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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN SMP ...................................................................

PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) ................................................................


Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Materi Pokok : Present Perfect Tense

Kelas/Semester : IX/Ganjil Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Melalui Model pembelajaran Discovery Learningdan metode penugasan home/e-learning saat
pembelajaran jarak jauh selama Pandemi Covid-19 ini, peserta didik mampu memahami,
menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksionallisan
dan tulis tentang keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telahdilakukan/terjadi di
tanpamenyebutkanwaktuterjadinyasecaraspesifik, sesuaidengankontekspenggunaannyamelalui
pembelajaran online, dan terampil dalam menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana dengan jujur,
disiplin, dan percaya diri, serta mampu berkomunikasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik.

Pendekatan, Metode, dan Model Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Saintifik, Metode : Penugasan (Home Learning) , Model : Discovery Learning

Media Pembelajaran
Media : Whats App, Google Classroom, Teams . Alat: Laptop dan Android
Bahan Pembelajaran : BSE, E-Modul, Artikel Online, Video Pembelajaran melalui Channel
YouTube MGMP Bahasa Inggris Kab. Magelang

Sumber Belajar
Wachidah, Siti dkk. 2016. Bahasa Inggris IX: Think Globally, Act Locally. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum
dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Kamus online

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Tahapan/ Diskripsi Kegiatan Nilai-nilai
Sintaks Karakter
1. Peserta didik dikoordinir melalui group whatsapp, Google Classroom Religius,
atau Teams oleh guru bahasa Inggrisnya serta dipantau oleh wali disiplin
2. Peserta didik diundang melalui group kelas Bahasa Inggris melalui WA
sesuai kelasnya masing-masing dan guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengecek kesehatan peserta didik,
serta mengaitkan kondisi pandemi dengan materi pelajaran yang akan
dibahas, yaitu Present Perfect Tense.
4. Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang materi yang akan dipelajari
serta metode yang akan dilaksanakan.


Memberi 1. Guru memberi stimulus dengan memberikan pertanyaan nyata yang Rasa ingin
stimulus dihadapi pada masa pandemi dengan menggunakan pola kalimat tahu
(stimulati Present Perfect Tense.
on) 2. Guru membahas dan menjelaskan materi, serta mengupload materi,
tugas, dan soal berupa file ms word melalui Group Kelas bahasa Inggris
sesuai kelasnya masing-masing

Mengident Peserta didik mengidentifikasi contoh kalimat Present Perfect tense yang Berpikir
ifikasi diberikan guru secara online melalui grup Whatsapp, Google Classroom kritis
masalah atau Teams di kelasnya masing-masing.
Mengump Peserta didik mengamati, menalar, mengumpulkan informasi tentang Mandiri
ulkan data beberapa contoh kalimat Present Perfect Tense dari berbagai sumber
Mengolah Peserta didik mengidentifikasi perbedaan beberapa kalimat Present Jujur
data Perfect Tense yang berbeda.
Tahapan/ Diskripsi Kegiatan Nilai-nilai
Sintaks Karakter
Memverivi Peserta didik mengelompokkan kalimat Present Perfect Tense sesuai Disiplin
kasi dengan polanya.
Menyimpu Peserta didik menyimpulkan jenis pola kalimat Present Perfect Berpikir
lkan Tense berdasarkan hasil analisisnya. kritis
PENUTUP (10 Menit)
1. Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran dengan materi Present
Perfect Tense.
2. Guru bersama peserta didik melaksanakan refleksi terhadap
kegiatan pembelajaran tentang covid-19, yaitu dengan tetap
melaksanakan himbauan pemerintah dan tetap memperhatikan
protokol kesehatan
3. Guru mengevalusi dan melakukan rekap proses pembelajaran yang
telah dilakukan melalui group Whatsapp, Google Classroom atau

Penilaian Pembelajaran:
1. Keaktifan peserta didik dalam diskusi online melalui grup kelas masing-masing
2. Kedisiplinan peserta didik dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran online
3. Penilaian tugas yang dikumpulkan melalui alamat email, wa kelas, Google Classroom atau

…………………….., Juli 2020

Kepala SMP ........................ Guru Mata Pelajaran

............................................................. .............................................................
NIP .................................................... NIP .....................................................


