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BIG 3.5/4.

If Caluse- suggestion

1. Identitas
a. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
b. Semester :6
c. Kompetensi Dasar :

3.5 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dengan
imperative, can, should)
4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar sesuai konteks

d. .Materi Pokok : Pengandaian diikuti perintah/saran

e. Alokasi Waktu : 3 JP x 3
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Melalui pembelajaran pendekatan scientific berbasis teks, presentasi,
dan diskusi kelompok, siswa dapat menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengandaian
diikuti oleh perintah/saran sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya, sehingga
peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan pelajaran agama yang
dianutnya mengembangkan sifat jujur, peduli, dan bertanggung jawab, serta
dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berfikir kritis, komunikasi, kolaborasi,
dan kreativitas (4C).

g. Materi pembelajaran
 Definisi, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan informasi
yang ada dalam teks khusus pengandaian diikuti perintah/saran.
Materi tersebut dapat dibaca pada Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP), Buku Siswa
Bahasa Inggris XII Wajib Edisi Revisi 2018, Kementrian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia halaman 15 sampai dengan 30.

UKBM Bahasa Inggris Semester 6 – MAN 2 KOTA KEDIRI 1

BIG 3.5/4.5/6/5-5

2. Peta Konsep

3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Ayo……..ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh kesabaran, semangat,
dan konsentrasi!!!
Activity 1 :
Before learning the material, observe the sentences below and answer the questions !
1. Father : Exam is around the corner. It’s about time to return to your
studies. Son : OK, Dad.
Father : If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder.
Son : You’re right, Dad.
2. Della : Where can I get good quality shoes at low prices ?
Emi : If you want a low price, why don’t you go to the factory outlet ?
3. Mr. Lukman : If you want to be an OSIS chairperson, offer a good program
to improve the school environment.
Nyoman : Sure, I will.
4. Mom : If you don’t put cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull.
Etty : You’re right, Mom. Two or three cherries will boost the appearance.
5. Joko : If Iam elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people.
Edwin : I wish you all the best.

1) What is the purpose of if sentence on dialogue 1 ?

2) What does the if sentence stated on dialogue 2 for ?
3) What is the function of if sentence from dialogue 3 ?

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4) What do you think the if sentence from dialogue 4 ?

5) Can you mention the if sentence in dialogue 5 for ……….
Untuk dapat menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut, silahkan kalian lanjutkan ke kegiatan
belajar berikut dan ikuti petunjuk yang ada dalam UKBM ini !
a) Baca dan pahami materi pada Buku Teks Pelajaran Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris
XII wajib, Jakarta Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan halaman 16-29.
b) Setelah memahami isi materi dalam bacaan, berlatihlah untuk berfikir tinggi
melalui tugas-tugas yang terdapat pada UKBM ini baik bekerja sendiri maupun
bersama teman sebangku atau teman lainnya.
c) Kerjakan UKBM ini di buku kerja atau langsung mengisikan pada bagian yang
telah disediakan.
d) Kalian dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan berlatih, apabila
kalian yakin sudah paham dan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan-
permasalahan dalam kegiatan 1, 2, dan 3, kalian boleh sendiri atau mengajak
teman lain yang sudah siap untuk mengikuti tes formatif agar kalian bisa belajar
ke UKBM berikutnya.
Activity 2 :
Work individually by making dialogue using if clauses followed by imperatives or
suggestion, based on the following situations :
1. Your friend is going to a computer fair this afternoon. You went there yesterday,
so suggest to him/her what he/she should do.
2. Your brother asks you to shut down the computer after when you have finished
typing your assignment.
3. Your younger sister is going to visit her friend’s mother in hospital. You suggest
she take fruits.
Activity 3 :
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.

a. purchase b. discussions c. suburbs d. private quarters

e. sweet performers f. tickets g. bright lights h. tourists’
i. official affairs j. exhibits k. a shopping center l. overwhelming
m. hop on n. magical view o. top free attractions p. once-in-a-

