Anda di halaman 1dari 27


This following text is for question number 1-2

To : Radit

I’m sorry I can’t come to your house to do our English task this afternoon. I
must take my mother to the doctor because she has a headache. What if we
do it tomorrow? I will wait you in the library after school at 02.00 pm.


(own creation)

1.Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yang memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.

1. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To inform Tirto to cancel the meeting
B. To invite Radit to come to Tirto’s house
C. To remind to come on time at school’s library
D. To tell Radit to come to school’s library after school
Jawaban: D

Pembahasan :
Dalam PESAN SINGKAT kegiatan siswa tersebut siswa diberi pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN
TEKS sehingga jawabanya D. Karena Tujuan dari pesan diatas adalah Tirto ingin
memberitahu Radit untuk bertemu di perpustakaan sekolah setelah pulang sekolah jam 02.00

2. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yang memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TINDAKAN YANG DIAMBIL SESUAI DENGAN
PESAN dengan tepat.
2. What will likely the receiver do after reading the text?
A. Come to hospital
B. Do the english task alone
C. Come to library after school next day
D. Tell other friends to come to library at 02.00 pm
Jawaban : C

Pembahasan :

Dalam PESAN SINGKAT kegiatan siswa tersebut. Siswa diberi pertanyaan tentang
TINDAKAN YANG DIAMBIL sesuai DENGAN PESAN dengan tepat jawabanya C.
Karena tindakan yang diharapkan dari Radit setelah membaca teks adalah datang ke
perpustakaan setelah pulang sekolah besok hari.

This following text is for question number 3-5


To: All member of English Club

Please come to school hall at 02.00 p.m after school to discuss the
preparation of English Speech Contest which will be carried out next
Saturday at University of Indonesia. Please be on time.

English Club Chairman

Andi Ruswanto
(own creation)

3. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yang memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat

menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.

3. The test is writen to ....

A. to remind all of the students to be at school’s hall
B. to inform the participant to come to Univerity of Indonesia
C. to persude the students to join English Speech Contest next Saturday
D. to inform the members of English Club to come to school hall after school
Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Berdasarkan teks pengumuman di atas penulis mengumumkan bahwa seluruh anggota
English Club harus datang ke aula sekolah sepulang sekolah untuk berdiskusi tentang lomba
di Universitas Indonesia
4. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang ISI PESAN TEKS dengan tepat.
4. Who is the text addressed to ?
A. All of the students
B. All English Club members
C. All Englsih Speech Contest participant
D. All English Club members of Univerity of Indonesia
Jawaban : B

Pembahasan :Berdasarkan teks pengumuman di atas penulis membuat pengumuman untuk

seluruh anggota English Club.
5. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang MAKNA KATA dengan tepat.

5. “...which will be carried out next Saturday”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. planned
B. designed
C. conducted
D. concluded
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan : Kata yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata “carried out” adalah
“conducted” yang artinya dilaksanakan

This following text is for question number 6 to 7

To : Feyfa

I am relly sorry to tell you that I can not pick you up at school. I
have a patient who need an emergency help. I have told your
brother to pick you up, please wait in front of the school


(own creation)

6. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa dapat
menentukan apa PROFESI orang yang menerima pesan tersebut dengan tepat.
6. What is likely the profesion of the writer?
A. Teacher
B. Doctor
C. Secretary
D. General manager
Jawaban : B

Pembahasan :
Berdasarkan pesan singkat diatas Ibu mengatakan bahwa dia tidak bisa menjemput karena
ada pasien yang membutuhkan pertolongan gawat darurat. Sehingga profesi yang sesuai
adalah seorang dokter.
7. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang RINCIAN TINDAKAN YANG DIAMBIL SESUAI
PESAN dengan tepat.
7. Reading the text, what will likely the reader do then?
A. Go home alone
B. Call her brother to pick her
C. Wait her driver to go home
D. Wait her brother in front of the school

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan :

Berdasarkan text diatas ibu memintanya untuk meunggu kakaknya di depan sekolah karena
kakaknya yang akan menjemputnya.


Following text is for question number 8 to 10


To: All participants of Bupati Cup 2017

Due to the inclement weather, the tournament this coming August is canceled.
The competition is tentatively resehuled next mount. We are sorry for this
inconvenience. Please wait for upadate.

