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Ema Tria Wahyuningtihas Aulia Ekwin Permanasari Pratiwi Galuh Putri 116120140 116121153 116124160

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Contoh Hukum Archimedes Hukum Archimedes Ema Tria Wahyuningtihas Aulia Ekwin P Pratiwi Galuh P

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Nama Video Hari, Tanggal Pembuatan Video Tujuan Hukum Archimedes 19 & 28 Maret 2013 Membuktikan Pengaruh Massa Jenis pada Peristiwa Tenggelam, Melayang, dan Terapung

Scene 1 Visual Tesk : Hukum Archimedes Background : Hitam Tesk : Archimedes Law Background : Deskripsi Pembukaan Video Narasi Count down dari 5 sampai 1

Menjelaskan Pengertian Dari hukum

Archimedes law is a law of physics is that states that the buoyant force equal to the

Hitam 3 Teks : Hukum Archimedes Background : Biru Teks : Now We will See an Example Of Simulation Experiment Archimedes Law Background : Hitam


weight of the liquid displaced objects Menjelaskan Teori Sebuah benda yang tenggelam Dari Hukum seluruhnya atau sebagian dalam Archimedes suatu fluida akan mendapatkan gaya angkat ke atas yang sama besar dengan berat fluida yang dipindahkan Melakukan - Praktikan akan Percobaan menjelaskan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan pada saat percobaan. Praktikan langsung melakukan praktikum dan menjelaskan langkahlangkah yang harus dilakukan. - Praktikan akan menjelaskan hasil dari percobaan. Mejelaskan Teori dari hukum Archimedes First I will explain the legal definition of archimedes. Archimedes law is a law of physics is that states that the buoyant force of fluid equal to the weight of the liquid displaced objects. Archimedes Principle 'is an important and fundamental concepts in the field of fluid mechanics. The principle is named after its inventor, Archimedes of Syracuse The magnitude of the upward force by the Law of Archimedes written in the equation: Fa = g v

Teks : Next. This Explanation About Archimedes Law

Description: Fa = upward force (N) V = volume of the immersed object (m3) = density of liquid (kg/m3) g = acceleration of gravity (N / kg) Based on the Law of Archimedes, an object immersed in a fluid will experience two forces, the force of gravity or gravity (W) and an upward force (Fa) of the liquid - If the force of gravity archimedes with the resultant force Fa=w and objects drift. - If FA> W then the object will be pushed upward drift - If the FA <W then the object will be pushed down and sink Effect of Current Density on Sink, Drift, and Floating - Object will float if the period of the object is smaller than the density of the liquid. - Object will drift if its density equal to the density of the liquid. - Objects will sink if its density is greater than the density of liquid Now through the trials that have shown I will explain Why Eggs Drowning In branch Water? In accordance with the

Law of Archimedes principle SINK, the eggs sink in normal water due to: (Egg weight> upward force by the water) (Egg density> density of liquid) where the density formula: S = mass x gravity type So that the egg does not sink, we can add salt into the water. So causing the W eggs <Fa and S eggs <S water. 6 7 Teks : No Teks (Foto Pemateri) Teks : This Video By: Ema Tria Wahyuningtihas As Penjelas Aulia Ekwin Permanasari As Pemraktek Pratiwi Galuh Putri As Cameramen and Editor Memperlihatkan Foto Pemateri Memperlihatkan Nama Pemraktek

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