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Mai Brat Vocabulary


l' '

'~ublikasi Khusus Bahasa-ballasa Daerah

Seri p, No~ 3
Progra1Il Kerjasama UNCEN-SIL
Aam ro Mai Brat
Perbendaharaan Kata Bahasa Mai Brat
Mai Brat Vocabulary

Editor: Daniel C. Ajamiseba

August Kafiar
Peter J. Silzer

Raa ro Mkom: Andarias Kambuaya
Buku ini ditulis oleh: Ir. Onesimus Kambuaya
Written By: William and Jane Brown

Program Kerjasama UNCEN-SIL

UNCEN-SIL Co-operative Program
Universitas Cenderawasih
Summer Institute Of Linguistics
Irian J aya, Indonesia
. '.


Kami menyambut gembira terbitan Tesaurus ketiga hasil

penelitian Kerjasama Uncen-SIL ini yang merupakan tambahan
dokumentasi bahasa daerah yaitu bahasa Mai Brat salah satu bahasa
daerah suku terpencil di Irian J aya.

Tesaurus tentang bahasa-bahasa daerah/lokal Irian Jaya ini

penting artinya karena: a) merupakan pelaksanaan kebijakan Pemerintah
dalam usaha menginventarisasi dan mendokumentasikan semua bahasa
daerah yang ada di Indonesia ini sebagai salah satu kekayaan budaya
bangsa Indonesia, b) mengingat persebaran bahasa nasional Indonesia
belum menjangkau suku-suku terpencil itu, maka studi tentang bahasa
lokal ini dapat menjembatani kesenjangan komunikasi pembangunan
yang sedang digiatkan di seluruh pelosok tanah air, c) dapat dijadikan
sarana awal pemberantasan tuna aksara, tuna bilangan dan tuna Bahasa
Indonesia untuk merintis jalan kemajuan kehidupan setara dengan
saudara-saudaranya warga Bangsa Indonesia lainnya.

Kami sangat menghargai us aha penelitian bahasa lokal dan

usaha-usaha lain dalam perintisan memajukan suku-stiku terpencil ini,
yang telah dilakukan dalam rangka Kerjasama Uncen-SIL, dan terutama
kepada saudara Bill Brown, yang langsung menangani suku Mai Brat di
Kecamatan Ayamaru Kabupaten Sorong baik dalam kegiatan penelitian
bahasanya maupun kegiatan lain dalam mer intis kemajuan
niasyarakatnya. Terima kasih dan penghargaan juga kami sampaikan
kepada para penyunting Tesaurus ini Drs. Ch.J. Sujanto, M.S., Dr. Peter
Silzer dan Drs. Theodorus T. Purba, M.Sc.

Dicetak: 1989 Jayapura, lJuli 1989

Oleh: Percetakan Universitas Cenderawasih
Irian Jaya, Indonesia Rektor Universitas Cenderawasih

Drs. August Kafiar, M.A

ii ill
Aam Mato
Daftar lsi
Table of Contents

Bokyas ro Mtar TInye ix

Kala Pengantar xi
,. Preface . . . • Xlll

Pelafalan Dalam Bahasa Mai Brat XlV

Pronunciation of Mai Brat xv

1 Thbam refo - Dunia - World .1
a Thbam refo - Bumi - Earth .1
b - Ciri Bumi - Geographical Features .1
c - Bahan mentah - Materials .2
d Aya - Air - Water .2
e Ayoh - Langit - Sky .4
f Arin - Cuaca - Weather .5
g Ayo- Waktu - Time .6

2 - Tumbuh-tumbuhan - Flora .8
a Beta - Umum - General .8
b Ara - Pohon-pohonan - Trees .9
c Ara make - Buah-buahan - Fruits 10
d Robat - Sayur-sayuran - Vegetables 11
e Ara Mawia - Tanaman kecil - - - Smaller plants 12
f Sasu; bofuk; kaif - Umbi-umbian - Thbers 12
3 Kak - Binatang - Animals 13
a Beta - Umum - General .. 13
b Ru - Burung - Birds 15
c Syob - Ikan - Fish 15

d Bo Ro Mton - Binatang melata - Reptiles . 16 c Samu ro aam • Kantor pos - Post office 51
e Bo Ro Mee Sis - Binattl1Jg men'yusui - Mammals 17 d Bowatum - Pendidikan - Education 51
f - Serangga - Insects 18 e - Pengangkutan - nansportation 53

4 Raa Metsu - Tubuh - Body 19 8 Saso bo - Mata Pencaharitm - Livelihood 54

a Netsu Beta • Susunan tubuh secara umum - General body system 19 a Mkah bo - PeTtanian - Farming 54
b Nana - Kepala - Head . . . . . 20 b Nakam syoh; nfot syoh - Penangkapan ikan ~ Fishing 56
c Raa Metsu - Tubuh manusia - Trunk 22 c Boimsyah - Perburoan - Hunting 57
d Netsu Haber - Anggota tubuh - Limbs 23 d Bosya - Petemakan - Livestock raising 58
e - Pancaindera - SensC(s . . . . 24 e Bo satoh - Alat-alat - Tools 58
f Rioh - Kesehatan - Health . . . . 25 fNtin, sne ~ Menjahit, menenun - Se~, weaving 59
g Nhu; Nabe - Kehidupan, kelahiran - Life, birth. 28 g Bofen - Perkayuan - Carpentry 60
h Raa bis - Buroh - Hired labor 61
5 - Sikap; ~rbuatan, - Postures; actions 28
i Bo tkif - Pengobatan - Medicine 62
a Njin, nros, hre • Berbaring, berdiri, duduk - Lying, standing, sitting 28 j Bo taro soor - Pekerjaan lain - Other occupations 62
b Njin, nasen - TIdur, bangun - Sleep, awake 30
9 Boit - Makanan - Food 63
c Nno, Hre - Bekerja, beristirahat - Working, resting 31
d Namo - Bepergian - Going . .. ... . 31 a Siwian pasa - Persiapan-nasi - Preparation-rice 63
e Ali ro mnah mamo - Arah gerakan - Directional motions 33 b Siwian nghaa - Persiapan-sagu - Preparation-sago 63
r Nasom, nti - Bawa - Carry . . . . . . . . . . . 35 c Bo saruk - Masakan - Cooking 64
g Nai, naru, habah • Pukul, potong, rosak, pecah - Hit, cut, break 36 d Tafoh - Api - Fire 65
h Nyum, nayo, nse - Dorong, tarik, lempar, taroh - Push, pull, throw, put 38 e Bo satoh ro bosaruk - Alat-alat masak - Cooking utensils 66
i Nake, nut - !kat, tutup - Tie, cover 39 fBoit -Makanan - Foods 67
j Nee, noo - Beri, ambit - Give, take 40 g Botof - Bumbu-bumbu - Seasonings 67
k Nkaru, nyon - Gosok, cud - Rub, wash 41 h Nait - Makan - Eating 68
i - Rasa-rasa - Flavors 68
6 - Perasaan; penilaian - Emotions; evaluations 42
j Tabak, srah make, joo • Tembakau, pinang, minuman keras - Tobacco, betel,
a Moor, mkair - Baik, jelek - Good, bad liquor 69
b M oof, mkair - Benar, salah - True, false
10 Raa - Masyarakat - Society 71
c Nksoh, nknait - Mau, dapat - Want, able
d Simaut, srau jin - Senang, susah - Happy, sad a Raa mana sau - Sanak keluarga - Relatives 71
e Nksoh, nknait - Cinta, bend - Love, hate b - Kata ganti - pronouns 72
f Nwaa - Ketakutan - Fear ..... c - Susunan masyarakat - Social structure 73
g Bofen - Kerajinan - Industriousness d Raa mana - Suku bangsa - Ethnic groups 74
h nhaf sneh - Kerendahan hati - Humility e - Kemasyarakatan - social interaction 74
f Mak - Perselisihan - Strife 75
7 Nfoh - Komunikasi - Communication g Safo makan - Hukum - Law 76
a Nkyas - Bicara - Speaking h Nsom bo - Olahraga - Sports 77
b Nkom - Menulis - Writing
vi vii
11 - Agama; kesenian - Religion; arts 79
a Bosmot ro Kristen- Agama Kristen - Christianity 79
Bokyas ,Ro Mtar Tinye
c Bosmot bik-bak - Animisme - Animism 80
dOor - Musik - Music 81
e Sikoyo, smar - Tarian, drama - Dancing, drama 82
Bahasa Mai Brat raa mabo 21.000 mkyas mam Irian Jaya snok
f Bokom - Lukisan - Drawing, painting 82
Indonesia. Tna raa mabo 17.000 mhau mam to ruu mana ro Kecamatan
12 Boumto - Horta milik - Possessions . . 83 Ayamaru, Aitinyo msya Aifat. Tna raa mabo 4.000 mhau mam 00 roto ro
a Boslm - Perdagangan - Commerce 83 Irian Jaya.
b Bobot, rna ro idnyah - Ktiya, miskin - Wealthy, poor 84
c Ratan - Pakaian - Clothing 84 Aam refo mkah mai ro raa Makin tna maja moan anya, weto beta
d Samu - Pernmahan - Housing 87 snok mai 2500. Tna mai weto beta mberur suu mam 14 bokom ro aro
e Bo ro amah matQ - Perabot - Furniture 87 hayah-hayah tna mamo snok hawar ro 100 ro raa nsaim aro-aro. Mas mair
13 Bobenan - Penguraian - Descriptives 88 ro refo tinye mbam tabam, raa, tna tis rau maio Mato weto beta matim
wia tna roto taro mrof. Mfi bo moan ara tna nsaim uu mfi, nsoo msya
a - Angka - Numbers 88
maya. Tna fo nfan ara reto masom aro hayah-hayah moan, nghaa msya
b Bo tu - Ilmu hitung - Arithmetic 89
betseren. Mai ro Inggris to mbenan mamot maja sau sai, tna Mai Brat to
c Farok - Ukuran - Measurements 90
mbenan renti.
d - Bentuk - Shapes . . . . 91
e - Letak - Positions 91
r Masu aro-aro - Wama - Colors 92
g - Keadaan luar - Surface conditions 92
h - Keadaan - States 93
I Mbe - Panas - Heat 94
j Nan-nan - Kecepatan - Speed 94
14 Bo har ro mal -lbnu bahasa - linguistics 95
a Mai magut -Jenis kata. - Word Classes 95
b Mai beto - Kata keterangan - Adverbs
c Mai mana - Kata depan - Prepositions
d Mai tkyot - Kata sam bung - Conjunctions
e Mai botu - Kata sern - Interjections
r Mal bo tu - Kala tanya - Interrogatives
g - Kata bantu bilangan - Classifiers
Daftar Kata-kata - Glossary (Mai Brat - Bahasa Indonesia - English)
Daftar Kata-kata - Glossary (Bahasa Indonesia - Mai Brat - English)

viii ix
Kata Pengantar

Bahasa Mai Brat digunakan oleh kurang-Iebih 21.000 penutur di

Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Kira-kira 17.000 orang penuturnya yang mendiami
pedalaman Kepala Burung, yaitu Kecamatan Ayamaru, Kecamatan Aifat
dan Kecamatan Aitinyo. Kurang-Iebih 4000 orang lainnya tersebar di
beberapa kota lain di Irian J aya.

Buku ini merupakan kumpulan perbendaharaan kat a yang

dikelompokkan atas dasar persamaan arti dan terdiri dari sekitar 2500
kata serta ungkapan yang dikelompokkan menjadi 14 kategori konseptual
dan lebih dari 100 subkategori. Kategori-kategori konseptual atau umum
ini diurutkan mulai dengan alam, kemudian manusia, pekerjaannya,
kebudayaannya, dan akhirnya bahasanya. Dalam penurutan
subkategori-subkategori ini istilah-istilah yang lebih umum mendahului
istilah-istilah yang lebih khusus. Sebagai contoh dalam subkategori
tumbuh-tumbuhan pohon diurutkan lebih dahulu dari bagian-bagiannya
seperti cabang dan getah; setelah itu diberikan nama khusus
pohon-pohon seperti pohon sagu, pohon pepaya, dan seterusnya.

Walaupun keterangan kata kerja bahasa Inggris disebutkan

dalam bentuk infmitif biasa, keter~gan Bahasa Mai Brat disebutkan
dalam bentuk orang kedua tunggal.


The Mai Brat language is spoken by approximately 21,000 people

in the province of Irian J aya, Indonesia. About 17,000 speakers are found
in the three interior districts of the Bird's Head Ayamaru, Aifat and
Aitinyo. There are also approximately 4000 speakers located in various
cQastal cities of Irian Jaya.

This book is a thesaurus of approximately 2,500 lexical items

arranged under 14 broad conceptual categories with more than 100
sub-categories. The broad categories are or~ered, starting with nature,
going to man, his work, his culture, and fmally his language. Within the
sub-categories, the logically more general term precedes the more
specific. For example, under plants, tree is put before its parts, branch
and sap; and then tree, branch, and sap come before the specific names
of trees such as sago and papaya.

While the English verb gloss is cited in the conventional infinitive

form, the Mai brat, because of the complexitY of the verb, is cited in the
second person singular form.

xii xiii
Pelafcilan Dalam Bahasa Mai Brat Pronunciation of Mai Brat

Uraian singkat ·mengenai bunyi dan lambang bunyi dalam The following brief description of Mai Brat sounds and symbols
Bahasa Mai .Brat berikut ini di maksudkan untuk memperkenalkan para is intended to orient the student of Maibrat to major features of
pelajar Bahasa Mai Brat kepada ciri-ciri utama dari pelafalan bahasa pronunciation. It must be emphasized, however, that these and other
tersebut. Namun demiki~ perlu ditekankan bahwa hal-hal tersebut di details of Mai Brat speech production will only be accomplished with the
atas dan .seluk beluk pengucapkan bahasa Mai Brat hanya dapat assistance of Mai Brat speakers and a lot of practice. Linguists seeking
diperoleh dan disempurnakatl dengan bantuan penutur asli Mai Brat dan a more technical discussion of Mai Brat phonology are referred to
melalui latihan sendiri. Para ahli ilmu Bahasa yang ingin mengetahui William U. Brown, 1989, "A Quantitative Phonology of Mai Brat," to
lebih lanjut mengenai fonologi Bahasa Mai Brat ini dapat melihat "A apPear in Papers in New Guinea Linguistics, Pacific LinguisticS.
Quantitative Phonology of Mai Brat" oleh William U. Brown, 1989 dalam
Papers in New Guinea Linguistics, Pacific Linguistics. The Mai Brat alphabet includes the following symbols: a, b, e, l,
h, i, j, k, m, n, 0, r, s, t, u, w, and y. This alphabet has been adapted to
Abjad Bahasa Mai Brat terdiri dari lambang-Iambang berikut: Indonesian and indeed, Mai Brat sounds are almost identical to those of
a, b, e, f, h, i, j, k, n, n, 0, r, s, t, u, w, dan y. Abjad ini telah disesuaikan Indonesian. The h is a velar fricative and f is a bilabial fricative.
dengan sist~m tulisan Bahasa Indonesia. Memang, bunyi-bunyi Bahasa
Mai Brat hampir sama dengan bunyi-bunyi dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Huruf h adalah bunyi velar frikatif dan huruf f adalah bunyi bilabial

XlV xv
1 Tabam refo - Dunia - World

m refo Bumi Earth

tanah earth; soil

debu dust
abu ashes
segumpal tanah clod
lumpur mud
tanah liat clay
pasir sand
.1:abam sriob fra tanah berbatu-batu gravelly soil
kinyab-kanab; kamior kerikil gravel
bat'.l stone

Ciri Bumi G Features

pegunungan highlands
pedalaman interior
ro moof dataran rendah lowlands
daerah pesisir coastal region
tanah datar plains
aya sungai river
maru danau lake
sawan laut sea
sawanmabi samudera; lautan ocean
8ato pulau island
ayanm selat strait
ayamastu semenanjung peninsula
8nyikmana padang pasir desert
mbair lembah valley
atu gunung mountain
raut; rra mana bukit hill
hwai;rakak. tebing cliff
hrob celah crevice
atuntkah .
isra; ako; wafioh . gua
·· Iereng slope
fikyom mai mase
fikyom; hore mata
tabaniro~:~' rawa swamp ayamnaf-naf riak small wave; ripple
sato mnaif toon tanjung cape maru danau . lake
aya snok teluk bay kayah;aman kolam pond
hrotat; iwi rawa marsh; swamp
1c Bahan Materials aya raa mabah sumur well
metum kubangan puddle
era batu stone aya ntwar tenang calm
snyik pasir . sand ayansafo deras fast flowing
era kinyah..Jcanah kerikil gravel aya myi nsafQ ams current
tbu semen cement myi mengalir to flow
framakyo kapur lime ayamaun meluap to overflow
ara kayu wood
bomaya cat paint
aya minyak oil
aya ro tafoh minyak tanah kerosene
aya ro nroroto bensin gasoline
sohsan arang charcoal
hawe kain katun cotton cloth

1d Air Water

aya air water

ayamana mata air sprmg
aya maku sungai kecil creek; stream
aya mase sungai river
aya nm anak sungai tributary
aya nsoo cabang sungai fork of a river
aya ro raa man saluran canal; irrigating ditch
sumambo lubuk deep place in river
ayamaun air terjun waterfall
hore maut; hore bantan; airpasang high tide
hore mroh; hore mau airsumt low tide
ayamabi induk sungai main river
sawanmsam tepi laut shore
ayamaam tepi sungai bank

2 3
fos mfi angin bertiup to be windy
mrohmte mengendap to settle fos maya angin sepoi-sepoi cool breeze
taafroaya endajJan sediment ayomha sombar shade
nfus menyelam to submerge; to dive ayomha sombar shady
nsu tenggelam drowned ayo matahari sun
aya maun ro safo sumber mineral mineral spring ayo moo maut; isi ntara matahari terbit sunrise
ayarombe sumberair panas hot spring ayo ntwok; ayo ntruk matahari terbenam sunset
imabo; aya mji banjir to flood snyi bulan moon
soso mengapung to float sken bintang star
nkni berenang to swim mfi mbewak pusaran angin whirlwind
aya ro moof; aya ntwar airjemih clearwater ayoh awan raincloud
aya ro mkair; aya muna airkotor muddy water nar pelangi rainbow
ayamne dangkal shallow sken mabi plan it planet
ntuukaya memercik to splash; to splatter sken sawiah myo cirit bin tang meteor
nka basah wet bias kabut fog; mist
nkat kering dry ayoh srer angkasa luar outer space
sror licin to be slippery ti akut gerhana matahari eclipse (solar)
sror meluncur to slide snyi maboh bulan pumama full moon
bo reto mkair macet blocked up snyi romsu bulan sabit crescent moon
snyi ro hariah bulan mati new moon
snyi safe bulangelap dark of the moon
kekromabi lingkaran cahaya halo (around moon)
sken mawat gugusan bintang constellation (stars)

1f Arin Cuaca Weather

oom hujan ram

oom mafon gerimis drizzle
oom hwiom hujan reda end of rain
fos angin wind
fos mmai angin ribut windstorm
1e 5 oom mais maboh badai rainstorm
bramabyo guntur thunder
ayoh langit sky
arsoo musim season
ayohmboh mega white cloud
rir kilat lightning
arin mkair mendung cloudy
ayo mafit panas hot
arin moof cerah bright; clear
arlnkanam dingin cold
mti gelap dark
arlnmhai sejuk cooi
arin mamur; amurhto gelap gulita pitch dark
ayomoo matahari bersinar to be sunny 5
imabo banjir flood fjah lusa day after tomorrow
hwiom kemm:au drought tuf tula 2 days after tomorrow
oom mais yoyo musimhujan rainy season snyi bulan month
oommah mbu hujanpagi roaming drizzle arsoo musim season
oom buji hujan siang midday rain snyi taa ro wia bulan yang lalu last month
snyi ro tna awal bulan beginning of the month
1 Waktu Time snyi refo bulan ini this month
snyi rou bulan depan next month
baas siang noon maban ti tinye pada pennulaan in the beginning
baas waktusiang during the day taa oho dulu long ago
ayo jam hour tiwia tinye jaman dulu ancient times
ayo mros setengah hari half-day tinye pertama first
mbu pagi morning taa oho dulu formerly
nkene ren subuh dawn tinye sebelum before
rabu konok pagi-pagi benar early in the morning sekarang now
ayo moo matahari terbit sunrise dewasa ini these days
maah terang light sebentar lagi in a moment
ren kaket agak siang mid-morning baru saja just now
ayo moo matak tengah hari high noon sesudah after
baas siang early afternoon kemudian later on; then
hreha sore late afternoon akhimya eventually
ayo twok matahari terbenam sunset lebih awal early
iri majit petang dusk ter/ambat late
mamur sangat gelap very dark setiap hari every day
rod malam night sepanjang hari all day
mkah mti pada malam hari at night segera immediately
arin masuf tengah malam midnight selalu always
ti taa kemarin dulu day before yesterday sering often
tituuf tiga hari yang lalu three days ago jarang seldom
ti r o tija oh beberapa hari yang lalu the other day selamanya forever
iis kemarin yesterday tua old
tisai tadimalam last night kuno ancient
ti tau mti kemarin dulu malam night before last baru new
ifo hari ini today sebentar short time
men rabu besok tomorrow Jam hour
men rabu hreha besok sore tomorrow afternoon menit minute
rere hreha sore ini this afternoon detik second
tau ore fero oho beberapa hari kemudian several days later

6 7
jam clock kakemarak kulitbuah rind; pod
jam tangan wrist watch ara ntmin matakayu knot
ayo ro nse natem
beker; weker alarm clock bmnn duri thorn
jarnmjam hour hand afaman miang stinging hairs (on leaves)
si ro ayo
memutar (jam) to wind (watch) motna bertunas to sprout
mencocokkan (jam) to set (watch) momant tumbuh to grow
nnit ayo
hari day samer · masak ripe
bulan month mamioh mentah unripe
make mawat; nsarer lebat; sarat (buah) laden with fruit
nriof putik bunga pistil
2 - Tumbuh-tumbuhan - Flora
2bAra Pohon-pohonan Trees

ara karet . pohon karet rubber tree

2a Beta Umum G
rawiah pohon ern; pohon cemara casuarina tree
akyar; ifin pohon beringin banyan tree
pohon tree
ara nghaa pohonsagu sago palm
ara mara batangkayu log
wai pohon pinang betel palm
mtis akar root
soon nyiur; pohon kelapa coconut palm
ara kmoh tunggul stump
mara batang pohon trunk
bmnn pucuk treetop
nkreewok bercabang dua fork
nsoo cabang bough
ara fuf dahan' branch
nkre ranting twig
ara marak kulitkayu bark
mata . daun leaf
nyum pakis fern
maya; rie getah sap
hyot damar resin
kmob tunas bud
masyob kuntum flower bud
nkariob tangkai stalk; stem
makan biji seed (in fruit)
bibit s~ed (for planting)
make buah fruit
kake ro makan buah berbiji fruit with seed
soon marak sabut husk
8 9
sruru pohonasam tamaririd tree
. .... "':
rio pohon kayu manis cinnamon tree .
owait pohon manggiJ mango tree
somba pohon kenari walnut tree
ataf pohon kayu besi ironwood tree
sah pohon kayu matoa matoa tree
ijik pohonsukun breadfruit tree
betseren pohon papaya papaya tree
abit pohon pisang banana tree
samaan pohonkurma date palm
smo pohon bakau mangrove tree
usen pohon pandan- pandanus tree .,,

swe pohon kayu susu milkwood tree

aas pohon nipah thatch palm
kat pohonpala nutmeg tree
joo pohon enau; pohon aren sugar palm
somba pohon kemiri . candlenut tree
armon pohon jambu monyet cashew nut tree

2cAra make Buah-buahan Fruits

betseren papaya papaya

soon ke/apa coconut
sruru be/imhing starfruit 2d Bobat Sayur-sayurari Vegetables
abit pisang banana
owait mangga mango sfo bayam spinach
armon jambu monyet cashew nut bawang ro mkek bawang merah onion
kiawas biawas; jambu biji guava bawang ro mboh bawang putih garlic
soraf · nangka jackfruit smai ara flah buncis beans
mtah asam tamarind botsen jagung corn
ijik sukun breadfruit abah jamur · mushroom
kat make buahpa/a nutmeg monkrain kangkung kind of spinach
taten kenari walnut yarrun kacang panjang string bean
turan sirsak soursop bun it mioh; bun it tto ketimun cucumber
batsai ko/ cabbage
bUD labu pumpkin
bun tetmus labusiam sqWlSh
kacang ro tabam kacang tanah peanut
10 11
Ara Mawia Tanaman Smalter .

