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Learning English for SMK
Class XII – 6th Semester
KD 3.32 Conditional with Imperatives & Suggestions

Drs. Syaiful, M.Si

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.


1. Basic Competense
( Sesuai Peraturan Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Kemendikbud Nomor:
464/D.D5/KR/2018 TANGGAL: 30 Agustus 2018)
3.32 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran,
sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dan konteks penggunaannya.
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dengan imperative, can, should)
4.32 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengandaian diikuti oleh
perintah/saran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

2. The Purpose of study

 Melalui pendekatan Scientific dan metode Problem Based Learning, peserta
didik mampu:
Menentukan ide utama teks factual report, tujuan teks, informasi rinci, informasi
tersirat teks, sinonim/persamaan atau makna kata, rujukan kata, melengkapi
teks rumpang dengan kata/frasa dan menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan
dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran, sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dan
konteks penggunaannya dengan tepat.

3. Contents of the lesson

1. A. If Clause sebagai Imperative (Perintah)
2. B. If Clause untuk Memberikan Saran (Suggestion)
3. Exercise 1. Write the names of the places you can find in school.
4. Exercise 2. Match the ‘If Clause’ with the imperatives. (Cocokkan If Clause
sebagai perintah atau saran)
5. Exercise 3. IF CLAUSE + Main Clause with Imperative sentences.
Complete the short dialogues If Clause berpasangan dengan Main Clause
kalimat imperative.
6. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences below with the correct verbs
7. Exercise 5. IF CLAUSE + Main Clause with Suggestions (saran).
(If Clause berpasangan dengan Main Clause kalimat Suggestions
8. Exercise 6. Identify the conditional sentences in the dialogue below.
Answer the questions below based on the dialogue.
9. C. Conditional with Modals Verbs
10. Exercise 7. Complete the following conditional sentences with modals
11. Exercise 8. Choose one best answer to completet the dialogues.
12. Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.

Conditional sentence adalah complex sentence (kalimat majemuk) yang

dibentuk dari subordinate clause yang diawali dengan subordinate conjunction if berupa
condition (syarat) dan main clause berupa result/consequence (hasil).
Conditional sentences dengan menggunakan if-clause bisa digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan beberapa hal. Di antaranya adalah untuk pengingat (reminder),
memberikan perintah (imperative), memberikan saran (suggestion), menyampaikan
sesuatu yang merupakan fakta umum (general truth), atau menunjukkan impian akan
masa depan (show a dream).
Pada kompetensi dasar ini difokus pada dua poin yaitu If Clause dengan
memberikan perintah (imperative), memberikan saran (suggestion) dan Conditional with
Modals Verbs. Berikut ini penjelasannya.

A. If Clause sebagai Imperative (Perintah)

Kalimat Imperative mengungkapkan sebuah perintah, sebuah keadaan ketika
seseorang meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu, atau situasi ketika seseorang
menyarankan sesuatu.

 If + Simple Present, V1 + Object/Adverb

1. If you want to finish your homework, stop playing mobile games now! (Jika ingin
menyelesaikan PRmu, berhenti main game HP sekarang juga).
2. If you want to take a good picture, choose a correct setting for the camera! (Jika ingin
mengambil gambar yang bagus, pillih pengaturan yang benar untuk kameranya).

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
Where is it?

1. If there are lots of books on shelves : Library

2. If there are lots of classroom doors and posters on the walls:
3. If there are lots of people eating:
4. If there is a school football match:
5. If there is a student consulting his problem to a teacher in a special room:
6. If there is a man with his uniform sitting near the gate:
7. If there is a man with uniform, directing cars, and motorcycles.
8. If there is a man with white uniform shouting “Man overboard! Release the life buoy”.

Exercise 2. IF CLAUSE + Main Clause with Imperative sentences.

