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Sistem Saraf

Diseases of the Nervous System (G00-G99)
[Hal. 389-427]
certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96)
certain infectious & parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
complications of pregnancy, childbirth & the puerperium (O00-O99)
congenital malformations, deformations & chromosomal
abnormalities (Q00-O99)
endocrine, nutritional & metabolic diseases (E00-E90)
injury, poisoning & certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T98)
neoplasm (C00-D48)
symptoms, signs & abnormal clinical & laboratory findings, NEC (R00-R99)

 Bab ini dibagi dalam blok:

G00-G09 penyakit-2 Inflamasi sistem saraf pusat
G10-G13 atropi sistemik primer menyerang system saraf pusat
G20-G26 gangguan ekstra piramidal dan gerak
G30-G32 penyakit-2 degeneratif lain sistem saraf
G35-G37 penyakit demyelinating sistem saraf pusat
G40-G47 gangguan-2 episodik dan paroksismal
G50-G59 Gangguan saraf, akar & pleksus saraf
G60-G64 Polineuropati-2 dan gangguan-2 lain sistem saraf tepi
G70-G73 Penyakit-2 myoneural junction & otot
G80-G83 Cerebral palsy & sindroma paralitik lain
G90-G99 Gangguan-2 lain sistem saraf.
 Ada 16 kategori dengan *: G01*, G02*, G05*, G07*, G13*, G22*, G26*, G32*, G46*, G53*, G55*, G59*, G63*, G73*,
G94*, G99*

Hal. 389-396 (G00-G09)