London is one of the top tourist destinations in the world. No matter what your
reason is for visiting. London has everything for everyone. If you visit London :
1. Take a tour of Buckingham Palace, London, home of Queen Elizabeth II. The
palace is open for tour, except for the Queen’s (1) in the summer when the
Queen is away on vacation. During the tour, you’ll have access to the State
Rooms where the

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BIG 3.5/4.5/6/5-5

Queen and members of the Royal

family host guests for State
ceremonials and (2) . To enjoy the
palace tour, you have to pay
admission fees. If you rather not pay
admission fees, you can still
experience Buckingham Palace by
witnessing the Changing of the Guard (also referred to Guard Mounting), which
occurs daily at 11:30 a.m., from May until late July, and on alternate days the rest
of the year, except during inclement weather.
2. Explore the British Museum, one of London’s (3) . The museum is
both architecturally beautiful and a trove of a few of the world’s most noted
antiquities. The immense collection can make an initial museum visit seem (4)
. This is
a museum for people of all ages that exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to
modern times, from the Egyptian exhibit to the urns of Greece. If you decide it to
be one of your destinations, visit museum Saturday through Thursday from 10
a.m. until 5:30
p.m. and on Friday until 8:30 p.m.
3. Enjoy London’s landscape from Tower Bridge. If you - like many other London
tourists – want an expansive view of the city, you should head to Tower Bridge.
Strolling across the stone-and-steel bridge affords walkers an almost (5)
of London town,
especially as the setting sun blankets the city in warm light. Strolling across the
bridge is free. However, if you’re interested in viewing the city from a higher
vantage point, about 138 feet, consider a tour of the Tower Bridge Exhibition. For
a fee, this tour will take you to the top of the bridge, as well as the bottom, with
exhibits and displays on the bridge’s inner workings and history.
4. Broaden your knowledge by visiting National History Museum, one of London’s
most beautiful landmark buildings. The museum displays hundreds of exciting
and interactive (6) , including a
collection of the biggest, tallest and rarest animals in the world. Highlights include
the popular Dinosaurs gallery, Mammals display with the unforgettable model
blue whale and the spectacular Central Hall, home to the museum’s iconic
Diplodocus skeleton. Besides, the Museum offers a wide-ranging program of
temporary exhibitions and events, including chances to join experts in the Darwin
Center’s hightech Attenborough studio in topical (7) about science
and nature.

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5. Ride on London Eye which delivers great views of London city. This giant ferris
wheel circles around slowly, offering an unbeatable birds-eye perspective of
London’s south bank. Many travelers say that London Eye is a must-do, while
others say that it’s a
(8) experience.
6. Take a trip around London by open-top
red double-decker bus or tube. For many
tourists, sitting on the open-top deck
while traveling around the city is an
unforgettable experience. Meanwhile, the
London tube is a subway train system
serving the city and
(9) of London. It is a smart, safe,
cheap way to get around London. You may board the tube to see the tourist
sights or (10) and ride to understand how the city is laid out. There are 275
tube stations-63 in central London-it seems as if there is a tube stop everywhere.
If it’s your first time riding on the London tube, you don’t need to worry. You’ll see
signs everywhere-overhead and on the walls-telling you what to do and where
to buy (11) .
7. Go to Harrods, London’s famous department store. Even if you’re not planning
to (12) anything at this store, you should take a peek inside. People say
that this place is worth visiting just for the experience. This place is both very
attractive and unique, from the magnificent Egyptian elevator to the extravagant
Old World interiors, and it is filled with regal grandeur. Most tourists regard
Harrods as an attraction rather than (13) . Try to check out the food
halls, their perfumery and the shrine dedicated to Princess Diana and Dodi Al
Fayed (son of the former owner).
8. Hang out in Piccadilly Circus. You can easily spend hours here while
seeing (14) or busy business types and travelers. Piccadilly Circus is
technically a traffic roundabout in the heart of London, but it also means the life of
London and the mysterious London vibe to many. Travelers are drawn to
Piccadilly Circus by day while sightseeing and (15) by night.
Adopted from :
- (June 22, 2015)
- (June
22, 2015)

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Activity 4 :
Agar lebih memahami, ayo lanjutkan berlatih pada soal berikutnya ! Ayo berlatih !!
Activity 5 :
Identify the ‘if clauses’ followed by imperatives and suggestions in the text
above. Share you work with the class.
Activity 6 :
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

The following dialog is for the questions 1 to 3.