The committee

Mr. Bahrul

(own creation)

8. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN UMUM yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa

dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TEMPAT DITEMUKANNYA dengan tepat.

8. Where do usually you find this such text ?

A. Memo
B. Letter
C. Brochure
D. News paper
Jawaban : D

Pembahasan :

Berdasarkan text diatas penulis menerangkan adanya perubahan jadwal lomba, dan media
yang paling mugkin menyebarkan pengumuman untuk banyak orang adalah koran. Sehingga
jawabannya adalah D.
9. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TINDAKAN YANG DIAMBIL SETELAH
MEMBACA TEKS dengan tepat.

9. What will the readers do after reading the text ?

A. Cancel the competition
B. Reschedule the competition
C. Register theirself to the comettee
D. Wait for the newest information

Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Berdasar text diatas penulis meminta pembaca diminta “wait for up date” untuk menunggu
info terbaru dari panitia

10. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang UNSUR GRAMATIKAL dengan tepat.

10. “ the weather is inclemet...the competition is canceled”

The corect word to fill in the blanks is ...
A. so
B. or
C. but
D. and
Jawaban : A

Pembahasan: Pemakaian kata sambung yang tepat untuk kalimat sebab akibat adalah “so”.
Sehingga kalimat lengkapnya akan menjadi “the weather is inclemet so the competition is

The following text is for question number 11 to 12

Let’s celebrate with her
On Saturday , August 2nd , 2018
at 4.30 p.m
Surya Yudha Hotel
Please come on time to the venue
To confirm your attandance please contact Dian
WA/Sms only (085) 787 - 9767

(own creation)

11. Disajikan sebuah UNDANGAN PRIBADI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban

dengan tepat.

11. After reading the text, what will likely the recievers do?
A. Call Inez
B. Replay her invitation
C. Prepare gift for dian
D. Inform their coming
Jawaban : D

Pembahasan :

Berdasarkan teks diatas penulis menyertakan keterangan “RSVP” yang artinya undangan
diharapkan segera menginfokan kehadirannya dalam acara ualang tahun tersebut. Sehingga
jawaban yang paling tepat tentang hal yanag akan dilakukan setelah membaca undangan
adalah “inform their coming” menginfokan kehadiran mereka dengan meng sms Dian.
12. Disajikan sebuah UNDANGAN PRIBADI , siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan
tentang MAKNA KATA dengan tepat.

12. “Please come on time to the venue”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...

A. party
B. place
C. punctual
D. celebration
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Berdasarkan teks diatas penulis menuliskan Please come on time to the venue, maksudnya
dimohon datang tepat waktu ke lokasi tempat pesta dilaksanakan. Sehingga kata yang paling
tepat adalah placeyang artinya tempat


Choco Crackers

A snack made of chocolate choice coated with peanut granules which are united into a
masterpiece for your tongue.
Take Choco Cracker! Feel the sensation of melting chocolate and Crunchy peanuts that
will shake your tongue.

Nutrient content:

35% calories from fat

20% of calories from saturated fat
10% fat on sugar
20% protein
0% trans-fat
Vitamin D and C

Buy now and Feel the sensation!!!


13. Disajikan sebuah IKLAN PRODUK MAKANAN/MINUMAN/ELEKTRONIK , siswa dapat

menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang BAGIAN/ISI PESAN dengan tepat.
13. From the advertisement above we know that...
A. The product contains more calories than protein
B. The product is made of special melting peanut
C. The highest nutrients of the product are vitamin D and C
D. The costumer can feel the sensation if eat the cocholate with peanute
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
A. Berdasarkan iklan diatas dituliskan bahwa jumlah kalori 30%sedangkan protein adalah
20%. Sehingga pernyataan paling tepat adalah “The product contains more calories than
protein” yang artinya produk tersebut mengandung lebih banyak kalori dari pada protein.

14. Disajikan teks iklan produk yang sama siswa dapat menentukan MAKNA SALAH SATU
KATA dalam teks tersebut
14. “Nutrient content”
What is the closest in meaning of the underlined word?
A. substance
B. ingredient
C. component
D. consideration
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Berdasarkan kata diatas dituliskan “content” jadi kata yang paling tepat untuk
menggantikannya adalah substance yang memiliki arti isi/kandungan.