·~n bambu _baniboo 3 Kak - Binatang - Animals

too.atl rotan . '. rattan
bror sirih betel
bosafom- rumput . grass 3a Beta Umum General
tabak tentbakau tobacco
asam tebu sugarcane kak binatang animal
sbunayob 41ang-aJang elephant grass roano betina female (animal)
fabo; katslr lumut moss rosme jantan male (animal)
safom belukar underbrush mkier anya; mhaf mamiot jodoh to mate
tafat; nkan; msif sarang nest
2f kaif Umbi-umbian Tubers rumauf telur egg
noo bo nee mait memberi makanan to feed
hofuk umbi tuber noomakon mengebiri to castrate
sasu ati; sasu ubi jalar; betatas sWeet potato nsafo liar wild
fosiref; kaif ubi; siafu kind of sweet potato mha jinak tame
awiab keladi taro rna bum mengeram to sit on eggs
hasioh talas; bete kind of taro mara; mmai berkokok to crow (rooster)
suara kasbi; singkong manioc; cassava berkicau to warble (of a bird)
menanduk to gore
tanduk horns
mankaron ro mari bo tanduk perasa feelers
mbes-bes belalai proboscis of insect
sawiah; miCra . ekor tail
mawian bulu fur; feathers
maan sisik fish scales
mnaif moncong snout
sawiah sirip rm
balung comb of rooster
paruh bill
insang gill
sayap wing
terbang to fly
bergeliang-geliut to wriggle
mematuk to peck

12 13
3bRu Burung Birds

ru kair burung kasuari cassowary

tahmena burung bangau jJUtih stork; heron; egret
huwioh mbioh burung gagak crow
tobek burung kenari canary
hufioh mbioh burung rajawali eagle
mbas burungpipit sparrow
kakaya; komi burung hantu owl
iik burung dora; burung pigeon; dove
hofioh burung elang hawk
weyah burung kakatua cockatoo
angsa goose; swan
burung layang-layang swallow
burung pelatuk woodpecker
burung merak peacock
burung cenderawasih bird of paradise
burung nuri colored parrot
ayam chicken
itik; bebek duck
ayam hutan wild chicken
burung pekakak kingfisher
ru ro sawan belibis small wild duck; teal

3c Syoh Ikan Fish

ata udang karang crayfish; lOQster

udang shrimp
ketam; kepiting crab
ikan teri anchovie (dried)
ikan belut eel
syoh ro nsawiah myo ikan talang mackerel
syoh ro mfru ikan teroang flying fish
subrak keong; siput snail
bintang laut starfish
ikangabus pike
katak; kodok frog

ah hatof berudu tadpole
syoh ro mya raa . ikanpaus whale
utar ikan cucut gergaji sawfish
3d Mton B melata les f21f2\
~ \\~,
tfe buaya crocodile

wosur buaya laut marine crocodile (Iv ~.
wosur; tfe buaya air tawar fresh-water crocodile .utI
aheh ular kaki empat; kadal lizard
bukrim; kmu hubas cicak house lizard
kmu rat tokek gecko
simsien bunglon chameleon
aban ular snake
abanaya ularsawah python
aboboh ular biludak maut death adder
akoh penyu; kura-kura turtle
akoh kura-kura darat tortoise
aban raa ularnaga Komodo dragon
skum biawak iguana

3e 80 Ro Mee Sis Binatang menyusui Mammals

mtah anjing dog
kaut tikus mouse
kaut sitah tikus besar rat
tobo tikus air muskrat
fane babi pig
fane ribioh babi hutan boar
kakara kuskus cuscus
simuruf tupai teroang flying squirrel
hrohmhan bajing tanah; tupai tanah chipmunk
Ide landak semut; trenggiling anteater
Jif kanguru kangaroo
wisam keluang; kalong flying fox; bat
warD kelelawar small bat
kaJo kanguru kedl tree kangaroo

bur kuwet; bur ita /ebah; tawan bee
3f Insects frukak kupu-kupu butterfly
bo sman; bo maso agas gnat
lintah water leech ·
butaya ": bun kunang-kunang fIrefly
but pacat land leech mo sah; serere jengkerik; riang-riang cricket
taait . lipan; kelabang centipede monkawir belalang sentadu praying mantis
ii semut ant bubamioh /angau horsefly
buba lalat fly saba cacing worm
bomafit nyamuk mosquito saba ro tabam cacing tanah earthworm
simus /ipas; kakerlak cockroach fan tempayak grub; larva
weref laba-Iaba spider hatenten kutu busuk bedbug
taait bai kalajengking scorpion bomsu; kama rayap termite
hate kutu louse yuk ulat caterpillar
mo belalang grasshopper kwiah kumbang beetle
burmu penyenga~tabuhan wasp hesik ngengat moth

4 Raa Metsu - Tubuh - Body

4a Netsu Beta Susunan tubuh secara General body system


nelsu tubuh; badan body

nkiwian daging flesh
nsten lemak fat
mes darah blood
Marak kulit skin
mawian bulu body hair
mtai tu!ang bone
natem tkoof sendi joint
nawor sumsum marrow
ntis urat darah halus vern
masir uratdaging tendon
naros bemapas to breathe
maun menguap to yawn
hoor mengorok to snore
oimyoh keringat sweat
4b Nana Ke ala Head nbait mabio gigi seri incisor tooth
nbait mair geraham molar tooth
nana kepala head mafit menggigit to bite
hamanaj ahmana tengkorak skull nktok; nkoldn mengerat to gnaw
nanamawian rambut hair mbtak mengunyah to chew
nanamboh uban grey hair niya menelan to swallow
nana matak keriting friZzly hair nmot mengisap to suck in mouth
Dana mauf mboh botak bald tfeh oot meludah to spit
shat menyisir to comb noh me meludahkan to spit out
nanamake kusut uncombed niyum hrea menjulurkan lidah to stick out tongue
nana hariah gundul shaven head srau leher neck
shat sisir acomb ' nsrau mara tenggorokan throat
nasu nnaif muka face sraumatoh pangkal tenggorokan larynx
naldt dahi forehead srau mtun gondok goi~r
nentauf otak brain hbo bersiul to Whistle
nrar pipi cheek
nasu mata eye
nasu mawian bulu mata eyelash
natsmi alis'mata eyebrow
nasu mauf biji mata pupil
nnaif hidung nose
nnaifmara batang hidung bridge of nose
nnaifmato lubang hidung nostril
nau smos membersihkan hidung to blow nose
nimara telinga ear
nimara msyo tahi telinga earwax
nsohanif bibir lip
nawian kumis moustache
nrarmawian janggut beard
nasoh mulut mouth
naa tsmi rahang jaw
bermut nasoh menutup mulut to shut mouth
nasoh maa menganga to open mouth wide
hrea lidah tongue
nrar; naskate dagu chin
sahafer airliur saliva; mouth juices
oot airludah saliva; phlegm
mbait gigi tooth

4c Raa Metsu Tubuh manusia Trunk

. kbek bahu shoulder

kborbaut punggung back
Basin tulang rusuk rib
nifra tulang punggung backbone
natmato dada chest
masis buah dada female breast
tmos; tnos mengisap to suck
meesis menyusui to suckle
nkar jan tung heart
natrer . paru-paru lungs
mwan hati liver
mbtik ginjal kidney 4d Netsu Haber Anggota tubuh Limbs
nhaf perut abdomen
hrobit pusat navel nkrek ketiak . armpit
naka pinggang waist natem mhaur lengan upper arm
nkais pinggul hip natem tangan hand and lower arm
nre lipatan paha groin natem ati tangan kanan right hand
mhaftaba usus intestines natem taa tangan kiri left hand
mhafkinya usus kecil small intestine natem nkof siku elbow
nhaf perut stomach natemmhaf telapak tangan palm
nhaf asu usus besar large intestine natem nkrem jari fmger
nhafsomit usus buntu appendix tem nkrere kelingking little fmger
hren pantat buttock tern masuf; tem ro suf jari tengah middle fIllger
hrenmato dubur anus ternmyo jari telunjuk forefmger
naus kencing; buang air kecil to urinate tern abi ibujari thumb
syo; bokair kotoran; tahi feces tem kbis kuku nail
nsyo buang air besar to defecate naa nkotis tumit heel
tohmara zakar penis naamaban telapak kaki sole
nkonmauf kantung kemaluan laki-laki testicles naa mayir jejakkaki footprint
nhafku kandungan; rahim womb naamhaur betis calf
nimna lutut knee
nafamu paha thigh; upper leg
naa kaki foot; lower leg
ntis urat tendon; vein
nkiwian maboh otot muscle
nimna tempurung lutut kneecap

22 23
nhar mengenal to recognize
4e Pancaindera Senses
nmatsas membedakan to discern
ntu nsas; mbeak srah menghakimi; mengadili to judge
nari mendengar to hear
ninaut mengharapkan to expect
nari bo mendengarkan to listen
naun menyangka to suppose
raa mari terdengar audible
srau ati bijaksana wise
nbut nimara; nbunimara menyumbat telinga to plug one's ears
nharbo pandai intelligent
nimaramtuk tuli deaf
nwase bo bodoh numbskull
nmat melihat to see
to watch (performance)
nharbo mahir; cekatan; cakap skillful; capable
horit menonton
tono; tnu tolol . foolish
horit; nmat menatap to stare
nmai buba dungu foolish; simple
nwof; nrom memperhatikan to look at closely
nmai fe bisu dumb
sukekah melirik to steal a glance at
nbun bingung mixed up; confused
nmatiti melihat sekilas to glance at
nker gila crazy
sayi nmo ne melihat-lihat to look around
nmat tan memata-matai to spy on nmatsas menyelidiki to do research
to look for nmatrofbo belajar to study
saso mencari
blind nari nsawer mencium (bau) to smell
nasu mboh; nasu mti . buta
nasu har har rabun short -sighted nsanet mencicipi to taste
nasu wak; nasu nseh juling crosseyed nsawer harnm fragrant
sukabuk menutup mata to shut eyes mnis; sawer bau smell
mmioh bau amis smelly (like fish)
nasu maah membuka mata to open eyes
to see clearly mnis berbau busuk to stink
nmatkaket melihat dengan je/as
nasu warwaru mengedipkan mata to wink
nsasah meraba to touch 4f Rioh Kesehatan Health
nari bo fe mati rasa numb
kiyam sakit sick
markaok kasar rough
soft; tender mham nyeri; sakit painful
sneh lembut
matak keras hard nabet luka sore
smooth mham sakit ache
mbsok; mba net licin
nhar tahu to know hrowio; nkrio fre lelah; capai weary
nharkaket tahu dengan baik to know thoroughly netsu ntwar letih tired
nnot pikir to think sne lemah weak
to guess; reckon hrehfon linu pain in the bones
nnot kira
nariot , harap to hope noof sehat healthy
nnot ingat to remember noofoh sembuh recovered
to remind natak kuat strong
nnotmio mengingatkan
nsorni lupa to forget nros ntrot tegap big; husky
ntuu menghafalkan to memorize nase; naboh gemuk fat

24 25
bo mafit malaria tropika cerebral malaria
naldt mham kepala pusing dizzy
nhaf mham asam sendawa hiccup
hre amah lumpuh paralyzed
nsisis kelumpuhan paralysis
smos pilek to have; catch a cold
haiyah batuk to cough
nsut tersedu to hiccough
nksi bersin to sneeze
mjiah tercekik to choke
botldef obat medicine
nhas balut bandage
mbet menular contagious
bahaa; hooh asma; bengek asthma
kiyam mafot penyakit illness
nanamham sakit kepala headache
nhafmham sakitperut to have a stomach ache
natmato mham penyakit paru-paru tuberculosis
nimara mtuk tuli to be deaf
nasu mti buta to be blind
nkerit kurus thin nker gila to be crazy
natak kekuatan strength mes berdarah to bleed
noo gatal itchy nbait mham sakitgigi to have a toothache
mafit gigitan , bite nsyontom penyakit kolera cholera
00 kudis scabies naa maka timpang limp
sheh kaskado scaly skin disease netsu mbe demam fever
kosafos jerawat pimple yaf luka to be cut
srur patek framboesia; yaws mafot ro Idyam ilmu penyakit pathology
hyir panu light spots (skin disease) sayirldyam jatuh sakit to be taken ill
hre hfon tegak bulu roma goose bumps nmatldyam memeriksa to give a medical examination
nrus mengelupas peeled moo kiyam Marak menyembuhkan to cure a disease
srur penyakit kusta leprosy mas mair; tinye rau gejala symptom
kaus bisul boil amah ro kiyam rumah sakit hospital
srau mase gondok goiter raa ro Idyam pasien patient
mtetet gemetar to tremble masumkek sakit radang selaput mata conjunctivitis
mtuo bengkak swelling nasu mor-mor pingsan faint; unconscious
naa mhai kakikejang stiff legs bo aro msya ohaf cacingan to spffer from worms
bo mafit malaria malaria rumber mati-mati ayam; epilepsi , epilepsy

26 27
Nabe Kehid kelahiran birth

mno menjadi to become

namos hidup to live
nbai meninggal dunia . to die
bai mayat corpse
neemroku menghidupkan kembali to revive; resuscitate
nabe melahirkan to give birth
nbaf hamil; mengandung to be pregnant
nbafamo hami! tak sah illegitimate pregnancy
flnya ro mno flnya mabe bidan midwife
flnya msasiana keguguran miscarry
kuamo imaktaksah illegitimate child
nabe miob lahir dini; lahir sebelum premature birth

5 - Sikap; perbuatan - Postures; actions

5a Njin, nros, hre Berbaring, berdiri, Lying, standing, sitting


nabum berbaring to lie down

bafbaf rata flat
njin tbir berjongkok to squat
tiarap to lie face down bren toyut
mundur to back up; move back
njin trot terlentang to lie on back susu nee; susu bren
maju to move forward; progress
njin natom miring on one's side susu namo
njin myo menginjak to step on
berlunjur to lie at full length nberkait
melangkah to stride
mbetrot menggeletak to sprawl niserarnaa
bre menghentakkan to stamp
duduk to sit namo safsafo
bre ntrot gaya berjalan walk; gait
duduktegak to sit up straight namomo
berjalan to walk
bre mbeka naa bersimpuh to sit on folded legs namo
bre ntubat naa berhenti (Iah) stop; halt!
duduk angkat kaki to sit witb one leg across nroswa
berhenti to stop
another nros
membelok to turn (rt. or It.)
bre mbeka duduk bersi/a to sit crosslegged bawer; nuur
meno/eh to turn around; about face
nse bre mendudukkan to seat baberek
nros mengelakkan to avoid
berdiri to stand Uj) namo twat
28 29
5b nasen un awake 5c Nno, Hre Bekerja, beristirahat Working, resting

namonjin ,,-:;,;
,.", pergi tidur togo to bed , snehoh istirahat rest
njin maka; nsi4): mengantuk sleepy knar; teriri tenang to be'quiet
. . ., ' /
tidur ste; sne menunggu to wait (for)
to sleep
smi nroswuri berhenti to stop ..
bermimpi to dream
smiririo mengigau to talk in sleep nros berhenti berjalan to steip walking
hnor; naim mengorok to snore hrerere beristirahat to get rest
ntminana tidurayam half asleep DUO membuat to make; do
siro ketiduran to oversleep bo ronno pekerjaan work
njin tuu tidur nyenyak to sleep soundly DUO bekerja to work
nti membangunkan to waken; arouse bobi~ tugas task
BaseD bangun to get up; rise sui sibuk busy
njin ntu tertidur to fall asleep
njin mberek membalik to turn over 5d Namo Bepergian Going

namo pergi togo

snokoh tiba; sampai to arrive
ntwok masuk to enter; go in
hahne kembali to return .·
haberek memutar to turn
namonur berkeliling togo around
. namo nhah nee; namo memutar kembali; berbalik . to turn around; back
nater nee
namo sre; sesre menyimpang to swerve
ntbat namo to maam meloneat ke sisi to dodge
namonee hilirmudik to and fro
nweh iso memotong jalan; to take a sh9rtcut
mengambil jalan pendek
niwrek melewati . to go past
frit menyeberang to go across
namo tit kesasar . to be lost
namo yiya; namo ninya mengembara to wander
nitsre nyo me/epaskan diri to escape
nsam melarikan diri to run away
nhoh Ian to run
tbat-tbat meloneat to jump

naut memanjat to climb tree
naut mendaki to climb a hill
nakam memburu to hunt
nkro mengikut to go with
nros far-far beriring-iring to walk in me
nsaka mengejar to pursue; chase (to seize)
nmosu berjalan bersama-sama to go with
fri; nkai bertemu to meet (in the street)
ntan; ntar menjemput to pick up
siret berkumpul to assemble
frit mengarungi to wade across
fari jarak distance
fari; ee jauh far
kene dekat near

Se Ati ro mnahmamo Arah gerakan Directional motions

naut naik to go up
ntubat mengangkat to raise; lift
nros berdiri to stand up
nasen bangun to rise up
naut naik keatas to go up (stairs)
nroh turun togo down
nbo nroh membawa turun to bring down
nno mbtek menjatuhkan to drop
nitsre melepaskan to release; free; let fall
nitsre nyo melepaskan diri to escape from
mbteknawe jatuh fall
mbtekmai menimpa to fall on something
nrurur gugur to drop (leaves)
mbtek mamot mato jatuh ke dalam to fall into
ntu menumpahkan to spill
ntu; mbeoh; ske men.uang to pour out
nberuu meneelup to dip; immerse in liquid
mikit menetes . to drip
nsit menekan to press down
ntbat nroh meloneat ke bawah to jump down
betu meruntuhkan to overthrow; pull down

32 33
habe..ek menyungsang; to turn upside down
matu runtuh to collapse (intr.)
bsok; sror terperosok stepped in (a hole)
mbeak terpelanting thrown to one side
nyum mentiorong to push
serar menyorongkan to move over
bren toyut tersungkur to fall forward
sror; sirurur meluncur to slip; skid
nros nsit bersandar to lean on
srornawe jatuh terduduk to fall into a sitting position
mbtekmabum jatuh terbalik to fall head first
. mbtek bafiut jatuh tertelentang to fall on one's back
froknamo pergi keluar to go out
nbonamo membawa to take away
ntu mencabut to extract; pull out
noo mengambil to take out
ntiim mengirim to send
ntrab membuka to open
satob pindah to move (intr.)
mfirere menyebar to scatter
sikba meninggalkan to leave (something) tiSli'iF
namo berangkat to leave; depart
ntr uk; ntwok masuk to enter
nse menaruh to place
nkuk menarik to draw; haul; pull
mwia mengangkut to take away; to transport
nrau matot mengisi penuh to cram 5f Nasom, nti Bawa Carry
nut menutup to close
nsu menyisipkan to insert; enter nbo memegang to hold
name menusuk to stab; insert nabe . menggendong to carry on back
nmiot bersembunyi to hide (intr.) nkrek mengepit to carry under arm
limut menyembunyikan to hide; conceal nsbyo menjunjung to carry on head
betrot meratakan to level nasom memanggul to carry on shoulder
nitrab membongkar to unload menjinjing to carry by hand
masio memuat to load; fill up nberur nsom menggotong to carry a thing (several
nnomarak me~ghilangkan to omit; leave out people carry)
nber menabrak; melangg,!" to bump into nkatar mengusung to carry on a stretcher

