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Mereka senantiasa melakukan berbagai penelitian untuk mencari suatu strategi yang baik

sehingga pengajaran IPA dapat berlangsung secara efisien dan efektif.

Analisis lebih lanjut terhadap pemikiran yang melatarbelakangi pertanyaan diatas

melahirkan pemikiran dasar bahwa kesamaan pola pandang efistemologis dalam pengajaran IPA
antar guru (sebagai pengajar) dengan murid (pembelajar / learner) dianggap sebagai suatu
alternative penting untuk menjembatani kesengajaan (gap) yang sering terjadi dalam pengajaran
IPA terutama dalam memecahkan permasalahan dan kesulitan/kendala yang dihadapi siswa
berkenaan dengan kompleksnya content pelajaran IPA yang akan diajarkan.

Prof.dewey I. dyksta mengutip pandangan mengatakan without the same

conseptual framework as the teacher , student are unable to derive the intended meaning from
instruction .(dewy I. dyksta jr.c. franklin boyle , ira A.monarch 1992:hal.1)

Dalam konteks ini timbul semacam asumsi yang beranggapan bahwa anak yang
belajar (learner) sebenarnya mempunyai perancang /pembangun (architect) dari
pengetahuaannya sendiri. Mereka memiliki hak untuk memilih bahan-bahan yang mereka
perlukan dalam melakukan pembangunan tersebut dengan perkataan lain , mereka hanya
menyerap materi/konsep yang berguna bagi mereka . Jadi, penekanan belajar sebenarnya tidak
lagi bisa dipandang sebagai penjejelan menekankan otoritas eksternal , tapi lebih bersifat pada
negoisasi dengan berlandaskan kepentingan pribadi dari siswa.

Driver mengatakan the emphasis in learning is not the correspondence with an

external authority but the construction by the learner of schames which are coherent and useful
to the (rosalin driver,1988:hal.165)

Pandangan yang lebih ekstrim lagi mengatakan bahwa anak (yang belajar)
memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam mempengaruhi kognisi dan prilaku belajarnya.
Mereka berhak memberikan prioritas perhatian (attention priorities) dalam hal menyeleksi urutan
kegiatan yang diperlakukan terhadap mereka. Bahkan dikatan bahwa interaksi proses mengajar
dan belajar,baik guru ataupun murid memiliki hak dan wewenang dalam hal to shapping what is
attended to by whom and what end ., because that cognitive functioning involves more than
processing of information ; emotion can interact significantly with cognition.(west L &
A.L.pines (eds),1985)
Suatu catatan, bagaimana peranan pola pemikiran konstruktivistik ini dalam sebagai
upaya melakukan inovasi dalam strategi pengajaran IPA tercermin dalam tulisan berikuta large
body of researchin recent years has produced a general picture of science learning . this picture is
a contructivist one: learner actively construct their existing knowlagde to interpret new
information in ways which make sense to them . they build their own conceptual structures in
which they incorporate empirical phenomena,concept and explanatory patterns . this means that
if they are to accept the scientist interpretation of phenomenon they might have to change their
mind in ways whichmaw well require restructuring of their exixting conceptios, rather that
simply adding new knowledge . thinking about learning in this way has led to the development
of a model of learning as conceptual change (posner at al.1982,hewson 1981,peter

Suatu pengakuan jujur dan mengenaskan dari Prof.dewey I. dyksta tentang pola
pandang konstruktivistik dan pola mengajar berorientasi terhadap perubahan konsep,
berdasarkan pengalaman puluhan tahun sebagai dosen fisika di boise state university dan
merupakan salah satu pakar dalam physics and physical science research .learning dikemukakan
dalam salah satu tulisannya ,sebagai berikut:I an a physic who hold a constructivist view of the
nature of knowledge . I came to this point view because of my belief that , as the result of
teaching , ones student should have new understand of the world . I found as the beginning of
my career that when I thought as I had been taught , new understanding on the part of the
students were not usually the result . as I looked around other teacher I found that this is
unfortunately the general out come . I also do not believe that only certain smart people can do
math and science . holding these two belief made life difficult , because the first sets up an
expectation that is not met and the second disallows mrost common reasons given for way more
student do not understand new ideasin science when they leave our courses(teaching introductory
physic to challenge students . chapter in construkctivism: foundations, perspectives,and
practice.catherine fosnot (ed),teachers college press:new york(1995))

