun secara logis, realistik dan dapat dilaksanakan.
Peserta yang menyerahkan jadwal pelaksanaan pekerjaan melampaui
batas waktu yang ditetapkan dalam dokumen tender dinyatakan gugur.
Format Jadwal Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan sesuai Bab IV Formulir
b. Peserta harus menyampaikan Metode Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan,
merupakan informasi yang menunjukkan urutan kerja, cara
kerja/sistimatika kerja, pengerahan alat, tenaga kerja dan material kerja,
yang secara keseluruhan mempunyai hubungan langsung terhadap
kelengkapan alat dan jadwal rencana pelaksanaan/time schedule. Metode
Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

ini meliputi dari seluruh aktivitas pekerjaan dalam rangka memenuhi target
waktu pelaksanaan kontrak..
Metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan harus layak, realistik dan dapat
dilaksanakan untuk menyelesaikan seluruh pekerjaan dan diyakini
menggambarkan penguasaan dalam penyelesaian pekerjaan dengan
tahap pelaksanaan yang sistematis beradasrakan Sumber Daya yang
dimiliki Peserta. Peserta yang tidak menyampaikan metode pelaksanaan
pekerjaan dapat dinyatakan gugur.
Peserta diwajibkan membuat metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan pada Bab
IV Formulir Penawaran.
c. Peralatan/material utama yang ditawarkan untuk Gardu Induk Air
Insulated Switchgear (AIS) antara lain untuk pekerjaan CB, DS, CT, CVT,
ditawarkan Peserta harus memenuhi persyaratan:
1. Pabrikan memiliki pengalaman produksi minimal 8 (delapan) tahun
untuk pabrikan luar negeri serta 5 (lima) tahun untuk pabrikan dalam
negeri, dibuktikan dengan supply list/supply record disertai dengan
foto-foto atau gambar peralatan yang sudah terpasang.
2. Memiliki Surat Dukungan serta pernyataan bertanggung jawab atas
kualitas barang setelah terpasang sesuai syarat dari pabrikan dalam
atau luar negeri atau agen (dengan melampirkan copy surat
keagenan) untuk peralatan utama CB, DS, CT, CVT, ES, LA,
3. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menawarkan Pabrikan atau
Subkontraktor yang memenuhi persyaratan Dokumen Tender.
Apabila dalam penawarannya, Penyedia Barang/Jasa menawarkan
lebih dari satu Pabrikan atau Subkontraktor untuk barang/jasa yang
sama dan semua barang/jasa yang ditawarkan tersebut memenuhi
persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam dokumen pelelangan/RKS,
maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak untuk menentukan salah satu
Pabrikan atau Subkontraktor yang ditawarkan.
4. Peralatan utama Gardu Induk yang harus diimport harus berasal
dari negara-negara OECD yang memiliki hubungan diplomatik
dengan Indonesia atau dapat diproduksi di negara-negara Non-
OECD yang memiliki hubungan diplomatic dengan Indonesia namun
harus memiliki Lisensi dari pabrikan negara-negara OECD.
5. Memiliki Surat keterangan kepuasan pelanggan (satisfactory letter)
dari Pengguna (End User sebagai Power Utility) dengan Kop Surat
yang menyatakan bahwa peralatan/material Gardu Induk yang
ditawarkan telah mempunyai pengalaman operasi dengan baik
minimal 3 (tiga) tahun di luar negara tempat pabrikan berada atau 1

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

(satu) tahun di sistem kelistrikan PLN, dilengkapi dengan tanda

tangan personil yang berwenang dan cap perusahaan.
6. Untuk Pabrikan luar negeri harus mempunyai perwakilan (sales
representative/agen) di Indonesia untuk layanan purna jual.
d. Peserta harus menyampaikan Sertifikat ISO 9001 dan ISO 14001 yang
masih berlaku untuk pabrik yang memproduksi peralatan/material yang
e. Peralatan/material yang ditawarkan Peserta harus memenuhi persyaratan
spesifikasi teknis sesuai Technical Particular and Guarantee (TPG) sesuai
Bab IV Formulir Penawaran.
f. Peserta harus menyampaikan identitas material atau peralatan
(Merk/Tipe), Data Teknis berupa spesifikasi teknis, Sertifikat dan laporan
pengujian jenis (sertifikat type test sesuai standar internasional) untuk
peralatan/material serta gambar-gambar material yang akan
dipasok/disuplai harus sesuai Persyaratan Teknis dan TPG.
g. Peserta harus menyampaikan Sertifikat Produk TKDN yang diterbitkan
oleh Kementrian Perindustrian dan/atau Surat Komitment perhitungan
TKDN disertai self assesment sesuai format pada Bab IV Formulir
h. Peserta harus menyampaikan Sertifikat/laporan pengujian jenis (type test)
dari Laboratorium Pengujian Internasional yang terakreditasi dan
independen sesuai daftar dalam Tabel di bawah atau PLN Puslitbang atau
PLN Pusertif untuk peralatan utama CB, DS, CT, CVT, ES, LA,
Type Test harus memenuhi standar IEC sebagaimana diatur pada Bab
V.3 Spesifikasi Teknis.
Laboratorium Pengujian Internasional yang terakreditasi berdasarkan
ISO/IEC 17025 dan independent antara lain, namun tidak terbatas pada
daftar dibawah ini :
Laboratorium lain dapat diterima dengan syarat menunjukan sertifikat


2. CESI 10. Ontario Hydro Technologies

4. FGH 12. CERDA

5. Center D’essais de Bazzet 13. VOLTA


Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

7. Power tech Lab Inc 15. CE.TA.CE LABORATORY

8. IREQ 16. KERI

Laboratorium lain dapat diterima dengan syarat menunjukan sertifikat

i. Peserta harus menyampaikan Surat jaminan kualitas (guarantee)
barang/material yaitu suatu pernyataan yang menjamin bahwa barang
yang akan dipasang dan pekerjaan yang akan dilaksanakan dijamin dalam
kondisi dan dapat dioperasikan dengan baik selama 24 bulan sejak
dioperasikan atau selama maksimum 36 bulan sejak serah terima
Pekerjaan (BASTP) (mana yang lebih dahulu tercapai).
j. Peserta harus menyampaikan Surat pernyataan dari Peserta perihal
kesanggupan untuk bertanggung jawab atas kegagalan bangunan selama
10 (sepuluh) tahun sesuai dengan Undang - Undang R.I. No. 2 Tahun
2017 tentang Jasa Konstruksi Pasal 65 Ayat 2 beserta penjelasannya,
terhitung sejak diterbitkannya Berita Acara Penyerahan Akhir (BAP-Akhir).
k. Kesesuaian Spesifikasi Barang yang ditawarkan dengan Brosur dan
Gambar dari pabrikan.
2.1.1 Batas minimum nilai TKDN sesuai pada Bab II (bila dipersyaratkan)
adalah sebagai berikut:
Gardu Induk (AIS) Tegangan 150 kV
Barang adalah sebesar 40,66 %
Jasa adalah sebesar 99,98 %
Gabungan Barang dan Jasa sebesar 64,39 %


Metode evaluasi penawaran dilakukan dengan sistem Gugur. Evaluasi
penawaran meliputi evaluasi administrasi, evaluasi teknis dan evaluasi harga.
Ketentuan umum sesuai IKP 34.
Metode sistem gugur
1.2.1 Kriteria Evaluasi Administrasi
Penawaran dinyatakan memenuhi syarat adminstrasi apabila:
menyampaikan dan memenuhi persyaratan yang diminta pada butir
2.1.1. Persyaratan Administrasi

1.2.2 Kriteria Evaluasi Teknis

Evaluasi teknis dilakukan terhadap penyedia barang dan jasa yang
telah lulus evaluasi administrasi. Penawaran dinyatakan memenuhi

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

syarat Teknis apabila menyampaikan dan memenuhi persyaratan

yang diminta pada butir 2.1.2. Persyaratan Teknis.

2.1.1 Persyaratan Administrasi
a. Memiliki Akta Pendirian Perusahaan beserta perubahannya.
b. Memiliki Surat Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB).
c. Memiliki Sertifikat Badan Usaha Jasa Penunjang Tenaga Listrik
SBUJPTL yang masih berlaku, jenis usaha:
Jenis Usaha : Pembangunan dan Pemasangan
Bidang : Transmisi
Sub Bidang : Gardu Induk
Kualifikasi : Menengah (M)
d. Memiliki Ijin Usaha Jasa Penunjang Tenaga Listrik (IUJPTL)
yang masih berlaku.
e. Memiliki Sertifikat Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (SBUJK) sesuai
bidangnya untuk pekerjaan Sipil. Surat Ijin Jasa Konstruksi
(SIUJK) untuk bangunan gedung atau bangunan Sipil yang
masih berlaku.
f. Tidak dalam pengawasan pengadilan, tidak bangkrut, kegiatan
usahanya tidak sedang dihentikan dan/atau Direksi yang
bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan tidak sedang dalam
menjalani sanksi pidana.
g. Direksi/Pengurus yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama
perusahaan mempunyai kapasitas menandatangani Kontrak
secara hukum.
h. Direksi/Pengurus bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan
yang tidak masuk dalam daftar Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang
terkena Sanksi Daftar Hitam (Blacklist).
i. Telah memenuhi kewajiban perpajakan tahun terakhir,
dibuktikan dengan melampirkan fotokopi bukti tanda terima
penyampaian Surat Pajak Tahunan (SPT) Pajak Penghasilan
(PPh) tahun terakhir, dan fotokopi Surat Setoran Pajak (SSP)
PPh Pasal 29 atau Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) sekurang-
kurangnya 3 (tiga) bulan terakhir.
j. Memiliki surat ketetapan Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) dan
surat pengukuhan menjadi Pengusahan Kena Pajak (PKP).

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

k. Memiliki Sertifkat Manajemen Mutu (ISO 9001 terbaru), sistem

manajemen lingkungan (ISO 14001) dan OHSAS 18001 yang
masih berlaku.
l. Peserta yang melakukan konsorsium:
 Persyaratan pada huruf a – k harus dipenuhi oleh semua
Anggota Konsorsium/KSO dan Leader, kecuali pada point c,
e dan f dapat dipenuhi oleh salah satu Anggota
Konsorsium/KSO sesuai dengan porsi pekerjaannya.

2.1.2 Persyaratan Teknis Pekerjaan AIS

a. Mempunyai pengalaman melaksanakan proyek pekerjaan

pembangunan Gardu Induk AIS dengan tegangan 150 kV dalam
kurun waktu 8 tahun terakhir, dibuktikan dengan daftar pekerjaan
yang telah dilaksanakan, sesuai dengan BAB V Isian Data
b. Memiliki Personel Inti sebagai berikut :

1. Manajer Proyek (Project Manager):

Pendidikan minimum D4/S1 dan mempunyai sertifikat
kompetensi teknik ketenagalistrikan Bidang Transmisi Sub
Bidang Pembangunan dan Pemasangan Gardu Induk
minimal Kualifikasi level 6 pekerjaan transmisi berdasarkan
Keputusan DJK nomor: 243/20/DJL.1/2019 atau minimum
setara level Ahli Manajemen Proyek Muda yang diterbitkan
oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional
(LPJKN) atau diterbitkan oleh asosiasi profesi teknik
terakreditasi yang masih berlaku.
Mempunyai pengalaman melaksanakan pekerjaan
pembangunan Gardu Induk AIS dan atau GIS pada level
tegangan ≥ 150 kV minimal 2 proyek dengan posisi Manajer

2. Manajer Lapangan (Site Manager):

Pendidikan minimum D3 dan mempunyai sertifikat
kompetensi teknik ketenagalistrikan Bidang Transmisi Sub
Bidang Pembangunan dan Pemasangan Gardu Induk
minimal Kualifikasi level 5 pekerjaan transmisi berdasarkan
Keputusan DJK nomor: 243/20/DJL.1/2019 atau minimum
setara level Teknisi Madya yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga
Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional (LPJKN) atau

diterbitkan oleh asosiasi profesi teknik terakreditasi yang
masih berlaku.
Mempunyai pengalaman melaksanakan pekerjaan
pembangunan Gardu Induk AIS pada level tegangan ≥ 150
kV minimal 2 proyek dengan posisi Manajer Proyek.

3. Engineer Perencana Proyek:

a. Teknik Listrik
Pendidikan minimum D4/S1 Teknik Listrik dan
mempunyai sertifikat kompetensi teknik ketenagalistrikan
Bidang Transmisi Sub Bidang Perencanaan
Pembangunan dan Pemasangan Gardu Induk minimal
Kualifikasi level 6 berdasarkan Keputusan DJK nomor:
243/20/DJL.1/2019 atau minimum setara level Ahli
Teknik Tenaga Listrik Muda yang diterbitkan oleh
Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional
(LPJKN) atau minimum setara level Ahli Muda yang
diterbitkan oleh asosiasi profesi teknik terakreditasi yang
masih berlaku.
Mempunyai pengalaman melaksanakan pekerjaan
supervisi perencanaan pembangunan gardu induk AIS
pada level tegangan ≥ 150 kV minimal 2 proyek dengan
posisi Engineer Proyek Teknik Listrik.

b. Teknik Sipil
Pendidikan minimum D4/S1 Teknik Sipil dan mempunyai
sertifikat kompetensi tenaga teknik ketenagalistrikan
Bidang Transmisi Sub Bidang Perencanaan
Pembangunan dan Pemasangan Gardu Induk minimal
Kualifikasi level 6 berdasarkan Keputusan DJK nomor:
243/20/DJL.1/2019 atau minimum setara level Ahli Muda
Teknik Bangunan Gedung dan setara Ahli Muda
Geoteknik untuk pekerjaan struktur / pondasi yang
diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa
Konstruksi Nasional (LPJKN) atau minimum setara level
Ahli Muda yang diterbitkan oleh asosiasi profesi Teknik
terakreditasi yang masih berlaku.

Mempunyai pengalaman melaksanakan pekerjaan

supervisi perencanaan pembangunan gardu induk AIS
Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

pada level tegangan ≥ 150 kV minimal 2 proyek untuk

masing-masing posisi Engineer Proyek Teknik Sipil
Struktur dan posisi Engineer Proyek Geoteknik.

4. Supervisor Teknik Elektromekanikal (Erection):

Pendidikan minimum SMK dan mempunyai sertifikat
kompetensi teknik ketenagalistrikan Bidang Transmisi Sub
Bidang Pembangunan dan Pemasangan Gardu Induk
minimal Kualifikasi level 4 pekerjaan transmisi berdasarkan
Keputusan DJK nomor:243/20/DJL.1/2019 atau minimum
setara level Teknisi Muda yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional (LPJKN) yang
masih berlaku.
Mempunyai pengalaman minimal 2 (dua) proyek dengan
posisi site engineer erection elektromekanikal yang
melaksanakan pekerjaan supervisi pembangunan dan
pemasangan elektromekanikal gardu induk AIS dengan level
tegangan ≥ 150 kV.
5. Supervisor Teknik Sipil:
Pendidikan minimum SMK dan mempunyai sertifikat
kompetensi teknik ketenagalistrikan Bidang Transmisi Sub
Bidang Pembangunan dan Pemasangan Gardu Induk
minimal Kualifikasi level 4 berdasarkan Keputusan DJK
nomor: 243/20/DJL.1/2019 atau minimum setara level
Teknisi / Analis Muda Pengawas Pekerjaan Struktur
Bangunan Gedung dan setara level Teknisi / Analis
Geoteknik Muda untuk pekerjaan struktur / pondasi yang
diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi
Nasional (LPJKN) yang masih berlaku.
Mempunyai pengalaman melaksanakan pekerjaan supervisi
pembangunan gardu induk AIS pada level tegangan ≥ 150 kV
minimal 2 proyek untuk masing-masing posisi Teknisi/Analis
Struktur dan posisi Teknisi/Analis Geoteknik.

6. Pekerjaan Survei Gardu Induk AIS:

a. Berupa Badan usaha berbentuk badan hukum yang
didirikan dan berkedudukan atau melakukan kegiatan
dalam wilayah hukum negara Republik Indonesia
yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan usaha dalam
berbagai bidang survei
b. Badan Usaha pada butir a merupakan:
Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

1) Satu (1) Konsultan Survei Topografi dan

Penyelidikan Tanah atau
2) Dua (2) Konsultan yang masing-masing
mengerjakan Survei Topografi atau Penyelidikan
sesuai SBU (Sertifikat Badan Usaha) yang lingkup
pekerjaannya meliputi survei dan atau penyelidikan

c. Kualifikasi dan pengalaman personil perusahaan

pada butir b:
1) Persyaratan minimum berpendidikan Sarjana
Teknik (S-1) jurusan Teknik Geodesi yang
berpengalaman profesional dalam pelaksanaan
pekerjaan di bidang survei topografi dan
penyelidikan tanah sekurang-kurangnya pada 2
(dua) pekerjaan transmisi dan atau gardu induk
dan mempunyai sertifikat kompetensi setara level
Ahli Geodesi Muda yang diterbitkan oleh
Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi
Nasional (LPJKN) atau minimum setara level Ahli
Muda yang diterbitkan oleh asosiasi profesi teknik
yang masih berlaku.
2) Pengalaman sebagaimana dimaksud pada butir
1) adalah pengalaman pekerjaan yang telah
selesai dilaksanakan dan dapat merupakan
pekerjaan dalam kontrak pekerjaan yang sama
atau terpisah.

7. Bagian Logistik:
- Pendidikan S-1 Jurusan Elektro/Mesin/Sipil, pengalaman
2 tahun atau
- Pendidikan D-3 Jurusan Elektro/Mesin/Sipil, pengalaman
4 tahun atau
- Pendidikan SMK/SLTA Pengalaman 6 tahun.

8. Bagian Administrasi & Keuangan:

- Pendidikan S-1 Jurusan Ekonomi/Akuntansi,
pengalaman 2 tahun atau
- Pendidikan D-3 Jurusan Ekonomi/Akuntansi,
pengalaman 4 tahun atau
Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

- Pendidikan SMK/SMA: Pengalaman 6 tahun.

c. Memiliki kemampuan untuk menyediakan fasilitas/ peralatan

/perlengkapan untuk melaksanakan Pekerjaan Gardu Induk, yaitu:

Peralatan AIS
Peralatan Minimal Qty
 Toolset untuk erection dan pemasangan isolator 2 set
 Generator listrik 1 unit
 Peralatan Press Connector 1 unit
 Mesin potong besi (cutter) 1 unit
 Avometer, Tang A-meter, Earth resistance tester 1 set
 Beton molen minimal 0,35 m3 5 unit
 Vibrator 5 unit
 Stamper 1 unit
 Alat ukur (Theodolit) 1 unit
 Megger 10.000 Volt 1 unit
 Mobil Crane min 5 ton 1 unit
 Chain Blok min 5 ton 1 unit
 Peralatan Bore Pile 2 unit

Peralatan minimal yang dimiliki (disertai bukti kepemilikan dan

salinan spesifikasi peralatan) untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan
tepat pada waktu yang ditetapkan, bila peralatan tersebut akan
disewa maka harus ada surat dukungan dari pemilik peralatan.

d. Persyaratan Nilai Pengalaman Tertinggi (NPt)

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memiliki Nilai Pengalaman Tertinggi
(NPt) sebesar Rp.,- (delapan belas miliar rupiah)
pada sub Bidang Pekerjaan yang sesuai dalam kurun waktu 8
(delapan) tahun terakhir.
Total Nilai Pengalaman Tertinggi (NPt) dihitung berdasar
penjumlahan dari porsi pengadaan masing-masing anggota
Kerjasama Operasi (KSO)/ atau Konsorsium. Nilai Pengalaman
Tertinggi (NPt) dimaksud harus dibuktikan copy kontrak dan Berita
Acara serah terima dan apabila NPt diperoleh dari pekerjaan
Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) atau Konsorsium maka harus
melampirkan fotokopi surat perjanjian Kerjasama Operasi (KSO)

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

atau Konsorsium yang mencantumkan persentase Kerjasama

Operasi (KSO) atau Konsorsium.

2.1.3 Persyaratan Keuangan

a. Harus memiliki surat keterangan dukungan keuangan/referensi
dari Bank; dan
b. Persyaratan Sisa Kemampuan Keuangan (SKK), Sisa
Kemampuan Paket Pekerjaan (SKP) dan Nilai Pengalaman
Tertinggi (NPt) dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Sisa Kemampuan Keuangan (SKK) minimal Rp
4.500.000.000,- (empat miliar lima ratus juta rupiah)
SKK dinilai sebagai berikut
SKK = KK - (NK - Prestasi)
KK = Fp x MK
MK = Fl x KB
KB = (a+b+c)-(d+e)


KK = Kemampuan Keuangan
Fp = Faktor perputaran modal; untuk penyedia
barang/jasa kualifikasi: Menengah (M)/Besar (B)
(untuk nilai pekerjaan M: maksimum 50 Milyar
dan B: maksimum tidak terhingga)
= 8 (untuk kualifikasi besar); 7 (untuk kualifikasi
MK = Modal Kerja
KB = Kekayaan Bersih (sesuai neraca perusahaan

(a+b+c)-(d+e) = Aktiva (tetap+lancar+lainnya) - Utang

(jangka panjang+jangka pendek)

Fl = Faktor likuiditas; untuk penyedia barang/jasa

kualifikasi: Menengah (M)/Besar (B) (untuk nilai
pekerjaan M:maksimum 50 Milyar dan
B:maksimum tidak terhingga)
= 0,8 (untuk kualifikasi besar); 0,6 (untuk
kualifikasi menengah)

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

NK = Nilai Kontrak dalam pelaksanaan / sedang

Prestasi = Nilai pekerjaan yang sudah dilaksanakan
NP = Nilai Paket pekerjaan yang dilelangkan ini

(1) Sisa Kemampuan Paket (SKP) ≥ 1

SKP dinilai sebagai berikut:
SKP = KP - (jumlah paket pekerjaan yang sedang
KP = Kemampuan menangani paket pekerjaan minimal 6
(untuk kualifikasi menengah dan besar) atau 1,2 N
N = Jumlah paket pekerjaan terbanyak yang dapat
ditangani pada saat bersamaan selama kurun waktu 5
tahun terakhir.Penyedia jasa yang masih memiliki SKP
≥ 1 dinyatakan lulus

c. Mempunyai kemampuan keuangan memadai yang dibuktikan

dengan laporan keuangan 3 tahun terakhir yang diaudit dan
diberi opini oleh Auditor Independen. Dengan ketentuan sebagai
(1) Untuk Peserta dalam bentuk perusahaan Tunggal:
 Persyaratan minimum Kekayaan Bersih Penyedia
harus positif.
 Rata-rata pendapatan per tahun (Average Annual Turn
Over) perusahaan dalam 3 tahun terkahir sekurang-
kurangnya sebesar Rp,- (empat puluh
dua miliar rupiah).
 Liquid Asset (Kas dan Bank) ditambah Credit Line dari
Bank sekurang-kurangnya Rp,- (lima
miliar dua ratus lima puluh juta rupiah)
(2) Untuk Peserta yang membentuk KSO/Konsorsium:
1. Gabungan Anggota KSO/Konsorsium (Anggota +
 Persyaratan minimum Kekayaan Bersih Penyedia
harus positif.
 Rata-rata pendapatan per tahun (Average Annual
Turn Over) perusahaan dalam 3 tahun terkahir
Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

sekurang-kurangnya sebesar Rp,- (empat puluh dua miliar rupiah).
 Liquid Asset (Kas dan Bank) ditambah Credit Line
dari Bank sekurang-kurangnya Rp,- (lima miliar dua ratus lima puluh
juta rupiah).

2. Pemimpin KSO/Konsorsium:
 Persyaratan minimum Kekayaan Bersih Penyedia
harus positif.
 Rata-rata pendapatan per tahun (Average Annual
Turn Over) perusahaan dalam 3 tahun terkahir
sekurang-kurangnya sebesar Rp
16.800.000.000,- (enam belas miliar delapan
ratus juta rupiah).
 Liquid Asset (Kas dan Bank) ditambah Credit Line
dari Bank sekurang-kurangnya Rp..,- (dua miliar serratus juta rupiah).
3. Setiap Anggota KSO/Konsorsium
 Persyaratan minimum Kekayaan Bersih Penyedia
harus positif
 Rata-rata pendapatn per tahun (Average Annual
Turn Over) perusahaan dalam 3 tahun terkahir
sekurang-kurangnya sebesar Rp
10.500.000.000,- (sepuluh miliar lima ratus juta
 Liquid Asset (Kas dan Bank) ditambah Credit Line
dari Bank sekurang-kurangnya Rp
1.312.500.000,- (satu miliar tiga ratus dua belas
juta lima ratus ribu rupiah).
Ringkasan persyaratan Keuangan dapat dilihat pada
Lampiran II.

d. Diterbitkan oleh lembaga pemeringkat keuangan yang kredibel

dengan peringkat 3A2. Scan dan fotocopy Sertifikat D&B
Indonesia yang masih berlaku dan harus dilampirkan dalam

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

2.1.4 Persyaratan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)

a. Dokumen Rencana K3L atau HSE Plan
b. Sertikat CSMS Level Risiko Ekstrem yang masih berlaku atau
Berita Acara Hasil PQ CSMS.


2.2.1 Evaluasi Kualifikasi dilakukan terhadap Peserta yang lulus evaluasi
penawaran: administrasi dan teknis.
2.2.2 Evaluasi Formulir Isian Kualifikasi Dilakukan dengan menggunakan
Metode Sistem Gugur.
2.2.3 Penawaran Dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi apabila
memenuhi persyaratan administrasi, teknis, dan keuangan masing-
masing pada butir 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 dan 2.1.4.
2.2.4 Apabila ditemukan hal-hal dan/atau data yang kurang jelas maka dapat
dilakukan klarifikasi secara tertulis.

2.3 KRITERIA MULTI LOT/PAKET (bila diberlakukan)

2.3.1 Peserta dapat memilih untuk menawarkan salah satu atau multi lot/paket
secara terpisah sesuai BAB I IKP 12.2 dengan diskon masing-masing
lot/paket melalui surat terpisah (bila ada) sesuai BAB I IKP 14.5.
Manager Pelaksana Pengadaan akan mengevaluasi penawaran per
lot/paket sesuai persyaratan masing-masing lot/paket.
Apabila Peserta dari hasil evaluasi per lot/paket mempunyai harga
evaluasi terendah lebih dari satu lot/paket , maka Peserta harus
memenuhi kriteria kualifikasi akumulatif untuk peralatan kerja, personil,
kemampuan keuangan dari beberapa lot/paket dengan harga tervaluasi
terendah tersebut.
Apabila kriteria kualifikasi akumulatif tidak terpenuhi, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa berhak menentukan penawaran lot/paket yang akan
digugurkan sampai dengan memenuhi kriteria kualifikasi akumulatif dari
beberapa lot/paket yang ditawarkan.

2.3.2 Apabila terdapat satu atau lebih Peserta yang menawarkan diskon
gabungan bersyarat melalui surat penawaran terpisah sebagaimana
diatur pada BAB I IKP 14.6 dan telah memenuhi kriteria kualifikasi
akumulatif dari gabungan lot/paket yang ditawarkan, maka penentuan
urutan pemenang akan dilakukan dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)

1. Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan menghitung masing-masing total

harga terevaluasi dalam satu Paket pekerjaan (seluruh lot/paket)
untuk masing-masing diskon gabungan yang ditawarkan.
2. Pengguna Barang /Jasa akan menetapkan pemenang berdasarkan
total harga terevaluasi terendah dalam satu Paket Pekerjaan
(seluruh lot/paket ) dimana calon pemenang akan diambil dari dalam
Paket yang mempunyai harga terevaluasi terendah pada butir 1.

2.3.3 Apabila penjumlahan harga terevaluasi (termasuk diskon gabungan)

dari Peserta yang mengajukan diskon gabungan lebih besar dari
penjumlahan harga terevaluasi terendah dari masing-masing lot/paket,
maka diskon gabungan bersyarat diabaikan dan pemenang ditentukan
sesuai pada butir 2.3.1

3.1 Persyaratan Harga Penawaran
3.1.1 Persyaratan Harga Penawaran sesuai dengan IKP 14.

3.2 Evaluasi Harga Penawaran

3.2.1 Evaluasi harga penawaran dilakukan terhadap Peserta yang telah lulus
evaluasi penawaran dan evaluasi kualifikasi.
3.2.2 Evaluasi Harga Penawaran sesuai dengan IKP 34.

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)








≤ Rp. 1


≤ Rp. 150

* Sesuai Nota Dinas DIR KEU nomor 24360/HKM.00.01/DIR KEU/2022 tanggal 19 April 2022

Buku I
Bab III: Kriteria Kualifikasi Dan Evaluasi (KKE)



Kriteria Dokumen
Peserta KSO/Konsorsium
Persayaratan Kualifikasi
Perusahaan Gabungan Pemimpin Setiap
Tunggal Anggota Anggota
Kekayaan bersih
dihitung berdasarkan
selisih antara total
asset dan total
liabilities dalam 3
tahun terakhir
Rata-rata pendapatan
per tahun (Average
Annual Turn Over)
perusahaan dalam 3
tahun terkahir
Liquid Asset (Kas dan
Bank) dan Credit Line
dari Bank (Minimum)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


1. SURAT PENGANTAR DOKUMEN PENAWARAN .............................................. IV-1

2. SURAT PENAWARAN ......................................................................................... IV-2
[Tender Satu Tahap Dua Sampul] ...................................................................... IV-2
2.1. Surat Penawaran Sampul Satu .................................................................... IV-2
2.2. Surat Penawaran Sampul Dua ..................................................................... IV-4

3. DAFTAR KUANTITAS DAN HARGA ................................................................... IV-5

3.1. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 1. Pekerjaan Elektromekanikal ................. IV-5
3.2. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 2. Pekerjaan Sipil ...................................... IV-6
3.3. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 3. Pekerjaan Komisioning ......................... IV-7
3.4. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 4. Pekerjaan Enjiniring .............................. IV-8
3.5. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 5. Rekapitulasi Harga ................................ IV-9

4. TECHNICAL PARTICULAR AND GUARANTEE ............................................... IV-10

5. JADWAL PELAKSANAAN................................................................................. IV-11
6. NAMA & TEMPAT PENGUJIAN ........................................................................ IV-11
7. CONTOH METODE PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN ......................................... IV-12
8. SERTIFIKAT HASIL UJI JENIS (TYPE TEST)................................................... IV-12
9. PENGALAMAN & KEMAMPUAN PABRIKAN .................................................. IV-13
10. PENGALAMAN & KEMAMPUAN PESERTA TENDER..................................... IV-13
11. SPARE PART & TOOLS (BILA DIPERLUKAN) ................................................ IV-14
12. SUBKONTRAKTOR (BUKAN UNTUK PEKERJAAN UTAMA) ........................ IV-15
13. SURAT PENYATAAN KOMITMEN DAN FORMULIR TKDN ............................ IV-16
13.1. Surat Penyataan Komitmen TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa Dengan
Uraian Komponen Utama Gabungan Barang Jasa .................................... IV-16

14. FORMULIR TKDN .............................................................................................. IV-17

14.1. TKDN Gabungan Barang da Jasa untuk Material Langsung (Bahan Baku) .. IV-
14.2. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Peralatan (Barang Jadi) ........... IV-18
14.3. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Manajemen Proyek dan
Perekayasaan ............................................................................................ IV-19
14.4. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Alat Kerja/Fasilitas Kerja ......... IV-20
14.5. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Konstruksi/Fabrikasi ................ IV-21
14.6. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Jasa Umum ............................. IV-22
14.7. Rekapitulasi Penilaian TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa ....................... IV-23

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15. FORMULIR ISIAN PENILAIAN KUALIFIKASI ................................................... IV-24

15.1. Data Administrasi ....................................................................................... IV-26
15.2. Ijin Usaha *)................................................................................................ IV-26
15.3. Landasan Hukum Pendirian Perusahaan .................................................. IV-27
15.4. Pengurus .................................................................................................... IV-27
15.5. Data Keuangan .......................................................................................... IV-28
15.6. Neraca Perusahaan Terakhir Per Tanggal . . . . Bulan . . . . Tahun . . . . (per
...............) ................................................................................................... IV-29
15.7. Data Personalia.......................................................................................... IV-30
15.8. Data Pengalaman Perusahaan (nilai paket tertinggi pengalaman di
bidang/sub bidang yang sesuai 10 tahun terakhir) ................................... IV-31
15.9. Data Peralatan Kerja/Perlengkapan Kerja ................................................. IV-32
15.10. Data Pekerjaan Yang Sedang Dilaksanakan *) ..................................... IV-32
15.11. Modal Kerja ........................................................................................... IV-33
15.12. Tabel Ringkasan Kemampuan Keuangan (bila diberlakukan) .............. IV-34
15.13. Kemampuan Keuangan (bila diberlakukan) .......................................... IV-35
15.14. Annual Turn Over (bila diberlakukan) .................................................... IV-35
15.15. Liquid Assets (bila diberlakukan) ........................................................... IV-36
15.16. Perhitungan SKK , SKP dan KD (Bila diberlakukan) ............................. IV-37
15.17. Surat Pernyataan Minat ......................................................................... IV-40
15.18. Pakta Integritas Penyedia Barang/Jasa ................................................ IV-41
15.19. Pakta Integritas IDD .............................................................................. IV-42
15.20. Form Kuesioner Integrity Due Diligence (IDD) ...................................... IV-43

16. SURAT KUASA/DUKUNGAN PABRIKAN ........................................................ IV-67

17. FORMULIR PERTANYAAN (BILA ADA)*.......................................................... IV-68
18. PENYESUAIAN HARGA (BILA DIBERLAKUKAN)........................................... IV-69
19. CONTOH SURAT JAMINAN PENAWARAN ..................................................... IV-71
20. CONTOH SURAT KUASA (BILA DIKUASAKAN) ............................................. IV-75
19. CONTOH SURAT JAMINAN KUALITAS BARANG .......................................... IV-76
20. CONTOH SURAT PERNYATAAN KEBENARAN DOKUMEN .......................... IV-77
21. CONTOH SURAT KETERANGAN DUKUNGAN BANK .................................... IV-78
25. CONTOH SAMPUL PENAWARAN .................................................................... IV-84
[Tender Satu Tahap Dua Sampul] .................................................................... IV-84

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran



No. : ______________, _______20__

Lampiran :
Perihal : Surat Pengantar Dokumen Penawaran Tender

Kepada Yth.
PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. _______________________

Bersama ini kami sampaikan Dokumen Administrasi dan Teknik serta Dokumen
Penawaran Harga untuk mengikuti Tender Pengadaan Pekerjaan:

sesuai dengan Dokumen Tender No. _____________________, tanggal


Demikian kami sampaikan atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

PT. _________________________

(nama dan jabatan)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


[Tender Satu Tahap Dua Sampul]

2.1. Surat Penawaran Sampul Satu


No. : ______________, _______20__

Lampiran :
Perihal : Penawaran Sampul Satu
Pekerjaan : ………………………..

Kepada Yth.
PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. ______________________

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : ...................... (nama dan alamat perusahaan)
dalam hal ini diwakili oleh : ..................... (nama yg mewakili perusahaan)
Jabatan : .................. (jabatan yg mewakili perusahaan)

Dengan ini menyatakan:

1. Tunduk pada ketentuan-ketentuan tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di PT PLN

(Persero) ________________ dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta ketentuan-
ketentuan lain dalam dokumen Pengadaan.
2. Bersedia dan sanggup melaksanakan Pengadaan pekerjaan
____________________________ PT PLN (Persero) ____________sesuai dengan
syarat-syarat yang tercantum dalam:
- Dokumen Pengadaan No. :________(lihatnomor dok.pengadaan yang telah
Tanggal :______________
- BA. Penjelasan Pengadaan : _______ (lihat nomor BA. penjelasan pengadaan)
Tanggal : ______________
- Addendum No. : ______________(lihat nomor addendum
Tanggal : ______________
3. Penawaran ini dalam jangka waktu ______ (___) hari kalender terhitung sejak tanggal
pemasukan surat penawaran, dan dapat diperpanjang lagi bila diperlukan.
4. Waktu penyerahan pekerjaan adalah ______ (____) hari kalender terhitung sejak
tanggal penandatanganan Surat Perjanjian Pemborong/Kontrak.
Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

5. Terlampir kami sampaikan Jaminan Penawaran sebesar Rp ______________

(________________________), dari Bank_______________ Nomor: ___________,
tanggal _______ berlaku sampai dengan tanggal ___________
6. Terlampir kami sampaikan data kelengkapan Persyaratan Administrasi, Persyaratan
Teknis dan Persyaratan Keuangan*).

Demikian Penawaran dan Pernyataan kami.

______________,_______________ 20___

(nama perusahaan)

(Materai Rp 10.000,-)
(tanggal,cap dan tandatangan)


*) Jika Pasca Kualifikasi maka kemampuan keuangan tidak dipersyaratkan

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

2.2. Surat Penawaran Sampul Dua


No. : ______________, _______20__

Lampiran :
Perihal : Surat Penawaran Harga (Sampul dua)

Kepada Yth.
PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. ______________________

Sehubungan dengan pengumuman tender Nomor: ___________, tanggal ________,

setelah kami mempelajari dengan saksama dokumen tender Nomor:
__________________, tanggal ____________, serta Berita Acara Penjelasan Pengadaan
No._______________, tanggal ____________dengan ini kami sampaikan penawaran
tender Pengadaan :
(______diisi dengan nama proyek/pekerjaan yang ditenderkan___________).
Dalam penawaran ini sudah termasuk pengadaan tenaga kerja, bahan, peralatan, biaya
umum dan keuntungan, dan semua kewajiban pajak untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan
tersebut di atas.
Harga penawaran adalah sebesar Rp.______________ (_____________dalam huruf)
sudah termasuk pajak-pajak yang berlaku dan segala resiko yang timbul termasuk Pajak
Pertambahan Nilai (PPN 11%), rincian harga penawaran sesuai daftar kuantitas dan harga
seperti terlampir.
Jangka waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan selama__________ (___) hari kalender terhitung
sejak penandatanganan kontrak.
Kami akan tunduk pada semua ketentuan-ketentuan tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di
PT PLN (Persero) ____________ dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta ketentuan-
ketentuan lain yang tercantum dalam dokumen tender.
Demikian penawaran dan pernyataan kami.

Materai, tanggal, tanda tangan
dan cap perusahaan


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


3.1. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 1. Pekerjaan Elektromekanikal

(sesuai contoh Format Terlampir)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

3.2. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 2. Pekerjaan Sipil

(sesuai contoh Format Terlampir)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

3.3. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 3. Pekerjaan Komisioning

(sesuai contoh Format Terlampir)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

3.4. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 4 Pekerjaan Enjiniring

(sesuai contoh Format Terlampir)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

3.5. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga No. 5 Rekapitulasi Harga

(sesuai contoh Format Terlampir)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


Nama Proyek : ___________


Aktivitas Bulan ke – (setelah penandatangan kontrak)

No. Kegiatan Ket.
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 dst..

1 Efektif Kontrak


Nama Proyek : ___________

( Harus diisi untuk setiap peralatan / barang )


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


Dibuat oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa

(Antara lain berisi: Urutan kerja, cara kerja/sistimatika kerja, pengerahan alat, tenaga
kerja dan material kerja, yang secara keseluruhan mempunyai hubungan langsung
terhadap kelengkapan alat dan jadwal rencana pelaksanaan/time schedule)


Nama Perusahaan : CV. MAJU MUDUR

Pekerjaan : Pengadaan dan Pemasangan .......
Tahun Anggaran : 20 ......


Pekerjaan Persiapan
 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi
 .....
Pekerjaan Tanah
 .....
Pekerjaan Pondasi
 ......
Pekerjaan .....

[disesuaikan dengan metode pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan]


Nama Proyek : ___________

( Harus dilampirkan dalam dokumen penawaran )

No. Nama Nama Pabrikan Tempat Pabrik Tanggal Nama Tempat Test
Peralatan Test Laboratorium

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


Nama Proyek : ___________

(Peserta Tender harus menyampaikan daftar pengalaman dan kemampuan pabrikan (supply list) dari
setiap peralatan/barang yang ditawarkan)



Tanggal :

Nama Peserta Tender :

Tanda Tangan Peserta Tender :


(Khusus Pasca Kualifikasi)

Nama Proyek : ___________

( Peserta Tender harus menyampaikan daftar pengalaman dalam bidang yang sejenis dengan yang




Nama Peserta Tender:

Tanda Tangan Peserta Tender:

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

11. SPARE PART & TOOLS (bila diperlukan)

Nama Proyek : ___________

Peserta Tender harus mengisi semua type/jenis peralatan (Spare Part & Tool), lengkap dengan
kapasitas peralatan (bila ada), pabrikan yang memproduksi dan asal negara (bila ada) sesuai jumlah /
quantity pada BOQ, semua jenis peralatan yang ditulis adalah merupakan pengadaan Mandatory
Peralatan yang harus diserahkan ke PLN.




Nama Peserta Tender:

Tanda Tangan Peserta Tender:

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

12. SUBKONTRAKTOR (bukan untuk pekerjaan utama)

Nama Proyek : ___________


Peserta Tender harus menyampaikan detil informasi dari Subkontraktor yang akan dipekerjakan
dalam pelaksanaan bagian dari Kontrak. (masing-masing subkontraktor dipisahkan untuk setiap

a. Nama Sub Kontraktor:

b. Alamat terdaftar Sub Kontraktor:

c. Pekerjaan yang akan di Sub Kontrakan:

d. Periode / Waktu Sub Kontrak:

e. Peralatan yang dimiliki Sub Kontraktor:

f. Pengalaman Sub Kontraktor untuk Pekerjaan Sejenis:


Nama Peserta Tender:

Tanda Tangan Peserta Tender:

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


13.1. Surat Penyataan Komitmen TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa Dengan Uraian Komponen
Utama Gabungan Barang Jasa


Yang bertandatangan dibawah ini,

Nama :
Jabatan :
Perusahaan :
Alamat Perusahaan :

Bertindak untuk atas nama ….. ….. ….. …. menyatakan:

Berkaitan dengan Pemenuhan persyaratan Komitmen Minimal TKDN gabungan

barang/jasa yang merupakan bagian dari penawaran harga untuk paket pekerjaan
____________________, dengan ini kami menyatakan:
1. PT. …… ….. ….. ….. menyampaikan Komitmen Nilai TKDN Gabungan
Barang/Jasa sebesar ….. ….. …… %.
Perhitungan TKDN sebagaimana disebutkan telah dilakukan secara cermat
dan benar, dan kami menyatakan bertanggung jawab dan bersedia untuk
dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Republik
Indonesia No: 54/M-IND/PER/3/2012 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik
Indonesia No. 29 tahun 2018, bilamana adanya kesalahan dalam perhitungan
tersebut atau bilamana kami tidak melaksanakan komitmen sebagaimana
tercantum di paragraf di atas.
2. PT. ….. ….. ….. ….. akan berusaha untuk meningkatkan besaran TKDN,
sebagaimana yang dimaksud pada butir 1, dengan tetap memperhatikan
aspek-aspek Keselamatan, Lingkungan, Kualitas dan jadwal Pelaksanaan
Pekerjaan, apabila ditunjuk sebagai Penyedia Barang/Jasa pada paket
pekerjaan ini.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya, untuk dapat dipergunakan
sebagaimana mestinya.

Hormat Kami

Materai Rp. 10,000


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


14.1. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Material Langsung (Bahan Baku)

Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa :

Alamat :
Nama Pekerjaan :
Pemilik Pekerjaan :
No. Dokumen :
Pemasok/ Harga Biaya (Rp) TKDN Bersertifikat/
No. Uraian Spesifikasi Negara Jumlah Satuan Satuan Barang
(%) KDN KLN TOTAL Assesment*)
Asal (Ribu Rp) (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(5)x(6)x(8) (100%- DN
(5))x(6)x(8) +LN

Material Langsung (Bahan Baku) SUB TOTAL

Ket: Kolom (9) DN: Kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (8)
Kolom (9) LN: (1 – Kolom (5)) x kolom (6) x kolom (8)

*) Peralatan yang ditawarkan masuk dalam website P3DN dan bersertifikat serta dicantumkan masa berlakunya sertifikat tersebut. Apabila
tidak bersertifikat harus dilakukan self assessment

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

14.2. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Peralatan (Barang Jadi)

Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa :

Alamat :
Nama Pekerjaan :
Pemilik Pekerjaan :
No. Dokumen :
Harga Biaya (Rp) Bersertifikat/
Pemasok/ TKDN
TKDN Satuan Self
No. Uraian Spesifikasi Negara Jumlah Satuan Barang
(%) (Ribu KDN KLN TOTAL Assesment*)
Asal (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(5)x(6)x(8) (100%- DN +LN

Peralatan (Barang Jadi)

Ket: Kolom (9) DN: Kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (8)
Kolom (9) LN: (1 – Kolom (5)) x kolom (6) x kolom (8)

*) Peralatan yang ditawarkan masuk dalam website P3DN dan bersertifikat serta dicantumkan masa berlakunya sertifikat tersebut. Apabila
tidak bersertifikat harus dilakukan self assessment

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

14.3. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Manajemen Proyek dan Perekayasaan

Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa :

Alamat :
Nama Pekerjaan :
Pemilik Pekerjaan :
No. Dokumen :
Harga Biaya (Ribu Rp) Bersertifikat/
Warga TKDN Satuan/ Satuan Self
No. Uraian Kualifikasi Jumlah Jasa
Negara (%) Durasi Upah KDN KLN TOTAL Assesment*)
(Ribu Rp)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(5)x(6)x(8) (100%-(5))x(6)x(8) DN +LN

Manajemen Proyek dan Perekayasaan SUB TOTAL

Ket: Kolom (9) DN: Kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (7) x kolom (8)
Kolom (9) LN: (1 – Kolom (5)) x kolom (6) x kolom (7) x kolom (8)

*) Peralatan yang ditawarkan masuk dalam website P3DN dan bersertifikat serta dicantumkan masa berlakunya sertifikat tersebut. Apabila
tidak bersertifikat harus dilakukan self assessment.

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

14.4. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Alat Kerja/Fasilitas Kerja

Nama Penyedia :
Alamat :
Nama Pekerjaan :
Pemilik Pekerjaan :
No. Dokumen :
Kepemilikan Alat Keja Biaya Biaya (Ribu Rp) Bersertifikat/
Spesifikasi/ Satuan/ Depresiasi/ Self
No. Uraian TKDN Jumlah Jasa
Pemasok Dibuat Dimiliki Durasi Sewa Alat KDN KLN TOTAL Assesment*)
(%) (%)
(Ribu Rp)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(4)x(5)x(6)x(7) (100%- DN
(4))x(5)x(6)x(7) +LN

Alat Kerja/Fasilitas Kerja SUB TOTAL

Ket: Kolom (9) DN: Kolom (4) x kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (7)
Kolom (9) LN: (1 – Kolom (4)) x kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (7)

*) Peralatan yang ditawarkan masuk dalam website P3DN dan bersertifikat serta dicantumkan masa berlakunya sertifikat tersebut. Apabila
tidak bersertifikat harus dilakukan self assessment

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

14.5. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Konstruksi/Fabrikasi

Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa :

Alamat :
Nama Pekerjaan :
Pemilik Pekerjaan :
No. Dokumen :
TKDN Bersertifikat/
Biaya (Ribu Rp) Jasa Self
Kewarganegaraa TKDN Satuan
No. Uraian Jumlah Durasi (%) Assesment*)
n (%) Upah
(Ribu Rp) KDN KLN
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(4)x(5)x(6)x(7) (100%-(4))x(5)x(6)x(7) DN

Konstruksi / Fabrikasi SUB TOTAL

Ket: Kolom (8) DN: Kolom (4) x kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (7)
Kolom (8) LN: (1 – Kolom (4)) x kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (7)

*) Peralatan yang ditawarkan masuk dalam website P3DN dan bersertifikat serta dicantumkan masa berlakunya sertifikat tersebut. Apabila
tidak bersertifikat harus dilakukan self assessment

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

14.6. TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa untuk Jasa Umum

Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa :

Alamat :
Nama Pekerjaan :
Pemilik Pekerjaan :
No. Dokumen :
Kepemilikan Harga Biaya (Ribu Rp) Bersertifikat/
Satuan TKDN Jasa Self
No. Uraian Pemasok KDN Jumlah Satuan
/Durasi KDN KLN TOTAL (%) Assesment*)
(%) (Ribu Rp)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(4)x(5)x(6)x(7) (100%-(4))x(5)x(6)x(7) DN +LN


Ket: Kolom (8) DN: Kolom (4) x kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (7)
Kolom (8) LN: (1 – Kolom (4)) x kolom (5) x kolom (6) x kolom (7)

*) Peralatan yang ditawarkan masuk dalam website P3DN dan bersertifikat serta dicantumkan masa berlakunya sertifikat tersebut. Apabila
tidak bersertifikat harus dilakukan self assessment

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

14.7. Rekapitulasi Penilaian TKDN Gabungan Barang dan Jasa

Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa :

Alamat :
Nama Pekerjaan :
Pemilik Pekerjaan :
No. Dokumen :
Nilai Gabungan Barang dan Jasa
TKDN (%)
(Ribu Rp)
Uraian Barang/
KDN KLN Gabungan
Ribu Rp % KDN Jasa

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I. Material Langsung (Bahan Baku)
II. Peralatan (Barang Jadi)
F. Sub Total Barang
III. Manajemen ProyekDan Perekayasaan
IV. Alat Kerja/Fasilitas Kerja
V. Konstruksi dan Fabrikasi
VI. Jasa Umum
G. Sub Total Jasa
H. TOTAL Biaya (F+G)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


PENGADAAN . . . . . . . . . . . .
PT. PLN (PERSERO) ................................
TAHUN ANGGARAN ...................

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [nama wakil sah jika badan usaha/

Jabatan : .............................................
Bertindak untuk dan atas nama : Badan Usaha................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alamat : .............................................
Telepon/Fax : .............................................
Email : .............................................

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa:

1. Saya/Direksi/Pengurus yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan
mempunyai kapasitas menandatangani kontrak secara hokum berdasarkan Surat .
. . . . . [sesuai akte pendirian/perubahan/perubahan terakhir/surat kuasa, disebutkan
secara jelas nomor akta pendirian/perubahan/perubahan terakhir/surat kuasa dan
tanggalnya. Jika Konsorsium/KSO maka Surat dimaksud adalah Surat Perikatan
Perjanjian Konsorsium/KSO];
2. Saya/Direksi/Pengurus yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan tidak
sedang dalam pengawasan pengadilan, dinyatakan pailit, kegiatan usahanya tidak
sedang dihentikan dan/atau direksi yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama
perusahaan tidak sedang menjalani sanksi pidana;
3. Saya/Direksi/Pengurus yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan tidak
pernah dihukum berdasarkan putusan pengadilan atas tindakan yang berkaitan
dengan kondite profesional saya / tidak masuk daftar hitam;
4. Data-data saya/perusahaan saya adalah terlampir:
Demikian pernyatan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan penuh rasa tanggung jawab.
Apabila di kemudian hari, data/dokumen yang disampaikan tidak benar dan ada
pemalsuan, maka saya bersedia dikenakan sanksi administrasi yaitu dimasukkan dalam
Daftar Hitam (black list) PLN dan tidak diperkenankan ikut serta dalam Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa di PLN dalam jangka waktu 2 (dua) tahun serta sanksi perdata dan pidana
sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

_______[tempat], ____[tanggal]_____[bulan] 20__

Badan Usaha/Konsorsium/KSO__________
[pilih yang sesuai dan cantumkan nama]

[rekatkan materai Rp 10.000,-

bertanggal, tanda tangan, dan cap
(nama lengkap wakil sah/Penyedia Jasa]

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

[apabila dukungan atas nama

Untuk dan atas nama setiap anggota
[setiap anggota Konsorsium/KSO harus
menandatangani dengan cap perusahaan,
dan cukup dengan 1
(satu) materai Rp 10.000,- untuk semua anggota]

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.1. Data Administrasi

1. Umum
1. Nama (PT/CV/Firma/ Koperasi/Perorangan) :
2. Status : Pusat Cabang
3. Alamat (PT/CV/Firma/ Koperasi/Perorangan) :
No. Telepon/Fax :
E-Mail :
4. Alamat Kantor Pusat : (diisi dalam hal yang menawar cabang perusahaan/bukan perusahaan pusatnya)
No. Telepon/Fax :
E-Mail :

15.2. Ijin Usaha *)

1. No. SIUJPTL : ................................................. tanggal ......................................................
Masa berlaku ijin usaha : ......................................
Instansi penerbit ijin usaha : .....................................
Masa berlaku ijin usaha
Instansi pemberi ijin usaha
2. No. NIB : ................................................. tanggal ....................................

3. No. SBUJPTL : .................... tanggal ...............................

Masa berlaku SBUJPTL : ...................................
Instansi penerbit SBUJPTL : ..................................
dengan Kualifikasi Usaha
kualifikasi: “Menengah (M)” atau ”Besar (B)”
[dipilih salah satu, untuk nilai pekerjaan M =
maksimum 50 Milyar dan B = maksimum
tidak terhingga],

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

dengan Klasifikasi Usaha (dipilih sesuai

dengan kualifikasi usaha)

15.3. Landasan Hukum Pendirian Perusahaan

1. Akta Pendirian Badan Usaha :

a. Nomor Akta :
b. Tanggal :
c. Nama Notaris :
2. Akta Perubahan Terakhir
a. Nomor Akta :
b. Tanggal :
c. Nama Notaris :
3. Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) : Masukkan nomor dan tanggal pendaftarannya

15.4. Pengurus
1. Komisaris (untuk PT)

No. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)/Paspor/Surat Jabatan dalam

No. Nama
Keterangan Domisili Tinggal Badan Usaha

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

2. Direksi/Penanggung jawab/Pengurus Perusahaan/Penerima Kuasa

Nama (diisi dengan Nama No. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)/Paspor/Surat Keterangan Jabatan dalam
Direksi/Pengurus Badan Usaha Domisili Tinggal Badan Usaha

15.5. Data Keuangan

1. Susunan Kepemilikan Saham (Badan Usaha)

No. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)/Paspor/Surat Persentase Kepemilikan
No. Nama Alamat
Keterangan Domisili Tinggal Saham

2. Pajak
1. Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) :

2. Bukti Pelunasan Pajak Tahun Terakhir Nomor/Tanggal :

3. Foto Copy Surat Setoran Pajak (SSP) PPh 29/PPN 3 bulan :

terakhir Nomor/Tanggal

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.6. Neraca Perusahaan Terakhir Per Tanggal . . . . Bulan . . . . Tahun . . . . (per ...............)

Aktiva Pasiva

I. Aktiva Lancar IV. Utang Jangka Pendek

Kas Rp. ………. Utang Dagang Rp. . . . . . .
Bank Rp……….. Utang Pajak Rp. . . . . . .
Piutang Rp. ……… Utang Lainnya Rp. . . . . . . Rp. . ........... . . . .
Persediaan Barang Rp……….. Jumlah (d)
Pekerjaan Dalam Proses Rp……….. Rp. . . . . . . . .............
Jumlah (a) V. Utang Jangka Panjang (e) Rp. . . . …….... . .

VI Kekayaan Bersih Rp. ……… . . . . .

II. Aktiva Tetap (a + b + c) –( d + e)
Peralatan dan Mesin Rp..............
Inventaris Rp. ...........
Gedung-gedung Rp.............
Jumlah (b) Rp. . . . . . . . ............

III. Aktiva Lainnya (c) Rp. . . . . . . . ………

Jumlah Rp. . . . . . . ................. Jumlah Rp. . . . . . .............

Piutang jangka pendek (sampai dengan 6 bulan) : Rp.

Piutang jangka panjang (lebih dari 6 bulan) : Rp.
Jumlah : Rp.

. . . . . . . . . . . ., tanggal. . . . . . . . . 20. . . .

Materai Rp. 10.000,-

Direktur Utama/Penanggung Jawab Perusahaan

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.7. Data Personalia

1. Tenaga ahli/teknis yang diperlukan
Jabatan Pengalaman
Tgl/Bln/Thn Tingkat Profesi/
No Nama Dalam Kerja Tahun Sertifikat /Ijazah
Lahir Pendidikan Keahlian
Pekerjaan (Tahun)
Diisi dengan Nama,
profesi/keahlian kompetensi/surat keterangan
Tanggal, Bulan, Tahun
Jabatan dalam pekerjaan sesuai dengan dan tahun penerbiatan
Lahir, Tingkat lama pengalaman
yang pernah Ijazah/sertifikat, ijazah/sertifikat
Pendidikan kerja
dilaksanakan ahli/teknis/terampil kompetensi/surat keterangan
yang diperlukan dari setiap tenaga
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PT. A (lead firm)
Nama: …….

PT. B (anggota)
Nama: …..

(bila Konsorsium)
PT. C (anggota)
Nama: ……

(bila Konsorsium)

*) Khusus untuk paket pekerjaan jasa konstruksi, dilampirkan sertifikat keahlian dan/atau sertifikat keterampilan yang disyaratkan

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.8. Data Pengalaman Perusahaan (nilai paket tertinggi pengalaman di bidang/sub bidang yang sesuai 8 tahun terakhir)

Pemberi Tugas/ Kontrak *) Status Penyedia Tanggal Selesai

Nama Bidang/Sub Pengguna Jasa dalam Pelaksana Pekerjaan Berdasarkan
No Paket Bidang Lokasi Pekerjaan **)
Pekerjaan Pekerjaan BA. Serah
Nama Alamat/Telepon No./Tgl Nilai Kontrak
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
PT. A (lead



Catatan :
*) Untuk pengalaman pekerjaan sebagai Sub Kontraktor / Join Operation /Konsorsium, besar nilai kontrak (kolom 8) dihitung / diisi sebesar
nilai dari sub kontrak / % sharing Kemitraan/ KSO/ Konsorsium
**) Diisi dengan salah satu dari:
 penyedia melaksanakan sendiri pekerjaan;
 penyedia melaksanakan sebagai perusahaan utama (leading firm) kemitraan atau anggota dalam kemitraan; atau
 melaksanakan pekerjaan sebagai sub penyedia

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.9. Data Peralatan Kerja/Perlengkapan Kerja

Jenis Fasilitas Jumlah Kapasitas/Output Merk dan Tahun Kondisi (%) Lokasi Bukti status
Peralatan pada saat ini Type Pembuatan sekarang kepemilikan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Diisi dengan Jenis, Jumlah, Kapasita/Output yang dapat dicapai pada saat ini, merk dan type, tahun pembuatan, kondisi diisi dalam %,
Lokasi keberadaan saat ini dan status kepemilikan (milik sendiri/sewa, leasing/sewa beli/ dokumen sewa dll) dari masing-masing
fasilitas/peralatan/perlengkapan yang diperlukan. Bukti status kepemilikan harus dapat ditunjukan pada waktu pembuktian kualifikasi

15.10. Data Pekerjaan Yang Sedang Dilaksanakan *)

Pemberi Tugas/ Tanggal Selesai

Kontrak **)
Nama Bidang/Sub Pengguna Jasa Menurut
No Paket Bidang Lokasi
Pekerjaan Pekerjaan Alamat/ No./ BA. Serah
Nama Nilai Kontrak
Telepon Tgl Terima
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PT. A (lead firm)

PT. B (anggota)

(bila konsorsium)
PT. C (anggota)

*) Mencantumkan semua data pekerjaan yang sedang dilaksanakan/ belum selesai (baik secara individu maupun sebagai Sub Kontraktor /
KSO / Konsorsium), Apabila ditemukan data pekerjaan yang tidak dicantumkan / tidak disampaikan baik di sengaja maupun tidak di sengaja
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa maka data / dokumen dianggap tidak benar dan penawaran akan digugurkan;
**) Untuk pekerjaan yang sedang dilaksanakan sebagai Sub Kontraktor/Jasa/ KSO Konsorsium, besar nilai kontrak dihitung/ diisi sebesar nilai
dari sub kontrak/ KSO/ Konsorsium.

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.11. Modal Kerja

Surat dukungan keuangan dari Bank: [cantumkan sekurang-kurangnya 10% (sepuluh

persen) dari pagu/ perkiraan nilai paket pekerjaan)

PT. A (lead firm)

Nomor :
Tanggal :
Nama Bank :
Nilai :

PT. B (anggota)
Nomor :
Tanggal :
Nama Bank :
Nilai :

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.12. Tabel Ringkasan Kemampuan Keuangan (bila diberlakukan)

Ringkasan Kemampuan Keuangan

Peserta Tender
Dokumen yang
KSO/Konsorsium dibutuhkan
Perusahaan Tunggal
Pemimpin Setiap Anggota
Kekayaan bersih dihitung
berdasarkan selisih antara total
asset dan total liabilities dalam 3
tahun terakhir

Rata-rata pendapatan per tahun

(Average Annual Turn Over)
perusahaan dalam 3 tahun
terkahir (Minimum)

Liquid Asset (Kas dan Bank) dan

Credit Line dari Bank (Minimum)

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.13. Kemampuan Keuangan (bila diberlakukan)

Setiap Penyedia Barang/Jasa baik dalam KSO/Konsorsium atau single entity

harus mengisi table kemampuan keuangan berikut untuk masing – masing

Data Keuangan

Tahun – 1: Tahun – 2: Tahun – 3:

Informasi Dari Neraca

Aset Total (AT)

Liabilitas Total (LT)

Kekayaan Bersih =
Aset Lancar (AL)

Liabilitas Lancar (LL)

Modal Kerja = AL-LL

Modal Kerja Terakhir

Informasi Dari Laporan Keuangan

Total Pendapatan

Laba Sebelum Pajak

Laba Setelah Pajak

15.14. Annual Turn Over (bila diberlakukan)

Setiap Penyedia Barang/Jasa baik dalam KSO/Konsorsium atau single entity

harus mengisi table Annual Turn Over berikut untuk masing – masing perusahaan:

Data Annual Turnover 3 Tahun Terakhir

Tahun Nilai Turnover

Average Annual Turnover


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.15. Liquid Assets (bila diberlakukan)

Liquid Assets (Kas dan Bank) dan Credit Line dari Bank:

PT. A (lead firm)

Liquid Assets :
Credit Line :
Nomor Surat :
Tanggal :
Nama Bank :
Nilai :

PT. B (anggota)
Liquid Assets :
Credit Line :
Nomor Surat :
Tanggal :
Nama Bank :
Nilai :


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.16. Perhitungan SKK , SKP dan KD (Bila diberlakukan)

A. Pekerjaan Yang Sedang Dilaksanakan
1. Jumlah Paket Kontrak dalam Pelaksanaan : ……Paket
2. Jumlah Nilai Kontrak dalam Pelaksanaan (NK) : Rp. ………………………
3. Prestasi Kerja Yang Sudah dilaksanakan : Rp. ………………………

B. Perhitungan Sisa Kemampuan Keuangan (SKK)

1. Modal Kerja (MK)

MK = FL x KB = ………. x………= ……………………

KB = Kekayaan bersih ;KB = (a+b+c)–(d + e), diambil dari neraca tahun
FL = Faktor likuiditas ; untuk penyedia barang/jasa dengan kualifikasi:
Menengah(M)/Besar(B) (untuk nilai pekerjaan M= maksimum 50 Milyar
dan B=maksimum tidak terhingga
= 0.8 (untuk kualifikasi besar); 0,6 (untuk kualifikasi menengah)
a = Aktiva lancar
b = Aktiva tetap
c = Aktiva lainnya
d = Utang jangka pendek
e = Utang jangka panjang

2. Kemampuan Keuangan ( KK )

KK = Fp x MK = ............ x………= …………………………

MK = Modal Kerja
Fp = Faktor perputaran modal; untuk penyedia barang/jasa kualifikasi:
Menengah(M)/Besar(B) (untuk nilai pekerjaan M:maksimum 50 Milyar
dan B:maksimum tidak terhingga)
=8 (untuk kualifikasi besar); 7 (untuk kualifikasi menengah)

3. Sisa Kemampuan Keuangan ( SKK ) untuk jasa konstruksi :

SKK = KK – ( NK – Prestasi ) = .............x ............. = .......................

NK = Nilai kontrak dalam pelaksanaan.

Prestasi = Nilai pekerjaan yang sudah dilaksanakan.

*) Jika Konsorsium/KSO, penilaian SKP, SKK dan KD diisi dan dilengkapi untuk
masing – masing anggota Konsorsium/KSO


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

C. Perhitungan Sisa Kemampuan Paket (SKP)

SKP = KP – (Jumlah paket yang sedang dikerjakan )= .......... – .......... = ...........

KP = Kemampuan menangani paket pekerjaanuntuk penyedia barang/jasa
kualifikasi: Menengah(M)/Besar(B) (untuk nilai pekerjaan M= maksimum 50
Milyar dan B=maksimum tidak terhingga)
= 6 (untuk kualifikasi menengah dan besar) atau 1,2 N

N = Jumlah paket pekerjaan terbanyak yang dapat ditangani pada saat

bersamaan selama kurun waktu 7 tahun terakhir

D. Perhitungan Nilai Kemampuan Dasar ( KD )

KD = 2 NPt = 2 x ……. = …………………………………………………

NPt = Nilai pengalaman tertinggi pada sub-bidang pekerjaan yang sesuai

dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. (sub-bidang pekerjaan yang
sesuai untuk pekerjaan ini)
Nilai pengalaman pekerjaan juga dapat dikonversi menjadi nilai pekerjaan sekarang
(present value) menggunakan perhitungan sebagai berikut:

NPs = Nilai pekerjaan sekarang

Npo = Nilai pekerjaan keseluruhan termasuk eskalasi (apabila ada) saat serah
terima pertama
Io = Indeks dari Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada bulan serah terima pertama
Is = Indeks dari BPS pada bulan penilaian prakualifikasi (apabila belum ada,
dapat dihitung dengan regresi linier berdasarkan indeks bulan-bulan sebelumnya)
Indeks BPS yang dipakai adalah indeks yang merupakan komponen terbesar dari

(pilih yang sesuai dan cantumkan nama]

(bertanggal, tanda tangan, dan cap

(nama lengkap wakil sah/Penyedia Jasa)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

*) Jika Kemitraan/ KSO/ Konsorsium penilaian SKP, SKK dan KD diisi dan
dilengkapi masing – masing anggota Kemitraan/ KSO/ Konsorsium


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.17. Surat Pernyataan Minat

Contoh Surat Pernyataan Minat

Untuk Mengikuti Kualifikasi Pekerjaan ………………………………..(diisi nama paket

pekerjaan pada pasal A LDK (Lingkup Kualifikasi)

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

__________[nama wakil sah jika badan usaha/Kemitraan. Jika

Nama : bukan
badan usaha maka nama orang perseorangan]

Jabatan : __________[jika orang perseorangan maka cukup diberi tanda ”-”]

PT/Kemitraan __________[pilih yang sesuai dan cantumkan
Bertindak untuk : nama]
dan atas nama

Alamat : __________

Telepon/Fax : __________

Email : __________

menyatakan dengan sebenarnya bahwa setelah mengetahui pengadaan yang akan

dilaksanakan oleh proyek/satuan kerja __________, tahun anggaran __________ maka
dengan ini saya menyatakan berminat untuk mengikuti proses pengadaan paket
pekerjaan/kegiatan: _______________________
sampai selesai.

Demikian pernyataan ini kami buat dengan penuh kesadaran dan rasa tanggung

__________[tempat], __[tanggal]__________[bulan] 20__

__________[pilih yang sesuai dan
cantumkan nama]

[tanda tangan]

(nama lengkap wakil sah

badan usaha)

[Jika Kemitraan maka cantumkan tanda tangan dan nama setiap anggota Kemitraan]


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.18. Pakta Integritas Penyedia Barang/Jasa

Contoh Pakta Integritas Penyedia Barang/Jasa


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, dalam rangka tender untuk
Proyek:_____________________________(Diisi sesuai Jenis pekerjaan pada pasal ....
Lembar Data Tender (LDT) pada PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat, dengan ini menyatakan
bahwa saya:

1. Akan mentaati peraturan tentang Pedoman Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di lingkungan

PLN (Persero), dan peraturan perundangan-undangan yang terkait dengan
2. Tidak akan melakukan persengkongkolan/pengaturan/kerjasama diantara para
Peserta Tender lain dan/atau Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan/atau Pejabat Perencana
Pengadaan Pengadaan yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya persaingan usaha yang
tidak sehat;
3. Apabila saya melanggar hal-hal yang telah saya nyatakan dalam PAKTA INTEGRITAS
ini, saya bersedia dikenakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan
yang berlaku..

_______ [tempat], __ [tanggal] ________ [bulan] 20__

Penyedia Barang/Jasa : _____[tanda tangan], __________[nama lengkap] [cantumkan

tanda tangan dan nama wakil sah. Jika Kemitraan maka cantumkan tanda tangan dan
nama setiap anggota Kemitraan]


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.19. Pakta Integritas IDD

Contoh Pakta Integritas IDD


Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, dalam rangka tender untuk
Proyek:_____________________________(Diisi sesuai Jenis pekerjaan pada pasal ....
Lembar Data Tender (LDT) pada PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat, dengan ini menyatakan
bahwa saya:

1. Menerapkan 4 No’s :
 No Bribery, tidak boleh ada suap menyuap dan pemerasan,
 No Gift, tidak boleh ada hadiah atau gratifikasi yang bertentangan dengan
peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku,
 No Kickback, tidak boleh ada komisi, tanda terima kasih baik dalam bentuk uang
dan dalam bentuk lainnya,
 No Luxurious Hospitality, tidak boleh ada penyambutan dan jamuan yang
2. Mengikuti prosedur Integrity Due Dilligence (IDD) yang dilaksanakan oleh PLN,
3. Berpartisipasi dalam sosialisasi Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan yang
dilaksanakan oleh PLN, dan
4. Melaporkan insiden kecurangan atau fraud melalui Sistem Whistle Blowing PLN
sebagaimana diatur dalam BAB VI SYARAT-SYARAT UMUM KONTRAK (SSUK)
pasal 6.

________ [tempat], __ [tanggal] ________ [bulan] 20__

Penyedia Barang/Jasa : _____[tanda tangan], __________[nama lengkap] [cantumkan

tanda tangan dan nama wakil sah. Jika Kemitraan maka cantumkan tanda tangan dan
nama setiap anggota Kemitraan]


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

15.20. Form Kuesioner Integrity Due Diligence (IDD)



Instruksi Pengisian Kuesioner Integrity Due Diligence

1. Isi jawaban pada Kuesioner ini dengan memberi tanda centang (√)

2. Apabila pada tabel jawaban yang disediakan tidak mencukupi, mohon berikan jawaban Anda di lampiran terpisah dalam
format tabel yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan pertanyaan dan diberikan referensi sesuai nomor pertanyaan

Dengan bertanda tangan dibawah ini saya menyatak an dengan sesungguhnya bahwa saya telah melak uk an prosedur dan
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada k uesioner ini dengan sebenar-benarnya sesuai dengan pengetahuan saya dan
penuh rasa tanggung jawab. Serta apabila sewak tu-wak tu dibutuhk an informasi lebih lanjut terk ait hal-hal pada k uesioner
ini, saya bersedia untuk memberik an penjelasan dan/atau dok umen yang diperluk an.

Diisi oleh :
(Nama jelas) (Jabatan/posisi)

(Tanda tangan) (Tempat Tanggal - dd/mm/yy )

Nomor ext: Nomor HP:



Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
A. Informasi Perusahaan
Pengertian Subk ontrak tor terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner) terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.

1) Nama lengkap perusahaan:

2) NPWP:

3) Alamat kantor pusat (terdaftar)

4) Alamat kantor cabang:

5) Nomor telepon kantor: Nomor telepon fax:

6) Website (apabila ada);

7) Bentuk perusahaan: □ Perusahaan dalam negeri □ Perusahaan luar negeri

□ BUMN □ Joint Venture □ Konsorsium □ UMKM □ Koperasi □ Agen

8) Tipe perusahaan: Tunggal/Agen/Distributor □ Lembaga Ilmiah/Pendidikan/Penelitian
Negeri/SwastaNirlaba/Non Profit □ Lembaga/Badan Pemerintah
□ Lainnya

Jelaskan apabila "Lainnya" :

9) Di negara mana Perusahaan Anda didirikan dan beroperasi?

10) Bila Perusahaan Anda didirikan di Indonesia, mohon lengkapi data-data landasan hukum
perusahaan berikut:

Nomor akta pendirian:

Tanggal akta pendirian:

Nama dan alamat Notaris:

Tanggal akta perubahaan terakhir:

Nama dan wilayah kerja Notaris:

11) Apakah Perusahaan Anda pernah berganti nama dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, sebutkan nama terdahulu:

12) Apa bidang dan sub-bidang usaha Perusahaan Anda?

<mengacu k e k ategorisasi bidang dan sub-bidang berdasark an k etentuan PLN >

13) Apa klasifikasi Perusahaan Anda yang sesuai dengan penggolongan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
di PLN*?

*Referensi penggolongan Penyedia Barang/Jasa di PLN*

Kekayaan bersih
Pilihan Kualifikasi
□ Kecil s/d 1 Miliar
□ Menengah > 1 s/d 10 Miliar
□ Besar > 10 Miliar


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
14) Mohon tuliskan daftar 10 (sepuluh) pengalaman kerja terbesar Perusahaan Anda dalam 3 tahun terakhir

Pemberi Pekerjaan Periode Pekerjaan

Judul Pekerjaan Lokasi
Nama Instansi Alamat No. Telepon Mulai Selesai

15) Apakah Perusahaan Anda terdaftar pada bursa saham? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, sebutkan nama bursa saham dimana Perusahaan Anda terdaftar:

16) Tuliskan struktur kepemilikan Perusahaan Anda (individu dan perusahaan)

No. ID (KTP/Paspor)* Negara Didirikan/ Presentase

Nama Individu atau Perusahaan Kew arganegaraan*
Terdaftar/Beroperasi** Kepemilikan (%)

Total kepemilikan 100%

*Isi apabila pemilik adalah individu dan mohon lampirk an salinan KTP/Paspor
**Isi apabila pemilik adalah perusahaan/badan


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
17) Apabila suatu badan atau perusahaan memiliki 50% atau lebih saham di Perusahaan Anda, tuliskan struktur
kepemilikan dari perusahaan tersebut.

Nama perusahaan yang Presentase Presentase Kepemilikan

Nama pemilik saham
memiliki saham Perusahaan Kepemilikan dari pemilik saham

PT ABC 50 PT UVW, PT XYZ, Tn. DEF 35%, 35%, 30% Contoh

18) Tuliskan daftar semua Direktur dan Komisaris di Perusahaan Anda.

Nama No. ID (KTP/Paspor)* Posisi Periode Menjabat Kew arganegaraan

*Mohon lampirk an salinan KTP/Paspor

19) Apakah Perusahaan Anda memiliki Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner ) selain yang disebutkan pada no. 16
, no.17, dan no.18? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan identitas tersebut:

Nama No. ID (KTP/Paspor)* Posisi Periode Menjabat Kew arganegaraan

*Mohon lampirk an salinan KTP/Paspor

20) Apakah Perusahaan Anda mendapat rekomendasi dari pihak lain untuk menjadi Penyedia
Barang/Jasa di PLN?
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, tuliskan nama pihak tersebut:

Nama Nama Perusahaan


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
21) Apakah anda pernah/sedang/berencana menggunakan sub-kontraktor dalam melaksanakan
pekerjaan untuk PLN? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan nama sub-kontraktor (individu dan/atau perusahaan)

Individu - No. ID
Perusahaan - Landasan Perusahaan-Personel Hubungan Perusahaan Anda
Nama (KTP/Paspor)
Hukum kunci dengan sub-kontraktor

*Apabila perusahaan Indonesia, mohon isi Landasan Huk um dengan format: Nomor Ak ta/Tanggal Ak ta/Notaris.
Apabila perusahaan Luar Negeri, mohon isi dengan negara operasi perusahaan

22) Apakah Perusahaan Anda menggunakan pihak ketiga/agen untuk mengurus perijinan/bisnis untuk
kepentingan Perusahaan Anda? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Lingkup Pekerjaan/
Nama Pihak Ketiga Bidang Pekerjaan Keperluan Penggunaan
Pihak Ketiga


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
B. Informasi Afiliasi Mitra
Pengertian Personel k unci di terdapat di Lampiran B k uesioner ini.
Pengertian hubungan afiliasi terdapat di Lampiran B k uesioner ini.
Lingk up dan pengertian afiliasi perusahaan terdapat di Lampiran A dan B k uesioner ini.
Daftar perusahaan afiliasi PLN terdapat di Lampiran C k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Insan PLN terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner) terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.

1) Apakah ada Personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang memiliki hubungan
kekeluargaan dengan Insan PLN?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Nama Insan Nama Perusahaan Grup

No. ID (KTP/Paspor) Posisi* Posisi** Keterangan Hubungan
Pegaw ai Grup PLN PLN

*Posisi di perusahaan
**Posisi di Grup PLN

2) Apakah ada Personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang pernah bekerja di Grup
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Periode Bekerja
Nama No. ID Nama Nama Perusahaan dimana
Lokasi Posisi
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan* Pegaw ai Pernah Bekerja**
Mulai Selesai

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
** Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tulis tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan PLN


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
3) Apakah ada Personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang memiliki hubungan bisnis
dengan Insan PLN?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Nama Nama Insan Nama

No. ID (KTP/Paspor) Posisi Posisi Keterangan Hubungan Bisnis
Pegaw ai Perusahaan* Grup PLN Perusahaan**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
** Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tulis tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan PLN

4) Apakah Perusahaan Anda atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah memiliki pengalaman bekerja di Grup PLN?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Tanggal Pekerjaan
Nomor/Tanggal Kontrak Bidang/Sub Bidang Usaha Lokasi Nama Perusahaaan*
Kontrak Mulai Selesai

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tulis tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan PLN

5) Apakah ada Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner ) di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang
memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan dengan Insan PLN?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Nama Insan Nama Perusahaan Grup

No. ID (KTP/Paspor) Posisi* Posisi** Keterangan Hubungan
Pegaw ai Grup PLN PLN

*Posisi di perusahaan
**Posisi di Grup PLN


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
6) Apakah ada Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner ) di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang
pernah bekerja di Grup PLN?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Periode Bekerja
Nama No. ID Nama Nama Perusahaan dimana
Lokasi Posisi
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan* Pegaw ai Pernah Bekerja**
Mulai Selesai

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
** Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tulis tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan PLN

7) Apakah ada Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner ) di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda
yang memiliki hubungan bisnis dengan Insan PLN?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Nama Nama Insan Nama

No. ID (KTP/Paspor) Posisi Posisi Keterangan Hubungan Bisnis
Pegaw ai Perusahaan* Grup PLN Perusahaan**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
** Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tulis tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan PLN

8) Apakah Perusahaan Anda memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan mitra lain yang sudah terdaftar di PLN (hubungan
istimewa) dan sub bidang usaha yang sejenis?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Nama Perusahaaan Bidang/Sub Bidang Usaha Lokasi Hubungan Afiliasi


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
C. Hubungan dengan Pemerintah
Pengertian pejabat publik terdapat di Lampiran B k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Personel k unci terdapat di Lampiran B k uesioner ini.
Pengertian lembaga pemerintah terdapat di Lampiran B k uesioner ini.
Pengertian hubungan afiliasi terdapat di Lampiran B k uesioner ini.
Lingk up dan pengertian perusahaan afiliasi terdapat di Lampiran A dan B k uesioner ini.
Daftar perusahaan afiliasi PLN terdapat di Lampiran C k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Subk ontrak tor terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner) terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.

1) Apakah ada personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang merupakan
pejabat publik/mantan pejabat publik (level eselon 2 ke atas)? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Periode Menjabat

Nama No. ID Nama
Posisi* Departemen Posisi*** Ditunjuk/Dipilih
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan**
Pemerintah Mulai Selesai

*Posisi di perusahaan
**Mohon tulis nama perusahaan afiliasi, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Anda
***Posisi di Departemen Pemerintah

2) Apakah ada personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang memiliki hubungan
kekeluargaan dengan pejabat publik (level eselon 2 ke atas)? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Hubungan Nama Nama Periode Menjabat

Nama No. ID Nama
Posisi* dengan Pejabat Posisi*** Instansi
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan**
Pejabat Publik Publik Publik Mulai Selesai

*Posisi di perusahaan
** Mohon tulis nama perusahaan dan tipe afiliasi dengan perusahaan Anda
***Posisi di Departemen Pemerintah


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
3) Apakah ada Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner ) di Perusahaan Anda yang merupakan
pejabat publik/mantan pejabat publik (level eselon 2 ke atas)? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Periode Menjabat

Nama No. ID Nama
Posisi* Departemen Posisi*** Ditunjuk/Dipilih
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan**
Pemerintah Mulai Selesai

*Posisi di perusahaan
**Mohon tulis nama perusahaan afiliasi, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Anda
***Posisi di Departemen Pemerintah

4) Apakah ada Subkontraktor/Personel Kunci Subkontraktor Perusahaan Anda yang merupakan

pejabat publik/mantan pejabat publik (level eselon 2 ke atas)? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Periode Menjabat

Nama No. ID Nama
Posisi* Departemen Posisi*** Ditunjuk/Dipilih
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan**
Pemerintah Mulai Selesai

*Posisi di perusahaan
**Mohon tulis nama perusahaan afiliasi, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Anda
***Posisi di Departemen Pemerintah

5) Apakah ada perusahaan milik pemerintah pusat/daerah yang memiliki saham di perusahaan Anda?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Perusahaan Milik Pemerintah Pusat/

Persentase Kepemilikan (%)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

6) Apakah Perusahaan Anda/Afiliasi Anda memiliki kerja sama dengan perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh
pemerintah pusat/daerah? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan secara rinci:

Nama Perusahaan Bentuk Kerjasama

7) Apakah terdapat pejabat publik atau afiliasinya yang memiliki saham secara signifikan pada Perusahaan Anda
/relasi Perusahaan Anda? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan nama-nama dan secara rinci:

Nama Institusi Afiliasi

Nama Pejabat Publik Posisi Nama Perusahaan** Presentase Kepemilikan (%)
Pejabat Publik*

*Hanya isi apabila individu yang memilik i k epemilik an adalah afiliasi pejabat publik
**Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda

8) Apakah terdapat perusahaan (yang secara signifikan dimiliki oleh pejabat publik atau afiliasinya)
yang memiliki saham secara signifikan di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan nama-nama dan secara rinci:

Nama Afiliasi
Nama Pejabat Nama Institusi Afiliasi Pejabat Nama Perusahaan Presentase
Pejabat Posisi Nama Perusahaan**
Publik Publik Pemilik Kepemilikan

*Hanya isi apabila individu yang memilik i k epemilik an adalah afiliasi pejabat publik
**Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
9) Apakah terdapat personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda yang memiliki hubungan
bisnis dengan pejabat publik? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan nama-nama dan secara rinci:

Nama Keterangan Nama Nama Periode Menjabat

No. ID Nama
Pegaw ai Posisi* Hubungan Pejabat Posisi*** Instansi
(KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan**
Anda Bisnis Publik Publik Mulai Selesai

*Posisi di perusahaan
**Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
***Posisi di Departemen Pemerintah

10) Apakah Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah memiliki pengalaman bekerja di instansi
pemerintah (pusat atau daerah)? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, tuliskan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Nama Perusahaan* Nama Badan Pemerintahan Keterangan Pekerjaan
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila proses masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"

11) Pada saat pelaksanaan pekerjaan, apakah Perusahaan Anda akan berhubungan dengan instansi pemerintah
(pusat atau daerah)? (Contoh: pengurusan perijinan) □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Nama Badan Pemerintahan Keterangan Hubungan


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
12) Pada saat pelaksanaan pekerjaan, apakah Perusahaan Anda akan menggunakan pihak ketiga/agen untuk
berhubungan dengan instansi pemerintah?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan nama-nama dan secara rinci:

Nama Pihak ketiga Nama Pegaw ai Pemerintah Posisi Nama Badan Pemerintah

13) Apakah perusahaan anda/personel kunci di perusahaan Anda memberikan bantuan keuangan,
kesehatan, pendidikan, dan/atau fasilitas lainnya kepada pejabat publik (eselon 2 ke atas) atau afiliasinya?
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, tuliskan nama-nama dan detail:

Nama Kekeluargaan
Perusahaan / Nama Pejabat Bentuk Bantuan atau
Personel Posisi dengan Nilai
Pihak Publik Fasilitas
Kunci Pejabat Publik
(jika ada)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
D. Informasi Litigasi
Pengertian personel k unci di terdapat di Lampiran B k uesioner ini.
Lingk up dan pengertian perusahaan afiliasi terdapat di Lampiran A dan B k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Subk ontrak tor terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.
Pengertian Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner) terdapat di Lampiran A k uesioner ini.

1) Apakah Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat kasus hukum pidana (termasuk tindak
pidana Penggelapan, Penipuan, Korupsi dan Pencucian Uang) dalam 10 tahun terakhir?
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Negara*** Keterangan mengenai keterlibatan dalam kasus hukum pidana
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila k asus atau proses pengadilan masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana perusahaan terlibat k asus

2) Apakah Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat (contoh : sebagai saksi atau sebagai
tersangka namun tidak terbukti bersalah) dalam investigasi/penyelidikan/penyidikan/penuntutan
(contoh: oleh KPK, Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, BPK, BPKP, atau regulator lainnya) dalam 10 tahun terakhir?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Negara*** Keterangan Kasus Investigasi/Penyelidikan/Penyidikan/Penuntutan
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila proses investigasi masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana perusahaan terlibat investigasi


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
3) Apakah Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah atau sedang
terlibat sengketa dengan PLN dan/atau afiliasi PLN? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat Nama

Perusahaan Keterangan Sengketa
Mulai Selesai** ***

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila proses sengk eta masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
*** Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tulis tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan PLN

4) Apakah Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat dalam kasus perselisihan usaha
dan/atau hubungan industrial usaha dengan pihak ketiga dalam 10 tahun terakhir?
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Negara*** Keterangan Perselisihan Usaha
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila perselisihan masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana perusahaan terlibat perselisihan


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
5) Apakah personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat
kasus hukum pidana (termasuk tindak pidana Penggelapan, Penipuan, Korupsi dan Pencucian Uang) ?
dalam 10 tahun terakhir? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Nama No. ID Nama
Posisi Negara*** Hukum Pidana
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan*
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila k asus atau proses pengadilan masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana pegawai perusahaan terlibat k asus

6) Apakah personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat
investigasi/penyelidikan/penyidikan/penuntutan (contoh: oleh KPK, Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, Auditor
Independen, BPK, BPKP, atau regulator lainnya) dalam 10 tahun terakhir? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Nama No. ID Nama Keterangan Kasus
Posisi Negara***
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan* Investigasi/Penyelidikan/Penyidikan/Penuntutan
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila proses investigasi masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana pegawai perusahaan terlibat investigasi


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
7) Apakah Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Owner ) selain Personel Kunci di Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat kasus
hukum pidana (termasuk tindak pidana Penggelapan, Penipuan, Korupsi dan Pencucian Uang) dalam 10 tahun
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Nama No. ID Nama
Posisi Negara*** Hukum Pidana
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan*
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila k asus atau proses pengadilan masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana pegawai perusahaan terlibat k asus

8) Apakah Subkontraktor di Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat kasus hukum pidana (termasuk tindak pidana
Penggelapan, Penipuan, Korupsi dan Pencucian Uang) dalam 10 tahun terakhir?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Nama Periode Terlibat

Perusahaan/ Negara*** Keterangan mengenai keterlibatan dalam kasus hukum pidana
Perorangan Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan/nama personel k unci perusahaan beserta nama perusahaan/subk ontrak tor
**Apabila k asus atau proses pengadilan masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana perusahaan terlibat k asus


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
9) Apakah Pihak Ketiga/Agen di Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat kasus hukum pidana (termasuk tindak pidana
Penggelapan, Penipuan, Korupsi dan Pencucian Uang) dalam 10 tahun terakhir?
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Nama Periode Terlibat

Perusahaan/ Negara*** Keterangan mengenai keterlibatan dalam kasus hukum pidana
Perorangan Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan/nama personel k unci perusahaan beserta nama perusahaan/agen perorangan
**Apabila k asus atau proses pengadilan masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana perusahaan terlibat k asus

10) Apakah personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda pernah terlibat
perselisihan usaha dalam 10 tahun terakhir? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Periode Terlibat
Nama No. ID Nama
Posisi Negara*** Keterangan Perselisihan Usaha
Pegaw ai (KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan*
Mulai Selesai**

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Apabila perselisihan usaha masih berjalan, isi dengan "-"
***Negara dimana pegawai perusahaan terlibat perselisihan usaha

11) Apakah Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda teridentifikasi masuk dalam
kategori Black list pada suatu asosiasi, lembaga atau perusahaan? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Tahun Identifikasi
Nama Perusahaan* Keterangan terkait Blacklist **
Mulai Selesai***

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Mohon tulis k eterangan: pihak yang mengeluark an Blacklist, k egiatan yang di black list, dan
***Apabila perusahaan masih masuk dalam k ategori Black list, isi dengan "-"


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
12) Apakah personel kunci di Perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi Perusahaan Anda teridentifikasi masuk
dalam kategori Black list pada suatu asosiasi, lembaga atau perusahaan? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan dengan secara rinci:

Nama Periode Menjabat Tahun Identifikasi

No. ID Nama
Pegaw ai Keterangan terkait Blacklist **
(KTP/Paspor) Perusahaan*
Anda Mulai Selesai Mulai Selesai***

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan Perusahaan Anda
**Mohon tulis k eterangan: pihak yang mengeluark an Blacklist, k egiatan yang di blacklist, dan
***Apabila perusahaan masih masuk dalam k ategori Blacklist, isi dengan "-"


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
E. Keterlibatan dengan Sanctioned Country
Referensi daftar negara yang terkena sanksi ekonomi/perdagangan dapat dilihat di:

1) Apakah perusahaan Anda dan/atau relasi perusahaan Anda didirikan, terdaftar, dan/atau beroperasi di negara-
negara yang tercatat sebagai negara yang terkena sanksi ekonomi/perdagangan?

□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, tuliskan detail:

Nama Perusahaan* Negara

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan perusahaan Anda

2) Dalam struktur kepemilikan perusahaan Anda dan relasi perusahaan Anda, adakah perusahaan atau individu
yang memiliki saham majoritas, dimana perusahaan atau individu tersebut didirikan, terdaftar, beroperasi, atau
memiliki kewarganegaraan di negara-negara yang tercatat sebagai negara yang terkena sanksi ekonomi/
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, tuliskan detail:

Nama Individu atau Didirikan/ Negara Presentase Kepemilikan

No. ID (Paspor)*
Perusahaan Terdaftar/Beroperasi/ (%)

*Isi apabila pemilik adalah individu

3) Apakah terdapat personel kunci selain pemegang saham di perusahaan Anda yang berkewarganegaraan di
negara-negara yang tercatat sebagai negara yang terkena sanksi ekonomi/perdagangan?
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, tuliskan detail:

Nama Pegawai Kewarganegaraan No. ID (Paspor) Posisi Nama Perusahaan*

*Mohon tulis nama perusahaan, dan tipe afiliasi perusahaan dengan perusahaan Anda


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
4) Apakah perusahaan Anda berencana menggunakan sub-kontraktor (individu/perusahaan) yang didirikan,
terdaftar, beroperasi, atau berkewarganegaraan di negara-negara yang tercatat sebagai negara yang terkena
sanksi ekonomi/perdagangan?
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, tuliskan detail:

Didirikan/ Hubungan perusahaan

Nama Individu atau
No. ID (Paspor)* Terdaftar/Beroperasi/ Anda dengan sub-
Kewarganegaraan Negara kontraktor

*Isi apabila pemilik adalah individu


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
F. Informasi Keuangan dan Pembayaran

1) Mohon lengkapi rincian dibawah ini:

Dari Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif dalam jutaan IDR:

20X1 20X2 20X3

Pendapatan/Penjualan Bersih
Pendapatan Kotor/Laba Bruto
Gross Profit
Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan
Operating Income
Pendapatan Lain-lain
Non-operating Income
Biaya Lain-lain
Non-operating Expenses
Laba Bersih Setelah Pajak
Net Income after Taxes

Dari Laporan Posisi Keuangan dalam jutaan IDR:

20X1 20X2 20X3

Total Aset Lancar
Total Current Assets
Piutang Bersih
Net Receivables
Total Aset
Total Assets
Total Liabilitas Lancar
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilitas
Total Liabilities
Total Ekuitas Pemegang Saham
Total Shareholder's Equity

Dari Laporan Arus Kas dalam jutaan IDR:

20X1 20X2 20X3

Arus Kas Operasional
Net Operating Cash Flow

*Mohon lampirkan salinan dari tiga tahun terakhir laporan keuangan yang diaudit.


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
2) Mohon tuliskan informasi mengenai Akuntan Publik (AP) dan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) yang mengaudit
laporan keuangan Perusahaan Anda:

Nama dan No Registrasi AP Nama dan No Ijin KAP Alamat dan No Kontak Tahun Laporan Keuangan Opini Audit

3) Apakah pembayaran ditujukan ke rekening bank atas nama Perusahaan Anda?

□ Ya □ Tidak
Jika jawaban Anda "Ya", sebutkan Bank dan nomor rekening:
Jika jawaban Anda "Tidak" sebutkan:
Rekening atas nama:
Hubungan pemilik rekening dengan Perusahaan Anda:

4) Apakah pembayaran ditujukan ke rekening bank dalam yurisdiksi yang sama dengan tempat
Perusahaan Anda terdaftar atau beroperasi, atau tempat pekerjaan dilaksanakan?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila tidak, mohon tuliskan alasan:

5) Apakah Perusahaan Anda pernah mengalami kepailitan dalam 10 tahun terakhir? □ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon tuliskan secara rinci (termasuk tahun kejadian, alasan pailit,dan tindak lanjutnya):

6) Apakah Perusahaan Anda memiliki daftar/akun pemberian hadiah, jamuan, sponsorship , donasi dan biaya
□ Ya □ Tidak
Bila ya, mohon isi informasi berikut ini:

No. Akun Deskripsi Akun

*Mohon lampirkan daftar/akun tersebut (informasi rahasia seperti jumlah dan nama dapat diburamkan)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran
G. Etika Bisnis
1) Apakah Perusahaan Anda diwajibkan untuk mematuhi United Kingdom Bribery Act (UK BA) dan / atau United
States Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (US FCPA)?
□ Ya □ Tidak

2) Apakah Perusahaan Anda mengetahui keberadaan dan bersedia mematuhi peraturan terkait
Anti-Korupsi termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada:
a) Undang Undang Republik Indonesia No 31 Tahun 1999
jo. Undang Undang No 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi
b) Undang Undang Republik Indonesia No 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan
Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang ?
□ Ya □ Tidak

3) Apakah Perusahaan Anda memahami dan bersedia mematuhi peraturan yang dimiliki dan berlaku
di PLN termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada:
a) Pedoman Perilaku (Code of Conduct)
b) Pedoman Gratifikasi, Penolakan, Penerimaan, Pemberian Hadiah/
Cinderamata dan Hiburan (Entertainment )
c) Pedoman Konflik Kepentingan (Conflict of Interest )
d) Pedoman anti penyuapan
e) Pedoman anti kecurangan ?
□ Ya □ Tidak

Keterangan: dokumen pada butir a - e dapat diakses pada link berikut:

4) Apakah Perusahaan Anda bersedia mengomunikasikan dan mendokumentasikan hasil komunikasi kepada
sub-kontraktor Perusahaan Anda yang digunakan dalam pekerjaan dengan PLN terkait peraturan yang berlaku di
PLN termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada:
a) Pedoman Perilaku (Code of Conduct)
b) Pedoman Gratifikasi, Penolakan, Penerimaan, Pemberian Hadiah/
Cinderamata dan Hiburan (Entertainment )
c) Pedoman Konflik Kepentingan (Conflict of Interest )
d) Pedoman anti penyuapan
e) Pedoman anti kecurangan
□ Ya □ Tidak

Keterangan: dokumen a - e dapat diakses pada link berikut:

5) Apakah Perusahaan Anda memiliki unit yang menjalankan Fungsi Kepatuhan?

□ Ya □ Tidak

Bila ya, mohon lampirkan struktur organisasi Fungsi Kepatuhan dan Uraian Jabatan

6) Apakah Perusahaan Anda memiliki Kebijakan/Ketentuan/Pedoman mengenai Anti Penyuapan? bila ya,
mohon lampirkan □ Ya □ Tidak

7) Apakah Perusahaan Anda memiliki Kebijakan/Ketentuan/Pedoman perilaku dan atau etika bisnis? bila ya,
mohon lampirkan □ Ya □ Tidak


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


Tanggal: __________________
No. Tender.: _________________

Kepada: ________________________

Dengan ini,

Kami___________________,sebagai produsen resmi [diisi peralatan utama OHL

dan/atau GI AIS dan/atau GI GIS] ____________________,memiliki pabrik yang berlokasi
di _____________________, dengan ini memberikan wewenang kepada
_____________________ untuk mengajukan penawaran pada pelelangan dari barang
_______ yang dipabrikasi oleh kami_______________________.

Dengan ini kami menjamin/menggaransi penuh sesuai dengan ketentuan kontrak,

sehubungan dengan barang yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan tersebut atas.

Tanda Tangan: _______________________________________

Nama: ______________________________________


Yang berwenang untuk menandatangani atas nama:

______________________________(diisi dengan nama Pabrikan)

Tanggal ____________ Hari __________________, _______


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


DOKUMEN TENDER/RKS No. ___________________



*) Dokumen pertanyaan dapat disampaikan satu hari sebelum rapat penjelasan atau dapat
ditentukan oleh Pejabat Pelaksana Pengadaan.


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

18. PENYESUAIAN HARGA (Bila diberlakukan)

Perhitungan Penyesuaian Harga adalah sebagai berikut (apabila diberlakukan sesuai

dengan SSUK 31).

a. Rumusan penyesuaian harga satuan:

Hn = Ho (a + b.Bn/Bo + c.Cn/Co + d.Dn/Do + ………)
Keterangan :
Hn = Harga satuan barang/jasa pada saat pekerjaan dilaksanakan (setelah
bulan ke-12)
Ho = Harga satuan barang/jasa pada saat penyusunan harga penawaran (28
hari sebelum batas akhir pemasukan penawaran).
a = Koefisien tetap yang terdiri keuntungan dan overhead.
Dalam hal penawaran tidak mencantumkan besaran komponen
keuntungan dan overhead, maka a adalah 0,15.
b, c, d = Koefisien komponen Perjanjian/Kontrak seperti tenaga kerja, bahan, alat
kerja dan sebagainya.
Penjumlahan a+b+c+d+…. dst. adalah 1,00

Bn, Cn, Dn = Indeks harga komponen pada saat pekerjaan dilaksanakan pada
bulan ke-12+n
Bo, Co, Do = Indeks harga komponen pada saat penyusunan harga penawaran
(28 hari sebelum batas akhir pemasukanpenawaran).
Catatan :
 Untuk penyesuaian harga dalam mata uang rupiah, maka indeks harga yang
digunakan bersumber dari penerbitan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Jika indeks
harga tidak dimuat dalam penerbitan BPS, maka digunakan indeks harga yang
disiapkan oleh instansi yang berwenang.
 Untuk penyesuaian harga dalam mata uang asing, maka indeks harga yang
digunakan bersumber dari indeks harga asal Negara barang.
 Penetapan koefisien komponen Perjanjian/Kontrak pekerjaan dilakukan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

b. Rumusan penyesuaian nilai Perjanjian/Kontrak :

Pn = (Hn1 x V1) + (Hn2 x V2) + (Hn3 x V3) + ....dst
Keterangan :
Pn = Nilai Perjanjian/Kontrak setelah dilakukan penyesuaian harga satuan
Hn = Harga satuan baru setelah dilakukan penyesuaian harga menggunakan
rumusan penyesuaian satuan harga.
V1 = Volume pada saat pekerjaan dilaksanakan

Calon Peserta Tender harus menuliskan berupa tanggal pengambilan sumber data baik
untuk tenaga kerja maupun material yang digunakan pada saat pemasukan penawaran:

Item Sumber Indeks yang digunakan Tanggal Indeks

[diisi dengan nama [diisi dengan BPS/Non.BPS]

.......... ............. .................

............ ............. ..............


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

Catatan :Tanggal acuan yang digunakan adalah 28 hari sebelum tanggal penutupan


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran





___________ [number] ___________ [nomor]

___________ [places & dated] ___________ [tempat &tanggal]

To: Kepada:
PT PLN (Persero) PT PLN (Persero)
______________ [address] ______________ [alamat]

Whereas PT Bank ___________ PT Bank ___________ [nama bank]

[name of bank] domiciled in and having berkedudukan di ___________
its address at ___________ [address] [alamat], (untuk selanjutnya disebut
(hereinafter referred to as the “Bank“), “Bank”), dengan ini menjamin tanpa
hereby irrevocably guarantee dapat ditarik kembali ___________
___________ [name of applicant] [nama badan usaha penyedia
having a registered address at barang/jasa] beralamat di
___________ [address] (hereinafter ___________ (untuk selanjutnya
refer as the “Principal“) for the favour disebut “Terjamin”) terhadap PT PLN
of PT PLN (Persero) having a (Persero) beralamat di ___________
registered office at ___________ (untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai
(hereinafter refer as the “Beneficiary” “Penerima Jaminan”), untuk
to make a payment of amount up to membayar sejumlah uang sebesar
___________ (say: ___________ ) if ___________ (terbilang:
the Principal has failed and/or ___________ ) apabila Terjamin
neglected to perform its obligation, melakukan tindakan dan/atau gagal
including if Principal does not follow the untuk melakukan tindakan termasuk
procurement process and/or does not apabila Terjamin tidak mengikuti
sign/enter into contracts/agreements proses pengadaan dan/atau tidak
or fulfill other provisions as specified in menandatangani/memasuki
the Bid Document ___________ no kontrak/perjanjian atau memenuhi
___________ date ___________ [Bid ketentuan lainnya sebagaimana
Document] (“Bid Document”) for the ditentukan dalam Dokumen
Project of ___________ [name of Pengadaan ___________ no
Project], including but not limited to the ___________ tanggal ___________
Principal failure to maintain the validity [Dokumen Pengadaan] (“Dokumen
period of this Bank Guarantee in Pengadaan”) untuk ___________
accordance with the Bid Document [nama proyek], termasuk namun tidak
and/or request of the Beneficiary. terbatas pada kegagalan Terjamin
untuk memelihara masa berlaku Bank
Garansi ini sesuai Dokumen
Pengadaan dan/atau permintaan
Penerima Jaminan.


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

This Bank Guarantee is issued with the Bank Garansi ini dikeluarkan dengan
following provisions: ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. This Bank Guarantee shall be 1. Bank Garansi ini berlaku efektif
effective on and as of the date of sejak tanggal ___________ dan
___________ until ___________ akan berakhir pada tanggal
[maturity date]. ___________ [tanggal jatuh
2. The payment of Bank Guarantee 2. Pembayaran atas Bank Garansi ini
shall be made without require dilakukan tanpa perlu mendapat
Principal approval upon our receipt persetujuan Terjamin setelah
of Beneficiary’s first written adanya surat permintaan
demand stating that the Principal pencairan Bank Garansi dari
has failed to fulfill its obligation Penerima Jaminan kepada Bank
under the Contract and the amount yang menyatakan bahwa Terjamin
to be paid to Beneficiary by wanprestasi/gagal memenuhi
attaching of the original of this kewajibannya berdasarkan
Bank Guarantee. Kontrak dan jumlah yang harus
dibayarkan kepada Penerima
Jaminan beserta asli Bank Garansi
3. The deadline for submission and 3. Batas waktu pengajuan dan
receipt of any claim on this Bank penerimaan tuntutan
Guarantee by Beneficiary to the penagihan/klaim atas Bank
Bank shall be made in writing, not Garansi ini adalah selambat-
later than 30 (thirty) calendar days lambatnya 30 (tiga puluh) hari
from the date of maturity of this kalender sejak tanggal jatuh tempo
Bank Guarantee, provided that if Bank Garansi ini, dengan
the date falls on a holiday or a day ketentuan apabila tanggal tersebut
on which banking institutions are jatuh pada hari libur atau di luar
permitted to be closed, then the hari kerja Bank, maka pengajuan
submission shall be made no later dilakukan selambat-lambatnya
than one working day thereafter. pada satu hari kerja Bank
4. The Bank shall be firmly bound 4. Bank akan membayar kepada
unto the Beneficiary for the Penerima Jaminan untuk jumlah
payment in the amount as mention tersebut di atas seketika selambat-
above not later than 15 (fifteen) lambatnya 15 (lima belas) hari
calendar days after receipt of kalender setelah diterimanya surat
Beneficiary’s first written demand permintaan pencairan Bank
and the original of Bank Guarantee Garansi dan Asli Bank Garansi dari
to the Bank. Penerima Jaminan kepada Bank.
5. With reference to Article 1832 of 5. Dengan mengacu pada Pasal 1832
Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum
Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata), Perdata, Bank dengan ini
the Bank hereby relinquish/waives melepaskan hak-hak istimewanya
its privileges/rights granted by law yang diberikan oleh undang-
to claim/demand on asset undang sebagaimana dimaksud
belonging to the Principal and/or dalam Pasal 1831 Kitab Undang-
bound as collateral be confiscated, Undang Hukum Perdata untuk
seized or sold in advance for the menuntut supaya benda-benda
discharge of Principal debts as milik Terjamin dan/atau yang diikat
stipulated under Article 1831 of sebagai jaminan lebih dahulu disita
Indonesian Civil Code. dan dijual untuk melunasi hutang

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

6. The payment of Bank Guarantee 6. Pembayaran atas klaim/tuntutan

claims/demands is absolute and pencairan adalah mutlak dan tanpa
unconditional even though there is syarat (unconditional) meskipun
a demand, request or objection ada tuntutan, permintaan atau
from the Principal or any other keberatan dari Terjamin atau pihak
party whatsoever. manapun.
7. The payment of Bank Guarantee 7. Pembayaran atas klaim/tuntutan
claims/demands will be made to pencairan Bank Garansi akan
the account designated by the dilakukan ke rekening Bank yang
Beneficiary, free and clear of, ditunjuk oleh Penerima Jaminan,
without any reduction for any bebas dan bersih serta tanpa
reason, either present or future, of pengurangan dengan alasan
all taxes, levies, fees or apapun, baik yang berlaku pada
withholdings whatsoever, imposed saat ini atau kemudian, dari semua
or collected with respect thereto. pajak, pungutan, biaya atau
pemotongan apapun, yang
dibebankan atau dipotong
sehubungan dengan hal-hal
8. This Bank Guarantee is non- 8. Bank Garansi ini tidak dapat
transferable and/or cannot be dipindahtangankan dan/atau
pledged to another party. dijaminkan kepada pihak lain (non-
9. This Bank Guarantee can’t be 9. Bank Garansi ini tidak dapat
amended, modified or supplement diubah kecuali perubahan tersebut
unless such amendment, disetujui oleh Penerima Jaminan
modification or supplemented has melalui surat tertulis atau secara
been approved by Beneficiary in tegas dimintakan oleh Penerima
written or as expressly required by Jaminan kepada Terjamin.
Beneficiary to Applicant.
10. This Bank Guarantee shall be 10. Bank Garansi ini diatur oleh dan
governed by and construed in ditafsirkan berdasarkan peraturan
accordance with laws and perundang-undangan yang
regulations applicable in Indonesia. berlaku di Indonesia.
11. For the purpose of this Bank 11. Untuk tujuan Bank Garansi ini dan
Guarantee issuance and any segala akibat hukumnya, Bank
consequences thereof, Bank memilih domisili yang tetap di
chooses the Court of ___________ Kantor Panitera Pengadilan Negeri
[domicile of court] as general and di __________ [domisili
permanent domicile. pengadilan].
12. This Bank Guarantee has been 12. Bank Garansi ini dibuat dalam
executed in both Bahasa lndonesia Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa
and English. The two versions of Inggris. Dua versi dari Bank
this Bank Guarantee shall not be Garansi ini tidak dapat ditafsirkan
construed as separate documents sebagai dokumen terpisah, dan
and, when taken together, shall ketika ditandatangani bersama,
constitute one and the same harus dianggap satu dan
instrument. In the event any conflict merupakan instrumen yang sama.
or differentiation between English Dalam hal terdapat konflik atau
and Bahasa Indonesia occurs, then ketidaksesuaian antara versi
Bahasa Indonesia version will be Bahasa Inggris dan versi Bahasa
applied. Indonesia atas Bank Garansi ini,
maka versi Bahasa Indonesia akan

Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

This Bank Guarantee is issued by duly Demikian Bank Garansi ini diterbitkan
authorized officers on the date oleh yang berwenang pada tanggal
___________ and to be used by ___________ untuk dapat
properly interested party. dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya
dan oleh yang berkepentingan.

___________ [places/tempat], ___________ [dated/tanggal]

PT ___________ [name of bank/nama bank]

[Bank Stamp/Cap Bank]

___________ [authorized signatory/tandatangan pejabat yang berwenang]


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran



Nomor :..................................

Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : ................................................................................
Jabatan : Direktur Utama/Direktur PT...................................
Dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan berdasarkan Akta Notaris
perubahannya yang berkedudukan di
Alamat : ................................................................................
yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai Pemberi Kuasa.

Memberi kuasa kepada :

Nama : ................................................................................
Jabatan : ................................................................................
Yang diangkat berdasarkan Akta Notaris ............................di....................No...................
tanggal .........................beserta perubahannya yang berkedudukan di.......................
Alamat : ...............................................................................
yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai Penerima Kuasa.

Untuk dan atas nama Pemberi Kuasa diberi wewenang untuk menyerahkan dokumen
tender dan menghadiri pembukaan lelang untuk paket pekerjaan :

Surat kuasa ini tidak dapat dilimpahkan lagi kepada orang lain.
Demikian Surat Kuasa ini dibuat dengan sesungguhnya, untuk bisa digunakan

_______________, ________________ 20__

Penerima Kuasa Pemberi Kuasa

tandatangn, cap

.................................... ................................
(nama dan jabatan) (nama dan jabatan)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran




Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : ................................................................................
Jabatan : Direktur Utama/Direktur PT...................................
Dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan berdasarkan Akta Notaris
perubahannya yang berkedudukan di
Alamat : ................................................................................

Dengan ini menjamin hasil pekerjaan adalah sesuai dengan :

Dokumen Tender Nomor : ............................................................................................

Tanggal : ............................................................................................
Untuk : PT PLN (Persero). ..........................................................
Jl. ..........................................................

Masa Jaminan : .................. [masa garansi] bulan sejak dioperasikan atau selama
maksimum ....... [masa garansi maksimum] bulan sejak serah terima Pekerjaan (BA.STP)
(mana yang lebih dahulu tercapai) atau sesuai dengan ketentuan pada spesifikasi teknik
masing-masing peralatan.

Apabila dalam masa jaminan terjadi kerusakan kecuali akibat keadaan kahar (force
majeure), maka kami bersedia memperbaiki atau mengganti barang tersebut dengan yang
Segala biaya yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki atau mengganti barang tersebut adalah
menjadi beban dan tangung jawab kami.
Demikian Surat Pernyataan Jaminan Kualitas Barang dan Garansi ini kami buat dengan
penuh rasa tanggung jawab.

.................................., .......................20.....

PT. .............................................

. cap

(nama dan jabatan)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran




Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : ................................................................................
Jabatan : Direktur Utama/Direktur PT...................................
Dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahaan berdasarkan Akta Notaris
erta perubahannya yang berkedudukan di.................................... (alamat perusahaan).

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa :

1. Segala dokumen yang kami sampaikan adalah benar.

2. Apabila dikemudian hari, ditemui bahwa dokumen-dokumen yang telah kami
sampaikan tidak benar dan ada pemalsuan, maka kami bersedia dikenakan sanksi
administrasi yaitu dimasukkan dalam daftar hitam perusahaan dalam jangka waktu
selama 2 (dua) tahun dan sanksi pidana dan perdata sesuai dengan ketentuan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab.

