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A. Lat

A. Latar belakang
Bahasa merupakan media penyampai informasi yang efektif. Salah satu bentuk penyampaian
pesan adalah mendeskripsikan. Mendeskripsikan adalah menggambarkan sesuatu secara rinci dan
spesifik. Penggambaran dari suatu obyek baik berupa lisan maupun tulisan menghasilkan sebuah teks
yang dikenal dengan teks deskriptif.
Teks deskriptif bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena tentang kondisi atau
karakteristiknya apa adanya. Struktur generik teks deskriptif sangat sederhana, hanya terdiri dari dua
bagian, yaitu identifikasi/pengenalan dan deskripsi/penggambaran. Pada bagian identifikasi, kita
mengenalkan siapa/apa yang akan dideskripsikan. Sementara bagian deskripsi menggambarkan
bagian, kualitas atau karakteristik dari orang/benda/tempat yang dideskripsikan. Untuk
mendeskripsikan orang tertentu, kita bisa menambahkan kebiasaannya, kesukaannya, dan kualitasnya
melalui kepribadiannya.
Sementara untuk mendeskripsikan benda tertentu, kita bisa menambahkan dengan fungsi
benda tersebut untuk dideskripsikan. Untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik tempat tertentu, kita bisa
menggambarkan apa yang bisa/tidak bisa/tidak boleh dilakukan di tempat tersebut, kalau perlu apa
bahayanya jika kita tidak mematuhi apa yang seharusnya kita lakukan/tidak lakukan di tempat tertentu,
berapa tiket masuknya, jika harus membayar, dan lain-lain.
Membekali siswa dengan kemampuan mendeskripsikan sangatlah penting. Dengan
mengetahui ciri kebahasaan, tujuan komunikatif, serta aspek sosial dari teks ini siswa dapat menerima
informasi secara efektif melalui kegiatan membaca atau menyimak. Selain itu siswa juga mampu
menghasilkan teks deskriptif yang benar dan berkualitas melalui kegiatan berbicara dan menulis.
Modul ini disusun untuk membantu siswa memahami pengertian teks deskripsi ( Descriptive
Text), serta bahasan rinci tentang fungsi sosial teks deskripsi, struktur teks, ciri kebahasaan.
Diharapkan siswa akan mampu mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks
deskripsi dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang benda dan orang yang ada di sekitar mereka
sesuai dengan alur teks. Selain itu siswa juga mampu menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks deskripsi dengan
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang orang/benda disekitar mereka serta mampu menggunakan kata
sifat, kata tunggal dan jamak serta menggunakan preposisi yang benar.

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B. Diskripsi singkat :
Secara garis besar modul ini akan membahas tentang pengertian, tujuan, struktur teks
dari teks prosedur, serta ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dalam teks deskriptif.

C. Kompetensi Dasar
3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan deskripsi
orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks

4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang,
binatang, dan benda.

4.7.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang,
binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

D. Tujuan
Setelah mempelajari modul, peserta didik diharapkan mampu memahami materi Teks
Deskripsi sesuai dengan indikator berikut:
1. Setelah mempelajari isi modul, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi definisi, struktur
teks dan cirri kebahasaan teks deskripsi dengan baik
2. Setelah mempelajari isi modul, peserta didik mampu membuat teks deskripsi lisan
sederhana dengan baik
3. Setelah mempelajari isi modul, peserta didik mampu membuat teks deskripsi tulis
sederhana dengan baik.

E. Peta Kompetensi
Modul teks prosedur kelas 7 ini memiliki konsep Peta Kompetensi sebagai berikut:

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Peserta didik mampu mempraktekkan materi teks deskripsi dalam 4 aspek ketrampilan berbahasa
( Listening , speaking, reading dan writing ) dengan format text yang sederhana.

