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1. Identitas

Nama Penyusun : GUSTI MURNI, S.Pd

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Materi Pokok : Greeting and leave taking, Thanking and Apologizing

Kelas / Semester : VII/ 1

Tahun Ajaran : 2023/2024

Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 40 Menit ( 2 x pertemuan)

2. Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran

Menyimak – berbicara
Elemen/ Domain CP
7.1 Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi
Tujuan Pembelajaran
terperinci dari ragam teks lisan/tulisan yang disajikan dalam \
bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup
keluarga dan kelas.

7.3 Mengemukakan ide dari berbagai ragam teks yang disajikan

Indikator ketercapaian Tujuan
dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup keluarga dan kelas.
1. Peserta didik mampu memahami dan menangkap inti dari
pembicaraan terkait greeting dan leave taking, thanking
and apologizing
2. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan
teks interaksi transaksional terkait ungkapan greeting and
leave taking, thanking and apologizing
3. Peserta didik mampu mengungkapkan greeting, leave
taking, thanking and apologizing
4. Peserta didik mampu merespon/ memberi tanggapan
terhadap ungkapan greeting and leave taking, thanking
and apologizing
Konten utama Ungkapan greeting and leave taking, Thanking and apologizing.
1. Have you ever hear about greeting and leave taking
Pertanyaan pemantik untuk
2. Do you use it?
pertemuan 1
3. How do you greet your friend in the morning?
4. What do you say when you parting with your friend?
5. Do you know about expression of greeting and leave

a. Have you ever get something on your birthday?

Pertanyaan pemantik untuk
b. What do you say if you get something?
pertemuan 2
c. Have you ever make mistake?
d. What do you say when you want to apology?

Greet, leave/ part, hi, hallo, good morning, thank, sorry, apology,
Kata kunci
mistake, sure, of course,

3. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Profil Pancasila yang

berkaitan dengan materi Elemen
Beriman, Bertaqwa kepada Memahami ajaran agama dan akhlak pada diri pribadi dan kepada
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan sesama manusia
Berakhlak Mulia
bergotong royong kepedulian

Bernalar kritis Memperoleh dan memproses informasi

4. Sarana dan prasana

- Laptop, proyektor dan pelantang suara
Buku kemendikbud English for Nusantara
Modul Dari Platform Merdeka Mengajar
Buku cetak Bahasa Inggris SMP/Mts

5. Target Peserta Didik

Peserta didik regular sejumlah 27-28 Siswa

6. Ketersediaan Materi
Pengayaan (untuk siswa berpencapaian tinggi) ( Ya/ Tidak )
Alternatif Penjelasan, Metode, atau Aktivitas
(untuk siswa yang sulit memahami konsep) ( Ya/ Tidak )

7. Model Pembelajaran
Menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik dengan metode Cooperative Learning

8. Assesmen
Individu  diagnosis kognitif ( LKPD)
Berpasangan  unjuk kerja

9. Materi, alat dan bahan ajar, media ajar

1 Materi Ungkapan greeting, ungkapan leave taking, thanking and


2 Alat dan bahan - Text tentang materi greeting dan leave taking, thanking
ajar and apologizing dalam bentuk PPT
3 Media ajar Video greeting and leave taking
video thanking and apologizing
10. Langkah langkah persiapan pembelajaran
Persiapan : - Guru menyiapkan materi, contoh percakapan, LKPD dan video terkait materi
- Guru menyiapkan assesmen diagnostic melalui pertanyaan lisan

11. Bahan bacaan

Bahan bacaan siswa : PPT yang ditayangkan guru
Bahan bacaan guru : buku kemendikbud English for nusantara dan modul di Platform Merdeka

12. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1
A. Kegiatan Awal ( 15 Menit)
- Guru mengawali pembelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan meyapa peserta didik
- Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik kepada siswa
- guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai

B. Kegiatan Inti ( 90 Menit)

- Guru menayangkan video terkait greeting dan leave taking
- Guru dan peserta didik mendiskusikan apa itu ungkapan greeting dan leave taking
- Guru menjelaskan materi secara lebih terperinci dengan menayangkan materi melalui slide
- Guru menampilkan contoh percakapan dalam kehidupan sehari hari dan meminta peserta
didik mencari ungkapan terkait greeting dan leave taking
- Guru memberikan LKPD kepada peserta didik
- Peserta didik mengerjakan LKPD
- Guru meminta siswa mengisi ungkapan greeting and leave taking yang tepat digunakan dalam
LKPD dan dibahas bersama
- Guru meminta siswa duduk berpasangan dan membuat percakapan singkat terkait greeting
dan leave taking
- Peserta didik mempraktekkan percakapan yang sudah dikerjakan
- Peserta didik menampilkan percakapannya dengan baik didepan kelas