.................................., .......................20.....

PT. ........................................................

(nama dan jabatan)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran



................, ................................ 20…..

Nomor : ...............................................
Lampiran : ......................
Perihal : Surat Keterangan Dukungan Bank

PT PLN (PERSERO) ………………………..
JL. …………………………………


Atas permintaan dari: PT. .......................................................................

Alamat : ..............................................................................

Dengan ini menerangkan bahwa, PT. ................................................... adalah benar

Nasabah kami/Pemegang Rekening Nomor: .......................... sejak tanggal

Keterangan ini kami berikan kepada Saudara atas permintaan yang bersangkutan untuk
keperluan: Mengikuti Pelelangan pekerjaan .......................................................................

Sesuai dengan Dokumen Tender Nomor: ......................... tanggal ............................

Sepanjang menurut penilaian kami proyek tersebut layak dan memenuhi ketentuan yang
berlaku di Bank kami, maka kami dapat memberikan fasilitas kredit sampai dengan
Rp......................................... (terbilang: …........................................................................)
untuk pembiayaan proyek.

Surat Keterangan Bank ini bukan merupakan jaminan dan hanya berlaku untuk keperluan
tersebut diatas.

Demikian harap menjadi maklum.

PT. BANK ......................................

Kantor ...........................................

nama ...


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran





Perjanjian Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO)/Konsorsium *) ini ditandatangani pada

tanggal...................................... 20..., di ..............................., oleh dan antara:

……………….…..............……………….…......……...............(nama penyedia barang/jasa 1)

……………….…….............…………….…….....…................ (nama penyedia barang/jasa 2)
……………….……...........……………….…..…......................(nama penyedia barang/jasa 3)

............................(nama penyedia barang/jasa 1) adalah perusahaan yang didirikan
berdasarkan hukum di ...................., bergerak dalam bidang ............................
............................(nama penyedia barang/jasa 2) adalah perusahaan yang didirikan
berdasarkan hukum di ...................., bergerak dalam bidang ............................
............................(nama penyedia barang/jasa 3) adalah perusahaan yang didirikan
berdasarkan hukum di ...................., bergerak dalam bidang ............................


1. Secara bersama-sama:
a. membentuk Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO)/Konsorsium *) dalam rangka mengikuti
Tender Pekerjaan ...........................................(nama paket pekerjaan) yang
dilaksanakan oleh PT PLN (Persero) sebagai Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan
pelaksanaan kontrak apabila ditunjuk sebagai pemenang Tender;
b. menunjuk …………………..………………..................…. (nama penyedia
barang/jasa) sebagai wakil KSO/Konsorsium (leading firm) yang berwenang
mewakili serta bertindak untuk dan atas nama KSO/Konsorsium untuk
menandatangani semua dokumen termasuk dokumen penawaran, dokumen
kontrak dan/atau dokumen lain dalam pelaksanaan kontrak;
c. apabila ditunjuk sebagai pemenang, wajib bertanggung jawab secara bersama-
sama untuk menyelesaikan semua kewajiban sesuai ketentuan dalam kontrak,
bertanggungjawab secara sendiri-sendiri sesuai sharing dan lingkup pekerjaannya;
d. menunjuk Wakil KSO/Konsorsium (leading firm) untuk bertanggungjawab
sepenuhnya atas terjadinya kelalaian salah satu atau lebih anggota
KSO/Konsorsium dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya sesuai sharing dan lingkup

2. Keikutsertaan modal (sharing) setiap perusahaan dalam KSO/Konsorsium adalah:

Penyedia barang/jasa 1 ……...% (……………......................………………….….persen)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

Penyedia barang/jasa 2 ……...% (……………………....….................................persen)

Penyedia barang/jasa 3 ……...% (……………………….….................................persen)
3. Ruang Lingkup pekerjaan setiap perusahaan dalam KSO/Konsorsium adalah:
Penyedia barang/jasa 1 meliputi ……...……………......................………….…...............
Penyedia barang/jasa 2 meliputi ……...……………......................………….…................
Penyedia barang/jasa 3 meliputi ……...……………......................………….…................

4. Pembagian sharing sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 2 dan pembagian lingkup

pekerjaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 3 Perjanjian KSO/Konsorsium ini tidak
akan diubah baik selama masa penawaran maupun sepanjang masa kontrak, kecuali
dengan persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu dari pengguna barang/jasa.
5. Menunjuk …………....................................................................… (nama pejabat dari
wakil KSO/Konsorsium) dalam kedudukannya sebagai direktur utama/direktur
pelaksana ………………………….......… (nama penyedia barang/jas yang ditunjuk
sebagai wakil KSO/Konsorsium) berdasarkan surat kuasa dari masing-masing anggota
KSO/Konsorsium yang diwakilinya sehubungan dengan substansi dan semua
ketentuan dalam semua dokumen yang akan di tandatangani.
6. Perjanjian ini akan berlaku sejak tanggal ditandatangani dan terus berlaku sampai
dengan diselesaikannya seluruh hak dan kewajiban antara KSO/Konsorsiun dan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
7. Dalam hal KSO/Konsorsium tidak ditunjuk sebagai pemenang tender oleh PPerjanjian
ini secara otomatis menjadi batal dan tidak berlaku lagi bila Tender tidak dimenangkan
oleh perusahaan KSO/Konsorsium.
8. Perjanjian ini dibuat dalam rangkap …........ (……..........................) bermaterai cukup
yang masing-masing mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama.

Demikianlah Perjanjian ini ditandatangani dalam .....(isi angka)...... rangkap masing-masing

mempunyai kekuatan Hukum yang sama, setelah dibubuhi Materai yang cukup, pada
tanggal dan tempat sebagaimana disebutkan diawal Perjanjian.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa 1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa 2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa 3

(……………………….) (………………….………) (…………………………)

(materai, tanda tangan dan cap tiap wakil yang diberi kuasa)

Disahkan oleh NOTARIS

( ………………………………..)
(tanda tangan dan cap)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran

*) pilih yang sesuai
Substansi dalam format surat Perjanjian ini adalah peryaratan minimal yang harus ada
dalam Perjanjian KSO/Konsorsium


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran





PROYEK .............................................................


DOKUMEN PENGADAAN NO……………………. …../20…..

TANGGAL : ……………………..

Setiap peserta pengadaan barang/jasa harus menerima perubahan-perubahan terhadap

Dokumen Pengadaan dan memasukkan/mengakomodir dalam penawaran.
Setiap peserta pengadaan barang/jasa harus melampirkan copy Acknowledgement
revisi dokumen ini yang telah ditanda tangani Direktur Utama dalam Dokumen
Penawaran Sampul-1.


Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bersedia menerima Addendum
Dokumen Pengadaan (bila ada) yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari Dokumen
Pengadaan. Perubahan-perubahan yang dituangkan dalam Addendum akan dijadikan
referensi dalam Dokumen Penawaran.


PT. ...............................................

meterai Rp.
tanda tangan,
cap perusahaan

Direktur Utama


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran





Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : ................................................................................
Jabatan : Direktur Utama/Direktur PT...................................
Dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama Perusahaan/Konsorsium …………………….,
berdasarkan Akta Notaris ………………… di …………………… nomor
………………………… Tanggal …………………… beserta perubahannya, yang
berkedudukan di …………………… (Alamat Perusahaan)

Sehubungan dengan :

1. Pekerjaan …………………………………… dengan dokumen tender Nomor :

.……………….……………. tanggal………..…………………. 20....
2. UU RI No 2 Tahun 2017 tentang Jasa kontruksi/Bangunan Pasal 65 ayat 2.

Dengan ini kami menyatakan bertanggungjawab apabila terjadi kegagalan pekerjaan

konstruksi/bangunan selama maksimal 10 tahun terhitung sejak serahterima pekerjaan
kedua (akhir)

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat untuk dapat digunakan sebagaimana mestinya .

.................................., .......................20.....
PT. .......................................................


(nama dan jabatan)


Buku I
Bab IV: Formulir Penawaran


[Tender Satu Tahap Dua Sampul]



Isi dari sampul I dan

sampul II sesuai yang
dipersyaratkan atau
ditentukan di Bab I

Diserahkan sekaligus
dalam satu sampul


Dokumen Penawaran
Pekerjaan : ..............................
Hari/Tanggal : ......../ ...........20.....
Pukul : ........... WIB/ WITA/ WIT

Kepada :
Pejabat Pelaksana Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa .............................
PT PLN (Persero) .....................
Jl. ...............................................








PPN 11%

Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 1 dari 10


( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 = 5 x 6) (8) (9 = 5 x 8) (10) (11 = 5 x 10) (11 = 7 + 9 + 11)

1.1 STEEL STRUCTURES ( according to TPG 1 )

1.1.1 Galvanised steel structure (gantries) to complete the specified scope of work for outdoor switcyard :

2 x 150 kV Line Bay (s)

0 x 150 kV Bus Coupler Bay
0 x 150 kV Transformer Bay (s)
0 x 150 kV Spare Transformer Bay (Future)
0 x 150/20 kV Transformer(s)
Consist of :
a. Post Steel Structure Type P1, high 18 meter Set 4
b. Post Steel Structure Type P2, high 13 meter Set
c. Post Steel Structure Type P3, high 9 meter Set 2
d. Post Steel Structure Type P4, high 14 meter (for transformator shield wire) Set
e. Beam Steel Structure length 14 meter Set 6

1.2 BUSBAR ( according to TPG 8.1 & 8.2 )

1.2.1 Aluminium conductor (TAL/HAL/AAC) of ≥ 2000 Amp/ph for the installation of 3‐ph double main‐busbar to
Bays 2
complete the specified scope of work
1.2.3 Set of clamps, connectors and accessories for installation of the main busbar as specified Bays 2
1.2.4 Set of conductor for shield wire and accessories for installation of the main Busbar as specified
(GSW 75) Bays 2

1.3 INSULATOR ( according to TPG 7.1 )

1.3.1 150 kV double tension string insulator set complete with fittings for installation of the main busbar as
specified. Set 12

1.3.2 150 kV Single suspension string insulator set complete with fittings for installation of the main busbar
as specified. Set 6

1.4 EARTHING SYSTEM ( according to TPG 16 )

Copper strip or flexible conductors of the cross section specified minimal 150 mm2, installed so as to
form a 50 kA grid system (main grid system/earthing grid) laid directly in the ground enclosing to
complete the scope of work for substation earthing grid and earthing circuit required such as copper
1.4.1 Ls 1
conductors, rods, clamps and connectors for connection to main substation earthing circuit and to
individual item of equipment, fence and structures, all electrodes for surge arresters, and PLC
equipment for direct earthing including connection to main grid system .

Copper strip or flexible conductors of the cross section specified minimal 150 mm2, installed so as to
1.4.2 form a grid system (groundingh grid) laid directly in the 150 kV control building and 20 kV cell building Ls -
complete with all electrodes, clamps and connectors for connection to main substation earthing.

Copper strip or flexible conductors of the cross section specified minimal 2 x 150 mm2 to connect
1.4.3 Ls 1 Include 1.4.1
metalclad parts of all equipment and structures to main grid system (earthing grid).
Copper strip or flexible conductors of the cross section specified to connect metalclad parts of all Panel
1.4.3 Ls 1 Include 1.4.1
to main grid system (Earthing Control Buildiing).
2 150 kV LINE BAY : 2 BAYS

2.1 CONDUCTOR ( according to TPG 8.1 & 8.2 )

2.1.1 Aluminium conductor (HAL/TAL/AAC) of ≥ 2000 Amp/ph for 3‐phase fly bus and conductor of line bay
Bay 2

2.1.2 Set of clamps, connectors and accessories for installation of the line bay as specified
Bay 2

2.1.3 Set of conductor for shield wire and accessories for installation of the Flybus as specified (GSW 75)
Bay 2

2.2 INSULATOR ( according to TPG 7.1 & 7.2 )

2.2.1 150 kV single tension string insulator set complete with fittings for installation of the line bay as
Set 12
2.2.2 150 kV double tension string insulator set complete with fittings for installation of the line bay as
specified (Optional ) Set -

2.2.3 150 kV single suspension string insulator set complete with fittings for installation of the line bay as
specified. Set 6

2.2.4 150 kV post insulator complete with clamps and supporting structure for dropper to bus disconnector
Set -
(Optional )
2.3 DISCONNECTOR SWITCH ( according to TPG 3.1 & 3.2 )

Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 2 dari 10


( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 = 5 x 6) (8) (9 = 5 x 8) (10) (11 = 5 x 10) (11 = 7 + 9 + 11)
2.3.1 150 kV 3 Phase Disconnecting switch motor operated ≥ (40 or 50) kA, ≥ 2000 A without earthing switch
complete with clamps and supporting structure for Line Bay. Set 4

2.3.2 150 kV 3 Phase Disconnecting switch motor operated ≥ (40 or 50) kA, ≥ 2000 A with earthing switch
complete with clamps and supporting structure for Line Bay. Set 2

2.4 CIRCUIT BREAKER ( according to TPG 2.2 or 2.3 )

2.4.1 150 kV 3 Phase SF6 Circuit Breaker 40 or 50 kA , ≥ 2000 A rms complete with clamps and
supporting structure for line bay Set 2

2.4.2 150 kV 3 Phase SF6 Circuit Breaker 40 or 50 kA , ≥ 3150 A rms complete with clamps and
supporting structure for line bay (Optional ) Set -

2.5 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ( according to TPG 4.4 )

2.5.1 150 kV Current transformer ≥ 1200 A for line bay complete with clamps and supporting structure
comprising: Unit 6

Note: For new substation prefferable to choose secondary ratio 1 Ampere and accuracy class 0.2S used for tariff


2.6.1 150kV Capacitor Voltage Transformer with 2 secondary winding, ratio 150kV/√3 ; 100V/√3 , Burden
30 VA ( for protection and instrument and metering), CL 0.2, rated capacitance 4000 up to 10000 pF, Unit 6
complete with clamps, supporting structure.

2.7 LIGHTNING ARRESTER ( according to TPG 6 )

2.7.1 150 kV Lightning arrester, SH Type complete with supporting structure, clamp, surge counter and leakage
Unit 6

2.8 PROTECTION & CONTROL CUBICLE ( according to TPG 24 )

2.8.1 Protection & Control Panel for Line Feeder Bay (OHL) Comprising : Set 2 Ethernet Switch for Inter-bay system .
IED Main Line Protection - MPU (Autorecloser, Synchrocheck, etc.).

- For short or medium or long length transmission line using Line Current Differential +
Teleprotection Distance and DEF IED Backup Protection - BPU (Over Current, Earth Fault, Circuit Breaker Failure, etc). IED Bay Control (BCU) Bay Control Mimic (BCM) Miscellaneous equipment, local mimic, test block, rack cabinet, optical cables and cord,
control cables, clamps, connectors, connection to individual item of equipment, terminals,
auxiliary relay, interior lamp, heater,.. etc to complete the scope of works.
2.8.2 Equipment to be supplied and installed at SANDAI substation :
IED Main Line Protection - MPU (Line Current Differential +Teleprotection Distance and DEF,
Autorecloser, Synchrocheck, etc.) including required accesories for proper instalation at remote Set 2
substation (for short/medium/long OHL)
Integrasi for IED MPU and 100% compatible with existings SAS Set 2 Include Pemasangan
Integration of new Bay to SAS existing (new shall be integrated and 100% compatible with
Bay 2 Include Pemasangan
existings SAS, including mapping HMI, mapping gateway to RCC)
Integrasion 2 Line Bay to Busbar Protection Existing Ls 1 Include Pemasangan

2.9 MARSHALLING KIOSK FOR LINE BAY (According to TPG 28) Set 2

THE SPECIFIED SCOPE OF WORK (According to TPG 15.1 & 15.2)





Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 3 dari 10


( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 = 5 x 6) (8) (9 = 5 x 8) (10) (11 = 5 x 10) (11 = 7 + 9 + 11)

Energy Meter For Monitoring Power In and Out on the OHL .
5,1 Set 1
- Line Bay : 2 Unit
Energy Meter For Monitoring Power Out On The Interbus Transformer.
5,2 - Transformer Bay : - Set -

5,3 Ethernet Switch For Inter Energy Meter and connection to WAN Set 1 Include 5.1
Including miscellaneous equipment and material, rack cabinet, cables, clamps, connections, compression
5,4 terminal, connection to individual items of equipment, test terminal, auxiliary relay, interior lamp, heater……. Ls 1 Include 5.1
Etc, to complete the scope of works.


6 FAULT AND EVENT RECORDER PANEL FOR 150 kV BAYS (according to TPG 25.A, 25.B, & 25.C)






(refer to SAS network drawing) ( according to TPG 9 )


(for SAS and CCTV) Minimum 10 kVA (Capacity subject to calculation result) .including metering voltage and current, standing Set -
rack, etc (according to TPG.10.G). UPS Consist of:







14,1 Jasa Pengawasan K3 Ls 1 Include Pengadaan Include Pengadaan

(Min. 3 Tenaga Ahli : 1 Kepala Tenaga Ahli sebagai AK3U dan 2 Staf Tenaga Ahli sebagai Inspektor K3 )
14,2 Minimal Peralatan K3 (APD), Rambu-rambu K3, dan P3K untuk :
1 Pekerjaan Elektromekanik dan Komisioning : Ls 1 Include Pengadaan Include Pengadaan

- Helm Safety (25 pcs)

- Full Body Hardness (5 pcs)
- Sarung Tangan (25 pcs)
- Sepatu Safety (25 pcs)
- Rompi Safety (25 pcs)
- Rambu K3 : Line Safety, tanda peringatan (4 set)
- P3K (2 set)

Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 4 dari 10


( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. ) ( Rp. )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 = 5 x 6) (8) (9 = 5 x 8) (10) (11 = 5 x 10) (11 = 7 + 9 + 11)


Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 5 dari 10



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 =4x5)
I Preparatory work for Control Building , MV Cell and Switchyard
I.1 Temporary Fence with Corrugated zinc 2 m height m' 212
I.2 Plank name Project (temporary) Ls 1
I.3 Site Clearing m 2409
I.4 Dewatering Ls 1
I.5 Setting Survey and Installation of Setting plan incl BM stake Ls 1
I.6 Site Office (4m x 8m) m 32
I.7 Site Storage ( 3m x 10 m) m2 30
I.8 Soil Investigation for control building and switchyard :
I.8.1 - Sondir point 2
I.8.2 - Boring and Test Lab. point 1
I.8.3 - Soil Investigation Report sets 3
I.9 Water and electricity supply Ls 1
Design (calculation, collecting data, detail design and drawing must be
I.10 Ls 0
economical design)
I.11 Exit permit to instansion Pemda .......... (IMB) must be real cost Ls 0
Total Item I

II Site Works
II.1 Earth Work
II.1.1 - Common Excavation (Cutting) m³ 0
II.1.2 - Back fill with selected material and compacted m³ 0
II.1.3 - Import fill with selected material and compacted m³ 805,00
II.1.4 - Bouwplank m' 212
II.1.5 - Soil Disposal m³ 0
II.2 Slope Stability
II.2.1 - Stone masonry m³ 233
II.2.4 - Sodding (Gebalan Rumput) m2 0
II.2.5 - Demolish existing stone masonry m³ 29,7
II.3 Access Road
Asphalt Road
II.3.1 Prepare compacted sub base : Compacted Sand Gravel, 200 mm m2 0
II.3.2 Base Structure : Crushed Stone 3-5 cm, 150 mm m2 0
II.3.3 50 mm Aspalt hot mix m2 0
II.3.4 50 mm Aspalt penetration m2 0
Concrete Road
II.3.5 Prepare compacted subgrade (t=15 cm) m2 100
II.3.6 Lean concrete K100 (t=5 cm) m3 5
II.3.7 Concrete K-250, t = 25 cm m3 25
II.3.8 Plain reinforced steel U 24 or BJTP 24 kg 64,05
II.3.9 Dowel BJTP 24 Kg 244,51
II.3.10 Formwork m2 12,5
II.3.11 Joint Sealing & Joint Filler (4 mm) rms complet 20

II.4 Kerbs (40x20x10x10.5) Concrete K225 m' 45

II.5 Fence complete with accessories and foundation
II.5.1 - BRC 1.20 m height m' 0
II.5.2 - BRC 1.90 m height m' 26
Fabricated concrete 2.40 m height (minimum thickness = 20 cm) and
II.5.3 - m' 0
barbed wire 0.60 m
II.5.4 - Demolish and install existing fence m' 58
II.6 Gate complete with pole, accessories and foundation
II.6.1 - BRC height: 1.20 m , width: 1.20 m unit 0
II.6.2 - Sliding Steel Gate Height : 2.00 m, Width: 6.00 m unit 0
II.6.3 - Swing door Steel Height: 2.00 m width: 1.00 m unit 0
II.7 Landscaping ( planting, garden) m 0
II.8 Gravel (dia 3 - 5 cm); t = 20 cm m2 2409
Cable Duct (K175, BJTD 40 incld concrete cover, galvanized Cable Tray L
50.50.5 and PVC Pipe)
II.9.1 - Cable duct type 1 (Large, Width : 100 cm, Height : 90 cm) m' 29

Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 6 dari 10

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 =4x5)
II.9.2 - Cable duct type 2 (Medium, Width : 80 cm, Height : 70 cm) m' 70
II.9.3 - Cable duct type 3 (Small, Width : 60 cm, Height : 60 cm) m' 40
Cable Duct (Crossing Road), Concrete Reinforcement K225, Concrete
II.9.4 - m' 0
Cover Width : 100 cm. Height : 90 cm
II.10 Open Drainage system ( Concrete Reinforcement K175 , BJTD 40)
II.10.1 - Drainage around Control Building (width: 30 cm, height : 30cm) m' 0
II.10.2 - Secondary drainage (width: 50 cm, height : 50 cm) m' 84
II.10.3 - Primary drainage (width: 80 cm, height : 80 cm) m' 0
II.10.4 - Control Drainage ( 100cm x 100 cm) titik 0
II.11 Sediment Pond ( If Necessary ) m 0
Sub soil Drainage PVC dia 6 (perporated) inc including knee PVC dia 6 inc
II.12 m' 134
to ground reservoir (incl. ground reservoir)
II.13.1 Post security (25 m2) included toilet and rest room unit 0
II.13.2 Fire Resistant Separating Wall Reinforced Concrete m 0
II.14 Loading test ( if necessary ) titik 1
Piling Equipment Mobilization & Demobilization incld for Building (if
II.15 lot 1
necessary )
II.16 Oil Pit
Capacity ….. m3 for 3 bank Transformer 30 MVA include sumersible
II.16.1 - unit 0
Capacity 30 m for 3 bank Transformer 60 MVA include sumersible
II.16.2 - unit 0
II.16.3 - Capacity …….m3 for 3 bank IBT 250 MVA include sumersible pump unit 0

II.16.4 - Capacity …….m for 3 bank IBT 500 MVA include sumersible pump unit 0
II.17 Deep Foundation ( if necessary )
II.17.1 - Driven Pile sq 30 cm x 30 cm (K-450, 8 dia 13) m 1640
II.17.2 - Bored Pile Dia 40 cm m 0
Car Port (6 x 6 meter) complete with floor hardenered and canopy ( Alderon
II.18 Ls 0
Permanent Storage ( 5 x 5m, Complete with steel structure, Corrugated
II.19 Ls 0
galvanized Roof, Brickwall, windows, Door and Foundation)
Plank name of substation ( Permanent ) complete with LED Floodlight 2 x
II.20 Ls 0
10 Watt, Acrylic Font including Installation

III Site and Road Lighting

LED floodlight outdoor 100 watt (with minimal luminious flux 14000) for
switchyard HV equipment complete with fuse box, grounding system
III.1 - unit 4
and installation of cable conduit and wiring and all accessories and
foundation of column

LED road light lamp 200 watt (with minimal luminious flux 20000) for
acces road complete with lighting column 15 m high, fuse box,
III.2 - unit 0
grounding system and installation of cable conduit and wiring and all
accessories and foundation of column

LED road light lamp 130 watt (with minimal luminious flux 14000) for
acces road complete with lighting column 9 m high, fuse box,
III.3 - unit 0
grounding system and installation of cable conduit and wiring and all
accessories and foundation of column

LED road light lamp 35 watt for acces road complete with lighting
- column 2 m high, fuse box, grounding system and installation of cable unit 0
conduit and wiring and all accessories and foundation of column

Lighting panel outdoor complete with folo cell switch fuse, mcb,
III.4 - grouding system indicator wiring and all accessories (foto cell) and Sets 0
foundation of panel


Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 7 dari 10

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 =4x5)
IV Foundation for 150 kV Switchyard

IV.1 Switchyard
IV.1.1 - Gantries Units 6

IV.2 2 ( Two ) Line Bay

IV.2.1 - Disconnecting /& Earthing Switches (DS/E) Sets 6
IV.2.2 - Circuit Breakers Sets 2
IV.2.3 - Current Transformer Units 6
IV.2.4 - Capacitor Voltage Transformer Units 6
IV.2.5 - Surge Arrester Units 6
IV.2.6 - Marshalling Kiosks Units 2

IV.3 3 ( Three ) Transformer Bay

IV.4 1 ( one ) Bus Coupler







VII.1 Concrete Work
VII.1.1 - Concrete K 175 m3 1
VII.1.2 - Concrete K 250 m3 1
VII.1.3 - Concrete K 500 m 0

VII.2 Reinforcement Work

VII.2.1 - Reinforcement steel U 24/ BJTP - 24 kg 100
VII.2.2 - Reinforcement steel U 40/ BJTD - 40 kg 100

VII.3 Excavation Work

VII.3.1 - Excavation of Soil m3 10
VII.3.2 - Excavation of Rock m3 0

VII.4 Filling Work

VII.4.1 - Back Filling with Compacted m3 0
VII.4.2 - Import Filling with Compacted m3 10

VII.5 Steel Work

VII.5.1 - Steel trusses comply with connection kg 0
VII.5.2 - Wind Bracing and Tic Rod kg 0
VII.5.3 - Steel Structure for Gantry ton 0

VII.6 Bored Pile / Driven Pile/ Wooden Pile

VII.6.1 - Bored Pile dia. 60 cm m' 0
VII.6.2 - Driven Pile dia.40 cm m' 0

VII.7 Pipe Works

VII.7.1 - PVC 6 inc dia m 4
VII.7.2 - PVC 4 inc dia m 4
VII.7.3 - PVC 3 inc dia m 60



Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 8 dari 10



- Test Report for foundation and Switchgear equipment
- Design Calculation
- Design Drawing
- Construction Drawing
- Procedure and Manual

Total Item IV:

Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 9 dari 10


( Rp. ) ( Rp. )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 =4x5)


I.1 Test and Commissioning for Line Bay :

refers : SPLN T6.002-2_2020
A At Tayan Substation :
I.1.1 Individual Test Bay 2
Sub Sistem Test Line Bay (including intertripping and stability test for MPU Line Bay Bay
I.1.2 2
Substation to Substation )
I.1.3 Sub Sistem Test SAS (including point to point ke RCC) Bay 2
Sub Sistem Test Telecomunication (activation, integration and configuration to MUX Link
I.1.4 1
existing and RCC)
I.1.5 Sub Sistem Tes Buspro ( test/commisioning buspro existing for 2 new line bay ) Bay 2
I.1.6 Sistem Test (uji energize, uji tak berbeban dan berbeban) Lot 1
I.1.7 Performance test/unjuk kerja (including dampak lingkungan) Lot 1

B At Sandai Substation :
I.1.1 Individual Test Bay 2
Sub Sistem Test Line Bay (including intertripping and stability test for MPU Line Bay Bay
I.1.2 2
Substation to Substation )
I.1.3 Sub Sistem Test SAS (including point to point ke RCC) Bay 2
I.1.4 Sub Sistem Tes Buspro ( test/commisioning buspro for 2 line bay Tayan 1 and 2) 2
I.1.5 Sistem Test (uji energize, uji tak berbeban dan berbeban) Lot 1
I.1.6 Performance test/unjuk kerja (including dampak lingkungan) Lot 1

I.2 Test and Commissioning report Lot 1

4 set hard copy and 2 soft copy/2 set FD
Total Item I

II As Built Drawing Lot 1

4 set hard copy and 2 soft copy/2 set FD
Total Item II

III Knowledge Transfer and Training Lot 1

Knowledge Transfer and Training at site consist of :

- Control and Protection System For 3 days
- Telecomunication System For 3 days
- Substation Operation For 3 days
Total Item III


Nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. Tanda Tangan Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa :.................. 10 dari 10



1. Nominal voltage kV 150

2. Highest system voltage kV 170
3. Impulse withstand voltage :
- Switchgear kV 750
- Transformer kV 650
4 Power frequency withstand voltage
- Switchgear kV 325
- Transformer kV 275
5. Minimum clearance between :
- live metal and earth mm 1500
- live metals of different phase mm 1500
6. Safety working clearance (vertical) : mm 3900
7. Frequency Hz 50
8. Earthing of system neutral - Solid
9. Creepage distance phase to earth (referring to pollution degree of each mm/kV 31 (very heavy) ]
site condition)

Notes :
[ ....] user menentukan sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan


(.............................................) (.............................................)



1. Nominal voltage kV 150

2. Highest system voltage kV 170

3. Manufacturer - To be mentioned

4. Length, height and width of structures mm As seen on the attached

drawing in Book II
5 Steel section
5.1 Material grade - Bj P 41 (SS 41) and Bj P 55 (SS 55) according to SNI 07-2054-2006

5.2 Minimum thickness :

- main members mm 6
- bracing of lattice structure mm 5

5.3 Galvanizing according to SNI 07-7033-2004

- minimum quantity of zinc coating g/m2 610
- minimum thickness of the galvanizing µm 85

6 Steel Bolt and Nut

6.1 Material grade
- Bolt - Minimum strength class 6.8 according to SNI ASTM A 325:2012
- Nut - Minimum strength class 6 according to SNI ASTM A 325:2012

6.2 Minimum diameter : mm 16

6.3 Galvanizing
- minimum quantity of zinc coating g/m2 350
- minimum thickness of the galvanizing µm 49

7 Seismic zone - refer to SNI 1726:2019


(.............................................) (............................................)


Manufacturer - To be mentioned
Type Designation - To be mentioned
Year Manufacture - 2023
1 Standard - IEC 62271-100 and IEC 62271-1

2 Service condition - Outdoor, Tropical Area

3 Type of Circuit breaker - Live Tank

4 Type of arc quenching medium - SF6
5 Number of Phases phase 3
6 Rated voltage (U r) kVrms 170
7 Rated frequency (F r) Hz 50
8 Rated normal current (I r)

[ a) For twin conductors 250 and 450 mm 2 ] A rms [ ≥ 2000 ]

9 Rated short-time withstand current (I k) kArms 40
a) System with 2 unit IBT 250 MVA parallel kA rms 31,5
b) System with 2 unit IBT 500 MVA parallel kA rms 40
c) Special case kA rms 50
10 Rated peak withstand current (I p) kApeak ≥ 2.5 x I k
11 Rated duration of short circuit s 3
12 Rated Insulation Level :
- Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (U d) kVrms 325
- Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (U p) kVpeak 750
13 Minimum Creepage distance (according to degree of pollution)
[ a. Up to Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV N.A N.A
[ b. Very Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV [ 31 ]
14 Operating Sequence And Operating Duty
- Nominal Sequence - O - 0.3s - CO - 180s - CO
- Out of phase - O - CO
15 Rated making and breaking current to Normal/Reclose
- Making current kApeak ≥ 2.5 x I th

- Breaking current (symmetrical) kArms 40

- DC component % > 20
16 Rated out of phase breaking current kArms ≥ 0.25 x I k
Rated capacitive switching currents for Line charging or Cable
17 A rms Refer to IEC 62271-100 table 9

18 Radio influence voltage (RIV) level, measured at 1.1 U r/√3 at 1 Mhz µV N.A

- Circuit closed to ground µV N.A

- Circuit breaker open, grounded terminal µV N.A
19 Classes
- Electrical endurance - E1


(......................................................) (..............................................)
- Transient Recovery Voltage - Refer to IEC 62271-100 table 26
- First pole-to-clear factor - 1.5 (2.5 in out-of-phase condition)
- Mechanical endurance - M2
- Restrike performance - C2
20 Temperature rise at :
- Contacts in SF6 °C ≤ 65
- Connection, bolted or equivalent in SF6 °C ≤ 75
- Terminal °C ≤ 65

21 Number of interrupters in series per phase pcs 1
22 Number of tripping coils per phase pcs 2
23 Number of closing coils per phase pcs 1
24 Operating mechanism :
- Type - Motor - Spring
- Number of operation mechanism - 3 (One per phase)
25 Protection level of control cubicle (minimum) - IP54
26 Supply voltage :
- Control voltage VDC 110
- Tripping and closing Coils VDC 110
- Motor voltage VAC 230/400
- Heater VAC 230
27 Tolerance range for auxiliary supply voltage
- Tripping coil % 70 to 110
- Closing coil % 85 to 110
- Motor % 85 to 110
28 Mechanical performance
1. Total break time (trip initiation to final arc extinction) ms ≤ 50
2. Opening time (trip initiation to contact separation) without current ms ≤ 40
3. Time interval between opening of interrupters of first and last phase ms ≤4
4. Time interval between opening of interupters of one phase ms N/A
5. Closing time without current ms ≤ 110
6. Time interval between closure of interrupters of the first and last pole ms ≤ 10
7. Time interval between closure of interrupters of one phase ms N/A
8. Time from extinction of main arc to contact make during auto-reclose
ms ≤ 300
29 Number of auxiliary contacts (NO/NC) per pole pcs ≥8

30 Discrepancy device - Yes
31 Antipumping device - Yes
32 Method of controling voltage distribution between break unit - N/A
33 Method of Closing control - N/A
34 Value of closing resistor Ohm N/A
35 Insertion time of closing resistor ms N/A
36 Number of SF6 Pressure Indicator pcs 3 (One for one phase)


(......................................................) (..............................................)
37 Number of counter for recording number of operations pcs 3 (One for one phase)

38 Seismic condition (according to seismic map) g ≥ 0.3

39 Leakage rate of SF6 gas per annum % ≤ 0.5

40 Contact resistance across main contacts per phase µOhm < 80
Number of switch operations between two inspections for changing the
main-contacts :
- With rated continuous current - To be mentioned
- With rated breaking current - To be mentioned
42 Material of insulator - [ Porcelain ]
43 Minimum clearance in air :
- Between phase mm To be mentioned (refer to IEC 61936-1)
- Phase to earth mm To be mentioned (refer to IEC 61936-1)
- Live conductor to ground level mm To be mentioned (refer to IEC 61936-1)
- Live insulator to ground level mm To be mentioned (refer to IEC 61936-1)
44 Test certificates - To be mentioned
45 Catalogue, drawings, manual and other references - To be mentioned

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan


(......................................................) (..............................................)



Manufacturer - To be mentioned
Type - To be mentioned
Year Manufacture - 2023
IEC 62271-1; IEC 62271-102;
1 Standard -
SPLN T3.011-2:2021
2 Type of Design - [ Horizontal centre break ]
3 Service Condition - Outdor ; Tropical Area
4 Rated Frequency (F r) Hz 50
5 Rated Voltage (U r) kVrms 170
6 Rated Normal Current (I r)
[ a. 1250 ] A N.A
[ b. 2000 ] A [ ≥ 2000 ]
[ c. 3150 ] A N.A
[ d. 4000 ] A N.A
7 Rated short time withstand current (I k) kArms 40
8 Rated duration of short circuit s ≥ 1
9 Rated peak withstand current (I p) kApeak ≥ 2.5 x I k
10 Rated Contact Zone (see table 2&3 IEC 62271-102 as reference) :
x. total amplitude of longitudinal movement of supporting conductor mm N.A horizontal deflection mm N.A
z.vertical deflection mm N.A
11 Rated static mechanical loading (Refer to IEC 62271-102 table 4)
a. Straight load
[ - for I r > 1600 A ] N [ 800 ]
b.Cross load
[ - for I r > 1600 A ] N [ 250 ]
c. Vertical load N 1000
12 Rated values of bus transfer current swicthing capability of
a.Rated Bus Transfer Current A 0.8 x I r (Maximum 1600)
b.Rated Bus Transfer Voltage Vrms 100
13 Rated values of induced current swicthing capacility of earthing swicthes
a. Electromagnetic Coupling:
- rated induced current Arms 80
- rated induced voltage kVrms 2
b.Electrostatic Coupling
- rated induced current Arms 3
- rated induced voltage kVrms 9
14 Rated values of mechanical endurance for disconnector class Min M1 (2000 operating cyles)
15 System Neutral Connection - To be mentioned
16 Number of pole pole 3
17 Radio Interference Voltage (R.I.V) µV N.A


(.............................................) (.............................................)
18 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (BIL) - at 1.2/50 microsecond
- Phase to earth & between phase kVpeak 750
- Across Open Swicthing Device and/or isolating distance kVpeak 860
19 Power frequency withstand voltage (1 min) :
- phase to earth and between phases kVrms 325
- across open swicthing device and /or isolating distance kVrms 375
20 Minimum Creepage distance (according to degree of pollution)
[ a) Up to Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV N.A
[ b) Very Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV [ 31 ]
21 Minimum clearence in air :
- phase to phase mm 1500
- to earth mm 1500

22 Type of operating mechanism
- Main Blade - Motor drive and manual
- Earthing Blade - N.A
23 Motor operating voltage (U a) [ 230/400 VAC ]
- Tolerance range for auxilary supply voltage % 85 - 110
24 Type of earthing switch - N.A
25 Type of operating mechanism for earthing switch - N.A
Total time from initiation of opening operation to isolator in fully open
26 s To be mentioned


(.............................................) (.............................................)
27 Motor Torque N To be mentioned
28 Contact Resistance µΩ < 100
29 Degrees of Protection for Driving Mechanism Box (IP) - ≥ IP54
30 Material of enclosure (Mechanism Box) - [ Alumunium or Stainless Steel ]
31 Poles arrangements: - [ Parallel ]
32 Number of spare for Auxiliary Contacts (NO/NC) per pole pcs ≥8
33 Number of Operating Mechanism - 1 (One-for-three pole)
34 Seismic Condition (Eartquake Factor) (according to seismic map) g ≥ 0.3
35 Earthing Switch equipped with interlock system - N.A
36 Measures to prevent building of bird's nests in the drive housing - Yes
37 Test certificates - To be submitted
38 Catalogue, drawing, manual and other references - To be submitted

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan


(.............................................) (.............................................)



Manufacturer - To be mentioned
Type - To be mentioned
- 2023
Year Manufacture
1 - IEC 62271-1; IEC 62271-102;
SPLN T3.011-2:2021
2 Type of Design - [ Horizontal centre break ]
3 Service Condition - Outdor ; Tropical Area
4 Rated Frequency (F r) Hz 50
5 Rated Voltage (U r) kVrms 170
6 Rated Normal Current (I r)
[ a. 1250 ] A N.A
[ b. 2000 ] A [ ≥ 2000 ]
[ c. 3150 ] A NA.
[ d. 4000 ] A N.A
7 Rated short time withstand current (I k) kArms 40
8 Rated duration of short circuit s ≥ 1
9 Rated peak withstand current (I p) kApeak ≥ 2.5 x I k
10 Rated Contact Zone (see table 2&3 IEC 62271-102 as reference) :
x. total amplitude of longitudinal movement of supporting conductor mm N.A horizontal deflection mm N.A
z.vertical deflection mm N.A
11 Rated static mechanical loading (Refer to IEC 62271-102 table 4)
a. Straight load
[ - for I r > 1600 A ] N [ 800 ]
b.Cross load
[ - for I r > 1600 A ] N [ 250 ]
c. Vertical load N 1000
Rated values of bus transfer current swicthing capability of
a.Rated Bus Transfer Current A 0.8 x I r (Maximum 1600)
b.Rated Bus Transfer Voltage Vrms 100
13 Rated values of induced current swicthing capacility of earthing swicthes
(Refer to IEC 62271-102 Tabel 9 Class B)
a. Electromagnetic Coupling:
- rated induced current Arms 80
- rated induced voltage kVrms 2
b.Electrostatic Coupling
- rated induced current Arms 3
- rated induced voltage kVrms 9
14 Rated values of mechanical endurance for disconnector class Min M1 (2000 operating cyles)
15 System Neutral Connection - To be mentioned
16 Number of pole pole 3
17 Radio Interference Voltage (R.I.V) µV N.A

18 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (BIL) - at 1.2/50 microsecond
- Phase to earth & between phase kVpeak 750
- Across Open Swicthing Device and/or isolating distance kVpeak 860
19 Power frequency withstand voltage (1 min) :
- phase to earth and between phases kVrms 325
- across open swicthing device and /or isolating distance kVrms 375
20 Minimum Creepage distance (according to degree of pollution)
[ a) Up to Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV N.A
[ b) Very Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV [ 31 ]
21 Minimum clearence in air :
- phase to phase mm 1500
- to earth mm 1500

22 Type of operating mechanism
- Main Blade - Motor drive and manual
- Earthing Blade - Manual
23 Motor operating voltage (U a) - [ 230/400 VAC ]
- Tolerance range for auxilary supply voltage % 85 - 110
24 Type of earthing switch - Vertical Break
25 Type of operating mechanism for earthing switch - Manual
26 Total time from initiation of opening operation to isolator in fully open s To be mentioned
27 Motor Torque N To be mentioned
28 Contact Resistance µΩ < 100
29 Degrees of Protection for Driving Mechanism Box (IP) - ≥ IP54
30 Material of enclosure (Mechanism Box) - [ Alumunium or Stainless Steel ]
31 Poles arrangements: - [ Parallel ]
32 Number of spare for Auxiliary Contacts (NO/NC) per pole pcs ≥8
33 Number of Operating Mechanism - 1 (One-for-three pole)
34 Seismic Condition (Eartquake Factor) (according to seismic map) g ≥ 0.3
35 Earthing Switch equipped with interlock system - Yes
36 Measures to prevent building of bird's nests in the drive housing - Yes
37 Test certificates - To be submitted
38 Catalogue, drawing, manual and other references - To be submitted

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Manufacturer - To be mentioned
Type - To be mentioned
Year Manufacture - 2023
1 Standards - IEC 61869-1; IEC 61869-2
2 Type of design - Post Type, single phase
3 Service condition Outdoor ; Tropical Area
4 Highest votage for equipment (U m) kV 170
5 Rated Frequency (F r) Hz 50
6 Rated short time thermal current (I th) kA ≥40
7 Rated duration of short circuit s ≥ 1
8 Dynamic withstand current (I dyn) kA ≥ 2.5 x I th
9 Rated primary current (I pr) A 1200
10 Rated continuous thermal current (I cth) A 1.2 x I pr
11 Rated secondary current (I sr) A 1
12 Insulation Medium Paper oil insulated


13 Rated Power frequency withstand voltage kVrms 325
14 Rated Lightning impulse withstand voltage kVpeak 750
15 Rated Switching impulse withstand voltage kVpeak N.A
16 Number of cores - 5
17 Ratio
- Core no. 1 (main protection)
a. for conductor ACRS/AS 2x250 m2 A/A [ 600 - 1200 / 1 ]
b. for conductor ACRS/AS 2x450 m2 A/A N.A
c. for conductor ACRS/AS 4x450 m2 A/A N.A
- Core no. 2 (back up protection)
a. for conductor ACRS/AS 2x250 m2 A/A [ 600 - 1200 / 1]
b. for conductor ACRS/AS 2x450 m2 A/A N.A
c. for conductor ACRS/AS 4x450 m2 A/A N.A
- Core no. 3 (busbar protection) A/A [ 2000 - 4000 / 1]
Core no. 4 (checkzone busbar protection) A/A [ 2000 - 4000 / 1 ]
- Core no. 5 (instrument and metering)
a. for conductor ACRS/AS 2x250 m A/A [ 600 - 1200 / 1 ]
b. for conductor ACRS/AS 2x450 m2 A/A N.A
c. for conductor ACRS/AS 4x450 m2 A/A N.A
18 Accuracy class :
Core no. 1 (main protection) - Class PX
Core no. 2 (back up protection) - 5P20
Core no. 3 (busbar protection) - Class PX
Core no. 4 (checkzone busbar protection) - Class PX
Core no. 5 (instrument and metering) - 0.2S
19 Secondary resistance (R ct) for protection purpose at 75OC :
Core no. 1 (main protection) Ohm To be mentioned
Core no. 2 (back up protection) Ohm To be mentioned
Core no. 3 (busbar protection) Ohm To be mentioned
Core no. 4 (checkzone busbar protection) Ohm To be mentioned
Core no. 5 (instrument and metering) Ohm To be mentioned
Rated burden or Knee Point Voltage (on lowest ratio) :
(R = 1 85 ohm for I = 1 A or R = 1 16 ohm for I = 5
Core no. 1 (Ifault = Ith) V Vk ≥ 2 x (I fault/Ratio x (R ct + R lead))
Core no. 2 VA [ ≥ 20 (for I sr = 1) or ≥ 40 (for I sr = 5) ]
Core no. 3 (Ifault = Ith) V Vk ≥ 2 x (I fault/Ratio x (R ct + R lead))
Core no. 4 (Ifault = Ith) V Vk ≥ 2 x (I fault/Ratio x (R ct + R lead))
Core no. 5 VA [ ≥ 15 (for I sr = 1) or ≥ 35 (for I sr = 5) ]
Instrument security factor at nominal burden (measuring
21 - ≤ FS 10
22 Insulator:
- Type [ Porcelain ]
- Minimum Creepage distance (according to degree of
mm/kV 31
23 CT head housing material [ Aluminium alloy or Die cast or Mild steel ]
24 CT base housing material - [ Aluminium alloy or Die cast or Mild steel ]
25 Primary terminal - Flexible connection, Suitable for plate
Made from corrosion resistant die cast, Alluminium,
26 Secondary terminal box -
Min IP54 Removable Detachable cable gland plate
27 Earth terminal - One earth terminal
28 Oil level indicator - [ Direct ]
29 Oil compensation - Corrosion-proof metallic expansion bellow
30 Method of ratio changing - Secondary
31 Static withstand test loads (Load class II) N 3000
Capacitance Tap for Measurements of Voltage or Tan
32 Yes
33 Seismic condition (according to seismic map) g ≥ 0.3
CT shall be designed for transport and storage in either
34 Yes
horizontal or vertical position
35 Radio interference voltage, measured at 1.1 U m/√3 µV N.A
36 Test certificates - To be subimtted
37 Catalogue, drawings, manual and other references - To be subimtted

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan
*) Menyesuaikan kebutuhan sistem.



Manufacturer - To be mentioned
Type of Designation - To be mentioned
Year Manufacture 2023
1 Standard - IEC 61869-1; IEC 61869-5
2 Service condition - Outdoor, Tropical Area
3 Nominal voltage kV 150
4 Highest voltage for equipment (U m) kVrms 170
5 Rated frequency (F r) Hz 50
6 Rated primary voltage (U pr) kV 150/√3
7 Rated secondary voltage (U sr) V 100/√3
(110/√3 V especially for East Java and Sulawesi)


8 Insulation class :
- Power frequency withstand voltage kVrms 325
- Lightning impulse withstand voltage kVpeak 750
- Switching impulse withstand voltage kVpeak N.A.
9 Creepage distance phase to earth (according to degree of pollution) mm/kV 31

10 Rated voltage factor and corresponding rated time, continuous - 1.2
11 Rated voltage factor and corresponding rated time, 30 sec. - 1.5
12 Dissipation factor of capacitor (tan δ) % ≤ 0.5
13 Accuracy class :
- Core 1 for protection - 3P
- Core 2 for instrument and metering - 0.2 (For tariff metering)
14 Rated burden :
- Core 1 for protection VA 30
- Core 2 for instrument and metering VA 30
- Total simultaneous burden VA 60
15 Rated capacitance pF 4000 up to 10000
16 Capacitance tolerance - - 5 % to +10 %
17 Ferro resonance @1.2 U pr :
- Duration of ferro resonance oscillation s ≤ 0.5
- Maximum instantaneous error after ferro resonance oscillation % ≤ 10
18 Suitable for use as coupling capacitor - Yes

19 Insulator material - Porcelain
20 Oil compensation - Corrosion-proof metallic bellow
21 Mechanical characteristics : - Suitable for mounting line trap up to 250 kg
a. Average mechanical breaking load N To be mentioned
b. Minimum failing loads :
- Tensile loads N To be mentioned
- Torsional loads Nm To be mentioned
- Cantilever loads N To be mentioned
- Compressive loads N To be mentioned
c. Max. electromechanical failing load To be mentioned
d. Max. operating load N To be mentioned
22 Oil level indicator - Direct type
23 Secondary terminal box - Made from corrosion resistant die cast
24 Earthed terminal - ≥1
25 Seismic condition (according to seismic map) g ≥ 0.3
26 Test certificates - To be submitted
27 Catalogue, drawings, manual and other references - To be submitted

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Manufacturer - To be mentioned
Type - To be mentioned
Year Manufature - 2023
1 Standard - IEC 60099-4; IEC 60099-5; SPLN T3.012:2021
2 Service condition - Outdoor, Tropical Area
3 Type of Design - Post type, Metal oxide, Gapless
Polymer housed arrester (polymeric and
4 a.Type of arrester housing - composite)
High Temperature Vulcanization (HTV) Silicon
b. Material of arrester housing - Rubber with Aluminum Tri Hydrate (ATH)

5 Rated Frequency (F r) Hz 50
6 Highest system voltage (U s) kV 170
7 System neutral connection Solid (effective)
8 Continuous Operating Voltage/COV (U c) kV ≥ 104
9 Rated voltage (U r) kV ≥ 132
11 Class of Arrester SH
- Nominal discharge current kA 20
- Switching impuls discharge current kA 2
- Q rs C ≥ 2.4
- W kj kJ/kV ≥ 10
- Q th C -
12 Maximum Residual Voltage
- Steep current impulse (front time 1 µs) kVpeak/U r ≤ 386
- Lightning impulse (wave 8/10 µs) kVpeak/U r ≤ 360
- Switching impulse (30/60 µs) kVpeak/U r ≤ 291
13 Short circuit capability (for Arrester Housing) kA
14 Electric strength of housing (at sea level) ≥ 40
- Standard rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (wave
kVpeak ≥ 750
1.2/50 µs)
- Standard rated short-duration power-frequency withstand
kVpeak ≥ 325
15 Creepage distance phase to earth according to IEC 60815
[ a) Up to Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV N.A
[ b) Very Heavy Pollution ] mm/kV [ 31 ]

16 Minimum mechanical characteristics for polymer housing :
- Specified short-term load (SSL) N 1000
- Specified long-term load (SLL) N ≤ 1000
17 Total height mm To be mentioned
18 Total weight kg To be mentioned


Counter electromechanic provided with :

- Counter in LA : Yes
19 Arrester monitoring - - Leakage current meter : Yes
- Auxiliary contact for connection to remote signaling
equipment : Yes

20 Maximum leakage current mA To be mentioned

21 Seismic condition (according to seismic map) g ≥ 0.3
22 Insulating base support - Yes
23 Test certificates - To be submitted
24 Catalogue, drawings, manual and other references - To be submitted

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



I Insulator Disc
Year Manufacture - 2023
1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned

2 Designation

[ - For Medium Pollution ] - N.A

[- For Heavy and Very Heavy Pollution ] - [ U 120 BP ]

3 Standards - SPLN T3.008-1:2021; IEC 60305

4 Material of Insulator - [ Porcelain or Glass ]

5 Dimension

[ - For Medium Pollution ] mm x mm N.A

[- For Heavy and Very Heavy Pollution ] mm x mm [ ≤ 280 x 146 ]

6 Minimum nominal creepage distance

[ - For Medium Pollution ] mm N.A

[- For Heavy and Very Heavy Pollution ] mm [ 440 ]

7 Electromechanical or mechanical failing load kN 120

8 Type of coupling (IEC) mm 16

9 Impulse puncture testing in air kV To be mentioned

10 Withstand Voltage :

- Wet power-frequency withstand voltage test

[ - For Medium Pollution ] kV N.A

[- For Heavy and Very Heavy Pollution ] kV [ ≤ 50 ]

11 Impulse Withstand Voltage (1.2 x 50 µs) :

- Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage test

[ - For Medium Pollution ] kV N.A

[- For Heavy and Very Heavy Pollution ] kV [ ≤ 125 ]

12 Net weight of one unit kg To be mentioned

13 Colour of the insulator :

[ - Porcelain ] - [ Brown ]

[ - Glass ] - [ To be mentioned ]

Single Double
Suspension set Tension set

II Insulator sets
1 Number of strings and dics per string :
[ - For Medium Pollution ] unit N.A N.A
[ - For Heavy Pollution ] unit N.A N.A
[ - For Very Heavy Pollution ] unit [ 1 x 12 ] [ 2 x 12 ]
2 Length of string when stretched mm To be mentioned To be mentioned
3 Overall creepage distance mm To be mentioned To be mentioned
4 Net weight of one set kg To be mentioned To be mentioned
5 Ultimate breaking strength of string kN 1 x 120 2 x 120
6 Withstand voltage without arcing horn :
- Wet power-frequency withstand voltage test kV To be mentioned To be mentioned
- Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage test (1.2 x 50 us) kV To be mentioned To be mentioned
7 Withstand voltage with arcing horn :
- Wet power-frequency withstand voltage test kV To be mentioned To be mentioned
- Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage test (1.2 x 50 us) kV To be mentioned To be mentioned

8 Arcing horn gap (approximately) :

[ - For Medium Pollution ] mm N.A N.A

[ - For Heavy Pollution ] mm N.A N.A

[ - For Very Heavy Pollution ] mm [ 1314 ] [ 1314 ]

V Fittings
Standards - IEC 61284
1 Supension Clamps
Manufacturer's name - To be mentioned
Materials (Body) - Aluminium Alloy; Galvanized steel
Type - Trunion
Applied conductor - Comply with Conductor Flybus and Busbar
Minimum ultimate breaking strength kN to be mentioned
Slip strength kN 8 to 15 % ultimate breaking strength of conductor
Weight kg To be mentioned

2. Tension Clamps Copression Type

Manufactures's name - To be mentioned
Type - Compression and Bolted
Material :
- Tension Clamp body - Aluminium Alloy
- Steel core with clevis - Hot Dip Galvanized Steel
- Bolt - Hot Dip Galvanized Steel
Jumper Socket material (for compression type) - Aluminum alloy
Jumper Socket type (for compression type) - Compression
Slip strength
- Dead end clamp kN ≥ 95% ultimate breaking strength of conductor
- Jumper connector kN ≥ 30% ultimate breaking strength of conductor
Minimum ultimate breaking strength kN To be mentioned
Weight kg To be mentioned

3 Insulator protection device (Arcing Devices)

Manufactures's name - To be mentioned
Material - Galvanized mild steel
Insulation - Air Gap
Type :
- Tower side - Horn
- Conductor Side - Horn

4 Armour Rod N.A

Manufactures's name - To be mentioned
Material - Aluminium Alloy
Applied conductor - Comply with ACSR/AS type
Type of end from - Ball
Diameter mm To be mentioned
Length mm To be mentioned
Direction of lay - Comply with ACSR/AS type
Weight kg To be mentioned
Type Preformed

5 Fitting for Suspension String Sets (Suspension Clamp)

Manufactures's name - Required
Material - Galvanized steel
Minimum tensile strength kN Designation of insulator and number of strings

6 Fitting for Tension String Sets (Tension Clamp)

Manufactures's name - Required
Material - Galvanized steel
Minimum tensile strength kN Designation of insulator and number of strings

Notes :
[ ....] user menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Year Manufacture 2023

1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Standard - IEC 61089
3 Number of phases - 3
4 Rated voltage kV 170
5 Rated current (I k) A Busbar (2000 A); Flybus (2000 A)
6 Nominal cross section mm2 To be mentioned
7 Short time current, 3 sec. kA ≥ 40
8 Peak asym. short circuit current kApeak ≥ 2.5 x I k
9 Calculated resistivity at 20 °C Ohm mm /m To be mentioned
(for each type of conductor)
10 Conductor material - [ HAL or AAC or TAL ]
(for detail see Bill of Quantity)
11 Type of conductor - Stranded
12 Single or bundle conductor arrangement - [ Single]
13 Spacing between conductor for Bundle m N.A
14 Span length of busbar (max) m 28
15 Mechanical characteristics :
a) Rated cantilever strength N To be mentioned
b) Min. breaking load N To be mentioned
c) Min. ultimate tensile load N To be mentioned
d) Max. permissible static & dynamic pull N To be mentioned
e) Max. electromechanical failing load N To be mentioned
16 Elastic elongation coefficient :
[ - HAL ] kg/mm 2 [ To be mentioned ]
[ - AAC ] kg/mm [ To be mentioned ]
[ - TAL ] kg/mm [ To be mentioned ]
17 Thermal expansion coefficient :
[ - HAL ] / C [ To be mentioned ]
[ - AAC ] / C [ To be mentioned ]
[ - TAL ] / C [ To be mentioned ]
18 Max. thermal stress due to short circuit current N To be mentioned
19 Weight per meter conductor kg To be mentioned

Notes :
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1 Manufacturer -
To be mentioned
2 Rated voltage kV
3 System short circuit level kA
4 Material

- Connection to busbar and flybus -

To be mentioned
- Connections to primary equipment -
To be mentioned
- Connection between conductor -
To be mentioned
5 Type of connector

- Connection to busbar and flybus -

To be mentioned
- Connections to primary equipment -
To be mentioned
- Connection between conductor -
To be mentioned
6 Type of corresponding conductor -
As Bill of Quantity
7 Conductor cross section mm²
As Bill of Quantity
8 Overall diameter of conductor mm
To be mentioned
9 Rated Current A
As Bill of Quantity
10 Tensile breaking strength kg/m²
To be mentioned

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan


Year Manufacture 2023
1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type - To be mentioned
3 Technology - Local and Remote Manageable
4 Approval / Certificate - IEC 61850 from Independent Laboratory
5 Automatic switch over routing - Yes
6 Management Interface - Web base HTML, Command Line Interface,
7 Protocol compliance to IEC 61850 - Yes
8 Rack Mountable - Yes
9 Ethernet Port
- Type port - ≥ 100 Base
- Minimum capacity port 8 (depend of number IED/equipment to be
10 Ethernet Port Type
- Switch - Switch - [ ST or SC or MTRJ or LC ]
- Switch to IED - [ ST or SC or MTRJ or LC ]
- Switch to Server - RJ-45
11 Power Supply VDC 110 (-15% up to +10%)
12 Power Consumption Watt To be mentioned
13 MTBF - To be mentioned
14 Physical
- Dimension WxHxD mm To be mentioned
- Overall Weight kg To be mentioned
15 Electromagnetic Compatibility - IEC 61850-3, IEC 60870-2, IEC 60255, IEC

Notes :
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Year Manufacture 2023
1 Apropriate Standard - SPLN S3.001-3 2012
2 Protection class - IP41
3 Display - Embedded LCD / LED
4 Key-pad - Enable to change setting by key-pad
5 Indication/Annunciator - LED
6 Technology - Numeric
7 Power Supply
- IED VDC 110 ( - 15% up to + 10%)
- Server, HMI, Printer, Router, CCTV VAC 220 ( - 10% up to + 10%)
8 Frequency Hz 50 ± 1%
Software for operation, maintenance and configuration
9 - Included
(incl. License) and ICD file
10 Programmable with IEC 61131 base software - Yes
11 Communication Service
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Terminal Interface - Local config : RJ45 / RS 232/RS-485/USB
Communication Type - Ethernet
Data Transfer Speed bit/sec 1200 - 4800
Communication Port - [ In front or rear, or both ]
Communication Media - Shielded Twisted Pair and Fibre Optic
Time clock syncronization - [ GPS with SNTP or IRIG-B ]
12 Communication with remote IED Relay - [ Telecommunication equipment link using direct
User shall choose one of :
a. Line Communication - G 703 Via SDH Port
Data transfer speed Mbps 2 (E1)
Communication port - [ RJ-45 or D connector ]
Communication media - [ Copper Shielded or Fibre Optic ]
b. Line Communication - [ IEEE C 37.94 Fiber Optic single mode or
Communication port - FO, IEEE C 37.94
Communication media - [ Fibre Optic Single Mode or Multimode ]
c. Line Communication - Fiber Optic single mode (Direct Fiber Optic to
Communication port - FO LC/FC/SC
Communication media - Fibre Optic Single Mode
Distance to Remote Site - As transmission line distance
13 Communication with LAN SAS
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Terminal Interface - [ Fibre Optic Single Mode or Multimode
14 Communication for Local Configuration
Terminal Interface - [ RJ45, RS-232, RS-485 or USB ]
Database configuration - Upload and download
Software for Database configuration - Included
15 High voltage withstand
Dielectric withstand - Minimum complied with IEC 60255-5 / ANSI
High voltage impulse - IEC 60255-5
16 Electrical environment strength -
DC supply interruption - Minimum complied with IEC 60255 - 11
AC ripple on DC supply - IEC 60255-11
Fast transient withstand - IEC 60255-22-4 / ANSI C37.90.1
Radio interference withstand - IEC 60255-22-3 / ANSI C37.90.2
Radiated immunity - ANSI C37.90.2
Surge withstand - IEC 60255-22-1 / ANSI C37.90.1
Electromagnetic compability - Compliance
Isolation Voltage (High-Potential) - ANSI C37.90
17 Atmospheric environment Minimum complied with
Operation temperature 0C 100 - 500 C (IEC 60255-6 -250 C to +550 C)
Humidity % 90
Enclosure protection - IP 42
18 Mechanical strength
Vibration - Minimum complied with IEC 60255-21-1
Shock and bump - IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic - IEC 60255-21-3

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Year Manufacture 2023

1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type of designation - To be mentioned
3 Technology - Numerical IED
4 Input
AC Voltage (secondary) Vrms 100 - 120
Wiring type - 3 phase - 4 wire
Number of input - ≥ 4 (3 VT Line + 1 VT Bus)
≥ (20 - 500)
Primary nominal voltage kV
selectable VT matching types
AC Current (secondary) Amp 1 and 5
Wiring type - 3 phase - 4 wire
Number of input - ≥ 4 (3 phase + 1 mutual compensation)
≥ (50 - 4000)
Primary nominal current Amp
selectable CT matching taps
Frequency Hz 50
5 Supply
DC Voltage VDC 110 (-15% up to +10%)
6 AC Burden
In = 1 Amp VA < 0.2
In = 5 Amp VA < 1.0
7 DC Burden (trip condition) VA < 50
8 Output Contact Ratings
Trip contacts
Continuous contact Amp ≥ 5 A continuous
Make and carry Amp ≥ 30 A for 0.5 s
Break Amp ≥ 0.2 A, 110 VDC
Tripping time contact ms < 30
Auxiliary contacts
Continuous contact Amp ≥ 5 A 110 VDC continuously
Make and carry Amp ≥ 9 A, 250VDC for 0.2 s
Break Amp ≥ 0.2 A, 110 VDC
Binary input - ≥ 16
[ ≥ 16 for double busbar or
Binary output -
≥ 24 for one and half busbar ]
9 Protection Function
Segregate-Phase Current Differential Protection - Phase segregated with adaptive restraint
Minimum operating current Amp ≥ 0.2 to 1.00 A in 0.02A steps
Measuring Accuracy % ≤ 5 % of setting
CT mismatch factor Amp 0.1 to 1.0 A in 0.01 steps
Slope - Two Slope Section
Direct Transfer Trip (DTT) - Yes
Operating time ms ≤ 20
Other capability :
a. Charging Current Compensation - Yes
b. DTT to remote relay and from remote relay - Yes
c. Additional high sensitivity DEF (Differential Earth Faulth) 0.05 to 2.00 A in 0.01A steps and 0.10 to 10.00 s
protection for high resistance fault in 0.01 s steps
Single phase and three phase tripping suitable for
Tripping Scheme -
dual breaker for one and half breaker
Telecommunication equipment link using optical
10 Telecommunication system - fiber
must be matching with the lines distance
11 Distance Relay Characteristic
3 (three) zones (for phase-phase and phase-
Setting Zone -
ground element)
Setting Group - Minimum 2 (two) setting group
Reach Characteristic
- Phase-phase - [ Mho or Quadrilateral ]
- Phase-ground - [ Dynamic Mho or Quadrilateral or Reactance ]
- ≥. 0.1 Ω - 200 Ω in 0.01 Ω step (1 A)
Quadrilateral reactance reach
- ≥. 0.02 Ω - 40 Ω in 0.01 Ω step (5 A)
- ≥. 0.1 Ω - 200 Ω in 0.01 Ω step (1 A)
Quadrilateral resistance reach
- ≥. 0.02 Ω - 40 Ω in 0.01 Ω step (5 A)
- ≥. 0.1 Ω - 200 Ω in 0.01 Ω step (1 A)
MHO impedance reach
- ≥. 0.01 Ω - 40 Ω in 0.01 Ω step (5 A)
Zero sequence compensation (kn or ko) - Used for all zones
Angle Characteristic - Min. 45o - 80 o in 10 steps
Measuring Accuracy - ≤ 5 % of setting
Time Setting
- Zone 1 - ≥ (0 - 2000) ms, in steps 10 ms
- Zone 2 (t2) - ≥ (100 - 2000) ms, in steps 10 ms
- Zone 3 (t3) - ≥ (100 - 5000) ms, in steps 10 ms
Time Signalling Channel - ≥ (0 - 80) ms, in step 1 ms
Timer Accuracy - ≤ ± 5 % for SIR less than 30
Typical Operating Time ms ≤ 30
Maximum Operating Time at SIR=10 - ≤ 30 millisecond, at 80 % reach setting
Scheme - Basic, PUTT, POTT + WI, and Blocking
Single phase and three phase tripping
Tripping Scheme -
Suitable for dual breaker for one and half breaker
12 Directional Earth Fault
Range setting - ≥ 0.1 to 1.0 In in step 0.01 A
Time for back up trip - ≥ 0.5 to 10 s in 0.1 steps
DEF scheme - POTT and Blocking
Sensitivity - ≥ 5 % In
Have phase selection ability for single pole auto-recloser - Required
13 Addressing Check Function
Have ability of addressing monitoring function - Required/ A must
Minimum number of relay address - 64
Single and/or three phase and suitable for two
14 AutoRecloser -
breaker autoreclose
- dead time SPAR s ≥ 0.1 – 2 sec in 0.1 sec steps
- Dead time TPAR s ≥ 0.1 – 30 sec in 0.1 sec steps
- Reclaim time s ≥ 5 – 100 sec in 1 sec steps
15 Synchrocheck
5- 20 % of rating in 1 % steps / 70 to 100 V in 1
- Voltage difference/ Under Voltage %
v steps
- Phase difference deg 5 – 30 deg in 2.5 deg steps
- Frequency slip Hz 0.05 - 1 Hz step 0.01 Hz
- Timer s 0 – 1 sec in 0.5 sec steps
- LL/DB and DL/LB - Enable
16 Minimum Feature
- Power Swing Blocking - Enable
- Out of Step - Enable
- Switch on to Fault - Enable
- Self Diagnostic - Enable
- Auto reclose and syncro check - Enable
- Watch dog - Enable
- Block for Relay Failure - Enable
- Default logic and setting - Enable
- Voltage Transf. Supervision - Enable (Not trip when VT Fail 1,2 and 3 Phase)
Key-pad and communication port with PC (built
- MMI (Man Machine Interface) -
17 Communication Service
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Local config : RJ45 / RS 232/RS-485/USB
Terminal Interface -
Communication Type - Ethernet
Data Transfer Speed bit/sec ≥ 1200 - 4800
Communication Port - [ In front or rear, or both ]
Communication Media - Shielded Twisted Pair and Fibre Optic
Time clock syncronization - [ GPS with SNTP or IRIG-B ]
[ Telecommunication equipment link using direct
optical fiber 1550nm or 1310nm Single Mode or
18 Communication with remote IED Relay -
G.703. 2Mbps or IEEE C.37.94 single mode or
IEEE C.37.94 multimode fiber optic ]
User shall choose one of :
a. Line Communication - G 703 Via SDH Port
Data transfer speed Mbps 2 (E1)
Communication port - [ RJ-45 or D connector ]
Communication media - [ Copper Shielded or Fibre Optic ]
[ IEEE C 37.94 Fiber Optic single mode or
b. Line Communication -
Multimode Via SDH Port ]
Communication port - FO, IEEE C 37.94
Communication media - [ Fibre Optic Single Mode or Multimode ]
Fiber Optic single mode (Direct Fiber Optic to
c. Line Communication -
remote site)
Communication port - FO LC/FC/SC
Communication media - Fibre Optic Single Mode
Distance to Remote Site - As transmission line distance
19 Communication with LAN SAS
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
RJ45 / IEEE 802.3 (ethernet)
Terminal Interface -
Fiber optic
20 Communication for Local Configuration
Terminal Interface - [ RJ45, RS-232, RS-485 or USB ]
Database configuration - Upload and download
Software for Database configuration - Included
21 Disturbance and Event Recorder
Number of records events ≥ 192 (in ring buffer FIFO)
Number of analog signal - ≥ 8 (4 voltage and 4 current)
Number of digital signal - ≥ 32
Trigger analogue signal - [ Trip signal or analogue value change ]
Trigger event signal - internal and external trigger
samples /
Sampling rate ≥ 16
≥ 8 oscillograph with duration for each > 2.0
Recording duration each fault -
Format file - COMTRADE IEC 60255-24
22 Performance Test
Type Test - To be submitted
Others :
Passed RTDS test Using PLN System Model
- RTDS test -
(proved by valid certificate)
Have been installed in PLN system for 2 (two)
- Operational performance - years with good performance and proved by PLN
Satisfaction letter
Has ability to communicate with other
- Protocol Test (interoperability test) - manufacturer (min. 3 brands) and existing SAS
and proved by valid certificate from PLN
23 Licensed Software for setting & analysis - Included
24 Connection between relay to computer - Included
25 Default Setting & Programmable Logic Controller - Required

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



1 Manufacturer - to be mentioned
2 Type - Numeric IED
3 Country Origin to be mentioned
4 Models - Frequency Relay
5 Voltage
Voltage(secondary) Vrms 100 - 120
Wiring Type 3 Phase - 4 wire
Min. (20 - 500)
Primary Nominal Voltage KV
Selectable VT matching Taps
6 Frequency Hz 50
7 Power Supply Vdc 110 (-15% up to +10%)
8 AC Burden
In = 1 A VA < 0.2
In = 5 A VA < 1.0
9 DC Burden (trip condition) VA < 50
10 Binary Input /Output
Tegangan VDC ≥ 110
Trip contacts ≥ 5 A, 110 VDC continously
≥ 9 A make and carry, 1 s
≥ 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Auxiliary contacts ≥ 5 A, 110 VDC continously
≥ 9 A make and carry, 1 s
≥ 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Relay operating time ms ≤ 200
Binary Input ≥ 8
Binary Output Contact ≥ 16
11 Event records ≥ 192 event records in ring buffer FIFO
12 Internal disturbance recorder
- Number of analog signal ≥ 4 analog signal
- Number of digital signal ≥ 16 digital signal
- Trigger analogue signal Trip signal or analogue value change
- Trigger event signal Internal and external trigger
- Recording duration each fault ≥ 8 oscillograph for each > 2.0 s.
- Samplingg rate ≥ 16 sample / cycle
- Format File COMTRADE IEC 60255-24
13 Low Voltage-blocking measurement range min 0,4 - 0,9 *Un
14 Reset ratio f< : <102% ; f> : >99%
Frequency, frequency change, frequency and
Load shedding scheme -
frequency change
Setting range of frequency (fx) Hz Min 45 - 55 Hz in 0,01 Hz steps
Tolerance (accuracy) of frequency (fx) Hz ≤ 0,01 Hz
Time delay setting range of frequency (fx) sec Min. 0,1 - 30 Sec in 0,1 sec steps
Number of frequency (fx) stage - Min. 4 stages
Setting range of frequency change (df/dt) - Min. (-9,0) - (-4,0) Hz/s in 0,1 Hz steps
15 Tolerance (accuracy) of frequency-change (df/dt) - ≤ 0,1 Hz/s
number of frequency-change (df/dt) stage - Min 2 stage
Number of output contact - Min 4 trip contact (programmable)
The changing of voltage not effected the
16 Other -
17 Minimum Feature -
Watch dog - Enable
Block for Relay Failure - Enable
Default logic and setting - Enable
MMI (Man Machine Interface) - Switch or keypad and can communicate with PC
or Laptop
18 Communication Service
Communication Protocol IEC 61850
Local config : RJ45 / RS 232/RS-485/USB
Terminal Interface
Communication Type Ethernet
Data Transfer Speed bit/sec 1200 - 4800
Communication Port [ In front or rear, or both ]
Communication Media Shielded Twisted Pair and Fibre Optic
Time clock syncronization [ GPS with SNTP or IRIG-B ]
19 Communication with LAN SAS
Communication Protocol IEC 61850
[ Fibre Optic Single Mode or Multimode
Terminal Interface
RJ45 / IEEE 802.3 (ethernet) ]



20 Communication for Local Configuration

Terminal Interface [ RJ45, RS-232, RS-485 or USB ]
Database configuration Upload and download
Software for Database configuration Included
21 Licensed Software for setting and analysis - Included
22 Connection between relay to computer - Included
23 Default setting and Programmable Logic Controller - Enable

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Year Manufacture 2023

1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type - Numeric IED
3 Country Origin - To be mentioned
4 Models - Unbalance Relay
5 Current
AC Current (secondary) A 1 and 5
Wiring Type - 3 Phase, 4 wire + open delta
Min (50 - 4000)
Primary Nominal Current A
Selectable CT matching Taps
6 Frequency Hz 50
7 Auxiliary DC Supply Voltage VDC 110 (-15% up to +10%)
8 AC Burden
In = 1 A VA ≤ 0.2
In = 5 A VA ≤ 1.0
9 DC Burden (trip condition) VA ≤ 50
10 Rated Voltage (Un) VAC 110
Binary Input /Output
Tegangan VDC ≥ 110
Trip contacts - ≥ 5 A, 110 VDC continously
- ≥ 9 A make and carry, 1 s
- ≥ 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Auxiliary contacts - ≥ 5 A, 110 VDC continously
- ≥ 9 A make and carry, 1 s
- ≥ 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Binary Input - ≥ 8
Binary Output Contact - ≥ 8
11 Event records events ≥ 192 (in ring buffer FIFO)
12 Internal disturbance recorder
- Number of analog signal - ≥ 4 analog signal
- Number of digital signal - ≥ 8 digital signal
- Trigger analogue signal - [ Trip signal or analogue value change ]
- Trigger event signal - Internal and external trigger
- Recording duration each fault - ≥ 8 oscillograph with duration for each > 2.0 s
sample /
- Samplingg rate ≥ 16
- Format File - COMTRADE IEC 60255-24
13 Accuracy
Operating of measurement - ≤ 5% of setting
Operating time - ≤ 5 % of time setting
14 Overload
stage - 2 (two)
Setting range - Min 0.4 - 1.4 * In
Characteristic : - [ Definite or Inverse ]
Time delay setting range (definite) sec 0.04 - 5 sec
Time multiplier setting (inverse) - Min. 0.05 - 1 with 0.01 steps for IEC standard
Drop off to pick up ratio - ≥ 95%
15 Continous Withstand Voltage - 200% * Un
16 Phase Unbalance -
stage - 2 (two)
Setting range - Min. 0,2 - 0,5 * In
Characteristic : - [ Definite or Inverse ]
Time delay setting range (definite) sec 0,04 - 5 sec
Time multiplier setting (inverse) - Min. 0,05 - 1 with 0,01 steps for IEC standard
Drop off to pick up ratio - ≥ 95%
17 Measurement - Enable
Minimum Feature - Enable
Watch dog - Enable
Block for Relay Failure - Enable
Default logic and setting - Enable
Switch or keypad and can communicate with PC
18 MMI (Man Machine Interface) -
or Laptop
19 Communication Service
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Local config : RJ45 / RS 232/RS-485/USB
Terminal Interface -
Communication Type - Ethernet
Data Transfer Speed bit/sec 1200 - 4800
Communication Port - [ In front or rear, or both ]
Communication Media - Shielded Twisted Pair and Fibre Optic
Time clock syncronization - [ GPS with SNTP or IRIG-B ]
20 Communication with LAN SAS
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
[ Fibre Optic Single Mode or Multimode
Terminal Interface -
RJ45 / IEEE 802.3 (ethernet) ]
21 Communication for Local Configuration
Terminal Interface - [ RJ45, RS-232, RS-485 or USB ]
Database configuration - Upload and download
Software for Database configuration - Included
22 Licensed Software for setting and analysis - Included
23 Connection between relay to computer - Included
24 Default setting and Programmable Logic Controller - Enable

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Year Manufacture 2023

1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type of designation - To be mentioned
3 Housing - Indoor Model
4 Number of phases - [ 3 OR 1-phase (Refer to Existing CB) ]
5 Wire number for supervision per phase - 3
6 Monitoring position - 2 (CB open and close)
7 Rated voltage and internal consumption VN :
- Voltage range : VDC 110 (-15% - +10%)
- Internal consumption mA < 18
- Impedance per phase (kΩ) kΩ >8
- De-excitation voltage between V < 55 and < 77
8 Pre-arcing time for excitation ms > 300
9 Contacts -
- Continous current A >5
- Overload capability A >15
- Switching power VDC 15 A/ 4 s/ 110 VDC
- Breaking power VDC 0.3 A/ 110 VDC
- Vmax open-circuited contact VAC 250 VDC/ 400 VAC
- Mechanical endurance - 10.000.000 switching cycles
10 Time delay - To be mentioned
11 Alarm Contact - 2 NO & 1 NC
12 Socket - Included
13 Catalog, drawings or other references - To be submitted
14 Licensed Software for setting and analysis Included
15 Connection between relay to computer Included
16 Default setting and Programmable Logic Controller Enable

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Year Manufacture 2023
1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type - To be mentioned
3 Type of designation - Numeric IED
4 Model - 2 CB Single and three phase auto reclose
5 DC Supply VDC 110 (-15% up to +10%)
Frequency Hz 50
DC Burden (Trip Condition) VA ≤ 50
6 Binary input / output
Voltage VDC 110
Trip contacts A ≥ 5 A 110VDC continously
A ≥ 9A make and carry, 1 sec
A ≥ 0.2 A, 110VDC break
Auxiliary contacts A ≥ 5 A 110VDC continously
A ≥ 9 A make and carry, 1 sec
A ≥ 0.2 A, 110VDC break
Binary input - ≥8
Binary output contacts - ≥8
7 Trip and reclose - Min 2 CB
8 Setting range
Dead timer SPAR sec Minimum 0.1 - 2 sec in 0.1 sec steps
Dead timer TPAR sec Minimum 0.1 - 30 sec in 0.1 sec steps
Reclaim timer sec Minimum 1 - 100 sec in 1 sec steps
9 MMI - Min [ switch or keypad ]
10 Indication - Min [ LED or LCD ]
11 Contacts
Auto - reclose in progress - Minimum 1
Successful auto reclose - Minimum 1
Lockout - Minimum 2
Close circuit breaker - Minimum 2 CB
12 Binary input
Inisiate phase R - Minimum 1
Inisiate phase S - Minimum 1
Inisiate phase T - Minimum 1
Inisiate three phase - Minimum 1
Block auto reclose - Minimum 1
13 Contact rating
Auxiliary voltage ratting VDC 250
Continuous A >3
Made and carry A > 15
14 Protocol - IEC 61850
15 Licensed Software for setting and analysis - Included
16 Connection between relay to computer - Included
17 Default setting and Programmable Logic Controller - Enable

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



Year Manufacture 2023

1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type - Numeric
3 Type of designation - Numeric IED
4 Auxiliary supplay tegangan VDC 110 (-15% up to +10%)
5 AC Burden
V n = 100V VA < 1.0
V n = 110V VA < 1.0
6 DC Burden (trip condition) VA < 50
7 Voltage
AC Voltage (secondary) Vrms 100 - 120, phase to phase
Wiring Type - 3 Phase - 4 wire
Min. (20 - 500)
Primary Nominal voltage kV selectable VT matching taps
Frequency Hz 50
8 Voltage (Un) VAC 110
9 Binary input / output
Nominal Voltage VDC > 110 VDC
Trip contacts A > 5 A, 110 VDC continously
A > 9 A, make and carry, 1 s
A > 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Auxiliary contacts A > 5 A, 110 VDC continously
A > 9 A, make and carry, 1 s
A > 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Binary Input - > 24
Binary Output contact - > 16
10 Event records events > 192 (in ring buffer FIFO)
11 Internal disturbance recorder
- Number of analog signal for each diameter - > 4 analog signal
- Number of digital signal for each diameter - > 8 digital signal
- Trigger analogue signal - [ Trip signal or analogue value change ]
- Trigger event signal - Internal and external trigger
- Recording duration each fault - > 8 oscillograph for each > 2.0 s.
- Sampling rate sample/cycle ≥ 16
- Format file - COMTRADE IEC 60255-24
12 Continous withstand voltage - > 200% x Un
13 Voltage setting range Minimum range UVR (10% - 90%) x Un
Minimum range OVR (100% - 150%) x Un
Time delay setting range - ≥ 0.00 - 9.9 sec, time step 0.01
Drop off pick-up ratio
- Overvoltage % ≥ 95
- Undervoltage % ≤ 105
14 Accuracy
Operating voltage - < 5% of setting voltage
Operating time - < 5% of setting time
15 Minimum Feature
Watch dog - Enable
Block for Relay Failure - Enable
Default logic and setting - Enable
MMI (Man Machine interface) - Enable
16 Communication Service
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Terminal Interface Local config : RJ45 / RS 232/RS-485/USB
Communication Type - Ethernet
Data Transfer Speed bit/sec 1200 - 4800
Communication Port - [ In front or rear, or both ]
Communication Media - Shielded Twisted Pair and Fibre Optic
Time clock syncronization - [ GPS with SNTP or IRIG-B ]
17 Communication with LAN SAS
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Terminal Interface [ Fibre Optic Single Mode or Multimode
- RJ45 / IEEE 802.3 (ethernet) ]
18 Communication for Local Configuration
Terminal Interface - [ RJ45, RS-232, RS-485 or USB ]
Database configuration - Upload and download
Software for Database configuration - Included
19 Licensed Software for setting and analysis - Included
20 Connection between relay to computer - Included
21 Default setting and Programmable Logic Controller - Enable
22 Protocol - IEC 61850

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan


Item Description Unit Requirement Proposed and guarantee

1 Manufacturer to be mentioned

2 Type to be mentioned

3 Processor Latest technology

4 Operating System Linux/Unix/Windows

5 Word length bits ≥ 32

6 RAM GB ≥ 4

7 Hard Disk Storage

- Installed Capacity GB ≥ 500
- Speed rpm ≥ 7200

8 Optical Drive Multy drive

9 Graphic Adapter 128 MB slot 1

10 Communication Port
- 10/100 Base Tx Ethernet Port 2
- Serial Port 1
- USB port 2

11 Software
- GUI Yes
- License Yes
- Data logging Yes
- Historical recording and archiving Yes
- Alarm management Yes
- Remote configuration Yes

12 Architecture 19 " Rack Type

13 Power Supply VAC 220 ± 10 %

14 Ambient Temperature °C 15 to 40
Humidity 5 to 80% at 25 °C
(no condensation)
15 Degree Protection class IP 32

16 Electromagnetic Compatibility IEC 60255-6, IEC 61000-4, IEC 61850-3

17 Input/output Capacity 5000




Year Manufacture 2023

1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type of reference - Numeric
3 Auxiliary supplay tegangan VDC 110 (-15% up to +10%)
4 Current
AC Voltage (secondary) A 1 and 5
Wiring Type - 3 Phase - 4 wire
Primary Nominal Current kV Min. (50 - 4000)
Frequency Hz 50
5 AC Burden
In = 1 A VA ≤ 0.2
In = 5 A VA ≤ 1.0
6 DC Burden (trip condition) VA ≤ 50
7 Binary input / output
Nominal Voltage VDC ≥ 110
Trip contacts A > 5 A, 110 VDC continously
A ≥ 9 A, make and carry, 1 s
A > 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Auxiliary contacts A > 5 A, 110 VDC continously
A ≥ 9 A, make and carry, 1 s
A > 0.2 A, 110 VDC break
Binary Input - ≥8
Binary Output contact - ≥ 16
8 Event records events ≥ 192 (in ring buffer FIFO)
9 Internal disturbance recorder
- Number of analog signal for each diameter - ≥ 4 analog signal
- Number of digital signal for each diameter - ≥ 8 digital signal
- Trigger analogue signal - [ Trip signal or analogue value change ]
- Trigger event signal - Internal and external trigger
- Recording duration each fault - ≥ 8 oscillograph for each ≥ 2.0 s.
- Sampling rate - Minimum 16 samples per cycle
- Format file - COMTRADE IEC 60255-24
10 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection
Range Setting - Min. 10% s.d 100% x Rated Current, step 1%
CB Failure Time - Min. 10 ms s.d 10 s, step 10 ms
11 Short Zone/Dead Zone Protection - Min. 10% s.d 100% x Rated Current, step 1%
Range Setting - Min. 10 ms s.d 10 s, step 10 ms
Dead Zone Time
12 Minimum Feature
Retrip / first stage trip - Enable
Backtrip/adjacent trip/s. stage trip - Enable
Watch dog - Enable
Block for Relay Failure - Enable
Default logic and setting - Enable
MMI (Man Machine interface) - Enable
13 Communication Service
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Terminal Interface - Local config : RJ45 / RS 232/RS-485/USB
Communication Type - Ethernet
Data Transfer Speed bit/sec 1200 - 4800
Communication Port - [ In front or rear, or both ]
Communication Media - Shielded Twisted Pair and Fibre Optic
Time clock syncronization - [ GPS with SNTP or IRIG-B ]
14 Communication with LAN SAS
Communication Protocol - IEC 61850
Terminal Interface - [ Fibre Optic Single Mode or Multimode
15 Communication for Local Configuration
Terminal Interface - [ RJ45, RS-232, RS-485 or USB ]
Database configuration - Upload and download
Software for Database configuration - Included
16 Licensed Software for setting and analysis - Included
17 Connection between relay to computer - Included
18 Default setting and Programmable Logic Controller - Enable
19 Protocol IEC 61850

Notes :
[ ....] User menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



SNI IEC 60502-1:2009; PUIL 2011; SPLN

Standard - S5.005-1; SPLN 43-1; SPLN 43-2
Year Manufacture 2023
1. Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2. Cable type - NYY NYFGbY
3. Rated voltage kV 0.6/1.0 0.6/1.0
4. Nominal size of conductor Subject to calculation
AC/DC Switchgear sqmm To be mentioned (≥ 50)
Power Supply AC/DC sqmm To be mentioned (≥ 6)
5. Number of core - to be mentioned
6. Material of conductor - Copper
Max. permissible temp. of the insulation °C 70
7. Max. permissible temp. of the cores °C 90
8. No. of conductor and stranding mm To be mentioned
9. Type of insulating material - PVC
10 Type of sheath material - ST2
11 Type of Armour - - Flat tape
[ Galvanized steel or
12 Material of armour - - Allumunium alloy ]
Thickness of insulation To be mentioned
13 (According to table 5 SNI IEC 60502-1:2009) mm
14 Maximum current rating A Subject to calculation
15 Outside cable diameter mm To be mentioned
16 Resistance of conductors maximum Ohm/km To be mentioned
14. Impedance of conductors Ohm/km To be mentioned
15. Maximum short circuit rating :
t = 0.1 seconds kA To be mentioned
t = 0.2 seconds kA To be mentioned
t = 0.3 seconds kA To be mentioned
t = 1.0 seconds kA To be mentioned
16. Cable weight kg/km To be mentioned
17. Minimum drum wound lengths m To be mentioned
18. Drum diameter maximum mm To be mentioned
19. Drum width maximum mm To be mentioned
20. Full drum weight maximum kg To be mentioned
21. Test Certificates : To be submitted
- Issued by
- Reference
- Date of test report
22 Catalogue, drawings, manual and other references - To be submitted

Notes :
[ ....] user menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



SNI IEC 60502-1:2009; PUIL 2011; SPLN 43-4; SPLN

Standards - S5.005-1
Year Manufacture 2023
1. Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2. Cable type - NYCY
3. Rated voltage kV 0.6/1.0
4. Nominal size of conductor sqmm 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16
5. No. of cores - 2, 4, 6, 10, 12
Max. permissible temperature of the insulation °C 70
6. Max. permissible temperature of the sheath °C 90
7. Material of conductor - Copper
8. No. of conductor and stranding
(no/diameter) mm To be mentioned
9. Type of insulating material - PVC
Type of sheath material - ST2

Thickness of insulation
10. (According to table 5 SNI IEC 60502-1:2009) mm To be mentioned
11. Type of metalic screen material - Copper tape and copper wire
12. Thickness of metalic screen material mm ≥ 0.2
13. Maximum current rating A To be calculated
14. Outside cable diameter mm To be mentioned
15. Resistance of conductors maximum Ohm/km To be mentioned
16. Impedance of conductors Ohm/km To be mentioned
17. Maximum short circuit rating :
t = 0.1 seconds kA To be mentioned
t = 0.2 seconds kA To be mentioned
t = 0.3 seconds kA To be mentioned
t = 1.0 seconds kA To be mentioned

18. Cable weight kg/km To be mentioned

19. Minimum drum wound lengths m To be mentioned

20 Drum diameter maximum mm To be mentioned

21. Drum width maximum mm To be mentioned

22 Full drum weight maximum kg To be mentioned

23. Test Certificates : - To be submitted

- Issued by
- Reference no.
- Date of Test Report
24 Catalogue, drawings, manual and other references - To be submitted



Standard - SPLN T5.012: 2020

1 Nominal voltage kV 150
2 Highest system voltage kV 170
3 Frequency Hz 50
4 Fault current level kA ≥ 50
5 Earthing of system neutral - Solid
6 Mesh grounding criteria design
- Material for earthing grid - Copper
- Surface layer thickness (h s) cm ≥ 20
- Minimum cross section of grid conductor mm2 150

- Minimum cross section of conductor to connect metal clad parts to main grid mm2 2 x 150
- Distance between grid conductor m ≤5x5
- Depth of mesh grounding m ≥ 0.8
- Resistance of grounding system (R g) Ohm ≤ 0.5
- Mesh grounding area should be larger than switchyard fence m 1.5 to 2
7 Method of joint between grid-conductors to form the grid - Exothermic welding
8 Method of joint between conductors and earthing rod - Earthing clamp
9 Earthing pit provided - Yes



1 Manufacturer - To be mentioned
2 Type - Indoor
3 International Protection (IP Code) - ≥ IP54
4 Mounting position - Free standing
5 Material of cubicle - Steel
6 Protection against harmful mechanical impact (IK Code) -
IK 10
(based on IEC 62262)
7 Socket strips supply 220 AC - Yes
8 Light with Door switch - Yes
9 Heater - Yes
10 Exhaust Fan for UPS/Inverter and Server - Yes
11 Roof panel - Yes
12 Side panel each cubicle unit - Yes
13 Front panel built as door - Yes
14 Cut-outs for flush mounted instrument, control devices, relays, - Yes
test sockets, test switches and signalling panels
15 Dimension of cubicles :
- length mm 800
- width mm 800
- height mm 2200
16 Cable inlet from bottom - Yes
17 Internal wiring in plastic cable canals with plastic cover - Yes
18 Surface treatment of all steel component :
- primer - 2x
- varnish coat - 1x
19 Mimic diagram for Control Panel provided - Yes
20 Earthing connection provided - Yes
21 Test plug provided - Yes
22 Test block provided - Yes



Year Manufacture 2023

Standards - IEC62053-22

1 Manufacturer / type - To be mentioned

2 Meter Type - Electronic

3 Wiring - 3 Phasa 4 wire (programmable)

4 Nominal Curent A 1

5 Current Over Load - 2 x I n Continous; 10 x I n for 0.5 second

6 Nominal Voltage VAC 57.7 up to 240 (auto range)

7 Aux. Power Supply VAC 55 up to 240 (auto range)

VDC 110 or 220 (auto range)

8 Frequency Hz 50

9 Accuracy Class - [ 0.2s for tariff metering ]

10 Operating Temperature ⁰C - 40 to + 85

11 Channels Load Profile -
(2 Groups Load profile dedicated)

12 Interval Demand (Programmable) minutes 1 to 60

≥ 90
13 Minimum Storage Load Profile days
(with interval 30 minutes)

14 Consumption Register - Wh Del, Wh Rec, VARh Del, VARh Rec,

VAh Del, VAh Rec

15 Demand Register - W Del, W Rec, VAR Del, VAR Rec, VA Del,

VA Rec

16 Demand Interval Length (selectable) minutes [ 1 or 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 or 40 or 60 ]

W Del, W Rec, VAR Del, VAR Rec, VA Del, VA

17 Instantaneous Register - Rec, V per-phase, Amps per- phase, PF,

18 Coincident Demand - Internal security Password at Meters and Software

19 Time of use Register Rate Tarif 8

Should be able to integrated with AMR PLN

20 Software Meter - - Included for meter operation
- Windows Based including license
21 Download Meter - Enable to Setting Data & Time for Download Meter

22 Display Digit 8

Optical Port, Direc Comunication RS 485, RS 232,

23 Communication -
Modem TCP/IP

24 Security Password - Internal Security Password at Meter and Software

Standard Open Protocol IEC62056 (DLMS, DNP3

25 Protocol -
and MODBUS) and IEC 61850

(If Energy Meter not support TCP/IP)

To be mentioned
1 Manufacturer / type (Support with kWH Meter)

2 Ethernet Interface
- Speed - 10/100/Auto Mbps
- Connector - RJ45

3 Serial Interface
- Port - RS232 / DB9
- Baudrate bps 300 up to 9216

4 Software
- Configuration options - Web browser, telnet client, serial terminal
- Windows Real Com Drivers - Windows

5 Environmental Limit
- Operating temperature ⁰C ( ⁰F ) 0⁰ to 55⁰ ( 32⁰ to 131⁰ )
- Storage Temperature ⁰C ( ⁰F ) - 40⁰ to 75⁰ ( -4⁰ to 167⁰ )
- Operating Humadity % 10 to 90

6 Demand Interval Length minutes [ 1 or 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 or 40 or 60 ]

Notes :
[ ....] user menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



1 Manufacturer
- Brand - To be mentioned
-Type - To be mentioned

2 Type of designation - Outdoor, free-standing

3 International Protection (IP Code) - ≥ IP54

[ Stainless Steel or Hot dip

4 Material of cubicle - galvanised sheet steel ]

Protection against harmful mechanical impact (IK Code)

5 (based on IEC 62262) - ≥ IK10

5 Minimum thickness of sheet steel mm 2

6 Colour - RAL 7032

7 Front cover : door with glass window - No

8 Provided with swingable cover for mimic and control - No

9 Dimension :
- depth mm To be mentioned
- width mm To be mentioned
- height mm To be mentioned

10 Roof : shallow pitched - Yes

11 Automatically controlled heating resistor - Yes

12 Mimic diagram provided - No

13 Position indicators provided for :

- circuit breaker - No
- disconnecting switches - No
- earthing switches - No
- remote - supervisory switch key - No
- manual - auto switch key - No

15 Built-in sockets :
- 2 pole AC 230 V 16 A - Yes
- 3 pole AC 400 V 25 A - Yes
protected by MCBs

18 Door-switch controlled inside-cubicle-lighting - Yes

17 Built-in terminal blocks - Yes




20 Total weight kg To be mentioned

Notes :
[ ....] user menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan



1 Manufacturer
- Brand - To be mentioned
-Type - To be mentioned

2 Type of designation - Outdoor, free-standing

3 International Protection (IP Code) - ≥ IP54

[ Stainless Steel or Hot dip

4 Material of cubicle - galvanised sheet steel ]

Protection against harmful mechanical impact (IK Code)

5 (based on IEC 62262) - ≥ IK10

5 Minimum thickness of sheet steel mm 2

6 Colour - RAL 7032

7 Front cover : door with glass window - No

8 Provided with swingable cover for mimic and control - No

9 Dimension :
- depth mm To be mentioned
- width mm To be mentioned
- height mm To be mentioned

10 Roof : shallow pitched - Yes

11 Automatically controlled heating resistor - Yes

12 Mimic diagram provided - No

13 Position indicators provided for :

- circuit breaker - No
- disconnecting switches - No
- earthing switches - No
- remote - supervisory switch key - No
- manual - auto switch key - No

15 Built-in sockets :
- 2 pole AC 230 V 16 A - Yes
- 3 pole AC 400 V 25 A - Yes
protected by MCBs

18 Door-switch controlled inside-cubicle-lighting - Yes

17 Built-in terminal blocks - Yes




20 Total weight kg To be mentioned

Notes :
[ ....] user menentukan nilai sesuai nilai yang dibutuhkan. Hapus nilai yang tidak diperlukan
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No.50 G, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
Telp. (0561) 762580, Fax. (0561) 762579



NOMOR : 04.RKS/DAN.01.03/F40000000/2023
TANGGAL : 17 JULI 2023



Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.1: Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek


BA B V.1 KELENGKAPAN INFORMASI PR O YE K ..................................................... V-1

1. LINGKUP PEKERJAAN ........................................................................................ V-1
2. TERMINAL POINT DENGAN PEMBANGUNAN TRANSMISI .............................. V-2
3.1. Koordinasi Dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa Lain Di Lokasi Pekerjaan (Bila Ada)
...................................................................................................................... V-2
3.2. Gambar ......................................................................................................... V-3
3.2.1. Gambar didalam Dokumen Penawaran ............................................ V-3
3.2.2. Gambar Desain untuk Persetujuan ................................................... V-3
3.2.3. Gambar Pemasangan ....................................................................... V-3
3.2.4. Revisi dari Gambar Penyedia Barang/Jasa di Site (bila ada) ............ V-3
3.3. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) .................................................................... V-4
4. PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN DI LAPANGAN ................................................... V-4
5. INSTRUKSI INSTALASI, OPERASI DAN PEMELIHARAAN ............................... V-4
6. PAPAN NAMA ....................................................................................................... V-4
6.1. Papan Nama Proyek ..................................................................................... V-4
6.2. Papan Jadwal................................................................................................ V-5

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-i

Pembangunan Gardu Induk AIS dengan EPC
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.1: Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek


Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memahami sendiri sepenuhnya atas seluruh dokumen

pelelangan. Bab ini ini merupakan informasi dan ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.


Lingkup Pekerjaaan Proyek ini adalah pembangunan Ekstension 2 Line Bay GI 150
KV Tayan.

Secara umum lingkup pekerjaan ini terdiri atas namun tidak terbatas pada:
A. Pekerjaan Desain, Pabrikasi, Pengujian Pabrik, Pengangkutan,
Pemasangan Peralatan Elektro Mekanik, Test dan Komisioning:
1. 2 x 150 kV Line Bay
2. Control and Protection Panel
3. Power & Control Cable (LV
4. Gantry Switchyard 150 kV
5. Substation Earthing Grid, dengan ketentuan :
6. Dengan tiap bay minimal 9 batang electrode, dan khusus untuk peralatan
outdoor LA, ditambahkan dengan batang-batang electrode pentanahan
langsung tersendiri, sehingga diperoleh tahanan pentanahan ≤ 0.5 Ω. (total
per bay 12 batang electrode masing-masing min. 5/8 in; 3 m). Seluruh
Rangka baja/ steel, baik yang berada dilingkungan gantry (termasuk pagar
keliling) maupun rangka baja/steel pada gedung control maupun rangka
peralatan lainnya (panel-panel 20 kV, panel-panel proteksi, panel-panel
control, dll) agar ditanahkan dan dihubungkan dengan Grid system

B. Pekerjaan Sipil

Gedung Kontrol Gardu Induk 150 kV, dan Pondasi Peralatan Elektro Mekanik
(Pondasi gantry, peralatan Switchgears), Sarana dan Prasarana.
Secara garis besar pekerjaan ini terdiri atas namun tidak terbatas pada:
1. Pekerjaan Persiapan
2. Perijinan
3. Pekerjaan soil investigation (sondir) pada lokasi Gardu induk serta boring
(bila diperlukan)
4. Desain dan Layout Gardu Induk
5. Pembuatan gambar pelaksanaan
6. Pengadaan material
7. Pengangkutan/Pengiriman peralatan/material baru ke site.
8. Pembuatan pondasi, gedung kontrol Gardu induk, civil work lainnya dan
9. Pemasangan peralatan Gardu Induk 500 kV
10. Pembuatan As Built Drawing.
11. Pemeliharaan

Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.1: Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek

Rincian pekerjaan sesuai Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga (BoQ) dan BAB V
Spesifikasi Teknik dan Gambar.


Kontrak terminal point dengan Pembangunan Transmisi adalah sebagai berikut :

a. Pengadaan dan pemasangan Konduktor dan ground wire dari tower ke Gardu
Pengadaan dan pemasangan konduktor dan ground wire slack span antara
terminal tower dan gantry dari Gardu Induk serta Insulator bukan termasuk
dalam lingkup pekerjaan Gardu Induk. Sedangkan jumper, semua konektor dan
klem dari peralatan Gardu Induk ke konduktor slack span serta Pengadaan dan
pemasangan gantry termasuk dalam lingkup pekerjaan Gardu Induk.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa Gardu Induk harus bertanggung jawab untuk
memastikan agar ujung saluran transmisi diterminasi (diakhiri) dengan cara
yang tepat.
b. Pengadaan dan pemasangan Gantry Box dan terminasi OPGW pada Gantry
Box tidak termasuk lingkup pekerjaan Gardu Induk. Sedangkan Splicing antara
Fiber Optic dari OPGW dengan Fiber Optic dari kabel FA (Fiber Armoured)
termasuk lingkup pekerjaan Gardu Induk.


3.1. Koordinasi Dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa Lain di Lokasi Pekerjaan

(Bila Ada)

Penyedia Barang/Jasa Gardu Induk harus bekerja sama dalam perencanaan

maupun pelaksanaan pekerjaan dengan Pengguna Barang/Jasa/Direksi
pekerjaan dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa lain (bila ada) yang terlibat dalam proyek
ini dibawah petunjuk/instruksi Pengguna Barang/Jasa/Direksi pekerjaan untuk
memastikan pekerjaan interfacing antar Penyedia Barang/Jasa berjalan lancar.

Beberapa hal yang dilakukan dalam koordinasi antara lain:

a) Penyedia Barang/Jasa akan mengirimkan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa
beberapa kopi/salinan dari semua komunikasi, program kerja, gambar dan
catatan dari semua pertemuan antara Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa lain untuk pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang terkait.
b) Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa menganggap bahwa Penyedia
Barang/Jasa lain menghambat kewajiban pelaksanaan kontrak, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa akan memberitahukan hal ini kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa/Direksi Pekerjaan.
c) Dalam hal terjadi perselisihan dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa lain yang
tidak dapat diselesaikan kedua pihak, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa/Direksi Pekerjaan akan memberikan keputusan yang bersifat

Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.1: Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek

3.2. Gambar

3.2.1. Gambar didalam Dokumen Penawaran

Gambar-gambar yang dilampirkan dalam dokumen pelelangan

merupakan bagian dari persyaratan.

Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melampirkan gambar-gambar dan

dokumen teknik dalam dokumen penawarannya. Gambar dan dokumen
tersebut harus memungkinkan Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat
mengidentifikasi kesesuaian terhadap persyaratan dokumen
pelelangan. Seluruh gambar dalam dokumen penawaran harus memiliki
keterangan sebagai berikut :

Judul proyek, judul gambar, nama Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa, tanggal

dan skala gambar.

Gambar-gambar dan dokumen teknis yang akan diajukan oleh Penyedia

Barang/Jasa dalam penawarannya dilampirkan data teknis (brosur)
sesuai dengan Bab III KKE klausul

Setelah tanda tangan kontrak, maka dalam dokumen kontrak Penyedia

Barang/Jasa harus melampirkan revisi gambar dan dokumen yang
ditawarkan sesuai hasil diskusi kontrak.

Semua proses kegiatan desain engineering diselesaikan

maksimum dalam waktu 60 (enam puluh) hari kalender setelah kick
off meeting.

3.2.2. Gambar Desain untuk Persetujuan

Sebelum dipabrikasi, gambar yang mencantumkan ukuran dan diagram

yang memberikan rincian lengkap dari Peralatan harus diserahkan
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk disetujui. Dua salinan gambar
harus diberikan kepada Enjinir (bila ada) dan empat salinan diserahkan
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk disetujui. Gambar-gambar harus
diserahkan tepat waktu untuk memungkinkan revisi atau modifikasi
seperti yang dipersyaratkan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

3.2.3. Gambar Pemasangan

Adalah tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk memastikan

bahwa personil pemasangan di lapangan memiliki gambar pelaksanaan/
gambar kerja terbaru yang berisikan tipe, ukuran, volume dan spesifikasi
teknis yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan Pekerjaan di lapangan.

3.2.4. Revisi dari Gambar Penyedia Barang/Jasa di Site (bila ada)

Selama masa pembangunan dan komisioning, apabila terdapat

ketidaksesuaian antara gambar-gambar yang sudah disetujui
sebelumnya dengan kebutuhan di lapangan maka Penyedia

Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.1: Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek

Barang/Jasa harus membuat revisi dari gambar tersebut dan

memberikan kepada Direksi Pekerjaan untuk mendapat persetujuan.

3.3. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

Sebelum pengiriman, material AIS sesuai lingkup pekerjaan, harus dilakukan

pengujian rutin (routine test) dan pengujian Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
terlebih dahulu. Untuk material utama transmisi yang sudah dilakukan FAT
pada kontrak lain mengikuti ketentuan yang berlaku.
Pengujian FAT adalah pengujian yang dilakukan di pabrik pembuat terhadap
sampel yang diambil secara acak dari sejumlah material utama transmisi yang
akan diserahterimakan ke unit PLN dengan disaksikan oleh personel PLN atau
yang mewakili/ditugaskan, untuk memastikan bahwa material utama transmisi
tersebut mempunyai desain dan karakteristik yang sama dengan prototipe uji
jenis. Mata uji yang dilakukan, kriteria penerimaan dan jumlah sampel yang
diambil mengikuti ketentuan atau standar yang sudah dipersyaratkan.
Biaya yang timbul untuk menghadiri test tersebut (akomodasi, transport, dan
lain-lain) ditanggung oleh PLN. Sedangkan biaya pelaksanaan test adalah
tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan sudah termasuk dalam harga

Dokumen Inspection Quality Certificate (IQC)

Hasil uji FAT disampaikan sebelum pengiriman barang, Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berkewajiban menyampaikan dan melengkapi formulir dokumen Inspection
Quality Certificate (IQC) diterbitkan oleh PT PLN (Persero) sesuai dengan hasil
uji FAT.


Semua pekerjaan di lokasi diupayakan sedemikian rupa agar tidak menganggu

pekerjaan Penyedia Barang/Jasa lain (bila ada) atau menganggu operasi Gardu
Induk eksisting.


Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menyampaikan manual instalasi, pengoperasian dan

pemeliharaan yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia.


6.1. Papan Nama Proyek

Papan nama proyek harus mencakup informasi sebagai berikut:

a. Pengguna Barang/Jasa
b. Nomor kontrak
c. Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa

Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.1: Kelengkapan Informasi Proyek

d. Nama Konsultan/Supervisor
e. Lingkup Pekerjaan
f. Sumber Dana

6.2. Papan Jadwal

a. Dimensi minimal 2m X 3m
b. Data untuk proyek Gardu Induk:
1) Pekerjaan persiapan
2) Detail Desain
3) Fabrikasi peralatan
4) Pengiriman material
5) Pekerjaan Sipil (Gedung Kontrol, Pondasi Gantry dan Pondasi Peralatan
Gardu Induk)
6) Instalasi/Pemasangan
7) Test and Commissioning (Termasuk Final Checking)

Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis


BAB V.2 KETENTUAN UMUM TEKNIS ......................................................................... V-1

1. PERATURAN, STANDAR, DLL. ........................................................................... V-1
1.1. Bahasa ......................................................................................................... V-1
1.2. Satuan Pengukuran ..................................................................................... V-1
1.3. Kesesuaian dengan Standar ........................................................................ V-1
1.4. Peraturan Perundang-undangan.................................................................. V-1
2. KONDISI LAPANGAN ........................................................................................... V-1
2.1. Keterangan umum lapangan ........................................................................ V-1
2.2. Kondisi Seismik ............................................................................................ V-2
2.3. Kondisi khusus ............................................................................................. V-2
3. KETERANGAN SISTEM ........................................................................................ V-2
3.1. Tegangan Tinggi 66 kV ................................................................................ V-2
3.2. Tegangan Tinggi 150 kV .............................................................................. V-3
3.3. Tegangan Tinggi 275 kV .............................................................................. V-3
3.4. Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi 500 kV ................................................................... V-4
3.5. Tegangan Menengah 20 kV ......................................................................... V-4
3.6. Tegangan Rendah 400/230 V ...................................................................... V-5
4. MATERIAL DAN FINISHING ................................................................................. V-5
4.1. Material-material .......................................................................................... V-5
4.2. Finishing ....................................................................................................... V-6
5. MUR DAN BAUT ................................................................................................... V-7
6. PENGELASAN ...................................................................................................... V-7
7. LABEL ................................................................................................................... V-8
8. PENGEPAKAN DAN PENGIRIMAN ..................................................................... V-8
9. DESAIN DAN PABRIKASI .................................................................................... V-9
10. KUNCI GEMBOK (PAD LOCKS) .......................................................................... V-9
11. PENOPANG PIPA ............................................................................................... V-10
12. KATUP ................................................................................................................. V-10
13. INDIKATOR LEVEL MINYAK .............................................................................. V-10
14. PENGUKUR TEKANAN ...................................................................................... V-11
15. KANTONG TERMOMETER ................................................................................. V-11
16. INSTRUMEN ........................................................................................................ V-11
17. INSULASI LISTRIK .............................................................................................. V-12
18. PENTANAHAN .................................................................................................... V-13

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-i

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

19. MOTOR LISTRIK ................................................................................................. V-13

20. STARTERS DAN KONTAKTOR ......................................................................... V-14
21. KENDALI, SAKELAR DAN TOMBOL TEKAN ................................................... V-14
22. LAMPU INDIKASI DAN KELENGKAPAN .......................................................... V-16
23. SAKELAR TAMBAHAN ...................................................................................... V-16
24. PEMANAS ANTI-KONDENSASI DAN VENTILATOR ........................................ V-16
26. SISTEM IDENTIFIKASI ....................................................................................... V-17
27. KONDISI OPERASI ............................................................................................. V-18
28. KONDISI IKLIM .................................................................................................... V-18
29. KEANDALAN ....................................................................................................... V-18
30. UJI JENIS/TIPE ................................................................................................... V-18
31. KETERANGAN DESAIN ..................................................................................... V-18
32. PETUNJUK DAN GAMBAR SAMBUNGAN KABEL .......................................... V-19
33. KUBIKEL PENGUKURAN DAN PANEL UKUR ................................................. V-19
34. TERMINASI KABEL ............................................................................................ V-19
SEKERING DAN TAUTAN (LINKS) .................................................................... V-20
36. FASILITAS SISTEM KENDALI............................................................................ V-20

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-ii

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis



1.1. Bahasa

Bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia dapat digunakan untuk semua dokumen
Kontrak dan dalam semua korespondensi antara Pengguna Barang/Jasa,
Direksi Pekerjaan dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa sesuai lingkup pekerjaan dan
semua dokumen serta gambar yang akan disiapkan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa terkait pekerjaan termasuk dokumen Petunjuk Operasi dan
Pemeliharaan (O/M).

1.2. Satuan Pengukuran

Dalam semua korespondensi, tabel data teknis dari semua gambar, harus
menerapkan unit pengukuran Metrik (Sistem Internasional). Pengukuran sudut
harus dalam derajat searah jarum jam.

1.3. Kesesuaian dengan Standar

Semua peralatan dan bahan, serta pembuatan dan pengujiannya, yang akan
disediakan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa berdasarkan kontrak ini harus
memenuhi Standar Internasional, Standar Nasional Indonesia, SPLN dan/atau
Standar yang ditentukan dalam spesifikasi dan gambar.

