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1 Afif Ismatullah 1388203013
2 Rahmi Febriani 1388203027
3 Megi Andella 1388203064
4 Windie Theresia 1388203024
5 Ari Handari 1388203102
6 Lilis Suryani 1388203026
7 Dian Trisna 1388203022
8 Dini Pribadini 1388203034
9 Hayati 1388203081
10 Prisca Ica 1388203113
11 Tifani 1388203119
12 Hotmian Sari 1388203038
13 T. Sriwahyuningsih 1388203061
14 Boni Saragih 1388203065
15 Rozi Rahmadhani 1388203001
16 arga Arlia 1388203098
17 Fadillah Sazzali 1388203045
18 Nur Iklima 1388203016
19 Prisca Lisadora 1388203029
20 Aidillah Fahmi 1388203020
21 Afnita Sinaga 1388203079
22 Suryani Sinaga 1388203078
23 Rani Sundari 1388203090
24 Rini Alias Suci 1388203004
25 Hamdhani 1388203021
26 Desy Yulia Susanti 1388203101
27 Endang Sumarlin 1588203107
28 Anita Chandra 1388203009
29 Rahmadhani Chandra 1388203014
30 Heri Asti Juliani 1388203177
31 M. Khairul Amin 1388203036
32 Sri wahyuni 1388203107
33 Azizah 1388203018
34 Jibal Kurgangga 1388203091
35 Dinalia Wulandari 1388203028
36 Iin Febrina 1388203008
37 Riko Gustrianda 1388203087
38 Frengki Nainggolan 1388203067
39 Ella 1388203111
40 Juned Alkarim 1388203080
41 Erni Astiana halawa 1388203015
42 cecep Sugiana 1388203035
43 Ramadhan 1388203003
44 Bagus ardiansyah Putra 1388203060
45 Tiara Dwi Putri 1388203030
46 Reza Maydeka Y 1388203031
47 Posma Angel O 1388203093
48 Didik Rahmansyah 1488203075
49 Ernanda Oktavina 1388203084
50 Cut Nila aditya 1388203058
51 Chely Amelya 1388203083
52 Rica Permatasari
53 M. Hakim Ashofi 1388203048
54 Yohana Halasan 1088203098
55 Era Susanti 1088203185
56 Ramanda Rizky 1388203069
57 Latifah 1188203117
58 Amrina Rosada 1388203077
59 Rusdewi Hutapea 1388203062
60 Novri Maliza
61 Ronal Elfajar 1188203126
62 Ica Geni Efrianti 1388203019
63 Nurhalimah 1388203050
64 Asni 1388203112
65 Eliza Febriani 1088203254
66 Nanda Rizky 1388203007
67 hernita octora Saragih 1388203075
68 Nelisa Andriana 1188203166
69 Antika Kurnia Putri 1388203085
70 Esa Ayu Virliana 1388203087
71 Desi Violita 1388203087
72 Sevia Pebriana 1388203070
73 Veti Veronika 1388203092
74 Antri Lilin Ima S 1388203071
75 Fitri Wulandari 1388203023
76 Merpy Asneny 1388203055
77 Ilham Ramdhani 1388203017
78 Wahyu Prastyo 1388203074
79 Dea Vrieska 1388203043
80 Qautsar Iman 1188203263

using PEN PALS in improving students speaking skill at... Syaifullah, M.Pd
Using KAMISHIBAI strategy in teaching speaking of narrative text at....... Kurniawan, M.Pd
Using IRE in teaching reading comprehension of Narrative Text at grade XI of SMAN 3 Pekanbaru Dahler, M.Pd
the implementation of CRAZY PROFESSOR READING GAMES Strategy to improve reading skill in descriptive text at grade ......... Syahdan, M.Pd
the effect of using IT SAYS I SAY AND SO STRATEGY in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text at grade..... Syaifullah, M.Pd
the effect of TALK TO THE TEXT STRATEGY in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text at grade.... Kurniawan, M.Pd
Using 3 2 1 strategy to improve stdents reading comp in descriptive text at grade ....... Syahdan, M.Pd
using scramble technique in teaching writing descriptive text at grade ........ Dahler, M.Pd
Using SNOWBALL TROWING in teaching ....... Syaifullah, M.Pd
using THREE MINUTES PAUSE STRATEGY in .............. Kurniawan, M.Pd
the use of PAIR TAPING to develop students' speaking skill of Descriptive text at the ........ Syaifullah, M.Pd
the effect of theathre strategy in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text at........... Dahler, M.Pd
using TIME TOKEN in improving studnets speaking skill at grade X SMAN 16 P. Baru Syahdan, M.Pd