This following is for question number 15 to 16

Al Fariz Electrosolution

Do you have a problem with your electronics?

such as your Smartphones, TVs, Players, Refrigerators, Washing
Machine, and other electronic devices.
Call us to fix it quickly, money back guaranteed.
Call us on 085870717273
or you can visit our office at Candiwulan street No. 03

(own creation)

15. Disajikan sebuah IKLAN JASA KURSUS/HOTEL , siswa dapat menentukan jawaban

15. What does the advertisement focus on?

A. Service all kinds of computers/laptops

B. Making a all kinds of electronic devices

C. Selling many kinds of electronic sparepart

D. Fixing all problems of electronic devices

Jawaban : D
Pembahasan : Berdasarkan iklan jasa di atas fokus dari iklan tersebut adalah tentang penerimaan
jasa perbaikan komputer/laptop bergabai jenis daan model

16. Disajikan sebuah IKLAN JASA KURSUS/HOTEL , siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang PERSAMAAN MAKNA KATA dengan tepat.

16. “Call us to fix it quickly...”

The word “fix” is closest in meaning to....

A. fact

B. help

C. repair

D. decorate

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Kata yang mempuyai arti yang sama dengan kata “fix” adalah “repair” yang artinya


This following text is for question number 17-19

My Mom

Silvia Edith is my mom. She is very important to me, because she teaches me to be better every
day. She is a good example to me, and I love her for many more reasons.
My mom is 40 years old, but she doesn't look like it. She is medium of height. Her hair is short,
wavy, and blondy. Her eyes are small and brown. Her skin is soft and white. She has a beautiful
smile. Some people say I look like her when she was teenager.
My mother has many talents and very diligent. She can type on a computer very fast, she likes to
dance and cook.
My mom works as a junior high school teacher. She likes to teach in her areas, which are science
and geography. She loves to teach because she says it was her dream when she was a child. Also, she
says she learns when she teaches other people.She works hard every day because she loves her work
and she likes to learn something new every day.

17. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE terkait ORANG TERDEKAT , siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban TUJUAN TEXT dengan tepat.

17. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To share writer’s felling

B. To share about the mom’s appearence

C. To show the writer’s mom daily activities

D. To tell a decription of the writer’s lovely mom

Jawaban : B

A. Pembahasan : Teks diatas bertujuan untuk menceritakan deskripsi tentang ibu penulis sehingga
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.To tell a decription of the writer;s lovely mom

18. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE YANG SAMA, siswa dapat menentukan RINCIAN

18. The writer describes that her mom is ....

A. teacher

B. hard worker

C. weak and old

D. important and good example

Jawaban : B

A. Pembahasan : Penulis menggambarkan ibunya adalah sosok yang sangat penting dan contoh
yang baik bagi dirinya. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah yang D “important and good

19.Disajikan satu kalimat yang dikutip dari text descriptive yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan
MAKNA KATA tertentu yang terdapat dalam kalimat tersebut.

19. “She is very important to me”.

The underlined word can be replaced by....

A. immortal
B. impatient
C. significant
D. incredible
Jawaban : C

Pembahasan :Kata yang dapat menggantikan kata “important” adalah “significant” artinya penting.


This following text is for question number 20-23

Big Ben is the bell that strikes the hours in the clock tower above the Houses of Parliament at
Westminster in London. It weighs 13.5 tons and was named Big Ben in honor of Sir Benjamin Hall, who
was Commissioner of Works at the time of the tower’s completion in 1858. Interestingly, the White
chapel Bell Foundry where it was cast is still operating from the same location today. There are four
smaller bells in the tower which strike the quarters and are called ‘Little Bens’.
Big Ben symbolizes to many people the ‘Mother of Parliaments’. The British have long period
themselves on their democratic tradition. The English Parliament was united with the Scottish
Parliament in 1707 and with the Irish between 1801 and 1922.Since 1688 it has been customary for the
king or queen to choose his or her ministers from the dominant political party in the Commons.