Melalui kutipan-kutipan diatas dan pengamatan penulis selama sekitar 3 bulan study
pendidikan IPA di boise state university idaho dan melalui diskusi malalui email terlihat bahwa
pendekatan konstruktivistik dan strategi melakukan perubahan konsep saat ini sedang popular di
Negara-negara barat ,khususnya amerika serikat , Australia dan eropa.
Penulis tidak bermaksud mengatakan pendekatan konstruktivistik adalah yang terbaik,
walaupun pendekatan ini sedagai up to date dinegara-negara barat, sebagai strategi alternative
meningkatkan mutu pendidikan IPA ; namun makna yang hendak disampaikan ialah; getolnya
dan menggebu-gebunya para praktisi dan pembuata kebijakan (policy makers) dunia pendidikan
membahas isu ini,setidaknya memberi insight kepada kita bahwa mereka memandang hal ini
sebagai sesuatu tang sngat serius . ini yang seyogianya kita pertimbangkan . terutama dikaitkan
dengan berbagai isu seputar kemerosotan mutu pendidikan IPA ditanah air tercinta ini.

Salah satu kekeliruan yang cukup dramatis dari pandangan piaget dan
inhelder(1958) yang banyak menjiwai banyak konsep proses belajar dan mengajar IPA hingga
saat ini ialah, anggapan mereka bahwa sebelum anak berusia 13-15 tahun, seorang anak tidak
akan mampu mengajukan alternative jawaban sementara (hipotesis) tentang masalah yang timbul
,karena the logic of confirmation is not available to them.

Dengan demikian, mereka memandang perkembangan mental anak sebagai

sesuatu yang bersifat statis sehingga mereka menyimpulan bahwa argumentasi seorang siswa
tidak erlu dipertimbangkan . dengan kata lain seorang siswa dianggap harus nrimo tanpa diberi
kesempatan berfikir relativistic serta meragukan konsep yang mereka terima konseo piaget dan
inhelder merupakan knseo lain dari konsep tabula rasa (blank-minded) ebagaimana dikemukakan
oleh jhon locke .perhatikan bahwa gagasan dan pandangan pribadi anak harus diabaikan dalam
proses belajar mengajar.

Konsep ini dan beberapa bagian dari teori piaget perkembangan mental ditentang
oleh susan carey dalam bukunya yang berjudul: conceptual change in childhood .susan carey
pada dasarnya hanya satu dari sekian banyak tokoh psikologi kognitif modern yang menganggap
bahwa teori piaget banyak yang harus dikaji dan diperbaiki kembali . berikut ini penulis
mengutip sekilas komentar dari susan carey tentang teori perkembangan mental dari piaget:
when we give up piagets stage theory , we give up the ideas that held the promise of childhood
to a manageable number . this is a high price to pay for the mew view , and no sdupt explains in
part part , many developmental psychologist have resisted abandoning piagets stage theory.

Driver berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukannya menyimpulkan: the child even when
very young has ideas about things and thid ideas play a role in the learning experience. What
children are capable of learning depends , at least in the part on what they have in their heads .
as well as in the learning context in which they find theysalves.(Rosalind driver,et ai (editors)

Berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan para pakar pendidikan dalam beberapa dasarwarsa
terakhir ini menunjukan bahwa anak-anak sudah memiliki keyakinan-keyakinan (beliefs) tentang
bagaimana suatu fenomena /peristiwa terjadi dan ekspetasi mereka tentang peristiwa tersebut,
serta prediksi- prediksi meraka tentang hal-hal yang mungkin terjadi. (R. Driver and J. Easly).

Baberapa pandangan yang mendukung pernyataan ini, penulis kutip dari berbagai
literature, sebagai berikut : the teacher need understanding the student conception. By means of
the student conceptin that is the students belief about the world,which maen that such beliefs
have to be identified. Identifiying alternative conceptions has been the focus of a number of
studies which have provided qualitive analysis of the many of conceptual difficulties students
have in beginning physics (Minstrell & Stimpson, 1986; McClosky, 1983; McDetmott,1982; and
Clament,1982). Ultimately this kind of representation will greatly assist in the study of
conceptual change. The term conceptual to refer to students knowledge about how the world
works or how it isconstitued , which is cooperative in different situation.(Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr.
C. Franklin Boyle, Ira A. Monarch,1992:hal.1).

