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Yoga Andani1 dan Heru Susanto.S.Pd.T.M.Eng2

Pesawat Boeing 737-300 Classic memliki flight control system yang berfungsi
sebagai sistem yang mengendalikan pergerakkan pesawat saat kondisi on ground
maupun pada saat kondisi in flight. Flight control terbagi atas 3 kelompok yaitu,
primary flight control system, secondary flight control system dan auxiliary flight
control system. Salah satu flight control pada pesawat boeing 737-300 yaitu flap yang
digunakan untuk menambah gaya lift saat persawat melakukan take off dengan posisi
kecepatan rendah dan menambah gaya drag saat pesawat melakukan landing.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara kerja flap, mengetahui penyebab
terjadinya jackscrew flap slow operation, dan untuk mengetahui troubleshooting
jackscrew flap slow operation pada pesawat boeing 737-300 classic
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan permasalahan yang
bersumber dari data yang terjadi di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data pada
penelitian ini didapatkan melalui observasi lapangan, studi pustaka, literature,
penelitian terdahulu, buku-buku, serta dokumen dari perusahaan. Metode kualitatif
dipilih peneliti dengan maksud untuk membantu peneliti dalam mendapatkan
penjelasan dan gambaran lebih mendalam.
Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini yaitu system flap dikontrol dan
dioperasikan secara manual menggunakan flap control lever yang ada pada cocpit.
Control valve menyuplai hydraulic fluid pressure dari sistem B ke flap hydraulic motor
dan kemudian energy diteruskan ke flap drive system untuk menggerakkan flap,
sehingga wing flap beroperasi dengan baik bergerak naik dan turun. Faktor penyebab
terjadinya jackscrew flap slow operation dikarenakan keasuan pada jackscrew yang
disebabkan oleh kotoran debu, kerikil dan pasir-pasir yang menempel pada jackscrew
yang menyebabkan jackscrew tersebut berkurang dan mengalami keausan sehingga
flap beroperasi secara tidak normal. Upaya penanggulangan jackscrew dengan
melakukan replacement pada komponen tersebut dengan komponen yang baru dengan
sesuai prosedur Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) pada chapter 27-51-73 pages
Kata kunci : Flight Control, Flap, Jackscrew Flap, dan Pesawat Boeing 737-300

Taruna Program Studi D3-Aeronautika, STTKD Yogyakarta
Dosen Program Studi D3-Aeronautika, STTKD Yogyakarta



Yoga Andani3 dan Heru Susanto.S.Pd.T.M.Eng4

The Boeing 737-300 Classic aircraft has a flight control system that functions as
a system that controls the movement of the aircraft during on ground conditions and
during in flight conditions. Flight control is divided into 3 groups, namely, primary
flight control system, secondary flight control system and auxiliary flight control
system. One of the flight controls on the Boeing 737-300 aircraft is the flap used to
increase the lift force when the aircraft takes off at a low speed position and increase
the drag force when the aircraft lands. This study aims to find out how the flap works,
to find out the causes of the slow operation of the jackscrew flap, and to find out the
troubleshooting of the slow operation of the jackscrew flap on the Boeing 737-300
classic aircraft.
This study uses a qualitative method based on problems originating from data
that occur in the field. Data collection techniques in this study were obtained through
field observations, literature studies, literature, previous research, books and
documents from companies. The qualitative method was chosen by the researcher with
the intention of assisting the researcher in obtaining a more in-depth explanation and
The results obtained in this study are that the flap system is controlled and
operated manually using the flap control lever in the cockpit. The control valve supplies
hydraulic fluid pressure from system B to the flap hydraulic motor and then energy is
transmitted to the flap drive system to move the flaps, so that the wing flaps operate
properly moving up and down. The cause of the slow operation of the jackscrew flap is
due to wear and tear on the jackscrew caused by dirt, gravel and sand adhering to the
jackscrew which causes the jackscrew to decrease and experience wear and tear so
that the flap operates abnormally. Efforts to overcome jackscrews by replacing these
components with new components according to the procedures of the Aircraft
Maintenance Manual (AMM) in chapter 27-51-73 pages 401-407

Keyword : Flight Control, Flap, Jackscrew Flap, dan Pesawat Boeing 737-300

Cadets of the d-3 Aeronautic STTKD Yogyakarta
Supervisor of Final Assignment STTKD Yogyakarta

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