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Disusun Oleh :

Rama Nurularifah P21130221934

Tri Nurhidayati P21130221937
Veony Oktafia P21130221939
Wisnu Gumilar P21130221940
Zutarti P21130221942


PENGERTIAN ERGONOMI..........................................................................................................10
Konsep Dalam Ergonomi.................................................................................................................14
Kapasitas Kerja................................................................................................................................16
Keluhan Muskuloskeletal.................................................................................................................20
Faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Keluhan Muskuloskeletal...................................................................22
1. Peregangan Otot yang Berlebihan............................................................................................22
2. Aktivitas Berulang...................................................................................................................22
3. Sikap Kerja Tidak Alamiah......................................................................................................22
4. Faktor Penyebab Sekunder.......................................................................................................23
5. Penyebab Kombinasi................................................................................................................24
Metode - metode Ergonomi..............................................................................................................29
Bahaya Ergonomi.............................................................................................................................41
DAFTAR PUSTAKA......................................................................................................................42


1. Vastus medialis
2. Femur
3. Medial patellar retinaculum
4. Intrapatellar fat
5. Tibia
6. Vastus lateralis
7. Superior lateral geniculate artery
8. Iliotibial tract
9. Lateral patellar retinaculum
Keterangan :
1. Vastus medialis
2. Superior medial genicular artery
3. Medial collateral ligament
4. Medial meniscus anterior horn
5. Pes anserinus
6. Vastus lateralis
7. Superior lateral genicular artery
8. Ilio tibial tract
9. Femur
10. Lateral meniscus,anterior horn
11. Tibia
12. Extensor digitorum longus

Keterangan :
1. Vascus medialis
2. Femoral condyle (medial)
3. Posterior cruciate ligament
4. Tibial tubercies
5. Medial collateral ligament
6. Medial meniscus
7. Tibial condyle (medial)
8. Iliotibial tract
9. Femoral condyle(lateral)
10. Anterior cruciate ligament
11. Lateral meniscus
12. Tibial condyle(lateral)
13. Extensor digitorum longus
14. Tibialis posterior

Keterangan :
1. Sartorius
2. Gastrocnemius,medial head
3. Medial femoral condyle
4. Medial collateral ligament
5. Medial meniscus
6. Great saphenous vein
7. Gacilis tendon
8. Medial tibial condyle
9. Popliteus
10. Popliteus vein
11. Popliteus artey
12. Biceps femoralis
13. Lateral femorl condyle
14. Popliteus tendon
15. Lateral collateral ligament
16. Lateral meniscus
17. Articular cartilage
18. Lateral tibial condyle
19. Fibula
20. Common peroneal nerve
Keterangan :
1. Semimembranosus
2. Medial femoral condyle
3. Articular cartilage
4. Medial meniscus,posterior horn
5. Medial tibial condyle
6. Gastrocnemius
7. Vastus medialis
8. Medial meniscus,anterior horn

Keterangan :
1. Semimembranosus
2. Intercondylar shelf
3. Gastrocnemius (medial head)
4. Posterior cruciate ligament
5. Tibia
6. Popliteus
7. Qudriceps tendon
8. Synovial space
9. Femur
10. Patella
11. Patella ligament
12. Hoffas fat pad

Keterangan :
1. Superior lateral genicular artery
2. Tibial nerve
3. Femoral condyle(lateral)
4. Poplitea vein
5. Poplitea artery
6. Posterior joint capsule
7. Lateral meniscus,posterior horn
8. Gastrocnemius (lateral head)
9. Popliteus
10. Quadriceps tendon
11. Patella
12. Patellar ligament
13. Lateral meniscus,anteriorhorn
14. Hoffa fat pad
15. Tibial condyle(lateral)


Keterangan :
1. Fibula 8. Navicular
2. Tibia 9. Sinus tarsi
3. Medial malleolus 10. Lateral cuneiform
4. Head of talus 11. Sustentaculum tali
5. Lateral malleolus 12. Calcaneus
6. Lateral tubercle of talus 13. Cuboid
7. Medial tubercle of talus 14. Base of fifth metatarsal

Keterangan :

1. Distal phalanx of second toe 8. Navicular

2. Middle phalanx of second toe 9. Talus
3. Proximal phalanx of second toe 10. Lateral cuneiform
4. Sesamoid bone 11. Tuberosity of base of fifth
5. First metatarsal metatarsal
6. Intermediate cuneiform 12. Cuboid
7. Medial cuneiform 13. Calcaneus

Keterangan :

1. Intermediate cuneiform
2. Medial cuneiform
3. Navicular
4. Talonavicular joint
5. Head of talus
6. Talus, body
7. Lateral malleolus

Keterangan :

1. Lateral cuneiform 6. Navicular

2. Intermediate cuneiform 7. Talus, head
3. Medial cuneiform 8. Sustentaculum
4. Base, first metatarsal’ 9. Talus, posterior facet
5. Cuboid 10. Calcaneus

Keterangan :

1. First metatarsal
2. Medial cuneiform
3. Lateral cuneiform
4. Cuboid
5. Calcaneocuboid joint
6. Calcaneus

Keterangan :

1. 1,2,3. Cuneiform
4. Navicular
5. Head, talus
6. Tarsal sinus
7. Lateral malleolus

Keterangan :
1. Lateral cuneiform
2. Intermediate cuneiform
3. Medial cuneiform
4. Cuboid
5. Fifth metatarsal
Talus, Head



Middle facet subtalar



Keterangan :
1. Medial malleolus
2. Talus, body
3. Lateral malleolus
4. Tarsal sinus
5. Sustentaculum tali
6. Calcaneus

Keterangan :
1. Sesamoid bone
2. First metatarsal
3. Medial cuneiform
4. Navicular
5. Talus
6. Medial malleolus

Keterangan :

1. Second metatarsal 6. Talus, head

2. Intermediate cuneiform 7. Medial subtalar joint
3. Navicular 8. Tarsal sinus
4. Ankle joint 9. Calcaneus
5. Tibia
Keterangan :

1. Lateral cuneiform 5. Lateral talar tubercle

2. Calcaneocuboid joint 6. Calcaneus
3. Talar dome 7. Cuboid
4. Tibia 8. Posterior subtalar joint

Keterangan :

1. Lateral cuneiform 6. Fourth metatarsal

2. Third metatarsal 7. Cuboid
3. Posterior subtalar joint 8. Calcaneocuboid joint
4. Talar dome 9. Lateral process, talus
5. Tibia 10. Calcaneus

Cornell University, 2004; FEOSH, 2005; Ankrum 2005)

Manuaba, 1998: Buku Ergonomi Untuk Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Produktifitas oleh
Tarwaka, Solichul HA. Bakri, Lilik Sudiajeng).
Astrand & Rodahl,1977; Gradjean,1993; Genaidy,1996 dan Konz, 1996 dalam
Sudiajeng 2004).
Grandjean, 1993; Anis & McCnville, 1996; Waters & Anderson, 1996 & Manuaba,
2000 dalam Sudiajeng 2004).

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