1.4. Peraturan Perundang-undangan

Semua pekerjaan termasuk peralatan, material dan jasa yang merupakan

bagian dari kontrak ini harus memenuhi semua Peraturan Perundangan-
undangan dan Hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia.


2.1. Keterangan umum lapangan

Daerah Ekuator - Sinar matahari yang intens - hujan lebat

Suhu udara sekitar:

Ekstremitas : 10oC sampai 40oC

Suhu rata-rata tahunan ambien : 27oC
Rata-rata dalam satu hari tidak melebihi : 35oC
Curah hujan - rata - rata tahunan : 2.300 mm, 100 hari
Kelembaban relatifrata-rata : 70% - 100%
Kecepatan angin maksimum : 25 m / detik
Tingkat isokeraunik rata-rata : 100 hari / tahun
Ketinggian : permukaan laut sampai 1000 meter.
Tingkat polusi : Berat (Heavy) atau Sangat Berat
(Very Heavy)

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-1

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Informasi ini untuk panduan umum saja. Suhu dan tekanan angin untuk
keperluan desain diberikan dalam Spesifikasi Teknis.

2.2. Kondisi Seismik

Beban gempa harus disimulasikan dengan gaya horisontal yang sama dengan
gaya vertikal total, kalikan dengan percepatan tanah seismik sesuai dengan SNI
1726: 2019 bekerja dalam sembarang arah pada pusat gravitasi dari struktur.

2.3. Kondisi khusus

Peralatan yang disediakan di bawah Kontrak ini akan dipasang di lokasi yang
dapat dianggap berlawanan dengan operasi yang benar.

Masalah tertentu yang akan memerlukan pertimbangan khusus berhubungan

dengan operasi di lingkungan lembab panas, dan kehadiran serangga dan


3.1. Tegangan Tinggi 66 kV

1. Tegangan sistem nominal : 66 kV
2. Tegangan sistem tertinggi : 72,5 kV
3. Metode pembumian sistem : Solid atau
4. Tegangan ketahanan lmpuls (puncak)
- Perlengkapan hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 750 kV
- Transformator : 650 kV
5. Ketahahan frekuensi daya satu menit dari
Tegangan (efektif)
- perlengkapan hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 325 kV
- transformator : 275 kV
6. Jarak rambat isolator fase ke bumi : 25 mm/kV
(Heavy Polluted)
31 mm/kV
(Very Heavy Polluted)
7. Kapasitas pemutusan hubung pendek
pengenal, 1 detik: ≥ 31.5 kA
8. Jarak bebas untuk Perlengkapan Hubung-
- Jarak bebas minimum antara logam
bertegangan dan bumi : 1,5 m
- Jarak bebas minimum antara logam
bertegangan fase berbeda : 1,8 m
- Jarak bebas minimum level tanah sampai
ke dasar insulasi : 2,3 m

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-2

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

3.2. Tegangan Tinggi 150 kV

1. Tegangan sistem nominal : 150 kV
2. Tegangan sistem tertinggi : 170 kV
3. Metode pembumian sistem : Solid
4. Tegangan ketahanan lmpulse (puncak)
- Perlengkapan hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 750 kV
- Transformator : 650 kV
5. Ketahahan frekuensi daya satu menit dari
Tegangan (efektif)
- perlengkapan hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 325 kV
- transformator : 275 kV
6. Jarak rambat isolator fase ke bumi : 25 mm/kV
(Heavy Polluted)
31 mm/kV
(Very Heavy Polluted)
7. Kapasitas pemutusan hubung-pendek
pengenal, 1 detik: 40 kA atau ≥ 50 kA
8. Jarak bebas untuk Perlengkapan Hubung-
Jarak bebas minimum antara logam
bertegangan dan bumi : 1,5 m
Jarak bebas minimum antara logam
bertegangan fase berbeda : 1,8 m
Jarak bebas minimum level tanah sampai
ke dasar insulasi : 2,3 m

3.3. Tegangan Tinggi 275 kV

1. Tegangan sistem nominal : 275 kV
2. Tegangan sistem tertinggi : 300 kV
3. Metode pembumian sistem : Solid
4. Tegangan ketahanan lmpulse (puncak)
- Perlengkapan hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 750 kV
- Transformator : 650 kV
5. Ketahahan frekuensi daya satu menit dari
Tegangan (efektif)
- perlengkapan hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 325 kV
- transformator : 275 kV
6. Jarak rambat isolator fase ke bumi : 25 mm/kV
(Heavy Polluted)
31 mm/kV
(Very Heavy Polluted)
7. Kapasitas pemutusan hubung-pendek
pengenal, 1 detik: 40 kA atau ≥ 50 kA
8. Jarak bebas untuk Perlengkapan Hubung-
Jarak bebas minimum antara logam
bertegangan dan bumi : 1,5 m
Jarak bebas minimum antara logam
bertegangan fase berbeda : 1,8 m
Jarak bebas minimum level tanah sampai
ke dasar insulasi : 2,3 m
Acuan Dokumen Tender V-3
Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

3.4. Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi 500 kV

1. Tegangan sistem nominal : 500 kV
2. Tegangan sistem tertinggi : 550 kV
3. Metode Sistem Pentanahan : Solid
4. Tegangan ketahanan lmpulse (puncak) : 1550 kV
5. Switching surge voltage withstand level of
Insulation to ground polarity wet and dry : 1175 kV
6. One minute power frequency withstand of
Voltage wet (rms) : 620 kV
7. Maximum radio influence voltage level
measured at 1.1 Us V3 at 1 MHz : 2500 uV
8. Jarak rambat isolator fase ke bumi : 25 mm/kV
(Heavy Polluted)
31 mm/kV
(Very Heavy Polluted)
9. Tegangan permukaan konduktor transmisi
pada System tegangan maksimum : 1.6 kV/mm
10. Rated short circuit breaking capacity,1 sec : ≥ 50 kA
11. Jarak bebas untuk Outdoor Switchgear
- Min. clearance between live metal and
earth : 4.2 m
- Min. clearance between live metal
different phases : 5.2 m
- Min. clearance from ground level to
base of insulation : 3.3 m

3.5. Tegangan Menengah 20 kV

1. Tegangan sistem nominal : 20 kV
2. Tegangan sistem tertinggi : 24 kV
3. Metode pembumian sistem : 0 Ohm (Jawa Tengah)
500 Ohm (Jawa Timur)
40 Ohm (selain Jateng
& Jatim)
4. Tegangan ketahanan impuks (puncak)
- perangkat hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 125 kV
- transformator : 125 kV
5. Ketahanan Tegangan (efektif) frekuensi
daya satu menit
- perangkat hubung-bagi (switchgear) : 50 kV
- transformator : 50 kV
6. Jarak rambat isolator fase ke bumi : 25 mm / kV
(Heavy Polluted)
31 mm/kV
(Very Heavy Polluted)
7. Kapasitas pemutusan hubung pendek
pengenal, 1 detik : 25 kA

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-4

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

3.6. Tegangan Rendah 400/230 V

1. Frekuensi sistem : 50 Hz
2. Rotasi fase (searah jarum jam) : RST
3. Tegangan nominal sistem : 400/230 V
4. Jenis pembumian sistem : TN-C-S
5. Tegangan uji satu menit : 2.500 V
6. Uji ketahanan impuls (1.2/50 s) : 8.000 V


Pemilihan material dan lapisan pelindung dengan pertimbangan kondisi tropis yang
lembab dimana peralatan bekerja. Beberapa pengecualian dari ketentuan yang ada
mungkin diizinkan apabila peralatan tertutup rapat namun harus menggunakan
material yang sesuai dengan iklim tropis bila dimungkinkan.

Item utama dari material/peralatan di atas harus sudah melalui uji jenis, salinan
sertifikat uji jenis yang diterbitkan oleh laboratorium pengujian independen terkemuka
harus disampaikan bersama usulan penawaran.

4.1. Material-material

a) Logam
Besi dan baja pada umumnya dicat atau digalvanis sesuai dengan
Spesifikasi kontrak ini.

Bagian di dalam ruangan dapat menggunakan pelapis kromium atau

tembaga nikel atau lapisan pelindung lainnya.

Bagian besi dan baja yang berukuran kecil (selain baja anti karat) dari semua
instrumen dan peralatan listrik, inti elektromagnet dan bagian logam relay
dan mekanisme harus dilindungi dengan cara yang disetujui untuk
mencegah karat.

b) Sekrup, mur, pegas, poros, dll

Penggunaan besi dan baja untuk instrumen dan relay listrik sedapat mungkin
harus dihindari.
Sekrup baja, bila digunakan, harus dilapisi seng, cadnium atau kromium,
atau bila pelapisan tidak dimungkinkan karena keterbatasan toleransi
ukuran, harus menggunakan baja tahan korosi.
Semua sekrup pada kayu harus memiliki lapisan pelindung berbahan
tembaga nikel yang tidak mengkilap atau lapisan pelindung lainnya yang
Sekrup-sekrup instrumen kecuali yang membentuk bagian dari sirkuit
magnetik harus terbuat dari kuningan atau perunggu.
Per/pegas sedapat mungkin terbuat dari bahan yang anti karat, misalnya
perunggu fosfor atau perak nikel.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-5

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

c) Kayu
Penggunaan kayu dalam pekerjaan kontrak ini hanya dapat digunakan untuk
pekerjaan bekisting. Untuk pekerjaan pengecoran, kayu bekisting agar
dilapisi dengan lembaran plastik cor sehingga didapat hasil pengecoran
yang sesuai dengan persyaratan.

d) Karet
Neoprene dan senyawa sintetis yang serupa, yang tidak rusak oleh kondisi
iklim, harus digunakan untuk gasket, cincin penyegelan, diafragma, dll,
bukan bahan berbasis karet standar.

4.2. Finishing

a) Pengecatan
Semua logam besi tidak terkecuali pada tower transmisi dan struktur pada
tempat terbuka harus menggunakan finishing cat dengan lapisan anti korosi
yang efektif, yang diterapkan sesuai dengan ketentuan teknis.

Sebelum pengecatan atau pengisian dengan minyak atau kompon, semua

bagian yang tidak dilapisi galvanis harus benar-benar bersih dan bebas dari
karat, noda dan pelumas serta semua permukaan luar kasar dari logam
cetakan harus dihaluskan.

Sistem pengecatan harus sesuai dengan pengerjaan untuk lokasi yang

tropis dan lembab serta sistem pengecatan ini harus dijelaskan secara
lengkap di dalam dokumen lelang.

b) Bagian Non-ferrous dan Bagian Baja Non Korosif

Semua logam yang bisa terkena dampak korosi harus dilindungi secara tepat
dengan cara dilapisi dengan komposisi anti karat yang telah disetujui. Bagian
non-ferrous lainnya harus dilindungi secara memadai terhadap korosi
selama pengiriman atau dalam pengerjaan.

Setelah pemasangan, bagian ini harus dibersihkan dengan pelarut yang

benar dan dipoles bilamana diperlukan.

c) Galvanisasi
Galvanisasi harus diterapkan dengan proses dicelupkan panas yang
umumnya sesuai dengan ISO 1461:2009 dan harus terdiri dari suatu
ketebalan lapisan seng setara dengan tidak kurang dari 0.610 kg/meter
persegi permukaan.

Lapisan seng harus halus, bersih dan dengan ketebalan seragam dan bebas
dari cacat. Persiapan untuk peng-galvanisasian dan peng-galvanisasian itu
sendiri tidak boleh berpengaruh buruk terhadap sifat mekanik dari bahan
yang dilapisi.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-6

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Semua pengeboran, pelubangan, pemotongan dan penekukan dan

pengelasan bagian harus selesai dan semua kotoran-logam (burr) harus
disingkirkan sebelum proses galvanisasi diterapkan.

Permukaan yang bersentuhan dengan minyak tidak boleh digalvanisasi atau

diberi lapisan kadmium.

Semua kawat baja AS (aluminium-clad steel wire) harus halus, bersih,

ketebalan seragam dan bebas dari cacat dan harus memenuhi persyaratan
dan lulus uji yang ditetapkan dalam IEC 61232:1993.

Jika ada bagian yang digalvanisasi ditemukan tidak sempurna itu harus
diganti. Seluruh biaya yang terlibat dalam penggantian bagian yang tidak
sempurna harus ditanggung oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan alat untuk memeriksa ketebalan

gavanisasi, misalnya Elcometer, atau suatu metode pengujian galvanisasi
yang disetujui bersama Pengguna Barang/Jasa di Lokasi pekerjaan.

Jika, menurut Pengguna Barang/Jasa, ditemukan kerusakan dapat

diperbaiki pada bagian galvanisasi, Penyedia Barang/Jasa melakukan
perbaikan setelah mendapat persetujuan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak menolak bagian yang diperbaiki tersebut
ketika bagian itu diperiksa ulang walaupun metode perbaikannya telah


Mur dan Baut untuk dipasang di instalasi lebih disukai yang sesuai dengan ISO Metric
Coarse. Ukuran atau ulir lain diijinkan untuk bagian berulir yang tidak diganggu dalam
penggunaan atau perawatan normal.

Mur dan baut untuk bagian tekanan harus dari baja cerah mutu terbaik, yang
dikerjakan dengan mesin pada batang (shank) dan di bawah mur kepala.


Dalam semua kasus bila ada pengelasan pabrik yang berpotensi terkena tekanan
tinggi, seperti yang terjadi pada bagian yang mengalami penyusutan atau tekanan
dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberikan gambar
metode umum pabrikasi kepada Direksi Pekerjaan dan sebelum pabrikasi dimulai,
memberikan gambar rinci dari semua usulan persiapan pengelasan dalam pabrikasi.

Sebelum pengelasan tersebut dimulai, Penyedia Barang/Jasa menjamin Pengguna

Barang/Jasa/Direksi Pekerjaan bahwa petugas ataupun operator pengelasan telah
memenuhi persyaratan British Standard yang relevan, atau standar lain yang
disetujui. Penyedia Barang/Jasa diminta untuk menyerahkan bukti dari kualifikasi
petugas pengelasan.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-7

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Setelah meneliti metode umum dan gambar detil pengelasan, Direksi Pekerjaan akan
menginformasikan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa pada tahap mana inspeksi akan
dilakukan. Penyedia Barang/Jasa akan menginformasikan Direksi Pekerjaan apabila
satu atau lebih tahap inspeksi tersebut telah tercapai dan demikian pula untuk
pekerjaan selanjutnya yang akan dilakukan sampai tahap yang ditentukan telah lulus
pemeriksaan Direksi Pekerjaan.

Jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa ingin membuat perubahan pada beberapa bagian

persiapan pengelasan, pertama-tama harus menyerahkan kepada Direksi Pekerjaan
salinan gambar revisi yang menunjukkan perubahan persiapan yang diusulkan dan
kemudian menunggu konfirmasi diterima atau tidaknya.

Selain hal di atas, Pengguna Barang/Jasa/Direksi Pekerjaan berhak untuk memeriksa

hasil pekerjaaan Penyedia Barang/Jasa pada waktu tertentu selama masa pabrikasi
dan untuk menilai kemajuan yang dicapai serta pemeriksaan kualitas pekerjaan.


Semua peralatan harus dilengkapi dengan label atau plat nama, berisikan nama
pengenal, jenis atau nomor seri, beserta informasi mengenai rating, voltase, arus
dimana instalasi telah didesain untuk dioperasikan. Label harus terpasang secara
permanen dalam posisi yang mudah terlihat.

Plat nama atau label dibuat dari material anti karat dan non-higroskopik dengan warna
huruf yang kontras. Bahasa Inggris akan digunakan, kecuali pada plat -nama dan
label yang terkait dengan pengoperasian atau pemeliharaan instalasi yang harus
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dengan persetujuan Pengguna Barang/Jasa/Direksi


Setiap material yang berpotensi mengalami kerusakan dalam transportasi harus

dilindungi dan dijaga dengan aman dalam pengepakannya. Semua pengepakan
harus dapat diidentifikasi secara jelas dengan memberikan keterangan khusus
tentang nama peralatan serta pabrikasinya. Semua tanda identifikasi di luar
pengepakan harus tahan air dan permanen.

Semua material yang beratnya lebih dari 2 ton harus ditandai untuk menunjukkan
dimana sling harus dipasang. Semua material yang digunakan untuk pengepakan
harus sesuai ketentuan dalam dokumen kontrak dan peraturan yang berlaku di
Indonesia. Perlindungan dan tindakan pencegahan yang cukup harus dilakukan untuk
menghindari adanya rayap atau hama, serangga berbahaya dan larva atau jamur dari
bahan pengepakan atau instalasi. Semua isi pengepakan harus diberi tanda dengan
jelas untuk memudahkan identifikasi sesuai daftar material dalam pengepakan

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-8

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memperhatikan dimana semua peralatan dari baja

harus dilindungi untuk mencegah korosi dan/atau kerusakan pada permukaan yang
digalvanisasi yang disebabkan oleh karat putih sebelum dikirim. Semua barang
aksesoris harus dikirim bersama dengan peralatan utamanya. Kotak dan peti yang
berisi barang aksesoris harus diberi tanda sedemikian rupa teridentifikasi sesuai
dengan peralatan utamanya. Isi kotak dan peti harus teridentifikasi sesuai dengan
tanda pada bagian luar.


Desain dan pabrikasi semua peralatan adalah untuk memberikan layanan yang
kontinyu dan jangka panjang dengan nilai ekonomi tinggi serta biaya pemeliharaan
yang rendah untuk menjamin kelangsungan pasokan listrik pada saat kondisi

Semua material yang digunakan harus mempunyai kualitas terbaik dan kelas yang
sesuai dengan kondisi operasi selain itu juga harus tahan terhadap kondisi kerja
normal tanpa penurunan kinerja.

Semua peralatan harus beroperasi tanpa getaran yang tidak wajar dan dengan
kebisingan yang minimum. Semua peralatan dan aksesori yang ditawarkan harus
sudah memiliki desain yang telah teruji. Detil desain harus memungkinkan untuk
pemeriksaan, pembersihan dan perbaikan serta memungkinkan kemudahan operasi
dan pemeliharaan.

Seluruh pengerjaan harus dilakukan dengan kualitas terbaik dan ukuran desain serta
material dari semua bagian dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga tekanan yang
mengenainya pada saat beroperasi maupun pada kondisi ekstrim tidak akan
membuat kerusakan. Tidak diperbolehkan adanya perbaikan bagian yang rusak
dalam kondisi apapun.

Semua perlengkapan dan aksesori sejenis yang ditawarkan harus identik satu sama
lain terkait dengan bahan dan pengerjaan desainnya. Bagian – bagian yang terkait,
sedapat mungkin harus dapat dipertukarkan satu sama lain selama pekerjaan untuk
memudahkan pemasangan atau penggantian bagian.


Bila disyaratkan oleh spesifikasi, kunci gembok (pad locks) non-fero dengan
pengganti-pengganti anak-kunci yang berbeda (different key changes) dan dua anak-
kunci (keys) untuk setiap kunci (lock) dan suatu anak-kunci induk (a master key) untuk
setiap gardu, harus disediakan.

Lemari untuk menyimpan kunci gembok (pad locks) dan anak-kunci, ketika tidak
digunakan, harus disediakan dan harus dengan baik diberi label sehingga anak-anak-
kunci akan mudah diidentifikasi.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-9

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis


Seluruh pekerjaan-pipa dan aksesoris yang dimasukkan dalam Kontrak ini harus
ditopang dan dipasang dengan suatu cara yang disetujui.

Semua yang diperlukan seperti sadel (saddles), pekerjaan-besi struktur, baut

pondasi, baut penaut (fixing bolts) dan semua alat-alat pelengkap (attachments)
lainnya harus disediakan.

Semua penopang dan alat pelengkap pipa harus dirancang agar sesuai/kompatibel
dengan persyaratan bangunan dan pondasi tertentu.

Jumlah dan posisi semua penopang fleksibel tengah antara titik-titik jangkar harus
ditentukan oleh bobot yang akan diterima dan oleh pekerjaan-besi (steelwork) yang
tersedia untuk keperluannya dan harus mendapat persetujuan Pengguna


Katup harus diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga roda tangan bergerak searah jarum jam
untuk menutup katup.

Muka setiap roda tangan harus jelas ditandai dengan kata "membuka" dan "menutup"
dan dilengkapi tanda panah untuk menunjukkan arah untuk membuka dan menutup.
Sejauh mungkin katup tidak boleh dipasang dalam posisi terbalik.

Katup dengan lubang nominal 50 mm dan lebih harus dilengkapi dengan indikator
posisi yang menunjukkan besarnya keterbukaan atau ketertutupan katup dalam
kaitannya dengan keterbukaan atau ketertutupan penuhnya.

Semua roda tangan katup harus dilengkapi dengan pelat-nama sesuai dengan

Sarana yang cocok harus disediakan untuk melindungi mekanisme operasi dari
semua katup terhadap kerusakan mekanis dan debu atau kotoran. Harus disediakan
sarana yang memadai untuk pelumasan mekanis dan pengantar (guide) dan ini
sebaiknya dari jenis tekanan (pressure type).

Katup yang diperlukan untuk terkunci dalam posisi terbuka atau tertutup harus
dilengkapi dengan suatu pengaturan penguncian yang tidak dapat dilepaskan (non-


Indikator level minyak dengan desain yang disetujui harus dipasang di semua
kontainer minyak selain item yang tertutup rapat, kecuali jika ditentukan lain.

Indikator akan menunjukkan level pada semua suhu yang akan dialami dalam
pelayanan, dan harus ditandai dengan tingkat normal pada 20 ºC yang jelas terlihat
dari level akses normal dan harus mudah dibongkar untuk pembersihan.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-10

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis


Semua alat pengukur tekanan (pressure gauges) harus dilengkapi dengan keran
tutup (stop cocks) berdekatan dengan setiap alat pengukur dan semua pipa pengukur
tekanan Bila alat pengukur tekanan dipasang di panel, keran tutup harus cocok untuk
menghubungkan suatu alat pengukur tekanan uji.

Finishing dari semua alat pengukur tekanan harus berupa lapisan kromium.

Bila ada suatu perbedaan level antara alat pengukur dan titik yang tekanannya akan
diukur, kompensasi yang sesuai harus dilakukan dalam pembacaan piring jarum (dial)
dan piring jarum tersebut harus dimarkah/ditandai dengan jumlah kompensasi yang
diterapkan. Bila kompensasi besarnya mencapai 2 persen atau kurang dari gerakan
total yang ditunjukkan dalam kondisi normal, kompensasi tersebut boleh diabaikan.

Semua alat pengukur tekanan bila memungkinkan harus dipasang pada panel di
lokasi yang disetujui oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa. Keran tutup (stop cocks) alat
pengukur harus mudah diakses. Semua alat pengukur tekanan harus diidentifikasi
secara jelas dengan sarana berupa label yang terpisah dari jenis dan huruf yang

Semua pipa alat pengukur tekanan tinggi harus dari baja tak-berkarat tetapi pipa alat
pengukur tekanan lain boleh dari tabung tembaga atau bahan lain yang disetujui oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.


Kantong termometer dan sambungan/koneksi instrumen dari suatu pola yang

disetujui harus dipasang dalam posisi sedemikian agar sesuai dengan operasi dan
pengujian instalasi atas persetujuan Pengguna Barang/Jasa. Sebuah kantong
termometer harus dipasang berdekatan dengan setiap titik sambungan untuk
penunjukan/indikasi suhu jarak jauh kecuali bila secara spesifik dinyatakan
sebaliknya. Jika diperlukan, kantong tersebut harus dari bahan campuran yang
disetujui yang cocok untuk layanan yang diperlukan.


Semua instrumen penunjuk dan perekam harus dari tipe flush mounted dengan kotak
tahan debu dan lembab sesuai dengan IEC 60068 classification 20/40/04.
Kecuali ditentukan lain, semua instrumen penunjuk harus memiliki suatu kotak empat
persegi panjang berukuran 150 mm atau 140 mm.
Piring jarum (dial) instrumen secara umum harus putih dengan tanda hitam dan
sebaiknya reversibel (bolak-balik) bila instrumen skala ganda ditentukan.

Skala harus dari bahan yang tidak mengelupas atau berubah warna karena usia
dalam kondisi tropis yang lembab.

Pergerakan semua instrumen yang digerakkan secara elektris harus dari jenis
aperiodik (dead beat).

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-11

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Jika memungkinkan, instrumen harus dilengkapi dengan suatu sarana penyetelan nol
yang mudah diakses.

Instrumen dan Meter Listrik

Semua instrumen dan meter listrik masing-masing harus memenuhi IEC Standard
atau standar nasional yang setara dan, kecuali ditentukan lain, harus dari akurasi
kelas industri.
Instrumen pengukur daya fase-tiga harus dari pola beban tak-seimbang fase-tiga bila
referensi arus dan tegangan mengizinkan.

Indikator/alat penunjuk permintaan maksimum harus memiliki suatu interval

permintaan 30 menit.

Bila kelas meter presisi ditentukan, meter harus dikalibrasi untuk akurasi kelas presisi
maka kesalahan (errors) trafo arus dan tegangan yang bekerja dengan meter tersebut
dan yang kelas akurasinya adalah masing-masing Kelas 0,5 dan 1,0.

Bila meter kelas komersial ditentukan, meter tersebut harus dikalibrasi untuk akurasi
kelas komersial. Kecuali dinyatakan lain, meter harus satu arah dan bila diperlukan
maka dilengkapi dengan perangkat yang cocok untuk transmisi impuls ke suatu
summator/penjumlah. Meter var-jam (var-hour meter) harus lengkap dengan trafo
penggeser fase jika diperlukan.

Bagian depan dari blok terminal uji panel (front ofpanel test terminal blocks) harus
disediakan untuk semua meter.

Meter penjumlahan (summation meters) harus dilengkapi dengan hubungan/kontak

yang sesuai bila diperlukan untuk transmisi impuls ke printometer.

Rentang kerja normal harus antara 50 dan 75 persen dari gerakan penuh jarum
penunjuk (pointer).


Semua bahan insulasi harus dibuat dengan baik untuk mencegah kerusakan
kualitasnya di bawah kondisi kerja yang ditentukan.

Plastik, elastomer, laminasi terikat-resin dan bahan anorganik harus dari kualitas
yang sesuai yang dipilih dari kelas atau jenis dalam standar IEC yang sesuai. Semua
permukaan dan tepi dari laminasi yang terikat-resin yang dipotong atau dikerjakan
dengan mesin harus dibersihkan dan kemudian disegel dengan pernis yang disetujui
sesegera mungkin setelah pemotongan.

Bila mungkin, instrumen, peralatan dan belitan kumparan mesin, termasuk resistor
belitan kawat, dengan pengecualian resistor yang dibenamkan dalam minyak atau
senyawanya, harus benar-benar kering dalam suatu vakum atau cara lain yang
disetujui dan kemudian segera diimpregnasi melalui inti dengan suatu pernis insulasi
yang sesuai dengan IEC 60317. Kumparan harus ditutup dengan kapas yang
diimpregnasi atau bahan sintetis lain yang cocok (kecuali untuk Power Transformer).

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-12

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Kumparan yang diimpregnasi tersebut akhirnya ditutupi dengan pernis pembungkus

yang tidak dapat ditembus oleh gas atau cairan (impevious). Enkapsulasi belitan
(windings) lebih disukai.


Semua stud, konektor dan batang logam pentanahan yang diperlukan harus
disediakan untuk koneksi ke sistem pentanahan dari setiap peralatan yang dipasang.
Ketentuan untuk pentanahan harus sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak ada perubahan
konduktivitas sambungan logam tanpa menggunakan konektor khusus.


Semua motor listrik harus Jenis Universal, sesuai dengan IEC: 60072 dan, kecuali
ditentukan lain, harus dari jenis berpendingin kipas yang benar-benar tertutup, cocok
untuk operasi terus-menerus dan penstartan pada-saluran (on-line) langsung.

Motor tersebut harus cocok dalam semua hal untuk layanan dalam suatu iklim tropis
lembab. Penghantar/Konduktor utama dan insulasi alur (slot) harus non-higroskopis
dan sesuai dengan Kelas B atau E dari IEC 60085.

Motor yang akan dipasang di luar ruangan harus sepenuhnya cocok untuk beroperasi
di bawah kondisi iklim di Lokasi. Motor harus mampu beroperasi terus menerus pada
output pengenal (rated) pada frekuensi antara 48 dan 51 siklus per detik dan pada
setiap tegangan di dalam 6 persen dari nilai nominal.

Motor harus didesain/dirancang untuk beroperasi untuk suatu jangka waktu tidak
kurang dari 5 menit pada tegangan 25 persen di bawah nilai nominal dan pada
frekuensi normal tanpa overheating yang mencelakakan.

Jika diminta oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menunjukkan

bahwa motor memenuhi persyaratan tersebut.

Arus start pada tegangan penuh tidak boleh melebihi enam kali arus beban penuh

Semua bantalan harus dipasangi pelumas minyak atau gemuk (grease) sesuai
dengan spesifikasi.

Motor poros vertikal harus memiliki bantalan dorong yang disetujui.

Ujung belitan motor harus dibawa ke kotak terminal dan pengaturannya harus
sedemikian rupa untuk memungkinkan dengan mudah saling-menukarkan setiap dua
kawat penghubung (lids) fase tanpa mengganggu senyawa paking (sealing
compound) bila senyawa ini digunakan di terminasi kabel.

Semua terminal harus dari jenis ujung-sadap (stud) dengan ukuran yang memadai
untuk tugas tertentu, dimarkahi/ditandai sesuai dengan suatu standar yang disetujui
dan dimasukkan ke dalam suatu kotak tahan cuaca.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-13

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Semua kotak terminal harus dipasangi dengan suatu ruangan paking yang disetujui
(approved sealing chamber), entri saluran atau pelat adaptor, yang diperlukan,
bersama-sama dengan peralatan (fittings) yang diperlukan untuk menyesuaikan tipe
kabel yang ditentukan.


Bila starter harus disediakan di bawah Kontrak ini, setiap motor harus dilengkapi
dengan dua atau tiga peralatan kendali kutub tiga yang sesuai dan cocok, kecuali
ditentukan lain, untuk penstarteran langsung dengan penyakelaran tegangan saluran
penuh pada suatu motor yang sedang tidak dioperasikan (standing motor). Semua
starter sebaiknya disediakan oleh satu produsen.

Kontaktor harus yang didesain kuat dan dapat memenuhi IEC 60158. Kontaktor
tersebut harus beroperasi tanpa suara atau getaran yang tidak semestinya.

Kontaktor harus dipasang di bilik logam berventilasi. Kecuali jika disetujui lain,
permukaan logam dari dinding bilik yang berdekatan dengan kontaktor harus
dilindungi dengan bahan insulasi tahan api. Bila dua kontaktor atau lebih berada
dalam bilik yang sama, mereka harus dipisahkan oleh hambatan api bahan insulasi.
Bilik harus lengkap dengan semua kunci, kotak pengemas kabel, busbar, perkawatan
internal, papan terminal dan aksesoris. Semua sambungan tembaga telanjang akan
dibeliti dengan pita insulasi (tape) dan semua kawat sekunder harus diatur dan
dilindungi untuk mencegahnya dirusak oleh busur listrik (arching).
Starter harus dari tipe ditahan-tangan secara listrik (electrically held-in type) dengan
knop tekan (push button) “hidup” dan “mati” ("Start" and "Stop") yang terpadu/bersatu
(integral) yang dipasang di luar ruangan di pintu, dengan isolator-isolator terinterlok
yang integral/terpadu. Bila diperlukan, switch/sakelar tambahan harus disertakan
untuk mengoperasikan lampu indikasi "merah" dan "hijau" pada panel instrumen jauh.
Semua kumparan kontaktor-pendingin-udara (ac-contactor) harus dihubungkan
antara fase-fase untuk 400 volt tegangan kerja.

Semua kontaktor motor dan peralatannya yang terkait harus dirancang untuk
beroperasi untuk jangka waktu tidak kurang dari 5 menit pada tegangan 20% di
bawah nilai nominal dan pada frekuensi normal tanpa pemanasan yang berlebihan
(overheating) yang merugikan.

Untuk motor yang dikendalikan sirkuit dengan daya 15 kW dan lebih, relai beban-
lebih dan kegagalan fase yang dioperasikan trafo harus disediakan. Ini harus dari
jenis yang disetujui dan dioperasikan dengan trafo arus jenis jenuh/saturasi. Untuk
motor yang dikendalikan sirkuit dengan daya kurang dari 15 kW, jatuh (trip) beban-
lebih termal akan diterima.


i) Umum
Sakelar kendali pemutus tenaga (circuit breakers) yang dioperasikan secara
elektrik dan pemisah (isolators) yang dioperasikan motor harus dari jenis
diskrepansi (discripency) dan diatur untuk beroperasi searah jarum jam saat
menutup pemutus tenaga dan berlawanan arah jarum jam saat membukanya.
Kedua peralatan itu harus dirancang untuk mencegah operasi yang tidak

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-14

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

disengaja. Operasi sakelar dari jenis diskrepansi (discripency) harus dilakukan

dengan dua gerakan independen.
Secara alternatif, hanya sakelar kendali untuk pemutus tenaga saja yang boleh
memiliki tangkai genggam pistol (pistol grip handles).

Sakelar untuk peralatan lainnya harus dioperasikan dengan tombol tekan

tersembunyi (shrouded push buttons) atau memiliki tangkai dari jenis yang lain dari
pada yang digunakan untuk pemutus tenaga.

Sakelar kendali, pembalik, pemilih dan uji harus dipasang, dibangun dan dikawati,
guna memudahkan pemeliharan kontrak tanpa perlu memutuskan perkawatan.
Bila perlu switch/sakelar kendali harus mampu dikunci pada posisi yang sesuai
tetapi switch kendali untuk pemutus tenaga dan untuk gawai penyetel yang
dioperasikan motor (motor operated setting devices) harus dari jenis tak-mengunci
(non-locking) dengan pegas untuk kembali ke ke posisi "netral".

Semua tombol tekan harus dari jenis tak-menahan (non-retaining) yang dibuat dari
bahan non-higroskopis, tak-melendung dan dipasang guna mencegah
kemungkinan melekat/macet.

Kontak dari semua sakelar dan tombol tekan harus kuat dan memiliki suatu sifat
menyeka positif guna pembersihan ketika dioperasikan.

Sakelar kendali untuk digunakan dalam skema kendali langsung harus diberi
pengenal untuk tegangan baterai gardu induk (shall be rated for the substation
battery voltage).

Semua sakelar kendali harus dilengkapi dengan label untuk memberikan indikasi
yang jelas mengenai arah setiap operasi, misalnya, "buka", "tutup", "naikkan",
"rendah", dll.

ii) Lokasi Kendali Listrik

Perlengkapan dapat dikendalikan secara elektrik dari sejumlah titik kendali yang
berbeda sebagaimana ditentukan dalam bagian yang sesuai dari Spesifikasi ini.
Posisi kendali harus didesain sebagai berikut:

Local Control

Terletak berdekatan dengan item instalasi untuk memudahkan pemeliharaan,

inspeksi dan operasi darurat.

Remote Control

Terletak di gedung kontrol gardu induk dan dikendalikan dengan sambungan

kawat langsung atau dikendalikan dari jarak jauh melalui HMI gardu induk.

Supervisory Control

Terletak di suatu Pusat Penyaluran Beban (Load Despatch Centre) tempat item
utama dari instalasi dikendalikan secara jarak jauh melalui suatu sistem telekontrol

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-15

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis


Lampu indikator yang dipasang pada muka bilik (cubicles) atau switch panel dan
instrumen harus berventilasi yang memadai. Lampu harus mudah dilepas dan diganti
dari depan panel dengan sarana manual tidak membutuhkan penggunaan extractors.

Bezel logam atau bahan lain yang disetujui yang memegang kaca lampu harus
mudah dilepas dari dudukan sehingga memudahkan akses ke lampu dan kaca lampu.

Lampu harus pas masuk ke dalam dudukan lampu standar. Tegangan pengenal
lampu harus 25 persen lebih dari tegangan suplai tambahan (auxiliary supply voltage)
baik arus bolak balik (AC) maupun arus searah (DC). Alternatifnya, lampu tegangan
rendah dengan resistor seri akan diterima.

Kaca lampu harus dalam warna standar, merah, hijau, biru, putih dan coklat kekuning-
kuningan. Warnanya harus saling dapat diubah (inter-changeable). Bahan penutup
sintetis transparan boleh digunakan menggantikan kaca, asalkan bahan tersebut
benar-benar cocok untuk digunakan di iklim tropis.

Lampu cadangan harus disediakan sebanyak 100% dari jumlah setiap jenis dan
warna yang digunakan dengan suatu jumlah minimal 5.


Apabila diperlukan, setiap item dari instalasi harus dilengkapi dengan sakelar,
kontaktor utama dan sakelar tambahan (auxiliary) yang diperlukan untuk indikasi,
proteksi/perlindungan, meter, interlock, pengawasan dan layanan lainnya. Semua
sakelar bantu/ tambahan, termasuk suku cadang, serta sambungan kumparan terkait
dan inter-koneksi antara sakelar bantu/ tambahan, harus disambungkan sampai ke
blok terminal dari instalasi.

Semua sakelar bantu/tambahan dan mekanisme harus dipasang di posisi yang

terjangkau dan bebas dari operasi secara mekanik dan harus dilindungi dengan cara
yang disetujui, dan jika di luar ruangan, diletakkan didalam kotak tertutup yang tahan-

Bila diperlukan koneksi yang dapat diatur untuk memfasilitasi penyetelan-waktu

(timing) sakelar bantu/tambahan ke peralatan utama, maka alat pengunci yang sesuai
harus dipasang. Kontak dari semua sakelar tambahan harus kuat dan memiliki
positive wiping action saat menutup, dan bila perlu, discharge resistor harus
disediakan untuk mencegah terjadinya busur listrik saat pemutusan sirkuit induktif.

Sakelar bantu/tambahan dan terminal harus diletakkan pada suatu panel tertentu.


Setiap Item utama perlengkapan listrik yang mudah/rawan mengalami kondensasi

internal karena variasi atmosfer atau beban harus dilengkapi dengan alat pemanas
yang cocok untuk operasi listrik pada 230 volt a.c. 50 Hz. fase tunggal dengan
kapasitas yang cukup untuk menaikkan suhu lingkungan internal sebesar 5 °C.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-16

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Sebuah termostat yang sesuai harus disertakan dalam sirkuit pemanas.

Peralatan listrik yang dilindungi/diproteksi harus didesain sehingga kenaikan suhu
maksimum tidak melelebihi yang diijinkan saat dioperasikan. Bila dipasang, kotak
terminal dan sakelar kendali dengan lampu indikasi harus disediakan dan dipasang
dalam posisi yang terjangkau.

Semua perlengkapan tersebut, yang dilengkapi dengan alat pemanas atau tidak,
harus dilengkapi dengan ventilasi yang memadai, diberi pelindung untuk mencegah
masuknya serangga, saluran pembuangan untuk mengeluarkan uap air.


Pasokan listrik yang tersedia untuk instalasi bantu/tambahan adalah sebagai


i) 400 V fase-3 50 Hz 4-kawat untuk daya

ii) 230 V fase tunggal 50 Hz untuk penerangan dan indikasi.

iii) 110 VDC untuk suplai peralatan yang esensial (sangat penting) yaitu, kendali
indikasi, proteksi/perlindungan, alarm dan penutupan dan pembukaan Pemutus

iv) 48 VDC untuk peralatan telekomunikasi.

Perlengkapan yang disediakan di bawah Kontrak ini harus mampu beroperasi
secara andal pada tegangan yang turun sampai pada 10% dari tegangan normal
kecuali jika ditentukan lain.


Identifikasi sistem sirkuit AC harus sebagai berikut:

Fase l/R-Merah (Red)
Fase 2/S-Kuning (Yellow)
Fase 3/T-Hitam (Black)
Netral-Biru (Blue)
Pentanahan-Hijau dengan garis-garis kuning.

Warna kawat untuk kawat kecil harus sebagai berikut:

Warna kawat Keterangan Sirkuit
Merah-Merah-fase hubungan hanya dalam sirkuit trafo arus dan
Kuning-Kuning-fase hubungan hanya dalam sirkuit trafo arus dan
Hitam-Hitam-fase hubungan hanya dalam sirkuit trafo arus dan
Hijau dengan garis kuning pentanahan.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-17

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Biru Hubungan netral A.C, dibumikan atau tidak

dibumikan, dihubungkan ke sirkuit sekunder trafo
arus dan tegangan.
Hubungan AC lain selain daripada yang di atas dan
hubungan warna dalam sirkuit a.c./d.c.
Abu-abu Hubungan dalam sirkuit d.c.


Kecuali jika ditentukan lain dalam kontrak ini semua bahan dan peralatan harus
sesuai untuk operasi maksimum dijamin berkelanjutannya.
Kondisi pentanahan untuk sistem harus memenuhi ketentuan dalam spesifikasi.

Kesalahan simetris tiga fasa maksimum saat diperlukan sebagaimana ditentukan

dalam TPG.


Dalam memilih bahan dan penyelesaiannya harus sesuai kondisi iklim tropis di mana
peralatan beroperasi.


Semua bahan dan peralatan harus dirancang untuk dioperasikan pada sistem di
mana kontinuitas pasokan adalah pertimbangan utama dan harus beroperasi secara
memuaskan pada kondisi iklim di lokasi kerja dan kondisi variasi dari arus listrik,
tegangan dan frekuensi yang terjadi pada saat gangguan atau surge condition pada
sistem tenaga listrik.


Bila dipersyaratkan, peralatan harus lulus uji jenis (type test) sesuai dengan
ketentuan dalam Technical Substation Specification (TSS).
Calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyampaikan laporan uji jenis dalam dokumen
Sertifikat Uji Jenis yang termasuk dalam penawaran adalah sertifikat uji jenis terbaru
dan dikeluarkan oleh Laboratorium Independen, terakreditasi dan mempunyai
reputasi secara Internasional


Semua peralatan harus sesuai dengan rincian spesifikasi sesuai Technical Particular
and Guarantee (TPG) kecuali jika ditentukan lain, masing-masing peralatan harus
memenuhi persyaratan Standar IEC yang relevan.

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-18

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis


Salinan petunjuk untuk jointing dari setiap jenis terminasi kabel dan aksesoris jointing
disediakan dan disampaikan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa/Direksi Pekerjaan untuk
disetujui sebelum pekerjaan dimulai di lapangan. Satu salinan dari setiap instruksi
akan terikat ke dalam setiap salinan Instruksi Operasi dan Pemeliharaan yang harus
diberikan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa/Direksi Pekerjaan pada penyelesaian
Kontrak untuk penggunaan Pengguna Barang/Jasa/ Direksi Pekerjaan.
Gambar yang disampaikan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk persetujuan harus
memenuhi persyaratan yang ditentukan. Gambar "As built" dari rute kabel harus
digambar dalam skala 1/500. Rute ini akan diukur sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat
digunakan untuk penentuan kabel di masa depan. Semua gambar harus diajukan
untuk disetujui sebelum diterbitkan Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan.


Alat ukur dan instrumen harus dikelompokkan dan ditempatkan dalam kotak panel
yang sesuai.
Konstruksi kotak panel harus dari logam lembaran yang memiliki ketebalan minimal
2 mm. Konstruksinya harus menggunakan teknik lipat dengan menggunakan bagian-
bagian tergulung standar atau penguatan lain bila diperlukan. Kestabilan konstruksi
kotak panel harus sedemikian rupa untuk mencegah mal-operasi relai atau aparatus
lainnya yang diakibatkan oleh benturan.

Bagian depan panel harus memiliki suatu permukaan yang baik dan halus. Jika dari
jenis meja harus di desain sedemikian rupa sehingga memudahkan pembacaan
instrumen dan pengoperasian alat-alat kendali.


i) Kotak kabel-Umum
Setiap kotak kabel harus ditanahkan (Grounding)
Bila kotak kabel disediakan untuk kabel inti-3, sweating sockets pada fase bagian
luar harus dimiringkan ke arah tengah untuk meminimalkan pembengkokan inti
ii) Kotak Kabel Berisi Compound
Kotak kabel yang diisi compound harus sesuai dengan BS.2562 Part 1 untuk
tegangan 11 kV dan di bawahnya. Part 2 untuk tegangan di atas 11 kV sampai
dengan 150 kV.
iii) Compression Glands untuk Dielektrik Padat (Solid Dielectric), Daya dan Kabel
Kendali Inti-Banyak (Multi-core Control Cables).

Compression glands dengan pelindung dan klem pengikat untuk terminasi semua
kabel multi-core dielektrik padat (Soild Dielectric Multi Core Cables) harus didesain
untuk menjaga agar arus listrik tetap mengalir antara perisai kabel dan komponen
pengait berulir dari compression glands dan memberikan pelindung kedap air antara
sarung bagian luar kabel dan glands serta antara sarung dalam dengan komponen
Acuan Dokumen Tender V-19
Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

pengait berulir.

Pemutus Tenaga Mini (MCB), Moulded case circuit-breaker (MCCB), sekering dan
tautan (links) harus disediakan untuk melindungi dan menginsulasi sirkuit yang terkait
dengan proteksi, kontrol dan instrumen.
Peralatan tersebut harus disetujui dan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan fungsi nya,
harus diberi label yang jelas, baik pada panel dan diagram pengkabelan yang terkait.
Peralatan tersebut harus disediakan untuk memutus sirkuit untuk tujuan
Peralatan tersebut sebaiknya dipasang di bagian luar panel kontrol.
Semua sekering HRC kartrid harus sesuai dengan standar IEC 60269.
Pemutus tenaga mini (MCB) harus mengacu ke BS.3871 Bagian 1 atau standar lain
yang relevan.
Sekering cadangan harus disediakan sebanyak 100% dari jumlah dan ukuran dari
setiap jenis yang digunakan dengan minimal 6 (enam) buah.


Berdasarkan kontrak ini, untuk memenuhi fasilitas telekontrol yang diperlukan di
Pusat Kontrol maka ketentuan berikut di bawah ini harus diikuti.
Semua instalasi yang disediakan berdasarkan Kontrak ini harus dilengkapi dengan
kontak bantu bebas tegangan untuk indikasi dan alarm. Sirkuit CT dan VT harus
dilengkapi, di mana diperlukan kecepatan yang sesuai dan terminal sekering untuk
terhubung ke peralatan telekontrol (Bay Control Unit (BCU)).
Desain dari instalasi interposting relay harus dibuat sedemikian rupa untuk
memungkinkan pengembangan fungsi kontrol pengawasan.
Semua pengkawatan dan pengkabelan dari kontrol dan relay panel ke marshalling
kiosk termasuk pengkabelan antara marshalling kiosk dan BCU harus dibuat.
Supervisi, kontrol dan pemantauan peralatan gardu dari remote Pusat Kontrol (ACC)
termasuk dari operator gardu induk harus dilakukan dengan Substation Automation
System (SAS).

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-20

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis


Utrechseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem
P.O Box 9035, 6800 ET Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telephone (085) 56 91 11
Telefax (085) 51 56 06

2) CESI (Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta s.p.a)

Via Rubattino 541 – 20134 MILANO MI
Telephone + 39 2 2125 1
Telefax + 39 2 2125440

3) V’FALL (Statens Vattenfallsverk)

The Swedish States Power Board
S-810 70 Alubarleby
Telephone 46-26-88200
Telefax 46-26-82095

4) FGH (Forrschungsgemeinschaft Fur Hochspannungs Und hochstromtechnic EV)

Postfact 169
6800 Mannheim, Rheinau, hallenweg
Telephone 49-621-8047100
Telefax 49-621-8047112

5) Centre D’essais de Bazet

65460 Bazet

6) Electricite De France (EDF)

Laboratoire HT des Ranardieres
Route de Sens 77250 Moret Sur Loing


12388-88th Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3W 7R7
Telephone 604-590-6611
Telefax 604-590-5349

8) IREQ (Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Quebec)

1800, Boul, Lionel-Boulet
Varennes Quebec
Telephone 450-652-8011
Telefax 514-652-8161

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-21

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
Bab V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
Bab V.2: Ketentuan Umum Teknis

9) CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

2-6-1, NAGASAKA, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Telephone 468-56-2121
Telefax 468-57-3072

10) Ontario Hydro Technologies

KL 286, 800 kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 6C4
Telephone 416-231-4111
Telefax 416-207-6532

11) EPRI, power Delivery Center

115 East New Lenox Road
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone 1-413-499-5715
Telefax 1-413-499-5718

130 rue Leon Blum
BP. 1231, F-69611 Villeurbanne Cedex
Telephone (33) 472683434
Telefax (33) 472683541

Schneider Electric S.A
38050 Grenoble Cedex 9
Telephone (33) 476579143
Telefax (33) 476579938


Veritasveien 1, 1322 Hovik, Norway
Telephone +47-57-57-9900
Fax +47-57-57-9911


Via del dei Cadolingi 6, int 6/7
50018 Scandicci(Firenze) - Italy
Telephone 0039-055-7350530
Fax 0039-055-736473

16) PT PLN (Persero)

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ketenagalistrikan
Jln. Duren Tiga Jakarta 12760
Telephone (+62) 21 – 7973774
Telefax (+62) 21 – 7991762

Acuan Dokumen Tender V-22

Pembangunan Gardu Induk GIS/AIS
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1A: Steel Structures for Gantry and Equipment



10. TESTS 6

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1A: Steel Structures for Gantry and Equipment




Steel structures shall be provided under this Contract for supporting the insulators,
switchgear, overhead conductors, bus bars, earth wires, and other equipment and fittings
generally as shown on the drawings, and have to be designed and erected according to the
relevant international recognized standards.
Existing substations to be extended have gantry steel structures of lattice tower (column)
and girder (beam) construction. Extensions with similar steel work are preferred. A price
shall be included for a design closely resembling the existing arrangement of the Bidder
Contractor's manufacture. Drawings of the Contractor's design are to be submitted with the
The structures shall include all necessary access ladders to give access to the various
levels of the high level equipment and shall incorporate all necessary screens to comply
with the requirements of insulation levels and minimum clearances.
Step, ladders, handrails, guards and other facilities shall be provided on the inside of the
columns near the junction of the beam and column, to facilitate safe inspection and
maintenance for the structures. Step bolts are not acceptable for the steel structures.
If necessary, the gantry structures of the existing substations subject to uprating shall be
checked by the Contractor and replaced or reinforced in order to correspond to the new
short circuit conditions.
The design and arrangement of supporting structures shall be subject to approval by the
Owner/Engineer. The structures shall be rigid and self-bracing against all dead, wind, pulloff
and other applied loads. Wherever such an arrangement can be adopted, structures shall
be braced by horizontal beams at intermediate or high level to provide an integrated
framework. At or near ground level, all uprights shall be provided with holding down bolts
provided under this Contract.
The rigidity of the structures shall be such that the alignment of the apparatus which they
carry shall not be disturbed by the loads to which the structures are subjected.
Busbar dead end structures shall be designed so as to be suitable for future busbar
extension (if required).


SNI 07-2054-2006 Baja Profil Siku Sama Kaki Proses Canai Panas (Bj P
Siku Sama Kaki)
SNI ASTM A325:2012 Spesifikasi Baut Baja Hasil Perlakuan Panas dengan
Kuat Tarik Minimum 830 MPa
SNI 1726-2019 Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk
Struktur Bangunan gedung dan Non Gedung
SNI 07-7033-2020 Spesifikasi Galvanisasi Celup Panas (Hot Dip
Galvanized) pada Produksi Besi dan Baja

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1A: Steel Structures for Gantry and Equipment

SNI 07-0408-1989 Cara Uji Tarik Logam


All structures shall be designed according to SNI 1726-2019 and ASCE Manuals and
Reports on Engineering Practice No. 113. The following criteria shall be used for detailed

a. Wind loading:
Wind loading on the projected area of the steel members, conductors, insulators and fittings
as specified. The steelwork shall be designed to withstand simultaneously wind loads as

Wind Wind
Resulting for
pressure pressure
design (kg/m2)
(kg/m2) coefficient
gantry and support
structures with steel 40 3.0 120
angle lattice structures
gantry and support
structures with steel 40 2 80
Conductors 40 1.0 40
Insulators 40 1.5 60

b. The following table gives the required maximum working tension, weight span and
wind span of conductor
Angle of weight
working tension Conductor
Structures loading span and
per conductor used
*2) wind
For ¼ x ACSR/ACSR- 0 deg and
transmission MWT/Cond....... AS/HTLS actual 100 m
line first span (kg) *3) ….mm2 condition
Aerial ground ¼ x 0 deg and
wire first span MWT/Cond....... actual 100 m
….mm2 x 1
(kg) condition
conductor ¼ x
and fly bus MWT/Cond....... - 28 m
….mm2 x …
between (kg)
Aerial ground According
¼ x
wire between AS……. mm2 x to
MWT/Cond....... -
columns 1 substation

*1) According to conductor type and size.

*2) Angle of loading” is the angle between the direction of external force and line
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1A: Steel Structures for Gantry and Equipment

perpendicular to axis of gantry beam.

*3) According to Maximum Working Tension (MWT) of Transmission Line

c. Vertical loading
The dead weight of all conductors, earth wires, insulator strings and equipment supported
by the structures and the structures themselves shall be considered.

d. Horizontal loading:
Loading shall be taken into account (depend on the function of structures):
● The pulls of expected dynamic loads dictated by the specified short circuit current.
● Wind pressure on phase conductors and earth wires, insulator, equipment and steel
● Conductor and earth wire tension.
● The earthquake loadings shall be simulated by horizontal force equal to total vertical
force, multiply by the seismic ground acceleration in accordance to SNI 1726:2019 acting
in horizontal direction upon the center of gravity of the structure.

e. Short circuit loading (Initial symmetrical short-circuit current)

Stress diagrams and calculations shall be submitted as required by the Engineer and the
dispositions and sections of all members and the design of joints and fittings shall be
subjected to approval.

f. Load Combinations and design method refer to ASCE Manuals and Reports on
Engineering Practice No. 113
g. Maximum Sag
Sag for busbar conductor shall not exceed 5 percent of span length and minimum clearance
h. Temperature
Temperatures used for design are as follows:
Minimum Temperature: 10℃
Everyday Temperature: 27℃
Maximum Temperature: 150℃ for TAL conductor and 90℃ for AAC conductor or
temperature at maximum capacity of transmission line.
i. Detailing
Details and fastenings shall be designed to have a factor of safety against failure not less
than the main members of the structure.
Bolts and nuts shall be fitted with spring washers. Taper washers are to be added where
necessary. Threads of bolts shall be spun galvanized and the threads of nuts shall be
greased. The diameter of bolts and nuts which are [mechanically stressed shall not be less
than 12 mm and shall have metric screw threads. Nuts and heads of all bolts shall be of the
hexagonal type. Minimum quality of bolt shall be in accordance with the respective
Bolt holes are not to be more than 1.5 mm larger in diameter than the corresponding bolt
diameter. The design is to be such as to keep the number of different parts as small as
possible and is to facilitate transport, erection and inspection.

The gantry and other steel structure design results should be submitted to the work directors
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1A: Steel Structures for Gantry and Equipment

in the form of structural calculation softcopy (using MicroStrand, SAP2000, or other

software), TEKLA softcopy (structural detail) and AutoCAD drawing softcopy.


Under permanent loads and with normal wind but with no short-circuit and no earthquake,
deformations are never higher than the following values:

- Beam : vertically : 1/200 of the span

horizontally : 1/200 of the span

- Column : 1/100 of the height in both directions measured at the level of the
horizontal axis of the beam.


The slenderness of the bars is never higher than this following values:
- Main Member: 120
- Bracing : 250


Material for steel members and plates of towers shall be of the type and grade most suitable
for the application intended and shall conform to the latest applicable standard,
specifications and recommended practices of the industry. The quality of steel to be used
for the fabrication of the lattice steel structures shall at least correspond to Bj P 41(SS41)
and Bj P 55 (SS55) according to SNI 07-2054-2006 and for the steel pole structures is
correspond to PKB (STK)-540 according to SNI 0068:2013. The steel to be used shall be
of a quality that will not have its physical properties changed or become embrittled by hot
dip galvanizing.
All material shall be tested at the steel mill in accordance with applicable specification and
standards under which they are manufactured. The Contractor shall apply all certified mill
tests. Test shall be conducted in accordance with SNI ASTM A325:2012. The test to be
conducted shall include, but are not limited to uniformity of galvanizing coating, mechanical
and chemical properties of all steel and additional embitterment testing on high strength
High tensile steel, when stored in the fabricators stockyard prior to fabrication and
galvanizing, shall be marked continuously throughout its length with a light blue water paint
line. In addition, the grade number of the steel shall be painted on and ringed round with
The steel shall be free from blisters, scale and other defects.
Main members and bracings of lattice structures shall be not less than 6 mm and 5 mm
thick respectively.


The compression members of steel structures shall consist of rolled steel sections and the
tension members of rolled steel sections or flats.
All members shall be stamped or marked for erection purposes as specified.
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1A: Steel Structures for Gantry and Equipment

All members shall be stamped or marked in an approved manner with numbers and/or
letters corresponding to number and/or letter on the drawings or material lists. Drawings
and material lists shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The erection marks if
stamped, shall be stamped before galvanizing and shall be clearly visible after galvanizing.
Pockets and depressions likely to hold water shall be avoided and all parts of the structures
shall be properly drained.
Where overhead transmission lines are terminated at the substation structures, landing
plates welded to the structures shall be provided for reception of the transmission line
insulator fittings and earth wire clamps which will be supplied and fitted under other
Special care shall be taken not to injure the skin on galvanized or specially treated surface
during erection. Care shall be taken to prevent or remove any white rust, streaks or foreign
matter deposited on galvanized surfaces during storing or transport or after erection.
Approved means shall be provided for fixing and bonding copper conductors to the steel
work at sufficient points to obtain efficient earthing. Earth connection shall be made to a
vertical face, clear of the ground. Foundation bolts shall not be used for their attachment.
To facilitate inspection and maintenance the structures shall be provided with steps,
ladders, handrails, screens, guards and other facilities. Step bolts are not acceptable for
substations structures


All members shall be cut to jig and holes shall be drilled or punched to jig. All parts shall be
carefully cut and holes accurately located so that when the members are in position the
holes can be accurately aligned before being bolted up. Drifting or reaming of holes will not
be permitted. All burrs shall be removed before galvanizing.
The drilling, punching, cutting, bending and welding of all fabricated steelwork shall be
carried out before galvanizing and shall be such as to prevent possibility of irregularity
occurring which might cause any difficulties in the erection of steel structures on the site.
Except where specified to the contrary, all iron and steel used in the construction of the
work shall be galvanized.
Galvanizing shall be applied by the hot dip process for all parts according with SNI 07-7033
shall be applied by the hot dip process and shall consist of a suitable thickness according
to Technical Particular Guarantee (TPG).
The zinc coating shall be smooth, clean and of uniform thickness and free from defects. The
preparation for galvanizing itself shall not adversely affect the mechanical properties of the
coated materials.
Built members shall, when finished, be true and free from all kinks, twists and open joints,
and the material shall not be defective or strained in any way.
Steel gauges of the stud type shall be provided to enable the Engineer to carry out such
checking of members as he may consider necessary.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1A: Steel Structures for Gantry and Equipment


(1) General
All construction materials such as conduit, steel angles, steel channels, steel plate, bolts,
nuts and other related items required for operation shall be provided without extra charge
and shall comply with the highest grade requirements of relevant standards.


The following tests shall be carried out before shipment:

(a) Mechanical strength of materials
(b) Galvanizing test
(c) Shop assembly

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1B: Lighting


V. TSS 1B: LIGHTING.................................................................................................................................. 2

1. GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................. 2
3. LUX LEVEL AND COLOR TEMPERATURE ...................................................................................... 2
4. FLUX LUMINOUS AND POWER CRITERIA...................................................................................... 3
5. OTHER FIXTURE .................................................................................................................................... 3

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1B: Lighting



Lighting shall be provided under this Contract for indoor (building) and outdoor.
Lighting requirements as shown on the technical specification and bill of quantity. The
Contractor shall provide lighting system design and installation according to the
relevant standards and recomended practices codes. The design and layout
arrangement of lighting shall be subject to approval by the Owner/Engineer.


Permenkes No.48/2016 Standar Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Perkantoran

Permenkes No.70/206 Standar dan Persyaratan Kesehatan Lingkungan Kerja
SNI 03-6575-2001 Tata Cara Perancangan Sistem Pencahayaan Buatan
Pada Bangunan Gedung
SNI 6197 2011 Konversi Energi Pada Sistem Pencahayaan Buatan


The following table gives the required lux level and color temperature of lighting
systems in substation

No. Room/Area Lux Level Type
A Indoor
1 Control Relay 300 LED 3300K-5300K
2 300 LED 3300K-5300K
3 AC DC 300 LED > 5300 K
4 Batery 150 LED > 5300 K
5 Lobby 150 LED 3300K-5300K
6 Operator 300 LED 3300K-5300K
7 Toilet 100 LED > 5300 K
8 Pantry 200 LED > 5300 K
9 20 kV Switchgear 200 LED 3300K-5300K
10 GIS 200 LED 3300K-5300K
11 Terrace 100 LED > 5300 K
12 Genset Room 200 LED > 5300 K
13 Stairs 100 LED > 5300 K
14 Store House 100 LED > 5300 K
15 Security 150 LED 3300K-5300K
16 Basement 50 LED > 5300 K

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1B: Lighting

No. Room/Area Lux Level Type
17 Pump House 200 LED > 5300 K
18 TPSB3 100 LED > 5300 K
19 IPAL 50 LED > 5300 K

B Outdoor
1 Switchyard 50 LED 3300K-5300K
2 Power Transformer 50 LED 3300K-5300K
3 Road 50 LED 3300K-5300K


The flux luminous of the lighting system is never lower than this following values:
- Indoor (Tube): 2100 lm
- Indoor (Bulb): 806 lm
- Outdoor (Flood light): 14000 lm

The power of the lighting system is never higher than this following values:
- Indoor (Tube): 18 watt
- Indoor (Bulb) : 9 watt
- Outdoor (Flood light): 100 watt


(1) Lighting fixtures

(a) Bracket for LED Flood Light Outdoor 230 V, 100 W, 50 Hz, to be mounted
on the Steel structure with adequate fittings .
(b) Daylight switch (photoelectric automatic switching) 230 V, 6 A, 50 Hz, single
(c) Magnet switch, 230 V, 50 A, 3-phase
(d) Portable Emergency lighting shall be equipped with battery
(e) Power distribution box.
Outdoor use for housing of (b) (c) and required number of switches/wiring, to
be fixed on a steel structure column.
The Contractor shall submit to the Contractor design drawing of item (e) for
Road and fence outside perimeter lighting fittings amounted on suitable columns
shall be supplied and erected. Special attention shall be given to access and
building gates.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 1B: Lighting

(2) Lighting and electrical equipments

Contractor shall provide holes, plates or brackets for lighting and electrical
equipment mounting.
t mounting.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers


1. CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................................. V-2

2. GENERAL .............................................................................................................. V-2
3. RATING.................................................................................................................. V-5
4. INSULATING MEDIUM .......................................................................................... V-5
5. OPERATING MECHANISM ................................................................................... V-5
6. SPRING CHARGED MECHANISM ....................................................................... V-6
7. AUXILIARY SWITCHES ........................................................................................ V-7
8. OPERATING CUBICLE ......................................................................................... V-7
9. WIRING .................................................................................................................. V-8
10. INSTALLATION SUPERVISION ........................................................................... V-9
11. TESTING ................................................................................................................ V-9
11.1 Type Tests ………………………………………………………………. ....... V-9
11.2 Routine Tests …………………………………………………………….. ..... V-9
12. ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................... V-9

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers



Circuit - breakers shall conform to the following standards as to material,

design and tests, except as modified in this specification:
IEC 60060-1 : High-Voltage Test Techniques – Part 1: General
Definitions and test requirements.
IEC 60376 : Specification of technical grade Sulphur Hexafluoride
(SF6) for use in electrical equipment.
IEC 60815-1 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 1:
Definitions, information and general principles
IEC 60815-2 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 2:
Ceramics and glass insulators for AC systems
IEC 62155 : Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and
glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with
rated voltages greater than 1000 V
IEC 62271-1 : High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 1:
Common Specifications.
IEC 62271-100 : High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 100:
High Voltage Alternating Current Circuit Breaker.
IEC 62271-300 : High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 300:
Seismic Qualification of Alternating Current Circuit
IEC 62371 : Characteristics of hollow pressurized and
unpressurized ceramic and glass insulators for use in
electrical equipment with rated voltages greater than
1000 V
IEC 61936-1 : Provides common rules for the design and the
erection of electrical power installations in systems
with nominal voltages above 1 kV AC and nominal
frequency up to and including 60 Hz, so as to provide
safety and proper functioning for the use intended
SPLN T3.011-1 : Pemilihan Peralatan Sakelar Pada Jaringan
Transmisi Bagian 1: Circuit Breaker / Pemutus Sirkuit


The circuit-breakers shall be of the SF6, outdoor, single-pole or three-pole

and single-break unit type (details see in Technical Particular Guarantee).
Detailed maintenance procedure and required maintenance equipment shall
be submitted to permit the Owner to verify that the maintenance can be performed

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers

using the available equipment.

The material of insulators of circuit-breakers shall be porcelain or silicon
The manufacturer shall guarantee the maximum value of over-voltage as
high as 1,5 p.u. without restrikes.
The main high-voltage current carrying parts shall be able to carry the rated
current continuously and the temperature rise of the main high-voltage current
carrying parts, auxiliary circuits and devices shall be limited as specified in IEC
62271, however, the reference ambient- temperature shall be maximum 40o Celcius.
Full contact and current carrying capacity shall be maintained during
reasonable over-travel and under-travel of the mechanism.
All circuit-breakers of the same rating and service shall be physically and
functionally interchangeable. All main high-voltage current carrying parts and
supporting insulators shall be capable to withstand successfully without damage or
injurious distortion, the currents for the time duration specified.
Circuit-breakers shall be capable of interrupting their circuits for the duty
cycle specified. Breakers shall be substantially in the same mechanical and
electrical condition at the termination as at the beginning of the specified duty cycle,
shall have not emitted flame, oil, or given other indications of failure and shall be
carrying their rated voltage and current.
The circuit-breakers shall be designed on the buffer principle i.e. the
complete installation shall employ the single-pressure principle or an equivalent
Circuit-breakers shall be capable of interrupting their rated interrupting
current within the specified time after trip coil has been energized.
Duplicate tripping facilities shall be provided on each circuit breakers at least
to the extent of duplicate trip coils.
The circuit breakers connected to transmission line shall be suitable for 3
phase and/or single phase auto reclosing duties.
The line circuit-breakers shall be suitable for single and three phase multiple
rapid auto-reclosing (0.3s). The bus-coupler and transformer circuit-breakers shall
not be equipped with automatic reclosing and shall be mechanically linked to avoid
any single-phase operation.
All circuit-breakers shall be able to perform an O - CO switching cycle when
the auxiliary voltage is lost.
The rupturing capacity of the circuit-breakers after unsuccessful auto-
reclosing should not fall below the minimum required rated breaking capacity.
The contact shall be self-wiping and self-cleaning type. The breaker
auxiliaries shall meet the requirements of Technical Specifications.
Circuit breaker shall be covered by test certificates issued by a recognized
short circuit testing station certifying the operation of circuit breaker at duties
corresponding to the rated breaking capacities of the circuit breaker.
The test duty shall not be less onerous than the requirements of IEC
Standard, and where not specifically stated in the test certificate the Contractor shall
certify that the rate of rise of re-striking voltage to which the circuit breaker was
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers

subjected for a first phase to clear factor value refer to TPG during the short circuit
tests did not differ from the inherent rate of rise pertaining to the particular test
connection employed.
Any device incorporated in a circuit breaker to limit or control the rate of rise
of re-striking voltage a cross the circuit breaker contacts shall like wise be to the
Engineer's or Owner's approval and full descriptions of any such device shall be
All circuit breakers shall be of the trip-free type. Care must be taken to
prevent any pumping. Should the breaker either fail to latch or should it trip during
closing, due to malfunction of the protective relays, adequate measures to prevent
pumping shall be taken.
The circuit breakers shall be suitable for at least 10.000 satisfactory open
and close mechanical operations in accordance with IEC 62271-100.
The circuit-breaker shall be equipped with a temperature balanced remote
and local SF6 gas monitoring system with two stages, indicating early the necessity
of replenishing and blocking the breaker on the excessive pressure-drop. SF6 gas
density monitors shall be installed on each pole. All devices required for fail-safe
operation during condition of low gas pressure shall be provided.
Replenishing of gas shall be possible while the circuit breaker is in service.
For refilling purposes, portable SF6 gas bottles including all required
accessories shall be furnished. All circuit breakers shall be designed for closing and
tripping by remote and local electrical controls. Local electrical control shall be from
the outdoor control cubicle by means of a local "CLOSE" - "TRIP" control switch.
The control location shall be selected by a "LOCAL"-"REMOTE" transfer switch
provided within the outdoor control cubicle. The "LOCAL" operation shall be possible
only during breaker maintenance, when the associated disconnecting switches are
open. When the switch is under local control, this shall be indicated in the control
Each pole shall have a mechanical position indicator. The device shall be
labelled "ON" and "OFF" and shall be clearly visible.
Operation of the breaker shall be actuated by two independent tripping coils
and one closing coil. The trip circuits shall be duplicated and automatically
All electrically operated closing and tripping devices shall be suitable as
mentioned at Technical Particular Guarantee (TPG).
Single pole type circuit breakers shall be equipped for phase discrepancy
detection. Breaker tripping must be indicated by a switch-discrepancy contact, made
up of two signalling contacts. All contacts even if not used shall be wired up to the
terminal blocks ready for connection to external equipment.
All circuit breakers shall have a sufficient number of auxiliary contacts, which
shall be capable of carrying at least 10A continuously and be easily convertible from
normally-open to normally-closed or vice-versa for annunciation locally and to the
control room and for all necessary interlocks.

The contractor shall provide catalogue, drawing and other references for
approval design purposes.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers


The rating of circuit breakers shall comply with Technical Particular and
Guarantee (TPG) attached in Bidding Document – Book I.
The circuit-breakers shall meet the Transient Recovery Voltage
requirements specified in IEC 62271 Standard (representation by four parameters)
for the rated short circuit conditions.
Arc suppression by Pre-insertion Resistors:
The 500 kV circuit breakers shall be equipped with pre-insertion resistors, to
control closing arc for all breakers associated with transmission line switching.
Resistors shall be sized according Technical Particular and Guarantee (TPG).
The resistors thermal capability shall be based upon maximum short-circuit
conditions at the breaker for the duty cycle specified in this specification.
The reference re-striking voltage test waveform shall be for a 25 percent
breaker rating (IEC Standard).
Rated capacitive switching currents for line-charging breaking current or
rated cable-charging breaking currents shall follow TPG.


Circuit-breakers shall be of the SF6 single-pressure type.

Circuit-breakers shall be provided with means to ensure that moisture
content, arc products and contaminants are retained and filtered to prevent loss of
dielectric or internal condensation on insulating medium.
The nominal operating pressure of the SF6 insulating gas shall be as low as
is compatible with the requirements for electrical insulation and space limitations to
ensure there is no chance of the gas liquefying at the lowest ambient temperature.


The operating mechanism for circuit breaker shall be motor-spring type. The
supply voltage for control, tripping and closing coil and motor shall follow the TPG
and must be protected by a miniature circuit breaker.
The operating mechanism type offered shall have accumulated failure-free
references under similar climatic conditions. The Contractor shall give the
references for his choice
It shall be impossible to operate the closing mechanism again until the
operator has first moved the breaker control to the neutral position.
Provisions shall be made to permit the use of a travel recorder furnished by
Contractor for maintenance and checkout of main contact operation.
Each part of the operating mechanisms shall be of substantial construction
utilizing such materials as stainless steel, brass or gunmetal where necessary to
prevent sticking due to rust or corrosion. The overall designs shall be such as to
reduce mechanical shock to a minimum and shall prevent inadvertent operation due
to fault current stresses, vibration or other causes.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers

The circuit-breaker shall be provided with indicators or targets for each

operating mechanism. They shall be located so that the position of the poles,
whether open or closed can easily be determined. The mechanism shall be trip free
as defined in IEC Standard.
A mechanically operated reset-able operations counter shall be fitted.
Where circuit-breakers comprise three independent units, it shall be possible
to make independent adjustments to each unit and three units shall make and break
the circuit simultaneously. In the event of any phase failing to complete a closing
operation, provision shall be made for automatic tripping of all three phases of the
Power closing mechanism shall be recharged automatically for further
operations as soon as the circuit-breaker has completed the closing operation and
the design of the closing operation and design of the closing mechanism shall be
such that the circuit-breaker can not be operated inadvertently due to external shock
forces resulting from short-circuit, circuit-breaker operation, or any other cause.
Until A manually operated emergency tripping device per pole shall be
provided as part of the mechanism and it shall be protected against accidental
operation. The emergency tripping device shall be capable of tripping the circuit-
breaker during a complete loss of the AC and DC auxiliary power supply.
If a circuit breaker closing mechanism is not fully recharged for further
operation within a predetermined time after a closing cycle, the mechanism shall be
locked out and alarm initiated.
Where possible, circuit breakers shall be provided with slow acting manually
powered operating devices for inspection and maintenance purposes only. It shall
not be possible to slow close a circuit breaker when in the normal service position.
Circuit Breaker operating parameters shall be able to be remotely accessed
from substation control room.
If not maintenance-free the maintenance period of the driving mechanism
must not be shorter than that of the circuit breaker itself.


Circuit-breakers fitted with power charged spring operated closing

mechanism shall also meet the following requirements:
The mechanism shall be charged automatically, for further operations, as
soon as the circuit-breaker has completed a closing operation. The time required to
power charge the spring shall not exceed 30 seconds.
The spring shall be fully charged before it can be released to close the circuit-
breaker, it shall not possible for the breaker to close whilst the spring is being
Spring closing mechanism shall be designed such that it is not possible for
a fully charged spring to be released inadvertently due to external shock or vibration
caused by the breaker opening under short-circuit conditions or any other cause.
The mechanism shall be provided with means for charging the spring by

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers

hand. This operation may be carried out with the doors of the cubicle opened. During
this process no electrical or mechanical operation of the mechanism shall endanger
the operator or damage the equipment.
A mechanical indicating device shall be provided to indicate the state of
charge of spring and shall be visible with the doors of the cubicle closed.
An alarm shall be provided at the local control panel and in the main control
room to indicate a spring failing to be charged by a pre-set time after circuit-breaker
The spring mechanism shall be fitted with a local manual release, preferably
by a push button shrouded to avoid inadvertent operation.
Means shall be provided for discharging the spring when the circuit-breaker
is in the open position without the circuit-breaker attempting to close.
For circuit breaker installation in capacitor and reactor bay shall be equipped
with switching controller.


Auxiliary switches shall be supplied with each operating mechanism. The

total number of auxiliary switches provided shall include the maximum number of
auxiliary switches used for any circuit-breaker under similar application plus
additional auxiliary switches as attached on TPG, per operation mechanisms.
In additional to the above auxiliary switches, where applicable each circuit-
breaker shall be provided with special auxiliary switches for automatic reclosing
service. These auxiliary switches shall have a provision or adjustment in the
reclosing time, or in lieu thereof a time delay relay (adjustable) to perform the
For the circuit-breakers with independent operating mechanism, the auxiliary
switches shall be wired such that the corresponding auxiliary switches from each
pole can be easily wired in series of parallel connection. The Contractor shall
recommend his preference for the series or the parallel connection which shall be
subject to the Owner's review.


Circuit-breaker operating mechanism, auxiliary switches and associated

relays, control switches, control cable terminations, and other ancillary equipment
shall be accommodated in sheet steel vermin proof cubicles. Where appropriate the
cubicles may be free standing with front and rear access. Cubicle for breakers not
mounted in air condition locations shall have anti-condensation heaters fitted with
necessary control device.
Cubicle shall be of rigid construction, hot dip galvanized, preferably folded
but alternatively formed on a framework of standard rolled steel sections and shall
include any supporting steelwork necessary for mounting on the circuit-breaker or
on concrete foundations. Access to all compartments shall be provided by either
removable panels or doors. All fastening shall be integral with the panel or door and
provision made for locking.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers

Doors and panels shall be fitted with weatherproof sealing material suitable
for outdoor condition specified with protection level in accordance with IP 54 of IEC
Standard and with proper locking devices. The cubicle shall be vermin-proof,
weatherproof and well ventilated through louvers comprising a brass gauze screen
attached to a frame and secured to inside of the cubicle. Divisions between
compartments within the cubicle shall be perforated to assist air circulation.
The arrangement of equipment within the cubicle shall be such that access
for maintenance or removal of any item shall be possible with the minimum
disturbance of associated apparatus.
Circuit-breaker control position selector and circuit-breaker operating control
switches shall be installed in the cubicle. Circuit breaker control from this position
will be used under maintenance and emergency condition only.
Low voltage relays for monitoring the power supply to each pump or spring
shall be supplied to motor, heaters and closing and tripping circuits.
A heating element for 230 V AC must be installed to avoid moisture in the
circuit breaker cubicle. The heating element shall be temperature controlled,
however a by-pass switch shall enable continuous heating.
Interior lighting operated from a door switch shall be provided within each
cubicle assembly. Lamps shall be 230 V AC with bayonet base.
A 230 V AC, 10 A a single-phase standard power outlet along with its
approved fuse to fit standard prong-plug shall be installed inside each cubicle
An approved schematic diagram of the local control system of the circuit
breaker, identifying the various components within the cubicle and on the circuit
breaker and referring to the appropriate drawings and maintenance instructions,
shall be affixed to the inside of the cubicle access door. The diagram shall be marked
on durable non-fading material suitable for the specified site conditions.


All wires shall be identified at both ends according to the interconnection

Wiring between terminals of various devices shall be point -to-point, no
splicing or "T" connection shall be allowed.
All internal wiring shall be neatly trunked in wiring troughs.
All groups of bundled conductors to hinged doors and panels shall use extra
flexible wire arranged so that a twisting rather than a bending motion is imparted to
the moving conductor bundle.
Terminal blocks shall be arranged with sufficient space for easy connections
of incoming cables. Parallel rows of terminal blocks shall be spaced at least 15 cm
apart. At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided in each block. Terminal studs
and wires shall be numbered or otherwise marked in accordance with applicable
schematic and wiring diagrams.

The DC power supply to the circuit-breaker tripping coils and the control

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers

circuit wiring shall be provided with shielded cables and all other measures of
protection shall be taken in order to minimize the hazard of damage to these cables
and subsequent failing of control voltage.
Auxiliary circuits shall be capable of carrying at least 10 A continuously.
The control, indicating and interlocking wires for the operating mechanisms
shall be brought together to screw type terminal blocks in the operating mechanism


During erection, test and commisioning at site, the manufacturer’s expert

engineer shall supervise the work.


Type test certificates for the specified equipment shall be issued by an

approved internationally acknowledged, reputable, independent testing laboratory
as attached at General Technical Requirements, Appendix-1.

11.1 Type Tests

The circuit-breaker type offered shall have passed the type tests in
accordance with IEC 62271-100.

11.2 Routine Tests

Circuit-breakers of each type ordered under the contract shall be fully
assembled at the manufacturer's works and subjected to routine tests in accordance
with IEC 62271-100.


The following items shall be provided for the circuit breaker:

a. Name plate
b. Position indicating signal lamp
c. Auxiliary switch for position indication and interlocking
d. Counter to record the frequency of fault operation
e. Counter to record the frequency of normal operation
f. Primary terminal connectors
g. Grounding terminal(s)
h. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts
i. SF6 gas for first filling
j. SF6 gas density meter
k. Mounting bolts and nuts

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 2: Circuit Breakers

l. Primary terminal connecting clamps, connectors, jumpers and necessary

material for connection to conductors (busbar) and other equipment
m. Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Bid Documents
or not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable operation.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 3: Disconnectors and Earthing Switches


1. TSS 3: DISCONNECTORS AND EARTHING SWITCHES ..................................... V-2

1. CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................................... V-2
2. GENERAL ................................................................................................................ V-2
3. MAINTENANCE EARTHING SWITCHES ............................................................... V-3
4. RATING .................................................................................................................... V-4
5. OPERATING MECHANISM ..................................................................................... V-4
6. INTERLOCKING FACILITIES .................................................................................. V-5
7. LOCKING FACILITIES ............................................................................................ V-5
8. TESTING .................................................................................................................. V-6
8.1 TYPE TESTS………................................................................................... ........ V-6
8.2 ROUTINE TESTS………………………………………………………………… ..... V-6
9. ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................................... V-6

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 3: Disconnectors and Earthing Switches



Disconnectors and earthing switches shall comply with the requirements of the
following standards, except as modified in this specification:

IEC 60060-1 : High-Voltage Test Techniques – Part 1: General

Definitions and test requirements.
IEC 60815-1 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 1: Definitions,
information and general principles
IEC 60815-2 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 2: Ceramics
and glass insulators for AC systems
IEC 62155 : Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and glass
insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated
voltages greater than 1000 V
IEC 62271-1 : High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 1:
Common Specifications.
IEC 62271-102 : High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 102:
Alternating Current Disconnectors and Earthing Switches.
IEC 62371 : Characteristics of hollow pressurized and unpressurized
ceramic and glass insulators for use in electrical equipment
with rated voltages greater than 1000 V
SPLN T3.011-1 : Pemilihan Peralatan Sakelar pada Jaringan Transmisi
Bagian 2: Disconnecting Switch/Pemisah


Disconnectors shall be outdoor and suitable for tropical area condition. Type
of designation of disconnector shall follow the Technical Particular Guarantee
The three-phase disconnectors shall consist of three units of single-phase
disconnectors. They shall be completed with supporting steelwork and installed to
permit easy maintenance and shall be so located that the minimum safety
clearances are always maintained.
The single-phase disconnectors shall be mounted on three separate steel supports
but operated three-phase by a common motor-operated mechanism. The
disconnector poles must be so coupled as to ensure synchronism of the switching
motions under all conditions.
All contact arms shall be in positive continuous control trough out the entire cycle of

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 3: Disconnectors and Earthing Switches

and in angular synchronization during the closing and opening operation. The
disconnectors shall be of the slow acting type.
Disconnectors shall be designed for the specified rated currents. The contacts shall
carry their rated load currents without overheating or welding. They shall be suitable
for off-load isolation at the maximum permissible continuous operating voltage.
Full contact and current carrying capacity shall be maintained during reasonable
over-travel and under-travel of the mechanism.
All main high-voltage current carrying parts and the supporting insulators shall be
capable to withstand successfully without damage or injurious distortion, the short-
circuit current for the time duration specified.
The use of stranded wire connections bridging the movable links are not allowed.
The disconnectors and earthing switches shall be suitable for at least 2000
operating cycles, satisfactory open and close mechanical operations in accordance
with class M1 IEC 62271-102.
All line disconnectors shall be fitted with approved three-phase line earthing
The line disconnectors shall be interlocked also with their associated earthing switch
in such a manner as to allow the disconnectors to be closed only if the earthing
switch is open and to allow the earthing switch to be closed only if the disconnector
is open.
The earthing switch, when in the closed position, shall be capable of carrying the
rated short time current for the specified time duration without the contacts burning
or welding. The position of the earthing switch shall be indicated by a reliable
indicating device.
In order to prevent the possibility of making or breaking load current, busbar
disconnectors, line disconnectors and transformer disconnectors shall be
interlocked with the circuit-breaker of the respective bay so that the disconnectors
can be closed or opened only if the circuit-breaker is open.
Disconnectors and earthing switches shall have the sufficient number of auxiliary
contacts for the control circuits, which shall easily be convertible from normally
closed to normally-open and vice-versa.
The contractor shall provide catalogue, drawing and other references for approval
design purposes.


Earthing switches shall be provided integral with isolators or separately mounted,

and shall so function, as to provide and earthing permitting access for maintenance
to circuit-breakers and busbars. Power operated mechanisms shall be provided,
preferably three-pole. The earthing switch, when in the closed position, shall be
capable of carrying the rated short-time current for one second without the contacts
burning or welding.
Facilities integral with the earthing switch for primary current injection or low voltage
checks shall be insulated from earth and incorporate a disconnect-able earth strap.
The operational position of the earthing switch is to be indicated by the handle
position on earthing switch.
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 3: Disconnectors and Earthing Switches


The rating of disconnectors shall comply with the Technical Particular Guarantee.


All disconnect switches shall have motor operators with auxiliary switches and
manual operating means. Motor shall be powered with 230 V/ 400 V AC 3 phase.
Disconnector operating mechanisms shall be of robust construction,
carefully fitted to ensure free action and shall be unaffected by the climatic
conditions at site. Mechanisms shall be as simple as possible and comprise a
minimum of bearing and wearing parts. Approved grease lubricating devices shall
be fitted to all principal bearings.
Each rotating insulator rod shall be provided with weatherproof type, sealed,
ball or roller bearing.
All pin, sert-screw and washers shall be of non-corroding material.
Operating rods shall be equipped with weatherproof ball or roller bearings or
with brass bearings in order to avoid corrosion.
Mechanisms shall be designed to be readily operated by one man and shall
be provided with interlock and auxiliary switches as specified.
Manual operation shall be possible on all disconnectors and earthing
switches from switches located approximately 1 meter above ground. Earthing
switches shall only be operated by manual operation. The force to open or close a
single-pole or three-pole switch manually shall not exceed 15 kg on a crank not over
1.5 m in length.
The nominal control voltage for closing and opening shall follow the TPG.
The motor-driven operating mechanism shall be enclosed as per specification with
removable doors to provide access for maintenance and inspection. The enclosure
shall have space heaters for moisture condensation removal. The heater power
supply shall follow the TPG.
All wiring for motor and auxiliary switches shall be carried to a terminal block within
the housing.
In case of single pole operating mechanism, motor control circuits, shall be
electrically uncoupled whenever the manual operator is engaged.
Each motor operator shall be provided with relays to permit operation from
momentary closed contacts for disconnect switch to operate on fully closed or open
Fully disconnect switches for the heaters and operating manual circuit, each
distinctively colored so the function can be identified.
All disconnect switches shall be electrically interlocked so they cannot be operated
unless the respective circuit-breakers are open. Each disconnect switch with an
associated grounding switch shall be electrically interlocked to prevent its closing
unless the associated grounding switch is fully open.
The mechanism shall be housed in a weatherproofed enclosure complete with
auxiliary switches, terminal blocks, heaters, cable gland plates, cable glands, etc.
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 3: Disconnectors and Earthing Switches

All steel and malleable iron parts including the supporting steelwork shall be
galvanized as specified.

Auxiliary switches shall be located in operating mechanism housing weatherproof

cabinets with space heaters and they shall be so mounted as to be accessible from
ground level.
The auxiliary switches shall be sufficient for the Contractor's design.
The total number of the auxiliary switches provided with any grounding switch or
disconnect switch shall include the maximum number of auxiliary switches used for
any switch under similar application plus additional auxiliary switches according to
All auxiliary switches shall be completely wired to terminal blocks, whether used or


Disconnectors and earthing switches shall be provided with an interlocking system

which ensures safe operation of the equipment under all service conditions.
Interlocks shall be effective at the point where hand-power is applied so that
stresses cannot be transferred to parts remote from that point.
All electrical interlocks shall so function as to interrupt the operating supply, and an
approved system of interlocks shall be provided which shall cover the emergency
hand operation of apparatus which is normally power operated. Failure of supply (or
its restoration after an outage) or of connections to any electrical interlocks shall not
produce or permit faulty operation.
Electrical bolt interlocks shall be energized only when the operating handle of the
mechanism is brought to the working position. Visible indication shall be provided to
show whether the mechanism is locked or free. Approved means, normally
inaccessible shall be provided whereby the bolt can be operated in the emergency
of a failure of interlock supplies.
At existing substations where equipment is being extended, interlocking facilities,
and associated equipment shall be identical with and form a comprehensive
extension to the existing interlocking scheme.
Disconnectors shall be so interlocked that they cannot be operated unless the
associated circuit breaker is open.
The interlocking facilities shall allow for the on-load transfer of feeder circuits from
one busbar to the other busbar system, i.e. both busbar disconnectors could be
closed when the bus-coupler is closed.


Locking facilities shall be provided on each disconnector.

Provision shall be made at that part of the mechanism where the operating power
is applied and not to remote or ancillary linkages.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 3: Disconnectors and Earthing Switches


8.1 Type Tests

The disconnector and earthing switch types offered shall have passed the type tests
in accordance with IEC Standard.
Type test certificates for the specified equipment shall be issued by an approved
internationally acknowledged, reputable, independent testing laboratory as attached
at General Technical Requirements, Appendix-1.

8.2 Routine Tests

Disconnectors shall be subject to routine tests according to SPLN T3.011-1:2021
and IEC 62271-102.


The following items shall be provided for each disconnectors and earthing switch:
a. Name plate.
b. Primary terminals
c. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts.
d. Manually driver handle
e. Primary terminals connecting clamps, connectors, and other necessary material
for connection to conductors, busbar and other equipment.
f. Other necessary accessories even if specified elsewhere in the Bid Documents
or not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable operation.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 4: Current Transformers


1. CODES AND STANDARDS ..................................................................... V-2

2. GENERAL ................................................................................................ V-2
3. RATING .................................................................................................... V-4
4. TESTING .................................................................................................. V-5
4.1. Type Test ................................................................................................. V-5
4.2. Routine Test ............................................................................................. V-5
5. ACESSORIES .......................................................................................... V-5

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 4: Current Transformers



Current transformers shall conform to the following standards as to

material, design and tests:

IEC 60296 : Fluids for electrotechnical applications – Unused

mineral insulating oils for transformers and
IEC 60815-1 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 1:
Definitions, information and general principles
IEC 60815-2 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 2:
Ceramics and glass insulators for AC systems
IEC 62155 : Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and
glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with
rated voltages greater than 1000 V
IEC 62271-1 : High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 1:
Common Specifications.
IEC 62371 : Characteristics of hollow pressurized and
unpressurized ceramic and glass insulators for use in
electrical equipment with rated voltages greater than
1000 V
IEC 61869-1 : Instrument Transformers - Part 1: General
requirements for instrument transformers.
IEC 61869-2 : Instrument Transformers - Part 2: Current


The current transformers shall be outdoor, single-phase, vertically

mounted, free standing, oil immersed type, low reactance inverted type,
single or multi-turn primary and shall be hermetically sealed. The material
of insulators of current transformers shall be porcelain or silicon rubber.
Each current transformer shall be impregnated and filled with oil of grade
as specified in IEC 60296. Oil level indicators shall be provided. Oil volume
shall be compensated by using a corrosion-proof metallic bellow.
Current transformers shall be designed for base mounting. The secondary
leads shall terminate in a weatherproof junction-box (IP 54) mounted on the
current transformer base and the secondary leads size shall not be smaller
than 4 sqmm.
Primary winding conductors shall have the capacity of the nominal
continuous current and short-time current not less than that of the
associated switchgears for a duration of one second.

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 4: Current Transformers

Except where stated in data sheets all current transformers shall have a
maximum continuous primary current rating not less than the primary
current rating of the bay in which they will be installed.
Star connection and earthing of the current transformer's neutral shall be
performed only once for the three-phase group and located at the
corresponding outdoor control cubicle.
The secondary windings shall consist of enameled insulated wire and each
current transformer secondary winding circuit shall be earthed at only one
The secondary terminals must never be opened.
Current transformers shall be supplied with the number of cores for
metering and protections as specified.
The cores shall be constructed of the highest quality, non-aging, cold-rolled,
grain oriented steel especially suitable for the purpose. The steel shall be
in thin laminations and each sheet shall have an insulating surface
treatment or coating resistant to the action of hot oil.
Magnetization and core-loss curves shall be provided for each type and
rating of current transformers. The magnetization characteristic shall be
submitted to the PT PLN (Persero) for approval.
If the Contractor wishes to provide current transformer ratios differing from
those specified, he shall first obtain approval in writing from the PT PLN
(Persero) for each specific instance.
Current transformers for balanced protective schemes including neutral
current transformers where appropriate, shall have identical turns ratio and
shall have their magnetization characteristic matched to each other.
The neutral current transformers, if any, shall be of the totally enclosed
bushing type, complete with suitable mounting, cable box for secondary
connections, etc.
Minimum knee point output voltage of 66 kV and 150 kV current transformer
shall be:

Vk ≥ 2 x (Ifault/Ratio x (Rct + Rlead)),

where Ifault is the maximum fault current, Rct the current transformer's
internal resistance in secondary terms (where Rlead = 1.85 ohm for Isr = 1 A
or Rlead = 1.16 ohm for Isr = 5 A), Rlead is the lead resistance from current
transformer to relay. The lowest ratio of current transformer shall be used
for determining Ifault in secondary term.
Current transformers provided for protective gear purposes shall have over-
current and saturation factors not less than those corresponding to the
design short circuit level of the system. The output of each current
transformer shall be not less than that specified and the Contractor shall
ensure that the capacity of the current transformers provided is adequate
for operation of the associated protective devices and instruments.
For current transformers system of above 150 kV shall be considered
transient performance show on table below:

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 4: Current Transformers

Table – Specification Methods for TPX or TPY current transformers

Standard Specification Alternative Specification
Class designation (TPX or TPY) Class designation (TPX or TPY)
Rated symmetrical short-circuit Rated symmetrical short-circuit
current factor Kssc current factor Kssc
Duty cycle, consisting of Rated value of transient
dimensioning factor Ktd
For C-O cycle : t’al
Rated value of secondary loop
For C-O-C-O cycle : t’al, t’, tfr, t”al
time constant Ts (for TPY cores
Rated primary time constant Tp only)
Rated resistive burden Rb Rated resistive burden Rb

The Contractor shall provide details of their method of calculating the

outputs of the current transformers for each type of protection specified and
shall submit calculations for all the current transformers for approval to the
PT PLN (Persero).
Separate cables shall be laid from each individual protection core up to the
control and protection cubicle.
The screen of the cable connecting the current transformers to the outdoor
control cubicle and further to the control and relay cubicle shall firmly be
connected at both ends to the substation earthing system.
If double ratio secondary windings are specified, a label shall be provided
at the secondary terminals of the current transformer indicating clearly the
connection required for either ratio. These connections and the ratio in use
shall be shown on the appropriate schematic and connection diagrams.
Where multi-ratios are specified current transformers with multiple windings
are offered, it shall be possible to select either ratio for each winding without
alteration to the number of primary turns.
Provision for lifting component parts or the complete assembly as required
for inspection, handling and erection at site of the current transformer shall
be provided.
The following facilities shall be provided:
a. Easily visible means of determining from ground the level of oil within
the current transformers
b. Oil drain cock and sampling device
c. Earthing terminal of adequate dimensions

The contractor shall provide catalogue, drawing and other references for
bidding and design purposes.


Rating of the current transformers shall comply with Technical Particular

and Guarantee (TPG) attached in Bidding Document – Book I.

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 4: Current Transformers


4.1. Type Test

The current transformers offered shall have passed the type tests in
accordance with IEC 61869-1and IEC 61869-2.
Type test certificates for the specified equipment shall be issued by an
approved internationally acknowledged, reputable, independent testing
laboratory as attached at General Technical Requirements, Appendix-1.

4.2. Routine Test

Current transformers shall be subjected to routine tests as per IEC 61869-

1and IEC 61869-2.
For current transformer TPX and TPY it should be tested with:
1. Test for error at limiting conditions for class TPX and TPY protective
current transformers
2. Test for ratio error and phase displacement for class TPX and TPY
current transformers


The following accessories shall be provided with each current transformer:

a. Name plate
b. Primary terminals
c. Earthing terminal
d. Primary winding protective device (if necessary)
e. Lifting lug
f. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts (Not included in
Pengadaan Terpusat)
g. Mounting bolts and nuts
h. Oil level indicator
i. Drain and sampling plugs
j. Oil filling plugs
k. Oil adjusting unit (if necessary)
l. Pressure relief device
m. Cable conduit
n. Weatherproof secondary terminal box for each current transformers
o. Primary terminal connection clamps, connectors, jumpers and other
necessary material for connection to conductors (busbar) and other
p. Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Tender
Document or not expresily specified but required for a continuous
reliable operation.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV


1. CODES AND STANDARDS .............................................................................. V-2

2. GENERAL .......................................................................................................... V-2
3. CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. V-3
3.1 Construction ....................................................................................................... V-3
3.2 Coupling Capacitors .......................................................................................... V-4
3.3 Electromagnetic Unit .......................................................................................... V-4
4. ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... V-4
5. EFFECTS OF TRANSIENTS ............................................................................. V-5
5.1 Transient Response ........................................................................................... V-5
5.2 Ferro resonance Suppression Performance ...................................................... V-5
5.3 Short Circuit Characteristics .............................................................................. V-5
6. SECONDARY TERMINAL BOXES ................................................................... V-5
7. BUSHINGS ........................................................................................................ V-6
8. TESTS ............................................................................................................... V-6
8.1 Type Tests ......................................................................................................... V-6
8.2 Routine Tests ..................................................................................................... V-6
8.2.1 On the capacitor divider ..................................................................................... V-6
8.2.2 On the electromagnetic unit: .............................................................................. V-7
8.2.3 On the complete CVT ........................................................................................ V-7
9. RATING ............................................................................................................. V-7
10. ACCESSORIES ................................................................................................. V-7

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV


AIS 150 KV


Unless otherwise stated, capacitor voltage transformer shall comply with the
IEC 60270 : High Voltage Test Techniques – Partial Discharge
IEC 60296 : Fluids for electrotechnical applications – Unused mineral
insulating oils for transformers and switchgears.
IEC 60358-1 : Coupling Capacitors and Capacitor Dividers – Part 1: General
IEC 60481 : Coupling Devices for Power Line Carrier Systems
IEC 60815 : Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted
IEC 60815-1 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 1: Definitions,
information and general principles
IEC 60815-2 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 2: Ceramics and
glass insulators for AC systems
IEC 61869-1 : Instrument Transformers - Part 1: General requirements for
instrument transformers.
IEC 61869-3 : Instrument Transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for
inductive voltage transformers.
IEC 61869-5 : Instrument Transformers - Part 5: Additional requirements for
capacitor voltage transformers.
IEC 62155 : Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and glass
insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltages
greater than 1000 V
IEC 62371 : Characteristics of hollow pressurized and unpressurized
ceramic and glass insulators for use in electrical equipment
with rated voltages greater than 1000 V


The capacitor voltage transformers shall be of the outdoor, single-phase,

vertically mounted, capacitor type.
The design of capacitor voltage transformers shall be such that the accuracy
shall not be affected by the presence of pollution on the external surface of the

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV

Capacitor voltage transformers shall be suitable for use as line couplers for
the operation of carrier accelerated tripping and communication systems.
Capacitor voltage transformers specified to carry line traps at the top, shall
be designed and dimensioned accordingly.
Capacitor voltage transformers shall also be suitable for use as couplers for
high frequency live line pulse fault-locators and measurements.
Secondary fuses shall be provided on each capacitor voltage transformer,
located such that they are accessible while the primary is alive and shall be provided
with labels indicating their function and their phase colours.
The capacitor voltage transformer secondary circuit shall be earthed at only
one point by a separate earth link situated at each capacitor voltage transformer.
A fast damping device shall be provided at each capacitor voltage
transformer in order to damp transient and ferroresonant oscillations.
The capacitor unit shall be hermetically sealed.
A bushing shall be provided to enable a high-frequency signal to be coupled
to the capacitor unit.
The bushing shall be fully protected against rain and vermin by a sealed
weatherproof terminal box (IP 54).
The capacitor voltage transformer's terminal box shall:
a. has a provision for connection with a line matching unit.
b. has an earthing-switch capable of being operated from ground level. It shall
preferably include facility to enable the capacitor coupling unit to be earthed
via the drain coil whilst simultaneously isolating the carrier equipment for test
c. has a surge arrester connected between the coupling capacitor and earth to
protect the matching unit, drain coil, etc.
An auxiliary switch or relay shall be provided in each phase of secondary
circuit of the synchronizing and metering voltage supply connections to break the
circuits automatically as soon as the circuit-breaker is opened.
In case of a tertiary side of 500 kV Inter Bus Transformer protected with
Neutral Voltage Displacement Relay (NVDR), there shall be installed inductive
voltage transformer.
The Contractor shall provide catalogue, drawing and other references for
approval design purposes.


3.1 Construction
All material and workmanship throughout shall be of best quality and in
accordance with modern practices. The design shall be such that installation
replacement and general maintenance may be undertaken with a minimum of time
and expense.
The Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall consist of a Capacitor Divider and

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV

an electromagnetic unit (Intermediate Voltage Transformer) connected between the

Intermediate terminal and the earth terminal of the capacitor divider unit for
providing the secondary output. The capacitor divider shall be made up of one or
more coupling capacitors, each containing a large number of series connected
capacitor elements impregnated with synthetic oil.

3.2 Coupling Capacitors

Coupling capacitors shall be equipped with corrosion-proof metallic bellows
to accommodate the variations in oil volume due to variation of temperature.
The capacitor electrodes shall be made from aluminum foil. The dielectric
shall consist of high quality paper separating layers of polypropylene film
impregnated with synthetic oil. Appropriate clamping of capacitor stacks should be
demonstrated by the manufacturer to ensure long term stability of the divider.
The capacitor divider unit shall offer regligible capacitance variation with
temperature and shall have optimum stability of ratio for different ambient
The stack capacitance at rated power frequency shall not differ from the
nominal nameplate value by more than - 5% or +10%. After dielectric tests the
capacitance at rated power frequency shall not differ from that measured prior to
dielectric tests by less than the equivalent of one capacitor element.

3.3 Electromagnetic Unit

The electromagnetic unit shall consist of an Intermediate Voltage
transformer a device for suppression of Ferro resonance oscillations and a
compensating reactor to ensure correct phase and ratio relationship between
primary and secondary voltages. These shall be housed in a corrosion resistance
base housing which is filled with mineral oil. A drain screw, oil filling screw and oil
level indicator shall also be provided. The intermediate transformer shall operate at
low magnetic flux. If ground switch for the intermediate transformer is provided, it
shall be lockable in “open” position.
The intermediate transformer shall be provided with an electrostatic earth
screen between the primary and secondary windings to reduce interwinding
capacitance. The screen shall be solidly connected to the tank of the CVT.
The base housing may be constructed of corrosion resistant die cast
aluminum, galvanized steel or painted steel.
A high frequency power line carrier terminal shall be provided (in between the earth
terminal of capacitor divider unit and earth) for connection of carrier communication
and metering apparatus.


The measuring and protective accuracy clauses specified in the schedule of

technical particular and guarantee shall be met without having to make adjustment
for changes of power factor, burden or voltage.
The ratio of the capacitor voltage transformers shall not be affected by
changes in ambient temperature.
The standard reference range of frequency shall be from 99 to 101 % of

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV

rated frequency for accuracy classes for measurement and from 96 to 102% for
accuracy class for protection. The ratio error and phase displacement shall remain
within accuracy limits as required by IEC 61869-5.
The voltage error and phase displacement at rated frequency at any voltage
between 80% and 120% of rated voltage and with burdens of between 25% and
100% of rated burden, at power factor of a 0.8 lagging, shall not exceed the
prescribed value for measuring accuracy class.
The voltage error and phase displacement at rated frequency at 5% rated
voltage and at rated voltage multiplied by rated voltage factor with burdens as
between 25% and 100% of rated burden at a power factor of 0.8 lagging, shall not
exceed the prescribed value for protective accuracy class. At 2% of rated voltage
the limit of error and phase displacement with burdens between 25% and 100% of
rated burden at a power factor of 0.8 lagging will be not more than twice as high as
that prescribed for the accuracy class.


5.1 Transient Response

The transient response of the Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall be such
that on the application of a short circuit to the primary and earth terminal the
secondary output voltage shall fall to a value less than 10% of the peak value before
short circuit in less than one cycle of rated frequency.

5.2 Ferro resonance Suppression Performance

When a Capacitor Voltage Transformer supplied at 120% of rated voltage
and with substantially zero burden has its secondary terminal short circuited and the
short circuit is suddenly removed, the peak of the secondary voltage shall revert to
a value which does not differ from its nominal value by more than 10% after 10
cycles of rated frequency.
All CVT’s shall be tested on a Routine Test with a minimum of 10 secondary
short circuit operations to ensure conformance with this requirement. Secondary
waveforms shall be included in the test report.

5.3 Short Circuit Characteristics

Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall be capable of withstanding for one
second the mechanical and thermal stresses resulting from short circuit on
secondary terminal with maximum rated voltage maintenance on primary terminal.


The secondary terminals of the Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall be

brought out into a weatherproof terminal box attached to the transformer tank. Mini
circuit breakers of suitable rating shall be connected to the polarity end of each
secondary winding for protection of the CVT.
Note : Mini circuit breakers can be omitted provided the CVT when energized to
120% of rated voltage withstands without damage a secondary short
circuit applied on each secondary winding separately for a minimum

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV

duration of one hour.


Bushings shall be made of wet process porcelain which shall be

homogeneous free from laminations, cavities or other physical flaws and shall be
well verified tough and impervious to moisture. Bushing shall have a glaze of brown
colour. Or polymer bushings shall be made of high temperature vulcanization (HTV)
silicon rubber with aluminium trihydrate (ATH).
Bushings shall be made of alternating sheds and shall posses good self
cleaning properties.
Minimum inclination (x) of top shed shall be greater than 5° as per IEC


8.1 Type Tests

The type tests shall be performed in accordance with IEC 61869-5.
Type test certificates for the specified equipment shall be issued by an
approved internationally acknowledged, reputable, independent testing laboratory
as attached at General Technical Requirements, Appendix-1.
1) Short Time Withstand Current Test
2) Dielectric Tests as follows:
a) Dry Lightning Impulse Test
This test shall be performed at the level specified in IEC 61869-5 for Dry
Lightning Impulse Test.
b) Wet Power Frequency Voltage Test
c) Partial Discharge Test
Partial Discharge Test is not required for completed Capacitor Voltage
Transformer. However, evidence shall be produced by the manufacturer
showing that the insulator bushings have passed the Partial Discharge test.
3) Test for Accuracy
4) Temperature Rise Test on complete CVT unit
5) Ferro resonance Test on complete CVT unit
Transient Response Test
Insulation Endurance Test

8.2 Routine Tests

8.2.1 On the capacitor divider

a) Capacitance and dissipation factor measurement before and after power

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV

frequency withstand voltage (dry) test

b) Dry Impulse Test of each capacitor section
(This test is required in order to provide a more searching test for capacitor
element flaws on a routine basis [all units] than would otherwise be achieved
with only the Power Frequency Withstand and Partial Discharge Tests). The
test may be performed on individual capacitor sections only, at the rated
lightning impulse level multiplied by a factor equal to the percentage of the
unit’s power frequency voltage tap which is borne by the individual capacitor
section under test.
c) Power frequency withstand voltage (dry) test
d) Partial discharge measurement according to IEC standard

8.2.2 On the electromagnetic unit:

a) Induced potential test on the primary circuit
b) Applied potential test on the secondary circuit

8.2.3 On the complete CVT

a) Accuracy tests
b) Polarity check


The rating of the capacitor voltage transformers shall comply with Technical
Particular and Guarantee (TPG) attached in Bidding Document – Book I.


The following accessories shall be provided with each capacitor voltage

a. Name plate
b. Primary terminal
c. Weatherproof secondary terminal box
d. Earthing terminal
e. Lifting lug
f. Cable conduit
g. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts (not included in Pengadaan
i. Carrier earth switch
h. Carrier surge arrester
i. Primary terminal connection clamps, connectors, jumpers and other
necessary material for connection to conductors (busbar) and other

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 5: Outdoor Capacitor Voltage Transformer AIS 150 kV

j. Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Bid

Documents or not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 6: Surge Arrester AIS 150 kV


1. TSS 6: SURGE ARRESTER AIS 150 KV............................................................... V-2

1. CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................... V-2
2. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS .............................................................................. V-2
3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ V-2
3.1. DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING REQUIREMENTS........................................... V-2
3.2. SURGE COUNTER AND LEAKAGE CURRENT METER ..................................... V-3
4. RATING .................................................................................................................. V-3
5. PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................... V-4
5.1. OPERATING DUTY ............................................................................................... V-4
5.2. DURABILITY .......................................................................................................... V-4
6. TESTS .................................................................................................................... V-4
6.1. TYPE TESTS ......................................................................................................... V-4
6.2. ROUTINE TESTS ................................................................................................... V-4
7. ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................... V-4
8. REQUIRED DATA .................................................................................................. V-5

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 6: Surge Arrester AIS 150 kV



Surge arresters shall comply with IEC and/or all other equivalent or better
relevant standards:
IEC 60137 : Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above
IEC 61463 : Bushing - Seismic qualification
IEC 62271-300 : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 2:
Seismic qualification for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and
IEC 60099-4 : Surge Arresters. Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters
without gaps for AC systems
IEC 60099-5 : Surge Arresters. Part 5: Selection and application
IEC 60270 : High Voltage Test Techniques – Partial Discharge
SPLN T3.12 : Pemilihan Surge Arrester pada Jaringan Transmisi


The surge arresters shall be designed to ensure satisfactory operation under

the atmospheric conditions prevailing at site, and under such sudden variation of
voltage as may be met with under working conditions of the system.


3.1. Design and Manufacturing Requirements

Surge arresters shall be outdoor, vertically mounted, self-standing type on
supporting base or structures.
These surge arresters shall be metal-oxide type, gapless discharge devices,
having non-linear characteristic, explosion proof, heavy duty, Station Class and
shall be hermetically sealed to ensure a permanently reliable performance,
irrespective of the surrounding atmosphere.
Surge arresters shall consist of zinc-oxide disc stacks housed inside the
sealed insulator body.
The insulator body housing the active parts of the arrester shall be of high
temperature vulcanization (HTV) silicon rubber with aluminium trihydrate (ATH) with
alternating size in order to attain a low sensitivity to pollution and fitted with proper
grading rings.
The surge arresters shall be capable of diverting the impulse voltage caused
by lightning strikes and over voltage due to switching and temporary power

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 6: Surge Arrester AIS 150 kV

frequency over voltages, and shall be designed for a nominal discharge-current as

specified at the rated high voltage.
The surge arresters shall be capable of discharging over voltages occurring
during switching of unloaded transformers and long lines.
The surge arresters shall be capable of withstanding Maximum Continuous
Operating Voltages (M.C.O.V) as stated at the Technical Particular and Guarantee
The reference current of the arresters shall be high enough to eliminate the
influence of grading and stray capacitance on the measured reference voltages.
In case of overloading, a pressure-relief device must discharge the
dangerous pressure.
Internal components shall be designed to minimize internal corona and also
to ensure minimal capacitive-coupling with any conducting layer of pollutant on the
outside of the housing.
Each surge arresters shall be provided with high voltage terminals suitable
to connect aluminum connectors and earth terminals preferably of tinned copper
suitable to connect copper connectors.
The construction of surge arresters shall ensure proof against ageing and
shall be of the maintenance free type.
The contractor shall provide catalogue, drawing and other references for
approval design purposes.

3.2. Surge Counter and Leakage Current Meter

One surge-counter and leakage current meter shall be provided for each
phase. The surge-counter shall be of the electromechanical type and designed for
continuous service, operated by the discharge current passed by the surge arrester.
The leakage current meters shall be provided for installation in the earth
connection of surge arresters and shall be designed for continuous service, suitable
leakage current monitor on each pole of the arresters and measure leakage
currents. The internal parts shall be fully weatherproofed with a transparent cover
to provide on unobstructed view of the milli-ammeter. The reading of surge-counter
and leakage current meter shall be visible through an inspection glass panel. For
electromechanical type arrester the remote reading could be done with additional
auxiliary contact. Internal parts shall be hermetically sealed in a weather-proof
housing and shall allow the recording device to be read without exposing the internal
parts to the atmosphere.
The surge-counter and leakage current meter shall be connected in the main
earth lead from the arrester in such a manner that the direction of the earth lead is
not changed or its surge impedance materially altered. Earthing surge arrester
should be separated from the mesh grounding system of substation. Bolted links
shall be provided so that the surge-counter and leakage current meter may be short-
circuited and removed without taking the arrester out of service.


