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Daftar E-book Psikologi Januari 2007

1. The Stranger Beside Me (Revised and Updated): 20th Anniversary. Ann Rule 2001
2. A Contemporary Mind and Other Crimes. B. Ryan 2003
3. I Don't Have to Make Everything All Better. Gary Lundberg 2000
4. The Emotional Intelligence Activity Book: 50 Activities for Promoting Eq at Work. Adele B. Lynn 2001
5. Frameworks for Thinking: A Handbook for Teaching and Learning. David Moseley 2006
6. The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning. Cambridge University Press 2005
7. Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science (Bradford Books). Alvin I. Goldman 1993
8. Providence. Daniel Quinn 1996
9. The Concept of Mind. Gilbert Ryle 2000
10. Psychologists & Their Theories for Students. Kristine Krapp 2004
11. Critical Reasoning. Jerry Cederblom 2005
12. Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment. Michael A Bishop 2004
13. The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace: How to Select For, Measure, and Improve Emotional Intelligence in
Individuals, Groups, and Organizations. Cary Cherniss 2001
14. How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work: Seven Languages for Transformation. Robert Kegan 2000
15. The Fathers Book: Being a Good Dad in the 21st Century (Family Matters). David Cohen 2001
16. The Easy Step by Step Guide to Communicating with More Confidence (Easy Step . Step Guides). Pauline Rowson
17. Early Childhood Assessment. Carol S. Lidz 2002
18. Mach II With Your Hair On Fire: The Art of Vision & Self Motivation. Richard B. Brooke 2006
19. Cannabis Dependence: Its Nature, Consequences and Treatment. G. Alan Marlatt 2006
20. Somatoform and Factitious Disorders (Review of Psychiatry). Katharine A. Phillips 2001
21. Encyclopedia of School Psychology. Steven W. Lee 2005
22. Personality Disorder: Temperament or Trauma? an Account of an Emancipatory Research Study Carried Out .
Service Users Diagnosed With Personality Disorder (Forensicfocus, 23). Heather Castillo 2003
23. The New Cognitive Neurosciences: Second Edition. MIT Press 1999
24. The Times Book of IQ Tests. Ken Russell 2005
25. The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature. Matt Ridley 1995
26. The Psychological Structure Of Fascism. Bataille, Georges
27. A Different Way of Being: Supply Teaching in Special Schools. Stella Cattini
28. The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. Steven Pinker 2003
29. The User's Manual for the Brain. Bob G. Bodenhamer 2001
30. Theory of Mind and Language in Developmental Contexts (The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality).
Alessandro Antonietti 2006
31. The Critique of Psychology: From Kant to Postcolonial Theory (Library of the History of Psychology Theories).
Thomas Teo 2005
32. Action and Responsibility (Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy). Andrew Sneddon 2005
33. Sex Offenders and Self-Control: Explaining Sexual Violence. Shawna Cleary 2004
34. Understanding Cinema: A Psychological Theory of Moving Imagery. Per Persson 2003
35. Face on the Screen: Questions of Death, Recognition and Public Memory (Film Studies Intellect). Therese Davis
36. Myth, Mind and the Screen: Understanding the Heroes of our Time (Cambridge Studies in Criminology). John Izod
37. Memory and Popular Film (Inside Popular Film). Paul Grainge (ed.) 2001
38. Hearst over Hollywood: Power, Passion, and Propaganda in the Movies. Louis Pizzitola 2001
39. Film Structure and the Emotion System. Greg M. Smith 2003
40. The Happiness Revolution: Creating Balance and Harmony in Your Life. Blair Lewis 2007
41. Younger You. Eric R. Braverman 2006
42. The Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind: Three languages to integrate neurobiology and psychology. Vincenzo R.
Sanguineti 2006
43. Understanding Sleep and Dreaming. William H. Moorcroft 2005
44. Perception-Based Data Processing in Acoustics: Applications to Music Information Retrieval and Psychophysiology
of Hearing (Studies in Computational Intelligence). Bozena Kostek 2005
45. Intuitive Sex The Subtle Art of No Pressure Seduction. Andrew Levitt-Jackson
46. Behavior Analysis and Learning. W. David Pierce 2003
47. Handbook of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology). John W. Jacobson
48. Persuasive Imagery: A Consumer Response Perspective (Advertising and Consumer Psychology Series). Linda M.
Scott 2003
49. Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). Jan E. Stets 2006
50. The Psychologist's Book of Personality Tests: 24 Revealing Tests to Identify and Overcome Your Personal Barriers
to A Better Life. Louis H. Janda
51. You Play to Win The Game. Herman Edwards 2004
52. Reflections on the Problem of Consciousness (Studies in Brain and Mind). Errol E. Harris 2006
53. Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior: An Integration of Sociological and Psychological Perspectives (Critical Issues in
Social Justice). Detlef Fetchenhauer 2006
54. Responsibility and Punishment (Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy). J. Angelo Corlett 2006
55. Talking with Confidence for the Painfully Shy: How to Overcome Nervousness, Speak-Up, and Speak Out in Any
Social or Business Situation. Don Gabor 1997
56. The Freedom of Choice. Thomas J. Chalko
57. Creativity, Psychology and the History of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science). Howard E., Gruber
58. Handbook of Social Psychology (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). John Delamater 2006
59. The Mind's Arrows: Bayes Nets and Graphical Causal Models in Psychology. Clark Glymour 2001
60. Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious. Timothy D. Wilson 2004
61. Arnheim, Gestalt and Art: A Psychological Theory. Ian Verstegen 2005
62. The Secret. Rhonda Byrne 2006
63. Learning in Cultural Context: Family, Peers, and School (International and Cultural Psychology). Ashley E. Maynard
64. Language, Meaning, Interpretation (Philosophical Problems Today). Guttorm Flistad 2005
65. The Life Cycle of Psychological Ideas: Understanding Prominence and the Dynamics of Intellectual Change (Path in
Psychology). Thomas C. Dalton 2003
66. Spirituality and Ethics in Management (Issues in Business Ethics). L Zsolnai 2004
67. Rediscovering the History of Psychology: Essays Inspired . the Work of Kurt Danziger (History and Philosophy of
Psychology). Adrian Brock 2003
68. Qualitative Methods in Psychology. E.W. Banister 1997
69. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Malcolm Gladwell 2007
70. Neurobiology of Exceptionality (The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality). Con Stough 2004
71. Knowledge in Action: Logical Foundations for Specifying and Implementing Dynamical Systems. Raymond Reiter
72. The Career Coward's Guide to Interviewing: Sensible Strategies for Overcoming Job Search Fears (Career
Coward's Guides). Katy Piotrowski 2007
73. The Psychotherapy of Psychosis. Chris Mace 1997
74. Understanding Understanding (Suny Series in Philosophy). Richard Mason 2003
75. Measuring the Mind: Conceptual Issues in Contemporary Psychometrics. Denny Borsboom 2005
76. Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience. M Mancia 2006
77. Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology. Yo Jackson 2006
78. The Evolving Brain: The Mind and the Neural Control of Behavior. C. H. Vanderwolf 2006
79. The Moral Wager: Evolution and Contract (Philosophical Studies Series). Malcolm Murray 2007
80. Wealth Beyond Reason. Bob Doyle 2006
Daftar E-book Psikologi Februari 2007

1. Conversations in the Cognitive Neurosciences. Michael S. Gazzaniga 1996

2. Care of the Psyche: A History of Psychological Healing. Stanley W. Jackson 1999
3. Rewriting the Self: History, Memory, Narrative (Critical Psychology). Mark Philip Freeman 1993
4. First Principles (HC). Don Foy 2004
5. The Psychology Of Suggestion: A Research Into The Subconscious Nature Of Man And Society. Boris Sidis 2006
6. Light of the Soul, Its Science and Effects. Alice A Bailey 1983
7. Powerful Communication Skills: How to Communicate With Confidence. Colleen McKenna 1998
8. Dividends of Kinship (European Association of Social Anthropologists). P. Schweitzer 2000
9. The History of Sexuality, Volume 1. Michel Foucault 1990
10. The History of Sexuality, Volume 2. Michel Foucault 1990
11. The History of Sexuality, Volume 3. Michel Foucault 1990
12. Help Yourself Move Out of Depression and Anxiety. Helga A. H. Rowe 2001
13. Philosophy of the Brain: The Brain Problem (Advances in Consciousness Research). Georg Northoff 2004
14. Politics, Policy, and Organizations: Frontiers in the Scientific Study of Bureaucracy. George A. Krause 2003
15. Learning From Others: International Comparisons in Education (Science & Technology Education Library). Diane
Shorrocks-Taylor 2000
16. The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines. James J. Sheehan 1991
17. Bitter Harvest. Ann Rule 1999
18. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff--and it's all small stuff (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Series). Richard Carlson 1997
19. Motivation, Emotions, and Leadership: The Silent Side of Management. Richard C. Maddock 1998
20. Temperament: A Psychological Perspective (Perspectives on Individual Differences). Jan Strelau 1998
21. Recollecting Freud. Isidor Sadger 2005
22. Teaching Strategies for Constructivist and Developmental Counselor Education. Garrett McAuliffe 2001
23. Organizational Dynamism: Unleashing Power in the Workforce. R. Wayne Pace 2001
24. Using Literature to Help Troubled Teenagers Cope with Abuse Issues (The Greenwood Press). Joan F. Kaywell
25. Applying Psychology to Criminal Justice. David Carson 2007
26. Political Psychology. Kristen Renwick Monroe 2001
27. Handbook of Behaviorism. William O'Donohue 1998
28. Historical Dictionary of Quotations in Cognitive Science: A Treasury of Quotations in Psychology, Philosophy, and
Artificial Intelligence. Morton Wagman 2000
29. Handbook of Evidence-based Psychotherapies: A Guide for Research and Practice. Chris Freeman 2007
30. Sigmund Freud: Explorer of the Unconscious (Oxford Scientists). Margaret Muckenhoupt 1997
31. Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: A Beginner's Guide. Kenneth T. Strongman 2006
32. Handbook of Psychophysiology. John T. Cacioppo 2007
33. Domestic Violence: A Global View (A World View of Social Issues). Randal W. Summers 2001
34. The Miller Method: Developing the Capacities of Children on the Autism Spectrum. Arnold Miller 2007
35. Autism, Play and Social Interaction. Lone Gammeltoft 2007
36. Introducing Advocacy: The First Volume of the Speaking Up Set (Speaking Up). John Tufail 2007
37. Rules and Standards: The Second Book of Speaking Up : a Plain Text Guide to Advocacy (Speaking Up). John
Tufail 2007
38. Listen Up! Speak Up!: The Third Book of Speaking Up : A Plain Text Guide to Advocacy (Speaking Up). John Tufail
39. Advocacy in Action: The Fourth Book of Speaking Up: a Plain Text Guide to Advocacy (Speaking Up). John Tufail
40. Everyday Education: Visual Support for Children With Autism. Pernille Dyrbjerg 2007
41. From Oppression to Grace: Women of Color and Their Dilemmas within the Academy. Theodorea Regina Berry
42. The Counselor and the Group: Integrating Theory, Training, and Practice, Fourth Edition. James P. Trotzer 2006
43. Spirit and Psyche: A New Paradigm for Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Victor L. Schermer 2003
44. Sex in Advertising: Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal (Lea's Communication Series). Tom Reichert 2002
45. Cognition and Communication: Judgmental Biases, Research Methods, and the Logic of Conversation. Norbert
Schwarz 1996
46. States of Consciousness: Models for Psychology and Psychotherapy (Emotions, Personality, and Psychotherapy).
Andrzej Kokoszka 2006
47. Asperger Syndrome in the Inclusive Classroom: Advice and Strategies for Teachers. Stacey W. Betts 2007
48. Risk in Social Science. Peter Taylor-Goo. 2006
49. Love's Return: Psychoanalytic Essays on Childhood, Teaching, and Learning. Gail Masuchika Boldt 2006
50. The Situated Self. J. T. Ismael 2007
51. Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology (Consciousness and Self-
Consciousness Series). Naomi Eilan 2005
52. Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 1: Theoretical Models of Human Development, 6th Edition. William Damon
53. Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 2: Cognition, Perception, and Language, 6th Edition. William Damon 2006
54. Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 3: Social, Emotional, and Personality Development, 6th Edition. William Damon
55. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Psychological Theory and Research. Dermot Bowler 2006
56. Therapy Outcome Measures for the Rehabilitation Professions: Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy,
Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation Nursing,. Pamela M. Ender. 2006
57. Offending Behaviour Programmes: Development, Application and Controversies (Wiley Series in Forensic Clinical
Psychology). Emma J. Palmer 2006
58. Down Syndrome: Neurobehavioural Specificity. Jean-Adolphe PhD Rondal 2006
59. Hypnotherapy For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)). Mike Bryant 2006
60. Women Who Sexually Abuse Children (Wiley Child Protection & Policy Series). Hannah Ford 2006
61. The Handbook of Mentalization-Based Treatment. Jon G. Allen 2006
62. The Child's Journey Through Care: Placement Stability, Care Planning, and Achieving Permanency. Dorota Iwaniec
63. So Smart But...: How Intelligent People Lose Credibility - and How They Can Get it Back. Allen N. Weiner 2006
64. Secrets of Better Sex: A Noted Sex Therapist Reveals His Secrets to Passionate Sexual Fulfillment. Ph.D., Joel D.
Block 2001
65. The Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Practice Planners). Arthur E., Jr. Jongsma 2006
66. The Adolescent Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner (Practice Planners). Arthur E., Jr. Jongsma 2006
67. The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Practice Planners) . Arthur E., Jr. Jongsma 2006
68. A Community Health Approach to the Assessment of Infants and their Parents: The CARE Programme. Kevin
Browne, Jo Douglas 2006
69. Practical Psychology for Forensic Investigations and Prosecutions. Mark R. Kebbell 2006
70. Applied Emotional Intelligence: The Importance of Attitudes in Developing Emotional Intelligence. Tim Sparrow 2006
71. Patient Education for People with Parkinson's Disease and their Carers: A Manual. Marcia Smith Pasqualini 2006
72. Letters in Occult Medication. Alicia Bailey 1950
73. NLP Master Practitioner Course. Tad James
74. Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Guide. Tad James 2000
75. The Ultimate Journey. Robert Monroe 1996
76. The Hero with a Thousand Faces: Commemorative Edition (Bollingen Series (General)). Joseph Campbell 2004
77. Practitioner's Guide to Symptom Base Rates in the General Population. Robert J. McCaffrey 2006
78. Creating Images and the Psychology of Marketing Communication (Advertising and Consumer Psychology). Lynn
R. Kahle 2006
79. Mavericks at Work: Why the Most Original Minds in Business Win. William C. Taylor 2006
80. Murder and Society. Peter Morrall 2006
Daftar E-book Psikologi Maret 2007

1. Alzheimer: A Journey Together. Federica Caracciolo 2005

2. The Ethics Of School Administration (Professional Ethics). Kenneth A. Strike 2005
3. Children Don't Come with an Instruction Manual: A Teacher's Guide to Problems That Affect Learners [Education /
Teaching]. Wendy L. Moss 2004
4. Understanding Adaptability, Volume 6: A Prerequisite for Effective Performance within Complex Environments
(Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research). C. Shawn Burke 2006
5. Thought Suppression (BRAT Series in Clinical Psychology). Eric Rassin 2005
6. Dimensions of Creativity (Bradford Books). Margaret A. Boden 1996
7. How Language Comes to Children: From Birth to Two Years. Bndicte deBoysson-Bardies 2001
8. Induction: Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery. John H. Holland 1989
9. Sex and the Brain. Gillian Einstein 2007
10. Theory of Individual Behavior. Robert Wichers 1996
11. Self-Organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control (Advances in Psychology). P.G. Morasso 1997
12. Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd edition. Gershon Tenenbaum 2007
13. Perception of Space and Motion (Handbook of Perception and Cognition). William Epstein 1995
14. Cognitive Science Perspectives on Personality and Emotion (Advances in Psychology). G. Matthews 1997
15. Dreaming About the Divine (SUNY Series in Dream Studies). Bonnelle Lewis Strickling 2007
16. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families. Stephen R. Covey 1998
17. The Two Sides of Perception (Cognitive Neuroscience). Richard B. Ivry 1997
18. The Psychology of Lust Murder: Paraphilia, Sexual Killing, and Serial Homicide. Catherine Purcell 2006
19. Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity. Guido Mllering 2006
20. The Love Diet: Expert Techniques for Sensual Pleasure and Mind-blowing Sex. Mabel Iam 2006
21. Pucker Up: A Hands-On Guide to Ecstatic Sex. Tristan Taormino 2001
22. Applications of Research Methodology, Volume 19 (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities). Thomas E
Scruggs 2006
23. Handling Complexity in Learning Environments: Theory and Research (Advances in Learning and Instruction). Jan
Elen 2006
24. Motivation and Religion, Volume 14 (Advances in Motivation and Achievement). Martin L. Maehr 2005
25. Happiness Hypothesis: Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science. Jonathan Haidt
26. Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research (CRISIS INTERVENTION HANDBOOK).
Albert R. Roberts 2005
27. Strategic Interventions for People in Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster: Revised Edition. Diana Everstine 2006
28. Psychological Trauma. Dora Black 1997
29. Methods for Disaster Mental Health Research. Fran H. Norris 2006
30. Novel Approaches to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (NATO Security Through
Science). M. J. Roy 2006
31. Sleeping and Waking: Physiology and Psychology. Ian Oswald 1962
32. Sleep Onset: NORMAL & ABNORMAL PROCESSES (Apa Science Volumes). ROBERT,ED. OGILVIE 1995
33. The Origins of Meaning (Language in the Light of Evolution). James Hurford 2007
34. Teaching Psychology - A Step by Step guide. Sandra G. Lucas
35. New Families, Old Scripts: A Guide to the Language of Trauma And Attachment in Adoptive Families. Caroline
Archer 2006
36. The Developing World of the Child. Jane Aldgate 2006
37. Coming Out Asperger: Diagnosis, Disclosure And Self-confidence. Dinah Murray 2005
38. Spiritual Growth And Care in the Fourth Age of Life. Elizabeth Mackinlay 2006
39. Disorganized Children: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. Samuel M. Stein 2006
40. Enhancing the Well Being of Children And Families Through Effective Interventions: International Evidence for
Practice. Maria Eagle 2006
41. 30 Seconds That Can Change Your Life: A Decison-Making Guide for Those That Refuse to be Mediocre. Roger
Kaufman 2006
42. The Adventures of the Little Tin Tortoise: A Self-esteem Story With Activities for Teachers, Parents And Carers .
Deborah Plummer 2005
43. Expressive And Creative Arts Methods for Trauma Survivors. Judith Rubin 2006
44. Sambadrama: The Arena of Brazilian Psychodrama. Adam Blatner 2006
45. Sexuality And Fertility Issues in Ill Health And Disability: From Early Adolescence to Adulthood. Rachel Balen 2006
46. Family Support As Reflective Practice. Neil Thompson 2005
47. Applied Behaviour Analysis And Autism: Building a Future Together. Gina Green 2005
48. Group Analytic Art Therapy. Gerry McNeilly 2005
49. Drama Therapy And Storymaking in Special Education. Paula Crimmens 2006
50. The Jumbled Jigsaw: An Insider's Approach to the Treatment of Autistic Spectrum 'Fruit Salads'. Donna Williams
51. Domestic Violence And Child Protection: Directions for Good Practice. Cathy Humphreys 2006
52. Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making. Henning Plessner 2007
53. Falling in Love: Why We Choose the Lovers we Choose. Ayala Malach Pines 2005
54. Perceptual Experience. Tamar Szabo Gendler 2006
55. Mental Mechanisms: Philosophical Perspectives on Cognitive Neuroscience. William Bechtel 2007
56. Religion and Psychology. Dian Jonte-Pace 2000
57. Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes. Jennifer Elder 2005
58. Grief Unseen: Healing Pregnancy Loss Through the Arts. Laura Seftel 2006
59. The Music Effect: Music Physiology And Clinical Applications. Daniel J. Schneck 2006
60. Psychodrama: A Beginner's Guide. Zoran Djuric 2006
61. Shine in the World. Robin Sharma 2003
62. The Psychology of Winning. Denis Waitley 1986
63. The Feeling of What Happens. Antonio R. Damasio 2000
64. Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Adults. Janet Zarb 2007
65. The Search for Mind. Sean O Nuallain 2000
66. The Intelligent Ear: On the Nature of Sound Perception. Reinier Plomp 2001
67. Language, Cognition, and the Brain: Insights From Sign Language Research. Karen Emmorey 2001
68. Gay Warriors: A Documentary History from the Ancient World to the Present. B. Burg 2001
69. Living Systems, Evolving Consciousness, and the Emerging Person: A Selection of Papers from the Life Work of
Louis Sander (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series). Louis Sander 2007
70. Consciousness Transitions: Phylogenetic, Ontogenetic and Physiological Aspects. Hans Liljenstrm 2007
71. Progress In Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology, Volume 18 (Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological
Psychology). Steven J. Fluharty 2003
72. How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: A Handbook for Personal Liberty. Harry Browne 1998
73. The Sharper Mind: Mental Games for a Keen Mind and a Fool Proof Memory. Fred B. Chernow 1997
74. Mind Set!: Reset Your Thinking and See the Future. John Naisbitt 2006
75. GIMP: When Life Deals You a Crappy Hand, You Can Fold -or You Can Play. Mark Zupan 2006
76. Living Well with Depression and Bipolar Disorder: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You...That You Need to Know
(Living Well). John Mcmanamy 2006
77. Self-Analysis. Karen Horney 2006
78. Families Across Cultures: A 30-Nation Psychological Study. James Georgas 2006
79. Rediscovering Empathy: Agency, Folk Psychology, and the Human Sciences (Bradford Books). Karsten R. Stueber
80. Dark Ages: The Case for a Science of Human Behavior (Bradford Books). Lee C. McIntyre 2006
Daftar E-book Psikologi April 2007

1. Computation and Cognition: Toward a Foundation for Cognitive Science. Zenon W. Pylyshyn 1984
2. Time for a Change (NLP). Richard Bandler 1993
3. Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius (NLP). John Grinder 1995
4. Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning. Richard Bandler 1981
5. The Handbook of Language and Gender (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics). Janet Holmes 2003
6. Seeing and Visualizing: It's Not What You Think (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology).
Zenon W. Pylyshyn 2003
7. Education for Life: Preparing Children to Meet the Challenges. J. Donald Walters 2003
8. Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self. Rosalene Glickman 2002
9. How You Can Succeed!: Transforming Dreams into Reality for Young Adults. Sean C. Stephenson 2000
10. Treas of Joy & Enthus. Norman Vincen Peale 1982
11. Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests for Cross-Cultural Assessment. Lawrence Erlbaum 2004
12. Dental Floss for the Mind. Michel Noir 2005
13. Learning & Memory: The Brain in Action. Marilee Sprenger 1999
14. Sexploration: The Ultimate Guide to Feeling Truly Great in Bed. Jane Bogart 2006
15. It's Not about Me. Max Lucado 2004
16. Shape Shifter: Transform Your Life in 1 Day 2005-05. Geoff Thompson 2005
17. Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation 2006-01. R. Keith Sawyer 2006
18. Negotiate to Win: The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiating 2005-09. Jim Thomas 2005
19. It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness 2006-01. Stephen M. Pollan 2006
20. Bad Childhood---Good Life: How to Blossom and Thrive in Spite of an Unhappy Childhood 2006-01. Laura
Schlessinger 2006
21. Are You Good Enough: 15 Ways to Build a Confident Mindset 2006-06. Bill McFarlan 2006
22. Artful Persuasion: How to Command Attention, Change Minds, and Influence People. Harry Mills 2000
23. Consciousness In Four Dimensions: Biological Relativity and the Origins of Thought. Richard M Pico 2001
24. Imagination in Chess: How to Think Creatively and Avoid Foolish Mistakes. Paata Gaprindashvili 2004
25. The Roots of Consciousness: The Classic Encyclopedia of Consciousness Studies Revised and Expanded. Jeffrey
Mishlove 1997
26. Psychology Basics (Magill's Choice). Nancy A. Piotrowski 2004
27. Promoting Positive Thinking. Glynis Hannell 2005
28. Introducing Evolutionary Psychology. Dylan Evans 2000
29. Accelerated Learning. Colin Rose 1987
30. Suggestology and Outlines of Suggestopedy (Psychic Studies). Georgi Lozanov 1992
31. Japanese patterns of behavior. Takie Sugiyama Lebra 1976
32. Reason and Faith Revisited (Aquinas Lecture 36). Francis H. Parker 1971
33. Psyche and Cerebrum (Aquinas Lecture 37). J. N. Findlay 1972
34. Neurobiology of Human Values (Research and Perspectives in Neurosciences). J.-P. Changeux 2005
35. The Play Solution : How to Put the Fun and Excitement Back Into Your Relationship. Jeanette C Lauer 2002
36. How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free. Tina B. Tessina 2002
37. Celebrate Your Dream: Fulfill Your Destiny One Wish at a Time : A Step-By-Step Program. Joyce Chapman 2002
38. Always Think Big. Thomas Duening 2002
39. Outlines of Psychology. Wilhelm Max Wundt 2003
40. Mind Control in the U. S.. Steven Jacobson 1985
41. Mind, Meaning, and Mental Disorder: The Nature of Causal Explanation in Psychology and Psychiatry (International
Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry). Derek Bolton 2004
42. Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought (Bradford Books). Dedre Gentner 2003
43. The Definitive Book of Body Language. Allan Pease 2004
44. The Philosophy of Psychology. George Botterill 1999
45. How To Use Your Mind: A Psychology Of Study. Harry D. Kitson 2004
46. Games People Play the Psychology of Human Relationships. Eric Berne 1973
47. Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice: Working with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgender People. Deana F. Morrow 2005
48. Handbook of Parenting, Second Edition: Volume 1: Children and Parenting. Marc H. Bornstein 2002
49. Handbook of Parenting, Second Edition: Volume 2: Biology and Ecology of Parenting. Marc H. Bornstein 2002
50. Handbook of Parenting, Second Edition: Volume 3: Being and Becoming A Parent. Marc Bornstein 2002
51. Handbook of Parenting, Second Edition: Volume 4: Social Conditions and Applied Parenting. Marc Bornstein 2002
52. Handbook of Parenting, Second Edition: Volume 5: Practical Issues in Parenting. Marc H. Bornstein 2002
53. Brilliant Psychometric and Other Selection Tests - Tests You Might Have to Sit and How To Prepare for Them.
Susan Hodgson 2003
54. Handbook to a Happier Life: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life You've Always Wanted. Jim Donovan 2003
55. The Skeptic's Guide to the Paranormal. Lynne Kelly 2004
56. The Corruption of Reality: A Unified Theory of Religion, Hypnosis, and Psychopathology. John F. Schumaker 1995
57. He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys. Greg Behrendt 2004
58. Parenting: An Ecological Perspective, Second Edition. Tom Luster 2005
59. The Advertised Mind: Ground-Breaking Insights Into How Our Brains Respond to Advertising. Erik Du Plessis 2005
60. 365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Programme for Personal Transformation in Just a Few Minutes a Day. David
Lawrence Preston 2007
61. St. Martin: The French Mystic. Arthur Edward Waite 1997
62. Freud and His Critics. Paul Robinson 1993
63. Out at Work. The Mental Health Foundation
64. Mind and Mechanism (Bradford Books). Drew V. McDermott 2002
65. Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science, Second Edition (Bradford Books). Paul Thagard 2001
66. Awakening Children's Minds: How Parents and Teachers Can Make a Difference. Laura E. Berk 2001
67. Four Weeks to a Better-Behaved Child : Breakthrough Discipline Techniques that Work -- for Children Age 2 to 10.
Cristine Chandler 2004
68. Why Boys Don't Talk - and Why it Matters. Susan Morris 2004
69. Why Girls Talk--and What They're Really Saying. Susan Morris 2004
70. No More Misbehavin': 38 Difficult Behaviors and How to Stop Them. Michele Ed.D. Borba 2003
71. The Illusion of Conscious Will (Bradford Books). Daniel M. Wegner 2002
72. Cognitive Carpentry: A Blueprint for How to Build a Person. John L. Pollock 1995
73. How Brains Think: Evolving Intelligence, Then and Now (Science Masters). William H. Calvin 1996
74. The Power of Persuasion: How We're Bought and Sold. Robert V. Levine 2006
75. This Place on Earth: Home and the Practice of Permanence. Alan Thein Durning 1996
76. The Blueprint, The Complete Guide to Attraction. Owen Cook 2006
77. The Mystery of Things, 1st edition. C. Bollas 1999
78. The Secrets of Making Love Happen: Mastering Your Relationships Using Handwriting Analysis & Neuro-Linguistic
Programming. Bart A. Baggett 1998
79. Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person (International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry). . Julian C.
Hughes 2006
80. Principles and Practice of Psychopharmacotherapy . Philip G Janicak 2001
Daftar E-book Psikologi Mei 2007

1. Reading People: How to Understand People and Predict Their Behavior. Jo-Ellan Dimitrius 1999
2. The Genius Engine: Where Memory, Reason, Passion, Violence, and Creativity Intersect in the Human Brain.
Kathleen Stein 2007
3. Social Consciousness in Legal Decision Making: Psychological Perspectives. Richard L. Wiener 2007
4. Diplomacy Games: Formal Models of, in and for International Negotiation. Rudolf Avenhaus 2007
5. Dialogic Learning: Shifting Perspectives to Learning, Instruction and Teaching. J van der Linden
6. Bipolar Disorders: 100 Years after Manic-Depressive Insanity. A Marneros 2001
7. Comprehensive Handbook of Psychopathology, Third Edition. HE Adams 2001
8. The Mind As a Scientific Object: Between Brain and Culture. Christina E. Erneling 2005
9. Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women: Romance Writers on the Appeal of the Romance (New Cultural Studies
Series). Jayne Ann Krentz 1992
10. Geographies of Girlhood: Identities In-Between (Inquiry and Pedagogy Across Diverse Contexts). Pamela J Bettis
11. Feminists and Psychological Practice. Erica Burman 1990
12. Integrity and Personhood:: Looking at Patients from a Bio/Psycho/Social Perspective. Erich E.H. Loewy 2000
13. Ethics in Community Mental Health Care: Commonplace Concerns. Patricia Backlar 2002
14. Dynamic Cognitive Processes. Nobuo Ohta 2005
15. Imagination and the Meaningful Brain (Philosophical Psychopathology). Arnold H. Modell 2003
16. The Inner Sky: How to Make Wiser Choices for a More Fulfilling Life. Steven Forrest 1984
17. Genetic Counselling: A Psychological Approach. Christine Evans 2006
18. Trends and Prospects in Motivation Research. A. Efklides 2001
19. Side Bias: A Neuropsychological Perspective. M.K. Mandal 2000
20. Suicide Science: Expanding the Boundaries. Thomas Joiner 2000
21. Issues in the Psychology of Women. Maryka Biaggio 2000
22. The Crisis in Modern Social Psychology and how to end it. Ian Parker 1989
23. Sex For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help). Ruth K. Westheimer 2006
24. Prediction, Learning, and Games. Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi 2006
25. The Psychology of Problem Solving. Janet Davidson 2006
26. Dynamics of Crowd-Minds: Patterns of Irrationality in Emotions, Beliefs And Actions (World Scientific Series on
Nonlinear Science, Series A). Andrew Adamatzky 2005
27. Deconstructing Social Psychology. Ian Parker 1990
28. Dynamic Memory: A Theory of Reminding and Learning in Computers and People. Roger C. Schank 1983
29. The Divided Self. R. D. Laing 1965
30. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy 1991. David D. Burns 1999
31. Psychosynthesis: A Psychology of the Spirit. John Firman 2002
32. Psychotherapy and counseling in the treatment of drug abuse. Lisa Simon Onken 1990
33. LSD Psychotherapy. Stanislav Grof M.d. 2001
34. Reading People: How to Understand People and Predict Their Behavior. Jo-Ellan Dimitrius 1999
35. Psychology of Intelligence Analysis. Richards J. 1999
36. Psychology in Chess. Nikolai Krogius 1976
37. Does Consciousness Cause Behavior?. Susan Pockett 2006
38. Tone of Voice and Mind: The Connections Between Intonation, Emotion, Cognition, and Consciousness (Advances
in Consciousness Research, 47). Norman D. Cook 2002
39. The Dynamical Systems Approach to Cognition: Concepts and Empirical Paradigms Based on Self-Organization,
Embodiment, and Coordination Dynamics (Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life Science). Tschacher and
Dauwalder 2003
40. Understanding Understanding: Essays on Cybernetics and Cognition. Heinz Von Foerster 2002
41. Taking Action: Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on Intentional Acts (Bradford Books). Scott H 2003
42. Memory language: how to develop powerful recall in 48 minutes. Allan Pease
43. The Bifurcation of the Self: The History and Theory of Dissociation and Its Disorders (Library of the History of
Psychology Theories). Robert W. Rieber 2006
44. Get Set for Psychology (Get Set for University). Peter Wright 2006
45. Intimate Connections. David D. Burns 1985
46. The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential. Tony Buzan 1994
47. Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment. George Leonard 1992
48. Love Yourself into Life. Ramtha 1983
49. Covering Violence: A Guide to Ethical Reporting About Victims And Trauma. Roger Simpson 2006
50. Human Spatial Memory: Remembering Where. Gary L. Allen 2003
51. Sight Unseen: An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision. Melvyn A. Goodale 2003
52. Creativity: Theories and Themes: Research, Development, and Practice. Mark A. Runco 2006
53. Psychology of Terrorism. Editors: Bongar 2006
54. Fear Is No Longer My Reality. Jamie Blyth 2004
55. I Know All About You. Louis Turi 2000
56. Cartographies of the Mind: Philosophy and Psychology in Intersection (Studies in Brain and Mind). Massimo
Marraffa 2007
57. The Mentor's Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships. Lois J. Zachary 2000
58. How to Find a Lasting Relationship. Richard Gosse 1991
59. Reconstructing the Cognitive World: The Next Step (Bradford Books). Michael Wheeler 2005
60. Real Natures and Familiar Objects (Bradford Books). Crawford L. Elder 2004
61. Natural Genius: The Gifts of Asperger's Syndrome. Susan Rubinyi 2007
62. Clocking the Mind: Mental Chronometry and Individual Differences. Arthur R. Jensen 2006
63. The Development of Commonsense Psychology. Chris Moore 2006
64. The Psychology of Science and the Origins of the Scientific Mind. Gregory J. Feist 2006
65. Teaching With The Brain In Mind, 2nd Edition. Eric Jensen 2005
66. Thinking in Patterns: Fractals and Related Phenomena in Nature. Miroslav M. Novak 2004
67. Finding Consciousness in the Brain: A Neurocognitive Approach (Advances in Consciousness Research). Peter G.
Grossenbacher 2001
68. The Emerging Physics of Consciousness (The Frontiers Collection). Ed Tuszynski 2006
69. Beyond Knowledge: Extracognitive Aspects of Developing High Ability (Educational Psychology Series). Larisa V.
Shavinina 2004
70. Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction. Vyvyan Evans 2006
71. Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Declarative Problem Solving. Chitta Baral 2003
72. Cognitive Systems: Human Cognitive Models In Systems Design. Chris Forsythe 2005
73. Finding You, Finding Me: Using Intensive Interaction to Get in Touch With People With Severe Learning Disabilities
Combined With Autistic Spectrum Disorder [Parenting & Families]. Phoebe Caldwell 2005
74. Inner Journeying Through Art-journaling: Learning to See And Record Your Life As a Work of Art. Marianne Hieb
75. Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Asperger's, Tourette's, Bipolar, And More!: The One Stop Guide for
Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals. Martin L., M.D. Kutscher 2005
76. Teaching Social Studies That Matters: Curriculum for Active Learning. Stephen J. Thornton 2004
77. Handbook of Personality Psychology. Robert Hogan 1997
78. Rebels With a Cause: Working With Adolescents Using Action Techniques. Mario Cossa 2005
79. City Schools and the American Dream: Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education (Multicultural Education, 17).
Pedro A. Noguera 2003
80. Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial
Destiny!. Anthony Robbins 1992
Daftar E-book Psikologi Juni 2007

