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Ulfah Latifah, M.Pd

3.26 Menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait penyajian laporan secara lisan (report presentation)

4.26 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait penyajian
laporan dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya di dunia kerja.

Melalui tahapan pembelajaran model pembelajaran Discovery Learning Learning,dengan metode diskusi,praktik dan
presentasi, peserta didik mampu: Menganalisis dan menyusun teks informasi terkait penyajian laporan dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait penyajian laporan secara lisan (report presentation)


01 02 03 04

Definition Generic Structure Language Assigment


Presentation is an activity in the form of communication or speaking

to convey something in front of many audiences (listeners). But
presentation is not just standing and delivering something in front of
the audience (listeners), but is an activity of submitting a topic,
opinion or information to the audience (listener).

Presentasi (Presentation) adalah suatu kegiatan berbentuk

komunikasi atau berbicara untuk menyampaikan sesuatu di
hadapan banyak audience (pendengar). Tetapi presentasi tidak
hanya sekedar berdiri dan menyampaikan sesuatu didepan audience
(pendengar) saja, melainkan merupakan kegiatan pengajuan suatu
topik, pendapat atau informasi kepada audience (pendengar).
Tips to presentate in English
Tips Sebelum Presentasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
Get Yourself Prepared. Yang paling penting sebelum presentasi adalah persiapan. Apa saja yang perlu disiapkan? Yang
pertama adalah bahan presentasi. Pastikan materi sudah dipersiapkan dengan baik. Jika kamu akan menyampaikan materi
tentang laporan prakerin, maka kumpulkan materi tentang kegiatan-kegiatan selama prakerin, kuasai materinya, lalu buat
powerpointnya. Pada saat akan membuat powerpoint, ada baiknya untuk membuat dua hal ini: mindmap atau essay.
Mindmap bertujuan untuk mempermudah kita dalam mengingat materi presentasi, sedangkan essay berfungsi untuk
mempertajam materi karena di dalam essay, tentunya materi sudah sangat lengkap, hanya tinggal mengkonversi essay
menjadi powerpoint. Jangan lupa untuk membuat mindmap dan essay juga dalam bahasa inggris agar lebih mudah saat
pembuatan, dan kamu bisa lebih menguasai vocab terkait karena sudah sering menemuinya. Hal penting dalam membuat
powerpoint, yaitu upayakan membuat PPT yang menarik. Untuk itu kamu harus bisa mengukur pilihan warna, font, dan
design template yang pas untuk disajikan. Persiapan yang kedua, yaitu berlatih. Apalagi jika kamu presentasi dalam bahasa
inggris. Ada vocab yang harus kamu kuasai terkait dengan materi presentasi. Selain itu, tata bahasa yang baik dan formal
juga dibutuhkan dalam presentasi. Berlatih sebelum presentasi juga bisa meningkatkan self-confidence atau rasa percaya
diri. Persiapan ketiga adalah penampilan sebelum presentasi. Pastikan kamu memberikan penampilan terbaik saat
presentasi. Tidur dan makan yang cukup agar tubuh tampak fit, dan siapkan pakaian terbaik saat presentasi agar kita
tampil menarik dan audiens tidak bosan saat melihat kita tampil.
02 Generic Structure
There are some items that you have to know while you are in
presenting the report. To make you more understand, please follow
structure below.

State the Focus of the

Greetings 02 Introduction 03
01 Topic

Share the Main Content

Make a Summary 05
Question and Answer 04 of Presentation



• Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I would

like to say thank you for coming in my
presentation. It’s great to see you all. My name is
• Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb . Thank you for coming
to this presentation. I am glad to see you all.

• Good morning . Afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

an honor to meet you here.

• Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It nice to

meet you here.


• I’m … I work for … as an/a …

• I’m … I am Student of …

• Let me introduce myself and my partner. I

am …. and my partner is ….. . We are from ….

• Let us introduce ourselves. I’m ….. next to me

is ….. The lady in purple is ….

• Let me introduce myself. My name’s ……….

Iam from…

•In this opportunity, i would like to present ………

State the Focus of the Topic
•The purpose of my presentation is ….

•In this presentation, we will discuss about …..

•Please look at the picture. What do you see in the picture? Great. We
will continue finding out what is going on there.

● This report is suppose to … .

● This presentation it suppose to …

● It all started when I conducted a survey of 328 people consisting of

students and parents….

● Two weeks ago I was …(sebutkan kegiatannnya)


• Gunakan transisi: First, I will explain to you about ….. Then, I will explain why
…… is so important for us. Finally, you will know how to ……

• Gunakan kata-kata yang menunjukkan reason, contrast, or result: because …..,

since ……, but, however, although, in addition, therefore, consequently.
Share the Main
Content of • Gunakan contoh: the examples are ….., the only example of this species is ….., We
Presentation will see how many examples we will show you but look at the pictures first.