The Houses of Parliament are not particularly old – the present building having been built
between 1840 and 1860. It does, however, incorporate portions of the medieval Palace of Westminster.
The Commons debating chamber – which nowadays can be seen on television – was destroyed by
incendiary during World War II and was later rebuilt preserving its former character.When the Houses
of Parliament are in session, the clock is illuminated at night by a light that goes off only when the
House rises.


siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TOPIK TEKS dengan tepat.

20. What is the topic of the text above?

A. A description of a big London

B. A report about historical place in London

C. The Big Ben description as the symbol of British

D. Telling the writer’s experience about visiting London city

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Teks diatas berisi deskripsi tentang Big Ben sebagai salh satu simbol orang orang
Britania raya

siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang GAMBARAN SALAH SATU BAGIAN
OBJECT dengan tepat.

21. What is Little Bens ?

A. The Houses of Parliament

B. The four smaller bells in the tower

C. The symbol of the Mother of Parliaments

D. The names of medieval Palace of Westminster

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Dari teks deskripsi diatas dijelaskan “There are four smaller bells in the tower
which strike the quarters and are called ‘Little Bens’ yang artinya ada 4 bel yang lebih kecil di menara
yang akan menunjukan waktu 15 menit dan disebut dengan “Little Bens”. Sehingga jawaban yang
paling tepat adalah B.

siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TINDAKAN YANG MUNGKIN AKAN
DILAKUKAN dengan tepat.

22.What will the readers likely do after reading the text?

A. Take part in keeping Big Ben

B. Persuade their friends to visit London

C. Learn more about the history of London City

D. Visit London to witness the beauty of Big Ben

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan :Dari teks tersebut dijelaskan tentang deskripsi Big Ben sehingga diharapkan setelah
membacara teks deskripsi di atas pembaca akan mengunjungi London untuk menyaksikan langsung
keindahan Big Ben secara langsung

siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang RUJUKAN KATA dengan tepat.

23.”It weighs 13.5 tons and was named Big Ben... (Par. 1)”

What does the underlined word refer to?

A. London

B. The Clock

C. The Big Ben

D. Houses of Parliament

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : Dalam kalimat tersebut kata “it” mengacu pada Big Ben yang beratnya mencapai 13,5
Ton. Sehingga jawaban yang paling tepat adalah The Big Ben.

This following text is for question number 24 to 27

New Year Holiday Story

The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in
Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.

On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having
arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The
next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at
6:00 p.m. on that day.

On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins came
and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center
of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to
celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at
once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks
lightening the sky that night.Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday
experience in the city of Malang was so impressive forme.


24. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT terkait dengan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan peserta didik
dapat menentukan TOPIK TEKS tersebut dengan tepat.

24. The text is about....

A. the writer’s felling to Malang

B. the writer’s experience in his uncle’s house

C. the write’s new experience having trip to Malang

D. the writer’s feeling about having new year holiday in Malang

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan : Teks diatas berisi perasaan penulis yang senang setelah merayakan liburan tahun baru di
kota Malang. Seperti yang diekspresikan di akhir cerita. Sehingga jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.
25. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT yang sama , siswa dapat menentukan RINCIAN PERISTIWA.

25.How long did the writer spend to go to Malang from his city?

A. Six hours

B. One day

C. One night

D. Almost two days

Jawaban : A

Pembahasan :Berdasarkan teks recount di atas dalam paragraf satu penulis menceritakan
“approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang” sehingga jawahab yang paling tepat
adalah A yaitu six hours.

26. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT yang sama , siswa dapat menentukan SALAH SATU RINCIAN

26. Where did the writes and his cousin go at night ?

A. They went home

B. They came to centre city

C. They went to other relatives’ house

D. They visited their uncle’s house to celebrate New year Eve

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan :Berdasarkan teks recount di atas diceritakan bahwa “At night, I went together with him to
the center of the city of Madiun “ sehingga saat malam hari mereka pergi ke pusat kota. Jadi jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah B.

27. Disajikan salah satu kalimat yang dikutip dari text recount yang sama, siswa dapat
menentukan MAKNA KATA tertentu yang terdapat dalam kalimat tersebut dengan tepat

27.”....approximately 6 hour trip by bus”

The underlied word can be replaced by....