Berbagai bukti evidences yang diperoleh anak dari pengalamannya sehari-hari tentang
berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi dilingkungannya semakin memperkuat keyakinan ini (Osborne R
and Gilbert. J. 1980)

Susan Carey menulis : By the age 10, children have made remarkable strides in many
conceptual domains (Susan Carey, 1985; hal. 181)

Bertolak dari berbagai study yang dilakukannya, M. C. Wittrock menarik kesimpulan

bahwa seorang anak cenderung membangun persepsi dan makna-makna yang sifatnya konsisten
dengan apa yang telah dipelajarinya sebelumnya, sehingga belajar dapat diantisipasi dan
dimenggerti dalm arti bagaiman pelajar dibawa kedalam situasi belajar , bagaimana mereka
menghubungkan rangsang kedalam relung ingatannya dan apa yang dapat mereka bentuk dari
pengamatan pengamatan sebelumnya (Wittrock, M.C. ed,1977).
Berbagai penelitian dalam proses interaksi belajar dan mengajar dalam kelas
membuktikan bahwa gagasan yang sudah ada dalam struktur kognitif anak merupakan factor
penting yang sangat nerperan memahami pelajaran dan konsep-konsep IPA yangdiajarkan di
sekolah. Gagasan yang sudah ada ini disimpan dalam struktur kognitif sebagai skemata-
skemata penafsiran (interpretive schemes).

Skemata skemata konseptual ini sangat mempengaruhi pola pandang dan pola piker
anak tentang lingkungannya. Skemata yang terdapat dalam struktur kognitif anak juga sangat
mempengaruhi pengalaman meraka tentang konsep dan gagasan IPA yang ibaca atau yang
diterima mereka. Karena pada waktu seorang anak membaca suatu buku teks IPA atau menerima
konsep tertentu, konsep yang akan terkontruksi dalam struktur kognitifnya hanyalah konsep yang
dapat berhubungan dengan konsep yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Keterhubungan dan keterkaitan
antara gagasan yang sudah terdapat dalam struktur kognitif anak dengan konsep yang akan
dimasukan melalui prosses interaksi mengajar dan belajar tercermin dari penelitian yang
dilakukan oleh pakar kontruktivisme seperti ; J.K. Gilbert, Osberne, Fensham, Dykstra dll. (
Gilbert J.K. ed al (1982) Bel ang Freyberg (1985) and Rosalind Driver (1988)).

Dalam konteks ini Solomon membedakan antara life world dengan sience world.
Menurut Solomon, setiap orang mungkin memiliki pola pandang dan penafsiran tentang life
world. Bahkan anak kecil sekali pun memiliki persepsi tentang life world tapi belum tentu
sience world.

Perbedaan antara keduanya akan lebih jelas jika kita kaitkan dengan enam pola-pola
dasar bermakna (fundamental patterns of meaning) yang dikemukakan oleh Philip H. Phenix,
yaitu : simbolik , empirik, etestika, sinnoetika, etika dan sinoptik.

Pola pemahaman pertama simbolik merupakan bahasa biasa (ordinary languange)

matematika dan berbagai bentuk pola bahasa informal, seperti gerak isyarat , aturan pola-pola
ritual, ritme dan sebagainya , yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan dan melukiskan makna-
makna tertent yang terkandung dalam pola prilaku tersebut.

Pola pemahaman kedua empiric meliputi sains dalam dunia fisik, dan benda-benda hidup,
terasuk manusia. Makna dalam konteks ini diperolah berdasarkan fakta-fakta dan bukti-bukti
yang diperoleh berdasarkan pemahaman dan verifikasi yang dilakukan.
Pola pemahaman ketiga etestika adalah bidang makna yang berkaitan denagn keindahan
dan seni , seperti musik secara visual, sastra dan sebagainya.

Pola pemaham keempat sinoetika merupakan bidang pemahaman dari apa yang oleh
Micheal Polanyi sebut pengetahuan knowledge dan oleh Martin Bubber disebutI Thou
relation. Istilah Sinnoetika berasal dari kata synnoesis (bahasa Yunani)yang artinay
pemikiran meditatif (meditative thought). Kata synnoesis berasal dari kata synyang artinya
dengan atau bersama dan kata noesis yang artinya kognisi. Jadi sinnoetika ialah
pemikiran yang diperoleh berdasarkan permenungan terhadap berbagai fakta dan aspek yang ada
disekitar kita.

They are always doing various studies to find a good strategy so that the teaching of
science can take place efficiently and effectively.

Further analysis of the thinking behind the above question spawned a basic premise that a
similar pattern of view epistemological in the teaching of science among teachers (teachers) and
students (learner / learner) is considered as an alternative it is important to bridge the intentional
(gap) is often the case in the teaching of science especially in solving the problems and
difficulties / obstacles faced by young people with regard to the complexity of the "content"
science subjects will be taught.