1. Faktual
Social Function of Present Perfect Tense
a. To state something that started in the past and continues in the present, for
example :
1) They have been here for nearly fifteen years.
2) She has lived in Kapuas all her life.
b. To state something that we have done several times in the past and continue to do,
for example:
1) I have played a violin ever since I was five years old.
2) Andrea Hirata has written five novels and he is working on another one.
c. To state something that happened in the past but is important at the time of
speaking, for example:
1) I can’t get in the house. I’ve lost my keys.
2) Teresa isn’t at home. I think she has gone shopping.

2. Konseptual
a. Text Structure of Present Perfect Tense
1) Nominal Sentence
a) Positive Sentence
I/You/We/They have been the vlogger since 2015.
She/He/It has been sick for three days.
The dog has been In my room for hours.

b) Negative Sentence
HAVE (Noun/Adjective/Adverb
I/You/We/They have not been the vlogger since 2015.
She/He/It has not been sick for three days.
The dog has not been In my room for hours.

c) Interrogative Sentence
SUBJECT BEEN (Noun/Adjective/Adver ANSWER
Have I/ You/We/They been the vlogger since 2015? Yes, I have.
Has She/He/It been sick for three days? Yes, she has.
Has The dog been in my room for hours? No, we haven’t.
No, he hasn’t.

2) Verbal Sentence
a) Positive sentence
I/You/We/They have attended the seminar.
She/He/It has drunk the juice.

b) Negative sentence
I/You/We/They have not come to the seminar.
She/He/It has not talked to me about it.
c) Interrogative sentence
Have I/You/We/They attended the seminar? Yes, I have.
Has She/He/It drunk the juice? Yes, she has.
No, we haven’t.
No, he hasn’t.

b. Language Features of Present Perfect Tense

1) The use of past participle (V3)
The characteristic of Present perfect Tense is on the use of past participle verb
(V3). There are two kinds of past participle:
a) Regular verb. It is usually formed by ed-ending. For exmaple: close-closed,
attend-attended, arrive-arrived, open-opened, etc.
b) Irregular verb:
1.1 Remained (tetap): set, let, read, etc.
1.2 Change: eat-ate-eaten, swim-swam-swum; drink-drank-drunk; teach-
taught-taught; tell-told-told, etc.
2) The use of adverb of time:
a) clause ‘since’ (sejak)
since : to show when something started in the past, for example:
- I have known him since I was a child.
b) ‘for’(selama) : to show the duration of the time, for example:
- We have studied English for nearly three years.
c) ‘ever’ (pernah) and ‘never’ (belum pernah)
‘ever’ : to talk about experience up to the present, for example:
- My last birthday was the worst birthday I have ever had.
‘never‘ : to talk about experience up to the present for negative
form, for example:
- I have never met his sister.
d) “be” when someone has gone to a place and returned, for example:
Rita : Where have you been?
Rani : I’ve just been out to the supermarket.
Rita : Have you ever been to San Fransisco?
Rani : No, but I’ve been to Los Angeles.
3) time adverbial :
just ; only just ; recently; alreadywhich refer to the recent past or adverbials
which include the present ever (in questions) and so far, until now, up to
now, yet, (in questions and negatives), for example:
- Scientists have recently discovered a new breed of monkey.
- We have just got back from our holidays.
- Have you ever seen a ghost?
- Where have you been up to now?
- Have you finished your homework yet?
- She has fixed it already.
- So far I’ve only done my history assignment.
We don’t use present perfect tense with an adverbial which refers to past time that
is finished, for example:
- I have read that novel yesterday.
- We have just bought a new bike last week.
- When we were children we have been to Raja Ampat.
But we can use it to refer to a time which is not yet finished, for example:
- Have you ever seen Aldo today?
- We have bought a new bike this week.
The following is the description of Present perfect Tense.

3. Prosedural
Contoh dialog tentang Present perfect Tense.
Ribby : Sa, have you heard the last news about Covid-19?
Salsa : Not yet. I’m so afraid to access the news about it.
Ribby : You don’t have to worry too much. What we have to do is always being wary.
Salsa : Absolutely. By the way, what is the news you are going to tell me?
Ribby : Our region, Magelang, is going to be clean from Corona virus soon.
Salsa : Thanks God. But how do you know that?
Ribby : My father has told me about it. He said that he has read the latest news about
Salsa : Do you mean Magelang has been free from the virus?
Ribby : Not really. But, there are only two more patients and they will be recovered
soon. Now, they are having intensive care from the doctors.
Salsa : Let’s hope the best for out town.
Ribby : For sure. The doctors have done the best for all Corona patients. I’m sure
their sacrifice won’t be in vain.
Salsa : I think so.