Rating of the surge arrester shall comply with Technical Particular and

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 6: Surge Arrester AIS 150 kV

Guarantee (TPG) attached in Bidding Document – Book I.


5.1. Operating duty

The surge arrester shall interrupt the follow-current after each of ten
applications of an 8/20 microsecond impulse current having the peak value equal to
the nominal discharge current of the arrester, while the arrester is connected to a
power supply at the rated voltage, the interval between successive impulse current
applications being about 60 seconds and the polarity of the impulse current being
positive for five applications and negative for five applications.

5.2. Durability
No puncture or no external flashover of the arrester shall occur at the
nominal discharge current, and the performance of the arrester shall not be
deteriorated for a long time of service even if exposed to successive operations.


6.1. Type tests

Type test certificates for the specified equipment shall be issued by an
approved internationally acknowledged, reputable, independent testing laboratory
as attached at General Technical Requirements, Appendix-1.

6.2. Routine tests

Before delivery surge arresters shall be subjected routine tests made by the
manufacturer in accordance with IEC 60099-4.
Failure of a test specimen to comply with any one of the requirements of this
standard shall rejected.


Each surge arrester shall be supplied complete with the following

a. Name plate
b. Pressure-relief device (if required)
c. Two primary terminals, one for connection to the power line and the other for
connection to earth insulating base
d. Surge-counter analog or digital including free contact
e. Composite Insulating base

f. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts (not included in Pengadaan
g. Primary terminal connection clamps, connectors, jumpers and other necessary
material for connection to conductors and other equipment.
h. Bolted links shall be provided so that the surge counter and leakage current

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 6: Surge Arrester AIS 150 kV

meter may be short circuited and removed without taking the arrester out of
i. Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Tender
Documents or not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable


As shown in Technical Particular and Guarantee (TPG) attached in Bidding

Document – Book I.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators


1. GENERAL .............................................................................................................. V-2

1.1 WORK INCLUDED ................................................................................................ V-2
1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS ........................................................................................ V-2
2. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. V-3
1.1 SUSPENSION AND TENSION TYPE OF INSULATORS ..................................... V-3
1.2 POST TYPE OF INSULATORS ............................................................................. V-3
1.3 MATERIALS, DESIGN AND QUALITY ................................................................. V-4
1.3.1 CERAMIC ........................................................................................................ V-4
1.3.2 GLASS ............................................................................................................ V-4
1.3.3 CAP AND PIN INSULATORS ......................................................................... V-4
1.3.4 CEMENTING ................................................................................................... V-4
1.4 MARKING .............................................................................................................. V-5
1.5 CLAMPS AND FITTINGS ...................................................................................... V-5
3. TESTING AND INSPECTION ................................................................................ V-6
4. PACKING, MARKING AND DELIVERY ................................................................ V-9

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators



1.1 Work included

This specification covers the requirements for design, manufacturing, testing,
packing, furnishing and delivery of insulators and fittings to be used for substation:
cap and pin type and post insulator type.

1.2 Quality standards

The supplier and/or manufacturer shall control the quality of items (and services) to
meet the requirements of this specification, applicable codes, standards and other
applicable documents.
Unless otherwise stated in this technical specification, the following standards (the
latest edition) are specifically applicable to the design, manufacturing and testing of
the equipment and materials included in this specification.
IEC 60071-1 : Insulation co-ordination – Part 1: Definitions, principles and
IEC 60120 : Dimensions of ball and socket couplings of string insulator
IEC 60305 : Characteristics of string insulator units of the cap and pin type
IEC 60372 : Locking devices for ball and socket couplings of string
insulator units - Dimensions and tests
IEC 60383-1 : Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above
1000 V, Part 1: Glass or ceramic insulator units for a.c.
systems - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
IEC 60383-2 : Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above
1000 V, Part 2: Insulator strings and insulator sets for a.c.
systems - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
IEC 60815-1 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 1: Definitions,
information and general principles
IEC 60815-2 : Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 2: Ceramics and
glass insulators for a.c. systems
IEC 61211 : Insulators of ceramic material or glass for overhead lines with
a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V – Impulse puncture
testing in air
IEC/TR 61467 : AC power arc tests for insulator sets
IEC 60273 : Characteristics of indoor and outdoor post insulators for
systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V
IEC 60168 : Tests on indoor and outdoor post insulatorsof ceramic

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators

or glass for systems with nominal voltages greater than

1000 V
IEC 61284 : Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for fittings
IEC 61467 : Insulator Insulators for overhead lines - Insulator strings and
sets for lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V -
AC power arc tests.
BS 3288 SER : Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead power lines.


As reference for the evaluation, the Contractor shall include in his bid the following
evidence from the manufacturer of the offered insulators. The Contractor without
this evidence is liable to be rejected.
a. Type Test Certificate

The Contractor shall include with their offers the type test certificate for the
offered insulators including thermal mechanical performance test carried out
in accordance with IEC 60575, which are issued by an International
acknowledge reputable independent testing laboratory.
Type tests are as follows:
- Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage test
- Wet power frequency withstands voltage test
- Steep front of wave flashover test
- Thermal mechanical performance test
- Power arc test

b. Certification that the same insulators have been sold to foreign customers for
period of at least three years.

c. A list of at least three foreign public utilities used of these insulators giving time
of delivery, quantities supplied and full name and address of these public

1.1 Suspension and Tension Type of Insulators

The insulator units shall be of the cap and pin type and shall be of aluminous
porcelain or toughened glass;
Double string insulator tension sets at gantry tower shall be used and jumper
suspension insulator set shall be of single string insulator set type.
The insulators shall be designed to the dimensions, electrical and mechanical
requirements as stated in Technical Particular and Guarantee (TPG).

1.2 Post Type of Insulators

Post insulator shall be solid core porcelain, dimensioned in accordance with
IEC 60273 and tested in accordance with IEC 60168. They shall comprise fully
interchangeable units of the solid core type and shall be designed so that they can
be used either upright or inverted. The use of post insulators comprising units
graded according to mechanical strength is not precluded, provided corresponding
units are fully interchangeable and clearly identified according to their mechanical
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators

1.3 Materials, Design and Quality

1.3.1 Ceramic
Where ceramic insulators are used, they shall be made of the highest grade, dense,
homogeneous, wet-process ceramic. The ceramic shall be free from warping,
roughness, cracks, blisters, laminations, projecting points, foreign matter and other
defects, except those within the limits of standard accepted practice.

1.3.2 Glass
Where glass insulators are used, they shall be made of the highest grade, dense,
homogeneous, toughened glass possessing uniform mechanical and electrical
strength and longlife service. The glass shall be free from warping, roughness,
cracks, blisters, laminations, projecting points, foreign matter and other defects,
except those within the limits of standard accepted practice.

1.3.3 Cap and pin insulators

Cap and pin insulators shall comply with IEC 60305 and shall be provided with ball
and socket couplings in accordance with IEC 60120 and split-pin type locking
devices for the insulator units themselves, in accordance with IEC 60372 and shall
be of austenitic stainless steel or phosphor bronze and of the same design for all
the complete insulator sets.
The caps shall be made of good commercial grade malleable cast iron or
ductile/cast iron and shall be hot dip galvanized after all necessary marking. The
cap shall be truly circular, with the inner and outer surface concentric, and shall be
free from cracks, shrinks, air holes, burrs, and rough edges to minimized field
concentrations and radio disturbances.
The insulator pins shall be made of forged carbon steel or high tension steel and
free from cracks and air-holes. Pins shall be provided with zinc anti-corrosion sleeve
and the materials of the sleeve shall be pure zinc with the purity not less than 99.7
per cent. Total fused area of the interface should be more than 80 per cent of the
total interfacial area between the zinc sleeve and the pin. The zinc coating shall be
smooth, clean, free from defects, and of uniform thickness, satisfying the prescribed
test procedure. The zinc coating quantity shall 505 g/m2 in minimum value.
The locking devices shall be of austenitic stainless steel or phosphor bronze.
Locking device shall be so formed that when set and under any conditions there
shall be no risk of the locking device being displaced accidentally and that nothing
but extreme deformation of the locking device shall allow separation of the insulator
units. Locking device design shall be such as to allow easy removal or replacement
of the insulator units under live line conditions. Locking devices when in position
shall be independent of rotation, and the efficiency of the locking shall be
independent of the degree of opening applied to the locking device after insertion.

1.3.4 Cementing
Extra high quality cement shall be used for cementing the insulator body to the cap
and pin. The cement shall have minimum expansion to avoid thermal stress
between joints. Cement thicknesses shall be as small and even as possible, and
proper care shall be taken to correctly center and locate the individual parts during

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators

1.4 Marking
Each insulator shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the manufacturer's name
or trade mark, the year of manufacture, a mark indicating the minimum failing load
and such other mark as may be approved to assist in the representative selection
of batches for the purposes of testing. For ceramic insulators these marks shall be
printed, not impressed, and shall be applied before firing and shall be clearly legible
after firing the glazing.
For glass insulators these marks may be applied by sand blasting. If these
indications are stamped on the insulator socket, they shall not affect the quality of

1.5 Clamps and Fittings

It is the Contractor's responsibility that a close and constant liaison be maintained
between the manufacturer of insulators and the manufacturer of fittings so that all
component parts of an insulator assembly are perfectly adapted to one another.
All clamps shall be designed as light as possible and avoid any possibility of
deforming the stranded conductor and separating the individual strands.
Tension clamps shall be of the compression type. The mechanical efficiency of such
tension clamps shall not be affected by methods of erection involving the use of
auxiliary erection clamps before, during or other assembly and erection of the
tension clamp itself.
Suspension clamps for attachment of conductor to insulator strings shall be of the
trunnion type and shall consist of clamping body and clamping piece of aluminum
alloy with bolts and other details are made of hot dip galvanized forged steel.
Tension insulator sets and clamps shall be arranged to give a suitable minimum
clearance of substation design between the jumper conductor and the rim of the end
insulator units.
All connecting fittings between the conductor and the tower steelwork such as a
clevis to tongue, shackle to plate or link which are subject to a tensile load in service
shall comply with IEC 61284 except that each fixing pin shall be secured by a
threaded nut and split pin. A backing washer is not required, and the unthreaded
shank of the fixing pin shall extend 3 mm through the clevis or shackle. The nut
shell, during erection, be tightened to the end of the thread and be backed by a
phosphor bronze or austenitic stainless-steel pin. A clevis or shackle opening shall
not exceed the thickness of a corresponding tongue, plate or link by more than 3
mm. Adequate bearing area between fittings shall be provided and point or line
contacts shall be avoided wherever this is possible without adversely affecting the
flexibility of the fitting.
Fittings made of steel shall be galvanized in accordance with the specification. All
bolts and nuts shall comply with the requirements for tower bolts and nuts and shall,
unless otherwise specified, be locked by locknuts. The mechanical strength of the
fittings and the minimum failure load of each fitting shall be as stated in Technical
Particulars and Guarantees.
Arcing devices, formed from galvanized mild steel and of approved types, as stated
in Technical Particulars and Guarantee (TPG) shall be attached in an approved
manner to all tension insulator sets. The devices shall be attached to the insulator
strings, but not directly to conductor clamps or to caps of insulator units.

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators

Tension and suspension insulators shall be equipped with arcing devices preferably
of the ring type, in order to minimize the possible of damage to conductors, clamps,
fittings and the insulators themselves under all flashover conditions.
These devices are not required for insulation coordination purposes; thus the length
of gap shall ensure that the specified BIL is obtained. The arcing device and its fixing
shall have sufficient mechanical strength to withstand a mass of 90 kg applied at
the tip.
The gap between devices shall be approved and shall be complied with Technical
Particulars and Guarantee (TPG). The insulator sets with arcing devices at both
ends shall be identical to sets for the general run of lines except for the addition of
a bolted-on earth end.
Special attention to be paid to the corona/RIV behavior of the string. IEC 61284 shall
be used as a standard for corona/RIV testing. The testing to be performed for the
sensitive substation arrangements like dead-end tension strings without jumpers,
suspension strings with down leading conductors etc.

3. Testing and inspection

The inspection and testing shall be carried out in conformity with the method
specified in related IEC standards. The following tests shall be carried out in order
to determine whether the materials and equipment comply with this Specification.

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 7: Insulators

4. Packing, marking and delivery

The insulators shall be packed in wire bound wooden crates. The packing shall be
suitable for transport by sea, rail and road, as separated crates or pelletized. Each
crate will contain only insulator units of the same type. It is preferred that each
separate crate contain five or six units and shall contain only insulator units of the
same type.
Each crate shall be clearly marked with the following information:
a. Contents.
b. Quantity.
c. Net weight and gross weight.
d. Name of PLN and name of the Contractor.
e. Contract number.
f. Project name.
g. Destination.
h. Any other identification required by PLN.
The markings requested by IEC 60383 shall be appeared on each insulator unit.
Each insulator shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the manufacturer’s name
or trademark, the year of manufacture, a mark indicating the minimum failing load
and such other mark as may be approved.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 8: Conductors and Accessories


1. CODES AND STANDARDS ....................................................................................... V-2

2. GENERAL .................................................................................................................. V-2

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 8: Conductors and Accessories



Conductors for busbars and all electrical connections in the outdoor

substation bays shall be in accordance with IEC 61089 or equivalent national
standards in respect of current rating and material analysis.
Type of conductor shall be Hard Drawn Aluminum (HAL) or Aluminum Alloy
(AAC) or Thermal Aluminum Conductor (TAL). Size of busbar conductor and current
rating shall be as specified in Schedule of Technical Particulars and Guarantees.
Busbars shall be strung in continuous conductor lengths for each span.
Conductors and connectors provided for extending existing connections at
each substation shall be identical with the existing equipment except where
otherwise specified.


Materials used for busbars and bay conductors shall be stressed to not more
than two-fifths of their elastic limit. Provision shall be made for expansion and
contraction with variation in conductor temperature.
Busbars shall be arranged so that they may be readily extended in length
with a minimum of disturbance to existing equipment.
All necessary clamps and connectors for connections between the busbars,
bay conductors and equipment for the complete the scope of work shall be provided
under this Contract.
Clamps and connectors shall be of an approved type, preferably type tested.
Connections dependent upon site welding techniques will not be permitted.
Busbars and bay conductors shall be so arranged and supported that under
no circumstances, including short circuit conditions, can the clearances between
live metal and earth or earthed metal work or between conductors be less than the
specified distances.
When dissimilar metals are in contact, approved means shall be provided to
prevent electro-chemical action and corrosion. Unless otherwise approved, joints
and surfaces of copper or copper alloy fittings shall be tinned.
Suspension and tension clamps shall be of approved types and shall be as
light as possible. Those for tension clamp of the busbar conductor shall be
compression type. Suspension and tension clamps shall be designed to avoid any
possibility of deforming the stranded conductor and separating the individual
Tension conductor clamps shall not permit slipping of, or damage to, or failure of the
complete conductor or any part thereof at a load less than 95 per cent of the ultimate
strength of the conductor.
Clamps and fittings made of steel or malleable iron shall be galvanized.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 8: Conductors and Accessories

The Contractor shall supply all busbars, jumpers, necessary connectors and clamps
for connection between the busbars and all apparatus/equipment even if not
specifically mentioned in the tender specification, bill of quantities and drawings, but
necessary for the proper completion of the work.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control



1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 1
2. CONTROL AND PROTECTION CUBICLES .......................................................... 2
2.1 Cubicles ................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Cabling and Wiring ................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Labels On Instruments and Relays .......................................................................... 5
2.4 Test and Earthing Facilities ...................................................................................... 6
2.4.1 Earthing facilities ...................................................................................................... 6
2.4.2 Test facilities ............................................................................................................ 6
3. PROTECTION INTELLIGENT ELECTRONICS DEVICE (IED) .............................. 6
3.1 Protection Devices ................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Overhead Line Protection ........................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Extra High Voltage (EHV – 275 kV and 500 kV) Line Protection ............................ 9
3.2.2 High voltage (HV – 66 kV and 150 kV) Line Protection ......................................... 18
3.2.3 Auto-Reclosing Relay............................................................................................. 19
3.3 Transformer, Reactors, and Capacitors Protection ................................................ 21
3.3.1 General .................................................................................................................. 21
3.3.2 Differential Protection - Main Protection................................................................. 22
3.3.3 Over Current Protection - Back-Up Protection ....................................................... 24
3.3.4 Internal Transformer Protection ............................................................................. 25
3.4 Bus Bar, Circulating Current, Breaker Failure, Bus Coupler and Bus Section
Protection ............................................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 General .................................................................................................................. 25
3.4.2 Bus Bar Protection ................................................................................................. 25
3.4.3 Circulating Current Protection ................................................................................ 27
3.4.4 Circuit Breaker Failure / Short Zone Protection ..................................................... 27
3.4.5 Bus Coupler / Bus Section Protection .................................................................... 29
3.5 Teleprotection Schemes ........................................................................................ 29
3.6 Trip Circuit Supervision .......................................................................................... 29
3.7 Tripping Relays ...................................................................................................... 30
3.8 Protection Settings ................................................................................................. 30

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control
3.9 Feeder Protection 20 kV ........................................................................................ 31
4. CONTROL INTELLIGENT ELECTRONICS DEVICE (IED) .................................. 32
4.1 Bay Control Unit (BCU) .......................................................................................... 32
4.2 IED I/O ................................................................................................................... 34
5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 34
5.2 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS ...................................................................... 35
5.3 DESIGN AND OPERATING REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 35
5.3.1 General .................................................................................................................. 35
5.3.2 Modes of Operation................................................................................................ 36
5.3.3 Project Specifications ............................................................................................. 36
5.3.4 Manufacturer’s Experience .................................................................................... 37
5.3.5 Quality Assurance .................................................................................................. 37
5.3.6 General System Design ......................................................................................... 37
5.4 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................... 38
5.5 FLEXIBILITY AND SCALABILITY .......................................................................... 39
5.6 SYSTEM HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ............................................................ 39
5.6.1 Design Requirements............................................................................................. 39
5.6.2 System Hardware................................................................................................... 42
5.6.3 System Software .................................................................................................... 49
5.6.4 Network Management System ............................................................................... 51
5.7 SYSTEM FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................... 51
5.7.1 Control.................................................................................................................... 51
5.7.2 Status Supervision ................................................................................................. 52
5.7.3 Interlocking ............................................................................................................. 52
5.7.4 Measurements ....................................................................................................... 52
5.7.5 Event and Alarm Handling ..................................................................................... 53
5.7.6 Time Synchronization............................................................................................. 53
5.7.7 Data Archiving ........................................................................................................ 53
5.7.8 Interfacing, open connectivity................................................................................. 53
5.7.9 Access Rights ........................................................................................................ 53
5.7.10 System configuration.............................................................................................. 53
5.8 HMI FUNCTIONS................................................................................................... 54
5.8.1 General .................................................................................................................. 54
5.8.2 HMI Design Principles ............................................................................................ 55
5.8.3 Process Status Displays and Command Procedures ............................................ 55
5.8.4 System Supervision Display................................................................................... 55
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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control
5.8.5 Event Processing ................................................................................................... 56
5.8.6 Alarm Processing ................................................................................................... 57
5.8.7 Reports................................................................................................................... 58
5.8.8 Trend Display (Historical Data) .............................................................................. 59
5.8.9 Object Picture......................................................................................................... 59
5.8.10 Control Dialogues................................................................................................... 59
5.8.11 User Authority Levels ............................................................................................. 60
5.8.12 Supervision Functions ............................................................................................ 60
5.8.13 Collection of disturbance record files ..................................................................... 61
5.8.14 Analysis of disturbance recorder files .................................................................... 61
5.8.15 Manual Updating of Station Information ................................................................. 62
5.8.16 SAS Equipment Status Display .............................................................................. 63
5.8.17 Engineering Facilities ............................................................................................. 63
5.8.18 Substation Facilities ............................................................................................... 63
5.8.19 Safety Tagging ....................................................................................................... 64
5.8.20 Automatic Tap Changer Control............................................................................. 64
5.8.21 Communication with Protection Relays, AVR and Disturbance Recorder ............. 64
5.8.22 Automatic Sequence of Controls............................................................................ 65
5.9 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ................................................................................... 65
o 65
5.10 SYSTEM RELIABILITY .......................................................................................... 65
5.11 Configuration Tools ................................................................................................ 66
5.11.1 General .................................................................................................................. 66
5.11.2 IEC 61850 Configuration Software Tools ............................................................... 67
5.12 ALARM SCHEMES ................................................................................................ 68
6. TEST AND INSPECTIONS .................................................................................... 69
6.1 General .................................................................................................................. 69
6.2 System Testing ...................................................................................................... 70
6.3 Type Test ............................................................................................................... 71
6.4 Workshop Tests ..................................................................................................... 71
6.5 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) ............................................................................. 71
6.6 Site Tests ............................................................................................................... 73
6.6.1 General .................................................................................................................. 73
6.6.2 Tests during and after Completion of Erection ....................................................... 73
6.6.3 Commissioning and Site Acceptance Tests ........................................................... 73
7. SPARE PARTS (IF REQUIRED) ........................................................................... 74
8. DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................... 74
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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control
9. TRAINING .............................................................................................................. 76
9.1 General .................................................................................................................. 76
9.2 Content of training .................................................................................................. 76
9.3 Training Program ................................................................................................... 77
10. POWER SUPPLY EQUIPMENT ............................................................................ 77

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control


This specification covers the design, manufacture, inspection and testing at the
manufacturer's works of a Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control System in
the substation, transport, erect, test and commissioning at PLN’s site and training.
It describes the facilities required to provide the control of plant and system within a
substation and outlines the facilities to be provided on site, interface requirements
and performance criteria.
Protection and control equipment shall be mounted on panels and boards as
specified and shall be erected in permanent buildings on the substation sites. Except
where otherwise specified, control panels shall be segregated from metering and
protection panels. Unless otherwise approved, the order of the panels shall be as
specified reading from left to right facing the panels.
Panels provided as extensions or for erection in the same room as existing panels
shall be of similar design and appearance to the existing panels. If existing protection
is required to be modified for any reason, e.g. in order to operate with newly installed
equipment, the Contractor shall supply all the necessary relays, panels, wiring
terminals, wiring, etc. in order to ensure satisfactory performance.
This shall include the modification of the "remote end" (other station and/or other
switchgear part) of any protected circuit. The Contractor shall also modify / improve
the corresponding drawings, erect all necessary equipment and perform the
commissioning in accordance with the requirements shown in these Bidding
Where additional relay equipment is to be installed in an existing station, it is the
responsibility of the Contractor for the protection equipment to ensure that the
existing batteries and chargers have sufficient capacity to meet the additional load
requirements of the new equipment. The characteristics and the appearance of all
such equipment shall be to the approval of the Engineer. Control panels shall
incorporate all necessary control and indication facilities for the operation of
equipment at the associated substation.
A design concept shall be applied using decentralized modules for alarm
(monitoring) and tripping functions operating independently of each other.
The equipment shall be completely assembled (as far as possible) at the
Contractor’s or Subcontractor's workshop. e.g. shop welding of thermometer welds
and other connections, wiring of boards, desks, etc., including installations of
internals, test of equipment, including combinations, i.e. systems of control,
supervision and protection equipment, shall be performed at the Contractor’s / sub
contractor’s workshop prior to shipment to site.
All components shall be suitable for the local climate and the control and protection
panels shall be dust and moisture-proof to withstand all prevailing climatic
conditions. The specified maximum ambient temperature shall be taken into
consideration in closed rooms, as the perfect operation of the air-condition system
in the rooms shall be assumed as not guaranteed. The Contractor shall design the
systems and select equipment accordingly.

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control

Open-air installed parts shall be protected against sun radiation by means of

adequate and almost totally corrosion free steel covers, and shall be able to
withstand all other prevailing climatic conditions.
All instrumentation and control equipment shall be capable of continuous
satisfactory operation, within the specified accuracy ranges, during a change of the
supply voltage within the specified limits.
All equipment on the front face of panels associated with the HV and MV switchgear
shall be flush mounted on the front panel of the control unit allocated to the feeder,
or front of the cubicle.
All equipment as well as the terminals of the panels shall be easily accessible. Space
for at least one panel at each row of panels in addition to the final extension stage
shall also be provided.
The instruments, relays, switches etc. on the front of the panels shall be arranged
in such a way that a good overview, reading and maintenance will be guaranteed.
Furthermore, all instruments, relays, etc. shall be clearly labeled in relation to their
functions and to the equipment to be protected or supervised, or to the location of
any measuring point. Labeling shall be identical in panels and on drawings.
Where appropriate, each item of the plant is to be equipped with all necessary
auxiliary switches, contactors and mechanisms for indication, protection, metering,
control, and interlocking, supervisory and other services. All auxiliary switches are
to be wired up to a terminal board on the fixed portion of the plant, whether they are
in use or not in the first instance.
For maintenance purposes, it must be possible to individually isolate the protection
and control circuits.
For the necessary fire precautions in cubicles, reference is made to Civil
Bus coupler shall be suitable for on load bus transfer scheme.
Protection relay, bay control unit, and Ethernet Switch (LAN) equipment shall be
mounted on the racks inside indoor cubicles specified located at the substation
Control Room.
The layout of equipment/panel shall be subject to Owner’s approval. Cubicle in the
same substation shall be of similar design and appearance.
Typical of Bay Control and Protection Cubicle shall consist of IED Control Unit
(BCU), IED Main Protection Unit (MPU), IED Back-Up Protection Unit (BPU) and
Ethernet Switch (ES). The IED shall accept SNTP or IRIG-B signal for time
synchronization from GPS. The accuracy of the internal real time clocks when not
synchronized be better than 1ms per day.


2.1 Cubicles
All cubicles shall be constructed or braced rolled steel section, with recessed panels
and substantial mounting sheets for power and control cable work. All steelwork
shall be constructed of steel sheets according to TPG.
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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control

The interior of each cubicle shall be finished with a mat light coloured surface and
an interior lamp suitable for the local LVAC supply and controlled by a door operating
switch, shall be fitted at the top of each cubicle. Anti-condensation heaters shall also
be fitted in each cubicle and each cubicle shall be well ventilated top and bottom
through vermin proof louvers fitted with brass gauze screens. Each protection
cubicle shall also be equipped with a built in AC supply socket out let as mentioned
in TPG.
The cubicles shall be of the free-standing, floor-mounted type and shall be provided
with ways and means for floor fixing and anchoring devices. They shall be supplied
completely with their fixing and lifting racks and eye bolts.
Equipment and terminals shall be readily accessible and shall require a minimum of
disturbance of associated adjacent equipment for access. The arrangement of panel
wiring and multicore cable terminal boards shall be in accordance with the relevant
Clauses of Chapter 2.2 of this Specification.
Enclosures shall be provided for bottom entry of power and multi core cables via
gland plates.
Removable gland plates shall be located within the cubicles so as to provide
adequate working clearance for terminating the cables.
Where relay movements and other sensitive equipment are mounted on hinged front
panels, these shall be designed to minimize shock and wiring shall be so arranged
as to impose no strain on terminations. No equipment whatsoever shall be mounted
on rear access doors.
All sections of a composite cubicle shall be suitably labeled in accordance with the
Specification and labels at the rear shall also readily identify each section or panel
with the access doors either opens or close.
Each protection relay panel shall be of the swing rack type including 19” swing frame
and a front cover door equipped with a glass window and each control panel shall
be of the enclosed type.
Indoor cubicles and panels shall have protection class as mentioned in TPG.
Each door shall be fitted with suitable earth straps of at least 16mm2 highly flexible
stranded copper wire with an insulation in green-yellow colour.
Doors are to be arranged so that every individual door or frame can be opened
without moving doors of adjacent cubicles. Doors shall have thickness as mentioned
in TPG, equipped with 120° concealed hinges, with foamed-in seal and shall be
provided with a stable, bolted, rectangular tube frame, with pre-punched holes at 25
mm pitch for fixing channels, covers, cable harnesses, wiring plan pockets and etc.
If required, cross rails shall be fixed additionally. The doorstopper at the end of the
throw shall be provided.
Doors shall be handled by smooth action locking bars with rollers and security lock
system, prepared for insert lengths of 40 or 50 mm. The inserts shall be provided in
accordance with the master key system of the Employer, for which details shall be
forwarded to the Contractor on request.
All cubicles shall have rear doors, for easy maintenance and repair of the main- and
auxiliary equipment accommodated in the interior.
The Contractor shall perform a calculation for the heat dissipation for enclosures
with the maximum installed heat-losses and shall propose a suitable temperature
control method. However, the method has to be approved by the Engineer.
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Control and relay cubicles and cabinets are to be installed in totally air-conditioned
control rooms.
All enclosures and accessories, such as swing frames shall be corrosion protected
by electrophoresis-dip-coat primers and final coats by an approved procedure as to
suit the surrounding conditions at Site.
The arrangement and mounting of all indicating devices, control switches, relays
and other apparatus shall be to the approval of the Engineer. The exterior and
interior finish and colour of all cubicles shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

2.2 Cabling and Wiring

In selecting cable and wire sizes, due regard shall be paid to the appropriate de-
rating factors in relation to the climatic conditions at site. All cables and wires shall
continuously carry their rated currents under the worst temperature conditions, and
shall also withstand maximum fault currents without damage or deterioration.
All secondary copper wiring within panels, racks, boards, etc. shall be in accordance
with the pertaining IEC, it shall be carried out for the fully rated distribution voltage
(2 kV AC/1 min. test voltage), and shall consist of copper wires. The bare ends of
stranded wires shall be provided with squeezed sleeves.
● The minimum cross-section of each copper wire shall be at least as given below:
● 4.0 mm2 for current transformer circuits and heavy power consumers up to 20 A
● 2.5 mm2 for all power consumers such as motors, heaters, lighting, etc. up to 10
● 1.5 mm2 for all instrument and control wiring, however, the maximum permissible
voltage drop is < 5 % for the furthest point at full load.
● 0.6 mm2 for all telephones wiring.
Wiring shall be neatly run in PVC rigid plastic wire-ways, clear of any metal panels.
All power and control cables used for less than 60 V DC shall be laid and terminated
separately. Where power and control cables cannot be laid separately, suitable
metallic barriers shall be provided.
Both ends of every wire core and all secondary panel wiring above 60 V (at the
screwed terminal side for external connection as well as at the screwed device sides
in the panel) shall be fitted with numbered slip-on ferrules of moisture and oil-
resisting insulation material having a glossy finish, and with their identification
numbers clearly engraved, each being the same as for the relevant terminal.
Ferrules, of white colour with black letters, shall be fitted in such a way that they
cannot become detached when the wire is removed from the terminal. (i.e. end
crimps shall be provided).
All secondary wiring to be performed at Site shall enter the terminal block at one
side only. The panel wiring shall terminate in one or more terminal blocks
accommodated at the side or bottom of each panel.
Internal wiring between instruments or other devices not using the terminal block
shall be permitted within the same cubicle only.
Whenever required and necessary, armored and shielded cables and/or groups of
cores shall be provided for control, protection and supervisory equipment.
Cables carrying analogue signals shall be suitably twisted in pairs and the pairs shall
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be screened.
Generally, for wiring, the cable tails shall be so bound that each wire may be traced
back to its associated cable without difficulty. Cores in pairs or groups shall be
terminated together.
All incoming control cables shall contain minimum 20 % spare cores and be
connected to terminal blocks, with 20 % spare terminals of each type. Any further
spare cores shall be numbered included in the list of cable table, and shall be sealed
in further spare terminals.
Terminal blocks shall be numbered consecutively in both sides, preferably beginning
with 1, from left to right or top to bottom.
Terminal blocks shall consist of single "insertion" type terminals of non-tracking,
non-inflammable synthetic plastic, or ceramic of an approved type, lined up in one
row. Polyamide terminal blocks are not acceptable.
All terminals shall have two separate pressure clamping plates suitable for
connection of incoming or outgoing stranded or solid conductors, respectively.
However, only one wire per terminal will be accepted. Terminals with clamping
screws in direct contact with the conductor are not acceptable.
The following minimum categories of terminals shall be used:
● Terminals for power circuits of 10 mm2, 6 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 size.
● Terminals with short circuit facilities for current transformer circuits of 4 mm2 size,
and earthing-link terminals of current transformer and voltage transformer
circuits, all provided with insulated testing sockets.
● Terminals for wiring of 1.5 mm2 and 0.6 mm2 size with bridging facilities to the
neighboring terminals.
Insulating barriers shall be provided between each group of power circuit terminals
and between the terminal categories, the height and the spacing being such as to
give adequate protection to the terminals.
Control and relay circuits, current and voltage transformer secondary circuits,
battery and auxiliary power supply wiring, supervisory, alarm and communication
circuits shall be protected against conductive, electrostatic and electromagnetic

2.3 Labels On Instruments and Relays

Labels written in English shall be provided for all instruments, relays, control
switches, push-buttons, indication lights, breakers, etc.
In the case of instruments, switches and control switches where the function is
indicated on the dial plate or on the switch escutcheon plate, no label is required in
the front side but backside assembly labeling of those instrument is still required to
identify them from inside the panels.
Relays shall be clearly labeled according to their function in the circuits, and to their
related equipment, which shall be identical to the designations as used in the circuit
manuals. Each label shall be fitted both on relay front and on relay assembly.
Instruction plates in English language showing the sequence diagrams or cautions
for maintenance shall be fitted inside of the front door of the electrical switchboards.
Sample of writings shall be submitted for approval to the Engineer.
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2.4 Test and Earthing Facilities

2.4.1 Earthing facilities

Each control and relay panel shall be provided with a copper earth bar of not less
than 80 mm2 cross-section and arranged so that the bars of adjacent panels can be
joined together to form a common bus.
The common earthing bus bar of control and relay panels shall be connected to the
main station earthing system via a copper earthing connection of not less than 80
Each current transformer secondary circuit shall be earthed through a removable
link at one point only.

2.4.2 Test facilities

Separate test facilities shall be provided for each current and voltage transformer
secondary circuit so as to give access for independent testing of protection relays,
meters and other control instruments.
The test switches shall be of the built-in type or separate subjected to Engineer's
approval. All the protection trip commands essential digital inputs /digital outputs
and alarms shall be routes through this test switch. All the test switches shall be
arranged so that the current transformer secondary circuit cannot be open circuited
in any position while the test plugs or cover plates are being inserted or removed. A
sufficient number of test plugs (spare) to make a complete test on relays, meters
and instruments shall be furnished for each type of test switch.
When test switch is switched to an intermediate or test position an alarm shall
indicate the same.


3.1 Protection Devices
The IED Protection shall be numerical approved types complying with latest version
of the IEC 61850, and shall have approved characteristics.
In addition to the relays protective function the following features shall be available
as standard on all products.
● Serial/ethernet communication facilities to allow relays to be connected to a
multi-drop network and accessed via a single multi-function software package.
The accessories of communication interface for each individual relay to form the
communication network shall be stated and provided with each relay. The
guideline of the communication network installation shall also be provided.
● By an interface unit or other means, the whole protection system shall be able
to communicate with the master station via Gateway using single IEC 60870-5-
101 or IEC 60870-5-104 link.
● Comprehensive self-monitoring with indication on the front of the relay and
watchdog contacts for alarm annunciation.
● Fault information for at least the last five faults. This shall be available for display
via the front of the relay or via the access software.
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● Event recording, including change of state of input/output and fault information,

time tagged to one millisecond accessible via the serial communication port.
● Disturbance recording facilities for all measured analogue quantities, control
inputs and relay outputs accessible via the serial communication port.
● A minimum of eight programmable opto-isolated inputs for control functions, as
well as a minimum of eight programmable output contacts for system flexibility.
● Measured analogue quantities shall be available to be selectivity displayed on
the front of the relay or via the access software.
● IED protection relays shall have multi-function of protection relay and be
managed by software.

The IED protection relays shall be located in specified cubicle and shall be flush-
mounted in dust and moisture proof cases as clause 2 in this specification.
Protection Relays shall be of approved construction and shall be arranged so that
adjustments, testing and replacement can be effective with the minimum of time and
labour. Protection Relays of the hand reset type shall be capable of being reset
without opening the case.
Electrical protective relays shall be only of numerical type. No control functions shall
be incorporated to protection relays except auto-reclosing.
Numerical protection relay shall be designed in such a way that in case of a failure
of DC auxiliary in feed, the full information needs to be maintained at least 24 hrs.
After a recovery of DC auxiliary in feed the last information and alarms will be
displayed and the alarm "failure of DC auxiliary in feed" released. The relay reset
shall not erase the relay memory.
The protection functions shall be in the form of software such that additional or
different functions, application specific logic etc. can be readily implemented without
changes to the existing hardware.
All the numerical type protective relays shall be possible to program/parameterize
directly (locally) and remotely by a laptop computer or networking. The laptop
computer shall be given with the entire relay operating, configuring, and testing
software installed in it. All other accessories equipment needed to communicate with
the relays shall be provided. A backup copy of software (stored in CD ROM/Flash
disk) shall be given for future use.
The portable computer should be rugged in construction and brand/model, clock
speed, memory, HDD capacity, ROM Drive/USB, modem, network card, operating
system shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be best available in the market
at the time of delivery.
A GPS clock should be utilized to update the relay internal clock. The relay event
log, disturbance records should be time tagged and these should be able to retrieve
by the PC both locally and remotely by the modem/telephone line.
Main and back-up protection relays shall have Disturbance Fault Recorder (DFR)
and an event recorder in-built to them. The trigger source shall be configurable and
a minimum facility to be provided is allowing triggering based on start and trip signals
of the relay protection elements. The relay event log and disturbance records should
be able to retrieve by the PC both locally and remotely. Additionally, the event log
shall be available on the LCD display of the relay.

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In addition to all equipment and components, the Contractor shall supply documents
and calculations to prove the correct functioning of the equipment, and he shall
ensure and demonstrate that the setting range of relays and the operating limits of
all equipment are suitable for the intended applications.
Relay contacts shall be suitable for making and breaking the maximum currents
which they may be required to control in normal service but where contacts of the
protective relays are unable to deal directly with the tripping currents, approved
auxiliary contacts, relays or auxiliary switches shall be provided. In such cases the
number of auxiliary contacts or tripping relays operating in tandem shall be kept to
the minimum in order to achieve fast fault clearance times. Separate contacts shall
be provided for alarm and tripping functions. Relay contacts shall make firmly
without bounce and the whole of the relay mechanisms shall be as far as possible
unaffected by vibration, shock and bump or external magnetic fields.
Relays shall be provided with LED or flag indicators, phase coloured where
applicable. LED or Flag indicators shall be of the hand-reset pattern and shall be
capable of being reset without opening the case. Where two or more phase elements
are included in one case, separate indicators shall be provided for each element.
The relay alarms and trips shall be indicated in HMI and relay shall be able to reset
(alarms, LED's etc.) from HMI.
Relays which rely for their operation on an external DC supply shall utilize for this
purpose the same DC supply as the trip supply of the associated circuit-breaker trip
coil. This supply shall be monitored and an alarm provided in event of failure. Any
auxiliary supplies needed shall be drawn from the main station batteries and not
from separate internal batteries in the protection equipment.
Relays shall utilize a DC-DC converter type regulated power supply to provide
transient surge isolation between the station battery and protection equipment.
Each DC supply shall be designed to protect it from high voltage and surge and
provide electrically isolated contacts for annunciation.
Relays with provision for manual operation from outside the case, other than for
resetting, will not be accepted.
Relays shall be provided with clearly inscribed labels describing their application,
version, type, serial number and rating etc. in addition to the general purpose labels.
To minimize the effect of electrolysis, relay coils operating on DC shall be so
connected that the coils are not continuously energized from the positive pole of the
Relay shall be suitable for operation on DC systems as specified in Technical
Particulars and Guarantees, without the use of voltage dropping resistors. Terminal
arrangements shall be to the Engineer's approval.
The protection schemes shall incorporate interface facilities to transform any offered
low rated input/output signals of required equipment, to the necessary rated
input/output signal.
Unless otherwise specified, tripping shall always be directly from the relevant
measuring relay.
If block-close facilities are specified, this relay shall be arranged to prevent the
closing of any associated circuit breakers until it has been reset. Local and remote
resetting shall be possible. An operations indicator shall be provided which resets
when the block-close relay is reset.
Any tripping relay, which completes the protection relays' initiated tripping of a circuit
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breaker, shall have an operations indicator. The tripping contactors operation must
be guaranteed also with 70 % of the rated DC voltage (pick-up at 80 % of DC, self-
holding down to 70 % of DC).
Where two groups of relays are used to protect a circuit, the VT-circuits and the DC
supplies shall be arranged so that one group may be switched out without affecting
the performance of the other group.
All protection relays shall be equipped with dedicated DC supply via MCB. The DC
supply of all the protection relays shall be maintained by means of an auxiliary
contact of the related MCB, which provide alarm in case of loss of supply.
Any interruption of the DC supply to relays (internal and external) shall initiate an
alarm. Converters and inverters used for feeding relays shall have their outputs
monitored and shall initiate an alarm in the event they fail. These devices shall be
of short circuit proof design.
All relays shall be adequately protected against damage from incoming surge and
shall meet relevant IEC standards.
Trip circuit supervision relays shall supervise the trip circuit of a circuit breaker,
initiating audible alarm and visual indication if the trip circuit fails or the mechanism
does not operate. It shall be provided to detect failure in the trip circuit and shall be
able to detect open circuit trip coil or trip circuit wiring and failure of circuit-breaker
tripping mechanism.
Trip circuit supervision relays shall give supervision with the circuit-breaker in either
state (open or closed).
Series resistances shall be provided as necessary to ensure that the trip coil will not
operate in the event of short–circuit of any component of each monitoring circuit.
Duplicated monitoring relays shall be provided for all circuit breakers fitted with a
second trip coil.
Implementation of protection schemes follows the Grid Code Regulation (Permen
ESDM No.20 Tahun 2020) and SPLN T5.002:2021 : Pola Proteksi Saluran

3.2 Overhead Line Protection

3.2.1 Extra High Voltage (EHV – 275 kV and 500 kV) Line Protection
Design of protection relays to meet the requirements of protection of power
equipment viz :
For long and medium transmission lines; two independent main protection schemes
of numerical type Line Current Differential (with 2 Mbps/fiber optic signaling channel
or IEEE C37.94 optical wire or direct to single mode optical wire) or Distance relays
(with 2 Mbps/fiber optic signaling channel or IEEE C37.94 optical wire or PLC)
depend on telecommunication system capability, from two different manufacturers
are required to protect the whole of each overhead line circuit against all types of
faults. The redundant high-speed and high-performance protection schemes shall
be of complementary principle of operation. These relays shall have overvoltage,
undervoltage, over current, and frequency function.
For short transmission lines; two independent main protection schemes of numerical
type Line Current Differential (with direct to single mode optical wire), from two
different manufacturers are required to protect the whole of each overhead line

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circuit against all types of faults. The redundant high-speed and high-performance
protection schemes shall be of complementary principle of operation. These relays
shall have overvoltage, undervoltage, over current, and frequency function.
For back-up protection transmission lines; Distance from remote back-up (Zone 2
and Zone 3) and Direct Earth Fault (DEF) function from main protection devices.
The distance relays for long lines shall be configured for permissive under reach
The operation speed (to execute a trip command) for the main line protection
systems shall not exceed 20 ms.
Separately mounted one auto-reclosing equipment to be used with the First main
and the Second main protection shall be employed with facilities to achieve single-
phase trip and high-speed reclose under single phase fault conditions, and three-
phase trip with delayed reclose under multi-phase fault conditions, respectively.
Auto-reclose shall operate with check synchronizing and dead line charging facilities
as required.
In order to detect high-resistance faults in the transmission lines, restricting fault
currents below the sensitivity of the main protection systems, an earth fault function
(permissive mode) in built to both first main and second main protection terminals
shall be provided. For reasons of redundancy separate protection signaling
channels shall be provided for the First main, the Second main protection.
The trip matrix shall be subjected to the Owner approval during the design stage. Main Protection for 275 kV and 500 kV Lines. Distance - First Main Protection
Numerical distance protection shall be full scheme design, having separate
impedance measuring elements for phase and earth faults in each of the five zones
(total 30 measuring elements).
Zones 1 and 2 phase fault elements shall be forward-looking mho characteristic.
The polarizing shall use a 20-cycle memory of the prefault voltage, tending to cross-
polarization when the memory is not available. The cross-polarizing signal shall be
derived from the remaining phase-to-ground voltage. The relay shall provide an
optional directional offset mho characteristic for underground cable applications
when the effects of sound phase and memory polarizing are undesirable. A reverse
offset, set to 16% of the forward reach, shall be provided to ensure operation for
close-up faults. The directional elements that provide the directionality shall have a
characteristic angle of 45°. These elements shall be polarized by the memory
voltage when available, or from a signal derived from the unfaulted phase-to-ground
Zone 1X phase fault elements shall be similar to zones 1 and 2 but its direction shall
be reversible.
Zone 3 phase fault elements shall be an offset mho element. The offset can be set
either forward or reverse.
Zone 4 phase fault elements shall be reverse-looking mho element with the same
polarizing options as zones 1,1X and 2.
Ground fault distance protection shall be provided with selectable mho characteristic
similar to phase fault elements or quadrilateral characteristic. When quadrilateral
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characteristic is selected, both mho and quadrilateral elements shall be enabled at

the same time.
Zone 1 shall be instantaneous trip zone. Other zones shall be time-delayed zones
and shall be coordinated with remote station.
The relay shall provide forward and reverse load blinders to restrict operation of the
mho elements in the load impedance area. There shall be an option to remove the
blinder from zone 3 when a forward offset is used.
A superimposed current phase selector shall detect the faulted phase(s) and provide
full phase selection for all fault types. The phase selector decisions shall be used to
determine which distance elements can initiate a trip. The phase selector shall be
capable of making changes in the selection when additional phases become
involved in the fault.
The relay shall detect the presence of a power swing using the continuous presence
of superimposed currents. A power swing indication shall be produces if any zone
element operates while a power swing is detected. The user may select to block the
operation of any or all zones (including pilot trip) in the presence of a power swing,
or may select indication of swing only.
The relay shall provide voltage transformer supervision feature to give an alarm and
optionally to block all voltage dependent-tripping functions of the relay in the case
of a fault in the ac voltage circuitry from the VT.
The relay shall provide following three modes of operation for directional earth fault
protection: instantaneous tripping, time-delay tripping and channel-aided scheme.
The instantaneous tripping can be set to be either non-directional or forward looking.
The time-delay tripping shall provide three independent directional time-delayed
elements. The first shall be and IDMT (Inverse Definite Minimum Time) element and
the others shall be definite time delay elements. The channel-aided DEF scheme
shall use the same channel as the distance scheme or an independent channel.
Vectorial neutral compensation shall be provided for ground fault impedance
elements of each zone independently.
Following manual circuit breaker closure, the relay shall operate in switch-on-to-fault
mode. Three-pole tripping (auto-reclose blocking) shall occur for any fault detected
by operation of elements from either zone 1 or zones 1 and 2. It shall be also
possible to select tripping by zone 3 elements and/or by the detection of overcurrent
and undervoltage on the same phase. These two options ensure operation for close-
up three phase faults. The feature shall be enabled 110s after 3 phase de-
energization and shall remain enabled for 20 cycles after the breaker is closes.
The relay shall provide an independent instantaneous over-current protection at
high-speed operation (less than 0.5 cycle).
The relay shall provide optional stub protection for one and a half breaker
The relay shall provide circuit breaker failure protection that issues a local alarm and
operation of a user selectable output contact for back tripping and remote alarm
The relay shall provide integral single-ended fault locator. The fault locator algorithm
shall give the distance to fault for double-ended circuits and parallel circuits where
mutual coupling exists. The algorithm shall be insensitive to errors produced by
remote in-feed into fault resistance for non-homogenous systems.

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Relay shall be provided with multi-mode scheme logic to allow the relay to be used
in any of the following modes:
• Basic scheme
• Zone 1 extension scheme
• Permissive under-reach scheme
• Permissive over-reach scheme
• Blocking scheme
• DEF scheme
The scheme logic shall be able to provide selective single or three phase tripping
and shall provide phase selective control of autoreclose relay initiating contacts with
all the above scheme.
The permissive over-reach and blocking scheme logic shall include current reversal
guard features to prevent healthy line tripping during sequential clearance of a fault
on parallel circuit of a double circuit line.
The permissive over-reach scheme logic shall incorporate an “open-terminal signal-
echo” feature such that fast clearance of fault can be achieved at a closed terminal
of a line when faults occur close to an open terminal and should incorporate a “week
infeed” feature to allow signal transmission and optionally tripping, during a line fault
at a terminal where there is insufficient fault infeed to cause impedance comporator
Zone time delays shall be adjustable from 0 to 10s for all time-delayed zones.
Relay characteristic angle setting range shall be set globally or selectable for each
zone with range according to TPG.
The secondary impedance setting range shall be according to TPG.
The relay shall provide ample output contacts for the following purpose:
• Circuit breaker tripping
• Signal transmission
• Breaker fail protection initiation
• Auto reclose initiation
• Auto reclose blocking
• Zone 2 alarm
• Zone 3 alarm
• Signal aided trip alarm
• SOTF (switch-on-to-fault) trip alarm
• VT fail alarm
• Power swing alarm
• Relay inoperative alarm
The feature of the relay shall be assessable through the front panel or via the remote
communication facility. The relay shall provide RJ-45 or RS-485 or RS-232 or USB
port for multi-drop mode communication.
The relay shall provide disturbance recording that the ability to take minimum 16
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samples per cycle. The relay shall have minimum 4 Mb of RAM as standard for
disturbance record storage (minimum 192 event records), which shall be extendible
to 8 Mb.
The relay shall accept SNTP or IRIG-B signal for time synchronization from GPS.
The accuracy of the internal real time clocks when not synchronized be better than
1milisecond per day.
The relay should be applicable to all neutral ground possibilities and should be
suitable for the protection of long overhead lines or cables, double circuit lines,
heavily loaded lines, lines with weak infeed etc.
A relay shall be provided with under impedance starters having a separate
measuring element for each zone and phase to earth and phase fault loops. Earth
fault settings shall be made in terms of the positive sequence impedance of the line.
The conceptual design of the distance protection shall be unaffected by the
 zero sequence mutual coupling
 sudden power reversal
 arc or tower footing resistance
 line charging currents
 interaction of fault resistance and out of phase source at the two-line terminals
producing misleading apparent fault reactance
 collapse of voltage on the faulted phase(s)
 external switching phenomena
 power frequency variations.
It shall have a distance-time step characteristic with at least three forward and one
reverse (directionality should be programmable) separately adjustable directional
distance and time zones. The lowest setting of the measuring system shall permit
under-reaching of the protected line and the highest setting shall enable the longest
adjacent circuit in the forward direction to be fully covered when there is maximum
fault current in-feed at the remote end busbar.
Preferably independent setting of characteristic angle and the reach in resistive and
reactive directions shall be possible for each zone.
The characteristic of measuring elements for earth faults shall be quadrilateral, such
that significantly higher fault resistance coverage, that is available from a circular
characteristic, may be obtained. The measuring elements for earth faults shall be
load compensated to minimize the overreach at resistive fault and load export.
The characteristic of the measuring elements for inter-phase faults may be
quadrilateral, reticular or circular.
The relay shall be designed to measure accurately for ratios of source impedance
to relay zone 1 setting impedance up to values where the minimum operating current
is obtained. Contour curves indicating the reach and time operating performances
of the relay for phase to phase, phase to ground and three phase faults shall be
submitted by the Contractor.
Zone 2 and 3 times shall have continuous time delay setting range according to
The relay shall be capable of detecting all types of faults, inclusive metallic three-
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phase faults that occur at the terminals of the voltage transformer.

Phase selectors are required for the detection of the faulted phase during earth faults
in order to initiate single-pole tripping and reclosing when applied on overhead line
feeders. They shall be capable of detecting the faulted phase under all possible
conditions of power flow and system conditions and healthy-phase selector
elements shall not operate for any single-phase fault condition. Full phase-selector
performance details shall be submitted by the Contractor.
Phase selectors shall not operate under emergency loading conditions in the
network and their settings must be such that acceptable settings can be made on
power swing-blocking relays.
Power-swing-blocking elements shall be provided which prevent tripping of the
distance relay in the presence of a power swing or pole slip. It is preferred that these
power-swing-blocking relays may also be used as out of step tripping elements by
switch selection. It shall de-activate the power-swing-blocking during ground faults.
A line check feature, which causes instantaneous tripping when closing manually
onto a fault, shall be incorporated into the relay. This feature must initiate tripping
for any fault type at any location along the protected circuit. Its operation must be
clearly indicated.
A trip on reclose feature shall also be included to allow instantaneous tripping in the
event of automatic re-closing on to a fault.
Check synchronizing feature may be incorporated into the auto recloser and this
shall be used for three phase/single phase auto reclosing and shall not be used for
any other control purposes. A voltage check function for checking, energizing
conditions shall be provided. All energizing options (dead-line/live-bus etc.) shall be
selectable for each circuit breaker.
The synchro-check feature shall only release a closing command to the related
circuit breaker, if the voltage amplitudes present at the two sides of the open circuit
breaker and the phase angle between them, as well as the frequency difference are
within acceptable limits. The required conditions for closing must be present for an
adjustable time prior to passing a closing command to the circuit breaker under
In the event of loss of measuring potential due either to MCB / fuse operation or any
other voltage transformer secondary circuit fault, the relay shall not be permitted to
trip and shall initiate an alarm.
The relay shall provide under voltage and over voltage protection.
Stub protection should be provided when a line is supplied via two circuit breakers
in a one and half breaker system or in a ring bus arrangement.
The direction in which the relay is looking shall easily be verified under load
conditions and it shall be possible to change this direction without disturbing voltage
transformer, current transformer or relay wiring.
Operation indicators shall be provided on the front of the relay and it shall be
possible to determine the type, phase and zone of any particular fault.
All scheme operating modes shall be capable of clearing faults in times no greater
than the basic operating time plus twice the channel time, for all line faults when the
remote end breaker is open or a weak in-feed condition exists. The circuit breaker
auxiliary contacts shall not be used for this function.
The relay shall be equipped with self-supervision, supervising internal functions and
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measuring quantities (voltage and current from the voltage transformer or current
transformer). Detected faults shall block the faulty zone or zones, be indicated by
an alarm contact and the faulty relay modules indicated.
The transmission of signals in both directions shall be possible via conventional
power line carrier schemes, microwave or fiber optics. All related interfacing shall
be wired in the standard relay block, however, only modules as applicable on the
respective line shall be provided with all necessary accessories.
The distance relay shall have facilities to integrate a directional earth fault protection
for high resistive faults.
The relay shall also have a broken conductor protection for detecting open circuit
A directly routed tripping output from the relay to the circuit breaker shall be
performed by isolated switching contacts of suitable rating (in making and breaking)
to achieve an adequate fast tripping command and allow the control of heavy current
consuming trip coils.
In addition to the tripping contacts the protection shall have where necessary
contacts for initiating auto re-closing, breaker failure relay, disturbance recorder,
signaling and alarms.
The relay shall be programmed for single and three phase tripping and auto-
reclosing so as to obtain the functions of the auto-reclosing equipment
First main protection tripping shall be to the trip coil 1 of the circuit breaker.
The distance from the relaying point to the fault location shall be measured and
displayed by the incorporated fault locator units. The algorithm in this case shall take
into consideration the pre-fault load current and the selected mutual coupling. At
least two lines by 16-character liquid crystal display (LCD), a key pad, a parallel
printer/test port, and ten programmable light emitting diodes (LED) for several
alarms, additional three LEDs for the relay should be available. Alarm and trip shall
be delivered for the main relay interfaces.
Visual indication of service parameters like voltages, currents, active and reactive
power, maximum load, and other selectable parameters to be visualized in normal
service and in case of faults shall be included.
The EEPROM shall be a non-volatile area of the memory, and shall fulfill the storage
and maintain the information within it even if the DC supply is removed. This area of
the memory shall be copied to the working RAM after a DC power up, but only written
to and read from, if setting changes are updated or a fault condition occurs.
At least the last three fault signals, alarms as well as the voltages, currents, tripping
time, effective currents, setting group will be loaded in to the EEPROM able to be
The protection should have an internal real time clock for time tagging. The
synchronization from a common remote clock and locally through the substation
control unit by means of a general synchronizing signal or by a manual menu guided
instruction shall be possible.
It shall be possible to store at least four complete different groups of setting in a
nonvolatile (EEPROM) memory, unaffected by loss of DC supply. The active group
of setting can be selected via menu, combination of contacts or via serial RS232
communication modem from a remote location outside the substation. All settings
and records are accessible from the integral user interfaces, also will be possible to
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communicate with the relay remotely via a rear mounted modem serial
communication port.
The terminal shall be equipped with RJ45 or RS-232 or RS-485 or USB interfaces
for the connection to a local PC and with ST or SC or MTRJ or LC to the remote
communication with the master control system.
The relay combination shall be complete with all test sockets required to test times
and accuracy of the relay set values.
Provision of the test set(s) and test plugs in accordance with the requirements as
specified in this Specification shall be provided, even if those were not particularly
mentioned in the Scope of Work / Scope of Supply. Line Current Differential – First Main Protection

The protection shall be of numerical type line current differential relay and shall be
suitable for overhead line protection (single or double circuit) in solidly grounded
The relay shall incorporate a facility to compensate for different CT ratios at each
line terminal.
The differential protection shall measure the currents of three phases independently
and the tripping shall take place should the comparison of the values in both the
terminal stations result in a differential current above a set level. The relay shall
incorporate methods for ensuring protection stability for external faults with
allowance for CT transformation errors. The minimum CT requirements for the
protection must be clearly stated.
The protection shall offer phase-selective tripping, if required.
For digital communication between relays at each line terminal shall be suitable for
direct interfacing to 2 Mbps of G 703 digital interface or IEEE C37.94 optical wire or
direct to single mode communication link (depend on telecommunication system
capability). Upon detection of a communications channel failure and following a time
delay of less than 10 seconds, an alarm shall be given. In the event of signaling
channel failure the protection must not trip due to load or emergency load currents.
The protection system shall incorporate at least one zone of directional under
impedance protection, to provide time-delayed remote back-up tripping in the event
of a fault in an adjacent remote circuit not being cleared by its main protection. This
protection function shall be blocked in the event of VT signal failure.
The protection system shall offer standby directional protection elements that can
automatically or manually (as selected) be brought into service in the event of data
communications link failure between the relay terminals. The alternative protection
shall, preferably be one zone of high-speed underreaching distance protection and
one zone of time-delayed overreaching distance protection.
In addition to the tripping contacts the protection shall provide all necessary contacts
for initiating phase-selective auto re-closing, breaker failure protection, disturbance
recorder, signaling and alarms.
The relay shall be compatible with the external single and three phase autoreclose
system which is to be common for the Main-A and Main-B protection.
Check synchronizing feature may be incorporated into the auto recloser and this
shall be used for three phase/single phase auto reclosing and shall not be used for
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any other control purposes. A voltage check function for checking, energizing
conditions shall be provided. All energizing options (dead-line/live-bus etc.) shall be
selectable for each circuit breaker.
The synchro-check feature shall only release a closing command to the related
circuit breaker, if the voltage amplitudes present at the two sides of the open circuit
breaker and the phase angle between them, as well as the frequency difference are
within acceptable limits. The required conditions for closing must be present for an
adjustable time prior to passing a closing command to the circuit breaker under
The protection system shall include a secure integral inter-tripping facility, which can
be used as a secondary inter-tripping path by external breaker fail protection.
The relay shall be equipped with self-supervision of both its software and hardware
(including VT signal supervision). Detection of a failure shall result in the affected
part(s) of the protection system being blocked, so that no incorrect tripping will occur.
In the event of a relay failure an alarm contact must operate and the nature of the
failure should be indicated where possible.
The trip output contacts of the relay must either be suitable for switching the breaker
trip coil currents directly, or an interposing trip relay with heavy duty contacts must
be provided. In the event of breaker failure, where the circuit breaker auxiliary
contact may not interrupt the trip coil current, the trip contacts within the differential
relay should not be damaged if the relay resets following breaker fail protection
Other general clauses (as per distance protection) shall apply.
First main protection tripping shall be to the trip coil 1 of the relevant circuit breakers. Second Main Protection

The second main protection (Second main) may be similar to the first main
protection. i.e. Clause and But it should be of different
Second main protection tripping shall be to the trip coil 2 of the relevant circuit
breakers. Directional Earth Fault Protection

For detection of high-resistance earth faults on the transmission lines a numerical
type directional earth fault feature shall be in built to both the first main and second
main protection systems.
The directional earth fault feature shall include residual over current starting,
direction control and permissive overreach direction comparison, via a teleprotection
signaling channel. Consideration will be given to DEF systems which also offer
faulted phase selection algorithms.
DEF protection shall have phase selection ability for single pole-recloser.
All necessary scheme logic for ensuring stability of the distance and DEF protection
schemes, during transient reversal of current fault current caused by sequential
clearance of an external fault, shall be included.
Integral weak in-feed and open terminal signal echo logic shall allow fast tripping in
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the event of low or zero fault current infeed at one-line terminal.

The residual over current starter shall be adjustable between 5% and 100% of rated
current. Directional control shall be based on the comparison of zero sequence
current and voltages. The characteristic angle of the directional control element shall
offer an adequate range of adjustment for a solidly earthed power system.
When the signaling channel is lost, DEF tripping shall be blocked.

3.2.2 High voltage (HV – 66 kV and 150 kV) Line Protection

Design of protection relays to meet the requirements of protection of power
equipment viz :
For long and medium transmission lines; an independent main protection schemes
of numerical type Line Current Differential (with 2 Mbps/fiber optic signaling channel
or IEEE C37.94 optical wire or direct to single mode optical wire) or Distance relays
(with 2 Mbps/fiber optic signaling channel or IEEE C37.94 optical wire) depend on
telecommunication system capability, is required to protect the whole of each
overhead line circuit against all types of faults. The high-speed and high-
performance protection schemes shall be of complementary principle of operation.
This relay shall have overvoltage, undervoltage, over current, and frequency
For short transmission lines; an independent main protection schemes of numerical
type Line Current Differential (with direct to single mode optical wire), is required to
protect the whole of each overhead line circuit against all types of faults. The high-
speed and high-performance protection schemes shall be of complementary
principle of operation. This relay shall have overvoltage, undervoltage, over current,
and frequency function.
For back-up protection for 150 kV and 66 kV (with solidly or low resistance
grounding) transmission lines; an independent over current relay with ground fault
For back-up protection for 66 kV (with high resistance grounding) transmission lines;
an independent over current relay with selective ground fault and ground fault
The operation speed (to execute trip command) for main line protection systems
shall not exceed 30 ms.
Separately mounted auto reclosing equipment to be used with the main protection
shall be employed to achieve single and/or three phase trip and delayed reclosing
for any type of fault. Auto-reclose shall operate always with check synchronizing and
dead line charging facilities as required.
In order to detect high resistance faults at the transmission lines, restricting fault
currents below the sensitivity of the main protection system, a directional earth fault
function (permissive mode) in built to the main protection terminal shall be provided.
For reasons of redundancy separate protection signaling channels shall be provided
for the Main and the directional earth fault protections.
The trip matrix shall be subjected to the Owner approval during the design stage. Main Protection For High Voltage Lines Distance Protection

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The main protection shall be of numerical type and shall be provided by

distance relays for use with a signaling channel.
The relay scheme offered shall be suitable for use in the permissive under-reaching,
permissive overreaching, blocking and unblocking modes. All these options shall be
contained and selectable in the standard relay scheme. The relay should be
applicable to all neutral ground possibilities and should be suitable for the protection
of long overhead lines or cables, double circuit lines, heavily loaded lines, lines with
weak infeed etc.
This HV transmission line main protection may be similar to the EHV transmission
line main protection. i.e. Clause Line Current Differential Protection

The protection shall be of numerical type line current differential relay and shall be
suitable for overhead line protection (single or double circuit) in solidly or low
impedance grounded systems. The relay shall incorporate a facility to compensate
for different CT ratios at each line terminal.
This HV transmission line main protection may be similar to the EHV transmission
line main protection. i.e. Clause Back-up Protection For High Voltage Lines Over Current and Earth Fault Protection
Separately mounted three phase over current and earth fault IDMT (Inverse Definite
Minimum Time) elements of numerical type shall be provided for back-up protection.
These IDMT elements shall comply with relevant IEC and its curve shall be such as
to give tripping after three seconds for ten times the current setting when a time
multiplier setting of 100 % is applied.
Back up three phase over current and earth fault relay tripping shall be to the trip
coil 2 of the circuit breaker.
This HV transmission line back-up protection may be similar to HV power
transformer backup protection i.e. Clause 3.3.3. Directional Earth Fault Protection

For detection of high-resistance earth faults on the transmission lines a numerical
type directional earth fault feature shall be in built to main protection relay.
The directional earth fault feature shall include residual over current starting,
direction control and permissive overreach direction comparison, via a tele-
protection signaling channel. Consideration will be given to DEF systems, which also
offer faulted phase selection algorithms.
This HV transmission line back-up protection may be similar to the EHV
transmission line protection. i.e. Clause

3.2.3 Auto-Reclosing Relay

One separate auto-reclosing scheme shall be provided per line bay being controlled
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by the line protection relays as specified above. The scheme shall be suitable for
controlling one or two circuit breakers, as required.
The auto-reclosing equipment shall be programmable for all the necessary logic to
provide for the following possibilities:
● Single phase trip and high-speed auto-reclose
● Single and three -phase trip and high-speed auto-reclose
● three phase trip and high-speed auto-reclose
● three phase trip with delayed auto-reclose
● three phase definitive tripping
● selectable single or 2 shot auto reclose
● Independently adjustable dead time, close pulse and reclaim times
● Built in test facilities

The relay shall provide test facilities as follows:

● To read the state (i.e. on or off) of each input-to and output-off the relay
● To monitor the operation of all timers via dedicated input and output
● With the relay out of service, the state of each relay can be changed
Single phase, single shot fast auto-reclosing for single phase faults and three phase,
single shot delayed auto-reclosing for multiphase faults shall be provided. The auto
reclose scheme shall incorporate both check synchronizing and voltage check
interlock features. The appropriate voltage transformer signals for synch check shall
be automatically selected.
At one and half breaker substations, the auto reclose scheme must be capable of
controlling and monitoring two circuit breakers and reference must be made to the
synch check facilities for each breaker, for supervision of delayed three pole auto
reclose. For single pole auto reclose it shall be possible to select single pole tripping
for both breakers and simultaneous single pole auto reclose of both breakers, as
one option. Alternatively, it shall be possible to designate one breaker as the "leader"
and the other as the "follower". Where single pole reclosing is selected, the leader
should be tripped single pole for a single-phase line fault and the follower should be
tripped three-pole. Successful single pole reclose of the leader should be followed
by three-pole reclose of the follower.
Breaker pole discrepancy protection shall also be provided and single-phase
reclosing shall be coordinated with the settings of this protection. An unsuccessful
auto-reclose shall be followed by a three-phase trip and a lockout.
A developing fault, which becomes multi-phase during the single-pole dead-time,
shall use three pole tripping and reclosing without waiting for the single-pole recloser
sequence to be completed.
The auto-reclosing equipment shall be provided with an ON/OFF switch mounted
on the front of the relay panels. The auto reclose scheme shall ensure that all
tripping by main protection will be three-pole for any type of fault when the auto
reclose scheme is set for three poles auto reclose only or when the auto reclose
scheme is out of service.
The auto reclose scheme shall interface with and shall monitor all necessary circuit
breaker status contacts (position, energy etc.) for proper auto reclose functionality.
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The segregation between the two main protection systems for the line must not be
infringed by their interfacing to the auto reclose scheme initiation inputs.
Separate time delays for high-speed and delayed three-phase and single-phase
auto-reclosing dead times shall be provided. The single- and three-phase time
delays shall cover at least the ranges as mentioned in TPG.
There shall be an adjustable reclaim (blocking) time of about 100 seconds following
circuit breaker auto reclose. This period is for determining whether auto reclose has
been successful. If during this period a further fault occurs, a three-phase trip and
lockout shall be initiated. This time period shall also be initiated following manual
circuit breaker closure. If any fault occurs within the reclaim time following manual
closure, a three-phase trip must be issued with the circuit breaker being locked out.
The auto-reclosing equipment shall have sufficient additional contacts for signaling,
alarms and also to initiate the disturbance recorder.
A counter shall be provided to record the number of individual phase re-closures
separately. Lockout the equipment should occur with an alarm after a pre-selected
number of recloser has been reached.
3.3 Transformer, Reactors, and Capacitors Protection

3.3.1 General
EHV (500/150 kV or 275/150 kV) and HV (150/20 kV or 66/20 kV) power
transformers, reactors and capacitors shall be protected by the usually applied gas-
and oil-surge and pressure detectors, oil- and winding-temperature monitoring
devices, including the monitoring and protection of the tap changer and/or the cable
connection chambers in the similar manner, all as specified below of this
Beside these protection systems as built into or mounted on the power transformers,
at least the following electrical protection relays shall be provided, but shall not be
limited to:
● Differential protection, which internally facilitate the ratio and vector group
compensation. EHV power transformers, reactors and capacitors differential
protection shall use duplication (main protection scheme A and main protection
scheme B) from different manufacturers.
● Restricted earth fault (REF) protection, which also facilitate internal current
transformer ratio compensation. EHV power transformers, reactors and
capacitors REF protection shall use duplication (main protection scheme A and
main protection scheme B) from different manufacturers.
● Back-up IDMT over current and ground fault protection for all voltage levels.
● Stand-By Earth Fault protection for low voltage winding HV power transformers.
● NVDR for tertiary winding EHV power transformers.
● Over Voltage, Under Voltage and over fluxing protection for each winding.
Beside these protection systems as built into or mounted on reactors or capacitors,
at least the following electrical protection relays shall be provided, but shall not be
limited to:
● Differential protection, which internally facilitate the ratio and vector group
● Restricted earth fault (REF) protection, which also facilitate internal current
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transformer ratio compensation.

● Back-up IDMT over current and ground fault protection for all voltage levels.
● Over Voltage, Under Voltage and over fluxing protection for each winding.

The protection relays shall be of numerical type with extensive self-monitoring and
analog / digital conversion of all input quantities. All the electrical protection relays
shall have sufficient number of contacts for signaling, alarms and the disturbance
recorder. REF protection shall be featured in differential protection relay.
The operation speed (to execute a trip command) for main EHV transformers
protection systems shall not exceed 20 ms. The operation speed (to execute trip
command) for main HV transformers protection systems shall not exceed 30 ms.
Tripping interface shall be provided such that any protection relay's tripping on the
higher voltage side shall trip the lower voltage side's circuit breaker and vice versa
for transformer faults. Back-up protection for other than transformer faults (external
faults), installed at the low voltage side of the transformer shall only trip the low
voltage side's circuit breaker and keep the transformer energized from the primary
network side.

3.3.2 Differential Protection - Main Protection

Overall numerical transformer differential protection shall be provided for each
transformer as indicated on the single line diagrams forming part of the contract
specification. The protection shall comply with the following requirements:
a. The protection shall remain stable for effects of tap changing and for all out-of
zone. The transformer protection shall also remain stable for all other transient
conditions, such as in-rush currents during energization and over fluxing
following load rejection, which are not due to faults internal to the protected zone.
The content of 2nd harmonic or other approved methods shall be used to retain
stability during inrush conditions. Time delay methods will not be accepted.
b. The techniques used for inrush stabilization shall be guaranteed not to prevent
fast tripping for maximum internal short circuit currents.
c. Integral facilities to compensate for current transformers whose ratings are not
matched to transformer winding ratings on either side of the transformer and
also to provide winding phase shift compensation.
The differential protection relay shall be able to protect two and three winding
transformers or auto transformers and tertiary windings from the internal phase and
earth faults of the transformer windings. Relays shall offer independent analogue
current inputs for each set of CT's involved in the protection scheme, so that a
restraining quantity will be produced for all through fault conditions.
The parameterizing of the relay shall be possible by local operation of an integral
user interface or using a portable computer. The necessary setting software shall
be included with the relay.
The differential protection shall trip all the local breakers associated with the
The IED protection relay shall consist of the following standard transformer
differential protection features:

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The transformer differential protection relay shall be a three-phase unit with internal
vector group compensation, CT ratio correction and zero sequence traps there by
eliminating the need for external interposing transformers.
The relay shall have dual slope bias differential characteristic in effective bias current
vs differential current group, setting range for slope as mentioned in TPG.
The relay shall be able to provide with 1A CTs input on the high voltage winding side
and 5A CTs input on the low voltage winding side if necessary.
The relay shall have magnetizing inrush current restraint by using waveform or
second harmonic recognition technique. The fifth harmonics restrain to prevent false
operation during power transformer over-excitation shall be also provided.
An additional unrestrained instantaneous high-set shall be provided to ensure rapid
clearance of terminal faults. The setting range shall be 500%-2000% of rated
secondary current in 50% steps.
The relay shall provide restricted earth fault protection feature for each of the power
transformer winding. The REF protection shall work on the high impedance
circulating current principle. Each REF protection shall trip all the circuit breakers
associated with the transformer.
The relay shall provide v/f overflux protection against prolonged overfluxing
conditions. Two independently adjustable V/f elements are available for overfluxing
protection. The alarm element shall be definite time characteristic with a time setting
range of 0.1-60 sec in 0.1s steps. The protection element shall be IDMT or definite
time characteristics.
The IDMT characteristic shall follow the equation below:

0.18 𝐾𝐾
𝑇𝑇 = 0.18 + 𝑣𝑣
� − 12 �

Where K = time multiplier (1 to 63 in steps of 1)

Setting = 1.5-3 V/Hz in steps of 0.01 V/Hz

The feature of the relay shall be assessable through the front panel or via the remote
communication facility. The relay shall provide RJ45, RS-485 RS-232 or USB port
for multi-drop mode communication.
The relay shall provide at least two setting groups. The setting groups shall be
selective via the logic input or remote control.
The relay shall store at least 192 event records and the latest fault disturbance
The relay shall have 8 programmable opto-input for monitoring the status of contacts
of external plant such as Buchholz protection and temperature measuring devices.
Each input can be routed to any number of the output relays via a variable time delay
if required. The timers setting range shall be 0 to 14.4 ks (4 hrs).
The relay shall accept SNTP OR IRIG-B signal for time synchronization. The
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accuracy of the internal real time clocks when not synchronized be better than 1
milisecond per day.

3.3.3 Over Current Protection - Back-Up Protection

Three phases over current IED protection relay with single earth fault IDMT feature
shall be provided for back up protection on each and every transformer winding of
the transformer. The IED protection relay shall consist of the following standard
overcurrent and earth fault features:
Relay shall be the numerical type with three overcurrent stages per pole. The
settings for each stage shall be completely independent of each other. The first
measurement stage shall have selectable characteristics of the definite time or
normal inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse and long-time inverse of the four-
inverse time (IDMT) type characteristics. The characteristic that will be used by the
overcurrent and earth fault shall be individually selectable. The second and third
measurement stages shall be definite time characteristic.

The first stage phase overcurrent setting shall be 10%-320% of the rated secondary
current in 1% steps. The time setting multiplier shall be 0.025-1.2 in steps of 0.025
for IDMT. The definite time setting shall be 0-100s in 0.01s steps. The second and
third stage phase overcurrent settings shall be 10%-1600% or 80%-3200% of the
rated secondary current in 1% steps. The definite time settings shall be 0-10s
respectively 0.01s steps. the first stage earth fault setting shall be 2%-80% or
10%0300% of the rated secondary current in 0.25% steps. The time setting
multiplier shall be 0.025-1.2 in steps of 0.025 for IDMT. The definite time setting
shall be 0-100s in 0.01s steps.

The second and third stage earth fault setting shall be 2%-80% or 10%-300% of the
rated secondary current in 1% steps. The definite time settings shall be 0-100s and
0-10s respectively in 0.01s steps.
Each of the IDMT elements shall have separate trip and alarm contacts and separate
trip indicators. In addition, the protection shall have the necessary contacts for
initiating breaker failure protection and the disturbance recorder.
For EHV Power Transformer protection, back up over current and earth fault
protection tripping shall initiate trip coil 2 of the circuit breaker.
Earth fault elements shall be provided for low voltage power transformer winding
having it's neutral earthed. The earth fault element shall be connected to the power
transformer's neutral current transformer.
This relay shall have minimum features as follows:
● IDMT over current and ground fault protection for all voltage levels.
● Stand-By Earth Fault protection for low voltage winding HV power transformers.
● NVDR for tertiary winding EHV power transformers.
The feature of the relay shall be assessable through the front panel or via the remote
communication facility. The relay shall provide RJ45, RS-232, RS-485 or USB port
for multi-drop mode communication.
The relay shall provide at least two setting groups. The setting groups shall be
selective via the logic input or remote control.
The relay shall store at least 192 event records and the lates fault disturbance
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The relay shall accept SNTP or IRIG-B signal for time synchronization. The accuracy
of the internal real time clocks when not synchronized be better than 1 millisecond
per day.
The relay shall provide broken conductor(s) detection logic to protect against single
phasing condition. The logic shall base on measurement of no current in the broken
conductor(s) (up to 2 conductors) and measurement of load current in the remaining
healthy conductor(s). The logic shall use two measurement elements to prevent mal-
operation in light load condition: one element to confirm no current flowing in the
broken conductor(s) and the other element to confirm load current flowing in the
healthy conductor(s). The logic shall provide sensitivity of no current measurement
of 2%. The logic shall provide option to detect single conductor broken condition.
Where the application requires the use of directional overcurrent relays these shall
have the facility for selecting individual elements to be directional or non-directional.
The relay shall also be provided with some method to ensure correct directional
decisions if the polarizing voltage collapses below the minimum required operating

3.3.4 Internal Transformer Protection

Internal Transformer Protection shall be in accordance with the Technical
Specification TSS14 Power Transformers.

3.4 Bus Bar, Circulating Current, Breaker Failure, Bus Coupler and Bus
Section Protection

3.4.1 General
Bus bar, circulating current, breaker failure, bus coupler and bus section protection
shall be provided as system requirement mentioned on the bill of quantity.
All HV or EHV busbars connected to the transmission lines shall be equipped with
busbar differential protection and circulating current protection for diameter. EHV
main protection using duplication relay (main protection scheme A and main
protection scheme B) shall be from different manufacturers. Each circuit breaker in
HV or EHV system shall be equipped with Circuit Breaker Failure protection.
The protection relays shall be of numerical type with extensive self-monitoring and
analog / digital conversion of all input quantities. All the electrical protection relays
shall have sufficient number of contacts for signaling, alarms and the disturbance
recorder. REF protection shall be featured in differential protection relay.
The operation speed (to execute a trip command) for main EHV busbar protection
systems shall not exceed 20 ms. The operation speed (to execute trip command)
for main HV busbar protection systems shall not exceed 30 ms.

3.4.2 Bus Bar Protection

Numerical type centralized or de-centralized low impedance bus bar protection
scheme to detect all inter-phase and phase-to-earth faults is required.
To enhance security, the protection scheme shall use at least two independent
criteria for detecting an in-zone fault and shall initiate a trip signal only if all criteria
are securely satisfied.
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Full selectivity shall be achieved for every bus bar zone, hence the replica of every
feeder disconnector, bus disconnector, coupling circuit breaker and/or bus bar
sectionalizer shall be incorporated.
Combinations of NO and NC auxiliary contacts on each disconnector or breaker
shall be provided for opening and closing the bus bar replica of the protection in
such a sequence that the auxiliary contactors operate before reaching the pre-arcing
distance on closing the disconnector, and after the pre-arcing distance has been
exceeded on opening the disconnector.
The main current transformer secondary circuits shall not be switched via auxiliary
contacts of the bus bar disconnectors directly. Under no circumstances during
switching over of feeder disconnectors, shall voltages be generated in the system,
which are higher than the insulation of the used wiring would allow for. The
disconnectors position and individual phase current shall be visible via LCD and or
LED display for each bay.
The protection trip command for each feeder shall be given directly to both of the
circuit breaker trip coil systems and the tripping function of the bus bar protection
shall block the close-circuits of all circuit breakers concerned.
One tripping function (contact or function), separate for each circuit breaker, shall
start the circuit breaker failure (CBF) relay and shall bridge one timer of the CBF in
order to initiate a remote tripping immediately after the first time step.
Provision shall be made such that any bus bar trip signal from the protection system
shall result in a self-holding function. A defined action shall be required for the reset-
function to be activated locally.
In addition to the tripping contacts the protection shall have where necessary
contacts for initiating disturbance fault recorder, signaling and alarms.
There shall be continuous and independent monitoring of current transformer-
circuits, bus bar disconnector auxiliary circuits and bus coupler auxiliary contacts;
latter in opened and closed position. If an error is detected the protection system
shall be blocked and an alarm shall be given.
Fault indicators must be provided which clearly show which zones and phases have
Two sets of current transformers mounted on either side of the bus
coupler/sectionalizer shall be connected in an over-lapping arrangement. The bus
zones on both sides of the breaker shall operate in the event of a fault between this
circuit breaker and one of its current transformers.
In order to protect the dead zone between the circuit breaker and the associated
current transformer, the bus bar protection should include an end fault protection.
Stability for external faults shall be ensured, under current transformer saturation of
the outgoing circuits and up to the short circuit ratings of the switchgear, irrespective
of the distribution of the current between individual circuits.
Built-in continuous self-monitoring function shall be provided for monitoring the
complete bus bar protection function.
The continuous self-monitoring function shall enable personnel to find every
individual defective module in a very short time and the manuals of the test
equipment shall be easily legible and shall contain full descriptions of the complete
The DC supply of the protection equipment shall be fed from the independent DC
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Each zone of the bus bar protection shall be provided with functions to block the
protection manually by external on / off switch (key operated). When the relay is
blocked it shall be indicated locally as well as at HMI. Under this condition, the
tripping functions of the bus bar protection shall be blocked for all feeders. However,
the measuring of the bus bar protection should remain in service for monitoring
Extension of the bus bar protection system shall easily be possible. The protection
cubicles provided shall already be wired for the possible total number of feeders.
Thus, later on, the respective prints, modules or parts for extensions can easily be
fitted to the protection system and no cubicle wiring at Site shall be necessary.
The extension of bus bar protection cubicle(s) shall be possible also for any future
feeders and/or bus bar configuration by adding additional cubicle(s).
Prior to manufacturing, the Contractor shall indicate the remaining extension
possibilities in the same cubicle(s) and the Engineer shall approve the final quantity
of provisions for future feeders.
The Contractor prior to commissioning shall submit the calculation for stability of bus
bar protection during the 125% normal over load conditions and maximum through
fault conditions.

3.4.3 Circulating Current Protection

The main protection for the EHV busbar diameter is known as Circulating Current
Protection (CCP). This CCP relay uses differential relay, which is generally applied
in one-and-a-half breaker substation system that uses a CT bay, where this relay
secures the area between the CT bay with CT on the diameter. If there is a
disturbance in the protected zone of the CCP relay, this relay shall send signal trip
to two circuit breakers on diameter cand send a direct transfer trip (DTT) signal to
the remote substation.
The respective external alarms shall be coordinated with the overall station alarm
philosophy and potential free contacts shall be provided accordingly. Separate
contacts to initiate the disturbance recorder shall also be provided.

3.4.4 Circuit Breaker Failure / Short Zone Protection

A numerical type circuit breaker failure (CBF) relay system shall be provided which
shall monitor the feeders' phase currents by detectors in each circuit breaker.
They shall be sensitive to detect from 0.2 to 2.0 times the rated feeder current,
adjustable in steps of less than or equal to 0.2 times this current and be capable of
being operated continuously at 1.2 times the rated current.
The CBF relay may be fed from the same main current transformer circuits as used
by the bus bar protection.
The CBF relay to be provided for each individual circuit breaker. Further, it shall be
initiated by all other protection device tripping commands to the circuit breaker and
also by any remote tripping signal which shall initiate tripping of that breaker. If there
is a disturbance in the protected zone of the CBF relay, this relay shall send a direct
transfer trip (DTT) signal to the remote substation.
The information of the initiation shall be taken separately from the relays that operate
the trip coil 1 and the trip coil 2 via potential free contacts.
The DC control voltage used for these starting circuits shall be taken from the CBF
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cubicle and particular terminal blocks shall be provided for distribution. Facilities for
disconnection of the starting DC distributions shall also be provided.
The DC supply of the CBF protection equipment shall be fed from the DC system of
two buses.
If a trip command fails to open the circuit breaker, after a period of delay (called T1
and shall be adjustable between 50 to 200 ms continuously or in steps smaller than
10 ms) the breaker failure relay shall give a "first step" tripping command to both trip
coils of the respective circuit breaker.
If this operation of the "first step" of the CBF relay has no effect, the CBF-protection
system shall give a different tripping command, after a second period of delay (called
T2 and adjustable between 50 to 400 ms continuously or in steps smaller than 10
ms) to all circuit breakers around the one for which the trip initiation failed, i.e. a fully
selective "second step" tripping command to the circuit breakers of the bus bar zone
concerned, in order to interrupt fault current in-feed from the station.
Facilities for initiation of a trip signal sent to the remote breaker associated with the
failed breaker's circuit shall also be incorporated and wired from terminals in the
CBF cubicle to the protection signaling device as specified under this Specification.
This remote trip initiation shall reset when the fault is cleared.
For each CBF facilities shall be provided to incorporate all the lock-out functions of
the respective circuit breaker (e.g. under pressure relays of SF6) which shall "set to
zero" both time steps of the CBF relay, i.e. protection tripping of the concerned bus
zone and trip-signal to the remote circuit breaker shall be without a time delay.
The bay-wise information received from the lockout functions shall be annunciated
in the BFR protection system and shall be kept permanent after occurrence of an
actual trip signal. In this case, the signalization shall be reset at the BFR cubicle
A further function to be provided within the CBF protection system shall allow to
initiate tripping of the remote circuit breaker after the first time step if the tripping of
bus bar protection failed.
The tripping of CBF shall be of the non-self-reset type until a reset initiation is
activated locally. The tripping shall be three-phase and definite, i.e. blocking of the
auto-reclosing shall be provided.
Indicators shall be provided to show clearly which circuit breaker caused tripping, at
which time step and which of the other circuit breakers were tripped by the inter-
tripping mode and to allow remote signalization of essential functions. The
respective external alarms shall be coordinated with the overall station alarm
philosophy and potential free contacts shall be provided accordingly. Separate
contacts to initiate the disturbance recorder shall also be provided.
For each bay an on / off switch shall also be provided for the breaker failure
protection. When the relay is blocked it shall be indicated locally as well as at HMI.
Extension of the CBF protection system shall easily be possible. The protection
cubicles provided shall already be wired for the possible total number of feeders.
Thus, later on, the respective prints, modules or parts for extensions can easily be
fitted to the protection system and no cubicle wiring at Site shall be necessary.
Prior to manufacturing, the Contractor shall indicate the remaining extension
possibilities in the same cubicle(s) and the final quantity of provisions for future
feeders shall be approved by the Engineer.
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3.4.5 Bus Coupler / Bus Section Protection

Three-phase normal IDMT elements shall be provided for over current protection.
These IDMT elements shall comply with latest IEC and their curves shall be such as
to give tripping after three seconds for ten times the current setting when a time
multiplier setting of 100 % is applied.
Each of the IDMT elements shall have separate trip and alarm contacts and separate
trip indicators. Separate contacts for the disturbance recorder shall also be provided.
This HV bus coupler/sectionalizer protection may be similar to HV power transformer
backup protection i.e. Clause 3.3.3.

3.5 Teleprotection Schemes

It is required to provide (according to the requirement) direct, permissive-transfer-
trip, and blocking signaling channels to send and receive signals associated with
overhead lines, cable, breaker failure, and circulating current (for EHV and one-and-
half breaker configuration) protection schemes. These permissive and direct
channels shall have transmission times of less than 20 ms.
A segregated alarm for all the signals transmitted or received in a teleprotection
scheme will be included in each of the related protection board.
It shall be possible to test each individual channel separately and means shall be
provided to send and receive inter trip signals for test purposes without removing
any wire or permanent connection and without tripping the associated circuit
All the interface wiring between the protection board and the respective
communication equipment shall be performed by the Contractor.
POR (permissive over reaching schemes) will always be provided with a weak in-
feed logic able to trip selectively the circuit breakers. Their logic will not be only
dependent of auxiliary contacts of the circuit breaker.
In the case of the direct tripping equipment, it shall be designed not to cause a trip
out put under any of the following conditions.
● Removal of any printed circuit module in either transmitter or receiver of a link.
● Switching on / off of the power supply to the teleprotection equipment.
● Switching on / off of the PLC/Fiber optic equipment at either end of the line.
● Shorting the output of the teleprotection transmitter or shorting of the input to the
teleprotection receiver.
● Operation of the HV line disconnectors in switchyards.
Each distance and directional earth fault protection shall have independent
permissive channel for teleprotection. A direct channel shall be provided for breaker
failure/busbar protection/circulating current/SF6 low pressure for GIS. Inter tripping
facility for cable feeders shall be via pilot wire or fiber optic cables.

3.6 Trip Circuit Supervision

Trip circuit supervision relays shall be provided to monitor each trip circuit of circuit-
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breakers and each relay shall have sufficient contacts for visual/audible alarm and
indication purposes.
For double circuit system both trip circuit 1 and trip circuit 2 shall be supervised by
the two separate trip circuit supervision relays.
The trip circuit supervision scheme shall provide continuous supervision of the trip
coils and trip circuits with the circuit breaker in either the open or closed position.
Relay elements shall be delayed on drop-off to prevent false alarms during faults on
D.C. wiring on adjacent circuits, or due to operation of a trip relay contact.
Series resistance shall be provided in trip circuit supervision circuits to prevent mal
tripping a circuit-breaker if a relay element is short circuited.
The trip circuit supervision design shall be such that in the event of a fault in any
one component it shall not be possible to inadvertently trip the circuit breaker. The
continuous trip circuit supervision relays shall initiate a delayed alarm after several
seconds. This alarm shall operate for loss of DC voltage and for any interruption in
the trip circuit wiring.
Relay alarm elements should be equipped with well resetting flag indicators.

3.7 Tripping Relays

All tripping relays, where specified shall be of the heavy-duty type suitable for panel
Trip relay contacts shall be suitably rated to satisfactorily perform their required duty
and relay operating time shall not exceed 10 ms from initiation of trip relay operating
coil to contact close.
Where specified latching type relays shall have hand or electrically reset contacts
and hand reset flag indicators. Resetting of the flag indicator and the contacts shall
be possible without having to open the relay case.
No time delay for the tripping contacts will be accepted. Where a master trip relay is
shown in the specifications, it shall have a maximum tripping time equal to or less
than 10 ms. The tripping contactors operation must be guaranteed also with 70 %
of the rated DC voltage (pick-up at 80 % of DC, self-holding down to 70 % of DC).
Trip circuits of the protection will not sensible to mal operate due to any conductive,
electrostatic or electromagnetic influences on their AC or DC created from external
current or voltages, high harmonic noise produced by the switching of HV sets
together with the capacitance of the DC circuit or due to spikes during connection of
DC current.
The tripping contacts of a protection relay shall reset automatically if no further fault
conditions are present. The signaling and blocking close order of the circuit breaker
shall remain uninterrupted in case of operation of bus bar, breaker failure,
transformer differential, Buchholz and cable protection until operator resets the relay

3.8 Protection Settings

The complete trip matrix and relay settings with calculations for all unit type
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protective schemes, overhead line and cable protection relays shall be submitted
one month prior to commissioning of any plant / substation for approval. All system
data required for calculating the settings shall be obtained from the Owner.
The settings of protection equipment shall be properly coordinated with the existing
protection schemes.
The settings shall also be provided for breaker failure, auto-recloser and other

3.9 Feeder Protection 20 kV

The overcurrent protection device shall be provided with phase and earth fault
● Three-phase over current and Earth Fault (50, 50N, 51, 51N)
● Directional ground fault relay (67N - for East Java)
● Zero-sequence Over Current (for East Java)
● Single phase stand by earth fault
● Under Frequency relay (81U)
● Under Voltage relay (27)
● Autorecloser
● Thermal overload
At least four selectable characteristics for the phase elements shall be included
according to IEC 60255-4
● normally inverse characteristic
● very inverse characteristic
● definite time characteristic
● additional long-time characteristic for the earth element

All setting will be entered by means of a built-in keypad and an external software.
Comprehensive data accumulated in the memory for post fault analysis retrieved
through the serial/USB/RJ 45 interface into a personal computer.
The relay alarms and trips shall be indicated in HMI and relay shall be able to reset
(alarms, LED's etc.) from HMI.
The IED shall accept SNTP or IRIG-B signal for time synchronization from GPS.
The accuracy of the internal real time clocks when not synchronized be better than
1ms per day.
Instantaneous trip order for the phase and earth element with na implemented timer
and a set position to block their trip if necessary. A sensitive earth fault relay (0.02 -
0.8 In) shall be provided. An extensive timer 0.1 - 6.0 sec shall provide the co-
ordination with the downstream overcurrent relays.
The Earth Fault protection shall be controlled “ON” and “OFF” which can be operated
by a manual switch on the panel or through the Substation Automation (SA) control
command. One lamps, LED, marked “OFF” shall be fixed on the panel near the
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double throw switch to indicate the status of earth fault protection.

Auto-reclosing function shall be provided at least 3 shots. The auto-reclosing
function shall be started from overcurrent and earth fault protections and shall
operate in the following manner:
After being started by either protection, and after the circuit breaker has tripped, the
first auto-reclosing shot shall be 0.2- 4 seconds(adjustable) dead time, a second
shot after 15-60 Seconds (adjustable) dead time, and the third and last shot after
another 30-180 second (adjustable) dead time. After closing circuit of the circuit
breaker has been energized, the auto-reclosing shall start reclaim time for 15-180
seconds (adjustable) to start an autoreclosing sequence, in case of close on to fault
the reclaim time shall be stopped immediately by tripping command of protection
In addition to after first re-closing, the instantaneous overcurrent and instantaneous
earth fault functions shall be blocked, in order to allow coordination of protection
functions with downstream protections devices. The auto-reclosing shall be provided
with an operation counter according to autoreclosing sequence timing diagram.


4.1 Bay Control Unit (BCU)
The BCU based on microprocessor technology, shall use numerical techniques for
the calculation and evaluation of externally input analogue signals. They shall
incorporate select-before-operate control principles as safety measures for
operation via the HMI or Control Centers.
The BCU shall be capable of storing and executing programmable logic applications.
In support of a distributed processing environment, they shall be capable of
interconnecting with other BCU and Protection IED via IEC 61850 GOOSE
messaging to acquire status and commands and to provide the same in return. In
this way, multiple units can cooperate perform bay interlocking and automation
applications. All parameters, configurations, programs, software, and process data
shall be stored in non-volatile memory, along with revision control information.
They shall perform all bay related functions, such, commands, bay interlocking, data
acquisition, data storage, Sequence Event Recording and shall provide inputs for
status indication and outputs for commands. They shall be directly connected to the
switchgear without any need for separate interposing equipment or transducers.
The numerical BCU shall be provided with a configurable (current or voltage)
analogue input channels and adequate number of binary input & output channels,
which are galvanically isolated from the Substation Automation System (SAS).
The channels shall also be individually separated from each other. HV switchgear
and instrument transformers shall be directly connected to the BCU without any
interposing equipment.
The devices shall meet the requirements for withstanding electromagnetic
interference according to relevant parts of IEC 60255 to conform to the high
requirements for operation on the secondary system of HV switchgear.
The BCU shall have the following features:
● Configurable analogue channels.
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● Power function which can be configured to measure forward or reverse, active

or reactive power.
● Independently settable parameter setting groups, settable/selectable locally or
remotely via the HMI programmed.
● Local Display Unit on the front of the IED which can display both input as well
as measured quantities: frequency, phase currents, phase voltages, active
power, reactive power, etc.
● Sequence of Events Recorder with a buffer for at least 256 events and a
resolution of 1 ms. The events that are to be recorded should be freely
programmable. These could be alarm/trip signals, external signals connected to
opt coupler inputs, internal signals, etc. Once events are defined, they are
recorded in chronological order as they occur.
● Comprehensive self-supervision.
● Battery-free memory back-up of Event and Disturbance Records.
● Logic functions (AND, OR, bi-stable flip flop)
● Self-diagnostic and alarm indication.
● Switch local/remote for by control interlocking.
● Synchro check for parallel operation.
Electro mechanical Local control of circuit breaker and disconnecting switch
maintaining the appropriate interlocking function shall be provided in the cubicle.
The cubicle shall be provided with mimic diagram, control switches for circuit breaker
control and push buttons for the control of disconnecting switches and earthing
switches, local/remote switch and position indicator. The local control shall be
independent from SAS.
Bay Control Unit shall be mounted in the same panel of the protection equipment of
the same bay. Emergency control facility also to be provided to handle the bay
controller fails situations. Control mimic shall be installed along with the IED, which
can be used in case of maintenance or emergency. Local bay control via the control
mimic on the Control & Protection cubicles shall incorporate the same user safety
measures e.g. bay interlocking, synchro check, user guidance etc. As the station
HMI, Local Bay emergency control shall be key locked and the control either from
station HMI or from remote shall be disabled if the local/remote selector switch is in
the local position.
The Bay control and protection shall be installed in an air-conditioned room. The
electronic system has to be provided with functions for self-supervision and testing.
Each circuit board shall contain circuits for automatic testing of its own function.
Faults in the Bay control and protection cubicle shall be indicated on a front HMI and
a message shall be sent to the station level HMI. The time for fault tracing and
replacement of a faulty unit shall be reduced to a minimum.
The supervision shall also cover the power supply system, the internal system bus
and the ability of the central processing module to communicate with different
printed circuit boards.
Parallel operation shall be automatically controlled by synchro check.
Failure of any single component within the equipment shall neither use unwanted
operation nor lead to a complete system breakdown. A single failure must not have
any effect on the primary system, which is monitored and controlled.
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4.2 IED I/O

IED I/O based on microprocessor technology, shall use numerical techniques for the
calculation and evaluation of externally input analogue signals. They shall
incorporate select-before-operate control principles as safety measures for
operation via the HMI or Control Centers.
IED I/O shall be capable of storing and executing programmable logic applications.
In support of a distributed processing environment, they shall be capable of
interconnecting with other BCU and Protection IED via IEC 61850 GOOSE
messaging to acquire status and commands and to provide the same in return. In
this way, multiple units can cooperate perform bay interlocking and automation
applications. All parameters, configurations, programs, software, and process data
shall be stored in non-volatile memory, along with revision control information.
They shall perform all bay related functions, such, commands, bay interlocking, data
acquisition, data storage, Sequence Event Recording and shall provide inputs for
status indication and outputs for commands. They shall be directly connected to the
switchgear without any need for separate interposing equipment or transducers.
The numerical IED I/O shall be provided with a configurable analogue input channels
and adequate number of binary input & output channels, which are galvanically
isolated from the Substation Automation System (SAS).
IED I/O shall control, collect and monitor data from following:
● AC/DC supply panel (battery management system, charger, UPS, generator set,
and auxiliary transformer)
● Communication system
Other specification for IED I/O shall follow Specification Clause 4.1 Bay Control Unit
(BCU), except synchro check for parallel operation (not included).


This specification covers the design, manufacture, inspection and testing at the
manufacturer's works of a Substation Automation System, transport, erect, test and
commissioning at PLN’s site and training. It describes the facilities required to
provide the control of plant and system within a substation and outlines the facilities
to be provided on site, interface requirements and performance criteria.
The Substation Automation (SA) system shall comprise full station control,
monitoring and communication functions. It shall enable local station control via PC
by means of HMI and control software package and perform the necessary system
control and data acquisition functions. It shall include communication gateway to
Control Center (CC), Inter Regional Control Center (IRCC), Regional Control Center
(RCC) and Distribution Control Center (DCC), Remote setting parameterization and
fault evaluation from remote station, inter-bay-bus, Intelligent Electronic Devices
(IED) for bay control and protection as shown in the drawings. The SA shall be cover
for all substation equipment 500kV, 275kV, 150kV, 70kV and 20kV systems.
The control and monitoring system shall be of “open architecture based on the
international standard protocol” for hardware and software. The contractor is
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requested to submit the proposal for SAS according to IEC 61850 communication
network and systems in substation.
The communication gateway shall secure control from and information flow to
remote control centers. The inter-bay bus shall provide independent station-to-bay
and bay-to-bay data exchange. The bay level intelligent electronic devices (IED) for
protection and control shall be directly connected to the instrument transformer and
trip/close coils in the switchgear without any interposing equipment and perform
control, protection and monitoring functions via process bus as per IEC 61850.
The IEDs for protection and control functions shall maintain high availability and
reliability together with bay independence through extensive self-supervision and
state-of-the-art technology.
The system shall be capable of having its computing power increased in the future
by the addition of computing systems.
The capacity of the SA system shall be supported by the manufacturer sufficient for
the ultimate development of the substation as set out in the project requirements.


SPLN S3.001-3 2012 Spesifikasi Remote Station Clause 5.6 Standar Lingkungan.


LAN protocol
- IEC 61850
IED to IED protocol
- IEC 61850
- Modbus and convert to IEC 61850 (only for digital meter)
Gateway protocol to Control Centre
- IEC 60870-5-101
- IEC 60870-5-104
Gateway protocol to Substation’s secondary Equipment
- IEC 61850
▪ IEC 61131-3
In the event that requirement of this specification exceeds those of the specified
standard, this specification shall prevail.


5.3.1 General
The SA system shall be suitable for operation and monitoring of the complete
substation including future extensions. The offered products shall be suitable for
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efficient and reliable operation and maintenance support of the substations. The SA
system shall be of state-of-the art design suitable for operation in extra high
voltage/high voltage/medium substation environment, follow the latest engineering
practice, ensure long term compatibility requirements and continuity of equipment
supply and the safety of the operating staff.
Failure behavior of the hardware and software functions shall be addressed and
related diagnostic and rectification working instructions shall be provided. The
system performance, data model, control and protection IED’s, station and bay level
communication shall also be clearly addressed.

5.3.2 Modes of Operation

The operator stations and specified remote users shall have following operational
modes, each password protected.
Monitoring : Ability to select graphic displays and lists for viewing only.
No capability to acknowledge alarms, complete controls
or select items for inclusion in program functions.
Control : Selection of graphic display and lists, able to
acknowledge station and SA system alarms, complete
controls, dressing etc. associate with normal real time of
the control of the substation.
System Engineering : Provides all the SA system monitoring functions, together
with online facilities for program/ database/format
modifications and checking without the possibility of
executing power system controls.
System Manager : Provides access to all system functions, including
assignment of passwords and system maintenance
In addition, a facility to provide access to the numerical Protection relays, change /
modify relay settings & AVR parameters and Disturbance Fault Recorder data shall
be provided. A series of passwords shall be personally assigned to operators in each
of the above categories.
It shall be possible for substation operators to log on either of the substation
workstation and to be allocated the appropriate mode of operation relevant to the
password. SA System Engineering work and access to the protection relay and
Disturbance Fault Recorder information shall generally be carried out at the Local
workstation or remote workstation.
All the workstation and the system database shall function as a system. It shall not
be necessary for example to acknowledge alarms more than one workstation.
Similarly, an operator manual entry applied at a workstation shall be immediately
displayed at other workstations where this data is presented.

5.3.3 Project Specifications

Specific functions required and boundary conditions of the SA system are detailed
elsewhere in this specification. The project specific drawings are attached:

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- Single line diagram of Substation

- Substation Automation System Architecture
- Substation Automation System Typical Panel Control Arrangement
- Substation Lay Out
- Control Building Lay Out

5.3.4 Manufacturer’s Experience

Refer to TPG Substation Automation System.

5.3.5 Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance of design and development, production, installation and servicing
of material and workmanship shall be governed by ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Supporting documents to prove ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 third party approval shall
be provided with the offer.

5.3.6 General System Design

The system shall be designed so that personnel without any background knowledge
in Microprocessor-based technology are able to operate the system. The operator
interface shall be intuitive such that operating personnel shall be able to operate the
system easily after having received some basic training.
The system shall incorporate the control, monitoring and protection functions
specified, self-monitoring, signaling and testing facilities, measuring as well as
memory functions, event recording and evaluation of disturbance records.
Maintenance, modification or extension of components may not cause a shutdown
of the whole substation automation system. Self-monitoring of components,
modules and communication shall be incorporated to increase the availability and
the reliability of the equipment and minimize maintenance.
System control from the substation control room will be with the help of an Industrial
Grade Computer operated by a mouse.
The offered SA system shall support remote control and monitoring from Control
Centre via gateway.
The gateway should be designed for a life of minimum 10 years. The gateway shall
provide for communication to/from Control Centre via existing protocol, IEC 60870-
5-101 and IEC 60870–5-104 protocols. Gateway can be gateway console or
gateway PC. The gateway must be microprocessor based, with no moving parts (no
fan, no rotating HD), and it must be physically separated from the HMI or server.
As shown in the drawings, the SA system shall be structured in three levels – station
level, bay level and process level. The data exchange between IED on Bay and
Station levels shall take place via an inter-bay bus using IEC 61850 protocol. The
entire station shall be controlled and supervised from the station level Workstation
It shall also be possible to control, monitor and protect each individual bay from the
respective IED of bay level equipment for maintenance purposes or if the
communication to a particular bay should fail. Clear control priorities shall prevent

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initiation of operation of a single switch at the same time from more than one of the
various control levels i.e. SCADA, station level, bay level or switchgear (apparatus)
level. The priority shall always be with the lowest enabled control level.
Each bay control and protection unit shall be independent of each other and its
functioning shall not be affected by any fault occurring in any of the other bay control
and protection units of the station.
It shall be possible to control the station from Control Centre as well as from the built
in local graphic display in the individual bays with all interlocks. It shall also be
possible to control the station from Remote work station. Operation shall be possible
by only one operator at a time.
The SA System shall meet the following main activities:
o The substation monitoring/protection system shall supply data for operation,
maintenance, repair and remote parameter setting of protection and control
devices in the switchyard. In the event of a fault in the electrical network, the
substation monitoring shall provide a quick means for collecting the relevant and
critical data of the fault.
o The monitoring system shall be suitable for the supervision and monitoring of all
the secondary (IED) and primary devices in a substation including future
o Maintenance, modification or extension of components shall not cause a shut-
off of the whole station monitoring system. Self-monitoring of single components,
modules and communication shall be incorporated to increase the availability
and the reliability of the equipment and minimize maintenance.
o The substation monitoring system shall provide an access to all information,
which shall be available on workstation directly accessible for the protection and
maintenance engineer. It shall be possible to access all protection and control
devices for reading the terminal parameters (data setting). The setting of
parameters or activation of parameter sets shall be restricted by password.
o The remote computers should be accessible to SA system with different access
authorities. The required SA system software and application specific firmware
(for relay parameterization) shall be provided with associated tools and
o The required engineering tools analyzing software is also to be
provided/installed both in the station level workstation and remote station. A
backup copy of all the software shall be provided in CDs/Flash Disk.


The SAS shall be based on a decentralized architecture and on a concept of bay-
oriented, distributed intelligence. Functions shall be decentralized, object-oriented
and located as close as possible to the process.
The main process information of the station shall be stored in distributed databases.
The typical SA system architecture shall be structured in in a station, a bay level and
process level.
At bay level, the IEDs shall provide all bay level functions regarding control,
monitoring and protection, inputs for status indication and outputs for commands.
The bay level IED for protection and control shall be directly connected to the
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instrument transformer and trip/close coils in the switchgear without any interposing
Each bay control IED shall be independent from each other and its functioning shall
not be affected by any fault occurring in any of the other bay control units of the
The server failure shall have no effect to the normal operational function of the
gateway terminal; however, it shall be alarmed in SA system.
The data exchange between the electronic devices on bay and station level shall
take place via the communication infrastructure based on single ring or double ring
Ethernet LAN using IEC 61850 protocol. This shall be realized using manageable
Ethernet switch, STP and fiber-optic, thereby guaranteeing disturbance free
IED Protection Relay is an integral part of the SA system and shall be directly
connected to the manageable bay ethernet switches of single or double ring
Ethernet LAN.
At station level, the entire station shall be controlled and supervised from the station
HMI. It shall also be possible to control and monitor the bay from the bay level
equipment at all times.
Clear control priorities shall prevent operation of a single switch at the same time
from more than one of the various control levels, i.e. Control Centre, Local
Workstation HMI, IED bay level or apparatus level.
The gateway and the HMI shall be at the station level without any common points.
The priority shall always be on the lowest enabled control level.
The GPS time synchronizing signal for the synchronization of the entire system shall
be provided. The time synchronization shall be based on the standard use of SNTP
process as required by IEC 61850.


The offered SAS concept shall be flexible and shall permit future extensions to be
realized easily. Preference will be given to those suppliers who are in a position to
provide protection and control devices which can be freely adapted to the application
functions required.


The system shall comprise proven hardware and software, requiring minimum of
development work.
If either hardware or software is required to be developed for this project, then this
shall be identified in the tender together with an estimate of the work required.

5.6.1 Design Requirements System Design

The design shall incorporate a high degree of reliability, and shall also be safe for
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personnel. Hardware and software shall be field proven and be based on up-to-date
technology/practices referred to TPG. Technology
The system design history and future development plans shall be detailed in the
Tender. Proposals for the manufacturer’s support over the complete design life shall
also be advised, together with justification that the delivered system will be provided
with a practical upgrade path in the future. System Capacity

The design system is required to provide all the functional requirements specified,
and to manage I/O in a dependable manner. The system is required to be capable
of expansion to the ultimate system size specified in the detailed requirements as
shown in the attached SLD drawing (for information), without any degradation of
The station computers (server and HMI) shall be equipped with sufficient hard drive
storage memory for the ultimate system.
The station computers (server and HMI) shall also be equipped with sufficient
number of data transmission channels and other equipment for the ultimate system.
The system software shall be designed to meet the requirements of ultimate
capacity without further program development. Future bay units shall be added by
defining their parameters interactively with the system generation software. System Database and Displays

The system database and display shall be configured for the ultimate system. The
failure in hardware or software in either computer shall be detected promptly (a
system alarm shall be raised), as necessary the duplicated elements shall be
automatically brought in to operational use. No loss of functionality or performance
shall occur under these circumstances.
Replacement of faulty items of equipment, and restoration to fully system status,
shall not result in any loss of functionality or performance. The stand by elements of
the redundant subsystems shall be fully monitored at all times.
The system design shall ensure that no conflict of action or inconsistency of the
system data can occur, as a result of interactions and changeover between
redundant subsystem elements. The failure of non-redundant subsystem shall be
detected promptly (and a system alarm raised). Integrated Database

The SA system database shall preferably comply with the Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) standard. A single/integrated database is preferred, including
operator interface, database, protection and logic function databases,
communications, protocols etc. It shall be possible to view, filter, chronologically
sort, merge etc. The database information should be provided with commercially
available tools compliant with ODBC. If possible, these tools shall be compatible
with those of the associated Control Centre system.
Export of data shall be provided in ODBC and other formats. Database shall be
common to all the operator workstations, remote workstation similarly for alarm
acknowledgement and safety tags etc.