A. almost

B. apearence

C. appropriate

D. presumably
Jawaban : D

Pembahasan :Kata yang dapat menggantikan kata “approximately” presumably yang artinya kira kira


This following text is for question number 28 to 30

How to operate a blender
 Make sure the switch is off.
 Place ingredients into the blender container. Add some water if needed.
 Put the lid on.
 Place the container on the motor housing.
 Plug in the cable.
 Select one of two speed buttons as required. Use PULSE switch for precision blending.
When adding ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid for adding things in the
middle of it.
 After grinding them, press the switch off.
 Unplug the cable.
(Source :

28. Disajikan satu text PROCEDURE terkait petunjuk mengoperasikan alat tertentu peserta
didik dapat menentukan TUJUAN TEXT tersebut dengan tepat

28. What is the writer’s intention of writing the text above?

A. To tell how to unplug the blender

B. To retell experiece how to use blender
C. To show the steps in operating a blender
D. To inform the way to switch off the blender
Jawaban : C

Pembahasan :Berdasarkan teks prosedur di atas tujuan dari penulis adalah ingin menunjukan
kepada pembaca tentang bagaimana langkah-langkah mengoperasikan blender
29. Disajikan satu fungsi langkah tertentu dari text procedure yang sama, peserta didik dapat
menentukan RINCIAN LANGKAH atau boleh juga tentang KETERKAITAN ANTAR

29. What should we do after turn off the blender?

A. Adding some water
B. Unpluging the cable
C. Removing the small lid
D. Choosing one of two speed buttons as required
Jawaban : B

Pembahasan :Berdasarkan teks prosedur di atas langkah selanjutnya setelah mematikan blender
adalah mencabut kabel dari steker
30. Disajikan satu kalimat yang dikutip dari text procedure yang sama, peserta didik dapat
menentukan RUJUKAN KATA TERTENTU yang terdapat dalam kalimat.

30. “After grinding them, press the switch off.”

The underlined word refers to....
A. buttons
B. small lids
C. cables
D. ingredients
Jawaban : D

Pembahasan :Kata “them” dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada bahan-bahan


This following text is for questions number 31 to 34

King Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdom of DunBroch in Scotland. They had three sons
and one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children were mischievous!Queen Elinor tried
to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess. But Merida liked to slip away from the palace to
practice with her bow and arrow. She was a skilled archer.
One night, the queen announced that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present a suitor to
compete for Merida’s hand in marriage. Merida was horrified. “I won’t go through with it!” she shouted.
To Merida’s dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. Merida sat waiting on her throne for the archery
contest to begin.

She knew she could handle a bow and arrow far better than the suitors could!Once the suitors
had taken their shots, Merida marched onto the field. The queen yelled for her to stop, but Merida didn’t
listen. She fired her arrows and hit each target dead center. She had won! Now she wouldn’t have to
marry anyone!

(Sumber: )
31.Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE teerkait CERITA RAKYAT BEBAS dari DALAM NEGERI
atau LUAR NEGERI siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TOPIK TEKS
tersebut dengan tepat.

31.What does the text mostly talk about?

A. Princess Merida

B. King Fergus Battle

C. The clanns fighting

D. The legend of Scotland

Jawaban : A

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks narative di atas informasi yang disampaikan dalam cerita secara
umum adalah kisah tentang tuan putri Merida.

32. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE terkait CERITA RAKYAT BEBAS dari DALAM NEGERI
atau LUAR NEGERI siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang MASALAH YANG
DIHADAPI dengan tepat.

32. What is the problem of the text above?

A. The King had three sons and one daughter

B. The Princess refused to marry with the man

C. The Princess Merida liked to slip away from the palace

D. ThePrincess Merida finallywouldn’t have to marry anyone

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks narative di atas masalah yang pertama kali muncul adalah sang
putri Merida menolak untuk menikah dengan orang yang dipilihkan oleh orang tuanya, diwakili
dengan kalimat “I won’t go through with it!” she shouted.
atau LUAR NEGERI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang AKIBAT DARI

33.What happened to Princess Meida after deciding to fight in the field ?