34 35
5g Nai, naru, habah Pukul, potong, rusak, Hit, cut, break oai oatem bertepuk tangan to clap hands
oai;omuk meninju to box
ska si menumpas to destroy
oai memukul to hit oai menampar to slap
oai mengetuk to knock (door) mai kaoya bertubrukan to collide
obetbum; owiob mengocok to shake (mixture). oyum mendorong to push away
moab-oab mengguncangkan to shake osot; sbyo; oaru; okbis; memotong (kayu) to cut; chop (wood)
moab bergerak to move oktao
bra memukul berulang-ulang to hit repeatedly otob mempertajam to sharpeo (knife)
omuk menghancurkan to smash oakyob meraut to whittle; sharpen (pencil)
sirori remuk smashed completely omur mencukur to shave
oraria han cur shattered hrir menggaruk to scrape
mbetbum menggerakkan to agitate ofat menebang (pohon) to cut down (tree)
mbo menyentuh; meraba to touch oktao; osaet mengiris to slice
nsat; nktan; obais; sbyo -memangkas to cut (hair; grass)
name menusuk; menikam to stab
"\. safa membedah to operate (00 a sick person)
\ ntehah membelah to split; chop
\ sabe; nbioh mengupas to peel
\ nabot
menguliti pohon
to take bark off tree
to divide
\ saim mak bair aro-aro memisahkan to separate
ntekof; ntokof menakik to notch
t sbi
to cut off
to cut into small pieces
f nktan menggunting to cut (with scissors) _
1 nrioh memetik to pick off (fruit; flower)
niji mematahkan to snap; break
nii habab memecahkan to break apart (bread; fruit)
nabet luka wound; break; cut skin
ntanar; nkak retak cracked (glass)
mhah robelc; sobek torn
sasye rusak damaged
mji patah broken (stick-like objects)
habah pecah break
nsobak menyepak to kick
nwasim tersandung to stubioe
ober menginjak to step on

36 37
mengangkat sauh to weigh anchor
menaruh kemba/i to replace
mendorong to push
mencubit to pinch
mbewaya; mbujuk; mbokait memeras to squeeze
nsit menekan to press
nsit tekanan pressure
nyun mamo tiaro mendorong ke samping to shove aside
ntwok; ntruk menerobos to shove through; break in- ..
nakyoh menipiskan to flatten; make thin
siborin memutar to twist; turn
nkuk menarik to pull
natu; ntufrok mencabut to pull out; extract
nrioh memetik to pick (flower)
ntu mawian membului to pluck (chicken)
nflt menyiangi to weed
nabah menggali to dig
niya . menelan to swallow
nmot mengisap to suck; inhale
nkri menyadap to tap (tree)
5h Nyum, nayo, nse Dorong, tarik, lempar, Push,pull, throw, put
taruh 5i Nake, nut Ikat, tutup TIe, cover

mbeak membuang to throwaway nake mengikat to tie up

nai melempar to throw at; pelt nkhamit mengikat jadi satu to tie in bundle
naimamo melemparkan to throw nanes membungkus to wrap up
tfuk memerciki to sprinkle nfioh memintal (tali) to roll; twist (string)
nset mengebaskan; to shake out beah menggulUlig . to roll up -
mengebutkan nno maka; naka; mbeka membengkokkan to bend (tr.)
flrere; mfuwin menghamburkan to scatter mbenan menguraikan; membuka to untie
mbeak menebarkan (jala) to cast (fish nets) ikatan
nii memasang to install ntrah membongkar; membuka to dismantle
nyum memakai to put on clothes mbehaf membentangkan (tikar) to open out; spread (mat; rug)
nse menaruh; meletakkan to place maato terbuka uncovered
nse menyimpan to put away nut menutup to close
nut menutupi to cover up bomasoh tutup lid
nnak menembak to shoot; fire too tali rop~; string
mbetruk memasukkan to insert
mbeak membuang sauh to cast anchor
38 39
noo take Sk Nkaru,nyon Gosok, cuci Rub, wash

'saim membagikan; memberikan to give out nkaru menghapus to rub out; erase
nee memberi to give nsabos menyapu to sweep
nee; nsan menyerahkan to hand over nkaru menyeka to wipe
nsaim membagi to divide nkaru menyemir to polish
neewaot meminjamkan to lend; loan (money; food) nyon menyeka to dust
nsmot mempercayakan to entrust nkaru menggosok to rub
nee mait memberi makan to feed nhais; ntit membersihkan to clean up
nayoh waor meminjam to borrow
bomhammai berhutang to owe
ntho bo membayar hutang to pay a debt i' Jii
bombam hutang debt ,rll
\ .., 'I
nkyas menagih to demand payment

, "

raa ro bo mham mai orang yang berhutang debtor

boomawian kwitansi receipt
bobot orang yang berpiutang creditor
boyoh pinjaman loan (sum of money)
mkak; ska lunas paid
noo mengambil to take
nsyofbo mencuri to steal
ntak merampas to rob; grab
nfot menangkap (bola) to catch (ball)
nfot raa menangkap (orang) to seize (person)
sarto; ntak mencekau; merebut to grab; seize
nfau wai menculik to kidnap
botak barang rampasan booty
bo sbah sumbangan donation
bofan hadiah gift
numto mewariskan to bequeath
nyon mencuci to wash
kubum ahliwaris heir
nyon nasu mencuci muka to wash (face)
watum mengganjar to reward
nate mandi to bathe
boren upah wages
nse yate memandikan to bathe someone
bafmoof bennurah hati generous
nyon ratan; nkamus ratan mencuci pakaian to launder clothes
nake;bero mengorbankan to sacrifice (something)
ita ro nyon nana obatpencucirambut shampoo
nyon nana berlangir; mencuci rambut to wash hair
nyon nbait menggosok gigi to clean teeth

40 41
busuk (orang) corrupt
mberur ntem; berur boo su gotong royong mutual cooperation
markaok; nkrema kasar rude
6 -. Perasaan; penilaian - Emotions; evaluations uafo jahat cruel; wicked
nnoiro berdosa sinful
kmo; mbrurur ganas savage
6a mkair Good bad DSrau marak; barenaut tidaksopan impolite
moof baik good nyok-yok sombong arrogant
moof ati; moof toni indah beautiful (things)
nhafase murah hati generous
moofmbai cantik beautiful (person) good-natured
nhaf moof baik hati
yoofybai ganteng handsome
nhaf moof ati tulus hati; jujur honest
mkair jelek; buruk bad; ugly nksoh ati bangga proud (family; country)
osmami untunglah fortunately iranya karib close (friend)
masmabu kebetulan by chance
moofati baiksekali very good
6b Moof, m kair Benar, salah True, false
ro a ti penting important (affair)
nhafsneb rendah hati meek mabo ob; ati benar right; correct
msu manis sweet moan sie; mbris oh tepat exact
raa ro mhaf moof saleh pious; virtuous maho ob; ati rau sungguh real
murmur sukabuk beribadat religious moof beta betul real
boromno sifat character mbe sruf; siroyo membohong to tell a lie
mofer mutu quality sioh menipu to deceive; cheat
nsafo; nkrema;' nashomoh kejam fierce; cruel nkaket saksama accurate; right
nabosas sederhana simple mkair salah wrong; erroneous
nraa-raa sopan-santun politeness; courtesy safo; asti kesalahan mistake
nkuk menarik interesting naotutu; srau fetut keliru mistaken
sne-sne halus refmed; polite
nkah bokyas nsneh dengan kepala dingin temperate
6c Nksoh, nknait Mau, dapat Want, able
nbarbo pandai wise; clever
nbar bo toni cerdik Wlse oksoh mau to want
narmtuk; nimara mbob nakal naughty
ksoh fe; bawe tidakmau to not want
mkair ati; mkair bmain keji shameful hawe; oako menolak to refuse
nasom moof; mnaut namabaik good reputation OOoot cita-cita goal; ideal
masom oksoh ati berhasrat to covet
raa ro mnaut bo fee biadab rude; impolite nbafmyob berambisi ambitious
ntis-tis; nyok-yok congkak conceited oksoh bo nsaso nasom ingin mencari nama to covet fame
nraa-raa ramah friendly; .intimate
raa ro nra raa~ berbudi reasonable; rational
42 43
nasom terkenal famous nsraujin susah; sedih sad
nnotyenyo egois . selfish nawia menangis to cry
srak bo toni rakus gluttonous otiof; nwre berdukacita to be sorrowful
nksoh menyukai to like otiof berkabung to mourn
nkai dapat; bisa able osin tri mengaduh to whimper
nksoh nkah suka akan to be fond of mitsire kasihan pity
nksoh ati lebih suka to prefer riof bahagia happy
ntomer ingin to covet; desire simautmase sangat gembira overjoyed
boam keinginan desire simaut giranghati cheerful
naam toni sangat menginginkan to desire very strongly oisoh mhaf menghibur to comfort
nhai sbit hausakan to thirst for oawiayoyo meratap to lament; wail
nsmot; nbaut; nmat raa menghonnati to esteem oeisu simaut- bennuka gembira to be all smiles
anya oasah nhai teTtawa terkekeh-kekeh to giggle
mbibi menghargai to appreciate oit mafer; -nit make menikmati to enjoy
mbibi mengagumi to admire bosret lelucon joke
okai mencapai to reach; achieve 000 bosret lucu funny
nhafhri mencintai to desire; love oksoh riang cheerful
nksokmkah gemarakan to have a passion for oetsu simaut berseri-seri to shine; radiate
oyok-yok tamak; serakah
narkmoh kikir
to be greedy for
stingy .
to bewail
to sob
maut ati ranu menang to win nukan mabo airmatanya to burst into tears
nsbi hri mengatasi to overcome (a problem)
berlinang-lin ang
mroh keriwai mtai fe kalah to lose nawia ntu menangis dengan nyaring to cry aloud
mberasi mengalahkan to beat; defeat naowaruk muram gloomy; sad
nlulh natak sanggup; mampu capable
natak kuat strong
Be Nksoh, nknait Cinta, benci Love, hate
ae boleh allowed to
natmof mengasihi; menCintai to love
6d Sima Sena sad nhafhri jatuh cinta to fall in love
nnot ingat toremembei
nksoh senang happy; gay; joyful moof baik kind
simaut; hawion sukacita joyful nhrehfon merasa jijik to detest
nhafnksoh bersenang hati to rejoice botoh mendendam to hold a grudge
simaut gembira pleased nknait benci to hate
nhafmnan puas satisfied srau kair; hawer iri hati envious
nasah beseh tersenyum to smile naam cembunl, jealous
nasah teTtawa to laugh nknait dengki maliciously jealous
nisoh mhaf moof menghilangkan kesusahan to dispel sadness nmai tis; nmai kinyah kesa/ resentful
44 45
iranya perdamaian peace Ketakutan Fear
riof damai peace
mitsiI-e kasihan compassion waa takut afraid
nattmoof kasih; cinta; sayang love ayonwaa pengecut; penakut coward
sneh ramah friendly; kind hrenaut malu timid; shy; embarrassed
nsrau boun berprasangka prejudiced . natak berani to dare
nsrau tie rindu longing; desire nirif matak memberanikan diri to take courage
nsom mengganggu to annoy nwaa fe tidaktakut not afraid
nkanait mengkhianati to betray natakati gagah berani courageous; brave
nkmo marah angry nsusu fe berpantang to abstain from
noo bokyas nse menyimpan perasaan to keep feeling to oneself nhaf myl; nwoh wah cemas worried
nutfe taksabar impatient nnotye khawatir anxious
nkmonato dongkol angry inside namboi; waa gugup nervous
mhu re kmo marak biar marahnya mereda let anger cool nrok namboi; nrok bingung confused; upset
nashe menggoda to tempt; seduce niskawowo; nrok
yutkmo fe hilang kesabarannya lose one's temper nambokak
nkmower geram; sangat marah to be furious nberoh nsiko tna najat berani mati audacious; not afraid of death
bokyas nsre tersinggung to be offended nana matak berkeras kepala; bandel stubborn; obstinate
mberasi menindas to oppress mbau tabu taboo
nwe kair menghina to humiliate mti waa ngeri horrible
smot percaya to trust; believe

6g Bofen Kerajinan Industriousness

mur-mur rajin industri04s

bosaso usaha effort
nno fye-fya bernsaha to try
natak; ntai mampu able; capable
ntai fe; ssafo fe tidakmampu unable; incapable
nhar bo pandai skillful
bo har cerdik; cerdas clever; shrewd
krek aam mase licik crafty; cunning
nan-nan tangkas dexterous
haweboh ma/as lazy
hawe segan reluctant
bo re mtie hawe keseganan apathy
natakmkah keras terhadap strict; stern
boronno tugas task

46 47
DUO inenjalankan to carry out
llnomkak menyelesaikan to fInish

6h nhaf sneh Kerendahan hati Humi

nkro taat;patuh to obey

nhafsneh rendah hati humble; modest
nbaut menghonnati to respect
DUO bomoof sifat baik virtue
nhaf mrat; nkar mrat; egois selfIsh
nhafase setia faithful -
hafmoof murah hati generous
nhafsneh lemah lembut kind; gentle
nska fe mengampuni to forgive
bo atmof pengasihan mercy
mfi nhar lagak attitude
nyok-yok sombong arrogant nbe to; nbe nan menerangkan to explain
nyok-yok nyo menyombongkan diri to boast ntu mengundang to invite
nana mase; nana matak besar kepala big-headed nsit mendesak to urge
bafmoof kebaikan goodness nkyas menceritakan to tell (a story)
srian bob hamba servant nwatum menasehati to advise
nifare menyerah to surrender nirif mengajar to teach
nkyas membicarakan to discuss
mti bonot mengingatkan to remind
nbies mengizinkan to permit
7 Nfoh - Komunikasi - Communication namus mencela to criticize
nkmo memarahi to scold
mamus; mwiat mencaci-maki to scorn; ridicule
7a N s Bicara nsantri berbantah to argue
nksob menyetujui to agree
nkyas; nnit mengatakan; berbicara to say; speak; tell
nwar menyangkal to deny
nawe bilang; berkata to say
msyo bo; mto bo mengutuki to put a curse on
ntu benanya to ask
mirare menenangkan to pacify
nawe menjawab to answer
samob; mkyas wai berbicara secara rahasia to speak confIdentially
nayob memohon; meminta to request
naun menuduh to accuse
nayob atsik mawat benerima kasih to thank
mai kata word
ntu memanggil to call
mai bahasa language
nbies; nawe memerintah to command
48 49
mai aro rau-rau logat dialect 7c Samu ro aam Kantor pos Post office
bomna dongeng fairy-tale
nirif menyatakan to state; clarify samuro aam kantorpos post office
mai suara voice ntim mengirim to send (letter; telegram)
bosi; nsi berjanji to promise noo; ntru; nkai menerima to receive (letter; telegram)
bosioh berdusta; membohong to tell a lie aam surat letter
mai; mawia bunyi to sound aammasun perangko stamp
bokyas lafa/; ucapan pronunciation aamntafat amplop envelope
nsioh omong kosong chatter botim pospaket parcel post
ntu menyahut to reply raa ro yakah bo tiem pengantar pos mail carrier
bokyas ro raa ro mase pidato speech fon telepon telephone
nsi bur bar berkomat-kamit to mouthe; mumble fon telegram telegram
.nkakiab menjerit to scream 00; tabam; remo alamat address
ntu berteriak to shout aam tiem ro tet posudara airmail
nkyas natak berbicara dengan keras to speak loudly aam tiem ro sawan pos laut sea mail
nsamob berbisik to whisper
nmai kinia bersungut-sungut to grumble 7d Bowatum Pendidikan Education
whorarar; mberamai; hanki menge/uh to complain
nsaman; mhoo meraung to moan nirifbo mengajar to teach
nwatum mendidik to educate; train
Menulis ku sikora murid pupil
nsanet ber/atih to practice
sii bokom pot/ot pencil nsanet /atihan exercise
sii bokom pena ,. pen aam buku book
sii bokom pu/pen fountain pen bi yabi ro ybo sikora kepa/a seko/ah principal ,
nkom menulis to write nsesanim be/ajar to study
nkomaam menulis surat to write a letter ntrot lulus to pass
nkom aam ro mamo me surat-menyurat to correspond ntrot fe; mbtek tidak lulus to fail
bosatoh; ktaa perbendaharaan kata vocabulary sesanim sekolah school
mata jilid volume nsesanim bersekolah to go to school
aam ro nkom bo buku tulis; buku catatan notebook sikora r o remo seko/ah dasar elementary school
nkwais-kwas mencoret-coret to scribble raa ro watum ku ro mkom teacher guru
sommabuf singkatan abbreviation bo
bokyas mafot naskah draft; rough copy wak kantor office
bonot mengarang to write; compose hawar ruangan kelas ' classroom
bokom karangan composition ara ftah ro bokom papan tulis blackboard
ara flab ro nkom bo papan tulis blackboard surab wiak tas satchel; bag
fra ro nkom bo kapur chalk ambarroaam tempatbuku bookcase

50 51
7e Pengangkutao Transportation

Iso ja/an road

Iso fra ja/an raya paved road
~r jejak trail
nbu wa iso merintangi jalan -to block the road
iso krewe persimpangan crossroad
frotet jembatan bridge
namonaa berjalan kaki togo on foot
nautasia naik kendaraan to go by vehicle
nautwiak naikkapal to go by boat
nam;) berangkat to depart
snok tiba to arrive
iso maom pinggir jalan road side
namosre sa/ahja/an to lose one's way
asia kendaraan vehicle
trek truk truck
oto mobil automobile
tet ro fru pesawat terbang airplane
smokro tet /apangan terbang airstrip
wiak kapa/ boat
bubak rakit raft
min dayung oar
nmin berdayung to row
job pe/abuhan port
"':":--'",,- '-,
bo ti weni bagasi baggage

bomat bacaan reading
bokom tulisan writing
bohar ro abet ilmu kesehatan hygiene
bomna sejarah history
boharromam ilmu hayat biology
bohar ro tabam ilmu bumi geography
nnit mengukur to measure

52 53
nisoh -menyiangi -to weed
nsoo memungut to harvest
natu mencabut to pull
8$aso bo .. Mata Pencaharian .. livelihood aya mahho saluran pengairan irrigation canal
~- '
iso refo ja/ur furrow
tabam tanah soil
Sa bo moo bia berkembang to bloom
moo tumbuh to grow
ora kebun garden; plot
ora ro hateh - sawah wet field
. ora ro tabam matak

/adang dry field
nfiltara menebang pobpn to chop down trees
bosafom rumput liar weeds
nabah menggali to dig
nyuum menana~ to plant
nrioh panen harvest
nrioh memetik to pick
nbumaWiah panen ke/adi harvest taro
nabah sasu panen ubi harvest sweet potatos
pasa mara jerami stubble; straw
nabah; nsreh yak membajak to plow
bo ro nsreh tabam bajak plow
nsama mencangkul to hoe
mabah menggaruk to rake
raa ro mkah bo petani' farmer
moo mburbur subur fertile
bo ro mno wora mo pupuk fertilizer
yok; afan hama plant disease; pest
makan biji seed
furere menabur · to sow
far-far deretan row
nsot; naat memangkas to prune
firere; fuin;nre-re semai seedling
bet persemaian seedbed
hawar petak section of a field
ntu menyiram to spray; sprinkle
mharoyoh 1',' . /ayu withered
<, -
nfit disiangi weeded
8b Nakam syoh; nfot Penangkapan ikan Fishing 8c Boimsyah Perburuan Hunting

nimsyah; nakam berburu to go hunting

nakam syoh mencari ikan to go fishing kak binatang buruan game •
ntawer memancing to fish with a line raa ro nsroma pemburu hunter
ara wera; rkah tangkai pancing fishing rod ntutu mengejar to hunt; stalk
raa ro makam aya nelayan fisherman Bake memikat to lure
nfot syoh menangkap ikan to catch fish bosruf; saba umpan bait
saba umpan bait mburut mengepung to round up
mos mata kail fish hook ntmi; ntoh menusuk to pierce
nfo syoh meracuni ikan to poison fish mame;mai kena to hit (target)
wata bubu; lukah a type of fish trap mai fe; mir fe; msre ndak kena to miss
ni fon memasang lukah to set a fishtrap mame membunuh to kill
wata ro syoh keranjang ikan fish basket nno yaaf; oayaaf; manyaaf melukai to wound
nfais wata Marak mengosongkan lukah to empty out fishtrap sna; boka; fooh perangkap trap
fon jala; jaring fish net ntafat sangkar cage
fon pukat large fish net nnak panah bow and arrow
ate penikam spear karef anakpanah arrow
ririt bendungan dam taur ibu panah; busur bow
nririt membendung to dam up karefmaa n kepala panah arrowhead
karef ro simun panah beracun poisoned arrow
nitsre melepaskan panah to shoot an arrow
nnak menembak to shoot (firearm)
munah senapan; bedil gun; rifle
nnit membidik to aim
nakataur memasang tali busur to string a bow
nitsre tosu me/epaskan busur to release a bow
mayotaur menarik busur to tense a bow
sbe; sawia tombak; lembing spear
name menombak to spear
bonak katapel slingshot
tfo pisau knife
ntakoh; name menikam to stab
abio; soki parang machete; bush knife
mtah anjing pemburu hunting dog
sbe; tafoh; munah senjata weapon

56 57
ScI Uvestock

bosya temak livestock '

• fane
raa ro msya betemak to take care of livestock
samu rofane kandang house for animal
samurokok kandang ayam chicken coop
noo boitnee memberi makan to feed
nbutioksis memerah susu to milk
nfarir mawian mencabut bu/u to pluck
nmur mencukur to shear
raa ro msya fane: neh menggemba/akan to watch; shepherd
nek; neh kambing goat
fane babi pig
bo ro raa msia binatang piaraan domesticated animal
parang bush kcife; machete
rosme jantan male (animal)
kapak axe; adze
roano betina female (animal)
tangkai; gagang handle
mme induk mother animal
tfo man matapisau blade
ntenkbis kuku hoof
tfo mifra punggung pisau back of knife
noo; mabat bo safom mernmput to graze
ara meruk; burak sekop spade; shovel
00 ro bosafom rioh padang rnmput pasture
soki ro maka arit; sabit sickle
nktan; nsafa menyembelih to slaughter
baam tataro cangku/ hoe
bosafom ro nkat rnmput kering; jerami hay
hbat marte/u; tukul
ana pagar fence
gergaji saw
raa ro yhar bo ro mno fane dokter hewan veterinarian
raa ro mktan ara penggergajian kayu sawmill
nsohabet penyakit mulut dan kuku hoof and mouth disease
hbatara palukayu mallet
mabe msisoh biak fertile
teo bo ktan gunting SCIssors
mhaf bunting pregnant ( animals)
bo siah: kikir kikir ftle
noomakon mengebiri to castrate
bo ntnya tna perkakas tools
msya anya perkawinan breeding