 G00 Meningitis bakterial NEC (tidak terklasifikasi di bagian lain)
Includes: bacterial arachnoiditis, meningitis, pachymeningitis(G04.2)
Excludes: bacterial meningoencephalitis, meningomyelitis (G04,2)
Punya 6 subdivisi meningitis, rincian sesuai jenis kuman
penyebab: G00.0, G00.1, G00.2, G00.3, G00.8 dan G00.9
 G01* Meningitis pada penyakit bakterial yang terklasifikasi di bab
Terdiri dari kelompok penyakit infeksi akibat berbagai kuman
penyebab yang terklasifikasi di Bab I
Excludes: …
 G02* Meningitis pada penyakit infeksi dan parasitik yang terklasifi-
kasi di bab lain. (Bukan bakterial)
Excludes: … Punya 3 subdivisi rincian sesuai viral, mycoses
dan penyakit infeksi khusus yang terklasifikasi di bab
lain, G02.0*, G02.1* dan G02.8*
 G03 Meningitis yang penyebabnya tidak dirinci
Includes: … ada Excludes: …
Punya 5 subdivisi, rincian sesuai tipenya, penyebab khusus
lain dan yang tak dijelaskan lebih lanjut.
 G04 Encephalitis, myelitis dan encephalomyelitis
Includes: … ada Excludes: …
Punya 5 subdivisi, G04.0 ada Use additional external … (Bab XX)..
G04.1, G04.2, G04.8 dan G04.9
 G05* Ensefalitis, mielitis & ensefalomielitis pada penyakit-2 yang
terklasifikasi di Bab lain. Ada Includes: …
Punya 4 subdivisi dengan rincian sesuai jenis kuman
penyebabnya yang ada di Bab 1
 G06 Abses dan granuloma Intracranial dan intraspinal
ada Use additional code (B95-B97), bila diinginkan, untuk
identifikasi agen infeksinya.
 G07* Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere.
Beda dengan G06 adalah G07* adalah manifestasi penyakit-2 yang
terklasifikasi di bab lain.
Hal. 396
 G08 Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
Septic: …
ada Excludes …
 G09 ada Note: … Baca note tersebut.
Hal. 397
 G10-G13 Systemic atrophies primary affecting the central nervous system.
G11, G11.3 ada Excludes: …
G11.1 dan G11.2 ada Note: … Baca note tersebut.
Kategori ini akan digunakan untuk menunjukkan kondisi yang klasifikasi utamanya adalah G00 – G08 (yaitu tidak termasuk yang ditandai
dengan tanda bintang (*)) sebagai penyebab sekuela, mereka dapat diklasifikasikan di tempat lain. 'Gejala sisa' mencakup kondisi yang
ditentukan seperti itu atau sebagai efek terlambat, atau mereka yang hadir satu tahun atau lebih setelah timbulnya kondisi kausal. Untuk
penggunaan referensi kategori ini harus dibuat untuk aturan dan pedoman yang relevan morbiditas dan mortalitas dalam Volume 2
 G12 Spinal muscular atrophy and related syndromes
G12.0 Infantile spinal muscular atrophy. Type I [Werdnig- Hoffman]
Apa arti infantile? = Apa arti kurung [ ]?
 G13* Systemic atrophies primarily affecting central nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere.
G13.0* Paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy
Code ini untuk yang penyakit penyebabnya neoplastic.
G13.1* Other syst. Atrophy primer affecting CNS in neoplastic disease.
Code ini juga untuk yang penyebabnya neoplastic
G13.2* Syst. Atrophy primarily affecting CNS in myxoedema
Code ini untuk yang penyebab penyakitnya Endocrine
G13.8* Syst. Atrophy primary affecting CNS in other diseases classified elsewhere.
Code ini untuk yang penyebabnya penyakit-2 di luar di atas.
 G22* Parkinonism in diseases classified elsewhere
 G23 ada Excludes: …
 G24 Dystonia Ada Includes … dan Excludes …
G24.0 ada Use additional external …
 G25 Other extrapyramidal and movement disorders
G25.0 Ada Excludes: ..
G25.1, G25.3, G25.4, G25.6 Ada Use additional external …
G25.3, G25.5 G25.6 ada Excludes: ..
 G26*
 G30 Alzheimer’s disease ada Includes dan Excludes …
G30.0 dan G30.1 ada Note:
 G31 ada Excludes: …
G31.1 ada Excludes: ..
 G32* hanya memiliki 2 anggota:
 G36 ada Excludes: …
G36.0 ada Excludes: …
 G37.0 dan G37.3 ada Excludes: ..
 G40 Epilepsy ada Excludes: ..
G40.5 Special epileptic syndromes
ada Use additional external …
 G41.0 ada Excludes: ..
 G43 Migraine ada Use additional external …
 G44 ada Excludes: …
G44.4 ada Use additional external …
 G45, G45.4 ada Excludes: …
 G46* Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases
(I60-I67 !) di sini ada tanda Dagger (!)
 G47 Sleep disorders ada Excludes: …
G50-G59 ada Excludes: …
 G50, G51, G52 ada Includes ..
 G53* Cranial nerve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere.
 G54 ada Excludes: ..
 G55* Nerve root and plexus compressions in disease classified elsewhere.
 G56, G57, G57.0 ada Excludes: …
 G59* Mononeuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere.
Hal. 414 – 416
G60-G64 Ada excludes: …
 G61.1, G62.0, G62.2, G62.8 ada Use additional external …
 G63*
 G64 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system.
G70-G73 Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle
 G70 ada Excludes: …
G70.0, G70.1 ada Use Additional …
 G71, G71.0 ada Excludes: …
G71.1 ada Use Additional external …
 G72 Other myopathies ada Excludes: ..
G72.0, G72.2 ada … Use Additional
 G73* banyak nomor code diikuti oleh tanda (.-)
Hal. 420-422
 G80 ada Includes dan Excludes: ..
 G81, G82, G83 Hemiplegia dan Paraplegia, Tetraplegia & other
paralytic syndromes  ada
Excludes dan Notes: .. yang harus diperhatikan ..
G90-G99 Other disorders of the nervous system
 G90, G90.3 ada Excludes: ..
 G91 Hidrosefalus ada Includes dan Excludes: …
 G92 Toxic encephalopathy
ada Use additional external …
 G93 Other disorders of brain
G93.0, G93.1, G93.2, G93.4, G93.5, G93.6, ada Excludes: ..
G93.7, G93.8 ada Use additional external …
 G94*
 G95, G95.1 dan G95.8 ada Excludes.
G95.8 ada Use additional …
 G96.0 ada Excludes: …
 G99*
G99.0*, G99.1*, G99.2* dan G99.8*

