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Paradigma Baru Pembangunan

dan Perencanaan Daerah

Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, PhD

Faculty of Economics & Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada
1. Endogenous Development Approach
2. Components of Local Economic
Development (Leigh & Blakely, 2013)
3. Virtuous Circle of Local Economic
Development (Stimson et al., 2009)
Pendekatan pembangunan
yang bersifat endogenous
berkembang pada awalnya di Eropa, Amerika
Utara, dan Jepang pada pertengahan 1970-an
pendekatan pembangunan berbasis lokal
(endogenous development approach)
upaya untuk menciptakan model
pertumbuhan ekonomi berbasiskan komunitas
(community-based economic growth)
lebih bersifat bottom-up
Endogenous Development
1. Massey (1984): suatu pendekatan pembangunan
kewilayahan (territorial approach) dalam proses
pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perubahan struktural
yang dimotori oleh komunitas lokal dan
memanfaatkan potensi-potensi lokal dalam
pembangunan untuk memperbaiki tingkat
kehidupan penduduk lokal.
2. ITP (2007): strategi pembangunan yang terutama
sekali didasarkan - tetapi tidak sepenuhnya - pada
sumberdaya lokal, pengetahuan lokal, budaya dan
kepemimpinan lokal, dengan keterbukaan untuk
memadukan pengetahuan tradisional dan yang
berasal dari luar.
Karakteristik Utama
Endogenous Development
Ray (1997):
1. penekanan pada pendekatan wilayah bukan sektoral
2. kegiatan ekonomi dan pembangunan lainnya
diarahkan untuk memaksimumkan manfaat bagi
daerah lokal melalui pemanfaatan sumberdaya lokal,
fisikal maupun manusianya
3. pembangunan dikontekstualkan melalui pemusatan
perhatian terhadap kebutuhan, kapasitas, dan
perspektif masyarakat lokal, yang berarti bahwa suatu
wilayah seyogyanya mengembangkan kapasitasnya
untuk melakukan pembangunan sosio-ekonomi yang
khas wilayah tersebut.
Mühlighaus & Walty (2001):
1. Optimalisasi endogenous potentials (identifikasi
potensi-potensi lokal: peluang, SDA, SDM,
kemampuan sosial, modal sosial, dsb)
2. Peningkatan ekonomi regional (otonomi ekonomi
3. Sustainable development (aspek ekonomi, ekologis,
dan sosial yang setara)
4. Partisipasi (local participation)
5. Pengembangan identitas regional (prideness)
Components of Local Economic
Development (Leigh & Blakely, 2013)
Component Old Concept New Concept
Physical location (near A quality of environment and
Locality natural resources, strong community capacity
transportation, markets) multiply natural advantages for
enhances economic economic growth
Export base industries and Cluster of competitive
Business and firms create jobs and industries linked in a regional
Economic Base stimulate increased local network of all types of firms
business create new growth and income
More firms create more Comprehensive skill
Employment jobs, even if many are development and technological
Resources minimum wage innovation lead to quality jobs
and higher wages
Single-purpose Collaborative partnerships of
Community organizations can many community groups are
Resources enhance economic needed to establish a broad
opportunities in the foundation for competitive
communities industries
A ‘Virtuous Circle’ untuk
Pembangunan Regional (Stimson et al.,
3 Pilar Pembangunan
Regional Endogen (RED)
(Stimson et al., 2009)

1. Kepemimpinan (leadership)
2. Kelembagaan (institutions)
3. Resource Endowment and Market
Fit (REM)
Regional Competitiveness
Performance Cube (RCPC)
Kerangka Model Baru bagi
Pembangunan Regional Endogen
(Stimson et al., 2009)
Arti Penting Kepemimpinan
Stimson et al. (2002) :
kepemimpinan untuk pembangunan ekonomi
regional tidak didasarkan pada hubungan hirarkhis,
tetapi lebih pada hubungan kolaboratif antara pelaku-
pelaku kelembagaan yang mencakup sektor publik,
privat, dan masyarakat dan didasarkan pada rasa
saling percaya (mutual trust) dan kerjasama

Jadi, kepemimpinan berkaitan dengan:

 Pembagian kekuasaan (shared power)
 Keluwesan (flexibility)
 Entrepreneurialisme
Komponen Kunci Kepemimpinan
Regional yang Efektif
1. Kolaborasi: pernyataan tentang visi dan
implementasi proses untuk barang kolektif – dan
untuk semua komunitas – dari suatu daerah.
2. Saling percaya (trust): hal esensial bagi kolaborasi
yang efektif. Pemimpin dengan para pengikutnya
harus memiliki rasa saling percaya untuk berbagi
risiko dalam tindakan kolektif. Jika tidak ada rasa
saling percaya, pandangan dari para pemimpin
akan sulit sulit diterima.
3. Pembagian kekuasaan (shared power): ditandai
oleh power distance yang rendah dan
desentralisasi kekuasaan.
4. Keluwesan (flexibility): sangat diperlukan untuk
inovasi dan berpikir kreatif.
5. Entrepreneurialisme: kepemimpinan komunitas
menunjukkan karakteristik entrepreneurial,
percaya akan perubahan, dan menginisiasi untuk
meng-energize- daerah untuk menghadapi
tantangan persaingan dan menyesuaikan diri
dengan lingkungan yang dibutuhkan untuk
perubahan tersebut, dan hal ini membutuhkan
kapasitas dan kemauan untuk menghadapi
perilaku yang berisiko.
Resource Endowments
dan Kesesuaian Pasar
1. Ukuran/luas daerah
2. SDA, seperti: iklim, tanah, topografis, dan materials.
3. Lokasi dan aset lingkungan
4. Sejarah basis ekonomi, struktur industri, dan
5. Entrepreneurship
6. Modal untuk investasi
7. Posisi kompetitif
8. Penduduk dan modal insani
9. Teknologi dan infrastruktur lainnya
10. Akses ke pasar; ekonomi aglomerasi, dst.
• Institusi mempercepat akumulasi modal (Vazquez-Barquero,
2002), karena:
1. Menurunkan biaya transformasi dan produksi
2. Meningkatkan trust antar aktor ekonomi dan sosial
3. Memperbaiki kapasitas entrepreneurial
4. Meningkatkan mekanisme pembelajaran (learning) dan
5. Memperkuat networks dan kerjasama antar para aktor
• Berdasarkan studi TFPG dan kinerja ekonomi Asia Timur dan Asia
Tenggara, Rodrik (1998) menemukan:
1. Perbedaan kualitas lembaga pemerintah merupakan salah
satu penyebab variasi kinerja ekonomi antar daerah.
2. Kualitas institusi pemerintah merupakan hal penting bagi
lanjutan Institusi…
• Faktor kunci berkaitan dengan tata kelola (Rodrik, 1998):
1. Kualitas birokrasi, khususnya otonomi dari tekanan
politik, keahlian dan efisiensi dalam pengadaan jasa
pemerintah, dan moda rekrutmen dan pelatihan
yang bagus;
2. Peraturan perundang-undangan, khususnya institusi
politik yang baik, peradilan yang kuat, dan suksesi
kekuatan politik yang tertata baik;
3. risk of expropriation, particularly relating to the
possibility of confiscation and forced nationalization;
4. repudiation of contracts by government, including
postponement, scaling down due to budget cuts, and
changes in government priorities.
Kerangka Kelembagaan yang
Membentuk Outcome Kebijakan
1. Lingkungan institusi politik
2. Sifat eksekutif pemerintah
3. Ketidakpastian dan pergantian kepemimpinan
4. Kendala eksternal terhadap pilihan-pilihan kebijakan
5. Kolaborasi antara-kelembagaan dan interaksi jejaring
6. Rasa saling percaya sebagai alat tata kelola
7. Desentralisasi kelembagaan
8. Budaya organisasi
9. Budaya tata kelola (governance)
Entrepreneurship dalam
Pembangunan Regional
1. Entrepreneurship in leadership-driven regional economic
development is different from the concept as applied in the
private sector where the motivation for entrepreneurial
discovery and innovation is deeper than the direct profit
motive. Sometimes this form of leadership is referred to as
civic leadership and involves private and public
2. Traditionally entrepreneurs are motivated by the promise of
‘pure profits’, the private or public entrepreneur in the
regional development process is differently motivated.
3. Entrepreneurship in regional economic development is
not directly, at least, a response to the lure for pure profits
but rather to the lure of maintenance and sustainability of
one’s family and business and position:
 leadership-led development are often motivated by what
we call here ‘love of region’ that stems from longer term,
often intergenerational ties to their place through legacy
effects related to their family and/or their business
 motivated by responsibility to their region and the
improvement of the social or community milieu it is
personal benefit of their family and business that is
often at the core of their motivation to help implement
change that will enhance economic sustainability of
their region.
Karakteristik Kepemimpinan
Entrepreneurial yang Mendorong
Pembangunan Ekonomi Regional
1. It believes in change and initiative to
‘energize’ it to meet competitive challenges
and to keep progressing. In short, leadership
needs to exhibit discovery, opportunistic and
innovative behavior.
2. It possesses insights to enable it to identify
opportunities and pursue innovative ideas to
improve or adapt a region’s environment to
meet the needed challenges facing it through
‘new combinations’ or innovation in
institutional arrangements
Tindakan Entrepreneurial
1. Using new methods to create location-specific
advantages for producing goods/services or other
urban activities to shift the economic base of the city.
Examples include technopoles, agglomeration
economies, and so on.
2. Introduction of new types of urban place or space for
producing, servicing, working, consuming, living, and
so on. Examples can include gateways, intelligent
cities, multicultural cities, creative cities, and so on.
3. Refiguring or redefining the urban hierarchy and/or
altering the position of a given city within it.
Examples include the development of a regional
gateway, hubs, and so on.
4. Finding new sources of supply to enhance
competitive advantage. Examples include attracting
inward investment or reskilling the work force.
Therefore, the focus on this factor will be on the
tendency shown by the community to undertake
entrepreneurial local initiatives.
5. Opening new markets, whether by place-marketing
specific cities in new areas and/or modifying the
spatial division of consumption through enhancing
the quality of life for residents, commuters or visitors.
6. Finding new sources of supply to enhance
competitive advantages. Examples include changing
the cultural mix of the cities, finding new sources of
funding, or re-skilling the workforce.
Karakteristik Entrepreneurship
dalam konteks
Pembangunan Ekonomi
1. Metoda-metoda baru,
2. Industri baru,
3. Institusi baru,
4. Metoda-metoda pembiayaan/pendanaan
5. Penyediaan infrastruktur fisik dan
kelembagaan yang baru dan berbeda,
6. Pemain-pemain baru.
Variabel-variabel untuk
Model Operasional RED
• Regional economic development and growth over
time is represented as follows:

RED = f [(RE, M) mediated by (I, L, E)]

RED = endogenous growth in region, measured as:

– the aggregate regional differential shift
component value in a shift–share analysis using
employment or revenue/income as the metric
– an employment-based location quotient
measuring change over time (but this might not
explicitly capture just the effect of endogenous
RE = resource endowments:
1. area size of the region
2. climate
3. Topography
4. agglomeration of industry key sectors (measured by Location
Quotients for employment in industry sectors)
5. population size and rate of growth/decline
6. education levels (a derived index of human capital) and literacy
7. per capita income, income distribution, and income distribution
change over time
8. housing ownership
9. investment in industrial and commercial construction, benchmarked
10. the region’s national share vis-à-vis its national share of population
11. infrastructure investment (per capita), such as on roads, schools,
hospitals, and so on
12. industrial structure and change in industrial structure (measured by
an industrial diversity index)
13. regional organizational slack
M = market fit:
1. basic economic activity in major industry sectors (measured
by Location Quotients for employment in industry sectors)
2. airline connections with other regions/cities
3. road freight in/out movements
4. volume and value of exports in core competitive locally
produced commodities and services.

L = leadership:
1. the degree of change/stability in local political leadership
2. expert assessment of leadership quality
3. corporate headquarters located in the region
4. density of business and community organizations per
10,000 population
E = entrepreneurship:
1. churn rate or business start-up rate
2. number of small firms as a proportion of all firms
3. venture capital activity
4. corporate venturing activity
5. patents issued per 10,000 workers
6. Location Quotient of employment in ‘symbolic analyst’

We would argue that RED is positively related to RE, M, L, I and E,

but that there are likely to be lead and lag effects in the short to
intermediate run, and perhaps cyclical effects in the longer run.

REDt = REt–1 + Mt–1 + (It–1 to It–10/10) + Lt–2 + Et–2 + e

I = institutions:
1. institutional thickness (corporate and community organizations
per 10,000 population)
2. layers of government/government fragmentation
3. formal institutions of governance, measured by number of
public agencies per 10,000 population
4. number of headquarters of major corporations (for example
Fortune 1000 firms)
5. value foundation capitalization per 10,000 population
6. government fragmentation
7. level of regional organizations (number and budget level)
8. index of social capital
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