1. Penilaian Sikap Melalui Observasi
a. TeknikPenilaian : Observasi
b. Bentuk : Non tes
c. Instrumen : Lembar observasi

No Nama
Disiplin Jujur Percaya Diri Aktif

Kriteria Penilaian: Rentang nilai antara 1 sampai 4

Nilai 4: Selalu, Nilai 3: Sering, Nilai 2: Jarang, Nilai 1: Tidak pernah

Skor prolehan
Nilai Sikap = X4
Nilai maksimal

2. Penilaian Sikap Melalui Jurnal

No Waktu Nama Siswa Catatan Perilaku Butir Tindak

. sikap Lanjut



3. Penilaian Pengetahuan
a. Kisi-kisi

Kelas/ Bentuk No.

KompetensiDasar Materi IndikatorSoal
Sem Tes Soal

3.6 menerapkan IX/1 Present Diberikan Irregular Isian 1-86

fungsi sosial, Perfect Tense verbs dalam bentuk
struktur teks, dan Infinitive dan Past
unsur kebahasaan
Participle siswa dapat
teks interaksi
transaksional menentukan bentuk
lisan dan tulis Past Participle beserta
yang melibatkan artinya dengan bantuan
tindakan memberi kamus.
dan meminta
informasi terkait Diberikan kalimat Isian 1-5
keadaan/tindakan rumpang, siswa dapat singkat
/kegiatan/ melengkapi dengan kata
kejadian yang kerja yang ada dalam
kurung dalam bentuk
di waktu lampau Past Participle dengan
dikaitkan dengan benar.
keadaan sekarang,
Diberikan sebuah dialog, Uraian 1-8
menyebutkan siswa dapat
waktu terjadinya menentukan jawaban
secara spesifik, yang benar berdasarkan
sesuai dengan dialog.
(perhatikan unsur
present perfect

b. Instrumen

Assignment 1
Find out the past participle of the following verbs and find their meanings. You
can look up your dictionary.
No Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Meaning
be (is, am, are) was/were
beat beat
become became
bite bit
begin began
bend bent
blow blew
break broke
bring brought
10. build built
No Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Meaning
11. burn Burned/burnt
12. buy bought
13. catch caught
14. choose chose
15. come came
16. cost cost
17. cut cut
18. dig dug
19. dive dove
20. do did
21. draw drew
22. dream dreamed/dreamt
23. drive drove
24. drink drank
25. eat ate
26. fall fell
27. feel felt
28. fight fought
29. find found
30. fly flew
31. forget forgot
32. forgive forgave
33. freeze froze
34. get got
35. give gave
36. go went
37. grow grew
38. hang hung
39. have had
40. hear hearf
41. hide hid
42. hit hit
43. hold held
44. hurt hurt
45. keep kept
46. know known
47. lay laid
48. lead led
49. leave left
50. lend lent
51. let let
52. lie lay
53. loose lose
54. make made
55. mean meant
56. meet met
57. pay paid
58. put put
59. read red
60. ride rode
61. ring rang
62. rise rose
63. say said
64. see saw
65. sell sold
66. send sent
67. show showed
68. shut shut
No Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Meaning
69. sing sung
70. sit sit
71. sleep slept
72. speak spoke
73. spend spent
74. stand stood
75. swim swam
76. take took
77. teach taught
78. tear tore
79. tell teld
80. think thought
81. throw threw
82. understand understood
83. wake woke
84. wear wore
85. win won
86. write wrote

Assignment 2
Change the verbs in the brackets into Past Participle (V3).
1. She __________________ a letter to me. (write)
2. The team ______________ the match (win)
3. We ___________________ our work. (not/finish)
4. Why _____ you _________ the bill? (pay)
5. _______the train ________? (depart)
6. He __________________ his mistakes. (not/realize)
7. Sandra _________________ her bag. (lose)
8. My parents _____________ (not/go) to the cinema for two months.
9. ____________________ (Alice/send) you a birthday card?
10. ______________________ (You/ever/go) to the USA?