C. Kegiatan Penutup ( 15 menit)

- Guru memberikan apresiasi terhadap penampilan peserta didik
- Guru menanyakan pemahaman siswa terkait materi
- Guru menyampaikan refleksi dan menutup kelas

Pertemuan 2
A. Kegiatan Awal ( 15 Menit)
- Guru mengawali pembelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan meyapa peserta didik
- Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik kepada siswa
- guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai

B. Kegiatan Inti ( 90 Menit)

- Guru menayangkan video terkait thanking and apology
- Guru dan peserta didik mendiskusikan apa itu ungkapan thanking and apology
- Guru menjelaskan materi secara lebih terperinci dengan menayangkan materi melalui slide
- Guru menampilkan contoh percakapan dalam kehidupan sehari hari dan meminta peserta
didik mencari ungkapan terkait thanking and apology
- Guru memberikan LKPD kepada peserta didik
- Peserta didik mengerjakan LKPD
- Guru meminta siswa mengisi ungkapan thanking and apology yang tepat digunakan dalam
LKPD dan dibahas bersama
- Guru meminta siswa duduk berpasangan dan membuat percakapan singkat terkait thanking
and apology
- Peserta didik mempraktekkan percakapan yang sudah dikerjakan
- Peserta didik menampilkan percakapannya dengan baik didepan kelas

C. Kegiatan Penutup ( 15 menit)

- Guru memberikan apresiasi terhadap penampilan peserta didik
- Guru menanyakan pemahaman siswa terkait materi
- Guru menyampaikan refleksi dan menutup kelas

13. Assesmen

Rubric penilaian diagnostic dan sumatif

Identify proper Group all greetings into the proper 5
greeting for each context
context both, Group 90% greetings into the proper 4
formal, and context
1 Group 75% greetings into the proper 3
Group 65% greetings into the proper 2
Group under 50% greetings into the 1
proper context
2 Match the greetings Match all greeting to proper response 5
and the responses Match 90% greeting to proper response 4
properly. Match 75% greeting to proper response 3
Match 60% greeting to proper response 2
Match under 50% greeting to proper 1

Total Score = Score achieved X 100

Maximum Score


Nama siswa : _________________________
Kelas : _________________________


50 60 70 80
1. Fluency
2. Accuracy
3. Pronunciation
4. Intonation

Nilai = Jumlah skor bagi semua aspek : 4

Keterangan untuk :
1. Fluency 50 : Bila terjadi hesitasi
60 : Lancar, tetapi masih ada hesitasi
70 : Lancar
80 : Sangat lancer
2. Accuracy 50 : Semua ucapan tidak dapat dipahami
60 : Sebagian kecil ucapan sudah dapat dipahami
70 : Sebagain besar ucapan sudah dapat dipahami
80 :
: Semua ucapan dapat dipahami
: Hampir semua ucapan tidak benar
3. Pronunciation 50 : Sebagian kecil ucapan sudah benar
60 : Sebagian besar ucapan benar
70 : Semua ucapan benar
80 :
: Tekanan/irama semua kata salah
Tekanan/irama sebagian kecil kata benar
4. Intonation 50 Tekanan/irama sebagian besar kata benar
60 Tekanan/irama semua kata, frasa, kalimat
70 benar
14. Refleksi guru

 Kendala apakah yang ditemukan guru dalam melaksanakan

pembelajaran pada materi ini?
 Apakah solusi yang diambil oleh guru untuk mengatasi kendala yangditemui
selama pembelajaran?
 Langkah apa yang dilakukan guru jika tujuan pembelajaran belum
 Apakah perubahan yang akan dilakukan pada pertemuan berikutnyauntuk
mencapai tujuan pembelajaran?