(Pasangkan If Clause dengan Main Clause kalimat imperative. Lihat contoh)

IF Clause Main Clause

1. If there is a fire in the kitchen, a) get a fire extinguisher!
2. If you travel abroad, b) remember your passport
3. If you go to the supermarket, c) bring a sack or a basket.
4. If the food is cold d) Tour “The Gudeg Home made.”
5. If the oil is leaking, ... e) look at google translate
6. If it rains, f) put it in the microwave
7. If you want to get good marks, g) stop the pumps!.
8. If you can’t find the meaning, h) take an umbrella.
9. If you visit Jogja, i) study hard.
10. If there is a man overboard, ... j) lower the life boat!

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
Exercise 3. IF CLAUSE + Main Clause with Imperative sentences.
Complete the short dialogues If Clause berpasangan dengan Main Clause kalimat

1. Willy : I think that reducing staff is the wrong idea?

Herry : It seems a good idea to me.
Willy : If you have other idea, .....
a) complete the text
b) make a report
c) talk to me.

2. Lena : Would it be OK if I stay here much longer?

Erika : If you really want to stay, ....
a) Shut the front door.
b) Find my leather jacket.
c) Make sure you do all the laundry.

3. Mino : How can I get this chair fixed?

Juna : If you really want to help, .....
a) Throw away any chairs
b) call the maintenance staff
c) show me your last report.

4. Alia : How do I get to the University from here?

Jola : If you really want to get there fast, .....
a) Move out of my way!
b) Be there at five
c) Get the grab bike

5. Alee : Where do you keep the printer paper?

Evi : I’m afraid we have run out. If you need now, ....
a) Get the paper back.
b) Get the extinguishers.
c) Get them in my drawer.

B. If Clause with Suggestion (Memberikan Saran)

If clause + suggestion ialah jenis kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan pengandaian diikuti dengan saran agar kondisi yang diinginkan dapat
tercapai. Berikut rumus kalimatnya.
 If + simple present, why don’t + subject + verb 1?, atau
 If + simple present, subject + should/ ough to/ had better + verb 1.
1. If you want to get better, you should see a doctor. (Jika ingin cepat sembuh, kamu
seharusnya ke dokter).
2. If you want to get up early in the morning, why don't you stop watching TV. (Jika
ingin bangun lebih pagi, kamu seharusnya berhenti nonton TV).

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences below with the correct verbs.

Geding Songo Padang food Bukit Pergasingan

( admire, check, sail, go, touch, walk, taste, climb, have)

1. If you visit Toba Lake, ___ to Samosir Island on a Toba Ferry.

2. If you visit Lombok, ___ out the views from Bukit Pergasingan.
Taman Matahari Puncak, Bogor
3. If you go to Jakarta, ___ the National Gallery of Indonesia.

4. If you visit Semarang, ___ the walls of ancient Hindu temples.

5. If you visit Padang, ___ the delicious Padang cuisine.

6. If you visit Banda Aceh, ___ dinner at Pasar Malam Rek.

Museum Wayang Jakarta
7. If you visit Lampung, ___ Mount Krakatau.

8. If you go to Bogor, ___ rafting at Taman Matahari Puncak.

9. If you visit Palembang, ___ through the history of Balaputra Dewa


Noodle at Pasar Malam Rek Balaputra Dewa museum Mount Krakatau

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
Exercise 5. IF CLAUSE + Main Clause with Suggestions (saran).
(Pasangkan If Clause dengan Main Clause kalimat Suggestions yang sesuai konteks.)

1. If you want a free internet access,.... a)... you ought to come to my office.
2. If you don’t feel well,... b)... you ought to take remedial.
3. If you finish your homework, ... c) had better use google translate.
4. If I arrive early,.... d)... why don’t you ask me?
5. If you need new books,... e)... you had better watch TV.
6. If you meet a Komodo dragon,.... f)... why don’t you go to RW office.
7. If you can’t translate, g) ... she should send us an assignment.
8. If you need some money, h) ... you had better run away.
9. If you fail the first test, i)... you had better go to the library.
10. If Mrs. Sriyati doesn’t attend to the class j) you should go to the doctor.