Mendemonstrasikan Mendemonstrasik Mendemonstrasik Mendemonstrasika

jenis teks deskripsi d an jenis teks an jenis teks n jenis teks
alam aspek listening deskripsi dalam as deskripsi dalam a deskripsi dalam as
dengan format teks s pek speaking den spek reading den pek writing dengan
ederhana gan format teks se gan format teks s format teks sederh
derhana ederhana ana

Menjelaskan tentang teks deskripsi

F. Materi Pokok
Materi mencakup:
1. Definisi teks deskripsi
2. Fungsi sosial
3. Struktur Teks
4. Ciri kebahasaan

G. Petunjuk Penggunaan Modul

1. Keseluruhan materi yang ada dalam modul ini hendaknya dibaca secara seksama
2. Bab pendahuluan merupakan informasi yang menguraikan bagian penting dalam
memahami modul ini, karena itu untuk memahami benar setiap siswa perlu saling tanya
jawab atau diskusi baik dengan siswa maupun dengan guru.
3. Modul ini akan lebih baik bila dipelajari secara berkelompok untuk memahami hal
hal baik yang terkait dengan teknis maupun teoritis;
4. Bila ada materi-materi yang kurang dipahami, siswa dapat bertanya langsung kepada
guru yang menyampaikan materi modul ini.

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5. Tugas dan latihan yang terdapat pada setiap bab harap dikerjakan tanpa melihat kunci
jawaban terlebih dahulu.
6. Untuk menguji kemampuan terhadap penugasan modul ini, siswa agar mengerjakan soal-
soal test secara individual.
7. Bila siswa belum mampu menjawab sebagian besar dari soal yang ditampilkan, siswa
dapat mengulangi lagi dalam mempelajarinya agar setiap kompetensi yang diharapkan
dalam setiap babnya dapat siswa penuhi.

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Materi: Descriptive Text

A. Petunjuk belajar:
Bacalah rangkuman materi descriptive text berikut, setelah itu kerjakan latihan soal!
B. Kompetensi yang akan dicapai:
In this chapter I will learn to:
 ask and give information about person/ things around us, at school, at home

C. Materi Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text
When we want to meet someone that we haven’t met before, we may ask someone about what
he/she looks like so that we can meet the right person. In the same case, we will read some information
about a tourist destination from the pamphlet or search from the internet about the description of the
place so that we could prepare everything before going there. Those things could be called as
descriptive text. So what is descriptive text actually?
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe
and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Its social function is to describe a particular person or
thing using certain adjective. Communicative purpose of this text is to identify person or thing
specifically. For example: when you have a little brother then you want to tell it to others, you can use
this kind of text. Descriptive may be similar to report text. Both of them tell about something, however,
report will explain something in general way, also report may contain some technical terms related. The
other thing is that report can identify social and human phenomenon. Let’s take one example to get
better understanding. Rabbit can be report text if we tell it generally, but if you just describe about your
own rabbit, it is descriptive.
There are two generic structures in descriptive text. The first is identification. The second is
description. To know the text that we read is descriptive or not is so simple. You can read the title, if
the title is say something in particular, it can be certainly that the text is descriptive text.

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Generic Structure of Descriptive

1. Identification
2. Description

Language Feature of Descriptive

 Specific Participant (the subject is usually only one, for example: My Lovely Cat, Borobudur
Temple, National Monument (Monas), etc. )
 The use of adjective to clarify noun, such as: beautiful garden, amazing scenery, cozy place, etc.
 Using action verb to show an activity, just like: my cat usually eats fish twice a day. He never goes
to school late.
 Using Simple Present Tense because it tells the fact of the object described. For example: I have a
brother and two sisters.

Some of you sometimes do not understand about what is descriptive text? Actually, we have
always told or read this type of the text every day. Realize or not, we are so familiar with this text.
Descriptive text is one of the easiest texts. Once, you tell your friend about your sister or brother. You
have made a descriptive text as well as you write about your school. Junior high school students have
to start to learn about ‘what is descriptive text? correctly’. To make descriptive text is also not difficult.

This is an example of descriptive text:

Text 1
Our Classroom
This is our classroom. It is large. The floor is always clean. We clean it every morning.
It has a black board, a door, and four windows. The wall is green. On the wall, there are some
pictures, a calendar, the symbol of Garuda, and the pictures of our president and vice
president. The cupboard is in the corner and the map is hanged above it. There are twenty four
desks and forty eight chairs for students.

Text 2
My Best Friend

Resty is a student of Islamic Junior High School. She is in grade seven now. She is very
diligent to study. She is a good student. She is never late to come to school. She is never absent from

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any lesson in the classroom. She is always obedient to the teachers and regulations at school. She is
also friendly. She always smiles to everyone she meets. She is seldom angry with her friends.
Besides Resty is kind, she is pretty too. She has slim body. Her height is 155 cm tall and her
weight is 43 kg. She has fair complexioned. Her hair is long and straight. Its color is black. She has
rounded eyes. They are brown. She has perfect beauty because her face is oval.

