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Dr. Dwi Nur Ahsani, M.Sc

Depatemen histologi FK UII
Tujuan belajar

 Histologi sistem pencernaan bagian atas (1)

 Mulut – lambung
 Kelenjar salivarius
 Histologi sistem pencernaan bagian bawah (2)
 Usus halus – anus
 Hepar dan pankreas
Sistem pencernaan
 Tersusun atas :
1. Cavum oris
2. Saluran pencernaan (alimentary canal) dan
3. organ kelenjar
 Fungsi : ingesti, mastikasi, deglutisi, digestion,
absorbsi makanan, dan elimination sisa makanan
yang tidak tercerna
Cavum oris

 Struktur di cavum oris : Labium oris, Gigi dan ginggiva,

Lingua, Palatum (durum dan molle) dan faring
 Epitel pelapis : skuamous kompleks yang bervariasi
tergantung pada lokasinya
1. Regio ginggiva, dorsum lidah dan palatum durum dilapisi
epitel skuamous kompleks dengan keratin yang tipis-tebal
(masticatory mucosa)
2. Daerah yang lain dilapisi epitel skuamous kompleks tanpa
keratin (lining mucosa) : mukosa pipi, palatum molle dan
3. specialized mucosa : dorsum lidah, palatum molle dan
Rongga mulut : faring
 karakteristik tambahan pada faring :
 banyak struktur nodus limfatikus.
 serabut elastin lebih tebal dibandingkan daerah lainnya.
 Tunika mukosa banyak glandula salivarius mukositus kecil.
Labium oris
 memiliki gambaran histologis yang berbeda-beda tergantung
pada lokasinya.

Lokasi Karakteristik
- Epitel skuamous kompleks dengan kornifikasi
Pars kutan - Dermis : kelenjar sudorifera, sebacea maupun folikel
- Subkutis : jaringan lemak
Pars rubra - Epitel skuamous kompleks dengan sedikit kornifikasi
(vermillion dengan rete apparatus sangat berkembang
) - Dermis : Banyak pembuluh darah, Tidak dijumpai
kelenjar sudorifera dan folikel rambut, Kelenjar
sebacea non fungsional
Pars Mukosa :
mukosa - epitel skuamous kompleks tanpa kornifikasi
- Lamina propria : banyaknya kelenjar labialis
Labium oris
Pars vermilion
Cavum oris : Gigi
 Terdapat 2 jenis gigi :
 Gigi desidua/ gigi susu ( 20 buah) dan
 Gigi permanen/ gigi dewasa (32 buah,12 diantaranya merupakan
gigi molar)
Gigi/ dentes

 terhubung ke alveolus melalui

ligamentum periodontal
 anatomi gigi : bagian mahkota,
bagian leher dan bagian akar.
 Bagian luar : jaringan yang
termineralisasi (enamel/ email,
dentin, dan cementum)
 Cementum melapisi dentin pada
bagian akar
 Enamel melapisi dentin pada bagian
permukaan (mahkota)
 Cementum dan enamel berhubungan
di bagian leher gigi (cervix)
 Bagian dalam : jaringan ikat (pulpa),
vaskuler, saraf
 foramen apikal : tempat masuk dan
keluarnya pembuluh darah dan saraf
Gigi : Enamel/ email
 translucent, bagian yang paling keras
 nonvital : amelobast mati sebelum gigi
erupsi, tidak dapat mengalami regenerasi
 tersusun atas :
1. air
2. calcium hydroxyapatite (96%)
3. mineral organik material (4%) : keratin-
like, glikoprotein dengan berat molekul
yang tinggi yaitu tyrosine-rich enamelins
yang kaya akan tirosin dan juga tuftlein
Gigi : Dentin
 Bagian terkeras kedua setelah email,
Berwarna kekuningan
 Elastisitas tinggi : melindungi fraktur pada
 Tersusun atas: air, calcium hydroxyapatite
(65-70%), material organik (20-25%) :
terutama kolagen tipe I yang terhubung
dengan proteoglikan dan glikoprotein
 dibentuk oleh odontoblast yang terus
fungsional sehingga mampu regenerasi
 odontoblast : berada di perifer pulpa,
processus terhubung dengan dentin
(penuaan mengakibatkan cavum pulpa
menjadi sempit)
Gigi : Cementum
 Tersusun atas: air, calcium hydroxyapatite
(50%), material organik (50%) : terutama
kolagen tipe I yang terhubung dengan
proteoglikan dan glikoprotein
 Dibentuk oleh cementoblast