Exercise 6
 Identify the conditional sentences in the dialogue below.
 Answer the questions below based on the dialogue.
Gieta and Cerry are friends. They are both busy because the work and study! But on
Wednesday they meet for coffee.

Gieta : What are you going to do this weekend?

Cerry : Well, I have a big project to finish for my design class. But if I can finish
it by Friday, I'll do something fun as a treat.
Gieta : That sounds great! I think Rossa’s concert is coming to town. If it isn't
too expensive, I'm going to buy tickets. Would you like to come?
Cerry : Well, I don't really like Rossa. If you want to go to the concert in the
evening, let's do something in the morning.
Gieta : All right. If you have the energy, let’s go swimming!
Cerry : That sounds great! If I don't call you on Friday, send me an email at work.
And if I don't answer, call me again. And if I don't pick you up… oh, let's
just make plans now! I'm too busy to plan later!

a) Write the conditional sentences you find in the dialogue.


Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
b) Answer the following questions.

1. What does Gieta plan to do if the concert ticket is cheap?

a) She goes swimming
b) She buys tickets

2. What do they do if Cerry has the energy?

a) They go to the concert.
b) They go swimming.

3. What does Cerry plan to do this weekend?

a) Come to a concert
b) Finish a project

4. What does Cerry say if she doesn’t call Gieta on Friday?

a) Make a plan
b) Send her an email

5. What does Cerry say if she doesn’t answer the phone?

a) Call her again.
b) Do something

C. Conditional with Modal Verbs

Kita akan melihat kalimat bersyarat menggunakan huruf besar "can", "must",
"may" dan "might", bukan "will." Conditiobal yang digunakan dengan kata kerja
modal ini biasanya merupakan Conditional pertama. Tujuannya adalah untuk
menunjukkan konsekuensi, kemungkinan atau kondisi, saat diucapkan di masa
sekarang. Jika Anda membaca artikel tentang kondisional ini.

a) The modal verb “can” digunakan untuk menunjukkan Ability atau possibility, lihat
beberapa contoh:
 If you arrive early, you can catch a ride to the game with me.
 Mike can help you with your homework, if you ask him nicely.

Read more at:


Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
Kamu dapat juga menggunakan Conditional sentences dalam bentuk Negatif:
 You can’t make the football team if you don’t play well.

b) The modal verb “must” digunakan untuk kewajiban yang kuat dalam Bahasa
Inggris, seperti contoh:
 If you visit Brazil, you must come to stay with me.
 If Mary phones you, you must tell me.

Bentuk kalimat negatif:

 You mustn’t go to the party if you don’t want to.

c) The modal verb “may” digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kemungkinan atau ijin.
 If I finish my work, may I go home?
 May I take you out to dinner if I promise to have you home by 11pm?

d) Finally, we use the modal verb “might” menunjukkan kemungkinan, contoh:

 I might make it to work on time, if I leave now.

Kalimat negatif:
 Kevin might not make it to the party if he doesn’t finish work on time.

( Sumber:

Exercise 7. Complete the following conditional sentences with modals verbs.

 we might not make the bus.
 if I have enough time.
 if it’s not broken.
 if we go to the cinema?
 we might have a chance of winning the league
 then she can’t go out tonight.
 if she wants to come with us.

1. If we win this game, ..... ...

2. Can you look after the baby .....
3. If she doesn’t study for the exam,....
4. She must be on time, .........
5. She mustn’t try to fix it, .........
6. If we don’t leave now, ..... ...
7. I may come to your house after work, ........

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
Exercise 8. Choose one best answer to completet the dialogues.

1. Mom : Do you want to join the next scrabble competition Jean?

Jeanny : Yes I do mom, and I really want to be the winner.
Mom : If you want to be the winner, ....
A. you have to do your homework.
B. you have to see the dentish.
C. you have to practice a lot.

2. Randy : It’s freezing out there. Come in here! ..... if you don’t put on a jacket.
Saleh : As you say so my friend. Thank you.
A. You might winthe game.
B. You might see the artist.
C. You might find the place.
D. You might catch a cold.