Prof.Dewey I. Dyksta citing the view that says "without conseptual the same framework
as the teacher, student are Unable to derive the intended meaning from instruction. (Dewy I.
dyksta jr.c. franklin boyle, ira A.monarch 1992: p. 1)

In this context arises the sort of assumption that assume that children are learning
(learner) actually has a designer / builder (architect) of his knowledge own. They have the right
to choose the materials they need to carry out such construction, in other words, they are just
absorbing material / concepts that are useful to them. Thus, the emphasis of learning is actually
no longer be seen as stuffing emphasize external authority, but more are on the "negotiations" on
the basis "personal interest" of the students.

Driver said "the emphasis in learning is not the correspondence with an external authority
but the construction by the learner of schames roomates are coherent and useful to the" (Rosalin
driver, 1988: hal.165)

The views more extreme to say that the child (studying) has a very important role in
influencing cognition and behavior studies. They were entitled to give priority attention
(attention priorities) in terms of selecting the sequence of activities that are treated against them.
Even said that the interaction of teaching and learning process, either teachers or students have
the right and authority in the case "to shaping what is Attended to by Whom and what end ....,
Because that cognitive functioning involves more than processing of information; Significantly
interacting can emotion with cognition. "(west L & A.L.pines (eds), 1985)
One note, how the role of this constructivist thought patterns in an attempt to innovate in
science teaching strategy is reflected in the following article "a large body of researchin recent
years has produced a general picture of science learning. this picture is a Constructivists one:
learner Actively Reviews their existing construct knowlagde to interpret new information in
ways the which make sense to them. Reviews their own they build conceptual structures in the
which they incorporate empirical phenomena, concept and explanatory patterns. this means that
if they are to accept the scientist interpretation of phenomenon they MIGHT have to change in
ways whichmaw Reviews their mind well require restructuring of Reviews their exixting
conceptios, rather that simply adding new knowledge. thinking about learning in this way has led
to the development of a models of learning as conceptual change (Posner at al.1982, Hewson,
1981, peter w.hewson, 1988)

An honest recognition and tragic of Prof.Dewey I. dyksta about constructivist perspective

patterns and pattern of teaching is oriented towards changes in concept, based on decades of
experience as a professor of physics at boise state university and is one of the experts in physics
and physical science research presented in the .learning one of his writings, as follows: "I an a
physic who hold a constructivist view of the nature of knowledge. I Came to this point of view
because of my belief that, as the result of teaching, one's student should have a new understand
of the world. I found as the beginning of my career when I thought that as I had been taught, new
understanding on the part of the students were not usually the result. as I looked around other
teacher I found that this is unfortunately the general out come. I also do not believe that only
smart Certain people can do math and science. Holding Reviews These two belief made life
difficult,, Because The first sets up an expectation that is not met and the second disallows mrost
common reasons given for way more student do not understand new ideasin science when they
leave our courses (teaching introductory physics to challenge students. chapter in
construkctivism: foundations, perspectives, and practice.catherine fosnot (ed), teachers college
press: new york (1995))

Through the above quotations and the authors observed for about 3 months study science
education in boise state university and through discussions -idaho email by seen that the
constructivist approach and strategy to change the current concept was popular in western
countries, particularly the United States, Australia and europe.
The author does not mean to say constructivist approach is the best, although this
approach sedagai up to date in countries western, as the alternative strategy of improving the
quality of science education; but the meaning is to be delivered; getolnya and passionate-
gebunya practitioners and the making of policy education to address this issue, at least give
insight to us that they see it as something serious sngat tang. these should be considered. mainly
associated with the various issues surrounding the deterioration of the quality of science
education in this country beloved.

One mistake that is quite dramatic views of Piaget and Inhelder (1958) that many
animates many of the concepts science teaching and learning today is that, prior to their
assumption that children aged 13-15 years, a child will not be able to propose alternative
temporary answer ( hypotheses) about problems that arise, because the logic of confirmation is
not available to them.

Thus, they looked at the child's mental development as something that is static so they
menyimpulan that argument erlu a student is not considered. in other words, a student is
considered to be "nrimo" without being given a chance to think relativistic and "dubious concept
that they received" konseo Piaget and Inhelder is another knseo of the concept of tabula rasa
(blank-minded) ebagaimana proposed by jhon locke Notice that ideas and views private child
should be neglected in the learning process.

This concept and some part of Piaget's theory of mental development is opposed by susan
carey in his book entitled: conceptual change in childhood .Susan carey basically just one of the
many modern cognitive psychology that consider that Piaget's theory much to be assessed and
repaired. the author cites the following comment from susan carey glimpse of the mental
development of Piaget's theory: when we give up piagets stage theory, we give up the ideas that
held the promise of childhood to a manageable number. this is a high price to pay for the mew
view, and no sdupt Explains in spare parts, many developmental psychologist have resisted
abandoning piagets stage theory.