 Struktur histologis menyerupai tulang :

1. cementosit berada di dalam lakuna,
2. prosesus sel terhubung dengan pembuluh darah di lig. Periodontal melalui
3. Odontoclast meresorbsi cementum dan dentin pada bagian akar (resorbsi gigi
4. serabut sharpey (kolagen lig. Periodontal) menghubungkan cementum dengan
 Lapisan luar : mengandung sementosit (celluler cementum) dan
 Lapisan dalam : tidak mengandung sementosit (acelluler cementum) dan
Gigi : Cementum
Gigi : pulpa
 Berisi jaringan ikat yang kaya akan proteoglikan dan
 Mengandung banyak pembuluh darah, pembuluh limfe
dan syaraf
 Berhubungan dengan lig. Priodontal melalui apeks
 serabut saraf di pulpa :
1. sympathetic (vasomotor) : tonus pembuluh darah
2. serabut saraf sensoris : transmisi sensasi nyeri.
 sebagian serabut saraf sensoris bersinaps dengan
odontoblast dan
 sebagian penetrasi ke dentinal tubul.
gigi : Pulpa
 Secara konsentris tersusun atas beberapa lapisan
(mulai dari dalam ke luar) :
1. tengah (core) : kaya jaringan ikat namun sedikit sel
lemak, vaskularisasi sangat tinggi, terdapat
denticles (jaringan yang terkalsifikasi)
2. cell-rich zone : mengandung fibroblasts dan sel
mesenchymal cells
3. cell-free zone : tidak mengandung sel
4. odontoblastic zone : tersusun atas selapis sel
Ligamentum Periodontal
 Serabut jaringan ikatnya (serabut sharpey)
menghubungkan cementum dengan soket alveolus
 Memungkinkan pergerakan gigi yang terbatas dan
mencegah penghantaran tekanan secara langsung
ke tulang (mencegah resorbsi tulang)
 Kolagennya memiliki turnover rate yang tinggi
(immature tissue).
Tulang Alveolus
Alveolus :
 Merupakan bentuk tulang yang imatur (primary bone) : serabut
kolagen tidak tersusun lamelar
 Bagian tulang alveolus yang berada di bagian akar gigi akan
membentuk soket
 Pembuluh darah :
alveolus lig. Periodontal di bagian akar gigi (perforating
vessel) foramen apical pulpa
Hard palate

 masticatory mucosa
 oral aspect :
 wet stratified squamous keratinized (or parakeratinized)
 dense, irregular collagenous connective tissue.
 anterior lateral region : clusters of adipose tissue,
 posterior lateral aspect : acini of mucous minor salivary
nasal aspect : respiratory epithelium with occasional patches
of stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium.
Soft palate
lining mucosa
 wet stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
 a subjacent dense, irregular collagenous connective tissue
housing mucous minor salivary glands (continuous with those
of the hard palate).
nasal aspect, like that of the hard palate (pseudostratified
ciliated columnar type).

posterior extension (the uvula) :

 similar to that of the soft palate, but its epithelium is composed
solely of stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
 its core is composed of skeletal muscle that is responsible for
its movement
 exposed to strenuous frictional forces,
 stratified squamous epithelium is either fully keratinized
(orthokeratinized) or partially keratinized (parakeratinized)
 Deep to the epithelium is a dense, irregular collagenous connective
tissue whose type I collagen fibers form principal fiber groups that
resemble those of the periodontal ligament
 The 1- to 2-mm-deep space between the gingiva and the tooth is
the gingival sulcus.
 attaches to the enamel surface by the formation of
 junctional epithelium :
 region of the gingival epithelium that attaches to the enamel
surface (forms a collar around the neck of the tooth).
 forms a robust barrier between the bacteria-laden oral cavity
and the sterile environment of the gingival connective tissue.
Lingua  dilapisi oleh epitel skuamous kompleks
 terbagi atas 2 fasies :
1. ventral : tanpa gambaran papilla
2. dorsal : gambaran papilla (2/3 anterior) dan
tonsila (1/3 posterior)