1. Mind and Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness. Philip Clayton 2006

2. Theories Of Personality, 6e. Jess Feist 2005
3. Final Exit (Third Edition): The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying. Derek Humphry
4. Anxiety Disorders in Adults: An Evidence-Based Approach to Psychological Treatment. Peter D. McLean 2001
5. Anxiety Disorders in Adults: A Clinical Guide. Vladan Starcevic 2004
6. Anxiety, Depression, and Emotion. Richard J. Davidson 2000
7. Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons, 4e. Susan C. Cloninger 2003
8. Cognitive Rehabilitation in Old Age. Robert D. Hill 2000
9. From Monkey Brain to Human Brain: A Fyssen Foundation Symposium (Bradford Books). Stanislas Dehaene 2005
10. Different Minds: Gifted Children With AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and other Learning Deficits. Deirdre V. Lovecky
11. Masters of the Mind: Exploring the Story of Mental Illness from Ancient Times to the New Millennium. Theodore
Millon 2004
12. The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain (Bradford Books). Robert L. Solso 2005
13. The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions. William M. Reddy 2001
14. Freud's Mass Psychology: Questions of Scale. Suprenant Celine 2003
15. Mind and Supermind (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy). Keith Frankish 2004
16. Religion and Psychology in Transition: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Theology. James W. Jones 1996
17. Semantic Cognition: A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach (Bradford Books). Timothy T. Rogers 2006
18. The New Handbook of Methods in Nonverbal Behavior Research (Series in Affective Science). Jinni Harrigan 2005
19. Friday's Footprint: How Society Shapes the Human Mind. Leslie Brothers 2001
20. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. Gustave Le Bon 1982
21. The Psychology of Romantic Love. Nathaniel Branden 1985
22. Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature (Bradford Books). David J.
Buller 2006
23. Caging the Beast: A Theory of Sensory Consciousness (Advances in Consciousness Research, 51). Paula Droege
24. Personal Construct Psychology: New Ideas. Peter Caputi 2006
25. Schaum's Outline of Introduction To Psychology. Arno E. Wittig 1977
26. Attitudes, Personality and Behavior (2nd Edition). I Ajzen 2005
27. Covert Persuasion: Psychological Tactics and Tricks to Win the Game. Kevin Hogan 2006
28. Making up the Mind: How the Brain Creates Our Mental World. Chris Frith 2007
29. Empathy and Fairness (Novartis Foundation Symposia). Novartis Foundation 2006
30. Feelings: The Perception of Self (Series in Affective Science). James D. Laird 2007
31. Biology of Personality and Individual Differences. Turhan Canli 2006
32. Psychiatry: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions). Tom Burns 2006
33. Activating the Desire to Learn. Bob Sullo 2007
34. The Brain-Shaped Mind. Naomi Goldblum 2001
35. Visual Agnosia: Second Edition (Bradford Books). Martha J. Farah 2004
36. Development of Emotions and Emotion Regulation (International Series in Outreach Scholarship). Manfred
Holodynski 2005
37. The Poetics of Psychoanalysis: In the Wake of Klein. Mary Jacobus 2006
38. Touching for Knowing: Cognitive Psychology of Haptic Manual Perception (Advances in Consciousness Research,
53). Yvette Hatwell 2003
39. Children With Emotional And Behavioural Difficulties And Communication Problems: There Is Always A Reason.
Melanie Cross 2004
40. The Self-Marginalization of Wilhelm Stekel: Freudian Circles Inside and Out (Path in Psychology). Jaap Bos 2006
41. Psychogeography (Pocket Essentials). Merlin Coverley 2006
42. Eye Movements: A Window on Mind and Brain. Roger van Gompel 2007
43. The Future of Psychoanalysis. Chessick Richard D. 2007
44. Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Analysis and Criticism of Unrealistic Portrayals and Their Influence
(LEA's Communication Series). GALICIAN 2003
45. Cognition and Chance: The Psychology of Probabilistic Reasoning. Raymond S. Nickerson 2004
46. Lessons in Mastery. Anthony Robbins 2002
47. The Conscious Mind. David J. Chalmers 1997
48. Cognitive Systems - Information Processing Meets Brain Science. Richard G.M. Morris 2005
49. Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Divide between Self and Others. Bertram F. Malle 2005
50. Thinking and Seeing: Visual Metacognition in Adults and Children (Bradford Books). Daniel T. Levin 2004
51. Brain Mapping: The Disorders. John C. Mazziotta 2000
52. International Handbook of Cognitive and Behavioural Treatments for Psychological Disorders. Pergamon 1998
53. Cognitive Vulnerability to Emotional Disorders. Lauren B. Alloy 2005
54. Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Mental Health. Academic Press 2002
55. Workplace Temporalities. Beth A Rubin 2007
56. Discourse Dynamics: Critical Analysis for Social and Individual Psychology. Ian Parker 1991
57. Memory and Emotion (Series in Affective Science). Daniel Reisberg 2003
58. Developing the Horizons of the Mind: Relational and Contextual Reasoning and the Resolution of Cognitive Conflict.
K. Helmut Reich 2002
59. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy). E. J. Lowe 2000
60. Coaching Yourself to Leadership. Ginny OBrien 2006
61. Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development (The
Educational Psychology Series). David Yun Dai 2004
62. How Images Think. Ron Burnett 2004
63. The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships (Autism and Asperger). Temple Grandin 2005
64. Unmasking the Face. Paul Ekman 2003
65. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. Kerry Patterson 2002
66. Dynamical Cognitive Science (Bradford Books). Lawrence M. Ward 2001
67. Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior. Arjun Chaudhuri 2006
68. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Clinicians (Psychotherapy in Clinical Practice), 1st ed (2006). Donna M Sudak
69. Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide. Tracy Bowell 2002
70. The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science (Concise Encyclopedia of Psychology).
W. Edward Craighead 2004
71. Popular Psychology: An Encyclopedia. Luis A. Cordon 2005
72. Genius Explained. Michael J. A. Howe 2001
73. Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives. V Clarke, E Peel 2007
74. Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy. Glen O. Gabbard 2005
75. The Emotional Nature of Qualitative Research (Innovations in Psychology). Kathleen Gilbert 2000
76. Psychology of Computer Programming. Gerald M. Weinberg 1985
77. Competing Globally, Mastering Multicultural Management and Negotiation. Farid Elashmawi 2001
78. Self to Self: Selected Essays. J. David Velleman 2005
79. The Inner Game of Golf. W. Timothy Gallwey 1998
80. The Act Itself. Jonathan Bennett 1998
Daftar E-book Psikologi Juli 2007
1. Techniques of Creative Thinking. Robert P. Crawford 1964
2. How to Develop a Perfect Memory. Dominic O'Brien 1994
3. On the Psychobiology of Personality: Essays in Honor of Marvin Zuckerman. Pergamon 2004
4. Rationality and Logic (Bradford Books). Robert Hanna 2006
5. Connectionism: A Hands-on Approach. Michael R W Dawson 2005
6. Cognitive Science (Handbook of Perception and Cognition, Second Edition). Benjamin Martin Bly 1999
7. Personality Judgment: A Realistic Approach to Person Perception. Academic Press 1999
8. Coherence in Thought and Action (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology). Paul Thagard
9. Assessment and Therapy: Specialty Articles from the Encyclopedia of Mental Health. Academic Press 2001
10. Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. RF Paloutzian 2005
11. Elsevier's Dictionary of Psychological Theories. JE Roeckelein 2006
12. Alternative Femininities: Body, Age and Identity (Dress, Body, Culture). Samantha Holland 2004
13. Understanding Depression. Patricia Ainsworth 2000
14. The New Unconscious (Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience). Ran R. Hassin 2004
15. Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology and the Brain. Gary D. Fireman 2003
16. Soul, Psyche, Brain: New Directions in the Study of Religion and Brain-Mind Science. Kelly Bulkeley 2005
17. Substance Abuse in the Mentally and Physically Disabled. Hubbard/Martin 2001
18. Polypharmacy in Psychiatry (Medical Psychiatry, 17). Ghaemi 2002
19. Passionate Engines: What Emotions Reveal about the Mind and Artificial Intelligence. Craig DeLancey 2004
20. The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. Peter Carruthers 2005
21. Visible Thinking: Unlocking Causal Mapping for Practical Business Results. John M. Bryson 2004
22. The Power of Labelling: How People Are Categorized and Why It Matters. Rosalind Eyben 2007
23. Personality Traits. Gerald Matthews 2004
24. Faking It. William Ian Miller 2003
25. Psychology and Law: A Critical Introduction. Andreas Kapardis 2003
26. Terror and Violence: Imagination and the Unimaginable (Anthropology, Culture and Society). Andrew Strathern
27. Aliens R Us: The Other in Science Fiction Cinema. Ziauddin Sardar 2002
28. Class, Nation And Identity: The Anthropology of Political Movements (Anthropology, Culture and Society). Jeff Pratt
29. The Reform of Time: Magic and Modernity. Maureen Perkins 2001
30. Global Metaphors: Modernity and the Quest for One World. Jo-Anne Pemberton 2001
31. Locating Cultural Creativity (Anthropology, Culture and Society). John Liep 2001
32. Freakshow: First Person Media and Factual Television. Jon Dovey 2000
33. Art and Politics: Psychoanalysis, Ideology, Theatre. Walter A. Davis 2007
34. Identity And Affect: Experiences of Identity in a Globalising World (Anthropology, Culture and Society). John R.
Campbell 1999
35. The Innermost Kernel. Suzanne Gieser 2005
36. Evolutionary Explanations of Human Behaviour. John Cartwright 2001
37. Basic Content Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Robert P. (Philip) Weber 1990
38. Mechanisms of Memory. J. David Sweatt 2003
39. The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything. Guy Kawasaki 2004
40. Arts With the Brain in Mind. Eric Jensen 2001
41. Tracking Reason: Proof, Consequence, and Truth. Jody Azzouni 2005
42. Culture and Subjective Well-Being (Well Being and Quality of Life). Ed Diener Eunkook M. Suh 2000
43. Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age. Tiziana Terranova 2004
44. Methods in Mind (Cognitive Neuroscience). Carl Senior 2006
45. The Child's Mind: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Theory of Education. John White 2002
46. Science, Religion, and the Human Experience. James D. Proctor 2005
47. Handbook of Religion and Mental Health. Harold G. Koenig 1998
48. Handbook of Cultural Psychiatry. Wen-Shing Tseng 2001
49. Handbook of Cultural Health Psychology. Shahe S. Kazarian 2001
50. Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health : Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations. Israel Cuellar 2000
51. Lacan and Science. Jason Glynos 2002
52. Why Language Matters for Theory of Mind. Janet Wilde Astington 2005
53. The Middle East: A Cultural Psychology (Culture, Cognition, and Behavior). Gary S. Gregg 2005
54. Deleuze and Guattari's Anti Oedipus: Introduction to Schizoanalysis. Eugene Holland 1999
55. Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression. Jacques Derrida 1998
56. Lewis' Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Textbook, 4/e . Andrs Martin 2007
57. Educational Leadership and the Community Strategies for School Improvement Through Community Engagement.
Tony Gelsthorpe 2003
58. The Algebraic Mind: Integrating Connectionism and Cognitive Science (Learning, Development, and Conceptual
Change). Gary F. Marcus 2001
59. Consciousness Evolving (Advances in Consciousness Research). James H. Fetzer 2002
60. The Bilingual Mind: Thinking, Feeling and Speaking in Two Languages (Cognition and Language: A Series in
Psycholinguistics). Rafael Art Javier 2007
61. Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation. Matthew
Ratcliffe 2007
62. Longing for Paradise: Psychological Perspectives on an Archetype (Studies in Jungian Psychology . Jungian
Analysts). Mario Jaco. 2006
63. Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common Sense. Karl Albrecht 2007
64. Memory: Organization and Locus of Change. Larry R. Squire 1992
65. The Unconscious Abyss (Suny Series in Hegelian Studies). Jon, Mills 2002
66. Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolution and Relevance of a Genre. Jack Zipes 2006
67. Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion: The Classical Genre for Children and the Process of Civilization. Jack Zipes
68. Spirit, Mind, and Brain: A Psychoanalytic Examination of Spirituality and Religion (Columbia Series in Science and
Religion). Mortimer Ostow 2006
69. Relocating Consciousness: Diasporic Writers and the Dynamics of Literary Experience. (Consciousness, Literature
& the Arts). Daphne Grace 2007
70. Causal Learning: Psychology, Philosophy, and Computation (Oxford Series in Cognitive Development). Alison
Gopnik 2007
71. Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older: How Memory Shapes our Past. Douwe Draaisma 2006
72. Psychic Conversion and Theological Foundations (Marquette Studies in Theology). Robert M. Doran 2006
73. Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: A Neuropsychological Perspective. Kyle Brauer Boone 2007
74. Retrain Your Brain, Reshape Your Body. Georgia Andrianopoulos 2007
75. Getting Them to See It Your Way. Judith Segal Ph.D 2000
76. Best Practices: Difficult People: Working Effectively with Prickly Bosses, Coworkers, and Clients (Best Practices).
John Hoover 2007
77. The Confident Speaker. Harrison Monarth 2007
78. Fragmented Intimacy: Addiction in a Social World. Peter J. Adams 2007
79. Knowing, Knowledge and Beliefs: Epistemological Studies across Diverse Cultures. Myint Swe Khine 2008
80. Growing Up with Autism: Working with School-Age Children and Adolescents. Robin L. Gabriels 2007
Daftar E-book Psikologi Agustus 2007

1. Handbook of Sexual Dysfunction (Medical Psychiatry). Richard Balon 2005

2. Child Psychology: A Handbook of Contemporary Issues. Lawrence Balter 2005
3. The Self in Social Judgment (Studies in Self and Identity). Mark D. Alicke 2005
4. Mind and Causality (Advances in Consciousness Research, V. 55). Alberto Peruzzi 2004
5. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Practical Guide, 2006. Dorothy Stubbe 2006
6. Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science. Henri Cohen 2005
7. The Matter of the Mind. Huib Looren de Jong 2007
8. Narrative Intelligence (Advances in Consciousness Research, 46). Michael Mateas 2003
9. How the Mind Explains Behavior: Folk Explanations, Meaning, and Social Interaction (Bradford Books). Bertram F.
Malle 2004
10. Greater Vision. Marc Grossman 2001
11. Functional Features in Language and Space: Insights from Perception, Categorization, and Development
(Language and Space). Laura Carlson 2005
12. Models and Cognition (Bradford Books). Jonathan A. Waskan 2006
13. Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms. Robert N. McCauley 2002
14. Oxford Textbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry, 2006. Fulford, K. W.M. Thornton 2006
15. The Hidden Life of Girls: Games of Stance, Status, and Exclusion (Blackwell Studies in Discourse and Culture).
Marjorie Harness Goodwin 2006
16. Hughes' Outline of Modern Psychiatry. David Gill 2007
17. Consciousness Recovered: Psychological Functions and Origins of Conscious Thought (Advances in
Consciousness Research). George Mandler 2002
18. Mental Models & the Mind: Current Developments in Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind
(Advances in Psychology; Volume 138). Carsten Held 2006
19. Psychodermatology: The Psychological Impact of Skin Disorders. Carl Walker 2005
20. Knowledge Emergence: Social, Technical, and Evolutionary Dimensions of Knowledge Creation. Ikujiro Nonaka
21. Promoting Self-Change from Addictive Behaviors: Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention, and Treatment.
Harald Klingemann 2007
22. The Secret of the Totem: Religion and Society from McLennan to Freud. Robert Alun Jones 2005
23. A Guide to Asperger Syndrome. Christopher Gillberg 2002
24. Opportunities in Psychology Careers. Donald E. Super 2001
25. The Future of the Cognitive Revolution. David Johnson 1997
26. Perception of Faces, Objects, and Scenes: Analytic and Holistic Processes (Advances in Visual Cognition). Mary A.
Peterson 2006
27. The Transcendent Function: Jung's Model of Psychological Growth Through Dialogue With the Unconscious.
Jeffrey C. Miller 2004
28. Biological Influences on Criminal Behavior. Gail S. Anderson 2006
29. Mental Health, Social Mirror. William S. Avison 2007
30. Handbook on Brain Connectivity (Understanding Complex Systems). V.K. Jirsa 2007
31. Toward a Cognitive Semantics - Volume 1: Concept Structuring Systems (Language, Speech, and Communication).
Leonard Talmy 2003
32. Toward a Cognitive Semantics - Volume 2: Typology and Process in Concept Structuring (Language, Speech, and
Communication). Leonard Talmy 2003
33. Attention and Implicit Learning (Advances in Consciousness Research, 48). Luis Jimenez 2003
34. The Evolution of Human Language: Scenarios, Principles, and Cultural Dynamics (Advances in Consciousness
Research). Wolfgang Wildgen 2004
35. The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces (Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics). Gillian Ramchand 2007
36. Adversarial Reasoning: Computational Approaches to Reading the Opponent's Mind. Alexander Kott 2007
37. Perceptual Coherence: Hearing and Seeing (Oxford Psychology). Stephen Handel 2006
38. Simulation and Knowledge of Action (Advances in Consciousness Research). Jerome Dokic 2002
39. Harmful Thoughts: Essays on Law, Self, and Morality. Meir Dan-Cohen 2002
40. The Asymmetrical Brain. Kenneth Hugdahl 2002
41. Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications (Essential Psychopharmacology
Series). Stephen M. Stahl 2000
42. Everything You Need to Know at Work. Ciara Woods 2003
43. Joint Cognitive Systems: Patterns in Cogntive Systems Engineering. David D. Woods 2006
44. Furnishing the Mind: Concepts and Their Perceptual Basis (Representation and Mind). Jesse J. Prinz 2002
45. Awakening and Sleep-Wake Cycle Across Development (Advances in Consciousness Research). Piero Salzarulo
46. Understanding People: Normativity and Rationalizing Explanation. Alan Millar 2004
47. Handbook of Psychodiagnostic Testing: Analysis of Personality in the Psychological Report. Henry Kellerma 2007
48. Handbook of Adolescent Behavioral Problems: Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment. Thomas
P. Gullotta 2006
49. Subjectivity: Theories of the Self from Freud to Haraway. Nick Mansfield 2000
50. Notebooks of the Mind: Explorations of Thinking. Vera John-Steiner 1997
51. Cognition and Intelligence: Identifying the Mechanisms of the Mind. Robert J. Sternberg 2004
52. Beneath the Crust of Culture: Psychoanalytic Anthropology and the Cultural Unconscious in American Life
(Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies; 1). Howard F. Stein 2003
53. Psychophysiology Human Behavior and Physiological Response. John L. Andreassi 2000
54. Guaranteeing Performance Improvement. Richard F. Gerson 2007
55. Ultimate Classroom Control Handbook. Dave Foley 2006
56. Handbook of Medical Psychiatry. David Moore 2004
57. Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner (Practice Planners). Arthur E., Jr. Jongsma 2006
58. Women over 50: Psychological Perspectives. Varda Muhlbauer 2007
59. Emotions at Work: Theory, Research and Applications for Management. Roy L. Payne 2001
60. Being No One: The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity. Thomas Metzinger 2003
61. Cultural Theory: The Key Thinkers (Routledge Key Guides). Peter Sedgwick 2002
62. Emotional Experience and Religious Understanding: Integrating Perception, Conception and Feeling. Mark Wynn
63. Thinking about Feeling: Contemporary Philosophers on Emotions (Series in Affective Science). Robert C. Solomon
64. Visual Versions (Bradford Books). Robert Schwartz 2006
65. Complex Worlds from Simpler Nervous Systems (Bradford Books). Frederick R. Prete 2004
66. The Brain Takes Shape: An Early History. Robert L. Martensen 2004
67. The Development of Social Engagement: Neurobiological Perspectives (Series in Affective Science). Peter J.
Marshall 2005
68. Perspectives on Imitation: From Neuroscience to Social Science - Volume 1: Mechanisms of Imitation and Imitation
in Animals (Social Neuroscience). Susan Hurley 2005
69. Perspectives on Imitation: From Neuroscience to Social Science - Volume 2: Imitation, Human Development, and
Culture (Social Neuroscience). Susan Hurley 2005
70. Contexts: Meaning, Truth, and the Use of Language. Stefano Predelli 2005
71. The Nature of Magic: An Anthropology of Consciousness. Susan Greenwood 2005
72. From Molecule to Metaphor: A Neural Theory of Language (Bradford Books). Jerome A. Feldman 2006
73. The Origin and Evolution of Cultures (Evolution and Cognition). Robert Boyd 2005
74. Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide. Frank J. Bruno 2002
75. How to Survive as a Psychotherapist (Insight Professional). Nina Coltart 1993
76. 30 Days to a More POWERFUL Memory. Gini Graham Scott 2007
77. Encyclopedia of Rape. Merril D. Smith 2004
78. The Prism of Grammar How Child Language Illuminates Humanism (Bradford Books). Tom Roeper 2007
79. Dreaming: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions). J. Allan Hobson 2005
80. Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions). Susan Blackmore 2005
Daftar E-book Psikologi September 2007

1. Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul - 101 Stories of Changes, Choices. Jack Canfield 2000
2. Psychological Challenges in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Clinical Management. Jayne Cockburn 2007
3. Bipolar Depression: A Comprehensive Guide. Rif S. El-Mallakh 2006
4. Beyond Positive Thinking: A No-Nonsense Formula for Getting the Results You Want. Robert Anthony 2004
5. Genders in the Life Course: Demographic Issues (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population
Analysis). Antonella Pinnelli 2007
6. Folk Psychology Re-Assessed. Daniel D. Hutto 2007
7. Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Group. Denise E. Wilfley 2000
8. Mad Men and Medusas: Reclaiming Hysteria. Juliet Mitchell 2001
9. Principles of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Lester Luborsky 1984
10. Concepts of Identity: Historical and Contemporary Images and Portraits of Self and Family (Icon Editions). Katherine
Hoffman 1997
11. Comparative-Integrative Psychoanalysis: A Relational Perspective for the Discipline's Second Century (Relational
Perspectives Book Series). Brent Willock 2007
12. Doing Psychiatry Wrong: A Critical and Prescriptive Look at a Faltering Profession. Rene J Muller 2007
13. Psychotherapy and Medication: The Challenge of Integration (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series). Fredric N.
Busch 2007
14. Creativity and the Brain. Kenneth M. Heilman 2005
15. Early Experience, the Brain, and Consciousness: An Historical and Interdisciplinary Synthesis. Thomas C. Dalton
16. Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion, 2000. Lane, Richard D. 2000
17. Cognition and Emotion. Eric Eich 2000
18. Becoming a Word Learner: A Debate on Lexical Acquisition, 2000. Roberta Michnick Golinkoff 2000
19. Bodily Sensibility: Intelligent Action. Jay Schulkin 2004
20. Psychology and Human Nature. Peter Ashworth 2000
21. Psychology Of Childhood. Peter Mitchell 1992
22. Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words. Joe Vitale 2006
23. BODY LANGUAGE. Julius Fast 1972
24. Influence: Science and Practice (4th Edition). Robert B. Cialdini 2000
25. The Art of Speed Reading People: How to Size People Up and Speak Their Language. Paul D. Tieger 1999
26. TV-Free The Awful Truth About Television. Katherine Westphal
27. Handbook of Affective Sciences. Davidson, Richard J 2002
28. Constructive Thinking: The Key to Emotional Intelligence. Seymour Epstein 1998
29. Best Friends, Worst Enemies: Understanding the Social Lives of Children. Michael Thompson 2001
30. From Conditioning to Conscious Recollection: Memory Systems of the Brain. Howard Eichenbaum 2004
31. Can't Get Through: 8 Barriers to Communication. Kevin Hogan 2003
32. The Psychology of Persuasion: How to Persuade Others to Your Way of Thinking. Kevin Hogan 1996
33. Fearing Others: The Nature and Treatment of Social Phobia. Ariel Stravynski 2007
34. The Autonomous Brain: A Neural Theory of Attention and Learning. Peter M. Milner 1999
35. Spatial Cognition: Foundations and Applocations : Selected Papers from Mind Iii, Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society of Ireland, 1998 (Advances in Consciousness Research). S. . Nuallin 2000
36. The Caldron of Consciousness: Motivation, Affect and Self-Organization - An Anthology (Advances in
Consciousness Research). Natika Newton 2000
37. Self-Reference and Self-Awareness (Advances in Consciousness Research). Andrew Brook 2001
38. Clinical Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders. Michael B. First 2006
39. 777 Revised. Aleister Crowley 1970
40. The Modularity of Mind. Jerry A. Fodor 1983
41. Handbook on the Economics of Happiness (Elgar Original Reference). Luigino Bruni 2007
42. ABC of Awareness: Personal Development as the Meaning of Life. Juerg Rohrer 2007
43. Right and Wrong Thinking and Their Results. Aaron Martin Crane 2003
44. New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind. Noam Chomsky 2000
45. Olfaction and the Brain. Peter Doherty 2006
46. Stereotypes and Prejudice in Conflict: Representations of Arabs in Israeli Jewish Society. Daniel Bar-Tal 2005
47. Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life (Masterminds Series). Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
48. Eye of the Storm, Vairotsanas Five Original Transmissions. Vajra Publications
49. Handbook of Cultural Psychology. Shinobu Kitayama 2007
50. Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles, 2nd edition. Arie W. Kruglanski 2007
51. The Real Gaze: Film Theory After Lacan. Todd McGowan 2008
52. Applied Attention Theory. Christopher D. Wickens 2007
53. Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology. Richard W. Robins 2007
54. Cognition in Emotion (Consciousness, Literature & the Arts). Roald Tone 2008

55. Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are. Daniel Nettle 2007
56. Body Language For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)). Elizabeth Kuhnke 2007
57. Deja Vu: Aberrations of Cultural Memory (Electronic Mediations, V. 12). Peter Krapp 2004
58. How to Build a Great Team. Ros Jay 2003
59. Knowledge Leadership: The Art and Science of the Knowledge-based Organization. Lee W. Lee 2005
60. Very Brief Psychotherapy. James P. Gustafson 2005
61. Psychoeducation Manual for Bipolar Disorder. Francesc Colom 2006
62. PsychNotes: Clinical Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition. Darlene D. Pedersen 2007
63. Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science. Sonu Shamdasani 2003
64. Stress, Coping, and Development, 2nd Edition: An Integrative Perspective. Carolyn M. Aldwin 2007
65. On the Contexts of Things Human: An Integrative View of Brain, Consciousness, and Freedom of Will. Ronald J.
MacGregor 2006
66. The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization. Thomas Homer-Dixon 2006
67. Management Systems for Safety. Jeremy Stranks 1994
68. Managing School Test and Assessment Data Manual. Theressa Mullane 2002
69. Performance Analysis (Defining and Delivering Successful Professional Practice Series). Dale Brethower 2007
70. The Realization of Being: A Guide to Experiencing Your True Identity (Power of Now). Eckhart Tolle 2001
71. Modeling Complex Systems (Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol 52). Nebraska Symposium 2007
72. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. Kerry Patterson 2007
73. Alchemists of Human Nature: Psychological Utopianism in Gross, Jung, Reich and Fromm. Petteri Pietikainen 2007
74. Music and the Numinous. (Consciousness, Literature & the Arts). Richard, Elfyn Jones 2007
75. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Gilles Deleuze 1987
76. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Gilles Deleuze 1983
77. Severe Personality Disorders. Bert van Luyn 2007
78. Pharmaceutical Reason: Knowledge and Value in Global Psychiatry (Cambridge Studies in Society and the Life
Sciences). Andrew Lakoff 2006
79. Gender Differences in Mathematics: An Integrative Psychological Approach. Ann M. Gallagher 2005
80. Developmental Psychophysiology: Theory, Systems, and Methods. Louis A. Schmidt 2007

Daftar E-book Psikologi Oktober 2007

1. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps (Advances in Consciousness Research.
Series a, Vol 13). Max Velmans 2000
2. The Physical Nature of Consciousness (Advances in Consciousness Research,Series a, V. 29). Philip Van Loocke
3. Beyond Dissociation: Interaction Between Dissociated Implicit and Explicit Processing (Advances in Consciousness
Research). Yves Rossetti 2000
4. Sensuality and Sexuality Across the Divide of Shame (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book). Joseph D. Lichtenberg 2007
5. Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representation. Eric Margolis 2007
6. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind. K. T. Maslin 2001
7. Language, Brain, and Cognitive Development: Essays in Honor of Jacques Mehler. The MIT Press 2001
8. Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Second Edition. Carlos W. Pratt 2006
9. Freudian Mythologies: Greek Tragedy and Modern Identities. Rachel Bowl. 2007
10. Wiley Concise Guides to Mental Health: Anxiety Disorders (Wiley Concise Guides to Mental Health). Larina Kase
11. The Mind Doesn't Work That Way. Jerry Fodor 2000
12. Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind (Explorations in Cognitive Science). Jerry A.
Fodor 1989
13. The Mind Accelerator: Your Lexicon for Success. Taylor Andrew Wilson 2004
14. Understanding Child Sexual Abuse. Edward L. Rowan 2006
15. Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self Deception. Daniel Goleman 1998
16. How to Be Your Child's First Teacher. Jennifer R. Bradford-Vernon 2001
17. Exploring Borders: Understanding Culture and Psychology. Giuse Mantovani 2001
18. Handbook of Psychological Assessment. Gary Groth-Marnat 2003
19. Psychology of the Language Learner: Individual Differeces in Second Language Acquisition. Zolt n Dornyei 2005
20. Twelve Steps to Self-Improvement: A Crisp Assessment Profile. Elwood Chapman 1991
21. Thinking From A to Z. N. Warburton 2000
22. Social Influences. Kevin Wren 1999
23. Successful Self-Management : Increasing Your Personal Effectiveness, Crisp. Paul R Timm 1993
24. Social Cognition (Routledge Modular Psychology). Dona Pennington 2000
25. The Power of Positive Criticism. Hendrie Weisinger 1999
26. Life in Common: An Essay in General Anthropology. Tzvetan Todorov 2001
27. Health Psychology. Anthony Curtis 2000
28. Controversies in Psychology. Phil Banyard 1999
29. The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Endel Tulving 2000
30. Authentic Happiness. Martin E.P. Seligman 2003
31. Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry (Concise Guides). James E. Spar 2006
32. Psychiatry: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review, 9th Edition. Giulia Mancini Mezzacappa 2000
33. Contemporary Clinical Psychology 2 ed. Thomas G. Plante 2005
34. Understanding Autism: From Basic Neuroscience to Treatment. Steven O., Ed. Moldin 2006
35. Ethical Issues in Behavioral Research: Basic and Applied Perspectives. Allan J. Kimmel 2007
36. Hypnotherapeutic Techniques: Second Edition. Arreed Barabasz 2004
37. On Our Mind: Salience, Context, and Figurative Language. Rachel Giora 2003
38. Understanding Figurative Language: From Metaphor to Idioms (Oxford Psychology Series). Sam Glucksberg 2001
39. Family Psychology: The Art of the Science. Pinsof, William M 2005
40. Handbook of Primary Care Psychology. Leonard J. Haas 2004
41. Healing with Stories: Your Casebook Collection for Using Therapeutic Metaphors. George W. Burns 2007
42. The Trainer's Handbook (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professionals). Karen Lawson 2006
43. Assessment Centers in Human Resource Management: Strategies for Prediction, Diagnosis, and Development
(Applied Psychology). George C. Thornton III 2005
44. Assessment Methods in Recruitment, Selection & Performance: A Managers Guide to Psychometric Testing,
Interviews and Assessment Centres. Robert Edenborough 2005
45. How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre. Harry Tolley 2005
46. Gender and Social Psychology (Psychology Focus). Vivien Burr 1998
47. Essentials of Personnel Assessment and Selection. Robert M. Guion 2006
48. The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. PD Zelazo 2007
49. The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology. J Valsiner, A Rosa 2007
50. I'm OK, You're OK. Thomas A Harris 1976
51. Nonlinear Dynamics and Psycholinguistics: A Special Double Issue of ecological Psychology. Guy C. Van Orden
52. Murderous Minds on Trial: Terrible Tales from a Forensic Psychiatrist's Casebook. Stanley Semrau 2002
53. Brain and Visual Perception: The Story of a 25-Year Collaboration. David H. Hubel 2004
54. Minds on Trial: Great Cases in Law and Psychology. Charles Patrick Ewing 2006

55. Personal Counseling: Helping Others Help Themselves. Richard Knowdell 1993
56. Criminal Profiling: Principles and Practice. Richard N. Kocsis 2006
57. Checking for Understanding: Formative Assessment Techniques for Your Classroom. Douglas Fisher 2007
58. Involuntary Memory (New Perspectives in Cognitive Psychology). JH Mace 2007
59. Treatment Protocol Project - Management of Mental Disorders 3rd. Ed.. World Health Organization 2000
60. Identifying and Understanding the Narcissistic Personality. Elsa F. Ronningstam 2005
61. In the Mind's Eye: Enhancing Human Performance. Daniel Druckman 1996
62. The Psychology of Emotion: From Everyday Life to Theory, 5th ed. Kenneth T. Strongman 2003
63. Psychology (BPS Textbooks in Psychology) . Miles Hewstone 2005
64. Social Psychology. Kenneth S. Bordens 2001
65. Erikson on Development in Adulthood: New Insights from the Unpublished Papers. Carol Hren Hoare 2001
66. Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes. Francine Shapiro 2007
67. The Gambler: Romancing Lady Luck (Studies in Jungian Psychology . Jungian Analysts). Billye B. Currie 2007
68. Handbook of Family Communication (Lea's Communication Series). Anita L. Vangelisti 2003
69. Lifespan Development of Human Memory. Peter Graf 2002
70. The Secular Mind. Robert Coles 1999
71. Life Coaching: A Cognitive Behavioural Approach. Michael Neenan 2002
72. Intimacy or Integrity: Philosophy and Cultural Differences. Thomas P. Kasulis 2002
73. Helping Children to Build Self-Esteem. Deborah Plummer 2001
74. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Volume 43 (Psychology of Learning and Motivation). Brian H. Ross 2003
75. Advances in Research and Theory (Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Volume 41). Brian H. Ross 2002
76. Consumer Culture Theory, Volume 11 (Research in Consumer Behavior). JAI Press 2007
77. The Person in Social Psychology (Psychology Focus). Vivien Burr 2002
78. The Art of Speedreading People: Harness the Power of Personality Type and Create What You Want in Business
and in Life. Paul D. Tieger 1998
79. The Psychology of Graphic Images: Seeing, Drawing, Communicating (Volume in the University of Alberta,
Department of Psychology, Distinguished Scholar Lecture). Manfredo Massironi 2001
80. Statistics for Psychologists: An Intermediate Course. Brian S. Everitt 2001

Daftar E-book Psikologi November 2007

1. Attention Deficit Disorder: The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults. Thomas E. Brown 2005
2. Three Faces of Desire (Philosophy of Mind Series). Timothy Schroeder 2004
3. Romulus' Asylum: Roman Identities from the Age of Alexander to the Age of Hadrian. Emma Dench 2005
4. Mars and Venus in the Bedroom: A Guide to Lasting Romance and Passion. John Gray 1997
5. The Revenge of Thomas Eakins. Sidney D. Kirkpatrick 2006
6. On Deep History and the Brain. Daniel Lord Smail 2007
7. Things and Places: How the Mind Connects with the World (Jean Nicod Lectures). Zenon W. Pylyshyn 2007
8. Gdel, Putnam, and Functionalism: A New Reading of Representation and Reality (Bradford Books). Jeff Buechner
9. Feminism and Masculinities (Oxford Readings in Feminism) . Peter F. Murphy 2004
10. Crime Watching: Investigating Real Crime TV. Deborah Jermyn 2006
11. The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics. Stanislas Dehaene 1999
12. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Volume 58. Robert A. King 2004
13. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child: Volume 59 (The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child Se). Robert A. King 2005
14. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child: Volume 60. Robert A. King 2006
15. The Psychoanalysis of Symptoms. Henry Kellerman 2007
16. Delinquency, Development, and Social Policy (Current Perspectives in Psychology). Ph.D., David E. Brandt 2006
17. Manliness. Harvey C. Mansfield 2006
18. Stress and Hypertension: Examining the Relation between Psychological Stress and High Blood Pressure (Current
Perspectives in Psychology). Kevin T. Larkin 2005
19. Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis. Michel Hersen 2007
20. Doing Child and Adolescent Therapy: Adapting Psychodynamic Treatment to Contemporary Practice. Richard,
Ph.D. Bromfield 2007
21. Simpleology: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want. Mark Joyner 2007
22. Shrink Yourself: Break Free from Emotional Eating Forever. Roger Gould 2007
23. Blind Spots: Achieve Success . Seeing What You Can't See. Claudia Shelton 2007
24. The Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome: What to Do If Someone in Your Life Has a Dual Personality - or If You Do. Beverly
Engel 2007
25. The Manual: A True Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date, and Mate--and What Women Can Do to Come Out on
Top. Steve Santagati 2007
26. Introduction to Classroom Observation 2nd Edition. Ted Wragg 1999
27. Rethinking Gifted Education (Education and Psychology of the Gifted Series). James H. Borland 2003
28. The Face of the Third Reich. Joachim C. Fest
29. Right Person, Right Job: Guess or Know--The Breakthrough Technologies of Performance Information, 2nd Edition.
Chuck Russell 2003
30. Managing Anger in the Workplace. Donald Gibson 2003
31. Minding American Education: Reclaiming the Tradition of Active Learning. Martin Bickman 2003
32. Early Child Development in the 21st Century: Profiles of Current Research Initiatives. Jeanne Brooks-Gunn 2003
33. Sports Heroes, Fallen Idols. Stanley H. Teitelbaum 2005
34. Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide. Kenneth S. Pope 2007
35. Down Syndrome: Visions for the 21st Century. William I. Cohen 2002
36. Artificial Intelligence (Handbook Of Perception And Cognition). Margaret A. Boden 1996
37. Memory (Handbook of Perception and Cognition). Elizabeth Ligon Bjork 1996
38. Hate Crimes (Library in a Book). Thomas Streissguth 2003
39. School Connections: U.S. Mexican Youth, Peers, and School Achievement. Margaret A. Gibson 2004
40. Racial Profiling (Library in a Book). Fred C. Pampel 2004
41. Scoring the Rorschach: Seven Validated Systems (Lea Series in Personality and Clinical Psychology). Robert F.
Bornstein 2005
42. The Art of Condolence: What to Write, What to Say, What to Do at a Time of Loss. Leonard M. Zunin 1992
43. Out of This World: Why Literature Matters to Girls (Language and Literacy Series). Holly Virginia Blackford 2004
44. Regarding Children's Words: Teacher Research on Language and Literacy (Practitioner Inquiry Series, 26).
Brookline Teacher Researcher Seminar 2003
45. Psychology and the Social Pattern: International Library of Sociology. Julia Blackburn 2003
46. Treating Chronic Depression with Disciplined Personal Involvement: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of
Psychotherapy (CBASP). James P. Jr McCullough 2006
47. Empathy in Patient Care: Antecedents, Development, Measurement, and Outcomes. Mohammadreza Hojat 2006
48. Language And Aging in Multilingual Contexts (Bilingual Education and Bilingualism). Kees De Bot 2005
49. Tourist Behaviour: Themes And Conceptual Schemes (Aspects of Tourism). Philip L. Pearce 2005
50. The World in Your Head: A Gestalt View of the Mechanism of Conscious Experience. Steven M. Lehar 2002
51. Competition and Variation in Natural Languages: The Case for Case (Perspectives on Cognitive Science). Mengistu
Amberber 2005

52. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition. American Psychological Association
53. Why Are So Many Minority Students in Special Education?: Understanding Race & Disability in Schools. Beth Harry
54. I Compagni: Understanding Children's Transition from Preschool to Elementary School (Sociology of Education
Series). William A. Corsaro 2005
55. Playing to Get Smart (Early Childhood Education Series (Teachers College Pr)). Elizabeth Jones 2005
56. Nurturing Talent in High School: Life in the Fast Lane (Education and Psychology of the Gifted Series). Laurence J.
Coleman 2005
57. School-Family Partnerships for Children's Success (Series on Social Emotional Learning). Joyce L. Epstein 2005
58. Powerful Magic: Learning From Children's Responses To Fantasy Literature (Language and Literacy Series
(Teachers College Pr)) . Nina Mikkelsen 2005
59. Community Genograms: Using Individual, Family And Cultural Narratives With Clients (Multicultural Foundations of
Psychology and Counseling). Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio 2005
60. Addressing Racism: Facilitating Cultural Competence in Mental Health and Educational Settings. Madonna G.
Constantine 2006
61. Personality Disorders and Older Adults: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment. Daniel L. Segal 2006
62. When I Was a Child: Children's Interpretations of First Communion. Susan Ridgely Bales 2005
63. About Time : Inventing the Fourth Dimension. William Friedman 1990
64. About Face. Jonathan Cole 1999
65. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Communication. Vesna Mildner 2007
66. Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively (J-B CCL
(Center for Creative Leadership)). Craig E. Runde 2006
67. Cognition and Learning in Diverse Settings, Volume 18 (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities). Thomas
E Scruggs 2005
68. Social Identification in Groups, Volume 22 (Advances in Group Processes). Shane R Thye 2005
69. Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory, Volume 7 (ADVANCES IN AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS). Roger Koppl
70. MindBody Medicine: Foundations and Practical Applications (Psychosocial Stress Series). Leo Rotan 2006
71. Time, Internal Clocks and Movement (Advances in Psychology). M.A. Pastor 2006
72. Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception. Fred Mast 2007
73. Prospective Memory: Cognitive, Neuroscience, Developmental, and Applied Perspectives. Matthias Kliegel 2007
74. System Theories and A Priori Aspects of Perception (Advances in Psychology). J.S. Jordan 1998
75. The Art and Science of Psychotherapy. Stefan Hofmann 2006
76. Free Yourself from Fears: Overcoming Anxiety and Living Without Worry. Joseph O'Connor 2005
77. The Pampered Child Syndrome: How to Recognize It, How to Manage It, And How to Avoid It-a Guide for Parents
And Professionals. Maggie Mamen 2005
78. Folk Psychological Narratives: The Sociocultural Basis of Understanding Reasons (Bradford Books). Daniel D.
Hutto 2008
79. Realizing the College Dream With Autism or Asperger Syndrome: A Parent's Guide to Student Success. Ann
Palmer 2005
80. Constructive Campaigning for Autism Services: The PACE Parents' Handbook. Armorer Wason 2005

Daftar E-book Psikologi Desember 2007

1. Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology. Stephen Pattison 2000

2. Intimate Partner Violence : Societal, Medical, Legal, and Individual Responses (Women's Health Issues). Sana
Loue 2001
3. Behavioral Genetics: The Clash of Culture and Biology. Floyd E. Bloom 1999
4. Transcendence: Philosophy, Literature, and Theology Approach the Beyond. Regina Schwartz 2004
5. Handbook of Perception and Action, Volume 1: Perception (HANDBOOK OF PERCEPTION AND ACTION).
Wolfgang Prinz 1996
6. Neuro-Fuzzy Associative Machinery for Comprehensive Brain and Cognition Modelling (Studies in Computational
Intelligence). Vladimir G. Ivancevic 2007
7. Describing Inner Experience?: Proponent Meets Skeptic (Bradford Books). Russell T. Hurlburt 2007
8. Perception and Cognition at Century's End: History, Philosophy, Theory (Handbook of Perception and Cognition,
Second Edition). Julian Hochberg 1998
9. Interference And Inhibition In Cognition. FRANK DEMPSTER 1995
10. Biological Psychiatry (Principles of Medical Biology). Edward Bittar 2000
11. Do One Thing Different: Ten Simple Ways to Change Your Life. Bill O'hanlon 2000
12. Children's Lives and Schooling Across Societies (Research in Sociology of Education, Vol. 15) (Research in
Sociology of Education). Emily Hannum 2006
13. Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, Second Edition: Theoretical Foundations and Guidelines for Practice.
Aubrey H. Fine 2006
14. Catatonia in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Volume 72 (International Review of Neurobiology). Dirk Marcel Dhossche
15. International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Volume 31: Mental Retardation, Personality, and
Motivational Systems. Harvey N. Switzky 2006
16. Instructional psychology: past, present, and future trends: Sixteen essays in honour of Erik de Corte (Advances in
Learning and Instruction). Lieven Verschaffel 2006
17. The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales. Maria Tatar 1987
18. Religion and the Hermeneutics of Contemplation. D. Z. Phillips 2001
19. Freud, Psychoanalysis and Symbolism. Agnes Petocz 1999
20. Making Sense of Children's Drawings. Angela Anning 2004
21. Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong (OXFORD COGNITIVE SCIENCE SERIES). Jerry A. Fodor 1998
22. Research Companion to Working Time And Work Addiction (New Horizons in Management). Ronald J. Burke 2007
23. Transitions to School: Perceptions, Expectations, and Experiences. Sue Dockett 2007
24. Self Hypnosis Safe Simple Superb. Bryan Knight
25. Help, I'm Knee-deep in Clutter!: Conquer the Chaos And Get Organized Once And for All. Joyce I. Anderson 2007
26. Abortion Counseling: A Clinician's Guide to Psychology, Legislation, Politics, and Competency. Rachel Needle 2007
27. Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle. E. James Rohn 1991
28. Adults Mathematical Thinking and Emotions: A Study of Numerate Practice (Studies in Mathematics Education). Jeff
Evans 2000
29. Encyclopedia of Stress, Volume 1, Second Edition. George Fink 2007
30. Encyclopedia of Stress, Volume 2, Second Edition. George Fink 2007
31. Encyclopedia of Stress, Volume 3, Second Edition. George Fink 2007
32. The Secrets Of Female Sexuality Unapologetic Brutally Honest Truth About Sex That Women Secretly Wish You
Knew But Can't Tell You. David Shade 2007
33. The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy Is As Necessary As Love and Sex. David M. Buss 2000
34. The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History. Howard Bloom 1997
35. Why Humans Cooperate: A Cultural and Evolutionary Explanation (Evolution and Cognition Series). Joseph Henrich
36. Anatomy of Neuropsychiatry: The New Anatomy of the Basal Forebrain and its Implications for Neuropsychiatric
Illness. Lennart Heimer 2007
37. From Perception to Meaning: Image Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics (Cognitive Linguistics Research, 29). Beate
Hampe 2005
38. Language and the Brain: Representation and Processing (Foundations of Neuropsychology). Yosef Grodzinsky
39. The Neuropsychology of Vision. Manfred Fahle 2003
40. Memory from A to Z: Keywords, Concepts, and Beyond. Yadin Dudai 2002
41. Psychophysiological States: The Ultradian Dynamics of Mind-Body Interactions (International Review of
Neurobiology, Volume 80). David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa 2007
42. Naturalism, Evolution, and Intentionality (Canadian Journal of Philosoph Supplementary). Jillian Scott McIntosh
43. The Experimental Phenomena of Consciousness: A Brief Dictionary. Talis Bachmann 2007
44. Imagining Sex: Pornography and Bodies in Seventeenth-Century England. Sarah Toulalan 2007

45. Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and
Psychology). Robert C. Richardson 2007
46. The Psychoimmunology of Cancer. Claire Lewis 2002
47. Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour. Kevin N. Laland 2002
48. Metaphor in Culture: Universality and Variation. Zoltn Kvecses 2005
49. Ways of Seeing: The Scope and Limits of Visual Cognition (OXFORD COGNITIVE SCIENCE SERIES). Pierre
Jacob 2003
50. Being Human: The Search for Order. Sean O Nuallain 2003
51. The Big Fish: Consciousness as Structure, Body and Space. (Consciousness, Literature & the Arts). Anna Bonshek
52. Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Robert B. Bechtel 2002
53. Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder (BIBLIOTHECA PSYCHIATRICA). Simone Ed. Munsch 2005
54. Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists (Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience). Julien Ed. Bogousslavsky
55. Dual Diagnosis: The Evolving Conceptual Framework (BIBLIOTHECA PSYCHIATRICA). Rudolf, Ed. Stohler 2005
56. Moral Psychology. (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences & the Humanities). Sergio Tenenbaum 2007
57. Monsters and the Monstrous: Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil (At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries). Niall
Scott 2007
58. Nearing Death Awareness: A Guide to the Language, Visions and Dreams of the Dying. Mary Anne Sanders 2007
59. Sexual Politics of Desire and Belonging. (Approaches to Translation Studies). Nick Rumens 2007
60. Dying and Death: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives. Asa Kasher 2007
61. Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics (Gifford Lectures, 2001). Onora O'Neill 2002
62. The Genesis of Animal Play: Testing the Limits (Bradford Books). Gordon M. Burghardt 2005
63. Emotional Intelligence: Science and Myth (Bradford Books). Gerald Matthews 2004
64. Conversation and Cognition. Hedwig te Molder 2005
65. Punishment: A Comparative Historical Perspective. Terance D. Miethe 2004
66. How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life. Thomas Gilovich 1993
67. The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making. Scott Plous 1993
68. A Mind of its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives. Cordelia Fine 2006
69. Prader-willi Syndrome: Coping With the Disease - Living With Those Involved. Urs Eiholzer 2005
70. Leaving Home: The Art of Separating From Your Difficult Family. David P. Celani 2004
71. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Volume 51: Moral Motivation through the Life Span (Nebraska Symposium on
Motivation). Nebraska Symposium 2005
72. Emotional Safety: Viewing Couples Through the Lens of Affect. Don R. Catherall 2006
73. Short-Term Couples Therapy, Second Edition: The Imago Model in Action. Wade Luquet 2006
74. Psychotic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment. Claudio
Cepeda 2006
75. Violent Death: Resilience and Intervention Beyond the Crisis (Routledge Psychosocial Stress Series). M.D., Edward
K. Rynearson 2006
76. College Mental Health Practice. Paul A. Grayson 2006
77. Mind Magic. John Laurence Miller 2004
78. Discourse and Identity. Bethan Benwell 2006
79. Mystic Chords: Mysticism and Psychology in Popular Music. Soni Manish 2008
80. Performance By Design. Ryan Watkins 2007