8f Ntin, sne Menjahit, menenun Sewing, weaving

8e 80 satoh Alat-alat Tools
ntin menjahit to sew
ntoh mengasah to sharpen
mesin ro ntin bo mesinjahit sewing machine
maan tajam sharp
naru menambal to patch
mbin tumpu/ blunt
nsu menyulam to embroider
tfo pisau knife
raa ro mtin bo tukang jahit ' tailor; seamstress
tfo rombeka pisau lipat pocket knife
ntin menisik to niend
sawia tombak spear ,
hroh lobang hole
58 59
asi tarok kuda-kuda trestle; sawhorse
barit tangga ladder;stairs
framakan batu kerikil gravel
snyik pasir sand
tbu semen cement
nsriob adukan pelester mortar
ali atap roof
mai memaku to nail
nski membangun; mendirikan to build

mhah sobek;robek torn

maya; mfioh memintal to spin (thread)
bo ro nfioh fon alat pemintal spinning wheel
bomafon benang thread
sii jarnm needle
sika kancing button
nste menenun to weave (cloth)
nste mimganyam to weave (baskets)
you noken string bag
wata keranjang basket
surah wiak tas bag
nji wata penganyaman keranjang basketry 8h Raa bis Buruh Hired labor
aa; antabe tali string
nfuoh fom memilin tali to twist string raa ro mkab bo pekeija; karyawa.n worker
bomabut pita ribbon boren gaji wage
tfo boo ktan gunting SCIssors boren maut kenaikan gaji pay raise
boo kain cloth tuan majikan employer
bo ro msair bo pabrik factory
Bofen n raa ro matam raa pembantu domestic help
raa sya budak slave
ara kayu wood boren upah salary
raa ro yfen ara tukangkayu carpenter raa ro momama pengangguf unemployed ,person
arnu;arwarok balok beam (of wood) naren menggaji; mengupah to hire
ara flab papan plank nitsnok memecat to fIre
arnu tiang · pole mhai; mamo kaket fe mogok to strike
ataf kayu besi ironwood
8i 80 tkif ." niwarbo berdagang to trade
raa ro masim bo pedagang trader
samu abet; samu Idyam rumah sakit hospital raa ro sbe anggota polisi policeman
samu roabet klinik clinic raa ro nsaruk bo jurumasak cook; chef
namo nok bi ro bo tldef pergi ke dokter to see the doctor raa ro mbo pitis pegawai bank bank clerk
Idyam mafot penyakit sickness raa ro nktan na mawian tukang cukur barber; hairdresser
nisoh moof; nfe; ntkief menyembuhkan to cure raa bam guru teacher
obat makan pi! pill raa sbe prajurit; anggota tentara soldier
bo tldef obat medicine raa bies ro Thhan pendeta preacher
nata obat minumobat to take medicine
noo obat nse mengobati to treat
ntmi menyuntik to inject 9 Boit - Makanan - Food
abet; yaf /uka wound
bo mabat ro raa make yaf pemba/ut bandage
obat mkek obatmerah mercurochrome
9a Siwian pasa Persiapan-nasi Preparation-rice

pasa padi rice plant

pasa beras hulled; husked rice
pasa nasi cooked rice

9b Siwian nghaa Persiapan-sagu Preparation-sago
ntruk samu ro abet masuk rumah sakit to be hospitalized nghaa sagu sago
,· noof sembuh to recover nghaa ro bron sagu buluh sago cooked in bamboo
. nsafa bedah operation samas; ketan sagu bakar baked sago
raa r o nsafa raa ahli bedah surgeon aof papeda sago porridge
bi ro bo tldef dokter doctor nta menokok to pound (sago)
raa bo tldef dukun witch doctor raa ro mta nghaa penokok pounder
sese usungan stretcher a moof pati core (of sago palm)
bomaja gejala symptom nghaa masnyaf tepungsagu sago flour
nta nghaa mengayak to sift (sago flour)
80 taro soor lain etet sendoksago sago spoon
nghaa mamuoh sagu mentah uncooked sago
nfen ara mengukir kayu to carve wood nfi nghaa mengo/ah sagu to cook sago
wiak msya hawereh barang pecah-be/ah pottery raat /oyangkayu wooden baking dish
raa oro mkah bo tukang kebun gardener syawar pengaduk stirring spoon
raa roaya pelaut sailor; seaman ntfa mengaduk to stir
raa bokom sekretaris secretary
f62 63
nsabe; nbuoh mengupas to peel; remove husk
nkoti; nraik menjemur to dry in the sun
nakioh mengikis to scrape (carrots)
nktan; nsot memotong to cut up
mba kioh memarut grate (coconut)
rurere; ruin menaburkan to sprinkle
nsaet mengiris to slice
amok menumbuk to pound
ntoh menggosok to spread; smear
bo bahan ingredient

9d Tafoh Api Fire

taroh api fire

roko kayu bakar firewood
9c Bo saruk Masakan Cooki siohsan arang charcoal
mait nyala flame
bosaruk dimasak cooked nko tafoh mait menyalakan api to light a fire
nsaruk memasak to cook kan bara glowing coal
nta j1temanaskan to heat fra nes batu api flint
myoh mendidih to boil (intr.) warah berkobar to flame up
wosuk merebus to boil (tr.) nko; nkah membakar to burn; bake
konta memanggang to broil; roast; bake in nait skak terbakar hangus charred
nkah;nko membakar to bake; to roast boh abu ashes
nsar menggoreng to fry wasi asap smoke
aya ro bo saruk minyak goreng frying oil njar mengipas to fan (rITe)
aya nsten mentega butter; margarine njar mkah wasi mengusir dengan asap to smoke out
nanes mengukus to steam mait terbakar to catch on fire
nai; nber merendam to soak nikabuk memadamkan to put out
ntu menuang to pour out taroh mhai api mati; api padam dead rITe
nate mencincang to chop taroh skentrat bungaapi spark
srioh mencampur to mix bohana pun tung berasap smoldering block
nsom mengaduk to stir tafoh ben; bo tafoh korekapi match
nisoh syoh membersihkan ikan to clean fish kahman; kombeoeh apiunggun camp fire
nsiwian mempersiapkan to prepare aya ro tafoh minyak tanah kerosene
nktan menyisiki to remove scales niska wowo keran; perapian; anglo brazier; portable stove
nkukuk mengasapi to smoke over a fire wak cahaya light
wosukaya memasakair to boil water byut lilin candle

64 65
ge 80 satohro Alat-alat masak utensils 9f Boit Makanan · Foods
bah aya cerek kettle
pasa ro nsamer nasi cooked rice
cangkir cup
botsen ·jagung com
hawereh mangkuk bowl
hawereh nghaa sagu sago
ge/as glass ( container) nghaa bron sagu buluh sago cooked in bamboo
aCos loyang baking pan samas sagu bakar - baked sago
bana piring plate aof papeda sago porridge
oos sendok spoon syoh ro ha ikan asin salty fish
tukre garpu fork syoh ro raa mkyar ikan bakar griIIed fish
tCo pisau knife bom~ya kuah sauce; gravy
main stop/es jar pasaro mka bubur cooked cereal
kusya boto/ bottle
bokait; bonien penutup lid
nyak; raat 9g Botof Bumbu-bumbu Seasonings
belanga clay cooking pot
mnis; mbare; myah basi serving dish
ba garam salt
cobek bowl for grinding spices bo ro matit; bo ro sambian merica; lada pepper
asam gulapasir white sugar
sosa hayah seraigulai citronella grass
aya ro saruk minyak oil
aya ro matan cuka vinegar
kum madu honey
bo ro msu kecapmanis sweet soy sauce
marisan lombok; cabai red pepper (chili and
byau jahe ginger
rief kayumanis cinnamon
somba kemiri candlenut
bun kinyaa kunir; kunyit saffron; turmeric
kat pala nutmeg
arus wijen sesame seeds
marisan; sambian cabe rawit cayenne pepper
bo ro msu vet sin monosodium glutamate
soon maya ro mhah santan coconut milk
kat nksa bungapala mace

asam sour
9h Nait Makan Eati
pahit bitter
nait makan to eat pedis; pedas hot (spicy)
nabat makan sayur, eat vegetables
masak ripe
nabo makan daging eat meat busuk rotten; spoiled
nsameruara setengah masak rare
nsitah mengunyah ' to chew
msu fe; mafah fe hambar; tawar tasteless; flat
mawah tercekik to choke
nhafmatu kenyang rasa taste
nhai sre lapar hungry
berasaasap smoky
nas mamo candu akan to crave (food) menyukai; menikmati to enjoy; relish
noo nsten menggemukkan rich; fattening
nhai sbit haus thirsty
nata minum to drink
boit makanan meal 9j Tabak, srah make, joo Tembakciu, pinang, Tobacco, betel, liquor
bo soh mnah makanan kecil snack minuman keras
nasmamo lahap glutton
nhafnksoh niJfsu makan appetite tembakau tobacco
nya menelan to swallow rokok cigarette
nya tabak merokok to smoke
noo boit nee memberi makan to feed
tabak mamuk pun tung rokok cigarette butt
nmot menghirnp; mengisap to sip; suck
ara komik pipa pIpe
nari rasa taste
nsanet boit mencicipi to taste
boit ro rabu sarapan; makan pagi breakfast
boit ro bas makansiang noon meal
boit ro mti makanmalam evening meal
, yata boon minum dengan rakus to guzzle
nail mkak menghabiskan to eat up
Datil menggigit to bite; nibble
bokyo ase pesta; makan besar feast
boit ro raa mek raa mait hidangan serving
nghariah; makok sisanya leftovers
nsi rau saji dish

9i Rasa-rasa

msu sedap; enak; lezat delicious

msu manis sweet
~atan asin salty
nsfes benninyak oily

68 69
nya mengisap to inhale
aam kbos kertas rokok cigarette paper
frus tabak maun mengepulkan to blow smoke
wai pinang areca palm
10 Raa - Masyarakat - SOCiety
bob kapur lime
bror sirih betel plant
108 Raa mana sau Sanak keluarga . Relatives
brormata daun sirih betel leaf
wenas make buahpinang areca nut
raa mana sau sanak keluarga relatives
nait wenas make makansirih to chew betel nut
raa mana sau keluarga; famili family
joo tuak palm wine
kube keturunan descendant
mbisier mabuk drunk
raa sme pria; laki-laki male
finya wanita; perempuan female
nabi tua old
nbotna muda young
rnbe ku ames .
keluarga berencana
family planning
nrne ibu mother
naja ayah; bapak father
raa mabi; raa manes orangtua parents
ntos ku mengasuh anak to raise children
nhohos nenek moyang ancestors
nhobos ro ano moyang perempuan great -grandmother
nbobos ro sme moyang laki-laki great -grandfather
natat ro ano nenek grandmother
natat ro sme kakek grandfather
ntrno; namu paman uncle
naja ro tis bapak adik; adik pria ayah father's younger brother
nati bibi aunt
nrne ro tis mama adik; adik wan ita ibu mother's younger sister
nsniem ro ano ibu mertua mother-in-law
nsniem ro sme bapak mertua father-in-law
nsniern ro ano ipar perempuan sister-in-law
nsniern ro sme ipar laki-Iaki brother-in-law
nsniem ro ano menantu perempulfn daughter-in-law
nsniem ro sme menantu laki-Iaki son-in-law
nau ro yabi kakak laki-laki older brother
nau royaku adik laki-Iaki younger brother
nano romabi kakak perempuan older sister
nanoromaku adik perempuan younger sister
70 71
nanoro sme soudara laki-laki brother kamu sekalian you (pI. familiar)
manoroano soutlara perempuan sister beliou he (respectful)
nakanya soudara sepupu cousin ibu Mrs.
ku anak child bapak Mr.
kubum anaksulung oldest child nona Miss; you (formal)
ku tis anakbungsu youngest child saya punya; -ku my; mine
kumes bayi baby saudara punya; -mu your
ku kraa warek anak yatim-piatu orphan dia punya; -nya his
ku tna anakmuda young child
ku tna remaja adolescent Susunan masyarakat Social structure
mere pemuda teenage boy
flnya fain pemudi teenage girl desa; kampung village
manes; mabi dewasa adult remo kota city
ku beroano kemanakan perempuan mece tabam; 0 0; raabin negara country
ku bero sme kemanakan laki-laki nephew raa sme sya flnya rumah tangga household
nhohos cucu grandchild raa ro mato msiok anya; tetangga neighbor
nrain isteri wife raa ro bohra sau
naa suami husband rukun tetangga neighborhood association
nako bercerai divorced wilayah region
nsemana duda widower orang penting important person
semit; sren janda widow resmi official
tidakresmi unofficial
10b Kata nti nouns orang banyak people
raja king
jo saya I (formal) mahkota crown
jo aku I (familiar) raa ro yasom tabam presiden president
nyo engkau; kamu you (sg. familiar) raa ro yasom remo kepala desa; kepala village chief
nyo saudara you (sg. formal) kampung
nyo anda you (neutral) bobot ondoafi tribal chief
ait; a u dia he; she raa mana bangsa nation
a nu kita we (incl.) safo mana _poUtik politics
amu kami we (excI.) bosok pemilihan election
anu bewok kita berdua we two (incl.) me anya revolusi revolution
amumbewok kami berdua we two (excI.) nros kar kemerdekaan freedom
ana mereka they namabioh pajak taxes
anambewok mereka berdua they two bomabat bendera flag
raa wamu beta saudara-saudara; saudara you (pI. formal) tabam tu tanah air homeland

72 73
10d Raa Suku ba Ethnic 10f Mak Perselisihan Strife

raamana suku bangsa ethnic group; tribe D1Dak berdebat; berbantah to argue
raa makbair kelompok; golongan group nsitri anya bersaing to compete
raamakbair kaum clan nako; nhawe menentang to resist; protest
raamana bangsa race; nation nksohnmak suka bertengkar quarrelsome
raa sriem orangasing foreigner nknait mengiri to be jealous
mbam taro berasal dari to originate from ono bo ninia tidaksopan;tidakhonnat insolent
raamana kebangsaan nationality nsi kowah raa anya merugikan to harm (materially)
raamana warga negara citizen ooo yaf melukai to harm; injure (physically)
raa mana ro Dani sukuDani Dani tribe mbesauf menindas to oppress
raa mana ro Sentani suku Sentani Sentani tribe osikerek mengganggu to tease; annoy
• nsikowah merusak to damage; destroy
10e Ke iraoya; irat perdamaian peace

bohorit; bosii
me anya
mak; me anya
raa she
ten tara
armed forces
ntwain; nrit mengunjungi to visit raa she serdadu soldier
nhreiti mampir; singgah to drop by
siret pertemuan; rapat meeting
nfri anya; ntaur anya bertemu to meet
bokyo; korat pesta party
bomimna upacara ceremony
sna; soo; taah undangan invitation
raa ro mama amah anyo tamu visitor; guest
bosi-bosom pennainan game
n50m layang-Iayang main layang-Iayang to fly a kite
n50mita mainkartu to play cards
nsom pitls berjudi to gamble
nkukwoi main cari-carian to play hide-and-go-seek
nkroaa ayunan swing
.som rar malum main Ice/ereng to play with shells or
nsom sAhibor gasing spinning top

74 75
raaromasom pangkat rank menjatuhkan hukuman to pronounce sentence
tafoh; she senapan rifle; gun melanggar hukum to break the law
rna she ro mase perwira officer raa ro ykyas bo hakim judge
makbair regu squad lifo mana nmit menghaldmi; mengadili to judge
tafoh; she senjata weapon JDitsre membebaskan to acquit
nkah tafoh; she bersenjata armed jaksa prosecutor
sawia tombak spear 18 ro rna mburn bui; penjara prison
krewan pedang sword raa ro mas om safo orang hukuman prisoner
tfo pisau knife nai memukul to beat
sokie; abio parang bush knife safo ro netsu hukuman badani corporal punishment
karef; bomaun; ate . panah bow and arrow safo mai menderita to suffer
tafoh makan peluro bullet nhu sai bebas free
nnak menembak to shoot nkmot menjaga; mengawal to guard
nsikowah mengkhianati to betray nhrat membayar kerogian to pay damages
ntrofen; frotan mengintai to spy nno boska menuntut bela; membalas to avenge
ntutu; nsjoh menyerang to attack den dam
maut ati tiaro kemenangan victory raa ro mmat tan saksi witness
botak; bowiok rampasan loot; booty nawe mengaku to confess
ajat korban victim bo ro nno mkair kejahatan crime
snek benteng fortress safo perkara legal case
mbu menawan to capture nko menggugat; menuntut to sue
mburut menghadang to ambush nari safo menjalani to serve (sentence)
meayna safe gencatan senjata cease-fIre
nsusu mundur to retreat 10h Nsom bo Olahraga · Sports
bosiro irat; bokyas ro perjanjian perdamaian peace treaty
kakas ro nbiat pennainan kasti kind of softball game
kakas bola ball
1 Sa10 makan Hukum Law hbat pemukul bat
nsom bo olahraga sports
safomana hukum law smok ro kakas lapangan o/ahraga playing fIeld
bo mafa adat custom; traditional law nmukanya meninju to box
bo mafa rna adat istiadat various traditional laws raa ro mai anya petinju boxer
rna ro mhar safo mana ah/i hukum lawyer bo sintri pertandingan match
wak pengadi/an court; trial kakas ro nsrom bola volley volleyball
naun menuduh to accuse nkni berenang to swim
rna ro rna maun; raa isti terdakwa defendant un ro nkni kolam renang swimming pool
boun ro rna so mikyas tuduhan palsu false accusation
safo mana nmit menghukum to punish; sentence

76 77
11 - Agama; kesenian - Religion; arts

11a Bosmot ro Kristen Agama Kristen Christianity

har ro moof RohKudus Holy Spirit

Allah Allah God
Thhan Tuhan Lord
kabes yabi !blis Devil
raabin kair neraka hell
hame kekal eternal
ron ro hame hidup yang kekal eternal life
nawian jiwa soul
nfen tabam refo menciptakan bumi to create the world
hame wajin selama-lamanya forever
bo ro msai mujizat miracle
bobaut memuji to praise
sepak bola football; soccer nsukabuk berbakti; beribadah to worship
nsom kakas
kesebelasan football team iro dosa SIn
raa majin ro msom kakas
bulu tangkis badminton naweae mengaku to confess
kakas ro raa srom
-- raket racket nsukabuk berdoa to pray
perlombaan competition; race smot percaya to believe
saingan rival bosmot iman faith
bersaing to compete Ro Yron MahaKuasa Almighty
wasit referee moof kudus; supi holy
raa ifah
raa ro yhu ysom kakas olahragawan; atlit athlete raa ro mato mboh orang kudus; orang suci saint
akwion; samu ro raa gerejah church
prize sukabuk
boren hadiah
regu team bokyas khotbah sermon
raa makbair
pemenang; juara champion nkyas berkhotbah to preach
raa ro yoo mabo
peluit whistle nkyas kesaksian testimony
hiburan recreation bosmi; bonya wahyu revelation
nisoh mhaf
bola basket basketball rabis ro Thhan penginjil evangelist
kakas ro nsrom
biji; angka score rabis ro Thhan pendeta preacher
membuat biji; membuat to score raa ro nkmot raa ro nsmot gembala pastor
angka Thhan

78 79
ain tifa small drum
nfie meniup to blow (flute)
korombi kecapi mulut jews harp
oor peluit whistle 12 Boumto - Harta milik - Possessions
bokanaet; howes /agu tune; song
msom memainkan to play (instrument)
mai suara VOIce 128 Bosim Perdagangan Commerce

noo membeli to buy

11 smar drama
nasim; nbu bo menjual to sell
bosmar nyo nse bo memiliki to possess; own
tarian dance
smar raa ro bo rait pemilik owner
menari to dance -
raa ro smar nasim bertukar to trade; exchange
penari dancer
pitis uang money
mafot ro smar langkah tarian dance step
sioh samu ro raa msim bo pasar market
dansa western style dance
nbain membayar to pay
mafot irama rhythm
nkro mengiringi to accompany nhah nee kembali change
am bar panggung stage mabioh maut; mabioh mahal expensive
boirif pertunjukan performance mase
mabioh mroh; mabioh murah inexpensive
11f Bokom Lukisan
nkyas naut-nroh menawar to bargain
nfen bo menggambar; melukis to draw; paint mabioh harga price
aam mata kertas paper nkah mabioh naut menaikkan harga to raise the price
bofen lukisan; gambar picture nkah mabioh mroh menurunkan harga to lower the price
bofen ro raa lukisan orang portrait mabioh ro mhu tu harga mati fixed price
cat paint mhaf susai; mhu susai adil fair; just
raa bofen seniman artist (general) nastro; mbesruf menipu to cheat
aya ro nkom bo tinta ink nska tunai; kontan cash
noo raa mawian memotret to take a photograph pitis mata uangkerJas paper money
masu aro-aro wama color pitis mauf; makan uanglogam coin
raa·ro masim bo pedagang trader; merchant
bo ro raa masim barang dagangan goods for sale
namabioh pajak tax
bo tos jaminan guarantee
raa masim skak habis terjual sold, out
ramo terbeli for sale '
arnot; maCer laba; untung profit
noo hairowio rugi loss
82 83
bofyah utang debt
bo ro fyah raa berutang to owe
mkak; ska lunas paid
samu ro raa mse pitis bank bank
nayoh nbo waor meminjam to borrow from
boyoh raa pinjaman loan

