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Simple Presentation

Simple presentation pada dasarnya sama seperti presentasi pada umumnya. Hanya saja
topik yang diangkat dalam simple presentation biasanya lebih sederhana. Durasi simple
presentation juga lebih singkat dari presentasi biasanya.

Structure of Simple presentation :

1. Opening
2. Body
3. Closing


Ada beberapa hal yang harus kita ucapkan pada bagian pembuka presentasi, yaitu
mengucapkan salam, memperkenalkan diri kita, memperkenalkan topik presentasi,
menjelaskan struktur presentasi, menyebutkan durasi presentasi, dan menjelaskan kapan
audiens bisa bertanya. Berikut adalah penjelasan lebih detailnya:

1. Greeting (memberi salam)

Sebuah presentasi wajib dibuka dengan menyambut audiens dan mengucapkan salam kepada
mereka. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frasa yang bisa digunakan untuk membuka presentasi:

● Good morning/ afternoon/ evening, everyone. Thank you very much for coming to
today’s presentation.
● Hi/ hello, guys/ friends. Thanks for coming.
● Good morning/ afternoon/ evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’d like to extent warm
welcome to you.

Contoh: Good morning, friends. Welcome to my presentation. First of all, I’d like to thank all
of you for coming here today.

2. Memperkenalkan Diri

Setelah menyambut audiens, kita bisa langsung memperkenalkan diri kita atau kelompok
kita. Adapun frasa yang bisa digunakan, yakni:

● Let me introduce myself first. My name is [name]. I’m the leader/ representative of
[name of group/ institution].
Contoh: Let me introduce myself first. My name is Rangga. I’m the representative of
SMA 1.

● Let me introduce my group. I’m [name], this is [name}, and this is [name]. We are
from [name of group/ institution].

Contoh: Let me introduce my group. I’m Rangga, this is Cinta, and this is Mamet. We
are from group 2.

3. Memperkenalkan Topik Presentasi

Topik presentasi lebih baik disebutkan di bagian pembuka agar para audiens bisa fokus pada
topik yang akan disampaikan dalam presentasi. Kita bisa menggunakan frasa berikut ini
untuk memperkenalkan topik presentasi kita:

● I’m/ we’re here today to talk to you about…

● In this presentation, I/we’d like to talk about…
● What I/we’d like to discuss today is…
● The topic of this presentation is…

Contoh: We’re here today to talk to you about Indonesian traditional games.

4. Menjelaskan Struktur Presentasi

Kita bisa menggunakan frasa berikut ini untuk menjelaskan struktur presentasi:

● I/ we divide this presentation into [number] parts.

● This presentation consists of [number] sections.
● In this presentation, I/ we’ll focus on [number] main issues.
● First, I/ we’ll start off by… second, I/ we’ll talk about… and then, I/ we’ll focus on…
finally, I/ we’ll end it with…

Contoh: I divide this presentation into three parts. First, I’ll start off by explaining the history
of some Indonesian traditional games. Second, I’ll talk about the varieties of those games.
Finally, I’ll end it with the rules and ways to play them.

5. Menyebutkan Durasi Presentasi

Frasa yang digunakan, di antaranya:

● This/ my/ our presentation will take about [duration]. (Presentasi ini/ saya/ kami akan
berlangsung sekitar [durasi]).
● It’ll take about [duration] to cover these points. (Akan menghabiskan sekitar [durasi]
untuk membicarakan poin-poin ini)

Contoh: It’ll take about 15 minutes to cover these points. (Akan menghabiskan sekitar 15
menit untuk membicarakan poin-poin ini)
6. Menjelaskan Kapan Audiens Bisa Bertanya

Berikut adalah frasa yang bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskannya:

● If you have any question, feel free to ask anytime during the presentation.
● If you have questions, please hold them until the end of the presentation.