Assignment 3
Read this dialogue carefully and answer the questions.
Aliya : Let’s go to the cinema. I’ve bought two tickets for us.
Ryan : What is the movie?
Aliya : The BabyBoss. That’s a comedy. You’ll love it.
Ryan : How do you know that I will like the movie?
Aliya : Because I have watched it twice. 
Ryan : What? You’ve watched the movie twice? 
Aliya : Yes, I have. 
Ryan : So, why do you want to watch it again?
Aliya :  I want to watch it with you. I want to laugh with you. We haven’t gone
to the cinema for ages. 
Ryan : You know the reason right? We’ve had different preference. I like
comedy while you like horror. 
Aliya : Yes, I know it. That’s why I’ve learned to watch comedy movies. My
friends and family have helped me. 
Ryan : Wow!
Aliya : I have bought two tickets for us. Do you want to go to the cinema to
watch a comedy movie with me? 
Ryan : Of course I’d love to. 
Aliya : Thank you, Ryan.
Ryan : I must thank to you. You have learned to enjoy comedy movies. 
Aliya : No problem. I’m happy to do it. 

1. What does the dialogue talk about?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Who is Aliya to Riyan?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Who likescomedy movie?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. How many times has Aliya watched the comedy movie?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Why did Aliya buy two tickets?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Aliya said, “We haven’t gone to the cinema for ages.” 
What does it mean?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. “I want to watched it with you …” What does the underlined word refer to?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. “We’ve had different preference.” The underlined word has the same
meaning as ….
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Assignment 4
Complete the dialog below with the most suitable sentences given.
a. My car broke down again. d. Where have you been?
b. No, they haven’t finished with it yet. e. By the way, have you had your dinner?
c. When will you get it?
Mr. Rusdi : (1) .……………………………………………………………………………..
Mr. Arman : I’ve been at the garage since four o’clock.
Mr. Rusdi : What happened?
Mr. Arman : (2) ……………………………………………………………………………….
Mr. Rusdi : Have you got it back yet?
Mr. Arman : (3) ………………………………………………………………………………...
Mr. Rusdi : (4) ………………………………………………………………………………….
Mr. Arman : I won’t get it until Saturday.
Mr. Rusdi : Well, you can go home with me in my car.
Mr. Arman : Okay. Thank you.
(5) ………………………………………………………………………………….
Mr. Rusdi : Not yet. Shall we go to to the restaurant beside this office?
Mr. Arman : Sure. I’ll go with you.

4. Keterampilan
Assignment 1
Arrange the words into a good sentence.
1. has – it – for – rained – days – three
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
2. five – has – Gunawan – worked – for – years – here
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
3. gone – police – they – have – to – the – office
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
4. we – learned – have – since – 2005 – English
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
5. novel – yet – finished – I – reading – this – haven’t
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
6. you – George’s – ever – wife – met – have ?
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
7. He – driven – has – before – car – never – a
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
8. already – has – morning – called – this – you – Juna ?
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
9. Melinda – times – year – been – has – Australia – three – to – this
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
10. She – coffee – three – of – drunk – today – cups – has
Answer: .......................................................................................................................

Assignment 2
Write 10 things you or your friends, your brother/sister have done in the past.
1. ............................................................................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................................................................
4. ............................................................................................................................................................
5. ............................................................................................................................................................
6. ............................................................................................................................................................
7. ............................................................................................................................................................
8. ............................................................................................................................................................
9. ............................................................................................................................................................
10. ............................................................................................................................................................

c. Kunci

Assignment 1

Lihat kamus

Assignment 2
1. She ___has written_____ a letter to me. (write)
2. The team ___has won_____ the match (win)
3. We ___have not finished____ our work. (not/finish)
4. Why __have___ you __paid____ the bill? (pay)
5. Has__the train _____departed__? (depart)
6. He ____has not realized____ his mistakes. (not/realize)
7. Sandra ___has lost__ her bag. (lose)
8. My parents __have not gone___ (not/go) to the cinema for two months.
9. Has Alice sent______ (Alice/send) you a birthday card?
10. Have you ever gone________ (You/ever/go) to the USA?

Assignment 3
1. The dialogue talks about asking someone to go to the cinema.
2. She is Ryan’s friend.
3. She likes comedy movie.
4. She has watched the comedy movie twice.
5. She wanted to go to the cinema to watch a comedy movie with Ryan.
6. It means they have not gone to the cinema together for a long time.
7. “It” refers to comedy movie.
8. The underlinedword has the same meaning as choice.