Jenis papilla karakteristik

papilla paling banyak dijumpai, bentuk conus dengan lapisan
filiformis keratin yang tebal dan tidak memiliki taste bud.
papilla berbentuk seperti jamur dengan lapisan keratin yang
fungiformis tipis dan memiliki taste bud pada bagian
papilla foliata tidak berkembang pada dewasa, pada bagian lateral
lingua, berbentuk seperti bukit yang parallel, taste
bud pada bagian sisinya
papilla  ukuran terbesar, didepan sulkus terminalis,
circumvalatta banyak terdapat taste bud.
(vallata)  Ductus dari kelenjar salivarius yang bersifat serous
bermuara disekitar papilla ini.
Taste bud (kuncup
 Taste bud
 Fungsi : mengenali berbagai modalitas rasa

Macam Sumber
Manis gula dan komponen organic
Asin zat dengan ion logam
Pahit zat yang mengandung alkaloid ataupun zat toksin
Umami zat yang mengandung asam amino tertentu
seperti glutamate
Taste bud
 Taste bud merespon lebih dari 1 jenis submodalitas
 Pengenalan submodalitas rasa dipengaruhi oleh :
1.kultur dan psikologis.
2.Konsentrasi :
 Konsentrasi yang berbeda akan memberikan
sensasi rasa yang berbeda (cth : kina)
 Pengecualian pada sukrosa dan Nacl :
konsentrasi yang berbeda akan memberikan
sensasi yang sama.
 Modalitas rasa : Ada integrasi dengan informasi
viseral dan somatik sensorik, NX untuk gastric
motility, visual, olfaksi
Modalitas rasa
 It is believed that although every taste bud can discern each of the
five sensations, each taste bud specializes in two of the five
 The reaction to these taste modalities is due to the presence of
specific ion channels (salty and sour) and G protein-coupled
membrane receptors (bitter, sweet, and umami) in the
plasmalemma of the cells of the taste bud.
 Recently, another receptor was localized on taste buds, CD36, a
fatty acid transporter, that has the ability to detect fat and some
individuals prefer foods that are fatty.
 The process of complex taste perception is due more to the
olfactory apparatus than to the taste buds, as evidenced by
the decreased taste ability of people with nasal congestion from
Taste bud (histologi)
 organ berbentuk ovoid yang tersusun atas 50-75
Sel kuncup Karakteristik
Sel gustatory 50% sel penyusun taste bud, berbentuk panjang
dengan turn over 7-10 hari.
Bagian basal : sinaps serabut saraf sensori
bagian apical : gambaran microvilli (taste hairs)
di dalam porus (taste pore)

Sel penyokong bersifat immature

Sel punca banyak pada daerah basal, berdifferensiasi
menjadi sel penyokong dan/ sel gustatori. 

Basal cells give rise to dark cells, which mature

into light cells, which become intermediate cells
and die. Nerve fibers enter the taste bud and
form synaptic junctions with type I, type II, and
Taste buds
Kelenjar salivarius

 Fungsi :
pembentukan saliva.

Jenis glandula Karakteristik

Mayor  Berukuran besar
 Macam : gland. parotis, sublingual dan submandibular
 menyusun 90% komposisi saliva
Minor  kelenjar kecil yang terdapat dilapisan mukosa ataupun
 Macam : gland. glossopalatinal, labial, bukal, dan
Kelenjar salivarius
Macam Karakteristik

Mukositus  glandula palatina : sel asini dengan sitoplasma jernih

dan nucleus pipih di basal
 memproduksi musin dan asam sialat

Serositus  glandula parotis : sitoplasma yang berbulir kasar dan

inti sel yang bulat.
 memproduksi prolin dan histatin.

Mixtus  memiliki kedua gambaran asini (mukositus dan juga

 ada gambaran semilunar serosa/ gianuzzi (asinus
mukositus dilingkupi asinus serositus pada bagian luar)
 Penamaan jenis kelenjar ditentukan oleh dominasi
asinus yang ada pada kelenjar tersebut.
Cth : seromukous (dominan serous dibanding mucous)
 glandula seromukous : gland. submandibular
 glandula mukoserous : gland. sublingualis.
Duktus salivarius
Macam duktus Karakteristik
gland. Salivarius

duktus interkalatus  ductus terkecil yang mendekati tiap asinus,

dilapisi oleh epitel kuboid simpleks.
 Sekresi dari sel asinus ke ductus interkalatus
terjadi melalui kontraksi sel mioepitel
(dibagian basal dari sel asini).