Daftar E-book Psikologi Januari 2008

1. Self-Coaching: The Powerful Program to Beat Anxiety and Depression, 2nd Edition, Completely Revised and
Updated. Joseph J. Luciani 2006
2. The Speed Reading Book. Tony Buzan 2003
3. Two Weeks to a Breakthrough: How to Zoom Toward Your Goal in 14 Days or Less. Lisa L. Haneberg 2007
4. The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation: Best Practices from the Leading Organization in Facilitation (J-B
International Association of Facilitators). Sandy Schuman 2005
5. The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales. Oliver Sacks 1998
6. How to Talk So People Listen: The Real Key to Job Success. Sonya Hamlin 1988
7. Aspects of Rationality: Reflections on What It Means to be Rational and Whether We Are. Raymond S. Nickerson
8. Personality and Intellectual Competence. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic 2005
9. Core Competencies for Psychiatric Education. Linda Boerger 2004
10. Understanding Marriage: Developments in the Study of Couple Interaction (Advances in Personal Relationships).
Patricia Noller 2002
11. Ambiguity and Logic. Frederic Schick 2003
12. The Imitative Mind: Development, Evolution and Brain Bases (Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual
Development). Andrew N. Meltzoff 2002
13. The Psychology of Good and Evil: Why Children, Adults, and Groups Help and Harm Others. Ervin Staub 2003
14. Wisdom, Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized. Robert J. Sternberg 2003
15. The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Clinician Guides and Patient Manuals. Gavin Andrews 2002
16. Emotions: An Essay in Aid of Moral Psychology. Robert C. Roberts 2003
17. Sex and Gender, 2nd edition. John Archer 2002
18. Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications. John W. Berry 2002
19. Civil Juries and Civil Justice: Psychological and Legal Perspectives. Brian H. Bornstein 2007
20. Skill and Strategy in Memory Use (The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Volume 48). Aaron S. Benjamin
21. Beating Depression: The 'at Your Fingertips' Guide (At Your Fingertips). Stefan Cembrowicz 2002
22. Epilepsy and Your Child: The 'At Your Fingertips' Guide (Class Health). Richard Appleton 2004
23. Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties (What Works for Special-Needs Learners).
Janette K. Klingner 2007
24. You Said What?: Lies and Propaganda Throughout History. Bill Fawcett 2007
25. Psychotherapy and Counselling in Practice: A Narrative Framework. Dig. Tantam 2002
26. Death of a Parent: Transition to a New Adult Identity. Debra Umberson 2003
27. The Onset of Language (Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development). Nobuo Masataka 2003
28. The Mind and its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction).
Patrick Colm Hogan 2003
29. Zombies and Consciousness. Robert Kirk 2006
30. Thinking about Consciousness. David Papineau 2002
31. Sleep and Dreaming: Scientific Advances and Reconsiderations. Edward F. Pace-Schott 2003
32. Politeness (Key Topics in Sociolinguistics). Richard J. Watts 2003
33. Thinking about Political Psychology (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology). James H.
Kuklinski 2002
34. Olfaction, Taste, and Cognition. Catherine Rou. 2002
35. From Passions to Emotions: The Creation of a Secular Psychological Category. Thomas Dixon 2003
36. Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding, 2nd edition. James E. Maddux 2007
37. Stereotypes as Explanations: The Formation of Meaningful Beliefs about Social Groups. Craig McGarty 2002
38. Sex Differences in Antisocial Behaviour: Conduct Disorder, Delinquency, and Violence in the Dunedin Longitudinal
Study (Cambridge Studies in Criminology). Terrie E. Moffitt 2001
39. Radical Interpretation in Religion. Nancy K. Frankenberry 2002
40. The Language Organ: Linguistics as Cognitive Physiology. Stephen R. Anderson 2002
41. Japanese Frames of Mind: Cultural Perspectives on Human Development. Hidetada Shimizu 2002
42. Between Culture and Biology: Perspectives on Ontogenetic Development (Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and
Perceptual Development). Heidi Keller 2003
43. Practitioner's Guide to Evidence-Based Psychotherapy. Jane E. Fisher 2006
44. The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul. Douglas Hofstadter 1985
45. Mode One: Let the Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking. Alan Roger Currie 2006
46. The Wow Climax: Tracing the Emotional Impact of Popular Culture. Henry Jenkins 2006
47. Global Outlaws: Crime, Money, and Power in the Contemporary World (California Series in Public Anthropology).
Carolyn Nordstrom 2007
48. 50 Psychology Classics: Who We Are, How We Think, What We Do; Insight and Inspiration from 50 Key Books.
Tom Butler-Bowdon 2007
49. The Psychology of Conflict and Conflict Managment in Organizations. Carsten K. W. De Dreu 2007

50. Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People. Joseph
O'Connor 1993
51. Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior. David R. Hawkins 1995
52. Genius!: Nurturing the Spirit of the Wild, Odd, And Oppositional Child. George T. Lynn 2005
53. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. V. S. Ramachandran 1999
54. Coping with Fears and Phobias (Coping with (Oneworld)). Warren Mansell 2007
55. Attention: From Theory to Practice (Series in Human-Technology Interaction). Arthur F. Kramer 2006
56. The Mark of Shame: Stigma of Mental Illness and an Agenda for Change. Stephen P. Hinshaw 2006
57. The Auditory System in Sleep. Ricardo Velluti 2008
58. Personality Disorders: Current Research and Treatments. James Reich 2005
59. Music, Language, and the Brain. Aniruddh D. Patel 2007
60. Touch And Go Joe: An Adolescent's Experience of OCD. Joe Wells 2006
61. Achieving Best Behavior for Children With Developmental Disabilities: A Step-by-step Workbook for Parents And
Carers. Pamela Faith Lewis 2006
62. Asperger's Syndrome And High Achievement: Some Very Remarkable People. Ioan James 2006
63. Children With Seizures: A Guide For Parents, Teachers, And Other Professionals. Martin L., M.D. Kutscher 2006
64. Understanding the Nature of Autism And Asperger's Disorder: Forty Years Of Clinical Practice And Pioneering
Research. Edward R., M.D. Ritvo 2005
65. Voices from the Spectrum: Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, People With Autism, And Professionals Share Their
Wisdom. Cindy N. Ariel 2006
66. Classroom Tales: Using Storytelling to Build Emotional, Social And Academic Skills Across the Primary Curriculum.
Jennifer M. Fox Eades 2006
67. Succeeding With Interventions for Asperger Syndrome Adolescents: A Guide to Communication And Socialization in
Interaction Therapy. John Harpur 2006
68. Homespun Remedies: Strategies in the Home And Community for Children With Autism Spectrum And Other
Disorders. Dion E. Betts 2006
69. Finding a Different Kind of Normal: Misadventures With Asperger Syndrome. Jeannette Purkis 2006
70. Cutting It Out: A Journey Through Psychotherapy And Self-harm. Carolyn Smith 2006
71. Reaching the Vulnerable Child: Therapy With Traumatized Children (Delivering Recovery). Janie Rymaszewska
72. The Truth Is Longer Than a Lie: Children's Experiences of Abuse And Professional Interventions. Neerosh Mudaly
73. Autism, Access And Inclusion on the Front Line: Confessions of an Autism Anorak. Matthew Hesmondhalgh 2006
74. Neural Networks and Psychopathology: Connectionist Models in Practice and Research. Dan J. Stein 1999
75. Metabolic Syndrome and Psychiatric Illness: Interactions, Pathophysiology, Assessment & Treatment. Scott D
Mendelson 2007
76. The Mentalities of Gorillas and Orangutans: Comparative Perspectives. Sue Taylor Parker 1999
77. Handbook of Forgiveness. Everett L. Worthington Jr. 2005
78. Cults, Religion, and Violence. David G. Bromley 2002
79. Sticks and Stones: The Philosophy of Insults. Jerome Neu 2007
80. Advanced Hypnotherapy: Hypnodynamic Techniques. John G. Watkins 2007
81. The Group Therapy Treatment Planner (Practice Planners). Kim Paleg 2005
82. New Perspectives on Aggression Replacement Training: Practice, Research and Application (Wiley Series in
Forensic Clinical Psychology). Arnold P. Goldstein 2004
83. Wasted : A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia. Marya Hornbacher 1999
84. Be Honest--You're Not That Into Him Either: Raise Your Standards and Reach for the Love You Deserve. Ian
Kerner 2005
85. Stress Free for Good: 10 Scientifically Proven Life Skills for Health and Happiness. Frederic Luskin 2005
86. Evolutionary Psychology: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides). Robin Dunbar 2005
87. Motivation (Management Pocketbooks). Max A. Eggert 1999
88. Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease. Sergio E. Starkstein 2002
89. Overcriminalization: The Limits of the Criminal Law. Douglas Husak 2008
90. Models of Brain and Mind, Volume 168: Physical, Computational and Psychological Approaches (Progress in Brain
Research). Rahul Banerjee 2008
91. Neurodynamics of Cognition and Consciousness (Understanding Complex Systems). Leonid I. Perlovsky 2007
92. Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Jrg H. Siekmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Dieter Hutter 2005
93. The Antigone Complex: Ethics and the Invention of Feminine Desire (Cultural Memory in the Present). Cecilia
Sjoholm 2004
94. Why Think? The Evolution of the Rational Mind. Ronald de Sousa 2007
95. Beyond Reduction: Philosophy of Mind and Post-Reductionist Philosophy of Science (Philosophy of Mind Series).
Steven Horst 2007
96. The Beauty of the Primitive: Shamanism and Western Imagination. Andrei A. Znamenski 2007
97. Art, Emotion and Ethics. Berys Gaut 2007
98. Depression, the Mood Disease (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book), 3rd edition. Francis Mark Mondimore 2006

99. Persons, Humanity, and the Definition of Death. John P. Lizza 2005
100. Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Practical Guide. Mitchell D. Feldman 2007
101. Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Mindreading (Philosophy of Mind). Alvin I.
Goldman 2006
102. On Images: Their Structure and Content. John V. Kulvicki 2006
103. Ignorance and Imagination: The Epistemic Origin of the Problem of Consciousness (Philosophy of Mind Series.).
Daniel Stoljar 2006
104. The Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought. Christopher Gill 2006
105. Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Simo Knuuttila 2006
106. Drugs and Theater in Early Modern England. Tanya Pollard 2005
107. From Morality to Mental Health: Virtue and Vice in a Therapeutic Culture (Practical and Professional Ethics Series).
Mike W. Martin 2006
108. The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature. Steven Pinker 2007
109. Envy (Ideas in Psychoanalysis). Kate Barrows 2002
110. Sublimation (Ideas in Psychoanalysis). Kalu Singh 2001
111. The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach. Rod A. Martin 2006
112. Handbook of Exposure Therapies. David C. S. Richard 2006
113. Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems (Cognitive Models and Architectures). Wayne D. Gray 2007
114. Hippocampal Place Fields: Relevance to Learning and Memory. Sheri J.Y. Mizumori 2008
115. The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics (Oxford Handbooks Oxford Handbooks). Dirk Geeraerts 2007
116. The Images of Time: An Essay on Temporal Representation. Robin Le Poidevin 2007
117. Free Association (Ideas in Psychoanalysis). Christopher Bolas 2002
118. Castration (Ideas in Psychoanalysis). Ivan Ward 2003
119. Libido (Ideas in Psychoanalysis). Roger Kennedy 2001
120. Eros (Ideas in Psychoanalysis). Nicola Abel-Hirsch 2001
121. Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning (Lecture Notes in Computer
Science). Eduardo Alonso 2003
122. Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems II: Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning (Lecture Notes in Computer
Science). Daniel Kudenko 2005
123. Motor Cognition: What Actions Tell to the Self (Oxford Portraits in Science). Marc Jeannerod 2006
124. The Visual Brain in Action (Oxford Psychology Series). David Milner 2006
125. Cognitive Variations: Reflections on the Unity and Diversity of the Human Mind. Geoffrey Lloyd 2007
126. Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?: Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free
Will. Nancey Murphy 2007
127. The Measure of Mind: Propositional Attitudes and Their Attribution. Robert J. Matthews 2007

Daftar E-book Psikologi Februari 2008
1. Deeper than Reason: Emotion and Its Role in Literature, Music, and Art. Jenefer Robinson 2005
2. Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science: A Volume of the Handbook of the Philosophy of Science Series (Handbook of
the Philosophy of Science). Paul Thagard 2006
3. Coaching for Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Developing the Star Potential of Your Employees. Bob Wall 2006
4. Enduring Bonds:: The Significance of Interpersonal Relationships in Young Children's Lives (Educating the Young Child). Mary
Renck Jalongo 2007
5. Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Third Edition. David Howard 2006
6. Psychology and the Internet, Second Edition: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Transpersonal Implications. Jayne Gackenbach
7. Resolving Conflicts on the Job (Worksmart). Bill Withers 2007
8. The Feminist Mistake: The Radical Impact of Feminism on Church and Culture. Mary A. Kassian 2005
9. The Language and Reality of Time. Thomas Sattig 2006
10. Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness (Jean Nicod Lectures). Daniel C. Dennett 2005
11. Seeing, Doing, and Knowing: A Philosophical Theory of Sense Perception. Mohan Matthen 2007
12. The Road to Success: A Career Manual - How to Advance to the Top. Alexander R. Margulis 2006
13. Media and the American Child. George Comstock 2007
14. Psychology of Academic Cheating. Eric M. Anderman 2006
15. Sound Sentiments: Integrity in the Emotions. David Pugmire 2005
16. Thomas Reid's Theory of Perception. Ryan Nichols 2007
17. Kant, Science, and Human Nature. Robert Hanna 2006
18. The Architecture of the Imagination: New Essays on Pretence, Possibility, and Fiction. Shaun Nichols 2006
19. The Architecture of the Mind. Peter Carruthers 2006
20. Developmental Psychology and Social Change: Research, History and Policy (Cambridge Studies in Social and Emotional
Development). David B. Pillemer 2005
21. Multi-Level Issues in Creativity and Innovation (Research in Multi-Level Issues, Volume 7). Michael D. Mumford 2008
22. Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). Carol S. Aneshensel 2006
23. Organizational Psychology in Cross Cultural Perspective. Colin Silverthorne 2005
24. The Feminine and the Sacred (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism). Catherine Clment
25. Religion, Culture and Mental Health. Kate Loewenthal 2007
26. The Limits of Loyalty. Simon Keller 2007
27. Questions for Freud: The Secret History of Psychoanalysis. Nicholas Rand 2000
28. Anger Management For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)). W. Doyle, PhD Gentry 2006
29. The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia And Other Psychotic Disorders (Facts on File Library of Health and Living). Richard Noll 2006
30. Gender and Discourse. Deborah Tannen 1995
31. Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle. Stuart Wilde 1995
32. Uncommon Therapy (The Norton library). Jay Haley 1981
33. In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People. George K. Simon Jr. 1996
34. The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Wilhelm Reich 1980
35. Negotiation: The Art of Getting What You Want (Signet Books). Michael Schatzki 1981
36. Training Trances: Multi-Level Communication in Therapy and Training. John Overdurf 1995
37. Hypnotherapy. Dave Elman 1984
38. Instead of Psychoteraphy (A Series of Articles on NLP in Personal Change). Dr Richard Bolstad
39. Psychology of Physical Activity: Determinants, Well-Being and Interventions, 2nd edition. Stuart J Biddle 2007
40. Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry. Dinesh Bhugra 2007
41. Sexuality Repositioned: Diversity And The Law. Andrew Bainham 2004
42. Accounting For Rape: Psychology, Feminism and Discourse Analysis (Women and Psychology). I. Anderson 2008
43. The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics, 5th edition. Jean Aitchison 2007
44. Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: Clinical, Psychological, and Educational Applications. Lisa A. Suzuki 2007
45. The Naked Truth: Why Hollywood Doesn't Make X-Rated Movies. Kevin S. Sandler 2007
46. The Phenomenological Mind: An Introduction to Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. Shaun Gallagher 2007
47. The Spectrum of Psychotic Disorders: Neurobiology, Etiology & Pathogenesis. Daryl Fujii 2007
48. Parasuicidality and Paradox: Breaking Through the Medical Model. Ross D. Ellenhorn 2007
49. Psychotherapy in Everyday Life (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives). Ole Dreier 2007
50. Memory in the Real World. Cohen/Conway 2008
51. Constructions and the Analytic Field: History, Scenes and Destiny (The New Library of Psychoanalysis). Domenico Chianese 2007
52. IQ and Psychometric Tests: Assess Your Personality, Aptitude and Intelligence, 2nd edition. Philip Carter 2007
53. Deconstructing Developmental Psychology, 2nd edition. Erica Burman 2007
54. Toward a Psychology of Uncertainty (Psychoanalytic Inquiry). Doris Brothers 2007
55. Actor, Image and Action. RHONDA BLAIR 2008
56. A Social History of Dying. Allan Kellehear 2007
57. Stereotype Dynamics: Language-Based Approaches to the Formation, Maintenance, and Transformation of Stereotypes.
Yoshihisa Kashima 2007
58. Understanding Conflict and Violence: Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Tim Jaco. 2007
59. Guilt and its Vicissitudes: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Morality. Judith M Hughes 2007
60. The Art of Discussion-Based Teaching: Opening Up Conversation in the Classroom. John Henning 2007
61. Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook (Routledge Medieval Casebooks). April Harper 2007
62. Psychotherapies for the Psychoses: Theoretical, Cultural and Clinical Integration (International Society for the Psychological
Treatments of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoses). John F. M. Glee 2008
63. Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course, 3rd edition. Susan M. Gass 2008
64. Origins and Revolutions: Human Identity in Earliest Prehistory. Clive Gamble 2007
65. Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power. Shira Tarrant 2007
66. Readings in the Theory of Individual Psychology. Steve Slavik 2005
67. The New Brain Sciences: Perils and Prospects. Dai Rees 2004
68. Listening to Hanna Segal: Her Contribution to Psychoanalysis (New Library of Psychoanalysis Teaching Series). Jean-M Quinodoz
69. Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder, 2nd edition. Dangliesh/Power 2007
70. Freud and False Memory Syndrome (Postmodern Encounters). Phil Mollon 2000
71. Hypercrime: A Geometry of Virtual Harm (UCL). Michael McGuire 2007
72. Consciousness: Essays from a Higher-Order Perspective. Peter Carruthers 2005
73. The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia And Other Psychotic Disorders (Facts on File Library of Health and Living). Richard Noll 2006
74. The Psychology of Genocide, Massacres, and Extreme Violence: Why. Donald G. Dutton 2007
75. Psychology of Women: A Handbook of Issues and Theories Second Edition (Women's Psychology). Florence L. Denmark 2007
76. New Visions of Crime Victims. Carolyn Hoyle 2002
77. Central Issues in Criminal Theory. William Wilson 2002
78. Re-Modelling NLP (14 Articles on Re-Modelling NLP). John McWhirter
79. Ssotbme Revised - An Essay on Magic. Ramsey Dukes 2002
80. The Perfect Servant: Eunuchs and the Social Construction of Gender in Byzantium. Kathryn M. Ringrose 2004
81. Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race. Arun Saldanha 2007
82. Psychotherapy in Everyday Life (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives). Ole Dreier 2007
83. Mindfulness in Early Buddhism: New Approaches through Psychology and Textual Analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit Sources
(Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism). Tse-fu Kuan 2008
84. Understanding Conflict and Violence: Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Tim Jaco. 2007
85. Aesthetic Experience (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy). Shusterman/Toml 2007
86. The Undermining of Beliefs in the Autonomy and Rationality of Consumers. J O'Shaughnessy 2007
87. All You Need To Know About Action Research. Jean McNiff 2006
88. The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Hanne Andersen 2006
89. Culture in Minds and Societies: Foundations of Cultural Psychology. Jaan Valsiner 2007
90. Behavioral Aspects of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice. Steven C. Schachter 2007
91. Explaining Politics: Culture, Institutions, and Political Behavior. Oliv Woshinsky 2007
92. The Posttraumatic Self: Restoring Meaning and Wholeness to Personality (Routledge Psychosocial Stress). John P. Wilson 2005
93. The Explanation of Crime: Context, Mechanisms and Development (Pathways in Crime). Per-Olof H. Wikstrm 2006
94. Child Abuse, Gender and Society (Routledge Research in Gender and Society). Jacqueli Turton 2007
95. How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic. Madsen Pirie 2007
96. Harnessing the Science of Persuasion (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Robert B. Cialdini 2001
97. Melancholia: The Diagnosis, Pathophysiology and Treatment of Depressive Illness. Michael Alan Taylor 2006
98. The Psychology of Counterfactual Thinking (International Series in Social Psychology). David R. Mandel 2006
99. Queering Tourism - Paradoxical Performances of Gay Pride Parades (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). Lynda Johnston
100. Love, Heterosexuality and Society (Routledge Advances in Sociology). Paul Johnson 2005
101. Emotions and Social Movements (Routledge Advances in Sociology). Helena Flam 2005
102. Intelligence and Strategy: Selected Essays (Studies in Intelligence). John Ferris 2005
103. The Self, The Soul and the Psychology of Good and Evil (Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory). Ilham Dilman 2005
104. A Casebook of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Command Hallucinations: A Social Rank Theory Approach. Sarah Byrne 2005
105. Promises, Oaths, and Vows: On the Psychology of Promising. Herbert J. Schlesinger 2008
106. The Placebo Response and the Power of Unconscious Healing. Richard Kradin 2008
107. The Human Frontal Lobes: Functions and Disorders 2nd edition (Science And Practice Of Neuropsychology Series). Bruce L.
Miller 2006
108. Handbook of Socialization: Theory and Research. Joan E. Grusec 2006
109. Handbook of Emotion Regulation. James J. Gross 2006
110. Handbook of Psychotherapy Case Formulation, Second Edition (Handbook of Psychotherapy Case Formulation). Tracy D. Eells
111. Stigmatization, Tolerance and Repair: An Integrative Psychological Analysis of Responses to Deviance (Studies in Emotion and
Social Interaction). Anton J. M. Dijker 2007
112. Psychology and the Natural Law of Reparation. C. Fred Alford 2006
113. Play or Be Played: What Every Female Should Know About Men, Dating, and Relationships. Tariq Nasheed 2003
114. The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 1959-1960 (Seminar of Jacques Lacan). Jacques Lacan 1997
115. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 39 (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology). Mark P. Zanna 2007
116. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 36 (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology). Mark P. Zanna 2004
117. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 35 (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology). Mark P. Zanna 2003
118. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 37 (Advances in the Study of Behavior). H. Jane Brockmann 2007
119. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 36 (Advances in the Study of Behavior). H. Jane Brockmann 2006
120. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 35 (Advances in the Study of Behavior). Peter J.B. Slater 2005
121. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 34 (Advances in the Study of Behavior). Peter J.B. Slater 2004
122. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 33 (Advances in the Study of Behavior). Peter J.B. Slater 2003
123. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 32 (Advances in the Study of Behavior). Peter J.B. Slater 2003
124. Creative Anger: Putting That Powerful Emotion to Good Use. Rhoda Baruch 2007Psychology and Adult Learning. M. Tennant
125. The Invisible Man: A Self-help Guide for Men With Eating Disorders, Compulsive Exercise and Bigorexia. John F. Morgan 2008
126. Consumerism in World History: The Global Transformation of Desire, 2nd edition (Themes in World History). Peter Stearns 2006
127. Psychiatric Interview: A Guide to History Taking and the Mental State Examination. Sax. Pridmore 2000
128. Gender In World History, 2nd edition (Themes in World History). Peter Stearns 2006
129. Childhood in World History (Themes in World History). Peter N. Stearns 2006
130. The Insanity of Place / The Place of Insanity: Essays on the History of Psychiatry (Routledge Studies in Cultural History). Andrew
Scull 2006
131. Mental Illness and Learning Disability Since 1850: Finding a Place for Mental Disorder in the United Kingdom (Routledge Studies
in the Social History of Medicine). Joseph Melling 2006
132. Happiness: The Science behind Your Smile. Daniel Nettle 2006
133. Handbook of Personality Assessment. Irving B. Weiner 2007
134. The Riddle: Where Ideas Come From and How to Have Better Ones. Andrew Razeghi 2008
135. Medical Error and Patient Safety: Human Factors in Medicine. George A. Peters 2007
136. Discovering the Parables: An Inspirational Guide for Everyday Life. Henry G. Covert 2007
137. The Myth of the Out of Character Crime. Stanton E. Samenow 2007
138. Revolution in Mind: The Creation of Psychoanalysis. George Makari 2008
139. Meta-Physician on Call for Better Health: Metaphysics and Medicine for Mind, Body and Spirit (Practical and Applied Psychology).
Steven E. Hodes 2007
140. Correlative Learning: A Basis for Brain and Adaptive Systems (Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing,
Communications and Control Series). Zhe Chen 2007
141. Adventures in EFT. Silvia Hartmann 2000
142. Principles and Practice of Aviation Psychology (Volume in the Human Factors in Transportation Series). Pamela S. Tsang 2002
143. Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. Diane F. Halpern 2002
144. Services Research in the Era of Managed Care: Organization, Access, Economics, Outcome (Recent Developments in
Alcoholism). Marc Galanter 2001
145. Dare to be You: A Systems Approach to the Early Prevention of Problem Behaviors (Prevention in Practice Library). Jan Miller-
Heyl 2001
146. Physical Illness and Depression in Older Adults - A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Practice (The Plenum Series In
Social/Clinical Psychology) (The Springer Series in Social/Clinical Psychology). Gail M. Williamson 2000
147. Psychoenvironmental Forces and Substance Abuse Prevention (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics). Lorand
B. Szalay 1999
148. Suicide Prevention: The Global Context. Robert J. Kosky 1998
149. Self-determined Learning Theory: Construction, Verification, and Evaluation. Dennis E. Mithaug 2002
150. Psychology and Environmental Change. Raymond S. Nickerson 2002
151. Wedding as Text: Communicating Cultural Identities Through Ritual. Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz 2002
152. Cross-Cultural Assessment of Psychological Trauma and PTSD (International and Cultural Psychology). John P. Wilson 2007
153. Dangerous Adolescents, Model Adolescents: Shaping the Role and Promise of Education. Roger J.R. Levesque 2002
154. Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context (International and Cultural Psychology). Uichol Kim 2006
155. Managing Care: A Shared Responsibility (Issues in Business Ethics). Joseph L. Verheijde 2005
156. Moral Psychology Today: Essays on Values, Rational Choice, and the Will (Philosophical Studies Series). David K. Chan 2008
157. Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community (International and Cultural Psychology). Kathleen H. Dockett
158. Taking Psychology and Law into the Twenty-First Century (Perspectives in Law & Psychology). James R.P. Ogloff 2002
159. Computation and Cognition: Toward a Foundation for Cognitive Science. Zenon W. Pylyshyn 1986
160. Affective Computing. Rosalind W. Picard 2000
161. Performance Management Manual Pack: Creating a Culture for Sustainable High Performance. John W. Burnham 2003
162. Elements of Artificial Neural Networks (Complex Adaptive Systems). Kishan Mehrotra 1996
163. Dynamics in Action: Intentional Behavior as a Complex System. Alicia Juarrero 2002
164. The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations: The Grisly Business Unit. Robert D. Keppel 2003
165. Resilience in Children , (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences). Barry M. Lester 2007
166. Recent Advances in Psychology and Aging (Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology). P. Costa, I.C. Siegler 2003
167. Professional Development Manual, 2nd ed. Sonia Blandford 2003
168. The Subtlety of Emotions. Aaron Ben-Ze'ev 2001
169. Real Delegation: How To Get People To Do Things For You-and Do Them Well. JK Smart 2003
170. The Blackwell Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management. Martin J Gannon
171. Emotions in Humans and Artifacts. Robert Trappl 2003
172. The Myth of Pain (Philosophical Psychopathology). Valerie Gray Hardcastle 1999
173. Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again. Andy Clark 1998
174. Religion, Gender, and Culture in the Pre-Modern World (Religion/Culture/Critique). Alexandra Cuffel 2007
175. Twenty-First Century Psycholinguistics: Four Cornerstones. Anne Cutler 2005
176. Catching Ourselves in the Act: Situated Activity, Interactive Emergence, Evolution, and Human Thought. Horst Hendriks-Jansen
177. Strategy Process: Shaping the Contours of the Field. Bala Chakravarty 2003
178. Darwinism Evolving: Systems Dynamics and the Genealogy of Natural Selection. David J. Depew 1996
179. The Dynamic Neuron. John Smythies 2002
180. Intelligent Behavior in Animals and Robots (Complex Adaptive Systems). David McFarland 1993
181. The Mind in Nature . C.B. Martin 2008
182. Exploring the Psychology of Interest. Paul J. Silvia 2006
183. The Seven Keys to Coaching Power. Stella Louise Cowan 2006
184. The Continuity of Mind (Oxford Psychology Series). Michael Spivey 2006
185. We'Ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy and the World's Getting Worse. James Hillman 1992
186. Concepts: Core Readings. Eric Margolis 1999
187. The Blackwell Companion to Organizations. Joel A.C. Baum 2005
188. Spatial Schemas and Abstract Thought (Bradford Books). Merideth Gattis 2003
189. Cognition on Cognition. Jacques Mehler 1995
190. Consciousness Reconsidered (Bradford Books). Owen J. Flanagan 1993
191. Control of Cognitive Processes: Attention and Performance XVIII. Stephen Monsell 2000
192. Explanation and Cognition (Bradford Books). Frank C. Keil 2000
193. Romantic Psychoanalysis: The Burden of the Mystery. Joel Faflak 2007
194. Human Behavior in Military Contexts. James J. Blascovich 2008
195. Fiction and the Weave of Life. John Gibson 2008
196. The Analogical Mind: Perspectives from Cognitive Science. Dedre Gentner 2001
197. The Body and the Self (Bradford Books). Jos Luis Bermdez 1998
198. The Rediscovery of the Mind (Representation and Mind). John R. Searle 1992
199. The Cambridge Companion to Lacan (Cambridge Companions to Literature). Jean-Michel Rabat 2003
200. Computational Philosophy of Science (Bradford Books). Paul R. Thagard 1993
201. The Cradle of Knowledge: Development of Perception in Infancy (Learning, Development, and Conceptual Change). Philip J.
Kellman 2000
Daftar E-book Psikologi Maret 2008
1. Problem of Meaning Behavioural and Cognitive Perspectives (Advances in Psychology). Charlotte Mandell 1997
2. Battle of Cognition: The Future Information-Rich Warfare and the Mind of the Commander. Alexander Kott 2007
3. When Species Meet (Posthumanities). Donna J. Haraway 2007
4. Infertilities: Exploring Fictions of Barren Bodies (Cultural Studies of the Americas, V. 4). Robin Truth Goodman 2000
5. Fabulous Creatures, Mythical Monsters, and Animal Power Symbols: A Handbook. Cassandra Eason 2007
6. Trauma Psychology: Issues in Violence, Disaster, Health, and Illness, Vol 1 (Contemporary Psychology). Elizabeth K. Carll 2007
7. Trauma Psychology: Issues in Violence, Disaster, Health, and Illness, Vol 2 (Contemporary Psychology). Elizabeth K. Carll 2007
8. Control Theory for Humans: Quantitative Approaches To Modeling Performance. Richard J. Jagacinski 2002
9. Interrorgation: The CIA's Secret Manual On Coercive Questioning [KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual]. Elliston,
Jon 1997
10. Bipolar Children: Cutting-Edge Controversy, Insights, and Research (Childhood in America). Sharna Olfman 2007
11. Made, Not Born: Why Some Soldiers Are Better Than Others. Bruce Newsome 2007
12. If Your Adolescent Has an Anxiety Disorder: An Essential Resource for Parents (Adolescent Mental Health Initiative). Edna B. Foa
13. The Essential Handbook of Memory Disorders for Clinicians. Alan D. Baddeley 2005
14. History of Madness. Michel Foucault 2006
15. Understanding Depression: A Complete Guide to Its Diagnosis and Treatment. Donald F. Klein 2005
16. Why Am I Still Depressed? Recognizing and Managing the Ups and Downs of Bipolar II and Soft Bipolar Disorder. Jim Phelps
17. Acute and Transient Psychoses. Andreas Marneros 2004
18. Understanding Sleep: The Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders (Application and Practice in Health Psychology). Mark R.
Pressman 1997
19. Young Workers: Varieties of Experience. Julian Barling 1999
20. Being The Solution. D. Rutherford 2002
21. Trance: From Magic to Technology. Dennis R. Wier 1996
22. How To Win Any Argument: Without Raising Your Voice, Losing Your Cool, Or Coming To Blows. Robert Mayer 2005
23. Theory of Language (Bradford Books). Steven E. Weisler 1999
24. Dojo Wisdom for Mothers: 100 Simple Ways to Become a Calmer, Happier, More Loving. Jennifer Lawler 2005
25. Easier Than You Think ...because life doesn't have to be so hard: The Small Changes That Add Up to a World of Difference.
Richard Carlson 2005
26. Understanding Violence, Second Edition. Elizabeth Kande Englander 2002
27. The New Psychology of Language: Cognitive and Functional Approaches To Language Structure, Volume II. Michael Tomasello
28. Awaiting the therapist's Baby: A Guide for Expectant Parent-practitioners (A Volume in the Personality and Clinical Psychology
Series). April E. Fallon 2002
29. Prediction in Forensic and Neuropsychology: Sound Statistical Practices. Ronald D. Franklin 2002
30. Fish's Clinical Psychopathology. Patricia R. Casey 2007
31. Depression and Brain Dysfunction. Frank Gilliam 2005
32. Self-Discipline in 10 Days: How to Go From Thinking to Doing. Theodore Bryant 1999
33. Personality and Social Behavior (Frontiers of Social Psychology). Frederick Rhodewalt 2008
34. Taboo Subjects: Race, Sex, and Psychoanalysis. Gwen Bergner 2005
35. The Native Mind and the Cultural Construction of Nature (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology). Scott
Atran 2008
36. The Gift Of Fire. Richard Mitchell 2004
37. Intentional Conceptual Change. Gale M. Sinatra 2002
38. Studying individual Development in An interindividual Context: A Person-oriented Approach (Paths Through Life, V. 4). Lars R.
Bergman 2002
39. Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application. Daniel Gopher 1999
40. The Black Box and Other Psychic Generators. W. E. Davis 1981
41. Core Processes in Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Advancing Effective Practice. Denise P. Charman 2003
42. American Psychologist; Special Issue on Hapiness, Excellence and Optimal Human Functioning (Positive Psychology). Martin E.
P. Seligman
43. Mechanisms, Symbols, and Models Underlying Cognition: First International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural
and Artificial Computation, ... Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Jos Mira 2005
44. A Psychology of Human Strengths: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology. Lisa G. Aspinwall
45. An Insiders Guide to Sub Modalities. Will Macdonald 1989
46. The Structure of Magic: A Book About Language and Therapy (Structure of Magic). Richard Bandler 1975
47. Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures. Shane J. Lopez 2003
48. Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived. Corey L. M. Keyes 2002
49. Nothing Better Than Death. Kevin R. Williams 2002
50. Teaching for Thinking (Psychology in the Classroom). Robert J. Sternberg 1996
51. The Anatomy of Impact: What Makes the Great Works of Psychology Great. Robert J. Sternberg 2003
52. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 1. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
53. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 2. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
54. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 3. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
55. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 4. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
56. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 5. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
57. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 6. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
58. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 7. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
59. Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 8. Alan E. Kazdin 2000
60. International Journal of Stress Management: Work and Personal Life Integration (Special Issue). Ronald T. Burke
61. American Psychologist: Leadership (Special Issue)
62. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research: Executive Coaching (Special Issue). Richard Kilbur
63. Review of General Psychology: Positive Psychology (Special Issue). Roy F. Baumeister
64. Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul. Jack Canfield 1999
65. Family Policy Matters: How Policymaking Affects Families and What Professionals Can Do. Karen Bogenschneider 2002
66. Narrative Impact: Social and Cognitive Foundations. Melanie C. Green 2002
67. Motivated Social Perception: The Ontario Symposium, Volume 9 (Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology).
Steven J. Spencer 2002
68. Maintaining Relationships Through Communication: Relational, Contextual, and Cultural Variations (Volume in the Personal
Relationships Series). Daniel J. Canary 2002
69. Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents. Kenneth W. Merrell 2002
70. The Evolution and Function of Cognition. Felix E. Goodson 2002
71. Culture and Competence: Contexts of Life Success. Robert J. Sternberg 2004
72. Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: Where Practice And Research Meet. Carol D. Goodheart 2006
73. Children who Fail to Thrive: A Practice Guide. Dorota Iwaniec 2004
74. Handbook of Evidence-Based Therapies for Children and Adolescents: Bridging Science and Practice (Issues in Clinical Child
Psychology). Ric G. Steele 2007
75. A Century of Psychology As Science. Sigmund Koch 1992
76. Great Psychologists and Their Times: Scientific Insights into Psychology's History. Dean Keith Simonton 2002
77. The End of the Line. Neil Hertz 1985
78. Management of the Absurd: Paradoxes in Leadership (Audio book)
79. In the Firing Line: Violence and Power in Child Protection Work (Wiley Series in Child Care & Protection). Janet Stanley 2002
80. Interpersonal Communication: 2nd Edition. Peter Hartley 1999
81. Counseling and Psychotherapy of Work Dysfunctions. Rodney L. Lowman 1993
82. The Psychology of Sales Success (Selling Power). Gerhard Gschwandtner 2007
83. The Cambridge Companion to Freud (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy). Jerome Neu 1991
84. Handbook of Psychology, Volume 9: Health Psychology. Arthur M. Nezu 2003
85. The Lacanian Subject. Bruce Fink 1996
86. Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World. Margaret MacMillan 2002
87. Brainchildren: Essays on Designing Minds (Representation and Mind). Daniel C. Dennett 1998
88. Self and Motivation: Emerging Psychological Perspectives. Abraham Tesser 2002
89. Making Decisions Under Stress: Implications for Individual & Team Training. Janis A. Cannon-Bowers 1998
90. Executive Coaching: Developing Managerial Wisdom in a World of Chaos. Richard R. Kilburg 2000
91. You're on: Consulting for Peak Performance. Kate F. Hays 2003
92. Creating a Life of Meaning and Compassion: The Wisdom of Psychotherapy. Robert Firestone 2003
93. Communication in Mechanism Design: A Differential Approach. Steven R. Williams 2008
94. Evaluating Impact. Ingrid Guerra-Lpez 2007
95. How to Handle Tough Situations at Work: A Manager's Guide to over 100 Testing Situations. Ros Jay 2003
96. Human, Social, and Organizational Aspects of Health Information Systems. Andre W. Kushniruk 2008
97. Learning and Individual Differences: Process, Trait, and Content Determinants. Phillip Lawrence Ackerman 1999
98. Preventive Stress Management in Organizations. James Campbell Quick 1997
99. Organizational Risk Factors for Job Stress. Lawrence R. Murphy 1995
100. Counterproductive Work Behavior: Investigations Of Actors And Targets. Lynne M. Andersson 2004
101. The Nature of Insight (Bradford Books). Robert J. Sternberg 1996
102. Trauma, Recovery, and Growth: Positive Psychological Perspectives on Posttraumatic Stress. Stephen Joseph 2008
103. Handbook of Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders. David L. Rowland 2008
104. Handbook of Anxiety and Fear (Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, Volume 17). Robert J. Blanchard 2008
105. Motivational Styles in Everyday Life: A Guide to Reversal Theory. Michael J. Apter 2001
106. Optimism & Pessimism: Implications for Theory, Research, and Practice. Edward C. Chang 2000
107. Organizational Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Consulting. Harry Levinson 2002
108. Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment: Effective Programmes and Policies to Reduce Re-offending (Wiley Series in Forensic
Clinical Psychology). James McGuire 2003
109. The Secret Language of Business: How to Read Anyone in 3 Seconds or Less. Kevin Hogan 2008
110. Language: Structure, Processing, and Disorders (Issues in the Biology of Language and Cognition). David Caplan 1992
111. Changing Minds: Computers, Learning, and Literacy. Andrea diSessa 2001
112. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial
Intelligence. John H. Holland 1992
113. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61). Eckhart Tolle 2008
114. Psychoanalysis Comparable and Incomparable: The Evolution of a Method to Describe and Compare Psychoanalytic Approaches
(New Library of Psychoanalysis). David Tuckett 2008
115. Milestones in the History of Aphasia: Theories and Protagonists (Brain Damage, Behaviour, and Cognition). Tesak/Code 2008
116. Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. Peter Robinson 2008
117. The Medicalization Cyberspace. Andy Miah 2008
118. Neuropsychological Research: A Review. Marien/Abutaleb 2008
119. Small Groups (Key Readings in Social Psychology). John M. Levine 2006
120. Developments: Child, Image, Nation. Erica Burman 2008
121. The Regulation of Emotion. Pierre Philippot 2004
122. Introduction to Family Processes. Randal D. Day 2002
123. Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind-Brain. Patricia Smith Churchland 1989
124. How to Become an Alpha Male. John Alexander 2005
125. Ecology of Social Evolution. Judith Korb 2008
126. People and Things: A Behavioral Approach to Material Culture (Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory & Technique). James
Skibo 2008
127. Handbook of Giftedness in Children: Psycho-Educational Theory, Research, and Best Practices. Steven I. Pfeiffer 2008
128. Information Technology and Organizational Transformation: Solving the Management Puzzle. Suzanne Rivard 2004
129. Gender and Education: An Encyclopedia, Vol 1. Barbara J. Bank 2007
130. Gender and Education: An Encyclopedia, Vol 2. Barbara J. Bank 2007
131. Seminars in the Psychotherapies. Jane Naismith 2007
132. Peace Psychology: A Comprehensive Introduction. Herbert H. Blumberg 2007
133. Time-Space Compression: Historical Geographies (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). Barney Warf 2008
134. Manager's Pocket Guide to Leadership Skills. Peter B. Stark 1999
135. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Group Processes (Blackwell Handbooks of Social Psychology). Michael A. Hogg 2002
136. A Handbook of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives. Robert Sternberg 2005
137. The Theory & Practice of Training. Roger Buckley 2004
138. Mastering People Management. James Pickford 2003
139. Concept Structuring Systems (Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Vol. 1). Leonard Talmy 2000
140. Typology and Process in Concept Structuring (Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Vol. 2). Leonard Talmy 2000
141. Non-Formal Education: Flexible Schooling or Participatory Education. Alan Rogers 2005
142. The Linguistics, Neurology, and Politics of Phonics: Silent 'E' Speaks out. Steven L. Strauss 2004
143. Simple Treatments for Complex Problems: A Flexible Cognitive Behavior Analysis System Approach To Psychotherapy. Kimberly
A. Driscoll 2004
144. Asperger's Syndrome: Intervening in Schools, Clinics, and Communities. Linda J. Baker 2004
145. Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want. Kurt MOrtensen 2008
146. PMP: Project Management Professional Study Guide, 3rd Ed. Kim Heldman 2005
147. The Perfectibility of Human Nature in Eastern and Western Thought (S U N Y Series in Religious Studies). Harold Coward 2008
148. Dopamine and Glutamate in Psychiatric Disorders. Werner Schmidt 2005
149. Social Cognition and Aging. Thomas M. Hess 1999
150. Handbook of Adult Development and Learning. Carol Hoare 2006
151. Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs: The Question of Alien Minds. David McFarland 2008
152. Insanity: Murder, Madness, and the Law. Charles Patrick Ewing 2008
153. Sex Differences in the Brain: From Genes to Behavior. Jill B. Becker 2007
154. Motivating Offenders to Change: A Guide to Enhancing Engagement in Therapy. Mary McMurran 2002
155. School Counseling and School Social Work Homework Planner (Practice Planners). Sarah Edison Knapp 2002
156. Effective Practices for Children with Autism: Educational and Behavior Support Interventions that Work. James K. Luiselli 2008
157. Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment with Hispanics: Theoretical Foundations and Clinical Practice (Issues of Diversity in
Clinical Neuropsychology). Antolin M. Llorente 2007
158. Young Children's Cognitive Development: Interrelationships among Executive Functioning, Working Memory, Verbal Ability, and
Theory of Mind. Wolfgang Schneider 2004
159. Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. Marsha Linehan 1993
160. Emotion and Consciousness. Lisa Feldman Barrett 2005
161. Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders. Martin M. Antony 2001
162. Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. Tim Dalgleish 1999
163. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. Antony S. R. Manstead 1995
164. Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Paul Bennett 2006
165. Understanding and Treating Psychogenic Voice Disorder: A CBT Framework (Wiley Series on Human Communication). Peter
Butcher 2007
166. Narratives in Action: A Strategy for Research and Analysis (Counseling and Developement, 6). Stanton Wortham 2001
167. Psychological Testing at Work: How to Use Interpret and Get the Most Out of the Newest Tests in Personality Learning Style
Aptitudes Interests. Edward Hoffman 2001
168. Aesthetics of Change. Bradford Keeney 2002
169. Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Problems: A Clinician's Guide, Second edition. Betty N. Gordon 2002
170. Advances in Personality Science. Daniel Cervone 2002
171. Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: The Nuts and Bolts. Robert D. Friedberg 2002
172. Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse. Aaron T. Beck 2001
173. Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. W. John Livesley 2001
174. Cognitive Rehabilitation: An Integrative Neuropsychological Approach. McKay Moore Sohlberg 2001
175. Child Psychopathology, Second Edition. Karen Heffernan 2002
176. Anxiety and Its Disorders, Second Edition: The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic. David H. Barlow 2001
177. Addiction and Change: How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover. Carlo C. DiClemente 2003
178. Handbook of Competence and Motivation. Andrew J. Elliot 2005
179. Child and Adolescent Therapy: Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures, Third Edition. Philip C. Kendall 2005
180. Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology of Religion. Lee A. Kirkpatrick 2004
181. Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Jeff Greenberg 2004
182. Assessing Psychological Trauma and PTSD, Second Edition. John P. Wilson 2004
183. Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Second Edition. Tracy L. Morris 2004
184. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Experiential Approach to Behavior Change. Steven C. Hayes 2003
185. Handbook of Psychological and Educational Assessment of Children: Personality, Behavior, and Context, 2nd Edition. Cecil R.
Reynolds 2003
186. Handbook of Psychological and Educational Assessment of Children: Intelligence, Aptitude, and Achievement, 2nd Edition. Cecil
R. Reynolds 2003
187. Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders, Second Edition. Aaron T. Beck 2003
188. The Development of Psychopathology: Nature and Nurture. Bruce F. Pennington 2005
189. Cognitive Therapy of Schizophrenia (Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment). David G. Kingdon 2008
190. Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: A Casebook for Clinical Practice, Second Edition. Cristy Lopez 2006
191. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD. David A. Clark 2006
192. Handbook of Learning Disabilities. H. Lee Swanson 2005
193. Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality, Second Edition. Larry E. Beutler 2005
194. Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and Violence among Girls: A Developmental Perspective (Duke Series in Child Develpment and
Public Policy, The). Martha Putallaz 2005
195. Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to Do When the Basics Don't Work. Judith S. Beck 2005
196. The Development of the Person: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation from Birth to Adulthood. L. Alan Sroufe 2005
197. Sex Differences: Developmental and Evolutionary Strategies. Linda Mealey 2000
198. The Wisdom of Coaching: Essential Papers in Consulting Psychology for a World of Change. Richard R. Kilburg 2007
199. The Nature of Executive Leadership: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis of Success. Stephen J. Zaccaro 2001
200. Spiritual Strategy For Counseling And Psychotherapy. P. Scott Richards 2005
201. Psychology and Law: Truthfulness, Accuracy and Credibility (Wiley Series in Psychology of Crime, Policing and Law). Amina
Memon 2003
202. Therapist's Guide to Evidence-Based Relapse Prevention (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) (Practical
Resources for the Mental Health Professional). Katie A. Witkiewitz 2007
203. Encyclopedia of Special Education, Vol 1. Cecil R. Reynolds 2007
204. Encyclopedia of Special Education, Vol 2. Cecil R. Reynolds 2007
205. Encyclopedia of Special Education, Vol 3. Cecil R. Reynolds 2007
206. Thinking Fragments: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Postmodernism in the Contemporary West. Jane Flax 1990
207. Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia, Vol 1. Claudia A. Mitchell 2007
208. Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia, Vol 2. Claudia A. Mitchell 2007
209. Quality Control for Dummies. Larry Webber 2007
210. Scenario Visualization: An Evolutionary Account of Creative Problem Solving (Bradford Books). Robert Arp 2008
211. Cognitive Schemas and Core Beliefs in Psychological Problems: A Scientist-Practitioners Guide. Lawrence P. Riso 2007
212. Beast and Man: The Roots of Human Nature. Mary Midgley 1995
213. Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind). Simo Knuuttila
214. Executive Wisdom: Coaching And the Emergence of Virtuous Leaders. Richard R. Kilburg 2006
215. Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention, Second Edition: The 1-2-3's of Treatment Planning (Practical Resources for the Mental
Health Professional). Sharon L. Johnson 2003
Daftar E-book Psikologi April 2008
1. From Isolation to Intimacy: Making Friends Without Words. Phoebe Caldwell 2007
2. The Art of Connecting: How to Overcome Differences, Build Rapport, and Communicate Effectively with Anyone. Claire Raines
3. Phil Hellmuth Presents Read 'Em and Reap: A Career FBI Agent's Guide to Decoding Poker Tells. Joe Navarro 2006
4. In Search of Stones: A Pilgrimage of Faith, Reason, and Discovery. M. Scott Peck 1995
5. Doing Psychology Critically: Making a Difference in Diverse Settings. Isaac Prilleltensky 2002
6. Making the Antidepressant Decision. Carol Turkington 2001
7. The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior. Nigel Nicholson 1995
8. The Curse of the Self: Self-Awareness, Egotism, and the Quality of Human Life. Mark R. Leary 2007
9. Prenatal Testosterone in Mind: Amniotic Fluid Studies (Bradford Books). Simon Baron-Cohen 2004
10. Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction. Edward Craig 2005
11. Gender, Nature, and Nurture, 2nd edition. Richard A. Lippa 2005
12. Statistics in Psychology: An Historical Perspective, 2nd edition. Michael Cowles 2000
13. Effects of Payoffs and Resources on Coalition Formation: A Test of Three Theories. Charles E. Miller
14. Rules of Work. Richard Templar 2003
15. The Environment. Carolyn Saari 2002
16. Handbook of Cognitive Task Design (Human Factors and Ergonomics). Erik Hollnagel 2003
17. Creating a Strategic Human Resources Organization: An Assessment of Trends and New Directions. Edward E. Lawler III 2003
18. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. Max Velmans 2007
19. Return to Freud: Jacques Lacan's Dislocation of Psychoanalysis (Literature, Culture, Theory). Samuel Weber 1991
20. Criminal Psychology and Forensic Technology: A Collaborative Approach to Effective Profiling. Grover Maurice Godwin 2000
21. Girlfighting: Betrayal and Rejection among Girls. Lyn Brown 2005
22. Neurological, Psychiatric, and Developmental Disorders. Committee on Nervous System Disorders in Developing Countries,
Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine 2001
23. Colloquium on Vision: From Photon to Perception (NAS Colloquium). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2001
24. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Strategic Management 2nd ed. John Mc Gee 2006
25. A Psychoanalytic Theory of Infantile Experience: Conceptual and Clinical Reflections (The New Library of Psychoanalysis, Vol.
16). Eugenio Gaddini 1992
26. The Freud-Klein Controversies (New Library of Psychoanalysis). Pearl King 1992
27. Coping: The Psychology of What Works. C. R. Snyder 1999
28. The Dream Discourse Today (New Library of Psychoanalysis ; 17). Sara Flanders 1993
29. The Suppressed Madness of Sane Men: Forty-four Years of Exploring Psychoanalysis (The New Library of Psychoanalysis).
Marion Milner 1987
30. About Children and Children-No-Longer: Collected Papers 1942-80 (New Library of Psychoanalysis 10). Paula Heimann 1990
31. Essentials of Group Therapy (Essentials of Mental Health Practice). Virginia Brabender 2004
32. The Psychology of Work: Theoretically Based Empirical Research (Volume in Lea's Organization & Management Series). Jeanne
M. Brett 2002
33. Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders, Second Edition: Highly Effective Interventions for the Most
Common Personality Disorders. Len Sperry 2006
34. Handbook of Motivational Counseling: Concepts, Approaches, and Assessment. W. Miles Cox 2003
35. Branded Male: Marketing to Men. Mark Tungate 2008
36. A Companion to Psychological Anthropology: Modernity and Psychocultural Change (Blackwell Companions to Anthropology).
Conerly Casey 2005
37. Hormones and Behaviour: A Psychological Approach. Nick Neave 2008
38. Dream, Phantasy and Art (The New Library of Psychoanlysis, 12). Hanna Segal 1990
39. Ghost Girl. Torey Hayden 2006
40. Psychology and Religion : An Introduction. Michael Argyle 2000
41. Psychoanalytic Understanding of Violence and Suicide (New Library of Psychoanalysis 33). R. Perelberg 1998
42. The Theatre of the Dream. Salomon Resnik 1987
43. Psychoanalysis, Literature and War: Papers 1972-95 (New Library of Psychoanalysis, 27). Hanna Segal 1997
44. A History of Child Psychoanalysis (The New Library of Psychoanalysis , No 30). the l Geissmann 1998
45. Presenting Magically: Transforming Your Stage Presence with NLP. Tad James 2001
46. Time Distortion in Hypnosis: An Experimental and Clinical Investigation. Linn F., M.D. Cooper 2002
47. Invention of Hysteria: Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere. Georges Didi-Huberman 2003
48. Lacan: The Silent Partners (Wo Es War). Slavoj Zizek 2006
49. Serial Murder and the Psychology of Violent Crimes. Richard N. Kocsis 2007
50. The Islamic World and the West: An Introduction to Political Cultures and International Relations. Mohammed Arkoun 2000
51. Cognitive Psychology (SAGE Course Companions). Carol Brown 2006
52. Key Thinkers in Psychology. Rom Harre 2005
53. Individuality and the Group: Advances in Social Identity. Tom Postmes 2006
54. Cognitive Science: A Philosophical Introduction. Rom Harre 2002
55. Five Bodies: Re-figuring Relationships (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society). John O'Neill 2004
56. Meaning in Action: Constructions, Narratives, and Representations. Toshio Sugiman 2008
57. Appetite and Food Intake: Behavioral and Physiological Considerations. Ruth B.S. Harris 2008
58. Figuring Out People: Reading People Using Meta-Programs. L. Michael Hall 2006
59. The Spirit of NLP. L. Michael Hall 2001
60. Whispering In The Wind. Carmen Bostic St. Clair 2001
61. Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., Vol 1. Richard Bandler 1996
62. Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., Vol 2. John Grinder 1997
63. Autobiographical Memory and the Construction of A Narrative Self: Developmental and Cultural Perspectives. Ro. n Fivush 2003
64. Handbook of Discourse Processes. Arthur C. Graesser 2003
65. Virtual and Adaptive Environments: Applications, Implications, and Human Performance Issues. Lawrence J. Hettinger 2003
66. Soul Without Shame. Byron Brown 1998
67. Attitude is Everything. Jeff Keller 1999
68. Interpersonal Cognition. Mark W. Baldwin 2004
69. Irony in Language and Thought: A Cognitive Science Reader. Raymond W Gibbs Jr., 2007
70. Handbook of Cognition. Koen Lamberts 2004
71. Cannabis, Forgetting, and the Botany of Desire. Ignacio Chapela 2002
72. Cannabis Youth Treatment Series, Volume 2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
73. Psychoanalysis at the Limit: Epistemology, Mind, and the Question of Science. Jon Mills 2004
74. Dictionary of Theories, Laws, and Concepts in Psychology. Jon E. Roeckelein 1998
75. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology: Volume V. Gregory A. Kimble 2003
76. Principles of Rorschach Interpretation (Volume in Lea's Personality and Clinical Psychology Series). Irving B. Weiner 2003
77. Social Comprehension and Judgment: The Role of Situation Models, Narratives, and Implicit Theories. Robert S. Wyer Jr. 2003
78. Pointing: Where Language, Culture, and Cognition Meet. Sotaro Kita 2003
79. Perceptual Organization in Vision: Behavioral and Neural Perspectives (Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition). Ruth Kimchi
80. How to Find Lost Objects. Professor Solomon 1995
81. Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology. Gregory Bateson 1987
82. The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities. Dossie Easton 1997
83. The New Science of Intimate Relationships. Garth Fletcher 2002
84. Understanding Human Motivation: What Makes People Tick?. Donald R. J. Laming 2003
85. The Blackwell Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior. Edwin A. Locke 2003
86. The Changing World of the Trainer: Emerging Good Practice. Martyn Sloman 2007
87. The Managers Pocket Guide to Performance Management. Sharon G. Fisher 1997
88. Blackwell Handbook of Sensation and Perception (Blackwell Handbooks of Experimental Psychology). E. Bruce Goldstein 2005
89. The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory For The Behavioral Sciences (Proof Version). Herbert Gintis
90. Lying: Man's Second Nature. George Serban 2001
91. Myths for the Masses: An Essay on Mass Communication (Blackwell Manifestos). Hanno Hardt 2004
92. Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology (Challenges in Contemporary Theology). Gerard Loughlin 2004
93. Manual of Smoking Cessation: A Guide for Counsellors and Practitioners. Andy McEwen 2006
94. On the Nature of Prejudice: Fifty Years after Allport. Peter Glick 2005
95. Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making (Blackwell Handbooks of Experimental Psychology). Derek K. Koehler
96. Stress: A Brief History (Blackwell Brief Histories of Psychology). Cary L. Cooper 2004
97. Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change, 2nd edition. William R. Miller 2002
98. Cognitive-Behavioral Management of Tic Disorders. Kieron O'Connor 2005
99. The Essential Practitioners Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology. Fay Fransella 2005
100. Chaosmosis: An Ethicoaesthetic Paradigm. Felix Guattari 1995
101. Never Be Lied to Again: How to Get the Truth In 5 Minutes Or Less In Any Conversation Or Situation. David J. Lieberman 1998
102. How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk. John Van Epp 2008
103. The Emotional Construction of Morals. Jesse Prinz 2008
104. Ways of Aging. Jaber F. Gubrium 2002
105. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol 1. Miles Hewstone 2001
106. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol 2. Miles Hewstone 2001
107. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol 3. Miles Hewstone 2001
108. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol 4. Miles Hewstone 2001
109. On the Psychotheology of Everyday Life: Reflections on Freud and Rosenzweig. Eric L. Santner 2001
110. Introduction to Ergonomics, 2nd Edition. Robert Bridger 2003
111. Personality in Adulthood: A Five-Factor Theory Perspective, 2nd edition. Robert R. McCrae 2005
112. Major Theories of Personality Disorder, 2nd edition. Mark F. Lenzenweger 2004
113. Mindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition. Steven C. Hayes 2004
114. On Becoming Aware: A Pragmatics of Experiencing (Advances in Consciousness Research, 43). Natalie Depraz 2003
115. Practical Management of Personality Disorder. W. John Livesley 2003
116. Neuropsychology of Memory, 3rd edition. Larry R. Squire 2002
117. Psychological Approaches to Pain Management: A Practitioner's Handbook, 2nd edition. Dennis C. Turk 2002
118. Handbook of Homework Assignments in Psychotherapy: Research, Practice, and Prevention. Nikolaos Kazantzis 2006
119. Advances in Group Processes, Volume 17. S.R. Thye 2000
120. Advances in Group Processes, Volume 18. Edward J Lawler 2001
121. Group Cohesion, Trust and Solidarity (Advances in Group Processes). Shane R Thye 2002
122. Power and Status (Advances in Group Processes, Volume 20). Shane R Thye 2003
123. Social Psychology of Gender (Advances in Group Processes). Shelley Correll 2007
124. Reason, Virtue and Psychotherapy. Antonia Macaro 2006
125. On Populist Reason. Ernesto Laclau 2005
126. The Manager's Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking and Learning. Stephen G. Haines 1998
Daftar E-book Psikologi Mei 2008

1. Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping. Paco Underhill 2000

2. The Psychophysiology of Sex (Kinsey Institute Series). Erick Janssen 2007
3. The Right to Die (Point/Counterpoint). John E. Ferguson Jr. 2007
4. Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry. Robert J. Ursano 2007
5. Clinical Psychology: Integrating Science and Practice. Arthur Freeman 2008
6. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Experiential Approach to Behavior Change. Steven C. Hayes 1999
7. Handbook for Trainees. Dinesh Bhugra 2007
8. Language, Thought, and the Brain (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics). Tatyana Glezerman 1999
9. International Community Psychology: History and Theories. Stephanie M. Reich 2007
10. Bipolar II Disorder: Modelling, Measuring and Managing. Gordon Parker 2008
11. Topics in Integrative Neuroscience: From Cells to Cognition. James R. Pomerantz 2008
12. Mind As Machine: A History of Cognitive Science Volume 1. Margaret Boden 2006
13. Mind As Machine: A History of Cognitive Science Volume 2. Margaret Boden 2006
14. Freud Revisited: Psychoanalytic Themes in the Postmodern Age. Roger Horrocks 2001
15. Understanding Complex Sentences: Native Speaker Variation in Syntactic Competence. Ngoni Chipere 2004
16. Carl Rogers (Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy series). Brian Thorne 2003
17. Risk and Society. David Denney 2005
18. Sexual Teens, Sexual Media: Investigating Media's Influence on Adolescent Sexuality (Lea's Communication Series). Jane D. Brown
19. Why Youth is Not Wasted on the Young: Immaturity in Human Development. David F. Bjorklund 2007
20. The Rhetoric of RHETORIC: The Quest for Effective Communication (Blackwell Manifestos). Wayne C. Booth 2004
21. The Emotional Organization: Passions and Power. Stephen Fineman 2007
22. The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory. Aleksandr R. Luria 2006
23. Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It. William Walter Atkinson 2007
24. Fact, Fiction, and Forecast, Fourth Edition. Nelson Goodman 2006
25. Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media. Vian Bakir 2007
26. Language, Discourse and Social Psychology (Palgrave Advances). Ann Weatherall 2007
27. The Word and the World: Biblical Exegesis and Early Modern Science. Kevin Killeen 2007
28. Anti-anxiety Drugs (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Donna Toufexis 2006
29. Journal of Managerial Psychology Vol. 17. Dianna Stone
30. Journal of Managerial Psychology vol. 20. Dianna Stone
31. Journal of Managerial Psychology vol. 21. Dianna Stone
32. Journal of managerial psychology vol. 22. Dianna Stone
33. Integrating the Mind: Domain General Versus Domain Specific Processes in Higher Cognition. Maxwel Roberts 2007
34. The Medical Basis of Psychiatry, 3rd edition. S. Hossein Fatemi 2008
35. The Meeting Spectrum: An Advanced Guide for Meeting Professionals, 2nd ed. Rudy Wright 2005
36. Human Behavior Learning and Transfer. Yangsheng Xu 2005
37. Multilevel Analysis of Individuals and Cultures. Fons J.R. van de Vijver 2008
38. Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series). Haugtvedt 2008
39. He Comes Next: The Thinking Woman's Guide to Pleasuring a Man. Ian Kerner 2006
40. Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort. George Zipf 1949
41. Civilization and Its Discontents.. Sigmund Freud Translated From German And Edited . James Strachey 1929
42. Life and Death in Freud and Heidegger (Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies 6) (Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies). Havi Carel
43. Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Norton Library). Sigmund Freud 1990
44. Moses and Monotheism. Sigmund Freud 1955
45. Stripping the Gurus: Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment. Geoffrey D. Falk 1966
46. The Nature of Consciousness. Mark Rowlands 2001
47. Language in Social Worlds. W. Peter Robinson 2002
48. Music in Everyday Life. Tia DeNora 2000
49. After Adorno: Rethinking Music Sociology. Tia DeNora 2003
50. African Musical Symbolism In Contemporary Perspective: Roots, Rhythms and Relativity. John Collins 2004
51. Understanding Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorders Library). Gary B. Mesibov 2001
52. Psychiatric Nursing: Contemporary Practice. Mary Ann Boyd 2007
53. I Was Wrong: The Meanings of Apologies. Nick Smith 2008
54. The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour. Alan Lewis 2005
55. The SMS Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Capabilities - Emergence, Development, and Change. Constance E. Helfat 2006
56. Applied Intelligence. Robert J. Sternberg 2008
57. Personality and Intelligence at Work. Adrian Furnham 2008
58. Thinking and Learning About Maths in the Early Years (Nursery World / Routledge Essential Guides for Early Years Practitioners).
Linda Pound 2008
59. The Universe of Risk: How Top Business Leaders Control Risk and Achieve Success. Pamela Shimell 2002
60. Memory and Emotion: Interdisciplanary Perspectives (New Perspectives in Cognitive Psychology). Bob Uttl 2006
61. Psychological Processes in International Negotiations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. Francesco Aquilar 2007
62. The Art of Mingling: Proven Techniques for Mastering Any Room. Jeanne Martinet 2006
63. Adulthood (Routledge Modular Psychology). Evie Bentley 2007
64. Models of Psychopathology (Core Concepts in Therapy). Dilys Davies 2003
65. Sexual Murderers: A Comparative Analysis and New Perspectives. Jean Proulx 2007
66. Friends, Lovers and Groups: Key Relationships in Adolescence (Hot Topics in Developmental Reserrch - A Series of Three Edited
Volumes). Rutger Engels 2007
67. Infidelity: A Practitioner's Guide to Working with Couples in Crisis (Family Therapy and Counseling). Paul R. Peluso 2007
68. Postpartum Depression For Dummies. Shoshana S. Bennett 2007
69. The Psychology of Food Choice (Frontiers in Nutritional Science). R. Shepherd 2007
70. Battleground: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Volumes 1. Amy Lind 2007
71. Battleground: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Volumes 2. Amy Lind 2007
72. Soul Snatchers: The Mechanics of Cults. Jean-Marie Abgrall 1999
73. The Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression. Daniel J. Flannery 2007
74. Facing the Cognitive Challenges of Multiple Sclerosis. Jeffrey N. Gingold 2006
75. Brief Encounters. Emily Dubberley 2005
76. Embodiment (Health Psychology). Malcolm MacLachlan 2004
77. Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions. Yudit Greenberg 2007
78. Everyday Memory. Magnussen/Helst 2007
79. Society and Psychosis. Craig Morgan 2008
80. A Rhapsody of Love and Spirituality. David J. Fekete 2003
81. A Philosophy of War. Alexander Moseley 2002
82. The Tyranny of Pleasure. Jean-Claude Guillebaud 1999
83. Psychiatric Genetics (Review of Psychiatry). Kenneth S., M.D. 2005
84. When Dreams Came True: Classical Fairy Tales and Their Tradition, Second Edition. Jack Zipes 2007
85. Concise Guide to Psychopharmacology (Concise Guides), 2nd edition. Lauren B. Marangell 2006
86. Ethno-psychopharmacology: Advances in Current Practice. Chee H. Ng 2008
87. Handbook of Dynamic Psychotherapy for Higher Level Personality Pathology. Eve Caligor 2007
88. Altruism. Niall Scott 2007
89. Knowledge, Options, and Institutions. Bruce Kogut 2008
90. Trust: Self-Interest and the Common Good. Marek Kohn 2008
91. Rationality for Mortals: How People Cope with Uncertainty (Evolution and Cognition). Gerd Gigerenzer 2008
92. Postnatal Depresstion - Facing the Paradox of Lost Happiness & Motherhood. Paula Nicolson 2001
93. Variation in Working Memory. Andrew R. 2007
94. Focus on Early Childhood: Principles and Realities (Working Together for Children, Young People, and Their Families). Margaret
Boushel 2000
95. A Parent's Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thrive. Sally
Ozonoff 2002
96. Feeling Pain and Being in Pain, 2nd Edition (Bradford Books). Nikola Grahek 2007
97. 25 Days to Better Thinking and Better Living: A Guide for Improving Every Aspect of Your Life. Linda Elder 2006
98. Healing Addiction: An Integrated Pharmacopsychosocial Approach to Treatment. Peter R. Martin 2006
99. The Leader on the Couch: A Clinical Approach to Changing People & Organisations. Manfred F. 2006
100. ADHD in Adults: A Psychological Guide to Practice. Susan Young 2006
101. The Later Lacan: An Introduction (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture). Veronique Voruz 2007
102. Freud: Inventor of the Modern Mind. Peter D. Kramer 2006
103. Deafness and Challenging Behaviour: The 360 Perspective. Sally Austen 2007
104. Life Coaching For Dummies. Jeni Mumford 2006
105. Wandering Significance: An Essay on Conceptual Behaviour. Mark Wilson 2006
106. The Innate Mind: Foundations and the Future Volume 3 (Evolution and Cognition). Peter Carruthers 2008
107. Selected Philosophical and Methodological Papers. Paul E. Meehl 1991
108. Law of Attraction - How to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness (Guide for Living). David R. Hooper 2007
109. Developmental Psychology in Action (Child Development). Clare Wood 2006
110. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 32. Mark P. Zanna 2000
111. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 33. Mark P. Zanna 2001
112. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 34. Mark P. Zanna 2002
113. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 40. Mark P. Zanna 2008
114. Motor Control and Sensory-Motor Integration (Advances in Psychology). D.J. Glencross 1995
115. Age Differences in Word and Language Processing (Advances in Psychology). P.A. Allen 1995
116. Lacan, Language, and Philosophy (Suny Series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature). Russell Grigg 2008
117. Engels: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions). Terrell Carver 2003
118. Becoming a Subject: Reflections in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. Marcia Cavell 2006
119. Blackwell Handbook of Language Development (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology). Erika Hoff 2007
120. Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology). Usha Goswami 2002
121. Blackwell Handbook of Early Childhood Development (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology). Kathleen McCartney 2006
122. Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology). Gavin Bremner 2002
123. Rereading Freud: Psychoanalysis Through Philosophy. Jon Mills 2004
124. The Last Resistance: The Concept of Science As a Defense Against Psychoanalysis (Suny Series, Alternatives in Psychology). Marcus
Bowman 2002
125. The Logical Foundations of Cognition (Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science, Vol 4). John Macnamara 1994
126. Boundaries of the Mind: The Individual in the Fragile Sciences. Robert A. Wilson 2004
127. Addiction: Evolution of a Specialist Field. Griffith Edwards 1991
128. Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Reasoning Processes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Disorders. Kieron O'Connor 2005
129. The Development and Treatment of Girlhood Aggression. Debra J. Pepler 2004
130. Beyond Common Sense: Psychological Science in the Courtroom. Eugene Borgida 2007
131. Intelligence: A Brief History (Blackwell Brief Histories of Psychology). Anna T. Cianciolo 2004
132. Cognitive Hypnotherapy: An Integrated Approach to the Treatment of Emotional Disorders. Assen Alladin 2008
133. Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Understanding Health and Sickness Series). L. Susan 2007
134. Psychological Atlas. David Katz 1948
135. Handbook of Homework Assignments in Psychotherapy: Research, Practice, and Prevention. Nikolaos Kazantzis 2006
Daftar E-book Psikologi Juni 2008
1. The Mind According to Shakespeare: Psychoanalysis in the Bard's Writing. Marvin Bennett Krims 2006
2. Inside the Minds of Serial Killers: Why They Kill. Katherine Ramsland 2006
3. Understanding Personality Disorders: An Introduction. Duane L. Dobbert 2007
4. Sudden Influence: How Spontaneous Events Shape Our Lives. Michael A. Rousell 2007
5. Daughters of Madness: Growing Up and Older with a Mentally Ill Mother (Women's Psychology). Susan Nathiel 2007
6. Lifestyle Changes: A Clinician's Guide to Common Events, Challenges, and Options. Vera Maass 2008
7. America's War on Sex: The Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty (Sex, Love, and Psychology). Marty Klein 2006
8. The Human Side of Leadership: Navigating Emotions at Work. Rick Ginsberg 2007
9. Living in the Shadow of the Freud Family. Sophie Freud 2007
10. Postmodern Hollywood: What's New in Film and Why It Makes Us Feel So Strange. M. Keith Booker 2007
11. Sexual (Dis)Orientation: Gender, Sex, Desire and Self-Fashioning. Tamsin Wilton 2004
12. Theories of Sexual Offending (Wiley Series in Forensic Clinical Psychology). Tony Ward 2005
13. Between Sex and Power: Family in the World 1900-2000 (International Library of Sociology). Goran Therborn 2004
14. Handbook New Sexuality Studies (Routledge International Handbooks). Seidman/Meeks/F 2006
15. Archaeologies of Sexuality. Robert Schmidt 2000
16. Homosexuality and Science: A Guide to the Debates. Vernon A. Rosario 2002
17. Girls, Boys and Junior Sexualities: Exploring Childrens' Gender and Sexual Relations in the Primary School. Emma Renold 2005
18. Youth and Sexualities: Pleasure, Subversion, and Insubordination In and Out of Schools. Mary Louise Rasmussen 2004
19. Carnal Appetites: FoodSexIdentities. Elspeth Probyn 2000
20. Sexuality in Adolescence: Current Trends (Adolescence and Society). Moore / Rosenthal 2006
21. Dynamics of Romantic Love: Attachment, Caregiving, and Sex. Mario Mikulincer 2006
22. Same-Sex Marriage: The Personal and the Political. Kevin Alderson 2000
23. Truth About Sexual Behavior And Unplanned Pregnancy (Truth About). William Kane 2005
24. Rethinking Single Sex Teaching (Educatiing Boys / Learning Gender). Gabrielle Ivinson 2007
25. Same-Sex Marriage: The Cultural Politics of Love and Law. Kathleen E. Hull 2006
26. Dirty Discourse: Sex and Indecency in Broadcasting. Robert L. Hilliard 2006
27. Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Celia Harding 2001
28. Sexuality, Sexual Health and Ageing (Rethinking Ageing). Merryn Gott 2004
29. Early Modern Hermaphrodites: Sex and Other Stories. Ruth Gilbert 2002
30. Sexual Misconduct And The Clergy (Library in a Book). Jeffrey Ferro 2005
31. Representing Rape: Language and Sexual Consent. Susan Ehrlich 2001
32. Before Intimacy: Asocial Sexuality in Early Modern England. Daniel Juan Gil 2006
33. Attachment and Sexuality (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series). Diana Diamond 2007
34. Romance And Sex in Adolescence And Emerging Adulthood: Risks And Opportunities (Penn State University Family Issues Symposia).
Ann C. Crouter 2005
35. Palgrave Advances in the Modern History of Sexuality (Palgrave Advances). Matt Houlbrook 2005
36. The Ontology of Sex (Broutledge Studies in Critical Realism). Carrie Hull 2006
37. Death, Hope and Sex: Steps to an Evolutionary Ecology of Mind and Morality. James S. Chisholm 1999
38. Sexuality (The New Critical Idiom). Joseph Bristow 1997
39. Gender and Sexuality: Critical Theories, Critical Thinkers. Chris Beasley 2005
40. Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature before Heterosexuality. Rebecca Ann Bach 2007
41. The Horrors of the Half-Known Life: Male Attitudes Toward Women and Sexuality in 19th. Century America. Barker-Benfield 1999
42. Women's Infidelity: Living In Limbo: What Women Really Mean When They Say "I'm Not Happy". Michelle Langley 2005
43. [Audio Book] The Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life Live Seminar / Tao Te Ching with Wayne Dyer. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 2007
44. Neurophilosophy at Work. Paul Churchland 2007
45. Relational Frame Theory: A Post-Skinnerian Account of Human Language and Cognition. Steven C. Hayes 2001
46. Studies in Perception and Action VII. Sheena Rogers 2003
47. Introduction to the History of Psychology. B. R. Hergenhahn 2000
48. Cognitive Psychology. Nick Brais. 2005
49. Combatting Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults. Steven Hassan
50. Dementia, 2nd Edition (WPA Series in Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry: Vol. 3). Mario Maj 2003
51. Handbook of Depression and Anxiety: A Biological Approach, Second Edition, (Medical Psychiatry, 21). Siegfried Kasper 2003
52. Delphi Method: Techniques and Applications. Harold A. Linstone 1975
53. Anxiety Disorders: A Pocket Guide For Primary Care (Current Clinical Practice). John R. Vanin 2007
54. Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology. Colin Allen 1997
55. Children and the Dark Side of Human Experience: Confronting Global Realities and Rethinking Child Development. James Garbarino
56. Philosophy of Mind, Revised Edition: A Beginner's Guide (Oneworld Beginners' Guides). Edward Feser 2007
57. Daring Wives: Insight into Women's Desires for Extramarital Affairs. Frances Cohen Praver 2006
58. Teenagers, HIV, and AIDS: Insights from Youths Living with the Virus (Sex, Love, and Psychology). Maureen E. Lyon 2006
59. "Intimate" Violence against Women: When Spouses, Partners, or Lovers Attack (Women's Psychology). Paula K. Lundberg-Love 2006
60. Sexual Liberation: The Scandal of Christendom (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality). Raymond J. Lawrence 2007
61. Felix Guattari: An Aberrant Introduction (Transversals). Gary Genosko 2002
62. To Have or to Be?. Erich Fromm 2005
63. The Art of Loving. Erich Fromm 2006
64. The Psychopathy of Everyday Life: How Antisocial Personality Disorder Affects All of Us. Martin Kantor 2006
65. Chess and the Art of Negotiation: Ancient Rules for Modern Combat. Anatoly Karpov 2006
66. Sex in the Bible: A New Consideration (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality). J. Harold Ellens 2006
67. Who Decides?: The Abortion Rights of Teens (Reproductive Rights and Policy). J. Shoshanna Ehrlich 2006
68. Putting Emotional Intelligence To Work, Successful Leadership is More Than IQ. David Ryback 1997
69. Group Techniques for Program Planning: A Guide to Nominal Group and Delphi Processes. Andre L. Delbecq 1986
70. Measuring and Assessing Organizations (Wiley Series on Organizational Assessment & Change). Andrew Van De Ven 1980
71. Breaking the Silence: Mental Health Professionals Disclose Their Personal and Family Experiences of Mental Illness. Stephen P.
Hinshaw 2008
72. Encyclopedia of Juvenile Violence. Laura L. Finley 2006
73. Dream Dictionary For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)). Penney Peirce 2008
74. Treatment of Stress Response Syndromes. Mardi Jon Horowitz 2002
75. Handbook of Spirituality and Worldview in Clinical Practice. Allan M. Josephson 2004
76. Concise Guide to Evidence-Based Psychiatry (Concise Guides). Gregory E. Gray 2003
77. Clinical Manual of Pain Management in Psychiatry (Concise Guides). Raphael J., M.D. Leo 2007
78. Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, And The New Biology Of Mind. Eric Kandel 2005
79. Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health Care. American Psychiatric Association 2005
80. Concise Guide to Anxiety Disorders (Concise Guides). Eric Hollander 2002
81. Boundaries and Boundary Violations in Psychoanalysis. Glen O. Gabbard 2002
82. Superdate. Tracey Cox 2004
83. Toxic People: Decontaminate Difficult People at Work Without Using Weapons Or Duct Tape. Marsha Petrie Sue 2007
84. Butterflies Be Gone. Arthur H. Bell 2008
85. Beyond Revenge: The Evolution of the Forgiveness Instinct. Michael McCullough 2008
86. From Science to Action? 100 Years Later - Alcohol Policies Revisited. Richard Mller 2004
87. Treating Trichotillomania: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Hairpulling and Related Problems (Series in Anxiety and Related
Disorders). Martin E. Franklin 2007
88. Anxiety in Health Behaviors and Physical Illness (Series in Anxiety and Related Disorders). Michael J. Zvolensky 2007
89. Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders: The Vicious Cycle of Comorbidity (Series in Anxiety and Related Disorders). Sherry H. Stewart
90. Acceptance- and Mindfulness-Based Approaches to Anxiety: Conceptualization and Treatment (Series in Anxiety and Related
Disorders). Susan M. Orsillo 2005
91. Treating Health Anxiety and Fear of Death: A Practitioner's Guide (Series in Anxiety and Related Disorders). Patricia Furer 2006
92. Behold the Man: Jesus and Greco-Roman Masculinity. Colleen Conway 2008
93. Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques, 2nd edition. Nathan J. Gordon 2006
94. Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Theodore P. Beauchaine 2008
95. The White House Years. Henry A. Kissinger 1979
96. Perspectives on Activity Theory (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives). Yrjv Engestrm 1999
97. Creative Model Construction in Scientists and Students: The Role of Imagery, Analogy, and Mental Simulation. John J. Clement 2008
98. The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health. Laurie J. Fundukian 2007
99. Treating People With Chronic Disease: A Psychological Guide (Psychologists in Independent Practice Book Series). Carol D.
Goodheart 1997
100. Stress Management Intervention for Women With Breast Cancer. Michael H. Antoni 2003
101. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Psychosocial Assessment and Treatment. Edward B. Blanchard 2000
102. Heart & Mind: The Practice of Cardiac Psychology. Robert Allan 1996
103. Emotion and Psychopathology: Bridging Affective and Clinical Science. Jonathan Rottenberg 2007
104. Essentials of Psychological Testing. Susana Urbina 2004
105. Negotiate and Win: Unbeatable Real-World Strategies from the NYPD's Top Negotiator. Dominick J. Misino 2004
106. Dream Psychology - Psychoanalysis for Beginners. Sigmund Freud 2007
107. A Young Girls Diary : Prefaced with a Letter . Sigmund Freud. Cedar Paul 2001
108. Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (8th Edition). Robert E. Slavin 2005
109. The Vital Illusion. Jean Baudrillard 2001
110. The Psychology of Self-Esteem: A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Understanding that Launched a New Era in Modern Psychology.
Nathaniel Branden 2001
111. Emotions in the Practice of Psychotherapy: Clinical Implications of Affect Theories. Robert Plutchik 2000
112. Gracefully: Looking and Being Your Best at Any Age. Valerie Ramsey 2008
113. Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens (Clinical Child Psychology Library). Michael A. Rapoff 1999
114. Encyclopedia of Human Development, Volume 1. Neil J. Salkind 2005
115. Encyclopedia of Human Development, Volume 2. Neil J. Salkind 2005
116. Encyclopedia of Human Development, Volume 3. Neil J. Salkind 2005
117. The Power of Positive Thinking. Norman Vincent Peale 1990
118. Handbook of Hypnotic Inductions. George Gafner 2000
119. Culture, Society and Sexuality: A Reader (Social Aspects of AIDS). Richard Parker 1999
120. Psychopharmacology: Basic Mechanisms and Applied Interventions (Master Lectures in Psychology). John Grabowski 1992
121. New Methods for the Analysis of Change (Decade of Behavior). Linda M. Collins 2001
122. Computational Modeling of Behavior in Organizations: The Third Scientific Discipline (Decade of Behavior). Daniel R. Ilgen 2000
123. Mom, Dad, I'm Gay.: How Families Negotiate Coming Out. Ritch C. Savin-Williams 2001
124. Combined Treatments for Mental Disorders: A Guide to Psychological and Pharmacological Interventions. Morgan T. Sammons 2001
125. Chronic Depression: Interpersonal Sources, Therapeutic Solutions. Jeremy W. Pettit 2005
126. Case Studies in Emotion-Focused Treatment of Depression: A Comparison of Good and Poor Outcome. Jeanne C. Watson 2007
127. Caring for Ourselves: A Therapist's Guide to Personal and Professional Well-Being. Ellen K. Baker 2002
128. Behavior Genetics Principles: Perspectives in Development, Personality, and Psychopathology (Decade of Behavior). Lisabeth F. Dilalla
129. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book XVII: The Other Side of Psychoanalysis (Seminar of Jacques Lacan). Jacques Lacan 2006
130. The February Man: Evolving Consciousness and Identity in Hypnotherapy. Milton Erickson 1989
131. Research on Community-Based Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents, Volume (Research in Community and Mental
Health). William H. Fisher 2006
132. Motivation: A Biobehavioural Approach. Roderick Wong 2000
133. The Psychology of Ageing: An Introduction. Ian Stuart-Hamilton 2006
134. Insight in Psychotherapy. Louis Georges Castonguay 2006
135. Handbook of Counseling And Psychotherapy With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Clients. Kathleen J. Bieschke 2006
136. Boundaries in Psychotherapy: Ethical and Clinical Explorations. Ofer, Ph.D. Zur 2007
137. Advances in Clinical Cognitive Science: Formal Modeling of Processes And Symptoms. Richard W. J. Neufeld 2007
138. Acculturation: Advances in Theory, Measurement, and Applied Research (Decade of Behavior). Kevin M. Chun 2002
139. Abused Women and Survivor Therapy: A Practical Guide for the Psychotherapist. Lenore E. Walker 1994
140. Understanding And Treating Anxiety Disorders: An Integrative Approach To Healing The Wounded Self. Barry E., Ph.D. Wolfe 2005
141. Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy. Paul L. Wachtel 2007
142. Psychoanalytic Knowledge and the Nature of Mind. Man Cheung Chung 2004
143. Sexual Harassment: Psychiatric Assessment in Employment Litigation. Liza H. Gold 2004
144. Handbook of Emergent Methods. Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber 2008
145. Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, 2nd edition. D. Richard Laws 2008
146. Developmental Psychobiology (Review of Psychiatry, Vol 23). B. J., Ph.D. Casey 2004
147. Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance. Charles Lusthaus 2002
148. Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour. Richard Gross 2005
149. Discover Your Psychic Powers. Tara Ward 1998
150. What Emotions Really Are: The Problem of Psychological Categories (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series). Paul E. Griffiths
151. Handbook of the Neuroscience of Language. Brigitte Stemmer 2008
152. Handbook of Metamemory and Memory. John Dunlosky 2008
153. The Language of Sexual Crime. Janet Cotterill 2007
154. Boys at Sea: Sodomy, Indecency, and Courts Martial in Nelson's Navy. B.R. Burg 2007
155. Personality Assessment. Robert P. Archer 2008
Daftar E-book Psikologi Juli 2008
1. Knowledge Management: Historical and Cross-Disciplinary Themes (Libraries Unlimited Knowledge Management Series). Danny P.
Wallace 2007
2. Everything Out of Her Mouth is a TEST: A Man's Guide to Satisfying the Emotional Needs of Women. Frank B. Kermit
3. Emotional Development in Psychoanalysis, Attachment Theory and Neuroscience: Creating Connections. Viviane Green 2003
4. Radical Honesty: How To Transform Your Life . Telling The Truth. Brad Blanton 1996
5. No More Mr. Nice Guy!. Robert A. Glover 2003
6. Essentials of Abnormal Psychology (Essentials of Behavioral Science). Andrew R. Getzfeld 2006
7. What to Say to a Porcupine: 20 Humorous Tales That Get to the Heart of Great Customer Service. Richard S. Gallagher 2008
8. Human Behaviour and the Principle of Least Effort. George Kingsley Zipf 2003
9. Modeling Human and Organizational Behavior: Application to Military Simulations. Panel on Modeling Human Behavior and Command
Decision Making 1998
10. Leading Change Training (ASTD Trainer's Workshop Series). Jeffrey Russell 2003
11. Training Design Basics (ASTD Training Basics). Saul Carliner 2003
12. Serious Performance Consulting According to Rummler. Geary A. Rummler 2004
13. Terrorism: Origins and Evolution. James Michael Lutz 2005
14. The Heroic Client: A Revolutionary Way to Improve Effectiveness Through Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Therapy. Barry L.
Duncan 2004
15. Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration (Clinical Psychology). John C. Norcross 2005
16. Psychiatric Slavery. Thomas Stephen Szasz 1998
17. Personality and Organizations (Volume in Lea's Organization and Management Series). Benjamin Schneider 2004
18. Tribute to Freud. H.D. 1970
19. Understanding the Representational Mind. Josef Perner 1993
20. Assessment, Measurement, and Prediction for Personnel Decisions. Robert M. Guion 1997
21. 365 Steps to Self-Confidence: A Program for Personal Transformation. David Lawrence Prestor 2002
22. The Addiction-Prone Personality (Longitudinal Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Series). Gordon E.
Barnes 2000
23. Fat Rights: Dilemmas of Difference and Personhood. Anna Kirkland 2008
24. Making Minds: The shaping of human minds through social context (Benjamins Current Topics). Petra Hauf 2007
25. Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity. Kerry Cohen 2008
26. When Mothers Kill: Interviews from Prison. Michelle Oberman 2008
27. Imaginative Programming in Probation & Parole. Paul Keve 1967
28. The Social Logic Of Politics: Personal Networks As Contexts For Political Behavior. Alan S. Zuckerman 2005
29. The Mind of Primitive Man. Franz Boas 1961
30. Artificial Minds. Stan Franklin 1995
31. Learning, Remembering, Believing: Enhancing Human Performance. Committee on Techniques for the Enhancement of Human
Performance, National Research Council 1994
32. Invisible Wounds: Summary and Recommendations for Addressing Psychological and Cognitive Injuries. Terri Tanielian 2008
33. Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery (2008). Terri
Tanielian 2008
34. Madness at Home: The Psychiatrist, the Patient, and the Family in England, 1820-1860 (Medicine and Society). Akihito Suzuki 2006
35. To Understand a Cat: Methodology and Philosophy (Advances in Consciousness Research). Sam S. Rakover 2007
36. Embodiment in Cognition and Culture (Advances in Consciousness Research). John Michael Krois 2007
37. Choice Words: How Our Language Affects Children's Learning. Peter H. Johnston 2004
38. Confessions of a Girl: Truth to Be Told (Fresh Voices series). Tessa Sean Hershberger 2005
39. Living Sensationally: Understanding Your Senses. Winnie, Ph.D. Dunn 2007
40. Cognitive Technologies and the Pragmatics of Cognition (Benjamins Current Topics). Itiel E. Dror 2007
41. An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology. Anthony Esgate 2004
42. Introduction to Neurolinguistics. Elisabeth Ahlsen 2006
43. Anaphora Processing (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). Antonio Branco 2005
44. Loving Nature: Towards an Ecology of Emotion. Kay Milton 2002
45. Electric Worlds in the Classroom: Teaching And Learning With Role-based Computer Games (Technology, Education--Connections
(Tec) Series). Richard T. Beckwith 2006
46. Let's Be Friends: Peer Competence and Social Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs (Early Childhood Education Series, 92). Kristen
Mary Kemple 2003
47. Social Problem Solving and Offending: Evidence, Evaluation and Evolution (Wiley Series in Forensic Clinical Psychology). Mary
McMurran 2005
48. International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Volume 34: Handbook of Assessment in Persons with Intellectual Disability.
Johnny L. Matson 2007
49. International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Volume 35 (International Review of Research in Mental Retardation). Laraine
Masters Glidden 2007
50. Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology: 2008/2009 Edition (Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs
in Clinical Psychology). John C. Norcross 2008
51. Collaborative Therapy with Multi-Stressed Families, Second Edition (The Guilford Family Therapy Series). William C. Madsen 2007
52. Psychotherapy of Abused and Neglected Children, Second Edition. John W. Pearce 2006
53. Mental Disorders in Older Adults, Second Edition: Fundamentals of Assessment and Treatment. Steven H. Zarit 2006
54. Collaborative Treatment of Traumatized Children and Teens: The Trauma Systems Therapy Approach. Glenn N. Saxe 2006
55. One Foot Out the Door: How to Combat the Psychological Recession That's Alienating Employees and Hurting American Business.
Judith M. Bardwick 2007
56. Reasons for Living: Education and Young People's Search for Meaning, Identity and Spirituality. Marisa Crawford 2006
57. Decision Modeling and Behavior in Complex and Uncertain Environments (Springer Optimization and Its Applications 21). Tamar Kugler
58. I Love a Cop, Revised Edition: What Police Families Need to Know. Ellen Kirschman 2006
59. The Mind of the Terrorist: The Psychology of Terrorism from the IRA to al-Qaeda. Jerrold M. Post 2007
60. Exploring the Work and Non-Work Interface, Volume 6 (Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being). Pamela Perrew 2007
61. Circumplex Models of Personality and Emotions. Robert Plutchik 1997
62. Behaving Badly: Aversive Behaviors in Interpersonal Relationships. Robin M. Kowalski 2000
63. A Beginner's Guide to the MCMI-III. Dan Jankowski 2002
64. B.F. Skinner: A Life. Daniel W. Bjork 1993
65. Amidst Peril and Pain: The Mental Health and Well-Being of the World's Refugees. Anthony J. Marsella 1994
66. On the Normal and the Pathological (Studies in the History of Modern Science). Georges Canguilhem 1976
67. Alterations of Consciousness: An Empirical Analysis for Social Scientists. Imants Baruss 2003
68. Psychological Statistics, 3rd Edition. Quinn Mcnemar 1962
69. Theories on Drug Abuse: Selected Contemporary Perspectives. National Institute on Drug Abuse 1980
70. The Psychology of the Internet. Patricia Wallace 1999
71. Emerging and Young Adulthood: Multiple Perspectives, Diverse Narratives (Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development). Varda
Konstam 2007
72. Social Identity (Key Ideas). Richard Jenkins 2008
73. The Art of Self Invention: Image and Identity in Popular Visual Culture. Joanne Finkelstein 2008
74. Paul Tillich, Carl Jung and the Recovery of Religion. John P. Dourley 2008
75. Testing Times. Gordon Stobart 2008
76. Thinking: Directed, Undirected, and Creative, 3rd Edition. K. J. Gilhooly 1996
77. Loving With a Vengeance: Mass Produced Fantasies for Women. Tania Modleski 2007
78. Trans People in Love. Tracie O'Keefe 2008
79. Fear of Crime: Critical Voices in an Age of Anxiety. Stephen Farrall 2008
80. Memory In Autism: Theory and Evidence. Jill Boucher 2008
81. On the Meaning of Friendship Between Gay Men. Andrew R. Gottlieb 2008
82. Auditory Perception: An Analysis and Synthesis, 3rd edition. Richard M. Warren 2008
83. On Waiting (Thinking in Action). Harol Schweizer 2008
84. Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides). Ellis Cashmore 2008
85. The Psychology of Genocide: Perpetrators, Bystanders, and Rescuers. Steven K. Baum 2008
86. Elementary statistics for teachers. Herschel Thurman Manuel 1962
87. Mindreading: An Integrated Account of Pretence, Self-Awareness, and Understanding Other Minds (Oxford Cognitive Science Series).
Shaun Nichols 2003
88. The Mind's New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution. Howard Gardner 1985
89. Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types. David Keirsey 1984
90. Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way (Arkana). Idries Shah 1996
91. Thinking As a Science. Henry Hazlitt 2005
92. 32 Practical Tips For Increasing Your NLP Skills. Jamie Smart
93. Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned. Jamie Smart
94. The Top 10 Secrets of NLP Coaching Language. Jamie Smart
95. The Coaching Language Magic Mini E-book. Jamie Smart
96. The Top 10 Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis. Jamie Smart
97. Representations of Death: A Social Psychological Perspective. Mary Bradbury 1999
98. Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM). Marsha C. Lovett 2004
99. The Science of Mind. Ernest Holmes 2007
100. Mind as Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition. Robert F. Port 1998
101. The Cognitive Neuropsychology Of Schizophrenia (Essays in Cognitive Psychology). Christoph Frith 1992
102. Phobias (WPA Series in Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry). Mario Maj 2004
103. Personality Disorders (WPA Series in Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry). Mario Maj 2005
104. Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Hugh Coolican 1995
105. The Meaning of Others: Narrative Studies of Relationships. Ruthellen Josselson 2007
106. Educating the Human Brain. Michael I. Posner 2006
107. Therapy With Difficult Clients: Using the Precursors Model to Awaken Change. Fred J. Hanna 2001
108. Theories of Psychotherapy: Origins and Evolution. Paul L. Wachtel 1997
109. Violent Men: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Violence. Hans Toch 1992
110. The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: A Practice Handbook. Dorota Iwaniec 2007
111. Cognitive Developmental Change: Theories, Models and Measurement (Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development).
Andreas Demetriou 2005
112. The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life). John Maeda 2006
113. Procrastination to Motivation NLP. Christopher wayne morrison 2000
114. Welcome to BSFF - Be Set Free Fast!. Christine Sutherland
115. Reichian Growth Work - Melting the Blocks To Life and Love. Nick Totton 1988
116. Welcome to EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques. Christine Sutherland
117. Handbook of Health Psychology and Aging. Ronald P. Abeles 2007
118. Losing the Moon: Byron Katie Dialogues on Non-Duality, Truth and Other Illusions. Byron Katie 1998
119. The Secrets of Self-Esteem: A New Approach for Everyone. Patricia Cleghorn 1996
120. Science And Human Behavior. B.F Skinner 1965
121. Behavioral Economics and Its Applications. Peter Diamond 2007
122. Icons of Horror and the Supernatural: An Encyclopedia of Our Worst Nightmares Volumes 1 (Greenwood Icons). S. T. Joshi 2006
123. Icons of Horror and the Supernatural: An Encyclopedia of Our Worst Nightmares Volumes 2 (Greenwood Icons). S. T. Joshi 2006
124. The Dark Side of The Inner Child: The Next Step. Stephen Wolinsky 1994
125. The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies. Scott E. Page 2007
126. CME From The Primary Care Companion. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2003
127. Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion. David Icke 2005
128. Falling for Science: Objects in Mind. Sherry Turkle 2008
129. The Serpent and the Dove: Celibacy in Literature and Life (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality). A. W. Richard Sipe 2007
130. Homosexuality and Religion: An Encyclopedia. Jeffrey S. Siker 2006
131. Inside the Minds of Healthcare Serial Killers: Why They Kill. Katherine Ramsland 2007
132. Mental Disorders of the New Millennium Volumes 1 (Abnormal Psychology). Thomas G. Plante 2006
133. Mental Disorders of the New Millennium Volumes 2 (Abnormal Psychology). Thomas G. Plante 2006
134. Mental Disorders of the New Millennium Volumes 3 (Abnormal Psychology). Thomas G. Plante 2006
135. Youth Violence and Delinquency: Monsters and Myths Volumes 1 (Criminal Justice, Delinquency, and Corrections). Marilyn D.
McShane 2007
136. Youth Violence and Delinquency: Monsters and Myths Volumes 2 (Criminal Justice, Delinquency, and Corrections). Marilyn D.
McShane 2007
137. Youth Violence and Delinquency: Monsters and Myths Volumes 3 (Criminal Justice, Delinquency, and Corrections). Marilyn D.
McShane 2007
138. A Field Guide to Good Decisions: Values in Action. Mark D. Bennett 2006
139. Brain, Mind and the Signifying Body (Open Linguistics). Paul Thibault 2004
140. Mental Illness (Health and Medical Issues Today). Marie L. Thompson 2006
141. Language in the Brain: Critical Assessments. Fred C. C. Peng 2006
142. The Limits of Dream: A Scientific Exploration of the Mind / Brain Interface. Jim Pagel 2008
143. The Praeger Handbook of Learning and the Brain Volumes 1. Sheryl Feinstein 2006
144. The Praeger Handbook of Learning and the Brain Volumes 2. Sheryl Feinstein 2006
145. The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Volumes 1. Joe L. Kincheloe 2006
146. The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Volumes 2. Joe L. Kincheloe 2006
147. The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Volumes 3. Joe L. Kincheloe 2006
148. The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Volumes 4. Joe L. Kincheloe 2006
149. Agency And Consciousness In Discourse: Self-Other Dynamics As A Complex System. Paul J. Thibault 2005
150. Living It Up : America's Love Affair with Luxury. James B. Twitchell 2003
151. Handbook of Multimethod Measurement in Psychology. Ed Diener 2005
152. Thinking: Psychological Perspectives on Reasoning, Judgment and Decision Making. David hardman 2003
153. Empirically Based Play Interventions For Children. Linda A. Reddy 2005
154. Double Your Learning Power: Master the Techniques of Successful Memory and Recall. Geoffrey A. Dudley 1986
155. Think Like a Genius. Todd Siler 1999
156. Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. Michael Quinn Patton 2001
157. Love Stories of Later Life: A Narrative Approach to Understanding Romance. Amanda Smith Barusch 2008
158. Looks: Why They Matter More Than You Ever Imagined. Gordon Patzer 2008
159. The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Destiny. Bray Attwood 2006
160. Cognitive Psychology: A Methods Companion. Nick Brais. 2006
161. A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Beginning of the End of Life Minding the Body, Facilitator Guide (Treatments That Work). Jason
M Satterfield 2008
162. Managing Bipolar Mania in Clinical Practice. Eduard Vieta, Current Medicine Group 2007
163. Managing Schizophrenia: The Compliance Challenge. W Wolfgang Fleischhacker 2007
164. Psychological Metaphysics (International Library of Psychology). Peter White 1993
165. Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory. Ian Hacking 1998
166. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga : Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932 . C.G. Jung. C. G. Jung 1996
167. The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Allan Young 1997
168. Darwin's Spectre. Michael R. Rose 1998
169. Taking It Like a Man: White Masculinity, Masochism, and Contemporary American Culture. David Savran 1998
170. One for All: The Logic of Group Conflict. Russell Hardin 1995
171. Impossible Individuality. Gerald N. Izenberg 1992
172. Madness and Democracy. Marcel Gauchet 1999
173. Acts of Compassion: Caring for Others and Helping Ourselves. Robert Wuthnow 1991
174. The Masochistic Pleasures of Sentimental Literature. Marianne Noble 2000
175. Wittgenstein Reads Freud. Jacques Bouveresse 1995
176. The Definition of a Profession: The Authority of Metaphor in the History of Intelligence Testing, 1890-1930. Joanne Brown 1992
177. Freud's Wishful Dream Book. Alexander Welsh 1994
178. Credit and Blame. Charles Tilly 2008
Daftar E-book Psikologi Agustus 2008
1. Dsm IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Association 1994
2. Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions and Hurtful Acts. Carol Tavris 2007
3. Heinz Werner and Developmental Science (Path in Psychology). Jaan Valsiner 2005
4. Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology. Valentino Braitenberg 1984
5. Family Violence in Primary Care (Medicine). Stephen Amiel 2003
6. Measuring Psychopathology. Anne Farmer 2002
7. Research Techniques for Clinical Social Workers. Elizabeth M. Vonk 2007
8. Jacques Lacan (Routledge Critical Thinkers). Sean Homer 2005
9. Serial Crime: Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral Profiling. Wayne Petherick 2006
10. Rewriting the History of Madness: Studies in Foucault's Histoire de la Folie. Arthur Still 1992
11. Intersensory Origins Of Mind: A Revisit to Emergent Evolution. Thorne Shipley 1995
12. Psychologism: A Study in the Sociology of Philosophical Knowledge (Philosophical Issues in Science). Martin Kusch 1995
13. An Introductory Dictionary Of Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Dylan Evans 1996
14. Philosophical Dimensions of Personal Construct Psychology (Routledge Progress in Psychology). Bill Warren 1998
15. Analytic Freud: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. Michael Levine 2000
16. Understanding Consciousness. Max Velmans 2000
17. Practical Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. Stan Kutcher 2002
18. Deleuze, Altered States and Film. Anna Powell 2007
19. The Future of an Illusion: Film, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis (Media & Society). Constance Penley 1990
20. The Learning Brain: Lessons for Education. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore 2005
21. Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Human Strengths. Alan Carr 2004
22. Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Basic Text (Core Competencies in Psychotherapy). Glen O. Gabbard 2004
23. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Personality Disorders. John M. Oldham 2005
24. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Schizophrenia. Jeffrey A. Lieberman 2006
25. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Suicide Assessment And Management. Robert I. Simon 2006
26. Assessment of Partner Violence: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. Jill H. Rathus 2004
27. Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die: The Interface of Social Science, Public Policy, and Medical Ethics. Barry, Ph.D. Rosenfeld 2004
28. Beyond Significance Testing: Reforming Data Analysis Methods in Behavioral Research. Rex B. Kline 2004
29. Adolescent Suicide: Assessment And Intervention. Alan L. Berman 2006
30. The Aging Workforce: Realities, Myths, And Implications For Organizations. Jerry W. Hedge 2006
31. Human Behavior, Learning, and the Developing Brain: Typical Development. Donna Coch 2007
32. Dealing with Depression: A Commonsense Guide to Mood Disorders. Gordon Parker 2004
33. Emotion in Social Relations: Cultural, Group, and Interpersonal Perspectives. Brian Parkinson 2005
34. The Psychology of Group Perception. Vincent Yzerbyt 2005
35. Behavioural Approaches to Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Optimising Rehabilitation Procedures (Neuropsychological
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36. Connectionist Models in Cognitive Psychology (Studies in Cognition). G. Houghton 2005
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38. The Employment Relationship: A Psychological Perspective. Peter Herriot 2001
39. The Development of the Social Self. Mark Bennett 2004
40. The Two of Me: The Rational Outer Me and the Emotional Inner Me. J. Birtchnell 2003
41. Attention in Action: Advances from Cognitive Neuroscience (Advances in Behavioural Brain Science). Glyn Humphreys 2005
42. Conceptual Representation. Helen Moss 2003
43. Mental Imagery and Memory in Psychopathology: Special Issue of Memory Volume 12 (4) July 2004. Emily Holmes 2004
44. Advances in Management and Treatment of Depression. John Potokar 2003
45. Serotonergic Neurocircuitry in Mood and Anxiety Disorders: pocketbook. Dan J. Stein 2003
46. Schizophrenia: Challenging the Orthodox. Colm McDonald 2004
47. Convivial Urban Spaces: Creating Effective Public Spaces. Henry Shaftoe 2008
48. Mental Health Work In The Community: Theory And Practice In Social Work And Community Psychiatric Nursing. Michael Sheppar
49. Risk. John Adams 1995
50. French Feminisms: Gender And Violence In Contemporary Theory (Gender, Change and Society Series). Gill Allwood 1998
51. Teen Spirits: Music And Identity In Media Education (Media, Education and Culture). Chris Richards 1998
52. Managing Generation X: How to Bring Out the Best in Young Talent. Bruce Tulgan 1996
53. Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: 7th International Conference, EPCE 2007 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
4562). Don Harris 2007
54. A Casebook of Ethical Challenges in Neuropsychology (Studies on Neuropsychology, Ne). Shane S. Bush 2005
55. Social Brain Matters: Stances on the Neurobiology of Social Cognition. (Value Inquiry Book). Oscar Vilarroya 2007
56. A Guide to Assessments That Work (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology). John Hunsley 2008
57. Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action (Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition). Roberta L. Klatzky 2008
58. A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis (Short Introductions to the Therapy Professions). Jane Milton 2004
59. A Short Introduction to Psychotherapy (Short Introductions to the Therapy Professions). Christine Lister-Ford 2007
60. Abortion: A Documentary and Reference Guide. Melody Rose 2008
61. Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Volume 1. Marshall M. Haith 2008
62. Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Volume 2. Marshall M. Haith 2008
63. Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Volume 3. Marshall M. Haith 2008
64. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, Volume 1. John H. Byrne 2008
65. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, Volume 2. John H. Byrne 2008
66. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, Volume 3. John H. Byrne 2008
67. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, Volume 4. John H. Byrne 2008
68. Advanced IQ Tests: The Toughest Practice Questions to Test Your Lateral Thinking, Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills (Testing
Series). Philip Carter 2008
69. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 29. Robert V. Kail 2002
70. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 31. Robert V. Kail 2003
71. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 35. Robert V. Kail 2007
72. Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research, Volume 1. Eduardo Salas 2001
73. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 31. Peter J.B. Slater 2002
74. Aggression: Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment (Medical Psychiatry Series, 22). Emil Coccaro 2003
75. Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 1. Alice A. Bailey
76. Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 2. Alice A. Bailey
77. An Introduction to Contemporary Metaethics. Alex Miller 2003
78. An Introduction to Dramatherapy (Creative Therapies in Practice series). Dorothy Langley 2006
79. Practitioner's Guide to Empirically Based Measures of Anxiety (AABT Clinical Assessment Series). Martin M. Antony 2002
80. Applying Psychology to Forensic Practice (Forensic Practice series). Adrian Needs 2004
81. Art Therapy and Anger. Marian Liebmann 2008
82. Atypical Antipsychotics (Medical Psychiatry). John Lauriello 2005
83. Authoritative Communities: The Scientific Case for Nurturing the Whole Child (The Search Institute Series on Developmentally Attentive
Community and Society). Kathleen Kovner Kline 2008
84. Autism and Its Medical Management: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. Michael G., M.D. Chez 2008
85. Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care: A Guide to Integrating Services. Patricia Robinson 2007
86. Bipolar Disorder: A Family-Focused Treatment Approach, 2nd edition. David J. Miklowitz 2008
87. Brain Gender. Melissa Hines 2004
88. Brain Mystery Light and Dark: The Rhythm and Harmony of Consciousness. Charl Don Keyes 1999
89. Broca's Region. Yosef Grodzinsky 2006
90. Bullying: A Practical Guide to Coping for Schools, 3rd ed. Michele Elliott 2002
91. Circles of Recovery: Self-help Organizations for Addictions (International Research Monographs in the Addictions). Keith Humphreys
92. Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug Alcohol Problems. Baker/Velleman 2007
93. Clinical Applications for Motor Control. Patricia C. Montgomery 2003
94. Clinician's Guide to Evidence Based Practices: Mental Health and the Addictions. John C Norcross 2008
95. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)). Rob Willson 2006
96. Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management for Prostate Cancer Recovery Facilitator Guide (Treatments That Work). Frank J Penedo
97. Collaborative Therapy: Relationships And Conversations That Make a Difference. Harlene Anderson 2007
98. Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World. Rainer Mausfeld 2003
99. Complex Dilemmas in Group Therapy: Pathways to Resolution. Lise Motherwell 2005
100. Compulsive Acts: A Psychiatrist's Tales of Ritual and Obsession. Elias Aboujaoude MD 2008
101. Connections and Symbols (Cognition Special Issue). Steven Pinker
102. Contemporary Body Psychotherapy: The Chiron Approach. Linda Hartley 2009
103. Conversations With Milton H. Erickson, MD: Changing Individuals. Milton H. Erickson 1985
104. Conversations With Milton H. Erickson, MD: Changing Couples. Milton H. Erickson 1985
105. Conversations With Milton H. Erickson, MD: Changing Children and Families. Milton H. Erickson 1985
106. Counseling Military Families: What Mental Health Professionals Need to Know. Lynn K. Hall 2008
107. Creativity in Human Evolution and Prehistory (Theoretical Archaeology Group). Steven Mithen 1998
108. Critical Pedagogy and the Everyday Classroom (Explorations of Educational Purpose). Tony Monchinski 2008
109. Cruel Compassion: Psychiatric Control of Society's Unwanted. Thomas Stephen Szasz 1994
110. Cultural Ergonomics (Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research, Volume 4). Michael Kaplan 2004
111. The Things We Do: Using the Lessons of Bernard and Darwin to Understand the What, How, and Why of Our Behavior. Gary Cziko
112. Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders Across the Lifespan. Stephanie M. Woo 2008
113. Discover Yourself (a.k.a. The Inner Reality). Paul Brunton 1952
114. Doing What Works in Brief Therapy: A Strategic Solution Focused Approach, 2nd Edition (Practical Resources for the Mental Health
Professional). Ellen K. Quick
115. Domestic Violence: Intervention, Prevention, Policies, and Solutions. Richard L. Davis 2008
116. Drugs and Addictive Behaviour: A Guide to Treatment. Hamid Ghodse 2002
117. Eating Disorders For Dummies (For Dummies (Health & Fitness)). Susan Schulherr 2008
118. Empathy in the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD (Series in Psychosocial Stress). Ph.D.,J Wilson 2004
119. Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment). Dawn P. Flanagan 2004
120. Evidence-Based Dementia Practice. Nawab Qizilbash 2003
121. Evidence-Based Protocols for Managing Wandering Behaviors. Audrey L. Nelson 2007
122. Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy: Guideposts to the Core of Practice. Kirk J. Schneider 2007
123. Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd edition (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)). Sue Fox 2007
124. Foucault, Psychology and the Analytics of Power (Critical Theory and Practice in Psychology and the Human Sciences). Derek Hook
125. Freaks, Geeks & Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence. Luke Jackson 2002
126. Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Richard Bandler 2008
127. Handbook of Chronic Depression: Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management (Medical Psychiatry, 25). Jonathan E. Alpert 2004
128. Handbook of Parent Training: Helping Parents Prevent and Solve Problem Behaviors. James M. Briesmeister 2007
129. Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 4th edition. Steven D. Brown 2008
130. Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research, 3rd edition. Oliver P. John 2008
131. Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Blackwell Handbooks of Research Methods in
Psychology). Steven Rogelberg 2004
132. Handbook of Women, Stress and Trauma (Bruuner-Routledge Psychosocial Stress). Kathleen Kendall-Tackett 2005
133. Handbook of Child Behavioral Issues: Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment. Thomas P. Gullotta 2008
134. Holographic Reprocessing: A Cognitive-Experiential Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Trauma. Lori S. Katz 2005
135. Human: The Science Behind What Makes Us Unique. Michael S. Gazzaniga
136. Hyperactivity and Attention Disorders of Childhood. Seija Sandberg 2002
137. Hypnotism and Mysticism of India. O. McGill 1979
138. Inside Anorexia: The Experiences of Girls and Their Families. Christine Halse 2008
139. International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Volume 24. Laraine Masters Glidden 2001
140. Introduction to Supportive Psychotherapy (Core Competency in Psychotherapy). Arnold, M.D. Winston 2004
141. Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis HB (Makers of Modern Psychotherapy). Dany Nobus 2000
142. Trauma, War, and Violence: Public Mental Health in Socio-Cultural Context (The Springer Series in Soc Psychology). Joop De Jong
143. Language and Communication in Mental Retardation (International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Vol. 27). Leonard
Abbeduto 2003
144. Learning Disabilities in Older Adolescents and Adults: Clinical Utility of the Neuropsychological Perspective (Critical Issues in
Neuropsychology). Lynda J. Katz 2002
145. Healing Plots: The Narrative Basis of Psychotherapy (The Narrative Study of Lives). Amia Lieblich 2004
146. On Aggression (Routledge Classics). Konrad Lorenz 2002
147. Man Meets Dog (Routledge Classics). Konrad Lorenz 2002
148. Madness, Heresy, and the Rumor of Angels: The Revolt Against the Mental Health System. Seth Farber 1993
149. NLP (The Pocketbook). Gillian Burn 2005
150. Managing the Monstrous Feminine (Women and Psychology). J.m. Ussher 2006
151. Identity And Story: Creating Self in Narrative (The Narrative Study of Lives). Dan P. McAdams 2006
152. Medical Adherence And Aging: Social And Cognitive Perspectives. Denise C. Park 2007
153. Memory, Psychology and Second Language Learning (Language Learning & Language Teaching). Mick Randall 2007
154. Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features (CBT Distinctive Features). Rebecca Crane 2009
155. Monitoring Metabolic Status: Predicting Decrements in Physiological and Cognitive Performance. Academic Press 2004
156. Functionality, Intentionality and Morality, Volume 3 (Research on Emotion in Organizations). Charmine Hrtel 2007
157. Multivariate Behavioral Research. Steven P. Reise 2001
158. Narrative Approaches in Play With Children. Ann Cattanach 2008
159. Naturalization of the Soul: Self and Personal Identity in the Eighteenth Century (Routledge Studies in 18th Century Philosophy, 1). John
Barresi 2000
160. Near Death Experiences: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection. Ornella Corazza 2008
161. Neuropsychological Interpretations of Objective Psychological Tests (Critical Issues in Neuropsychology). Charles J. Golden 2002
162. Oh No! He's Just Like My Father. Sandra Reishus 2007
163. Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach, 2nd edition. Steve M. Jex 2008
164. Personality At Work: The Role of Individual Differences In The Workplace. Adrian Furnham 1992
165. Personality-Disordered Patients: Treatable and Untreatable. Michael H. Stone 2006
166. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)). Mark Goulston 2008
167. Promiscuity, attractiveness, fondness for children, and the postponement of parenthood: An evolutionary (mal)functional analysis. Percy
A Rohde 2006
168. Psychological Aspects of Cyberspace: Theory, Research, Applications. Azy Barak 2008
169. Psychological Masquerade: Distinguishing Psychological from Organic Disorders, 3rd edition. Robert L. Taylor 2007
170. Put Passion First. Carol Cassell 2008
171. Psychology of Culture Shock. Colleen Ward 2001
172. Reaching and Teaching the Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Using Learning Preferences and Strengths. Heather Mackenzie 2008
173. Clinical Handbook of Schizophrenia. Kim T. Mueser 2008
174. Seasonal Affective Disorder For Dummies (For Dummies (Health & Fitness)). Laura L., PhD Smith 2007
175. Self-Help Approaches for Obesity and Eating Disorders: Research and Practice. Janet D. Latner 2007
176. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
177. Disorders of the Self: A Personality-guided Approach (Personality-Guided Psychology). Marshall L. Silverstein 2007
178. Imagery in Psychotherapy. Jerome L. Singer 2006
179. Night-time and Sleep in Asia and the West: Exploring the Dark Side of Life (Anthropology of Asia Series). Brigitte Steger 2003
180. Speaking About the Unspeakable: Non-Verbal Methods and Experiences in Therapy With Children. Priscilla Rodgers 2008
181. Taking Charge of Anger: How to Resolve Conflict, Sustain Relationships, and Express Yourself without Losing Control. W. Robert Nay
182. Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage. Paul Ekman 1992
183. The Emotion Code. Bradley B. Nelson 2007
184. The Emotionally Intelligent Team: Understanding and Developing the Behaviors of Success. Marcia Hughes 2007
185. The Essence of Psychotherapy: Reinventing the Art in the New Era of Data (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional).
Nicholas A. Cummings
186. The Lacanian Left: Psychoanalysis, Theory, Politics. Yannis Stavrakakis 2007
187. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Volume 49
188. The Science of Reading - A Handbook (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology). Margaret J. Snowling 2005
189. The Abusive Personality: Violence and Control in Intimate Relationships, 2nd edition. Donald G. Dutton 2007
190. The Bullies: The Rationale of Bullying. Dennis Lines 2008
191. The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, 4th edition (Practice Planners). Arthur E., Jr. Jongsma 2006
192. The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome. Tony Attwood 2007
193. The Future of Your Only Child: How to Guide Your Child to a Happy and Successful Life. Carl E. Pickhardt 2008
194. The Great Ideas of Clinical Science: 17 Principles That Every Mental Health Professional Should Understand. Scott O. Lilienfeld 2007
195. Thinking about Cognition: Concepts, Targets and Therapeutics (Solvay Pharmaceutical Conferences, Volume 5). C. G. Kruse 2006
196. Treating Somatization: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach. Robert L. Woolfolk 2007
197. Twenty-First Century Psychotherapies: Contemporary Approaches to Theory and Practice. Jay L. Lebow 2008
198. Understanding and Managing Children's Classroom Behavior: Creating Sustainable, Resilient Classrooms (Wiley Series on Personality
Processes). Sam Goldstein 2007
199. Understanding Controversial Therapies for Children With Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Other Learning Disabilities: A Guide to
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Jkp Essentials Series). Lisa A. Kurtz 2008
200. The Virtual Self: A Contemporary Sociology (21st Century Sociology). Ben Agger 2004
201. Health Psychology: A Textbook, 3rd edition. Jane Ogden 2004
202. Punishing Violence. A. Cretney 1995
203. Psychology for Social Workers. Lena Robinson 1995
Daftar E-book Psikologi September 2008
1. Visual Perception: An Introduction (Introductions to Modern Psychology). Nicholas Wade 2001
2. Roots of Consciousness. Jeffrey Mishlove
3. Social Structure and Emotion. Jody Clay-Warner 2008
4. Principles of Research Design in the Social Sciences (Social Research Today). Frank Bechhofer
5. Recovered, Not Cured: A Journey Through Schizophrenia. Richard McLean 2003
6. Product Experience. Hendrik N. J. Schifferstein 2008
7. Peer Prejudice and Discrimination: The Origins of Prejudice. Harold D. Fishbein 2002
8. Parallel Distributed Processing, Vol. 1: Foundations (Parallel Distributed Processing). David E. Rumelhart 1985
9. Parallel Distributed Processing, Vol. 2: Psychological and Biological Models. James L. McClelland 1985
10. Neurobiology of the Parental Brain. Robert Bridges 2008
11. Motor Vehicle Collisions: Medical, Psychosocial, and Legal Consequences. Melanie Duckworth
12. Individual Differences in Arithmetical Abilities: Implications for Psychology, Neuroscience and Education. Ann Dowker 2005
13. Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence, vol 1. Claire M. Renzetti 2008
14. Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence, vol 2. Claire M. Renzetti 2008
15. Clinical Guidelines in Old Age Psychiatry. Alistair Burns 2002
16. Adaptive Behaviour and Learning. J. E. R. Staddon 2003
17. Selected Readings on the Human Side of Information Technology (Premier Reference Source). Edward J. Szewczak 2009
18. Time and the Brain (Conceptual Advances in Brain Research, Vol 3). Robert Miller 2000
19. Instant Notes in Cognitive Psychology (Instant Notes). Jackie Andrade 2004
20. Instant Notes in Physiological Psychology (Instant Notes). Hugh Wagner 2004
21. Epilepsy in Childhood and Adolescence. Richard Appleton 2004
22. Cerebrovascular Disease and Dementia. John O'Brien 2004
23. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Naomi Fineberg 2001
24. Generalized Anxiety Disorder. David J. Nutt 2001
25. Technology in Cognitive Rehabilitation. Peter Gregor 2004
26. Prospective Memory: The Delayed Realization of Intentions (International Journal of Psychology, Vol 38, Issue 4, August, 2003). M.
Kliegel 2003
27. European Review Of Social Psychology. Strobe & Hewsto 2002
28. Dyslexia, Reading and the Brain: A Sourcebook of Psychological and Biological Research. Alan Beaton 2004
29. Introducing Cognitive Development (Psychology Focus). Laura Taylor 2005
30. A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia: A Clinician's Guide. Anne Whitworth 2005
31. Moves in Mind: The Psychology of Board Games. Fernand Gobet 2004
32. The Cognitive Psychology of Planning (Current Issues in Thinking & Reasoning). Robin Morris 2005
33. Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences: An Introduction. Riccardo Russo 2003
34. Psychology of Reasoning: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. Ken Manktelow 2005
35. Children's Understanding of Society (Studies in Developmental Psychology). Martyn Barrett 2005
36. Connectionist Models of Development: Developmental Processes in Real and Artificial Neural Networks (Studies in Developmental
Psychology). Philip Quinlan 2003
37. From Mating to Mentality: Evaluating Evolutionary Psychology (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science). Kim Sterelny 2003
38. Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: Implications for Typical and Atypical Development (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive
Science). B. Repacholi 2003
39. The Deja Vu Experience (Essays in Cognitive Psychology). Alan S. Brown 2004
40. Social Psychology of Inclusion and Exclusion. Dominic Abrams 2005
41. Political Psychology: Key Readings (Key Readings in Social Psychology). John T. Jost 2004
42. Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success. Nicholas Bate 2003
43. Flying? No Fear!: A Handbook for Apprehensive Flyers. Adrian Akers-Douglas 2000
44. Conquering Anorexia: The Route to Recovery. Clare Lindsay 2000
45. Introduction to Dramatherapy: Person and Threshold. Sal Pitruzzella 2004
46. Gift of Tears: A Practical Approach to Loss and Bereavement Counselling. Susan Lendrum 2004
47. Complexity and Group Processes: A Radically Social Understanding of Individuals. Ralph Stacey 2003
48. Group Spirituality: A Workshop Approach. Roger Grainger 2003
49. Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming Self-Destructive Habits: A Self-Help Manual. Lorraine Bell 2003
50. Emotional Expression and Health: Advances in Theory, Assessment and Clinical Applications. Ivan Nyklicek 2004
51. Nietzsche and Jung: The Whole Self in the Union of Opposites. Lucy Huskinson 2004
52. Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain. Sue Gerhardt 2004
53. Helping Bereaved Parents: A Clinician's Guide (The Series in Death, Dying, and Bereavement). Richar Tedeschi 2004
54. Counseling Multicultural and Diverse Populations. Susan B. Devaney 2003
55. Handbook of Clinical Sexuality for Mental Health Professionals. Stephen Levine 2003
56. Counseling Techniques: Improving Relationships with Others, Ourselves, Our Families and Our Environment. R. Thompson 2003
57. Handbook of Family Therapy: The Science and Practice of Working with Families and Couples. Thomas Sexton 2005
58. The Presence of the Therapist: Treating Childhood Trauma. Monica Lanyado 2004
59. Mourning, Spirituality and Psychic Change: A New Object Relations View of Psychoanalysis. S Kavaler-Adler 2003
60. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theoretical Developments (Advancing Theory Intherapy). Windy Dryden 2003
61. Severe Emotional Disturbances in Children and Adolescents: Psychotherapy in Applied Contexts. Denis Flynn 2004
62. Forgiveness and the Healing Process: A Central Therapeutic Concern. C. Ransley 2004
63. Coping and Complaining: Attachment and the Language of Disease. Simon Wilkinson 2003
64. Inconceivable Conceptions: Psychotherapy, Fertility and the New Reproductive Technologies. Juliet Miller 2003
65. Managing High Risk Sex Offenders in the Community: A Psychological Approach. Jacki Craissati 2004
66. Clinical Counselling in Voluntary and Community Settings (Clinical Counselling in Context). Q. Stimpson 2003
67. Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Later Life: A New Perspective on Old Age. Jason Hepple 2004
68. Talking Over the Years: A Handbook of Dynamic Psychotherapy with Older People. Sandra Evans 2004
69. Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent Mind. Jean Knox 2003
70. Archetype Revisited: An Updated Natural History of the Self. Anthony Stevens 2002
71. The Father: Historical,Psychological and Cultural Perspectives. Luigi Zoja 2001
72. Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Kevin A. Fall 2004
73. Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents (Sleep Disorders). Anna Ivanenko 2008
74. The Psychology of Closed Mindedness (Essays in Socialpsychology). Arie Kruglanski 2004
75. Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook. M. Eysenck 2000
76. Bilingualism: The Sociopragmatic-Psycholinguistic Interface. Joel Walters 2005
77. Identification of Learning Disabilities: Research To Practice (The Lea Series on Special Education and Disability). Renee Bradley 2002
78. Rumors and Rumor Control: A Manager's Guide to Understanding and Combatting Rumors (Lea's Communication Series). Allan J.
Kimmel 2004
79. The Psychology of Science Text Comprehension. Jose Otero 2002
80. Developmental Psychology: How Nature and Nurture Interact. Keith Richardson 2000
81. Neurobehavior of Language and Cognition: Studies of Normal Aging and Brain Damage. Loraine K. Obler 2002
82. Voice Of The Child: A Handbook For Professionals (World of Childhood & Adolescence). Graham Upton 2005
83. Children With Emotional And Behavioural Difficulties: Strategies For Assessment And Intervention. Peter Farrell 2005
84. Psychology in Sport. Kremer, Scully 2005
85. Personal Finance and Investments: A behavioural finance perspective. Keith Redhead 2005
86. Forecasting Financial Markets: The Psychology of Successful Investing. Tony Plummer 2003
87. The Theory and Pracice of Learning. Peter Jarvis 2004
88. The Best Years of Their Lives?: Pupil's Experiences of School. Ced Cullingford 2005
89. The Psychology Of Addiction (Contemporary Psychology, Vol 10). Mary McMurran R 1994
90. Education, Gender And Anxiety (Gender & Society). Jenny Shaw 2005
91. Counseling Survivors of Traumatic Events: A Handbook for Pastors and Other Helping Professionals. Andrew J. Weaver
92. Voting at the Political Fault Line: California's Experiment with the Blanket Primary (Institute of Governmental Studies). Bruce E. Cain
93. Artful Therapy. Judith Aron Rubin 2005
94. Strategies for Building Multicultural Competence in Mental Health and Educational Settings. Madonna G. Constantine 2005
95. The Complete Anxiety Treatment and Homework Planner (Practice Planners). Arthur E. 2004
96. Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life After Boyhood Sexual Abuse. Richard B. Gartner 2005
97. The Family Therapy Progress Notes Planner (Practice Planners). David J. Berghuis 2004
98. The Psychopharmacology Treatment Planner. David C. Purselle 2003
99. Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment: Personality Assessment (Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological
Assessment). Mark J. Hilsenroth 2004
100. Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment: Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment (Comprehensive Handbook
of Psychological Assessment). Gerald Goldstein 2004
101. The Speech-Language Pathology Treatment Planner (Practice Planners). Keith Landis 2004
102. Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Applying Empirically Supported Techniques in Your Practice. William O'Donohue 2003
103. Sometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder. Jerold J. 2004
104. Essentials of Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Essentials of Behavioral Science). Barry H. Cohen 2004
105. Coping with Depression in Young People: A Guide for Parents (Family Matters). Carol Fitzpatrick 2004
106. Attraction, Distraction and Action (Advances in Psychology). Charles Folk 2001
107. Couples Conflict and Change: Social Work with Marital Relationship (Tavistock Library of Social Work Practice). Adrian James 2002
108. Group Work with Adolescents After Violent Death: A Manual for Practitioners. Alison Salloum 2004
109. Adlerian Group Counseling and Therapy: Step-by-Step. Manford A. Sonstegard 2004
110. Contesting the Terrain of the Ivory Tower: Spiritual Leadership of African American Women in the Academy (Studies in African
American History and Culture). Rochelle Garner 2004
111. Psychosocial Treatments (Key Readings in Addiction Psychiatry). Mccance-Katz 2004
112. Helping Teens Work Through Grief (Second Edition). Mary Ke Perschy 2004
113. 101 Defenses: How the Mind Shields Itself. Jerome Blackman 2004
114. Voices of Bereavement: A Casebook for Grief Counselors (The Series in Death, Dying, and Bereavement). Joan Beder 2004
115. Psychoeducational Groups: Process and Practice. Nina W. Brown 2004
116. Living with Grief: Coping with Public Tragedy (Living with Grief). Lattanzi-Licht 2003
117. The Integrative Family Therapy Supervisor: A Primer. Robert E. Lee 2004
118. Celibacy in Crisis: A Secret World Revisited. Sipe 2003
119. Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders. Sperry 2003
120. Counselor Preparation: Programs, Faculty, Trends (Counselor Preparation). Wendi K. Schweiger 2004
121. The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple: New Approaches to Marital Therapy. Joan Lachkar 2004
122. The New Contextual Therapy: Guiding the Power of Give and Take. Terry Hargrave 2003
123. Family Therapy as an Alternative to Medication: An Appraisal of Pharmland. Phoebe Prosky 2003
124. Women and Self Harm: Understanding, Coping and Healing from Self-Mutilation. Smith, Cox, Sarandji 1998
125. Women Crossing Boundaries: A Psychology of Immigration and Transformations of Sexuality. Oliva Espin 2003
126. Supporting Teachers, Supporting Pupils: The Emotions of Teaching and Learning. D. Fox Wilson 2004
127. The Unconscious: A Conceptual Analysis. Alasdair Macintyre 2004
128. Practising Mental Health Social Work (Social Work Skills). C. Pritchard 2006
129. On Anxiety (Thinking in Action). Renata Salecl 2004
130. Visible Thought: The New Psychology of Body Language. G. Beattie 2004
131. Imagination, Philosophy and the Arts. Matthew Kieran 2003
132. Action, Emotion and Will. Dr Anthon Kenny 2003
133. Problem Girls: Understanding and supporting troubled and troublesome girls and young women. Gwynedd Lloyd 2005
134. The 'Buddhist Unconscious': The Alaya-Vijnana in the Context of Indian Buddhist Thought (Routledgecurzon Critical Studies in
Buddhism). William Waldron 2003
135. Foundations of Violence. Grace M Jantzen 2004
136. Religion, Spirituality and the Near-Death Experience. Mark Fox 2003
137. Sigmund Freud (Key Sociologists). Robert Bocock 2002
138. Behaviour Problems in the Early Years: Early Identification and Intervention. T Papatheodorou 2005
139. Language and Thought (Routledge Modular Psychology). Nick Lund 2005
140. Existential Psychology and Sport: Theory and Application. Mark Nesti 2004
141. Management and the Worker: Early Sociology of Management and Organizations. William Dickson 2003
142. Social Theory Since Freud: Self and Society After Freud. Anthony Elliott 2004
143. When Women Kill: Questions of Agency and Subjectivity (Transformations). Belin Morrissey 2003
144. Psychology of Intelligence (Routledge Classics). Jean Piaget 2003
145. Bullying and Emotional Abuse in the Workplace: International Perspectives in Research and Practice. Stale Einarsen 2003
146. Work and Unseen Chronic Illness: Silent Voices (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies). M. Vickers 2001
147. Freelance Counselling and Psychotherapy: Competition and Collaboration. Jean Clark 2002
148. Controversies in Analytical Psychology. Robert Withers 2003
149. Eating Disorders and Cultures in Transition. Mervat Nasser 2001
150. The Social Nature of Mental Illness. Dr. Leon Bowers 2000
151. Pro- and Anti-Social Behaviour (Routledge Modular Psychology). David Clarke 2003
152. Anxiety in a 'Risk' Society (Health, Risk and Society). Iain Wilkinson 2001
153. Social and Cognitive Development in the Context of Individual, Social and Cultural Processes (International Library of Psychology). C.
Raeff 2003
154. Adult Attachment and Couple Psychotherapy: The 'Secure Base' in Practice and Research. C. Clulow 2006
155. Environment of Schizophrenia: Innovations in Practice, Policy and Communications. Richard Warner 2000
156. The Borderline Psychotic Child: A Selective Integration. Trevor Lubbe 2000
157. Hysteria. C. Bollas 2000
158. A Special Scar: The Experience of People Bereaved . Suicide. A. Wertheimer 2001
159. Art Therapies and Progressive Illness: Nameless Dread. Waller 2002
160. Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Young-EisEndrat 2002
161. Culture in Psychology. Corrine Squire 2000
162. Community Based Psychotherapy with Young People: Evidence and Innovation in Practice. G. Baruch 2001
163. Health Care Communication Using Personality Type: Patients Are Different!. Judy Allen 2000
164. The Bi-Personal Field: Experiences of Child Analysis (New Library of Psychoanalysis). Antonino Ferro 1999
165. Judgement and Reasoning in the Child (International Library of Psychology). Jean Piaget 2002
166. An Introduction to Meaning and Purpose in Analytical Psychology. Dale Mathers 2001
167. Supervision in the Mental Health Professions: A Practitioner's Guide. Joyce Scaife 2001
168. Common Mental Disorders in Primary Care: Essays in Honour of Professor Sir David Goldberg. M. Tansella 1999
169. Art Therapy with Young Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Lost for Words. Jenny Murphy 2001
170. Jung in Contexts: A Reader. Paul Bishop 1999
171. Psychoanalysis on the Move (The New Library of Psychoanalysis). Peter Fonagy 1999
172. Clinical Counselling in Schools (Clinical Counselling in Context). Nick Barwick 2000
173. Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of Emotional Exchange. Mario Jacoby 1999
174. First Steps In Research and Statistics: A Practical Workbook for Psychology Students. Duncan Cramer 2000
175. Language in Action: Psychological Models of Conversation (International Series in Social Psychology). W. Turnbull 2003
176. Using Groups to Help People (International Library of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process). D. Whitaker 2001
177. The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology: A Contextual Approach. Alan Carr 1999
178. Psychology of Education: Major Themes (Major Writings in Education). Peter K. Smith 2000
179. Freud, Jung, Klein: The Fenceless Field: Essays on Psychoanalysis and Analytical Psychology. Michael Fordham 1998
180. Cult Fictions: C.G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology. Sonu Shamdasani 1998
181. Erotic Transference and Countertransference: Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy. David Mann 1999
182. Twin and Triplet Psychology: A Multi-Professional Guide to Working with Multiples. A. Sandbank 1999
183. Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy: The Therapeutic Relationship. David Sedgwick 2001
184. Family Therapy Beyond Postmodernism: Practice Challenges Theory. Carmel Flaskas 2002
185. The Nature of Grief: The Evolution and Psychology of Reactions to Loss. John Archer 1999
186. Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Monica Lanyado 1999
187. Time to Listen to Children: Personal and Professional Communication. Birgit Carolin 1999
188. Child and Family Assessment: Clinical Guidelines for Practitioners (2nd Edition). Ian Wilkinson 1998
189. Fifty Key Thinkers in Psychology (Fifty Key Thinkers). Noel Sheehy 2004
190. The Thin Woman: Feminism, Post-Structuralism and the Social Psychology of Anorexia Nervosa (Women and Psychology). Helen
Malson 1998
191. Post-Jungians Today: Key Papers in Contemporary Analytical Psychology. Ann Casement 1998
192. Decision Making: Cognitive Models and Explanations (Frontiers of Cognitive Science). Rob Raynard 1997
193. Ethics and Values in Psychotherapy. Alan Tjeltveit 1999
194. Changing the Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation and Subjectivity. Julia Henriques 1998
195. Advocacy and Empowerment - Mental Health Care in the Community. Bruce L. Black 2002
196. Piaget, Vygotsky and Beyond. Leslie Smith 1997
197. Michael Balint: Object Relations, Pure and Applied (New Library of Psychoanalysis). Andrew Elder 1996
198. Schizophrenia: The Positive Perspective: In Search of Dignity for Schizophrenic People. Peter Chadwick 1997
199. Transforming Hate to Love: An Outcome Study of the Peper Harow Treatment Process for Adolescents. Melvyn Rose 1997
200. Dictionary of Biological Psychology. Philip Winn 2001
201. The Clinical Psychologist's Handbook of Epilepsy: Assessment and Management. Christine Cull 1997
202. The Wake of Imagination. Richard Kearney 2003
203. Psychological Research: Innovative Methods and Strategies. John Haworth 1996
204. Equal Partners--Good Friends: Empowering Couples Through Therapy. Claire Rabin 1996
205. Alcohol Problems in the Community. Larry Harrison 1996
206. Taking Humour Seriously. Mr Jerry Palmer 1994
Daftar E-book Psikologi Oktober 2008
1. Words, Thoughts, and Theories (Learning, Development, and Conceptual Change). Alison Gopnik
2. Where God and Science Meet [Three Volumes]: How Brain and Evolutionary Studies Alter Our Understanding of Religion (Psychology,
Religion, and Spirituality). Patrick McNamara 2006
3. Operation Mind Control. Walter Bowart 1978
4. Users and Abusers of Psychiatry: A Critical Look at Psychiatric Practice. Lucy Johnstone 2000
5. Eye Guidance in Reading and Scene Perception. G. Underwood 1998
6. Understanding Motor Skills in Children with Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities: A Guide to Improving
Coordination (JKP Essentials Series). Lisa A. Kurtz 2008
7. Understanding Your Schizophrenia Illness: A Workbook. Chris Healy 2007
8. Understanding Psychology. Richard A. Kasschau 2003
9. Time And Memory (The Study of Time). Paul Harris 2006
10. The Treatment of Obsessions. Stanley Rachman 2003
11. The Colors of Grief: Understanding a Child's Journey Through Loss from Birth to Adulthood. Janis A., Ph.D. Di Ciacco 2008
12. The Alchemy of Love: Personal Growth Journeys in Psychotherapy Training. Marilyn Morgan 2007
13. The Science of Stories: An Introduction to Narrative Psychology. Jnos Lszl 2008
14. Muse in the Machine. David Gelernter 1994
15. The Child Within: Taking the Young Person's Perspective. Richard Butler 2007
16. Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments in Psychiatry. Glen O. Gabbard 2009
17. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 29. Peter J.B. Slater 2000
18. Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids, Third Edition (Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications). Timothy E. Wilens 2009
19. SPSS 12 Made Simple. Colin D. Gray 2004
20. Social Relations and Chronic Pain (Springer Series in Rehabilitation and Health). Ranjan Roy 2002
21. Schema Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide. Jeffrey E. Young 2003
22. Stress, Trauma, and Children's Memory Development: Neurobiological, Cognitive, Clinical, and Legal Perspectives. Mark L. Howe 2008
23. Hellas: A Spectacle with Music and Dances in Four Acts. Rodney Collin 1949
24. Risk, Communication & Health Psychology. Dianne Berry 2004
25. Reconstructing Motherhood and Disability in the Age of Perfect Babies. Gail Landsman 2009
26. Anger Management For Substance Abuse And Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Manual.. Patrick Reilly 2002
27. Psychology, 4th ed. Robert Baron
28. Psychodiagnostic Assessment of Children: Dimensional and Categorical Approaches. Jonathan M. Campbell 2006
29. Provocative Therapy. Frank Farrelly 1974
30. Pretending and Imagination in Animals and Children. Robert W. Mitchell 2002
31. Person-Centred Counselling Psychology: An Introduction. Ewan Gillon 2007
32. The Peaceful Pill Handbook - New Revised International Edition. Philip Nitschke 2007
33. Paths to Successful Development: Personality in the Life Course. Lea Pulkkinen 2002
34. Overcoming Loss: Activities and Stories to Help Transform Children's Grief and Loss. Julia Sorensen 2008
35. Outcomes in Neurodevelopmental and Genetic Disorders (Cambridge Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
36. Our Journey Through High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A Roadmap. Tony Attwood 2001
37. We'll Be Married in Fremantle: Alzheimer's Disease and the Everyday Act of Storying. Julie Goyder 2001
38. Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Psychopharmacological Approach. David J. Nutt 2001
39. Cognitive Deficits in Brain Disorders. John Harrison 2002
40. The Management of Obesity and Related Disorders. Peter Kopelman 2001
41. Psychology Of Childhood (Contemporary Psychology Series, No 3). Peter Mitchell 1992
42. Anxiety Disorders Comorbid with Depression: Social Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder
and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Dan J. Stein 2002
43. Anxiety Disorders Comorbid with Depression: Panic Disorder and Agrophobia. David J. Nutt 2002
44. Vygotsky's Developmental and Educational Psychology. Peter Langford 2005
45. Abnormal Psychology (Psychology Focus). Alan Carr 2001
46. Acquired Neurological Speech/Language Disorders In Childhood (Brain Damage, Behaviour and Cognition). Bruce E Murdoch 1990
47. Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology. Neil G. Ribner 2002
48. The Enigma of Anger: Essays on a Sometimes Deadly Sin. Garret Keizer 2002
49. Contemporary Psychology (Contemporary Psychology Series, 11). Clive Hollin 1995
50. Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology. Stephen Pattison 2003
51. The Case Study Guide to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy of Psychosis (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology). David Kingdon 2002
52. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Theory, Research and Treatment. Ross G. Menzies 2003
53. Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse: Approaches to Treatment and Case Management. Philip H. Pollock
54. The Psychology of Interrogations and Confessions: A Handbook (Wiley Series in Psychology of Crime, Policing and Law). Gisli H.
Gudjonsson 2003
55. Recovered Memories: Seeking the Middle Ground. Graham M. Davies 2001
56. The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: How to Stop Being Abused and How to Stop Abusing. Beverly Engel 2002
57. Brief Group Therapy Homework Planner (Atlas of Polymer 3rd Edition). Louis J. Bevilacqua 2002
58. The Juvenile Justice and Residential Care Treatment Planner. William P. McInnis 2002
59. Essentials of Treatment Planning. Mark E. Maruish 2002
60. Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment). Nancy Hebben 2002
61. States of Mind: New Discoveries About How Our Brains Make Us Who We Are. Roberta Conlan 1999
62. Handbook of Serious Emotional Disturbance in Children and Adolescents. Diane T. Marsh 2002
63. The Crisis Counseling and Traumatic Events Treatment Planner. Tammi D. Kolski 2001
64. Understanding Depression: What We Know and What You Can Do About It. J. Raymond DePaulo 2002
65. Memory: A Self-Teaching Guide. Carol A. Turkington 2003
66. The Psychology of Money: An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market (Wiley Finance). Jim Ware 2001
67. Essentials of WMS(r)-III Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment Series). Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger 2002
68. The Essentials of Behavioral Assessment. Michael C. Ramsay 2002
69. Essentials of 16PF Assessment. Heather E. P. Cattell 2003
70. Essentials of Child Welfare (Essentials of Social Work). Rodney A., PhD Ellis 2003
71. Early Detection and Cognitive Therapy for People at High Risk of Developing Psychosis: A Treatment Approach. Paul French 2004
72. Think Good - Feel Good: A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Workbook for Children. Paul Stallard 2002
73. The Female Brain. Cynthia L. Darlington 2002
74. Managing Aggression (The Social Work Skills Series, 1). Ray Braithwaite 2001
75. Critical Reasoning: A Practical Introduction. Anne Thomson 2002
76. Bullying in Adulthood: Assessing the Bullies and their Victims. Peter Randall 2001
77. Sociology of Sport and Physical Education: An Introduction. Anthony Laker 2002
78. Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being. Stuart Biddle 2000
79. Designing for Humans (Psychology at Work). Jan Noyes 2001
80. Becoming a Therapist: A Manual for Personal and Professional Development. Malcolm C Cross 2001
81. Psychology of Teaching and Learning in the Primary School. D. Whitebread 2000
82. Choosing a Counselling or Psychotherapy Training: A Practical Guide. Sylvie Schapira 2000
83. Food, Morals and Meaning: The Pleasure and Anxiety of Eating. John Coveney 2000
84. Evidence Based Counselling and Psychological Therapies: Research and Applications. Nancy Rowland 2000
85. Knots: Selected Works of R.D. Laing (Selected Works of R.D. Laing, 7). R.d. Laing 1970
86. Self and Others: Selected Works of R.D. Laing (Selected Works of R.D. Laing, 2). R.d. Laing 1969
87. When Father Kills Mother: Guiding Children Through Trauma and Grief. Jean Henriks 2000
88. Understanding Children's Literature. Peter Hunt 1999
89. The Unconscious (The New Critical Idiom). A. Easthope 1999
90. Exam Success in AEB Psychology (Routledge Modular Psychology). Paul Humphreys 1999
91. Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction (Philosophical Issues in Science). William Seager 1999
92. Mentally Disordered Offenders. David J. Webb 1999
93. Family Studies: An Introduction. Jon Bernardes 1997
94. Will They Do it Again?: Risk Assessment and Management in Criminal Justice and Psychiatry. Prof Hers Prins 1999
95. Practicals for Psychology: A Student Workbook. Cara Flanagan 1998
96. Emotional Vertigo: Between Anxiety and Pleasure (New Library of Psychoanalysis). Daniel Quinodoz 1997
97. Who Calls The Tune?: A Psychodramatic Approach to Child Therapy. Bernadette Hoey 1997
98. The Religious Function of the Psyche. Lionel Corbett 1996
99. Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis. K. Killick 1997
100. Emotions in Social Life: Critical Themes and Contemporary Issues. G. Bendelow 1998
101. Technophobia: The Psychological Impact of Information Technology. Mark J. Brosnan 1998
102. Eating Disorders and Marital Relationships. Van Den Broucke 1997
103. Critical Readings on Piaget. Leslie Smith 1996
104. Awareness: What It Is, What It Does. Chris Nunn 1996
105. Scenes of Madness: A Psychiatrist at the Theatre. Derek Rus Davis 1995
106. Children, Families and Chronic Disease: Psychological Models and Methods of Care. Roger Bradford 1997
107. The Handbook of Psychology for Forensic Practitioners. David Crighton 1996
108. Eating Disorders and Magical Control of the Body: Treatment Through Art Therapy. Mary Levens 1995
109. Childhood (Key Ideas). Chris Jenks 1996
110. An Introduction to the Therapeutic Frame. Anne Gray 1994
111. Breakdown and Breakthrough: Psychotherapy in a New Dimension. Nathan Field 1996
112. Interpersonal Skills. John Hayes 1991
113. An Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Contemporary Theory and Practice. Dr Anth Bateman 1995
114. Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality. W. Fairbairn 1952
115. Identity In Adolescence: The Balance Between Self and Other (Adolescence and Society). Jane Kroger 1996
116. Anna Freud HB (Makers of Modern Psychotherapy). Rose Edgcumbe 2000
117. Children's Understanding of Disability. Ann Lewis 1995
118. Musical Knowledge: Intuition and Analysis in Music Education. Prof K Swanwick 1994
119. Psychic Retreats: Pathological Organizations in Psychotic, Neurotic and Borderline Patients (New Library of Psychoanalysis ; 19). John
Steiner 1993
120. Anthropology and Psychoanalysis: An Encounter Through Culture. Suzette Heald 1994
121. Psychology in Prisons. Pamela Baldwin 1990
122. Psychological and Psychiatric Problems in Men. Joan Gomez 1991
123. Psychoanalysis in Contexts: Paths between Theory and Modern Culture. A. Elliott 1995
124. The Development of Play (Concepts in Developmental Psychology). David Cohen 1987
125. The Mystery of Human Relationship: Alchemy and the Transformation of Self. Schwartz-Salant 1998
126. Psychiatry and Religion: Context, Consensus and Controversies. Dinesh Bhugra 1996
127. Cultural Psychology of the Self: Place, Morality and Art in Human Worlds. Ciaran Benson 2001
128. Using the Creative Arts in Therapy: A Practical Introduction. Bernie Warren 1993
129. Understanding Child Development. Sara Meadows 1986
130. John Bowl. and Attachment Theory (The Makers of Modern Psychotherapy). Jeremy Holmes 1993
131. Suicides in Prison. Alison Liebling 1992
132. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties: Theory to Practice. Paul Cooper 1994
133. The Social Psychology of the Primary School. Colin Rogers 1990
134. Borderline: A Psychological Study of Paranoia and Delusional Thinking. Peter Kenneth Chadwick 1992
135. Time-Constrained Evaluation: A Practical Approach for LEAs and Schools (International Library of Psychology). Brian Wilcox 1992
136. The Making of a Counsellor. Ellen Noonan 1992
137. Shopping with Freud. Rachel Bowlby 1993
138. Treating Drug Abusers. G Bennett 1989
139. Attachment Across the Life Cycle. Colin Parkes 2004
140. Charting the Agenda: Educational Activity after Vygotsky (International Library of Psychology). Harry Daniels 1993
141. Psychological Perspectives on Sexual Problems: New Directions in Theory and Practice. Jane M. Ussher 1993
142. Counselling Young People. Ms Ellen Noonan 1983
143. Art Therapy for Groups: A Handbook of Themes and Exercises. Marian Liebmann 1986
144. From the Mental Patient to the Person. Dr Peter Barham 1991
145. From Autothanasia to Suicide: Self-Killing in Classical Antiquity. Anton van Hooff 1990
146. The Psychology of Personal Constructs. George Kelly 1991
147. On Becoming a Psychotherapist. Windy Dryden 1989
148. Inquiring Man. Donald Bannister 1971
149. Dictionary of Mental Handicap. Mary P. Lindsey 1989
150. Understanding Women in Distress. Pamela Ashurst 1989
151. Psychology and Crime: An Introduction to Criminological Psychology Clive R. Hollin 1989
152. Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis. Teresa Brennan 1989
153. Impasse and Interpretation: Therapeutic and Anti-Therepeutic Factors in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychotic, Borderline and
Neurotic Patients (The New Library of Psychoanalysis). H. Rosenfeld 1987
154. Social Identifications: A Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations and Group Processes. Dominic Abrams 1998
155. Child Sexual Abuse: The Search for Healing. Christop Bagley 1990
156. The Construction of Personality : An Introduction (Introductions to Modern Psychology). Sarah Hampson 1988
157. Health Psychology: A Textbook, 4th edition. Jane Ogden 2007
158. Conscious and Unconscious (Core Concepts in Therapy). David Edwards 2003
159. Gambling Problems in Youth: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. Jeffrey L. Derevensky 2004
160. Forensic Psychology: From Classroom to Courtroom. Brent Van Dorsten 2002
161. Sexual Orientation in Child and Adolescent Health Care. Ellen C. Perrin 2002
162. Principles and Practice of Behavioral Assessment (Applied Clinical Psychology). Stephen N. Haynes 2002
163. Preventing HIV in Developing Countries: Biomedical and Behavioral Approaches (Aids Prevention and Mental Health). Laura Gibney
164. Self and Identity in Modern Psychology and Indian Thought (Path in Psychology). Anand C. Paranjpe 2000
165. Drug Use and Ethnicity in Early Adolescence (Longitudinal Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Series).
William A. Vega 2002
166. Eye Movements and Information Processing during Reading. Ralph Radach 2004
167. Life After Psychology Graduate School: Insider's Advice from New Psychologists. Robert D. Morgan 2005
168. The Embodied Psychotherapist. Robert Shaw 2003
169. Supervision and Clinical Psychology: Theory, Practice and Perspectives. Ian Fleming 2004
170. International Handbook of Violence Research. W. Heitmeyer 2005
171. Evidence-Based Educational Methods (Educational Psychology). Daniel J. Moran 2004
172. Culture and Children's Intelligence: Cross-Cultural Analysis of the WISC-III. Lawrence G. Weiss 2003
173. Psychobiology of Personality (Problems in the Behavioural Sciences). Marvin Zuckerman 2005
174. Psychology and Experience. Benjamin Bradley 2005
175. Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology. Alice F. Healy 2003
176. The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner (Practice Planners). Arthur E. Jr. Jongsma 2004
177. Clinician's Guide to Child Custody Evaluations. Marc J. Ph.D. Ackerman 2001
178. Essentials of Millon Inventories Assessment. Stephen Strack 2002
179. Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis. Michael D Yapko 2003
180. Hypnosis in Clinical Practice: Steps for Mastering Hypnotherapy. Rick Voit 2005
181. Psychopathology in the Workplace: Recognition and Adaptation. Hersen & Thomas 2004
182. Using Psychoanalytic Ideas for Child and Family Social Work. M. Bower 2005
183. The A-Z of Learning - Tips and Techniques for Teachers. Mike Leibling 2005
184. Design and Emotion. Deana McDonagh 2004
185. Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides). John Field 2004
186. Totem and Taboo (Routledge Classics). Freud 1950
187. Gender Talk: Feminism, Discourse and Conversation (Women and Psychology). Susan A. Speer 2005
188. Problem Solving. S. Robertson 2001
189. Rival Truths: Common Sense and Social Psychological Explanations in Health and Illness (International Series in Social Psychology).
Lindsay Claire 2003
190. Femininity and the Physically Active Woman (Women and Psychology). Precilla Y Choi 2000
191. Reading Melanie Klein. John Phillips 1998
192. The Psychology of Health: An Introduction. Marian Pitts 1991
193. Early Freud and Late Freud: Reading Anew Studies on Hysteria and Moses and Monotheism (New Library of Psychoanalysis).
Grubrich-Simiti 1997
194. Material Discourses of Health and Illness. Lucy Yardley 1997
195. From Idiocy to Mental Deficiency: Historical Perspectives on People with Learning Disabilities (Studies in the Social History of