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a) System Security
It shall not be possible for failure of any operator workstation, bay unit,
communication channel or peripheral equipment to jeopardize the continued
working of the rest of the system.
b) Future Extensions
It shall be possible to add control & protection IED’s and software enhancement
etc. in the future without taking the system out of service and/or without
jeopardizing the continued working of the rest of the system.
The design and physical layout of the system equipment shall be on a modular
basis so that extra facilities, such as increase in the number of status points or
analogues etc., may be added with the minimum of disturbance.
c) Prevention of double selection controls
It shall not be possible to make two controls selections at a bay unit at the same
time or make a selection, fresh selection until the previous selection has been
completed or cancelled. Clear indication shall be given to the operator of the
action required before a further selection can be made.
d) Security of Control Selections
Security of control selections is paramount and every precaution in the software
and hardware design and implementation shall be taken to ensure that false
selection of a control is minimized. Failure of a data channel, which interrupts
the transmission of data either permanently or intermittently, shall not lead to a
false control selection. Injunction on noise into the receiver in this interrupted
condition shall not lead to a false control selection.
e) System accuracy
The accuracy of the channels for analogue input values shall be not worse than
0.5%. The analog input should be converted to 12 bits (11 bit + sign) digital
f) Power Supply Practice
It shall not be necessary to switch on/off supplies to the SAS equipment in a
particular sequence. Switching on and off of bay unit equipment shall not
produce a false control. SAS equipment (HMI and server) shall be equipped with
dual power supply and supplied by different UPS.
g) Maintenance Facilities
The diagnostic system of continuous monitoring and testing of the SAS shall be
provided which will report to the operator station the occurrence of disturbance
and errors which take place in the various sub-systems. For testing of equipment
that cannot be checked by on-line diagnostic tests, manually initiated diagnostic
shall be provided. Maintenance or repair of a failed system / unit or a shared
peripheral shall in no way interference with the operation of the running system.
This includes power removal from the failed equipment.

h) System Start / Taking Over of On-Line Duties

Automatic program load shall be included in all server and HMI, providing for
simple and rapid startup of the system by the user. The processor shall provide
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an orderly shutdown without program or data corruption when power failure or

power supply out of tolerance occurs.
When power is restored within tolerance the processor shall restore to normal
operation automatically shall initiate routines to scan bay units and update the
database/announce any changes or alarms, which have been stored at the bay
units during the power failure.
i) Peripheral Devices
All cables required to connect peripherals shall be supplied. Any additional
equipment, such as signal amplifiers/modems/converter, required when the
distance between the peripheral and its driver is greater than that allowed by the
driver’s design, shall also be provided.

5.6.2 System Hardware HMI Work Station

The HMI unit shall conform to approved safety standards and be certified by Product
Certification Body (LSPro). The statistical MTBF for the MMI unit shall be as required
as TPG, when analyzed at 75% loading and 25°C. The equipment shall be capable
of operating under the specified ambient conditions for indoor equipment.
The HMI unit shall be manufactured by reputable manufacturer and shall be
approved by PLN. The equipment shall be warranted to work in electrical substation
environments. Full repair services shall be available in Indonesia for the selected
The HMI unit shall connect to Substation LAN through fiber optic interface.
Aside from hardware requirements, the equipment shall incorporate the required
system software.
The workstation shall be suitable for real time operation. Reliability is the prime
requirement, together with the management functions and facilities specified.
The computer shall provide following:
● Real time clock
● Self-Monitoring
● Memory Protection
● Power Fail Auto Detect
● Error checking and data transfer
It is preferred that dependence is not placed on a proprietary design.
The Work Station shall be based on an industrial grade PC hardware and high-
resolution full-graphics screen with manufacturers standard type tested software
operating under Windows/Linux/Unix, in case contractor propose higher operating
system software, it shall be subject to PLN’s approval. Printer shall be provided.
Computer based operator Work Station shall consist of Visual Display Units (VDUs),
keyboard, pointing device etc.
Each of the above items shall conform to the following requirements or better.
a) Visual Display Unit

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The VDU provided for text and diagrams shall be LCD type base on Thin Film
Technology (TFT) and shall have flicker free, legible displays that can be
observed for long periods without operator fatigue.
The visual display monitor shall be designed for continuous operation and shall
not be damaged through the failure or absence of input signals. Approved means
shall be provided to minimize glare and reflections visible to the operator for all
VDUs: adjustment of the screen tilt angle shall be incorporated.
The following features shall apply to Color graphic VDUs (or better):
● Screen size shall be as required in TPG and in landscape orientation.
● A display capability in both text and graphic modes.
● Fully controllable cursor.
b) Keyboards
Full QWERTY format keyboards shall be supplied, including a full alphanumeric
key set, a separate set of numeric keys (including arithmetic signs), cursor
control keys and functional keys. Capital lock and number lock indications shall
be provided. The keyboard shall be suitable for free-standing use on the desk
top and shall include a tilt adjustment.
A flexible cable shall be securely attached to the keyboard and shall incorporate
strain-relieving reinforcement at the fixed ends. The remote end of the cable
shall terminate in a plug, incorporating a quick release retaining clip. Key switch
life shall be in excess of 2x106 operations.
c) Mouse
Mouse provided as pointing devices in association with VDUs shall be
ergonomically compatible with the above requirements. They shall be of the
optical type, having no mechanical components other than button switches.
Each mouse shall be supplied with an optical matched mat. The optical system
shall provide positional compatible with the screen resolution. Buttons shall be
provided to meet the functional requirements of the contractor’s overall design.
Cable requirements and button switch lifetime shall be as for keyboards.
d) Real Time Clock
The Work Station shall provide with a highly accurate crystal clock and
facilities/Interrupts to perform their specific functions. The computer’s real time
clock/calendar shall be maintained in synchronism with the system reference
time by periodically making corrections to bring it into step with the timing
intervals from the GPS synchronized Master Clock (over the SNTP SA system
LAN as per the IEC 61850). As part of the automatic program load sequence the
computer shall automatically request an update of its processor clock/calendar
from the master station clock, similarly on restoration of power. The calendar
shall be used to time/date information on displays/printed outputs from the

e) Self-Monitoring
The self-monitoring facility shall monitor the following as a minimum:
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a. Timely completion of all programs.

b. Operation of input and output circuits.
c. Operation of memory equipment (including write protected)
d. Voltage rails
An alarm shall be generated when a fault is detected. Warning messages shall
be raised for both critical and non-critical faults. Facilities shall be provided for
the safe and orderly restart once the fault has been rectified.
f) Data Storage
Where required fast access solid state drive shall be provided, the data storage
format shall conform to an industry standard. In order to have secure data
storage. The solid state drive shall have error detection facilities, together with
diagnostic software. Each drive shall have built in security to prevent the loss of
stored information during power surges and during electrical failure to any
portion of the memory unit or controller. The other storage shall also be provided
to the latest technology, for loading, copying and storing data for future use.
The all the other requirements such as color graphic Visual Display units, Mouse
etc. shall be subjected to the Engineer’s approval. The printer shall permit printing
of any picture (or part thereof) from the station level PC’s using easily accessible
commands from the window menus.
The Work Station shall be equipped with dual power supply and supplied by different
UPS with supply duration of not less than 8 hours shall be provided to supply the
monitor and the printers. An annunciator unit shall be directly connected to the
Station PC to annunciate common station (SA system) abnormal/fault conditions. Server
The server shall be redundant (hot standby mode), industrial class and rack
mountable type. Technical specification for server similar to Clause HMI
Work Station and TPG. The server would be capable for the following functions:
- Scada data logging, GUI.
- Historical recording and data archiving.
- Statistic.
- Event logger.
- IED and workstation management. Ethernet Switch for SAS

The LAN connecting computer-based operator workstations, server, printers, GPS
(the Station Level LAN) shall be Ethernet 802.3 LAN or latest version, Protocol
TCP/IP (100 Mbps or higher) and the physical medium shall be fiber optic Ethernet
bus, provided this LAN is kept within the confines of the control room.
An open communication system between IEDs, operate in real time base on IEC
61850 shall be followed by the contractor to ensure interoperability &
interchangeability of IEDs purchased from different manufactures and to provide for
third party maintenance of the communication system. This LAN cable shall be of
glass fiber optic.
Connections to Substation LANs shall be made using ST or SC or MTRJ or LC
connectors. Unless otherwise specified, the Substation LANs shall use multi-mode
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cable and be sheathed for protection against abrasion and cuts. Fiber optic cable
shall be terminated and routed according to best industry practices. All materials
shall be industry standard, commercially available, and supportive of the open
systems concept.
Ethernet Switch for SAS shall be supplied by 110 VDC power supply as TPG.
Remote access for service purposes shall be available through Modem or Router
and dedicated Ethernet WAN. This service is for Protection and Maintenance
Engineers and SCADA, Manufacture system support from manufacturer’s office and
hence appropriate security measures shall be implemented by using special
A service loop shall be provided at connection points to allow flexibility for future
equipment upgrades.
The Substation LAN design shall not require any routine engineering administration
or manual reconfiguration to remedy an equipment failure or to facilitate failure
The Substation LAN shall be designed to ensure that, in the event of a single LAN
cable or LAN interface module failure, none of the SAS functionality shall be lost. Printers
The hard copy printers shall permit printing of any picture (or part thereof) from the
station level PC's using easily accessible commands from the window menus. The
printers shall meet at least following requirements:
a) Printers shall be supplied with paper feed and catching trays shall be
b) Printers shall be turned on and off under processor control and run only when
required for printing. They shall be capable of continuous operation in the
powered-up state, with a minimum of MTBF as specified in TPG. The
specification and drawings of SAS configuration shows the preferred
arrangement of printers. Alternative arrangement may be considered.
c) Adjustable tractor feed sprockets shall be included, capable of accepting a
variety of paper widths and cut paper feed trays. A self-test facility and status
indication (including paper supply status) locally and the event recorder shall
also be provided.
d) The hard copy color laser printer shall comply with the schedule of Technical
Particular Guarantee. Gateway
SAS shall have the capability to support simultaneous communications with multiple
independent remote master stations, minimum communication with two control
centers simultaneously.
SAS shall have communication ports as follows:
a. Two ports (main and backup) for Control Centre
b. Two ports (main and backup) for other Control Centre
The communication interface to the SAS shall allow scanning and control of defined
points within SAS independently for each control center. The substation automation
system shall simultaneously respond to independent scans and commands from
control centers. The substation automation system shall support the use of a
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different communication data exchange rate (bits per second), scanning cycle,
and/or communication protocol to each Control Centre. Also, each control center’s
data scan and control commands may be different for different data points within the
substation automation system's database.
The mapping data base for operational and maintenance function is carried out
in the gateway.
Gateway shall support a maximum data rate of 19,200 bps, although the operational
rate shall initially be set at 9,600 bps. The GATEWAY interfaces through Modem
shall conform IEC 60870-5-101 and Router shall conform IEC 60870-5-104 protocol
or other protocol will be specified by Owner.
The Gateway module, which interfaces Modem/Router to SAS, shall connect on the
other side to both Substation LANs through separate fiber optic interfaces. Use of
the two connectors is described under the ‘Dual Substation LAN Connections’
heading. The contractor will be responsible for establishing end-to-end
communications with the Control Centre.
The gateway equipment shall pass the functional test of IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC
60870-5-104 protocol; the manufacturer shall submit any document/certificates of
the test result issued by PLN. Control Centre Communication Interface

PLN will prepare communication channels between substation and Control Centre
which the details will be provided during detailed Engineering.

● Modems
Duplicate modems shall be provided at SAS for signaling to the Control Centers.
They shall be suitable for asynchronous operation and conform to the requirements
of relevant international standards for data transmission (IEC 60870-5-101). The
frequencies used by the modems and the speed for transmitting data over the
communication channels shall comply with the relevant recommendations, and be
to the approval of the engineer.
Modems shall be user configurable and the configuration data shall be held in non-
volatile memory in each modem.
Modem shall provide low receive level alarm. The modem transmit level shall be
adjustable. To avoid blocking of the communication channel, in multi-drop
application, modems shall include measures to prevent the permanent transmission
of VF tones that would prevent other stations on the channel signaling to control
Where the client’s Control Centers adopts a standard type of modem for signaling
to substations, a similar type of modem shall be supplied. The modem switchover
mechanism shall be rapid, shall be dual powered and shall not switchover in the
event of loss of power. Alternative arrangement may be considered during the
implementation of the project, provided they are justified as superior.
Modem shall be mounted on 19-inch rack. It is the contractor’s responsibility to verify
that the modem he selects for use at station sites is fully compatible with existing
data communication as specified by PLN at other locations (e.g. at the SCADA/EMS
control center). If the modems selected by the contractor are not fully compatible
with the existing data communication, the contractor shall either modify the selected
modems or furnish matching modems for existing data communication.

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● Router
Router shall be provided at SAS for communication to the Control Centers. They
shall be suitable operation and conform to the requirements of relevant international
standards for data transmission (IEC 60870-5-104). The frequencies used by the
router and the speed for transmitting data over the communication channels shall
comply with the relevant recommendations, and be to the approval of the engineer.
Router shall be user configurable and the configuration data shall be held in non-
volatile memory in router and can be manage by local or remote configuration.
Router shall provide low receive level alarm. The router transmit level shall be
adjustable. To avoid blocking of the communication channel, in multi-drop
application, router shall include measures to prevent the permanent transmission to
the control center.
The router shall be mounted on 19-inch rack. It is the contractor’s responsibility to
verify that the router he selects for use at station sites is fully compatible with existing
data communication as specified by PLN at other locations (e.g. at the SCADA/EMS
control center). If the router selected by the contractor are not fully compatible with
data communication, the contractor shall either modify the selected router or furnish
matching router for existing data communication.
Router can be supplied by DC Voltage or AC Voltage, as specified in TPG.

● Ethernet Switch for LAN

The LAN connecting router, workstations, intranet, IP Phone, and Meter reading
shall be Ethernet 802.3 LAN or latest version, Protocol TCP/IP (100 Mbps or
higher). Ethernet Switch shall be manageable-type.
Ethernet Switch for LAN can be supplied by 110 VDC or 220 VAC power supply
as TPG.
Remote access for service purposes shall be available through Router and
dedicated Ethernet WAN. This service is for Protection and Maintenance
Engineers and SCADA, Manufacture system support from manufacturer’s office
and hence appropriate security measures shall be implemented by using special
A service loop shall be provided at connection points to allow flexibility for future
equipment upgrades.
The LAN design shall not require any routine engineering administration or manual
reconfiguration to remedy an equipment failure or to facilitate failure recovery.
The LAN shall be designed to ensure that, in the event of a single LAN cable or
LAN interface module failure, none of the functionality shall be lost. Time Reference Clock

A time standard shall be provided to all the equipment. An intrinsically accurate
master clock equipped with a radio-receiving terminal capable of receiving a time
signal from the Global Positioning Satellite system shall be provided. Time reference
clock shall be automatically corrected by the received time signals. All the Protection
relay, Station computers, bay controllers, and other devices shall be time-
synchronized for 1 ms accuracy with the GPS satellite clock receiver.
Time reference clock shall have a stability of 0.1 second per day. It shall be equipped
with an internal battery backup supply to provide a running reserve of 24 hours.
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Time reference clock shall have a local calendar/time display with facilities to
manually set date and time. Time reference clock shall have outputs for directly
driving slave calendar and time displays by means of standard interfaces. Time
reference clock shall incorporate alarms for fault conditions, which shall be displayed
locally on the unit and also in SAS. The GPS receiver antenna shall be mounted on
a high-unobstructed elevation adjacent to Time reference clock location.
The physical connection and installation of the GPS hardware components shall
simple, not requiring any RF or GPS expertise. Any software for configuring or
operating the unit shall be provided with the system.
A GPS antenna unit with remote power supply and supporting cable shall be
provided. The antenna shall be dc-insulated with dielectric strength of 1,000 V. The
interface between the GPS receiver and the GPS input of the Time Server module
shall be a standard serial interface/RJ 45 equipped with an optical-to-serial
converter (or equivalent interface with isolation, approved by PLN).
The contractor shall supply all necessary cables, connectors, accessories, and
mounting hardware needed to support positioning and adjustment of the antenna.
The following specifications shall be met for the time-synchronization subsystem:
1. The accuracy of the GPS clock receiver shall be better than ±250 nanoseconds
immediately after synchronization and ±2 us after 20 minutes of operation (in the
absence of further synchronization). If the GPS signal is temporarily lost, the
GPS clock receiver shall continue to provide precise time Measurements to the
Time server module based on its own low-drift time-keeping, per the drift
specification stated directly above.
2. When the SAS is synchronized using SCADA/EMS control center time, the
maximum allowable time synchronization error (i.e. deviation from absolute time)
shall be not more than 20 ms plus the propagation delay in the communication
network. Laptop for Maintenance

The laptop shall include a modem. A similar modem and gateway terminal,
connecting to control center LAN / or to station PC shall be configured at the
substation LAN.
The laptop shall be configurable in software, by the system manager. Laptop shall
be able to connect via intranet network.
The facility shall be used for:
a) Remote relay parameterization, SAS functions and Disturbance recorder
b) To assist in system support at site from a remote location (e.g. the
manufacturer’s office) via intranet network.
The system support facilities required for remote workstation (required software’s
and firmware’s) shall also be provided.
A suitable fast modem, to provide for the rapid transfer of data, shall be provided at
the station. The contractor shall arrange the dedicated telephone line at the station.
Hardware and software tools shall be provided to install new application servers and
workstations on the system and to move application programs from one server to
another. Tools for editing sequential/logic controls shall be optimized for SAS usage,
including ladder, instruction lists, sequential charts etc. It shall also be possible to
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provide for interconnection to other control systems, and assign remote control of
individual plants to particular control systems, in the future. Furniture
The control room arrangement for the furniture, control desk and the panels shall be
ergonomically designed according to the level of modern-day automated substation.
a) Workstation Desk
The workstation shall be supplied with a desk as follows. (at least):
 Sectional frame suitably clads with hardwood or other material to the approval
of the engineer.
 Desktops of a durable scratch resistant, non-reflecting finish of suitable
 Adequate space shall be available on the desktop for a writing area, to
accommodate the operator workstation, telephone console, and other
miscellaneous items.
 Drawers, shelves and fittings to the approval of the engineer.
Access shall be available for maintenance to equipment mounted on or in the
desk; doors or removable panels shall be provided for this purpose. Ventilation
grills to provide natural ventilation for cooling equipment shall be fitted, forced
cooling is not acceptable.
b) Chairs
Two chairs shall be provided for use at each workstation. The workstation chair shall
be of high back design, with armrests and covered in a durable wove material. The
chairs shall be of good quality, suitable for continuous use without discomfort, with
minimum working life of 25,000 hours. Seat height and back angle adjustment shall
be provided for easy operation.
c) Storage Cabinets
Cabinets shall be provided for storage of SAS documentation, also for the storage
of electronic storage media.

5.6.3 System Software General
The software package shall be structured according to the SAS architecture and
strictly divided in various levels. It shall be possible to extend the station with the
minimum possible effort.

Maintenance, modification or extension of components of any feeder may not force

a shutdown of the parts of the system, which are not affected by the system
The latest release of software shall be supplied and tested at FAT. Consideration to
updating the software packages shall be given before the expiry of warranty. This
shall include associate testing.

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A minimum of program development shall be required, for any special software,

which has to be developed to meet the requirements of this specification.
Confirmation that the programs will be supported for a minimum of 10 (ten) years is
also required.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain any license required for the
operation software.
The contractor shall indemnify the client against all claims of infringement of any
patent, registered design, copyright, trademark or trade name or other intellectual
property right. Station Level Software Human Machine Interface (HMI)
The base HMI software package for the operator station shall include the main
SAS functions and it shall be independent of project specific hardware version
and operating system. It shall further include tools for picture editing, engineering
and system configuration.
The system shall be easy to use, to maintain, and to adapt according to specific
user requirements. The System shall contain a library with standard functions and
applications. Operating System
Windows/Linux/Unix workstation operating system shall be used for the HMI and
server as it supports several standard system features, e.g. support for several
Windows office applications, multitasking, security levels, data exchange
mechanisms (DDE, OLE), open data base communication standards (ODBC)
and a standardized, user-friendly look & feel HMI and server. Bay Levels Software System Software
The system software shall be structured in various levels. This software shall be
based on a real-time OS and placed in a non-volatile memory.
Its lowest level shall assure system performance and contain basic functions,
which shall not be accessible by the application and maintenance engineer for
The system shall support the generation of typical control macros and a process
database for user specific data storage. Application Software
In order to ensure robust quality and reliable software functions, the main part of
the application software shall consist of standard software modules built as
functional block elements.

The functional blocks shall be documented and thoroughly tested. They shall form
part of a library.
The application software within the control devices shall be programmed in a
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functional block language.

5.6.4 Network Management System

The contractor shall provide a network management system software for following
management functions:
a. Configuration Management
b. Fault Management
c. Performance Monitoring
This system shall be used for management of communication devices and other
IEDs in the system. This NMS can be loaded in HMI and shall be easy to use, user
friendly and menu based.
The NMS shall monitor all the devices in the SAS and report if there is any fault in
the monitored devices. The NMS shall:
a. Maintain performance, resource usage, and error statistics for all managed links
and devices and present this information via displays, periodic reports and on
demand reports.
b. Maintain a graphical display of SAS connectivity and device status.
c. Issue alarms when error conditions occur.
d. Provide facility to add and delete addresses and links.


5.7.1 Control
The different high voltage apparatuses within the station shall either be operated
manually by the operator or automatically by programmed switching sequences.
The control function shall comprise:
● Commands from different operator places, e.g. from Control Centers, HMI, or
local control mimic.
● Select-before execute commands.
● A command authority.
● Operation from only one operator place at a time.
● Operation depending on conditions from other functions, such as interlocking,
synchro check, operator mode, or external status conditions.
● Prevention of double operation.
● Command supervision.
● Manual setting of position indications.
● Overriding of the interlocking function.
● Hierarchy of control operation shall follow SPLN S3.001-3 2012, SPLN S3.005-
1 2021, SPLN S3.005-2 2021.

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The tele-control function provides the serial link to a remote-control center for remote
monitoring and remote control. Several lines with different protocols shall be
supported. A command authority mechanism shall apply for the control commands.
Building of group alarms and pre-calculation of measurements needs to be
supported to reduce the number of signals submitted to the remote-control center.
This is especially required when a substation provides huge amount of data but the
communication link to the remote-control center has a small bandwidth.

5.7.2 Status Supervision

The position of each switchgear, e.g. circuit breaker, disconnector, earthing switch,
etc., shall be permanently supervised. Every detected change of position shall be
immediately visible on the screen in the single-line diagram, recorded in the event
list, and if required a hard copy printout shall be produced. Alarms shall be initiated
in cases when spontaneous position changes have taken place. Each position of an
apparatus shall be indicated using two binary auxiliaries normally closed (NC) and
normally open (NO) contacts. An alarm shall be initiated if these position indications
are inconsistent or indicate an excessive running time of the operating mechanism
to change position.

5.7.3 Interlocking
The interlocking function prevents unsafe operation of apparatuses circuit breakers,
disconnector and earthing switches within a bay or station wide. The operation of
above shall only when certain conditions are fulfilled.
It is required to be decentralized so that it does not depend on central functions.
Communication between the various bays for the station interlocking shall take place
via bay communication system. At the same time interlocking associate with the live
bus bar transferring shall be incorporate between bay control unit. The other
interlocking adopted to specific customer requirements shall also to be followed the
same. An operator override function shall also be provided, which can only be used
by means of a software key/password, to bypass the interlocking function if all the
available data for the control is not valid.
Interlocking conditions inhibiting control of a plant item shall be clearly advised to
the operator. Full details shall be readily selectable. An override function shall be
provided, which can be enabled to by-pass the interlocking function via a
key/password, in cases of maintenance or emergency situations. Interlocking
hierarchy shall follow SPLN S3.001-3 2012, SPLN S3.005-1 2021, SPLN S3.005-2

5.7.4 Measurements
Analogue inputs for voltage and current measurements shall be connected directly
to the voltage transformers (VT) and the current transformers (CT) without
intermediate transducers. The correlated values of active power (W), reactive power
(VAr), frequency (Hz), and the rms values for voltage (V) and current (I) shall be
A high accuracy of the measurement inputs shall refer to TPG. To get total optimal
accuracy, the measuring channels shall be directly connected to the secondary side
of the VT’s and CT’s. The measured values shall be displayed locally, on HMI and
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in control center. Threshold limit values shall be selectable for alarm indications.

5.7.5 Event and Alarm Handling

Events and alarms shall be generated either by the switchgear, by the control
devices (IED) and by the station level unit. They shall be recorded in an event list in
HMI. Alarms shall be recorded in a separate alarm list in the storage and appear on
the screen. All or a freely selectable group of events and alarms shall also be printed
out on an event recorder. The alarms and events shall be time tagged with a time
resolution of 1 ms. The time tagging shall be done at the lowest level where the
event occurs and the information shall be distributed with the time tagging.

5.7.6 Time Synchronization

Events shall be time stamped directly at the source that means in the IED. The
system wide synchronization shall be done via a master clock to all IEDs and
relevant station level equipment. In case the synchronization source is lost the time
derivation shall not exceed 50 μs.
The time within the SAS shall be set via a GPS clock receiver. The time shall then
be distributed to the control devices (IED) via the LAN (the same IEC 61850
network). An accuracy of ±1 ms within the station is required. The clock
synchronization shall be performed over the substation LAN as specified in IEC

5.7.7 Data Archiving

Archiving of historical events and measurement reports and trend data for long term
storage and later retrieval or archiving.

5.7.8 Interfacing, open connectivity

The system shall support open connectivity towards third party IED as well as
toward external software tools and packages via DDE, ODBC or OPC interface.
Connectivity has ability to communicate with other manufacturer (min. 3 brands) and
existing SAS and proved by valid certificate from PLN.

5.7.9 Access Rights

To protect the system from unauthorized actions and changes the access to the
system and its components shall be controlled by a user authorization mechanism.
Meaning each user has to login with a user name and the appropriate password.
Advances solutions allow defining for each user an individual profile concerning the
access level of the different parts of the system. If the user forgets to logout himself
after leaving, the system shall automatically logout after a pre-defined time out time.

5.7.10 System configuration

System configuration is not only needed at the initial stage of a project but also later
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when it comes to modification and system extension. The system shall include the
necessary tools for modification of data bases and pictures for application changes
and later system extension.


5.8.1 General
HMI shall provide basic functions for supervision and control of the substation. The
operator shall give commands to the switchgear via the station monitor with the help
of mouse clicks on soft-keys. The control of switching objects shall also be possible
via the control mimic of IED. The HMI shall provide the operator with access to
alarms and events displayed on the screen. Besides these lists on the screen, there
shall be a print out of hard copies of alarms or events in an event log. The Alarm List
shall indicate persisting and fleeting alarms separately. An acoustic alarm shall
indicate abnormalities and all unacknowledged alarms shall be accessible from
The following HMI functions shall be provided:
● Acquisition and plausibility check of switchgear status Control of switchgear
● Remote checking of device parameters, setting change and activation of
alternative parameter sets in the connected protective relays
● Display of actual measured values (V, A, VA, W, VAr, Hz, Cos φ)
● Display of events
● Display of alarms
● Display of trends
● Telecontrol/Sequence control functions
● Disturbance records and fault location (local and remote analysis)
● AVR parameterization and Tap changer control
● System Monitoring Function, Telesignalling, (Single and Double)
● System self-supervision
● Hard copy printing

Implementation of Tele Information plan shall in accordance with PLN Standard

SPLN S5.003-2 2014 applied for operation system and SPLN S5.003-1 2014 for
maintenance system.
Following standard pictures shall be available from the HMI:
● Single line diagram showing the switching status and measured values Control
● Measurement dialogues
● Blocking dialogues
● Alarm list, station / bay-oriented Event list, station / bay-oriented System
● Checking of parameter setting

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5.8.2 HMI Design Principles

Consistent design principles shall be provided with the HMI concerning labels,
colors, dialogues and fonts follows the Grid Code Regulation (Permen ESDM No.20
Tahun 2020). Non-valid selections shall be dimmed out. Object status shall be
indicated using different status colors for:
● Selected object under command
● Selected on the screen
● Not updated, obsolete value, not in use or not sampled Alarm or faulty state
● Warning or blocked
● Update blocked or manually updated
● Control blocked
● Normal state
The design of HMI shall be to the approval of the engineer.

5.8.3 Process Status Displays and Command Procedures

The process status of the substation in terms of actual values of currents, voltages,
frequency, active and reactive powers as well as the positions of circuit breakers,
disconnector and transformer tap changers are displayed in the station single line
In order to ensure a high degree of security against unwanted operation, a special
“select – before – execute” command procedure shall be provided. After the
“selection” of a switch, the operator shall be able to recognize the selected device
on the screen and all other switchgear shall be blocked. After the “execution” of the
command, the operated switch symbol shall blink until the switch has reached its
final new position.
The system shall permit the operator to execute a command only if the selected
object is not blocked and if no interlocking condition is going to be violated the
interlocking conditions shall be checked by the interlocking scheme which is
implemented on bay level.
After command execution, the operator shall receive a confirmation that the new
switching position is reached or an indication that the switching procedure was
unsuccessful with the indication of the reason for non-functioning.

5.8.4 System Supervision Display

SAS shall feature comprehensive self-supervision such that faults are immediately
indicated to the operator before they possibly develop into serious situations. Such
faults are recorded as faulty status in a system supervision display. This display
shall cover the status of the entire substation including all switchgear, IED’s,
communication links, and printers at the station level etc.

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5.8.5 Event Processing

The event list shall contain events, which are important for the control and monitoring
of the substation. The time has to be displayed for each event. All events are time
stamped directly at the source. That means in the IED itself. The operator shall be
able to call up the chronological event list on the monitor at any time for the whole
substation or sections of it. A printout of each display shall be possible on the hard
copy printer.
The events shall be registered in a chronological event list in which the type of event
and its time of occurrence are specified. It shall be possible to store all events in the
computer. The information shall be obtainable also from printed event log.
The central archives shall be implemented in the HMI storage, using a SQL Server
The chronological event list at least shall contain but not limited to the following:
● Position changes of circuit breakers, disconnectors and earthing devices. State
of change of binary signal at bay control and protection IED’s. Indication of
protective relay operations.
● Manufacture recommended alarm indications for HV switchgears and other
auxiliary systems.
● A control action issued from a workstation.
● A control action issued from Control Center.
● System generated messages, e.g. control action tracking messages, fault
● Fault signals from the switchgear.
● Violation of upper and lower limits of analogue measured value.
● Loss of communication
● Log on and log off
● Change of tap position
● Any kind of individual alarm
● Modification of database in the system
● Communication Network Failures.
All events shall have a date and time tag appended, to a resolution of 1 (one) ms.
The events, e.g. control actions shall be affixed by SAS. Events shall be recorded
for both a 0-1 and a 1-0 transition of plant contacts etc.
Filters for selection of a certain type or group of events shall be available. The filters
shall be designed to enable viewing of events grouped per:
● Date and time
● Bay
● Device
● Function
● Alarm class
● Alarm fault type
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The format and text for the event list shall generally follow that used for alarms.
Selection of the event list shall result in the latest page been displayed, preferably
with new events added to the top of the list. An event list display shall be
automatically updated with new events as they occur. A sort and merge facility shall
be available to produce a reduced list, i.e. for substation events, SAS events and
individual IED events.

5.8.6 Alarm Processing

Faults and errors occurring in the substation shall be listed in an alarm list and shall
be immediately displayed in HMI and transmitted to the control center.
The alarm list shall substitute a conventional alarm table, and shall constitute an
evaluation of all station alarms. It shall contain unacknowledged alarms and
persisting faults.
Date and time of occurrence shall be indicated. Selection of alarm list shall result in
the latest page being displayed, preferably with new alarms added to the top of the
list. An alarm list on display shall automatically be updated with new alarms as they
Certain events shall be categorized as alarms, and shall be subjected to additional
processing by the system as follows:
● Sound the audible warning.
● Bring the alarm icon to the foreground and activate the symbol.
● Activate the relevant diagram displays (e.g. for trip of circuit breaker status)
● Enter the new alarm message in the alarm list.
● The alarm list consists of a summary display of the present alarm situation. Each
alarm shall be reported on one line that contains:
o The alarm date and time
o The name of the alarming object
o A descriptive text
o The acknowledgement state (state of the alarm)
o The plant voltage level
The operator shall be able to acknowledge alarms, which shall be either audible or
only displayed on the monitor. Acknowledged alarms shall be marked at the list.
Flashing of single line diagram status symbols and a symbol on the alarm message
line shall be provided for unacknowledged alarms. An alarm acknowledgement shall
silence the audible, a separate audible, reset facility shall also be provided. Alarm
acknowledgement shall be provided on an individual alarm basis. Alarm line entries
shall include the following:
● Flash of symbol with the onset of alarm condition.
● Steady symbol for acknowledged alarms.
● Flash of symbol for reset of condition
● Identification of reset of condition before acknowledgement.
The use of color for alarm processing follows the the Grid Code Regulation (Permen
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ESDM No.20 Tahun 2020) and shall be to the approval of the engineer.
A sort facility shall be available to produce a reduced list. i.e. for substation alarms,
SAS alarms, an individual bay alarm priority, and for other criteria:
● Substation alarms shall only be capable of acknowledgement at HMI by
● SAS alarms shall only be capable of acknowledgement by a SAS engineer.
Substation alarms shall include different levels of alarm priority on the lists. The
allocation of alarms priority level and the use of color for each level (also SAS
alarms) shall be finalized during the implementation phase of the project. Internal
SAS alarms shall be processed and displayed in the same manner as the power
system alarms. Workstation audible alarm devices shall be activated only when a
substation operator/ SAS engineer is logged in.
Faults that appear and disappear without being acknowledged shall be specially
presented in a separate list for fleeting alarms. For example, due to bad contacts or
intermittent operation. Filters for selection of a certain type or group of alarms shall
be available as for events.

5.8.7 Reports
SAS shall have capability to generate reports that provide time related information
on measured values and calculated values. The data displayed shall comprise:
> Trend reports:
● Hour (mean, peak)
● Day (mean, peak)
● Month (mean, peak)
● Semi-annual (mean, peak)
● Year (mean, peak)
> Historical reports:
● Day
● Week
● Month
● Year
It shall be possible to select displayed values from the database on-line in the
process display. Scrolling between e.g. days shall be possible. Unsure values shall
be indicated. It shall be possible to select the time period for which the specific data
are kept in the memory. This report shall possibly be printed automatically at pre-
selected times. It shall also be possible to print this report on request and
automatically at pre-selected times.

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5.8.8 Trend Display (Historical Data)

A trend is a time-related follow-up of process data. The analogue channels of all the
connected bay level devices level shall be illustrated as trends. The trends shall be
displayed in graphical form as columns or curve diagrams with 8 (Eight) trends per
screen as maximum. Adjustable time span and scaling ranges must be provided. It
shall be possible to change the type of value logging (direct, mean, sum, or
difference) on-line in the window. It shall also be possible to change the update
intervals on-line in the picture as well as the selection of threshold values for
alarming purposes. Facilities shall be provided to export data to a spread sheet and
periodically store historical data for long term storage. The means of storage shall
be capable of being reloaded back into the system as required.

5.8.9 Object Picture

When selecting an object such as a circuit breaker or disconnector in the single line
diagram, first the associated bay picture shall be presented. In the selected object
picture, all attributes such as:
● type of blocking
● authority
● Local / remote control position (Marshalling kiosk, Bay, Station, Control Centers
● SAS control
● Errors
shall be displayed.

5.8.10 Control Dialogues

The operator shall give commands to the system by means of soft keys located on
the single line diagram. It shall also be possible to use the keyboard for soft key
activation. Data entry is performed with the keyboard.
The method of man machine dialogue shall be a multi-stage procedure with software
and hardware verification at each stage to ensure security control. Verification of
control selection at a bay control and protection IED shall be included before a
control is allowed to proceed.
The control method and security precautions incorporated in the design shall
include, but not limited to the following minimum requirements:
● Operator cursor/mouse selection of the plant device, which results in change of
color or flashing of the device symbol.
● Operator selection of control operation.
● System display of control window, which includes a full description of the plant
● Confirmation/selection of open/close or other appropriate controls for the plant
● Operator execution of the control by the operator, from the control window.
The control operation shall be capable of being cancelled at any stage before the
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execute command is given. Control mode shall time out after a predetermined time
if an operator fails to respond at a given stage.
Both the control and execution and the associated change of state shall raise an
event. Failure of the plant to change state in accordance with the control execution,
within a predetermined time, shall raise an alarm.

5.8.11 User Authority Levels

It shall be possible to restrict the activation of the process pictures of each object
(bays, apparatus, etc.) to a certain user authorization group. Each user shall then
be given access rights to each group of objects, e.g.:
● Display only
● Normal operation (e.g. open/close apparatus)
● Restricted operation (e.g. by-passed interlock)
● System administrator

For maintenance and engineering purposes of the station the following authorization
levels shall be available:
● No engineering allowed
● Engineering/configuration allowed
● Entire system management allowed
The access rights shall be defined by passwords assigned during the log-in
Only the system administrator shall be able to add/remove users and change access

5.8.12 Supervision Functions

System supervision and monitoring system shall be executed following HMI
● On line supervision and status monitoring of the system and individual Protection
● System self-supervision
● Automatic data retrieval
● Display of events/logging of events and alarms. (Bay wise and station wise)
● Printing of events on a dedicated event log printer
● Display of alarms
● Chronological merging and sorting of events and alarms. (for the whole station)
● Remote checking of device parameters and optional activation of alternative
parameter sets.
● Disturbance record upload and evaluation with summary (export) report

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● Hard copy printing

● Data bank for storage and retrieval of data and information
● Fault evaluation, fault location and fault analysis (Locally and remote work
● Tele metering/Display of actual measured values (V, I, P, Q, f)
Events and alarms shall be generated either by the Switchgear, by the control
devices, protective relays and by the station level unit. They shall be recorded in
an event list in the operator station in the control system.

5.8.13 Collection of disturbance record files

Collection of disturbance recorder files produced in IEDs with disturbance recorder
functionality shall be possible manually on request, automatically per a predefined
cycle or automatically upon receiving an event (typically the disturbance recorder
start signal) from the IED. The transferred file shall be stored on the HMI storage for
further analysis or submission to a higher-level system.
For the IEDs with integrated disturbance recorder as well as for dedicated
disturbance recording systems, all recorded data shall be automatically uploaded
(event triggered or once per day) on storage of dedicated computer (as assigned by
PLN engineer).

5.8.14 Analysis of disturbance recorder files

In case of power system disturbances, protection engineers currently use different
kinds of information to find the cause of a disturbance. However, it is becoming more
and more important to find these failures in a very short time and to react efficiently
with suitable measures in order to restore the power system as fast as possible.
The substation automation system shall provide all relevant information for fault
finding, analysis, troubleshooting, summaries and printouts of the fault history and
fault location. An expert software for evaluating the disturbance files and configured
to automatically print out the disturbance data in a graphical form shall be provided.
Printer provided at HMI shall have capability to print these graphical data in different
The protection engineer may have his own PC-based system to evaluate all the
required information for proper fault analysis, independent of the network control
Substation monitoring through the Workstation shall automatically upload the
disturbance records from the built-in disturbance recorder functions of the
protection relays.
A laptop computer shall be provided for maintenance and Protection Development
functions. The type of computer shall be the latest model at that time and monitor,
processor, clock speed, RAM, storage capacity, network card, etc shall be provided
and subjected to the Engineer’s approval. Laptop computer shall be provided with
all the IED relay software’s and relay firmware’s.

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TSS.9A: Protection, Monitoring, Metering and Control Logging
a) Event Logging
A chronological record of all events is to be output to the event logger. It
shall be possible for a substation operator to enable/disable event logging
from local Workstation or remote Work station.
b) Scheduled logging
The operator shall be able to configure logs for printing on printer. The
printing schedule shall be adjustable from a single interval or repetitive
c) Page Logging
With any page on display at a workstation it shall be possible for the
operator, by simple keyboard/mouse action, to arrange for a print on the
printer. Plant Data base

A plant data base schedule shall be entered into the system, and the following
data entered.
● Plant name and circuit connectivity details.
● Date of manufacture/commissioning.
● Voltage level, rating, impedance, CT and VT ratios.
● Short circuit fault current breaking capacity.
● Rated Impedance.
● Protection Settings.
● Manufacture plant details.
Details shall be finalized during the engineering phase of the project. The
contractor shall also be responsible for entering the plant data in to the
schedule. Plant Numbering

A plant numbering scheme shall be provided, to uniquely identify each item of
plant switchgear. This shall be consistent with the client’s standard adopted at
other substations and/or used in the Control Centers. The plant numbering shall
be finalized during the engineering phase of the project.

5.8.15 Manual Updating of Station Information

The operator shall be able to remove from scan any measurement, status or alarm.
The system shall maintain a list of items thus removed from the scan. Where the
item is shown on the lists and/or single line diagrams, the removal from scan shall
be indicated. (e.g. by use of color).
Facilities shall also be provided to inhibit controls on plant items (password
operation). The system shall maintain a list of plant on which controls are inhibited.
Inhibited plant controls shall be indicated on single line diagram displays.

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Operator shall be able to enter manual value for any measurement, status or alarm.
Where the item is shown on list and/or single line diagrams, the manual value shall
be indicated.
In the event of a "Chatter contact” occurring, this shall not inhibit controls to any
plant item being completed. The "chatter contact” shall be either automatically
removed from scan, or the operator shall be able to manually remove the
status/alarm from scan. The above and other conditions are classified separately
(e.g. as a quality flags). They shall be assigned to all data points in the system, and
presented to operators on single line diagrams and other displays.

5.8.16 SAS Equipment Status Display

The display shall inform the operator of the SAS equipment status. It shall include,
but not be limited to:
● Status of the station SAS master station including peripherals. i.e. whether on
line, stand by, in service, faulty etc.
● Status of the communication links.
● Status of the protection and control IED’s.
● Status of the power supply system i.e charger, battery, inverter, and UPS.
● Status of the communication buses, etc.
Alarms and events generated internally to the SAS and peripherals concerning
status changes in any of the above shall appear in the alarm and event lists.

5.8.17 Engineering Facilities

A simple system for completing database and format modifications shall be
provided. This is to enable the client’s software staff to readily modify the system,
including the addition of new IED’s in accordance with the station plant
Configuration shall preferably be object oriented (i.e. it shall be possible to specify
particular plant objects, after validation they shall be reused as part of the
configuration) facilities such as cut and paste shall also be preferred.

5.8.18 Substation Facilities

Single line diagram graphical displays of the substation and interconnections using
symbols for generators, transformers, reactors, capacitors, circuit breakers,
disconnectors, earthing switches etc. shall be provided.
A symbol set for all the circuit elements and plant items to be included on the
diagram shall be agreed during the detailed engineering phase of the project. There
shall be an overall display of the complete substation, preferably on single page,
containing plant status data (other data may be restricted due to the limitations of
Further pages for individual bay shall also be included; these pages shall include
active data for status, measurements, and also control facilities. Paging between the
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various single line displays shall be provided.

5.8.19 Safety Tagging

Operators shall be provided with facilities to affix safety-tagging symbols on the
single line diagram (a safety tag applied shall be automatically displayed on the
overall display and the individual bay display). Safety tagging symbols shall be
finalized during the implementation phase of the project. Where required these shall
be consistent with the client’s standard practice. Examples for typical safety tags
● Permit to work
● Sanction for test
● Limitation of access
Certain of the tags affixed to a plant item shall prevent SAS controls being issued to
that plant. A simple safety tag note book facility shall also be provided, for operators
to write in full details of time/date and other details of the tags affixed.

5.8.20 Automatic Tap Changer Control

The operator shall provide a means of automatically controlling transformer tap
changers. It shall possible to allow individual groups of transformers to be selected
/ deselected for automatic control and parallel control of transformers.

5.8.21 Communication with Protection Relays, AVR and Disturbance Recorder

The SAS shall be equipped with suitable with interfaces, communication protocols
and analysis software compatible with the protection relays and fault recorders.
Facilities shall be provided to:
● Read and alter relay settings.
● Retrieve measurement data.
● Extraction of fault and event records.
● Extraction of disturbance records.
● Read and alter AVR parameters.
● IED Analysis software.
● IED firmware shall also be provided.
This data shall be presented at the workstation. Such data shall generally be
transferred over the system LANs as low priority data.
Fault / event record files shall be automatically uploaded to the SAS, so that data is
not lost when the relay is reset.
A facility shall also be provided for accessing the above data from a separate
location via WAN (Remote site). The physical interface confirming to international
recommendations shall be provided (i.e.TCP/IP).

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5.8.22 Automatic Sequence of Controls

Sequence control is an automatic function, which reduces the interaction between
the operator and the system. A single control shall for example start a sequence to
connect a circuit to one of the bus bars.
Typical sequences are,
● Connect a circuit to a particular bus bar
● Disconnect a circuit, including earthing (if applicable)
● Connect transformer, including earthing (if applicable)
● Transfer of bus bar
The available automatic sequences in the system should be listed and described,
(e.g. sequences related to the bus transfer). It must be possible to initiate pre-
defined automatic sequences by the operator and also define new automatic


The system performance under all conditions occurring on the network shall be such
that no loss of data occurs and the computer system shall not "crash" or failure.
The refresh/update times on the operator station PC under normal and calm
conditions in the substation shall be according to the levels specified below:

Function Typical Values

Exchange of display (first reaction) < 0.5 s
Presentation of a binary change in the process
< 0.5 s
display the process
Presentation of an analogue change in the
process display
From order to process output < 0.5 s
From order to update of display < 0.5 s

The SAS shall be designed to satisfy very high demands for reliability and availability
● Solid mechanical and electrical design
● Security against electrical interference (EMI)
● High quality components and boards
● Modular, well-tested hardware
● Thoroughly developed and tested modular software
● Easy-to-understand programming language for application programming
● Detailed graphical documentation, according to IEC 601131-3, of the application
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● Built-in supervision and diagnostic functions
● After sales service Security
● Experience of security requirements
● Process know-how
● Select before execute at operation
● Process status representation as double indications
● Distributed solution
● Independent units connected to the local area network
● Back-up functions
● Panel design appropriate to the harsh electrical environment and ambient
● Panel grounding to provide immunity against transient ground potential rise
The theoretical and practical figures shall be included in the tender for reliability of
each individual unit of the system as per the internationally accepted method. The
reliability calculation for constituent printed circuit boards shall be based on scheme.

5.11 Configuration Tools

5.11.1 General
The configuration of server, HMI, and gateway shall be made using the operator
Workstation working in Windows/Unix/Linux environment. The various functions
shall be customized by easy-to-use interactive configuration tools.
Configuration shall include the visual presentation of the object, adaptations needed
in process database and adaptations of the communication configuration data. A
portable Personal Computer (Laptop) as a service unit shall be foreseen for on-site
modifications of the control and protection devices. The service unit shall be used
for documentation, test and commissioning.
The PC based service & support system shall be used for the following purposes:
● System configuration
● System testing
● Help functions
● Program documentation
● Downloading and uploading of programs
● System commissioning data base management changing peripheral parameters
The service & support system shall be able to monitor data in the running substation
control system and to present changing variables on the display screen in graphic

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5.11.2 IEC 61850 Configuration Software Tools

The IEC 61850 communication standard provides a System Configuration
Language (SCL) that can be used to configure communications for IEDs and the
entire system. It involves the use of several types of files, created for different
purposes, and two levels of tools for creating and managing those files. The files are
represented in XML (Extensible Mark-up Language), enabling the interoperable
exchange of configuration and capability information between supplier tools.
The four types of files that comprise SCL, listed roughly in the order they are
used to produce a configured system, are the following:
1. ICD: IED Capabilities Description
This file describes the communications capabilities of an individual IED, and it is
typically installed in the IED before shipment from the factory. The file can be
extracted from the IED at any time. It contains no information about how the
device is to be used in a target system, but does fully describe what
communication services and information models can be supported by the IED.
2. SSD: System Specification Description
This file describes the functional specification of the whole secondary system at
the station, including the communications system. Among other things, it
captures a one-line diagram of the targeted system. It allows Logical Nodes
[LNs] (i.e. functional pieces of the whole IEC 61850 information model) to be
assigned to the various IEDs according to their functional roles and capabilities.
These actions are typically performed using a single system Configuration Tool,
selected from among those offered by IED manufacturers.
3. SCD: System Configuration Description
This file is created using the System Configuration Tool, the SSD file and ICD
files for all IEDs used in the system. The result is a complete ‘process
configuration’ for the secondary system, with IEDs bound to individual process
functions, primary equipment, and client-access privileges. It also includes all
predefined network associations and all client-server connections with LNs on
data level.
4. CID: Configured IED Description
When the SCD file has been created, it is used to create an individual,
downloadable Configured IED Description file for each IED in the secondary
system. This is achieved using the IED Configuration Tool provided by each
manufacturer. As long as these tools have an interoperable SCL interface, as
described by the IEC 61850 standard, they may be proprietary. This is often
necessary, so that the tools can download additional IED configurational data
that is proprietary in nature, but which does not affect system interoperability.
The IED Configurator Files shall be able to import or export the SCL files, it provides
IED- specific settings and generates IED- specific configuration files, also it loads
the IED configuration into the IED.
All of the above files (softcopy in flash disk) shall be provided and submitted
to PLN by the contractor representative.

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Facilities shall be provided to give remote visual and audible alarms alerting the
substation control room attendant to the operation of protective devices and mal-
operation of items of plant installed in the substations.
Alarm shall be sub-divided into trip and non-trip functions and each arranged to
operate a common bell or buzzer as specified.
The system shall be of solid state and completely hard wired to the various modules
and contact devices. Means shall be provided for silencing audible alarms whilst
leaving the bell or buzzer free to sound if any other alarm circuit is energized.
Where devices initiate alarms when plant is shut-down the circuit should avoid
unnecessary display and sounding of the alarm condition.
Alarm schemes for equipment at an extension of existing stations shall be linked
with and be fully consistent with existing alarm schemes.
Determination and holding of the individual alarms as well as allocation of same for
the sequential alarm recording equipment shall be prepared by the Contractor,
subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Alarms shall be initiated by means of the following:
● Position or limit switches
● Auxiliary contacts of switchgear
● Electronic monitors
● Measuring instruments with limit contacts all protection relays
● All circuit breaker trips
● All telecom alarms.
The Alarm Annunciation System shall operate as follows:
When an alarm occurs, a horn or buzzer shall sound, adjustable from 0 to 30
minutes, and a suitably inscribed nameplate shall be illuminated with flashing light.
The flashing light shall be acknowledged by pressing an acknowledgement push
button. Upon pressing this button, the flashing light shall become a steady light. The
steady light shall persist until it is reset and thus the alarm indicating state returns to
Furthermore, a new incoming signal shall be distinguishable from signals, which are
already displayed. Provisions shall be made to identify the primary alarm (fault).
Any incoming signal shall, in addition, initiate one of a number of group alarms,
which shall be transmitted to the control room of the system control Center.
The Contractor shall provide the facilities for transmitting the signals via
telecommunication links. The Contractor shall provide the cables up to the Local
Control Cubicle in the relevant station.
The following operational push buttons shall be provided:
● 1st up reset (key operated)
● Test (system test)
● Accept (normal alarm accept, horn off)
● Reset (reset when alarm disappears)
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● Attended/unattended mode horn shall not sound and normal reset shall be
automatically initiated
All fusing and miniature circuit breakers shall be embraced in the alarm system so
that each and every MCB trip shall be announced. Also, a manually switched-off
MCB shall use an alarm.
These alarms shall be collected into group(s) and shall be combined into group
Motor trips and circuit breaker trips shall be announced by flashing lights via the
indicating lamp of the control room. Acknowledgement of this flashing light shall be
affected by operating the control push button. Apart from the flashing light of the
indicating lamp, such trips shall also be announced audibly by means of a horn and
visually as group alarms on the alarm annunciators.
All alarm annunciator(s) shall consist of multi-window light boxes, of which bezels
shall be to a finish and color similar to other instruments, preferably red color for trip
and white color for non-trip alarms. Each annunciator window shall have two lamps
connected in parallel.
The possibilities of testing all alarm and indication lamps shall be provided panel-
wise. The protection alarms shall be selected generally in accordance with SPLN
S5.003-1 2014 and SPLN S5.003-2 2014 (but shall not be limited to) and shall be
subject to the approval by the engineer.


6.1 General
Inspections and test shall be carried out to demonstrate that the Substation
Automation System (SAS) will be in accordance with the requirements as laid down
in this specification.
In this context, inspection activities are carried out to evaluated the Supplier’s quality
system and its effectiveness with the purpose to guarantee an adequate quality of
the SAS. By means of test the performance of equipment is verified. The quality
assurance program shall comply with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Hold and witness
pints shall be utilized to check or test designs or results.
Approval of systems inspection and test results, acceptance of hardware and
software/firmware, or waiving of inspection and test thereof, shall in no way relieve
the Supplier of the responsibility for furnishing equipment which meets the
requirements of this Specification, nor shall such actions invalidate any claim which
the Purchaser may make because of defective or unsatisfactory hardware, software
and firmware.
PLN reserves the right to request the additional tests on the system and/or its
elements at no extra charge on any work PLN determinate not to be in accordance
with this specification.
Whenever the result of any inspections or tests performed or requested by PLN in
accordance with the requirements of this section indicate the specific hardware,
software, firmware or documentation does not meet the specifications requirements,
the Supplier shall replace, modify or add, at no cost to PLN, adequate hardware,
software, firmware or documentation as necessary to correct the noted deficiencies.

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The Supplier shall submit within four (4) weeks after signing of the contract an overall
test and inspection plan for approval, which shall be representative for the SAS. This
proposal shall also include hold and witness points. The Supplier shall submit for
approval test procedures for review by Owner at least four (4) weeks before the test
concerned shall be carried out.
The test procedure shall include at least the following information:
● test schedule
● test purpose
● function to be tested
● applicable procedure
● references to all applicable project documentation and drawings
● test set up, including both hardware and software and the conditions for the test
● test inputs and outputs
● test data to be used to perform the test
● expected results
● acceptance / rejection criteria
The Supplier shall be responsible for performing the tests.
The Supplier shall maintain a complete record of the result of all tests. This record
shall be keyed to the steps enumerated in the previously approved test procedure.
The record shall include the following items:
● References to the appropriate section of the test plan,
● Description of any special test conditions or special action taken,
● Test result (pass/fail).
A copy of the test records shall be delivered to PLN at the conclusion of the test.
Test result will be evaluated by and will need the agreement of PLN. At disapproval
of a test that was attended by PLN, the repeat of the test shall be at the Supplier’s
expense, including cost of the client. At disapproval of a test that was attended by
PLN, the repeat of the test shall be at the Supplier’s expense, including costs of
PLN. It shall be the Supplier responsibility that all equipment delivered conform the
tests that have been prescribed and agreed upon.

6.2 System Testing

The supplier shall submit a test specification for factory acceptance test (FAT) and
commissioning tests of the SAS for approval. For the individual bay level IED's,
applicable Type Test certificates shall be submitted. The manufacturing phase of
the SAS shall be concluded by a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). The purpose is to
ensure that the Contractor has interpreted the specified requirements correctly.
The general philosophy shall be to deliver a system to site only after it has been
thoroughly tested and its specified performance has been verified with site
conditions simulated to the extent possible in a test lab. If the FAT involves only a
certain portion of the system for practical reasons, it has to be assured that this test
configuration contains at least one unit of each and every type of equipment
incorporated in the delivered system. If the complete system consists of parts from
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various suppliers or some parts are already installed at site, the FAT shall be limited
to sub-system tests. In such cases, the complete system test shall be performed at
site together with the Site Acceptance Test (SAT).

6.3 Type Test

The Supplier shall carry out all type tests called for this specification and as required
in the standards to obtain required performance data. PLN may waive the
requirements for type test called for in these specifications and / or specified in the
standards, provided the Supplier can submit results of tests on identical equipment
together with test certificates from an independent testing agency approved by PLN
and proof that the equipment covered by the test certificates as identical to the
equipment being supplied.
This is carried out to verify design characteristics. This may be performed on any
(sub) system and may concern hardware and/or software. Type tests shall have
been performed on every part of the SAS, also when modifications have been made
that might affect performance. If type test certificate is not available then type test
shall be performed on each type and rating of the specified equipment with the
purpose of proving its properties.

6.4 Workshop Tests

Representative of PLN shall have free entry into the shops of the Equipment
Supplier at any time while design, manufacturing, or testing of the equipment is
taking place and into any mill, shop, or factory were the hardware or software /
firmware described in this specification is being produced. The Supplier shall provide
to PLN, free of cost, all reasonable facilities, equipment, and documentation
necessary to satisfy the PLN that the SAS being manufactured in accordance with
the specifications. The inspection rights described above shall apply to facilities of
the Supplier or his sub-suppliers where the system is being manufactured. These
inspection rights shall not apply to the facilities of sub-suppliers supplying unit
components to the system supplier. Such items will be inspected and tested by PLN
at the manufacturing site. Inspections by PLN will be included visual examination of
the physical appearance of the hardware, cable dressings, and equipment and cable
labeling. Supplier documentation will also be examined to verify that it adequately
identifies and describes all system hardware, software, firmware and spare parts.
PLN shall have access to inspect the suppliers and supplier quality assurance
standards, procedures, and records, which are applicable to this project. Inspection
shall not relieve the supplier of responsibility for furnishing material and equipment
conforming to the requirements of the specifications nor shall such inspection
invalidate any claim, which PLN may make because of the defective or
unsatisfactory SAS hardware, software and firmware.

6.5 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

This test is performed to verify the performance of the system. FAT should be
derived in a condition close (as possible) to analogous site location (setup &
configuration through training). The complete SAS shall be tested, and witnessed
by Owner.
The test shall apply to all aspects of the system, including communication to other
system an all I/O and the complete processing of all events, alarms, measuring and
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other information. The routine tests shall be witnessed by PLN is called FAT. It is a
series of tests that shall confirm that is individual SAS has been correctly
manufactured and set up, that protection against electric shock is provided and that
functional requirements are met.
The following routine test shall also be performed during FAT:
● visual check for completeness,
● wiring check,
● test of conformity with IEC standards
● functional test of the individual system
● system test.
The Factory Acceptance Test shall test communication between all level of
equipments, include simulation test to the Control Centre and remote station.
The Supplier verifies the operation of the output devices in the I/O units and
simulates the correct response of the remote device.
The test boards may be used for one or more I/O units at a time and be moved as
FAT shall commence by switching on power to all equipment bootstrapping and
loading the software system for each computer terminal, verifying that each step is
properly described in the operating instruction manual the substation control system
shall be tested with all software loading and running.
The test shall include:
● Inventory check and inspection for general appearance, cabling drawing,
● Checks of proper functioning of all hardware, software and firmware by a through
exercise of all system functions
● An input overload test, in which all test inputs are changed simultaneously and
following which the system shall proceed with normal processing of data and
require no outside manipulation for return to normal operating conditions. (For
telemetry inputs, values shall be changed beyond the set alarm limit),
● Verification of compliance with operating speed requirements,
● Verification that orderly computer system shut-down procedures are initiated
following an interruption of the a.c. supply,
● Verification that system performance is not affected by a.c. power source
abnormalities involving voltage variations of ± 10%,
● Demonstration to PLN satisfaction that the control system and its components
parts meet all performance requirements of this specification and all
performance claims made by the Supplier. This demonstration shall include
verification of functional requirements, and verify that programs are not unduly
interdependent, and furthermore that incorrect manipulation via the man-
machine interface is properly identified and causes no system lockups,
● Test of all discrete input points,
● Test of all functions of IED protection, control and monitoring units
● Test of all control outputs,
● Test on bay interlock units,
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● Test on assembled interlocking system,

● Check of analogue accuracy, noise rejection and over voltage protection on all
analogue points,
● Test of SOE buffering, retrieval, and local logging,
● Test of equipment spare through substitution,
● Demonstration of techniques for changing a communications port to use another

6.6 Site Tests

6.6.1 General
On arrival and at completion of assembly, all items of equipment shall be inspected
and tested in order to check quality and being free from damage by the supplier.
The supplier shall endorse all site tests results submitted by PLN during installation
and the supplier’s representative shall attend commissioning and final acceptance
tests to endorse the procedure and the results. The site tests are subdivided into
four stages:
● Inspection Tests made by PLN after delivery of the equipment to stores or site
as directed by PLN and the Inspection certificate will be issued on the
satisfaction of PLN.
● Where appropriate inspection tests shall be conducted by PLN after required
assembly of the components delivered, in order to confirm that all components
of the equipment have been comprehensively provided and that all components
are compatible. PLN will inform the supplier of the inspection test methodology
and test results for his endorsement.
● Commissioning and site acceptance tests conducted by the supplier and
endorsed by PLN.

6.6.2 Tests during and after Completion of Erection

In order to ensure correct installation of the equipment as well to prove that the
equipment has been correctly installed, the following tests shall be performed during
and after completion of erection on all equipment.
a. Verification of proper and complete erection of all equipment;
b. Verification of proper d.c. supply voltage, connections to main distribution
frames, connections to earthing, fuses, labeling, diagnostic, functionality, and
applied software, etc;
c. Preliminary checking of operation;
This test will be undertaken by the Supplier and the methodology and test results
shall be endorsed by PLN.

6.6.3 Commissioning and Site Acceptance Tests

The main objective of the commissioning and site acceptance tests is to check the
proper and safe operation each of the equipment and in particular to verify and
confirm performance guarantees as defined in the Technical Specifications and the
Commissioning and site acceptance test shall be performed in accordance with a
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Detailed Commissioning Test Program prepared by PLN. For performance of the

test applicable approved standards IEC Publications shall be observed.
This test will be undertaken by the Supplier and the methodology and test results
shall be endorsed by PLN. The guarantee warranty period shall commence on the
issue of the commissioning test certificate.


The delivery shall contain a complete set of spare parts with the objective of 5-years
self-sufficiency in hardware maintenance (after the warranty period). The Contractor
shall offer the spare parts required in conformity with the availability requirements.
Spare parts offered shall cover all units included in the system to be delivered. The
Contractor shall calculate the MTBF per Functional Block and the spares provision
shall be based on this analysis.
The Contractor shall guarantee the obtain ability of all hardware components for 10
years running from the end of the warranty period and shall make available at no
cost to PLN the manufacturing drawings and rights to manufacture those
subassemblies which the manufacturer will not support, or discontinues support
thereafter. For each subassembly, the specific components supplied shall be
identified and referenced in the supplied documentation.
The Contractor shall include a complete list of spare parts with at least the following
● type and number of each unit
● total amount of units in the system
● either theoretical or empirical MTBF (applicable to conditions similar or worse
than that)
● part type number of original manufacturer
● supplier’s part number
● price
The Contractor shall include all least the following spare parts:
● A complete set of spare units. Minimum requirement is one piece of each unit or
card type.
● One lot of all special cables and sockets.
● At least 200% pieces of each type of fuse and 100% pieces of indication lamps.

The following documentation shall be provided for the system during the course of
the project and they shall be consistent, CAD supported, and of similar look/feel:
● List of Drawings Control Room Layout Assembly Drawing Single Line.
● Block Diagram.
● Circuit Diagram List of Apparatus List of Labels.
● Functional Design Specification (FDS).
● Test Specification and Report for Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).
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● Commissioning and Site Acceptance Test Report.

● Logic Diagram.
● List of Signals.
● Operator’s Manual Product Manuals.
● Calculation for power supply (rectifier, inverter, battery, UPS) requirement
The following documents shall be submitted for PLN approval during detailed
● System Architecture Drawing
● Hardware Specification
● Schematic Diagram
● Tele information Plan
● Tripping Matrix Protection
● Relay Setting Calculation
The following documentation to be provided for the system in the course of the
project shall be consistent, CAD supported, and of similar look/feel. All CAD
drawings to be provided in “dxf” format
● List of Drawings
● Substation automation system architecture
● Block Diagram
● Data base listings
● Guaranteed technical parameters, Functional Design Specification and
Guaranteed availability and reliability
● I/O Signal lists
● Schematic diagrams
● List of Apparatus
● List of Labels
● Logic Diagram (hardware & software)
● Kiosk layout drawing
● Control Building Lay-out
● Test Specification for Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
● Product Manuals
● Assembly Drawing
● Operator’s Manual
● Programming manuals
● Library manuals for programming elements
● Training programs
● Complete documentation of implemented protocols between various elements

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● Listing of software and loadable in Flash Disk

● Other documents as may be required during detailed engineering
● The Configuration Files:
− ICD (IED Capability Description)
− SSD (System Specification Description)
− SCD (Substation Configuration Description)
− CID (Configure IED Description)
The relevant software licenses registered on behalf of PLN.
Two sets of hard copy and four sets of Flash disk containing all the as built
documents/drawings shall be provided.
All system hardware and software “as built” documentation and application
hardware and software documentation shall be provided in the English language.

9.1 General
Contractor shall arrange on its own cost all hardware and software training platform
required for successful training and understanding in Indonesia. All training
expenses including all necessary transport and accommodation of trainee shall be
included in the contract price. Each trainee shall receive individual copies (hard and
soft) of all technical manuals and all other training documents.
These materials shall be sent to Owner at least one month before the scheduled
commencement of the particular training course. Those materials and handouts,
including documents shall become the property of PLN. PLN reserves the right to
copy such materials for in-house training and hands-on training shall utilize
equipment identic to that being supplied to PLN.
For all training courses, the travel (e.g., airfare) and per-diem expenses will be borne
by the Contractor. The Contractor shall quote training prices individually for each of
the courses.
Owner will have the option to cancel any or all-training courses. In the case of
cancellation, the rate quoted against the respective course will not be paid to the
The schedule, location, and detailed contents of each course will be finalized during
Owner and Contractor discussions.

9.2 Content of training

The Contractor shall provide a Substation Automation System course for PLN
Engineers that covers the following subjects:
● Overview Substation Automation System
● Basic SAS Standard IEC 61850 process and implementation
● Typical and applied system architecture
● Hardware and software component

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● Software tools configuration and operation

● HMI system, Scada Gateway and Ethernet Switch
● Communication protocol to Control Centre i.e IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-
● Inter IED communication using GOOSE
● Data mapping for Scada Gateway
● Data acquisition processing and configurate IED I/O
● Setting and modification parameter of IED Control and Protection
● Practical training an example configuration
● Basic of system fault diagnosis, test and diagnostic tools
9.3 Training Program
Training program consist of:
● Engineer Automation and Protection training at Vendor site or PLN Office. For
personnel and time duration follow BOQ.
● Operator Automation and Protection at project site. For personnel and time
duration follow BOQ. The training program for operator Automation and
Protection are part of training item stated in Clause 5.16.2 above, the detail will
be discussed with PLN during Design Stage.


All A.C. supplied required for SAS equipment shall be powered by UPS equipment
as specified elsewhere in this bidding document.


All of hardware of substation automation system (Server, Server HMI, GPS,
gateway, modem) shall be installed at telecommunication room on separate rack
with the telecommunication hard wares, excluding of HMI monitor shall be installed
at operator desk of substation control.

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TSS 15: Low Voltage Power Cables, Control Cables and Accessories



ACCESSORIE ............................................................................................................ 2
1. LOW VOLTAGE POWER CABLES .......................................................................... 2
1.1. General...................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Standards ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3. Technical Requirements ......................................................................................... 3
2. CONTROL CABLES .................................................................................................. 3
2.1. General...................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Standards ................................................................................................................. 4
2.3. Technical Requirements ......................................................................................... 4
3. TESTS AND INSPECTION OF CABLES .................................................................. 4
3.1. Type Tests ................................................................................................................ 4
3.2. Factory Inspection and Testing .............................................................................. 4
4. PACKING AND SHIPPING OF CABLES .................................................................. 5
5. CABLE ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................ 5
5.1. Compression Terminals .......................................................................................... 5
5.2. Wire Connectors ...................................................................................................... 5
5.3. Inspection and Testing for Accessories ................................................................ 6

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 15: Low Voltage Power Cables, Control Cables and Accessories




1.1. General

All low voltage cables and accessories required for the correct and full operation of
the specified scope of work shall be supplied under this Contract.

The quantities of low voltage cables and accessories supplied shall be estimated
and Contractors shall include in their Tender details of all cables allowed.
Contractors may visit the sites to obtain further information if necessary.

The scope of supply shall include all cables, cable supports, cable racks and
ladders, cable ties and other necessary items.

The requirement of cables and accessories shall comply with Technical Particular
and Guarantee (TPG) attached in Bidding Document – Book I.

1.2. Standards

The cables shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest edition
of the relevant IEC Publications and where egual to or better than IEC,
supplemented by the latest edition of internationally recognized national standards.

The Standards concerned are:

Peraturan Umum Instalasi Listrik 2011

SNI IEC 60502-1 Kabel daya dengan insulasi terekstrusi dan
lengkapannya untuk voltase pengenal dari 1 kV (Um =
1,2 kV) sampai dengan 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) – Bagian 1:
Kabel untuk voltase pengenal 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) dan 3
kV (Um = 3,6 kV)

SPLN S5.005-1 Spesifikasi Peralatan Remote Station Bagian 1:


SPLN 43-1 Kabel Tanah Berisolasi dan Berselubung PVC

Tegangan Pengenal 0,6/1 kV (NYY/NAYY)

SPLN 43-2 Kabel Tanah Berisolasi dan Berselubung PVC

Berperisai Kawat Baja atau Aluminum Tegangan
Pengenal 0,6/1 kV

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 15: Low Voltage Power Cables, Control Cables and Accessories

1.3. Technical Requirements

The cables shall be rated for 600/1000 V and of the single core type with annealed
copper conductor and extruded solid dielectric insulation. The cables shall have PVC
insulation cover and PVC sheath.

The cables shall be laid in cable ducts (outdoor) or on cable racks inside substation
buildings. The continuous current rating of cables (100% load factor) will be given
for an ambient temperature of 40oC.

The cables are composed of:

a. A conductor of circular shape made of stranded annealed copper wires.
b. Over the conductor, a PVC insulating layer; this layer must be easily removable
from the conductor.
c. An outer PVC protective sheath of black colour over the insulation.

The PVC protection sheath shall be indelibly marked, preferably by means of

embossed characters, in accordance with the following designations:
- P.L.N.
- The manufacturer's brand,
- The reference standards,
- A mark enabling identification of each manufacturing batch as well as the year
of manufacture,
- The number, cross section and material of the conductors,
- The insulation voltage,
- The type of insulation material (PVC or XLPE).
Marking shall have sufficient magnitude in relation to the diameter of the cable so as
to be easily read. The spacing between two successive groups of markings shall not
exceed 50 cm.


2.1. General

All control cables and accessories required for the correct and full operation of the
specified scope of work shall be included in this contract.
The required quantities of control cables and accessories supplied shall be
estimated and Contractors shall include in their Tender details of all cables allowed.
Contractors may visit the sites to obtain further information if necessary.
The scope of supply shall include all cables, cable supports, cable racks and
ladders, cable ties and all necessary auxiliary items.
PVC insulated and termite proof PVC sheated control cable with copper tape
electrostatic shielding (CUV - S) shall be offered.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 15: Low Voltage Power Cables, Control Cables and Accessories

2.2. Standards

The control cables shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest
edition of the relevant IEC Publications and where equal to or better than IEC
supplemented by the latest edition of internationally recognized national standards.

Peraturan Umum Instalasi Listrik 2011

SNI IEC 60502-1 Kabel daya dengan insulasi terekstrusi dan
lengkapannya untuk voltase pengenal dari 1 kV (Um =
1,2 kV) sampai dengan 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) – Bagian 1:
Kabel untuk voltase pengenal 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) dan 3
kV (Um = 3,6 kV)
SPLN S5.005-1 Spesifikasi Peralatan Remote Station Bagian 1:
SPLN 43-4 Kabel Tanah Berisolasi dan Berselubung PVC dengan
Penghantar Konsentris Tembaga Tegangan Penegnal
0,6/1 kV (NYCY/NAYCY)

2.3. Technical Requirements

The colour of the core shall be selected according to PLN Standard SPLN 43 or
Fillers may not be applied when unnecessary. A suitable binding tape may be
applied between the two layers.
The copper tape shielding shall be made up by the copper tape wrapping of
approximately thickness following the Technical Particular and Guarantee.
The manufacturer's name or its abbreviation and the year of manufacture shall be
indicated with a suitable method on the cables.
Chemicals for protection of the cables against termite shall be added to the sheath
of the control cables, and the cables shall be flame retardant.


3.1. Type Tests

For each cable type the Contractor shall present together with the Tender type test
certificates in accordance with IEC 60502. issued by an internationally recognized
independent testing authority. Only cables having passed such type tests will be

3.2. Factory Inspection and Testing

The result of factory routine and acceptance tests shall be submitted by Contractor
in accordance with the provisions of the relevant IEC standards supplemented by
the specific requirements indicated hereafter. In the absence of IEC
recommendations, the tests must be equivalent at least to conditions, provisions and
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 15: Low Voltage Power Cables, Control Cables and Accessories

definitions set out in one of the internationally recognized or national standards.

The acceptance tests shall include the following:

a. Visual examination.
b. Check of dimensions and construction:
- number and diameter of wires,
- diameter and cross section of conductor.
c. Measurement of the electrical resistance of conductor.
d. Measurement of thickness of insulation and sheath.
e. Measurement of ultimate tensile strength.
f. High Voltage test for 9 hours.


Cables shall be delivered on non-returnable drums.

A tolerance of +15 metres is permitted on each drum. The tolerance however can
not be used to determine the number of drums.
Cables shall be placed on reels having drum diameter sufficiently large so that the
bending will not unduly modify the physical properties of the cables.
The cables shall be protected in ordinary handling and shipping.
Each reel shall have the following data printed on metallic tag strongly attached:
- Cross section of cable,
- Length of cable,
- Net weight,
- Gross weight,
- Manufacturer's name.


5.1. Compression Terminals

The compression terminals shall be designed, manufactured and tested in

accordance with the relevant standards or equivalent.
The compression terminals shall be made of tinned coated copper plate, and shall
be provided with translucent PVC tube or equivalent.
5.2. Wire Connectors

Wire connectors shall be made of tinned coated copper tube or plate, and shall be
provided with translucent PVC tube or equivalent. These wire connectors shall be of
compression type similar to the compression terminal.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 15: Low Voltage Power Cables, Control Cables and Accessories

5.3. Inspection and Testing for Accessories

The following inspection and tests shall be conducted:

a. Visual examination of appearance
b. Verification of dimensions
c. Mechanical test
d. Compression test.
e. Measurement of conductive resistance.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 16: Substation Earthing System


TSS 16: SUBSTATION EARTHING SYSTEM....................................................................2

1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................2

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 16: Substation Earthing System



The equipment/materials shall conform to the latest applicable standards of

sponsor organizations not limited to the followings:
- SPLN T5.012:2020 : Pembumian Pada Gardu Induk dan Jaringan
- IEEE Std 80 : IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation
- IEEE Std 81 : IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity,
Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground Systems
Electrical measurement of the subsoil at various depths, shall be made at
the site of the substation from which the ground resistivity and hence the expected
resistance of the proposed earth grid system may be predicted.
The earthing system shall comprise a mesh grid, formed by flexible
conductor buried directly in the ground, and arranged so as to utilize fully the
available site area. A continuous conductor shall be laid outside the periphery of the
substation site following detail specification on Technical Particular and Guarantee.
A mesh system shall be formed by interconnection if various points of the perimeter
conductor. The spacing between conductors forming the mesh system shall be such
as to limit the maximum mesh potential to a value not greater than the maximum
tolerable touch potential assuming a fault clearance time equal to that of the main
protective gear being provided.
Typical surface material resistivity, chosen washed granite similar type gravel with
resistivity values and the highest layer from surface values refer to Technical
Particular and Guarantee.
The earth system shall be designed so as to include all terminal steel
structures, which shall be earthed. The metal substation fence immediately below
any overhead line entering or leaving the site should be bonded to the earth system
at that location.
The design of earth grid over the area occupied by switchgears and
associated apparatus shall be based on a maximum grid spacing following the
Technical Particular and Guarantee.
The location of the mesh conductors shall be such as to enable all items of
equipment to be connected to the earth system via the shortest possible route.
Measurements of ground resistivity shall be made by the appointed
Contractor. For tendering purposes, this value depends on measurements of ground
resistivity each location
Single connections between equipment and system can carry the total short
circuit current, but the cross sectional area of branch connections may be reduced
to take account of current distribution in two or more conductors.
A distribution of fault current division factor shall follow the Technical
Particular and Guarantee, i.e. The cross sectional area of branch connections may

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 16: Substation Earthing System

be reduced to 60 % of the corresponding single conductor. The design of the

substation earthing system fault current level shall be based on a fault rating as
mentioned in Technical Particular and Guarantee.
The value Step and Touch voltage design is lower than the limit with a value of mesh
grounding resistance of the switchyard values and considering weight as mentioned
in Technical Particular and Guarantee.
The use of earth plates as current carrying electrodes is not acceptable).
Metal parts of all equipment, other than those forming part of an electrical
circuit shall be connected directly to the main earth system via a single conductor.
The arrangement of the mesh earth system shall be such as a o minimize the length
of these single connections.
Earthing for high frequency coupling equipment and surge diverters shall be
via a copper rod driven directly into the ground at a position immediately adjacent
to the equipment being earthed in addition to the normal earth connection.
All main members of structural steelwork shall be earthed by copper
connections bonded to the steelwork.
Connections to apparatus and structures shall be made clear of ground
level, preferably to a vertical face and protected against electrolytic corrosion.
Mesh grid made of Bare Copper Conductor (BCC) and all connected
conductor to the grid shall be connected with Exothermic welding method. Mesh
grid installed directly into the ground should normally be laid bare and filled with a
same top soil. Where the soil is of a hostile nature, precautions must be taken to
protect the mesh grid.
Where bolted joints are used in copper connections they shall have the joint
faces tinned or bimetal connection.
A facility shall be provided on the earth bar run between, the equipment and
the base of the structure, comprising a looped copper strip, so as to permit the
attachment of portable earth connections for maintenance purposes.
After installation of the earth system the Contractor shall measure the
resistance of the substation following the criteria as mentioned in Technical
Particular and Guarantee.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 21: Marshalling Kiosk


TSS 21: MARSHALLING KIOSK........................................................................................2

1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................2

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 21: Marshalling Kiosk



Enclosures for electrical apparatus are to afford the following degrees of

protection clacified in IEC.60529.
For each circuit bay an outdoor marshalling cubicle or kiosk shall be provided
for the marshalling of all ancillary equipment cabling associated with the circuit, e.g.
bus bar selector and line isolating switches, current and voltage transformers, etc.
to be routed via trunk multi core cables to remote control and relay panels.
Kiosk shall be provided with the necessary terminal blocks, cable gland
plates, etc, for termination of multicore cables.
The kiosk shall be free standing and weatherproof and vermin proof sheet
construction and shall be of at least IP 54 protection class.
All fastenings shall be integral the doors and provision made for locking.
Doors shall be rigid and fitted with weatherproof sealing materials suitable for the
climatic condition as specified.
The kiosk shall be well ventilated through vermin proof louvers comprising a brass
gauge screen attached to a frame and secured the inside of the cubicle.
Any division between compartments within the cubicles shall be perforated to assist
circulation. In addition, an anti-condensation heater of an approved type shall be
provided and controlled by a single pole switch-mounted within the cubicle.
All mean equipment shall be arranged so that it is accessible from the front
of the box or kiosk.
Any type test report, certificates, manual and drawings for marshalling kiosks
shall be submitted by manufacturer.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 22: Minimum Acceptable Site Test and Commisioning


1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................1
2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR TESTS .....................................................................................1
3 WITNESS OF THE TESTS .............................................................................................1
4 DOCUMENTS BEFORE CARRYING OUT THE TESTS ...............................................1
5 SITE TESTS ...................................................................................................................2
6 COMMISSIONING ..........................................................................................................2
7 EXPENDITURE FOR TESTS .........................................................................................3

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 22: Minimum Acceptable Site Test and Commisioning




The scope of work covered by this Contract shall be tested at site.

Existing equipment which was modified or affected by the execution of works
under this contract shall also be tested and recommissioned accordingly to ensure
the function of the overall system.
In case PLN request any additional test, not specified or requested in these
specifications, with the aim to give evidence about the performance of specified
material, equipment, portion of the works or the Works.


The full responsibility for all tests lays principally by the Contractor. All
actions in relation to the tests (switching, live tests etc.) are carried out by PLN or
other institution appointed by PLN under the sole responsibility of the Contractor,
including operation certificate issued from Government (Direktorat Jenderal
Ketenagalistrikan, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral).


PLN may witness the tests and may make spot check during tests. PLN is
to be duly informed prior to the tests to be carried out.


The Contractor shall submit all Documents to PLN according to test

procedure of PLN Pusertif; at least 3 months prior to the Tests to be carried out.
The Contractor shall forward to PLN the following documents, information
and schedules in duplicate:
a. For material to be tested: A detailed list of the materials with technical
b. For Equipment, Portion of Works or Works to be tested: Complete instructions
and maintenance-manuals with technical description of the interesting parts of
the equipment, portion of Works or Works.
c. A test program indicating and describing in detail the different steps to be taken
and the tests to be carried out.
d. A detailed list of instruments and test equipment to be used during the tests with
technical description of these instruments and equipment, especially of the
accuracy of the test instruments and test methods he will apply.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 22: Minimum Acceptable Site Test and Commisioning

e. A detailed description of the test arrangement (if applicable), including special

switching connections, wiring diagrams and disconnection required for the tests,
and eventually required H.V supply. Power sources from the existing
installations required for the tests will be provided by PLN.
f. Name and position of the Contractor and PLN representation responsible for the
g. Time schedule for the tests.
If these documents are not complete at the satisfaction of PLN at least one
month before the tests, the tests may be postponed at the request of PLN until the
complete documentation are available.


All site tests shall be carried out according to the relevant Indonesian
regulations, IEC recommendations, and other internationally recognized equivalent
standards. Types of testing that are not covered by the standard may follow other
applicable regulations/relevant provisions.
Before the plant is subjected to the actual live tests (site acceptance tests)
general check on completion and tests on operation suitability of the individual
materials, equipment and portion of works are to be carried out.
Unacceptable site test results will be discussed between PLN and the
manufacturer so that the FAT can be repeated or rejected.


Commissioning is carried out by Contractor following applicable regulations

or standards and commissioning ends until the commissioning technical report is
issued. After the site tests (offline condition) are completed successfully and the
respective test reports are signed and issued, Rekomendasi Layak Bertegangan
(RLB) letter will be issued, then the energized test (online condition) shall be
continued, i.e. connected to the existing system in operation and the Trial Operation
will start. All pending items related to the energized test must be completed before
the RLB letter is issued.
The countersign of RLB letter by PLN does not release the Contractor of his
full responsibilities and obligations according to the Contract. The commissioning
technical report shall consist of test reports that describe in detail the performed
tests and indicate the reached values.
After the RLB letter is issued, the Contractor is responsible for assisting PLN
until the issuance of a Sertifikat Laik Operasi (SLO). All pending post-test repair
items must be completed by Contractor before the issuance of SLO.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 22: Minimum Acceptable Site Test and Commisioning


All costs and expenditures for all tests, for works and actions in relation to
the tests, for the required test arrangements, for test instruments and equipment (to
be provided by the Contractor), for issue and delivery of test certificates and copies,
for the Contractor's personnel required for the tests etc. are at the Contractor's
Additional cost resulting from additional test requested by PLN have to be
borne by PLN.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation



1. UMUM 1
3.1. Pekerjaan Survey Topografi 2
3.2. Penyelidikan Tanah 2

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation


Spesifikasi teknis berikut berlaku untuk gardu induk AIS level tegangan 150 kV. Pada
rencana area Gardu Induk ini harus dilakukan pekerjaan survey topografi dan penyelidikan
tanah oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, dengan hasil sebagaimana tertera dalam Dokumen
Pengadaan (skala 1:200).
Penyedia barang/jasa harus menyediakan dan menjaga patok Bench Mark (BM) saat
pelaksanaan pekerjaan. Survey topografi harus dilaksanakan pada ketinggian aktual dan
ketinggian rencana (level 0.00). Titik ikat tersebut harus jelas agar dapat digunakan untuk
menentukan pekerjaan tanah yang perlu dilakukan (galian atau timbunan).
Penyedia Barang/Jasa, Direksi Pekerjaan dan Pengawas Pekerjaan melakukan
pemeriksaan bersama terhadap hasil survey topografi (termasuk gambar layout tampak
atas, gambar potongan, lengkap dengan detail informasi kontur) serta melakukan
penyelidikan tanah sebelum melaksanakan pekerjaan utama dan setelah pekerjaan tanah
selesai (untuk validasi hasil pekerjaan tanah).

Kecuali dinyatakan lain dalam syarat-syarat teknis ini, standar berikut (mengacu pada edisi
terakhir) secara khusus yang digunakan berlaku untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan namun tidak
terbatas pada:
ASTM D 3441 : DCPT
ASTM D 1452 : Soil Investigation and Sampling (Deep Boring)
ASTM D 1587 : Pengambilan Sampel Tanah Tidak Terganggu (Undisturbed
ASTM D 854 : Laboratory test (Specific Gravity)
ASTM D 422 : Sieve Analysis Mechanical Grain Size and Hydrometer
ASTM D 2216 : Moisture Content
ASTM D 2166 : Unconfined Compression Strength Test
ASTM D 2435 : Consolidation Test
ASTM D 2850 : Triaxial Compression Test
ASTM D 423 & D 424 : Liquid, Plastic Limit & Plasticity Index
SNI 19-6724-2002 : Jaring Kontrol Horizontal
SNI 19-6988-2004 : Jaring Kontrol Vertikal dengan Metode Sipat Datar
SNI – 8460 – 2017 : Persyaratan Perancangan Geoteknik
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation

SNI – 2436 – 2008 : Tata Cara Pencatatan dan Identifikasi Hasil Pengeboran Inti
SNI – 4153 – 2008 : Cara Uji Penetrasi Lapangan dengan SPT
SNI – 2827 – 2008 : Cara Uji Penetrasi dengan Alat Sondir

Lingkup pekerjaan mencakup pengadaan jasa dan peralatan kerja serta material lainnya
untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan survey topografi dan penyelidikan tanah sebelum pekerjaan
pembangunan gardu induk (termasuk pekerjaan pada area switchyard dan control building).
Sebelum pekerjaan dimulai, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melakukan hal-hal sebagai
1) Memahami keadaan lapangan, akses jalan pengangkutan material, dan peralatan
yang akan digunakan.
2) Mempersiapkan base camp dan tempat penyimpanan peralatan / material.
3) Mempersiapkan izin-izin yang diperlukan.
Lingkup pekerjaan yang termasuk dalam Spesifikasi Teknik ini meliputi:

3.1. Pekerjaan Survey Topografi

Pekerjaan survey meliputi pekerjaan survey topografi pengecekan terhadap untuk
menghasilkan gambar layout tampak atas (Layout Drawing) dan gambar potongan (Section
drawing) lengkap dengan informasi garis kontur. Hasil survey harus dicocokan dengan
kondisi lapangan dan disepakati bersama antara Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa. Referensi untuk pekerjaan survey terdapat pada bagian gambar/drawing
dalam dokumen kontrak.

3.2. Penyelidikan Tanah

Pada pelaksanaan survey Penyedia Barang/Jasa diwajibkan melaksanakan penyelidikan
tanah (soil investigation) berdasarkan hasil check survey tersebut dan mendapatkan
persetujuan Direksi Pekerjaan. Secara umum pekerjaan penyelidikan tanah ini meliputi:
a) Sondir (Dutch Cone Penetration)
Sondir (Dutch Cone Penetration) dilaksanakan dengan minimal jumlah titik pengujian
sesuai SNI – 8460 – 2017 Persyaratan Perancangan Geoteknik dan mengacu pada daftar
kuantitas dan harga (BOQ). Pekerjaan ini dihentikan setelah mencapai qc = 200 kg/cm².
Apabila tidak mencapai qc = 200 kg/cm², maka sondir dilakukan sampai dengan kedalaman
maksimal 25 m.
Hasil pengujian sondir berupa :
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation

1. Tekanan Conus (qc) dalam kg/cm2

2. Hambatan Lekat (Lf) dalam kg/cm2
3. Jumlah Hambatan Lekat (Tf) dalam kg/cm
Data-data sondir tersebut diatas dibuat dalam bentuk daftar grafik yang menunjukan
kedalaman tanah, tekanan conus hambatan lekat dan jumlah hambatan lekat di setiap
interval kedalaman 20 cm. Selain itu juga dibuat Analisis data sondir lapangan dengan
Description Cart (SCHMERTMANN, 1969).

b) Pekerjaan Boring dan N-SPT

Pekerjaan Boring dan N-SPT perlu dilakukan untuk melengkapi hasil pekerjaan sondir.
Pengujian laboratorium untuk sampel tanah dari hasil boring berupa parameter index
properties dan engineering properties (bila diperlukan). Pekerjaan Boring akan dihentikan
apabila menemukan tanah keras (N-SPT ≥ 50) sebanyak 3 kali berturut-turut atau hingga
mencapai kedalaman 20 meter.
Pekerjaan boring dan N-SPT dilakukan untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi tanah dari
daerah yang akan diselidiki, dengan cara sebagai berikut :
1. Mendeskripsikan hasil contoh lapisan tanah dan inti bantuan yang terambil dari
lubang bor untuk penggambaran kondisi Geologi.
2. Melakukan insitu test pada lubang bor yaitu SPT setiap kedalaman 2 meter.
3. Pengambilan contoh tanah pada lubang bor untuk diperiksa di laboratorium
Mekanika Tanah.
4. Menentukan Bearing Capacity individu dan rata-rata pada area switchyard dan
control building.

c) Pekerjaan Laboratorium
Pekerjaan Laboratorium dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menguji contoh tanah atau batuan.
Titik-titik yang akan dibor meliputi area switchyard dan control building atau akan
ditentukan kemudian oleh Direksi/Pengawas Pekerjaan.
Contoh tanah/batuan yang terambil dari lubang bor dimasukkan kedalam core box dan
disusun sesuai kedalaman dan diberi kode kemudian ditutup dan disimpan ditempat yang
aman atau sesuai petunjuk Direksi Pekerjaan. Lingkup pekerjaan ini meliputi:
I.Undisturbed Sampling (UDS)
Pengambilan contoh UDS dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel di kedalaman 5 m, 10 m,
15 m dan 20 m.
Ketentuan-ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi pada waktu pengambilan contoh tanah adalah :
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation

1. Dasar lubang bor dimana akan diambil contoh harus bersih dari sisa pemboran
2. Ujung bawah tabung pada saat itu harus berada pada dasar lubang bor untuk
menghindarkan adanya longsoran-longsoran pada dasar lubang dan sisa pemboran
3. Segera setelah lubang bor bersih, tabung contoh tanah tak terganggu (undisturbed)
diambil dengan menekan kedalam tanah dengan tekanan hidrolik.
4. Penekanan harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati, terus menerus (continue/single
movement) dan perlahan. Setelah tabung contoh selesai ditekan kedalam tanah,
hendaknya dibiarkan dahulu selama beberapa menit untuk memberi kesempatan
terjadinya perlekatan antara tanah dengan permukaan dinding tabung melalui katup
(hall valve) terdapat pada kepala tabung (Connector head). Tidak diperkenan
menekan tabung dengan pukulan.
5. Tabung ditarik dari dalam tanah, tabung harus diputar untuk melepaskan tabung
bersama isinya dari tanah dan kemudian diangkat dari lubang bor. Setelah tabung
diambil kemudian ditutup parafin pada kedua ujungnya untuk mencegah terjadinya
6. Standar pengujian untuk uji Laboratorium contoh tanah meliputi :
1. Index Properties :
● Moisture Content (ɷ)
● Berat isi (γ)
● Berat Jenis (Gs)
● Atterberg Limit (LL,PL,SL)
● Analisa Butir (Sieve Analysis)
2. Engineering Properties :
● Triaxial Compression Test UU (Unconsolidated Undrain) dan CD/CU (c,ϕ) :
ASTM D-2850-83

II.Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

Standard Penetration Test dilakukan untuk mendapatkan daya dukung tanah (N) secara
empiris pada setiap titik lubang tanah rencana pondasi supporting structure dan control
building. Uji SPT harus dilakukan setiap interval kedalaman atau setiap perubahan jenis
tanah. Peralatan yang dipergunakan :
1. Palu (hammer) berat 140 lb.
2. Tabung SPT dengan diameter dalam 1 3/8 inch, diameter luar 2 inch, panjang 25
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation

Pelaksanaan :
1. Sebelum melakukan percobaan SPT, casing harus diturunkan sampai dasar
lubang pengambilan undisturbed sample, lubang kemudian dibersihkan dari sisa-
sisa pengeboran dan tanah yang ada di dasar lubang.
2. Tes dilakukan dengan cara memukul (knocking block) dengan palu jatuh bebas
pada ketinggian 75 cm, dan jumlah pukulan dihitung pada setiap kemajuan 15
cm, bilamana untuk kemajuan sedalam 30 cm, jumlah pukulan (N-Blow) yang
diperoleh lebih dari 60 kali, maka pelaksanaan dihentikan.

d) Sumuran Uji (Test Pit)

Pelaksanaan Sumuran Uji (Test Pit) dilakukan pada lokasi yang tidak dapat dilakukan
Sondir (DCPT) atau pada saat akan melakukan pekerjaan penggalian tanah untuk pondasi
supporting structure dan control building. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi
tanah secara visual dan memperoleh gambaran lapisan/tekstur tanah bagian bawah
permukaan tanah dari daerah yang akan diselidiki dan untuk membuat kesepakatan enjinir
yang diputuskan dalam berita acara pemeriksaan lubang pondasi untuk menentukan
tipe/kelas pondasi, dengan mengambil data sebagai berikut :
1. Mendeskripsikan hasil contoh tekstur tanah/bantuan yang diambil dan dilakukan
oleh seorang Geologis ahli pada bidangnya.
2. Melakukan Interpretasi (pandangan teoritis) besaran Bearing Capacity (qc)
lapisan tanah sebagai dasar pondasi tower dengan melakukan insitu test visual
oleh seorang Geologis ahli pada bidangnya.
3. Menentukan tipe pondasi yang akan dipergunakan sebagai pondasi tower sesuai
gambar referensi kontrak.
4. Sumuran uji dibuat dengan dimensi tertentu minimal 1x1 m2 dengan kedalaman
minimal 2 meter dan digali secara manual.

Kegiatan Test Pit ini akan dihentikan bila :

1. Menjumpai batuan keras/dasar yang tidak mungkin dilakukan penggalian secara
2. Dinding sumur selalu runtuh walaupun sudah dilakukan pencegahan dengan
papan pengaman.
3. Menjumpai rembesan air dengan debit yang besar.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation

Adapun laporan akhir dan laporan akhir final yang harus diberikan secara garis besar berisi
laporan dan ketentuan penggambaran, yaitu terdiri dari :
1. Cara dan metode pelaksanaan survey harus detail, dilengkapi dengan tingkat
ketelitiannya sesuai dengan standar SNI 19-6724-2002 dan SNI 19-6988-2004.
2. Sebelum penggambaran dilaksanakan, semua data ukur dan data hitungan
harus diperiksa oleh Direksi Pekerjaan dan penggambarannya dilakukan
sesudah data tersebut dilakukan pemeriksaan/verifikasi dan evaluasi bersama
untuk mendapatkan persetujuan dari Direksi Pekerjaan, hasil penyelesaian
tahapan pekerjaan yang telah disetujui dituangkan dalam BA penyelesaian
pekerjaan sesuai item pekerjaan yang telah diselesaikan.
3. Dalam penggambaran titik-titik koordinat posisi objek harus menggunakan
sistem koordinat dan sama sekali tidak dibenarkan dengan cara azimuth.
4. Kelengkapan gambar peta meliputi :
i.Nomor lembar peta
ii.Judul gambar
iii.Sistem proyeksi peta
5. Gambar final pada peta topografi dan gambar desain sagging harus
ditandatangani/diparaf pelaksana pekerjaan dari Direksi Pekerjaan.
6. Peta hasil survey topografi harus digabungkan dengan peta situasi.
7. Gambar tampak atas (layout drawing) Skala 1 : 50.000.
8. Garis kontur disajikan tiap 5 m, selebihnya disajikan tiap 1 m dengan skala
9. Gambar profil potongan (section) atau diagonal profil adalah berdasarkan hasil
studi topografi di lapangan, Vertikal skala 1 : 400 dan Horizontal skala 1 : 2000
10. Diagonal profil di gambar dengan skala horizontal 1 : 100 dan vertikal 1:100
ukuran A1.
11. Gambar tampak atas dan gambar profil potongan di print dalam A3, lengkap
dengan: informasi dan gambar peralatan pada area switchyard, gantry
switchyard, jarak-jarak, lokasi tower akhir (dead end) terhadap line bay atau
diameter, lokasi gedung-gedung, tinggi peralatan, tinggi gantry dan tinggi
control building, jalan, drainase informasi kontur (garis kontur dan ketinggian

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS T.23: Topography Survey and Soil Investigation

12. Deskripsi BM masing-masing pada area gardu induk dan BM GPS referensi
disajikan dalam A4
13. Gambar Profil Potongan (Section) skala 1:100 dalam ukuran A1
14. Seluruh gambar/peta digambarkan dalam skala horisontal 1 : 1000 dan 1 : 2000
dengan skala vertikal 1 : 400 ukuran kertas A0 (atau skala lainnya yang
dianggap lebih jelas) dan digambar juga dalam skala horizontal & vertikal 1 : 1
15. Semua objek lapangan (rumah, pohon, tiang dan lainnya) harus dipetakan dan
memiliki nilai ketinggian sesuai di lapangan.
16. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberikan rekomendasi, kesimpulan dan saran
untuk hasil survei ini.
17. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberikan laporan dan rekomendasi terkait
hasil penyelidikan tanah yang meliputi data sondir dan boring.
18. Gambar beserta informasi lengkap termasuk volumenya untuk pekerjaan galian
dan timbunan
19. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberikan rekomendasi terkait perkuatan dan
perlindungan (seperti dinding penahan tanah) beserta volumenya untuk area
gardu induk dari potensi gangguan external.
20. Dokumentasi umum harus dalam ukuran kertas A4.
21. Data-data hasil pekerjaan survei disampaikan dalam bentuk hardcopy asli dan
softcopy masing-masing 3 set (cetak) dan 3 set (softcopy).
22. Semua data raw survei dan proses pengolahan dalam bentuk softcopy harus
disertakan, serta disebutkan referensi software untuk mengolah datanya.
23. Lampiran dan brosur lengkap dari peralatan yang dipakai selama
menyelesaikan survei pekerjaan ini.
24. Foto-foto Kondisi Tanah dan Batuan.
25. Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak untuk menambahkan point-point yang harus
ada dalam laporan akhir selama pelaksanaan survei berlangsung dan atau
setelah evaluasi laporan akhir dilaksanakan.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings


a. TSS 24: CIVIL WORKS BUILDINGS ............................................................................ 1

1. General Requirements.................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Scope of Works ...................................................................................................1
1.2. Standards ............................................................................................................1
1.3. Related Technical Specification .......................................................................... 2
1.4. Materials ..............................................................................................................2
1.5. Workmanship....................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Samples...............................................................................................................3
1.7. Tests ....................................................................................................................3
2. Topographic Survey and Soil investigation ................................................................... 3
3. Design...........................................................................................................................3
3.1. Structure ..............................................................................................................3
3.2. Foundation...........................................................................................................4
3.3. Lighting ................................................................................................................4
3.4. Air Conditioning and Ventilation .......................................................................... 4
3.5. Fire Protection and Fire Fighting System ............................................................ 5
3.6. Plumbing..............................................................................................................5
3.7. Electrical Installation ............................................................................................ 5
3.8. Lightning Protection ............................................................................................. 5
4. MORTAR ......................................................................................................................5
4.1. Material ................................................................................................................5
4.1.1. Cement .................................................................................................. 5
4.1.2. Aggregate .............................................................................................. 5
4.1.3. Water .....................................................................................................5
4.2. Mixing ..................................................................................................................6
4.3. Grades .................................................................................................................6
4.4. Uses of Grades....................................................................................................6
5. Masonry Works .............................................................................................................6
5.1. Brick Wall Masonry .............................................................................................. 6
5.1.1. General .................................................................................................. 6
5.1.2. Materials ................................................................................................ 6
5.1.3. Mortar ....................................................................................................7
5.1.4. Bricks Masonry Laying .......................................................................... 7
5.1.5. Provisions for Other Works .................................................................... 7

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
5.1.6. Plaster Finish ......................................................................................... 7
5.1.7. Curing ....................................................................................................7
5.1.8. Protection .............................................................................................. 7
5.2. Stone Masonry ....................................................................................................7
5.2.1. General .................................................................................................. 8
5.2.2. Materials ................................................................................................ 8
5.2.3. Mortar ....................................................................................................8
6. BEAM, COLUMN CONSTRUCTION AND FINISHES .................................................. 8
7. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND FINISH ...................................................................... 8
7.1. Sub Grade ...........................................................................................................8
7.2. Lean concrete ......................................................................................................8
7.3. Concrete Floor Slabs ........................................................................................... 8
7.4. Floor Slab Finish.................................................................................................. 8
7.4.1. Cement/Sand screed ............................................................................. 8
7.4.2. Granolithic surfacing .............................................................................. 9
7.4.3. Floor hardness and paint ....................................................................... 9
7.4.4. Ceramic Tiles ......................................................................................... 9
7.4.5. Free access floor (Raised Floor) ......................................................... 10
8. Roof Construction and Finishes.................................................................................. 10
9. Building Finishings ......................................................................................................10
9.1. Plastering/ Rendering and Tiling ....................................................................... 10
9.1.1. Materials .............................................................................................. 10
9.1.2. Cement/sand mix ................................................................................. 10
9.1.3. Internal rendering ................................................................................ 10
9.1.4. External rendering ............................................................................... 11
9.1.5. Mosaic and Tiling ................................................................................. 11
9.1.6. Preparation .......................................................................................... 11
9.1.7. Application and Curing ........................................................................ 11
9.1.8. Suspended Ceiling .............................................................................. 12
9.2. Moisture Protection............................................................................................ 12
9.2.1. Caulking and Sealing ........................................................................... 12
9.2.2. Waterproofing ...................................................................................... 12
9.3. Architectural Metal Works.................................................................................. 12
9.3.1. General ................................................................................................ 13
9.3.2. Materials .............................................................................................. 13
9.3.3. Construction ........................................................................................ 13
9.3.4. Protection Finish .................................................................................. 14
9.3.5. Architectural Finishes .......................................................................... 14
9.3.6. Samples ............................................................................................... 15

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
9.4. Miscellaneous Metal .......................................................................................... 15
9.4.1. General ................................................................................................ 15
9.4.2. Materials .............................................................................................. 16
9.4.3. Construction ........................................................................................ 16
9.4.4. Protection Finish and Other Works ...................................................... 16
9.4.5. Samples ............................................................................................... 17
9.5. Hardware ...........................................................................................................17
9.5.1. Scope .................................................................................................. 17
9.5.2. Materials .............................................................................................. 17
9.5.3. Packing, Marking and Labeling ........................................................... 17
9.5.4. Installation ........................................................................................... 17
9.6. Aluminium Doors ............................................................................................... 18
9.6.1. Scope .................................................................................................. 18
9.6.2. Reference ............................................................................................ 18
9.6.3. Material ................................................................................................ 18
9.6.4. Construction ........................................................................................ 19
9.7. Door Accessories .............................................................................................. 19
9.8. Aluminium Windows .......................................................................................... 20
9.8.1. Scope .................................................................................................. 20
9.8.2. Reference ............................................................................................ 20
9.8.3. Materials .............................................................................................. 20
9.8.4. Construction ........................................................................................ 20
9.8.5. Window Accessories ........................................................................... 21
10. Water Supply ..............................................................................................................21
10.1. Scope ................................................................................................................21
10.2. Materials ............................................................................................................21
10.2.1. General ................................................................................................ 21
10.2.2. Pipes....................................................................................................22
10.2.3. Valve and Hydrant Boxes .................................................................... 22
10.2.4. Elevated Storage Tanks ...................................................................... 22
10.3. Construction ......................................................................................................22
10.3.1. Excavation and Backfill ........................................................................ 22
10.3.2. Laying and Jointing of Pipes ................................................................ 22
10.3.3. Exposed Pipe work .............................................................................. 23
10.4. Source Of Water ................................................................................................ 23
10.4.1. General ................................................................................................ 23
10.4.2. Borehole .............................................................................................. 24
10.5. Treatment Plant ................................................................................................. 25
10.6. Testing ...............................................................................................................25

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
10.7. Construction Of Plumbing.................................................................................. 25
10.7.1. Supervision .......................................................................................... 25
10.7.2. Flashings ............................................................................................. 25
10.7.3. Soil, Waste and Ventilating Pipes ........................................................ 26
10.7.4. Water Pipes ......................................................................................... 26
10.7.5. Taps.....................................................................................................26
10.7.6. Water Storage Cisterns ....................................................................... 26
10.7.7. Pipes and Fittings ................................................................................ 26
10.7.8. Lavatory Basins ................................................................................... 26
10.7.9. Water Closet : Seats and Cisterns ...................................................... 26
10.7.10. Urinals ................................................................................................. 27
10.7.11. Battery Room Sinks ............................................................................. 27
10.7.12. Sanitary Ware ...................................................................................... 27
10.8. Testing ...............................................................................................................27
11. Painting and Glazing...................................................................................................27
11.1. Painting..............................................................................................................27
11.1.1. Materials .............................................................................................. 27
11.1.2. Construction ........................................................................................ 27
11.2. Glass and Glazing ............................................................................................. 29
11.2.1. Materials .............................................................................................. 29
11.2.2. Construction ........................................................................................ 29
11.3. Cleaning Up At Completion ............................................................................... 30
12. Electrical Works ..........................................................................................................30
13.1. General ..............................................................................................................30
13.1.1. Scope of Work ..................................................................................... 30
13.1.2. Operating Tests ................................................................................... 30
13.1.3. Instruments .......................................................................................... 30
13.1.4. Guarantee ............................................................................................ 31
13.1.5. Operation and Maintenance Instructions ............................................. 31
13.1.6. Workmanship ....................................................................................... 31
13.2. Equipment .........................................................................................................32
13.2.1. Single Split Air-Conditioning Units ....................................................... 32
13.2.2. Refrigerant and drain Pipes ................................................................. 32
13.2.3. Fresh Air .............................................................................................. 33
13.2.4. Testing of Refrigerant Pipe .................................................................. 33
13.2.5. Refrigerant ........................................................................................... 33
13.2.6. Remote Controller for Wall Mounted Type Single Split Indoor Units ... 33
13.2.7. Pipe Insulation ..................................................................................... 33

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
13.2.8. Galvanized Iron Ducting Cover for Insulated Refrigerant Pipes .......... 34
13.2.9. Supports for Piping .............................................................................. 34
13.2.10. Support for Indoor Units and Outdoor Units ........................................ 34
13.3. Testing of Control System and Performance Testing of AC Units..................... 34
13.4. Related Electrical Works ................................................................................... 35
13.5. Related Civil Works ........................................................................................... 35
13.6. Specific Requirements....................................................................................... 35
13.7. Mechanical Ventilation....................................................................................... 36

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings


1. General Requirements

1.1. Scope of Works

This Specification is intended for general use on the construction of buildings in substation.
The Contractor should therefore refer to the Section and Subsections of this Specification
and related separate technical specification to the work contained in the scope of works in
substation building.
This specification covers the requirements for design, supply, testing and all necessary
works required for the construction of substation works as follows.
b. Topographic survey, soil investigation and setting out.
c. Control building and MV room including foundation works, structure works, wall works,
roof works, floor works, floor hardener for MV room, doors and windows, ceiling works,
pipe works, sanitary works, septic tank works, cable duct including metal works, painting
works, electrical works, air conditioning system and exhaust fan, lighting protection, fire
alarm and fire-fighting equipment.
d. Security post building.
e. Other related building works as mentioned in Bill of Quantity (BOQ).

1.2. Standards
The Contractor shall control the quality of items (and services) to meet the requirements of
this specification, applicable codes, standards and other applicable documents.
Unless otherwise stated in this technical specification, the following standards (the latest
edition) are specifically applicable to the design, manufacturing, installation, construction
and testing of the equipment and materials included in this specification.
SNI 1726 Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur
Bangunan gedung dan Non Gedung
SNI 1727 Beban desain minimum dan kriteria terkait untuk bangunan
gedung dan struktur lain
SNI 1736 Perencanaan Sistem Proteksi Pasif untuk Pencegahan
Bahaya Kebakaran pada Bangunan Rumah dan Gedung
SNI 1729 Spesifikasi untuk Bangunan Gedung Baja Struktural
SNI 03 1792 Tata cara perencanaan struktur baja untuk bangunan gedung
SNI 6197 Konservasi Energi pada Sistem Pencahayaan
SNI 03 – 6389 Konservasi Energi Selubung Bangunan pada Bangunan Gedung

SNI 6390 Konservasi Energi Sistem Tata Udara Bangunan Gedung

SNI 03-6572 Tata Cara Perancangan Sistem Ventilasi dan
Pengkondisian Udara pada Bangunan Gedung
SNI 8153 Sistem Plambing pada Bangunan Gedung

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
SNI 03-6882 Spesifikasi Mortar untuk Pekerjaan Pasangan
SNI 15-2094 Bata Merah Pejal untuk Pasangan Dinding
SNI 0225 Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik (PUIL)
SNI 0675 Spesifikasi Ukuran Kayu dan Kusen
SNI 03-3976-1995 Tata Cara Pengadukan dan Pengecoran Beton
SNI 4810-2013 Tata cara pembuatan dan perawatan spesimen uji beton di
SNI 03-2834-2000 Tata cara pembuatan rencana campuran beton normal
SNI 2847-2013 Persyaratan Beton Struktural untuk Bangunan Gedung
SNI 1726-2012 Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur
Bangunan Gedung & Non Gedung
SNI 8460-2017 Persyaratan Perancangan Geoteknik
SNI 2052-2017 Baja Tulangan Beton
IEC 62305 Lightning Protection Standard
IEEE 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection
IEEE 1127-2013 IEEE Guide for the Design, Construction, and Operation of Electric
Power Substations for Community Acceptance and Environmental
NFPA 5000:2 Building Construction and Safety Code
ACI/TMS 216.1-14 Code Requirements for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete
and Masonry Construction Assemblies
SPLN T5.001-1 : 2008 Pedoman Desain Gardu Induk 150 kV Tanpa Operator

1.3. Related Technical Specification

The Contractor shall comply with related technical specification:
TSS 25 Foundations for Building and Supporting Structures
TSS 23 Topographic survey, Soil Investigation and Setting Out
TSS 31 Earthworks
TSS 26 Concrete Works
TSS 1B Lighting
TSS 27 Fire Fighting and Fire Protection System

1.4. Materials
All material used in the works shall be new and of best quality of their respective kinds. They
shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the relevant Standard and or Code
of Practice.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
1.5. Workmanship
All workmanship shall be of the highest standard and shall be executed by component men
skilled in their respective trades.

1.6. Samples
Samples of any material and workmanship proposed to be used in the Works may be called
for at any time during the Contract by the Owner and shall be furnished by the Contractor
without delay and at the expense of the Contractor. Samples when approved, shall be
regarded as the acceptable standard, any material or workmanship subsequently not
complying with standard shall be rejected and replaced by those of acceptable standard at
the expense of the Contractor. Sample storage boxes shall be provided by the Contractor
free of cost if requested by the Owner.
1.7. Tests
(a) Whenever considered desirable by the Owner, Inspectors may be sent to
manufacturer's or sub Contractor's premises to test materials or supervise their
(b) Where specified or requested the Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and
send to the Owner certificates of test, proof sheets, mill sheets, etc., showing that
materials have been tested in accordance with this Specification.
(c) Not withstanding any tests which may be directed to be carried out at manufacturer's
and/or sub Contractor's works, the Owner may carry out any tests or further tests he
considers necessary or desirable after delivery of materials to the site.

2. Topographic Survey and Soil investigation

Refer to TSS 23 Topographic Survey and Soil Investigation.