Text 3
MTs N 2 Kota Surabaya

This is Iqbal’s School, MTs N 2 Kota Surabaya. It is on Jalan Citra Raya number twenty seven.
It has a very wide schoolyard. The students do the flag ceremony every Monday in the schoolyard.
They also play sports there because there is volley ball field and badminton court.
There is a beautiful park in the yard in front of the teacher room. There is a small pond with
some fishes there. There are two big trees at the side of the pond. There is also a garden. You can see
many flowers there: roses, jasmines, sunflowers, and so on. The flowers are very beautiful.

To write about descriptive text, see the tips from

1. Make sure to choose a meaningful person, place, or thing. …

2. Introduce the person, place, or thing you are describing. …
3. Engage your reader’s sense of sight. …
4. Describe smells and tastes if you can. …
5. Describe how the moment or item feels. …
6. Describe how your subject sounds.
7. Make unique observations
8. Include some figurative language.
9. Wrap it up

D. Rangkuman
Kalian sudah mempelajari tentang materi procedure text, intinya bahwa teks yang menjelaskan
atau mendeskripsikan orang, benda, atau tempat secara spesifik.

E. Latihan Soal

3. Listening and Speaking

- Ask your friend the ingredients of gimbap
- Tell how to make gimbap in front of your friends

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2. Reading
Atrasina Niha is a student of Biology Science at the University of Indonesia. She lives
in East Jakarta. Every morning she gets up at four o’clock and washes herself. Then she has
breakfast at six and at a quarter past seven she goes to University. She travels by bus.
At the university she goes to her classes. She has lunch about twelve at noon with her
friends. She always has Javanese food. After lunch she usually goes to the library and reads
some book.
About four in the afternoon, Atrasina Niha goes home. She arrives home between six
thirty and seven o’clock. She has her dinner, watches television, does her homework and goes
to bed.

Travel : bepergian
Get up : bangun
Wash herself : membersihkan diri (mandi)
Noon : tengah hari/siang
Breakfast : sarapan
Lunch : makan siang
Dinner : makan malam
Arrive : tiba
Watch : menonton

After reading the text, choose the best answer for the following questions!

1. What is the text about?

a. students of biology science
b. Atrasina Niha’s hobby
c. a university of Indonesia
d. Atrasina Niha’s activities

2. What is Atrasina Niha? She is ….

a. a university student
b. a school headmaster
c. a university driver
d. a school teacher

3. What time does she go to the university?

She goes to the University at ….
a. 07.00 am b. 07.15 am c. 07.20 am d. 07.45 am

4. What does she usually do after lunch?

a. She does her homework
b. She goes to classes
c. she goes to the library and reads books
d. she goes to her friend’s house.

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The Ka'ba is cubed shape building located in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This is one of the sacred places
for muslims. Going to the ka'ba is so important to Muslims it is in one of the 5 pillar's in Islam.
It was built by Abraham and his eldest son, Ishmael , were commanded by Allah to build a place
of worship the ka'ba. There are some features of Ka’bah just like: two pillars inside (others report 3
pillars), a table on the side to put items like perfume, two lantern-type lamps hanging from the ceiling,
the space can accommodate about 50 people.
There are no electric lights inside, the walls and the floors are of the marble, no windows inside,
there is only one door and the upper inside walls of the Kaba were covered with some kind of curtain
with the Kalima written on.TheKa'bah is the central place of worship toward which all Muslims face in
prayer to Allah. Ka'bah is Allah home where muslims go to hajj or umrah to pray and worship.

Cube : kubus
Building : bangunan
Located : terletak
Sacred : suci, sacral
Pillar : rukun
Was built : dibangun
Worship : ibadah
Space : ruang
Accommodate : menampung
Central : pusat
Important : penting
Features : ciri ciri
Hanging : tergantung
Marble : batu marmer
Inside : di dalamnya

After reading the text, choose the best answer for the following questions!