12b miskin Wea

bobot kaya rich

bobot toni kayaraya very rich
raa kair miskin poor
nmore; nri raa; nkair me/orat; miskin papa destitute
mabutabat kekurangan lack
bofyah hutang debt
nko boo; nhre boo menagih to demand payment
nbain membayar hutang to repay a debt
mkak; nska lunas paid
nake; boke denda rme ratan rte celana trousers
nayahwaor meminjam to borrow kiet cawat loincloth
ntai; natak mampu to afford ntafat sarung sarong
bosatoh harta benda riches kiet yan rok skirt
nsebo berada well-to-do hotum ikat pinggang belt
namabioh iuran dues; collection hri Marak sandal sandals
safo mai; nkai bo; mno bir sengsara suffering hri Marak sepatu shoe
boum to milik property (general) watau topi hat
tabam tu tanah milik property (land) bah koteka gourd
nyoh bo mengemis to beg boo kain cloth
raa ro mayoh bo pengemis beggar booro nkait selimut blanket
boo ro tom njin seperai sheet
12c Ratan Pakaian Cloth boo ro niwa bomafit kelambu mosquito net
bo fayer; bo sniam barang-barang perhiasan jewelry
nyum memakai to wear tien anting-anting earring
nyum ratan; nyum bo berpakaian to dress srab cincin ring
nrus ratan; nsyau bo membuka pakaian to undress srah gelang bracelet
ratan; botruk pakaian clothing haban; bo ro mabe kalung necklace
ratan ru kemeja shirt bo ro nake nana ikat kepa/a; destar headband
ratan ro mato baju kaus T-shirt mbiait pakaian rumput grass skirt

84 85
scarf 12d Samu Perumahan Housing
bo mabat ro nana selendang
bo mabat ro smos saputangan handkerchief
beads samu bangunan;gedung building
weh manik-manik
samu rumah house
wanbin popok diaper
sbiah pondok hut; cottage
ratan ru baju dress; clothing
underwear sbiah gubuk shed
ratan ro mato baju dalam
samu r o raa mse bo gudang storehouse
bo nksa ro raa msya maa kaus kaki stockings
armband afie atap roof
hotom ro natem ban lengan
gloves afie sbunayoh;sraa ataplalang thatch roof
bo nksa ro matem sarung tangan
pajamas soC kasau rafter
ratan ro mjiD piyama
necktie tot ""sudut corner
raa mabe srau dasi
coat; jacket hri din ding wall
ratan mabi ro moe jas
- pintu door
aam payung umbrella
nake matak; raa wakus ibu kunci lock
armah lantai floor
amu tonggak post
barit tangga ladder; stairs
tok; ana pagar fence
amah war; amah mhawar kamar room
amah war ro njin kamartidur bedroom
samu ro raa saruk boit dapur kitchen
sutet; refat kakus; kamar kecil toilet
amah war ro Date kamarmandi bathroom
amah war ro nit bo kamarmakan dining room
amah war ro hre kamartamu living room
turaC gaba-gaba sago midribs used for walls
bohra halaman; pekarangan yard
tbu semen cement
tbu tembok masonry wall
wai nibung black palm used for flooring
aya mato sumur well

12e 80 ro amah mato Perabot Furniture

ambar meja table

ambar r o raa hre kursi chair
.:-=-:' .-...:. ~ ~ ....
- ambar bangku bench
--- .-- :::..
.... ambar ro raa mjin tempat tidur bed'

aam ro sneh kasur mattress dua puluh satu twenty-one
ambar rak shelf raa maat mhai seratus one hundred
bo ro ntiaC Cos kipasangin fan mawat; msis banyak many; much
bo ntnya tna perabot furniture msis toni; msis bia sangatbanyak very many; very much
ambar ro raa mait bo mejamakan dining table kebet sedikit a little
ambar ro raa mkom bo meja tulis desk baro se beberapa few
ambarroaam leman buku bookcase jia berapa how many
ambar ro ratan leman pakaian clothes closet moao anya rata-rata . on an average
boCen gambar picture mfi bo kira-kira approximately
hawar laci drawer okri-kri sedang average; moderate
bowane sromba cennin mrrror mase; mawat kelebihan surplus
bo ro ntin bo mesinjahit sewing machine mabutabat kekurangan deficit
saa lonceng clock ro sau pertama first
bo ro raa mwian aya ember bucket roewok kedua second
bo ro raa sabos bo sapu broom ro tuuC ketiga third
rojit keempat fourth
ro maat kelima fifth
ro ntamam keen am sixth
13 Bobenan - Penguraian - Descriptives
ro nkrema ketujuh seventh
ro okreotuuC kedelapan eighth
ro okrenjit kesembilan ninth
138 ka Numbers
ro osaa kesepuluh tenth
botu berhitung to count
nhariah setengah half 13b 80 tu IImu hitung Arithmetic
aroCe nol zero
otu menghitung to count; calculate
sau satu one
mberur menjumlahkan to add
eyok;ewok dua two
orofnoo mengurangi to subtract
tuuC tiga three
osaim membagi to divide
jit empat four
matia soal problem (math)
maat lima five
ohariah sisa remainder
enam SIX
beta jumlah total
krema tujuh seven
moan bilangan genap; nomor even number
krentuuC delapan eight
krenjit sembilan nine
mabut bilangan ganjil; nomor odd number
nsaa sepuluh ten
tahabah sau sebelas eleven
tahabah eyok dua belas twelve
raa sait duapuluh twenty
88 89
msimsianya memperbandingkan to compare 13d Bentuk Shapes
habah pecahan fraction
hariahjit seperempat one-fourth ntrot /UTUS straight
nhariah separuh; setengah one-half mwak /iku curve
ntmin;mwak ber/iku curved
13c Farok Ukuran Measurements mwak bengkok crooked; bent
miyi /ingkaran circle
nnit mengukur to measure murmtan bulat round
nnit bo ukuran measurement jit mtan kauya empat persegi square
romiyimbuf jengkal handspan jit miyi empat persegi panjang rectangle
maku sesendok spoonful masmtuuf segi tiga triangle
natem soro depa armspan ntrot sejajar parallel
baro fari kilometer kilometer mauf bujurtelur oval
bo kait segenggam handful mnan fibo berbentuk keTUcut conical
maboh; mase besar big taur busur arc
maku kecil small kakas bola sphere
mase lebar wide mfi bo kakas berbentuk bola spherical
myar-yar luas spacious mwak-wak lekuk concave
maku sempit narrow ntrot cembung convex
mato da/am deep
mabofe dangkal shallow 13e Letak Positions
mabuf pendek short
myo panjang long masuf di antara among; between
myowertoni tinggi . tall u di atas on; above
nksiah tipis thin murwas dikeliling around
mase tebal thick te di bawah below
netsu mroh kuTUS thin (person) murmtan di sekitar in the vicinity of
netsu maboh gemuk fat (person) ti masa; ti masu di muka; di depan in front
nksiah langsing; ramping slim mato di dalam inside
fanes; samyoh berat heavy moe di luar outside
menan ringan light nkene di dekat near
farl jauh far to tis di belakang behind
kine dekat near ti oajoh di sebelah; di samping beside
fooh; srot cepat fast matioh tino di balik sana beyond
rere lambat slow masuf di tengah in the middle
mbe panas hot atimo di seberang across
nfos; nkanam dingin cold isoyo sepanjang alo~g
bonit ukuran panas thermometer mamotanya berhadapan dengan opposite

90 91
mnis busuk rotten; putrid haweboh lamban sluggish (person)
mbarei mka apak; basi stale mifrok; makah snok seret sluggish; slow-moving (traffic)
abah mait; abah mabat berjamur moldy mkair macet plugged; stopped up
hesik mait berkarat rusty; corroded not myom-yam ragu-ragu hesitant
Marak; mfe kosong empty namorere terlambat late
matot penuh full kebet-kebet berangsur-angsur gradually
matotati penuhsesak . jam-packed nririn merangkak to crawl
mni non; msis-sas ramai full (of people) nno rere memperlambat to slowdown
nsrioh campur mixed together nhoh berlari ·to run
fooh segera immediately
13i Mbe Panas Heat kait lama long (time)
fooh sai elcspres fast (train)
mbe panas hot; heat
srot; foh lancar fluent
mbe hangat warm
mbe kair-kar, mbe ro rei suam;hangatkuku lukewarm
mbe kaketfe 14 80 har ro mai - IImu bahasa - Linguistics
nkanam sejuk cool; fresh; chilly
nkanam dingin cold
netsu mbe demam fever; feverish
14a Mai magut Jenis kata Word Classes
myooh mendidih boiling
hre membeku to freeze
mai ro mana kata depan preposition
nkri-kri sedang temperate
mai ro mbenaan kata keterangan adverb
hwiom musimpanas summer
mai tkiot kata sambung conjunction
soo r o om mais musim dingin winter
mai botu kata seru interjection
ayo matahari sun
mai bolu kata tanya interrogative
arin hawa; cuaca climate
mai kata word
nta memanaskan to heat
mai masmair kata dasar. root word
nno nkanam mendinginkan to cool
14b Mai beto Kata keterangan Adverbs
1 Nan-nan n
menofea memang of course; certainly
fooh; srot cepat fast
rau to tentu; pasti certainly
rere lambat; pe/an slow
mabo sungguh truly
rere pe/an-pe/an slowly
fe tidak not
nhoh-hoh; srot-srot buru-buru; tergesa-gesa in a hurry
mami sebenamya actually
fooh; srot lekas early; quick
bana bo fea barangkali probably
rabumomo pagi-pagi early (in the morning)
mba; hemba mungkin possibly
noofoh mempercepat to speed up; accelerate
mn bo tampaknya; rupanya apparently
94 95
uu lagi; masih still
mam pada at; on; in; to
mn bo agalOtya presumably
kbe akan about; in
rabu tiwawa selalli always
mkah atas on; for; in
osuk sering often
msya dengan with
osuk kadang-kadang occasionally nsya •.• fe tidak pakai; tanpa without
mafa pemah . ever mbam sejak since
mafa fe takpemah never wore;wau 00 selama during
ja aDa beta pada umumnya generally mkah bagi for the sake of
osuk jarang rarely mkah buat for the use of
muosau sekaligus at once mkah; mhau untuk for the benefit of
mbrah siamah; tu~or tiba-tiba suddenly nsnok hingga; sampai until
uu pula; lagi again ro tentang; mengenai about; concerning
fe saut tidak sama sekali not at all tiyo; wore sepanjang along
toa bam just
mkah demi by
riwai tadi a little while ago
mkah bo guna for the sake of
ooh sudah; telah already mkah melalui past; through
taa tija mefo bam-bam ini recently ke; kewe; we; fe sebab; karen a because of
muk tis wefo fo belakangan ini lately lna •.. fe; soh ... fe kecuali except
mkah fooh; ,fooh e dengan segera immediately nok; taa; too menuju towards
mami hampir almost mfi menumt according to
baro agak rather oos maa; bo mno berkat owing to
kerit ma(mi) ... fe hampir-hampir tidak hardly nsin tri; harrah melawan against
sai cuma;hanya only wia oh tna sesudah; setelah after
beta selumhnya; semuanya completely fe fares to sebelum before
toni sangat; amat; sekali very mkah secara in the manner of
toni terlalu too mfi sebagai as
tiwia dulu formerly
tinye rau pada mulanya; mula-mula at first
14d Mai tkyot Kata sambung Conjunctions
mfo sekarang now
fares belum not yet menohe; he tetapi but
yee juga also; anyway ke; kewe; we; fe sebab; karen a because
sai feto walaupun; meskipun even though
14c Mai mana Kata n mfi bo seakan-akan; seolah-olah as if
no be asalkan; asal as long as; provided that
mam di in; at; on oh setelah; sesudah after
nok; -t; to ke to fe fares sebelum before
mbam dari from; of nsya dan and
nsya sama with soh apabila whenever

% 97
ayo ro; ati ro waktu; ketika when; at the moment fiye mengapa; kenapa; apa why
tiwio; mbam sejak since sebabnya
nkri-kri sedang,· sambil while ja berapa how much; how many .
rekbe agar; supaya so that ti trinja berapalama how long
snok hingga; sampai until
kbe; sooh kalau;jika when; if 14g Kata bantu bilangan Classifiers
sobmfe atau or
sohmfe atau ... atau either ... or maho orang people
ye tna .•• ye baik...maupun both... and mana ekor animals
be; fe bahwa that make; makan buah fruits; big objects (houses;
mfi seperti as; like ships); abstract nouns
ro yang the one who; which m~ra; manaf; maa batang long; cylindrical objects
(cigars; trees)
14e Mai botu Kata seru mata; maan bilah flat; bladed objects (knives;
wojoe aduh mata helai flat; thin things (paper; cloth)
nama ayo; mari invitation maa utas long; soft things (threads;
ake masa; masakan doubt cords; strings)
woie celaka irritation; mabuf kerat; potong anything that can be easily
tsire; mitsire oh disappointment torn; broken; cut (bread;
tsire; mitsire sayang regret meat)
omoofaa kasihan pity makao; mauf biji; butir grains; seeds; small round
woie astaga amazement things (corn; pearls)
woo ah; akh dislike; disagreement; nkabar gugus; rnmpun clusters (bananas; bamboo)
ye kmo ma; ye 00 maa! pardon flaah; mata; mauf keping slices; flat objects (coins)
yabe cih disgust okre tangkai; kuntum flowers
makan tetes drops (liquid)
botu Kata ta hawereb teguk swallows; draughts
oos suap handfuls; bites; mouthfuls
awia siapa who; whose
bawia apa what
tija kapan; bi/amana when
hayo di mana where
oamotbayo kemana to where
obam tyo darimana from where
aumyo mana which
fiye bagaimana how

98 99
Daftar Kata-kata
Mai Brat - Bahasa lndonesia - English

'\' ...
abit pohon pisan~ pisang; banana tree,
a banana (2b.2c)
aboboh ular biludak maul,- death adder
a moofpati; rore (of sago palm) (9b) (3d)
aa tali; string (Sf) ae boleh; allowed to (6c)
aam surat.. buku, payung; letter, book. afa man miang; stinging hairs (on leaves)
umbrena (7C; 7d, 12c) (2a)
aam kbos keTtas rokok; cigarette paper afan hama; plant disease,. pest (Sa)
(9j) a6 atop; roof (8g)
aam mason perrmlico; stamp (1c) afie atap; roof (Ud)
aam mala kertas; paper (1l£) afie sbunayob atap lalang; thatch roof
aam ntafat amplop; envelope (1c) CUd)
aam ro bokyas injil; gospel (l1a) afos loyang; baking pan (ge)
aam ro bokyas ro 'fubanA/kitab; Bible abkatak, kodok; frog (3c)
(l1a) ah batofberudu; tadpole (3c)
aam ro nkom bo buku tu1is, buku catatan; aheh ular kaki empat. kodal; lizard (3d)
notebook (?b) abmana tenflwrak, dewa; skull, god" deity
aam ro sneb kasur; mattress (12e) (4b, He)
aam tiem ro sawanpos laut; sea mail (1e) ain tifa; smaIl drum (Ud)
aam tiem ro tetpos udara; airmail (1e) - aitdia; he, she (lOb)
aas pohon nipah; thatch palm (2b) aiat korban; victim (10£)
abah jamur, mushroom (2d) akemasa, masakan; doubt (14e)
abah mabat berjamur, moldy (13h) ako gua; cave (lb)
abah mait berjamur; moldy (13h) akob penyu, kura-kura, kura-kura daral;
aban ular; snake (3d) turtle, tortoise (3d)
aban ayct uiar sawah; python (3d) akwiongerejah; church (l1a)
aban raa uiar naga; Komodo dragon (3d) akyar pohon beringin," banyan tree (2b)
abas udang; shrimp (3c) Allah Allah; God (l1a)
abet luka; wound (Si) amah mhawar kamar; room (Ud)
abio parang; machete, bush knife (Sc; 8e" amah ro Idyam nunah sakit; hospital (4f)·
lot) amah war kamar; room (12d)
ara flah papan; plank (8g) ataf pohon kayu besi, kayu besi; ironwood aya msya awiah ro mbau perjamuan
amah war ro hre kamar tamu; living
ara flahro bokom papan tulis; tree, ironwood (2b, 8g) kudus; Lord's Supper (l1a)
room (12d)
blackboard (7d) ate penikam, panah; spear, bow and aya muna air kotor; muddy water (ld)
amah war ro nate kamar mandi;
ara flah ro nkom bo papan tulis; arrow (8b, 10£) aya myi nsafo oms; current (ld)
bathroom (12d)
blackboard (7b) ati benar; right, correct (6b) aya nkre selal, anak sungai; strait,
amah war ro nit bo kamar makan; dining
ara fuf dahan; branch (2a) ati rau sungguh; real (6b) tributary (lb, 1d)
room (12d)
ara karetpohon karet; rubber tree (2b) ati ro waktu, ketika; when, at the moment aya nsafo deras; fast flowing (ld)
amah war ro njin kamar tidur; bedroom
ara kmoh tunggul; stump (2a) that (14d) aya nsoo cabang sungai; fork of a river
ara komik pipa; pipe (9j) ati ro ntem ati sebelah kanan; right side (ld)
aman kolam; pond (ld)
ara mara batang kayu; log (2a) (Be) aya nsten mentega; butter, margarine (9c)
ambar panggung, meja, bangku, rak;
ara Marak kulit kayu; bark (2a) ati ro ntem ta sebelah kiri; left side (Be) aya otwar tenang, air jemih; calm, clear
stage, table, bench, shelf (l1e, 12e)
ambar ro aam tempat buku, lemari buku; ara meruk sekop; spade, shovel (8e) atirno di seberang; across (Be) water (ld)
ara ntmin mata kayu; knot (2a) atugunung,' mountain (lb) aya raa mabah sumur; well (ld)
bookcase (7d, 12e)
ara warok salib; cross (l1a) atu ntkah lereng; slope (lb) aya ro bo saruk minyak goreng,' frying oil
ambar ro raa hre kursi; chair (12e)
ara wera tangkai pancing,' fishing rod atu ro myo yaa pegunungan; highlands (9c)
ambar ro raa mait bo meja makan;
arin hawa, cuaca; climate (13i) (lb) aya ro matao cuka; vinegar (9g)
dining table (12e)
arin kanam dingin; cold (1f) au dia; he, she (lOb) aya ro mbe sumber air panas; hot spring
ambar ro raa mjin tempat tidur; bed (12e)
ambar ro raa mkom bo meja tuIis; desk arin mamur gelap gulita; pitch dark aumyomana; which (14e) (ld)
arin masuf tengah malam; midnight awia siapa; who, whose (14e) aya ro mkair air kotor; muddy water (ld)
ambar ro ratan lemari pakaian; clothes arin mhai sejuk; cool (1f) awiah keladi; taro (2g) aya ro, moof air jernih; clear water (ld)
arin mkair mendung,' cloudy (le) aya sungai, minyak, air; river, oil, water aya ro okom bo tinta; ink (11f)
closet (12e)
arin moof cerah; bright, clear (le) (lb, 1c, 1d) aya ro nror oto bensin; gasoline (lc)
amot laba, untung; profit (12a)
armah lantai; floor (12d) aya maam tepi sungai; bank (ld) aya ro raa mao saluran; canal, irrigating
amukami; we (excl.) (lOb)
amu mbewokkami berdua; we two (excl.) armon pohon jambu monyet, jambu aya mabi induk sungai; main river (ld) ditch (ld)
monyet; cashew nut tree, cashew aya mahho saluran pengairan; irrigation aya ro saruk minyak; oil (9g)
amurhto gelap guIita; pitch dark (le) (2b, :ic) canal (8a) aya ro tafoh minyak tanah; kerosene (lc,
ana pagar, mereka; fence, they (8d, lOb, arnu balok, tiang, tonggak; beam (of aya maku sungai kecil; creek, stream (ld) 9d)
wood), pole, post (8g, l2d) aya mana mata air; spring (ld) aya sook teluk; bay (lb)
ana mbewok mereka berdua; they two aro fe nol; zero (13a) aya mase sungai; river (ld) ayo matahari, jam, hari;sun, hour, clock,
arsoo musim; season (If, 19) aya mastu semenanjung,' peninsula (lb) day (le, 19, 13i)
arus wijen; sesame seeds (9g) aya mato sumur; well (12d) ayo matit panas; hot (If)
antabe tali; string (8f)
anvarok baiok; beam (of wood) (8g) aya maun air terjun, meluap; waterfall, to ayo mai beker, weker; alarm clock (lg)
anu kita; we (incl.) (lOb)
anu beta kamu sekaIian; you (pI. asam tebu, gula pasir; sugarcane, overflow (ld) ayo mha sombar; shade, shady (le)
sugar (2f, 9g) aya maun ro safo sumber mineral; ayo moo matahari bersinar, matahari
familiar) (lOb)
asia kendaraan; vehicle (7 e) mineral spring (ld) , terbit; to be sunny, sunrise (le, 19)
anu bewok kita berdua; we two (incl.)
asti kesalahan; mistake (6b) aya mji banjir; to flood (ld) ayo moo matak tengah hari; high noon
ata udang karang; crayfish, lobster aya mnaf-nafriak; small wave, ripple (ld) (lg) .
aof papeda; sago porridge (9b, 9f)
ara kayu, pohon; wood, tree (lc, 2a, 8g) aya mne dangkal; shallow (ld)

