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Laili Nur Hidayati





Berbagai isu kesehatan memerlukan perhatian dan studi karena
pengaruh global dan ancaman terhadap kehidupan manusia seperti
pertumbuhan penduduk, stressor lingkungan dan pola penyakit.
Berbagai tantangan yang mempengaruhi pelayanan kesehatan dimasa
mendatang akan berpengaruh terhadap peran perawat
Perawat juga harus kompeten secara tehnologi, memiliki kemampuan
manajerial, mengembangkan partnership, memberikan pelayanan dengan
pendekatan budaya
Tantangan revolusi 5.0 yang membutuhkan sentuhan spiritual dan
penelitian Islami sebagai penciri institusi
Penelitian yang mengedepankan promosi Kesehatan yang sesuai dengan
visi misi prodi

Trend adalah hal yang sangat mendasar dalam berbagai pendekatan analisa, tren juga dapat di
definisikan salah satu gambar ataupun informasi yang terjadi pada saat ini yang biasanya sedang
popular di kalangan masayarakat.
Trend adalah sesuatu yang sedang dibicarakan oleh banyak orang saat ini dan kejadiannya
berdasarkan fakta.

Issu adalah suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang dapat diperkirakan terjadi atau tidak terjadi pada
masa mendatang, yang menyangkut ekonomi, moneter, social, politik, hokum, pembanguanan
nasional, bencana alam, hari kiamat, kematian ataupun tentang krisis.
Issu adalah suatu yang sedang di bicarakan oleh banyak namun belum jelas faktanya atau

Nursing Trends in 2023

As the current field of nurses

The medical field, particularly becomes more educated, they
nursing, experienced significant have an opportunity to take
changes during the COVID-19 on expanded roles and fill a
pandemic. drastic need in the years to

1. Online education programs will continue to increase
in popularity

• Key recommendations was to increase the percentage of workers holding a

BSN degree from 50 to 80% by 2020.
• In light of these changes and in the face of the long-term effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the motivation for nurses to pursue higher education is
stronger than ever.
• Online nursing degree programs provide a way for nurses to obtain a degree
while continuing to work full-time, opening the door to higher education
without the need to sacrifice work-related responsibilities or family obligations.
2. Significant job growth for nurses in 2023.

• The numbers are clear: both in the U.S. and globally, there is a shortage
of Registered Nurses that is expected to intensify as the Baby Boomer
population ages, the need for care providers grows and health care
workers deal with the long-term effects of COVID-19.
• The nursing shortage intensified due to the COVID-19 pandemic as
hospitals and other health care environments struggle under
unprecedented patient loads.

3. Higher education degrees will become the norm.

• Another 2023 nursing trend we expect to see is growth in the number

of nurses pursuing higher education
• Several independent studies have shown that an increase in RNs holding
at least a BSN degree decreases the risk of patient mortality.
• With such strong evidence that more education leads to better patient
outcomes and nursing degrees trending upward, expect higher education
to become the norm for Registered Nurses moving into 2023 and
4. Tele-health services are making it easier for patients
to access care.

• The coronavirus pandemic accelerated the demand for virtual health care. A 2021
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services report found that 23% of respondents
had tele-health appointments in the previous month.
• That’s why we predict telehealth services will continue to be the norm in some
aspects of the nurse’s role in 2023.
• With telehealth technology, patients can manage certain aspects of their own health
care by accessing an online portal to see their test results, schedule appointments and
request prescription refills.
• Virtual appointments enable them to see their nurse or doctor via live video feed.
5. Bilingual nurses will be more valued.

• Bilingualism is becoming increasingly valued as a skill for nurses to have.

• Nurses who speak a second language, may be more attractive to
employers than monolingual nurses in 2023.

6. More nurses will choose to specialize

• Nurses today are expected to specialize, a trend that will only continue
in 2023.
• Nursing is a career with greater demand at higher levels of practice than
entry-level ones.
• Nurses who choose to specialize find that they are in higher demand and
can often command higher salaries.

7. The proportion of male nurses will continue to rise.

• Nursing remains a female-dominated profession, but there is a slow but steady

growth of men in the field.
• The American Association for Men in Nursing continues to advocate for greater
numbers of men in nursing programs throughout the United States and the world.
• Since 1960, there has been a clear trend toward increasing numbers of male nurses.
• The share of nurses who are male went up from 2.2% in 1960 to 12% in 2019. As
stigma fades and more men realize the benefits of a career in nursing, we expect the
proportion of male nurses to increase.

Presentation title 12
8. More focus will be placed on holistic care.

• Holistic care is a method for treating the whole patient. Holistic nurses
recognize each patient’s unique physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and
environmental strengths and weaknesses.
• The global body of evidence about the benefits of holistic care is

Presentation title 13
9. Nurses with technological skills will be in
high demand
• Technology is ever-present in the modern world of health care, and the pace of
reliance on technology only increased with the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Nurses today use a wide range of technologically driven approaches to increase
their efficiency, including Electronic Health Records to track health history and
Smart Beds to optimize patient positioning.
• Nurses’ use of mobile devices is also rising. Between 2017 and 2022, a Zebra
Technologies study predicts that the percentage of bedside nurses who use
mobile devices in their practice increased from 65 to 97%. The same study shows
that mobile technology can improve cost-savings, care quality and patient safety.
• Technology in nursing is here to stay, and nurses will need to become confident
and comfortable with it at an increasing pace.