Gigih : Farel, I heard that you’ll be going to Banjarmasin.
Farel : Yes, Iwill visit my uncle’s family in Banjarmasin next
week. Gigih : How long will you stay there ?
Farel : About five days. Why ?
Gigih : Well, if you visit Banjarmasin, don’t forget to enjoy the floating market, I’ve
been there and it is memorable.
Farel : Do you think so
? Gigih : Yes, you bet.
1. What is the conversation about ?
A. Farel’s holiday last week.
B. Gigih’s plan to visit his uncle’s family.
C. A plan to visit a floating market.
D. Farel’s plan to have a trip to Banjarmasin.
E. Gigih’ idea to have a trip to Banjarmasin together.
2. Where will Farel stay during his trip ?
A. In a hotel.
B. At his uncle’s house.
C. At his friend’s house.
D. At his grandparents’ house.
E. At Gigih’s house.
3. According to the dialog, Gigih suggests Farel .
A. Enjoy the trip.
D. Explore the city of
B. Visit a floating
E. Buy traditional snacks.
C. Shop souvenirs.

UKBM Bahasa Inggris Semester 6 – MAN 2 KOTA KEDIRI 6

[Type here]

The following dialog is for questions 4 to 6.

Made : We have to submit the report of our visit to Lake Toba tomorrow, but I think
there are still a lot of problems with the grammar, spelling and so on.
Hilda : You’re right. So, what if I take half of it and I’ll edit the rest after I finish this
one ? Made : That’s very thoughtful of you. Thanks a lot.
4. Where did Made and Hilda go to recently ?
A. Lake Toba.
B. Hilda’s hometown.
C. Made’s hometown.
D. Palembang.
E. Overseas.
5. What will they be doing tomorrow ? They will be .
A. Going to Lake Toba.
B. Typing their report.
C. Editting their report.
D. Presenting their report.
E. Handing in their report.
6. Why does Made thank Hilda ?
A. She will edit their report.
B. She will rewrite their report.
C. She will type the report soon.
D. She will submit their report to the teacher.
E. She will look for reference for their report.

Setelah kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui beberapa tahapan tentang
pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran, berikut diberikan Tabel untuk mengukur diri
kalian terhadap materi yang sudah kalian pelajari.
Jawablah sejujurnya dengan penguasaan materi pada UKBM ini di tabel berikut.

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[Type here]

Table Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi


1 Apakah kalian telah memahami pengertian

dari kalimat pengandaian diikuti
perintah/saran ?
2 Dapatkah kalian menentukan kalimat
pengandaian manakah yang diikuti oleh
perintah dan yang manakah yang diikuti
saran ?
3 Dapatkah anda menjawab dengan
menggunakan kata-kata yang tepat untuk
melengkapi soal isian pada sebuah teks
yang terdapat kalimat pengandaian diikuti
perintah/saran ?
4 Dapatkah anda memahami dan
menjelaskan struktur dari kalimat
pengandaian yang diikuti
oleh perintah/saran ?
5 Dapatkah anda mengaplikasikan
kalimat pengandaian yang
diikuti perintah/saran ke
dalam sebuah dialog ?

UKBM Bahasa Inggris Semester 6 – MAN 2 KOTA KEDIRI 8

[Type here]

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah
kembali materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari ulang
kegiatan belajar 1,2,3 yang sekiranya perlu kalian ulang dengan bimbingan Guru
atau teman sejawat.
Jangan putus asa untuk mengulangi !!!
Dan apabila kalian menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan berikut.
Ukurlah diri kalian dalam menguasai materi kalimat pengandaian yang diikuti
perintah/saran dalam rentang 0-100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.


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