Medicine). David Wright 1996
196. Descriptive Psychology (International Library of Philosophy). Franz Brentano 1982
197. Jung and Eastern Thought. J. J. Clarke 1994
198. Psychology, Society and Subjectivity: An Introduction to German Critical Psychology. Charles Tolman 1994
199. Growing Up with Unemployment: A Longitudinal Study of Its Psychological Impact (New Library of Psychoanalysis). Anthony H.
Winefield 1993
200. An Introduction to Psycho-Oncology. Patrice Guex 1994
201. The Research Basis for Autism Intervention. Eric Schopler 2002
202. Freud for Historians (Oxford Paperbacks). Peter Gay 1985
203. Hand and Brain: The Neurophysiology and Psychology of Hand Movements. Alan M. Wing 1996
Daftar E-book Psikologi November 2008
1. The Cultural Complex: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives on Psyche and Society. Thomas Singer 2004
2. Writing Cures: An Introductory Handbook of Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Gillie Bolton 2004
3. Suffering Insanity: Psychoanalytic Essays on Psychosis. R.D Hinshelwood 2004
4. The Spirituality Revolution: The Emergence of Contemporary Spirituality. David Tacey 2004
5. Cognitive Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques. Michael Neenan 2004
6. Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis: A Formulation-Based Approach. Anthon Morrison 2004
7. Religious and Spiritual Issues in Counseling. Mary Thomas Burke 2005
8. Dreams and History. Lyndal Roper 2004
9. Men, Women, Passion and Power: Gender Issues in Psychotherapy. Marie Maguire 2004
10. Art Therapy for Groups: A Handbook of Themes and Exercises. Marian Liebmann 2004
11. Autism and Creativity: Is There a Link between Autism in Men and Exceptional Ability?. Mich Fitzgerald 2004
12. Disasters in Mental Health Services: A Primer for Practitioners (Series in Psychosocial Stress). Diane Myers 2005
13. Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 4th edition (CRC Series in Practical Aspects of Criminal and
Forensic Investigations). Robert R. Hazelwood 2009
14. The Safety Utopia: Contemporary Discontent and Desire as to Crime and Punishment. Hans Boutellier 2004
15. The Midwife and the Bereaved Family. Jane Warland 2000
16. Stereotyping as Inductive Hypothesis Testing (European Monographs in Social Psychology). Klaus Fiedler 2004
17. Attention, Perception and Memory: An Integrated Introduction (Psychology Focus). E. Styles 2005
18. Essentials of Human Memory (Cognitive Psychology). Alan Baddeley 1999
19. Rationality In An Uncertain World: Essays on the Cognitive Science of Human Reasoning. Mike Oaksford 1998
20. Working Memory And Thinking: Current Issues In Thinking And Reasoning (Current Issues in Thinking and Reasoning). Kennet
Gilhooly 1998
21. Methodology Of Frontal And Executive Function. P. Rabbitt 2005
22. Finding and Knowing: The Psychology of Digital Information Use. Clare Davies 2005
23. Infant Development: Ecological Perspectives (Msu Series on Children, Youth Andfamilies, 10). H. Fitzgerald 2005
24. Phenomenology of the Cultural Disciplines (Contributions To Phenomenology). Mano Daniel 1994
25. Healing Conversations: What to Say When You Don't Know What to Say. Nance Guilmartin 2002
26. Handbook of Organizational Consulting Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory, Skills, and Techniques (The California School
of Organizational Studies). Rodney L. Lowman 2001
27. Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: Clinical, Psychological, and Educational Applications, 2nd Edition. Lisa A. Suzuki 2001
28. Developmental Psychology (Cliffs Quick Review). George Zgourides 2000
29. Working With Adolescents: Constructing Identity (Master Classes in Education Series). Dr John Head 1997
30. Shakespeare on Management. Paul Corrigan 1999
31. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Peter A. Rinck 2002
32. Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology). Peter K. Smith 2002
33. Johnson, Writing, and Memory. Greg Clingham 2004
34. The Cognitive Basis of Science. Peter Carruthers 2004
35. Voices of Collective Remembering. James V. Wertsch 2004
36. Personality and Dangerousness: Genealogies of Antisocial Personality Disorder. David McCallum 2004
37. The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions. William M. Reddy 2004
38. Stereotypes as Explanations: The Formation of Meaningful Beliefs about Social Groups. Craig McGarty 2004
39. The Commercial Appropriation of Personality (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law). Huw Beverley-Smith 2004
40. Conduct Disordersin Childhood and Adolescence. Jonathan Hill 2004
41. Pediatric and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: A Practical Manual for Pediatricians (Cambridge Clinical Guides). Donald E. Greydanus
42. Freud's Literary Culture (Cambridge Studies in German). Graham Frankland 2004
43. Food, Consumption and the Body in Contemporary Women's Fiction. Sarah Sceats 2000
44. Risk and 'The Other'. Helene Joffe 2004
45. Freudian Repression: Conversation Creating the Unconscious. Michael Billig 2004
46. Adolescent Sleep Patterns: Biological, Social, and Psychological Influences. Mary A. Carskadon 2004
47. A Guide to the Extrapyramidal Side Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs. D. G. Cunningham Owens 1999
48. Measurement in Psychology: A Critical History of a Methodological Concept (Ideas in Context). Joel Michell 2004
49. Community Treatment of Drug Misuse: More than Methadone (Studies in Social & Community Psychiatry). Nicholas Seivewright 2000
50. How Children Learn to be Healthy (Cambridge Studies on Child and Adolescent Health). Barbara J. Tinsley 2003
51. Criminality and Violence among the Mentally Disordered: The Stockholm Metropolitan Project (Cambridge Studies in Criminology).
Sheilagh Hodgins 2002
52. The Family in Crisis in Late Nineteenth-Century French Fiction. Nicholas White 204
53. Surviving Stalking. Michele Path 2002
54. Passionate Uncertainty: Inside the American Jesuits. Peter McDonough 2002
55. Women without Class: Girls, Race, and Identity. Julie Bettie 2003
56. Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology, and Consciousness . Roy Ascott. Roy Ascott 2003
57. Handbook of Psychology: Assessment Psychology. John R. Graham 2003
58. Handbook of Psychology: Forensic Psychology. Donald K. Freedheim 2003
59. Integrating the 12 Steps into Addiction Therapy: A Resource Collection and Guide for Promoting Recovery. James R. Finley 2004
60. Auditor's Dictionary: Terms, Concepts, Processes, and Regulations. David O'Regan 2004
61. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Older People. Ken Laidlaw 2003
62. Dyslexia and Literacy: Theory and Practice (Open University Set Book). Gavin Reid 2002
63. Sex and Your Teenager: A Parent's Guide (Family Matters). John Coleman 2001
64. Incorporating Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory and Technique. Geri Miller 2003
65. The Special Education Treatment Planner. Julie A. Winkelstern 2001
66. Self-Coaching: How to Heal Anxiety and Depression. Joseph J., Ph.D. Luciani 2001
67. Handbook of Racial-Cultural Psychology and Counseling, Training and Practice. Robert T. Carter 2005
68. Menopause the Natural Way: The Women's Natural Health Series. Molly, MS, RD Siple 2001
69. Feminist Perspectives in Therapy: Empowering Diverse Women. Judith Worell 2003
70. Game Play: Therapeutic Use of Childhood Games. Charles E. Schaefer 2001
71. The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner (Progress Notes Planners). Arthur E., Jr. Jongsma 2001
72. Team-Spirited Parenting: 8 Essential Principles for Parenting Success. Darlene Powell-Hopson 2001
73. Stuff Happens (and then you fix it!): 9 Reality Rules to Steer Your Life Back in the Right Direction. John Alston 2003
74. The Anxiety Cure for Kids: A Guide for Parents. Elizabeth DuPont Spencer 2003
75. Know Your Parenting Personality: How to Use the Enneagram to Become the Best Parent You Can Be. Janet Levine 2003
76. Fatherless Women: How We Change After We Lose Our Dads. Clea Simon 2001
77. The Probation and Parole Treatment Planner. Brad M. Bogue 2003
78. The Essential Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment. Clive R. Hollin 2004
79. More Psychometric Testing: 1000 New Ways to Assess Your Personality, Creativity, Intelligence and Lateral Thinking. Philip Carter
80. Young Men Surviving Child Sexual Abuse: Research Stories and Lessons for Therapeutic Practice (Wiley Child Protection & Policy
Series). Andrew Durham 2003
81. Counselling Athletes: Applying Reversal Theory. John Kerr 2001
82. Compassion: The Culture and Politics of an Emotion (Essays from the English Institute). Lauren Berlant 2004
83. On the Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders: An Introduction to Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. James M DuBois 2004
84. The Psychology of Eating and Drinking, 3rd Edition. Alexandra Logue 2005
85. Vital Signs: Nature, Culture, Psychoanalysis. Cha Shepherdson 2000
86. Playing with Videogames. James Newman 2008
87. Dying to be Men: Youth and Masculinity and Social Exclusion (Sexuality, Culture and Health). Gary T. Barker 2005
88. Psychotherapy and Religion in Japan: The Japanese Introspection Practice of Naikan (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series). Ozawa-
de Silva 2006
89. The Justice Motive in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Origins and Consequences (International Series in Social Psychology). C.
Dalbert 2004
90. Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Preparing for Adulthood. P. Howlin 2004
91. Understanding Sports Coaching: The Social, Cultural and Pedagogical Foundations of Coaching Practice. Tania Cassidy 2004
92. On Personality (Thinking in Action). Peter Goldie 2004
93. Worlds of Psychotic People: Wanderers, Bricoleurs and Strategists (Theory and Practice in Medical Anthropology). Els van Dongen
94. The Imaginary: A Phenomenological Psychology of the Imagination. Jean-Paul Sartre 2004
95. Criminology: A Sociological Introduction. E. Carrabine 2004
96. Identity in Adolescence: The Balance Between Self and Other (Adolescence and Society). Jane Kroger 2004
97. Philosophy of Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy). Jose Bermudez 2005
98. Perception (Problems of Philosophy). Howard Robinson 1994
99. Lines of Narrative: Psychosocial Perspectives (Memory and Narrative). Molly Andrews 2000
100. Power of Fantasy in Early Learning: A Connective Pedagogy. Jenny Tyrrell 2001
101. Vygotsky and Pedagogy. Harry Daniels 2001
102. Indecent Theology: Theological Perversions in Sex, Gender and Politics. Ma Althaus-Reid 2000
103. Psychology and Education (Routledge Modular Psychology). Susan Bentham 2002
104. Words and Minds: How We Use Language to Think Together. Neil Mercer 2000
105. Inferiority Feelings: In the Individual and the Group (International Library of Psychology). Olive Brachfeld 1951
106. Supervising The Counsellor: A Cyclical Model. Steve Page 2001
107. Religion and Psychology: Mapping the Terrain. Dian Jonte-Pace 2001
108. The Material Life of Human Beings: Artifacts, Behavior and Communication. Michae Schiffer 1999
109. Controversies in Psychology (Routledge Modular Psychology). Phil Banyard 1999
110. Psychopathology (Routledge Modular Psychology). Jonat Hellewell 1999
111. Psychotherapy With Young People in Care: Lost and Found. Margaret Hunter 2001
112. Essential Psychology for Nurses and Other Health Professionals. Graham Russell 1999
113. Therapeutic Approaches in Psychology (Routledge Modular Psychology). Sue Cave 1999
114. Social Influences (Routledge Modular Psychology). Kevin Wren 1999
115. Personality Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective. Debbie Hindle 1999
116. Using Psychology In Management Training: The Psychological Foundations of Management Skills. David A. Statt 2000
117. Illness as a Work of Thought: A Foucauldian Perspective of Psychosomatics (International Library of Sociology). Monica Greco 1998
118. The Therapeutic Use of Self: Counselling Practice, Research and Supervision. Val Wosket 1999
119. Balancing Acts: Studies in Counselling Training. Hazel Johns 1998
120. From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress. Mary Sheridan 1997
121. Post-Natal Depression: Psychology, Science and the Transition to Motherhood (Women and Psychology). Paula Nicolson 1998
122. The Body in Everyday Life. S. Nettleton 1998
123. Jungians: A Comparative and Historical Perspective. Thomas B Kirsch 2000
124. Counselling Skills and Strategies for Teachers. Garry Hornby 2003
125. Home Territories: Media, Mobility and Identity (Comedia). David Morley 2000
126. Understanding Green Consumer Behaviour: A Qualitative, Cognitive Approach (Consumer Research and Policy). Sigmund Wagner
127. The Making of the Inclusive School. Gary Thomas 1998
128. Even Paranoids Have Enemies: New Perspectives in Paranoia and Persecution. Joseph H. Berke 1998
129. The Therapeutic Use of Stories: A Handbook for Professionals. Kedar Dwivedi 1997
130. Wax Tablets of the Mind: Cognitive Studies of Memory and Literacy in Classical Antiquity. Jocelyn P Small 1997
131. The Politics of Uncertainty: Attachment in Private and Public Life. Peter Marris 1996
132. Living With Dyslexia. Barbara Riddick 1996
133. Pregnancy and Abortion Counselling. Joanna Brien 1996
134. Analyst-Patient Interaction: Collected Papers on Technique. Michael Fordham 1996
135. Understanding Mental Objects (New Library of Psychoanalysis). Meir Perlow 1995
136. Hope: A Shield in the Economy of Borderline States (New Library of Psychoanalysis, 26). Anna Potamianou 1997
137. Stress in Psychotherapists. Ved P. Varma 1997
138. Archetypal Explorations: An Integrative Approach to Human Behavior. Richard M. Gray 1996
139. Growth and Guilt: Psychology and the Limits of Development. Zoja 1995
140. The Fabric of Affect in the Psychoanalytic Discourse (New Library of Psychoanalysis, 38). Andre Green 1999
141. Time-Conscious Psychological Therapy: A Life-Stage To Go Through. Jenifer Wilson 1996
142. Images of Aging: Cultural Representations of Later Life. Featherstone 1995
143. Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexuality. David Bell 1995
144. The Science of Consciousness: Psychological, Neuropsychological and Clinical Reviews. Max Velmans 1996
145. Tendencies. Kosofsky Sedgwi 1993
146. Asylum in the Community. John Carrier 1996
147. The Third Eye: Supervision of the Analytic Group (International Library of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process). Meg Sharpe 1995
148. The Wounded Healer: Countertransference From a Jungian Perspective. David Sedgwick 1994
149. The Art and Science of Assessment in Psychotherapy. Chris Mace 1995
150. Gender, Power and Organization: A Psychological Perspective. Paula Nicolson 1996
151. 'Race', Racism and Psychology: Towards a Reflexive History. G. Richards 1997
152. Jung and Searles: A Comparative Study. David Sedgwick 1993
153. The Gender Conundrum: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Masculinity and Femininity (New Library of Psychoanalysis, No 18). Birksted-
Breen 1993
154. Music Therapy: An Art Beyond Words. Leslie Bunt 1994
155. Desire and the Female Therapist: Engendered Gazes in Psychotherapy and Art Therapy. Joy Schaverien 1995
156. Daughtering and Mothering: Female Subjectivity Reanalysed. Van Mens-Verhul 1993
157. Still Crazy After All These Years : Women, Writing and Psychoanalysis. Rachel Bowlby 1992
158. Mental Maps. Peter Gould 2002
159. Negotiating Family Responsibilities. Janet Finch 1993
160. The Political Psyche. Andrew Samuels 1993
161. Jung and the Monotheisms. Ryce-Menuhin 1991
162. Chronic Respiratory Illness (The Experience of Illness). Simon Williams 1993
163. Men, Sex and Relationships: Writings from Achilles Heel (Male Orders). Victor Seidler 1992
164. From Fetus to Child: An Observational and Psychoanalytic Study (New Library of Psychoanalysis, No. 15). A. Piontelli 1992
165. Sexing the Self: Gendered Positions in Cultural Studies. Elspeth Probyn 1993
166. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion (New Library of Psychoanalysis). Robin Anderson 1992
167. Reading by Touch. Susanna Millar 1997
168. The Psychological Treatment of Depression. J. Mar Williams 1992
169. Ring of Fire: Primitive Affects and Object Relations in Group Psychotherapy (International Library of Group Psychotherapy and Group
Process). V. Schermer 1994
170. Loners: The Life Path of Unusual Children. Dr Sula Wolff 1995
171. Escape Attempts: The Struggle of Resistance in Everyday Life. Stanley Cohen 1998
172. The Politics of Mental Health in Italy. Michae Donnelly 1992
173. Selective Attention in Vision (International Library of Psychology). Van Der Heijden 1992
174. Prisoners' Children: What are the Issues?. Roger Shaw 1992
175. The Handbook of Play Therapy. Linnet Mcmahon 1992
176. Psychic Experience and Problems of Technique (The New Library of Psychoanalysis, No 13). Harold Stewart 1992
177. Jung and the Post-Jungians. Andrew Samuels 2005
178. The Emotional Experience of Learning and Teaching. Gianna Henry 1999
179. Dance Movement Therapy: Theory and Practice. Helen Payne 1992
180. Group Interactive Art Therapy CL. Waller 1993
181. Healing Pain: Attachment, Loss and Grief Therapy. Davidsen-Nielse 1991
182. Psychology Grandparenthood CL (International Library of Psychology). Smith 1991
183. Help for Dyslexc Children. E. Miles 1983
184. The Handbook of Art Therapy. Caroline Case 1992
185. Personal Transformations in Small Groups: A Jungian Perspective (International Library of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process).
Boyd 1991
186. Psychic Equilibrium and Psychic Change: Selected Papers of Betty Joseph (New Library of Psychoanalysis, 9). M. Feldman 2005
187. Experiences in Groups: and other papers. W.R. Bion 1961
188. The Plural Psyche: Personality, Morality and the Father. Andrew Samuels 1989
189. Melanie Klein Today, vol 1: Mainly Theory: Developments in Theory and Practice (New Library of Psychoanalysis, 7). E. Spillius 1988
190. Melanie Klein Today, vol 2: Mainly Practice: Developments in Theory and Practice (New Library of Psychoanalysis 8). E. Spillius 1988
191. Thinking, Feeling, and Being (The New Library of Psychoanalysis). Matte-Blanco 1988
192. Alcoholism & Violence: Epidemiology, Neurobiology, Psychology, Family Issues (Recent Developments in Alcoholism). Deirdre
Winczewski 2002
193. Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work (Oxford Series in Human-Technology Interaction). Raja Parasuraman 207
194. Calm Energy: How People Regulate Mood with Food and Exercise. Robert E. Thayer 2001
195. Rethinking Implicit Memory. Jeffrey S Bowers 2003
196. Truth, Lies, and Trust on the Internet. Joinson/Whitty 2009
197. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes. G. Haddock 2005
198. In Pursuit of Psychic Change: The Betty Joseph Workshop (New Library of Psychoanalysis (Unnumbered).). E. Hargreaves 2004
199. Trusting in the University: The Contribution of Temporality and Trust to a Praxis of Higher Learning (PATH in Psychology). Paul T.
Gibbs 2004
200. Dancing With The Family: A Symbolic-Experiential Approach. Willia Bumberry 1988
201. The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family. Karyn B. Purvis 2007
202. The Neuroscience of Psychological Therapies. Rowland Folensbee 2007
203. Unmet Need in Psychiatry: Problems, Resources, Responses. Gavin Andrews 2000
204. The Body in Mind: Understanding Cognitive Processes (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy). Mark Rowlands 2004
205. Understanding Menopause. Karen Ballard 2003
206. Self-Harm: A Psychotherapeutic Approach. Fiona Gardner 2001
207. The Development of School-Based Literacy: A Social Ecological Perspective (International Library of Psychology). A. Pellegrini 1998
208. Adult Bullying: Perpetrators and Victims. Peter Randall 2005
209. Experiential Training: Practical Guidelines. Tony Hobbs 1992
210. Being in Time: Selves and Narrators in Philosophy and Literature (Ideas). Genevieve Lloyd 1993
211. Cognitive Therapy in Clinical Practice: An Illustrative Casebook. Jan Scott 1989
212. Assertion Training: How To Be Who You Really Are (Strategies for Mental Health). Shan Rees 1991
Daftar E-book Psikologi Desember 2008
1. Beyond Counterfeit Leadership: How You Can Become a More Authentic Leader. Warren Bennis 1997
2. The BIZ: 50 Little Things That Make a Big Difference to Team Motivation & Leadership. David Freemantle 2004
3. Lean Connections: Making Information Flow Efficiently and Effectively. Chris Harris 2008
4. The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring: A Multiple Perspectives Approach. Tammy D. Allen 2007
5. Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation. James M. Utterback 1996
6. Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know. Thomas H. Davenport 1997
7. Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal. Michael L. Tushman 1997
8. Transforming Performance Measurement: Rethinking the Way We Measure and Drive Organizational Success. Dean R. Spitzer 2007
9. The People Make the Place: Exploring Dynamic Linkages Between Individuals and Organizations (Lea's Organization and Management
Series). D. Brent Smith 2008
10. Relevance: Hitting Your Goals by Knowing What Matters. David Apgar 2008
11. True Change: How Outsiders on the Inside Get Things Done in Organizations. Janice A. Klein 2004
12. EXtreme Project Management: Using Leadership, Principles, and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility. Douglas DeCarlo 2004
13. Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (Jossey Bass Nonprofit & Public Management Series). Joan E.
Pynes 2004
14. Emotional Impact: Passionate Leaders and Corporate Transformation. Philip Channer 2001
15. Building Hope: Leadership in the Nonprofit World. John Bateson 2007
16. The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Change. Harold O. Fried 2008
17. Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure: Volume 3 (Cabi Publishing). Geoffrey I. Crouch 2004
18. Careers for Persuasive Types & Others who Won't Take No for an Answer (Careers for You Series). Jan Goldberg 2007
19. The Power of Self-Esteem: An Inspiring Look At Our Most Important Psychological Resource. Nathaniel Branden 1992
20. How We Live Now. John Twelve Hawks 2005
21. How to Develop an Employee Handbook. Joseph W. R. Lawson 1997
22. How to Develop a Personnel Policy Manual. Joseph W. R. Lawson 2001
23. Balancing Work and Family (The Worksmart Series). Ken Lizotte 1995
24. Manage Your Time, Your Work, Yourself. Merrill E. Douglass 1993
25. Masterful Facilitation: Becoming a Catalyst for Meaningful Change. A. Glenn Kiser 1998
26. Developing High Performance Teams CMIOLP (CMI Open Learning Programme). Kate Williams 2004
27. Changing Organizational Culture: The Change Agent's Guidebook. Marc J. Schabracq 2007
28. The Sense of Vocation: A Study of Career and Life Development. Larry Cochran 1990
29. Compensation for Teams: How to Design and Implement Team-Based Reward Programs. Steven E. Gross 1995
30. The New Human Capital Strategy: Improving the Value of Your Most Important Investment--Year After Year. Bradley W. Hall 2008
31. Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice (Advances in Group Decision and Negotiation). Claire B. Halverson 2008
32. Semiparametric Regression for the Social Sciences. Luke John Keele 2008
33. Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (Elgar Original Reference). Gunter K. Stahl 2006
34. Designing Organizations: 21st Century Approaches (Information and Organization Design Series). Richard M. Burton 2008
35. Inalienable Possessions: The Paradox of Keeping-While Giving. Annette B. Weiner 1992
36. Say It with Charts Workbook. Gene Zelazny 2005
37. The 80/20 Individual. Richard Koch 2003
38. Transformational CEOs: Leadership And Management Success in Japan. Kimio Kase 2006
39. Media Between Culture and Commerce: An Introduction (IB-Changing Media, Changing Europe). Els de Bens 2007
40. Education, Leadership and Business Ethics: Essays on the Work of Clarence Walton (Issues in Business Ethics). Ronald F. Duska
41. The Art of Followership: How Great Followers Create Great Leaders and Organizations (J-B Warren Bennis Series). Ronald E. Riggio
42. From Analysis to Evaluation: Tools, Tips, and Techniques for Trainers. Jane Bozarth 2008
43. The Complete Mind Makeover: Transform Your Life and Achieve Success. Ros Taylor 2005
44. Energy Leadership: Transforming Your Workplace and Your Life from the Core. Bruce D. Schneider 2007
45. Enlightened Power: How Women are Transforming the Practice of Leadership. Lin Coughlin 2005
46. Qualitative Data Analysis: A User-Friendly Guide. Ian Dey 1993
47. Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More. Joe Vitale 2007
48. The Pure Logic Of Choice. Richard D. Fuerle 1986
49. Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can't Be Taught - And How You Can Learn It Anyway (J-B Warren Bennis Series). Dov
Frohman 2008
50. Creating Success from the Inside Out: Develop the Focus and Strategy to Uncover the Life You Want. Ephren W. Taylor 2008
51. Honoring the Self: Self-Esteem and Personal Transformation. Nathaniel Branden 1985
52. Understanding and Using Advanced Statistics: A Practical Guide for Students. Jeremy J Foster 2006
53. Dirty Work. Shirley K. Drew 2007
54. Feeling Like Crap: Young People and the Meaning of Self-Esteem. Nick Luxmoore 2008
55. Mentoring Executives and Directors. David Clutterbuck 1999
56. Reaching The Peak Performance Zone. Gerald Kushel 1994
57. Managing Your Mouth: An Owner's Manual for Your Most Important Business Asset. Robert L. Genua 1992
58. Career Power: 12 Winning Habits to Get You from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. Richard H. Koonce 1994
59. The Talent Solution: Aligning Strategy and People to Achieve Extraordinary Results. Edward L. Gubman 1998
60. The Mid-Career Success Guide: Planning for the Second Half of Your Working Life. Sally J. Power 2006
61. Due Diligence: Planning, Questions, Issues. Gordon Bing 2008
62. Faculty Career Paths: Multiple Routes to Academic Success and Satisfaction (ACE/Praeger Series on Higher Education). Gretchen M.
Bataille 2006
63. Achieving Strategic Excellence: An Assessment of Human Resource Organizations. Edward E. Lawler 2006
64. Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer the Questions That Will Get You the Job. Tony Beshara 2008
65. Best Practice in Performance Coaching: A Handbook for Leaders, Coaches, HR Professionals and Organizations. Carol Wilson 2007
66. The Boss from Outer Space and Other Aliens at Work: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Getting Along with Just About Anyone. Patricia J.
Addesso 2007
67. Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers: The People Skills You Need to Achieve Outstanding Results. Anthony C. Mersino 2007
68. Emotionally Intelligent School Counseling. John Pellitteri 2006
69. How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World. Frank L. Acuff 2008
70. International Human Resource Management: A Multinational Company Perspective. Monir H. Tayeb 2005
71. Multiple Intelligences and Leadership (Volume in Lea's Organization and Management Series). Ronald E. Riggio 2002
72. The Power of Positive Thinking. Norman Vincent Peale
73. Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management. Ronald R. Sims 2002
74. Putting Emotional Intelligence To Work, Successful Leadership is More Than IQ. David Ryback 1998
75. Quick Emotional Intelligence Activities for Busy Managers: 50 Team Exercises That Get Results in Just 15 Minutes. Adele B. Lynn 2007
76. The Public Relations Writer's Handbook: The Digital Age. Merry Aronson 2007
77. The WorldatWork Handbook of Compensation, Benefits & Total Rewards: A Comprehensive Guide for HR Professionals. WorldatWork
78. Mentoring & Coaching: A Guide for Education Professionals. Roger Pask 2007
79. The Leadership Advantage: How the Best Companies Are Developing Their Talent to Pave the Way for Future Success. Robert M.
Fulmer 2008
80. Applied Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice in a Global Environment (Lea's Communication Series). Thomas E. Harris
81. The Moral Leader: Challenges, Tools and Insights. Sandra J. Sucher 2008
82. The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Company. Joseph Michelli 2008
83. The Handbook of Experiential Learning (Essential Knowledge Resource). Melvin L. Silberman 2007
84. Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life. David Allen 2005
85. Double Your Learning Power: Master the Techniques of Successful Memory and Recall. Geoffrey A. Dudley 1998
86. Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy: Mr. Excel Reveals 25 Amazing Things You Can Do with the New Excel. Bill Jelen 2007
87. Evaluating Human Resources Programs: A 6-Phase Approach for Optimizing Performance (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training
and HR Professionals). Jack E. Edwards 2007
88. Human Resources, Care Giving, Career Progression and Gender: A Gender Neutral Glass Ceiling (Routledge Studies in Human
Resource Development). Beulah Coyne 2004
89. Mother Leads Best: 50 Women Who Are Changing the Way Organizations Define Leadership. Moe Grzelakowski 2005
90. Goal Setting: How to Create an Action Plan and Achieve Your Goals (Worksmart). Michael S. Dobson 2008
91. Measuring Workplace Performance, Second Edition. Michael J. O'Neill 2006
92. Full Frontal PR: Building Buzz About Your Business, Your Product, or You. Richard Laermer 2004
93. Handbook of Human Resources Management in Government. Stephen E. Condrey 2005
94. International Human Resource Management 2nd Edition (Routledge Global Human Resource Management Series). Dennis Briscoe
95. Leadership and Influence: Independent Study. FEMA 2005
96. Learning, Remembering, Believing: Enhancing Human Performance. National Research Council 1994
97. Managing Human Resources: Personnel Management in Transition. Stephen Bach 2005
98. Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators. Patrick M. Lencioni 2005
99. Qualitative Educational Research in Action: Doing and Reflecting. Tom O'donoghue 2003
100. Strategic Human Resource Management, 2nd Edition. Charles R. Greer 1995
101. The Connect Effect: Building Strong Personal, Professional, and Virtual Networks. Michael Dulworth 2008
102. The 15-Second Principle, The Revised Edition: Short, Simple Steps to Achieving Long-Term Goals. Al Secunda 2004
103. Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges And Opportunities in International Human Resources Management. Charles M. Vance 2006
104. Managing Employee Performance and Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. John Shields 2007
105. The 7 Steps Of Effective Executive Coaching. Sabine Dembkowski 2006
106. The Way to Will Power. Henry Hazlitt 1922
107. Improving Efficiency Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2003
108. Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success. Donald J. Trump 2008
109. Beat Your Goals: The Definitive Guide to Personal Success (Colour Guides). David Molden 2002
110. ISO 9001: 2000 in Brief. Ray Tricker 2001
111. The Brilliant Job Hunter's Manual. Angela Fagan 2003
112. Unshrink: Yourself, Other People, Business, the World. Max McKeown 2002
113. High Impact Speeches: How to Create & Deliver Words That Move Minds. Richard Heller 2003
114. Selecting Your Employer, A Guide to an Informed Pursuit of the Best Career for You (Improving Human Performance Series). Gordon
Bing 2002
115. Improving Changeover Performance. S. Culley 2001
116. A Climate of Success. Roderic Gray 2007
117. I Hate Conflict!. Lee Raffel 2008
118. The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work. Jon Gordon 2008
119. Finding Your True North: A Personal Guide (J-B Warren Bennis Series). Bill George 2008
120. Building Conflict Competent Teams (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership)). Craig E. Runde 2008
121. Simple Solutions: Harness the Power of Passion and Simplicity to Get Results. Thomas Schmitt 2007
122. Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring: How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance. Florence M. Stone
123. Understanding Quality Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2003
124. Understanding Change Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2002
125. Twenty-Two Ways To Develop Leadership in Staff Managers. Robert W. Eichinger 1990
126. The Strategic Development of Talent. William J. Rothwell 2003
127. The SMS Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Capabilities: Emergence, Development, and Change (Strategic Management Society).
Constance E. Helfat 2003
128. The Seven Keys to Coaching Power. Stella Cowan 2006
129. The Meeting Spectrum: An Advanced Guide for Meeting Professionals, Second Edition. Rudy R. Wright 2005
130. The Manager's Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking and Learning. Stephen G. Haines 1998
131. The Managers Pocket Guide to Performance Management (Manager's Pocket Guide Series). Sharon G. Fisher 1997
132. The Hidden Intelligence: Innovation Through Intuition. Sandra Weintraub 1998
133. The Changing World of the Trainer: Emerging Good Practice (The HR Series). Martyn Sloman 2007
134. The Blackwell Companion to Organizations. Joel Baum 2005
135. Solving Problems Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2003
136. Shaping Your HR Role: Succeeding in Today's Organizations. William Kahnweiler 2005
137. Real Delegation: How To Get People To Do Things For You-and Do Them Well. J. K. Smart 2002
138. Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want. Kurt Mortensen 2008
139. Performance Through Learning: Knowledge Management in Practice (Improving Human Performance). Carol Gorelick 2004
140. Perspectives on Dialogue: Making Talk Developmental for Individuals and Organizations. Nancy M. Dixon 1996
141. Mastering People Management. James Pickford 2003
142. Managing Time Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2003
143. Managing People (DK Essential Managers). DK Publishing
144. Managing Change Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2003
145. Manager's Pocket Guide to Leadership Skills (Manager's Pocket Guide Series). Peter Stalk 1999
146. Making Communication Work Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2003
147. Linking Learning and Performance: A Practical Guide to Measuring Learning and On-the-Job Application (Improving Human
Performance). Toni Hodges 2002
148. Leading With Authenticity in Times of Transition. Kerry, A. Bunker 2005
149. Leadership for Leaders. Michael Williams 2005
150. Knowledge Leadership: The Art and Science of the Knowledge-based Organization (KMCI Press). Steven A. Cavaleri 2005
151. Jack Welch and The 4 E's of Leadership. Jeffrey A. Krames 2005
152. How to Manage People (Creating Success). Michael Armstrong 2008
153. How to Handle Tough Situations at Work: A Manager's Guide to over 100 Testing Situations. Ros Jay 2002
154. How to Build a Great Team. Ros Jay 2002
155. How to Achieve 27001 Certification: An Example of Applied Compliance Management. Sigurjon Thor Arnason 2007
156. High-Performance Consulting Skills: The Internal Consultant's Guide to Value-Added Performance. Mark Thomas 2003
157. Blackwell Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Steven G. Rogelberg 2002
158. Guaranteeing Performance Improvement. Richard F. Gerson 2006
159. Faultless Facilitation, 2nd Edition Resource Guide. Lois B. Hart 1996
160. Executive Coaching: An Annotated Bibliography. Christina 2000
161. Everything You Need to Know at Work. Ciara Woods 2002
162. Coaching Yourself to Leadership. Ginny O'Brien 2005
163. Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles & Skills of Personal Coaching. Julie Starr 2002
164. Coaching and Training your Work Team Super Series, Fifth Edition (Super Series). Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) 2007
165. Change, Choices, and Consequences (Defining and Delivering Successful Professional Practice Series). Roger Kaufman 2006
166. 30 Seconds That Can Change Your Life: A Decison-Making Guide for Those That Refuse to be Mediocre. Roger Kaufman 2006
167. Economic Psychology of Travel and Tourism. John C Crotts 1994
168. The Two Minute Drill: Lessons for Rapid Organizational Improvement from America's Greatest Game. Clinton O. Longenecker 2007
169. Total Organizational Excellence: Achieving World Class Performance. John S Oakland 2001
170. Managing Talented People. Alan Robertson 2003
171. Complete Leadership: A Practical Guide For Developing Your Leadership Talents. Susan Bloch 2003
172. 365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day. David Lawrence
Preston 2008
173. Applied Multivariate Techniques. Subhash Sharma 1995
174. Applied Organizational Communication: Principles and Pragmatics for Future Practice (Communication Series. Applied
Communication). Thomas E. Harris 2002
175. Coaching for Performance, Third Edition (People Skills for Professionals). John Whitmore 2002
176. The Easy Step by Step Guide to Giving Confident Presentations (Easy Step by Step Guides). Brian Lomas 2002
177. The communication catalyst : the fast (but not stupid) track to value for customers, investors, and employees. Mickey Connolly 2002
178. The Mentoring Advantage: Creating the Next Generation of Leaders. Florence Stone 2004
179. Breakaway Planning: 8 Big Questions to Guide Organizational Change. Paul Levesque 1998
180. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. Joseph J. Martocchio 2008
181. If It's Broken, You Can Fix It: Overcoming Dysfunction in the Workplace. Tom E. Jones 1998
182. Essentials of Corporate Communication. Cees Van Riel 2007
183. Calling a Halt to Mindless Change: A Plea for Commonsense Management. John Macdonald 1998
184. The Healthy Organization: A Revolutionary Approach to People and Management. Brian Dive 2004
185. Idea Power: Techniques and Resources to Unleash the Creativity in Your Organization. Arthur B. VanGundy 1992
186. Understanding Human Resource Development: Philosophy, Processes & Practices (Routledge Studies in Human Resource
Development). Jim Mcgoldrick 2001
187. How Organisations Measure Success. Neil Carter 1995
188. 30 Minutes to Write a Report (30 Minutes Series). Patrick Forsyth 1997
189. Leadership Chronicles of a Corporate Sage: Five Keys to Becoming a More Effective Leader. Susan Bethanis 2004
190. Lightning in a bottle: proven lessons for leading change. David Baum 2000
191. 500 Tips for Trainers. Phil Race 1996
192. Everything's Negotiable: ...When You Know How to Play the Game. Eric W. Skopec 1994
193. 30 Minutes to Brainstorm Great Ideas (30 Minutes). Alan Barker 1997
194. Fearless Negotiating. Michael C. Donaldson 2007
195. The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company. Ram Charan 2000
196. Valuing people: how human capital can be your strongest asset. Lisa M. Aldisert 2002
197. True Leaders: How Exceptional CEOs and Presidents Make a Difference by Building People and Profits. Bette Price 2001
198. Cognitive Foundations of Calculated Speech: Controlling Understandings in Conversation and Persuasion (SUNY Series, Human
Communication Processes). Robert E. Sanders 1987
199. 30 Minutes Before a Meeting (30 Minutes Series). Alan Barker 1997
200. The Psychology of Money: An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market (Wiley Finance). Jim Ware 2000
Daftar E-book Psikologi Januari 2009
1. The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual. Steven M. Bragg 2003
2. Essentials of Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Essentials of Behavioral Science). Barry H. Cohen 2003
3. Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS Release 10 for Windows: A Guide for Social Scientists. Alan Bryman 2001
4. Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS Release 12 and 13: A Guide for Social Scientist. Alan Bryman 2005
5. Chess and the Art of Negotiation: Ancient Rules for Modern Combat. Anatoly Karpov 2006
6. The Human Side of Leadership: Navigating Emotions at Work. Rick Ginsberg 2007
7. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Finding Your Dream Job Online (The Complete Idiot's Guide). Julia Cardis 2000
8. Finding a Job with a Future. Laurel Alexander 1996
9. Data, Models, and Decisions: The Fundamentals of Management Science. Dimitris Bertsimas 2000
10. The Best of Success: Quotations to Illuminate the Journey of Success. Successories 1998
11. Commitment to Excellence: Quotations That Lift the Spirit Toward Excellence. Successories 1998
12. Executing Data Quality Projects: Ten Steps to Quality Data and Trusted Information (TM). Danette McGilvray 2008
13. Employment Relationships: New Models of White-Collar Work (Cambridge Companions to Management). Peter Cappelli 2008
14. Nonprofit Organizations (Ferguson's Careers in Focus). Ferguson 2008
15. 25 Legendary leadership Activities. Peter Garber 2008
16. The Routledge Companion To Creativity. Tudor Rickards 2008
17. Human Development and Social Power: Perspectives from South Asia (Routledge Contemporary South Asia). Ananya Muk Reed 2008
18. The Game of Justice: A Theory of Individual Self-Government. Ruth Lane 2007
19. New Paradigm for Re-engineering Education: Globalization,Localization and Individualization. Yin Cheong Cheng 2005
20. Ultimate Job Search: Invaluable Advice on Networking, CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, Psychometric Tests and Follow-Up Strategies.
Lynn Williams 2008
21. Organizational Cognition and Learning: Building Systems for the Learning Organization. Luca Iandoli 2007
22. Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management 6th Edition. Wayne F Cascio 2004
23. Connectivity and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and Developing Interactive Communications (Premier
Reference Source). Cesar Camison 2008
24. Principal Leadership - January 2009
25. Effect Size for ANOVA Designs (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jos M. Cortina 1999
26. Attitudes, Behavior, and Social Context: The Role of Norms and Group Membership (The Applied Social Research Series). Deborah J.
Terry 1999
27. Strategic Value Analysis: Organize Your Company for Strategic Success (Executive Briefings). Takeo Yoshikawa 2002
28. The Innovator's Toolkit: 50+ Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth. David Silverstein 2008
29. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. Dan Ariely 2008
30. Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement. A. N. Oppenheim 1992
31. The Hidden Persuaders. Vance Packard 2007
32. Statistical Modelling for Social Researchers: Principles and Practice (Social Research Today). Roger Tarling 2008
33. Improving School Leadership Volume 2: Case Studies on System Leadership. Beatriz Pont 2007
34. More Than Just Jobs: Workforce Development in a Skills-Based Economy (Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED)).
OECD 2008
35. The Divorce Sourcebook. Dawn Bradley Berry 1998
36. Organisational Learning and Effectiveness. John Denton 1998
37. Social Influences on Ethical Behavior in Organizations (Lea's Organization and Management Series). John M. Darley 2001
38. Public Management Reform and Innovation: Research, Theory, and Application. H. George Frederickson 1999
39. Get a Life 3rd ed: You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well. Ralph Warner 2000
40. Decision Making & Problem Solving Strategies (Creating Success) 2007
41. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10th Edition. Michael Armstrong 2006
42. Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action 3rd Ed. Michael Armstrong 2006
43. Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines 3rd Ed. Michael Armstrong 2006
44. Emotions at Work: Theory, Research and Applications for Management. Roy L. Payne 2001
45. Miracle Makeover: How You Can Guarantee Your Own Miracle Makeover in Just 90 Days by Forming These Ten Natural Habits. Sally
Sandford 2003
46. Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases That Describe Your Employees' Performance. Douglas
Max 2002
47. Statistical Process Control: The Deming Paradigm and Beyond, Second Edition. J.R. Thompson 2001
48. Cohort Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Norval D. Glenn 1977
49. Social Choice: Theory and Research (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Paul E. Johnson 1998
50. Nonparametric Simple Regression: Smoothing Scatterplots (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). John Fox 2000
51. Analysis of Nominal Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). H . T. Reynolds 1984
52. Ecological Inference (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Laura Irwin Langbein 1978
53. Dynamic Modeling: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). R . Robert Huckfeldt 1982
54. Analyzing Panel Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Gregory B. Markus 1979
55. Measures of Association (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Albert M. Liebetrau 1983
56. Event History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Paul D. Allison 1984
57. Mobility Tables (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Michael Hout 1983
58. Models for Innovation Diffusion (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Vijay Mahajan 1985
59. Nonrecursive Causal Models (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). William D. Berry 1984
60. Randomized Response: A Method for Sensitive Surveys (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). James Alan Fox 1986
61. The Logic Of Causal Order. James A. Davis 1985
62. Q Methodology (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Bruce McKeown 1988
63. Microcomputer Methods for Social Scientists (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Philip A. Schrodt 1987
64. Three Way Scaling: A Guide to Multidimensional Scaling and Clustering (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Phipps
Arabie 1987
65. Time Series Analysis: Regression Techniques (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Charles W. Ostrom 1990
66. Longitudinal Research (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Scott William Menard 1991
67. Contextual Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Gudmund R. Iversen 1991
68. Loglinear Models with Latent Variables (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jacques A. Hagenaars 1993
69. Summated Rating Scale Construction: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Paul Spector 1991
70. Logit Modeling: Practical Applications (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Alfred DeMaris 1992
71. Processing Data: The Survey Example (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Linda B. Bourque 1992
72. Chaos and Catastrophe Theories (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Courtney Brown 1995
73. Analysis of Covariance (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Albert R. Wildt 1978
74. Analysis of Ordinal Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). David K. Hildebrand 1977
75. Analytic Mapping and Geographic Databases (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). G Garson 1992
76. Analyzing Complex Survey Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Eun Sul Lee 1989
77. Analyzing Decision Making: Metric Conjoint Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jordan J. Louviere 1988
78. Analyzing Documentary Accounts (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Randy Dale Hodson 1999
79. Analyzing Repeated Surveys (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Glenn Firebaugh 1997
80. ANOVA: Repeated Measures (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Ellen R. Girden 1991
81. Applied Correspondence Analysis: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Sten Erik Clausen 1998
82. Applied Logistic Regression Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Scott William Menard 1995
83. Applied Regression: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Michael S. Lewis-Beck 1980
84. Bayesian Statistical Inference (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Gudmund R. Iversen 1984
85. Bootstrapping: A Nonparametric Approach to Statistical Inference (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Christopher Z.
Mooney 1993
86. Canonical Correlation Analysis: Uses and Interpretation (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Bruce Thompson 1984
87. Causal Analysis with Panel Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Steven Eric Finkel 1995
88. Causal Modeling (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Herbert B. Asher 1983
89. Central Tendency and Variability (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Herbert F. Weisberg 1991
90. Cluster Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Mark S. Aldenderfer 1984
91. Computational Modeling (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Charles S. Taber 1996
92. Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Preface to LISREL (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). J Scott Long 1983
93. Covariance Structure Models: An Introduction to LISREL (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). J Scott Long 1983
94. Data Analysis: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Michael S. Lewis-Beck 1995
95. Data Theory and Dimensional Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). William George Jaco. 1991
96. Discriminant Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). William R. Klecka 1980
97. Expert Systems (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Robert A. Benfer 1991
98. Interaction Effects in Factorial Analysis of Variance (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). James J. Jaccard 1998
99. Analysis of Variance (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Gudmund R. Iversen 1987