Duktus striatus  dilapisi oleh epitel kuboid sampai dengan

kolumner simpleks.
 Epitel ductus mensekresikan kalikrein,
immunoglobulin A dan a bikarbonat.
 bermuara ke ductus intralobularis

Duktus  dilapisi oleh epitel kolumner simpleks,

intralobularis bermuara ke ductus interlobularis.

duktus  dilapisi oleh epitel kolumner simpleks

Histophysiology of saliva
 major salivary glands produce approximately 700 to 1100mL of
saliva per day.
 Minor salivary glands are located in the mucosa and submucosa
of the oral cavity, but they contribute only 5% of the total daily
salivary output.
 salivary glands have an extraordinarily rich vascular supply
(basal rate of blood flow 20 times greater than skeletal
Saliva functions

 lubricating and cleansing of the oral cavity,

 antibacterial activity,
 participating in the taste sensation by dissolving food
 initial digestion via the action of ptyalin (salivary amylase)
and salivary lipase,
 aiding swallowing by moistening the food and permitting the
formation of bolus,
 participating in the clotting process and wound healing
because of the clotting factors and epidermal growth factor
present in saliva.
Histophysiology of saliva

Primary saliva are modified into secondary saliva

 The saliva manufactured by the acinar cells, called primary
saliva, is isotonic with plasma.
 The primary saliva, is modified by the cells of the striated ducts
by removing sodium and chloride ions from it and secreting
potassium and bicarbonate ions into it. Thereafter, the altered
secretion, called secondary saliva, is hypotonic.

Note that :
 Acinar cells and duct cells also synthesize the secretory
component required to transfer IgA from the connective tissue
into the lumen of the secretory acinus (or duct). Secretory IgA
complexes with antigens in the saliva.
Histophysiology of saliva
Saliva also contains :
1. Lactoferrin : binds iron, an element essential for bacterial
2. lysozyme : breaks down bacterial capsules, permitting the
entry of thiocyanate ions, a bactericidal agent, into the
3. enzyme kallikrein : secreted into connective tissue.
Kallikrein enters the bloodstream, where it converts
kininogens, a family of plasma proteins, into bradykinin, a
vasodilator that dilates blood vessels and enhances blood
flow to the region
Histophysiology parotid
 the largest salivary gland, produces 30% of the total output of
 produce a purely serous secretion (eventough the secretory
product has a mucous component).
 The saliva produced by the parotid gland has high levels of
the enzyme salivary amylase (ptyalin) and secretory IgA.
 Salivary amylase is responsible for digestion of most of the starch
in food, and this digestion continues in the stomach until the acidic
chyme inactivates the enzyme.
 Secretory IgA inactivates antigens located in the oral cavity.
Histophysiology sublingual
 the smallest of the three major salivary glands, only about 5%
of the total salivary output.
 serous cells have been shown to secrete lysozyme.
 has a scant connective tissue capsule,
 duct system does not form a terminal duct, several ducts
open into the floor of the mouth and into the duct of the
submandibular gland. (Because of the organization of the ducts,
some authors consider the sublingual gland to be composed of
several smaller glandular subunits).
Histophysiology sumandibular gland
 produces approximately 60% of the total salivary
 About 90% of the acini produce serous saliva, whereas the
remainder of the acini manufacture a mucous saliva.
 The number of serous demilunes is limited.
 The striated ducts of the submandibular gland are much
longer than those of the parotid or sublingual glands (a
characteristic feature of the submandibular gland).
Traktus digestivus
 merupakan saluran tubuler mulai dari cavum oris sampai
dengan anus.
 secara histologis tersusun atas 4 lapisan (tunika) yaitu :
1. Tunika mukosa : terdiri atas jaringan epitel, lamina
propria serta muskularis mukosa
2. Tunika submukosa : mengandung kelenjar pencernaan
dan plexus mesentericus
3. Tunika muskularis : otot polos (sirkuler pada bagian
dalam, longitudinal pada bagian luar) dan plexus
4. Tunika serosa/ adventisia : jaringan ikat longgar
*Tunika serosa : lapisan luar ditutupi mesothelium, Tunika
adventisia : tidak ditutupi mesotelium
Tunika muskularis
 responsible for peristaltic activity
 composed of smooth muscle (except in the esophagus) and
usually organized in an inner circular layer and an outer
longitudinal layer.
 enteric nervous system in muscularis externa :
1. Certain smooth muscle-like cells, (interstitial cells of Cajal),
undergo rhythmic contractions and considered to be the
pacemakers for the contraction of the muscularis externa.
2. Auerbach's myenteric plexus, between these two muscle
layers and regulates the activity of the muscularis externa (and, to
a limited extent, the activity of the mucosa). Auerbach's plexus
also houses postganglionic parasympathetic nerve cell bodies.
Lapisan Karakteristik
Mukosa epitel skuamous kompleks tanpa kornifikasi
Submukosa kelenjar mukositus dan kelenjar oesofageal.
Muskularis Tunika muskularis mukosa menggantikan serat
elastin dari faring (tebal) :
- 1/3 bagian atas : sel otot rangka.
- 1/3 bagian tengah : sel otot polos dan sel otot
- 1/3 bagian bawah : sel otot polos saja
Serosa/ 2/3 proksimal : tunika adventisia sisanya dilapisi
adventisia tunika serosa

