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news item text

Compiled By:
1.Cindy Fadia
2.Della Putri Verlita
3.Deo Rivaldo
4.Diva Tusa Diah
5.Farhan Yusuf Nurrohmaan
Pengertian News Item

News item text adalah suatu teks yang

bersifat informatif dan memberikan
suatu berita atau informasi kepada para
pembacanya. Berita yang dinformasikan
merupakan berita yang penting atau
layak untuk diinformasikan.
Definition of News Item

News item text is a text that is

informative and provides news or
information to its readers. Informed
news is news that is important or
worthy of being informed.

Tujuan dari Sebuah teks item berita adalah untuk

mengimformasikan suatu berita kepada para

The purpose of a news item text is to inform readers

of news.
Dalam menulis News Item Text ada 3 susunan umum yang harus diperhatikan yaitu:

1. Main event
Main event adalah peristiwa fakta atau berita utama yang akan diinformasikan kepada
para pembaca. Berita yang ditulis harus suatu berita yang penting dan layak untuk
diberitakan kepada masyarakat luas.

2. Elaboration
Elaboration adalah penjelasan lebih lanjut berupa latar belakang terjadinya masalah
dalam peristiwa tersebut, siapa yang terlibat, waktu dan tanggal terjadinya peristiwa
tersebut semuanya diperjelaskn secara terperinci.

3. Resource of information
Resource of information adalah sumber berita terebut. Karena news item adalah text
yang bersifat meberikan informasi maka perlu adanya sumber yang terpercaya agar
para pembaca yakin dengan berita yang mereka baca.
When writing News Item Text, there are 3 general structures that must be considered,

1. Main event Main event is a fact or main news event that will be informed to readers.
The news written must be important news and worthy of being reported to the wider

2. Elaboration Elaboration is a further explanation in the form of the background of the

problem in the incident, who was involved, the time and date of the incident, all explained
in detail.

3. Resource of information Resource of information is the source of the news. Because a

news item is text that provides information, it is necessary to have a trusted source so
that readers are confident in the news they read.
Language feature

1. Penulisan Judul berdasarkan isi keseluruhan berita yang

diringkas ke dalam satu kalimat.
2. Bahasa yang digunakan tidak berbelit-belit dan informative.
3. Menggunakan past tense
4. Menggunakan action verb seperti Hold, Say, Sink dll.
5. Penyajian ide diuraikan secara sistematis
6. Sering menggunakan adverb (Time, place and manner)
7. Sering menggunakan direct speech
Language features

1. Writing the title is based on the entire content of the news

which is summarized in one sentence.
2. The language used is not complicated and informative.
3. Using past tense
4. Using action verbs such as Hold, Say, Sink etc.
5. Presentation of ideas described systematically
6. Often use adverbs (Time, place and manner)
7. Often uses direct speech
Headline: 5.5 Magnitude Earthquake, Large Aftershock Hit Northern California; Minor
Damage Reported

EAST SHORE, California. — Earthquakes have rattled a large area of Northern

California this week, but only minor damage was immediately reported.
A magnitude 5.5 quake centered in the Sierra Nevada’s Lake Almanor resort region
struck at 4:19 p.m. Thursday and a magnitude 5.2 aftershock occurred at 3:18 a.m.
Friday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
ABC10 reported local businesses were cleaning up minor damage in the area about 180
miles (290 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco.
“A lot of broken glass, a lot of broken dishes, a lot of broken liquor from upstairs,”
Stephanie Hughes, a local restaurant manager, told the station after the Thursday
afternoon quake.
“Everything was shaking. Customers were fleeing onto the lawn,” said Hughes.
People reported feeling the earthquake all the way to Sacramento, about 160 miles (260
kilometers) south.
The magnitude 5.5 quake was the largest in California since the magnitude 7.1
Ridgecrest sequence in 2019, according to former USGS seismologist Lucy Jones, who
now runs a center focusing on making communities more resilient to disasters.
Judul: Gempa Magnitudo 5,5, Gempa Susulan Besar Melanda California Utara;
Kerusakan Kecil Dilaporkan

PANTAI TIMUR, California. — Gempa bumi telah mengguncang sebagian besar wilayah
California Utara minggu ini, namun hanya kerusakan kecil yang segera dilaporkan.
Gempa berkekuatan 5,5 skala Richter yang berpusat di kawasan resor Danau Almanor di
Sierra Nevada terjadi pada pukul 16:19. Kamis dan gempa susulan berkekuatan 5,2
terjadi pada pukul 3:18 Jumat, menurut Survei Geologi AS.
ABC10 melaporkan bisnis lokal sedang membersihkan kerusakan kecil di wilayah sekitar
180 mil (290 kilometer) timur laut San Francisco.
“Banyak pecahan kaca, banyak piring pecah, banyak pecahan minuman keras dari lantai
atas,” kata Stephanie Hughes, manajer restoran setempat, kepada stasiun televisi
tersebut setelah gempa Kamis sore.
“Semuanya bergetar. Pelanggan lari ke halaman,” kata Hughes.
Warga melaporkan merasakan gempa hingga Sacramento, sekitar 160 mil (260
kilometer) selatan.
Gempa berkekuatan 5,5 skala richter tersebut adalah yang terbesar di California sejak
gempa berkekuatan 7,1 skala Richter di Ridgecrest pada tahun 2019, menurut mantan
seismolog USGS Lucy Jones, yang kini menjalankan sebuah pusat yang berfokus pada
membuat masyarakat lebih tangguh terhadap bencana.
5.5 Magnitude Earthquake, Large Aftershock Hit
Northern California; Minor Damage Reported

Newsworthy Events
EAST SHORE, California. — Earthquakes have rattled a
large area of Northern California this week, but only
minor damage was immediately reported.
Background Events
A magnitude 5.5 quake centered in the Sierra Nevada’s Lake Almanor resort region struck
at 4:19 p.m. Thursday and a magnitude 5.2 aftershock occurred at 3:18 a.m. Friday,
according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

ABC10 reported local businesses were cleaning up minor damage in the area about 180
miles (290 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco.

“A lot of broken glass, a lot of broken dishes, a lot of broken liquor from upstairs,”
Stephanie Hughes, a local restaurant manager, told the station after the Thursday
afternoon quake.

“Everything was shaking. Customers were fleeing onto the lawn,” said Hughes.

People reported feeling the earthquake all the way to Sacramento, about 160 miles (260
kilometers) south.

The magnitude 5.5 quake was the largest in California

since the magnitude 7.1 Ridgecrest sequence in 2019,
according to former USGS seismologist Lucy Jones, who
now runs a center focusing on making communities more
resilient to disasters.
News item is a text which informs readers about
events of the day. The events are considered
newsworthy or importantIt means if there is an
important event that should be known by many
people.News items are divided into two types,
namely news items delivered orally and in writing.
Of course, we often find written types in various
print media such as tabloids or daily newspapersFor
oral news items, we often hear them from electronic
media such as radio or television
Item berita adalah teks yang menginformasikan
pembaca tentang peristiwa hari ini. Peristiwa
tersebut dianggap layak diberitakan atau penting
Artinya jika ada suatu peristiwa penting yang harus
diketahui oleh banyak orang. Berita dibedakan
menjadi dua jenis, yaitu berita yang disampaikan
secara lisan dan tulisan. Jenis tulisan tentunya
sering kita jumpai di berbagai media cetak seperti
tabloid atau surat kabar harian. Untuk berita lisan
sering kita dengar dari media elektronik seperti
radio atau televisi.

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