100. Interpreting and Using Regression (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Christopher H. Achen 1982
101. Interpreting Probability Models: Logit, Probit, and Other Generalized Linear Models (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences).
Tim F. Liao 1994
102. Interrupted Time Series Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). David McDowall 1980
103. Introduction to Applied Demography: Data Sources and Estimation Techniques (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences).
Norfleet W. Rives 1984
104. Introduction to Factor Analysis: What It Is and How To Do It (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jae-On Kim 1978
105. Introduction to Linear Goal Programming (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). James P. Ignizio 1985
106. Latent Class Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Allan L. McCutcheon 1987
107. Latent Class Scaling Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). C. Mitchell Dayton 1999
108. Linear Programming: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). B. Feiring 1986
109. LISREL Approaches to Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). James J. Jaccard
110. Log-Linear Models (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). David Knoke 1980
111. Magnitude Scaling: Quantitative Measurement of Opinions (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Milton Lodge 1981
112. Meta-Analysis: Quantitative Methods for Research Synthesis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Fredric M. Wolf 1986
113. Metric Scaling: Correspondence Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Susan C. Weller 1990
114. Monte Carlo Simulation (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Christopher Z. Mooney 1997
115. Multiattribute Evaluation (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). J. Robert Newman 1982
116. Multidimensional Scaling (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Joseph B. Kruskal 1978
117. Multiple and Generalized Nonparametric Regression (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). John Fox 2000
118. Multiple Attribute Decision Making: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). K . Paul Yoon 1995
119. Multiple Comparison Procedures (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Larry E. Toothaker 1992
120. Multiple Comparisons (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Alan J. Klockars 1986
121. Multiple Indicators: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). John L. Sullivan 1979
122. Multiple Regression in Practice (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). William D. Berry 1985
123. Multivariate Tests for Time Series Models (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jeff B. Cromwell 1994
124. Network Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). David Knoke 1982
125. Nonparametric Measures of Association (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jean D. Gibbons 1993
126. Nonparametric Statistics: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jean D. Gibbons 1992
127. Odds Ratios in the Analysis of Contingency Tables (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Tamas Rudas 1997
128. Ordinal Log-Linear Models (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Masako Ishii-Kuntz 1994
129. Pooled Time Series Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Lois W. Sayrs 1989
130. Random Factors in ANOVA (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Sally Jackson 1993
131. Rasch Models for Measurement (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). David Andrich 1988
132. Regression Diagnostics: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). John Fox 1991
133. Stochastic Parameter Regression Models (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Paul Newbold 1985
134. Reliability and Validity Assessment (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Edward G. Carmines 1979
135. Research Designs (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Paul Spector 1981
136. Secondary Analysis of Survey Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). K . Jill Kiecolt 1985
137. Sorting Data: Collection and Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). A . P M Coxon 1999
138. Statistical Graphics for Univariate and Bivariate Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). William George Jaco. 1997
139. Statistical Graphics for Visualizing Multivariate Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). William George Jaco. 1998
140. Regression Models: Censored, Sample Selected, or Truncated Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Richard Breen
141. Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Jean M. Converse
142. Test Item Bias (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Steven J. Osterlind 1983
143. Tree Models of Similarity and Association (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). James E. Corter 1996
144. Understanding Regression Assumptions (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). William D. Berry 1993
145. Understanding Significance Testing (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Lawrence B. Mohr 1990
146. Unidimensional Scaling (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). John P. McIver 1981
147. Using Published Data: Errors and Remedies (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Herbert Jacob 1984
148. Working With Archival Data: Studying Lives (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Glen H. Elder 1992
149. Global Public Relations. Alan Freitag 2009
150. Innovation, Knowledge and Power in Organizations (Routledge Studies in Global Competition). Theodo Asimakou 2009
151. Psychology of Decision Making in Economics, Business and Finance. Klaus P. Hofmann 2007
152. 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook vol 1-Traditional and Core Areas. Clifton D Bryant 2006
153. 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook vol 2-Speciality Fields. Clifton D Bryant 2006
154. A Handbook of Management Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Managerial Excellence and Improved Decision Making.
Michael Armstrong 2006
155. A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell: Handling Idiots, Whiners, Slackers, And Other Workplace Demons. Gini Graham
Scott 2006
156. Advances in Global Leadership, Volume 4. William Mobley 2006
157. Anatomy of a Trend. Henrik Vejlgaard 2007
158. Another word a day. Anu Garg 2005
159. Boost Your Interview IQ. Carole Martin 2003
160. Boys And Their Toys: Understanding Men by Understanding Their Relationship With Gadgets. Bill, Jr. Adler 2006
161. Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work: How to Use the Enneagram System for Success. Ginger Lapid-Bogda 2004
162. Business, Not Politics: The Making of the Gay Market (Between Men~Between Women: Lesbian and Gay Studies). Katherine Sender
163. Career Choice in Management and Entrepreneurship: A Research Companion. Mustafa F. Ozbilgin 2007
164. Careers for Courageous People & Other Adventurous Types (Careers for You Series). Jan Goldberg 2004
165. Careers for Geniuses & Other Gifted Types (Careers for You Series). Jan Goldberg 2007
166. Careers for High-Energy People & Other Go-Getters (Careers for You). Marjorie Eberts 2004
167. Careers in Communications (Professional Career Series). Shonan Noronha 2004
168. Careers in Finance (Professional Career Series). Trudy Ring 2004
169. Careers in High Tech (Professional Career Series). Nicholas Basta 2007
170. Change Your Mind-And Keep the Change : Advanced NLP Submodalities Interventions. Connirae Andreas 1987
171. Coaching, Mentoring, and Managing: Breakthrough Strategies to Solve Performance Problems and Build Winning Teams. Micki
Holliday 2001
172. Coaching that Counts: Harnessing the Power of Leadership Coaching to Deliver Strategic Value (Improving Human Performance).
Dianna L. Anderson 2005
173. Coercion, Cooperation, and Ethics in International Relations. Richard Ned Lebow 2006
174. Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach. J. R. Church 2000
175. The Leadership Crash Course: How to Create a Personal Leadership Value. PAUL TAFFINDER 2006
176. Developing Decisionmaking Skills for Business. Julian Lincoln Simon 2000
177. Building a Knowledge Driven Organization. Robert H. Buckman 2004
178. Leadership and Success in Relationships & Communication.Marcus O Durham 2006
179. Leadership and Success in Organizations, Culture, & Ethics.Marcus O Durham 2006
180. 1,001 Ways to Get Promoted. David E. Rye 2000
181. Powerful Communication Skills. Colleen McKenna 1998
182. ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System Design.Jay Schlickman 2003
183. A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata, Fourth Edition. Sophia Rabe-Hesketh 2006
184. The Truth About Getting Your Point Across: ...and Nothing But the Truth. Lonnie Pacelli 2006
185. The Power of Impossible Thinking: Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business (The Wharton Press Paperback
Series). Yoram (Jerry) Wind 2006
186. How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre. Harry Tolley 2005
187. The Fifth Discipline. Peter M. Senge 2006
188. What It Takes to Be #1 : Vince Lombardi on Leadership. Vince Lombardi 2003
189. The Articulate Executive: Learn to Look, Act, and Sound Like a Leader. Granville N. Toogood 1996
190. Motivating the ''What's In It For Me'' Workforce: Manage Across the Generational Divide and Increase Profits. Cam Marston 2007
191. Power Points!: How to Design and Deliver Presentations That Sizzle and Sell. HArry Mills 2007
192. Consumer Culture Theory, Volume 11 (Research in Consumer Behavior). Russel W. Belk 2007
193. Assessment Centers in Human Resource Management: Strategies for Prediction, Diagnosis, and Development (Applied Psychology).
George C. Thornton III 2005
194. Assessment Methods in Recruitment, Selection & Performance: A Managers Guide to Psychometric Testing, Interviews and
Assessment Centres. Robert Edenbourgh 2005
195. Master Your Mind, Master Your Destiny. Adam Khoo with Stuart Tan 2004
196. Personal Counseling: Helping Others Help Themselves. Richard Knowdell 2003
197. Successful Self-Management: Increasing Your Personal Effectiveness. Paul R. Timm 1993
198. The Trainer's Handbook (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professionals). Karen Lawson 2006
199. Thinking From A to Z 2nd ed. Nigel Warburton 2000
200. Twelve Steps to Self-Improvement: A Crisp Assessment Profile. Elwood Chapman 1991
Daftar E-book Psikologi Februari 2009
1. Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life. Martin E.P. Seligman 2006
2. The Human Side of M & A: How CEOs Leverage the Most Important Asset in Deal Making. Dennis C. Carey 2004
3. Cycles: The Mysterious Forces that Trigger Events. Edward R. Dewey 1971
4. Cycles: The Science Of Prediction. Edward R. Dewey
5. Development and Faith: Where Mind, Heart, and Soul Work Together. Katherine Marshall 2007
6. The Power of Positive Criticism. Hendrie Weisinger 1999
7. Outcome Mapping: Building Learning and Reflection into Development Programs. Sarah Earl 2002
8. Techniques of Creative Thinking. Robert P. Crawford 1964
9. Top 100 Careers for College Graduates: Your Complete Guidebook to Major Jobs in Many Fields (Top 100 Careers for College
Graduates) 7th edition. Michael Farr 2007
10. Organizational Simulation (Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management). William B. Rouse 2005
11. Get Anyone to Do Anything: Never Feel Powerless Again--With Psychological Secrets to Control and Influence Every Situation . David
J. Lieberman 2001
12. Personal Brilliance: Mastering The Everyday Habits That Create A Lifetime Of Success . Jim Canterucci 2005
13. The Servant Leader: Unleashing the Power of Your People (Kellogg). Robert P. Neuschel 2005
14. The Economist Style Guide. The Economist 2005
15. Why You're Dumb, Sick & Broke...And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich!. Randy Gage 2006
16. Get a Life: You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well 2nd edition. Ralph Warner 1998
17. How to Mediate Your Dispute. Peter Lovenheim 1996
18. Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins: How to Use Your Own Stories to Communicate With Power and Impact. Annette Simmons 2007
19. Unleashing the Power of Consultative Selling: Selling the Way Your Customer Wants to Buy....not the Way You Like to Sell!. Richard
Grehalva 2004
20. Motivation, Emotions, and Leadership: The Silent Side of Management. Richard C. Maddock 1998
21. 50 Math and Science Games for Leadership. Seah Wee Khee 2007
22. Defending Your Reputation (Hawksmere Report). Simon Taylor 2005
23. Human Resource Management: Ethics and Employment. Ashly Pinnington 2007
24. The Group Trainer's Handbook: Designing and Delivering Training for Groups. David Leigh 2006
25. A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment (Essential Knowledge Resource). Kavita Gupta 2007
26. Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively (J-B CCL (Center for
Creative Leadership). Craig E. Runde 2006
27. The "It" Factor: Be the One People Like, Listen To, and Remember. Mark Wiskup 2007
28. Compatibility Breeds Success: How to Manage Your Relationship with Your Business Partner. Marvin Snider 2003
29. Fired, Laid Off, Out of a Job: A Manual for Understanding, Coping, Surviving. ron K. Simerson 2003
30. A Carrot a Day: A Daily Dose of Recognition for Your Employees. Gibbs Smith 2004
31. The Game Plan: Your Guide to Mental Toughness at Work. Steve Bull 2006
32. Surviving a Corporate Crisis: 100 Things You Need to Know (Thorogood Professional Insights). Paul Batchelor 2005
33. Accelerated Quality and Reliability Solutions. Lev Klyatis 2005
34. Understanding the Firm: Spatial and Organizational Dimensions. Michael Taylor 2007
35. Complex Knowledge: Studies in Organizational Epistemology. Haridimos Tsoukas 2005
36. Risk in Social Science. Peter Taylor-Goo. 2006
37. Skills of Workplace Communication: A Handbook for T & D Specialists and Their Organizations. Richard P. Picardi 2001
38. The Origins of Cultural Differences and Their Impact on Management. Jack Scarborough 1998
39. Test-Score Banding in Human Resource Selection: Legal, Technical, and Societal Issues. Herman Aguinis 2004
40. Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Cultural, Social Science, Management and Legal Perspectives. Michele
Paludi 2003
41. Driven by Time: Time Orientation and Leadership. Peg Thoms 2003
42. Business and Technical Communication: An Annotated Guide to Sources, Skills, and Samples (Bibliographies and Indexes in Mass
Media and Communications). Sandra E. Belanger 2005
43. Multinational Companies and Global Human Resource Strategies. William N. Cooke 2003
44. Organizational Dynamism: Unleashing Power in the Workforce. R. Wayne Pace 2001
45. Cross-Cultural Approaches to Leadership Development. C. Brooklyn Derr 2002
46. Information Literacy and Workplace Performance. Tom W. Goad 2002
47. Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System. Elliott Jaques 2002
48. Managing Risk: The HR Contribution. John Stevens 2005
49. Blind Spots: Achieve Success by Seeing What You Can't See. Claudia Shelton 2007
50. Managing Multinational Teams, Volume 18: Global Perspectives (Advances in International Management). Debra L Shapiro 2005
51. Ethics in Groups, Volume 8 (Research on Managing Groups and Teams). Ann Tenbrunsel 2006
52. Leading for Growth: How Umpqua Bank Got Cool and Created a Culture of Greatness. Raymond P. Davis 2007
53. All New Tricks for Trainers: 57 Tricks and Techniques to Grab and Hold the Attention of Any Audience...and Get Magical Results. Dave
Arch 1999
54. The Manager's Pocket Guide to Public Presentations. Stephen D. Gladis 1999
55. The Possibilities Organization: The New Science of Possibilities Management. Robert R. Carkhuff 2000
56. The Possibilities Leader: The New Science of Possibilities Management. Robert R. Carkhuff 2000
57. Solving the People Puzzle: Practical Strategies for Optimizing Workforce Performance. Gary C., Ph.D. English 2001
58. Ethical Leadership, Second Edition. Richard Bellingham 2003
59. Right Person, Right Job: Guess or Know--The Breakthrough Technologies of Performance Information, 2nd Edition. Chuck Russell
60. Managing Information and Human Performance. Gary C., Ph.D. English 2004
61. Developing Employee Capital. David J. Kalamas 2004
62. The Everyday Negotiator. Michael R. Carrell 2004
63. Value-Centered Ethics. C. Keans 2004
64. 101 More Games for Trainers: Another Collection of the Best Activities from Creative Training Techniques Newsletter. Robert W. Pike
65. Staffing the Contemporary Organization: A Guide to Planning, Recruiting, and Selecting for Human Resource Professionals Second
Edition. Donald L. Caruth 1997
66. A Psychological Typology of Successful Entrepreneurs. John B. Miner 1997
67. Transforming the Organization: A Social-Technical Approach. Howard W. Oden 1999
68. The Role of Reflection in Managerial Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice. Kent W. Seibert 1999
69. Managing People in Today's Law Firm: The Human Resources Approach to Surviving Change. Ellen Weisbord 1995
70. Companies Don't Succeed People Do!: Ideas to Create Profits Through People. Graham Roberts-Phelps 2001
71. Strategic Planning in Public Relations (Thorogood Professional Insights series). Kieran Knights 2003
72. A Handbook of Employee Reward Management and Practice. Michael Armstrong 2007
73. Human Development in Adulthood (The Springer Series in Adult Development and Aging). Lewis R. Aiken 1998
74. Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making. Henning Plessner 2007
75. Managing People and Organizations in Changing Contexts. Graeme Martin 2006
76. Organizational Behavior. John Middleton 2002
77. Planning and Managing Human Resources, Second Edition. William J. Rothwell 2002
78. The Handbook of Leadership Development Evaluation (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership). Laura C. Leviton 2006
79. The Performance Appraisal Handbook: Legal & Practical Rules for Managers. Amy Delpo 2007
80. The Psychology of the Foreign Exchange Market (Wiley Trading). Thomas Oberlechner 2004
81. Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications. Oz Shy 1995
82. The Global Public Relations Handbook: Theory, Research, and Practice (LEA's Communication Series). Khrishnamurthy Sriramesh
83. Encyclopedia of Public Relations . RObert L. Heath 2004
84. Dialogic Learning: Shifting Perspectives to Learning, Instruction and Teaching. Joe van der Lindsen 2004
85. Shut Up and Listen: The Truth about How to Communicate at Work. Theo Theobald 2004
86. The Power of Charm: How to Win Anyone over in Any Situation. Brian Tracy 2006
87. Virtual, Distributed and Flexible Organisations: Studies in Organisational Semiotics. Kecheng Liu 2004
88. Dramatic Success at Work: Using Theatre Skills to Improve Your Performance and Transform Your Business Life. Andrew Leigh 2004
89. The Jelly Effect: How to Make Your Communication Stick. Andy Bounds 2007
90. Organizational Crisis Management: The Human Factor. Gerald Lewis 2006
91. The Practice of Leadership: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders. Jay A. Conger 2006
92. 101 Strategies for Recruiting Success: Where, When, And How to Find the Right People Every Time. Christopher W. Pritchard 2006
93. Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis. Daniel A. Powers 1999
94. Statistics with Confidence: Confidence Intervals and Statistical Guidelines 2nd ed. David Machin 2000
95. The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics 3rd edition. B. S Everitt 2006
96. The Decision-Making Pocketbook. Neil Russel-Jones 2002
97. Enhancing Organizational Performance: A Toolbox for Self-Assessment. Charles Lusthaus 1999
98. Research Interviewing: The Range of Techniques. Bill Gilham 2005
99. Reworking Qualitative Data. Janet Heaton 2004
100. The Management of Non-Governmental Development Organization 2ed. David Lewis 2006
101. The Anatomy Of Fire - Sparking A New Spirit Of Enterprise -- Leadership In The 21st Century. Tom Brown 2000
102. Careers in Management Consulting. WetFeet, Inc. 2006
103. Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation. Marshall Scott Poole 2004
104. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Etiquette, Second Edition. Mary Michell 2000
105. Multicultural Manners: Essential Rules of Etiquette for the 21st Century. Norine Dresser 2005
106. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. Kerry Patterson 2002
107. The Discipline Pocketbook (Management Pocketbook Series). Stuart Emmet 2002
108. Be Your Own Coach: Your Pathway to Possibility 2000
109. The Encyclopedia of Leadership: A Practical Guide to Popular Leadership Theories and Techniques. Murray Hiebert 2000
110. Advances in Understanding Strategic Behaviour: Game Theory, Experiments and Bounded Rationality. Steffen Huck 2005
111. Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Divide between Self and Others. Bertram F. Malle 2005
112. Succeeding at Interviews Pocketbook. Peter English 2004
113. Ordinal Data Modeling (Statistics for Social Science and Behavorial Sciences). Valen E. Johnson 2000
114. Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values: with Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields. R.D. Reiss 2007
115. Coaching for Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Developing the Star Potential of Your Employees. Bob Wall 2006
116. Innovation as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking. Sara L. Beckman 2007
117. Organization Design: The Evolving State-of-the-Art (Information and Organization Design Series). Richard M. Burton 2006
118. Organization Structures: Theory and Design, Analysis and Prescription (Information and Organization Design Series). Helmy H. Baligh
119. Quiet Leadership: Six Steps to Transforming Performance at Work. David Rock 2007
120. Lessons in Leadership, Volume 5: Executive Leadership Programs for Advancing Diversity in Higher Education. David Leon 2005
121. The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research (Lea's Organization and Management Series). Lawrence Erlbaum
122. Getting Them to See It Your Way. PH. D. Judith Segal 2000
123. Effective Interviewing: A Handbook of Skills and Techniques . Robert Edenborough 2002
124. Building a Values-Driven Organization A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation. Richard Barrett 2006
125. Enterprise-Wide Change: Superior Results Through Systems Thinking (Jossey-Bass Series). Stephen G. Haines 2005
126. Training Needs Assessment: Methods, Tools, and Techniques (Skilled Trainer). Jean Barbazette 2006
127. 175 Ways to Get More Done In Less Time. David Cottrell and Mark C. Layton 2004
128. Portfolio Life: The New Path to Work, Purpose, and Passion After 50. David D. Corbett 2007
129. Communication Skills (Career Skills Library). Ferguson 2004
130. Leadership Skills (Career Skills Library). Ferguson 2004
131. Learning the Ropes (Career Skills Library). Ferguson 2004
132. Organization Skills (Career Skills Library). Ferguson 2004
133. Problem Solving (Career Skills Library). Ferguson 2004
134. Professional Ethics and Etiquette (Career Skills Library). Ferguson 2004
135. Teamwork Skills (Career Skills Library). Ferguson 2004
136. Job Training That Gets Results: Ten Principles of Effective Employment Programs. Michael Bernick 2005
137. Performance Contracting: Expanding Horizons. Shirley J. Hansen 2006
138. The New Workforce: Five Sweeping Trends That Will Shape Your Company's Future. Harriet Hankin 2005
139. Not Bosses But Leaders: How to Lead the Way to Success, Third Edition. John Adair 2003
140. Conflict and Communication: A Guide Through the Labyrinth of Conflict Management. Daniel Shapiro 2004
141. Becoming Virtual: Knowledge Management and Transformation of the Distributed Organization (Contributions to Management Science).
Jane E. Klobas 2008
142. Probing Experience: From Assessment of User Emotions and Behaviour to Development of Products (Philips Research Book Series).
Joyce H.D.M. Westerink 2008
143. Headhunters and How to Use Them: A Guide for Organisations and Individuals (Economist Series). Nancy Garrison Jenn 2005
144. Mastering Inner Leadership. Gilbert W. Fairholm 2001
145. The Leadership Lexicon: A Handbook of Leadership Competencies with Skills and Development Actions. Rick Bellingham 2005
146. The Motivation Pocketbooks. Max A. Eggert 1999
147. The Power of Non-Verbal Communication: What You Do Is More Important Than What. Henry H. Calero 2005
148. Human Resource Management in Consulting Firms. Michel E. Domsch 2006
149. Investing in Our Children: What We Know and Don't Know About the Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Interventions. Lynn A.
150. The Price of Truth: How Money Affects the Norms of Science (Practical and Professional Ethics). David B. Resnick 2006
151. Modern Organizations in Virtual Communities. Jerzy Kisielnicki 2002
152. The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. Jack Canfield 2005
153. 21 Leaders for the 21st Century. Fons Trompenaars 2001
154. The Global Mindset (Advances in International Management). Mansour Javidan 2007
155. Cross-Cultural Buyer Behavior, Volume 18 (Advances in International Marketing). Charles R. Taylor 2007
156. Between Enterprise and Ethics: Business and Management in a Bimoral Society. John Hendry 2004
157. Change 2.0: Beyond Organisational Transformation. Joachim Klewes 2008
158. E-Human Resources Management: Managing Knowledge People. Teresa Torres-Coronas 2004
159. How to Write a Great CV: Discover What Interviewers are Looking for, Focus on Your Strengths and Perfect Your Presentation. Paul
McGee 2007
160. Leadership and Governance from the Inside Out. Robert Gandossy 2004
161. Managing Care: A Shared Responsibility (Issues in Business Ethics). Joseph L. Verheijde 2005
162. Multicultural Behavior and Global Business Environments. Kamal Dean Parhizgar 2001
163. Research in Organizational Change and Development, Volume 14. William A. Pasmore 2003
164. Research in Organizational Change and Development, Volume 15. William A. Pasmore 2005
165. Research in Organizational Change and Development, Volume 16. William A. Pasmore 2007
166. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Volume 22. Joseph J. Martocchio 2003
167. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Volume 24. Joseph J. Martocchio 2005
168. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, volume 26. Joseph J. Martocchio 2007
169. The Sociology of Entrepreneurship (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 25). Martin Ruef 2007
170. Saving Human Lives: Lessons in Management Ethics (Issues in Business Ethics). Robert E. Allinson 2005
171. The Daily Disciplines of Leadership: How to Improve Student Achievement, Staff Motivation, and Personal Organization (Jossey Bass
Education Series). Douglas B. Reeves 2002
172. Unlocking the DNA of the adaptable workforce: The Global Human Capital Study 2008. IBM Global Business Services 2008
173. Public Relations Strategy. Sandra Oliver 2001
174. Managing Multinational Teams: Global Perspectives (Advances in International Management, Volume 18). Debra L Shapiro 2005
175. Leadership Lessons from West Point (J-B Leader to Leader Institute/PF Drucker Foundation). Jim Collins 2006
176. The Art of Creative Thinking: How to Be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas. John Adair 2007
177. Be Prepared!: Getting Ready for Job Interviews. Julie-Ann Amos 2007
178. Becoming an Extraordinary Manager: The 5 Essentials for Success. Leonard Sandler
179. The Connected Leader: Creating Agile Organisations for People, Performance and Profit. Emmanuel Gobillot 2006
180. Handling Tough Job Interviews: Be Prepared, Perform Well, Get the Job. Julie-Ann Amos 2007
181. The Essential Guide to Business Etiquette. Lillian Hunt Chaney 2007
182. Handbook of Industrial Organization Volume 1. Richard Schmalensee 1989
183. Handbook of Industrial Organization Volume 2. Richard Schmalensee 1989
184. Understanding Organization as Process: Theory for a Tangled World (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society).
Tor Hernes 2007
185. The Innovative Leader: How to Inspire Your Team and Drive Creativity. Paul Sloane 2007
186. Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time. Kevin Eikenberry 2007
187. Speed Management. OECD 2006
188. The Formula. Geoff Thompson 2006
189. The Human Resources Scorecard -Measuring the Return on Investment.Jack J. Phillips 2001
190. Building a Values-Driven Organization: A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation. Richard Barrett 2006
191. Probability Theory and Statistical Inference: Econometric Modeling with Observational Data. Aris Spanos 1999
192. Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction. Huan Liu 2008
193. Data Quality and Record Linkage Techniques. Thomas N. Herzog 2007
194. Effective Communications: Management Extra (Management Extra Complete Set). Elearn 2007
195. Hope: How Triumphant Leaders Create the Future. Andrew Razeghi 2006
196. How to Live on 24 Hours a Day. Arnold Bennett 2006
197. How to Perform Statistical Tolerance Analysis (ASQC Basic References in Quality Control: Statistical Techniques, Vol 11). Neil D. Cox
198. Integrating ISO 14001 into a Quality Management System (Second Edition). Marilyn R. Block 2001
199. Principles and Practices of Orgonizational Performance Excellence. Thomas J Cartin 1999
200. The Body Language of Sex, Power & Aggression: How to Recognize It and How to Use It. Julius Fast 1977
Daftar E-book Psikologi Maret 2009
1. LThe Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement. Eliyahu M. Goldratt 2004
2. The Powers to Lead. Joseph S. Nye 2008
3. The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women. Naomi Wolf 2002
4. Competence Perspectives on Learning and Dynamic Capabilities (Advances in Applied Business Strategy, Vol 10). Aime Heene 2008
5. Competence Building and Leveraging in Interorganizational Relations (Advances in Applied Business Strategy, Vol 11). Rudy Martens
6. Careers for Scholars & Other Deep Thinkers (Careers for You Series). Blythe Camenson 2008
7. Reconfiguring Public Relations: Ecology, Equity and Enterprise (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies).
Mckie/Munshi 2007
8. Career Planner: Choosing an Occupation. Alberta Human Resources and Employment 2007
9. A Handbook of Corporate Communication and Public Relations. Sandra Oliver 2004
10. Reshaping Change: A Processual Perspective (Understanding Organizational Change, 2). Patrick Dawson 2003
11. Handbook of Cognitive Task Design (Human Factors and Ergonomics). Erik Hollnagel 2003
12. Quality 101 ASQ's Foundations in Quality series.ASQ 2001
13. The Balanced Scorecard: Measures That Drive Performance (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Robert S. Kaplan 2000
14. Built to Serve: How to Drive the Bottom Line with People-First Practices. Sanders 2007
15. The Secret Language of Feelings. Calvin D. Banyan 2002
16. Change Management Masterclass: A Step by Step Guide to Successful Change Management. Mike Green 2007
17. Cover Letter Magic: Trade Secrets of Professional Resume Writers (Cover Letter Magic). Wendy S. Enelow 2006
18. The Discipline of Teams. Jon R. Katzenbach 1993
19. Balanced Scorecard Step by Step: Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results. Paul R. Niven 2006
20. Beyond the Bottom Line: Socially Innovative Business Owners. Jack Quarter 2000
21. Boardroom Excellence: A Common Sense Perspective on Corporate Governance. Paul P Brountas 2004
22. Cross-Cultural Business Behavior: Negotiating, Selling, Sourcing and Managing Across Cultures. Richard R. Gesteland 2005
23. Effective Personal Communication Skills for Public Relations (PR in Practice). Andy Green 2006
24. Emotion Marketing: The Hallmark Way of Winning Customers for Life. Scott Robinette 2000
25. Globalizing Human Resource Management (Global Hrm). Paul Sparrow 2004
26. Innovation: Harnessing Creativity for Business Growth. Adam Jolly 2002
27. International Human Resource Management. Anne-Wil K. Harzing 2003
28. The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Exemplary Leadership. James M. Kouzes 2003
29. Lean Brain Management: More Success and Efficiency by Saving Intelligence. Gunter Dueck 2008
30. Organizational Behavior I: Essential Theories Of Motivation And Leadership. John B. Miner 2005
31. Women and the Leadership Q: The Breakthrough System for Achieving Power and Influence. Shoya Zichy 2000
32. The Big Book of Customer Service Training Games (Big Book). Peggy Carlaw 1998
33. George Washington's Leadership Lessons: What the Father of Our Country Can Teach Us About Effective Leadership and Character.
James Rees 2007
34. True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership (J-B Warren Bennis Series). Bill George 2007
35. Smart Negotiating. John Patrick Dolan 2006
36. Religiosity and Ethical Behavior in Organizations: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective (Academy of Management Review 2002 Vol.27,
Issue 1). Gary R. Weaver 2002
37. The Principal's Other Problems: Honest Incompetence and the Specification of Objectives (Academy of Management Review 2002
Vol.27, Issue 1). John Hendry 2002
38. Absorptive Capacity: A Review, Reconceptualization, and Extension (Academy of Management Review 2002 Vol.27, Issue 2). Shaker
A. Zahra 2002
39. Cultural Variations in the Cross-Border Transfer of Organizational Knowledge: An Integrative Framework (Academy of Management
Review 2002 Vol.27, Issue 2). Rabi S. Bhagat 2002
40. How Organizational Field Networks Shape Interorganizational Tie-Formation Rates (Academy of Management Review 2002 Vol.27,
Issue 2). Patrick Kenis 2002
41. Institutional Contradictions, Praxis, and Institutional Change: A Dialectical Perspective (Academy of Management Review 2002 Vol.27,
Issue 2). Myeong-Gu Seo 2002
42. Metaphor and Analogical Reasoning in Organization Theory: beyond Orthodoxy (Academy of Management Review 2002 Vol.27, Issue
2). Cliff Oswick 2002
43. Careers for Puzzle Solvers & Other Methodical Thinkers. Jan Goldberg 2002
44. Cultural Change and Everyday Life. David Chaney 2002
45. You Can Say That Again: A Fun Approach to Sounding Better When You Open Your Mouth to Speak. Bruce Rogers 1999
46. The Nature of Leadership: Reptiles, Mammals, and the Challenge of Becoming a Great Leader. B. Joseph White 2006
47. The 26-Hour Day: How to Gain at Least 2 Hours a Day with Time Control. Vince, Panella 2001
48. Relationship Marketing: Dialogue and Networks in the E-Commerce Era. Richard J. Varey 2003
49. Power Speaking: The Art of the Exceptional Public Speaker. Achim Nohawk 2004
50. Personality Psychology in the Workplace (Decade of Behavior). Brent Roberts 2001
51. Perfect Phrases for Executive Presentations: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases to Use to Communicate Your Strategy and Vision
When the Stakes Are High (Perfect Phrases). Alan M. Periman 2006
52. The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach
Buyers Directly. David Meerman Scott 2007
53. Leading Change. Olu Ajayi 2002
54. Leading Change. John P. Kotter 1996
55. LeaderShock ...and How to Triumph Over It: Eight Revolutionary Rules for Becoming a Powerful and Exhilarated Leader. Greg Hicks
56. Develop Your NLP Skills (3rd edition). Andrew Bradbury 2006
57. Janner's Complete Speechmaker. Greville Janner 2003
58. The Complete Presentation Skills Handbook: How to Understand and Reach Your Audience for Maximum Impact and Success. Suzy
Siddons 2008
59. The International Handbook on Innovation. Larisa V Shavinina 2003
60. Insourcing Innovation: How to Achieve Competitive Excellence Using TRIZ. David Silverstein 2007
61. Improve Your Coaching and Training Skills. Patrick Forsyth 2008
62. How to Make Presentations That Teach and Transform. Robert J. Garmston 1992
63. How Things Persist. Katherine Hawley 2004
64. The Fine Art of the Big Talk: How to Win Clients, Deliver Great Presentations, and Solve Conflicts at Work. Debra Fine 2008
65. Creating High-tech Teams: Practical Guidance On Work Performance And Technology. Clint Bower 2005
66. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. William McDonough 2002
67. Communicating the American Way: A Guide to Business Communications in the U.S. Elisabetta Ghisini 2008
68. Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom. Judy Willis 2007
69. Accountability Leadership: How to Strengthen Productivity Through Sound Managerial Leadership. Gerald Kraines 2001
70. Mastering Trading Stress: Strategies for Maximizing Performance (Wiley Trading). Ari Kiev 2007
71. Techniques of Tape Reading. Vadym Graifer 2003
72. Hedge Fund Leadership: How To Inspire Peak Performance from Traders and Money Managers (Wiley Trading). Ari Kiev 2008
73. Work Less, Live More: The Way to Semi-Retirement. Bob Clyatt 2007
74. The First-Time Manager's Guide to Performance Appraisals. Diane Arthur 2007
75. Turning Great Strategy into Great Performance (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Michael C. Mankins 2005
76. Designing High-Performance Jobs (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Robert L. Simons 2005
77. The Art Of Social Networking. Georges Sabongui 2007
78. Big Book of Independent Thinking: Do Things No One Does or Do Things Everyone Does in a Way No One Does. Ian Gilbert 2006
79. The CEO and the Monk: One Company's Journey to Profit and Purpose. Robert B. Catell 2004
80. The Conflict and Communication Activity Book: 30 High-Impact Training Exercises for Adult Learners. Bill Withers&Keami D. Lewis
81. The Trusted Firm: How Consulting Firms Build Successful Client Relationships. Fiona Czerniawska 2007
82. Write the Perfect Book Proposal: 10 That Sold and Why, 2nd Edition. Jeff Herman 2001
83. Your Rights in the Workplace. Barbara Kate Repa 2007
84. Time Series Analysis. Michael Sampson 2001
85. Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul: A Woman's Guide to Promoting Herself, Her Business, Her Product, or Her Cause with Integrity
and Spirit (Harperresource Book). Susan Harrow 2003
86. 25 Days to Better Thinking and Better Living: A Guide for Improving Every Aspect of Your Life. Linda Elder 2006
87. Answering Tough Interview Questions for Dummies (For Dummies). R.Y. Yeung 2006
88. The Leader's Guide to Lateral Thinking Skills: Unlocking the Creativity and Innovation in You and Your Team. Paul Sloane 2006
89. The Performance Consultant's Fieldbook: Tools and Techniques for Improving Organizations and People (Essential Knowledge
Resource). Judith Hale 2006
90. A Class with Drucker: The Lost Lessons of the World's Greatest Management Teacher. William A. Cohen 2007
91. Effective Communications for Project Management. Ralph L. Kliem 2007
92. Bounce!: Failure, Resiliency, and Confidence to Achieve Your Next Great Success. Barry J. Moltz 2008
93. Change the Way You Persuade (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Gary A. Williams 2002
94. The Chasm Companion: A Fieldbook to Crossing the Chasm and Inside the Tornado. Paul Wiefels 2002
95. Customer Care Excellence: How to Create an Effective Customer Focus. Sarah Cook 2008
96. Having Trouble with Your Strategy? Then Map It (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Robert S. Kaplan 2000
97. How to Sell Without Being a Jerk!. John Klymshyn 2008
98. Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get it Back. Rohit Bhargava 2008
99. Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Daniel Goleman 2001
100. Spiral Up: and Other Management Secrets Behind Wildly Successful Initiatives. Jane C. Linder 2007
101. The Supernova Advisor: Crossing The Invisible Bridge to Exceptional Client Service and Consistent Growth. Rob Knapp 2007
102. What Makes a Leader? (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition). Daniel Goleman 2000
103. Psychological Processes in International Negotiations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. Francesco Aquilar 2007
104. Multilevel Analysis for Applied Research: It's Just Regression! (Methodology In The Social Sciences). Robert Bickel 2007
105. Missing Data: A Gentle Introduction (Methodology In The Social Sciences). Patrick E. McKnight 2007
106. Foundations of Behavioral Statistics: An Insight-Based Approach. Bruce Thompson 2006
107. Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research (Methodology In The Social Sciences). Timothy A. Brown 2006
108. Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods (Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences). Michael Greenacre 2006
109. Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research, Volume 3 (Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive
Engineering Research). Eduardo Salas 2003
110. Statistics for Real-Life Sample Surveys: Non-Simple-Random Samples and Weighted Data. Sergey Dorofeev 2006
111. Leading Up: Transformational Leadership for Fundraisers (The AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series). Lilya Wagner 2005
112. Advanced Quantative Data Analysis (Understanding Socialresearch). Duncan Cramer 2003
113. Regression Analysis for Social Sciences. Alexander von Eye 1998
114. Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis across the Social Sciences. Scott Menard 2007
115. The Seven Challenges Workbook: A Guide to Co-operative Communication Skills for Success at Home and at Work. Dennis Rivers
116. Management Tools 2007: An Executive's Guide. Darrell K. Rigby 2007
117. Managing Buyer-Supplier Relations: The Winning Edge through Specification Management (Routledge Studies in Business
Organization and Networks). Rajesh Nellore 2001
118. Six SIGMA for Quality and Productivity Promotion (Productivity).Sung H. Park 2003
119. The Organizational Engineering Approach to Project Management: The Revolution in Building and Managing Effective Teams. Ralph L.
Kliem 2002
120. Passionate and Profitable: Why Customer Strategies Fail and Ten Steps to Do Them Right!. Lior Arussy 2005
121. You're in Charge Now! (Management Skills). Julie-Ann Amos 2002
122. Coaching CLUES: Real Stories, Powerful Solutions, Practical Tools (People Skills for Professionals). Marian J. Thier 2003
123. Your Forces and How to Use Them. Christian Larson 2007
124. The Effective Executive. Peter F. Drucker 2002
125. Job Feedback: Giving, Seeking, and Using Feedback for Performance Improvement (Applied Psychology). Manuel London 2003
126. Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 8. Hans-Joachim Lenz 2006
127. Express Yourself. Linda Miracco 2002
128. Sharing Knowledge: A Guide to Effective Scientific Communication. Julian Cribb 2002
129. Human Resources Management Guide for Information Technology Companies.Sylvie Gagnon 2004
130. Coaching Made Easy: Step By Step Techniques That Get Results. Mike Leibling and Robin Prior 2003
131. Visible Thinking: Unlocking Causal Mapping for Practical Business Results. John M. Bryson 2004
132. Bridging the Culture Gap: A Practical Guide to International Business Communication. Penny Carte 2004
133. Ethics for Adversaries. Arthur Isak Applbaum 1999
134. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Volume 8, Issue 1/2 2002. Jan Rath
135. Improving Your Study Skills. Shelley O'Hara 2005
136. The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Individual & Organizational Accountability. Roger Connors 1998
137. Leading with Values: Positivity, Virtue and High Performance. Edward D. Hess 2006
138. Lean Evolution: Lessons from the Workplace. Nick Rich 2006
139. Unlocking Public Value: A New Model For Achieving High Performance In Public Service Organizations. Martin Cole 2006
140. Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing,and Using Winning KPIs. David Parmenter 2007
141. How to Interview Like a Top MBA: Job-Winning Strategies From Headhunters, Fortune 100 Recruiters, and Career Counselors. Dr. Shel
Leanne 2003
142. The Essential Guide to Workplace Investigations: How to Handle Employee Complaints & Problems. Lisa Guerin 2007
143. Practical Guide to Project Planning. Ricardo Viana Vargas 2007
144. The Basic Principles of Effective Consulting. Linda K. Stroh 2005
145. Transformational Leadership, Second Edition. Bernard M. Bass 2005
146. Crisis Management by Apology: Corporate Responses to Allegations of Wrongdoing (Lea's Communication Series). Keith Michael
Hearit 2005
147. Reinventing the Workplace, Second Edition. John Worthington 2005
148. Death's Dream Kingdom: The American Psyche Since 9-11. Walter Davis 2006
149. Creating Scientific Concepts (Bradford Books). Nancy Nersessian 2008
150. Music and the Cognitive Sciences 1990 (Contemporary Music Review (M.E. Sharpe)). Ian Cross 2005
151. Emotional Memory Failures: Special Issue of Cognition and Emotion (Cognition & Emotion). Ineke Wessel 2004
152. The Shape of Reason: Essays in Honour of Paulo Legrenzi. V. Girotto 2005
153. Category Specificity in Brain and Mind (Brain Damage, Behaviour, and Cognition). Glyn Humphreys 2002
154. Psychology at the Turn of the Millennium: Cognitive, Biological and Health Perspectives. Lars Backman 2002
155. The History of the International Union of Psychological Science. M. Rozenzweig 2000
156. Refusing to be a Man. J. Stoltenberg 2000
157. Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy. Paul Gilbert 2005
158. The Arts Therapies: A Revolution in Healthcare. Dr Phil Jones 2005
159. The Tidal Model: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. Prof Phi Barker 2005
160. Dreams That Turn Over a Page (New Library Ofpsychoanalysis, 43). Jean-M Quinodoz 2002
161. Tracking the White Rabbit: Essays in Subversive Psychology. Lyn Cowan 2002
162. Using Drawings Assessment and Therapy. Gerald D. Oster 2004
163. The Science of Reading: A Handbook (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology). Margaret J. Snowling 2005
164. Classic Cases In Neuropsychology (Brain Damage, Behaviour, & Cognition). Chris Code 1996
165. Jung's legacy and beyond: exploring the relevance of archetype psychology to organizational change (Journal of Organizational Change
Management, vol 15 no 15. Alexis Downs 2002
166. Coming of Age in U.S. High Schools: Economic, Kinship, Religious, and Political Crosscurrents (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical
Studies in Education). Annette B. Hemmings 2004
167. Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development (The Educational Psychology
Series). David Yun Dai 2008
168. Handbook of Vocational Psychology 3rd edition: Theory, Research, and Practice (Contemporary Topics in Vocational Psychology). W.
Bruce Walsh 2005
169. Evolutionary Psychology, Public Policy and Personal Decisions. Charles Crawford 2004
170. The Organization of Behavior: A Neuropsychological Theory. D.O. Hebb 2002
171. The Mental Health of Refugees: Ecological Approaches To Healing and Adaptation. Kenneth E. Miller 2004
172. Media Effects 2nd Edition: Advances in Theory and Research (Lea's Communication Series). Jennings Bryant 2002
173. Leadership Development: Paths To Self-insight and Professional Growth (Series in Applied Psychology). Manuel London 2002
174. Parenting and the Child's World: Influences on Academic, Intellectual, and Social-emotional Development (Monographs in Parenting).
John G. Borkowski 2002
175. The Role of Constructs in Psychological and Educational Measurement. Henry I. Braun 2002
176. The General Factor of Intelligence: How General Is It?. Robert J. Sternberg 2002
177. Tip-of-the-tongue States: Phenomenology, Mechanism, and Lexical Retrieval. Bennett L. Schwartz 2008
178. Contemporary Models in Vocational Psychology: A Volume in Honor of Samuel H. Osipow (Contemporary Topics in Vocational
Psychology). Frederick T.L. Leong 2001
179. Banishing Burnout: Six Strategies for Improving Your Relationship with Work. Michael P. Leiter 2005
180. The Handbook of Women, Psychology, and the Law. Andrea Barnes 2005
181. Becoming Somebody: Toward A Social Psychology Of School. Philip Wexler U 1992
182. Causes of Exclusion. Ced Cullingford 1999
183. Knowledge and Self-Knowledge in Plato's Theaetetus. Andrea Tschemplik 2008
184. Creativity: Ethics and Excellence in Science. Mike W. Martin 2007
185. Exploring Cognitive Development: The Child As Problem Solver. Alison F. Garton 2004
186. The Brain and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroanatomy. David Clark 2005
187. Developmental Psychobiology of Aggression. David M. Stoff 2005
188. Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness: A Report from a Global Association. Norman Sartorius 2005
189. Make Your Move... And Make the Most of Your Life. Jimmy Calano 2005
190. Essentials of WIAT-II and KTEA-II Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment). Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger 2005
191. The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out. Joe Vitale 2005
192. Boundary Issues: Using Boundary Intelligence to Get the Intimacy You Want and the Independence You Need in Life, Love, and Work.
Jane Adams 2005
193. The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. David M. Buss 2005
194. Memory, Thinking and Language: Topics in Cognitive Psychology (New Essential Psychology). Judith Greene 1987
195. Clinical Applications of Drama Therapy in Child and Adolescent Treatment. Sandra Bloom 2005
196. Self-Harm Behavior and Eating Disorders: Dynamics, Assessment and Treatment. Sansone Levitt 2004
197. Pure Madness: How Fear Drives the Mental Health System. J. Laurance 2003
198. Identifying Additional Learning Needs in the Early Years: Listening to the Children (The Nursery World/Routledgefalmer Essential Guide
for Early Years Practitioners). Chris Macintyre 2005
199. Meanings of Violence. E. Stanko 2003
200. The Handbook of Community Mental Health Nursing. Ben Hannigan 2005