5. Where is Ka’ba situated?

a. In Madinah b. in Thaif c. In Mecca d. Riyadh
6. Muslims all over the word go to Mecca and Madinah every year to………..
a. Do the first pillar of Islam c. To visit Ka’bah
b. To pray to Allah d. To do pilgrimage as one of pillars in Islam
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7. These are some features found in Ka’bah except……..
a. It has two or three pillars to put the prophet’s par fumes
b. It has a space can accommodate not more than 50 people
c. The walls and the floor are made of marble
d. It does not have electric light inside
8. Paragraph one tells us about……
a. Who has built ka’bah c. The identification of Ka’bah
b. The features of Ka’bah d. Ka’bah is Allah’s home
9. What is the suitable title for this text?
a. The fifth pillars in Islam c. Hajj to Mecca
b. The Ka’bah d.The features of Ka’bah
10. It was built by Abraham and his eldest son, Ishmael, were commanded by Allah to build a place of
worship the ka'ba. (Paragraph 2)The italic word has similar meaning with…………
a. ordered b. Controlled c. Obtained d. deserved


Worksheet 1
Read the text to answer question 1-5

Withdrawing Cash with an ATM Card.


1. Read the directions.

2. Put your card into the slot.
3. Punch in your personal Identification number (PIN).
4. When the choices appear, select
“withdrawal from checking.”
5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.
6. When your money appears, remove it.
7. When the machine ask if you are finished, press “yes”
8. Take out the receipt.
9. Take your card.

1. What do you do after you put the card into slot when you want to withdraw money with ATM?
A. Read the direction C. Punch in the pin
B. Put the card again into the slot D. Select the “ withdrawal from the checking”

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2. “When your money appears, remove it” . The word “it” here refers to….
A. the machine we use to withdraw money.
B. the amount of money we withdraw from the ATM.
C. the receipt we get from the machine.
D. the card we get after we insert into the slot.

3. When we have got the money we want to withdraw, What do we get?

A. Our ATM card. C. A new pin
B. “ yes” code from the machine. D. A receipt

4. What is the goal of the text above?

A. How to save money with ATM C. How to operate an ATM
B. How to use the ATM card D. How to withdraw money with an ATM card

5. “ Take your card” From this sentences, we know that the card will….
A. come out automatically C. fall down from the machine
B. be in the machine all the time D. pop out after long time.

The text is for number 6 to 8

Indonesian NasiGoreng
 2 eggs
 1 cup water
 1 plate rice
 1 cup chopped, cooked chicken
 ½ cup sliced beans (fresh or frozen)
How to make it:
Lightly beat eggs. Heat a little oil in a pan, pour a thin layer of eggs and cook over a medium heat until
set. Turn out and cook remaining egg the same way. Cool and cut into thin strips. Bring water to boil.
Stir in rice, chicken and beans, cover and simmer gently for 8 minutes. Add half the egg strips, stir well,
replace lid and allow standing for 2 minutes before serving, garnishing with remaining egg strips.

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6. What must we do first if we want to make Indonesian NasiGoreng?
a. Bring water to boil c. Heat a little oil in a pan
b. Cut the eggs into thin strips d. Beat eggs lightly
7. What is the material for garnish in the procedure above?
a. Sliced beans b. Egg strips c. Sliced cucumber d. Fresh lettuce
8. …cover and simmer gently for 8 minutes. The word printed in bold has the same meaning with…….
a. cut b. cook c. beat d. stir


Things you need

A well-prepared garden bed
A rake
A hose
A packet of radish seeds
What to do
 Rake garden bed carefully
 Make channels 1 cm deep and 15 cm apart with back of a rake
 Plant seeds 3 cm apart at the bottom of channels
 Cover seeds and press down firmly with the back of a rake
 Water lightly
 Keep moist
 When seedlings appear in 5 – 8 days, thin out if necessary
 Apply liquid fertilizer every week
 Pick crisp, fresh radishes after 5 – 7 weeks

9. Yumna planted some radish seeds a week ago. What would she need to do now?
a. rake the garden bed each day c. pick the radishes
b. make sure the seed are covered d. thin out the seedlings
10. What is the main purpose of the text?
a. to give the instruction how to grow radishes
b. to inform how important radishes are
c. to show how radishes grow

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d. to provide information about radishes


= True answer x 5

Jika kalian sudah menyelesaikan
worksheet 1, cek lah berapa nilai yang
sudah kalian capai.
Selamat yang sudah mencapai KKM 70
dan silahkan lanjut worksheet 2
Bagi yang belum, kalian bisa mengulang
lagi belajarnya di worksheet 1

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Work sheet 2


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Here’sa paperairplanethat will flyincircles.
1. Firstfoldthepaperinhalfthelongway.
2. Thendrawanairplanewithwingsanda tail onit.
3. Nextdraw alineabout aninchawayfrom
thefoldoneachsidethefulllength ofthe paper.
4. Thencutouttheairplane,butdonotcut onthefold.
5. After thatspread out the airplane and
6. Nextrefoldyourairplane.Nowfoldeach
wingdownalongtheline drawnonit.
7. Thenaddapaperclipto thenose.Youcan
changethewayyourairplane fliesby
changingthewingshapeandputting more
thanonepaperclip onthe nose.