104 105
ayo moo maut matahari terbit; sunrise bermut nasoh menutup mulut; to shut bo mabat ro raa make yar pembalut; bo ro mno woramo mbur-bur pupuk,'
(Ie) . mouth (4b) bandage (Si) fertilizer (Sa)
ayo mros setengah hari; half-day (Ig) bero mengorbankan; to sacrifice bo mabat ro smos saputangan; bo ro msai mujizat; miracle (Ua)
ayo ntrukmatahari terbenam; sunset (Ie) (something) (Sj) handkerchief (12c) bo ro msair bo pabrik,' factory (Sh)
ayo ntwok matahari terbenam; sunset (Ie) berur bno su gotong royong; mutual bo mafa adat; custom, traditional law bo ro msu kecap manis, vet sin; sweet soy
ayo ro waktu, ketika; when, at the cooperation (6a) (lOg) sauce, monosodium glutamate (9g)
moment that (14d) bet persemaian; seedbed (Sa) bo mara raa adat istiadat; various bo ro nake nana ikat kepala, des tar;
ayo ro nse natemjam tangan; wrist watch beta jumlah, selurohnya, semuanya; traditional laws (lOg) headband (12c)
(lg) completely (13b, l4b) bo matit malaria, malaria tropika; bo ro ntioh fon alat pemintal; spinning
ayo twokmatahari terbenam; sunset (lg) beto di situ; there (near) (Be) malaria, cerebral malaria (4f) wheel (Sf)
ayoh langit, awan; sky, raincloud (Ie) betrot meratakan; to level (Se) bo mafon benang,' thread (8f) bo ro nno pekerjaan, tugas; work, task
ayoh mboh mega; white cloud (Ie) betseren pohon papaya, papaya; bo maso agas; gnat (3f) (5c,6g)
ayoh srer angkasa luar; outer space (Ie) tree, papaya (2b, 2c) bo masoh tutup; lid (Si) bo ro nno mkair kejahatan; crime (lOg)
betu merontuhkan; to overthrow, pull bo maya cat; paint (lc, Uf) bo ro nsreh tabam bajak; plow (8a)
down (Se) bo mbam hutang,' debt (5j) bo ro ntiaffos kipas angin; fan (12e)
b bewakom penyok; dented (13h) bo mham mai berhutang; to owe (5j) bo ro ntin bo mesin jahit; sewing machine
bewakom-wakam berkerot; wrinkled bo mimna upacara; ceremony (lOe) (12e)
bi ait beliau; he (respectful) (lOb) bo mno berkat; owing to (14c) , bo ro raa masim barang dagangan; goods
baam kapak; axe, adze (8e)
bi ro bo tkief dokter; doctor (Si) bo moonjimat; talisman, amulet (Uc) for sale (12a)
baam tataro cangkul; hoe (8e)
bi yabi ro ybo sikora kepala sekolah; bo msu rayap; termite (3f) bo ro raa msia binatang piaraan;
baas siang, waktu siang,' noon, during the
principal (7d) bo nksa ro matem sarong tangan; gloves domesticated animal (Sd)
day, eariy afternoon (lg)
bias kabut; fog, mist (Ie) (12c) bo ro raa mwian aya ember; bucket (12e)
bah koteka; gourd (12c)
bmun duri; thorn (2a) bo nksa ro raa msya maa kaus kaki; bo ro raa sabos bo sapu; broom (12e)
bah aya cerek; kettle (ge)
bo bah an; ingredient (9c) stockings (12c) bo ro sambi an merica, lada; pepper (9g)
bahaa asma, bengek; asthma (4f)
bo ajo saya punya, -ku; my, mine bo nsbie dimakan rayap; termite-eaten bo ro tabam duniawi; worldly (l1a)
ban a piring,' plate (ge)
bo am keinginan; desire (6c) (13h) bo sbah sumbangan; oonati9n (5j)
ba~a bo fea barangkali; probably (14b)
bo anyo saudara punya, -mu; your bo ntnya tna perkakas, perabot; tools, bo siah kikir; me (Se)
barit tangga; ladder, stairs (8g, l2d)
bo aro msya nhaf cacingan; to suffer furniture (Se, l2e) . _ ~ bo sintri pertandingan; match (lOh)
baro agak; rather (14b)
from worms (4f) bo rait dia punya, -nya; his (lOb) bo sman agas; gnat (3f)
baro fari kilometer; kilometer (13c)
bo atmofpengasihan; mercy (6h) bo re mtie hawe keseganan; apathy (6g) bo sniam barang-barang perhiasan;
baro feto sebentar lagi; in a moment (lg)
bo fan hadiah; gift (Sj) bo ren upah; wages (5j) jewelry (12c)
baro se beberapa; few (13a)
bo fayer barang-barang perhiasan; . bo reto mkair macet; blocked up (ld) bo soh mnah makanan kecil; snack (9h)
batsai kol; cabbage (2d)
(12c) bo ro fyah raa berotang,' to owe (12a) bo sok pemilihan; election (lOc)
bawang ro mboh bawangputih; garlic (2d)
bo har cerdik, cerdas; clever, shrewd bo r o mabe kalung,' necklace (12c) bo sya temak; livestock (Sd)
bawang ro mkek bawang merah; onion
bo hasiaf abu; ashes (la) bo r o matit merica, lada; pepper (9g) bo tafoh korek api; match (9d)
bo kaitsegenggam; handful (13c) bo r o mawia moof musik; music (l1d) booti weni bagasi; baggage (7e)
bawia apa; what (14e)
bo mabat ro nana selendang,' scarf bo ro mno sifat; character (6a) bo tkief obat; medicine (Si)
·beah menggulung; to roll up (Si)

106 107
bo tkif maCot mantera; magic formula boit ro raa mek raa mait hidangan; bonya wahyu; revelation (l1a)
botim pos paket; parcel post (7c)
(l1c) serving (9h) boo kain; cloth (Sf, l2c)
botIdeC oba4 guna-guna; medicine, charm
bo tna baru saja; just now (lg) boka perangkap; trap (8c) boo mawian kwitansi; receipt (5j) (4f,l1c)
bo tosjaminan; guarantee (12a) bokair kotoran, tahi; feces (4c) boo ro niwa bomafit kelambu; mosquito
botoh mendendam; to hold a grudge (6e)
bo yase berkat; blessing (l1a) bokaitpenutup; lid (ge) net (12c)
botrukpakaian,' clothing (12c)
bo yoh pinjaman; loan (sum of money) bokanaet lagu; tune, song (l1d) boo ro nkait selimut; blanket (12c) botsenjagung,' com (2d, 9f)
(5j) boke denda; fme (12b) boo r o tom njin seperai; sheet (12c) botu berhitung,' to count (13a)
bo yoh raa pinjaman; loan (12a) bokom karangan, tulisan; composition, . boren gaji, upah, hadiah,' wage, salary,
boum anugerah, berkat; grace, blessing
boatmof kasih sayang; love of God (l1a) writing (7b, 7d) prize (8h, lOh) (l1a)
bobaut memuji, ninabobok; to praise, bokyas lajal, ucapan, khotbah; boren maut kenaikan gaji; pay raise (8h)
boum to milik; property (general) (12b)
lullaby (l1a, lld) pronunciation, sermon (7a, lla) boren ro iro upaft, dosa; wages of sin (Ua)
boun ro raa so mikyas tuduhan palsu;
bobis tugas; task (5c) bokyas maCot naskah; draft, rough bosafom rnmput, rnmput liar; grass, false accusation (lOg)
bobot orang yang berpiutang, raja, (7b) weeds (2f, 8a)
bouror ninabobok; lullaby (Ud)
mahkota, ondoaji, kaya; creditor, king, bokyas nsre tersinggung,' to be ottlenCle<1l bosafom ro nkat rnmput kering, jerami;
bowane sromba cennin; mirror (12e)
crown, tribal chief, rich (5j, lOc, l2b) (6e) hay (Sd)
bowiokrampasan; loot, booty (1Of)
bobot toni kaya raya; very rich (12b) bokyas ro iranya peljanjian Der.dan'1allU1 bosaruk dimasak; cooked (9c)
boye tabu, larangan; taboo (Uc)
bofen lukisan, gambar; picture (l1f, l2e) peace treaty (1Of) bosaso usaha; effort (6g)
bra mabyo guntur; thunder (If)
boren ro raa lukisan orang,' portrait (11f) bokyas ro raa ro mase pidato; speech bosatoh perbendaharaan kata, harto
bron bambu; bamboo (2f)
boCret pernmpamaan; parable (l1a) bokyas ro Thhan Finnan Allah; Word benda; vocabulary, riches (7b, l2b)
bsok terperosok; stepped in ( a hole) (5e)
bofyah utang, hutang,' debt (12a, l2b) God (l1a) bosawer dupa, kemenyan; incense (Uc) buba lalat; fly (3f)
boh abu, kapuF; ashes, lime (9d, 9j) bokyas sawa meramal; to tell a fortune bosi beljanji; to promise (7a)
buba mioh langau; horsefly (3f)
bohana pun tung berasap; smoldering (l1c) bosi-bosompennainan; game (lOe) bubakrakit; raft (7e)
block (9d) bokyo pesta; party (lOe) bosH hiburan; entertainment (lOe)
bukrim cicak; house lizard (3d)
bohar ro abet ilmu kesehatan; hygiene bokyo ase pesta, makan besar; feast bosintri perlombaan, bersaing,'
bun labu, kunang-kunang,' pumpkin,
(7d) bomabat bendera; flag (lOc) competition, race, to compete (lOh) ftrefly (2d, 3f)
bohar ro mam ilmu hayat; biology (7d) bomabut pita; ribbon (Sf) bosioh berdusta, membohong,' to tell a lie
bun it mioh ketimun; cucumber (2d)
bohar ro tabam ilmu bumi; geography bomafit nyamuk; mosquito (3f) (7a)
bun it tto ketimun; cucumber (2d)
(7d) bomaja gejala; symptom (Si) bosiro irat peljanjian perdamaian; peace
bun Idnyaa kunir, kunyit; saffron,
bohorit hiburan; entertainment (lOe) bomatbacaan;reading(7d) treaty (lOf) turmeric (9g) .
bohra halaman, pekarangan; yard (12d) bomauti'panah; bow and arrow (lOt) bosmar tarian,' dance (l1e)
bun tetmus labu siam; squash (2d)
bohya kerasukan, kesurnpan; possessed bomaya kuah; sauce, gravy (9f) bosmi wahyu; revelation (Ua)
bur ita lebah, tawon; bee (3f)
by a spirit (l1c) bomna dongeng, sejarah; fairy-tale, bosmot iman,' faith (Ua)
bur kuwet lebah, tawon; bee (3f)
boirif pertunjukan; performance (l1e) history (7a, 7d) bosmot ro kair berhala,' idol (Uc)
bur mu penyengat, tabuhan; wasp (3f)
boit makanan; meal (9h) bonak katapel; slingshot (Sc) bosret lelucon; joke (6d)
burak sekop; spade, shovel (8e)
boit ro bas makan siang,' noon meal (9h) bonien penutup; lid (ge) bosruCumpan; bait (Sc)
boil ro mti makan malam; evening meal bonil ukuran panas; thermometer boswar dupa, kemenyan; incense (Uc)
but aya tintah; water leech (3f)
(9b) bonot cita-cita, mengarang; goal, botak barang rampasan, rampasan; booty,
byot burung me,:ak; peacock (3b)
boil ro nawian rohani; spiritual (l1a) write, compose (6c, 7b) loot (5j, 1Of)

lOS 109
ftaab keping; slices, flat objects (coins) bariah jit seperempat; one-fourth (13b)
flye bagaimana, mengapa, kenapa, apa
e sebabnya; how, why (14e)
(14g) " haroyoh layu; withered (13h)
fuin semai, menaburkan; seedling, to hasioh talas, bete; kind of taro (2g)
fjab lusa; day after tomorrow (lg)
sprinkle (8a, 9c) hate kutu; louse (3f)
eejauh; far (Sd) fon telepon, telegram, jala, jaring,
furere menabur, menaburkan; to sow, to hatenten kutu busuk; bedbug (3t)
etet sendok sago; sago spoon (9b) telephone, telegram, fish net, large
sprinkle (8a, 9c) hawar ruangan kelas, petak, laci;
ewok dua; two (13a) net (7c,8b)
foob perangkap, cepat, lekas, segera, classroom, section of a field, drawer
eyok dua;~o (13a)
lancar; trap, fast, early, quick, (7d,8a, 12e)
immediately, fluent (lg, 8c, Be,
h hawe kain katun, tidak mau, menolak,
f foob e dengan segera; immediately segan; cotton cloth, to not want, to
refuse, reluctant (lc, 6c, 6g)
foob sai ekspres; fast (traiD.) (13j) ha garam; salt (9g)
fos angin; wind (1f) habah pecah, pecahan; break, fraction, haweboh malas, lamban; lazy, sluggish
fabo lumut; moss (2t) (person) (6g,13j)
fos maya angin sepoi-sepoi; cool broken(glass) (Sg, 13b, 13h)
fan tempayak; grub, larva (3t) hawer membelok, iri hati; to turn (rt. or
(Ie) habah fooh mudah pecah; fragile (13b)
fane babi; pig (3e, 8d) It.), envious (Sa, 6e)
fos mfl angin bertiup; to be windy (le) haban kalung,· necklace (12c)
fane ribiob babi hutan; boar (3e) hawereh cangkir, mangkuk, gelas, teguk;
fos mmai angin ribut; windstorm (1t) haberek menoleh, memutar,
fanes berat; heavy (Be) cup, bowl, glass (container), swallows,
fosiref ubi, sia[u; kind of sweet potato menyungsang, membalikkan; to turn
far-far deretan; row (8a) draughts (ge, 14g)
(2g) . around, about face, to turn, to turn
fares belum; not yet (14b) hawion sukacita; joyful (6d)
fra batui stone (la, lc) upside down (Sa, Sd, Se)
farijarak, jauh; distance, far (Sd, Be) hayo di mana; where (14e)
fra kinyah-kanah kerikil; gravel (la, hafba frata; flat (Sa)
fautbukit; hill (lb) hbat martelu, tulqll, pemukul, raket;
fra makan batu kerikil; gravel (8g) haf moof murah hati, kebaikan; generous,
fe tidak, sebab, karena, bahwa; not, hammer, bat, racket (8e, lOh)
fra makyo kapur; lime (1c) goodness (6b)
because of, because, that (14b, 14c, hbat ara palu kayu; mallet (8e)
fra mana bukit; hill (lb) hafmoh rahmat; mercy, pity (l1a)
14d) hbo bersi!!:l; to whistle (4b)
fra nes batu api; flint (9d) hafrah melawan; against (14c)
fe fares sebelum; before (14d) he tetap4 bahwa; but, tbat (14d)
fra ro nkom bo kapur; chalk (7b) hah ne kembali; to return (Sd)
fe fares to sebelum; before (14c) hemba mungkin; possibly (14b)
fri bertemu; to meet (in the street) hahabah burungpekakak; kingfisher (3b)
fe saut tidak sama sekali; not at all (14b) hesik ngengat; moth (3f)
frit menyeberang, mengarungi; to go hai mayat; corpse (4g)
flkyom ombak; wave (ld) - hesik mait berkarat; rusty, corroded (13h)
across, to wade across (Sd) haiyah batuk; to cough (4f)
flkyom mai mase gelombang; big wave hmun pucuk; treetop (2a)
frok namo pergi keluar; to go out (Se) hamana tengkorak, dewa; skull, god, deity
(ld) (4b, l1c) hoor mengorok; to snore (4a, 5b)
frotan mengintai; to spy '( lOt)
flnya wan ita, perempuan; female (lOa) hofloh burung elang,· hawk (3b)
frotetjembatan; bridge (7e) hame kekal; eternal (l1a)
flnya fain pemudi; teenage girl (lOa) hofukumbi; tuber (2g)
fru terbang,· to fly (3a) hame wajin selama-lamanya; forever
flnya msasiana keguguran; miscarry (4g) honto tebal; thick (13h)
frukakkupu-kupu; butterfly (3t) (l1a)
flnya ro mno flnya mabe bidan; midwife booh asma, bengek,· asthma (4t)
frus tabak maun mengepulkan; to hanki mengeluh; to complain (7a)
(4g) hore bantan air pasang,· high tide (ld)
smoke (9j) bar roh; spirit (l1c)
flrere menghamburkan, semai; to scatter, bore mata ombak; wave (ld)
har ro moof Roh Kudus; Holy Spirit (lla)
seedling (Sh, 8a) hore mau air surut; low tide (ld)
harenaut marak tidak sopan; impolite
flrwas sesudah; after (lg) hore maul air pasang,· high tide (ld)
flyaf kuning; yellow (13t)
bore mrob air surut; low tide (ld) brobit pusat; navel (4c) isi ntara matahari terbit; sunrise (Ie) . kabes fane suanggi, hantu; ghost (Hc)
bore myum air pasang; high tide (ld) brob celah, lobang; crevice, hole (lb, iso jalan; road (7e) kabes ro wia arwah nenek moyang; spirit
borit menon't:on, menatap; to watch brobmban bajing tanah, tupai tanah; iso fra jalan raya; paved road (7e) of ancestor (l1c)
(performance), to stare (4e) chipmunk (3e) iso krewepersimpangan; crossroad (7e) kabes yabi !blis; Devil (l1a)
botom ro natem ban lengan; armband bror sirih; betel, betel plant (2f, 9j) iso maom pinggir jalan; road side (7e) kacang ro tabam kacang tanah; peanut
(12c) bror mata daun sirih; betel leaf (9j) iso refo jalur; furrow (8a) (2d)
botrim ikat pinggang; belt (l2c) brotat lumpur, rawa; mud, marsh, isoyo sepanjang; along (13e) kabman api unggun; camp fIre (9d)
bowes nyanyian, lagu; song, tune (l1d) (la, ld) isragua; cave (lb) kaifubi, siafu; kind of sweet potato (2g)
bra memukul berulang-ulang; to hit browio lelah, capai; weary (4t) ita ro nyon nana obat pencuci rambut; kait lama; long (time) (l3j)
repeatedly (Sg) lJsyob gergaji; saw (8e) shampoo (Sk) kajo kanguru kecil; tree kangaroo (3e)
bre duduk, membeku; to sit, to freeze (Sa, Jmfioh mbioh burung rajawali; eagle iwi lumpur, rawa; mud, marsh, swamp kak binatang, binatang buruan; animal,
13i) buwioh mbiob burung gagak; crow (1a, ld) game (3a, 8c)
bre amab lumpuh; paralyzed (4t) hwai tebing; cliff (lb) kak ara kuskus; cuscus (3e)
bre bfon tegak bulu roma; goose bumps hwiom kemarau, musim panas; kakas bola; ball, sphere (lOh, 13d)
bre mbeka duduk bersi/a; to sit
summer (If, 13i)
hyau jahe; ginger (9g)
1 kakas ro nbiat pennainan kasti; kind of
softball game (10h)
crosslegged (Sa) hyir panu; light spots (skin disease) ( kakas ro nsrom bola volley, bola basket;
ja berapa; how much, how many (l4e)
bre mbeka naa bersimpuh; to sit on hyot da11Jar; resin (2a) ja ana beta pada umumnya; generally volleyball, basketball (10h)
folded legs (Sa) hyut lilin; candle (9d) (14b) kakas ro raa srom bulu tangkis;
hre ntrot duduk tegak; to sit up straight jia berapa; how many (13a) badminton (lOh)
(Sa) jif kanguru; kangaroo (3e) kakaya burung hantu; owl (3b)
hre ntubat naa duduk angkat kaki; to sit i jit empat; four (13a) kake Marak kulit buah; rind, pod (2a)
with one leg across another (Sa) jit miyi empat persegi panjang; rectangle kake ro makan buah berbiji; fruit with
hre rere beristirahat; to get rest (Sc) . ifin pohon beringin; banyan tree (2b) (13d) seed (2a)
hrea lidah; tongue (4b) ifo hari ini; today (lg) jit mtan kauya empat persegi; square kama rayap; termite (3t)
hreha sore; late afternoon (lg) ii semut; ant (3t) (13d) kamior kerikil; gravet'(la)
hrehfon linu; pain in the bones (4t) iik burung dara, burung merpati; josaya, aku; I (formal), I (familiar) (lOb) kan bara; glowing coal (9d)
bren pantat; buttock (4c) dove (3b) j ob pelabuhan; port (7e) karef anak panah, panah; arrow, bow and
bren mato dubur; anus (4c) iis kemarin; yesterday (lg) arrow (8c. lOt)
j oo pohon en au, pohon aren, tuak; sugar
bren toyut berjongkok, tersungkur; to ijikpohon sukun, sukun; breadfruit karefmaan kepala panah; arrowhead (8c)
palm, palm wine (2b, 9j)
squat, to fall forward (Sa, Se) breadfruit (2b,2c) karef ro simun panah beracun; poisoned
brenaut malu; timid, shy, embarrassed imabo banjir; to flood, flood (ld, 1t) arrow (8c)
(6t) iin bencana; disaster (l1c) k kat pohon pala, pa/a; nutmeg tree,
hri cobek, dinding; bowl for grinding iranya karib, perdamaian; close , nutmeg (2b, 9g)
spices, wall (ge, 12d) peace (6a, 6e, lOt) kat make buah pa/a; nutmeg (2c)
bri Marak sanda~ sepatu; sandals, shoe kabai ketam, kepiting; crab (3c) kat nksa bunga pala; mace (9g)
irat perdamaian; peace (lOt) kaban ikan belut; eel (3c)
(l2c) iri majit petang; dusk (lg) katsir /umut; ~oss (2t)
hrir mengganlk," to scrape (Sg) kabes setan; satan, devil (l1c) kaus biml," boil (4t)
iro dosa; sin (lla)
kabes aban naga; dragon (l1c)
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kaut tikus; mouse (3e) koh baa tanah liat; clay (la) lrum madu; honey (9g) mabuf pendek, kerat, potong,' short,
kaut sitah tikus besOT; rat (~) kok ayam; chicken (3b) kusya botol; bottle (ge) anything that can be easily torn,
kawia ayam hutan; wild chicken (3b) kokerek ayam; chicken (3b) kwiah kumbang; beetle (3t) broken, cut (bread, meat) (13c, 14g)
kayah kolam; pond (ld) koko ayam; chicken (3b) mabum mengeram; to sit on eggs (3a)
kbe akan, kalau, jika; about, in, when, if kombeoeh api unggun; camp fire (9d) mabut bilangan ganjil, nomor ganjil; odd
(l4c,l4d) komi bunmg hantu; owl (3b) m number (13b)
kbek bahu; shoulder (4c) konta memanggang; to broil, roast, mabut abat kekurangan; lack, deficit
kbor baut punggung; back (4c) in fire (9c) maa batang, utas; long, cylindrical objects (12b,13a)
ke sebab, karen a; because of, because koratpesta; party (10e) mafapemah; ever (14b)
(cigars, trees), soft things (threads,
(14c,14d) korombi kecapi mulut; jews harp ( mafa fe tak pemah; never (14b)
cordsstrings) (14g)
kebet detik, sedikit; .second, a little (lg, kosafos jerawat; pimple (4t) mafah fe hambar, lawar; tasteless, flat (9i)
maah terang,' light (lg)
13a) kowaa ayam -hutan; wild chicken (3b) mafah sre-sre asam; sour (9i)
maam cemburu; jealous (6e)
kebet baro menit; minute (lg) krek aam mase lieik; crafty, cunning mafer laba, untung; profit (12a)
maan sisik, lajam, berduri, bilah; fish
kebet-kebet berangsur:,-angsur; gradually krema tujuh; seven (13a) mafer ro iro upah dosa; wages of sin (l1a)
scales, sharp, prickly, flat, bladed
(l3D krenjit sembilan; nine (13a) objects (knives, planks) (3a, 8e, 13g, mafio tangkai, gagang,° handle (8e)
kek ro mabi lingkaran eahaya; halo krentuf delapan; eight (13a) 14g) mafit menggigit, gigitan, pedis, pedas; to
(around moon) (Ie) krewan pedang; sword (lOt) maat lima; five (13a) bite, bite, hot (spicy) (4b,4f, 9i)
kene dekat; near (Sd) ksoh fe tidak mau; to not want (6c) maato terbuka; uncovered (Si) mafot irama; rhythm (lIe)
kerit ma(mi) •.. fe hampir-hampir tidak; ktaa perbendaharaan kala; vV~.(1lJ'Ulru mabah menggaruk; to rake (8a) mafot ro kiyam ilmu penyakil; pathology
hardly (14b) (7b) maban ti tinye pada pennulaan; in the (4t)
ketan sagu bakar; baked sago (9b) ku anak; child (lOa) beginning (lg) mafot ro smar langkah tarian; dance step
kewe sebab, karen a; because of, because ku amo anak tak sah; illegitimate mabat bo safom merumpul; to graze (8d) (11e)
(14c,14d) (4g) mabi tua, dewasa; old, adult (lg, lOa) mai kala, bahasa, suara, bunyi, kena,
kiawas biawas, jambu biji;guava (2c) ku ano nona; Miss, you (formal) mabioh harga; price (12a) memaku; word, language, voice, to
kie landak semut, trenggiling; anteater (3e) ku hero ano kemanakan perempuan; mabioh maku murah; inexpensive (12a) sound, to hit (target), to nail (7a, 8c,
kiet cawat; loincloth (12c) niece (lOa) mabioh mase mahal; expensive (12a) 8g, 11d, 14a)
kiet yan rok; skirt (12c) ku bero sme kemanakan laki-laki; mabioh maut mahal; expensive (12a) mai aro rau-rau logat; dialect (7a)
kikir kikir; file (8e) nephew (lOa) mabioh mroh murah; inexpensive (12a) - mai botu kala seru, kala tanya;
kine dekat; near (13c) ku bum anak sulung; oldest child mabioh ro mhu tu harga mati; fixed price interjection, interrogative (14a)
kiyam sakit; sick ( 4t) ku kraa warek anak yatim-piatu; (12a) mai fe tidak kena; to miss (8c)
kiyam mafot penyakil; illness, sickness (lOa) mabo resmi, sungguh, orang,' official, mai kanya bertubrukan; to collide (Sg)
(4f,8i) ku mes bayi; baby (lOa) truly, people (lOt, 14b, 14g) mai masmair kata dasar; root word (14a)
kmoganas; savage (6a) ku sikora murid; pupil (7d) mabo fe tidak resmi, dangkal; unofficial, mai ro mana kata depan; preposition
kmoh tunas; bud (2a) ku tis anak bungsu; youngest child shallow (lOc, 13c) (14a)
kmu hubas cieak,' house lizard (3d) ku toa anak muda, remaja; young mabo oh benar, sungguh; right, correct, mai ro mbenaan kala keterangan; adverb
kmu rat tokek,' gecko (3d) adolescent (lOa) real (6b) (14a)
knar tenang; to be quiet (Sc) kul>e ketunman; descendant (lOa) maboh besar; big (13c) mai tkiot kala sam bung,' conjunction
koh debu; dust (la) kubum ahli waris; heir (Sj) (14a)