15. Refleksi siswa

 Kendala apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti pembelajaran

tentang menunjukkan kesopanan?
 Bagaimanakah perasaan kalian selama mengikuti pembelajaran hariini?
 Kesulitan apakah yang kalian temukan saat mengikuti pembelajaran?
 Langkah apa yang kalian lakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan yangkalian

16. Materi Pengayaan (untuk siswa berpencapaian tinggi)

Melakukan percakapan greeting dan leave taking, thanking and apologizing dengan
ungkapan yang berbeda

17. Materi Tambahan (untuk siswa yang sulit memahami konsep)

Membaca kembali percakapan yang diberikan dan membuat percakapan mengacu kepada contoh
dan mempraktekkan kembali.

18. Daftar Pustaka : modul PMM

buku Cetak English for nusantara oleh Ika Lestari Damayanti, DKK
1. Diagnostic Assessment


1 Class :


1. Teacher : “Good morning, students!”
Students : “ , Sir!”
Teacher : “How are you today?”
Students : “I am fine. Thank you. And you?”
Teacher : “Fine, too.
A. Hi
B. Hey
C. Morning
D. Good night

2. Setiawan : “Hello. My name is Setiawan.”

Bobby :“ . I’m Bobby. Nice to meet you.”
A. See you
B. Thanks
C. Bye
D. Hi
3. Mr. Sigalingging : “This is Mr. Saragih, an old friend of mine.”
Mr. Saragih :“ ”
A. How are you getting on?
B. Pleased to meet you
C. You’re welcome
D. Are you okay?
4. Tanti : I'm afraid it's the time for us to leave.Sandra
: Okay. See you later!
Tanti : .
A. See you.
B. I’m sorry.
C. Thank you.
D. Good afternoon
5. Lia : Let’s read at the library.
Dina : Sorry, the bell rings. I have to go the classroom now.
Lia : Alright, good bye.
Dina :
A. Nice to meet you
B. Thank you
C. I’m fine
D. Bye

6. Karin : It’s 2.p.m already. I think I will go home now.

Danar : I’ll go home, too. See you tomorrow.
Karin : See you.
The underlined sentence is the expressions of …
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

7. Lila :” Murti, this is a present for you. I hope you like it.”
Murti :” Oh, it is so wonderful. …”
A. You are so kind to me
B. Thank you very much
C. Do you like it?
D. May I have it?

8. Ahmad :”Thank you for lending me the books.”

Nana :” You are welcome.”
A. Don’t mention it
B. I’m afraid I can’t
C. No, I’d be glad to
D. Thank you very much

9. Marta : I’m sorry. I stepped on your shoes.

Dani :
A. Oh no, why?
B. Don’t forget it
C. It isn’t expensive
D. It doesn’t matter
10. Tita : I lost my pen. Can I borrow your pen before the test? Lala
: Sorry, I only have one pen.
The underlined word is the expression of ….
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

Materi pertemuan 1 ( Greeting and Leave taking)

What is the meaning of Greeting?

A greeting is simply a way of saying hello to someone. We use greeting expressions when we meet a

Dalam bahasa Indonesia greeting berarti sapaan. Mempelajari kata sapaan dalam bahasa inggris
akan membantu kita dalam bergaul dengan orang- orang di sekitar kita, karena penggunaannya
akan sangat membantu dalam membuka sebuah percakapan.

Here are the expressions of greetings and their responses.


Mr. Beben : Good morning, students.

Students : Good morning, Sir.
Mr. Beben : How are you today?
Students : We are fine. And you?
Mr. Beben : I am fine, too. Ok! Let’s start our lesson today.


1. You say, “Good morning” from 00.01 up to 12 noon (Jam 00 dini hari s/d 12 siang).
2. You say, “Good afternoon” from 12.01 p.m. up to 6 p.m.
3. You say, “Good Evening” from 6.01 p.m. up to 12 a.m. (00.00).
4. “Good night” digunakan untuk mengucapkan selamat berpisah/selamat tidur.
5. P.m. (post merediem) = from 12.00 at noon (12 siang) up to 12.00 at night (12 malam).
6. A.m. (Ante merediem) = from 12.00 at night (12 malam/00.00) up to 12.00 at noon (12
7. Di Indonesia menggunakan jam sistem 24 jam sedangkan di Inggris/Amerika menggunakan
sistem 12 jam dengan menggunakan a.m. dan p.m. untuk membedakan malam dan siang.