1. Mengawali Isi Presentasi

Kita bisa memulainya dengan menggunakan frasa di bawah ini:

● Let me start with some information on…

● Let me begin with an overview on…

Contoh: Let me begin with an overview on traditional games in general.

Kita juga bisa memulainya dengan bertanya kepada audiens. Misal:

● Have you ever wondered why…?

● Did you know that…?
● How many of you have ever…?
● Have you even been in a situation where…?

Contoh: How many of you have ever played hide and seek?

Selain itu, kita juga bisa memulainya dengan menyebutkan fakta. Misal:

● The new study/ research shows that…

● According to scientists…
● Experts say that…

Contoh: Experts say that playing traditional games can train kids’ physical skills.

2. Mengakhiri Sebuah Sesi

Untuk mengakhiri sebuah sesi, gunakanlah frasa berikut ini:

● This is the end of the first/ second/ third section.

● So, that’s all I wanted to say about…
● This brings me to the end of my first/ second/ third point.

Contoh: So, that’s all I wanted to say about the advantages of traditional games for children.

3. Memulai Sesi Baru

Untuk memulai sesi baru, kita harus menggunakan satu kalimat transisi agar penyampaian
kita terdengar mengalir. Berikut adalah frasa transisi yang bisa dipakai untuk memulai sesi

● Let’s now turn to…

● Now, let’s move on to…
● Let’s take a look at… now.
● Now, I’d like to move on to the next point.
● This leads us to the next issue, which is…
● Now, I want to describe…

Contoh: Let’s now turn to the varieties of Indonesian traditional games.

4. Mengganti Pembicara

Jika terdapat pergantian pembicara, gunakanlah frasa di bawah ini:

● Now I’ll hand it over to [name of speaker].

● [name of speaker] is now going to take over…
● The next point will be presented by [name of speaker].
● Now [name of speaker] will talk about…

Contoh: The next point will be presented by Cinta.


Penutup presentasi berisi kesimpulan keseluruhan isi dari presentasi kita, undangan kepada
audiens untuk bertanya, dan penutup presentasi kita.

1. Kesimpulan Isi

Kesimpulan harus singkat dan mencakup semua poin yang telah kita sebutkan dalam
presentasi kita. Berikut adalah frasa yang bisa digunakan untuk memulai kalimat kesimpulan

● In conclusion,…
● It can be concluded that…
● This brings us to the end of my/ our presentation. In brief,…
● Let me briefly summarize the main issue.
● To summarize…
● So the points are …
● To sum up …
● To conclude …
● To summary …

Contoh: It can be concluded that Indonesia is rich with its traditional games. They are
national treasure that must be conserved.

2. Undangan untuk Bertanya

Beberapa frasa yang bisa dipakai untuk mengundang audiens untuk bertanya, yakni:

● Are there any questions?

● If you have questions, I/ we’ll be happy to answer them.
● If you have any question, you may ask now.

3. Penutup Presentasi
Kita bisa menutup presentasi dengan salah satu frasa berikut ini:

● This is the end of my/ our presentation. Thank you so much for coming.
● That’s all from me/ us. I hope this presentation has given you a new insight on…
● Thanks for your attention.
● Once again, thanks for the meetup and hopefully we can meet again soon in the

Writing a report

Written reports are documents which present focused, salient content to a specific audience.
Report are often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry. The
audience may be public or private, an individual or the public in general. Report are used in
government, education, science, health, and other field.

Format of writing formal report

The long formal report usually consists of the following parts :

1. Cover
2. Title page
3. Preface
4. Table content
5. Introduction
6. Body
7. Conclusions and recommendation
8. Bibliography

The bibliography is a list of the sources used in your research. Note the following points:

1. It is organized alphabetically, according to the author's last name.

2. After the first line of each entry, there is a 'hanging indention' of five spaces for each
addtional in the entry.

By Miftakhul Janah, S. Pd

English Teacher

SMK Ma'arif NU 01 Wanasari

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