114 11S
maim sayap; wing (3a) manafatsa~ ekor; chapter, animals masu aro-aro wama; color (11f, l3t) mawian bulu, berbulu; fur, feathers, body
main stoples; jar (ge) l4g) masu mkek sakit radang selaput mata; hair, hairy (3a, 4a, 13g)
mait nyala, tetbakar; flame, to catch on mana karon balung," comb of rooster conjunctivitis (4t) maya getah, memintal; sap, to spin
fIre (9d) - manaf bibi!, batang," seed (for lJldllLlJ~ masu ntera wama muda; light color (13t) (thread) (2a,8t)
majaf burung cenderawasih; bird of long, cylindrical objects (cigars, masuf di antara, di tengah," among, mayer bergaris-garis; horizontally striped
paradise (3b) (2a, l4g) between, in the middle (Be) (13t)
makperkelahian; fIght (lOt) manes dewasa; adult (lOa) masyoh kuntum; flower bud (2a) mayo susut; shrunk (13h)
makah snok seret; sluggish, slow-moving mankaron tanduk; horns (3a) mata daun, jilid, bilah, helai, keping; leaf, mayo taur menarik busur; to tense a bow
(traffic) (13j) mankaron ro marl bo tanduk perasa; volume, flat, bladed objects (knives, (Sc)
makan biji, uang logam, buah, butir, tetes; feelers (3a) planks), thin things(paper, cloth), mba mungkin; possibly (14b)
seed (in fruit), seed, coin, fruits, big mano ro ano saudara perempuan; slices, flat objects (coins) (2a, 7b, l4g) mba kioh memarut; grate (coconut) (9c)
objects (houses, ships)abstract nouns, (lOa) mata obat minum obat; to take medicine mbair lembah; valley (lb)
grains, seeds, small round things manoh insang," gill (3a) (8i) mbaitgigi; tooth (4b)
(corn, pearls), drops(liquid) (2a, Sa, manyaafmelukai; to wound (8c) matak keras, tegang, kokoh, teguh; hard, mbam dari, sejak; from, of, since (14c,
l2a,l4g) mara batang pohon, berkokok., taut, tense, fum (4e, l3g, 13h) l4d)
makbair regu; squad (lOt) trunk, to crow (rooster), long, matan asin; salty (9i) mbam taro berasal dari; to originate from
make buah; fruit, fruits, big objects cylindrical objects (cigars, trees) matia soal; problem (math) (13b) (lOd)
(houses, ships), abstract nouns (2a, 3a,14g) matioh ttno di batik sana; beyond (Be) mba net ticin; smooth (4e)
l4g) marak kulit, mempesonakan, kosong; mato pintu, dalam, di dalam, terbuka; mbare basi, apak; serving dish, stale (ge, .
make mawat lebat, sarat (buah); laden skin, to bewitch, empty (4a, 11c, door, deep, inside, open (12d, 13c, 13h)
with fruit (2a) maren menggaji, mengupah; to hire 13e, 13h) mbas burungpipit; sparrow (3b)
makok sisanya; leftovers (9h) marisan lombok, cab ai, cabe rawit; matot penuh; full (13h) mbau tabu; taboo (6f)
maku sesendok, kecil, sempit; spoonful, pepper (chili and cayenne), matot ati penuh sesak; jam-packed (13h) mbe panas, hangat; hot, heat, warm (13c,
small, narrow (13c) pepper (9g) matu runtuh; to collapse (intr.) (5e) 13i)
mam di, pada; in, at, on, to (14c) markaok kasar; rough, rude (4e, 6a, mauf bujur telur, biji, butir, keping; oval, mbe kair-kar suam, hangat kuku;
marne mematuk, keno, membunuh; to marmo-mo tebal; thick (13h) grains, seeds, small round things lukewarm (13i) ,
peck, to hit (target), to kill (3a, Sc) maru danau; lake (lb, ld) (corn, pearls), slices, flatobjects mbe kaket fe suam, hangat kuku;
mami sebenamya, hampir; actually, maru maam daerah pesisir; coastal (coins) (13d, l4g) lukewarm (13i)
almost (14b) region (lb) maun menguap; to yawn (4a) mbe ku ames keluarga berencana; family
ma mioh mentah; unripe (2a) mas mabu kebetulan; by chance (6a) maut a ti ranu menang," to win (6c) planning (lOa)
mamo memutar (jam); to wind (watch) mas mair gejala; symptom (4t) maut ati tiaro kemenangan; victory (lOt) mbe ro fe suam, hangat kuku; lukewarm
(lg) mase kelebihan, besar, lebar, tebal; maut mroh tidak rata; bumpy (13g) (13i)
mamo kaket fe mogok; to strike (Sh) surplus, big, wide, thick (13a, mawah tercekik; to choke (9h) mbe srufmembohong," to tell a lie (6b)
mamot anya berhadapan dengan; masio memuat; to load, fill up (5e) mawai berkicau; to warble (of a bird) (3a) mbe tbum menggerakkan; to agitate (5g)
• opposite (Be) masir urat daging; tendon (4a) mawat banyak, kelebihan; many, much, mbeak terpelanting, membuang,
mamur sangat gelap; very dark (lg) masis buah dada; female breast ( surplus (13a) . menebarkan (jala), membuang sauh;
mamus mencaci-maki; to scorn, ridicule masmtuuf segi tiga; triangle (13d) mawia meratapi, bunyi; to bewail, to thrown to one side, to throwaway, to
(7a) masoh paruh; bill (3a) sound (6d, 7a) cast (fish nets), to cast anchor (Se, Sh)

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mbeak srah menghakimi, mengadili; to mbtek hafiut jatuh tertelentang; to fall IIlfi bo kira-kira, tampaknya, rnpanya, mikabukmemadamkan; to put out (9d) .
judge (4e) one's back (5e) agaknya, seakan-akan, seolah-olah; mikitmenetes; to drip (5e)
mbehafmembentangkan (tikar); to open mbtek mabum jatuh terbalik; to fall approximately, apparently, min dayung,- oar (7e)
out, spread (mat, rug) (5i) fIrst (5e) presumably, as if (13a, l4b, l4d) , mir fe tidak kena; to miss (8c)
mbeka membengkokkan; to bend (tr.) (5i) mbtek mai menimpa; to fall on sOllnetllliJ mfi bo kakas berbentuk bola; spherical mirare menenangkan; to pacify (7a)
mbenan menguraikan, membuka ikatan; (5e) (13d) mitsire kasihan, oh, sayang; pity,
to untie (5i) mbtek mamot mato jatuh ke dalam; to mfi mbewakpusaran angin; whirlwind compassion, disappointment, regret
mbeoh menuang; to pour out (5e) fall into (5e) (Ie) (6d, 6e, l4e)
mberamai mengeluh; to complain (7a) mbtek nawe jatuh; fall (5e) mfi nhar lagak; attitude (6h) miyi lingkaran; circle (13d)
mberasi mengalahkan, menindas; to beat, mbtikginjal; kidney (4c) mfian-fian mudah robek; easily torn (13h) mjipatah; broken (stick-like objects),
defeat, to oppr~ss (6c, 6e) mbu menawan; to capture (lOf) mfioh memintal; to spin (thread) (8f) broken (steel-like objects) (5g, 13h)
mberur menjumlahkan; to add (13b) mhujuk memeras; to squeeze (5h) mfirere menyebar; to scatter (5e) mjiah tercekik,' to choke (4f)
mberur ntem gotong royong; mutual mburut mengepung, menghadang,' to mfo sekarang,' now (14b) mka basah, lunak, apak, basi; wet, soft,
cooperation (6a) round up, to ambush (8c, lOf) mfo refo sekarang, dewasa ini; now, these stale (13g, 13h)
mbes-bes belalai; proboscis of insect (3a) me anya revolusi, perang, perkelahian; days (lg) mkah atas, bagi, buat, untuk, demi,
mbesauf menindas; to oppress (lOf) revolution, war, fIght (lOc, lOf) mfuwin menghamburkan; to scatter (5h) melalui, secara; on, for, in, for the sake
mbesruf menipu; to cheat (12a) me ayna safe gencatan senjata; U::; ~l~C;-'lllll mhajinak; tame (3a) of, for the use of, for the benefIt of,
mbet menular; contagious (4f) (10f) mhafbunting,' pregnant (animals) (8d) bypast, through, in the manner of (14c)
mbetrot menggeletak; to sprawl (5a) men rabu besok; tomorrow (lg) mhaf amo hamif tak sah; illegitimate mkah bo gun a; for the sake of (14c)
mbetruk memasukkan; to insert (5h) men rabu hreha besok sore; tomorrow pregnancy (4g) mkah bosawer membakar dupa; to burn
mbewaya memeras; to squeeze (5h) afternoon (lg) mhaf kinya usus kecil; small intestine (4c) incense (l1c)
mbiaitpakaian rumput; grass skirt (12c) menan ringan; light (13c) mhafmamiotjodoh; to mate (3a) mkah fooh dengan segera; immediately
mbibi menghargai, mengagumi; to menofea memang; of course, certainly mhaf susai adif; fair, just (12a) (14b)
appreciate, to admire (6c) (14b) mhaftaba usus; intestines (4c) ' mkah hrotat berlumpur; slimy (13g)
mbin tumpul, majal; blunt (8e, 13g) menohe tetapi; but (14d) mhah robek, sobek, goyah; torn, wobbly mkah mti pada malam hari; at night (lg)
mbisier mabuk; drunk (9j) mere pemuda; teenage boy (lOa) (5g, 8f, 13b) mkair jelek, buruk, salah, kotor, macet;
mbo menyentuh, meraba; to touch (5g) mes darah, berdarah; blood, to bleed ( mham nyeri, sakit; painful, ache (4f) bad, ugly, wrong, erroneous, dirty,
mboh putih; white (13f) 4f) mharoyoh layu; withered (8a) plugged, stopped up (6a, 6b, 13g, 13j)
mbohri mencubit; to pinch (5h) mesin ro ntin bo mesin jahit; sewing mhau untuk; for the benefIt of (14c) mkair ati keji; shameful (6a)
mbokait memeras; to squeeze (5h) machine (8f) mhau beta utuh; intact (13h) mkair hmain keji; shameful (6a)
mbontata mudah pecah; fragile (13h) metum kubangan; puddle (ld) mhoo meraung,' to moan (7a) mkak lunas; paid (5j, l2a, l2b)
mbrah siamah tiba-tiba; suddenly (14b) mfar-far ayat, berbaris-baris; verse, mhu re kmo marak biar marahnya mkek merah, merah tua, merah muda;
mbris oh tepat; exact (6b) vertically striped (l1a, 13f) mereda; let anger cool (6e) . red, dark red, pink (13f) .
mbrurur ganas; savage (6a) mfe kosong,' empty (13h) mhu susai adil; fair, just (12a) mkier anya jodoh; to mate (3a)
mbsok ficin; smooth (4e) mfi menurnt, sebagai, seperti; mifra ekor; tail (3a) mkitpadat; solid, dense (13h)
mbtak mengunyah; to chew (4b) to, as, like (14c, l4d) mifrok seret; sluggish, slow-moving
mbtek tidak lulus; to fail (7d) (traffic) (13j)

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mkyas wai berbicara secara rahasia; to moo bia berkembang; to bloom (8a) mtetet gemetar; to tremble (4t)
speak confidentially (7a) moof baik, kudus, suci, bersih; good, mtigelap, malam; dark, night (le, 19) n
mmai berkokok; to crow (rooster) (3a) holy, clean (6a, 6e, lla, 13g) mti bonot mengingatkan; to remind (7a)
mme induk; rridther animal (8d) moof ati indah, baik sekali, merdu; mti waa ngeri; horrible (6t) na Imnya saudara sepupu; cousin (lOa)
mmiob bau amis; smelly (like fisb) (4e) beautiful (things), very good, mtis akar; root (2a) naa kaki, suami; foot, lower leg, husband
mnab bergerak, goyang; to move, unsteady melodious (6a, Ud) mto bo mengutuki,' to put a curse on (7a) (4d, lOa)
(5g,13h) moof beta betul,' real (6b) mtun bengkak,' swelling, swollen (4f, 13h) naa maban telapak kaki; sole (4d)
mnab-nab mengguncangkan; to shake (5g) moof mbai cantik,' beautiful (person) muk tis wefo fo belakangan ini; lately naa maim timpang; limp (4t)
mnaif moncong; snout (3a) mooftoni indah; beautiful (things) ( (14b) - naa mayir jejak kaki; footprint (4d)
mnan bilangan genap, nomor genap; even moonguna-guna; charm (Uc) muktis rau akhimya; eventually (lg) naa mhai kaki kejang; stiff legs (4t)
number (13b) moot kusut; shriveled ( old people) mun sau sekaligus,: at once (14b) naa mhaur betis,' calf (4d)
mnan anya rata-rata; on an average (13a) mos mata kail; fish hook (8b) munah senapan, bedil, senjata; gun, rifle, naa nkotis tumit; heel (4d)
mnan tibo berbentuk kerncut; conical mrat lengket; sticky (13g) weapon (8c) naa tsmi rahang; jaw (4b)
(13d) mrat kanya sempit; tight (13h) mur mtan bulat, di sekitar; round, in the naat niemangkas; to prune (8a)
mnan sie tepat; exact (6b) mroh keriwai mtai fe kalah; t-o lose ( vicinity of (13d, 13e) nabah menggali, membajak; to dig, to
mnaut masom nama baik; good mroh mte mengendap; to settle (ld) . mur-mur rajin; industrious (6g) plow (5h, 8a)
reputation (6a) msif sarang,' nest (3a) mur-mur sUkabuk beribadat; religious nabah sasu pan en ubi; harvest sweet
mne di luar,' outside (13e) msimsi anya memperbandingkan; to (6a) potatos (8a)
mni non ramai; full (of people) (13h) compare (13b) mUl'Was di keliling,' around (13e) nabat makan sayur; eat vegetables (9h) '
mnis bau, berbau busuk, basi, busuk; msis banyak; many, much (13a) muuf fares utuh; intact (13h) nabe melahirkan, menggendong,' to give
smell, to stink, serving dish, rotten, msis bia sangat banyak; very many, mwak /iku, berliku, bengkok,' curve, birth, to carry on back (4g, 5t)
spoiled, putrid (4e, ge, 9i, 13h) much (13a) curved, crooked, bent (13d) nabe miob lahir dini, lahir sebelum
mno menjadi; to become (4g) msis-sas ramai; full ( of people) (13h) mwak-wak lekuk; concave (13d) waktunya; premature birth (4g)
mno bir sengsara; suffering (12b) msis toni sangat banyak; very many, mwan hati; liver (4c) nabe msisoh biak; fertile (8d)
mno kiyam Marak menyembuhkan; to much (13a) mwia mengangkut; to take away, to nabet luka; sore, wound, break, cut skin
cure a disease (4t) msom memainkan; to play (' transport (5e) (4f,5g)
mno pen membuat biji, membuat angka; (Ud) mwiat mencaci-maki; to scorn, ridicule nabi tua; old (lOa)
to score (10h) msre tidak kena; to miss (8c) (7a) nabo makan daging,' eat meat (9h)
mo belalang,' grasshopper (3t) msu manis, sedap, enak, lezat; sweet, myah basi; serving dish (ge) naboh gemuk,: fat (4t)
moo maut tumbuh; to grow (2a) delicious (6a, 9i) myar-yar luas; spacious (Be) nabosas sederhana; simple (6a)
moo mbur bur su,bur; fertile (8a) msu fe hambar, tawar; tasteless, flat myi mengalir; to flow (ld) nabot menguliti pohon; to take bark off
mo nkawir belalang sentadu; praying msya dengan; with (14c) myo panjang; long (13c) tree (5g)
mantis (3t) msya anya perkawinan; breeding myo to wawa sepanjanghari; all day (lg) nabum berbaring,' to lie down (5a)
mo sabjengkerik, riang-riang; cricket (3t) msyo bo mengutuki; to put a curse on myo wer toni tinggi; tall (13c) nafamu paha; thigh, upper leg (4d)
moo tna bertunas; to sprout (2a) mtah asam, anjing, anjing pemburn, myooh mendidih; to boil (intr.), boiling natit menggigit; to bite, nibble (9h)
mofer mutu; quality (6a) tamarind, dog, hunting dog, bitter (9c,13i)
monkrain kangkung; kind of spinach (2d) 3e, 8c, 9i)
moo tumbuh; to grow (8a) mtai tulang,' bone (4a)

