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To perform Work

Electric Hydraulic

• Tidak menimbulkan api setiap • Mudah utk menghubungkan ke air

terjadi kesalahan supply
• Setiap motor aman terhadap • responnya cepat
overload • tidak dibutuhkan return piping
• Aman utk operator (thd
• media (udara) yang digunakan lebih
sengatan listrik)


Types of Air Compressors

There are three basic types of air compressors:

• Reciprocating (Recip)
• Rotary Screw (Screw)
• Rotary Centrifugal (Centrifugal)

These types are further defined by:

• the number of compression stages
• method of cooling (air, water, oil)
• drive method (motor, engine, steam, other)
• how they are lubricated (oil, oil-free)
• packaged or custom-built

Elemen rangkaian Pneumatik diklasifikasikan dalam 4
group primer:

1. Supply udara dan elemen pengkondisi

- Kompresor
- Receiver
- Pengatur tekanan
- Filter
- Dryer
- Lubricator
2. Elemen-elemen input
- ON/OFF device (switch)
- Sensor Posisi
- Trip Valves
- Air jet sensor

Elemen rangkaian Pneumatik diklasifikasikan dalam 4 group primer:

3. Elemen-elemen pemroses
- Logic Valves (AND, OR, dll)
- Time delay valves
- Pressure switches
- Directional control valves of many types

4. Perangkat pengaktualisasi (Actuating Device)

- Cylinder
- Motor
- Semi-rotary actuators

Monostable elemen (hanya mempunyai
satu posisi stabil):

1. Directional valve with spring return

2. Presure switches
3. Reed Relays
4. Proximity detectors
5. Spring loaded switches
6. Logic valves

Relay lidi (Reed Relay) adalah relay dengan tabung
kaca kecil memanjang yang pada kedua ujungnya
terdapat kawat sambungan yang merupakan pin
dari relay. Relay ini tidak mempunyai coil. Ia
diaktifkan dengan diberi medan magnet
disekelilingnya. Apabila relay terkena medan
magnet maka kontaknya akan menyambungkan
kedua pin. Digunakan pada rangkaian-rangkaian
detektor magnet dan terdapat juga di dalam
perangkat magic-jar.


Garis Arah
• These shapes and lines in the relative proportions shown, make up a set of basic

symbols from which fluid power symbols and circuits are constructed

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Berdasarkan DIN ISO 5599-3 Fluid tecnologies Pneumatic- 5 Way

1 Supply Udara Bertekanan

2,4 Output udara Bertekanan
3,5 Buangan udara Bertekanan (exause)

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2/2 (2 Port/ 2 State)

 P port masuknya udara bertekanan ke dalam
 A port keluaran udara dari dalam katup.

Katup tersebut mempunyai dua posisi yaitu posisi

tertutup (kotak sebelah kanan) dan posisi terbuka
(kotak sebelah kiri), sedangkan pada posisi normal
katup tersebut berada pada posisi tertutup (kotak
sebelah kanan alirannya tertutup).

Katup pada gambar 3 di bawah mempunyai dua lubang seperti halnya katup pada gambar 2, dan
katup tersebut mempunyai  dua posisi yaitu posisi terbuka (kotak sebelah kanan) dan posisi tertutup
(kotak sebelah kiri). Pada posisi normal katup tersebut berada pada posisi terbuka (terdapat arah
panah dari P ke A menandakan aliran terbuka
Katup pada gambar 4 di atas mempunyai tiga lubang yaitu
lubang P, lubang A dan lubang R, dimana lubang P adalah
tempat masuknya udara bertekanan ke dalam katup, lubang A
adalah lubang keluaran udara dari dalam katup yang akan
dihubungkan ke komponen berikutnya, sedangkan lubang R
adalah lubang pembuangan udara ke atmosfir. Katup tersebut
mempunyai dua posisi yaitu posisi tertutup (kotak sebelah
kanan) dan posisi terbuka (kotak sebelah kiri). Pada posisi
normal katup tersebut berada pada posisi tertutup (karena
aliran udara dari lubang P ke lubang A ditutup), sedangkan
lubang A tersambung ke lubang pembuangan R, artinya udara
yang telah melakukan kerja dibuang melalui lubang A ke
lubang R.

Gambar 5 Katup antara lubang P ke lubang A terbuka,

sedang lubang R tertutup

Gambar 6 Katup yang mempunyai 4 lubang dan 2 posisi

Jumlah katup pengarah banyak sekali macamnya, untuk itu perlu penulis ringkas seperti terlihat
pada gambar 10 di bawah ini. Jika sedang mengamati katup dari jenis katup pengarah maka
yang pertama diperhatikan adalah jumlah lubangnya. Dihitung dulu jumlahnya, misalnya 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, dan seterusnya. Setelah itu baru melihat jumlah posisinya, misalnya 2, 3, dan mungkin 4
posisi. Terakhir adalah mengambil kesimpulan bahwa katup pengarah itu berpenandaan 2/2-
way, 3/2-way, 4/2-way, 5/2-way, 3/3-way, 4/3-way, dan sebagainya.
Two Way, Two Position (2/2) Valve
In a two way, two position valve, the servo can be in one of two positions and the two ways
because there are 2 fluid ports in the valve (or, if you prefer, the valve housing). Although a
spool arrangement is shown, any type of check valve could be considered a two way, two
position valve.