1. Haemophilus meningitis 21. Ataxic cerebral palsy

2. Nonpyogenic meningitis 22. Tetraplegia
3. Tropical spastic paraplegia 23. Monoplegia
4. Hutington’s disease 24. Horner’s syndrome
5. Spinal muscular atrophy 25. Hydrocephalus
6. Parkinson 26. Reye’s syndrome
7. Hallervorden-Spatz disease 27. Cerebral cysts
8. Blepharospasm 28. Eaton-Lambert syndrome
9. Dystonia 29. Intercostal neuropathy
10. Essential tremor 30. Monoreuropathy
11. Alzheimer 31. Carpal tunnel syndrome
12. Epilepsi 32. Facial myokymia
13. Migraine 33. Sleep apnoea
14. Narcolepsy 34. Schilder’s disease
15. Bell’s palsy 35. Chorea
16. Causalgia 36. Myoclonus
17. Refsum’s disease 37. Ataxia
18. Guillain-Barre syndrome 38. Amaurosis fugax
19. Myasthenia gravis 39. Tension-type headache
20. Alcoholic myopathy 40. Vascular headache

Sebutkan terminologi medis serta arti

1. Onychomalacia 21. Mycotic
2. Dermatologist 22. Purpuric
3. Histotrophic 23. Seborrhea
4. Paronychia 24. Xanthoma
5. Hyperkeratosis 25. Asteatosis
6. Leukotrichia 27. German measles
7. Mycology 28. Chickenpox
8. Epidermal 29. 14-day measles
9. Lipoma 30. Scabies
10. Subcutaneous 31. Cryosurgery
11. Anhidrosis 32. Telangiectasis
12. Histopathology 33. Nevus
13. Dysplasia 34. Cicatrix
14. Adiposis 35. Actinic keratoses
15. Squamous 36. Radiation therapy
16. Erythrodermatitis 37. Petechia
17. Desquamation 38. Verruca
18. Histotoxic 39. Chemosurgery
19. Melanocyte
20. Xerosis

Sebutkan istilah medis dari arti dibawah ini

1. Death of tissue associated with loss of blood supply 5. A cluster of furuncles
2. Transfer of skin to a new position in the body of the 6. Fungal skin disease
same person 7. Hives
3. Black and blue mark 8. A graft transfer from one animal species to one of
4. Severe itching another species
9. Public lice 26. = discharge of oil
10. A boil 27. coriation =
11. Freckle 28. derma = white skin
12. Flake of exfoliated epidermis 29. section = type of microscopic study of fresh
13. Head lice tissue
14. Baldness 30. derma = red skin
15. Virus that causes cold sores 31. derma = hard skin
16. Study of tissue 32. keratoses = thickened skin tumors seen in old
17. Redness of skin age
18. A blackhead 33. oma = fat tumor
19. Mark left by a healed wound 34. derma = yellow skin
20. A linear crack in the skin 35. osis = presence of fungus
21. Surgery that freezes tissue 36. dermic = pertaining to below the skin
22. Excision of tissue for microscopic study 37. angioma = bright red, round blood vessel
23. Appearance of skin lesion tumor
24. Abnormal scar formation 38. derma = dry skin
25. oma = black tumor 39. Electrosurgery