A. Every one shouted to her

B. She could not use her arrow well

C. She neglacted the queen advice to surender

D. The Princess shot all the target and won the contest

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks narative di atas diceritakan bahwa sang Putri berhasil
menembakan seluruh anak panahnya ke tengah target dan memenangkan pertandingan sehingga dia
tidak perlu menikahi siapapun. “She fired her arrows and hit each target dead center. She had won! Now
she wouldn’t have to marry anyone!”

34. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang CERITA RAKYAT BEBAS dari DALAM NEGERI
atau LUAR NEGERI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang DESKRIPSI
TOKOH dengan tepat.

34. The Princess was described as awoman who ...

A. was foolish and greedy

B. was brave, smart and pretty

C. was disobey, friendly and lazy

D. was very rich, strong but foolish

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks narative di atas diceritakan bahwa sang putri adalah wanita
yang cantik, pemberani, dan cerdas. Dibuktikan dengan keberaniannya untuk melawan peserta
lain dan berhasil menembakan panahnya dengan tepat.

This following text is for questions number 35 to 37

Global Warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth atmosphere. It Began since
1980 after revolution Industry has applied, Industry started to produce many polution. Based on IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) Data shown that the earth atmospheric temperature has
increased 0.76OC IN 2005.

There are many causes of Global Warming, but the most influence is green house gasses. Human
activities such as burning fossil fuel, produce waste gas which is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide gas
convert the earth atmosphere which make the sunlight that entered to the earth are trapped and cannot be
reflected to the space. As the result, the temperature of the earth are raising and earth is getting hotter.

An Increase in global warming will cause some problem such as increasing huricanes due to
increasing speed of wind, massive crop failure as effet of climate change. Species extinction and
increasing the sea level as the result of melting process in polar.

Latest news from green peace about global warming is so shocking. They estimated that in 21
century there will be increasing in the sea level for about 19-95 cm, increasing of sea level about 1 metre
can cause one island can be lose. As the example is losing island in Egypt around 1 presence, and some
smaal island in Indonesia.


35.Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang PERISTIWA ALAM, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang TOPIK (FRASA) dengan tepat

35. The text above mostly talks about....

A. Global warming
B. The climate change
C. The causes of global warming
D. The solution to stop global warming

Jawaban : A

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks report di atas isi teks di atas secara umum adalah menceritakan
tentang fenomena pemanasan global/ Global warming.
36.Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang PERISTIWA ALAM, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang ASPEK YANG DIDESKRIPSIKAN dengan tepat.

36.Carbon dioxide gas was defined as....

A. The result of green house effect

B. The gas which convert the earth atmosphere
C. The gas which makes the temperature of the earth rises
D. The gas which make the sunlight trapped and cannot be reflected to the space

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks report di atas penulis mendeskripsikan bahwa carbon dioxida adalah
gas yang membuat cahaya matahari terhalang untuk dipantulkan lagi ke angakasa yang membuat
bumi semakin panas.

37.Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang PERISTIWA ALAM, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang PERINCIAN TARGET AUDIENCE dengan tepat.

37.This such kind of text will be useful for ....

A. a famers who will cultivate the field

B. a student who want to learn about carbon dioxcide
C. an astronouts who want to observe the space condition
D. a scientist who wants to know more about global warming

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan :Berdasarkan teks report di atas informasi dari teks tersebut sangat bermanfaat
bagi seorang ahli ilmu yang sedang mempelajari hal hal tentang global warming


This following text is for questions number 38 to 40

The gecko is a small to medium sized lizard that lives in warm climates. There are over
1,100 species of gecko and most of them have thousands of hair-like structures on their feet which
help them to stick and climb slippery and flat surfaces. Keep reading for more facts and
information on geckos.

Geckos are small to medium-sized lizards. They are found all over the world in warm
climates. There are over 1,100 different species of geckos. Several species, such as the House
Gecko, will enter houses and climb over the walls and ceilings eating insects. Many people also
keep geckos as pets in aquariums. The most common pet gecko is the Leopard Gecko.Geckos
range in size from 3/4 to 14 inches long.The life span of a gecko can be as long as 30 years.Most
geckos are nocturnal.