Driver based on research that does conclude: the child even when very young has ideas
about things and thid ideas play a role in the learning experience. What children are capable of
learning depends, at least in the part on 'what they have in their heads'. as well as in the learning
context in the which they find theysalves. (Rosalind driver, et al (editors) 1985.hal.4).

Various studies conducted education experts in the past few dasarwarsa shows that
children own beliefs (beliefs) about how a phenomenon / event occurred and their expectations
of the event, as well prediksi- meraka predictions about things that might happen. (R. Driver and
J. Easly).

Some view that support this statement, the author quotes from the literature, as follows:
the teacher need understanding the student conception. By means of the student conceptin belief
that is the students about the world, the which maen that such beliefs have to be identified.
Identifiying alternative conceptions has been the focus of a number of studies have roomates
qualitive Provided analysis of the many of conceptual Difficulties have in beginning physics
students (Minstrell & Stimpson, 1986; McClosky, 1983; McDetmott, 1982; and Clament, 1982).
Ultimately this kind of representation will greatly assist in the study of conceptual change. The
conceptual term to refer to students' knowledge about how the world works or how it
isconstitued, the which is cooperative in different situation. (I. Dewey Dykstra, Franklin C.
Boyle Jr., Ira A. Monarch, 1992: p.1) ,

Evidences obtained evidence of the child's everyday experiences of the events that occur
in their environment reinforces this belief (R Osborne and Gilbert. J. 1980)

Susan Carey writes: By age 10, children have made remarkable strides in many
conceptual domains (Susan Carey, 1985; p. 181)

Based on the various studies were done, MC Wittrock draw the conclusion that a child
tends to build perceptions and meanings that are consistent with what has been learned before, so
learning can be anticipated and dimenggerti preformance sense of how students are brought into
the learning situation, how they connect excitatory into the recesses of his memory and what can
they shape of observations - previous observations (Wittrock, MC ed, 1977).

Various studies in the process of interaction and learning in the classroom proves that the
idea that already exists in a child's cognitive structure is an important factor that is very nerperan
understand the lessons and concepts IPA yangdiajarkan in school. The idea that there is stored in
the cognitive structure as "skemata- schemata" interpretation (interpretive schemes).

Schemata - This conceptual schemata influence the pattern of view and mindset of
children about the environment. Schemata contained in a child's cognitive structure also greatly
affect the experience of the concepts and ideas meraka IPA ibaca or received them. Because at
the time of a child reading a textbook of science or accept certain concepts, concepts that will
constructed in cognitive structure is just a concept that may be associated with pre-existing
concept. Connectedness and relatedness between the ideas already contained in a child's
cognitive structure with a concept that will be fed through process interaction of teaching and
learning is reflected in the research conducted by experts such constructivism; J.K. Gilbert,
Osberne, Fensham, Dykstra etc. (Gilbert J.K. ed al (1982) Bel ang Freyberg (1985) and Rosalind
Driver (1988)).

In this context, Solomon distinguish between "life world" with "sience world". According
to Solomon, each person may have a pattern of view and interpretation of the "life world". Even
little kids once had a perception of "life world" but not necessarily "sience world".

The difference between the two will be more clear if we associate with the six basic
patterns significantly (fundamental patterns of meaning) is expressed by Philip H. Phenix,
namely: symbolic, empirical, etestika, sinnoetika, ethics and synoptic.

The pattern of the first understanding the symbolic is the language of regular (ordinary
languange) mathematics and various forms of informal language, as movement - gesture, the
rules of the patterns of ritual, rhythm, and so on, which are used to express and describe the
meanings tertent contained in behavior patterns that ,

Patterns of understanding covering both empirical science in the physical world, and
living things, human terasuk. Meaning in this context is obtained based on the facts and the
evidence obtained on the basis of understanding and verification is done.

The third pattern etestika understanding is the meaning of related fields by beauty and art,
such as visual music, literature and so on.
The pattern of the fourth abiding sinoetika an understanding of what the field by Michael
Polanyi called "knowledge of knowledge" and by Martin Bubber called the "I Thou relation".
Sinnoetika The term comes from the word "synnoesis' (Greek) which mean meditative thinking
(meditative thought). The word 'synnoesis' comes from the words "syn" meaning "with" or
"together," and the word "noesis" which means "cognition". So sinnoetika is thought obtained by
reflection of the facts and aspects that exist around us.

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