3. Anna : I think the exam is getting closer. It’s time for us to study more
Jessy : Okay Anna, I do agree with you.
Anna : If we want to pass the exam, .........
A. we must practice alot.
B. we must study harder.
C. we must speak aloud
D. we must knock thed door.

4. Lina : Uhh.. It’s very tiring after jogging around. Is this chair taken?
Dea : No, please have yourself. If you are thirsty, .....
A. I can order vegetable salad.
B. I can go jogging next time.
C. I can make some fresh lemonade.
D. I can find another chair.

5. Dedy: We’re going to go fishing. Will you come along?

Susi : If you go to Kuala Langsa, .....
A. You might enjoy fish grilled.
B. you might catch a lot of fish there.
C. You might get a small part in a movie.
D. You might meet an actress.

6. Ken : I can’t use the Zoom because I broke my cell phone.

Lia : If you ask Refky, .....
Ken : That sounds good. May I use your phone?
A. you should take a boat trip on the river.
B. we must leave without him.
C. you may use the rest room now.
D. he might be able to help you.

7. Mom : What are you doing Jean?

Jeanny : I just want to take a bath but the whether is so cold.
Mom : If you want not to get cold, .....
A. take a bath soon!
B. Heat a bowl of water
C. Wait for an hour
D. cook your breakfast

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
8. Anna : I really want to be a magician, but I don’t know how to master the tricks.
Jessy : If you want to master the tricks, .....
Anna : That’s a good idea. Thanks
a) Find a book.
b) Search in youtube
c) Sell magic equipments.
d) Make a show on TV

9. Kent: Do you know how to get the school easily?

Jeck: If you order Gojek online, ....
Kent: I know that.
a) They will take you there fast.
b) They will always remember you.
c) They will charge you
d) They will come soon.

10. Doctor : ......, if you don’t want to get infected.

Patient : I have it in my pocket Sir.
Doctor : Keep wearing the mask.
a) prescribe another medicine.
b) take this mask
c) drink it twice a day.
d) get it in the drugstore.

11. Karen: I can't say it was the best movie I've ever seen.
Jake : ....., I will not watch it.
Karen: Certainly not. Do not waste your time.
a) If you like to see
b) If you read the reviews
c) If you say so
d) If you see the pictures

12. Chuck: .....

Sue : Why do you think so?
Chuck: If I look at her, she will pretend not to see me.
a) Martha is still angry with me.
b) Martha will never make a good manager.
c) I have never seen a smarter woman than Martha.
d) One thing I like about Martha.

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.
Exercise 9. Reading Comprehension
Read the text then aswer the questions below

Dahlia's Day
Woman in the office

Dahlia likes routines! Her office is

very organized, and so is her life!
She always gets up at 6:00am. If
her alarm doesn't ring, she still gets
up! She is very used to getting up at
this time of day.
Her roommate, Rosita, gets up
early, too. If Rosita makes tea,
Dahlia makes the fried rice. But, whenever Rosita has a day off, she sleeps until
7:30am. So, every time Rosita has a day off, Dahlia makes the tea.
When Dahlia gets to the office, she says hello to her receptionist. Her receptionist's
name is Rifky, and he is also very organized. Rifky gives Dahlia a list of tasks for the
day when she arrives. He also gives her a list of calls.
If there are any calls to return, Dahlia does this first. She doesn't like to keep people
The only problem is, she goes to work so early that usually no one is in their office
yet! Well, maybe she'll have a cup of coffee first. Then she'll make all those phone

Answers the following questions.

1. What is the text about?
2. What does she do if the alarm doesn’t ring?
3. What does Dahlia do If Rosita makes tea?
4. What does Dahlia do if Rosita has a day off?
5. What does Dahlia say if she gets to the office?
6. What does Rifly give Dahlia if she arrives to the office?
7. What does dahlia do if there are calls to return?
8. What happens if Dahlia arrive early to her office?


### Good Luck ###

Englishers, Learning English for SMK Class XII, KD 3.32, Drs. Syaiful,M.Si, Jakarta, 2020.

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