Assignment 4
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. e

d. Pedoman penskoran
Assignment 1
Jumlah jawaban benar Nilai
1-20 25
21-40 50
41-60 75
61-86 100

Assignment 2
Setiap jawaban benar skor 10.
Nilai : jawaban benar X 10 = 100

Assignment 3
Setiap jawaban benar skor 10
Jawaban benar
NILAI : X 10

Assignment 4
Setiap jawaban benar skor 20.
Nilai : jawaban benar X 20 = 100

5. Penilaian Keterampilan
a. Kisi-kisi
Kelas Bentuk No.
KompetensiDasar Materi IndikatorSoal
/Sem Tes Soal

4.6menyusun teks IX/1 Present Diberikan kata acak, Uraian 1-10

interaksi transaksional Perfect siswa dapat menyusun
lisan dan tulis sangat Tense menjadi kalimat yang
pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi
terkait dengan
keadaan/ Diberikan sebuah Uraian 1-10
tindakan/kegiatan/ situasi, siswa dapat
kejadian yang menyusun kalimat
sudah/telah dengan struktur, ejaan,
dilakukan/terjadi di dan kosa kata yang tepat
waktu lampau
menggunakan Present
dikaitkan dengan
keadaan sekarang, Perfect Tense.
tanpa menyebutkan
Kelas Bentuk No.
KompetensiDasar Materi IndikatorSoal
/Sem Tes Soal

waktu terjadinya
secara spesifik, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai

b. Instrumen

Assignment 1
Arrange the words into a good sentence.
1. has – it – for – rained – days – three
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
2. five – has – Gunawan – worked – for – years – here
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
3. gone – police – they – have – to – the – station
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
4. we – learned – have – since – 2005 – English
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
5. novel – yet – finished – I – reading – this – haven’t
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
6. you – George’s – ever – wife – met – have ?
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
7. He – driven – has – before – car – never – a
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
8. already – has – morning – called – this – you – Juna ?
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
9. Melinda – times – year – been – has – Australia – three – to – this
Answer: .......................................................................................................................
10. She – coffee – three – of – drunk – today – cups – has
Answer: .......................................................................................................................

Assignment 2
Write 10 things you or your friends, your brother/sister have done in the past.
1. ............................................................................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................................................................
4. ............................................................................................................................................................
5. ............................................................................................................................................................
6. ............................................................................................................................................................
7. ............................................................................................................................................................
8. ............................................................................................................................................................
9. ............................................................................................................................................................
10. ............................................................................................................................................................

c. Kunci
Assignment 1
1. It has rained for three days.
2. Gunawan has worked here for five years.
3. They have gone to the police station.
4. We have learned English since 2005.
5. I haven’t finished reading this novel yet.
6. Have you ever met George’s wife?
7. He has never driven a car before.
8. Has Juna already called you this morning?
9. Melinda has been to Australia three times this year.
10. She has drunk three cups of coffee today.

Assignment 2
Answers may vary depends on the students’ creativity.

d. Pedoman Penskoran

Assignment 1
Setiap jawaban benar skor 10.
Nilai : jawaban benar X 10 = 100

Assignment 2
Answers may vary depends on the students’ creativity.

11. Rubrik penilaian

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Skor
1. Grammar 1–5
Semua benar, 5
Terdapat 1/3 kesalahan, 4
Terdapat ½ kesalahan, 3
Terdapat 2/3 kesalahan, 2
Salah semua, 1

2. Organization 1–5
Organisasi/struktur lengkap 5
Terdapat kekurangan 1 struktur, 4
Terdapat kekurangan 2 struktur, 3
Terdapat kekurangan 3 struktur, 2
Terdapat kekurangan 4 struktur, 1
3. Mechanics 1–5
Tidak ada kesalahan ejaan dan
tanda baca 5
Terdapat 1/3 kesalahan ejaan dan
tanda baca, 4
Terdapat ½ kesalahan ejaan dan
tanda baca, 3
Terdapat 2/3 kesalahan ejaan dan
tanda baca, 2
Semua ejaan dan tanda bacasalah 1

4. Word choice 1–5

Tidak ada kesalahan diksi, 5
Terdapat 1/3 kesalahan diksi, 4
Terdapat ½ kesalahan diksi, 3
Terdapat 2/3 kesalahan diksi, 2
Semua diksisalah 1

Nilai: 20 X 10 = 100

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