Sebutkanlah arti dari istilah medis dibawah ini

1. AIDS 21. XP, XDP
2. BCC 22. tumor consisting of fat
3. Bx 23. hernia containing fat
4. C&S 24. resembling fat
5. FS 25. fat cell
6. HIV 26. inflammation of the skin
7. HSV-1 27. instrument to incise the skin
8. HSV-2 28. tumor of the nails
9. I&D 29. softening of the nails
10. SCC 30. abnormal condition of the nails
11. SLE 31. abnormal condition of the nails caused by a fungus
12. cm 32. abnormal condition of a hidden (ingrown) nail
13. decub 33. disease of the nails
14. derm 34. disease of the hair
15. FS 35. abnormal condition of hair caused by a fungus
16. ID 36. study of the skin
17. I&D 37. specialist in skin (diseases)
18. IMP 38. excision of fat (adipose tissue)
19. Sub Q, Sub Q* 39. removal of a nail
20. ung

Istilah medis
1. iridotomy
2. opthtamology 31. eyestrain 52. ceruminosis
3. vitrectomy 32. agent that causes dilation of 53. audiology
4. dacryolithiasis the pupil 54. microsurgery
5. ciliary body 33. absence of the lens of the eye 55. myringotomy
6. blepharoptosis 34. sty; acute infection of a 56. tympanostomy
7. lacrimal meibornian gland of the eyelid 57. otoplasty
8. photopobia 35. clouding of the lense causing 58. stapedectomy
9. keratoplasty decreased vision 59. tympanoplasty
10. aqueous 36. breakdown or thinning of the 60. antiinflammatory
11. iritis tissues in the macula, resulting 61. decongestant
12. corneal 37. in partial or complete loss of 62. otoscopy
13. phacolysis central vision 63. tympanometry
14. retinopathy 38. involuntary contraction of the 64. inflammation of the labyrinth
15. ocular muscles surrounding the eye 65. dizziness
16. konjungtivitis 39. involuntary, rapid oscillating 66. bleeding from the ear
17. presbiopia movement of the eyeball 67. electronic device implanted in
18. optometry 40. placement of a buckle-like the cochlea to provide sound
19. aphakia band around the sclera to treat perception
20. hyperopia 41. aerotitis 68. condition of hardening of the
21. scleromalacia 42. otorrhea bony tissue of the ear
22. myopia 43. myringoplasty 69. hearing impairment of old age
23. strabismus 44. acoustic 70. ringing in the ear
24. inflamasi pada kornea 45. ceruminolysis 71. excision of stapes to correct
25. sensitifitas tinggi pada cahaya 46. salpingoscope otosclerosis
26. pengeluaran pada sac telinga 47. audiometry 72. excessive buildup of ear wax
27. protusion pada mata 48. tympanocentesis 73. earache
28. baggy pada eyelid 49. otodynia 74. the study of hearing
29. pinkeye 50. auricle 75. irrigation of the external ear
30. inflammation of the eyelid 51. myringotomy canal
76. disorder of the inner ear 78. physician who first described 80. person who specializes in the
characterized by vertigo, it study of hearing impairments
tinnitus 79. inflammation of the middle ear
77. nausea, vomiting, and hearing caused by changes in
loss, named after the French atmospheric pressure

1. vitiligo pada anak usia 12 tahun

2. insersi total Vaskular Acess Device (VAD) pada kulit
3. Dermatosis papulosa nigra
4. Replantasi pada skalp
5. Keratoderma pada pasien dengan defisiensi vitamin A
6. Heterograf pada kulit
7. Amyloidosis pada kulit heredofamilial amyloidosis
8. Perbaikan pada facial weekness
9. Bromhidrosis pada remaja usia 18 tahun
10. Tindakan koreksi pada syndactyly
11. Miliaria apokrin
12. Revisi pada pedikel
13. Reaktif perforasi kolagenosis
14. Onkoplasti