The lamina propria :

 esophageal cardiac glands, located in two regions (near the pharynx and
juncture with the stomach).
 lymphoid nodules, members of the MALT system.
The muscularis mucosae :
 consists only of a single layer of longitudinally oriented smooth muscle
fibers that become thicker in the vicinity of the stomach.

The submucosa :
dense, fibroelastic connective tissue, which houses the esophageal glands
proper. their secretory units are composed of two types of cells, mucous
cells and serous cells.

Note that : The secretory granules of these cells contain the proenzyme
pepsinogen and the antibacterial agent lysozyme. The ducts of these glands
deliver their secretions into the lumen of the esophagus.
have two physiological sphincters :
 prevent reflux into the pharynx from the esophagus and into the
esophagus from the stomach, respectively.
(1). the pharyngoesophageal sphincter
(2). the internal and external gastroesophageal sphincters-

The internal gastroesophageal sphincter

 composed of smooth muscle fibers
 located at the region where the esophagus pierces the diaphragm and
joins the stomach.
 The muscle fibers of this sphincter are always in tonus (except at those
times when a bolus is about to pass into the stomach or if a person is
 Additionally, skeletal muscle fibers from the diaphragm encircle the
esophagus and close it during inspiration and during elevation of the
intra-abdominal pressure (as during defecation).
Gaster (ventrikulus)
 dilapisi oleh epitel kolumner simpleks
 Fungsi :
1. eksokrin : mencerna makanan
2. endokrin : sekresi hormon (sel
permukaa Jenis
n lambung
Sejati gastric pits / foveola gastrika : Invaginasi
epitel ventrikulus kedalam lamina propria,
merupakan tempat muara dari kelenjar ventrikuli

Sementara rugae : ventrikulus tidak terisi makanan,

merupakan lipatan dari lapisan mukosa dan
submucosa ventrikulus.
Fundus, korpus :
 Kelenjar gaster lurus
Kardia, pilorus :
 Kelenjar gaster bercabang
 banyak mensekresikan mucous dan
lisozim (lisis dinding bakteri).
 pirolus : pits lebih panjang dari kardia
surface-lining cells, which manufacture a thick layer of mucus,
known as visible mucus a gel-like substance that adheres to the lining
of the stomach and protects it from autodigestion. Moreover,
bicarbonate ions trapped in this layer of mucus are able to maintain a
relatively neutral pH at its interface with the surface-lining cell
membrane, despite the low (acidic) pH of the luminal contents.
Histologi Kelenjar ventrikuli
Anatomi Sel penyusun

Istmus  sel mukositus, sel punca dan juga beberapa

sel parietal (oksintik).