1. WhichofthesentencesisNOTtrueaboutloop-the-looppaperplane?
a. Itneedsa paperclip tofly. c. Apencilisnotneededtomakea line onit
b. Ifyouflyit, it will fly incirclesintheair. d. Thefirstthingtodoistofoldthepaper
2. Whichpicturegoeswiththethirdmethod?

a. b. c. d.

3. Whatisthepurposeofthetext?
a. Topersuadethereaderstomakeit. c. Topresentimportantpointsofview.

Descriptive Text-7 MTsN 2 Kota Surabaya Page 15

b. Todescribehowsomethingismade. d. Toinformpeopleaboutthe

4.Thetextconsistsofthreeparts.Thethirdpartfunctionstoshowreaders...tomaketheloop- the-
a. the steps b. the explanation c. the purpose d. the argument


1. Fresh and cleaned chicken, cut it into pieces.
2. Spices : turmeric, pepper and garlic
3. Salt
4. Vegetable oil
First, grind the spices until they mixed and soft.
Next, put the chicken in the bowl and pour fresh water into it and then put the grinded spices on it, stir
Then, after they stirred well, boil the chicken until the flesh cooked and the color changes into white.
After that, fry the chicken using vegetable oil until the color becomes brownish.
Finally, serve your chicken with warm rice and chili.

5. The text tells you about …

a. the tips to serve delicious Fried Chicken c.the description of Fried Chicken.
b. the procedure to make Fried Chicken. d. the information of Fried Chicken.
6. Why should we add spices into the chicken?
a. to make it spicy and delicious c. to make it changes into white
b. to make the color becomes brownish d. to make it clean
7. What do we do after the flesh cooked and the color changes into white?
a. Grind the spices until they mixed c. Put the chicken in the bowl
b. Pour fresh water into it. d. Fry the chicken using vegetable oil


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 150 gram nature papaya that is cut into square form
 100 gram tomatoes that are cut
 100 gram carrots that are cut
 100 ml vanilla syrup
 100 ml sweet lemon water
 250 ml soft and soda drink without the color
 Ice cube

How to make it
 Mix papaya, tomato, carrot, vanilla syrup, sweet lemon water in the mixer
 Add soda drink
 Add ice cube and serve it into 3 glasses
8. How many liquid materials are needed according to the procedure above?
a. two b. three c. four d. Seven

9. 100 ml sweet lemon water

The word printed in bold has the opposite meaning with…
a. plain b. bitter c. chill d. sour

10. What is the main goal of the text?

a. To inform someone how to serve red and healthy smoothies
b. To provide information about red and healthy smoothies
c. To give information some materials and procedures to make red and healthy smoothies
d. To show how red and healthy smoothies is useful


= True answer x 5

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Guys, cek kunci jawaban dan pastikan

Kalian mampu semua soal soal yang telah
diberikan.Bagi yang mengalami kesulitan
ulangi untuk memahami materi. Gunakan
glossarium di modul ini untuk
mengetahui kosa kata sulit ya! Kalian
juga bisa menambah referensi soal
procedure text lainnya


Student’s Journal
In this chapter, I learnt about.....

The parts that I enjoyed the most were.....


The difficulties that I had were.....

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What I have to do to be better?


Salah satu konsep pembelajaran terbaik adalah jika mampu membentuk
pembelajar mandiri. Salah satu cara agar siswa mampu mandiri dalam belajar

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sekaligus terarah adalah dengan menyediakan panduan materi yang singkat namun
efektif salah satunya dengan modul. Harapan kami agar modul sederhana ini mampu
membimbing siswa untuk menjadi autonomous learner terutama dalam mempelajari
materi descriptive text.
Kiranya modul ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna oleh karenanya masukan
sangat kami harap untuk perbaikan modul berikutnya.

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Anda mungkin juga menyukai