(Two Positions Shown)

In a three way, two position valve, there are three inlet/outlet ports in the valve and the spool can be in
one of two positions. A 3/2 valve would be used to allow fluid flow into or out of actuator or motor.
 P port input udara bertekanan ke dalam katup
 A port keluaran udara dari dalam katup yang akan dihubungkan ke komponen berikutnya
 R port pembuangan udara ke atmosfir
 Katup tersebut mempunyai dua posisi yaitu posisi tertutup (kotak sebelah kanan) dan
posisi terbuka (kotak sebelah kiri).
 Pada posisi normal katup tersebut berada pada posisi tertutup (karena aliran udara dari
lubang P ke lubang A ditutup), sedangkan lubang A tersambung ke lubang pembuangan R,
artinya udara yang telah melakukan kerja dibuang melalui lubang A ke lubang R.

Katup antara lubang P ke lubang A terbuka,

sedang lubang R tertutup
Katup yang mempunyai 4 lubang dan 2 posisi
2-Way Normally Open 2-Way Normally Closed
valves in which the orifice is open in the de- Valves in which the orifice is closed in the
energized position and flow can exist between the de-energized position and no flow can exist
inlet and outlet ports. between the inlet and outlet ports.         

3-Way Normally Open

Peter Paul dual orifice valves in which the body 3-Way Normally Closed (exhaust to atmosphere)
orifice is closed and sleeve orifice open in the de- Peter Paul dual orifice valves in which the body
energized position. No flow can exist between orifice is closed and sleeve orifice open in the de-
exhaust and cylinder ports but flow does exist energized position. No flow can exist between the
between inlet and cylinder ports. inlet and cylinder ports but flow does exist between
cylinder and exhaust ports.
3-Way Normally Open 3-Way Normally Closed (piped exhaust)
Valves in which the body orifice is closed and sleeve Valves in which the body orifice is closed and
orifice open in the sleeve orifice open in the
de-energized position. No flow can exist between de-energized position. No flow can exist between
exhaust and cylinder ports but flow does exist the inlet and cylinder ports but flow does exist
between inlet and cylinder ports. between cylinder and exhaust ports.

The single action spring return cylinder extents when air pressure is applied to the
diameter area of the cylinder. The cylinder will stay extended until the pressure is
relieved, and the spring returns the cylinder rod to the normal position. he Force must be
higher than the spring return pressure and any load it is requires to move. If the Area is
3.14 square inches (diameter of the cylinder is 2 inches so a 1 inch radius squared times
3.14 or Pi) and the Pressure is 100 pounds per square inch then the following calculation
will give you the force.

1 X 3.14 X 100 pounds per square inch = 314 pounds of force.

The spring requires 50 pounds of force.
314 - 50 = 264 pounds. The cylinder without friction would be able to lift 264 pounds of

The double action cylinder works in a similar way, but because no spring is

used to return the cylinder rod a total of 314 pounds of force is available for
lifting.  The double action cylinder uses air on both sides of the cylinder to
move the cylinder rod.  It requires a different type of valve to shift the air
flow and move the cylinder rod back and forth.  Notice how the air is
exhausted from each of the two cylinders.  One exhausts out of the same
port it entered, while the other exhausts out a different port altogether.
SIMBOL 3/2 VALVE 3 Port Valve Open

3 Port Valve Closed

The 3/2 valve is used to control components such as single acting cylinders which have just one single
input. The input to the cylinder is connected to port 2, the air supply to port 1 and port 3 is allowed to
exhaust to atmosphere. The number 3 signifies that the valve has three ports, whilst the number 2
signifies that the valve has 2 directions or states.

The diagram below shows the valve when the button has been The next diagram shows the valve when
pressed, this allows the air to flow through the valve and enter the the button has been released, the exhaust
cylinder forcing it to the positive position. air is then allowed to pass back through
the valve and the cylinder can return to its
original position
The 5/2 valve is used to control components such as double acting cylinders which have two inputs.
The inputs to the cylinder are connected to ports 2 and 4, the air supply to port 1. Ports 3 and 5 are
allowed to exhaust to atmosphere. The number 5 signifies that the valve has five ports, whilst the
number 2 signifies that the valve has 2 directions or states..
Thye diagram below shows the valve in The next diagram shows the valve in it's
it's first state, this forces air into the second position, this forces air into the
cylinder pushing them into the positive opposite side of the cylinder makikng the
position piston return.

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