Katalog Jasa


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Jasa Pelatihan Teknologi Informasi

Jasa Pembuatan Software

Jasa Pencarian Literatur


Kami menawarkan jasa pembuatan animasi Flash untuk keperluan presentasi

thesis, disertasi, animasi untuk bahan pelajaran dan kuliah, dll

Tarif :

Untuk One-way Animation (animasi yang terus berjalan sendiri) mulai Rp

350.000,- / 30 detik, selanjutnya Rp 50.000,- / 10 detik
Untuk Animasi Interaktif mulai Rp 250.000,-

Harga tergantung lama dan kompleksitas dari animasi yang diminta


Sebuah usaha maupun institusi yang berencana untuk bekerjasama

dengan badan lain sangat membutuhkan company/institution profile
yang profesional untuk mewakili badan tersebut.

Sebuah company/institution profile yang representatif dengan

sendirinya akan menjadi ajang promosi dalam meyakinkan pihak yang
akan diajak kerjasama akan kredibilitas perusahaan atau institusi kita.

Kami memiliki tim yang profesional dalam pengerjaan

company/institution profile dan menawarkan harga yang terjangkau
untuk kebutuhan perusahaan atau institusi anda

Harga :

mulai Rp 5.000.000,- maka anda akan mendapatkan CD interaktif +

website profesional + hosting dan domain selama 1 tahun

Diera global seperti sekarang keberadaan website bagi perusahaan maupun

institusi sangatlah penting. Website yang profesional akan mengangkat citra
perusahaan anda dan menjadi sarana promosi yang sangat efektif karena bisa
diakses diseluruh dunia oleh "potential buyer" maupun pihak yang ingin

Website juga bisa menjadi ajang promosi dan komunikasi serta

menginformasikan perkembangan terkini dari institusi anda.

Sehingga website adalah investasi yang sangat berharga untuk

perusahaan/institusi anda.

Tim kami sudah berpengalaman dalam pembuatan website untuk perusahaan

maupun institusi, dan kami menawarkan harga yang terjangkau

Tarif :

Untuk website sesuai template yang sudah kami punyai mulai Rp

1.200.000,- (sudah termasuk domain dan hosting selama 1 tahun)
Untuk website khusus sesuai keinginan anda (custom) mulai Rp
2.500.000,- (sudah termasuk domain dan hosting selama 1 tahun)

Kami juga menawarkan jasa maintenance website untuk pihak yang sering
mengupdate isi dari website-nya (misalkan institusi pendidikan), dimana tim kami
yang akan megupdate isi dari website klien, dan pihak klien cukup menyerahkan
file dan data yang akan dimasukkan ke website, tanpa perlu mempekerjakan
seorang tenaga IT
Tarif maintenance Rp 300.000,-/bulan

Bayangkan, ketika pengguna internet mencari produk barang atau jasa seperti
yang anda tawarkan, lalu produk anda selalu muncul dalam 10 besar hasil
pencarian GOOGLE yang merupakan search engine utama di internet.

Bayangkan, ketika produk yang anda tawarkan terdaftar di berbagai forum dan
lingkaran bisnis di Indonesia.

Bayangkan, ketika calon klien anda masuk ke website perusahaan anda yang
dibuat secara profesional dan mencerminkan kredibilitas perusahaan anda.


peluang anda dalam mendapatkan klien besar akan jauh lebih tinggi
dibanding kompetitor anda


Kami bisa mewujudkan semua itu !!!!!!

Paket internet marketing kami meliputi :

pembuatan website profesional untuk perusahaan anda

jasa SEO (Search Engine Optimization) yang membuat produk anda akan selalu
menduduki peringkat 10 besar dalam hasil pencarian GOOGLE,
dan pendaftaran produk anda di lingkaran dan forum bisnis.

Semuanya bisa dapat anda dapatkan dengan harga yang terjangkau

Rp 3.000.000,- untuk 6 bulan pertama (Anda akan mendapatkan website profesional

dengan domain dan hosting selama 1 tahun, jasa SEO selama 6 bulan, dan pendaftaran
di forum bisnis)
dan Rp 250.000,-/bulan untuk bulan-bulan selanjutnya (bila anda masih ingin terus
menggunakan jasa kami)

Green Ring bekerjasama dengan instruktur yang berpengalaman di PELATIHAN INTERNET

bidang ilmu komputer menawarkan pelatihan komputer untuk
instansi, universitas, sekolah, maupun umum dengan harga yang
Pelatihan browsing efektif
terjangkau. Pelatihan dilakukan di sarana milik peserta, dengan
Pembuatan e-mail
minimal 2 orang instruktur disertai modul pembelajaran.
Pencarian jurnal dan literatur

Pelatihan yang kami tawarkan antara lain

Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 600.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20
Adalah pelatihan GNU/Linux, merupakan sebuah sistem operasi
seperti halnya Windows dan Machintosh namun gratis dan
disebarluaskan dengan bebas.
Pengenalan Photoshop
1. Paket Dasar (2 jam):
Pelatihan pengolahan gambar
Merupakan pelatihan instalasi dan pengenalan linux desktop untuk
Image enhancement
pemula yang terdiri dari :
Simple recoloring
Pengenalan Linux
Photoshop untuk perancangan web (Web Design)
Pelatihan perintah dasar Linux
Pengenalan Aplikasi Multimedia
Pengenalan aplikasi perkantoran pengganti MS Office Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 700.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20
(, Abiword, Gnumeric) peserta.
Pengenalan aplikasi grafis The Gimp, dan Inkscape.
2. Pelatihan COREL DRAW
Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 400.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20 Pengenalan Corel Draw
peserta. Desain logo dengan Corel Draw.

2. Paket Menengah (4 jam): Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 700.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20
Instalasi Linux peserta.
Instalasi Program di Linux
Instalasi codecs dan multimedia player
Instalasi Program windows di Linux menggunakan Wine dan
Pengenalan Macromedia Flash
Crossover Office.
Pembuatan animasi dan presentasi flash
Konfigurasi Desktop manager (GNOME, KDE, XFCE)
Pelatihan Pembuatan Company Profile dengan flash
Konfigurasi hardware (Printer, Scanner, VGA, Soundcard, dll)
Pembuatan animasi flash untuk website
Konfigurasi jaringan (Networking).

Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 900.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20

Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 900.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20



1. Pelatihan pembuatan dan desain web dinamis dengan

1. Pelatihan SPSS
memanfaatkan Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop,
Pelatihan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS.
Apache, PHP, dan MySQL.
Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 900.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20
Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 700.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20 peserta.
2. Pelatihan pembuatan website dengan memanfaatkan CMS
2. Pelatihan MS Office (Excell, Power Point) Mambo/Joomla.
Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 700.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20
Biaya Pelatihan sebesar Rp. 700.000/kelas,- maksimal untuk 20

Kami melayani jasa pembuatan software untuk keperluan toko,

restoran, apotek, dan bisnis retail lainnya. Software kami sederhana,
mudah dioperasikan, dan akan dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan usaha
anda, serta ditambah jasa pelatihan penggunaannya dalam 1 paket.

Kami juga melayani pembuatan sistem pencatatan terpadu

(networking) seperti untuk rumah sakit dan klinik medis
Harga :

Mulai Rp 300.000,- (tunggal)

Mulai Rp 2.000.000,- (untuk kelompok maksimal 20 orang, dengan pelatihan bersama)

* harga disesuaikan dengan tingkat kerumitan program yang dipesan


Kami menawarkan jasa pencarian literatur untuk keperluan skripsi,

thesis, disertasi, maupun bahan acuan kuliah dan diskusi, ditangani
oleh tim profesional dengan jaringan universitas-universitas dalam
negeri dan luar negeri.

Tarif :

Rp 5.000,-/e-book (buku digital)

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