3. Design

3.1. Structure
Structural design for building must refer to drawings. Contractor shall design all of the
structural components (columns, beams and slabs) and roof. Material used for this building
is reinforced concrete and design must comply with the referred to TSS 26 Concrete Works.
Building material for control building and cell 20 kV room must follow fire resistance rating
on referred standard SNI 03-1736-2000, IEEE 979-2012 and ACI 216.1-14.
Table 1. Fire resistance rating - Fire Separation
Room Function Fire Separation
Control rooms 2
Battery rooms 2
Switchgear rooms 2
Cable rooms/tunnels 2
Telecommunication rooms 2
Offices 2
Warehouse 2

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Fire resistance rating shall be class 8 for control building and cell 20 kV and others building
in substation area classified as class 5 according to SNI 03-1736-2000.
Fire resistance for structural building component shall refer to table NFPA 5000 :
2009 for type I (442).
Minimum dimension, thickness and concrete cover for structural component shall refer to
ACI/TMS 216.1-14.

3.2. Foundation
Refer to TSS 25 Foundations for Building and Supporting Structures.

3.3. Lighting
Refer to TSS 1B Lighting

3.4. Air Conditioning and Ventilation

Basis for design shall be as follows:
- Outdoor Conditions

0 RH [% ]
DBT [ C ]

i) Maximum 36 90
ii) Minimum 20 70

- Indoor Conditions

0 RH [% ]
DBT [ C ]
i) Maximum 34 90
ii) Minimum 22 70

- Building layout and dimension

Rooms arrangement and dimension in control and 20 kV building shall be based
on approved drawings.

- Unit capacity of air conditioner

Capacity of air conditioner unit shall be used as mentioned in Bill of Quantity
and this specification.
- Standards
Standards, references, and requirements of this specifications shall be used
for design.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Design of air-conditioning system for Owner approval shall include the following but not
limited to :
▪ Thermal energy calculation of air conditioning system in order to meet the quality and
comfort for equipment and occupant based on standards and this specification.
▪ Determination of air conditioning number of unit required for each room.
▪ Determination of air conditioning arrangement or location for each room.
▪ Design of wiring connection from air conditioning system to electrical system of

3.5. Fire Protection and Fire Fighting System

Refer to TSS 27 Fire Protection and Fire Fighting System.

3.6. Plumbing
Design of Plumbing arrangement based on bill of quantity and layout drawing shall be
designed by the Contractor according SNI 8153-2015 Sistem Plambing pada Bangunan

3.7. Electrical Installation

Design of Electrical Installation based on bill of quantity and drawings shall be designed by
the Contractor according SNI 0225 Tahun 2020 Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik.

3.8. Lightning Protection

Design of lightning protection for building must refer to IEC 62305.


4.1. Material
4.1.1. Cement
Type of cement used for mortar mixing material must be complying with SNI 2049 : 2015.

4.1.2. Aggregate
Aggregate used for mixing mortar material must comply with SNI 03-6882-2014.

4.1.3. Water
Water used for mixing mortar material shall be clean and free of amounts of oils, acids,
alkalies, salts, organic materials or other substances that are deleterious to mortar or any
metal in the wall.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
4.2. Mixing
Mixing of mortar shall be generally as specified in TSS 26 Concrete Works. The ingredients
shall be accurately measured and thoroughly mixed before water is added. The amount of
water shall be the minimum necessary to produce a workable and compact mass of the
correct consistency. An approved admixture to improve workability may be used if the
Contract provided. However it is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Small quantities of mortar shall be mixed in one time and shall be used within 30 (thirty)
minutes of preparation. Any mortar not used more than 30 (thirty) minutes shall be
discarded. Re-tampering of mortar will not be permitted.

4.3. Grades
The mortar mixes to be used in the works shall be referenced and proportioned as follows:
Grade A : One (1) volume of non-shrinkage cement.
Grade B : One (1) volume of Portland cement and one (1) volume of fine
aggregate (fine sand).
Grade C : One (1) volume of Portland cement and two (2) volumes of fine
aggregate (sand).
Grade D : One (1) volume of Portland cement and three (3) volumes of fine
aggregate (sand).
Grade E : One (1) volume of Portland cement and two (4) volumes of fine
aggregate (sand).

4.4. Uses of Grades

Unless otherwise specified, ordered or shown on the drawing, the various mortar grades
shall be used in the works as follows:
Grade A : Grouting of foundation and other steelwork (baseplate, etc)
Grade B : Plaster for wall and floor
Grade C : Plaster for damp proof brick and stone masonry.
Grade D : Floor screed
Grade E : Wall and stone masonry not used for damp proofing.

5. Masonry Works

5.1. Brick Wall Masonry

5.1.1. General
Contractor shall refer to layout drawing. Brick wall used for wall material outside and inside
the building.

5.1.2. Materials
Brick units shall be sound, well burned, free from defects that would impair its strength or
affect its service ability. Fire resistance rating for brick wall shall follow subsection 3.1
Design Structure.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
The Contractor should submit a locally manufactured sample of six pieces for approval.
Brick units are classified as minimum class 50 according to SNI 15-2094-2000.

5.1.3. Mortar
Refer to subsection MORTAR

5.1.4. Bricks Masonry Laying

Lay brick masonry in accurately spaced courses, level, plumb and true to line.
Soak brick units in clean water for one hour before laying. Units shall be damped when laid.
Lay brick in running bond with joints approximately fifteen (15) mm wide.
Where brick masonry walls cross the recessed floor cable trenches provide and install
precast concrete lintels of sufficient size and strength to support and carry masonry walls
across the trench spans.
Reinforced all masonry walls with cast in place reinforced concrete pilasters, formed flush
with the masonry surfaces for cement plaster finish.
Provide concrete pilasters for every 9 square meters of masonry wall surface, plus at all
corners and door jambs. Concrete pilasters refer to TSS 26 Concrete Works.

5.1.5. Provisions for Other Works

Provide chases, recesses, openings, anchors, etc., necessary for installation of later work.
Build in wood buck, nailing blocks, anchors, boxes, piping, sleeves, fixtures, flashings and
various accessories as needed by own work or supplied or set by other works.
Install items furnished under other sections, including built in miscellaneous metal items,
built in carpentry specialties.

5.1.6. Plaster Finish

Masonry to receive plaster finish shall have joints raked to provide proper keying for plaster
bond. Contractor shall be using 2 layers of plaster, first layer using grade C and second
layer using grade B.

5.1.7. Curing
Masonry surfaces shall be sprayed with water until the surface receives a plaster finish.

5.1.8. Protection
When exposed to weather, protect top of masonry with water tied material in such a way
that it will protect the completed work. Masonry wall shall be set for 48 hours before any
load is applied on the completed work.

5.2. Stone Masonry

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
5.2.1. General
Stone masonry is used for tie beam construction in substation control building foundation.
Tie beam layout refers to building layout drawing.
5.2.2. Materials
Material used for stone masonry is natural stone. Natural stone size depends on stone
masonry requirement.

5.2.3. Mortar
Refer to subsection MORTAR


Beam and column concrete grade refer to TSS 26 Concrete Works. Contractor must comply
with the building layout drawing and before construction Contractor shall submit it to the
owner for approval.


7.1. Sub Grade

The sub grade shall be referred to TSS 30 Site Preparation.

7.2. Lean concrete

Lean concrete shall be placed on compacted sand with a minimum thickness of 10 cm.
Lean concrete floor must be flat/horizontal and it shall refer to TSS 26 Concrete Works.

7.3. Concrete Floor Slabs

Concrete floor slabs shall have a minimum structural thickness of one hundred and fifty
(150) millimeters or greater thickness as required by design to safely carry load combination
of dead load, seismic load and live loads. Concrete grades for floor slab are specified in
TSS 26 Concrete Works.

7.4. Floor Slab Finish

7.4.1. Cement/Sand screed
(a) Requirements:
1. A screed of 1:3 cement/sand with twenty five (25) millimeters thick shall be applied
on all concrete floor slabs whose surfaces will not normally receive any further
2. The surface of the structural concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned from all rubbish,
concrete and mortar droppings. Oil and grease patched shall be cleaned with
approved agents. The surface of the floor should be roughened to the satisfaction
of the Owner, wire brushed and thoroughly cleaned by washing with clean water.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Surplus water shall be brushed off and a 1:1 sand/cement slurry brushed over the
surface immediately before the laying of the screed.
3. The mix shall be one part Portland cement to three parts sand with water/cement
ratio as low as possible compatible with workability.
4. The finished surface shall be laid in panels of approved size and troweled smooth
to produce a hard, dense and flat surface.
(b) Uses:
1. Battery, DC room and storage.
2. Auxiliary building.

7.4.2. Granolithic surfacing

Concrete floors subject to heavy wear shall be finished with granolithic surfaces, monolithic
with the structural concrete.
The laying of granolithic surfacing shall be carried out by men experienced in this work.
The water/cement ratio shall be as low as possible compatible with workability. The
thickness shall be nowhere not less than fifty (50) millimeters and after laying and flat.
Surface grouting shall not be allowed and companion and troweling shall be controlled so
that fines are not brought to the surface. The finished surface shall be smooth, hard, dense
and flat. Curing shall be as for concrete and the work shall be protected from traffic until
hard. Granolithic surface shall be laid in panels not exceeding fourteen (14) square meters.
Uses: Storage (Gudang)

7.4.3. Floor hardness and paint

All concrete floor surfaces (including granolithic screeds) which are not to be covered with
tiles or other covering shall be treated with an approved proprietary hardening liquid applied
in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Where a colored finish is required an approved floor hardening decorative epoxy paint shall
be applied to the surface of the new concrete or granolithic secreted after curing and
hardening. The paint shall be an approved proprietary product and applied strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the work shall be carried out during
the maintenance period.
Uses: Storage (Gudang)

7.4.4. Ceramic Tiles

(a) Requirements
1. Ceramic tiles shall be grade No. 1 quality and tile color, size and pattern shall be
approved by the Owner.
2. The tiles shall be soaked and bedded on a prepared screed, in 1: 3 by volume
cement/sand, with thickness of 5 cm. The tiles shall be laid square and true with 4
mm wide joints grouted in matching cement mortar.
3. Provide bonding adhesive for separate concrete floor finish up through 10 cm thick.
4. The Contractor shall include all cutting and fitting tiles to abutments and protecting
ceramic tiles after laying. The tiles shall be washed and left clean on completion.
(b) Uses:
1. Hallway, stair landing, prayer room and locker at ground floor

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
2. Other areas unless otherwise indicated.

7.4.5. Free access floor (Raised Floor)

(a) Requirements
1. Free access floor (false floor), made with vinyl tile over aluminum glazed frame and
supporting legs shall be provided on the dustproof painted floor finished as
monolithic finish, to ensure the free way of cabling and alternate layout of equipment.
2. The height of free access floor shall be 150 mm above floor elevation.
3. The Contractor shall submit detailed drawing and sample of the free access floor he
intends to provide including explanation of setting method to the Owner for approval.
(b) Uses
1. Telecommunication Room
2. Control & Relay Room

8. Roof Construction and Finishes

Roof construction for control building, 20 kV room and other buildings inside the substation
is using steel truss. Design of steel truss must comply with SNI 03 1792 2002 Tata cara
perencanaan struktur baja untuk bangunan gedung. Material of steel truss refers to TSS 1A
Steel Structure for Gantry and Equipment.

9. Building Finishings

9.1. Plastering/ Rendering and Tiling

9.1.1. Materials
Cement, mortar, sand and water shall be as specified in Clause 4 of this Specification and
other materials shall be as follows:
Wall Tiles : shall be glazed ceramic.
Mosaic : mosaic for walls shall be glazed ceramic of approved colors and shall be
delivered to site mounted to pattern on paper in reverse or on open texture
Hessian backing.

9.1.2. Cement/sand mix

Rendering for internal and external work shall comprise of grade C mortar (according to
subsection “MORTAR”) mixed dry until uniform distribution of the material and color are
obtained. Sufficient water, and the plaster shall be used as soon as possible after mixing.
Plaster shall not be used after the initial set, no setting batch shall be mixed with another.

9.1.3. Internal rendering

Internal rendering shall be applied in one coat, with thickness of sixteen (16) millimeters.
The walls shall be wetted before the application of the coat, which shall be finished flat and
vertical by straightedge and scored to form a key. The second coat shall not be applied until
the first coat has dried out completely


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Immediately before application of the second coat, the surface of the first coat shall be
wetted and the second coat shall be applied and finished to a smooth, hard and dense
surface which is truly flat and vertical. An approved plasticizer may be used in the second

9.1.4. External rendering

External rendering where required shall be applied in two coats the first being nowhere less
than twelve (12) millimeters thick. An approved waterproofing agent shall be added to the
mix. The walls shall be wetted before the application of the first coat, which shall be finished
flat and vertical by straightedge. The first coat shall be allowed to dry before a second coat
is applied. All external rendering shall be protected from rain and direct sunlight for a period
of seven (7) days. The external rendering shall be colored, as directed by the Owner.

9.1.5. Mosaic and Tiling

Walls which are to be finished with mosaic or tiling shall be rendered as specified above
with a single coat to a thickness of twelve (12) millimeters.
For mosaic panels, the rendering shall be finished smooth and the panels fixed with an
approved adhesive.
Where glazed ceramic tiles are to be applied these shall be fixed using an approved
adhesive, or a cement mortar consisting of one part Portland cement to one part sand, as
directed by the Owner.
Where a special adhesive is used the rendered surface shall be finished smooth, but where
the cement mortar is directed, the rendering shall be finished with a true but slightly rough
surface to provide a key for the fixing mortar.
Approved grouting cement shall be applied to flush up all joints and the entire surface wiped
clean before the grout has hardened. The joints in tiling shall be drawn with a round pointed
key before the grout has set.

9.1.6. Preparation
All surfaces to be rendered shall be clean free from dust, grease, loose mortar and all traces
of salts. They shall then be thoroughly wetted, and excess moisture allowed to evaporate
before rendering is applied. Before rendering all junctions of dissimilar materials covered by
the rendering shall be reinforced.
This shall be applied where walls about columns, concrete lintels and similar situations
where cracks are likely to develop, and where directed by the Owner. The reinforcing mesh
shall be fixed at the edges by stapling, plugging or nailing at intervals of 500 mm or less
and as required, and shall be completely embedded in the first coat.

9.1.7. Application and Curing

After preparation of the surfaces to be rendered, the first coat shall be applied to the required
thickness between screeds, laid, ruled and plumbed as necessary. If a second coat is to be
applied, the first coat shall be scratched when nearly set to form a key for the second coat.
The first coat shall be allowed to set completely before the second coat is applied. All
plastering or rendering shall be executed in a neat workmanlike manner. All faces except
circular work shall be true and flat and angles shall be straight and level or plumb.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Plastering shall be neatly finished up to metal or wood frame or skirting and around pipes
or fittings. All metal frames to doors or windows adjacent plasterwork shall be protected by
wide adhesive tape from plastering operations. The tape is removed after the plasterwork
has cured.
Surface described as troweled smooth shall be finished with a steel or plastic trowel to a
smooth flat surface free from trowel marks. Surface described as floated shall be finished
with a wood float to a flat surface free from trowel or float marks.
All plastering or rendering shall be cured and protected against too rapid drying by, where
practicable draping with Hessian sprayed constantly with water.

9.1.8. Suspended Ceiling

The type of suspended ceiling shall be made of non combustible material.
Unless otherwise specified or directed, the Contractor shall submit shop drawings showing
bid proposed constructional details and layout of the ceiling panels. Materials for framing
joints, wall plates, plugs, hangers and the like shall be made of non combustible material.
Fabrication and erection work shall not commence until the shop is finished wrought and so
arranged to suit panel sizes.
The underside of all framing joints and wall plates shall be finished wrought and so arranged
to suit panel sizes.
Joints between panels shall not exceed three (3) millimeters in width and adjacent panels
shall not be out of true alignment by more than two (2) millimeters.
Priming and painting of the ceiling panels (if any) shall be as specified in this Specification.

9.2. Moisture Protection

9.2.1. Caulking and Sealing

Caulking and joint sealants are for use in interior and exterior joints, window wall work,
glazing and other works if necessary.
9.2.2. Waterproofing
The waterproofing shall be self adhesive bitumen/ polyethylene membrane of thickness
about 1.5-2.00 capable of bridging any shrinkage cracks in concrete.
The surfaces which are to be applied must be dry and swept free from dust.
Prime all surfaces with primer and apply the membrane when the primer is tacky. All lap
joints must have an overlap of 75 mm rolled firmly against each other. The membrane has
to turn up to the roof parapet, center flashed by a metal sheet all in accordance to drawings
and manufacturer's instructions.
The type and made of the membrane must first be submitted for approval by the Owner.

9.3. Architectural Metal Works


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
9.3.1. General
Except as specifically specified in other sections of these specifications, all nonferrous metal
and stainless steel (corrosion resting steel) metal items shall be provided under this section
of the specification. Carefully examine all drawings for architectural metal neither items nor
specifically note but normally included in this trade.
Materials and parts necessary to complete each item, even though such work is not
definitely shown or specified, shall be provided; include all bolts, anchors, supports, braces
and connections necessary for the completion of the work.
Miscellaneous metals, metal windows, metal doors, miscellaneous doors, structural steel
and miscellaneous building specialists are specified in other sections of these
All items to view shall have welds ground and finished to match adjoining surfaces. Welds
in internal corners shall be square root welds; concave welds are not permitted. Butt welds
between adjacent surfaces shall be ground smooth and finished flush with the adjacent
Architectural metal items concealed from view shall not require grinding of welds.
Mechanical fastenings shall be concealed where practicable; where concealed fastenings
cannot be used, use exposed fastenings.
Exposed fastenings shall be compatible materials, shall match in color and finishing and
shall harmonize with the material to which fastenings are applied. Necessary in a neat and
substantial manner. Edges of flanged items shall be turned to from plaster keys where
plaster occurs. Holes for bolts and screws shall be drilled or punched. Poor matching of
holes shall cause rejection.
Thickness of metal and details of assembly and supports shall give sample strength and
stiffness. Joints exposed to the weather shall be formed to include water.

9.3.2. Materials
Shall be proposed by Contractor and approved by Owner.

9.3.3. Construction
(i) Shop Drawings
Shop drawing together with erection and installation details shall be submitted for all
architectural metal items.
Submittal shall be completed in detail and shall indicate thickness, type, grade and class of
metal and shall completely show construction details, reinforcement, anchorage, dimension
and installation with relation to other items of building construction. Verify all measurements
and take all field measurements necessary before fabrication.
(ii) Protection Contact Surface
a. Dissimilar metals
Where aluminum components are in contact with, or fastened to dissimilar metals, except
stainless steel of zinc, the dissimilar metals shall be given a coat of zinc chromate primer
and a heavy brush coat of alkali-resistant bituminous paint. In permanently dry locations,
the metals may be separated by non-absorptive plastic tapes or gaskets.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
b. Masonry, concrete or plaster
Aluminum in contact with, or built into masonry, concrete or plaster shall be given a brush
coat of alkali-resistant bituminous paint, or clear methacrylic lacquer.
c. Wood
Where aluminum is in contact with wood or other absorptive material repeatedly wet, the
wood or other material shall be given a coat of aluminum pigment bituminous paint. Joints
shall be sealed with caulking compound at points of contact with aluminum.

9.3.4. Protection Finish

After fabrication and finishing, all aluminum and bronze, except surfaces in contact and with
sealants, shall be given two sprayed-on clear, water white non-yellowing methacrylic
lacquer to a total minimum thickness of 0.01 mm and a total maximum thickness of 0.015
Prior to shipment from the factory, finished surfaces of aluminum, stainless steel and bronze
shall receive a protective coating in addition to the coat of lacquer specified. Coating shall
not chip, peel or flake due to temperature or weather and shall protect against discoloration
and surface damage from transportation, storage and construction activities. Coating shall
be readily removable without affecting the finish. Protection may be adhesive paper,
waterproof tape or strippable plastic. Surface in contact with sealants after installation shall
not be coated with any type of protective materials. Such surfaces shall be thoroughly
cleaned with lacquer solvent before sealant is applied.
Upon completion of installation, protective coating, except methacrylic lacquer, shall be
removed and surface washed with water and detergent or any cleaning agent which will not
affect the metal finish or adjacent surfaces.
Carbon steel wood, pads, brushes, or other steel loots shall not be used. Cleaning shall be
done in the direction of polishing.
9.3.5. Architectural Finishes
For all items architectural metal shall be as follows:
Aluminum for use on exterior shall have a bronze integral color anodic coating.
Aluminum for use in interior shall have a clear (natural) anodic coating.
Items shall be shop fabricated so far as practicable. Joints shall be flush riveted to conceal
reinforcement, or welded where thickness of a section permits.
Contact surfaces of connected members shall be ground true. Parts shall be so assembled
that joints will be tight and practically unnoticeable, without use of filling compound.
Sheet metal 1.9 mm or less, to which hardware of the rivet or screw in each direction, or to
nearest break in plane whichever is less.
Electrodes or filler rods for arc and gas welding shall be as recommended by the electrode
manufacturer for the metals. Welds shall be sound and free from defects. Fluxs, welding
oxides and discoloration shall be removed by pickling or grinding. Exposed weld beads shall
be ground and polished to match adjacent metal.
Soldering shall be used only for filling or sealing joints and for mechanical strength. Soldered
work shall be washed with a solution of washing soda, or other neutralizer, followed by a
clear water rinse. Solder for stainless steel shall have a minimum of 75 per cent tin. Silver
solder with a flow point not in excess of 718,5o C shall be used for Nickel-copper alloy.
Brazing may be finished to conceal brazing metal.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Casting shall be fine even textured and shall be unwrapped and sound. Lines and miters
shall be sharp, arise unbroken profiles accurately and ornament true to pattern. Plan
surfaces shall be smooth. Ornament shall have excess metal or in perfections that obscure
design, undercut to restore detail. Filed or cut areas shall have texture restored.
Wrought work shall be leveled or straightened. Members shall have sharp lines and angles
and smooth surfaces. Extruded members shall be free from extrusion marks. Square turns
and corners shall be sharp. Curves shall be true, rings and loops without visible joints. Wider
members shall be drilled or punched for smaller members secured by pins or welding.
Similar members assigned shall be halved and weld or tenoned and riveted.
Punched work shall be clean and true, without fins or burrs, with pattern of uniform shape
and size.
Holes for bolts and screws shall be drilled. Fastening shall be concealed where possible.
Exposed ends and edges shall be milled smooth, with corners slightly rounded. Joints
exposed to weather shall be formed to exclude water.
Hardware shall match metal to which applied, in color and finish. Hardware supplied from
other sources shall be prefitted in the shop. Parts to receive hardware shall be countersunk.
Plates for mounting hardware shall be riveted or welded in place.
Bolts for securing metal items to concrete or masonry shall have machine screw threaded
metal shields.
Accessories and fastening shall be of the same material and finish as metal to which
attached. Wall anchors for aluminum shall be of stainless steel. Rivets for aluminum shall
be of aluminum.

9.3.6. Samples
Samples shall be submitted in duplicate. Samples of manufacturers stock shelf items shall
be full size; samples of custom fabricated items shall be submitted in adequate size and
detail to indicate compliance with standards of work specified. Samples shall show the
quality of welding and grinding of all architectural metal items and shall serve as a standard
of all work after approval by the Owner.

9.4. Miscellaneous Metal

9.4.1. General
Except as specifically specified in other sections of these specifications, all ferrous metal
items except stainless steel (Corrosion resisting steel) shall be provided under this section
of the specifications. Carefully examine all drawings for miscellaneous metal items not
specifically noted, but normally included in this trade.
Materials and parts necessary to complete each item, even though such work is not
definitely shown or specified, shall be provided, include all bolts, anchors, supports, braces
and connections necessary for the completion to the work, fitting for cable support, metal
nosing, cable trench cover, rails, rain-water drain pipe, built in ladder, hand drilling support
Architectural metals, metal windows, miscellaneous doors; welds in internal corners shall
be concave; butt welds between adjacent surfaces shall be ground smooth and finished


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
flush with the adjacent surfaces. Miscellaneous metal items concealed from view shall not
require grinding of welds. Mechanical fastenings cannot be used, use exposed fastenings.
Exposed fastenings shall be compatible materials, shall match in color and finish, and shall
harmonize with the material to which fastenings are applied. Necessary rebates, lug as and
brackets shall be provided so that the work can be assembled in a neat substantial manner.
Edges of flanged items shall be turned to form plaster keys where plaster occurs. Holes for
bolts and screws shall be drilled or punched. Poor matching of holes shall be cause for
Thickness of metal and details of assembly and supports shall give ample strength and
stiffness. Joint exposed to the weather shall be formed to exclude water.

9.4.2. Materials
Shall be proposed and approved by PLN.

9.4.3. Construction
(i) Shop drawings
Shop drawings together with catalog cuts plus erection and installation details shall be
submitted for all miscellaneous metal items. Submittal shall be completed in detail and shall
indicate thickness, type, grade and class of metal and shall completely show construction
details, reinforcement, anchorage, dimension and installations with relationship to other
items of building construction.
Verify all measurements and take all field measurements necessary before fabrication.
(ii) Workmanship
Miscellaneous metal work shall be well formed to shape and size, with sharp line angles
and true curves. Drilling and punching shall produce clean true lines and surfaces.
Connection shall be welded, riveted or threaded.
Permanent connections shall be welded.
Welding shall be continuing along the entry area of contact except where tack welding is
Exposed connections of work in place shall not be tack welded. Exposed welds shall be
ground smooth. Exposed surfaces of work in place shall have a smooth finish and exposed
riveting shall be flush. Corner joints shall be coped or mitered well formed and in true
alignment. Work shall be accurately set to establish lines and elevations and securely
fastened in place. Work shall be executed and finished in accordance with approval
drawings, cuts, details and samples.

9.4.4. Protection Finish and Other Works

Metal work specified to be galvanized, when practicable and not indicated otherwise, shall
be hot-dip processed after fabrication.
Unless otherwise specified, surfaces of all ferrous metals shall be shop primed in
accordance with the requirements specified in SECTION: PAINTING.
Surfaces of items embedded in concrete shall not be painted.


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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Where dissimilar metals are in contact, or where aluminum is in contact with concrete,
mortar, masonry, wet or pressure-treated wood, or absorptive materials subject to wetting
the surfaces shall be protected with a coat of bituminous paint.
Anchorage shall be provided where necessary for fastening miscellaneous metal items
securely in place. Anchorage shall include slotted inserts, expansion shields, and power-
driven fasteners when approved for concrete; toggle bolts for masonry; machine and
carriage bolts for steel; through bolting for masonry and woods; and bolts and screws for
Slotted inserts shall be of types required to engage with the anchors and shall be approved.
Anchorage shall be provided as indicated and specified herein for attachment of
miscellaneous items.
Miscellaneous plate and shape for items that do not form a part of the structural steel
framework, such as lintels, sill angles, curb angles, equipment mountings and frame, shall
be provided to complete the work.

9.4.5. Samples
Samples shall be submitted in duplicate. Samples of manufacture stock shelf items shall be
full size; samples of custom fabricated items shall be submitted in adequate size and detail
to indicate compliance with standards of work specified.
Samples shall show quality of welding and grinding of all miscellaneous metal items and
shall serve as a standard for all work after approval by the Owner.

9.5. Hardware

9.5.1. Scope
This section includes all the hardware for all doors except metal doors/windows.

9.5.2. Materials
Hardware shall be supplied in the material for the approved type.
Base metals for finishes shall be as follows:
Finish Base metal
Statuary bronze Bronze or Brass
Satin Aluminium Aluminium

9.5.3. Packing, Marking and Labeling

Hardware shall be delivered to the project site in the manufacturer's original packages.
Each article of hardware shall be neatly wrapped and individually packed in a substantial
carton or other container, properly identifiable with the permanent hardware schedule.

9.5.4. Installation

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Top hinges shall be installed with the center of hinges not more than 28 centimeters below
the top of the door.
Bottom hinge shall be installed with the centerline of hinge not more than 33 centimeters
above the finish floor.
Intermediate hinges shall be installed at the equal distance between the top and bottom
Door pulls, sectional
Pull shall be centered 100 cm above the finish floor.
Locks, latched and strikes
The location of locks and latches shall be determined by :
Centering the strike of mortise dead-locks 150 centimeters above the finish floor.
Centering the strike of knob locks and knob latches 100 centimeters above the finish floor.
Centering the strike of rollers latches 100 centimeters above the finish floor.
Hardware sets
Main entrance, glass with aluminum frame.
- Double door (double swing)
- Lockset
- Spring hinge
- Flush bolt
Entrance door, aluminum frame or internal door.
- Lockset
- Butts as require
- Stopper
- Holder

9.6. Aluminium Doors

9.6.1. Scope
This section includes all the metal doors, including their frames and accessories as
indicated in the drawing.

9.6.2. Reference
All work shall conform to SNI 03-0573.

9.6.3. Material
Section shall be extruded in the form of aluminum alloy.
Section shall have a minimum well thickness of 3 mm.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Fasteners shall be stainless steel of a type selected to prevent galvanic action with the
components fastened.
Gaskets shall be vinyl glazing channel gasket to commercial standard.
Hardware shall be manufacturer's standard hardware. Flush to match door finish.
Weathering and glazing splines shall be neoprene or similar.
All exposed aluminum shall be anodized to a color to be selected by the Owner.
The anodic finish coating shall be a minimum of 0.7 mm thick with density at least 5 mg per
square meter.

9.6.4. Construction
Temporary protection shall be achieved by applying water-soluble protective coating
capable of withstanding the action of lime mortar. Apply coating in the manufacturer's plant
to the exposed surfaces of all components. Before application of coating, remove all
gaveication compounds, moisture and dirt accumulations.
The aluminum doors shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed
The door manufacturer shall furnish his standard written guarantee against leakage of rain,
excessive infiltration of sand and air and all defects in material workmanship covering all
work under this Section.
However, such guarantees shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities which
manufacturers and Contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract
(i) Shop drawings
Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval before delivery.
Shop drawings shall show construction thickness of metal, provisions for receiving
hardware, method of reinforcing, type and location of anchors and hardware locations.
(ii) Frame construction
Frame shall be knock-down-type frame, with concealed reinforcing at the corners, field
assembly of head to jams members shall be interlocking joints to produce a square and
rigid corner.
(iii) Door Cover
Door cover shall be made of glass panel or rolling aluminum panel (rolling door) as indicated
in the drawing.

9.7. Door Accessories

Door accessories shall include :
- Door Closer
- Door Damper
- Handle
- Door key
- Engsel Pintu minimum 3 pada setiap pintu
The above accessories shall be proposed and approved by PLN.


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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Delivery and Handling
Doors and door frames shall be delivered, stored, handled and installed so as not to be
damaged or deformed.
Abraded, scraped or rusty areas of aluminum shall be discarded and replaced.

9.8. Aluminium Windows

9.8.1. Scope
This section includes all the metal windows, including their frames and accessories as
indicated in the drawing.

9.8.2. Reference
All work shall conform to SNI 03-0573.

9.8.3. Materials
Section shall be extruded in form of aluminum alloy.
Section shall have a minimum well thickness of 3 mm.
Fasteners shall be stainless steel of a type selected to prevent galvanic action with the
components fastened.
Gaskets shall be vinyl glazing channel gasket to commercial standard.
Hardware shall be manufacturer's standard hardware. Flush to match window finish.
Weathering and glazing splines shall be neoprene or similar.
All exposed aluminum shall be anodized to a color to be selected by the Owner.
The anodic finish coating shall be a minimum of 0.7 mm thick with a density at least 5 mg
per square meter.

9.8.4. Construction
Temporary protection shall be achieved by applying water-soluble protective coating
capable of withstanding the action of lime mortar. Apply coating in the manufacturer's plant
to the exposed surfaces of all components. Before application of coating, remove all
gaveication compounds, moisture and dirt accumulations.
The aluminum windows shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's
printed instructions.
The window manufacturer shall furnish his standard written guarantee against leakage of
rain, excessive infiltration of sand and air and all defects in material workmanship covering
all work under this Section.
However, such guarantees shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities which
manufacturers and Contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract
(i) Shop drawings


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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval before delivery.
Shop drawings shall show construction thickness of metal, provisions for receiving
hardware, method of reinforcing, type and location of anchors and hardware locations.
(ii) Frame construction
Frame shall be knock-down-type frame, with concealed reinforcing at the corners, field
assembly of head to jams members shall be interlocking joints to produce a square and
rigid corner.
(iii) Windows Cover
Windows cover shall be made of glass panel as indicated in the drawing.

9.8.5. Window Accessories

Window accessories shall include :
- Window Closer
- Handle
- window key
- minimum 3 window hinges shall be installed in every window
The above accessories shall be proposed and approved by PLN.

Delivery and Handling

Windows and window frames shall be delivered, stored, handled and installed so as not to
be damaged or deformed.
Abraded, scraped or rusty areas of aluminum shall be discarded and replaced.

10. Water Supply

10.1. Scope
This Section of Specification covers the work involved in selecting a suitable source of water
(in consultation with the Owner), providing a supply to any buildings constructed under the
Contract which require a permanent supply of water for domestic or other purposes and the
requirements for the internal plumbing of the buildings.

10.2. Materials

10.2.1. General
All pipes and fittings used for the permanent water supply shall be in accordance with the
standard practice and regulations of the local Water Authority as regards type, class and
weight unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings. Other locally accepted
Standards/Codes of Practice may be used providing these conform to Water Authority


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
10.2.2. Pipes
All types of pipes such as asbestos-cement pressure, rigid P.V.C., copper, galvanized steel
or iron, unplasticised P.V.C. pipes shall be used with the Owner's permission. PVC pipes
for clean water and wastewater shall refer to SNI 06 – 0084 and SNI – 06 – 0178

10.2.3. Valve and Hydrant Boxes

Sluice valves, air valves, hydrants and such like shall be located inside suitable block work
or concrete boxes, built up to ground level and provided with cast iron covers inscribed with
the initial letter or letters of the type of valve or fittings.

10.2.4. Elevated Storage Tanks

Elevated water storage tanks shall be of stainless steel and shall comply with the relevant
parts of this Specification for these materials.
It shall also be completed with installation of submersible pump as mentioned in bill of
quantity (BOQ).

10.3. Construction

10.3.1. Excavation and Backfill

The trench excavations for pipe work shall be as narrow as practicable to allow the laying
and jointing of pipes. Trenches in hard or rocky ground shall be excavated one hundred
(100) millimeters over depth and this depth shall be filled with selected granular soil free
from stones and thoroughly rammed.
The thickness of the layers of soil shall be increased as necessary at joint positions to give
a minimum thickness below the joint of fifty (50) millimeters. Backfill up to three hundred
(300) millimeters above the pipe shall be of selected granular stone free material and shall
be laid and well compacted by hand tools in layers not exceeding one hundred (100)
millimeters thick.
Where unplasticised P.V.C. pipes are used extra care shall be taken in ramming at the sides
and above so that no deformation of the pipes occurs. The remainder of the backfilling of
the trench may be carried out by normal methods using any approved excavated material,
but only in sandy soil may water be used to assist compaction.

10.3.2. Laying and Jointing of Pipes

(i) Laying
Pipes shall be laid so that they bear firmly and uniformly on the prepared trench bottom.
The minimum cover over non-metallic pipes shall be:
(a) Under roads and hard standing 900 millimeters
(b) Underground not subject to 750 millimeters vehicle loads or such other depths as
may be directed.


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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Where the specified cover cannot be given to pipes laid under roads or hard standings, or
when indicated on the drawings, water pipes shall be laid inside asbestos cement ducts of
sufficient diameter to allow clearance to joints in the water pipe.
These ducts shall extend one (1) meter beyond the edges of roads or hard standings and
shall be encased in concrete Grade fc’ 14.5 of minimum thickness one hundred and fifty
(150) millimeters.
At crossing with foul drainage pipes the water pipe shall, unless otherwise agreed, be laid
at a higher level than the fault drain, with a separating distance of not less than two hundred
(200) millimeters.
The foul drain shall always be encased in concrete Grade fc’ 14.5 not less than one hundred
and fifty (150) millimeters thick for a distance of three (3) meters on either side of the

(ii) Prevention of Air Locks

Pipe work shall be laid so that air locks cannot occur. If a summit in a water main is agreed
by the Owner to be unavoidable, a suitable air valve shall be provided.
(iii) Joints in Underground Pipe work
Joints in underground pipe work shall be of a type approved by the Owner, and joints shall
be made only by men experienced in such work and using the proper tools and methods in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Where it is necessary to joint pipe work to
valves and other special fittings with cast iron bodies, the correct adaptor pieces shall be
(iv) Pipe Anchorages
At all chances of direction, branches and other points in a pipeline where there will be
unbalanced hydraulic pressure, the pipe work shall be secured by means of anchor blocks
of concrete Grade fc’ 14.5. The dimension of the blocks shall guarantee firmness taking
account of the working stress of the soil and the stresses due to static pressure testing of
the water pipeline.

10.3.3. Exposed Pipe work

Pipework installed above ground level shall, unless otherwise approved in writing, be
surface mounted and shall be of galvanized steel or copper tubing. It shall be adequately
supported at intervals not exceeding two (2) meters and shall be suitable for water pressure
heads of up to seventy-five (75) meters. The joints shall be threaded unions of material
compatible with the pipes.

10.4. Source Of Water

10.4.1. General
The source of water for the permanent supply system to be constructed under the Contract
will be selected by the Owner and the Contractor shall assist, if so directed, by taking
samples, arranging for analyses, carrying out pumping tests and such like. The cost to the
Contractor of giving this assistance to the Owner shall be recoverable. It is probable that
the source of water for the permanent system will be from a suitable nearby piped supply,


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
if such exists, or from a borehole or well to be sunk on or near the site; but the Owner may
deem it necessary to select or develop any other sources.

10.4.2. Borehole
(i) Sinking and Lining
Where it has been directed that the source of supply will be a borehole, the Contractor shall
be required to satisfy the Owner that he is experienced in the sinking and lining of water
supply boreholes or he is to employ a sub-contractor who is so experienced.
The Contractor shall drill the borehole using equipment and tools suitable for the depth and
diameter of the well, and the subsoil through which the drilling will be made.
The drilling shall not deviate from true vertical by more than one hundred (100) millimeters
in depth of thirty (30) meters and the diameter shall be sufficient to permit proper installation
of the lining tubes and gravel prefilter.
The lining tubes shall be steel with helical welding, not less than eight (8) millimeters thick
and shall have screwed flush but joints with square form parallel thread screwing and coated
on the internal surface with two coats of heavy duty bituminous compound after removal of
all mill scale and rust.
The tubing shall be of sufficient diameter to allow installation of the pump and pipe work.
The annular space between the tubing and the soil above the water bearing strata of aquifer
shall be filled with cement grout to prevent the entry of surface or shallow subsoil water to
the well.
(ii) Well Screen
The Contractor shall provide and fit at the bottom of the borehole a stainless steel Johnson
type non clogging tubular well screen of diameter suitable for the pump installation, secured
to the bottom of the lining tubes by a purpose made heavy duty adaptor fitting.
The annular space between the well screen and the borehole side shall be packed with filter
material consisting of siliceous gravel, the grading of which has been determined from
studies and tests of the stratum material and structure of the aquifer derived from samples
taken from the borehole or pilot borehole.
The performance of the filter shall be such that no sediment is drawn from the aquifer or
overlying strata and its performance will be deemed satisfactory when pumped water is
clear and free from sediment five (5) minutes after the pump has reached maximum output
This packing shall be commenced at a level five hundred (500) millimeters above the top of
the stainless steel screen and be continued down for the whole depth of the screen.
The whole diameter of the bore below the screen shall be packed solid to the bottom of the
borehole at the depth not less than five hundred (500) millimeters below the bottom of the
A plug of grout five hundred (500) millimeters deep will be placed in the annular space
above the filter material and allowed to harden for a minimum period of twenty four (24)
hours before the grouting of the lining tubes.
(iii) Cleaning Out and Test Pumping
On completion of drilling and lining of the boreholes they shall be "swabbed out" using a
method to be approved by the Owner, each section of the borehole receiving at least twenty
five (25) passes. Prior to test pumping the Contractor is to "shell out" the borehole to ensure
that they are free from obstruction over the whole depth. Following this the Contractor shall

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
clean out and test pump the boreholes in the presence of the Owner for a period of not less
than seventy-two (72) hours continuously to establish that the required yield is being
(iv) Pumps
(a) The Contractor shall submit to the Owner for approval details of the pumping and
control equipment proposed.
(b) Pumps shall be of the underwater type and all pumps shall be in every respect
suitable for the application. They shall be of a reliable make obtained from a control gear.
The operation of the pumps shall be automatically controlled by float switches, or
equivalent, situated in the borehole and primary storage tank.
Suitable housings shall be provided to give adequate shelter and protection to motors,
control gear, etc. from weather and interference from unauthorized persons. A supply of
electricity will be provided at the heads of boreholes under another contract.

10.5. Treatment Plant

Treatment of water will normally comprise filtration and/or chlorination depending on the
quality of the source. Any treatment plant required shall be of proprietary design and
manufacture capable of reliable service with the minimum of routine attention and
The plant shall be obtained from a reliable and approved manufacturer of such plant and
the Contractor shall submit details of the equipment proposed for approval.

10.6. Testing
The completed water system shall be tested by application of hydraulic pressure equal to a
head of seventy five (75) meters.
The test shall be carried out twice. The first test shall be made twenty-four (24) hours after
the system has been filled with water and before backfilling has commenced. The second
test shall be carried out after placing and compacting the first three hundred (300)
millimeters of backfill above the top of the pipe. The system may be tested in sections. As
may be approved by the Owner. And the tests shall be considered satisfactory if the system
is free from leaks.

10.7. Construction Of Plumbing

10.7.1. Supervision
The plumbing work shall be carried out by or under the direct supervision of fully qualified
and skilled plumbers.

10.7.2. Flashings
The materials for flashing shall be sheet lead or copper.
Lead and copper flashings shall be dressed by the use of proper tools and shall be
adequately fixed so they can expand and contract without injury. Joints shall be watertight
and evenly spaced and laps shall be at least one hundred and fifty (150) millimeters. Contact
surfaces with mortar or concrete shall be coated with bitumen.

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings

10.7.3. Soil, Waste and Ventilating Pipes

Soil, waste and ventilating pipes shall be fixed to walls with holder bats and the minimum
distance between the pipes and the wall should be forty (40) millimeters. Pipes shall be
joined as previously specified herein or in the relevant standard number pipes shall be built
in until tested and approved inspection covers shall be provided where necessary on bends
and branches to allow rodding of all pipes.
Rainwater pipes gutters and fittings shall be of asbestos cement of unplasticised P.V.C.
They shall be fixed to walls and edges of roofs etc with approved holder bats brackets etc
and shall be joined as previously in the relevant standard.

10.7.4. Water Pipes

Water pipes within buildings will generally be of copper or galvanized steel but unplasticised
P.V.C. pipes may be used for cold water lines only. Subject to approval of the Owner
unplasticised P.V.C. pipes shall conform to approved class and manufacture and shall be
jointed and fixed to walls using the correct fittings and fixings as supplied or specified by
the manufacturer.

10.7.5. Taps
The taps and stop valves for water services unless otherwise specified or described shall
be screw down pattern. Chromium plated and shall be to the Owner’s approval.

10.7.6. Water Storage Cisterns

Cold water storage cisterns shall be of mild steel sheet galvanized after fabrication and shall
be supplied with covered ball valves and floats for ball valves shall comply with the relevant
standards for the materials used.
Glass fiber cisterns may be used subject to the Owner's approval.

10.7.7. Pipes and Fittings

The pipes and fittings for water supply shall be of a type and class or weight suitable for the
local cold water authority.

10.7.8. Lavatory Basins

Lavatory basins shall be white ceramic unless otherwise specified and shall be approved
by the Owner before purchase or fixing in the works.

10.7.9. Water Closet : Seats and Cisterns

Unless otherwise agreed or directed, water closet pans shall be white ceramic and seats
shall be plastic. Flushing cisterns be white ceramic All materials shall be approved by the
Owner before fixing in the works.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
10.7.10. Urinals
Urinals shall be provided with white ceramic automatic flushing cisterns to approval.

10.7.11. Battery Room Sinks

Unless otherwise specified battery room sinks shall be six hundred (600) millimeters by four
hundred and fifty (450) millimeters by two hundred and fifty (250) millimeters deep acid
resisting white glazed fireclay with overflow. All plugs, traps and waste pipes shall be acid

10.7.12. Sanitary Ware

All basins, pans, urinals, sinks, etc. Shall be obtained from certified manufacturers and
Contractor shall submit the products for Owner’s approval.

10.8. Testing
All pipe work and joints in soil and waste pipes obtained from an approved by air (smoke)
pressure test to the satisfaction and approval of the Owner.

11. Painting and Glazing

11.1. Painting

11.1.1. Materials
(i) Paints
The Contractor shall submit for approval the name of the manufacturer whose point he
proposes to use and no orders shall be placed until such approval is given. Only paints
suitable for the climatic conditions of the site shall be used.
All materials shall be delivered to site in sealed containers on which the maker's name,
brand specification number and date of manufacture are clearly displayed and shall be
stored to comply with all requirements for the preservation of the paints.
Only colors and undercoats approved by the Owner shall be used.
(ii) Stopper (for timber)
This shall be approved water repellent putty or plastic compound.
(iii) Knotting
Approved by the Owner.
(iv) Silicon
This shall be applied to exterior brickwork as directed as a growth and water repellent. The
type used shall be as approved by the Owner.

11.1.2. Construction
(i) Preparation


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
All rubbish and debris shall be removed and floors swept and dampened before painting
commences. Door, furniture, light switch covers and the like shall be removed and
surrounding surfaces covered with canvas or other approved and tested. Masking tape
should be used on non-removable fittings.
The painter shall examine the surfaces on which he is to work and satisfy himself regarding
their suitability for the specified treatment. All rust, dust, or any other removed by washing,
wire brushing or any other means necessary before painting is commenced. Surfaces shall
be dry before and during application of paint and shall be suitably-primed.
(ii) Application
Application of paint shall be by brush or roller as approved or directed by the Owner. The
treatment to be given to the different surfaces shall be described. All progressive coats of
paint shall be of different shades, such variations in shade being agreed with the Owner
before commencement of the work.
All paint shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and shall
not be diluted in any way unless specifically stated or agreed by the manufacturer. The
priming and undercoating shall be those recommended by the manufacturer for the
respective finishing paints. Any dilution of paint, unless otherwise directed, shall be carried
out by the manufacturer prior to delivery to site. No external paintwork shall be carried out
during high winds or other unfavorable weather conditions.
Painting shall be carried out at temperatures suitable for the type of paint being applied.
Plastered surfaces should be allowed to dry out for four weeks before painting and be
primed with an alkali resistant primer. On external work two priming coats should be applied.
Finishing coats shall be as described in the Bill of quantities or on the drawings. Bituminous
paint shall be used as directed below damp proof course of face brickwork level.
Brickwork to be sealed should be allowed to dry out for four weeks and brushed at regular
intervals to remove efflorescence. Cracked or chipped mortar should be repaired and the
surface painted liberally with approved silicate of soda solution.
Steelwork should be wire brushed to remove all loose rust, scale and dirt or grease and
primed with two coats of red lead primer before delivery to site. After fixing in the works the
primer shall be touched up where necessary before application of the finishing coats.
All timber shall be knotted, stopped and primed with an alkali resistant primer before
applying the specified finishing coats.
(iii) Surface Finishes
All finishes shall cover completely and obscure the base construction and priming coats and
be such that any additional coats of paint will not affect any significant improvement.
All finishes shall be consistent in color and free from brush marks and irregularities. Newly
painted surfaces shall be protected from contamination by dust or other causes.
The Owner may require additional coats if the finish of any part of the work does not conform
to the Specification. Any additional coats so required shall be at the expense of the
(iv) Surfaces to be polished
Internal hardwood surfaces which are not to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned and
rubbed down to a smooth finish, grain filled and wax polished to a fine satin finish.
(v) Lacquered Finishes


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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
External hardwood surfaces which are not to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned and
rubbed down to a smooth finish, grain filled and painted two coats of approved hardwood

11.2. Glass and Glazing

11.2.1. Materials
(i) Glass
Glass for glazing shall conform to the appropriate Standards and unless otherwise
recommended by the manufacturer shall be best quality clear sheet glass at least three (3)
millimeters thick.
Blades for louvers shall be at least six (6) millimeters thick.
(ii) Putty
Timber putty shall be an approved, local product complying generally with approved
(iii) Neoprene
To be used for glazing to aluminum windows as recommended by the manufacturer.
(iv) Opaque Glass
This shall be of local manufacturer and approved by the Owner.

11.2.2. Construction
(i) Delivery and Storage
Glass shall be delivered to site in shockproof containers supplied by the manufacturer and
marked with the manufacturer's name, type, quality and thickness of glass. Glass shall be
stored on site in properly constructed racks.
Cutting and Fixing
Glazing shall be carried out by skilled tradesmen in accordance with good trade practice.
Aluminum windows shall be glazed by the aluminum sub-Contractor. Cutting shall be to
measurements checked on site with clearances to normal trade practice and approved by
the Owner.
Glass in windows and doors, unless of special fixing, shall be bedded and back puttied,
sprigged or clipped in and front puttied. All putties shall be full to the sight lines of glazing
bars and neatly trimmed off. Where surrounding work is not to be painted, the putty shall be
colored to match the sight lines of glazing bars and neatly trimmed off. Where surrounding
work is not to be painted, the putty shall be colored to match the general finishes.
Glass in louvers, etc, provided with special or proprietary fixings shall be fixed in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
On completions of the works, all glass shall be cleaned inside and outside and all broken
or cracked glass be replaced.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
11.3. Cleaning Up At Completion
On completion of the works, all floors shall be scrubbed, all glass cleaned on both sides, all
work touched up after all trades and the whole left clean and ready for use. All rubbish and
debris shall be removed from site.

12. Electrical Works

Refer to SNI 0225 Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik.


13.1. General
13.1.1. Scope of Work
The scope of work of proposed Air-conditioning and ventilation system shall be the following
but not limited to :
Supply, site delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of proposed system including
skilled manpower/labors, testing instruments, tools, installation materials, service
equipment, consumables and making the entire system ready for continuous operation of
the air-conditioning system as per design and drawing, specifications, instruction and site
conditions :
- Type, number and location of Single split air-conditioning systems with remote
- Pre-shipment inspection
- Thermally insulated refrigeration quality copper pipes with factory made branch kits
- Refrigerant quality copper pipe covered with closed cell insulation
- PVC drain pipes
- Related electrical work
- Related civil work
- Additional works, applicable during installation period

13.1.2. Operating Tests

After all mechanical work has been completed, tested, adjusted and approved, the system
shall be tested for six continuous days, or longer when so directed, to demonstrate that they
fulfill all requirements and that they operate satisfactorily in full load in presence of
representative of the Owner.
The Contractor shall furnish three copies of test data, computations and results in reports
in report form to the consultant.

13.1.3. Instruments
All instruments required for testing and commissioning shall be provided by the contractor
at his cost.

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings

13.1.4. Guarantee
Testing, trial usage or use of equipment for temporary provision of services shall not shorten
or modify the terms of this guarantee. Manufacturers shall provide their standard
guarantees for work under this specification. However, such guarantees shall be in addition
to and not in lieu of all other liabilities, which the manufacturer and Contractor may have by
law or by other provisions of the contract documents.
All materials, items of equipment and workmanship furnished under this specification shall
carry the standard warranty against all defects in material and workmanship. Any fault due
to defective or improper material, equipment, workmanship which may develop shall be
made good, forthwith, by and at the expense of the Contractor, including all other damage
done to areas, materials and other systems resulting from this failure.
The Contractor shall guarantee that all elements of the systems are of sufficient capacity to
meet the specified performance requirements as set forth herein or as indicated.
The Contractor shall guarantee that all components used in installed air-conditioning
systems are in stock at all the time with them and assured to replace within stipulated time.
Upon receipt of notice from the Owner of failure of any part of the systems or equipment
during the guarantee period, the Contractor at his own expense shall replace the affected
part or parts within 24 hours of written notification.
Otherwise stated specifically, all mechanical equipment, pipe works, control system and
installed accessories shall have a guarantee for a period of one year. Any part that fails or
proves defective during this guarantee period except force majeure shall be replaced or
repaired without any extra cost. If the defects are not rectified within stipulated time frame,
the Owner may arrange to do so at the contractor’s risk and cost without prejudice to any
other rights. The contractor failing to fulfill their duty will be black listed and will be
automatically disqualified to participate in any future projects of the Owner.

13.1.5. Operation and Maintenance Instructions

During operating tests, the contractor shall arrange and pay for the services of qualified and
authorized representatives of manufacturers of air-conditioning equipment to instruct the
Owner's operating personnel in operating and maintaining the systems and equipment. The
period of this instruction shall be one week.
During operating tests, the Contractor shall arrange to keep one skilled mechanic on the
job for a continuous period of one week.

13.1.6. Workmanship
The entire work provided in this specification shall be constructed and finished in every
respect and substantial manner. It is not intended that the drawings shall show every pipe,
fitting and appliance, but the Contractor shall furnish and install all such parts as may be
necessary to complete the systems in accordance with the best trade practice and to the
satisfaction of the Owner.
The successful Contractor shall obtain detailed information from the manufacturers of
apparatus as to the proper method of installing and interconnections.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
13.2. Equipment

13.2.1. Single Split Air-Conditioning Units

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Split type Air conditioners (Inverter type
as indicated in BOQ) fitted with hermetically sealed rotary /reciprocating compressor
operating on Refrigerant R-32 suitable for operation on 130-440V, 50 Hz Single phase, A.C
power supply and capable of performing; Cooling, Dehumidifying, Air Circulating & Filtering.
a. Indoor Units

1. Units shall be factory assembled, wired, piped and tested.

2. Units shall have DX coils with copper tubes and bonded aluminum fins for highly efficient
heat transfer. Units shall have Centrifugal fans for adequate amount of Air circulation
and low Noise.
3. Units shall have inlet filters, which are easily cleanable and replaceable.
4. All components of Units are easily accessible for connection, repairs and maintenance.
5. Units shall have very low noise.
6. All units with Factory manufactured Units Grills shall have auto swing feature for proper
Air distribution.
7. All units shall be controlled by electronic Expansion Valves only.
8. All units mounted inside the ceiling shall have fans capable of sustaining duct
connections, and special filters if necessary.
9. Visible indoor units shall have wireless remotes. Price of the same shall be included in
the cost of unit by default.
10. All units shall have adequate insulation or Lining to avoid condensation.

b. Outdoor Units
The outdoor unit shall be factory assembled, weather proof casing constructed from heavy
gauge mild steel panels with powder-coated finish.

c. High Wall Mounted Units

The units shall be high wall mounted type. The unit shall include pre-filter, fan section & DX
coil section. The housing of the unit shall be lightweight powder coated galvanized steel.
Unit shall have an attractive external casing with supply and return air grills.

13.2.2. Refrigerant and drain Pipes

Refrigerant pipes interconnecting indoor units and outdoor units shall be of refrigeration
quality copper pipes; soft drawn seamless high grade copper pipes. Refrigerant lines shall
be covered properly to avoid any mechanical injuries. All pipe joints shall be properly braced
with oxy-acetylene (if required). For the refrigerant pipes larger than 19mm diameter hard
copper pipe should be used with elbows wherever required. For the smaller pipes pipe
bender should be used for bending the pipe.
Indoor units shall be connected to the main refrigerant pipe with factory made branch kit
having facility to join various sizes of pipes as required in each branch kit. Model number of

Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
the branch kit shall be mentioned in the bid document. Pipe sizing shall be carried out as
per manufacturer’s instructions.
The Contractor must submit the detailed refrigerant piping layout with respective pipe sizes,
location of branch kit along the bid document.
Drain pipe shall be made of PVC. Adequate slope shall be maintained to avoid the collection
and leakage of condensate drain. Site visit is strongly recommended for this purpose as
there are beams having different heights.
It is the Contractor's responsibility that the refrigerant and drain pipe sizes are as per the
manufacturers recommendation and are of correct sizes to ensure the optimum operation
of the entire installed AC system.

13.2.3. Fresh Air

Fresh air piping interconnecting the various indoor units shall be made of PVC pipes of
different sizes to meet SNI requirement.
The Contractor must submit sizes of fresh air piping with respective sizes along the bid
document drawing of fresh air pipe layout.

13.2.4. Testing of Refrigerant Pipe

The contractor shall test the refrigerant piping with nitrogen at a pressure 2 times greater
than nominal operating discharge pressure and keep the pressure record every 2 hours
during day and every 12 hours during night for 24 hours. All inactive refrigerant piping shall
be pressurized all the time till connection of indoor units and outdoor units are ready. It is
the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the installed pipes are free of debris and
moisture to ensure smooth and trouble free operation of the entire HVAC system.

13.2.5. Refrigerant
Refrigerant used in the equipment shall be R-32. Additional R-32 shall be charged into the
system if required. The additional amount of refrigerant required shall be calculated based
on the length and size of installed liquid refrigerant pipe and manufacturer’s data book. The
Contractor is not entitled to claim for extra refrigerant required.

13.2.6. Remote Controller for Wall Mounted Type Single Split Indoor Units
Each indoor unit shall have individual wireless remote controller with LCD/LED display
having 24 hour operation schedule to be registered. It shall also have provision of self
diagnosis system, temperature settings and high power mode, economy mode, horizontal
and vertical flow control, microcomputer control auto defrosting.

13.2.7. Pipe Insulation

All refrigerant pipes shall be insulated with closed cell insulation tubes of respective sizes
with at least 19 mm thickness for main pipe and 13 mm thickness for branch pipes. All piping
to be insulated shall be cleaned thoroughly before applying insulation. Care shall be taken
to ensure that there are no damages to piping insulation. All joints shall be sealed with
adhesive compounds.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
Insulation material should be of expanded closed cell electrometric nitrile rubber material
having a thermal conductivity of not more than 0.034 w/mK at 24ºC. The density of the
material shall not be more than 0.75 g/ Material shall be self-extinguishing and CFC
free so as not to emit toxic gasses in case of fire.
All insulated refrigerant pipes installed exposed to outdoor air shall be covered with
polyethylene pipe for protection.

13.2.8. Galvanized Iron Ducting Cover for Insulated Refrigerant Pipes

All insulated refrigerant pipes exposed to outdoor shall be covered with 24 gauge
galvanized iron ducting and properly secured on walls/floors. The Contractor shall include
the cost for this purpose in rate of refrigerant pipes and not entitled to claim.

13.2.9. Supports for Piping

Vertical piping: Vertical piping shall be secured at sufficiently close intervals to keep the
pipe in alignment and carry the weight of the pipe and contents.
Horizontal piping: Horizontal piping shall be secured at sufficiently close intervals to keep
the pipe in alignment and prevent sagging. Pipe support shall be adjustable for height.
All pipe support shall be painted with two coats of red oxide and two coats of enamel paints
of approved color. Spacing of pipe support shall not be more than 3 m. Extra support shall
be provided at the bends and tees, if required. Insulated piping shall be supported in such
a way so as not to damage the insulation. None of the pipe hanger shall be secured to the
support made for false ceiling. The hangers shall be secured with the help of at least 6 mm
diameter anchor bolt.
Where pipes pass through floors and walls provide PVC pipe sleeves 30 mm larger than
outside diameter of the pipe inclusive of insulation. The center of the pipes shall be at the
center of the sleeves and sleeves shall be flushed with the finished surface.

13.2.10. Support for Indoor Units and Outdoor Units

Supports for indoor and outdoor units shall be strong enough to hold the weight of the unit
and locally fabricated using mild steel plates and brackets respectively. Such support shall
be secured with 4 numbers of 10 mm diameter expansion bolts on walls. The support shall
be painted with two layers of red oxide and two layers of enamel paint of specified color.
The units shall be properly leveled so as not to spill the condensate drain.
The cost for support for indoor and outdoor units shall be included in unit cost of the indoor
and outdoor units and separately cannot be claimed.

13.3. Testing of Control System and Performance Testing of AC Units

After installation of the entire split air-conditioning systems, a testing and commissioning
must be conducted to check the performance of the A/C systems, control system and drain
piping system. The test report shall include but not limited to designation of A/C units,
location, voltage, current, indoor and outdoor temperature, humidity, air flow rate, suction
and discharge pressures etc. The contractor shall get prior approval of the format of the test
report and conduct the test in presence of consultant and Owner. Then the contractor shall
submit test report to the consultant for approval.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
13.4. Related Electrical Works
Electrical power supply for all indoor units and VRF type inverter outdoor units shall be
provided by Contractor. The Contractor shall provide MCB, MCCB, contactors, high/low
voltage protector, phase protectors and control panel with indicator lamps. The contractor
is responsible to provide the control (data) cable required between indoor units and outdoor
units. The control (data) cable shall be shielded twisted pair (STP) type. Control cable shall
be laid inside polyethylene pipe.

13.5. Related Civil Works

The Contractor shall submit the shop drawing showing the locations of the cut out / hole to
be made on existing wall/floor/ceiling and get written approval from the Owner prior to make
holes/cut the groves. The holes / cut outs shall be made by using drilling machine / cutters,
not by chisel and hammer. Utmost care must be taken not to make existing wall/floor/ceiling
dirty/damage. All holes made shall be filled with cement plaster / plaster of same quality as
existing. Installation of the indoor units shall be carried out in close coordination with the
The VRF type outdoor units shall be installed on RCC foundation and secured by at least 4
numbers of diameter 10 anchor bolts with vibration isolators.

13.6. Specific Requirements

As reference for the evaluation, the Contractor shall include in his bid the following evidence
from the manufacturer of the offered air conditioning units. The Contractor without this
evidence is liable to be rejected.

List of specific requirements to be fulfilled by the Contractor with evidences from the
No Description Unit Requirement
1 Manufacturer's Name to be mentioned
2 Model Designation to be mentioned
2.1 Indoor Unit to be mentioned
2.2 Outdoor Unit to be mentioned
3 Type of Air Conditioner Wall mounted Inverter system
4 Capacity
4.1 Power minimum TR/HP/PK 0,5 1 2
4.2 Thermal Energy (nominal) Btu/h ≥ 5000 ≥ 8500 ≥ 17000
4.3 Power Consumption (maximum) kW 0,6 1,1 1,75
5 Electrical input 130 - 440V/50 Hz/single phase AC
6 Certification SNI IEC 60335-2-40 : 2009, ISO 9001 : 2015
7 Noise Level (Indoor Unit) dB ≤ 40 ≤ 40 ≤ 45
Noise Level (Outdoor Unit) dB ≤ 50 ≤ 50 ≤ 55
8 Type of compressor Rotary (variable speed 100 % inverter)
9 Minimum Warranty
Compressor years 10
Whole Unit AC years 1
10 Air filtering unit Removable Dust proof and anti-bacteria filter


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 24: Civil Works Buildings
No Description Unit Requirement
11 Remote control Battery Operated Remote Control with LED / LCD

12 Refrigerant type R - 32

13 Minimum Star Rating (BEE) 3

14 Year of production 2023

15 Type of condenser / evaporator 100% Copper coil. Aluminum coil / alloy shall not be

16 Insulation on Refrigerant piping (For Nitrile Rubber insulation sleeves with pre – clad
supply and returns) Aluminium & joints wrapped with Aluminium tapes

17 Drain Pipe
17.1 Material PVC
17.2 Diameter :
- flexible corrugated pipe inch x inch to be mentioned

- rigid pipe inch to be mentioned

18 Inclusive Accessories Mounting Bracket for Indoor and Outdoor Unit and
Supports for Piping

13.7. Mechanical Ventilation

Supply of ventilator shall be provided to serve the Diesel Room, Battery Room and 20 kV
Room according to SNI 03 – 6572. Supply air handling plants shall consist of a fresh air
intake Louver, insect screen, filter, fan and distribution ductwork.
Extract ventilation shall be provided by means of wall mounting fans, roof extract units or
dusted system with louvered discharges to atmosphere. Individual extract fans shall be
provided for the Toilet.


Pembangunan Extension 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Tayan (arah Sandai)

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures



1. FOUNDATION WORKS ........................................................................................ 1
1.1. General ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Standards ............................................................................................................. 1
1.3. Materials ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Type of Foundation ............................................................................................. 2
1.5. Soil Investigation and Earth Resistivity Test .................................................... 2
1.6. Other Provisions .................................................................................................. 2
1.7. Foundation Design .............................................................................................. 3
1.8. Foundation Construction .................................................................................... 3
1.9. Technical Requirements Pile .............................................................................. 4
2. FINISHING OF WORKS ...................................................................................... 11

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures


1.1. General
This specification shall be applied for the substation foundation work (GIS & AIS) at voltage
levels of 150 kV, 275 kV and 500 kV both for supporting structures of equipments on the
switchyard area including gantry structures and also for buildings at substations.
This specification describes the implementation method for all types of foundations. The
specifications used are based on the foundation design that meets the applicable technical
standards and provisions in this document or the requirements approved by the Owner /
The contractor shall be fully responsible for the preparation of foundation design for steel
structures and buildings including all electrical mechanical Engineering data for each type
of foundations. The Contractor shall cooperate with procurement contractors of steel
structures and electrical mechanical works.
All types of foundation shall be planned to be able to withstand the critical load for three
conditions ie. ; maximum uplift, maximum compress and maximum horizontal obtained from
support/column reaction by using the factor of safety as defined in clause 1.7 Foundation
All foundations shall be designed based upon the soil parameters provided from the report
of soil investigations.
All calculation sheets and drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer / PLN for Approval
and the type of standard foundation to be used for steel structures, buildings and electrical
mechanical shall be approved and will be decided based on the most economical solution.

1.2. Standards
Unless otherwise stated in these technical requirements, the following standards (last
edition) shall be applied to the implementation of the works but are not limited to:
ASTM C361M-19 : Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Low-
Head Pressure Pipe (Metric)
ASTM A514 : Standard Specification for High-Yield-Strength,
Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding
ACI 318-56 : ACI Standard Building Code Requirements for
Reinforced Concrete
SNI 1726 : 2019 : Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk
Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung
SNI 03 – 3976 – 1995 : Tatacara Pengadukan dan Pengecoran Beton
SNI 2493 - 2011 : Tata Cara Pembuatan dan Perawatan Benda Uji
Beton di Laboratorium
SNI 7656 - 2012 : Tata Cara Pemilihan Campuran untuk Beton Normal,
Beton Berat dan Beton Massa
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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

SNI 2847-2019 : Persyaratan Beton Struktural untuk Bangunan

Gedung dan Penjelasan
SNI - 2052 - 2017 : Baja Tulangan Beton
SNI – 8460 – 2017 : Persyaratan Perancangan Geoteknik
SNI – 03 – 6475 – 2000 : Metode uji pondasi tiang dengan beban statis tekan
All standards used in clauses below shall be the same as the list above.

1.3. Materials
Reinforced concrete as specified in TSS 26 shall be used for foundation.

1.4. Type of Foundation

1. Type of foundation is based on the results of the soil investigation and the
Contractor shall be fully responsible for carrying out the installation of the foundation
according to soil conditions on the site work
2. Types of foundation consist of; footing foundation, mat foundation and pile
foundation. Selection of foundation type shall be determined based on the most economical

1.5. Soil Investigation and Earth Resistivity Test

Refer to TSS 23. Topographic Survey & Soil investigation and TPG 16. Substation Earthing
System 150 kV.

1.6. Other Provisions

(2) The Contractor shall select the most economical solution of concrete volume,
depth, dimension and strengthening for foundation design where appropriate loads are
applied; considering the result of soil survey and safety factor (SF), which are in-requirement
in this document.
(3) In the execution of the foundation work, holes shall be prepared for embedding
anchor bolts.
(4) All anchor bolts or connection material made of galvanized steel shall follow ASTM
(5) The Contractor shall be responsible for setting out and proper coordination during
the performance of foundation work.
(6) The top of foundation for gantry and EM support structures shall be at least 15 cm
and 20 cm above ground level respectively.
(7) The upper surface of the concrete for any type of foundation shall be sloped to
prevent puddle. The concrete surface shall be coated with a mixture of one part cement and
two parts sand.

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

1.7. Foundation Design

Design of foundation shall be performed based on applicable standards, best practices and
the following criteria :
1. Shallow (footing and mat) foundation
● Foundation stability criteria shall follow to SNI 8460
● Bearing capacity of soil foundation shall be calculated based on soil parameters
obtained from DCPT, SPT and soil laboratory testing. The lowest calculated bearing
capacity shall be used for foundation design with minimum safety factor = 3
● Foundation settlement shall be calculated based on soil parameters obtained from
laboratory test. Settlements of shallow foundation shall not exceed the following values :

Shallow foundation Total settlement (mm) Differential Angular distortion

settlement (mm)

Footing 25 20 1/150

Mat 50 20 1/150

● Design method based on DCPT soil parameter can refer to SPLN T5.008.
2. Pile foundation
● Vertical and lateral capacity of pile foundation shall be calculated based on soil
parameters obtained from DCPT, SPT and soil laboratory testing. The lowest calculated
pile capacity shall be used for foundation design.
● Design method based on DCPT soil parameter can refer to SPLN T5.008.
● Total settlement of pile group shall be calculated based on soil parameters
obtained from laboratory test. Settlements of pile group foundation shall not exceed the
following values :

Foundation Total settlement (mm) differential angular

settlement (mm) distortion

Pile foundation The least of 25 or 0.1% of 20 1/150

pile diameter

1.8. Foundation Construction

1.8.1 Excavation and Backfilling

This section refers to TSS 31. Earthworks.

1.8.2 Formworks
This section refers to TSS 26. Concrete Works.

1.8.3. Quality Control

This section refers to TSS 26. Concrete Works.

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BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

1.8.4. Testing
This section refers to TSS 26. Concrete Works.

1.9. Technical Requirements Pile

(1) Type Pile

Proposals must be submitted to bored piles or driven piles. Contractors must submit joint
proposals offer all the detail data that the proposed piles include data outside diameter, pole
length and design calculations. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the
determination of the required size of bored pile or pile driving. Concrete strength to be able
to withstand pressure from the pressure of land adjacent to the installation of piling.

(1).a.1. Design Criteria

a. Driven piles shall be demonstrated in detail and design drawings for the allowable
load with safety factor 2.00 for single pile and safety factor = 1.50 for group pile.
b. If using pre-stressed, the concrete compressive strength up to the minimum design
of 500 kg/cm² and for conventional piles, concrete compressive strength should be
minimum 225 kg/cm².
c. If using pre-stressed, pre-stressing of the steel reinforcement shall stand in
accordance with JIS A 5335 and pre-stressed steel's breaking strength of 160 kg/mm².
d. All of the non pre-stressed steel reinforcing bars shall be used in accordance with
the deformed JIS.G.3112 grade 40.

(1).a.2. Materials
a. Driven piles shall be in accordance with the requirements of the standard ACI.313
- 1983 and ACI.543 - 1974 or JIS.A - 5335-1987 and JIS.B - 3536-1983. All piles must be
new and made in the country.
b. Pole Stake delivery must be free from defects and in good condition for trade,
smooth and free of object size and free of rust.
c. Certificate of test results of materials used to manufacture piles should be
submitted to PLN for acceptance and approval of manufacturing processes.
d. If PLN needs, the Contractor must accompany/assist PLN to the factory to witness
the testing and technical examination of the piles.
e. For deliveries to the site piles, the Contractor must submit a copy of a certificate

(1).a.3. Submittal
a. Before starting the implementation of the work, the Contractor shall prepare and
submit to PLN to obtain prior approval of the following:
○ Drawing construction and shop drawing.
○ Procedure of quality insurance

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

b. Within three weeks after work is completed to perfection, the Contractor must
submit a quality control (QC) in accordance with the technical specifications of concrete

(1).a.4. Jointing
Splicing piles shall be in accordance with the “Manufacture Piles Procedure” or a way
approved by the PLN.

(1).a.5. Soil Data

Soil research to obtain data soil needs to be done by the Contractor and the cost/cost that
arise include the contract price.

(1).a.6. Manufacturing of concrete piles and Transport.

Piles length should be determined so that it can be easily transported. Transport and driving
must first receive prior approval from the PLN. Transportation piles conducted in such a
way that no damage to the pile.

(1).a.7. Lines and Grade

a. The Contractor is responsible for the accuracy of line and grade for the execution
of work.
b. All survey work in accordance with job specifications.

(1).a.8. Pile Driving Equipment, and Installation.

a. Driving equipment
The Contractor shall submit with the bidding proposal supplies/equipment and methods of
implementation of the work driving. Such information should include: a full description of the
frame, hammer and packing, handling method and pitching pile and support during driving
and driving the proposed procedure to obtain the required penetration and accuracy. pile
driving equipment must be able to ultimate resistance of twice the nominal compression
capacity/design load capacity
b. The length of pile
Pile length should match the required capacity. The Contractor shall determine the length
of pile based on geotechnical data and must be proved by load test.
c. Setting out
Setting out the main to be equipped to start the pile erection. Setting out a second or for an
individual pile should be performed and approved within a period of not less than 8 hours
before the start of pile erection. All setting out point, line and other station must be
maintained and not disturbed.
d. Driving piles
All piles must meet the tolerance position and inclination as specified. Deviation of the
position of the driven centerline or centerline projection of the centerline of the pile as
illustrated in setting out not more than 75 mm when measurements were performed in the
horizontal direction at a certain level. Deviation from vertical shall not be more than 1 in 100
for vertical piles and batter piles shall not deviate by more than 2 in 100 from the specified

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

If the pile is installed outside of the plan or the position just beyond the tolerance, the pile
should be revoked or additional pile should be driven according to PLN's request, to obtain
perfect load conditions and to avoid overstress pile. Manipulation of the force pressing the
pile to the correct position is not allowed. Contractor be responsible to repeal and replace
the pile of new and does not become an additional cost of PLN.
i.Any pile which is damaged should be released, replaced or repaired as approved by PLN
at the expense of the Contractor
ii.Pile should be driven so as to achieve the final set. If the pile does not reach the required
final set at a predetermined depth, the pile should be driven deeper until the specification is
achieved and the upper portion shall be extended by the welding process.
iii.Produced from pile driving should not be initiated until the evaluation of the initial test pile
load for tension load, lateral load and compression load to failure (compression load to
failure) have been implemented more.
iv.Contractors should consider the possibility of lateral vibration and shifting soil during pile
driving to ensure that the foundations of adjacent functions are not affected, to avoid the
problem before driving pile pre augering can be proposed.
e. Pile cut-off
After driving the pile reaches the level approved by the PLN, the head of all piles should be
cut according to the level shown in the drawings. These cuts must be made by the
Contractor only after there is no threat of danger due to bending (Upheaval). All the pieces
into the right contractor and be removed from the field with the cost of the Contractor.
f. Revocation of Pile
If the pile lifting is required, it is implemented with the efficient or unplug equipment with
sufficient capacity tools.
Unplug the equipment must be placed at a position above the pile to reduce the pile head
damage and to prevent disruption of the supporting soil. Pile heads damaged during lifting
and foot pile damaged during driving should be cut a little early with a cut perpendicular to
the axis of the pile before re-driving. Lengthening pieces to be added as necessary so long
pile back to the initial length.

(1).a.9. Pile Connection with Pile Cap.

Sufficient connection between the structure of the pile and pile cap should be prepared and
must meet the requirements of seismic design calculations.

(1).a.10. Records of Pile Construction

During the execution of the work, the Contractor shall maintain/perform recording and
construction contractor shall submit to the PLN in the agreed format, all records of each
Each record must be submitted after completion of the work pile and must include the
following data:
− Type/type pile
− Number of Pile and Pile all the characteristics including the measures.
− The depth of penetration and speed, relation with the field data.
− Data and Details of the driving sequence of erection progress, including the date,
time, equipment used and the workers (operators, engineers, etc.).
− The number of hammer equipment, model, weight and energy use.
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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

− The number of hammer blows for each 300 mm driving/penetration.

− The location of the actual pile drive, with variations in the location plan should be
− Variations in size or dough
− Setting the initial drive and setting the end redrive.
− Any unusual events that occur during pile driving.
− Depth and type of soil strata
− Observation of groundwater levels and groundwater flow
− The name of the examiner each pile
− Identify changes in bearing material (cushion material), when the addition of
− Elevation at the end of a full drive.
− Elevation of cutting
− The depth and size of the auger (if any).

(1).a.11. Pile Load Test

(1) The scope
a) This work includes preparation of all labor, materials and equipment for
compression and also includes carrying out tension and lateral load test of the pile.
b) Test drive the pile to show the depth and/or showing prisoners.
c) Copy of the penetration test pile and pile anchor in accordance with the
requirements of Article (4) A. 10 above.
d) Pile load test shall be conducted to meet the needs of PLN.
e) After the initial pile load test is complete, the Contractor shall cut the pile that has
been tested and disposed of as directed PLN.
(2) Method of Testing
a) General provision of testing
1) The test must be shown in the picture that has been approved by the PLN or as
specified below. Test equipment for compression load test should be able to load test. Test
equipment to test for lateral loads and tensile loads should be able to load 200% design
load as has been shown in the picture.
2) It should be noted that the loads applied by hydraulic jack is coaxial (single axis)
to the pile.
3) Monitoring shall be done continuously during the test period. If the test is stopped
before completion, and the burden wholly or partially removed from the pile being tested,
and because of the test load is reached, then all of the support or connections, the failure
of measurement and test equipment failure or other mechanical reasons or for other
reasons then the test is canceled and must be testing was replaced with a new pile at or
near the point of testing a long time without additional cost of PLN.
4) Before beginning driving each of the pile tests, the Contractor shall drill holes
located between 1 and 2 meters from each test pile. Drilling should consist of sampling tests
in accordance with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) that are made at intervals of every
2 meters. Dutch cone penetration tests should also be performed on each drilling site.

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

5) Before starting each test, the Contractor must submit a detailed proposal including
the composition of the support beam and place.
6) The pile should be at the drive anchor enough to prevent movement of the anchor
pile. All devices for measuring the settlement of pile should be protected and firmly in place
at a distance not less than 2.5 meters from the nearest point of the tested pile or anchor
7) Calibration of the load should be used for load measurements.
b) Uplift load test and/or Compression Load
1) The uplift load test and pile compression load on the individual test type and test
type of foundation should be in accordance with ASTM D 3689 and ASTM D 1143.
2) Hydraulic jack and reaction anchoring methods should be used for the application
of the load test. Jacking of piles productions who worked on the tension is not allowed.
3) Before the start of production pile driving, a compression test to failure should be
performed on individual test piles driven. Pile test sites should be shown in the image and
must first be approved by the PLN.
4) Uplift test and compressive test should be conducted on individuals selected piles
produced by PLN. The location and amount of testing should be shown in the picture.
5) Test the load for the pile is made up failing to be applied according to the standard
procedure of loading the load test as specified in ASTM.
6) Load test to failure should include appropriate ASTM load test cycle, if it is specified
in the drawings.
7) For the initial uplift and compression test, the load must be increased as specified
in ASTM until failure is reached or when 200% of test load has been achieved. Loading for
test piling shall be increased as specified in ASTM.
8) Monitor pile head deflection by using a dial gauge 3, which was installed in a free
and were around the pile.
c) Lateral Load Test
1) The lateral load test on a pile in accordance with the requirements of ASTM D3966.
Testing should be done for fixed-head conditions and free-head.
2) The test load shall be applied in accordance with the standard loading procedure
in ASTM D3966 test load.
3) Expenses shall be increased until failure occurs.
4) Test lateral load must be done in a separate pile provided for testing purposes. Pile
test site must be shown in the picture that should be approved advance by PLN.
5) Monitoring of all the installed pile movement and rotation that occurs at the head
of the test pile.
6) Failure to be set as the load on the horizontal deflection current is continuously
rising without an additional increase in load.
d) Test Equipment and Materials
1) Set up all equipment and materials needed for the purpose of testing and move all
the equipment after testing is completed.

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

2) Picture test arrangement shall be submitted to PLN for approval, including

complete data equipment and materials.
3) The Testing: The testing of the complete tabulation of all data presented to test
immediately after testing is completed. The data should include, at least in test equipment
calibration data, all reading the dial of each load increment and decrement the load, the
duration of the test start and finish times and each unusual occurrence during testing.
e) Number of Tests.
1) Before the erection work starts, the initial test pile should be implemented.
2) PLN will choose pile to be tested. At least one pile of each set of piles or pile of
one hundred piles shall be tested at the direction of PLN.
3) Preliminary test load must be carried out on a stake. Location of pile will be
determined by the PLN.


(1).b.1. Design criteria

a) All details related to the dimensions of the stake, term, reinforcement, etc. the cover
plate must be shown on shop drawings and the Contractor must receive approval from the
b) Minimum concrete compression strength of 225 kg/cm².
c) All reinforcing steel bars shall be in accordance with the relevant SNI standard
mentioned in clause 1.2. Standards.

(1).b.2. Piling Equipment, Installation and Workmanship

(1).b.2.1. Pile Driving equipment

a) Contractor must submit its proposal in full detail about the erection of equipment
and methods of implementation of the work, such information should include a complete
description of the framework, lifting devices and other equipment needed for installation.
b) The equipment shall be capable of boring through bearing strata, boulders, shales,
staff clays, gravels, sand and limestone, and shall be capable of boring holes in diameters
within the range of 400 mm to 600 mm and down to depths of 40 meters.
c) The diameters of both augers and clearing bucket shall be least equal to the
diameters of pile to be installed. Where inclined rock surfaces are encountered, a coring
bucket shall be used to level the rock surface before commencing with coring. The
Contractor shall allow in the unit rate of the pile costs for consequent enlargement of the
pile arising from over boring, including additional concrete resulting from such enlargement.

(1).b.2.2. The length of pile

Length of pile needs to be prepared to meet the required pile capacity. The Contractor shall
determine the length of the pile based on geotechnical data and must be proved by load
test square pole.

(1).b.2.3. Setting Out

The Contractor shall prepare all the pegs, rod steel/wood/rod, survey instruments, the
concrete poles, etc. Required for setting out the work, the Contractor shall ensure the
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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

boundary markers to determine the PLN is the correct position. The Contractor shall be
responsible for setting out piles based on pictures and signs of land ownership boundaries
and Contractor is responsible for the pile position in accordance with the approved drawings
and power limits, placement of pile based on the limits and benchmarks.

(1).b.2.4. Boring on the Pile

a) All piles must meet the position and inclination tolerances as specified herein.
Position deviation of the midpoint diameter pile or projection of the midpoint of the pile as
shown in the figure should not be setting out more than 75 mm for each direction of the
actual position to the same pile, pile diameter and are not allowed to deviate laterally from
the midline the same pile of more than 40 mm.
b) If a fixed pile is just beyond the plan or outside the allowable tolerance, then the
Contractor shall be responsible for doing repairs at the expense of the Contractor.
c) Pile should not be drilled so close to another pile of freshly printed and is being
done, or has not been set or that are new concrete will flow/induce and will cause damage
to the adjacent pile.
d) Pile erection should not be done very close to about 5 times the pile diameter
(measured between the midpoint) from drill holes that have not been filled, or from the pile
without the casing installed in less than 24 hours.
e) After drilling is completed and the printing will begin, all foreign objects, which
would interfere with the form of soil or rock should be moved from the bottom of the stake.
Unless otherwise agreed, the basic cleaning of pile must be made using the flat equipment
cleaning bucket.
If the depth of pile of more than 50 meters or flakes/debris grounded bored can not be
broken down sufficiently so that cleaning can be carried out, the way the air cushion can be
applied and combined with an essentially flat bucket to clean the pile foundation. In this
case, the final cleaning by the above done before the printing starts.
f) If there is a quick blast of water from the drilling/excavation, the excavation must
be recharged immediately without waiting to use the materials to the extent that there is no
visible flow.
The Contractor shall examine and determine what caused the flow of pile while the
excavation left up to the steady flow conditions still exist. Based on his research, the
Contractor must submit a new construction method, to be approved by the PLN
g) All the ways that can be justified to be done to prevent the spilling of the drilling
fluid to the outside of the drilling. Bentonite waste must be removed from the field without
waiting time. Disposal of bentonite must follow the regulations of local authorities.
h) Each pile that is damaged should be discarded, replaced or repaired according to
prior approval of PLN and at the expense of the Contractor. Each hole of pile that was left
to be recharged with the ground at the expense of the Contractor. Additional Pile must be
installed as needed, in order to meet the load conditions and to avoid overstressing the pile.
The Contractor shall be responsible for installing additional pile at the expense of the

(1).b.2.5. Concreting
a) Requirements Specification Concreting should be applied to the construction of
bored piles.

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TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

b) Concrete for each pile must be from the same source. The Contractor shall ensure
that the supply from any source (site-mix or ready-mix) has sufficient capacity for each pile
so that the concrete is placed without any disconnection of supply of materials.
c) All drill holes must be in concrete on the same day. In the event of rain, the
Contractor must provide shelter to keep the hole dry and can continue to implement
d) Method of installation/concrete pouring and construction shall be such that a
continuous monolithic concrete pit full cross-section is formed. The assembly must be
approved by PLN.
The Contractor shall give full attention in the planning mix and installation of concrete to
avoid bending the whole concrete pile. There should be no dirt (spoil), liquid or other
destructive thing left is shipped with concrete.

(1).b.2.6. Pile Cut - Off

Concrete must be completed not less than 500 mm above the cut-off level (Overcast) to
ensure that all the concrete below the cut-off level is homogeneous and free from other
objects and other obstruction objects.
Overcast thicker may be required by PLN depends on field conditions and without additional
cost. Overcast should be reduced more cheaply by the Contractor.

(1).b.2.7. The relationship between Piles and Pile Caps

Established a connection structure between the pile and the cap should be prepared so that
the design fits and calculated in the seismic requirements.

(1).b.2.8. Records of pile construction records

During the execution of the work, the Contractor shall maintain complete records of pile
construction, and submit it to the PLN, in the form/format that has been agreed for each
pile. Each record shall be transmitted pile after pile of work completed and should include:
a) The type and location of the pile
b) Number of pile and all the characteristics of the pile including the measures
c) Details of drilling progress and sequence of concreting, including the date, time
required, equipment used and personnel (operators, employees, etc.).
d) Where the actual pile, with a variation of the plan the location and inclination to be
e) Date and time of drilling
f) Weather Condition.
g) Ground level before starting the installation of pile
h) Level pile cut-off
i) The length of the mold while
j) Any unusual incident
k) The depth and type of soil strata
l) The study of groundwater and groundwater flow.

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

m) Name of supervisor for each pile.

(1).b.3. Pile Load Test

(1).b.3.1. The scope

a) The work specified in this specification includes the preparation of labor, materials,
equipment for compression, tension and load testing of pile lateral load test reports and
preparation of the delivery pile
b) Pile test should be performed at a depth that has been approved by PLN
c) Recording of pile test results must be maintained according to requirements
stipulated in Article (4) a.10.
d) Pile test should be done to meet the requirements and meet the PLN.
e) After initial testing of the pile, the Contractor must be cut (cut-off) pile, as dictated
by PLN and discarded.

(1).b.3.2. Uplift load test and/or Compression Load

Uplift and compression load test is the same as for the load test pile driven as described

(1).b.3.3. Method of Testing

Testing method is the same as for the test pile driven as described above.

(1).b.3.4. Lateral Load Tests

Testing method is the same as for the test pile driven as described above.

(1).b.3.5. Test Equipment and Materials

Testing method is the same as for the test pile driven as described above.

(1).b.3.6. Number of Tests

Amount of testing is the same as for the test pile driven as described above.

(1).b.3.7. Pile Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

QA/QC shall meet the requirements of chapter "Quality Assurance & Quality Control".
Procedure QA/QC should include the requirements set forth in this specification, specifically
in section 5.6 and its aspects as:
− The definition of design requirements
− Compliance with the requirements
− Test Materials
− Test and inspection procedures at the plant
− Transport
− Test prior to beginning construction work begins
− Testing for execution of work
− Material control procedures for manufacturing jobs in the field.
− Construction control procedures
− Tolerance
− Inspection of installation and installation
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TSS.25: Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

− Testing the installation (eg, a load test)

− Commissioning and testing
As built Drawings, Calculation design and Report of soil investigation.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit detailed data to PLN all jobs.
Form of the work (quality) of work, the Contractor is required to make As built Drawings
must be submitted for approval to the PLN. As built Drawing, calculation design foundation
and report of soil investigation all must be completed and submitted before the contract
The Contractor shall prepare and submit to PLN 1 (one) set of original drawings, calculation
design foundation and report of soil investigation and 3 (three) sets of drawing A3 size copy,
3 (three) sets books of calculation design foundation and report of soil investigation.

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works


a) TSS 26: CONCRETE WORKS ..................................................................................... 1

1. SCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 1
2. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) ............................................. 1
3. STANDARDS................................................................................................................ 1
4. RELATED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................. 1
5. MATERIAL .................................................................................................................... 2
5.1. General ................................................................................................................2
5.2. Cement ................................................................................................................2
5.3. Additives / Admixtures ......................................................................................... 2
5.4. Aggregates ..........................................................................................................3
5.5. Water ...................................................................................................................3
5.6. Steel Bar Reinforcement ..................................................................................... 3
5.7. Threaded Inserts ................................................................................................. 4
5.8. Lime Putty............................................................................................................4
5.9. Waterproofing Admixture ..................................................................................... 4
6. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................... 4
6.1. Concrete Grades ................................................................................................. 4
6.2. Concrete Strengths.............................................................................................. 4
6.3. Mix Proportions for concrete grades.................................................................... 5
6.4. Approval of Mix Proportions ................................................................................ 5
6.5. Use of Concrete Grades ...................................................................................... 6
6.6. Lean Concrete .....................................................................................................6
6.7. Measurement of Materials ................................................................................... 7
6.8. Batching and Mixing ............................................................................................ 7
6.9. Control tests and Workability ............................................................................... 7
6.10. Transporting ........................................................................................................9
6.11. Placing .................................................................................................................9
6.12. Compacting of Concrete .................................................................................... 10
6.13. Construction Joints ............................................................................................ 10
6.14. Expansion Joints ............................................................................................... 11
6.15. Contraction Joints .............................................................................................. 11
6.16. Protection and Curing ........................................................................................ 11
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TSS 26: Concrete Works

7. FORMWORK CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................ 12

7.1. General ..............................................................................................................12
7.2. Erection .............................................................................................................12
7.3. Classes of Formwork ......................................................................................... 12
7.4. Removal of Formwork ....................................................................................... 13
8. FINISH OF CONCRETE SURFACE ........................................................................... 13
8.1. Concrete Cast against Formwork ...................................................................... 13
8.2. Concrete not cast against formwork .................................................................. 14
9. PRECAST CONCRETE MEMBER ............................................................................. 14
10. DAMAGED CONCRETE ............................................................................................ 15
11. FIXINGS IN CONCRETE............................................................................................ 15
11.1. Holes, Pockets, Inserts etc. ............................................................................... 15
11.2. Ties to Brickwork and Block work ...................................................................... 15
12. TREMIE CONCRETE ................................................................................................. 15
12.1. Concrete ............................................................................................................15
12.2. Tremie Equipment ............................................................................................. 15
12.3. Placing ...............................................................................................................16

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works


This section of the Specification consists of the requirements for the composition,
manufacture and placing of concrete, reinforced concrete and mortar throughout the
works in accordance with and to the dimensions shown on the construction drawings,
or as indicated in other sections or other specification of this tender document.


Quality Assurance/quality control shall conform to the requirements as specified in this

The Contractor shall comply with the following codes and standards:
SNI 2847 Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Bangunan Gedung dan
SNI 2052 Baja Tulangan Beton
SNI 2049 Semen Portland
SNI 7656 Tata Cara Pemilihan Campuran Untuk Beton Normal, Beton
Berat dan Beton Massa
SNI 03 – 3976 Tata cara Pengadukan dan Pengecoran Beton
American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318


This technical specification is correlated with the following technical specifications and
a. TSS 24. Buildings
b. TSS 25. Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures
c. TSS 28. Fence and Gate for Substation Area
d. TSS 29. Road and Drainage Works
e. Drawings of Cable ducts

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

5.1. General
a) All material used in the Work shall be new and of the best quality of their respective
kinds from approved sources and shall comply with the requirements of the latest
edition of SNI 2847.
b) The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself that suitable materials
for concrete and mortar can be obtained in sufficient quantities to carry out the
c) Reinforcing steel bar shall be proposed with mill certificate according to SNI 2052.
d) All prefabricated materials shall be SNI certified.

5.2. Cement
The cement used throughout the works shall be type II portland cement in accordance
with SNI 2049.
All cement shall be delivered to the site under cover in strong, sealed water repellent
bags in such quantities and at times suitable for the amount of work in hand. All
cement shall be effectively protected against deterioration during storage on the site.
Only sufficient cement shall be stored at site to ensure continuity of the works, and to
allow testing of any consignment before it is required for use.
Cement shall be stored in unopened bags on a dry raised platform in a well ventilated
but weatherproof storage shed which is used for no other purpose. Each consignment
and brand shall be clearly numbered and separated from order in which it is delivered.
Only one brand of cement shall be used to complete any individual structure of
foundation unless otherwise instructed by the Owner.
Cement stored on site for a period longer than two months shall be laboratory tested
at the Contractor's expense before use. Any cement which has hardened or become
contaminated shall be rejected.
Cement manufacturer's test certificates shall be made available to the Owner on

5.3. Additives / Admixtures

Air entraining admixtures, Water reducing, set accelerating, set retarding, or other
additives shall not be used except with the written approval of the Owner, based on
comparative concrete durability and compression strength tests carried out on
concrete made with and without additives.
Test with additives shall give durability and compressive strength at least equal to
those without additives except that water reducing agents shall increase the
compressive strength by ten (10) per cent. The use of all additives shall be strictly

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

5.4. Aggregates
a) Coarse Aggregates
Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone with well graded and show general
compliance with the requirements of the ASTM C33M. It shall be clean, hard, strong,
fine grained, non-friable, non-porous and durable stone of approved quality. It shall be
roughly cubical in shape and be free from dust.
Should the loss by weight, when the aggregate is subjected to abrasion test by the
use of the Los Angeles Machine (ASTM 131) exceed 10% at 100 revolutions or 40%
at 500 revolutions, the coarse aggregate shall be rejected.
b) Fine Aggregate (Sand)
The fine aggregate for concrete and mortar shall comply with ASTM C33M. The fine
aggregate for concrete shall be clean, sharp, fresh-water or pit sand, or other suitable
and approved material, and shall be free from all impurities.
The clay, silt and fine dust in, or adhering to, the aggregate shall not exceed five (5)
percent by volume. The fine aggregate shall be well graded within the limits of four
and three-quarters (4.75) mm to six hundred (600) micrometers in size.
The fine aggregate for mortar shell, unless otherwise specified, be rounded sand or
other suitable and approved material and shall be free from all impurities. The clay,
silt or fine dust shall not exceed five (5) percent by volume. The sand shall consist of
particles between two point three six (2.36) mm and six hundred (600) micrometers in
c) Storage of Aggregates
The coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored on site in bins or on clean, dry, hard
surfaces, and be kept free from all sources of contamination. Aggregates of different
grading shall be stored separately, and no new aggregate shall be mixed with existing
stocks until tested and approved.

5.5. Water
Water used for mixing concrete and mortar shall be clean, free from harmful
chemicals, salt, oils, organic matter and all other impurities, conforming with the
requirement of the ASTM D516-11.

5.6. Steel Bar Reinforcement

The grade and dimension of reinforcement shall comply with the requirement of SNI
2052:2017 Baja Tulangan Beton.
The bars shall be round and free from corrosion, cracks, surface flaws, laminations,
rough and jagged. All bars shall be clean, new and of the diameters described on the
drawings, and shall be transported and stored on site so that they remain straight,
clean, undamaged and free from corrosion, rust or scale.
Bars or different diameters shall be separately bundled and bars from different
sources shall be separately stored, free from direct contact with wet ground.
Deformed bar shall be used for all diameters.

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

5.7. Threaded Inserts

Threaded insert for casting into concrete shall be of the diameters and dimensions
shown on the drawings and shall be electro-galvanized and of malleable iron or mild

5.8. Lime Putty

Lime putty used for mortar shall be well slaked and kept in the line pool for a minimum
of four days. It shall be prevented from drying while in the lime pool.

5.9. Waterproofing Admixture

Waterproof concrete and mortar shall be used where shown on the drawings.
Waterproofing shall be by the use of a reliable and approved brand of admixture. The
admixture shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


6.1. Concrete Grades

The grades of concrete to be used in the works shall be as shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1


(Cylinder Specimen)

f’c 18,7 18,7 MPa

f’c 14,5 14,5 MPa
f’c 8,3 8,3 MPa

6.2. Concrete Strengths

The Contractor shall ensure that the crushing strengths of the various grades of
concrete are not less than the values given in Table 2 below:

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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

Table 2




f’c 18,7 18,7 12,45

f’c 14,5 14,5 9,54
f’c 8,3 8,3 5,39

The standard cylinders sample with three hundred (300) millimeters in height with
base of one hundred and fifty (150) millimeters in diameter are used and tested for
the crushing values of such cylinder tests according to SNI 1974.

6.3. Mix Proportions for concrete grades

It shall be the Contractors responsibility to design the concrete mixes, using the
constituent materials specified, to comply with the requirements of the various grades
of concrete.
The Contractor shall, as soon as possible after the contract has been placed, obtain
representative samples of water and fine and coarse aggregates in sufficient
quantities for testing as directed by the Owner. Tests so designated by the Owner
shall be in accordance with the provisions of SNI 7656. Materials which do not comply
with those specified under this specification shall be rejected.
In determining the mix proportions, the Contractor shall use trial mixes in accordance
with the recommendations of SNI 7656 to establish the most suitable combination that
will give concrete of the maximum water/cement ratios consistent with the strengths
specified for the different concrete grades. Water cement ratios will normally be not
greater than 0.55 by weight otherwise specified, approved or instructed for each grade
of concrete.

6.4. Approval of Mix Proportions

The Contractor shall submit to the Owner for approval the proportions of ingredients
he proposed to use for each grade of concrete, and the basis on which he has
designed the mix.
Under the supervision of the Owner the Contractor shall make six (6) test cylinders of
each grade of concrete, using his proposed proportions. The making, curing and
testing of cylinder shall be in accordance with SNI 03-4810 and SNI 1974.
Three (3) cylinders of each set shall be tested at seven (7) days by an independent
authority approved by the Owner, the remainder tested at twenty-eight (28) days.
All test cylinders shall be given a reference number and the Contractor shall supply
the Owner with a record in duplicate, showing the reference number, date made,
concrete grade, proportions of mix, water cement ratio and the concrete slump.
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TSS 26: Concrete Works

The minimum designed strengths obtained from the trial mix tests shall be one and
one third (1 1/3) times the minimum crushing strengths specified for each grade of
When the mix proportions of each grade of concrete have been finalized and approved
by the Owner, the Contractor shall not vary these proportions without a good and valid
reason for doing so and only with the Owner's approval. Any such change of
proportions, arising from any because whatsoever shall not be considered as a basis
for a claim to an increase in unit rated price for concrete.

6.5. Use of Concrete Grades

The grades for concrete to be used in the works shall be as follows unless otherwise
specified on the drawings:

Support Equipment f’c 18,7

Precast Members, slabs (< 12 cm in thickness) f’c 18,7
Beams, columns and slabs f’c 18,7

Equipment and structure foundation f’c 18,7

Other foundation work, roads, linings etc.,
reinforced or unreinforced f’c 14,5

Lean and backfill concrete f’c 8,3

6.6. Lean Concrete

A layer of concrete grade f’c 8,3 shall be laid on compacted sand and the concrete
surface shall be thoroughly clean before concrete foundation is deposited thereon.
Two thickness of lean concrete shall be applied as follows :
Table 3

Grade of Concrete Thickness

Foundation bases f’c 8,3 100 mm

Floors of ducts, troughs or f’c 8,3 50 mm

Reinforced slabs not exceeding 100

Sump pit shall be provided where necessary to facilitate the control of drained water.

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TSS 26: Concrete Works

6.7. Measurement of Materials

(a) General
All equipment used for measurement of concrete ingredients shall be maintained in
good and clean condition and the Contractor shall ensure that men engaged in
concreting work are fully instructed and competent in the use of such equipment.
(b) Cement
The quantity of cement shall be determined by weight. The cement is supplied in bags.
The concrete shall be mixed in batches using one or more full bags of cement.
(c) Aggregates
The quantities of fine and coarse aggregates should preferably be determined by
weight but where written approval has been obtained from the Owner, may be
determined by volume.
The conversion of "weight" to "volume" or vice versa shall be based on the weight per
cubic meter of the preliminary tests on aggregates. Where batching by volume is
approved, suitable batch boxes for measurement of the aggregate shall be made and
Allowance shall be made in gauging fine aggregate for increase in volume due to
bulking because of moisture content.
(d) Water
Water for each batch of concrete shall be accurately gauged by measurement of
volume in a calibrated tank or by weighing. One liter of water shall be equivalent to
one-kilogram weight.
If the fine and coarse aggregates contain water, adjustment shall be made to the
quantity of water to be added to the mix by carrying out moisture content test on the
aggregate and by slump test on the freshly mixed concrete.

6.8. Batching and Mixing

Batching and mixing shall be carried out in mixing plant according to SNI 03 – 3976
and shall be approved by the Owner.
The concrete shall be mixed in mechanical mixer of approved type unless otherwise
approved. The time allowed for mixing after all ingredients are in the machine shall be
not less than two minutes.
Mixing shall continue until the mass is uniform in color and consistency and the
complete batch shall be discharged before the introduction of more materials.
All equipment shall be thoroughly clean before use or reuse for other grades of

6.9. Control tests and Workability

The concrete shall be a dense, homogenous nature produced with the minimum
quantity of water necessary to ensure a compact mass sufficiently workable to enable
proper placing and consolidation in corners and around reinforcement and to give the
specified finish, strength, density or other required qualities. The water /cement ratio
for each grade of concrete shall be agreed by the Owner.
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TSS 26: Concrete Works

Quality control of the concrete used throughout the works shall be maintained in
accordance with SNI 2847. Test cylinder shall be made as directed during the period
of the works and it shall not be less frequently than one (1) per day or one (1) per one
hundred twenty (120) cubic meters of concrete volume or one (1) per five hundred
(500) square meters of concrete floor/wall area. All test cylinders shall be referenced
and recorded as required by sub-section 5.4, including a record of the position in the
works from which the concrete was taken. Three of the specimens shall be tested at
seven (7) days and the other three at twenty-eight (28) days.
Concrete may be assumed satisfactory if the cube strengths at 7 days are in
accordance with TABLE 2. Should the 7-days values be below the specified figures
the concrete may still be assumed satisfactory if the 28-days test results conform with
the TABLE 2. If the results of both the 7 days and 28-days work cube tests show
crushing strengths less than those specified, the Owner may suspend all concreting
work and order further tests to ascertain if the concrete place in the works is
If the results of strength tests indicate that concrete does not meet specified
requirements the concrete production shall be stopped until corrective action is
implemented to guarantee conformance with specification.
The Contractor may be directed to take concrete cores and/or make load tests, at his
own expense, of any work that he has installed with concrete not meeting specified
strength requirements. If cores and/or load tests establish that such work in place
does not meet requirements, the concrete shall be broken out and replaced, or
otherwise rectified as requested by the Owner without cost to the Owner.
The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping a record of Slump Tests, and the
slump of the standard cone shall be within the following limits whilst conforming to the
specified crushing strengths:
Table 4



f’c 18,7 and f’c 14,5 25 - 50 mm Not Applicable

f’c 8,3 24 - 75 mm 25 - 100 mm

Checking and testing the concrete quality shall be prerogative of the Owner who may
increase the number of tests to be made or order such other tests as he may deem
necessary to ensure that the concrete is of the specified strength and workability
required for the works.
All remedial measures including cutting-out, reinating, mix adjustments, further testing
and the like which, in the opinion of the Owner, are required shall be at the expense
of the Contractor.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

6.10. Transporting
Transporting of concrete shall be carried out in mixing plant according to SNI 03 –
3976 and shall be approved by the Owner. Concrete shall be distributed from the
mixers to final position in the works as rapidly as possible and by approved methods
which prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. All equipment shall be thoroughly
clean before use or re-use for other grades of concrete.

6.11. Placing
Placing of concrete shall be carried out in mixing plant according to SNI 03 – 3976
and shall be approved by the Owner.
(a) Preparation for Placing
Surplus water or any flow of water shall be removed or diverted from excavation.
Specification and the layer of blinding concrete as specified under thoroughly cleaned
and washed.
Formwork shall be checked for line, level, shape and rigidity and shall be cleaned of
all debris or other foreign matter which would adhere to or impair the finished concrete.
The formwork shall be treated with an approved oil before fixing the reinforcement.
Reinforcement shall be free from pitting, mud, oil, paint, loose rust or scale or other
adherents harmful to the bond or strength of the reinforcement. Bars shall be fixed
rigidly and accurately in position and in accordance with the working drawings, unless
otherwise approved by the Owner.
Reinforcement at all intersections shall be accurately tied together with soft annealed
tying wire. No insertion of bars in previous placed concrete shall be permitted.
Projecting bars shall be adequately protected from displacement.
Spot or tack welding for positioning bars in heavily reinforced areas will only be
allowed with the express permission of the Owner. Extension of lengths of
reinforcement by welding will not be permitted.
Welding will be approved only in low stress members, and lap welding will not be
approved in any circumstances.
(b) Inspection and Approval before Placing
All formwork and fixing of reinforcement shall be subject to inspection and approval
by the Owner immediately prior to the placing of concrete.
(c) Placing
Placing of concrete will not be permitted when the weather conditions or the limitation
of facilities or equipment for concreting provided by the Contractor are such, in the
opinion of the Owner, as to prevent construction procedure, finishing and curing of the
Not more than thirty (30) minutes after water is first added to the mix and before initial
set has occurred the final placing of the concrete shall be completed. On no account
shall water be added after the initial mixing.
Concrete shall be introduced into the forms between predetermined construction
joints, as near as practicable to its final position in a manner which will not cause
segregation of the mix or displacement of the reinforcement of forms. Placing shall be
in approximately horizontal layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 30 cm.
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

Concrete shall not be dropped from a height greater than one a half (1.5) meter and
placing and consolidation shall be done in a manner which will not disturb previously
placed concrete.
If greater drops are unavoidable, a tremie or other approved means shall be used so
that the concrete may be effectively placed and compacted in horizontal layers as
before and segregation or disturbance of previously placed concrete does not occur.
Conduits and pipes shall not be embedded in concrete unless specially indicated on
the drawings or instructed by the Owner.
Formworks and reinforcement with concrete and mortar droppings shall be cleaned in
advance of placing subsequent lifts.
Finished concrete shall be as specified in section 8.

6.12. Compacting of Concrete

Compacting of concrete shall be carried out in mixing plant according to SNI 03 – 3976
and shall be approved by the Owner.
Concrete shall be consolidated by immersion type vibrators operating at an approved
frequency, and supplemented by hand spading, rodding, ramming and tamping to
ensure adequate and proper compaction.
The concrete shall be carefully worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures,
into corners and against the forms to produce a dense uniform mass free form
defectors, care shall be exercised to ensure that the duration of vibration is sufficient
to produce satisfactory consolidation without segregation and that the whole depth is
thoroughly compacted without disturbance without to other parts of the work already
placed. Excessive vibration shall be avoided.
The number and type of vibrators shall be approved prior to placing the concrete and
sufficient spare units must be on hand in case of breakdown.
Operators of vibrating tools shall demonstrate that they have received adequate
instruction and training in their use. Every care shall be taken to avoid contact of
vibrators with reinforcement or previously placed concrete.
External formwork vibrators will not be permitted unless specifically approved by the
Owner on agreed sections of the works.

6.13. Construction Joints

Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to approved construction joints with
moulded bounding chases. Unless otherwise approved or instructed concrete shall be
placed to the full depth of slabs, beams and the like and shall be placed in horizontal
layers not exceeding one and one half (1.5) meters deep in walls, columns and similar
Construction joints shall be formed in the horizontal vertical planes by means of stop
boards which allow the reinforcement to run through. Where practicable, laitance shall
be removed whilst the concrete is still soft so as to expose the coarse aggregate.
Where concrete already deposited has been set but not set hard, the laitance shall be
removed and the coarse aggregate exposed by wire brushing and washing.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

At joints where the placed concrete has set hard any or laitance shall be removed by
hacking, care being taken to avoid damage to the aggregate.
Immediately before concreting proceeds the roughened joint surface shall be
thoroughly cleaned and loose matter removed, then treated with a layer, 12 mm thick,
of cement mortar 1:1 mix. The concrete shall be immediately deposited and punned
into the cement mortar.
Where construction joints will be permanently visible, the cement mortar shall be kept
back from the exposed face of the concrete.

6.14. Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be formed in positions and to the details shown in the drawing
or as directed.
Joints shall be straight and vertical except where otherwise approved and concrete
surface faces shall be flush on both sides of the joint.
The joints shall be filled with flexible material, non-extruding wood, fiber bitumen,
impregnated boarding and sealed with plastic optical grade rubber bitumen
compound, or other approved products of equal properties and quality.

6.15. Contraction Joints

Contraction joints in concrete shall be formed in positions and to details shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Owner.
The joints shall be straight and vertical except where otherwise approved and concrete
surface levels on both sides of the joint shall be flush. Alternatively, they may be
formed by cutting with an approved cutting/sawing machine after the concrete has set.
The surface of the concrete shall be flush on both sides of the joint and the joint shall
be sealed with bituminous polyurethane foam strip or with "Plastic" tropical grade
rubber bitumen compound, poured into the joint, or with other approved products of
equal properties and quality.

6.16. Protection and Curing

Protection and curing of concrete shall be carried out in mixing plant according to SNI
03 – 3976 and shall be approved by the Owner.
Proper protection shall be provided to prevent cement from being taken or washed
away and the concrete from being diluted during the process of storing, handling,
transporting, apportioning and mixing the materials, and transporting, placing,
compacting and curing the concrete.
Care should be taken to ensure that concrete during hardening is not disturbed by
direct or indirect loading, movement of projecting reinforcement, vibrating or other
similar effects. All concrete shall be protected from the harmful effects of sunshine,
wind and rain and foundation concrete shall also be protected from damage by storm
or subsoil water
After placing and during early stages of hardening, concrete shall be protected from
moisture loss, harmful effects of sunshine, wind, rain, running surface water and
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

Curing activities shall be started as soon as any free water has disappeared from the
surface of the concrete after placing and finishing. Surfaces shall be kept covered and
wet for at least fourteen (14) days after placing, or for such other period as may be
Covers shall be hessian, sacking or other absorbent material and shall be kept wet
continuously for the agreed curing period. Alternative proposed methods of covering
the concrete or sealing-in the moisture should require approval.
Where formwork is removed before the end of the fourteen days curing period, curing
as specified above shall continue on all exposed surfaces until the end of the curing


7.1. General
Design and construction of formworks shall be carried out according to SNI 2847.
Formwork shall be constructed from timber, metal, plastic or concrete, lined as
necessary for special finish and designed with the quality and strength required to
ensure rigidity throughout placing, ramming, vibration and setting of the concrete,
without detrimental effect.

7.2. Erection
Formwork shall be erected true to line, level and shapes required using a minimum of
approved internal ties. Faces in contact with the concrete shall be true and free from
defect, joined to prevent loss of water or fines, in panels or units which permit easy
handling, and designed to permit side forms to be struck independently of soffit
shuttering. Ties or spacers remaining embedded shall have the minimum cover
specified for reinforcement.
Forms for exposed concrete beams, girder casings and columns shall provide for a
twenty-five (25) millimeter chamfer on external corners.