using FACEBOOK to improve students writing skill in recount text at grade ........SMP Education 21 Kurniawan, M.Pd
Using Dyadic Essay technique in teaching writing of .......... Syaifullah, M.Pd
the effect of Using PARAGRAPH SHRINKING in teaching Vocabulary at .................... Dahler, M.Pd
teaching vocabulary by using CARTOON ONE PEACE at grade VIII SMP Alwataniayh Perawang Syahdan, M.Pd
teaching speaking of Recount text by usng MINGGLE TECHNIQUE at grade VIII SMPN 24 P. Baru Kurniawan, M.Pd
Uisng PARTICIPATION POINT SYSTEM in teaching speaking at grade VII SMPN 2 Pekanbaru Syaifullah, M.Pd
uinsg INTERACTIVE LECTURING in ......... Dahler, M.Pd
Using Foreshedowing in improving students writing skill in narrative text at grade VIII SMP Metodist P. Baru Syahdan, M.Pd
improving studnets Vocabulary by using MOVEABLE ALPHABET at Kindergarten II Education 21 Kurniawan, M.Pd
Using ............ Syaifullah, M.Pd
improving students writing skill in recount text by using four square writing at grade X Accounting SMKN 6 P. Baru Dahler, M.Pd
the effect of using STORY COMPLETION TECHNIQUE in learning process to teach speaking skill at Garde XI SMK Tigama Pekanbaru Dahler, M.Pd
Using PERSONAL PRHTOGRAPH to improve stuydents Writing skill in Recount text at grade X of SMA TRIBAKTI Syaifullah, M.Pd
Using TCSI (Task Centered Instructional Strategy) to improve students writing skill in recount text at grade VIII SMPN2 P. Baru Dahler, M.Pd
Improving students speaking skill by using INTERVIEW at SMKN 1 UKUI Syahdan, M.Pd
Using Action Feeling setting strategy to improve students writng skill in recount text at grade VIIof SMPN24 Pekanbaru Kurniawan, M.Pd
the effect of using TELL SHOW STRATEGY toward students' writing ability in Descriptive text at grade VII SMPN 24 P. Baru Dahler, M.Pd
Using SAND PAPER LETTER Methdo in teaching writing skill of........... Syahdan, M.Pd
using HOMOPHONE GAME in teaching pronunciation .......... Kurniawan, M.Pd
Using PASSING NOTE to improve students' writing ability in descriptive text at grade X SMK IBTA P. Baru Syaifullah, M.Pd
the effect of using 4/3/2 Technique in teaching writing of narrative text at grade XI SMAN 9 P. Baru Dahler, M.Pd
improving students speaking skill by using............. Syaifullah, M.Pd
the use of YOUTUBE videos tutorial to improve stuydent speaking skill onprecedure text.... Syahdan, M.Pd
using MIT Strategy to improve students' reading comprehension of Descriptive text at grade XII SMK SPAN P. Baru Kurniawan, M.Pd
Improving students writing skill in descriptive text trough Tell-Show Strategy Dahler, M.Pd
Improving students writing skill trough IDEA DETAILS STRATEGY at grade VII SMPN 2 P. Baru Syaifullah, M.Pd
applying climbing grammar mountain to improve students' writing skill Syahdan, M.Pd
Using FISHBALL to develop students' speaking skill in recount text at grade VIII SMP Dwi sejahtera Pekanbaru Kurniawan, M.Pd
Improving students' speaking skill on descriptive text using GROUP WORK on seventh grade at TUAH DUA generic school P.Baru Dahler, M.Pd
Using POE strategy to improve students reading comprehension of narrative text at SMK IBTA P. BARU Syaifullah, M.Pd
using READING WRITING CONNECTION to improve writing skill in recount text at grade ....... Syahdan, M.Pd
improving writing descriptive text by usng super learning technique Kurniawan, M.Pd
improving writing skill descriptive text by using THE POWER OF TWO AND FOUR Dahler, M.Pd
improving studnets Reading of descriptive text by usng BOOK CLUB Technique at ................... Syaifullah, M.Pd
uisng LOTUS BLOSSUM in writing procesudre text at grade VII SMPN 03 Tambang Dahler, M.Pd
imprpving studnts vocabular mastery by using Anagram at SMPN 24 grade VIII Kurniawan, M.Pd
