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Liliani M Tjikoe
Dr. Pembimbing : dr. Juliani,Sp.A


merupakan virus RNA
strand positif terbesar.
Coronavirus tersusun
partikel berselubung,
berukuran 80-160 nm
yang mengandung
genom tak bersegmen.
Nukleokapsid heliks
berdiameter 9-11 nm.

Corona virus memiliki

4 protein penting
diantara adalah :
1. S (spike) protein
2. HE protein (65kD)
3. M (membran)
4. E (envelope) protein
(9-12kD), dan N
protein (60kD).




Coronavirus pada manusia pertama kali

teridentifikasi pada pertengahan tahun 1960.
terdapat 6 jenis coronavirus yang dapat
menginfeksi manusia. Beberapa di antaranya
adalah :
Alpha coronaviruses 229E
Beta coronaviruses OC43,
SARS-CoV (the coronavirus that causes
severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
Alpha coronaviruses NL63 (2004)
Beta coronaviruses HKU1 (2005) and
Novel coronavirus or MERS-CoV (the
coronavirus that causes Middle East

Replikasi dimulai dari
masuknya virus
tersebut pada membran
sitoplasma sel
melekat pada reseptor
sel (N aminopeptidase)
melalui glikoprotein
yang terletak pada
membran selubung
virus (melalui E2 atau
E3) partikel
melalui endositosis
absorptif Glikoprotein
E2 penyatuan


Setelah penyatuan selubung sel sintesis

polimerase RNA yang bergantung pada RNA
spesifik virus RNA genomic menyandi suatu
poliprotein polymerase RNA virus.
Molekul RNA genomik yang baru berinteraksi
dengan protein nukleokapsid membentuk
nukleokapsid heliks berkembang melalui
selaput retikulum endoplasmik kasar dan
apparatus Golgi pada daerah yang mengandung
glikoprotein virus Virus matang dibawa
dalam vesikel ke bagian tepi sel menunggu
hingga sel mati untuk dilepaskan.


Corona virus diduga berpengaruh

terhadap terjadinya common cold sebesar
penyebab 15%, dan berimplikasi terhadap
terjadinya infeksi saluran pernafasan
bawah, croup, exaserbasi asma,
bronchiolitis, dan pneumonia.
Selain itu pada beberapa penilitian
coronavirus dapat menyebabkan
terjadinya enteritis atau colitis pada bayi


Selain pada manusia, jenis coronavirus

dapat menyebabkan penyakit tertentu
pada hewan. Jenis tersebut diketahui
adalahporcinecoronavirus (
transmissible gastroenteritis coronaviru
, TGE) danbovinecoronavirus, dimana
transmisi kedua jenis virus tersebut
dapat menyebabkan terjadinya diare
pada hewan.


Infectious bronchitis virus(IBV) causesavian infectious bronchitis.

Porcine coronavirus (transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus ofpigs,
Bovine coronavirus(BCV), responsible for severe profuse enteritis in
of young calves.
Feline coronavirus(FCoV) causes mild enteritis incatsas well as
severeFeline infectious peritonitis (other variants of the same virus).
the two types ofcanine coronavirus(CCoV) (one causing enteritis,
the other found in respiratory diseases).
Turkey coronavirus(TCV) causes enteritis inturkeys.
Ferret enteric coronaviruscauses epizootic catarrhal enteritis in
Ferret systemic coronaviruscauses FIP-like systemic syndrome in
Pantropic canine coronavirus

MERS (Middle East

Respiratory Syndrome)


Most people confirmed to have MERS-CoV

infection have had severe acute respiratory
illness with symptoms of:
shortness of breath
Some people also had gastrointestinal symptoms
including diarrhea and nausea/vomiting, but
Some infected people had mild symptoms (such
as cold-like symptoms) or no symptoms at all;
they recovered.


For many people with MERS, more severe

complications followed, such as pneumonia and
kidney failure. About 3-4 out of every 10 people
reported with MERS have died. Most of the
people who died had an underlying medical
Based on what researchers know so far, people
with pre-existing medical conditions (diabetes;
cancer; and chronic lung, heart, and kidney
disease. Individuals with weakened immune
systems) may be more likely to become infected
with MERS-CoV, or have a severe case.


Initial outbreak in SE Asia

Hong Kong and Singapore first
Disease originated in China
Originally thought to be from wild
game markets
Palm civet cat - Paradoxurus
Raccoon dog - Nyctereutes procyonoides

SARS Pathogenesis

Virus is transmitted by respiratory and fecal routes

Infection is mediated by human angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (hACE2) receptor
High expression
Lung alveolar epithelial cells
Intestinal enterocytes
Low expression
Blood vessels (virtually all organs)
Cause of death is lung failure

Pulmonary Inflammation of SARS

Pathologic findings of lung tissue sections. A: Pulmonary congestion and edema (H&E stain,
original magnification x100). B: A mild degree of interstitial lymphocytic infiltration. Intraalveolar organizing exudative lesion was occasionally found. Detached atypical pneumocytes
indicated by arrow (H&E stain, original magnification x200). C: Atypical multinucleated
pneumocytes were occasionally identified. Definite viral inclusion was not apparent (H&E
stain, original magnification x400). D: Fibrin thrombi were frequently noted in small pulmonary
arteries and arterioles (H&E stain, original magnification x200).


In general, SARS begins with :

High fever (temperature greater than
100.4F [>38.0C])
Headache, an overall feeling of
discomfort, and body aches
Some people also have mild respiratory
symptoms at the outset.
About 10% - 20% patients have diarrhea.
After 2 to 7 days, SARS patients may
develop a dry cough. Most patients
develop pneumonia.


Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent any of MERSCoV infection or SARS infection.

CDC reventive actions:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20
seconds, and help young children do the same. If
soap and water are not available, use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you
cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with
unwashed hands.
Avoid personal contact, such as kissing, or sharing
cups or eating utensils, with sick people
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such
as to and doorknobs.

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