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Explanation Text
Personal Letters

Topik ini mengenalkan siswa pada kemampuan menuliskan kalimat dalam teks penjabaran

Performance Indicator
Siswa dapat membandingkan teks eksplanasi ilmiah terkait gejala alam atau sosial dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Siswa dapat menerapkan unsur kebahasaan terkait kata penghubung antarklausa dan antarkalimat yang
menyatakan hubungan urutan kejadian sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
Explanation Text adalah sebuah teks yang berisi tentang
proses-proses yang berhubungan dengan fenomena-
fenomena alam, soisal, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya dan
lainnya. Sebuah Explanation text biasanya berasal dari
pertanyaan penulis terkait ‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap suatu
fenomena yang ada.

Tujuan kebahasaan dari Explanation text adalah untuk

menerangkan proses-proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan
atau kegiatan yang terkait dengan fenomena-fenomena alam,
Source: sosial, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya, dan lainnya yang bertujuan
Structure of Explanation Text

1. A general statement
Dalam general statement berisi tentang penjelasan umum tentang fenomena yang akan dibahas, bisa berupa
pengenalan fenomena tersebut atau penjelasannya.

2. A sequenced of explanation
A sequenced of explanation berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa fenomena tersebut bisa terjadi atau tercipta. A
squenced of explanation berupa jawaban dari pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’ penulis ketika membuat sebuah
Explanation text. Dalam squenced of explanation bisa terdiri lebih dari satu paragrap.

3. Closing
Sebenarnya closing itu tidak tercantum dalam generic structure dari Explanation text, tetapi kebanyakan orang
beranggapan bahwa paragrap terakhir dari sebuah Explanation text adalah closing, padahal itu merupakan bagian
dari squenced of explantaion yang berisi tentang langkah akhir yang dijelaskan pada bagian squenced of explanation.
Characteristics of Explanation Text

Menggunakan Simple Present Tense

Sebuah Explanation text biasanya
berasal dari pertanyaan penulis
terkait ‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap
suatu fenomena yang ada.
Menggunakan passive voice
Menggunakan action verbs

An example of Explanation Text - #1
Making Paper from Wood chips
(General statement)
Do you know that paper is made from wood? Ya, paper that we use in our daily life is
made from wood or tree. The process of making paper from wood is quite long. The
process is called wood-chipping. Wood-chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and
paper products from forest trees.

(Sequence of explanation)
The wood-chipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of
the forest called a coupe. Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then
the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are
taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called wood chips. The wood chips
are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are either
exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then
bleached and the water content is removed.

Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.
An example of Explanation Text - #2
How Earthquakes Happen

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in
several regions. Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has
brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?

Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault.
This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake.
When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little.
They don’t just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not
moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that’s built up. When
the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.

During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they
continue to move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock
breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called
the epicenter of the earthquake.
• Paragraf Pertama adalah tentang General Statement (pernyataan umum). Melihat
dari teks tersebut tentu GSnya adalah an Earthquake happening.

• Paragraf kedua: Squenced of explanation adalah penjelasan tentang bagaimana

Earthquake bisa terjadi. Gempa bumi bisa terjadi pada dasarnya adalah karena “rock
underground suddenly breaks along a fault”. Penjelasan lainnya adalah tentang
kronologi how rock underground breaks along a fault.

• Paragraf ketiga: closing yang menerangkan bahwa pergeseran lempeng bumi terus
terjadi dan menerangkan bahwa titik di bawah bumi dimana batu mengalami patahan
(where the rock breaks) disebut sebagai Focus of the earthquake dan tempat di atas
titik tersebut disebut epicenter of earthquake.
Contoh Soal
Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to built up
new cells and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take must be
changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they
are needed. This process is called digestion.

The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up
into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by
glands in the mouth. Saliva contains digestive juice which moisten the food, so it
can be swallowed easily.

From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the
stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the
stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time
the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing
and moving the food onwards.

In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These

are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic
branch projections from the intestine walls) and
passed into the bloodstream.
Contoh Soal
1. What is the text about?

A. The digestive system

B. The digestive juice
C. The method of the digestive system
D. The process of intestine work
E. The food substances
Pembahasan Contoh Soal 1

Jawaban: A


Dapat diketahui dalam paragraph tersebut dalam kalimat, "This process is called
Contoh Soal
2. How can we swallow the food easily?

A. The food changes into acids absorbed by the villi.

B. The food must be digested first through the process.
C. The food is directly swallowed through esophagus into the stomach.
D. The food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach.
E. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in the blood to the places.
Pembahasan Contoh Soal 2

Jawaban: B


Dilihat dari kalimat, "The food we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of
teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth. Saliva contains
digestive juice which moisten the food, so it can be swallowed easily".
Contoh Soal
3. From the text above, we imply that ….

A. a good process of digestive system will help our body becoming

B. no one concerned with the process of digestive system for their
C. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food instantly.
D. every body must conduct the processes of digestive system well.
E. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be.
Pembahasan Contoh Soal 3

Jawaban: B


Dari semua jawaban, hal yang tersirat dari paragraph tersebut adalah A. a good
process of digestive system will help our body becoming healthier.
Contoh Soal
4. “Human body is made up of countless millions of cells.” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined phrase means ….

A. produced
B. managed
C. arranged
D. completed
E. constructed
Pembahasan Contoh Soal 4

Jawaban: E


Secara konteks, kunci jawaban E, constructed (dibangun), lebih tepat pemaknaannya.

Latihan Soal

Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we'll enter the amazing world of
chocolate so you can understand exactly what you're eating.

Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in
places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a
small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree's seeds, also known as cocoa beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate maker.
The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different
places have different qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive
mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its
shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called
chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different.
However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs form liquid. It's pure bitter chocolate.
Latihan Soal
1. The beans of cacao was fermented for about?

A. One Month
B. One day
C. two Month
D. One week
E. Two weeks
Latihan Soal
2. The cacao tree growth in?

A. South America, Africa, and Indonesia

B. South Africa, Japan
C. Japan , Southeast sulawesi
D. China, Japan Korea
E. South japan, korea
Latihan Soal
3. Which one of the answers below is the first way to make a chocolate?

A. Burned chocolate
B. Make the Chocolate to brings out flavour
C. roasting the beans to bring out the flavor
D. Roasting the Chocolate bread
E. Roasting all of the Flavour
Latihan Soal
4. What is the meaning of winnowing ?

A. removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell
B. Removes the half fat of the cacao
C. Removes the Chocolate Beans
D. Add the sugar to the chocolate
E. Add the chocolate salt
Latihan Soal
5. Cacao beans are half fat, which is why…..

A. cacao is Small Apple

B. cacao is Small Pines grapes
C. the ground nibs form liquid
D. the ground nibs form earth
E. big Pines grapes
Latihan Soal
Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to build up
new cells and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take must be
changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they
are needed. This process is called digestion.

The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up
into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by
glands in the mouth. Saliva contain digestive juices which moisten the food, so it
can be swallowed easily.

From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into
stomach. Here, the food is mixed with juices secreted by the cells in stomach for
several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All time the muscular
walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving
the onwards.

In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These

are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch
projections from the intestine walls) and passed
into the bloodstream.
Latihan Soal
6. The purpose of the text is …..

A. To explain the process involved in digestion

B. To inform the readers about important part of human body
C. To entertain or amuse the readers
D. To persuade people that men have millions of cells
E. To give a description about esophagus and villi
Latihan Soal
7. What is “digestion” mean?

A. The process of replacing worn out cells

B. The process of changing food into substances that can be carried in the blood
C. The process of building up new cells
D. The process of taking food into our mouth
E. The process of providing energy for each cell
Latihan Soal
8. What is the first digestive juices?

A. Esophagus
B. Saliva
C. intestine
D. Glands
E. Enzymes
Latihan Soal
9. “The digestive system begins as soon as we put the food into the mouth.”
This information can be found in paragraph ……

A. One and three

B. Three
C. One
D. Four
E. Two
Latihan Soal
10. “These are soon absorbed by the villi” (Paragraph 4)
The underlined word refers to …..

A. Juices
B. Foodstuff
C. Acids
D. Cells
E. Villi
Latihan Soal
Acid rain is rain that is highly acidic because of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other air pollutants
dissolved in it. Normal rain is slightly acidic, with a pH of 6. Acid rain may have a pH value as low as 2.8.

Acid rain can severely damage both plant and animal life. Certain lakes, for example, have lost all fish and
plant life because of acid rain.

Acid rain comes from sulfur in coal and oil. When they burn, they make sulfur dioxide (SO2 ). Most sulfur
leaves factory chimneys as the gaseous sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) and most nitrogen are also emitted as one
of the nitrogen oxides (NO or NO2 ), both of which are gasses. The gasses may be dry deposited–
absorbed directly by the land, by lakes or by the surface vegetation. If they are in the atmosphere for
anytime, the gasses will oxidize (gain an oxygen atom) and go into solution as acids. Sulphuric acid (H2
SO4 ) and the nitrogen oxides will become nitric acid (HNO3 ). The acids usually dissolve in cloud droplets
and may travel great distances before being precipitated as acid rain.

Catalysts such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and ammonium help promote the formation of acids in
clouds. More ammonium (NH4 ) can be formed when some of the acids are partially neutralized by
airborne ammonia (NH3 ). Acidification increases with the number of active hydrogen (H+) ions dissolved
in acid. Hydrocarbons emitted by, for example, car exhausts will react in sunlight with nitrogen oxides to
produce ozone. Although it is invaluable in the atmosphere, low-level ozone causes respiratory problems
and also hastens the formation of acid rain. When acid rain falls on the ground it dissolves and liberates
heavy metals and aluminum (Al). When it is washed into lakes, aluminum irritates the outer surfaces of
many fish. As acid rain falls or drains into the lake the pH of the lake falls. Forests suffer the effect of acid
rain through damage to leaves, through the loss of vital nutrients, and through the increased amounts of
toxic metals liberated by acid, which damage roots and soil microorganisms.
Latihan Soal
11. The acid of normal rain is .… then the acid rain

A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Denser
D. Severer
E. The same
Latihan Soal
12. What is the result of the burning of the coal and oil?

A. Ammonium
B. Nitric acid
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Sulfur dioxide
E. Airborne ammonia
Latihan Soal
13.The sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides will …. in the air.

A. Be absorbed directly by the vegetation

B. Dissolved in the lake water and land
C. Emit another sulfur gas
D. Radiate an oxygen atom
E. Gain an oxygen atom
Latihan Soal
14. Which of the following is not true about acid rain?

A. It contains lower pH than the normal rain

B. It has higher pH than the normal rain
C. It can damage animal and plant life
D. It contains dangerous gasses
E. It endangers water life
Latihan Soal
15. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To report the acid rain in general

B. To explain the process of acid rain
C. To persuade the reader to prevent acid rain
D. To discuss the danger of acid rain in the air
E. To present two different opinions on acid rain process

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