The largest gecko is the Tokay Gecko and the smallest is the Dwarf
Gecko.Geckos come in a wide variety of colors, patterns and textures. Some geckos can change
color like chameleons.Geckos are different from other lizards, because they use vocal chirps to
communicate with each other.
Although some geckos have claws, most have thousands of hair-like structures on their
feet which allows them to stick to and climb slippery and flat surfaces. Most species of gecko have
a clear membrane to protect the eyes instead of eyelids. They also lick this membrane to keep it
clean.If a gecko accidentally loses its tail it has the ability to grow a new one.


38. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang BINATANG ( REPTILE), siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.

38. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To describe the appearance of gecko.

B. To bring the readers to recognize gecko.

C. To tell the way geckochase a small animal.

D. To persuade the readers to take care of gecko.

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks report di atas penulis bermaksud mengajak pembaca untuk mengenali
Komodo Dragon

39.Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang BINATANG ( REPTILE), siswa dapat menentukan

jawaban pertanyaan tentang JENIS-JENIS YANG DIDESKRIPSIKAN (rincian deskripsinya)
dengan tepat.

39. Geckos are different from lizard because...

A. The have bigger body

B. They can change into many colors

C. They use vocal chirps to communicate

D. They are found all over the world in warm climates

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks report di atas penulis menggambarkan bahwa Gecko berbeda dengan
lizard adalah karena Gecko menggunakan suara mereka untuk berkomunikasi dengan yang lainnya.
40.Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang BINATANG ( REPTILE), siswa dapat menentukan

40. What is the benefit of reading the above text?

A. We know what are Gecko’s food

B. It improves our knowledge about Gecko generally

C. We will be able to know how Gecko protect their selfe

D. It will be able to increase our ability to protect Gecko’s population

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Di harapkan setelah membaca teks di atas pembaca dapat meningkatkan

pengetahuannya tentang Gecko secara umum


This following text is for questions number 41 to 42

Last holiday, I and my beloved wife, visited Lembah Pelangi Waterfall in Ngarip District,
Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. It was the first time for me to visit such a
wonderful waterfall.
To reach the waterfall location, we should go on foot after having around three hours trip riding a
motorcycle from Bandarlampung, the capital city of Lampung. When we arrived there, I was amazed by
the beautiful scenery of the waterfall. The air was so fresh at that time and I could not bear to jump into
the water immediately. It is quite windy there and all I could see only green, green, and green. Hearing
the sound of falling water while we were swimming made me feel peaceful and relaxing.
Finally, the day was getting dark and it was time for us to go home. It was such an unforgettable
experience for me. I really enjoyed it.
(Source :

41. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT tentang HAL YANG MENYENANGKAN, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang PERNYATAAN YANG MENJELASKAN ALASAN
TERJADINYA PERISTIWA yang ada dalam text.

41. Why did the writer feel amazed by the waterfall?

A. Because the waterfall is located in Lampung

B. Because they could swim together with their family

C. Because they had to use motorcycle to reach the location

D. Because scenery of the waterfall is beautiful andthe air was so fresh

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks di atas dalam paragraf 2 diceritakan bahwa penulis takjub
terhadap air terjun Lembah pelangi karena pemandangannya yang indah dan udaranya yang

42. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT tentang HAL YANG MENYENANGKAN, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang KATA SAMBUNG UNTUK MELENGKAPI kalimat
dengan tepat.

42. The water was so fresh and clear ... my family and I could swim together.

A. so

B. and

C. but

D. because

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat rumpang di atas adalah so =


This following text is for questions 43-45


Once upon a time, there was a puppeteer named Geppetto. He really wanted a boy but his wife
has been died for a long time ago. One day, he had an idea. He wanted to make a puppet so he would
never felt lonely again. He made a puppet all night without resting. In the morning, finally he finished
his work. He named the puppet, Pinocchio. He played whole day with Pinocchio. However, he felt
lonely again because Pinocchio couldn’t talk or walk by himself. In the middle of the night, Geppetto
prayed to the God. His wish was Pinocchio became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind in his

In the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive. He really was happy. He tough Pinocchio
how to walk, how to speak, how to read etc. like a teacher. Pinocchio learned fast. He entered an
elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored. So, he went home late. Geppetto worried about him.
When Pinocchio came to home, Geppetto asked him. He said he was on school but he didn’t.
Suddenly, Pinocchio’s nose grow longer. It meant that Pinocchio lied.

