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Materi 4

Disusun oleh :
Ila Afriana Nur Aziza
Pengertian Kreatifitas
Kreatifitas merupakan kemampuan individu untuk
menciptakan sesuatu hal yang baru , unik dan unik
memberikan sesuatu yang berharga lebih kreatif ,
menghasilkan sesuatu yang lebih produktif . Ide,
gagasan yang terencana , siap mengambil risiko , dalam
kurun waktu tertentu diperlukan pengembangan dan
pelaksanaan yang konkrit .
Proses Kreatifitas
01 proses mengumpulkan informasi, menganalisa dan mengeksplor solusi. Langkah ini
Persiapan mencakup persiapan akal untuk siap berfikir kreatif, Pelatihanformal, pelatihan saat
kerja, pengalaman bekerja dan mengambil peluang belajar lainnya.

02 Alam bawah sadar memerlukan waktu untuk merefleksi informasi yang dikumpulkan


03 inspirasi tidak datang saat seseorang sedangmemikirkan suatu masalah, melainkan ketika dia beradadalam
Penerangan keadaan yang rileks. fase dalam proses kreatif initerjadi selama fase inkubasi ketika terobosan
spontanmenyebabkan seorang tersebut mendapatkan suatu pencerahan

04 Bagi wirausahawan, menguji ide memastikan akurasi dan manfaatnya, dijalankan dengan melakukan percobaan,
Verivikasi menjalankan simulasi, menguji pemasaranproduk atau jasa, menetapkan program pemandu dalamskala kecil,
membuat prototype dan banyak kegiatan lainnya yang dirancang untuk memverifikasi bahwa ide baru tersebut bisa
diterapkan dengan berhasil dan praktis.
Hambatan Berpikir Kreatif

1. Berpikir negatif pada individu dan tim

2. Takut akan kegagalan
3. Kurangnya waktu berpikir yang berkualitas dan pengalaman yang menarik
4. Banyaknya aturan dan peraturan, kurangnya kebebasan untuk berkembang
5. Membuat asumsi yang belum tentu benar
6. Terlalu banyak logika
7. Berpikir tidak kreatif
Change it up.
You probably have a schedule for your lessons, but if
things are becoming difficult to focus on, take a 5-minute
break and come back to it
— just let your teacher know.

Be kind to your mind if you need a break

from a consistent schedule.
Set up your study
Find an area in your house where
you can sit comfortably and focus.

Make it separate to your relaxation space.

Ideally away from a TV screen
or other distractions.
Learning from home can be
difficult, but it's definitely
Remote learning helps reinforce lifelong skills, such as
time and energy management, independence, and
creative thinking.
Speak up and ask
for help.
When things get tough, don't Support will always be
just push it. Ask your available as long as we ask for
parents, reach out to your it.
teacher, or seek the help of
your classmates.
Change it up.
You probably have a schedule for your lessons, but if
things are becoming difficult to focus on, take a 5-minute
break and come back to it
— just let your teacher know.

Be kind to your mind if you need a break

from a consistent schedule.
Plan your day
If you have one, follow the schedule
provided by your school.

If you just have a list of things to study,

break it down into small tasks and plan to do
the hardest ones when you have the most
Plan your day
If you have one, follow the schedule
provided by your school.

If you just have a list of things to study,

break it down into small tasks and plan to do
the hardest ones when you have the most
Speak up and ask
for help.
When things get tough, don't Support will always be
just push it. Ask your available as long as we ask for
parents, reach out to your it.
teacher, or seek the help of
your classmates.
Learning from home can be
difficult, but it's definitely
Remote learning helps reinforce lifelong skills, such as
time and energy management, independence, and
creative thinking.
Change it up.
You probably have a schedule for your lessons, but if
things are becoming difficult to focus on, take a 5-minute
break and come back to it
— just let your teacher know.

Be kind to your mind if you need a break

from a consistent schedule.

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