Leave-taking is used when we bid a farewell (take leave) to a person. In Indonesia, leave-taking
means salam perpisahan.

Here are the expressions we can use to bid farewell or take leave.

Putri : Hi, Januar.
Januar : How are you doing?
Putri : Pretty well. By the way, where are you going?
Januar : I’m going to the swimming pool. Will you join me?
Putri : Oh, sorry I must help my father in the studio.
Januar : It’s okay. See you next time.
Putri : See you!
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

A. Identify the expression of greeting and leave taking in these pictures!
B. Complete the conversation below by using greeting or leave taking!

1. Mr. Arif : Good morning, Winda.

Winda : ..................................., Mr. Arif.
Mr. Arif : How are you?
Winda : ..........................., thank you. And how are you, sir?
Mr. Arif : Fine, .................................

2. Winda : ......................., Mr. Arif.
Mr. Arif : Good bye, Winda. It's been nice talking to you.
Winda : I have to go now. See you later.
Tsalisa : okay. ..............

Mr. Arif : Good bye. Winda, See you tomorrow.

Winda : Yes. Good bye, Mr. Arif. ................................

C. Please write your own conversation about greeting and leave taking and perform it in pair!


Sarah : Hi Anita, Good morning.

Anita : Hi Sarah, good morning. How are you?
Sarah : I am good. How about You?
Anita : I am fine. Thank you.
Sarah : By the way the class will begin soon. See you later
Anita : See you Sarah
Materi pertemuan 2


Thanking is used to express gratitude or to thank for help. In bahasa, thanking means berterima

The following are expressions used to thank and their responses.


Rarra : “Santi, can I borrow your pencil? I forgot to put mine in my bag last night.”
Santi : “Sure. You can take it.”
Rarra : “Really? Thanks, Santi.”
Santi : “No problem. I have many pencils.”


Apologizing is used to express regret for something done or said. Apologizing means meminta

The following are expressions to apologize and their responses.


Mr. Beben: “Lita, have you put the chapter report to my desk?”
Linta: “I’m sorry, Sir. I lost the chapter report.”
Mr. Beben: “Are you sure you lost it?”
Lita: “Yes, sir. I have looked for it everywhere but I could find it. I’m terribly sorry for
my mistake, Sir. I will write the new one as soon as possible.”
Mr. Beben : “Okay, but please don’t let it happen again.

A. Identify the expression of thanking and apologizing in these conversations!

1. Budi: Edo, can I borrow your pen?

Edo: Of Course.
Budi: Thanks
Edo: Any time
2. Tono: I’m sorry sir. I come late.
Mr. Burhan: Why you come late?
Tono: My bike is broken.
Mr. Burhan: Ok, never mind.
B. Complete the conversation by using the expression of thanking or apologizing!
1. Shidqi : Laila, May I borrow your dictionary?
Laila : Of course, Shidqi. Here you are.
Shidqi : .................
Laila : You are welcome.

2. Ahmad : Imam, can you lend me your calculator?

Imam : .............., Ahmad. I’m still using it.
Ahmad : That’s okay. I’ll borrow another.

3. Sofyan : Sorry, sir. I’m late.

Mr. Sulton : It’s all right. Why are you late, Sofyan?
Sofyan : I got up at seven in the morning, sir. I watched TV until eleven at night.
Mr. Sulton : You must sleep early. Please don’t do that anymore.
Sofyan : All right, sir.

C. Make your own conversation

 You need to write 1 conversation for thanking and the other for apologizing.

 Then practice with you pair and perform it in front of the class!

Class :
1. Waitress : “Good afternoon, Ma’am!”
Ms. Nita :“ !”
Waitress : “What do you like to order?”
Ms. Nita : “I’d like to have fried rice and tea.”
Waitress : “Alright. Please, wait for a while.”
A. Hi
B. Hey
C. Afternoon
D. Good afternoon, Miss

2. Jack : Hey. Morning, Rita.! Rita

: Morning, Jack!Don :
Pleased to meet you.
Rita : Pleased to meet you, too.
A. Hi
B. Hello
C. How do you do.
D. How have you been.