Presentation title 14
10. The field of health informatics will
become more mainstream.
In response to the influx of health care technology, a brand new field has arisen: health informatics.

This growing specialization uses data collected by information technology systems to create a more collaborative
environment between a patient and his or her various health care providers.

One survey by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society found that respondents reported a direct
positive impact on the quality of care patients received as a result of the work of informatics nurses.

With a high average salary and a very good job outlook, this specialization should attract even more interest in 2023.

Presentation title 15
11. Patients are becoming more educated.
• In the era of smart devices, more people are constantly consuming more
information. This includes health-related information.
• Nurses can now expect to see patients who have already researched their
conditions or symptoms online and may have an understanding of which
medications might be right for them based on pharmaceutical
advertisements they have seen.
• Nurses in 2023, especially Family Nurse Practitioners, must be prepared to
serve a more educated patient population by listening to the patient’s own
views about their health condition and synthesizing this information with the
nurse’s own professional knowledge and expertise

Presentation title 16
12. The demand for geriatric specialists will rise

• More geriatric nurses will be required to deal with an aging and ailing
population of Baby Boomers.
• New nurses entering the field in 2023 may wish to be at the forefront of
this highly sought-after specialty by becoming certified in Geriatric Care

Presentation title 17
13. There will be a growing role for nurses in
health equity efforts
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines health
equity as when “every person has the opportunity to ‘attain his or her full
health potential’.”
• There are millions of patients who face inequities due to one or more social
determinants of health including:
✓ Housing insecurity
✓ Lack of access to healthy food
✓ Racial discrimination
✓ Poor air and water quality
• Nurses encounter the consequences of these determinants in their daily work.
• Social and economic inequalities were magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic,
leaving front-line health workers to find solutions for their patients.

Presentation title 20
Populasi →Kecenderungan penduduk lansia
Peningkatan jumlah penduduk usia lanjut : 50% tinggal
di masyarakat & perlu bantuan ADL → perlu
pelayanan HHN
→The elder boom
• Meningkatnya populasi usia > 60 tahun secara
dramatis : kebutuhan, masalah, membawa perubahan.
Hal ini menimbulkan tantangan peningkatan cost,
perubahan ketersediaan pelayanan kesehatan
• Pelayanan dengan teknologi tinggi dapat mengakomodasi
kebutuhan usia lanjut secara spesifik
• Issue keamanan & rasa nyaman memerlukan perhatian
• Perkembangan IPTEK mendukung kebutuhan akibat
gangguan sensori & kebutuhan intelektual
• Fasilitas rekreasi, pendidikan dan komunikasi

Perlu pengembangan model baru dari fasilitas→ long term

Issue …

Sistem kesehatan yang komprehensif → penekanan pada preventif & pola hidup sehat, long term care, jaminan kesehatan

Pola penyakit : dari penyakit infeksi ➔ penyakit kronis & Penyakit degeneratif

2. Pendidikan → training tentang perawatan lansia

3. Keamanan sosial

4. Diskriminasi

5. Perumahan

6. Ekonomi→ meningkatkan kontribusi sektor swasta & pemerintah

Presentation title 23

Riset mempunyai dampak yang cukup berarti dalam keperawatan gerontik :

Lansia merupakan populasi berisiko→ perlu penelitian sebagai
pedoman dalam praktik
Perawat dapat memberikan wawasan tentang isu-isu klinik, membantu
mengumpulkan data dan mengimplementasikan hasil penelitian
Lingkup penelitian : pendekatan spiritual lansia, kepikunan,
inkontinensia, penggunaan restrain, luka dekubitus, jatuh, kelompok
pendukung, kelompok swabantu
Trend dan Isu Keperawatan Jiwa

Kesehatan jiwa Trend Kecenderungan Kecenderungan Globalisasi dan

dimulai masa peningkatan kasus dalam penyebab situasi di era perubahan
konsepsi kesehatan jiwa gangguan jiwa global orientasi sehat

Kecenderungan Meningkatnya Trend bunuh diri Kasus AIDS &
post traumatik
penyakit jiwa kasus psikososial pada anak NAPZA

Pattern of Perspektif life Kasus ekonomi &

parenting span history kemiskinan

Presentation title 25
“ Jangan pernah menganggap diri kita
sebagai perawat yang sudah selesai….kita
harus belajar sepanjang hidup kita

Ethics in research
Ethic caring→ sikap lemah lembut, jujur, rasa percaya, menerima &
menyadari keterbatasan klien, harapan, mendorong klien berkembang

Keputusan etik dalam memberikan pelayanan

Peran advokasi

Informed consent & human subject

Melindungi hak klien dari ketidakberdayaan & faktor risiko

Presentation title 27
Thank you

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