7.3. Classes of Formwork

(a) Wood Formwork
Wood formwork shall be plain timber "Meranti" or better, plywood or other material
with a similar smooth surface. Samples of the quality of the concrete finish using wood
formwork shall be required by the Owner. It shall be used for all permanently exposed
concrete surfaces where a "class A1" finish is required.
(b) Sawn or rough Formwork
Sawn or rough formwork shall be timber as left from the saw or other approved
It shall be used for non-exposed concrete surfaces where a "class A2" finish is
required, and shall include surfaces to be covered by backfill, plaster or the like.
(c) Metal Formwork

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

Metal formwork shall be steel plate or other metal material with a similar smooth
surface. Samples of the quality of the concrete finish using metal formwork shall be
required by the Owner. It shall be used for all permanently exposed concrete surfaces
where a "class A1" finish is required.
(d) Formwork at Construction Joints
Construction joints in the works shall be so arranged to provide a "starter" to which
the forms for the next lift may be clamped.
Wedges and clamps shall be kept tight during vibrating operations. Before
commencement or resumptions of concreting, the interior of forms shall be cleaned
and freed of sawdust, shavings, dust, mud or other debris and openings shall be
formed to facilitate this cleaning and inspection.

7.4. Removal of Formwork

Formwork shall be kept in position, fully supported, until the concrete has hardened
and gained sufficient strength to carry itself and any loads likely to be imposed upon
it. Stripping must be effected in such a manner and at such a time that no shock or
other injury is caused to the concrete. Results from control test specimens referred to
in sub-section 5.9. shall be used as a guide in the removal of formwork where
appropriate. However, the responsibility for safe removal rests with the Contractor but
the Owner may delay the time of striking if he deems it necessary.

Table 5

Removal of Formwork

Minimum Period before

Position in Works
Striking Formwork

Removal of shuttering to sides of rafts, walls, 2 days

beams and columns
Removal of shuttering to slabs, beams and
7 days
arches (Props left under)
Removal of props to slabs, beams arches
14 days


8.1. Concrete Cast against Formwork

The following finishes to concrete surfaces unless otherwise specified or shown on
the drawings, shall be as follows:

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

Class A1 : All permanently exposed surfaces, including exposed sides of

Class A2 : Surfaces to be covered by backfill, plasters or the like.
Class A1 surfaces shall be dense, fair, smooth, even, free from honeycombing, water
and air holes and other blemishes, true to line and surface and free from board or
panel marking. They shall be of uniform color. Rendering of defective surfaces shall
not be permitted, and, if ordered by the Owner, the Contractor shall at his own expense
cut out to expose reinforcement and make good any unsatisfactory work. All areas so
treated shall be rubbed down and kept moist for several days.
Application of plaster or rendering to permanently exposed concrete with a class A1
finish will on no account be accepted.
Class A2 surfaces shall be dense, even, free, from honeycombing and true to line and
Any special finish will be to details or instructions given by the Owner.

8.2. Concrete not cast against formwork

The following finished shall be provided unless otherwise specified or shown on the
Class B1 : All permanently exposed surfaces, including tops of equipment
foundations, wall copings, windowsills, recast items (except
paving flags).
Class B2 : Paving flags and paths. Floors and slabs to be surfaced with
blocks, tiles or water proofing materials.
Class B3 : Roads, buried concrete and floors or slabs to be covered by
Class B1 surfaces shall first be leveled and screeded to produce a true surface. After
the moisture film has disappeared, and the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the
surface shall be finished with a steel trowel under firm pressure to give a smooth,
dense, even and hard surface free from all marks and defects.
Class B2 surfaces shall be leveled and screeded to produce a true surface, and be
finished with wooden or steel float to give a level surface free from screed marks.
Excessive floating shall be avoided.
Class B3 surface shall be leveled and screeded to produce a true and uniform surface.


Precast concrete members shall be used in the works only where specified on the
drawings or approved by the Owner.
All the requirements for concrete, formwork and reinforcement shall apply equally to the
molds for precast members and concreting shall be carried out in one continuous
Precast members shall not be disturbed or lifted until the minimum periods specified for
formwork removal have elapsed.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works


In the event of any portion of the concrete work being damaged so that in the opinion of
the Owner it does not fulfill the requirements of the contract, the replacement or
reinstatement shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor to the directions of
the Owner.


11.1. Holes, Pockets, Inserts etc.
Holes, cavities and fixings shall be provided in the works only at the positions indicated
on the drawings or as directed and they shall be incorporated as necessary during the
work of concreting. Unless otherwise agreed a tolerance in position of plus or minus
five (5) millimeters shall be allowed.
Insert and bolts shall be fixed square in the works by means of temporary bolts or
nuts, and then concrete cast around them. The projecting portions of such fixings, and
concrete within fifty (50) millimeters of them, shall be bitumastic painted and all
threads well-greased on completion of the works. Holes and pockets shall be stepped
down clean on completion.

11.2. Ties to Brickwork and Block work

(a) Brickwork shall be tied to structural concrete columns by galvanized wire ties.
(b) Ties to block work at columns shall be galvanized steel dowels and be bedded
for half their length in the nets. Ties shall be fixed at their correct positions to
meet block work joints at a maximum of 500 mm centers.
(c) Positions of ties will not normally be shown on the drawings but unit rates for
concrete will be understood to include for building-in ties for brickwork and block


Tremie concrete works shall be carried out according to SNI 03 – 3976.

12.1. Concrete
Conform to the requirements specified for Grades f’c 18,7 concrete unless otherwise
indicated, except use 10% additional cement in mix and limit slump to 140 mm

12.2. Tremie Equipment

Pipe or tube having minimum diameter of 250 mm, constructed in sections with
flanged couplings fitted with gaskets, and with hopper at top
Support tremie so as to permit free movement of discharge end over entire top surface
of work and so as to permit tremie to be rapidly lowered, when necessary, to choke
off or retard concrete.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 26: Concrete Works

12.3. Placing
a) Deposit concrete underwater by carefully placing concrete in its final position by
means of tremie. Do not disturb concrete after it is deposited.
b) Use special care to maintain still water at point of deposit. Do not place tremie
concrete in running water.
c) Carefully regulate consistency of concrete and use special care to prevent
segregation of materials.
d) Place concrete in continuous horizontal layers, with thickness of each layer
generally not exceeding 300 mm. Carefully regulate method of depositing
concrete so as to produce approximately horizontal surfaces on each layer.
e) Have tremie and tremie hopper completely full of concrete during the entire
placing operation in order to maintain sufficient head.
Keep flow continuous, and in no case interrupt, until placing of concrete is completed.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 28: Fence and Gate for Substation Area



6. GATES 3

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 28: Fence and Gate for Substation Area



This specification shall be applied for the fence and gate in substation work (GIS & AIS)
at voltage levels of 150 kV, 275 kV and 500 kV.
This specification describes size, material and construction for fence and gate works. The
Contractor shall be fully responsible for the supply and construction of fence and gate
based on this specification, Bill of Quantity, Approved Construction Drawings, and actual
site condition.

The Contractor shall comply with the following codes and standards:
SNI 07 – 6892 – 2002 Spesifikasi Pagar Anyaman Kawat Baja Berlapis Seng
SNI 07-0107-1987 Kawat berduri, mutu dan cara uji
SNI 07 – 7033 – 2020 Spesifikasi Galvanisasi Celup Panas (Hot Dip Galvanized)
pada Produksi Besi dan Baja
SNI ASTM A325:2012 Spesifikasi Baut Hasil Perlakuan Panas dengan Kuat Tarik
minimum 830 MPa

a. Fence Fabric
Fence fabric shall be hot dipped galvanized with 7 mm diameter of steel wire. Galvanizing
shall have a nominal thickness of 80 microns.
b. Post, Frame, Gates, and Appurtenance.
- Steel tube and Steel frame Profile; hot dip galvanized material conforming to SNI
- Galvanizing: Hot dip galvanize steel tube (inside and outside) and frame steel
profile section (all surfaces) and other ferrous parts, with a weight of zinc coating not less
than 610 g/m2 of surface.
- Sizes of material for post, rails, braces and gate frame shall conform to the
following dimension and weight as shown on the approved drawings.
c. Barbed wire and attachments.
- Three lines of two strand 2.5 mm diameter steel wire with 2.10 mm diameter four
point barbs spaced approximately 125 mm on center.
- All wire shall be hot dip galvanized, with the weight of zinc coating per square
meter of surface area shall not less than 0.24 kg/m2 for 2.5 mm diameter wire and not
less than 0.198 kg per square meter for 2.10 mm diameter wire or plain wire.
- Barbed wire shall be fastened to extension arms with heavy galvanized steel
pins, and to post extension with galvanized steel bands.
- The Contractor shall provide barbed wire across the top of gates, as well as
continuously along the entire top of the fence.
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 28: Fence and Gate for Substation Area


a. Post Setting: The Contractor shall provide posts of sufficient length for depths.
b. Post Tops and Extension Arms: Malleable iron or pressed steel, with post tops
for round posts designated to exclude moisture from inside the posts, and with integral
extension arms for barbed wire, as follows:
- For Intermediate Posts: Extension arm or arms extending at 45° angles and
slotted to carry three evenly spaced strands of barbed wire with the top strand or strands
located approximately 300 mm above the top of the fence fabric.
- For End and Corner Posts: Same construction as for intermediate posts, with the
post top and extension securely riveted to posts: or, extend posts up to the full height
required and provide a post top.
- Gate Post: Extend posts up to the full height required and provide post top.
c. Top Rail Details: Provide with 17,5 cm long outside sleeve type couplings every
2.40 m on center. The top rail shall pass through the base of the intermediate post tops
and form a continuous brace from end to end of each stretch of fence. Securely fasten
the top rail to terminal posts with heavy pressed steel connections.
d. Cross Stiffener: Provide at both sides of corner posts, and between terminal
posts or gate posts and first adjacent intermediate posts. The compression cross stiffener
be wire or steel bar installed midway between the top rail and ground. Securely fasten the
compression cross stiffener to post with heavy pressed steel connections.


a. The installed fence shall conform to the alignment and finish grade indicated on
the Contractor’s drawings. Unless otherwise indicated or specified, all posts shall be
plumb and spaced 2.40 m apart. Where necessary, the fence grade shall be adjusted to
fit the ground contour by slipping the fence fabric links. On steep grades, the posts may
be set normal to the slope, provided transition sections are constructed. Ground surface
irregularities shall be machine graded as required to eliminate frequent changes in vertical
alignment and to provide a smooth profile for the fence.
b. It is the intent of these specifications that the plan and profile of each reach of
fence between corner posts, or between corner posts and gate posts shall be straight.
The Contractor shall grade ground surfaces as required to achieve the straight profiles
before each reach of fence is installed.
c. Where posts are set in earth, reinforced concrete foundations 100 cm deep shall
be provided. Concrete foundations shall be square in bottom plan, not less than 60 cm x
60 cm and square in top plan 20 cm x 20 cm. Foundations shall extend above the ground
surface and shall be crowned approximately 100 cm. Concrete for foundations shall
conform to the cast-in-place concrete section. Each foundation shall be cured for at least
72 hours before further work is done on the post.
d. Between reinforced concrete column 20/20 which serves as a planting posts
related to time up the rock duo 1pc: 3 sand, reinforced concrete beams and sloof measure
15/20 (concrete grade fc’ 14.53 MPa) within 2,40 m and posts were installed that were
welded iron is reinforced concrete column planted in size 20/20. The bricks masonry
laying above the sloof with composition of mortar shall be 1pc: 3 sand and the thickness
of bricks masonry laying minimum 10 cm.
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 28: Fence and Gate for Substation Area


a. Gate shall be sliding type, complete with frames, latches, stopper, keepers,
bottom rollers & rail, fabric, braces. Gate leaves shall have intermediate members and
diagonal truss rods as requires for rigid construction and shall be free from sag or twist.
Gates shall be fitted with vertical extensions arms. Joints between frame members shall
be made by welding or by means of heavy fittings, and shall be rigid and watertight. Gate
fabric shall be the same as fence fabric and shall be attached to the frame ends by
stretcher bars, bolt hooks or other mechanical means.
b. Bottom rollers shall be of a heavy pattern with large bearing surfaces and shall
not twist or turn under the action of the gate. Latches shall be the plunger bar type, at
middle gate height, and arranged to engage the gate stop except that single gates less
than 3 m wide may be provided with a forked latch. Latches shall be arranged for
padlocking with a padlock accessible from both sides of the gate. Stopper shall consist of
a plate which is welded to rail, with an anchor set in concrete and to arrange the movement
of a gate in its position. Rails shall be of steel angle, embedded to concrete base (grade
fc’ 14.53 MPa) by using rod anchor.
a.Gates shall be installed so that they cannot be removed without disassembly of the
hardware. Hardware attachment bolts shall be pinned so that removal will be difficult.
b.Three hinges shall be installed on each gate.
c.Detail drawing for gates and fence refer to drawings in BUKU II.

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 29: Road Works and Drainage


1. TSS 29: ROAD WORKS AND DRAINAGE .......................................................... 1

1. ROAD WORKS ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Scope of Works .................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Standards ............................................................................................................. 1
1.3. Related Technical Specification ......................................................................... 1
1.4. General ................................................................................................................. 2
1.5. Design of Road Construction ............................................................................. 2
1.6. Earthworks ........................................................................................................... 3
1.7. Subgrade .............................................................................................................. 4
1.8. Lapisan Pondasi Agregat (LPA) ......................................................................... 5
1.9. Asphalt Concrete (AC) Layer .............................................................................. 5
1.10. Kerbs And Channels ........................................................................................... 5
1.11. Insitu Concrete Road Edging ............................................................................. 6
1.12. Cable Road Crossing .......................................................................................... 7
2. DRAINAGE ............................................................................................................ 7
2.1. Scope .................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. General ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3. Materials ............................................................................................................... 8
2.4. Construction ........................................................................................................ 8
2.5. Testing ................................................................................................................ 11

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 29: Road Works and Drainage



1.1. Scope of Works

This section of the Specification consists of the requirements for the design and construction
of roads, parking, and vehicle standings areas which provide access to and maintenance
of the substation areas. The various stages of road construction are included, together with
concrete curb (precast and cast in situ concrete) and cable ducts laid under roads.

1.2. Standards
Design and construction of road works shall follow the following standards:

Permen PUPR Nomor 05/PRT/M/2018 Penetapan Kelas Jalan berdasarkan

Fungsi dan Intensitas Lalu Lintas serta Daya Dukung menerima Muatan Sumbu Terberat
dan Dimensi Kendaraan Bermotor.

Pt T-01-2002-B Pedoman Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur, DEPARTEMEN


Pd T-14-2003 Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Jalan Beton Semen

MANUAL DESAIN PERKERASAN JALAN (Revisi 2017) Nomor 02/M/BM/2017,


Austroads, Pavement Design, A Guide to the Structural Design of Pavements, 2008

AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structure, 1993.

Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga No. 02/SE/Db/2018 tentang Spesifikasi Umum
Untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan, DEPARTEMEN PERMUKIMAN DAN

SNI 1738:2011 Cara Uji CBR (California Bearing Ratio) Lapangan

SNI 03-3424-1994 Tata Cara Perencanaan Drainase Permukaan Jalan
SNI 2442:2008 Spesifikasi Kerb untuk Jalan

1.3. Related Technical Specification

This specification shall be correlated with the following technical specifications:
TSS 24 - Buildings
TSS 26 - Concrete Works
TSS 30 - Site Preparation

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 29: Road Works and Drainage

1.4. General
1.4.1. Services to be completed and protected
Culverts, pipe drains, ducts and other services shall be completed under and alongside
roads, paths and hard standings to the approval of the Owner before road works are started.

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to completed or
partially completed services until the road, paths or hard standings have been completed.
The precautions shall be adequate to allow passage of plan of vehicles of other Contractors
having legitimate access to the site.

Ditches, drainage channels, outfalls and the live shall be in suitable working conditions to
ensure effective drainage of service water to avoid damage to the road foundation.

1.4.2. Approval of Road Design and Construction

Road construction shall not be started before the design has been approved by the Owner.
Each stage of road construction shall be inspected, any defects rectified, and the state
approved by the Owner before the next state is commenced.

1.5. Design of Road Construction

Pavement design of road and parking area indicated both on the drawing and bill of quantity
are for bidding purpose and it shall be designed based on the actual site conditions before
the commencement of its construction.

Design shall be conducted in accordance with the following criteria:

1.5.1. Road Class

For design purpose, road shall be categorized as class I in accordance to Permen PUPR
Nomor 05/PRT/M/2018 Penetapan Kelas Jalan berdasarkan Fungsi dan Intensitas Lalu
Lintas serta Daya Dukung menerima Muatan Sumbu Terberat dan Dimensi Kendaraan

1.5.2. Pavement Structure

Flexible pavement of hot mixed asphalt concrete (campuran beraspal panas) according to
JENDERAL BINA MARGA and SEKSI 6.3 of Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga
No. 02/SE/Db/2018 Spesifikasi Umum Untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan,

The structure of pavement design is shown on the figure below.

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TSS 29: Road Works and Drainage

Description of each layer of structure can be obtained in following section of this


1.5.3. Life Time

Road structure shall be designed for a life time according to Table 1 below.

Table 1. Design Life Time

Jenis Elemen Perkerasan Umur Rencana

Perkerasan (Tahun)
Lapisan aspal dan lapisan berbutir 20
Fondasi jalan
Semua perkerasan untuk daerah yang tidak
dimungkinkan pelapisan ulang (overlay),
seperti jalan perkotaan, underpass, jembatan,
Cement Treated Based (CTB)
Perkerasan Lapis fondasi atas, lapis fondasi bawah, lapis
kaku beton semen dan fondasi jalan
Jalan tanpa
Semua elemen (termasuk fondasi jalan) Minimum 10

1.5.4. Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle Load

The value of ESA5 between 2 to 4 according to MANUAL DESAIN PERKERASAN JALAN

1.6. Earthworks
Earthworks shall be carried out in accordance with section 3. of this Specification, but the
surface shall be formed seventyfive (75) mm higher than the levels shown on the drawings.

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These seventyfive (75) mm shall be removed when the subgrade preparation and laying of
the subbase is about to commence.

1.7. Subgrade
1.7.1. Description
The subgrade is the part of the road on which the lapisan fondasi aggregat (LFA) is laid, or
if a LFA is not specified for particular road categories, then the part on which the sub base
is laid. It shall extend the full width of the road, and include hard shoulders and the like
where these are shown on the drawings.

1.7.2. Preparation of subgrade

When road works are about to commence the earthworks shall be graded to the lines and
levels shown on the approved drawings. Preparation of subgrade shall conform to SEKSI
3.2 and SEKSI 3.3 of Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga No. 02/SE/Db/2018
Spesifikasi Umum Untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan, DEPARTEMEN

1.7.3. Soil Improvement of Subgrade

Minimum bearing capacity of subgrade shall be CBR 6%. Soil improvement shall be done
whenever CBR of subgrade less than 6% and it shall be conducted in accordance to SEKSI
5.4 of Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga No. 02/SE/Db/2018 Spesifikasi Umum
Untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan, DEPARTEMEN PERMUKIMAN DAN

Minimum thickness of subgrade to be improved shall follow the following table:

1.7.4. Subsurface drainage
Whenever subsurface drainage is considered has to be installed, geotextile shall be used
and the specification shall be in accordance to SEKSI 3.5 of Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal
Bina Marga No. 02/SE/Db/2018 Spesifikasi Umum Untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan
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BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 29: Road Works and Drainage

1.7.5. Protection of Subgrade

The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to ensure the protection of the subgrade
from weather effects or from damage due to negligence. Areas of the subgrade which in the
opinion of the Owner, require repair due to the Contractors failure to take such precaution
shall be made good to the Owner satisfaction at the Contractors expense.

1.8. Lapisan Pondasi Agregat (LPA)

1.8.1. Description
This layer is a portion of the road which lies between subgrade and the subgrade surface.
It shall extend the full width of the road and include hard shoulders unless otherwise shown
on the drawings.

1.8.2. Minimum Thickness

The minimum thickness of LPA shall be 300 mm.

1.8.3. Material and Construction

LPA Class A or Cement Treated Base (CTB) shall be used. The specification and
construction shall follow SEKSI 5.1 or SEKSI 5.5 of Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Bina
Marga No. 02/SE/Db/2018 Spesifikasi Umum Untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan

1.9. Asphalt Concrete (AC) Layer

1.9.1. Description
Asphalt concrete layer consists of AC wearing course (AC-WC), AC binder course (AC-BC),
and AC base course (AC-Base). Hot mixed asphalt concrete type of construction shall be
It shall extend the full width of the road and include hard shoulders unless otherwise shown
on the drawings.

1.9.2. Minimum Thickness

The minimum thickness of AC-WC, AC-BC, and AC-Base shall be 40 mm, 60 mm, and 70
mm respectively.

1.9.3. Material and Construction

Material and construction of hot mixed asphalt concrete layer shall follow SEKSI 6.1 and
SEKSI 6.3 of Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga No. 02/SE/Db/2018 Spesifikasi
Umum Untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan, DEPARTEMEN PERMUKIMAN

1.10. Kerbs And Channels

1.10.1. Description
Kerbs and channels shall be used where shown on the drawings to delineate the running
surfaces of roads with flexible pavements.

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1.10.2. Materials
Precast concrete Grade K-225 conforming with the requirements of Section 7 of this
Specification shall be used for kerbs and channels. They shall be manufactured to the size
shown on the drawings and radius kerbs shall be used on all curves of twelve (12) meters
radius or less.

1.10.3. Construction
Kerbs shall be laid prior to the construction of the road base on a continuous foundation of
concrete Grade K-225 with fifteen (15) cm thick and of width ten (10) cm greater than the
kerbs. They should be bedded and jointed on the foundation in Grade "A" mortar and
hunched up the back of the kerbs with Grade K-225 concrete.

At completion, the kerbs shall be true to line and radius and any work showing marked
aberration from true line and level shall be rejected.

1.11. Insitu Concrete Road Edging

1.11.1. Description
Roads with a bituminous surface course may where shown on the drawings, have a cast
insitu concrete edging in lieu of precast concrete kerbs.

1.11.2. Materials
(a) Concrete
Concrete shall be Grade K-225 for the insitu edging and Grade B-100 for the foundation, all
as specified in Section 7.

(b) Formwork
Formwork shall be written and comply with this Specification.

1.11.3. Construction
The edging shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed
by the Owner but shall not be less than thirty (30) cm wide by thirty (30) cm deep.

The top surface shall be set flush with or not more than fifteen (15) millimeters below the
finished surface of the carriageway and troweled to a class B1 finish.

The edging shall be constructed prior to laying the road sub base on a foundation of
concrete Grade K-150 to the dimensions shown on the drawings. The foundation shall be
laid on the prepared subgrade but where this is low relative to the dimensions shown on the
drawings the foundation concrete shall be proportionally increased.

Drainage of the road base shall be by P.V.C. pipes one hundred (100) millimeters diameter
inserted at four (4) meter intervals and passing through the full width of the edging at
subgrade level.

Care shall be exercised in erection of formwork to ensure that opposite faces are
everywhere truly parallel and curves merge into straight at tangent points smoothly and
without angled junction.

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1.12. Cable Road Crossing

1.12.1. Description
Pipe ducts for cable and other service under roads shall be indicated on the drawings.

1.12.2. Materials
(a) Concrete or Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipes.
Pipes shall be approved by Owner.

(b) Concrete
Concrete surround to ducts shall be Grade B-100.

1.12.3. Construction
Ducts for cables and other services shall be constructed under roads in advance of road
construction all as shown and specified in the drawings.

The inside surface of ducts shall be smooth and free from sharp edges or projections which
could cause damage to the sheathing of cables.

Each duct shall be thoroughly cleaned on completion and closed at both ends with a timber
plug driven in and sealed with bitumen. A light galvanized steel or nonferrous wire shall be
drawn through each duct and left in before plugging.


2.1. Scope
The work covered by this section of the Specification consist of:
(a) Water drainage system for the drainage of the Substation area, roads and paved
areas, cables trough and roofs of buildings.
(b) Sub drainage system for the connection and discharge of water closets (W.C.'s)
wash basins, shower, sinks, urinals and other similar appliances.

2.2. General
2.2.1. Water Drainage System
(a) The water drainage system shall consist of pipes under drains backfilled with
brooked stone or gravel (Trench drains) manholes and catch pits, rodding eyes and lined
or unlined drainage ditches and channels.
(b) The outfalls of the system shall discharge into existing watercourses or to be
constructed soakaway as shown on the drawings or otherwise as directed by the Owner.

2.2.2. Sub Drainage System

(a) The sub drainage system shall consist of a system of pipes, manholes and
inspection chambers and shall discharge into a septic tank unless otherwise shown on the
(b) If a septic tank is required by the drawings the effluent shall discharge to a filter
bed or soakaway.

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2.3. Materials
2.3.1. Pipes for Water Drainage
(a) Concrete Pipes and Fittings
These shall be obtained from an approved local manufacturer and shall be subject to tests
and inspection by the Owner.
(b) Porous and Perforated Concrete Pipes
These shall be of approved local manufacture and shall be tested and inspected by the
(c) PVC Pipes and Fitting
These shall be obtained from an approved local manufacturer and shall be tested and
inspected by the Owner.

2.3.2. Stone or Gravel Backfilling on the Switchyard Area

The backfilling to French drains shall be clean, free from lumps of clay or other objectionable
matter and be graded with the limit twenty (20) cm minimum.

2.3.3. Pipes for Sub Drainage System

The pipes shall use AW P.V.C. according to SNI standard with diameter according to Bill of
Quantity and drawing.

2.3.4. Bends, Gullies and Fittings

All bends, gullies and fittings used in the drainage systems shall be of the same materials
and of equally high quality as the adjacent pipe work.

2.3.5. Materials in Manholes, Catch pits, Septic Tank etc.

(a) Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement
As described on the drawings and in accordance with the relevant sub-section of concrete
(b) Walls
Walls shall be built in concrete or common brick and rendered, both faces with Grade "A"
mortar to which an approved waterproofing agent has been added.
(c) Covers
Covers shall be of precast concrete with mild steel angle iron framing. The top surface of
the covers shall have a class "B1" finish.
(d) Step Iron and Lifting Irons
These shall be fabricated from mild steel and shall be galvanized or coated with best quality
bitumastic composition.
Step irons shall be provided where the depth of chamber exceeds one (1) meter.

2.4. Construction
2.4.1. General
(a) Regulations
The regulation and recommendation of any relevant drainage or sanitary authority shall be
fully observed and the Contractor shall be responsible for acquainting himself with any such
(b) Existing and Temporary Drainage during Construction
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The Contractor shall maintain at his own cost all existing drainage channels in good order
during the period of the works, and also cut any additional temporary channels which may
be necessary to prevent flooding of the site until the permanent drains have been laid.

2.4.2. Excavation and Backfill to Pipe Drains

(a) Excavation
Excavation shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 3.3.5. of this Specification.
Trench excavation for drains shall be carried out with the minimum disturbance to adjacent
ground and in such a way that existing or new work shall not be undermined.
Where trenches are to be filled with hardcore gravel or the like, or where open channels are
to be constructed, excavated material shall be removed immediately after excavation.
(b) Backfill
No Backfill shall be placed until pipes, etc. have been inspected, tested and approved.
Backfill shall be carefully placed by hand tools round pipes, etc. and rammed in layers not
exceeding ten (10) cm thick in a manner which will not cause damage.
When a minimum thickness of thirty (30) cm above the pipes has been placed, normal
methods of backfilling and ramming may be adopted.

2.4.3. Laying and Jointing of Pipes (Generally)

(a) Laying
Pipes and fitting shall be of the types, qualities and sizes specified and shown on the
drawings. They shall be laid to the lines and level shown, and the barrel of each pipe shall
bear firmly and uniformly on the trench bottom or prepared foundation bed, any projection
in the trench bottom which could cause damage to pipes being first removed. Pipes shall
be kept clean during and after laying, and open ends shall be provided with temporary plugs
to prevent entry of foreign matter.
Each pipe shall be accurately boned to gradient between sight rails and drain laying shall
commence at the lowest end and proceed uphill. Pipes shall be laid with the sockets leading
(b) Jointing Generally
The jointing of pipes shall be carried out as specified below. The pipes to be joined shall be
accurately centered and butted together, and joints shall be made only by the particular type
of joint. Joints shall generally be of a flexible type.
(c) Flexible and Proprietary Joints
The joints in concrete, asbestos cement and unplasticised P.V.C. pipes designed for flexible
jointing shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer instructions and relevant British
Standard. Unless otherwise directed or agreed, the joints in concrete and asbestos cement
pipes shall be of the compressed rubber ring type, and when loose collars are used, these
shall be accurately located over the center of the joints.
(d) Rigid Jointing of Spigot and Socket Pipes
Concrete and asbestos cement spigot and socket pipes for rigid jointing shall be used only
where specified or directed. They shall be jointed by inserting and caulking one complete
ring of tarred gaskin which shall center the pipes and prevent mortar from entering the pipes.
The joint shall be complete by filling with Grade "A" mortar. The mortar shall be well rammed
into the joint and finished with 45° level. Joint shall be undisturbed and kept covered with
wet sacking for seven days.
(e) Porous Concrete Pipe Joints
Joint in porous pipes shall be made by butting the pipes tightly together so that no soil or
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TSS 29: Road Works and Drainage

the like can enter the pipes. If, due to minor changes of line or gradient, a joint cannot be
completely closed, it shall be wrapped with bituminous felt and surrounded with weak

2.4.4. Concrete Surround and Hauncing to Pipes

Concrete surrounds, bedding and haunching to pipes shall be at the locations and to the
dimensions shown on the drawings. Concrete Grade K-150 as specified under section 7 of
this specification shall be used.

2.4.5. Pipes under Buildings

Unplasticized or Rigid P.V.C. soil pipes and fittings shall be used under buildings, laid and
bedded on concrete and jointed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
surrounded with concrete after testing as specified below. The concrete bed to pipes shall
not be less than ten (10) cm thick, and finished smooth and true to line and levels with
pockets at all positions for pipe sockets to facilitate bedding of the barrel of the pipes

2.4.6. Drainage Ditches

(a) Unlined Ditches
These shall be constructed as shown on the drawings and the Contracted shall be
responsible for their maintenance through the works and to the completion of the
maintenance period.
(b) Lined Ditches
Lined ditches shall be provided where shown on the drawings or as directed by the Owner.
The lining shall consist of stone pitching to the lines, gradients and dimension indicated on
the drawings bedded in Grade "A" mortar. The stone shall be clean, hard and durable with
a thickness of not less than twenty five (25) cm and with length and widths of approximately
one and a half (1 1/2) times the thickness. It shall be of good shape and free of projections
and depressions to ensure proper bedding and uniform slopes and the finished ditch should
not vary from the true line by more than fifty (50) millimeters.

2.4.7. Lined Drainage Channel

Lined channels shall be of concrete Grade K-225 or solid block work if approved by the
Owner and shall be constructed to the dimensions, lines, gradients and levels shown on the
drawings. Weep holes thirty (30) millimeters diameter shall be positioned at half the internal
depth of the channels or as otherwise shown on the drawings, and at intervals of one (1)
meter along both sides of the channels. Expansion joints of two (2) cm wide and filled with
an approved resilient filler, shall be proved at interval of not more than twenty (20) meters.

2.4.8. Manholes, Catch pits, Septic Tank etc.

Excavation to manholes, catch pits and the like shall be in accordance with Clause 4.4.2.
Detail and sizes of bases, benching, covers and manholes generally shall be obtained from
typical manhole details shown on the drawings. Unless otherwise directed, manhole walls
shall be built with common bricks and rendered on both faces with Grade "A" mortar to
which an approved waterproofing agent has been added. All joints in brickwork shall be well
filled with mortar.

Manholes deeper than one (1) meter shall be provided with step irons. Precast concrete
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relieving blocks manufactured with Grade K-225 concrete shall be provided and set in the
brickwork walls over each pipe.

2.5. Testing
All drains, other than open channel, stone filled and porous drains, shall be of watertight
construction and all soil drains shall be subjected to a water test before backfilling of
trenches is commenced. Drains may be tested in sections and manholes may be tested
separately. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner for approval of his proposals for
testing. The drains shall withstand, without leakage, a water pressure of not less than one
and half (1.5) meters at any point for a period of twenty (20) minutes or such other time as
the Owner may direct. All necessary plugs, temporary connections and other equipment
and all labor required for the tests shall be provided by the Contractor.

For testing of pieces in areas where an adequate supply of water is not readily available,
the Owner will accept an air (smoke) test. Further testing may be called for after backfilling
of trenches to ensure that pipes have not been damaged during that operation.

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TSS 30: Site Preparation



1. General 1
2. Standard and Related Specification 1
3. Setting Out 1
4. Clearing 1
5. Grubbing 2
6. Stripping 2
7. Demolition of structures 2
8. Cut and Fill 2
9. Dewatering 4
10. Leveling 4

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TSS 30: Site Preparation


1. General
Site preparation works consist of clearing, grubbing, stripping, grading, water drainage,
demolition of existing structures, and leveling the substation site ready for construction as
per layout and levels approved during detailed design stage.

The Contractor shall develop the site area to meet the requirement of the intended purpose.
The site preparation shall conform to the requirements of this specification and relevant
sections of this specification or as per stipulations of standard specifications. Contractor
shall also carry out necessary protection of slope of site area.

2. Standard and Related Specification

Latest of the following standards and other relevant standard and guides shall be used:
1. ASTM D2-487, “Unified (ASTM) Soil Classification System.”
2. AASHTO Std. T180, “Standard Method of Test for Moisture-Density Relations of
Soils Using a 10-lb Rammer and an 18-inch Drop.”

The following technical specifications are related to this specification:

1. TSS 29 – Road and Drainage
2. TSS 25 – Foundation for Buildings and Supporting Structures

3. Setting Out
The Contractor shall be responsible for the setting out of the Works in accordance with the
survey details and dimensions shown on the Approved Design Drawings.

Masonry or concrete pillars shall be erected at suitable points in the area to serve as
benchmarks for the execution of the work. These benchmarks shall be connected with the
National Benchmark Point or any other permanent benchmark approved by the Owner.

Necessary profiles with pegs, bamboos and strings shall be made to show the correct
formation levels before the work is started. The Contractor shall responsible for the
protection of all survey marks on the site.

Prior to commencing earthworks over any section of the Site, the Contractor shall place
marks as may be required for setting out and provide the Owner with a schedule and plan
of such marks, showing their location and level.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of all survey marks and recovery
pegs throughout the duration of the Contract.

4. Clearing
Remove and dispose of trees, snags, stumps, shrubs, brush, limbs, and other vegetative
growth. Remove all evidence of their presence from the surface including sticks and
branches greater than 1-inch in diameter or thickness. Remove and dispose of trash piles

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TSS 30: Site Preparation

and rubbish. Protect trees, shrubs, other vegetative growth and fencing which are not
designated for removal. Do not burn combustible materials. Remove all cleared material
from the worksite and dispose of it in accordance with all local laws, codes, and ordinances.

5. Grubbing
After clearing, remove and dispose of wood or root matter including stumps, trunks, roots,
or root systems greater than 1-inch in diameter or thickness to a depth of 12 inches below
the ground surface. Do not burn combustible materials. Remove all grubbed material from
the worksite and dispose of it in accordance with all local laws, codes, and ordinances.

6. Stripping
Remove and dispose of all organic sod, topsoil, grass and grass roots, and other
objectionable material remaining after clearing and grubbing from the areas designated to
be stripped.

7. Demolition of structures
Buildings or other structures to be removed shall be demolished by methods approved by
the Owner and all builders' rubbish resulting therefrom shall be removed to a tip provided
by the Contractor or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Owner.
All necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to any
structures which are to remain.
Care shall be taken to salvage as much material as possible remaining the property of the
Owner. It must be stored on site for reuse when appropriate. Material unsuitable for further
use, such as debris, waste and rubbish shall be removed directly to the tip provided by the
Contractor and with the consent of the Owner.

8. Cut and Fill

Other than flat natural grade conditions, the nominal elevation of the site shall be determined
from a balance between the required earth “fill” for the embankment and the available earth
that has to be excavated or “cut” from the higher areas of the site.

● Cutting or excavation and filling or embankment shall be in accordance with

approved drawing.

● All materials removed from the excavation shall be used in the filling in other places
as planned, unless it is declared unsuitable and ordered to be wasted by the Owner. No
excavation material shall be wasted without written permission from the Owner, and when
such material is to be wasted, it shall be so placed, in the positions agreed by the Owner.
Excavated materials wasted by the Contractor, without written permission of the Owner,
shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense.

● Unsuitable materials shall include all material that contains debris, roots, organic
matter, stones or boulders too large to be used in the intended construction, or other
materials that are determined by the Owner to be unsuitable. Otherwise, suitable materials
which are unsuitable due to excess moisture content will not be classified as unsuitable
material unless it cannot be dried by manipulation, aeration or blending with other materials
satisfactorily as determined by the Owner.

● Where excavation to the finished graded platform level results in areas of unsuitable
soil, the Owner may require the Contractor to remove the unstable materials and backfill to
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TSS 30: Site Preparation

the finished graded section with approved material. The Contractor shall conduct his
operations in such a way that the necessary cross-sectional measurements can be taken
before the backfill is placed.

● Whenever water table is met during the excavation, it shall be dewatered and water
table shall be maintained below the bottom of the excavation level during excavation and

● Explosives shall not be brought on the site or used without the prior written approval
of the Owner. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to comply
with the relevant Statutory Regulations on the storage and use of explosives.

The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the proper and secure storage of explosive
and such storage places shall be accessible only to authorized personnel. The handling
and use of explosives shall be entrusted only to men experienced in their use and shall in
all respects be to the satisfaction of the Owner.

Contractor shall be wholly responsible for any loss or damage to persons or property which
may occur through the use of explosives.

When the need for explosives has passed, they shall be removed from the site without

The Owner may prohibit the use of explosives during excavation or demolition work if, in his
opinion, such use constitutes a danger to persons or adjacent structures or the work is being
carried out in a reckless manner.

● All fill areas should be compacted in 200 mm (of loose material before compaction)
layers to 95 percent of the maximum density obtained by AASHTO Std. T180. The base
upon which the embankment is constructed should also be loosened and compacted. Rocks
larger than 10 cm in any direction shall not be placed in embankments adjacent to

● When filling or embankment is to be constructed on slopes of 15% or greater,

benches or steps with horizontal and vertical faces shall be cut in the original slope prior to
placement of filling material. Vertical faces shall measure not more than 1 m in height.

● Any wells, bore holes or other existing excavations on the site shall be completely
filled with approved material in layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm, well rammed and
compacted or by pudding with water. When these wells or excavations occur under, or
within, three meters of new load bearing construction one they shall be filled with cement
stabilized soil consisting of one (1) part cement and fifteen (15) parts sieved soil, thoroughly
mixed and with a minimum quantity of water added to make a workable mix.

● Embankments or filling of roadways shall be in accordance with TSS 29 Road and

Drainage Works. The upper surface of the embankment shall be shaped so as to provide
complete drainage of surface water at all times.

● Excavation and backfilling in foundation shall be in accordance with TSS 25

Foundation of Buildings and Supporting Structures.

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TSS 30: Site Preparation

● The land required for borrowing earth shall be arranged & selected by the contractor.
The identified land shall be approved by the Owner.

● The borrowed material should consist of a satisfactory soil free from sod, stumps,
roots, large rocks, or other perishable or deleterious matter. It should be capable of forming
a stable embankment when compacted in accordance with the requirements of this section.
Acceptable soils for borrow as identified by the Unified Soil Classification System ASTM
D2-487 are GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, and SC.

● The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping all embankments and excavation
well shaped and drained. The surface shall be maintained, compacted in cut sections if
required, and kept free of leaves, sticks, or other debris.

9. Dewatering
Contractor shall be responsible for the Dewatering Plan preparation, selection of materials
and equipment, mobilization, operation, maintenance, removal of pumping facilities, piping,
etc., used in dewatering operations.

All construction requirements for design, installation, and operation of dewatering systems
shall comply with current safety and environmental regulations. The Contractor shall submit
his Dewatering Plan to the Owner a minimum of seven (7) days prior to beginning
dewatering activities. The Dewatering Plan shall contain copies of all Contractor obtained
permits and approvals. Dewatering activities shall not commence until the Owner has
approved the Plan. Acceptance of Contractor’s Dewatering Plan by the Owner shall not
relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the exercise of reasonable precaution, sound
engineering judgment, prudent construction practices, overloading or misuse of existing or
new structures, the adequacy and safety of such Works, and potential damage or
undermining of existing or completed work. Water resulting from Contractor’s dewatering
effort may not be pumped or otherwise diverted into existing storm drains unless required
permits. Under no circumstances will Contractor be allowed to divert water from the
excavation onto roadways. Contractor shall provide a disposal site for excess water and
shall be responsible for securing all necessary permits and approvals. Contractor shall
provide copies of permits and approvals to the Owner.

10. Leveling
The contractor shall be responsible for proper leveling of the substation site as per layout
and levels of all substation areas finalized during the detailed design stage. The Contractor
at his own cost shall make the layout and levels from the general grids of the plot and
benchmarks set by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. The Contractor shall give
all help in instruments, materials and personnel to the Owner for checking the detailed
layout and shall be solely responsible for the correctness of the layout and levels. Site
leveling shall be in the scope of the contractor. Contractor may decide the level of the sites.
However, the level shall be such that it is 300 mm higher than the highest flood level (HFL)
of the site. If HFL is not available, then nearby road level shall be assumed as HFL.

The ground levels for all measurements shall be taken at every 5 meters distance in
uniformly sloping ground and at closer distance where pits/undulations are met with. In fairly
leveled area, levels shall be taken at 15 meters apart at the discretion of the Owner. The
ground levels shall be recorded and plotted on plans. The same is signed by the contractor
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 30: Site Preparation

and the Owner before the earth work is started. All labor, material, tool, equipment etc.
required for the above work shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 31: Earthworks



1. SCOPE 1

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 31: Earthworks


This section covers all the necessary work for the excavating, importing, transporting,
placing and disposal of earth, rock or other such material as required by the drawings for
the proper execution of the Works.

2.1 Character of Ground
The Contractor is requested, before submitting his Bid, to visit the site and satisfy himself
as to the ground conditions on the site, the nature of the strata to be excavated, obstructions
which may be encountered within the limits of the excavation, the possibility of flooding and
the like, and he shall use excavation techniques and equipment best suited to the site
No claims for a revision of rates because of site conditions will be considered subsequent
to the award of the Contract.

2.2 Removal of Water

The rates for all classes of excavation shall include for the cost of control or removal of
water during or after excavation. The Contractor shall provide all facilities and take whatever
action is necessary, whether by pumping, well pointing or other approved means, to keep
the excavation clear of water at all times for the execution and protection of the work.

2.3 Earthworks and Excavation Generally

Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the rates for earthworks and excavation shall be
held to include for excavation in any material except rock.

2.4 Rock Excavation

The term "rock" shall mean a material which in the opinion of the Owner cannot be
excavated except by means of explosive or compressed air drilling equipment. Boulders
over one quarter (1.25) cubic meter in volume will be classed as rock and those of lesser
volume as normal excavation.
The use of explosives for rock excavation shall comply with the requirements of Subsection
2.3.4. of this Specification.

3.1 Topsoil
(a) Removal
The first earthworks operation shall be the removal of topsoil to a depth of twenty (20) cm
or other such depth of the top layer of soil as agreed with the Owner over the area of the
site designated by the Owner. The topsoil shall be kept separate from other material and
stockpiled for reuse on slopes and beams or elsewhere on the site or site access as
indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Owner.
(b) Spreading

Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 31: Earthworks

Where indicated on the drawings or directed on site, topsoil shall be spread on a properly
leveled or graded surface to thickness of not less than twenty (20) cm and raked smooth.
Variation from level or gradient of the raked surface shall not exceed three (3) cm in any
length of three (3) meters.
If insufficient topsoil is available on site for subsequent soil spreading, suitable material shall
be found by the Contractor and brought to site. it shall be free of stones. Lumps of clays or
other matter which would prevent the growth is issued by the Owner.
3.2 Excavation to Reduce Level (Bulk Excavation)
Excavation over site to reduce levels shall be carried out to the lines and levels shown on
the drawings. Any excavation beyond or below these lines and levels shall be made good
by the Contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Owner. Slopes shall be
formed and trimmed to the lines and gradients shown on the drawings.
3.3 Use and Disposal of Excavated Material
All suitable excavated material approved by the Owner shall be used for bulk filling.
Any material surplus to these requirements or adjudged by the Owner to be unsuitable shall
be removed from site to a tip provided by the Contractor or spread and leveled in thin layers
not exceeding twenty (20) cm over general areas of the site within the site boundary as
directed by the Owner. The Contractor shall not delay in disposing of surplus material after
receipt of instructions from the Owner.
3.4 Bulk Filling
(a) Materials
The material for filling shall be approved material obtained from excavations on the site, but
if this should prove insufficient, the deficiency shall be made good with imported material as
specified below.
No material containing organic soil, vegetable or other unsuitable matter shall be used.
Imported filling material shall consist of naturally occurring material free from mud, silt,
vegetable or other soft or injurious matter. The Contractor shall inform the Owner of the
source of borrow pit from which he proposes to obtain the material and no material shall be
brought to site until the source has been approved.
(b) Placing and Compacting
Bulk filling shall be placed to the lines and level shown on the drawings. The filling shall be
placed in layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm in depth and the surface of each layer shall
be given a slight fall to assist drainage.
Each layer shall be compacted at optimum moisture content by eight (8) tone self propelled
type with smooth drum roller, or equivalent vibrating roller, or other approved means, until
the following degrees of compaction have been achieved.
(1). Non cohesive soils : Until no further settlement occurs
(2). Cohesive soils : Until dry density is nowhere less than 95% of modified
Subsequent layers shall not be placed and compacted until the previous layer has been
compacted as specified and accepted by the Owner. Filling material that does not contain
sufficient moisture to achieve the required degree of compaction shall be sprayed with water
from approved sprinklers until compaction can proceed at optimum moisture content.
Material with a higher moisture content than necessary shall not be used in the works until
it has dried out sufficient to achieve the degree of compaction specified.
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 31: Earthworks

Slopes shall be formed and trimmed to the lines and gradients shown on the drawings and
shall be thoroughly compacted with smooth uniform surfaces. Variation from specified
gradient shall not exceed three (3) cm in any length of three (3) meters.
3.5 Excavation in Pit and Trench for Foundations, Drainage, etc.
(a) Excavation
Excavation shall be taken out to the minimum sizes necessary for the proper construction
of the works, and excavation shall not be kept open for periods longer than that reasonably
required to construct the works.
The Contractor shall take all precaution necessary to ensure that the bottoms of excavation
are protected from deterioration and that the excavation are carried out in such a manner
that adjacent foundations, pipes or such like are not undermined, damaged or weakened in
any way. Any excavation taken out below the proper level without approval shall be made
good at the expense of the Contractor using concrete or other material as directed.
(b) Support of Excavations
The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the sides of the excavations, and
shall provide and install all timbering and shoring necessary to ensure stability.
If any slips occur, they shall, as soon as practicable, be made good in an approved manner
at the expense of the Contractor. Shoring shall not be removed until the possibility on
damaging the works by earth pressure has passed.
(c) Inspection and Trimming
The bottoms of all excavations shall be properly trimmed and leveled, inspected and
approved by the Owner before placing the blinding concrete layer of foundation concrete.
(d) Backfilling
As soon as possible after the permanent works are sufficiently hard and have been
inspected and approved, backfill shall be placed where necessary and thoroughly
compacted layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm in depth.
(e) Use and Disposal of Excavated Material
All suitable excavated material shall be used for filling or backfilling or otherwise disposed
of as specified in Clause 3.3.3.

3.6 Slope Stability and Bench Cut

Where part of the finishing level is lower than the existing ground surface of the surrounding
area, Contractor shall perform slope excavation and shall form slope stability.
If the height of slope cut is more than 1,5 meter, bench cut shall be performed.
On the cut slope shall be performed sod facing and the sodded face shall be tamped with
the suitable tool to form a smooth surface.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all completed sodding for a period of 30 days and
shall spray water on the sod whenever necessary to ensure rooting.


The Contractor shall locate, protect, shore, brace, support and maintain all existing
underground pipes, conduits, drains and other underground construction which may be
Buku II
BAB V. Syarat-Syarat Teknik dan Gambar
BAB V.3: Technical Specification
TSS 31: Earthworks

uncovered or otherwise be affected by the work.

5.1 Weed killer
Weed killer of an approved type suitable for local conditions shall be spread over areas to
be covered by site surfacing before such surfacing is laid. The weed killer shall be of type
which does not cause corrosion of metals and shall be used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

5.2 Site surfacing

Site surfacing shall consist of clean, hard, natural, gravel or crushed stone all to pass a thirty
(30) millimeters sieves but all retained on a ten (10) millimeters sieves. It shall be spread
after installation or service and cables, earth strip, electrical equipment and such like.
The surfacing shall be spread where indicated on the drawings on a properly leveled or
graded surface, free from weeds, to a compacted thickness of fifteen (15) cm and lightly
During excavation, the Contractor shall take adequate precaution to prevent earth
disturbances which might affect the safety of personnel and site works. Excavations shall
be closed, timbered or sheeted and kept free of water by pumping during the course of the


PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat

PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat



























PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat
PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat



PT PLN (Persero)
UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No. 50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Front View Front View

Proteksi & Kontrol Proteksi & Kontrol NOTES :
Line Bay SANDAI 1 Line Bay SANDAI 2

Ethernet Switch Ethernet Switch




2200 mm

2200 mm


Test Switch Test Switch Δ






800 mm 800 mm PT PLN (Persero)

UIP Kalimantan Bagian Barat
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No.50G Pontianak Kalimantan Barat





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
SLD 150 KV





2 05/04/2021 4 Revised For Approval ADT ADT AH

1 09/03/2021 4 Revised For Approval ADT ADT AH
0 15/02/2021 4 Issued For Approval ADT ADT AH


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


A (Out of Scope) T.X A
CUBICLE 87,45 Km 115,88 Km CUBICLE

FA Cable
FA Cable

4x STM-4 &
4 Gb Ethernet
Patch Cord
OTB OTB Patch Cord
L-4.2 4x STM-4 &
4 Gb Ethernet

CPU with 4x 10/100/1000 Base T CPU with 4x 10/100/1000 Base T
8x E1 2 Mbps 120 Ohm 8x E1 2 Mbps 120 Ohm
8x 64Kbps G.703 8x 64Kbps G.703


B GI Sandai
8x 2/4 WIRE E&M
8x 2/4 WIRE E&M
GI Sandai
150kV B
GB *1: Material OTB, FA Cable and GB will be provided by PLN

FA Cable
+Y.01 +Y.02
L-4.2 L-4.2 GCD-CP10
Patch Cord
4x STM-4 &
4 Gb Ethernet GCD-8LCF / GPZ-8LCF
L-4.2 S-4.1 16x Analog Extension
Patch Cord Patch Cord
CPU with 4x 10/100/1000 Base T 8x Analog Extension
8x E1 2 Mbps 120 Ohm
8x Digital Extension
8x 64Kbps G.703 4x Trunk E&M
8x 2/4 WIRE E&M 4x Trunk E&M
150kV 16x VF 2W SUBSCRIBER 4x Trunk E&M
GI Ketapang
150kV OHL 2
GI Tayan
(Out of Scope)

4x Trunk E&M
165,37 Km 6x 4W E&M 6x Trunk E&M
4x Trunk E&M
8x 4 Wire E&M

FA Cable
FA Cable

8x Digital Extension
Digital Telp 8x Analog Extension

CUBICLE 16x Analog Extension

Analog Telp

OTB OTB Patch Cord



4x STM-4 & S-4.1
4 Gb Ethernet Patch Cord
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

CPU with 4x 10/100/1000 Base T

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

8x E1 2 Mbps 120 Ohm
parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

8x E1 2 Mbps 120 Ohm

Patch Cord

8x 64Kbps G.703
1x 64 Kbps

OHL 1 4x V24 / RS232
© Hitachi ABB Power Grids 2021

150kV 8x 2/4 WIRE E&M

GI Sandai
Digital Line Interface 64Kbps/2Mbps 150kV
4x G3LR
Relay Interface Module (8 Commands) DR

2 For Approval 30-Mar-2021 Prepared Asep. A Title

1 For Approval 25-Feb-2021 Reviewed Ridzky. A PEMBANGUNAN GARDU INDUK 150 kV SANDAI
0 For Approval 5-Feb-2021 PT. ABB POWER GRIDS INDONESIA Sheet No.of sh.
1HID1-5-1011-P002 4 4
Rev. Revision note Date Approved Hario. P Based on Repl. Repl. by Doc. DWG Format A3 Lang. EN

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto No.50 G, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
Telp. (0561) 762580, Fax. (0561) 762579



NOMOR : 04.RKS/DAN.01.03/F40000000/2023
TANGGAL : 17 JULI 2023






BAB VI SYARAT-SYARAT UMUM KONTRAK..................................................................... 1

A. KETENTUAN UMUM ................................................................................................... 1
1. Definisi ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Standar ........................................................................................................................ 5
3. Penerapan Dokumen Kontrak .................................................................................... 5
4. Hukum Yang Berlaku .................................................................................................. 5
5. Urutan kekuatan hukum Dokumen Kontrak.............................................................. 6
6. Integritas dan Good Corporate Governance............................................................. 6
7. Pemisahan................................................................................................................. 11
8. Bahasa ....................................................................................................................... 11
9. Asal Barang............................................................................................................... 11
10. Perpajakan dan Izin-izin ........................................................................................... 11
11. Penyelesaian Kepabeanan ....................................................................................... 12
12. Korespondensi.......................................................................................................... 12
13. Direksi Pekerjaan, dan Wakil Penyedia Barang/Jasa. ............................................ 12
14. Penemuan Benda/Barang bersejarah...................................................................... 13
15. Kemitraan/Konsorsium dan KSO ............................................................................ 13
16. Pengalihan dan/atau Subkontrak............................................................................. 13
17. Pengawasan .............................................................................................................. 14
18. Transportasi ke Lokasi Pekerjaan ........................................................................... 15
19. Penyimpanan (Storage) ............................................................................................ 16
20. Peminjaman peralatan kerja dan/atau barang Oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa ......... 16
21. Akses ke Lokasi Pekerjaan ...................................................................................... 17
22. Gambar-Gambar, Brosur dan Petunjuk-Petunjuk Lanjutan ................................... 17
23. Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual dan Lisensi ............................................................ 19
24. Penggunaan Barang/Jasa/ Dokumen milik Penyedia Barang/Jasa....................... 19
25. Penggunaan Barang/Jasa/ Dokumen milik Pengguna Barang/Jasa ..................... 20
26. Itikad Baik.................................................................................................................. 21
27. Tanggal Mulai Efektif Kontrak.................................................................................. 21
28. Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan ............................................................................................ 21
29. Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang ....................................................................................... 25
30. Addendum/ Amandemen Kontrak ........................................................................... 27
31. Keadaan Kahar (Force Major) .................................................................................. 28

Buku III -i-

32. Penyerahan Pekerjaan.............................................................................................. 29
33. Penangguhan Pekerjaan .......................................................................................... 30
34. Penyesuaian Harga Kontrak .................................................................................... 32
35. Perpanjangan Masa Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan .......................................................... 33
36. Penanggungan dan Risiko oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa ....................................... 34
37. Instruksi .................................................................................................................... 34
38. Program Jaminan Kualitas ....................................................................................... 34
39. Peringatan Dini ......................................................................................................... 35
40. Garansi Barang ......................................................................................................... 35
41. Pengawasan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa ............................................................... 36
42. Persyaratan Kesehatan, Keselamatan, Keamanan dan Lingkungan (K3L) ......... 36
43. Kerahasiaan .............................................................................................................. 40
44. Asuransi .................................................................................................................... 40
45. Ganti Kerugian .......................................................................................................... 45
46. Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja...................................................................................... 45
47. Penanggungan dan Risiko oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa ........................................ 46
48. Tindakan Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang Mensyaratkan Persetujuan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa atau Pengawas Pekerjaan .................................................................. 47
49. Jaminan Down Payment dan Jaminan Advance Payment ..................................... 47
50. Jaminan Pelaksanaan............................................................................................... 49
51. Pengujian Lapangan/ Komisioning ......................................................................... 51
52. Kontrak Kritis ............................................................................................................ 51
53. Pengakhiran dan Pemutusan Kontrak .................................................................... 53
54. Masa Pemeliharaan .................................................................................................. 56
55. Penyerahan Akhir Pekerjaan.................................................................................... 57
56. Tenaga Kerja ............................................................................................................. 59
57. Perubahan dan/atau Penggantian Personil Inti ...................................................... 60
58. Peralatan ................................................................................................................... 61
D. PEMBAYARAN KEPADA PENYEDIA BARANG/JASA ............................................ 63
59. Penangguhan Pembayaran ...................................................................................... 63
60. Tata Cara Pembayaran ............................................................................................. 63
E. PENGENDALIAN MUTU ............................................................................................ 66
61. Quality Assurance – Quality Control ....................................................................... 66
62. Cacat Mutu ................................................................................................................ 66
63. Pengujian .................................................................................................................. 66
64. Perbaikan Cacat Mutu .............................................................................................. 67
65. Penilaian dan Penolakan Sebelum Serah Terima Pekerjaan ................................. 68
66. Kerusakan setelah Serah Penyerahan Pekerjaan ................................................... 69
67. Klaim.......................................................................................................................... 69
F. PENYELESAIAN PERSELISIHAN ............................................................................. 74
68. Penyelesaian Perselisihan ....................................................................................... 74





1. Definisi 1.1 Definisi adalah uraian atau pengertian mengenai

istilah-istilah yang digunakan dalam Dokumen
Kontrak. Istilah-istilah tersebut dijelaskan dan diberi
arti atau tafsiran sehingga isi Kontrak mudah
dipahami oleh setiap orang yang membacanya dan
tidak ditafsirkan atau diartikan lain.
Dalam Syarat – syarat Umum Kontrak ini yang
dimaksud dengan :

“Advance Payment” adalah uang muka

pembayaran atas pekerjaan yang pembayarannya
berdasarkan progress fisik pekerjaan.

“APLN” adalah Anggaran PLN yang ditetapkan

dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan
(RKAP) yang telah disahkan oleh Rapat Umum
Pemegang Saham (RUPS), termasuk anggaran
untuk pekerjaan mendesak atau Keadaan Darurat
(Emergency) yang belum ditetapkan di dalam

“Asuransi” adalah asuransi yang menjamin atau

memproteksi risiko kerugian yang mungkin timbul
selama Masa Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan.

“Asuransi Pembangunan Proyek” adalah adalah

asuransi yang menjamin atau memproteksi risiko
kerugian yang mungkin timbul di lingkungan proyek
pembangunan selama masa pelaksanaan

“Barang” adalah material atau benda dalam

berbagai bentuk dan uraian meliputi antara lain
bahan baku, barang setengah jadi, barang
jadi/peralatan, yang spesifikasinya ditetapkan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

“Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP)”

adalah berita acara yang dibuat setelah progres fisik
pekerjaan mencapai 100% (seratus persen).

Buku III 1

“Berita Acara Selesainya Masa Pemeliharaan

(BASMP)/Defect Liability Certificate (DLC)”
adalah berita acara untuk menandakan telah
selesainya masa pemeliharaan.

“Berita Acara Serah Terima Akhir (BAST-Akhir)”

adalah berita acara yang dibuat untuk menyatakan
Hak dan Kewajiban para pihak telah selesai
seluruhnya sehingga kontrak dinyatakan ditutup.

“Cacat Mutu” adalah keadaan hasil Pekerjaan

yang tidak berfungsi sesuai dengan persyaratan
dalam Kontrak ini.

“Direksi Pekerjaan” adalah Pejabat yang diberi

wewenang untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan
pekerjaan berdasarkan Kontrak.

“Dokumen Tender atau Rencana Kerja dan

Syarat-syarat (RKS)” adalah adalah Dokumen
yang menjadi pedoman bagi Penyedia Barang/Jasa
untuk membuat penawaran dan sebagai pedoman
bagi Manager pelaksana pengadaan dalam
melakukan evaluasi penawaran.

“Dokumen Kontrak” berarti semua dokumen yang

menjadi bagian dari Kontrak termasuk
amandemennya apabila ada

“Dokumen Penawaran” adalah surat penawaran

beserta seluruh dokumen lampirannya yang
disiapkan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang
disampaikan kepada Manager Pelaksana

“Down Payment” adalah uang muka pembayaran

dari pembelian atas suatu barang yang
menggunakan termin pembayaran.

“Harga Perkiraan Sendiri/HPS” adalah

perhitungan harga perkiraan dari suatu barang/jasa
yang dihitung berdasarkan estimasi biaya pokok
produksi atau estimasi biaya pokok pekerjaan yang
disesuaikan dengan kondisi ekonomi terkini dan
faktor-faktor lain

”Harga Kontrak” adalah harga yang tercantum

dalam Kontrak sudah termasuk PPN

”Hari” adalah hari kalender


"Inspection Quality Certificate/IQC" adalah

dokumen yang menyatakan peralatan sudah
melalui proses pabrikasi yang dipersyaratkan.

“Jaminan Advance Payment” adalah jaminan

terhadap Advance Payment yang diterima oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan dapat dicairkan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa apabila Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak sanggup untuk
mengembalikan/melunasi Advance Payment yang
telah diterimanya sesuai dengan ketentuan-
ketentuan yang-diperjanjikan dalam Kontrak.

“Jaminan Down Payment” adalah jaminan

terhadap Down Payment yang diterima oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan dapat dicairkan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa apabila Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak sanggup untuk
mengembalikan/melunasi Down Payment yang
telah diterimanya sesuai dengan ketentuan-
ketentuan yang-diperjanjikan dalam Kontrak

“Jaminan Pelaksanaan (Performance Bond)”

adalah jaminan yang diberikan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa untuk menjamin pelaksanaan
Pekerjaan dan dapat dicairkan oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak
memenuhi kewajibannya (wanprestasi) kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa sesuai dengan ketentuan
sebagaimana tercantum dalam Kontrak.

“Kontrak” adalah perikatan dalam bentuk tertulis

antara Penggunan Barang/Jasa dengan Penyedia

“Kompensasi Keterlambatan Pembayaran”

adalah suatu nilai uang yang dibayarkan kepada
penyedia Barang/Jasa apabila terdapat
keterlambatan dalam haripembayaran sesuai
dengan ketentuan kontrak

“Konsorsium/KSO” adalah kerja sama usaha

antar calon penyedia barang/jasa yang masing-
masing pihak mempunyai hak, kewajiban, dan
tanggung jawab secara sendiri-sendiri maupun
bersama yang jelas berdasarkan perjanjian tertulis.

“Lokasi Pekerjaan” adalah tempat dimana

Pekerjaan dilaksanakan sebagaimana dijelaskan


dalam Bab V.1 Lingkup Pekerjaan atau tempat lain

yang ditetapkan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa
sebagai Lokasi Pekerjaan.

“Masa Pelaksanaan Kontrak” adalah masa sejak

penandatanganan kontrak sampai dengan
diterbitkannya Berita Acara Serah Terima Akhir

“Masa Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan” adalah jangka

waktu dimana pelaksanaan pekerjaan secara
keseluruhan atau sebagian dari pekerjaan
yang ditentukan dalam Syarat-Syarat Khusus
Kontrak (SSKK), dihitung sejak tanggal mulai
kerja yang tercantum dalam Surat Perintah Mulai
Kerja (SPMK) sampai dengan Berita Acara Serah
Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP).

“Masa Pemeliharaan” adalah kurun waktu

Kontrak yang ditentukan dalam Syarat-Syarat
Khusus Kontrak (SSKK),dihitung sejak tanggal
terbitnyaBerita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan
(BASTP) sampai dengan Berita Acara Selesai
Masa Pemeliharaan (BASMP).

“Pabrikan (manufacture)” adalah perusahaan

yang membuat peralatan secara mandiri, dan
memiliki sarana untuk proses produksi dan
pengendalian kualitas sendiri, termasuk Anak
Perusahaan dari Perusahaan tersebut yang menjadi
perwakilan tunggal di Indonesia/negara lain.

“Pekerjaan” adalah seluruh pekerjaan yang wajib

dilaksanakan oleh Penyedia Barang/jasa
sebagaimana disyaratkan dalam Kontrak.

“Pengawas Pekerjaan” adalah pejabat yang diberi

wewenang untuk membantu Direksi Pekerjaan
dalam mengawasi pekerjaan.

“Pengguna Barang/Jasa” adalah PT PLN

(Persero) yang diwakili oleh Direksi atau pejabat lain
yang ditunjuk oleh Direksi.

“Penyedia Barang/Jasa” adalah badan usaha yang

telah ditunjuk oleh Pengguna untuk melaksanakan

“Perusahaan Asuransi” adalah suatu Badan

Usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang Asuransi
Kerugian Umum (bukan Asuransi Jiwa) antara lain


asuransi property, asuransi kerusakan mesin,

asuransi gangguan usaha, asuransi mobil, asuransi
kebakaran, asuransi pengangkutan dan izin
usahanya adalah dalam bidang asuransi kerugian
yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Keuangan
dan/atau Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)

“Rekomendasi Laik Bertegangan (RLB)” adalah

Pengakuan formal dari lembaga inspeksi (PLN
Pusertif) pada peralatan dan instalasi tenaga listrik
bahwa instalasi dan peralatan tersebut sudah laik
diberi tegangan setelah dilakukan tes dan

“Retensi” adalah sejumlah nilai pembayaran yang

ditahan atau belum dibayarkan, selama masa
pemeliharaan sampai memenuhi kondisi
persyaratan yang telah disepakati dalam
kontrak untuk pembayaran jumlah tersebut.

“Surat Perintah Mulai Kerja (SPMK)” adalah surat

perintah mulai kerja yang diterbitkan oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa yang ditandai dengan dimulainya
Masa Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan.

“Spesifikasi Teknis” adalah suatu uraian atau

ketentuan yang disusun secara lengkap dan jelas
mengenai barang atau metode atau jasa yang
diminta, meliputi Spesifikasi Teknis dalam Bab V
Syarat-syarat Teknis dan Gambar serta Technical
Particular dalam TPG.

2. Standar 2.1 Barang yang disediakan oleh pihak Penyedia

Barang/Jasa harus sesuai dengan standar yang
telah disebutkan dalam spesifikasi teknis pada Bab
V Syarat-syarat Teknik dan Gambar serta dalam
Technical Particular and Guarantee (TPG) pada
Bab IV Formulir Penawaran

3. Penerapan Dokumen 3.1 Ketentuan dalam syarat-syarat umum dalam

Kontrak Kontrak diterapkan secara luas tanpa melanggar
ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam Kontrak,
sesuai dengan urutan kekuatan hukum sesuai
Pasal 5 SSUK.

4. Hukum Yang Berlaku 4.1 Hukum yang digunakan adalah hukum yang berlaku
di Indonesia.


5. Urutan kekuatan 5.1 Tunduk pada ketentuan Kontrak ini, semua

hukum Dokumen dokumen yang menjadi bagian dari Kontrak
Kontrak dimaksudkan untuk saling melengkapi dan saling
menjelaskan. Kontrak harus dibaca secara
keseluruhan, apabila terjadi pertentangan antara
ketentuan yang ada dalam dokumen-dokumen
Perjanjian/Kontrak maka yang dipakai adalah
dokumen urutannya lebih dulu dan urutan sebagai
1) Surat Perjanjian.
2) Surat Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
3) Kesepakatan Diskusi Kontrak (Contract
Discussion Agreement), apabila ada.
4) Addendum/Amandemen/Dokumen
Tender/RKS (apabila ada).
5) Syarat–syarat Khusus Kontrak (SSKK).
6) Syarat–syarat Umum Kontrak (SSUK).
7) Spesifikasi Teknis.
8) Gambar-gambar (apabila ada).
9) Daftar kuantitas dan harga.
10) Dokumen lain yang merupakan bagian dari
Dokumen Tender/RKS termasuk antara lain
Berita Acara Penjelasan (Anwijzing), Klarifikasi.
11) Dokumen Penawaran

6. Integritas dan Good 6.1 Sehubungan dengan Kontrak,hal-hal berikut:

Corporate Governance dokumen-dokumen kegiatan-kegiatan dan
transaksi-transaksi yangdimaksud dalam atau
terkait dengan Kontrak ini Pengguna Barang/Jasa
dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyepakati tidak
akan melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang
mengakibatkan terjadinya ketidakwajaran dalam
pelaksanaan Kontrak ini termasuk namun tidak
terbatas pada tindakan penipuan, penggelapan,
pemerasan, kolusi, penyuapan (bribery),
gratifikasiilegal (ilegal gratuities), pemerasan
ekonomi (economic extoftion), korupsi,
kecurangan, pemalsuan dan tindakan lain yang
tidak sesuai dengan etika bisnis yang baik serta
bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-
undangan yang berlaku termasuk mengenai
pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi,
pencegahan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana
pencucian uang, penerapan praktek Good


Corporate Governance(GCG)pada Badan Usaha

Milik Negara (BUMN) termasuk peraturan yang
mengatur mengenai tata kelola anti penyuapan
yang berlaku di lingkungan PT PLN (Persero).
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa menyepakati bahwa Kontrak ini
dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik, tidak saling
mempengaruhi baik langsung maupun tidak
langsung guna memenuhi keinginannya, menerima
serta bertanggungjawab atas segala keputusan
yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan kesepakatan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa, menghindari serta mencegah
terjadinya konflik kepentingan (conflict of
interest), menghindari serta mencegah
penyalahgunaan wewenang dan/atau kolusi
dengan tujuan untuk keuntungan pribadi,
golongan atau pihak lain, dan tidak
menerima, tidak menawarkan atau tidak
menjanjikan untuk memberi atau menerima
hadiah, imbalan berupa apa saja kepada
siapapun yang diketahui atau patut diduga
berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan Kontrak ini.

6.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua

anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} menyatakan,
menjamin dan berkomitmen kepada PT PLN
(Persero) bahwa dalam melaksanakan Kontrak
ini akan mematuhi ketentuan hukum yang
berlaku termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada
peraturan perundang-undangan terkait anti korupsi,
anti pencucian uang serta kebijakan PT PLN
(Persero) mengenai anti-fraud dan tata kelola anti-
penyuapan seperti:
a. Menerapkan 4 No’s:
i. No bribery, menghindari suap dan pemerasan,
ii. No gift, menghindari hadiah atau gratifikasi
yang bertentangan dengan peraturan yang
iii. No kickback, menghindari komisi, tanda
terima kasih baik dalam bentuk uang atau bentuk
iv. No luxurious hospitality, menghindari jamuan
yang berlebihan;
b. Mengikuti prosedur uji kelayakan berbasis integritas
(integrity due diligence) yang diterapkan PT PLN


c. Mengikuti program sosialisasi sistem

manajemen anti-penyuapan yang dilaksanakan PT
PLN (Persero) yang dapat diwakili oleh
pegawai pihak Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk
semua anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} yang ditunjuk
untuk mewakili perusahaan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua anggota
Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (jika ada)};
d. Menandatangani dan melaksanakan pakta integritas
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua anggota
Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia Barang/Jasa
(jika ada)}
e. Melaporkan insiden fraud oleh Direksi Pekerjaan
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa

6.3 PT PLN (Persero) akan melakukan audit terkait

tagihan pembayaran dan dokumen pembukuan
serta pencatatan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
{termasuk semua anggota Kemitraan (jika ada)
dan sub-Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} ketika
terdapat indikasi ketidakwajaran berupa overcharge
atau overprice dari tagihan yang disampaikan oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa, dimana tujuan pelaksanaan audit
tersebut untuk memastikan kesesuaian tagihan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} dengan ketentuan yang
berlaku termasuk kesesuaian dengan ketentuan
dalam Kontrak.
6.4 Pelaksanaan audit sebagaimana dimaksud dalam
Pasal 6.3 SSUK pasal ini, dilakukan sebagai
a. Atas biaya PT PLN (Persero);
b. Dilakukan dengan pemberitahuan selambat-
lambatnya 7 (tujuh) hari kalender sebelum
pelaksanaan audit yang disampaikan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua anggota
Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (jika ada)};
c. Pelaksanaan audit dilaksanakan paling
lambat dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kerja,
dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan pelaporan audit
oleh PT PLN (Persero) paling lambat dalam
3 (tiga) hari kerja;


d. Penyelesaian pembayaran (settlement/

adjusment) dilakukan paling lambat dalam 30
(tiga puluh) hari kalender setelah PT PLN
(Persero) memaparkan laporan hasil audit
kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk
semua anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan
sub-Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)};
e. PT PLN (Persero) dapat menunjuk pihak lain
untuk melakukan audit;
f. Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} wajib
mengizinkan perwakilan PT PLN (Persero)dan
menyediakan dokumen dan data yang
g. Permintaan dan penyampaian dokumen dan
data audit dilaksanakan pada jam kerja
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)};
h. Apabila terdapat Kerjasama antara
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} dengan
Pihak Ketiga yang berkaitan dengan
Pelaksanaan Kontrak ini, maka Penyedia
Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua anggota
Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} wajib memastikan dan
menuangkan ketentuan mengenai hak akses
PT PLN (Persero) terhadap dokumen dan
data milik Pihak Ketigadalam Kontrak antara
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} dengan
Pihak Ketiga tersebut;
i. Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa termasuk perwakilannya, akan
menjaga kerahasiaan informasi non-publik yang
diperoleh dari pelaksanaan audit tersebut.

6.5 Dalam pelaksanaan audit terhadap tagihan

pembayaran sebagaimana Pasal 6.3 SSUK di
atas, PT PLN (Persero) berhak melakukan
penundaan pembayaran atas tagihan pembayaran


tersebut atau dapat melakukan pembayaran

melalui suatu rekening khusus (Escrow Account)
yang dibuat oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} yang beban
biayanya menjadi tanggung jawab Penyedia
Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua anggota
Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} sampai dilakukan
penyesuaian pembayaran.

6.6 Dalam hal dilakukan audit sebagaimana

dimaksud Pasal 6.3 SSUK dan/atau
pelaksanaan penundaan pembayaran
sebagaimana Pasal 6.5 SSUK, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua anggota
Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} wajib untuk tetap
melaksanakan kewajibannya sesuai Kontrak ini.

6.7 Dalam rangka penerapan tata kelola yang baik

(Good Corporate Governance)di PT PLN
(Persero), jika dalam proses pelaksanaanKontrakini
Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua
anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa(jika ada)} mengetahui
adanya tindakan kecurangan, pelanggaran
peraturan atau hukum, konflik kepentingan,
penyuapan/gratifikasi maupun kelakuan tidak
etisyang dilakukan oleh Pegawai PT PLN
(Persero),agarmelaporkan melalui Whistle Blower
System(WBS)dengan media antara lain telepon,
SMS, Whatsapp ke 08119861901 atau email ke Dalam upaya pengendalian
korupsi selain melalui Whistle Blower
System(WBS) Pegawai PT PLN (Persero)dapat
menyampaikan pelaporan atas pelanggaran
korupsi melalui Compliance Online System (COS).

6.8 Penyedia Barang/Jasa {termasuk semua

anggota Kemitraan (jika ada) dan sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada)} yang
menurut penilaian Pengguna Barang/Jasa
sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan Kontrak ini
terbukti melakukan larangan-larangan
sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 6.1 SSUK
dan/atau Pasal 6.2 SSUK di atas dapat dikenakan


sanksi-sanksi dari PT PLN (Persero) sebagai

a. Pemutusan Kontrak yang diatur dalam Pasal
53 SSUK; dan
b. Jaminan Pelaksanaan dicairkan dan
disetorkan ke kas PT PLN (Persero); dan
c. Sisa uang muka harus dilunasi oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (bila ada uang muka); dan
d. Pengenaan daftar hitam sesuai ketentuan yang
berlaku di lingkungan PT PLN (Persero)

7. Pemisahan 7.1 Jika salah satu atau beberapa ketentuan dalam

Kontrak ini berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku
menjadi tidak sah, tidak berlaku, atau tidak dapat
dilaksanakan maka ketentuan-ketentuan lain tetap
berlaku secara penuh.

8. Bahasa 8.1 Bahasa Kontrak harus dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan

dalam hal Kontrak melibatkan pihak asing, maka
dapat dibuat dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan
terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa
Indonesia dengan terjemahan Bahasa Inggris.
Dalam hal terjadi perbedaan penafsiran terhadap
klausal di dalam Kontrak, maka bahasa yang
dipakai adalah “Bahasa Indonesia”.

8.2 Bahasa yang digunakan adalah “Bahasa Indonesia”

kecuali untuk Spesifikasi Teknis, Gambar-Gambar,
Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga (Bill of Quantity) dapat
dibuat dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan/atau Bahasa
Inggris agar tidak terjadi kesalahan interpretasi
terhadap yang dipersyaratkan.

9. Asal Barang 9.1 Asal Barang adalah negara dimana Barang yang
menjadi obyek dalam Kontrak diproduksi yang
dibuktikan dengan Certificate of Origin Country
dan/atau Certificate of Manufacturer.

10. Perpajakan dan Izin- 10.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mengetahui,

izin memahami dan patuh terhadap semua ketentuan
dan peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia

10.2 Pajak-pajak yang berhubungan dengan Kontrak

antara Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa yang ditunjuk, menjadi kewajiban dan
tanggung jawab masing-masing pihak berdasarkan
ketentuan dan peraturan Perpajakan yang berlaku
di Indonesia.


10.3 Semua biaya izin-izin yang diperlukan dalam rangka

pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan retribusi lainnya sesuai
dengan ketentuan yang berlaku menjadi tanggung
jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa, kecuali izin-izin yang
menjadi tanggung jawab PLN sesuai lingkup
pekerjaan yang ditentukan pada Bab V Syarat-
syarat Teknik dan Gambar (bila ada).

10.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab dalam

mendapatkan izin-izin atau dispensasi yang
diperlukan untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan.

11. Penyelesaian 11.1 Apabila terdapat Barang atau peralatan kerja yang
Kepabeanan harus diimpor, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
bertanggung jawab untuk mengurus dan
menyelesaikan kepabeanan atas semua Barang
atau peralatan kerja yang didatangkan ke Indonesia
(impor) yang dibutuhkan untuk pelaksanaan
Kontrak. Penyelesaian kepabeanan yang dimaksud
adalah di pelabuhan tujuan, di bandara
internasional atau pelabuhan-pelabuhan tertentu
lainnya, termasuk re-eksport apabila diperlukan

11.2 Semua pajak-pajak maupun bea masuk atas import

Barang atau peralatan kerja sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Pasal 11.1 SSUK menjadi beban
Penyedia Barang/Jasa, termasuk harus
bertanggung jawab atas pengangkutan semua
Barang atau peralatan kerja yang dibutuhkan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk pelaksanaan
pekerjaan ini dari pelabuhan atau bandara
internasional ke Lokasi Pekerjaan atau tempat

12. Korespondensi 12.1 Komunikasi antara Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan

Penyedia Barang/Jasa hanya berlaku bila dibuat
secara tertulis.
Korespondensi dapat berbentuk surat, faksimili,
atau e-mail dan ditujukan kepada alamat Pengguna
Barang/Jasa atau Penyedia Barang/Jasa sesuai
Contoh Perjanjian Bab VIII Format Kontrak.

13. Direksi Pekerjaan, dan 13.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa menunjuk Direksi

Wakil Penyedia Pekerjaan sebagai wakilnya yang berwenang untuk
Barang/Jasa. mengawasi pelaksanaan Pekerjaan dan menilai
hasil Pekerjaan yang telah diselesaikan oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa serta menangani
Administrasi Kontrak.


13.2 Direksi Pekerjaan dapat dibantu oleh Pengawas

Pekerjaan, Tim Pemeriksa dan/atau Penerima
Barang/Jasa untuk menilai hasil Pekerjaan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

13.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menunjuk personil

sebagai wakilnya yang berdomisili di Lokasi
Pekerjaan, yang diberi wewenang penuh dan
bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan pekerjaan.

14. Penemuan 14.1 Penemuan benda/barang yang mempunyai nilai

Benda/Barang sejarah atau penemuan kekayaan yang menurut
bersejarah Undang-Undang dikuasai oleh negara di lokasi
pekerjaan pada Masa Pelaksanaan Kontrak, maka
Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memberitahukan
kepada pihak Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan kepada
pihak yang berwenang sesuai dengan peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia

15. Kemitraan/Konsorsium 15.1 Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/ Jasa berbentuk

dan KSO KSO/Konsorsium, maka:
1. Anggota dari KSO tersebut akan
dianggap bertanggung jawab bersama dan
sendiri-sendiri (tanggung renteng) kepada
Pengguna Jasa atas pelaksanaan Kontrak;
2. Apabila salah satu anggota KSO/Konsorsium
mengalami bankrupt/wanprestasi/melarikan diri,
penyelesaian pekerjaan anggota
KSO/Konsorsium tersebut tetap menjadi
tanggung jawab KSO/Konsorsium.

16. Pengalihan dan/atau 16.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa dilarang mengalihkan

Subkontrak tanggung jawab setiap bagian dan/atau seluruh
Pekerjaan dengan mensubkontrakkan kepada
pihak lain dengan cara dan alasan apapun.

16.2 Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa ingin mengajukan

Pengalihan dan/atau Subkontrak harus mengajukan
secara tertulis dan disertai alasan–alasan yang
dapat dipertangungjawabkan.

16.3 Apabila dapat disetujui oleh Pengguna

Barang/Jasa, maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan
menyampaikan secara tertulis.

16.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab penuh

terhadap seluruh pekerjaan Subkontraktor dan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak memiliki keterikatan
apapun dengan Subkontraktor.


16.5 Subkontraktor yang diajukan oleh Penyedia

Barang/Jasa tidak termasuk dalam daftar black list.

16.6 Apabila subkontraktor mengalami

bankrupt/wanprestasi/melarikan diri, penyelesaian
Pekerjaan tetap menjadi tanggung jawab Penyedia

16.7 Jika ketentuan pasal ini dilanggar maka Kontrak

diputus berdasarkan Pasal 53 SSUK

17. Pengawasan 17.1 Pengawasan adalah ketentuan tentang

kewenangan Pengguna Barang/Jasa melakukan
pengawasan dan pemeriksaan terhadap
pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang sudah dan sedang
dilaksanakan oleh pihak Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

17.2 Apabila diperlukan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa

karena Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak dapat
melakukan pemeriksaan atau pengawasan, maka
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat memerintahkan
kepada pihak ketiga untuk melakukan pengawasan
dan pemeriksaan atas semua pelaksanaan
pekerjaan yang sudah atau sedang dilaksanakan
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

17.3 Semua petunjuk-petunjuk dan perintah untuk

Penyedia Barang/Jasa, kecuali yang telah
tercantum, akan diberikan oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa, atau wakilnya setiap saat dipandang
perlu secara tertulis

17.4 Pengguna Barang/Jasa mempunyai hak untuk

melakukan pemeriksaan dan pengujian atas Barang
yang akan dipasang untuk memastikan kesesuaian
dengan spesifikasi dan persyaratan yang telah
ditentukan dalam Kontrak. Pemeriksaan dan
pengujian dapat dilakukan sendiri oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa atau diwakilkan kepada pihak ketiga
yang diatur dalam Bab V Syarat-syarat Teknik dan
Gambar serta Technical Particular and Guarantee
(TPG) pada Bab IV Formulir Penawaran.
Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak pada saat-saat
tertentu selama pelaksanaan pekerjaan memeriksa,
menilai dan menguji hasil pekerjaan yang akan
diserahkan menurut Kontrak.


Pemeriksaan, penilaian, dan pengujian semacam ini

tidak membebaskan Penyedia Barang/Jasa dari
kewajiban-kewajiban menurut Kontrak

17.5 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menyampaikan

pemberitahuan secara tertulis mengenai prosedur
uji/test, tanggal serta tempat pekerjaan yang siap di
uji/test seperti tercantum dalam Kontrak untuk
disetujui Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

18. Transportasi ke Lokasi 18.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mempersiapkan

Pekerjaan semua Barang yang akan dikirimkan ke lokasi
pekerjaan dengan cara pengangkutan sedemikian
rupa termasuk kelengkapan peralatan
pengangkutan serta melindunginya dari kerusakan
atau kerugian selama pengangkutan ke lokasi
pekerjaan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa juga harus
bertanggung jawab dan memperbaiki/mengganti
segala kerusakan dari Barang dan kelengkapannya.

18.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mengangkut semua

Barang yang tercantum dalam Kontrak ini ke lokasi
pekerjaan dan tetap bertanggung jawab penuh atas
pemuatan, pembongkaran, penanganan,
pengangkutan, penyimpanan di lokasi pekerjaan
dan asuransi yang diperlukan (Transportation

18.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mengangkut Barang

itu ke lokasi pekerjaan dalam waktu yang tepat agar
pekerjaan persiapan dan pemasangannya sesuai
dengan jadwal waktu yang ditetapkan

18.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab

atas semua pelaksanaan transportasi barang ke
dan dari lokasi pekerjaan serta di lokasi pekerjaan
itu sendiri.

18.5 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab

untuk mendapatkan perizinan dari pemerintah pusat
atau pemerintah daerah dan/atau instansi lain
sehubungan dengan pengurusan transportasi dan
pemindahan barang tersebut

18.6 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menanggung semua

biaya sehubungan dengan impor dan transportasi
semua peralatan ke lokasi pekerjaan, material dan
hal-hal yang diperlukan untuk tujuan pelaksanaan


Kontrak termasuk sewa gudang, penanganan dan

biaya lainnya.

18.7 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memahami, mentaati

dan bertanggung jawab atas pemenuhan semua
peraturan yang membatasi beban di jalan dan
jembatan yang akan dilalui dalam pengiriman
Barang dan kelengkapannya.

18.8 Transportasi Barang dan kelengkapannya ke lokasi

Pekerjaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal ini
berlaku apabila semua Barang dan kelengkapannya
di supplai oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa kecuali
ditentukan lain didalam Bab VII SSKK.

18.9 Transportasi (pengiriman) Barang dilaksanakan

setelah IQC diterbitkan oleh Pengguna

19. Penyimpanan 19.1 Penanganan dan penyimpanan peralatan dan

(Storage) material apapun di gudang dan/atau lokasi
pekerjaan sepenuhnya merupakan kewajiban
Penyedia Barang /Jasa dan semua risiko adalah
tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan bukan
tanggung jawab Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

19.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab

dan harus memperbaiki atau mengganti semua
Barang yang rusak dan/atau hilang (bila ada)
selama penyimpanan (storage) dan perawatan.

19.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menempatkan Barang

dan kelengkapannya untuk pekerjaan di dalam
gudang di lokasi pekerjaan atau di tempat-tempat
yang telah ditentukan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa
sampai saatnya dibutuhkan. Penyedia Barang/Jasa
harus bertanggungjawab untuk pemuatan dan
pengangkutan dari tempat penyimpanan ke tempat
pelaksanaan pekerjaan atau tempat pemasangan
peralatan tersebut.

19.4 Mekanisme penyimpanan material yang akan

disuplai sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal ini
berlaku apabila semua Barang dan kelengkapannya
di suplai oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa kecuali
ditentukan lain didalam Bab VII SSKK.

20. Peminjaman peralatan 20.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan disaksikan oleh

kerja dan/atau barang Pengguna Barang/Jasa menerima peralatan kerja
dan/atau barang yang disediakan oleh Pengguna


Oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus

Barang/Jasa melakukan inspeksi bersama dengan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa terhadap peralatan kerja dan/atau
barang tersebut. Pengiriman dan penerimaan
semua peralatan kerja dan/atau barang tersebut
harus dilakukan secara tertulis.

20.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mencatat setiap

kerusakan pada peralatan kerja dan/atau barang
pada saat dilakukannya inspeksi bersama seperti
yang dijelaskan di atas dan sebelum menerima
peralatan kerja dan/atau barang tersebut. Setelah
Penyedia Barang/Jasa menerima peralatan kerja
dan/atau barang tersebut maka Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dianggap telah bertanggungjawab
secara penuh terhadap semua kehilangan dan
kerusakan atas peralatan kerja dan/atau barang

20.3 Sebelum Kontrak ditutup, segala macam peralatan

kerja dan/atau barang Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang
dipergunakan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
dikembalikan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

20.4 Pengembalian peralatan kerja dan/atau barang

Pengguna Barang/Jasa harus dibuatkan berita
acara penyerahan.

21. Akses ke Lokasi 21.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk

Pekerjaan menjamin akses Pengguna Barang/Jasa, dan/atau
Direksi Pekerjaan dan/atau Pengawas Pekerjaan
dan/atau pihak lain yang diijinkan oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa ke lokasi pekerjaan dan lokasi lainnya
di mana pekerjaan ini sedang atau akan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan semua
peralatan, fasilitas dan pekerjaan yang diperlukan
untuk memungkinkan Pengguna Barang/Jasa,
dan/atau Direksi Pekerjaan dan/atau Pengawas
Pekerjaan melakukan pengecekan terhadap
persiapan dan pelaksanaan pekerjaan

22. Gambar-Gambar, 22.1 Gambar - gambar yang terlampir dalam dokumen

Brosur dan Petunjuk- lelang merupakan gambar typical yang digunakan
Petunjuk Lanjutan untuk penawaran
22.2 Dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dapat menerbitkan gambar – gambar
tambahan yang diperlukan kepada Penyedia


Barang/Jasa atau berupa petunjuk selama proses

pekerjaan, seperti gambar-gambar dan
instruksi/petunjuk lanjutan sejauh hal itu dianggap
penting demi kelancaran pelaksanaan dan
pemeliharaan pekerjaan, dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa berkewajiban menjalankan petunjuk
serta terikat oleh hal tersebut.

22.3 Sebelum melakukan fabrikasi/pemasangan,

sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 28.12 SSUK,
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyampaikan
dokumen sebagai berikut untuk persetujuan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa:
1. Daftar Gambar (Master list drawing).
2. Detil Desain yang mencakup gambar desain,
kriteria desain, perhitungan-perhitungan desain,
Brosur dan lain-lain (Design drawings with
associated documents, Design criteria,
Calculations) akan diajukan untuk persetujuan

22.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang ditunjuk diharuskan

membuat gambar-gambar pelaksanaan untuk
mempermudah pelaksanaan yang disesuaikan
dengan spesifikasi yang dipersyaratkan dan
mengajukan gambar-gambar pelaksanaan tersebut
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk mendapat
persetujuan dan selanjutnya digunakan sebagai
dasar untuk pabrikasi dan konstruksi, sebagaimana
juga diatur pada Pasal 22.3 SSUK.

22.5 Gambar-gambar yang telah di setujui oleh

Pengguna Barang/Jasa merupakan panduan
(Guide Drawings) dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan.

22.6 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus membuat gambar-

gambar pelaksanaan (as built drawing) yang
sesungguhnya dilaksanakan dilokasi pekerjaan
yang merupakan dasar dalam perhitungan volume
pelaksanaan dan selanjutnya digunakan sebagai
dasar pembayaran.
Final As built drawing diserahkan bersamaan
dengan penyerahan Berita Acara Selesai Masa
Pemeliharaan (BASMP).
22.7 Penyedia Barang/Jasa diharuskan menyerahkan
dokumentasi tahapan pelaksanaan pekerjaan
sesuai petunjuk Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang
disusun dalam bentuk:


1. Soft copy As Built Drawing dan/atau gambar

teknik yang sudah disetujui/approved oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
2. Foto album dan foto digital
22.8 Jumlah dokumen dan jangka waktu terkait diatas
sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur di dalam Bab

23. Hak atas Kekayaan 23.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa menjamin bahwa

Intelektual dan Lisensi Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dan semua barang
dan/atau jasa yang digunakan untuk proyek ini tidak
melanggar Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI)
pihak manapun dan dalam bentuk apapun.

23.2 Pelanggaran HAKI termasuk pelanggaran hak cipta,

merek dagang, hak paten dan bentuk HAKI lainnya
yang dilakukan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
merupakan tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa

23.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib melindungi/

membebaskan Pengguna Barang/Jasa dari segala
tuntutan atau klaim dari pihak ketiga atas
pelanggaran HAKI .

24. Penggunaan 24.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa memegang hak cipta dan

Barang/Jasa/ Dokumen hak atas kekayaan intelektual lainnya (apabila ada)
milik Penyedia atas barang, jasa, dan/atau dokumen milik
Barang/Jasa Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau perencanaan/desain
lain yang dibuat oleh (atau atas nama) Penyedia
Barang/Jasa (bila ada).

24.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa dapat dianggap (dengan

menandatangani Kontrak) memberikan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa suatu lisensi yang tidak dapat diputus,
tidak dapat dialihkan, bebas pembayaran royalti
tetapi tidak ekslusif, untuk memperbanyak,
menggunakan dan memberitahukan Dokumen
Penyedia Barang/Jasa, termasuk pembuatan dan
penggunaan modifikasinya. Lisensi ini harus:
1) berlaku untuk jangka waktu yang ditetapkan
dari bagian pekerjaan terkait.
2) Memberi hak kepada pihak yang terlibat dalam
bagian pekerjaan terkait untuk memperbanyak,
menggunakan dan memberitahukan Dokumen
Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk penyelesaian,
pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, perubahan,


penyesuaian, perbaikan dan pembongkaran

3) Dalam hal dimana Dokumen Penyedia
Barang/Jasa berbentuk program komputer dan
piranti lunak lainnya, mengizinkan penggunaan
komputer di Lapangan dan tempat-tempat lain
yang dinyatakan dalam Kontrak, termasuk
pemindahan komputer yang disediakan oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
Dokumen Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan dokumen
perencanaan/desain lain yang dibuat oleh (atau
atas nama) Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak boleh,
tanpa seizin Penyedia Barang/Jasa, untuk
digunakan, disalin atau diberitahukan kepada pihak
ketiga oleh (atau atas nama) Pengguna Jasa untuk
kepentingan selain yang diizinkan berdasarkan sub
pasal ini.

24.3 Semua rancangan, gambar, spesifikasi, desain,

laporan, dan dokumen-dokumen lain serta piranti
lunak/digital yang dipersiapkan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa berdasarkan Kontrak ini sepenuhnya
merupakan hak milik Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

24.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa paling lambat pada waktu

pemutusan atau akhir masa pemeliharaan/DLC
berkewajiban untuk menyerahkan semua dokumen
dan piranti lunak tersebut beserta daftar rinciannya
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

25. Penggunaan 25.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa memegang hak cipta dan

Barang/Jasa/ Dokumen hak kekayaan intelektual dalam spesifikasi, gambar-
milik Pengguna gambar dan dokumen lain yang dibuat oleh (atau
Barang/Jasa atas nama) Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
Pengguna Jasa Penyedia Barang/Jasa dapat, atas
biaya sendiri, memperbanyak, menggunakan dan
memperoleh data komunikasi atas dokumen ini
untuk keperluan Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
Dokumen tersebut tidak boleh, tanpa seizin
Pengguna Jasa, diperbanyak, digunakan atau
disampaikan kepada pihak ketiga oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa, kecuali jika diperlukan untuk
kepentingan pelaksanaan Kontrak.



26. Itikad Baik 26.1 Para pihak bertindak berdasarkan asas saling
percaya yang disesuaikan dengan hak dan
kewajiban yang terdapat dalam Kontrak.

26.2 Para pihak setuju untuk melaksanakan Kontrak

dengan jujur tanpa mengedepankan kepentingan
masing-masing pihak. Bila selama pelaksanaan
Kontrak salah satu pihak merasa dirugikan, maka
diupayakan tindakan yang terbaik untuk mengatasi
keadaan tersebut.

27. Tanggal Mulai Efektif 27.1 Tanggal mulai efektif Kontrak adalah tanggal
Kontrak dimana seluruh syarat efektif kontrak sebagaimana
dimaksud pada ketentuan Bab VII SSKK telah
terpenuhi dan ditandai dengan terbitnya Surat
Perintah Mulai Kerja (SPMK).

28. Pelaksanaan 28.1 Penyerahan Lokasi Pekerjaan.

1) Pengguna Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk
menyerahkan seluruh/sebagian Lokasi
Pekerjaan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa
sebelum diterbitkannya Surat Perintah Mulai
2) Sebelum dilakukan penyerahan Lokasi
Pekerjaan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa,
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa terlebih dahulu harus melakukan
pemeriksaan bersama Lokasi Pekerjaan.
3) Selanjutnya hasil pemeriksaan bersama Lokasi
Pekerjaan dituangkan dalam Berita Acara
Penyerahan Lahan sebagai tanda telah
dilakukannya pemeriksaan bersama Lokasi
Pekerjaan dan telah dilakukannya
penyerahaan Lokasi Pekerjaan dari Pengguna
Barang/Jasa kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

28.2 Persiapan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan

Selambat-lambatnya 7 (tujuh) Hari sejak tanggal
diterbitkannya SPMK, Pengguna Barang/Jasa
dan/atau Direksi Pekerjaan serta Pengawas
Pekerjaan akan mengundang Penyedia
Barang/Jasa untuk melaksanakan rapat persiapan
pelaksanaan Kontrak (Kick-off Meeting) dan
menyusun rencana pelaksanaan Pekerjaan. Dalam
rapat persiapan disepakati antara lain:


1) K3L, yang merupakan tanggung jawab

Penyedia Barang/Jasa;
2) Organisasi Kerja;
3) Basic Communication;
4) Tata Cara Pengaturan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan;
5) Jadwal Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan;
6) Jadwal Pemeriksaan Desain (Drawing
Approval) sesuai ketentuan Pasal 28.5 SSUK;
7) Jadwal Pengadaan Barang, Mobilisasi
Peralatan Kerja Dan Personil;
8) Penyusunan Rencana dan Pelaksanaan
Pemeriksaan Lokasi Pekerjaan;
9) Pendekatan Kepada Masyarakat dan
Pemerintah Daerah Setempat Mengenai
Rencana Kerja.
10) Program jaminan kualitas sesuai Pasal 38

28.3 Masa pelaksanaan pekerjaan (masa penyelesaian

pekerjaan) sesuai dengan ketentuan pada Bab VII

28.4 Dalam hal lokasi pekerjaan sudah tersedia, maka

Penyedia Barang/Jasa melaksanakan hal-hal
sebagai berikut:
1) Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Pengawas
Pekerjaan atau pihak lain yang ditunjuk oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa bersama-sama
dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa melakukan
pemeriksaan bersama yang mencakup antara
lain pemeriksaan kesesuaian personil dan/atau
peralatan kerja sesuai dengan persyaratan
Kontrak. Hasil pemeriksaan dituangkan dalam
berita acara pemeriksaan.
2) Jika hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa
Personil dan Peralatan kerja ternyata belum
memenuhi persyaratan Perjanjian/Kontrak
maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa tetap dapat
melanjutkan pekerjaan dengan syarat Personil
dan Peralatan Kerja yang belum memenuhi
syarat harus segera diganti dalam jangka waktu
yang disepakati bersama.
3) Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk
melakukan pekerjaan mobilisasi berdasarkan
jadwal mobilisasi sebagaimana yang disepakati


dalam rapat persiapan sesuai Pasal 28.2

4) Mobilisasi meliputi antara lain:

• Mendatangkan peralatan-peralatan terkait

dan kendaraan-kendaraan.
• Mendatangkan alat-alat laboratorium, alat-
alat ukur dan peralatan lainnya. (bila

• Mempersiapkan fasilitas lapangan untuk

Penyedia Barang/Jasa meliputi direksi kit,
gudang, dan fasilitas lainnya yang telah
ditentukan dalam dokumen
• Mendatangkan personil pelaksana

Mobilisasi peralatan dan personil pelaksana

dapat dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai
dengan kebutuhan di lokasi pekerjaan.

28.5 Pemeriksaan Desain (Drawing Approval)

1) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib selambat-
lambatnya 7 (tujuh) Hari sejak rapat persiapan
untuk menyampaikan dokumen Master List
Drawing (Elektromekanikal dan Sipil), rencana
& metode kerja, personil lapangan (termasuk
project manager & engineer), dan jadwal rinci
dalam bentuk kurva S.
2) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib selambat-
lambatnya 21 (dua puluh satu) Hari sejak rapat
persiapan atau ditentukan lain oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa untuk menyampaikan seluruh
dokumen approval drawing (Elektromekanikal
dan Sipil) untuk barang (material) utama.
Jumlah lampiran gambar minimal 3 (tiga) set.
3) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib membuat daftar
monitoring approval drawing (Elektromekanikal
dan Sipil) yang updated dan menjadi lampiran
setiap kali mengajukan approval drawing.
4) Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa belum
menyelesaikan kewajiban pada poin (a) di atas,
maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan
memberikan peringatan tertulis pertama kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.


5) Apabila dalam jangka waktu 7 (tujuh) Hari

terhitung sejak Penyedia Barang/Jasa
menerima peringatan tertulis pertama
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam poin (d) di atas
Penyedia Barang/Jasa belum menyelesaikan
kewajiban pada poin (a) di atas, maka
Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan memberikan
peringatan tertulis kedua kepada Penyedia
6) Apabila dalam jangka waktu 7 (tujuh) Hari
terhitung sejak Penyedia Barang/Jasa
menerima peringatan tertulis kedua
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam poin (e) di atas
Penyedia Barang/Jasa belum menyelesaikan
kewajiban pada poin (a) di atas, maka
Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan memberikan
peringatan tertulis ketiga atau terakhir kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

28.6 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memenuhi desain

dan/atau spesifikasi yang sudah disepakati dalam

28.7 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib meneliti setiap desain

yang disampaikan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

28.8 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menyampaikan

koreksi apabila ditemukan ketidaksesuaian
dan/atau kesalahan desain yang disampikan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

28.9 Persetujuan desain dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa

tidak melepaskan tanggung jawab Penyedia
Brang/Jasa terhadap kesalahan dan/atau deviasi-
deviasi di persyaratan Kontrak.

28.10 Pemeriksaan Hasil Pekerjaan

• Pemeriksaan bersama lokasi pekerjaan yang

dilaksanakan selama Masa Pelaksanaan
Pekerjaan untuk menetapkan kuantitas hasil dan
progress fisik Pekerjaan yang akan dibayarkan
setiap bulan/angsuran/termin. Hasil
pemeriksaan bersama ini dituangkan dalam
berita acara progres pekerjaan;
• Pemeriksaan hasil pekerjaan dapat dilakukan
dalam periode mingguan maupun bulanan
sesuai dengan kesepakatan pada rapat
persiapan sesuai pasal 28.2 SSUK dan


pelaporan pelaksanaan sesuai pasal 28.12

• Pada saat pemeriksaan hasil pekerjaan yang
disampaikan tidak sesuai dengan rencana
pada Kurva S, maka diperlukan rapat klarifikasi
dan pembuktian;
• Apabila dalam rapat klarifikasi dan
pembuktian tersebut terbukti bahwa
keterlambatan diakibatkan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dan termasuk dalam kategori
kontrak kritis, maka penangangan kontrak
kritis sesuai dengan pasal 52.2 SSUK.

28.11 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat melakukan verifikasi

terhadap capaian nilai Tingkat Komponen Dalam
Negeri (TKDN) disetiap tahapan pelaksanaan
pekerjaan untuk memastikan kesesuaian dengan
BAB IV Formulir Penawaran Rekapitulasi TKDN.
Selanjutnya hasil verifikasi pada setiap tahapan
pelaksanaan pekerjaan dituangkan dalam Laporan
Mingguan atau Laporan Bulanan.

28.12 Pelaporan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan.

Melaporkan pelaksanaan pekerjaan secara periodik
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa sesuai ketentuan
dalam Bab VII SSKK.

29. Pekerjaan Tambah 29.1 Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang dapat dilakukan untuk
Kurang mendapatkan hasil sesuai dengan tujuannya, dan
dituangkan didalam perubahan (Addendum/
Amandemen) Kontrak.

29.2 Dalam hal terdapat pekerjaan kurang, harga satuan

yang digunakan adalah menggunakan harga
satuan yang telah disepakati dalam Kontrak.

29.3 Dalam hal terdapat kerja tambah peralatan/material

termasuk jasa yang belum tercantum didalam
perjanjian/kontrak, maka harga satuan yang
digunakan adalah sesuai hasil negosiasi harga
kerja tambah.

29.4 Dalam hal terdapat kerja tambah item pekerjaan

denganharga satuan timpangyang tercantum
dalam CDA, maka harga satuan yang digunakan
harga satuanyang digunakan sesuai dengan
ketentuan harga yang ditetapkan dalam CDA.


29.5 Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang dapat diprakarsai oleh

Pengguna Barang/Jasa sewaktu-waktu sebelum
diterbitkannya Berita Acara Serah Terima
Pekerjaan, baik dengan suatu instruksi Pengguna
Barang/Jasa maupun permintaan kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa untuk mengajukan usulan.

29.6 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melaksanakan

Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang, kecuali apabila
Penyedia Barang/Jasa memberikan pemberitahuan
secara tertulis dengan segera kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa yang menyatakan dengan bukti-bukti
pendukung bahwa:
1) Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dapat
memperoleh barang yang diperlukan untuk
Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang,
2) Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang tersebut dapat
mengurangi keselamatan atau kesesuaian
Pekerjaan, atau
Setelah menerima pemberitahuan ini, Pengguna
Barang/Jasa harus membatalkan, mengkonfirmasi
atau mengubah instruksi

29.7 Jika meminta usulan, sebelum menginstruksikan

Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang, Penyedia Barang/Jasa
harus menanggapi secara tertulis sesegera
mungkin, baik dengan memberikan alasan
mengapa Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dapat
mematuhi (jika memang demikian) atau dengan
1) uraian tentang usulan atas desain dan/atau
pekerjaan yang akan dilaksanakan dan
program untuk di eksekusi.
2) usulan Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk setiap
modifikasi yang diperlukan terhadap program
dan Waktu Penyelesaian, dan
3) usulan Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk
penyesuaian terhadap Harga Kontrak

29.8 Pengguna Barang/Jasa sesegera mungkin setelah

menerima usulan tersebut, harus menanggapi
dengan persetujuan, penolakan atau tanggapan.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dapat menunda
Pekerjaan selama menunggu tanggapan dari
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.


29.9 Dalam hal Pengguna Barang/Jasa

menginstruksikan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa
untuk melakukan Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang,
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
akan menyepakati biaya atas Pekerjaan Tambah
Kurang tersebut dan akan dituangkan dalan suatu
berita acara Pekerjaan Tambah Kurang

29.10 Setelah menandatangani berita acara Pekerjaan

Tambah Kurang, Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa akan melakukan
penyesuaian Harga Kontrak dan Jadwal
Pembayaran dan akan menuangkannya dalam
amandemen atau addendum Kontrak dalam waktu
paling lambat tiga puluh (30) hari.

30. Addendum/ 30.1 Addendum/Amandemen Kontrak harus segera

Amandemen Kontrak dibuat bila terjadi perubahan Kontrak dan dibuat
atas kesepakatan bersama antara Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

30.2 Perubahan (Addendum/Amandemen) Kontrak

dapat berupa antara lain, namun tidak terbatas
1) Menambah dan/atau mengurangi volume/jenis
pekerjaan sesuai ketentuan Pasal 29 SSUK
2) Mengubah spesifikasi teknis pekerjaan sesuai
dengan kebutuhan lapangan
3) Mengubah jadwal pelaksanaan sesuai
ketentuan Pasal 28.3 SSUK
4) Adanya perubahan ketentuan/peraturan yang
5) Adanya penyesuaian harga satuan kontrak
sesuai ketentuan pada Pasal 34 SSUK
6) Mengubah penyelesaian pekerjaan yang
semula menjadi satu kesatuan (dalam satu
BASTP) menjadi partial sebagaimana
dimaksud pada Pasal 32.5 SSUK.

30.3 Prosedur pembuatan Addendum/ Amandemen/

kontrak dilakukan sebagai berikut:
1) Salah satu pihak dapat mengajukan usulan
dengan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada pihak


lainnya untuk melaksanakan perubahan

2) Pihak yang menerima pemberitahuan usulan
perubahan kontrak harus memberikan
tanggapan selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7
(tujuh) hari.
3) Atas usulan perubahan Kontrak, dilakukan
negosiasi dan dibuat berita acara hasil
4) Berdasarkan berita acara hasil negosiasi dibuat
Addendum/Amandemen Kontrak

30.4 Semua perubahan Kontrak dituangkan dalam

Addendum/ Amandemen Kontrak yang merupakan
bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Kontrak.

31. Keadaan Kahar 31.1 Yang dimaksud Keadaan Kahar adalah suatu
(Force Major) keadaan yang terjadi di luar kehendak Para Pihak
sehingga kewajiban yang ditentukan dalam Kontrak
menjadi tidak dapat dipenuhi.

31.2 Yang digolongkan Keadaan Kahar antara lain

adalah peperangan, kerusuhan, revolusi, bencana
alam, gempa bumi, pemogokan, kebakaran,
endemi/pandemi; dan tindakan pemerintah dalam
bidang moneter/ keuangan atau keadaan di luar
kendali Para Pihak.

31.3 Keadaan kahar ini tidak termasuk hal-hal yang

merugikan yang disebabkan oleh perbuatan atau
kelalaian para pihak.

31.4 Keterlambatan pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang

diakibatkan oleh karena terjadinya keadaan kahar
tidak dapat dikenai sanksi (ganti kerugian).

31.5 Masing–masing pihak bertanggung jawab atas

kerugian dan tidak akan saling menuntut akibat
terjadinya keadaan kahar.

31.6 Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyampaikan

pemberitahuan secara tertulis paling lambat 14
(empat belas) hari kalender sejak Penyedia
Barang/Jasa mengalami keadaan Kahar kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dengan melampirkan surat
dari instansi setempat.

31.7 Bila keadaan sudah pulih normal, maka secepat

mungkin Penyedia Barang/Jasa memberitahukan


secara tertulis kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa

bahwa keadaan telah kembali normal dan kegiatan
dapat dilanjutkan, dengan ketentuan:
1) Jangka waktu pelaksanaan yang ditetapkan
dalam Kontrak tetap mengikat. Apabila harus
diperpanjang maka waktu perpanjangan sama
dengan waktu selama tidak dapat
melaksanakan Pekerjaan akibat keadaan
2) Selama tidak dapat melaksanakan Pekerjaan
akibat keadaan kahar, Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berhak menerima pembayaran sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Kontrak dan mendapat
penggantian biaya yang wajar sesuai yang
telah dikeluarkan selama jangka waktu tersebut
untuk melaksanakan tindakan yang disepakati.
3) Bila sebagai akibat dari keadaan kahar
Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dapat
melaksanakan sebagian besar Pekerjaan
selama jangka waktu 60 (enam puluh) Hari,
maka salah satu pihak dapat memutus Kontrak
dengan pemberitahuan tertulis 30 (tiga puluh)
Hari sebelumnya dan setelah itu Penyedia
Barang/Jasa berhak atas sejumlah uang yang
harus dibayar sesuai dengan ketentuan
pemutusan Kontrak sesuai Pasal 53 SSUK

32. Penyerahan 32.1 Penyerahan pekerjaan dapat dilakukan dengan

Pekerjaan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1) Pekerjaan fisik telah selesai 100% (seratus
persen) dan telah dilakukan test dan
komisioning, kecuali untuk bagian pekerjaan
yang tidak mempengaruhi fungsi hasil
pekerjaan misalnya pending item pada
pekerjaan konstruksi yang dapat diterima oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
2) Telah terbit Rekomendasi Laik Bertegangan
3) Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyerahkan Draf
dokumen dan gambar pelaksanaan pekerjaan
(Draft As Built Drawing) sebagaimana yang
telah disetujui oleh Direksi Pekerjaan dan
dokumen Operation and Maintenance (O/M).
4) Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyerahkan Garansi


32.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa mengajukan permintaan

secara tertulis kepada Pengguna Barang/jasa untuk
penyerahan pekerjaan.

32.3 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat menerima

penyerahan Pekerjaan setelah melakukan penilaian
terhadap hasil Pekerjaan yang telah diselesaikan
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan telah sesuai
dengan persyaratan serta ketentuan yang diatur
dalam Kontrak dan dinyatakan dalam Berita Acara
Serah Terima Pekerjaan.

32.4 Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan melakukan

evaluasi dan verifikasi terhadap komitment
Tingkat Komponen dalam Negeri (TKDN)
sebelum pekerjaan dinyatakan selesai 100%.