Leher  serupa istmus : sel mukositus, sel punca dan

juga sel parietal (oksintik)*
*jumlah lebih banyak dibanding istmus
 Sel neuroendokrin

Basal  Sel parietal, sel prinsipal (chief/

zymogenic) dan sel neuroendokrin
Sel kelenjar Karakteristik sel kelenjar

Parietal  ukuran yang besar, berbentuk bulat atau piramid,

(oksintik)  sitoplasma berwarna merah, inti sel bulat di pusat
 banyak mitokondria dan kanalikuli sekretoris intraseluler
(invaginasi membran plasma apikal)
 apikal : gambaran mikrovilli
 fungsi : sekresi HCl dan faktor intrinsik
Prinsipal (chief)  sitoplasma basofil, inti pipih di basal.
 fungsi : sekresi pepsinogen, prekursor renin dan juga
Sel  X/ A like cells : ghrelin (meningkatkan rasa lapar).
neuroendokrin  Enterokromaffin like cells : sekresi histamine.
 Sel G : sekresi gastrin,
 sel D : sekresi somatostatin.
Ket :
Gastrin dan histamin : meningkatkan produksi asam
somatostatin menurunkan sekresi asam.
Sel mukositus  granula musin pada bagian apikal (jumlah lebih sedikit
(sel goblet) dibanding epitel permukaan), mikrovilli pendek, inti besar
di tengah
 Fungsi : produce soluble mucus that is mixed with and
lubricates the chyme, reducing friction as it moves along
the digestive tract
Distribusi sel kelenjar
Cardia composed mostly of surface-lining cells, some mucous
neck cells, a few DNES cells and parietal cells
no chief cells
Fundus (1)surface-lining cells,
(2)mucous neck cells,
(3)regenerative (stem) cells,
(4)parietal (oxyntic) cells,
(5)chief (zymogenic) cells, and
(6)diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES)
Pilorus contain the same cell types as those in the cardiac
region, but the predominant cell type in the pylorus
is the mucous neck cell. In addition to producing
mucus, these cells secrete lysozyme, a bactericidal
Regeneratif cells

 interspersed among the mucous neck cells of fundic glands.

 do not have many organelles but do have a rich supply of
 nuclei are basally located, have little heterochromatin, and display a
large nucleolus.

replace all of the specialized cells lining the fundic glands,

gastric pits, and luminal surface.
 Newly formed cells migrate to their new locations either deep into
the gland or up into the gastric pit and gastric lining.
 Surface-lining cells, DNES cells, and mucous neck cells are replaced
every 5 to 7 days; thus, regenerative cells have a high proliferative
Muscularis mucosa :
 arranged in three layers.
 inner circular and outer longitudinal layers are well defined;
 an occasional third layer, whose fibers are disposed circularly
(outermost circular), is not always evident

The muscularis externa of the stomach :

composed of three layers of smooth muscle: the innermost oblique
layer, middle circular layer, and outer longitudinal layer.
Gastric glands : gastric
These secretions are composed of
 (1) water (derived from the extracellular fluid in the interstitial
connective tissue and delivered via parietal cells);
 (2) hydrochloric acid (HCl) and gastric intrinsic factor (manufactured
by parietal cells);
 (3) the enzymes pepsinogen, rennin, and gastric lipase (manufactured
by chief cells);
 (4) a glycoprotein, visible mucus (manufactured by surface-lining cells)
which forms a coat of mucus that lines and protects the epithelium of
the stomach and serves as a favorable, mostly neutral pH,
environment for the bacterium Helicobacter pylori; and
 (5) soluble mucus that becomes part of the gastric content (produced
by mucous neck cells). Little absorption of food products occurs in the
stomach, although some substances, such as alcohol, can be absorbed
by the gastric mucosa.
Sistem proteksi gaster
 Gaster terproteksi dari kerusakan oleh karena adanya :
1. Sekresi mukous**
2. Sel epitel : sangat rapat (tight junction).
3. Kanal ion (transporter) : mempertahankan PH
intraseluler dan menjaga sekresi ion bikarbonat.
4. Sistem vaskularisasi : memfasilitasi adanya ion
bikarbonat, nutrien serta oksigen yang cukup bagi sel

evidence suggests that prostaglandins not only protect the cells

lining the gastric lumen but also increase local circulation, especially
when the integrity of the epithelial barrier is compromised. This
increased blood flow removes the H+ from the lamina propria.
Mukous Gaster

Sekresi mukous (glikoprotein) :

terhidrasi dan tercampur dengan
lemak dan ion bikarbonat.

Facies luminal PH sangat asam (PH <1),

lapisan gel Lapisan mukous bersifat lebih
tebal larut, terdigesti parsial oleh
(hidrofobik, pepsin dan bercampur dengan isi
PH bervariasi) luminal.

Permukaan PH mendekati basa (PH 7).

epitel Lapisan mucous berperan sebagai
proteksi enzim pencernaan dan

 terimakasih

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