The next day, Pinocchio got caught by thieves. The thieves was the owner of circus. Pinocchio
became a slave for the circus. He was famous because he was a talking puppet. Geppetto worried him.
Pinocchio didn’t come home for 2 days. He found Pinocchio everywhere. When he discovered the sea,
big wave smashed him. He was on whale’s stomach when he awoke. He couldn’t find the way out.
In different place, Pinocchio finally could get out from circus. He went to home but Geppetto
wasn’t on there. He found Geppetto at sea. He had the same accident like Geppetto. He met Geppetto
in whale’s stomach. They got out from its stomach by made a fire.They went home back together. In
the end, they lived happy forever after


43. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FABLE, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN penulisan TEKS dengan tepat.

43. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To retell how pinocio was created
B. To inform about the Geppetto’s life story
C. To amuse the reader with a story of pinocio
D. To give detail information about pinocio and Geppetto
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks narrative di atas kita tahu bahwa penulis ingin menghibur
pembaca dengan cerita kisah pinicio

44.Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FABLE, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban

dengan tepat.

44. Why Geppetto fell worried of pinocio?

A. Because pinocio could not talk
B. Because pinocio did no go home
C. Because Geppetto had no friend at home
D. Because Pinocio’s nose became longer
Jawaban : D
Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks narrative di atas kita tahu bahwa di paragraf terakhir di
ceritakan bahwa belalang menjadi sangat kelaparan karena tidak memiliki persediaan makanan

45.Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FABLE, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban

pertanyaan tentang RUJUKAN KATA dengan tepat

45. In the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive (Par. 2) The word “he” refers to….
A. The thieve
B. The Geppetto
C. The manager of cicus
D. Pinocio’s closest friend
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan : Berdasarkan teks narative di atas, kata he mengacu pada Geppetto

This following is for question 46 to 48

(Source :

46. Disajikan sebuah LABLE tentang MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN, siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang MANFAAT ADANYA INFORMASI dengan tepat.

46. What is the benefit of reading the label above?

A. We can buy the product anywhere

B. We will know how to drink aspirin

C. We get the detailed information of the product.

D. We know where to get the product easily with the low price.

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan label di atas kita dapat mengetahui informasi detail tentang produk
47. Disajikan sebuah LABLE tentang MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN, siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang UNSUR UNSUR YANG ADA DALAM TEKS dengan tepat.

47. How many desease that could be recoverd by that medicine ?

A. 8

B. 9

C. 200

D. 225

Jawaban : A

Pembahasan :Berdasarkan label di atas kita tahu bahwaada 8 penyakit yang bisa disembuhkan
dengan aspirin yaitu headache, backache, common cold, muscular aches, sore eyes, sore throat,
tootache, stomache.

48. Disajikan sebuah LABLE tentang MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN, siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang MAKNA KATA dengan tepat.

48. “temporally relives minor aches...”

The closest in meaning to the underlined word is....

A. part

B. body

C. system

D. deseases

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan : Kata yang memliki arti sama dengan tract adalah system=sistim

This following is for question 49 to 50

Dear Farizqi

Congratulation! You won the English Story Telling contest. You are awesome.Keep
on practicing to go the province level.We will always support you to reach your
dream to be the best story teller.

Your teacher

Mr. Andi

(own creation)

49. Disajikan sebuah GREETING CARD tentang KEBERHASILAN ORANG, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEXT dengan tepat.

49. The writer write the text to....

A. make Andi’s dream come true

B. congratulate someone because of his achievement
C. support Farisqi to join in english story telling competition
D. inform farisqi to register English story telling competition

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan : Berdasarkanteks di atas Pak Andi menulis teks tersebut untuk memberikan ucapan
selamat kepada Farizqi atas keberhasilannya dalam lomba English story telling.

50. Disajikan sebuah GREETING CARD tentang KEBERHASILAN ORANG, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang MAKNA KALIMAT TERTENTU dengan tepat.

50. “Keep on practicing to go the province level”

The underlined word has closest in meaning with...

A. training
B. packaging
C. preparing
D. registering

Jawaban : A

Pembahasan : Berdasarkanteks di atas kata yang paling tepat menggantikan kata practice adalah
training yang memiliki arti sama yaitu latihan.

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