Using ENVIRONMENTAL MEDIA in teaching writing descriptive text at grade........... Syahdan, M.Pd
Using MEDELLING THE WAY method in teaching writing in procedure text at......... Syaifullah, M.Pd
the effect of rorating trio exchange techniques in reading comprehension on narrative text M. Fadhly Farhy Abbas, M.Pd
Using Snack Wrapper in Budianto Hamuddin, M.Esl
students ability in applying preference at second semester of English Education Department Desrina Kasriyati, M.Pd
the use of possible sentences in.... Herdi, M. Pd
teaching wrting descriptive text through BITS and PEACES game to the X grade students of SMK ksehtan Proskill Refika Indrayani, M.Pd
the rpoblems faced by students of english education department lancang kunig university about management class when PPL Dahler, M.Pd
improving studnts writing desriptive text by using Tourism brochure picture at grade VIII SMP Dakwah Kurniawan, M.Pd
improving students vocabulary mastery by using beyond center and circle time at Kindergarden 2 ED21 Syahdan, M.Pd
the effectof using mystery bag strategy toward toward students writing descriptive text at grade VIII SMPN4 Tualang Kurniawan, M.Pd
An analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Narrative text Herdi, M. Pd
using minature strategy to improve students writng descriptve text at grade X of SMA seri rama P. Baru M. Fadhly Farhy Abbas, M.Pd
Using Training Method in teachingWriting skill on descriptive text at grade .... Syaifullah, M.Pd
Using Conversational Shadowing Technique to improve students speaking ability at grade VII SMP IT Alfatah Minas Desrina Kasriyati, M.Pd
the study on students' ability in understanding apostrophe at the third semester .... Syaifullah, M.Pd
the use of Practice Rehearsal Pair in Improving Speaking Skill X SMU Cendana Syahdan, M.Pd
Using Murder technique to improve students reading in descriptive at grade VII SMPN 24 P. Baru Kurniawan, M.Pd
study on the students ability in using preposition of direction at first semester of English Education Depart Herdi, M.Pd
using market board to improve student writing ability in procedure text at grade ........ M. Fadhly Farhy Abbas, M.Pd
improving students' vocabulary mastery by using at grade VII SMPN 1 Pangkalan kerinci Herdi, M.Pd
using Secret Message in teaching Reading descriptive text at grade VII SMP PGRi Pangkalan kerinci Destina Kasriyati, M.Pd
using Scrapbook in teaching descriptive text at grade VII of SMPN 30 Pekanbaru Syaifullah, M.Pd
Using DICE GAME in teaching writing narrative text at grade VII SMPN 19 Pekanbaru Syahdan, M.Pd
using FLYSWATTER GAMES in improving students vocabulary mastery at grade VII SMP YDS Refika Indrayani, M.Pd
Using Literary Report Card to improve students Reading of Narrative text at grade VIII SMP It Alfattah Minas Dahler, M.Pd
Using Ask to think tell Why Strategy toward reading comprehension descriptive text grade VII SMPN 19 P. Baru Kurniawan, M.Pd
Using Sociogram Strategy to improve students reading comprehesnion on recount text at grade VIII SMP Plus Jannatul Firdaus Herdi, M.Pd
Using Question the author to improve studnets reading comprehsnion on descriptive text at grade VII SMP Plus M. Fadhly Farhy Abbas, M.Pd
Using Window Notes to improve students reading comprehension on Narrative text at grade VIII SMP.... Destina Kasriyati, M.Pd
Uisng WG Game to develop students' vocabulary mastery at third grade of Elmentary school 173 P. Baru Syaifullah, M.Pd
Name Acting Speaking
Novita sari (vail) 75 75
Rita MS 70 75
Siska Marlina
Herlita 70 70
Rita Zahara 70 70
Mira Novita 70 70
Astri wulandari 70 70

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