32.5 Dalam hal Pekerjaan terdiri dari beberapa Lokasi

yang tidak terkait secara sistem, maka penyerahan
dan penerbitan Berita Acara Serah Terima
Pekerjaan (BASTP) pekerjaan dapat dilakukan
secara partial sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang telah
selesai dilaksanakan dan Berita Acara Serah
Terima partial digunakan sebagai bukti pembayaran
yang akan diatur didalam Pasal 60 SSUK.
Untuk pembayaran retensi sebesar 5% dari
kontrak keseluruhan dan pengembalian Jaminan
Pelaksanaan akan dilakukan setelah selesai
masa pemeliharan unit/lot/paket pekerjaan terakhir.

33. Penangguhan 33.1 Setiap saat Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak

Pekerjaan memerintahkan Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk
menangguhkan pelaksanaan Pekerjaan.
Penangguhan pelaksanaan Pekerjaan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dilakukan secara tertulis
kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Sebelum perintah
tertulis untuk menangguhkan pelaksanaan
Pekerjaan diterima oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa tetap wajib
melaksanakan Pekerjaan.

33.2 Setelah penerimaan dari pemberitahuan tersebut,

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus, kecuali
Pemberitahuan tersebut mensyaratkan sebaliknya:
1) Secepatnya menghentikan Pekerjaan pada
tanggal tersebut dan sampai dengan batas
waktu yang dicantumkan dalam surat


2) Tidak memberikan pemesanan lanjutan kepada

subkontrak sehubungan dengan material
dan/atau, sehubungan dengan Pekerjaan yang
ditangguhkan selain sepanjang yang
dimintakan dalam surat pemberitahuan;
3) Secepatnya melakukan segala upaya yang
wajar untuk menyampaikan status
penangguhan terkait dengan perintah,
subkontrak, dan perjanjian sewa sepanjang
terkait dengan pelaksanaan Pekerjaan yang
4) Selama masa penangguhan tersebut, tetap
melakukan perlindungan dan pemeliharaan
terhadap pekerjaan termasuk bagian-bagian
dari Pekerjaan yang telah ditangguhkan; dan
5) Mengambil setiap langkah-langkah yang wajar
untuk meminimalisir biaya terkait penangguhan

33.3 Sebagai kompensasi atas penangguhan tersebut,

Penyedia Barang/Jasa akan diberikan penggantian
atas biaya-biaya yang terjadi secara wajar, dengan
ketentuan tanpa adanya biaya ganda, biaya-biaya
tersebut secara langsung berkaitan dengan
penangguhan Pekerjaan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa
tidak akan dibayar terhadap keuntungan yang
timbul dari biaya yang dikeluarkan:
1) biaya yang wajar terkait dengan mobilisasi dan
demobilisasi dari tenaga kerja dan peralatan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang telah disetujui;
2) jumlah yang setara untuk memberikan
penggantian kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa
atas biaya pemeliharaan dan perlindungan atas
bagian dari Pekerjaan setelah pelaksanaannya
3) biaya lansir material ke gudang (jika ada);
4) biaya lain yang terkait langsung dengan
penangguhan Pekerjaan.

33.4 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang Jasa

akan membuat berita acara penangguhan
pekerjaan yang akan menyepakati jangka waktu
penangguhan Pekerjaan sebagaimana
diberitahukan secara tertulis kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa, biaya penangguhan sebagaimana


dimaksud dalam Pasal 33.3, dan hal-hal lain yang

dianggap perlu sehubungan dengan penangguhan

33.5 Setelah menerima surat pemberitahuan untuk

melanjutkan pekerjaan yang ditangguhkan,
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus segera melanjutkan
pelaksanaan pekerjaan berdasarkan Kontrak
dengan ketentuan sebagaimana diatur dalam surat
Jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa bermaksud untuk
mengajukan klaim untuk penyesuaian yang setara
berdasarkan Pasal ini, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa
harus, dalam jangka waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari
kalender setelah penerimaan pemberitahuan
melanjutkan pekerjaan, menyampaikan kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa Pemberitahuan Klaim
dengan menyebutkan dampak pada jadwal dan
keadaan moneter sampai pada batas dari klaim
tersebut dengan rincian yang cukup untuk
mengadakan analisis secara menyeluruh.

33.6 Tidak ada kompensasi apapun yang diberikan

kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk setiap
penundaan sepanjang pelaksanaan pekerjaan
tersebut ditangguhkan atau ditunda karena
tindakan atau kelalaian dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

34. Penyesuaian Harga 34.1 Penyesuaian harga kontrak merupakan perubahan

Kontrak harga Kontrak akibat adanya perubahan keadaan
yang menimbulkan konsekuensi finansial dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1) Penyesuaian harga dilakukan sesuai dengan
ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Kontrak.
2) Penyesuaian harga dapat diberlakukan untuk
harga satuan dan/atau harga Kontrak kecuali
komponen risiko, overhead dan keuntungan.
3) Penyesuaian harga satuan diberlakukan sesuai
dengan masa pelaksanaan yang tercantum
dalam Kontrak bukan berdasarkan
perpanjangan masa pelaksanaan pekerjaan
akibat keterlambatan penyelesaian pekerjaan
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
4) Penyesuaian harga satuan berlaku bagi
seluruh kegiatan/mata pembayaran,
kecuali komponen keuntungan, biaya tidak


langsung (overhead cost) dan harga

satuan timpang sebagaimana tercantum
dalam Contract Discussion Agreement
5) Dalam hal penyesuaian harga belum
dicantumkan dalam Perjanjian/Kontrak, maka
dapat dilakukan kesepakatan penyesuaian
harga yang hasilnya dituangkan dalam
Adendum/Amandemen Perjanjian/Kontrak,
yang pelaksanaannya didasarkan pada
justifikasi dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
secara profesional.
Rumusan penyesuaian mengacu pada Bab IV
Formulir Penawaran.

34.2 Pemberlakuan penyesuaian harga satuan Kontrak

sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Bab VII SSKK.

35. Perpanjangan Masa 35.1 Perpanjangan masa pelaksanaan pekerjaan dapat

Pelaksanaan diberikan oleh Pengguna barang/jasa atas
Pekerjaan pertimbangan yang layak dan wajar

35.2 Yang dimaksud hal-hal yang layak dan wajar untuk

perpanjangan masa pelaksanaan pekerjaan adalah
hal-hal berikut yang dilakukan oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa sebagai berikut:
1) Pekerjaan tambah.
2) Perubahan desain.
3) Keterlambatan yang disebabkan oleh pihak
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
4) Masalah yang timbul di luar kendali Penyedia
5) Keadaan kahar (force majeur)

35.3 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat menyetujui

perpanjangan masa pelaksanaan pekerjaan atas
Kontrak setelah melakukan penelitian dan evaluasi
terhadap usulan tertulis yang diajukan oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

35.4 Persetujuan perpanjangan masa pelaksanaan

pekerjaan dituangkan di dalam
Addendum/Amandemen Kontrak sebagaimana
dimaksud pada Pasal 30 SSUK


36. Penanggungan dan 36.1 Terhitung sejak tanggal penandatanganan Berita

Risiko oleh Pengguna Acara Serah TerimaPekerjaan (BASTP)sampai
Barang/Jasa dengan Penyerahan Akhir Pekerjaan
sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 55SSUK,semua
risiko kerugian termasuk kehilangan atas
Barang, perlengkapan, peralatan merupakan
risiko Pengguna Barang/Jasa, kecuali risiko
kerugian tersebutdiakibatkan oleh:
a. Kerusakan dan/atau kehilangan yang terjadi
pada Masa Pemeliharaan sesuai dengan Pasal
b. Cacat Mutu yang timbul pada saat Berita Acara
Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP) sesuai
dengan Pasal 62 SSUK
c. Peristiwa yang bukan merupakan kesalahan
atau kelalaian Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang
terjadi sebelum Berita Acara Serah Terima
Pekerjaan (BASTP).
d. Kegiatan Penyedia Barang/Jasa di lokasi kerja
setelah Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan

37. Instruksi 37.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib bertanggung jawab

menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan melaksanakan
semua instruksi Pengguna Barang/Jasa sesuai
dengan Kontrak.
Semua instruksi harus dilakukan secara tertulis.

38. Program Jaminan 38.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memiliki suatu

Kualitas program jaminan kualitas, dimana program ini harus
sesuai sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Kontrak.

38.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk

menyerahkan program jaminan kualitas pada saat
rapat persiapan untuk persetujuan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa yang antara lain terdiri dari:
1) Informasi Pekerjaan;
2) Organisasi Proyek, Pengguna Barang/Jasa
dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa;
3) Jadwal Pelaksanaan;
4) Prosedur Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan;
5) Prosedur Perintah Kerja;
6) Pelaksana Kerja.


38.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk

memutakhirkan program jaminan kualitas jika
terjadi amandemen. Pemutakhiran program
jaminan kualitas harus menunjukan perkembangan
kemajuan setiap pekerjaan dan dampaknya
terhadap penjadwalan sisa pekerjaan, termasuk
perubahan terhadap urutan pekerjaan. Program
jaminan kualitas harus mendapatkan persetujuan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

38.4 Persetujuan Pengguna Barang/Jasa terhadap

pemenuhan program jaminan kualitas tidak
mengubah kewajiban dan tanggung jawab
Penyedia Barang/Jasa terhadap Kontrak.

39. Peringatan Dini 39.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menyampaikan

peringatan dini kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa
selambat-lambatnya 7 (tujuh) Hari sejak terjadinya
peristiwa–peristiwa tertentu atau keadaan-keadaan
yang dapat berakibat buruk terhadap pekerjaan,
kenaikan harga Kontrak atau keterlambatan tanggal
penyelesaian pekerjaan. Pengguna Barang/Jasa
dapat meminta Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk
membuat perkiraan akibat yang akan timbul
terhadap pekerjaan, Harga Kontrak dan tanggal
penyelesaian pekerjaan. Perkiraan tersebut wajib
diserahkan Penyedia Barang/Jasa sesegera

39.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib bekerja sama dengan

Direksi Pekerjaan melalui Pengawas Pekerjaan
dalam menyusun dan membahas upaya-upaya
untuk menghindari atau mengurangi akibat dari
kejadian atau keadaan tersebut.

40. Garansi Barang 40.1 Garansi Barang merupakan surat jaminan yang
dikeluarkan oleh pabrikan terkait performa barang
yang di supply sesuai dengan persyaratan teknis
yang diminta dalam dokumen tender yang
selanjutnya disebut Garansi.

40.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban memberikan

surat jaminan yang menyatakan Pabrikan bersedia
untuk mengganti Barang yang diketahui rusak pada
masa garansi Barang berdasarkan notifikasi dari
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
Surat jaminan dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
berlaku sejak Barang dioperasikan dan harus


dilengkapi dengan garansi Barang dari Pabrikan.

Masa garansi sesuai ketentuan pada Bab VII

40.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib membantu Pengguna

Barang/Jasa dalam hal melakukan klaim kepada
pabrikan terhadap garansi barang apabila masih
dalam masa warranty periode.

40.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang tidak melaksanakan

kewajiban pada Pasal SSUK 40.3 dapat
dimasukkan ke dalam Daftar Hitam (Blacklist) di

41. Pengawasan oleh 41.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan tenaga

Penyedia pengawas yang diperlukan selama pelaksanaan
Barang/Jasa pekerjaan dan juga selama Pengguna Barang/Jasa
masih menganggap perlu untuk memenuhi
kewajiban-kewajiban Penyedia Barang/Jasa seperti
tersebut dalam Kontrak. Sebelum pekerjaan dimulai
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyampaikan
secara tertulis keterangan-keterangan tentang
keahlian dan pengalaman para personilnya secara
lengkap (curriculum vitae).

41.2 Hanya personil-personil yang terampil dan

berpengalaman dalam bidangnya masing-masing,
yang dapat diberi tugas mengawasi pekerjaan.

41.3 Pengguna Barang/Jasa secara tertulis akan

mengeluarkan persetujuan atas penugasan tenaga
pengawas tersebut, persetujuan dapat dicabut
sewaktu-waktu, apabila menurut Pengguna
Barang/Jasa tenaga pengawas tersebut tidak
melakukan tugasnya untuk melakukan pengawasan
pekerjaan tersebut dan mewakili Penyedia
Barang/Jasa untuk menerima instruksi-instruksi dan
petunjuk-petunjuk dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

41.4 Bila persetujuan dicabut oleh Pengguna

Barang/Jasa, Penyedia Barang/Jasa segera
setelah menerima pemberitahuan tertulis mengenai
pencabutan itu, mengeluarkan Pengawas tersebut
dari lapangan dan tidak boleh memperkerjakan lagi
dalam tugas apapun di lapangan dan harus
menggantinya dengan tenaga pengawas lain yang
disetujui oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa

42. Persyaratan 42.1 Untuk pekerjaan yang mengandung risiko

Kesehatan, menengah atau tinggi/ekstrem dalam


Keselamatan, pelaksanaannya, dalam rangka mewujudkan

Keamanan dan tempat kerja yang aman, sehat dan ramah
Lingkungan (K3L) lingkungan bagi para pekerja dan instalasi
ketenagalistrikan harus memenuhi persyaratan:
1) Mempunyai Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3),
tidak terbatas pada SMK3 sesuai peraturan
Pemerintah Indonesia.
2) Mempunyai kemampuan dalam memenuhi
aspek–aspek K3 sesuai dengan tingkat risiko
pekerjaan yang tercantum dalam ketentuan
sistem manajemen kinerja K3 Penyedia
Barang/Jasa atau Contractor Safety
Management System (CSMS) yang berlaku di
Lokasi Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
3) Wajib mengikuti ketentuan sistem manajemen
kinerja K3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau
Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS)
terkait ketenagalistrikan dan proses bisnis di
Lingkungan Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

42.2 Kegiatan Pencegahan Terjadinya Kecelakaan Kerja

Kondisi Berbahaya (unsafe condition):
1) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib mematuhi
peraturan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
(K3) yang berlaku di lingkungan Pengguna
2) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memiliki dan
menerapkan Standard Operation Procedure
(SOP) dan instruksi Kerja (IK) untuk setiap
SOP dan instruksi kerja tersebut harus
dipresentasikan kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa sebelum pelaksanaan pekerjaan
3) Penyedia Barang Jasa wajib menyediakan
peralatan kerja dan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
sesuai standar bagi tenaga kerjanya pada
pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang berpotensi
bahaya. Untuk pekerjaan dan area kerja
berisiko tinggi wajib menggunakan buddy
system (tidak boleh bekerja atau masuk area
kerja seorang diri).
Peralatan kerja dan APD yang digunakan harus
disesuaikan dengan scope pekerjaan dan
potensi bahayanya


4) Penyedia Barang Jasa wajib melakukan

identifikasi bahaya, penilaian risiko dan
pengendalian risiko (IBPPR) pada tempat kerja
yang berpotensi bahaya.
Dokumentasi IBPPR tersebut harus diserahkan
bersamaan dengan presentasi instruksi kerja
5) Penyedia Barang Jasa wajib membuat Job
Safety Analyst (JSA) dan Ijin Kerja (Working
Permit) pada setiap melaksanakan pekerjaan
yang berpotensi bahaya.
Dokumentasi JSA dan WP tersebut harus
diserahkan bersamaan dengan presentasi
instruksi kerja.
6) Penyedia Barang Jasa wajib melakukan
pemeriksaan kesehatan bagi tenaga kerjanya
yang bekerja pada pekerjaan yang berpotensi

42.3 Kegiatan Pencegahan Terjadinya Kecelakaan Kerja

Tindakan Berbahaya (unsafe action):
1) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menunjuk dan
menetapkan Pengawas Pekerjaan & Pengawas
K3 yang memiliki kompetensi dibidang
2) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memasang LOTO
(Lock Out Tag Out) pada saat pelaksanaan
pekerjaan yang berpotensi bahaya.
3) Pelaksana Pekerjaan, Pengawas Pekerjaan
dan Pengawas K3 wajib menggunakan
peralatan kerja dan APD sesuai standar pada
pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang berpotensi
4) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib melakukan
pengawasan terhadap perilaku tenaga kerjanya
yang membahayakan bagi diri sendiri maupun
orang lain, yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya
kecelakaan kerja.
5) Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memberikan
petujuk dan arahan keselamatan kerja (safety
briefing) kepada Pelaksana Pekerjaan,
Pengawas Pekerjaan dan Pengawas K3
sebelum melaksanakan pekerjaan yang
berpotensi bahaya.


42.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab

atas segala bahan dan peralatan yang ada dengan
menempatkan penjagaan di dalam lokasi pekerjaan
tersebut dan harus memberikan perhatian yang
penuh untuk menjamin keamanan seluruh bahan-
bahan, peralatan dan pekerjaan dari bahaya
pencurian, pengrusakan, kebakaran dan dari
bahaya kerusakan dan kehilangan lainnya.

42.5 Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak bertanggung jawab

atas pengamanan sekeliling lapangan dan daerah
kerja Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

42.6 Setiap petugas yang berada di lapangan/bangunan

harus dilengkapi dengan tanda pengenal dan dapat
diterima oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

42.7 Orang yang tidak berhak masuk, tidak akan

diperkenankan memasuki lokasi pekerjaan tanpa
sebelumnya mendapat izin tertulis dari petugas
keamanan Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

42.8 Pihak Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan

Penjaga/Keamanan di bawah koordinasi
Keamanan PT PLN (Persero) terkait yang meneliti
keluar masuknya personil/pekerja dan semua lalu
lintas yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan

42.9 Barang atau peralatan yang keluar masuk dari

lapangan pekerjaan harus seizin Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dan Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

42.10 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan sarana

Keselamatan Kerja seperti topi pelindung, tali
pengaman dan peralatan keamanan lain bagi
semua pekerja untuk dipakai dalam pekerjaan, dan
merupakan tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa
untuk memastikan bahwa peraturan-peraturan
keselamatan kerja dan ketenagakerjaan, termasuk
pemakaian topi (helm) pelindung dan tali pengaman
(safety belt) ini dilaksanakan.

42.11 Untuk pekerjaan yang berpotensi menimbulkan

gangguan lingkungan, dipersyaratkan ketentuan
kelestarian lingkungan sesuai dengan Ketentuan
dan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku


42.12 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mentaati dan

menjalankan peraturan-peraturan dari badan yang
berwenang sehubungan dengan sarana sanitasi.

42.13 Tempat serta standar sarana sanitasi yang

disediakan Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk
penggunaan sendiri harus sesuai dengan teknik
penyehatan dan lingkungan dan mendapat
persetujuan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

42.14 Sarana-sarana itu harus sesuai dengan

ketentuan/peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku
dilokasi setempat.

43. Kerahasiaan 43.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa, Sub Penyedia Barang/Jasa

(jika ada) dan personil tanpa persetujuan tertulis
sebelumnya dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak
diperbolehkan untuk:
1) Menggunakan dokumen kontrak atau
dokumen/keterangan lain yang dihasilkan dari
proyek ini selain untuk kepentingan
pelaksanaan kontrak.
2) Mengungkapkan dokumen/keterangan diatas
kepada pihak ketiga.
3) Personil berkewajiban untuk menjaga
pekerjaannya yang bersifat rahasia.
Jika diperlukan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa,
Personil dapat sewaktu-waktu disyaratkan untuk
menjaga kerahasiaan pekerjaan di bawah
perjanjian kerahasiaan

44. Asuransi 44.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib mengasuransikan

Barang/Jasa Konstruksi dengan biaya sendiri,
mengelola serta bertanggung jawab atas segala
dampaknya selama pelaksanaan kontrak untuk
kepentingan Pengguna Barang/Jasa. Identitas
perusahaan asuransi dan bentuk kebijakan
asuransinya harus sesuai dan tunduk dengan
peraturan dan persetujuan Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
Asuransi yang ditanggung adalah akumulasi dari
jenis asuransi berikut:

1) Asuransi Pengangkutan Barang (Cargo

Asuransi yang menjamin kerugian keuangan
akibat kerusakan/hilangnya barang/ cargo
(material yang diadakan dan untuk peralatan


kerja Penyedia Barang/Jasa) baik kerusakan

parsial (partial loss) maupun kerusakan total
(total loss) yang sedang/selama proses
pengangkutan (melalui laut, darat dan udara).
Jaminan asuransi mulai dari lokasi pabrik
(gudang) hingga di lokasi proyek. Jaminan polis
asuransi yang digunakan Institute Cargo Clause
A (“ICC A”) termasuk asuransi akibat perang
dan pemogokan.
Kepentingan yang diasuransikan minimal
barang-barang yang digunakan dalam proyek
dengan tanggungan sendiri (deductible) minimal
sesuai kontrak.
Besarnya nilai pertanggungan untuk
pengangkutan barang (cargo insurance) adalah
sebesar 110% dari nilai barang yang diangkut

2) Asuransi Installasi (Erection All Risks)

Asuransi yang menjamin semua risiko
kerusakan atau kerugian yang terjadi dalam
proses pemasangan atau instalasi peralatan,
terdiri dari Kerusakan Material (Material
Damage) dan Tanggung Jawab Hukum
terhadap Pihak Ketiga (Third Party Liability).
Jaminan asuransi termasuk:
a. Jaminan untuk Kebakaran, Petir, Ledakan,
Kejatuhan Pesawat dan Asap.
b. Jaminan untuk Kerusuhan, Pemogokan,
Perbuatan Jahat dan Huru Hara.
c. Jaminan untuk Angin Topan, Badai, Banjir
dan Kerusakan akibat Air.
d. Jaminan untuk Gempa Bumi, Letusan
Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami.
e. Jaminan untuk Tanah Longsor dan
Pergerakan Tanah.
f. Jaminan untuk Perampokan dan Pencurian
g. Jaminan untuk Kesalahan desain (faulty
h. Jaminan untuk Kesalahan
pemasangan (faults in erection).
i. Jaminan untuk Kecelakaan lainnya


Polis Erection All Risks (EAR) terdiri dari 2 (dua)

a. Bagian 1: Kerusakan Material
b. Bagian 2: Tanggung Jawab Hukum
terhadap Pihak Ketiga (Third Party Liability)

Bagian 1: Kerusakan Material (Material

Polis menjamin kerugian atau kerusakan fisik,
yang tidak terduga dan tiba-tiba dari sebab
apapun, selain dari hal-hal yang dikecualikan
secara khusus, sehubungan dengan proses
pemasangan atau instalasi mesin tsb.
Objek Pertanggungan Asuransi meliputi:
• Erection Work – Kontrak Pekerjaan
termasuk harga mesin, biaya pengangkutan,
bea masuk, biaya pemasangan dan Pajak
• Pekerjaan konstruksi teknik sipil seperti
pondasi dll.
• Biaya pembersihan puing (Clearance of
• Surrounding Property – Harta benda milik
atau dalam pengawasan principal

Bagian 2 : Tanggung Jawab Hukum terhadap

Pihak Ketiga (Third Party Liability)
Polis menjamin tangung jawab hukum terhadap
pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan
pekerjaan atas cidera badan (bodily injury),
kerusakan harta benda (property damage) dan
biaya-biaya hukum (law costs and expenses):
• bodily injury: cedera badan, sakit atau
kematian pihak ketiga karena kecelakaan
(baik fatal ataupun tidak).
• property damage: kerugian atau kerusakan
karena kecelakaan atas harta benda milik
pihak ketiga.
• law costs and expenses: semua ongkos dan
biaya litigasi yang diperoleh penuntut dari
Tertanggung, dan semua ongkos dan biaya
yang timbul dengan persetujuan tertulis


• Jangka Waktu Pertanggungan

• Polis Erection All Risks (EAR) mulai berlaku
sejak dimulainya pekerjaan dan berakhir
terhadap kontrak pekerjaan yang telah

Nilai Pertanggungan:
Besarnya nilai pertanggungan untuk Erection All
Risks adalah sebesar 100% dari nilai kontrak

3) Asuransi Pekerja
Sesuai dengan peraturan hukum yang bersifat
nasional ataupun peraturan daerah yang
berlaku di lokasi kontrak.
Nilai pertanggungan sesuai dengan undang –
undang tenaga kerja yang berlaku.

4) Asuransi Lainnya
Asuransi lainnya yang mungkin secara khusus
disepakati oleh Para Pihak sebagaimana
tercantum dalam Lampiran Kontrak.

44.2 Pengguna Barang/Jasa harus disertakan sebagai

co-insured (pihak tertanggung) dari semua polis
asuransi yang diambil oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
sesuai dengan Pasal 44.1 SSUK kecuali untuk
Kewajiban Pihak Ketiga, kompensasi pekerja dan
Asuransi Kewajiban Pengguna Barang/Jasa, dan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus disebut sebagai co-
insured di bawah semua kebijakan asuransi yang
diambil oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa sesuai dengan
Pasal 44.1 SSUK kecuali untuk asuransi
pengangkutan barang. Seluruh hak perusahaan
asuransi untuk men-subrogasi (subrogation)
kepada Tertanggung atas kerugian atau klaim yang
timbul dari kinerja Kontrak harus dibebaskan (waive
of subrogation).

44.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyampaikan

kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa salinan polis
asuransi sebagai bukti bahwa kebijakan yang
diperlukan berlaku sepenuhnya.

44.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memastikan bahwa

Subkontrator memberlakukan kebijakan asuransi
yang memadai untuk personil dan kendaraan


mereka dan untuk pekerjaan dilaksanakan oleh

mereka berdasarkan Kontrak, kecuali SubPenyedia
Barang/Jasa telah dicakup dalam kebijakan
asuransi yang diambil oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

44.5 Jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa gagal untuk mengelola

asuransi seperti dimaksud dalam Pasal 44.1 SSUK,
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat mengelola asuransi
tersebut sendiri dari waktu ke waktu dengan
mengurangkan harga kontrak dengan nilai premi
asuransi sesuai dengan lingkup yang harus
ditanggung oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

44.6 Ketentuan mengenai masa berlaku, nama

tertanggung, syarat dan kondisi, obyek asuransi,
harga pertanggungan/ limit pertanggungan,
tanggungan sendiri (deductible) dan ketentuan
lainnya diatur dalam Kontrak.

44.7 Sebelum pekerjaan dimulai, Penyedia Barang/Jasa

wajib meminta persetujuan tertulis kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa atas usulan Calon
Penanggung (Leader dan Member perusahaan
asuransi) beserta konsep (draft) syarat-syarat dan
kondisi polis asuransi yang akan dituangkan dalam
polis sesuai dengan ketentuan di dalam Kontrak
dan salinan Polis Asuransi wajib diserahkan kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa selambat-lambatnya 10
(sepuluh) hari kerja setelah diberikan persetujuan.

44.8 Kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Kontrak, Penyedia

Barang/Jasa harus mempersiapkan dokumen dan
melaksanakan pengurusan setiap klaim asuransi
yang dibuat di bawah kebijakan Pasal 44.1 SSUK,
dan semua uang yang harus dibayar oleh setiap
perusahaan asuransi akan dibayarkan kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Pengguna Barang/Jasa
harus memberikan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa
semua bantuan yang wajar sebagaimana
diperlukan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
Sehubungan dengan klaim asuransi di mana
kepentingan Pengguna terlibat, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak akan memberikan rilis atau
membuat kompromi dengan perusahaan asuransi
tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari Pengguna jasa

44.9 Dalam hal terjadi perubahan syarat dan ketentuan

polis asuransi, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus


mendapatkan persetujuan dari Pengguna


45. Ganti Kerugian 45.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib membayar ganti

kerugian akibat menyerahkan hasil pekerjaannya
tidak sesuai dengan masa pelaksanaan pekerjaan
dalam Pasal 28.3 SSUK. Ketentuan mengenai
besarnya ganti kerugian ditentukan dalam Bab VII

45.2 Total ganti kerugian yang wajib dibayarkan oleh

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atas keterlambatan
menyelesaikan Pekerjaan sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 45.1 SSUK dinyatakan dalam berita
acara pembayaran ganti kerugian.
Maksimum ganti kerugian yang wajib dibayarkan
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa adalah sebesar
Jaminan Pelaksanaan

45.3 Apabila ganti kerugian yang wajib dibayarkan oleh

Penyedia Barang/Jasa telah melebihi besarnya
Jaminan Pelaksanaan namun Pekerjaan masih
belum dapat diselesaikan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak
memutus Kontrak sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal

45.4 Pembayaran ganti kerugian harus diselesaikan oleh

Penyedia Barang/Jasa paling lambat 30 Hari
setelah ditandatanganinya berita acara
pembayaran ganti kerugian sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 45.2 SSUK. Dalam hal Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak melakukan pembayaran dalam
waktu yang telah ditentukan, Pengguna
Barang/Jasa berhak melakukan pemotongan
terhadap tagihan pembayaran Penyedia
Barang/Jasa atau dalam hal tagihan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak mencukupi, Pengguna
Barang/Jasa berhak untuk mencairkan Jaminan

45.5 Pembayaran ganti kerugian oleh Penyedia

Barang/Jasa sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal
45.1 tidak melepaskan tanggung jawab Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dari kewajiban Penyedia Barang/Jasa
sesuai Kontrak.

46. Perlindungan Tenaga 46.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan SubPenyedia

Kerja Barang/Jasa berkewajiban atas biaya sendiri untuk


mengikutsertakan Personilnya pada program

Badan Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial (BPJS)

46.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab untuk

menjaga keselamatan dan mencegah terjadinya
Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk
mematuhi dan memerintahkan Personilnya untuk
mematuhi peraturan keselamatan kerja Pengguna
Barang/Jasa (jika ada) dan peraturan keselamatan
kerja lainnya yang berlaku.
Pada masa pelaksanaan pekerjaan, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa beserta personilnya dianggap telah
membaca dan memahami peraturan keselamatan
kerja tersebut

46.3 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban atas biaya

sendiri untuk menyediakan setiap personilnya
(termasuk personil subPenyedia Barang/Jasa, jika
ada) perlengkapan keselamatan kerja yang sesuai
dan memadai.

46.4 Tanpa mengurangi kewajiban Penyedia

Barang/Jasa wajib melaporkan kecelakaan
berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa akan melaporkan kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa mengenai setiap kecelakaan yang
timbul sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan Kontrak ini
dalam waktu 24 (dua puluh empat) jam setelah
kejadian. Persyaratan pelaporan ini semata-mata
dilakukan untuk menjamin perlindungan tenaga
kerja Penyedia Barang/Jasa

46.5 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab

atas persyaratan sarana kesehatan dan
Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan (PPPK)
untuk pekerja-pekerja lapangannya.
Peraturan mengenai perlindungan tenaga kerja
mengacu pada BAB VII SSKK

47. Penanggungan dan 47.1 Terhitung sejak tanggal kontrak berlaku efektif
Risiko oleh Penyedia Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab
Barang/Jasa terhadap hal-hal berikut yang disebabkan oleh
kelalaian Penyedia Barang/Jasa dalam masa
1) Kehilangan atau kerusakan barang/peralatan
dan harta benda Penyedia Barang/Jasa,


SubPenyedia Barang/Jasa (jika ada), dan

2) Cedera tubuh, sakit atau kematian Personil.
3) Kehilangan atau kerusakan harta benda, dan
cidera tubuh, sakit atau kematian pihak ketiga.
4) Pelanggaran HAKI yang diatur dalam Pasal 23
SSUK, termasuk pelanggaran hak cipta, merek
dagang, hak paten, dan bentuk HAKI lainnya
yang dilakukan atau diduga dilakukan oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

47.2 Pertanggungan asuransi yang dimiliki oleh

Penyedia Barang/Jasa berdasarkan Pasal 44
SSUK tidak membatasi kewajiban penanggungan
dalam Pasal ini

47.3 Kehilangan atau kerusakan terhadap Hasil

Pekerjaan atau Bahan yang menyatu dengan Hasil
Pekerjaan sejak Tanggal Kontrak Efektif sampai
dengan batas akhir Masa Pemeliharaan harus
diganti atau diperbaiki oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
atas tanggungannya sendiri jika kehilangan atau
kerusakan tersebut terjadi akibat tindakan atau
kelalaian Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

47.4 Sesuai dengan hal-hal yang tersebut dalam Undang

Undang R.I. No. 2 Tahun 2017 tentang Jasa
Konstruksi Pasal 60 dan Pasal 65 beserta
penjelasannya, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
memikul tanggung-jawab atas kegagalan
pekerjaan-pekerjaan dalam jangka waktu paling
lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun sesuai ketentuan didalam
UU No. 2 Tahun 2017 tersebut terhitung sejak
diterbitkannya Berita Acara Selesai Masa
Pemeliharaan (BASMP).

48. Tindakan Penyedia 48.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk

Barang/Jasa yang mendapatkan lebih dahulu persetujuan tertulis dari
Mensyaratkan Pengguna Barang/Jasa sebelum melakukan
Persetujuan tindakan-tindakan berikut:
1. Hal-hal lain yang tidak diatur dalam CDA atau
Barang/Jasa atau
Kick Off Meeting (bila ada).
Pengawas Pekerjaan
2. Tindakan lain yang tidak diatur dalam Bab VII
SSKK (bila ada).

49. Jaminan Down 49.1 Jika Pengguna Barang/Jasa melakukan

Payment dan pembayaran Down Payment dan/atau Advance


Jaminan Advance Payment sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 60.1

Payment SSUK, Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk
menyerahkan terlebih dahulu Jaminan Down
Payment dan/atau Jaminan Advance Payment
dengan nilai sekurang-kurangnya sama dengan
jumlah Down Payment dan/atau Advance Payment
yang diberikan dan dibuat sesuai dengan bentuk
Jaminan Down Payment dan/atau Jaminan
Advance Payment dalam Bab VIII Format Kontrak
serta dengan memperhatikan ketentuan sebagai
1) Diterbitkan oleh Bank yang termasuk dalam
Daftar Penerbit Jaminan Terseleksi (DPJT)
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di Lingkungan PT PLN
(Persero) sebagaimana tercantum pada BAB III
KKE lampiran 1.
2) Jaminan Down Payment berlaku sampai
dengan Barang diterima.
3) Jaminan Advance Payment berlaku sampai
dengan pelunasan Advance Payment tersebut
4) Nama dan alamat Penyedia Barang/Jasa sama
dengan yang tercantum dalam Kontrak. Jika
Penyedia Barang/Jasa merupakan suatu
KSO/Konsorsium harus dicantumkan semua
nama anggota KSO/Konsorsium serta nama
pemimpin dari KSO/Konsorsium.
5) Nilai nominal jaminan uang muka dicantumkan
dalam angka dan huruf.
6) Nama dan judul paket pekerjaan yang dijamin
sama dengan yang tecantum dalam Kontrak.
7) Nama dan alamat pihak terjamin sama dengan
nama dan alamat Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang
tercantum dalam perjanjian sesuai dengan Bab
VIII Format Kontrak.
8) Memuat nama, alamat, tanda tangan, dan
pernyataan pihak penjamin bahwa jaminan
bersifat unconditional dan dapat dicairkan
segera tanpa persyaratan tambahan apapun
dan menjadi milik Pengguna Barang/Jasa
apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa melakukan
wanprestasi, atau tidak ada bukti penggunaan
Down Payment dan/atau Advance Payment
dalam waktu 90 (sembilan puluh) Hari setelah
pembayaran Down Payment dan/atau Advance


Payment tanpa ada alasan yang dapat diterima

oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, atau dalam hal
terjadi pemutusan Kontrak sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Pasal 53 SSUK

49.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menjaga validitas

masa berlaku Jaminan Down Payment dan/atau
Jaminan Advance Payment selama Barang belum
diterima oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk
Jaminan Down Payment dan/atau Advance
Payment belum dilunasi untuk Jaminan Advance

49.3 Dalam hal masa berlaku Jaminan Down Payment

dan/atau Advance Payment akan berakhir, maka
paling lambat 30 (tiga puluh) Hari sebelum
berakhirnya masa berlaku jaminan Down Payment
dan/atau Advance Payment tersebut, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa harus memperpanjang masa berlaku
Jaminan Down Payment dan/atau Jaminan
Advance Payment tersebut.
Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak
memperpanjang Jaminan Down Payment dan/atau
Jaminan Advance Payment sampai dengan
berakhirnya masa berlakunya, maka Jaminan Down
Payment dan/atau Jaminan Advance Payment
tersebut akan dicairkan dan menjadi milik
Pengguna Barang/Jasa

49.4 Pembayaran atas klaim atau tuntutan pencairan

adalah mutlak dan tanpa syarat (unconditional) dan
tidak dapat dialihkan (non-transferable) meskipun
ada tuntutan permintaan atau keberatan dari
terjamin atau pihak manapun.

50. Jaminan Pelaksanaan 50.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menyerahkan

Jaminan Pelaksanaan selambat-lambatnya 14
(empat belas) Hari setelah Kontrak ditandatangani
dengan nilai Jaminan Pelaksanaan sebagaimana
ditentukan dalam Bab VII SSKK.
Apabila sampai dengan batas waktu yang
ditetapkan, Jaminan Pelaksanaan belum
diserahkan, maka Kontrak dapat diputus sepihak
oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa yang ditunjuk dapat dikenakan sanksi
daftar hitam (Blacklist) serta Jaminan Penawaran
dicairkan dan menjadi milik Pengguna Barang/Jasa


50.2 Jaminan Pelaksanaan diterbitkan oleh bank yang

masuk ke dalam Daftar Penerbit Jaminan
Terseleksi (DPJT) pengadaan barang/jasa di
lingkungan PLN sebagaimana tercantum pada BAB
III KKE lampiran 1

50.3 Masa berlaku Jaminan Pelaksanaan adalah sejak

tanggal diterbitkan Jaminan Pelaksanaan sampai
dengan 30 (tiga puluh) hari setelah penerbitan
Berita Acara Selesainya Masa Pemeliharaan,
dengan masa klaim selambat-lambatnya 30 (tiga
puluh) hari setelah berakhirnya Jaminan

50.4 Jaminan Pelaksanaan bersifat tanpa syarat

(unconditional) dan tidak dapat dialihkan (non-

50.5 Jaminan Pelaksanaan akan dicairkan dan menjadi

milik Pengguna Barang/Jasa apabila Penyedia
Barang/Jasa melakukan wanprestasi dan telah
dilakukan peringatan tertulis sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Pasal 53.2 SSUK.

50.6 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memperpanjang

Jaminan Pelaksanaan jika pelaksanaan Pekerjaan
mengalami perpanjangan waktu pelaksanaan.
Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak
memperpanjang masa berlakunya Jaminan
Pelaksanaan, dalam waktu 30 (tiga puluh) Hari
sebelum masa berlakunya berakhir, maka
Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak mencairkan
Jaminan Pelaksanaan tanpa harus memberikan
surat peringatan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa
dan Jaminan Pelaksanaan tersebut menjadi milik
Pengguna Barang/Jasa

50.7 Penggantian Jaminan Pelaksanaan harus

dilakukan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa, apabila
terdapat penambahan volume Pekerjaan dan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menambah nilai
Jaminan Pelaksanaan sesuai dengan penambahan
harga Kontrak.

50.8 Pembayaran atas klaim atau tuntutan pencairan

adalah mutlak dan tanpa syarat (unconditional)
meskipun ada tuntutan permintaan atau keberatan
dari terjamin atau pihak manapun.


50.9 Format bank garansi atas Jaminan Pelaksanaan

sesuai dengan format yang diterbitkan oleh PLN
seperti pada Bab VIII Format Kontrak.

51. Pengujian Lapangan/ 51.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban

Komisioning melaksanakan pengujian/komisioning di lokasi
pekerjaan dengan biaya sendiri.

51.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberitahukan

secara tertulis kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau
Direksi Pekerjaan paling lambat 7 (tujuh) Hari
setelah tanggal dimana Pekerjaan dan individual
test / pra-komisioning telah diselesaikan.

51.3 Bila telah ada persetujuan antara Pengguna

Barang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dan PLN Pusat Sertifikasi, maka
pengujian/komisioning akan dilaksanakan dalam
waktu yang telah disepakati.

51.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban menyediakan

semua perlengkapan dan peralatan untuk
keperluan pengujian/komisioning.

51.5 Bila pengujian/komisioning dinyatakan gagal, maka

pengujian/komisioning harus diulangi dalam jangka
waktu yang akan ditentukan, sedangkan mengenai
biaya yang dibutuhkan/dibayarkan untuk
pengulangan pengujian itu menjadi tanggung jawab
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

52. Kontrak Kritis 52.1 Kontrak dinyatakan kritis apabila:

1) Dalam periode I (rencana fisik pelaksanaan 0%
- 70% dari Kontrak), realisasi fisik pelaksanaan
terlambat lebih besar 15% dari rencana.
2) Dalam periode II (rencana fisik pelaksanaan
70% - 100% dari kontrak), realisasi fisik
pelaksanaan terlambat lebih besar 10% dari
3) Besarnya prosentase deviasi keterlambatan
dapat ditentukan lain sesuai kesepakatan
dalam rapat persiapan sesuai dengan Pasal
28.2 SSUK.

52.2 Penanganan kontrak kritis dilakukan dengan rapat

pembuktian (show cause meeting/SCM) :
1) Pada saat Kontrak dinyatakan kritis,
Pengguna Barang/Jasa berdasarkan laporan


dari Direksi Pekerjaan memberikan peringatan

secara tertulis kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dan selanjutnya Pengguna
Barang/Jasa menyelenggarakan Rapat
Pembuktian (SCM) Tahap I.
Dalam SCM Tahap I, Pengguna
Barang/Jasa, Direksi dan Pengawas
Pekerjaan dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
membahas dan menyepakati besaran
kemajuan fisik yang harus dicapai oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dalam periode waktu
tertentu (uji coba pertama) yang dituangkan
dalam Berita Acara SCM Tahap I.
2) Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa gagal pada
uji coba pertama, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa menerbitkan Surat Peringatan
Kontrak Kritis I dan harus diselenggarakan
SCM Tahap II yang membahas dan
menyepakati besaran kemajuan fisik yang
harus dicapai oleh
PenyediaBarang/Jasadalam waktu tertentu
(uji coba kedua) yang dituangkan dalam
Berita Acara SCM Tahap II.
3) Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasagagal pada uji
coba kedua, maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa
menerbitkan Surat Peringatan Kontrak Kritis II
dan harus diselenggarakan SCM TahapIII
yang membahas dan menyepakati besaran
kemajuan fisik yang harus dicapai oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasadalam waktu tertentu
(uji coba ketiga) yang dituangkan dalam
Berita Acara SCM Tahap III.
4) Apabila Penyedia gagal pada ujicoba ketiga,
maka Pengguna Jasa menerbitkan Surat
Peringatan Kontrak Kritis III dan Pengguna
Jasa dapat melakukan pemutusan Kontrak
sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 53 SSUK
atau dengan pertimbangan teknis dan
komersial tetap meminta Penyedia
Barang/Jasa melanjutkan Pekerjaan.
5) Apabila uji coba berhasil, namun pada
pelaksanaan pekerjaan selanjutnya Kontrak
dinyatakan kritis lagi maka diberlakukan
kembali ketentuan sesuai dengan poin 1 s.d 3.


52.3 Batas waktu surat peringatan 1,2 dan 3 untuk

penyelesaikan progres keterlambatan ditentukan
lain sesuai kesepakatan dalam rapat persiapan
sesuai dengan pasal 28.2 SSUK.

53. Pengakhiran dan 53.1 Pengakhiran Kontrak dapat dilakukan karena

Pemutusan Kontrak Pekerjaan sudah selesai dilaksanakan, atau terjadi
peristiwa yang berada di luar kekuasaan Para Pihak
yang mengakibatkan Para Pihak tidak mungkin
melaksanakan kewajiban yang ditentukan dalam
Kontrak yang disebabkan oleh keadaan kahar
(Force Majeure) sebagaimana dimaksud pada
Pasal 31 SSUK.

53.2 Pemutusan Kontrak oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa

Kondisi-kondisi yang dapat mengakibatkan
pemutusan Kontrak apabila:
1) Penyedia Barang/Jasa dikenakan sanksi
sesuai Pasal 6.8 SSUK
2) Penyedia Barang/Jasa cidera janji atau tidak
memenuhi kewajiban dan tanggungjawabnya
sebagaimana diatur di dalam Kontrak; atau
3) Penyedia Barang/Jasa mengalihkan tanggung
jawab baik sebagian atau seluruh Pekerjaan
utama dengan mengsubkontrakkan kepada
pihak lain tanpa persetujuan tertulis Direksi
Pekerjaan; atau
4) Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak memulai
melaksanakan Pekerjaan berdasarkan Kontrak
pada Tanggal Mulai Kerja sesuai dengan Pasal
(perintah kerja). ; atau
5) Meninggalkan Pekerjaan; atau
6) Penyedia Barang/Jasa melanggar persyaratan-
persyaratan yang tercantum dalam Kontrak;
7) Apabila ganti kerugian akibat keterlambatan
pelaksanaan Pekerjaan sudah melampaui
besarnya Jaminan Pelaksanaan sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Pasal 45.2 SSUK ; atau
8) Setelah memberikan peringatan ketiga atas
keterlambatan pelaksanaan Pekerjaan; atau
9) Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak bersedia
memperpanjang Jaminan Pelaksanaan; atau


10) Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan dilaksanakan oleh

Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan itikad yang
tidak baik, atau tidak sesuai dengan pasal-
pasal dalam Kontrak; atau
11) Pekerjaan tidak dilaksanakan dalam waktu
disebutkan di dalam Kontrak; atau
12) Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak mampu lagi
melaksanakan Pekerjaan/bangkrut; atau
13) Progress Pekerjaan terlambat (terjadi deviasi
antara progress rencana dan aktual) dari waktu
yang telah disebutkan di dalam Kontrak atau
jadwal pengiriman material terlambat atau
jadwal pelaksanaan yang menurut
pertimbangan Direksi Pekerjaan dapat
berdampak pada penyelesaian Pekerjaan; atau
14) Penyedia Barang/Jasa gagal mematuhi
keputusan akhir penyelesaian perselisihan;
15) Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyampaikan
pernyataan yang tidak benar kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dan pernyataan tersebut
berpengaruh besar pada hak, kewajiban atau
kepentingan Pengguna Barang/Jasa; atau
16) Sebagai akibat kontrak kritis sebagaimana
yang dimaksud pada Pasal 52.2 (4) SSUK

53.3 Kondisi sebagaimana disebutkan pada Pasal 53.2

SSUK, maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Direksi
Pekerjaan berhak memutuskan Kontrak secara
sepihak melalui pemberitahuan tertulis dan dalam
hal ini Penyedia Barang/Jasa setuju tidak
memberlakukan pasal 1266 Kitab Undang-undang
Hukum Perdata.

53.4 Setelah Penyedia Barang/Jasa menerima

pemberitahuan pemutusan Kontrak, maka
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus:
1) Mengakhiri pelaksanaan Pekerjaan sesuai
dengan yang ditetapkan dalam pemberitahuan
pemutusan Kontrak;
2) Mengalihkan hak dan menyerahkan semua
hasil pelaksanaan Pekerjaan kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa. Pengalihan hak dan
penyerahan tersebut harus dilakukan dengan


cara dan pada waktu yang ditentukan oleh

Pengguna Barang/Jasa;
3) Menyerahkan semua fasilitas yang dibiayai
oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa termasuk barang
dan peralatan dan harus dibuatkan Berita
Acara Penyerahan.

53.5 Pemutusan Kontrak oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa

Sekurang-kurangnya 30 (tiga puluh) Hari setelah
Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyampaikan
pemberitahuan rencana pemutusan Kontrak secara
tertulis kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk
kejadian tersebut di bawah ini, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dapat memutuskan Kontrak.
Kejadian dimaksud adalah:
1) Sebagai akibat keadaan kahar, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak dapat melaksanakan
Pekerjaan sesuai dengan Pasal 28 SSUK.
2) Pengguna Barang/Jasa gagal mematuhi
keputusan akhir penyelesaian perselisihan.

53.6 Pembayaran akan diberikan oleh Pengguna

Barang/Jasa (sejauh jumlah dan hal-hal ini tidak
termasuk pembayaran-pembayaran yang telah
diperhitungkan dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa)
untuk semua Pekerjaan yang telah dilaksanakan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa sebelum tanggal pemutusan
Kontrak termasuk:
1) Semua biaya yang dibayarkan untuk semua
kegiatan yang menyangkut Pekerjaan
pendahuluan yang telah dilaksanakan dan/atau
bagian Pekerjaan yang telah disetujui oleh
Direksi Pekerjaan.
2) Harga bahan-bahan atau material telah disetujui
oleh Direksi Pekerjaan yang memang dipesan
untuk Pekerjaan permanen atau Pekerjaan
sementara yang telah diserahkan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa atau yang secara sah wajib
diterima oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa, maka
bahan-bahan atau barang-barang itu akan
menjadi hak milik Pengguna Barang/Jasa
setelah dilakukan perhitungan pembayaran.
3) Jumlah yang disetujui Pengguna Barang/Jasa
atau Direksi Pekerjaan sebesar jumlah
pengeluaran yang memang dikeluarkan oleh


Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk tujuan

penyelesaian Pekerjaan dengan catatan
pembayaran ini tidak termasuk dalam
pembayaran yang telah disebutkan pada butir-
butir di atas.
Bila terjadi selisih pembayaran dengan pembayaran
dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan
yang telah ditetapkan, maka Pengguna
Braang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan berhak
menganggap itu sebagai hutang dari Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dengan memperhitungkan jumlah-
jumlah yang sebelumnya telah dibayarkan
Pengguna Braang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan
kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk penyelesaian
pekerjaan-pekerjaan tersebut

53.7 Pemutusan Kontrak yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian

Penyedia Barang/Jasa dikenakan sanksi sesuai
yang ditetapkan dalam Kontrak berupa:
1) Jaminan pelaksanaan menjadi hak Pengguna
Barang/Jasa; atau.
2) Sisa uang muka harus dilunasi/dikembalikan
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa; dan
3) Dimasukkan ke dalam daftar hitam (black list)
PLN dan tidak diperkenankan ikut serta dalam
pengadaaan barang/jasa di PLN dalam jangka
waktu 2 (dua) tahun.

53.8 Segala macam barang dan peralatan milik PLN

yang dipergunakan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
harus dikembalikan kepada PLN.

54. Masa Pemeliharaan 54.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memperbaiki/

mengganti/ menyelesaikan kekurangan-
kekurangan dan/atau cacat hasil pekerjaan yang
tertulis sebagai pending item sebagaimana yang
dimaksud dalam SSUK 32.1.1) diatas selama
masa pemeliharaan sehingga kondisi hasil
pekerjaan sesuai dengan ketentuan
Perjanjian/Kontrak.Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa
tidak melaksanakan kewajiban pemeliharaan
sebagaimana mestinya, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa berhak atas retensi 5% yang belum

54.2 Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa telah memenuhi

seluruh kewajiban pada masa Pemeliharan


maka akan diterbitkan Berita Acara Selesai Masa

Pemeliharaan (BASMP)

54.3 Biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh Pengguna

Barang/Jasa untuk melakukan perbaikan dan/atau
penggantian dan/atau penyempurnaan
sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 54.1 SSUK,
akan dimintakan penggantian oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa
dengan cara melakukan pemotongan dari sisa
pembayaran yang menjadi hak Penyedia
Apabila biaya perbaikan dan/atau penggantian
dan/atau penyempurnaan lebih besar dari
pembayaran yang menjadi hak Penyedia
Barang/Jasa maka kekuranganya harus dibayar
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
Apabila dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) Hari setelah
ditagihkan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak melakukan
pembayaran maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak
untuk mencairkan Jaminan Pelaksanaan.

54.4 Dalam hal perbaikan dan/atau penggantian

dan/atau penyempurnaan sebagaimana dimaksud
pada Pasal 54.1 SSUK mengganggu fungsi dari
hasil pekerjaan utama, maka jangka waktu masa
pemeliharaan akan diperpanjang selama waktu
yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan perbaikan
dan/atau penggantian dan/atau penyempurnaan.

54.5 Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan mengembalikan

Jaminan Pelaksanaan diakhir masa pemeliharaan
apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa telah memenuhi
seluruh kewajibannya selama Masa Pemelihraan.

54.6 Jangka waktu Masa Pemeliharaan sesuai

ketentuan pada BAB VII SSKK.

55. Penyerahan Akhir 55.1 Setelah masa pemeliharaan berakhir dan telah
Pekerjaan dipenuhinya kewajiban-kewajibannya yang
tercantum dalam dokumen Kontrak sebagaimana
dimaksud pada Pasal 54 SSUK, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dapat mengajukan permintaan secara
tertulis kepada pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk
Penyerahan Akhir Pekerjaan.

55.2 Sebelum Penyerahan Akhir, Penyedia Barang/Jasa

wajib menyerahkan Gambar-gambar
pelaksanaan/As built drawing Final yang


merupakan gambar pelaksanaan pekerjaan final

yang dilaksanakan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa di
Lokasi Pekerjaan dan telah mendapat persetujuan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

55.3 Pengguna Barang/Jasa menerima Penyerahan

Akhir Pekerjaan setelah Penyedia Barang/Jasa
melaksanakan semua kewajibannya selama masa
pemeliharaan dengan baik dan wajib melakukan
pembayaran sisa nilai Kontrak yang belum dibayar.

55.4 Berita Acara Penyerahan Akhir (BAP-Akhir) dapat

diterbitkan apabila:
1. Pengguna Barang/Jasa telah menerima seluruh
penyerahan akhir pekerjaan sesuai dengan
pasal 55.1 sampai dengan 55.3; dan
2. Hak dan Kewajiban para pihak telah
dilaksanakan; dan
3. Apabila selesainya Klaim antara Penyedia dan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa (apabila ada); dan
4. BAP-Akhir menjadi syarat ditutupnya kontrak.

55.5 Mencatat kewajiban yang masih tersisa, seperti

garansi dan memberitahukan kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dan Pengguna Barang/Jasa.



56. Tenaga Kerja 56.1 Pengawas lapangan pekerjaan yang ditunjuk harus
mempunyai sertifikat keselamatan, kesehatan dan
keamanan kerja (K3 Umum) yang diterbitkan oleh
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI Direktoral Jenderal
Pembinaan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan

56.2 Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak diperbolehkan memberi,

menukar atau menjual senjata, amunisi atau
sejenisnya dan tidak dibenarkan membiarkan hal
diatas terjadi dalam lingkungan pekerjaan

56.3 Dalam hubungannya dengan semua tenaga kerja yang

dipekerjakannya Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
menghormati hari-hari raya nasional, agama,
kepercayaan dan adat istiadat.

56.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa dalam hubungannya dengan

pelaksanaan pekerjaan harus menyediakan dan
1) Tenaga kerja yang diperlukan untuk
melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut mengutamakan
tenaga kerja dalam negeri.
2) Pekerja terampil dan non terampil sebagaimana
diperlukan bagi pelaksanaan serta pemeliharaan
yang baik dan tepat bagi pekerjaan-pekerjaan
3) Pengguna Barang/Jasa bebas untuk menyatakan
keberatan dan seketika itu juga meminta Penyedia
Barang/Jasa mengeluarkan dari pekerjaan ini,
setiap orang yang berkelakuan tidak baik atau
tidak mampu atau lalai melaksanakan tugasnya
atau hasil pekerjaannya tidak dapat diterima oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan orang tersebut tidak
dapat diizinkan dipekerjakan lagi pada pekerjaan

56.5 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melindungi Pengguna

Barang/Jasa dari segala tuntutan pembayaran oleh
sub-Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk tenaga kerja dan
perlengkapan yang diperlukan dalam kontrak ini

56.6 Bila diminta oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, Penyedia

Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan suatu bukti yang
menyakinkan bahwa semua pekerja, dari sub-
Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang telah melaksanakan
pekerjaan-pekerjaan dan menyediakan perlengkapan


sesuai Kontrak, telah dibayar sehingga Pengguna

Barang/Jasa yang secara sah menjadi
penanggungjawab, telah dilindungi dengan baik.
Apabila bukti ini tidak ada atau menurut Pengguna
Barang/Jasa bukti yang disampaikan tidak dapat
diterima/tidak cukup, maka sejumlah uang
tagihan/permohonan pembayaran dari Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dapat ditahan sampai bukti tersebut
diatas telah benar-benar diterima dengan baik

56.7 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melakukan upaya

pencegahan dan mengurangi risiko kebakaran.

56.8 Mengadakan tindakan-tindakan preventif agar

pelaksanaan pekerjaan dapat dilaksanakan dengan
cara yang aman/tidak membahayakan.

56.9 Tenaga kerja yang bekerja di Lokasi Pekerjaan wajib

melindungi lingkungan, baik di dalam maupun di luar
lokasi pekerjaan, dan membatasi perusakan dan
pengaruh/gangguan kepada masyarakat maupun
miliknya sebagai akibat polusi, kebisingan dan
kerusakan lain yang disebabkan kegiatan tersebut.

56.10 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib bertanggung jawab atas

perilaku/etika di lapangan dari semua personil yang
dipekerjakannya demi menjaga hubungan yang baik
dengan masyarakat setempat.

56.11 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memenuhi ketentuan

dari semua Hukum Perburuhan yang berlaku di

57. Perubahan dan/atau 57.1 Oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa

Penggantian Personil
Perubahan personil inti tidak boleh dilakukan kecuali
atas persetujuan tertulis Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
Perubahan personil inti oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa
dengan mengajukan permohonan terlebih dahulu
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa dengan melampirkan
riwayat hidup/pengalaman kerja personil inti yang
diusulkan beserta alasan perubahan.

57.2 Oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa

Pengguna Barang/Jasa menilai dan menyetujui
penempatan/penggantian personil atau tenaga ahli
menurut kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan.

57.3 Jika Pengguna Barang/Jasa menilai bahwa personil



1) tidak mampu atau tidak dapat melakukan

pekerjaan dengan baik; atau
2) melakukan kesalahan serius;
3) mengabaikan pekerjaan yang menjadi tugasnya;
4) berkelakuan tidak baik atau terlibat tindak
maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk
menyediakan pengganti dalam jangka waktu 7 (tujuh)
Hari sejak diminta oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

57.4 Jika perubahan dan/atau penggantian personil

dan/atau peralatan perlu dilakukan maka Penyedia
Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk menyediakan
pengganti dengan kualifikasi yang setara atau lebih
baik dari personil dan/atau peralatan yang digantikan.
Terhadap perubahan dan/atau penggantian yang
dilakukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak berhak atas
klaim apapun untuk biaya tambahan yang timbul atau
terkait dengan perubahan dan/atau penggantian

58. Peralatan 58.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan biaya sendiri harus

menyediakan dan mengadakan semua peralatan
dan/atau perlengkapan sesuai dengan spesifikasi
yang ditentukan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa,
termasuk angkutan ke, dari dan di dalam lapangan
yang berhubungan dengan Pekerjaan.

58.2 Perubahan peralatan dan/atau perlengkapan tidak

boleh dilakukan kecuali atas persetujuan tertulis
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

58.3 Jika perubahan dan/atau penggantian peralatan

dan/atau perlengkapan perlu dilakukan maka
Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk
menyediakan pengganti dengan kualifikasi yang
setara atau lebih baik dari peralatan dan/atau
perlengkapan yang digantikan.

58.4 Apabila tidak ditetapkan lain secara khusus, semua

peralatan dan/atau perlengkapan yang diperlukan
untuk Pekerjaan harus sesuai dengan standar yang

58.5 Penyedia Barang/Jasa bersedia untuk dilakukan

verifikasi/audit atas Nilai Tingkat Komponen Dalam
Negeri sesuai Bab IV Formulir Penawaran “Surat


Pernyataan Kesanggupan (Komitmen) Pencapaian

Nilai Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN)”

58.6 Apabila terdapat perbedaan nilai TKDN pada

pelaksanaan kontrak yang di audit tidak mencapai
besaran nilai TKDN pada Surat Pernyataan
Kesanggupan (Komitmen) Pencapaian Nilai Tingkat
Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) pada Pasal 58.5
SSUK maka akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai
dengan Peraturan yang berlakudi lingkungan PT
PLN (Persero).

58.7 Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak melakukan verifikasi

terhadap implementasi pencapaian TKDN dalam
pelaksanaan kontrak.Verifikasi dapat dilakukan oleh
Surveyor independen atau verifikator TKDN lain
diantaranya PLN Pusertif.

58.8 Sebelum Kontrak ditutup, semua barang/peralatan

milik PLN (bila ada) yang dipergunakan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa harus dikembalikan kepada PLN sesuai
dengan kondisi saat peminjaman.

58.9 Pengembalian barang/peralatan milik PLN (bila ada)

harus dibuatkan Berita Acara Penyerahan



59. Penangguhan 59.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak melakukan

Pembayaran penangguhan pembayaran yang menjadi hak
Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Pengguna Barang/Jasa harus
secara tertulis memberitahukan kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tentang penangguhan pembayaran
sesuai dengan proporsi, jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa
tidak melakukan kewajiban sebagaimana mestinya,
disertai alasan-alasan yang jelas mengenai
penangguhan tersebut, dan diberi kesempatan kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk memenuhi kewajiban
dalam jangka waktu tertentu sesuai yang tercantum
dalam surat penangguhan pembayaran.

60. Tata Cara 60.1 Pembayaran uang muka dapat dibayarkan sebagai
Pembayaran advance payment dan/atau down payment.
Pembayaran uang muka dapat dilakukan jika
sebelumnya sudah diatur dalam Kontrak, Ketentuan
perihal uang muka diatur pada Bab VII SSKK.

60.2 Pembayaran kemajuan (progress) fisik pekerjaan

hanya dapat dilakukan senilai pekerjaan yang telah
terpasang, kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Bab VII

60.3 Pembayaran diberikan Pengguna Barang/Jasa

berdasarkan kemajuan (progress) fisik pekerjaan,
yang dapat dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu:
1) Sistem pembayaran kemajuan (progress) fisik
pekerjaan dengan sistem sertifikat
2) Sistem pembayaran kemajuan (progress) fisik
pekerjaan dengan sistem sertifikat bulanan
(monthly certificate).
Sistem pembayaran kontrak ini sesuai dengan
ketentuan pada Bab VII SSKK.

60.4 Apabila pembayaran dengan sistem sertifikat

angsuran/termin, maka dilaksanakan dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1) Setelah kemajuan hasil pekerjaan mencapai nilai
prosentase tertentu sesuai dengan ketentuan
dokumen Kontrak, Penyedia Barang/Jasa
mengajukan laporan kemajuan hasil pekerjaan


kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa dengan lampiran

data pendukung.
2) Kemajuan hasil pekerjaan tersebut harus sudah
mendapat penetapan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa
selambat-lambatnya 10 (sepuluh) hari kerja
setelah diterimanya laporan kemajuan hasil
pekerjaan tersebut berikut laporan data
pendukung secara lengkap dan benar.

60.5 Apabila pembayaran dengan sistem sertifikat bulanan

(monthly certificate), maka dilaksanakan dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1) Pada setiap tanggal 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan
yang bersangkutan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa
mengajukan sertifikat bulanan kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dengan lampiran data pendukung.
2) Kemajuan hasil pekerjaan sesuai sertifikat
bulanan tersebut harus sudah mendapatkan
penetapan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa, selambat-
lambatnya 10 (sepuluh) hari kerja setelah
diterimanya laporan kemajuan hasil pekerjaan
tersebut berikut laporan pendukung secara
lengkap dan benar.

60.6 Pembayaran kemajuan (progress) fisik pekerjaan yang

disepakati dilakukan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa
apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa telah mengajukan
tagihan disertai laporan kemajuan hasil pekerjaan
yang telah disetujui oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

60.7 Pembayaran terakhir sebesar 100% (seratus persen)

dari nilai Kontrak hanya dilakukan setelah selesai
masa pemeliharaan (BASMP).

60.8 Setiap pembayaran harus dipotong ganti kerugian (bila

ada), pajak dan pungutan Pemerintah yang berlaku.

60.9 Untuk Kontrak yang mempunyai subPenyedia

Barang/Jasa, permintaan pembayaran kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa harus dilengkapi bukti
pembayaran kepada seluruh subPenyedia
Barang/Jasa sesuai dengan kemajuan pekerjaan.

60.10 Pembayaran dilaksanakan dengan ditransfer ke nomor

rekening Bank yang ditunjuk oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa sesuai persetujuan/sepengetahuan lebih
dahulu dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa.


60.11 Sistem pembayaran kontrak ini sesuai dengan

ketentuan pada Bab VII SSKK.

60.12 Keterlambatan Pembayarankepada Penyedia

1. Apabila Pengguna Barang/Jasa terlambat
melakukan pembayaran kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa sesuai dengan jangka waktu
pembayaran yang ditetapkan dalam SSKK (45
hari kalender), maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berhak untuk menerima kompensasi senilai
bunga bank yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia
perhari keterlambatan dengan maksimum 5%
dari nilai tagihan (invoice) yang terlambat
2. Kompensasi keterlambatan pembayaran sesuai
dengan pasal 60.12.1 akan dibayarkan oleh
pengguna Barang/Jasa setelah penyedia
Barang/Jasa mengajukan tagihan kompensasi
keterlambatan pembayaran.
3. Dengan dikenakan kompensasi keterlambatan
pembayaran sesuai dengan Pasal 60.12.1 SSUK
kepada pengguna Barang/Jasa maka penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak dapat melakukan
penundaan pelaksanaan pekerjaan.



61. Quality Assurance – 61.1 Dalam rangka melaksanakan Quality Assurance –

Quality Control Quality Control Barang oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa
(bila diperlukan), maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berkewajiban untuk menjamin akses Pengguna
Barang/Jasa, dan/atau Pengawas Pekerjaan atau
pihak lain ke lokasi pabrikan dan lokasi lainnya (pabrik,
workshop) di mana barang tersebut sebelum atau
sedang dalam proses pabrikasi/perakitan.
Ketentuan mengenai Quality Assurance – Quality
Control sesuai dengan Kontrak.

62. Cacat Mutu 62.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Pengawas Pekerjaan

akan memeriksa setiap hasil pekerjaan dan
memberitahukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa secara
tertulis atas setiap Cacat Mutu yang ditemukan.
Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Pengawas Pekerjaan
dapat memerintahkan Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk
menemukan dan mengungkapkan Cacat Mutu, serta
menguji hasil Pekerjaan yang dianggap oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Pengawas Pekerjaan
mengandung Cacat Mutu. Penyedia Barang/Jasa
bertanggung jawab atas Cacat Mutu selama Masa

63. Pengujian 63.1 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melaksanakan setiap

test, pengujian dan pemeriksaan yang dipersyaratkan
di dalam kontrak, khususnya pada Bab V Syarat-
syarat Teknik dan Gambar dengan biaya sendiri.

63.2 Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau perwakilan yang ditunjuk

berhak menghadiri pengujian dan menjadi pengawas
dengan biaya dan beban yang ditanggung Pengguna
Barang/Jasa kecuali dinyatakan lain dalam Bab V
Syarat-syarat Teknik dan Gambar.

63.3 Setelah Penyedia Barang/Jasa siap untuk

melaksanakan pengujian dan pemeriksaan, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa harus menyampaikan pemberitahuan
terlebih dahulu kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa terkait
waktu dan tempat pengujian. Penyedia Barang/Jasa
harus memperoleh ijin dan persetujuan dari pabrikan
atau pihak ketiga pelaksana pengujian yang
memperkenankan Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau
perwakilan yang ditunjuk untuk menghadiri pengujian
dan pemeriksaan.


63.4 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyampaikan laporan

sertifikasi/pengujian kepada Pengguna sebagai hasil
pengujian dan pemeriksaan.

63.5 Jika Pengguna atau perwakilannya tidak dapat hadir

dalam pengujian atau pemeriksaan, Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tetap bisa melanjutkan pengujian dengan
persetujuan dari Pengguna serta tetap menyampaikan
hasil laporan sertifikasi/pengujian yang diperoleh.

63.6 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat meminta Penyedia

Barang/Jasa melaksanakan pengujian dan
pemeriksaan yang tidak dispesifikasi dalam kontrak
sebelumnya. Biaya dan pengeluaran yang dibutuhkan
untuk melaksanakan pengujian dan pemeriksaan
tambahan tersebut dapat ditambahkan dalam harga
kontrak. Bilamana pengujian tambahan ini
mengganggu progres pekerjaan maka Penyedia
Barang/Jasa berhak untuk mendapatkan penambahan
waktu yang terdampak.

63.7 Jika terdapat peralatan atau fasilitas yang gagal

pengujian, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
memperbaiki atau mengganti peralatan/fasilitas serta
mengulangi kembali pengujian dan pemeriksaan

63.8 Jika Pengguna Barang/Jasa memerintahkan Penyedia

Barang/Jasa untuk melakukan pengujian Cacat Mutu
yang tidak tercantum dalam Spesifikasi Teknik dan
Gambar, dan hasil uji coba menunjukkan adanya
Cacat Mutu maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban
untuk menanggung biaya pengujian tersebut.

64. Perbaikan Cacat Mutu 64.1 Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan menyampaikan

pemberitahuan Cacat Mutu kepada Penyedia
Barang/Jasa segera setelah ditemukan Cacat Mutu
tersebut. Penyedia Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab
atas Cacat Mutu selama masa pelaksanaan Kontrak.

64.2 Terhadap pemberitahuan Cacat Mutu tersebut,

Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk
memperbaiki Cacat Mutu atau mengganti Barang
dalam jangka waktu yang ditetapkan dalam

64.3 Jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak memperbaiki Cacat

Mutu atau mengganti Barang dalam jangka waktu yang
ditentukan maka, Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak


untuk secara langsung atau melalui pihak ketiga yang

ditunjuk oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa melakukan
perbaikan atau penggantian tersebut.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa segera setelah menerima
pemberitahuan secara tertulis berkewajiban untuk
mengganti biaya perbaikan atau penggantian tersebut
kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
Apabila dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) Hari setelah
ditagihkan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak melakukan
pembayaran biaya perbaikan atau penggantian, maka
Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak untuk mencairkan
Jaminan Pelaksanaan.

64.4 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat mengenakan Ganti

Kerugian yang diatur dalam Pasal 45 SSUK untuk
setiap keterlambatan perbaikan Cacat Mutu.

65. Penilaian dan 65.1 Penilaian Pekerjaan:

Penolakan Sebelum
1) Tidak diperkenankan adanya pekerjaan yang
Serah Terima
ditutup/tertutup atau terlindung dari penglihatan
tanpa persetujuan terlebih dahulu dari Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
menjamin kesempatan bagi Pengguna
Barang/Jasa untuk memeriksa dan mengukur
pekerjaan yang akan segera ditutup atau
terlindung dari penglihatan.
2) Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberitahu
Pengguna Barang/Jasa apabila pekerjaan yang
akan tertutup dari penglihatan siap untuk
diperiksa, dan Pengguna Barang/Jasa segera
melakukan pemeriksaan, kecuali bila dianggap
tidak perlu.

65.2 Penolakan
Sebelum pekerjaan diserahterimakan, Pengguna
1) Dapat memutuskan bahwa pekerjaan yang telah
dikerjakan atau peralatan yang disediakan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau sub-Penyedia
Barang/Jasa rusak atau tidak sesuai dengan
Kontrak atau bahwa sebagian pekerjaan tidak
sesuai atau cacat atau tidak memenuhi
persyaratan dari Kontrak (semua hal semacam ini
selanjutnya dalam pasal ini disebut "cacat mutu").
2) Segera memberikan peringatan tertulis kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa mengenai keputusan yang


menyatakan dan merinci cacat tersebut,

menyebutkan tempat kerusakan-kerusakan itu
dan kapan atau dimana terjadinya serta meminta
Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk memperbaiki/
mengganti/ menyelesaikannya.

66. Kerusakan setelah 66.1 Setelah penyeraharan pekerjaan dalam masa

Serah Penyerahan pemeliharaan, bilamana terdapat kekurangan-
Pekerjaan kekurangan dan/atau cacat hasil pekerjaan dan bukan
merupakan kesalahan dalam pengoperasian termasuk
cacat mutu Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib memperbaiki/

66.2 Apabila terdapat kerusakan maka Pengguna

Barang/Jasa memberitahukan secara tertulis kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Penyedia Barang/Jasa
berkewajiban untuk mengganti, memperbaharui atau
memperbaiki kerusakan tersebut. Jika penggantian
atau perbaikan pekerjaan tersebut mempengaruhi
efisiensi peralatan maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa
memberikan suatu pemberitahuan tertulis untuk
dilakukan pengujian kembali.

66.3 Apabila kerusakan tidak diperbaiki oleh Penyedia

Barang/Jasa dalam jangka waktu yang sudah
ditentukan, maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak
melakukan perbaikan dengan risiko dan biaya
ditanggung oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

66.4 Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak untuk memerintahkan

kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa secara tertulis untuk
menyelidiki sebab kerusakan dan ketidaksempurnaan.
Apabila kerusakan tersebut sesuai kontrak bukan
merupakan tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa
maka biaya yang timbul menjadi beban Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dan sebaliknya.

66.5 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dapat melakukan

perbaikan/penggantian kerusakan (apabila ada)
setelah diterbitkannya Berita Acara Serah Terima
Pekerjaan (BASTP) dan akan menahan Berita Acara
Selesai Masa Pemeliharaan (BASMP), apabila
pekerjaan-pekerjaan tidak dilaksanakan secara
memuaskan atau membayar biaya perbaikan atau
penggantian pada Pasal 64.3 SSUK.

67. Klaim 67.1 Klaim dapat berasal dari:

1) Ketidaksepakatan mengenai interpretasi pasal


2) Ketidaksepakatan mengenai apa yang masuk

dalam harga Kontrak.
3) Pelanggaran Kontrak (Breaches of Contract).

67.2 Pengguna Barang/Jasa dibebaskan atau tidak

bertanggungjawab atas permasalahan klaim yang
terjadi antara Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan
SubPenyedia Barang/Jasa, vendor atau pihak lainnya.

67.3 Dalam hal terjadi klaim Penyedia Barang/Jasa kepada

Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang proses penyelesaian
klaimnya belum selesai namun masa pemeliharaan
selesai, maka:
1) Kontrak belum selesai sampai dengan
penyelesaian klaim dimaksud.
2) Berita Acara Serah Terima Akhir (BAST Akhir)
tetap diterbitkan sesuai berakhirnya masa

67.4 Klaim dapat diajukan lebih dari salah satu kali selama
masa Kontrak berjalan selama tidak ada duplikasi
dengan klaim sebelumnya.

67.5 Nilai klaim yang telah dituangkan dalam amandemen

kontrak dapat dibayarkan selurunya oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa dalam
jangka waktu selambat-lambatnya 45 Hari sejak
tagihan Penyedia Barang/Jasa diterima oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa, dengan ketentuan:
1) Penyedia Barang/Jasa mengajukan tagihan klaim
yang lengkap dan benar disertai kwitansi, dan
copy amandemen Kontrak terkait nilai klaim yang
2) Berita Acara Pembayaran yang diterbitkan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan telah ditandatangani
oleh Pengguna dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

67.6 Klaim dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa

Dalam hal Pengguna Barang/Jasa merasa berhak atas
pembayaran biaya-biaya atas suatu kejadian
berdasarkan pasal Ketentuan ini atau ketentuan
lainnya sehubungan dengan Kontrak, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa harus memberikan pemberitahuan
berikut dengan keterangan-keterangannya kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.


Pemberitahuan tersebut harus diberikan sesegera

mungkin setelah Pengguna Barang/Jasa
memperhatikan atas kejadian atau keadaan yang
menimbulkan klaim. Pemberitahuan yang berkaitan
dengan klaim berikut dengan jumlah detil atas biaya-
biaya yang timbul disampaikan sebelum berakhirnya
Masa Pelaksaaan Kontrak.
Keterangan-keterangan tersebut harus menyebutkan
pasal atau dasar klaim lainnya, dan harus mencakup
jumlah sesuai dengan Kontrak antara lain:
1) jumlah (jika ada) dimana Pengguna Barang/Jasa
berhak untuk dibayar oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa.;
2) seluruh biaya-biaya dan pengeluaran-
pengeluaran wajar yang harus ditanggung oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang timbul akibat dari
pemutusan kontrak, yang disebabkan oleh
kesalahan Penyedia Barang/Jasa, termasuk
seluruh biaya-biaya yang timbul untuk
mendapatkan dan menunjuk pengganti Penyedia

67.7 Klaim dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa

Jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa menganggap dirinya
berhak atas pembayaran tambahan berdasarkan
Pasal ini atau ketentuan lainnya berdasarkan Kontrak,
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberikan
pemberitahuan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang
menjelaskan kejadian atau keadaan yang
menimbulkan klaim. Pemberitahuan tersebut harus
diberikan sesegera mungkin selambat-lambatnya 21
hari setelah Penyedia Barang/Jasa mengetahui,
menyadari kejadian atau keadaan tersebut.
Jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa gagal memberikan
pemberitahuan klaim dalam jangka waktu 21 hari,
maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak berhak atas
pembayaran tambahan dan Pengguna Barang/Jasa
dibebaskan dari semua kewajibannya terhadap klaim
Jika Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyampaikan
pemberitahuan klaim dalam waktu 21 Hari, maka
ketentuan Pasal ini akan berlaku.


Penyedia Barang/Jasa juga harus menyampaikan data

pendukung klaim yang berkaitan dengan kejadian atau
keadaan tersebut.
Dalam waktu 21 Hari, Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan
memberikan inisial respon atau tanggapan awal atas
pengajuan Klaim dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa, berupa:
1) Penolakan seluruh atau sebagian Klaim, disertai
2) Permintaan data/fakta/informasi/bukti-
bukti/perhitungan dan dokumen pendukung
lainnya atas usulan Klaim
3) Permintaan Klaim.
4) Penerimaan secara prinsip sebagian atau seluruh
Klaim untuk dievaluasi lebih lanjut
5) Tanggapan lain sesuai pertimbangan legal dan
6) Kombinasi butir-butir di atas

Apabila diperlukan tambahan data/fakta/informasi/

bukti-bukti/perhitungan dan dokumen pendukung
lainnya, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
mengirimkan rincian data tambahan terkait klaim
tersebut, dalam waktu 14 Hari setelah Pengguna
Barang/Jasa menyampaikan initial respon.
Dalam waktu 42 hari setelah menerima tambahan
data/fakta/informasi/bukti-bukti/perhitungan dan
dokumen pendukung lainnya (apabila ada), Pengguna
Barang/Jasa harus melakukan evaluasi detail
terhadap Klaim yang diajukan oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
mengizinkan Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk memeriksa
seluruh data pendukung klaim yang disampaikan
tersebut, jika diperlukan dapat mengakses ke sumber
data tersebut.
Setelah Pengguna Barang/Jasa menyetujui klaim yang
diajukan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa, Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dapat meminta verifikasi dari BPKP
sebelum nilai klaim disepakati oleh Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa dalam
addendum/amandemen Kontrak. Dalam hal Pengguna
Barang/Jasa meminta verifikasi dari BPKP terhadap
hasil evaluasi Klaim yang dilakukan yang dilakukan


oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, hal tersebut akan

diberitahukan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

67.8 Pembayaran Klaim

Terhadap klaim yang telah disetujui dan dituangkan
dalam Addendum/Amandemen Kontrak, baik Klaim
Pengguna Barang/Jasa maupun Penyedia
Barang/Jasa, akan dibayarkan secara reimbursable.
Penagihan dan pembayaran klaim Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dilakukan terpisah dari penagihan dan
pembayaran yang dimaksud dalam Pasal 60 SSUK.
Penagihan dan pembayaran klaim Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengurangi
pembayaran yang seharusnya dibayarkan kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan jumlah klaim atau
menuntut pembayaran kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
Nilai klaim tersebut tidak akan ditambahkan ke dalam
Harga Kontrak.
Tata cara pembayaran klaim akan dilaksanakan sesuai
dengan ketentuan Bab VII SSKK.

67.9 Berita Acara Penyerahan Akhir (BAP-Akhir) tidak

dapat diterbitkan apabila klaim dari kedua belah pihak
belum diselesaikan.



68. Penyelesaian 68.1 Dalam hal terjadi perselisihan pada saat

Perselisihan pelaksanaan Pekerjaan selama Masa Pelaksanaan
Kontrak maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa akan melakukan musyawarah untuk
mufakat dalam waktu 30 hari sejak timbulnya
perselisihan tersebut.
68.2 Apabila musyawarah untuk mufakat tidak dapat
tercapai maka Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dapat menyelesaikan
perselisihan melalui dewan sengketa sebelum
perselisihan tersebut diselesaikan dengan cara
sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Bab VII SSKK.
68.3 Apabila Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa menyepakati penyelesaian
perselisihan melalui dewan sengketa, maka
ketentuan mengenai pemilihan dewan sengketa
dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Bab VII



BAB VII SYARAT-SYARAT KHUSUS KONTRAK ................................................................ 2

18. TRANSPORTASI KE LOKASI PEKERJAAN................................................................. 2
19. PENYIMPANAN (STORAGE)......................................................................................... 2
28. PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN...................................................................................... 3
33. PENYESUAIAN HARGA KONTRAK ............................................................................. 4
40. GARANSI BARANG ....................................................................................................... 4
45. GANTI KERUGIAN......................................................................................................... 4
48. PERLINDUNGAN TENAGA KERJA .............................................................................. 5
50. JAMINAN PELAKSANAAN ........................................................................................... 5
54. MASA PEMELIHARAAN................................................................................................ 5
60. TATA CARA PEMBAYARAN......................................................................................... 5
67. KLAIM .......................................................................................................................... 14
68. PENYELESAIAN PERSELISIHAN ............................................................................... 14




Syarat-syarat Khusus Kontrak (SSKK) ini melengkapi ketentuan yang ada di dalam Syarat-
Syarat Umum Kontrak (SSUK) dan Ketentuan Tambahan. Bilamana terdapat perbedaan
persyaratan antara SSUK dan SSKK maka yang berlaku adalah persyaratan yang tercantum
di dalam SSKK. Nomor klausul yang ada pada SSKK adalah nomor klausul yang ada pada
Proyek GI AIS:
18.8 Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab atas transportasi barangdan
kelengkapannya sebagai berikut:
a. Barang yang disuplai pada kontrak ini
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab atas
transportasi/pengangkutan seluruh barang dan kelengkapannya yang
disuplai pada kontrak ini sampai dengan lokasi Pekerjaan termasuk loading
unloading dan biaya lansir sampai dengan titik Lokasi Pekerjaan serta
biaya asuransi.
b. Barang yang disediakan oleh PLN melalui kontrak terpusat
Pengakutan/transportasi seluruh Material Transmisi Utama (MTU)
peralatan [GI AIS (Air Insulated Switchgear) atau GI GIS (Gas Insulated
Switchgear)] yang disediakan PLN melalui kontrak terpusat (KHS) adalah
tanggung jawab Pabrikan dan diserah terimakan dari Pengguna
Barang/Jasa kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa di Lokasi Pekerjaan.
19.4 a. Barang yang disuplai pada kontrak ini
Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib bertanggung jawab terhadap perlindungan dari
pencurian, kerusakan mekanis atau korosi di tempat penyimpanan selama
pelaksanaan pekerjaan pemasangan.
Penyediaan gudang atau tempat-tempat penyimpanan sementara adalah
tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak termasuk material yang
disupplai oleh Kontrak KHS.


22.8 Jumlah, ukuran kertas dokumen terkait baik asli maupun copy dan jangka waktu
pengajuan gambar/dokumen dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan persetujuan/
tanggapan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan ditentukan oleh Direksi pekerjaan
pada saat pelaksanaan Pekerjaan




27.1 Kontrak berlaku efektif sejak:
1) Kontrak telah ditandatangani oleh Para Pihak; dan
2) Serah Terima Lokasi Pekerjaan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa; dan
3) Asli Jaminan Pelaksanaan telah diterima oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa; dan
4) Diterbitkannya Surat Perintah Mulai Kerja (SPMK) yang menandakan
Tanggal Efektif kontrak dan dimulainya Masa Pelaksanaan kontrak.


28.3 Masa Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan adalah 365 hari kalender sejak tanggal mulai
kerja yang tercantum dalam Surat Perintah Mulai Kerja (SPMK) sampai dengan
tanggal Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP).
28.11 Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menyerahkan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa
atau Direksi Pekerjaan laporan yang terinci secara teratur setiap selang waktu
tertentu (laporan mingguan dan bulanan) sesuai permintaan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan yang menunjukkan jumlah staff, pengawas
serta jumlah dari bebagai tingkat tenaga kerja yang dipekerjakan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa di lapangan, serta keterangan-keterangan yang berhubungan
dengan perangkat peralatan bangunan yang dibutuhkan oleh Pengguna
Adapun laporan yang diberikan Penyedia Barang/Jasa antara lain :
1. Laporan harian (apabila diperlukan)
2. Laporan Mingguan yang terdiri dari :
a. Kuantitas dan Barang di lokasi pekerjaan.
b. Jumlah tenaga kerja yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan.
c. Data dan jumlah peralatan kerja yang digunakan.
d. Kuantitas dan jenis pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan.
e. Data cuaca/curah hujan di lokasi pekerjaandan peristiwa alam lainnya
yang berpengaruh terhadap kelancaraan pekerjaan.
f. Catatan-catatan lain mengenai pelaksanaan pekerjaan.
3. Laporan bulanan tentang kemajuan pekerjaan dalam rangkap 3 (tiga)
yang terdiri dari:
a. Review dari Kurva S.
b. Rekap kegiatan dari Laporan Mingguan.
c. Rekap pemantauan kondisi dampak lingkungan akibat proyek.
d. Lampiran-lampiran antara lain:


- Time schedule yang telah diisi progresnya

- Surat menyurat yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan.
- Notulen rapat dan lain-lain.
- Foto-foto pelaksanaan pekerjaan.
4. Laporan keadaan kahar (bila ada)
Apabila dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan Pengguna Barang/Jasa
menganggap bahwa progres pekerjaan tidak memuaskan maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa berhak mengadakan rapat untuk menyelesaikan persoalan


33.1.5) Penyesuaian harga satuan Kontrak dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
diberlakukan penyesesuain harga satuan Kontrak dengan perhitungan sesuai
ketentuan pada Bab IV.


40.2 a. Barang yang disuplai pada kontrak ini
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab atas Material Utama yang
dengan masa garansi 24 (dua puluh empat) bulan sejak dioperasikan atau
selama maksimum 36 (tiga puluh enam) bulan sejak tanggal Berita Acara
Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP), mana yang lebih dahulu selesai
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab atas secondary material
yang disuplai (Busbar, Insulator, Konduktor, Energy Meters) dengan masa
garansi 12 (dua belas) bulan sejak dioperasikan atau selama maksimum 24
(dua puluh empat) bulan sejak tanggal Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan
(BASTP), mana yang lebih dahulu selesai Pekerjaan.
b. Barang yang disediakan oleh PLN melalui kontrak terpusat
Masa garansi Barang yang disediakan oleh PLN melalui kontrak pengadaan
terpusat adalah sesuai dengan kontrak terkait.


45.1 Ganti kerugian diakibatkan karena keterlambatan penyelesaian pekerjaan
sebesar: Rp. 10/00 (satu per mil) untuk setiap hari keterlambatan (tidak termasuk
PPN) dengan maksimum sebesar Jaminan Pelaksanaan.



48.5 Peraturan mengenai perlindungan tenaga kerja mengacu kepada:
a. Undang-Undang RI No. 1 Tahun 1970 Tentang Keselamatan Kerja.
b. Undang-Undang RI No. 23 Tahun 1992 Tentang Kesehatan.
c. Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan.
d. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2017 Tentang Jasa
e. Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi No. PER.02/MEN
/1980 Tentang Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Kerja Dalam Penyelenggaraan
Keselamatan Kerja.
f. Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi RI No.PER-03/
MEN/1982 Tentang Pelayanan Kesehatan Kerja.
g. Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. PER.05/MEN/1996 Tentang Sistem
Manajemen Keselamatan Kerja (SMK3).
h. Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi Nomor 5 Tahun 2013
Tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Dan
Transmigrasi Nomor PER.24/MEN/VI/2006 Tentang Pedoman
Penyelenggaraan Program Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja Bagi Tenaga
Kerja Yang Melakukan Pekerjaan Di Luar Hubungan Kerja.


50.1 Besarnya Jaminan Pelaksanaan adalah sebesar 5% (lima persen) dari total
nilai kontrak termasuk PPN 11%.


54.5 Masa Pemeliharaan adalah 6 (enam) bulan terhitung sejak tanggal Berita
Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP).


Pembayaran uang muka diberlakukan.
A. Pembayaran Pekerjaan Elektromekanikal (BoQ No. 1)
A1. Pembayaran Pengadaan Material Elektromekanikal
A1.1 Uang Muka (Down Payment)
Pembayaran uang muka sebesar 10% (sepuluh persen) dari harga Material
Elektromekanikal yang akan dipasang dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat
puluh lima) hari setelah menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap
dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:


a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran Uang Muka (Down payment);
c. Jaminan Uang Muka (Down payment) untuk Peralatan/Material yang akan
d. Rencana penggunaan uang muka yang telah disetujui oleh Pengguna
e. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
f. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-faktur);
g. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan Nomor
Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
h. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate)

[Jaminan Uang Muka berupa bank guarantee for down payment berlaku sampai
dengan kemajuan pekerjaan pemasangan barang setara dengan nilai down
Jaminan uang muka asli disimpan PT PLN (Persero), untuk keperluan
pembayaran menggunakan nilai jaminan uang muka yang telah dilegalisir]
A1.2 Pembayaran Material Elektromekanikal yang terpasang
Pembayaran dilaksanakan sebesar 70 % (Tujuh puluh persen) dari harga
Material Elektromekanikal yang telah dipasang sesuai sistem sertifikat
bulanan/monthly certificate dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima)
hari setelah menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Sertifikat kualitas inspeksi (IQC) yang diterbitkan oleh PT PLN
(Persero) dalam satu (1) asli dan lima (5) salinan;
g. Sertifikat Pabrikan (Certificate of Manufacturer/COM) atau Sertifikat
Pabrikan yang diterbitkan oleh pabrikan prinsipal dalam satu satu (1)
asli dan lima (5) salinan;
h. Copy Polis Cargo Insurance dan Erection All Risks;
i. Copy Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);


j. Copy Berita acara progress Material/Peralatan terpasang

k. Sertifikat bulanan/monthly certificate.
A1.3 Pembayaran BASTP
Pembayaran dilaksanakan sebesar 95% (Sembilan puluh lima persen) dari total
harga kontrak Pekerjaan Elektromekanikal yang telah dipasang sesuai progres
pekerjaan dikurangi pembayaran termin sebelumnya apabila progres pekerjaan
Elektromekanikal 100% (seratus persen) dan telah dilakukan tes dan komisioning
dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah menerima
dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Copy Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
g. Copy Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP);
h. Surat jaminan masa garansi peralatan/material dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa
sesuai dengan BAB VI SSUK 40;
i. Berita Acara Penyerahan Dokumen (Dokumen draft as built drawing,
Operation and Maintenance (O/M) dan Manual Book).
A1.4 Pembayaran BASMP
Peralatan/material setelah Serah Terima Pekerjaan Tahap Kedua/Akhir
dibayarkan sebesar 5% (lima persen) dari harga total pekerjaan Elektomekanikal
setelah selesai masa pemeliharaan dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat
puluh lima) hari setelah menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap
dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Copy Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP)
dan Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);


g. Copy Berita Acara Selesai Masa Pemeliharaan (BASMP) yang

ditandatangani Pihak I dan Pihak II;
h. Copy Berita Acara Serah Terima As-Bulit Drawing
i. Affidavit (Surat pernyataan dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang membebaskan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dari tuntutan/klaim dari pihak ketiga).
A2. Pembayaran Jasa Pemasangan Pekerjaan Elektromekanikal
A2.1 Pembayaran uang muka (advance payment)
Pembayaran Uang muka sebesar 10% (sepuluh persen) dari harga jasa
pemasangan dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah
menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran Uang Muka (Advance payment);
c. Jaminan Uang Muka (Advance payment) untuk Peralatan/Material
d. Rencana penggunaan uang muka yang telah disetujui oleh Pengguna
e. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
f. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-faktur);
g. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
h. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate)
[Jaminan Uang Muka diatas harus dikembalikan dengan cara pemotongan
terhadap pembayaran progres berikutnya. Masa berlaku jaminan uang muka
sampai dengan masa waktu pelunasan Uang Muka tersebut.
Nilai jaminan uang muka dapat dikurangi senilai dengan jumlah uang muka yang
telah dikembalikan.
Jaminan uang muka asli disimpan PT PLN (Persero), untuk keperluan
pembayaran menggunakan nilai jaminan uang muka yang telah dilegalisir]

A2.2 Pembayaran Progres Jasa Pemasangan Pekerjaan Elektromekanikal

Pembayaran progres instalasi adalah sebesar 90% (sembilan puluh persen) dari
nilai jasa pemasangan pekerjaan elektromekanikal yang telah dilaksanakan
dikurangi Uang Muka yang telah diberikan (total pembayaran progress ini sama
dengan 80% (delapan puluh persen) dari harga jasa pemasangan pekerjaan
elektromekanikal yang telah dilaksanakan). Sesuai sistem sertifikat


bulanan/monthly certificate, dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima)

hari setelah menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Copy Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Polis Erection All Risks
g. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
h. Copy Berita acara progress Material/Peralatan terpasang dilokasi/lapangan;
i. Sertifikat bulanan/monthly certificate

A2.3 Pembayaran BASTP

Pembayaran dilaksanakan sebesar 95% (Sembilan puluh lima persen) dari total
harga kontrak Pekerjaan jasa pemasangan pekerjaan elektromekanikal yang
telah dilaksanakan sesuai progres pekerjaan dikurangi pembayaran sebelumnya
apabila progres pekerjaan Elektromekanikal 100% dan telah dilakukan tes dan
komisioning, dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah
menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Copy Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP)
dan Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Copy Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
g. Copy Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP);

A2.4 Pembayaran BASMP

Peralatan/material setelah Serah Terima Pekerjaan Tahap Kedua/Akhir
dibayarkan sebesar 5% (lima persen) dari harga total pekerjaan jasa
pemasangan Elektomekanikal setelah selesai masa pemeliharaan, dan
dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah menerima dokumen-
dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.


Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:

a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Copy Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Copy Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
g. Copy Berita Acara Selesai Masa Pemeliharaan (BASMP) yang
ditandatangani Pihak I dan Pihak II;
h. Copy Berita Acara Serah Terima As-Bulit Drawing
i. Affidavit (Surat pernyataan dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang membebaskan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dari tuntutan/klaim dari pihak ketiga).

A3. Pembayaran Transportasi Material Elektromekanikal

Pembayaran dilaksanakan sebesar 100% (Seratus persen) dari harga transport
termasuk asuransi akan dibayarkan setiap pengiriman sampai di lokasi proyek,
dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah menerima
dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah :
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan Nomor
Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Packing List dan sertifikat berat dalam satu (1) asli dan lima (5) Salinan;
g. Copy sertifikat kualitas inspeksi (IQC) yang diterbitkan oleh PT PLN
(Persero) dalam satu (1) asli dan lima (5) Salinan.
h. Polis asuransi yang mencakup semua risiko sampai material tiba di lokasi
pekerjaan (Cargo Insurance).
i. Berita Acara pemeriksaan barang di lokasi pekerjaan
j. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);

B. Pembayaran Pekerjaan Sipil (BoQ No. 2 (GI)

B1. Pembayaran Pekerjaan Sipil

BUKU III -10 -


B1.1 Pembayaran Uang Muka (Advance Payment)

Pembayaran uang muka sebesar 10% (sepuluh persen) dari harga Pekerjaan
Sipil dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah menerima
dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran Uang Muka (Advance payment);
c. Jaminan Uang Muka (Advance payment) untuk Pekerjaan Sipil
d. Rencana penggunaan uang muka yang telah disetujui oleh Pengguna
e. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
f. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-faktur);
g. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan Nomor
Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
h. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate)
[Jaminan Uang Muka diatas harus dikembalikan dengan cara pemotongan
terhadap pembayaran progress berikutnya. Masa berlaku jaminan uang muka
sampai dengan masa waktu pelunasan Uang Muka tersebut.
Nilai jaminan uang muka dapat dikurangi senilai dengan jumlah uang muka yang
telah dikembalikan.
Jaminan uang muka asli disimpan PT PLN (Persero), untuk keperluan
pembayaran menggunakan nilai jaminan uang muka yang telah dilegalisir]
B1.2 Pembayaran Progres Pekerjaan Sipil
Pembayaran progres Pekerjaan Sipil adalah 80% (delapan puluh persen) dari
nilai pekerjaan sipil yang telah dilaksanakan dikurangi Uang Muka yang telah
diberikan (total pembayaran progres sama dengan 70% dari Pekerjaan Sipil)
progres sesuai sistem sertifikat bulanan/monthly certificate, dan dibayarkan
dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah menerima dokumen-dokumen
berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan Nomor
Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
g. Berita acara progres Pekerjaan Sipil yang telah dilaksanakan;

BUKU III -11 -


h. Sertifikat bulanan/monthly certificates

B1.3 Pembayaran BASTP
Pembayaran dilaksanakan sebesar 95% (Sembilan puluh lima persen) dari total
harga kontrak Pekerjaan Sipil yang telah dilaksanakan sesuai progres pekerjaan
dikurangi pembayaran sebelumnya apabila progress pekerjaan sipil 100% dan
telah dilakukan tes dan komisioning, dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat
puluh lima) hari setelah menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap
dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan Nomor
Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
g. Copy Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan (BASTP);
h. Copy Surat jaminan masa garansi peralatan/material dari Penyedia
Barang/Jasa sesuai dengan BAB VI SSUK 40;
i. Copy Berita Acara Penyerahan Dokumen (Dokumen draft as built drawing,
Operation and Maintenance (O/M) dan Manual Book).

B1.4 Pembayaran BASMP

Peralatan/material setelah Serah Terima Pekerjaan Tahap Kedua/Akhir
dibayarkan sebesar 5% (lima persen) dari harga total pekerjaan Sipil setelah
selesai masa pemeliharaan, dan dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima)
hari setelah menerima dokumen-dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Copy Jaminan Pelaksanaan yang masih berlaku;
c. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
d. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
e. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
f. Copy Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
g. Copy Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);

BUKU III -12 -


h. Copy Berita Acara Selesai Masa Pemeliharaan (BASMP) yang

ditandatangani Pihak I dan Pihak II;
i. Copy Berita Acara Serah Terima As-Bulit Drawing
j. Affidavit (Surat pernyataan dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang membebaskan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dari tuntutan/klaim dari pihak ketiga).


Pekerjaan Komisioning dibayarkan sebesar 100% (seratus persen) dari Grand
Total pada BoQ No.3 Pekerjaan Komisioning yang telah dilaksanakan, dan
dibayarkan dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) hari setelah menerima dokumen-
dokumen berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan Nomor
Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
g. Berita Acara Komisioning.


Pekerjaan Enjiniring dibayarkan sebesar 100% (seratus persen) dari Grand Total
pada BoQ No.4 Pekerjaan Enjiniring yang telah dilaksanakan, dan dibayarkan
dalam waktu 45 (empat puluh lima) harisetelah menerima dokumen-dokumen
berikut secara lengkap dan benar.
Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi sebagai syarat pembayaran adalah:
a. Copy Kontrak/Perjanjian;
b. Surat Permohonan Pembayaran;
c. Invoice sebanyak satu asli dan dua copy;
d. Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur);
e. Surat Pengukuhan sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) dan Nomor
Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP);
f. Berita Acara Pembayaran (Payment Certificate);
g. Berita Acara Laporan Approval Desain.

BUKU III -13 -


h. Berita Acara Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Enjiniring (seperti penyerahan

dokumen manual prosedur dan As Built Drawing (BoQ No.4)). [diisi sesuai
dengan kebutuhan]

Sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di lingkungan PLN.


68.2 Apabila Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dapat
menerima keputusan yang diambil oleh dewan sengketa, maka Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa sepakat untuk menyelesaikan
perselisihan melalui Pengadilan Negeri Pontianak.
68.3 Apabila Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyepakati
penyelesaian perselisihan dilakukan dengan menunjuk dewan sengketa,
sebagaimana disepakati dalam Contract Discussion Agreement (CDA), maka
ketentuan mengenai penggunaan dewan sengketa dilakukan sesuai dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa akan menunjuk dewan
sengketa dengan membuat perjanjian tripartite dalam waktu 30 hari sejak
musyawarah untuk mufakat tidak tercapai.
Pemilihan metode kerja dewan sengketa tergantung kapan perjanjian tripartit
ditanda tangani.
b. Tim dewan sengketa terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang yang dipilih berdasarkan
kesepakatan antara Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa,
dimana masing–masing menunjuk 1 (satu) orang dan kedua orang yang
dipilih tersebut akan menunjuk 1 (satu) orang ketua tim dewan sengketa.
c. Dalam hal tidak terdapat keberatan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan/atau
Penyedia Barang/jasa, pengambilan setiap keputusan oleh dewan
sengketa dilakukan dalam waktu setiap 28 (dua puluh delapan) Hari sejak
perselisihan tersebut disampaikan kepada dewan sengketa, dewan
sengketa akan menerbitkan putusan yang bersifat final dan mengikat bagi
para pihak.
d. Biaya penyelesaian perselihan melalui dewan sengketa merupakan
tanggung jawab Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
dengan jumlah yang setara, didasarkan pada harga satuan jasa yang
ditetapkan oleh perkumpulan profesi atau menteri teknis terkait.
[biaya penyelesaian perselisihan ini diluar harga Kontrak]

BUKU III -14 -


Perubahan atau penambahan atas hal-hal lain yang belum tercakup dalam dokumen ini, akan
dicantumkan dalam Berita Acara Penjelasan Pengadaan dan Addendum Dokumen
Pelelangan/RKS yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari dokumen ini.

BUKU III -15 -



1. CONTOH SURAT PERJANJIAN ...................................................................................2





NOMOR PIHAK PERTAMA : [diisi oleh nomor Pihak Pertama]

NOMOR PIHAK KEDUA : [diisi oleh nomor Pihak Kedua]


[diisi oleh nama pekerjaan]




[diisi oleh nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa]

Pada hari ini … tanggal ... bulan … tahun Dua Ribu Dua Puluh … (…-…-202X), bertempat
diPT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat, kami yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:




PT PLN (PERSERO) Suatu Perseroan Terbatas yang merupakan Badan Usaha

MilikNegara yang didirikan berdasarkan Akta Notaris Nomor 169
tanggal 30 Juli 1994 dibuat dihadapan Notaris Sutjipto, SH. yang
disahkan berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman Republik
Indonesia Nomor : C2-11.519.HT.01.01.TH’94 tanggal 1 Agustus
1994 beserta akta-akta perubahannya. Dalam hal ini diwakili oleh
[diisi oleh Direktur Utama/Direktur yang berwenang], selaku [diisi
nama jabatan] berdasarkan [Keputusan Menteri BUMN/SK DIR
PT PLN (Persero)]… Nomor … tanggal … … 202X tentang …,
untuk selanjutnya dalam Perjanjian ini disebut PIHAK PERTAMA.

Suatu Konsorsium/ Kerjasama Operasi berdasarkan Surat

[Diisi Nama Penyedia Perjanjian KSO Nomor [diisi Nomor Perjanjian Konsorsisum/KSO
apabila dalam bentuk Konsorsisum/KSO] tanggal … … 202X
yang dibuat di hadapan Notaris … dengan anggota sebagai
1. [Diisi Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa]
Suatu Perseroan Terbatas yang didirikan berdasarkan Akta
Pendirian No. …, tanggal … … … yang dibuat di hadapan
Notaris …, Notaris di …, yang disahkan berdasarkan
Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik
Indonesia Nomor … tertanggal … … …, beserta
perubahannya sebagaimana terakhir diubah berdasarkan
Akta Notaris No. … tanggal … … …, yang dibuat di hadapan
Notaris … Notaris di Jakarta, perubahan mana telah
mendapat penerimaan pemberitahuan perubahan data
perseroan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia
Republik Indonesia Nomor … tertanggal Dalam hal ini
diwakili oleh …, selaku [diisi nama jabatan], bertindak untuk
dan atas nama … yang berkedudukan di ….

2. [Diisi Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa]

Suatu Perseroan Terbatas yang didirikan berdasarkan Akta
Pendirian No. …, tanggal … … … yang dibuat di hadapan
Notaris ... di …, yang disahkan berdasarkan Keputusan
Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia
Nomor .. .Tahun … tanggal … … … beserta perubahannya
sebagaimana terakhir diubah berdasarkan Akta Notaris No.
… tanggal … … … yang dibuat di hadapan Notaris …
berkedudukan di ..., perubahan mana telah mendapat
penerimaan pemberitahuan perubahan data perseoran dari
[diisi oleh Nama Penyedia Barang/Jasa baik dalam bentuk
Konsorsisum/KSO atau Single Entity], wajib bertanggung jawab

secara bersama-sama untuk menyelesaikan semua kewajiban

sesuai ketentuan dalam Perjanjian, bertanggung jawab secara
sendiri – sendiri sesuai sharing dan lingkup pekerjaannya
(jointly and severally). Selanjutnya dalam Perjanjian ini disebut

PIHAK PERTAMA dan PIHAK KEDUA secara masing-masing disebut PIHAK dan secara
bersama-sama disebut PARA PIHAK.

PARA PIHAK menjelaskan bahwa Perjanjian ini dibuat berdasarkan pada hal-hal sebagai

(1) Dokumen Tender/RKS No. … tanggal … … 202X. beserta Addendumnya

[apabila ada addendum].
(2) Surat Penawaran Sampul 1 (Administrasi dan Teknis) No. … tanggal … … 202X.
(3) Surat Penawaran Sampul 2 (Harga) No. … tanggal … … 202X.
(4) Surat Penunjukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa No. … tanggal … … 202X.
(5) Kesepakatan Diskusi Perjanjian (Contract Discussion Agreement) tanggal … … 202X.

PIHAK PERTAMA dan PIHAK KEDUA setuju membuat perjanjian [diisi nama pekerjaan sesuai
dengan judul perjanjian] yang selanjutnya disebut dengan “Perjanjian” dengan ketentuan dan
pasal-pasal sebagai berikut:

Seluruh Definisi yang diatur dalam Perjanjian ini adalah sebagaimana ketentuan dalam Syarat
– Syarat Umum Kontrak (SSUK) Pasal 1.


(1) Jenis Perjanjian ini adalah [diisi sesuai dengan jenis perjanjiannya]
(2) Lingkup Pekerjaan yang akan dilaksanakan tidak terbatas sesuai dengan Syarat –
Syarat Teknik dan Gambar General Particulars of Contract Pasal ....
(3) Pekerjaan Terminal Poin sesuai dengan Syarat – Syarat Teknik dan Gambar General
Particulars of Contract Pasal ….





(1) Dokumen dibawah ini merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dari Perjanjian
antara PARA PIHAK. Masing-masing dokumen harus dibaca dan diartikan sebagaibagian
kesatuan Perjanjian serta memiliki urutan kekuatan hukum sebagaimana diatur dalam
Syarat – Syarat Umum Kontrak (SSUK) Pasal 5.
(2) Lampiran – lampiran sebagaimana tertuang dalam daftar lampiran Perjanjian ini
merupakan satu kesatuan dan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari Perjanjian.


Harga Perjanjian sebesar :

Harga Perjanjian : ...
PPN 10% : ...
Total Harga Perjanjian : ...
(dalam huruf: …).


Ketentuan terkait dengan Tata Cara Pembayaran sesuai dengan Syarat - Syarat Khusus
Kontrak (SSKK) Pasal 60.


(1) Masa Perjanjian adalah masa sejak penandatanganan kontrak sampai dengan
diterbitkannya Berita Acara Penyerahan Akhir (BAP-Akhir).
(2) Masa Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan adalah sebagaimana ketentuan dalam Syarat – Syarat
Umum Kontrak (SSUK) Pasal 28.





(1) Penyerahan atas pekerjaan oleh PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA dapat
dilakukan dalam hal sebagai berikut:
a. Pekerjaan fisik telah selesai 100% (seratus persen) dan telah dilakukan test dan
komisioning, kecuali untuk bagian pekerjaan yang tidak mempengaruhi fungsi hasil
pekerjaan misalnya pending item pada pekerjaan konstruksi yang dapat diterima oleh
b. Telah terbit Rekomendasi Laik Bertegangan (RLB).
c. PIHAK KEDUA menyerahkan seluruh dokumen yang diperlukan untuk mendukung
penerbitan Sertifikat Layak Operasi (SLO).
d. PIHAK KEDUA menyerahkan Draf dokumen dan gambar pelaksanaan pekerjaan (Draft
As Built Drawing) sebagaimana yang telah disetujui oleh Direksi Pekerjaan dan
dokumen Operation and Maintenance (O/M).
e. PIHAK KEDUA menyerahkan Garansi Barang.
(2) PIHAK PERTAMA dapat menerima penyerahan Pekerjaan setelah melakukan penilaian
terhadap hasil Pekerjaan yang telah diselesaikan oleh PIHAK KEDUA dan telah sesuai
dengan persyaratan serta ketentuan yang diatur dalam Perjanjian dan dinyatakan dalam
Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan.


(1) Perjanjian ini tidak dapat dilakukan perubahan, modifikasi atau penambahan oleh PARA
PIHAK, kecuali disepakati dan dinyatakan secara tertulis serta ditandatangani oleh PARA
(2) PIHAK yang menghendaki perubahan, modifikasi atau penambahan dalam pasal-pasal
Perjanjian ini harus mengajukan usulan secara tertulis kepada pihak lainnya selambat-
lambatnya dalam kurun waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari kalender sebelum perubahan atau
penambahan dengan menyampaikan alasan-alasan perubahan dan penambahan dalam
Perjanjian ini.
(3) Apabila tidak terjadi kesepakatan diantara PARA PIHAK atas usulan sebagaimana
dimaksud pada ayat (2), maka ketentuan dalam Perjanjian ini tetap berlaku.
(4) Perubahan, modifikasi, atau penambahan atas ketentuan dalam pasal-pasal Perjanjian
ini hanya berlaku setelah terjadi kesepakatan tertulis yang dituangkan dalam bentuk
Amandemen yang ditandatangani oleh PARA PIHAK, dan merupakan bagian yang tidak
terpisahkan dalam Perjanjian ini.




Ketentuan terkait Integritas dan Good Corporate Governance sebagaimana diatur

didalamSyarat – Syarat Umum Kontrak (SSUK) Pasal 6.


(1) Apabila terjadi perselisihan yang timbul akibat pelaksanaan Perjanjian ini, maka PARA
PIHAK sepakat untuk menyelesaikannya dengan cara musyawarah.
(2) Apabila penyelesaian musyawarah tidak tercapai dengan kata sepakat dalam waktu30
(tiga puluh) hari kalender dari ayat (1) di atas, maka semua sengketa yang timbul dari
Perjanjian ini akan diselesaikan di Lembaga Arbitrase yang ada di Indonesia dan
penetapannya akan dilakukan melalui kesepakatan PARA PIHAK.


Ketentuan yang tidak diatur dalam Perjanjian ini namun diatur dalam Dokumen Tender/RKS
beserta addendumnya, Syarat – Syarat Umum Kontrak (SSUK), dan Syarat – Syarat Khusus
Kontrak (SSKK), tetap mengikat PARA PIHAK. Dalam hal terdapat ketentuan yang saling
bertentangan dalam Dokumen Perjanjian, maka ketentuan yang berlaku adalah ketentuan
dalam dokumen yang lebih tinggi berdasarkan urutan kekuatan dokumen sebagaimana
dimaksud pada Pasal 3 Perjanjian ini.





Demikian Perjanjian ini dibuat dalam 3 (tiga) rangkap asli masing-masing mempunyai
kekuatan hukum yang sama, 1 (satu) rangkap untuk PIHAK PERTAMA dibubuhi meterai
Rp. 10.000,- dan 1 (satu) rangkap untuk PIHAK KEDUA dibubuhi meterai Rp. 10.000,-
(sepuluh ribu rupiah) serta 1 (satu) rangkap tanpa meterai.


[diisi oleh nama penyedia barang/jasa] PT PLN (PERSERO)

[meterai Rp. 10.000 Lembar Kedua] [meterai Rp. 10.000 Lembar Pertama]

[diisi oleh nama yang menandatangani] [diisi oleh nama yang menandatangani]
[Diisi Nama Jabatan] [Diisi Nama Jabatan]



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