3. Dinda : Hello, Eddy. It’s been a long time.Eddy :

Hi, Dinda. How are you doing? Dinda : …. How
about you?
Eddy : Great. So happy to see you again.
A. So long
B. I’m doing fine
C. I’m little bit sick
D. I have to go now
4. Ms. Dahlia : Hello, Ms. Lita. How are you doing?Ms.
Lita : …. I need to go to the hospital. Ms.
Dahlia : I hope you get better soon.
A. Great
B. I’m fine
C. Never better
D. I’m not feeling well

5. Mega : “Mr.Hambali, I’d like to introduce my father.”

Mr. Sukarno : “How do you do, Mr. Hambali?”
Mr. Hambali : “ …, Mr. Sukarno.”
A. I am fine
B. Never better
C. Good afternoon
D. How do you do

6. Ega : “Let me introduce you to my twin, Egi.”

Egi : “Nice, to meet you, Rafael. ”
Rafael : “Hi, Egi. , too.”
A. I’m nice, right.
B. It’s a great day.
C. Long time no see.
D. It’s nice to meet you, too.

7. Bella : “Chintya, my mom is waiting at home. I’ll go home first.”

Chintya : “Okay, Bella. See you tomorrow.”
Bella : “….”
A. It’s very kind of you
B. I’m fine thank you
C. Nice to meet you
D. See you

8. Nana : “Etty, the bell rings. I have to go to class now.”

Etty : “Alright, see you after school.”
Nana : “….”
A. Great
B. See you
C. Nice to meet you.
D. It’s very kind of you.
9. Claire : “I think. It’s time for us to finish this task” Richard :
“I think so. Its 9 pm. I have to go home.”Claire : “. ”
Richard : “See you tomorrow”
A. Good bye
B. That’s alright
C. I am sorry too
D. Don’t mention it

10. Lenny : “Vonny, … I broke your ruler.”

Vonny : “It’s okay. I still have another one.”
A. Sorry
B. Thank you
C. Are you okay
D. I have to go home now.

11. Tia : “Mom, I’m sorry I arrive late.”

Mother : “… Please tell me first next time, okay.”
A. Don’t worry about it.
B. I’m glad you do it.
C. You are welcome.
D. You are so nice.

12. Tita : “I lost my pen. Can I borrow your pen before the test?”
Lala : “Sorry, I only have one pen.”
The underlined word is the expression of ….
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

13. Clara : “Can I borrow your sharpener?”

James : “Sure here it is.”
Clara : “Thank you.”
James : “….”
A. Don’t mention it
B. Thank you
C. I’m sorry
D. I’m fine.
14. Nunik : ”Would you add your soup?”
Fini : “Enough. Thank you for the dinner.”
The underlined sentence is the expressions of …
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

15. Mother : “Have you cleaned the floor Reva?”

Reva : “…. I forget.”
A. Thank you
B. Don’t worry
C. I’m very sorry
D. It doesn’t matter

Dialogue (For question number 16 - 20 )

Marsha meets Ms. Rini, the English teacher in front of the library.”
Marsha : “Good morning, Ms. Rini.”
Ms. Rini : “Good morning, Marsha.”
Marsha : “How are you today, Ms Rini?”
Ms. Rini : “I’m fine, but I’m little bit busy.”
Marsha : “Ms. Rini, can I help you bringing the books?”
Ms. Rini : “Thank you, Marsha. It’s very kind of you.”
Marsha : “Don’t mention it, Ma’am.”
Ms. Rini : “Please put them in the teacher’s office on Ms. Imelda’s table.”
Marsha : “Okay, Ms Rini.”
Ms. Rini : “Sorry, Marsha. I have to leave first. See you in the lesson.”
Ms. Rini : “It doesn’t matter, Ma’am. See you.”

16. What does Marsha do for Ms. Rini? She ….

A. reads the book
B. brings the books
C. buys the books
D. borrows the book

17. Where will Marsha put the books?

A. At the teacher office
B. In front of the class
C. In the library
D. At the library
18. From the text we know that ….
A. Marsha brings her books to the classroom.
B. Marsha goes to teacher’s office herself.
C. Ms. Rini and Marsha walk together.
D. Ms. Imelda helps Ms. Rini.

19. “Please put them in the teacher’s office…”. The underlined word refers to….
A. the books
B. the tables
C. the offices
D. the students

20. The underlined words are the expression of ….

A. thanking
B. apologizing
C. leave taking
D. asking condition

Mengetahui, Simpang Empat, 10 Juli 2023

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris


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