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Bejana Tekanan adalah bejana selain pesawat uap yang

didalamnya terdapat tekanan yang melebihi tekanan udara

luar, dipakai untuk menampung gas atau gas campuran
termasuk udara baik terkempa menjadi cair atau dalam
keadaan larut dan beku.
• Botol – Botol Baja dgn volume air paling tinggi 60 liter
• Bejana Transport dengan volume air lebih dr 60 Liter yang
digunakan untuk penyimpanan maupun pengangkutan
• Pesawat pendingin
• Bejana penyimpan gas atau campuran dlm keadaan padat
dikempa menjadi cair terlarut atau beku
Bejana tekan merupakan salah satu sumber bahaya yang
dapat menimpa tenaga kerja dan kerusakan yang fatal bagi
lingkungan. Jenis bahaya tersebut adalah :
1. Bahaya terhadap kebakaran
2. Bahaya terhadap keracunan
3. Bahaya terhadap pernapasan tercekik/aspisia
4. Bahaya terhadap peledakan
5. Bahaya terhadap cairan sangat dingin/cryogenic

1. UU No. 1 Tahun 1970

2. Undang-Undang Uap 1930
3. Peraturan Uap 1930
1. Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja :

No. Per.37/Men/2017

Instruksi, Edaran, Standar dll

Prinsip Pencegahan Berdasarkan Peraturan
- Preventif, Sistimatik dan menyeluruh

❑ Perencanaan
❑ Pembuatan
❑ Perakitan/pemasangan/peredaran
❑ Pemakaian/Pemindahan/Perawatan
❑ Reparasi/modifikasi

Dinas Tenaga 3
Perusahaan Pemerintah
pembuat Prov/Kota/Kabut 1 2
(Dit. PNK3)

1 Evaluasi berkas
Evaluasi berkas
• Surat permohonan 1
• Gambar konstruksi
• Lembar perhitungan
• Dokumen pendukung
Surat Pengantar
Lepaskan semua alat perlengkapan
1. Pemeriksaan I
•Bejana Tekan 2 bh dari 200 bh
•BT tidak dikenal identitasnya
a. Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian
•Pemeriksaan dokumen teknis
•Pemeriksaan visual
•Pengujian padat dengan air (Pressure test /hydro test)

Tekanan → 1.5 x P Kg/cm² (Permenaker No.1/82)

Tekanan →1,3 x P Kg/cm² (Asme VIII)
•Pengujian Pecah, 1 bh
Riksa Uji Bejena Tekanan


Obyek Pengawasan Peg. Pengawas K3
K3 Lintas Propinsi Spesialis Uap & BT
Pengawasan langsung lintas propinsi
Dinas yang berwenang PJK3 Uap
di Propinsi
Obyek Pengawasan AK3 Uap & BT
Peg. Pengawas K3

K3 Lintas Kab/ Kota Spesialis
Pengawasan langsung lintas kab/kota

Dinas yang berwenang

di Kab/ Kota
Obyek Pengawasan Peg. Pengawas K3
BT Spesialis Uap & BT
Pengawasan langsung

Pemberdayaan lembaga2 K3
b. Prosedur Penerbitan Pengesahan
❑ Mengajukan permohonan ke Disnaker setempat
❑ Permohonan dilampiri dokumen teknis, antara lain :
➢ Gambar rencana
➢ Perhitungan kekuatan konstruksi
➢ Sertifikat material/verifikasi
➢ Sertifikat juru las
➢ Pemeriksaan ketebalan
➢ Pengukuran dimensi
➢ Pemeriksaan ketidakbulatan
➢ Pemeriksaan tidak merusak (NDT)
➢ Laporan data pembuatan

❑ Pegawai Pengawas Spesialis Uap dan Bejana Tekan melakukan

Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian
❑ Laporan Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian Pegawai Pengawas
● CNG tidak lebih 3 tahun
• Botol Baja tidak lebih 5 tahun
• Bejana transfor tidak lebih 5 tahun
• Bejana penyimpan tidak lebih 5 tahun
• Bejan pendingin tidak lebih 5 tahun

Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian

❖ Pemeriksaan visual
❖ Pemeriksaan tidak merusak (NDT), bila perlu
❖ Pemeriksaan ketebalan, bila perlu
❖ Pengujian padat dengan air jika diperlukan tidak
kurang dari 1,25 x P
Uji Pecah 45 MPa untuk CNG NZS 5454 : 1989
Uji Hidro Test 36 MPa
• Bejana Tekan untuk zat asam berwarna biru muda
• Bejana Tekan untuk gas yang mudah terbakar berwarna merah
• Bejana Tekan untuk gas beracun berwarna kuning
• Bejana Tekan untuk gas beracun dan mudah terbakar berwarna
kuning dan merah
Single Stage Low Pressure Compressor :

Model No:GC 294

The Compressor having one / two / three piston and cylinder of the same bore size are Single
Stage Compressors. The function of each piston is to compress the air from the atmosphere
to the final destination.
Single Stage Compressors are ideal for a multitude of small business uses including
Pneumatic tools, Panel spray painting, Nailers, Staplers, Blow guns, Liquid transfer, Graniting
and Cleaning. It is a reliable source of low pressure air for numerous application like
instrumentation, process and boiler fuel oil automization, Chemical Industries, Filteration Plant,
Blow Moulding etc.
Two Stage Compressor :

Model No:GC 2595

Model No:GC 7150

Model No:GC 292

Technical Specifications (Multi Stage High Pressure Compressor) :

Model No:GC 281

Model No:GC 65T2

Model No:GC 65T2-Block

Devilbiss Air Compressor Max Pressure 175
Condition: Excellent
2005 Blum Machine Model # GA 00331
Condition: Like New
1G Compressor Wheel (126KB)

1G turbine inlet = 25mm

Pressure Vessel

Completed Pressure Vessel showing access hole,

liquid level indicators and drain valve
Oil / Water Separators

Oil/Water Separators

Highland Tank’s Oil/Water Separators with Corella Coalescer and Oil

Interceptors offer a superior wastewater treatment, storm water
treatment and storm water management systems for industrial,
commercial, military, municipal, petroleum and transportation
wastewater treatment.
Pressure vessels and storage tanks

TWI has been involved with pressure vessels and storage equipment since the early 1950s. The equipment
for transmission systems can vary significantly from simple storage pressure vessels to complex manifolds.
TWI through its research on welding and structural integrity technology is ideally placed to provide design
guidance, code interpretation, fabrication optimisation, inspection development, life extension and defect
assessment services to a wide range of oil and gas sector members.
Pressure Gauges

Vacuum Compound
General Description

Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger uses steam from the campus boiler to heat water for use in various heating coils throughout the
building. The heating water is circulated by heating water pumps to heating coils in the cabinet unit heaters, fintube radiators
and reheat coils in the zone variable air volume boxes.

On cold days, room temperatures (especially those rooms with windows and outside walls)
drop. The room thermostats send this information to the main control system. If the room
temperature cannot be brought back up by reducing the cool air supply from the duct, then
the hot water flow to the heating coil in the VAV box is increased.
Heat Exchanger design in PVElite

PVElite performs the mechanical design of heat exchangers in

accordance with the following Codes:
ASME Section VIII Division 1 (part UHX, formerly App. AA) code
TEMA standard
PD 5500 (formerly BS5500, British standard)
Fixed Tubesheet Capabilities

• Fixed Tubesheet can be designed per ASME, PD5500 and TEMA codes.
• Plain Shells, and Shell with Expansion joints or Bellows can be modeled.
• Stress due to differential thermal expansion of tubes and shell is computed.
• Flanged and Flued (thick) Expansion Joint can be designed per TEMA and ASME.
U-tube Tubesheet Capabilities

U-Tube exchangers can be designed per ASME, PD5500 and TEMA codes.
Floating Tubesheet Capabilities

• Floating Exchangers can be designed per ASME, PD5500 and TEMA codes.
e.g. packed, sealed etc.
• Floating head covers can also be designed per ASME and PD5500.
• Stress due to differential thermal expansion of tubes and shell is computed.
Heat Insulation

Schematic diagram of a simple solar water heating system.

Illustration: LGABW

Temperatures in the latest generation of water tanks drop less than 3 °

C per day. Through optimal use of insulation, heat loss can be
minimised, thereby making effective use of solar heat possible.
storage tank
Gaseous and Liquid Hydrogen Storage

Today's state-of-the-art for hydrogen storage includes 5000- and 10,000-psi

compressed gas tanks and cryogenic liquid hydrogen tanks for on-board hydrogen
Water Storage Tanks

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