1. Accomodation 21. exo + tropia

2. Acquity 22. hyper + opia
3. Adnexa 23. achromatopsia
4. Articulate 24. chalazion
5. gustation 25. conjuntivitis
6. humor 26. convergence
7. labyrinth 27. diopter
8. Olfaction 28. ectropion
9. Ossicle 29. Emmetropia
10. Photopigment 30. entropion
11. slit lamp 31. epiphora
12. Tunic 32. exophtalmus
13. aque/o + (-ous) 33. audiometry
14. blephar/o + (ptosis) 34. ophtalmodynamometry
15. choroid/o + (-pathy) 35. visual acuity test
16. ophtalm/o + (-logist) 36. cyclodialysis
17. dipl + (-opia) 37. *OD
18. heter + opsia 38. *OS
19. an + (-acusia) 39. *OU
20. presby + cusis 40. SICS

1. Dislokasi lensa akibat jatuh

2. Impaksi akibat serumen
3. Degenerasi pada choroidal
4. Salpingitis pada saluran eustachius
5. Katarak traumatik
6. Kehilangan daya pebdengaran secara tiba-tiba
7. Glaukoma grade II akibat trauma pada mata
8. Myringitis akut
9. Strabismus divergent / exotropia
10. Perforasi sentral pada membran timpani
11. Kebutaan binokular visual impairment kategori 5
12. Mastoiditis akut

Chapter VIII
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96)
certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O99)
congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90)
injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T98)
neoplasms (C00-D48)
symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)
This chapter contains the following blocks:
 H60-H62Diseases of external ear
 H65-H75Diseases of middle ear and mastoid
 H80-H83Diseases of inner ear
 H90-H95Other disorders of ear

Asterisk categories for this chapter are provided as follows:

 H62*Disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
 H67*Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere
 H75*Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid in diseases classified elsewhere
 H82*Vertiginous syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere
 H94*Other disorders of ear in diseases classified elsewhere

Chapter VII
Diseases of the eye and adnexa
certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96)
certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O99)
congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90)
injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T98)
neoplasms (C00-D48)
symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)
This chapter contains the following blocks:
 H00-H06Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit
 H10-H13Disorders of conjunctiva
 H15-H22Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body
 H25-H28Disorders of lens
 H30-H36Disorders of choroid and retina
 H40-H42Glaucoma
 H43-H45Disorders of vitreous body and globe
 H46-H48Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways
 H49-H52Disorders of ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation and refraction
 H53-H54Visual disturbances and blindness
 H55-H59Other disorders of eye and adnexa

Asterisk categories for this chapter are provided as follows:

 H03*Disorders of eyelid in diseases classified elsewhere
 H06*Disorders of lacrimal system and orbit in diseases classified elsewhere
 H13*Disorders of conjunctiva in diseases classified elsewhere
 H19*Disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere
 H22*Disorders of iris and ciliary body in diseases classified elsewhere
 H28*Cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere
 H32*Chorioretinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
 H36*Retinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
 H42*Glaucoma in diseases classified elsewhere
 H45*Disorders of vitreous body and globe in diseases classified elsewhere
 H48*Disorders of optic [2nd] nerve and visual pathways in diseases classified elsewhere
 H58*Other disorders of eye and adnexa in diseases classified elsewhere

Chapter XII
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96)
certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O99)
congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90)
injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T98)
lipomelanotic reticulosis (I89.8)
neoplasms (C00-D48)
symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)
systemic connective tissue disorders (M30-M36)
This chapter contains the following blocks:
 L00-L08Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
 L10-L14Bullous disorders
 L20-L30Dermatitis and eczema
 L40-L45Papulosquamous disorders
 L50-L54Urticaria and erythema
 L55-L59Radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
 L60-L75Disorders of skin appendages
 L80-L99Other disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

Asterisk categories for this chapter are provided as follows:

 L14*Bullous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
 L45*Papulosquamous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
 L54*Erythema in diseases classified elsewhere
 L62*Nail disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
 L86*Keratoderma in diseases classified elsewhere
 L99*Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue in diseases classified elsewhere

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