PENTING: sesi ini adalah inti dari presentasi kamu, sedangkan sesi lainnya merupakan
pendukung untuk suksesnya sesi inti ini. So, pastikan beberapa hal saat menyampaikan isi
materi yaitu: sampaikan secara meyakinkan, tidak bicara terburu-buru, mengatur nafas dan
mengatur nada bicara, kamu juga bisa improvisasi jika ada audiens yang mengantuk,
melakukan eye contact dengan audiens, dan kamu bisa menyiapkan catatan kecil jika perlu.

Question and Answer

• Anybody would like to ask?

• There will be qusetion and answer in this presentation

• Just feel free to interrupt me if you have something to ask

• You can freely ask question about this presentation. I will try to
answer any questions you may have

PENTING: Jangan lupa untuk memoderatori tanya jawab.

Misalnya, pertanyaan hanya dibatasi untuk sekian orang, lalu lihat
waktu untuk tanya jawab ini jangan sampai “kebablasan”

Make a Summary
Here’s what you’ll say to make a SUMMARY:

● In Conclusion......

● In Summary......

● So, the points are.........

● In short.......

● To Summerize......

● to sum up.........

● To conclude.........

● From the data that I have previously shown to you, it can be concluded that …


● Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and

● That all my presentation. Thank you for your attention.

● Thank you for listening. May all those we have shares be

benificial for all of us.

PENTING: Pada sesi akhir ini, sampaikan ucapan terimakasih kepada

penonton, berikan kesan akhir yang baik dan meyakinkan bahwa presentasi
kamu sukses. Jangan lupa senyumnya ^_^
Language Features
• Nouns and noun phrases are used rather than personal pronouns. The use of
personal pronouns is limited.

• Most reports are written in the present tense.

• Some reports use technical or scientific terms.

• Linking verbs are used, eg. is, are, has, have, belong to, to give coherence.

• Uses some action verbs (climb, eat).

• Descriptive language is used that is factual rather than imaginative eg colour,

shape, size, body parts, habits, behaviours, functions, uses.
Analyze the text below based on Genenric Structure!

Good morning all of my friends. How are you this morning?

My name is Ulfah. Thank you for giving me a chance to give the time to present our
report. Today, we are concern to see the situation about one of the happening news.
It is about the global warming. And now lets we concert about the global warming.
When we see our environment, many examples which show about the effect of the
global warming. The unpredictable weather, the decreased ozone skin. The global
warming is a situation the sun shines is too much to the earth.
We will give you a chance to ask about our presentation. we need your participation
to give an advise or suggestion for our presentation too. I only open 3 chances for
Finally, this is our presentation of this report. Thank you very much for your attention.

Good morning all of my friends. How are you

Introduction this morning?
My name is Ulfah. Thank you for giving me a
chance to give the time to present our report.
State the Focus of Today, we are concern to see the situation
the Topic about one of the happening news. It is about
the global warming. And now lets we concert
about the global warming.
Share the Main When we see our environment, many
Content of examples which show about the effect of the
Presentation global warming. The unpredictable weather,
the decreased ozone skin. The global warming
is a situation the sun shines is too much to the
Question and earth.
Answer We will give you a chance to ask about our
presentation. we need your participation to
give an advise or suggestion for our
Make a Summary presentation too. I only open 3 chances for
Finally, this is our presentation of this report.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Analyze the text below based on Language Features!

Good morning all of my friends. How are you this morning?

My name is Ulfah. Thank you for giving me a chance to give the time to present our
report. Today, we are concern to see the situation about one of the happening news.
It is about the global warming. And now lets we concert about the global warming.
When we see our environment, many examples which show about the effect of the
global warming. The unpredictable weather, the decreased ozone skin. The global
warming is a situation the sun shines is too much to the earth.
We will give you a chance to ask about our presentation. we need your participation
to give an advise or suggestion for our presentation too. I only open 3 chances for
Finally, this is our presentation of this report. Thank you very much for your attention.
Language Features
Good morning all of my friends. How are you
this morning?
My name is Ulfah. Thank you for giving me a
Nouns and noun phrase chance to give the time to present our
report. Today, we are concern to see the
situation about one of the happening news.
It is about the global warming. And now lets
technical or scientific terms
we concern about the global warming.
When we see our environment, many Present Tense
examples which show about the effect of the
Linking Verbs global warming. The unpredictable weather,
the decreased ozone skin. The global
warming is a situation the sun shines is too
Action Verbs much to the earth.
We will give you a chance to ask about our
presentation. we need your participation to
give an advise or suggestion for our
Descriptive Language presentation too. I only open 3 chances for
Finally, this is our presentation of this report.
Thank you very much for your attention.

1. Make a short report presentation into nice slide

of power point
2. Make a script for your practice in speaking
3. Record into a video presentation
4. Upload your video to your YOUTUBE account and
share your video links to WA 087785701221 using
format : number list of students_Full Name.
Example: 00_Ulfah Latifah
Bahan tayang How to
make a good presentation
As I get older I know that I must do the
best to get what I want.

—Miss Ulfah

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