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nafos bemapas; to breathe (4a) nakyoh meraut, menipiskan; to whittle, nana kepala; head (4b) nasah beseh tersenyum; to smile (6d)
nai memukul, mengetuk, meninju, " . sh3!Jlen (pencil), to flatten, make nana hariah gundul; shaven head (4b) nasah nhai tertawa terkekeh-kekeh; to
menampar, melempar, merendam; to (Sg, Sh) nana make kusut; uncombed (4b) giggle (6d)
hit, to knock (door), to box, to slap, to naam toni sangat menginginkan; to nana mase besar kepala; big-headed (6h) nase gemuk, kemuliaan; fat, glory (4f, 11a)
throw at, pelt, to soakto beat, to beat very strongly (6c) nana matak keriting, berkeras kepala, nasen bangun; to get up, rise, to rise up
(gong, drum) (Sg, Sh, 9c, 109, 11d) nama ayo, mari; invitation (14e) bandel, besar kepala; frizzly hair, (Sb, Se)
nai mamo melemparkan; to throw (Sh) namabioh pajak, iuran; taxes, tax, stubborn, obstinate, big-headed (4b, nashafuk matak tertutup rapat;
nai natem bertepuk tangan; to clap hands collection (10c, 12a, 12b) 6f, 6h) well-covered (13h)
(Sg) namboi gugup; nervous (6t) nana mauf mboh botak; bald (4b) nashana bertobat; repent (l1a)
nairn mengorok; to snore (Sb) name menusuk, menikam, menombak; nana mawian rambut; hair (4b) ,nashe menggoda; to tempt, seduce (6e)
nait makan; to eat (9h) stab, insert, to spear (Se, Sg, 8c) nana mboh uban; grey hair (4b) nashomoh kejam; fierce, cruel (6a)
nait mkakmenghabiskan; to eat up (9h) namo berjalan, pergi; -berangkat; to nana mham sakit kepala; headache (4t) nasim menjual, bertukar; to sell, to trade,
nait skak terbakar hangus; charred (9d) to go, to leilve, depart, to depart .nanes membungkus, mengukus; to wrap exchange (12a)
nait wenas make makan sirih; to chew Sd, Se, 7e) up, to steam (Si, 9c) nasin tulang rusuk; rib (4c)
betel nut (9j) , namo mogaya berjalan; walk, gait (Sa) nano ro mabi kakak perempuan; older naskate dagu; chin (4b)
naja ayah, bapak; father, Mr. (lOa, lOb) namo naa berjalan kaki; to goon foot sister (lOa) nasmarno lahap; glutton (9h)
naja ro tis bapak adik, adik pria ayah; namo nater nee memutar kembali, nano ro maku adik perempuan; younger nasoh mulut; mouth (4b)
father's younger brother (lOa) berbalik; to turn around, back (Sd) sister (lOa) nasoh maa menganga; to open mouth
naka pinggang, membengkokkan; waist, to namo nee hilir mudik; to and fro (Sd) nano ro sme saudara laki-laki; brother wide (4b)
bend (tr.) (4c, Si) namo nhah nee memutar kembali, (lOa) nasom memanggul, terkenal; to carryon
nakam memburu, berburu; to hunt, to go berbalik; to turn around, back (Sd) nantutu keliru; mistaken (6b) shoulder, famous (Sf, 6c)
hunting (Sd, 8c) namo ninya mengembara; to wander nanwaruk muram; gloomy, sad (6d) nasom moof nama baik; good reputation
nakam syoh mencari ikan; to go fishing namo njin pergi tidur; to go to bed nar pelangi; rainbow (le) (6a)
(8b) namo nok bi ro bo tkief pergi ke nar kmoh kikir; stingy (6c) nastro menipu; to cheat (12a)
nakataur memasang tali busur; to string a see the doctor (8i) nari mendengar, rasa; to hear, taste (4e, nasu mata; eye (4b)
bow (8c) namo nur berkeliling; to go around . 9h, 9i) nasu har har rabun; short-sighted (4e)
nake mengikat, mengorbankan, memikat, namo safsafo menghentakkan; to nari bo mendengarkan; to listen (4e) nasu maah membuka mata; to open eyes
denda; to tie up, to sacrifice (Sa) nari bo fe mati rasa; numb (4e) (4e)
(something), to lure, fme (Si, Sj, 8c, namo sre menyimpang, salah jalan; to nari nsawer mencium (bau); to smell (4e) nasu mauf biji mata; pupil (4b)
12b) swerve, to lose one's way (Sd, 7e) nari safo menjalani; to serve (sentence) nasu mawian bulu mata; eyelash (4b)
nake matak ibu kunci; lock (12d) namo tit kesasar; to be lost (Sd) (lOg) . nasu mboh buta; blind (4e)
na!d0h mengikis; to scrape (carrots) (9c) namo twat me'!gelakkan; to avoid (Sa) nariot harap; to hope (4e) nasu mor-mor pingsan; faint,
nakit dahi; forehead (4b) namo yiya mengembara; to wander narmtuk nakal; naughty (6a) unconscious (4t)
nakit mham kepala pusing; dizzy (4t) namos hidup, nasib; to live, fate (4g, naru memotong (kayu), menambal; to nasu mti buta; blind, to be blind (4e, 4t)
nako menolak, bercerai, menentang,· to namot hayo ke mana; to where (14e) cut, chop (wood), to patch (Sg, 8t) nasu nnaif muka; face (4b)
refuse, divorced, to resist, protest (6c, namu pam an; uncle (lOa) nas mamo candu akan; to crave (food) nasu nseh juling; crosseyed (4e)
lOa, lOt) namus mencela; to criticize (7a) (9h) nasu wakjuling; crosseyed (4e)
nan-nan tangkas; dexterous (6g) nasah tertawa; to laugh (6d)

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nasu warwaru mengedipkan mala; to nau smos membersihkan hidung,' to nbait mabio gigi seri; incisor tooth (4b) nbuoh mengupas; to pee~ remove husk
wink (4e) - nose (4b) nbait mair geraham; molar tooth (4b) (9c)
nat tmoofkasih, dnta, sayang,'love (6e) naun menyangka, menuduh; to nbait mha~ sakit gigi; to have a nbut nimara menyumbat telinga; to plug
nata minum;~to drink (9h) to accuse (4e, 7a, 109) toothache (4t) one's ears (4e)
natak kuat, kekuatan, berani, mampu; naus kencing, buang air ked/; to nbam tyo dari mana; from where (14e) nbutiok sis memerah susu; to milk (Sd)
strong, strength, to dare, able, (4c) nbaul menghonnati, memuja,' to esteem, nee memberi, menyerahkan; to give, to
capable, to afford (4f, 6c, 6f, 6g, 12b) naut memanjat, mendaki, naik, naik to respect, to worship (spirits) (6c,6h, hand over (5j)
natak ati gagah berani; courageous, brave keatas; to climb tree, to climb a hill, Hc) nee mait memberi makan; to feed (5j)
(6t) go up, to go up (stairs) (Sd, Se *** nbe nan menerangkan; to explain (7a) nee mrok u menghidupkan kembali; to
natak mkab keras terhadap; strict, stem Se) nbe to menerangkan; to explain (7a) revive, resuscitate (4g)
(6g) naut asia naik kendaraan; to go by nber menabrak, melanggar, menginjak, nee sis menyusui; to suckle (4c)
natat ro ano nenek; grandmother (lOa) vehicle (7e) merendam; to bump into, to step on, to nee waor meminjamkan; to lend, loan
natat ro sme kakek; grandfather (lOa) naut wiak naik kapal; to go by boat soak (Se, Sg, 9c) (money, food) (Sj)
nate mandi, mencincang; to bathe, to nawe bilang, berkata, menjawab, nber kait menginjak; to step on (Sa) neb menggembalakan, ~ambing,' to watch,
chop (Sk, 9c) memerintah, mengaku; to 'say, to nberoh nsiko tna najat berani mati; shepherd,goat(Sd)
natem tangan; hand and lower arm (4d) answer, to command, to confess audacious, not afraid ofdeath (6t) nek kambing; goat (Sd)
natem ati tangan kanan; right hand (4d) 109) nberur nsom menggotong,' to carry a nentauf otak; brain (4b)
natem mbaf telapak tangan; palm (4d) nawe ae mengaku; to confess (l1a) thing (several people carry) (St) netsu tubuh, badan; body (4a)
natem mbaur lengan; upper arm (4d) nawia menangis; to cry (6d) nberuu mencelup; to dip, immerse in netsu mbe demam; fever, feverish (4f, i3i)
natem nkof siku; elbow (4d) nawia ntu menangis dengan nyaring; to liquid (Se) netsu mroh kurus, pucat; thin (person),
natem nkrem jari; fmger (4d) cry aloud (6d) nbetbum mengocok; to shake (mixture) pale (13c, 13t)
natem soro depa; armsPan (13c) nawia yoyo meratap; to lament, wail (Sg) netsu ntwar letih; tired (4t)
natem taa tangan kiri; left hand (4d) nawian kumis, jiwa; moustache, soul nbies memerintah, mengizinkan; to netsu simaut bennuka gembira,
natem tkoof sendi; joint (4a) 11a) command; to permit (7a) berseri-seri; to be all smiles, to shine,
nati bibi; aunt (lOa) nawor sumsum; marrow (4a) nbioh mengupas; to peel (Sg) radiate (6d)
natmato dada; chest (4c) nayaafmelukai; to wound (Sc) nbo memegang, menjinjing,' to hold, to nfain isteri; wife (lOa)
natmato mham penyakit paru-paru; nayabwaor meminjam; to borrow carry by hand (St) nfais wata marak mengosongkan lukah;
tuberculosis (4t) . nayo mengangkat sauh; to weigh nbo namo membawa; to take away (Se) to empty out fishtrap (Sb)
. natmof mengasihi, mencintai; to love (6e) (Sh) nbo nroh membawa turun,' to bring down nfarir D.lawian mencabut bulu; to pluck
natrer paru-paru; lungs (4c) nayoh memohon, meminta; to req (Se) (Sd)
natsmi alis mata; eyebrow (4b) (7a) nbotna muda; young (lOa) nfat menebang (pohon); to cut down
natu mencabut; to pull out, extract, to nayoh atsik mawat berterima kasih; nbu bo menjual,' to sell (12a) (tree) (5g)
pull (Sh, Sa) thank (7a) nbu nimara menyumbat telinga; to plug nfat ara menebangpohon; to chop down
nau ro yabi kakak laki-Iaki; older brother nayoh nbo waor meminjam; to one's ears (4e) trees (Sa)
(lOa) from (12a) nbum awiab panen keladi; harvest taro nfau malol mengisi penuh; to cram (5e)
nau ro yaku adik laki-Iaki; younger nayoh waor meminjam; to borrow (Sa) Dean wai menculik; to kidnap (5j)
brother (lOa) nbain membayar, membayar hutang; nbun bingung,' mixed up, confused (4e) nfe menyembuhkan; to cure (Si)
pay, to repay a debt (12a, 12b)

124 12S
nfen ara mengukir kayu; to carve wood nhaf ase murah hati, setia; generoUs, nhariah sisanya, setengah, sisa, separuh; nimyoh keringat; sweat (4a)
(8j) faithful (6a, 6h) leftovers, half, remainder, one-half ninaut mengharapkan; to expect (4e)
nfen bo menggambar, melulds,' to draw, nhaf asu usus besar; large intestine (4c) (9h,13a,13b) nirif mengajar, menyatakan; to teach, to
paint (llf) nhaf hri mencintai, jatuh cinta; to nhas balut; bandage (4f) state, clarify (7a)
nfen tabam refo menciptakan bumi; to love, to fall in love (6c, 6e) nhawe menentang; to resist, protest (10f) nirifbo mengajar; to teach (7d)
create the world (lla) nhaf ku kandungan, rahim; womb (4c) nhoh lari, berlari; to run (5d, 13j) nirif matak memberanikan diri; to take
nti nghaa mengolah sagu; to cook sago nhafmatu kenyang,' full (9h) nhoh-hoh buru-buru, tergesa-gesa; in a courage (6f)
(9b) , nhaf mham asam sendawa, sakit perut; hurry (13j) niserar naa melangkah; to stride (Sa)
ntie meniup; to blow (flute) (lld) hiccup, to have a stomach ache (4f) nhohos nenek moyang, cucu; ancestors, niska wowo keran, perapian, anglo;
ntioh memintal (tali); to roll, twist nhaf mnan puas; satisfied (6d) grandchild (lOa) brazier, portable stove (9d)
(string) (Si) nhaf moof bennurah hati, baik hati; nhohos ro ano moyang perempuan; nisoh menyiangi; to weed (Sa)
ntit menyiangi, membersihkan, disiangi; to generous,-good-natured (Sj, 6a) great-grandmother (lOa) nisoh mhaf menghibur, hiburan; to
weed, to clean up, weeded (Sh, Sk, Sa) nhaf moof ati tulus hati, jujur; honest nhohos ro sme moyang laki-laki; comfort, recreation (6d, 10h)
nfo syoh meracuni ika,n; to poison fish nhaf mrat egois; selfish (6h) great~gtandfather (lOa) nisoh mhaf moof menghilangkan
(8b) nhaf myi cemas; worried (6f) nhrat membayar kerugian, menebus; to kesusahan; to dispel sadness (6d)
nfos dingin; cold (13c) nhafmyoh berambisi; ambitious (6c) pay damages, to redeem (lOg, lla) nisoh rilOofmenyembuhkan; to cure (Si)
nfot menangkap (bola); to catch (ball) (Sj) nhaf nksoh bersenang hati, nafsu Ynf,'Kflj,r' nhre boo menagih; to demand payment nisoh syoh membersihkan ikan; to clean
nfot raa menangkap (orang); to seize to rejoice, appetite (6d, 9h) (12b) fish (9c)
(person) (Sj) nhaf sneh rendah hati, lemah lembut; nhrehfon merasa jijik; to detest (6e) nit mafer menikmati; to enjoy (6d)
nfot syoh menangkap ikan; to catch fish meek, humble, mode_st, kind, gentle nhreiti mampir, singgah; to drop by (lOe) nit make menikmati; to enjoy (6d)
(8b) (6a,6h) nhu sai bebas; free (lOg) nitrah membongkar; to unload (Se)
nfri anya bertemu; to meet (lOe) nhaf somit usus buntu; appendix (4c) nhu wa Iso merintangi jalan; to block the nitsnok memecat; to fire (Sh)
nfuolt fom memilin tali; to twist string (Sf) nhah nee kembali; change (12a) road (7e) nitsre melepaskan; melepaskan panah,
nfus menyelam; to submerge, to dive (ld) nhai meninggal dunia, mogok; to die, to ni fon memasang lukah; to set a fishtrap membebaskan; to release, free, let fall,
nghaa pohon sagu, sagu; sago palm, sago strike (4g, 8h) (~b) to shoot an arrow, to acquit (Se, Sc;
(2b, 9b, 9f) nhai sbit haus akan, haus; to thirst for, nifare menyerah; to surrender (6h) 109)
nghaa bron sagu buluh; sago cooked in thirsty (6c, 9h) nifra tulang punggung; backbone (4c) nitsre nyo melepaskan diri; to escape
bamboo (9f) nhai sre lapar; hungry (9h) nii memasang,' to install (Sh) from (Sd, Se)
nghaa mamuoh sagu mentah; uncooked nhais memangkas, membersihkan; to nii habah memecahkan; to break apart nitsre tosu melepaskan busur; to release
sago (9b) (hair, grass), to clean up (5g, Sk) (bread, fruit) (Sg) a bow (Sc)
nghaa masnyaf tepung sagu; sago flour nhar tahu, mengenal; to know, to niji mematahkan; to snap, break (Sg) niwar bo berdagang,' to trade (Sj)
(9b) recognize (4e) nimara telinga; ear (4b) niwrek melewati; to go past (5d)
nghaa ro bron sagu buluh; sago cooked nhar bo pandai, mahir, cekatan, cakap; nimara mboh nakal; naughty (6a) njwrek safo melanggar hukum; to break
in bamboo (9b) intelligent, skillful, capable, wise, nimara msyo tahi telinga; ear wax (4b) the law (lOg)
nhaf perut, hamil, mengandung; clever (4e, 6a, 6g) nimara mtuk tuli; deaf, to be deaf (4e, 4f) niya menelan; to swallow (4b, Sh)
abdomen, stomach, to be pregnant nhar bo toni cerdik,: wise (6a) nimna lutut, tempurung lutut; knee, knee niyum hrea menjulurkan lidah; to' stick
. (4c, 4g) nhar kaket tahu dengan baik; to know cap (4d) out tongue (4b)
thoroughly (4e) nimsyah berburu; to go hunting (8c) njafmengipas; to fan (fire) (9d)

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njaf mkah wasi mengusir dengan asap; to nkak retak; cracked (glass) (5g) nko membakar, menggugat, menuntul, nksiah tipis, /angsin/JJ ramping; thin, slim
smoke out (9d) nkaket saksama,' accurate, right (6b) kutuk; to bake, to roast, to burn, bake, (13c)
nji howes mehyanyi; to sing (Ud) nkakiah menjerit; to scream (7a) to sue, curse (9c,9d, 109, Uc) nksoh mau, menyukai, senan/JJ rian/JJ
nji wata penganyaman keranjang; nkamus ratan mencuci pakaian; to nko boo menagih; to demand payment menyetujui, menikmati; to want, to
basketry (8f) launder clothes (5k) (12b) like, happy, gay, joyful, cheerful, to
njin tidur; to sleep (Sb) nkan sarang; nest (3a) nko tafoh mait menyalakan api; to light a agree, to enjoyrelish (6c, 6d, 7a, 9i)
njin maka mengantuk; sleepy (Sb) nkanait mengkhianati; to betray (6e) fire (9d) nksoh ati bangga, berhasral, lebih suka,'
njin mberek membalik; to turn over (Sb) nkanam dingin, sejuk; cold, cool, nkoako kaku; stiff (13h) proud (family, country), to covet, to
njin myo berlunjur; to lie at full length chilly (13c, 13i) nkokin mengerat; to gnaw (4b) prefer (6a, 6c)
(5a) nkarjantung; heart (4c) nkom menu lis; to write (7b) nksoh bo nsaso nasom ingin mencari
njin natom miring; on one's side (5a) nkar mrat egois; selfish (6h) nkom aam menulis surat; to write a letter nama; to covet fame (6c)
njin ntu tenidur; to fall asleep (Sb) nkarioh tangkai; stalk, stem (2a) (7b) nksoh nkah suka akan; to be fond of (6c)
njin tbir tiarap; to lie face down (5a) nkaru menghapus, menyeka, """'H,,p'm'. nkom aam ro mamo me surat-menyurat; nksoh nmak suka benengkar;
njin trot terientang; to lie on back (5a) menggosok; to rub out, erase, to to correspond (7b) quarrelsome (lOf) .
njin tuu tidur nyenyak; to sleep soundly to polish, to rub (5k) . nkon mauf kantung kemaluan laki-laki; nksok mkah gemar akan; to have a
(Sb) nkat kering; dry (ld, 13g) testicles (4c) passion for (6c)
nka basah; wet (ld) nkatar mengusun/JJ' to carry on a nkoti menjemur; to dry in the sun (9c) nktan memotong (kayu), mengiris,
nkabar gugus, rnmpun; clusters (bananas, stretcher (5t) nkoyapenyok; dented (13b) memangkas, mengguntin/JJ
bamboo) (l4g) nkaur-kaur tegang; taut, tense (13h) nkre rantin/JJ tangkai,kuntum; twig, menyembelihmenyisiki, memoton/JJ" to
nkah membakar; to bake, to roast, to nkene di dekat; near (13e) flowers (2a, 14g) cut, chop (wood), to slice, to cut (hair,
burn, bake (9c, 9d) nkene ren subuh; dawn (lg) nkre ewok bercabang dua; fork (2a) grass), to cut (withscissors), to
nkah bokyas nsneh dengan kepa/a dingin; nker gila; crazy, to be crazy (4e, 4t) nkrek ketia/(, mengepit; armpit, to carry slaugbter, to remove scales, to cut up
temperate (6a) nkerii kurns; thin (4t) under arm (4d, 5t) (5g, 8d, 9c)
nkah mabioh mroh menurnnkan harga; nkhamit mengikat jadi satu; to tie in nkrema kejam, kasar; fierce, cruel, rude nktok mengerat; to gnaw (4b)
to lower the price (l2a) bundle (5i) (6a) nku kuk mengasapi; to smoke over a fire
nkah mabioh naut menaikkan harga; to nkiwian daging; flesh (4a) nkren fee tidak mengkilap; dull (13g) (9c) .
raise the price (l2a) nkiwian maboh otot; muscle (4d) nkren railD berkilat-kilat; shiny (13g) nkuk menari/(, mengangkat sauh; to draw,
nkah natak sanggup,.mampu; capable nkmo marah, memarahi; angry, to nkri menyadap; to tap-(tree) (5b) haul, pull, to weigh anchor, to pull,
(6c) (6e,7a) nkri-kri sedan/JJ sambil; average, interesting (5e, 5h, 6a)
nkah tafoh bersenjata; armed (lOt) nkmo nato dongkol; angry inside moderate, temperate, while (13a, 13i, nkuk woi main cari-carian; to play
nkai benemu, dapat, bisa, mencapai, nkmo wer geram, sangat marah; to 14d) hide-and-go-seek (lOe)
menerima; to meet (in the street), furious (6e) nkrio fre lelah, capai; weary (4t) nkwais-kwas mencoret-coret; to scribble
able, to reach, achieve, to receive nkmot menjaga, mengawal; to guard nkro mengikut, taat, patuh, mengiringi; to (7b)
(lettertelegram) (5d, 6c, 7c) nknait benci, dengki, mengiri; to go with, to obey, to accompany (5d,
nkai bo sengsara; suffering (12b) maliciously jealous, to be jealous 6h, Ue) .
nkair melaral, miskin papa; destitute lOt) nkro aa ayunan; swing (10e)
(l2b) nknar tenang; calm (l3h) oksi bersin; to sneeze (4t)
nkais pinggul; hip (4c) nkni berenang; to swim (ld, lOb)

128 129
nkyas menagih, mengatakan, berbicara, nmore melarat, miskin papa; destitute nno maka membengkokkan; to bend (tr.) noo raa mawian memotret; to take a
menceritakan, membicarakan, >-. (12b) (Si) photograph (llf)
berkhotbah, kesaksian; to'demand nmot mengisap, menghirup; to suck in nno marak menghilangkan; to omit, leave noof sehat, sembuh; healthy, to recover
payment, to say, speak, tell, to tell (a mouth, to suck, inhale, to sip, suck ( out (Se) (4f,8i)
story), to discussto preach, testimony Sh, 9h) .. nno mbtekmenjatuhkan; to drop (5e) noof oh sembuh; recovered (4f)
(5j, 1a, lla) nmuk menghancurkan, meninju,. nno mkak menyelesaikan; to fInish (6g) not myom-yam ragu-ragu; hesitant (13j)
nkyas natak berbic;ara dengan keras; to menumbuk;. to smash, to box, to nno nkanam mendinginkan; to cool (13i) nraa-raa sopan-santun, ramah;
speak loudly (7a) (Sg,9c) nno nsten menggemukkan; rich, fattening politeness, courtesy, friendly, intimate
nkyas naut-nroh menawar; to bargain nmuk anya meninju; to box (10h) (9i) (6a)
(12a) nmur mencukur; to shave, to shear (Sg, nno rere memperfambat; to slow down nraik menjemur; to dry in the sun (9c)
nmai buba dungu; foolish, simple (4e) Sd) (13j) nrar pipi, dagu; cheek, chin (4b)
nmai fe bisu; dumb (4e) nmut menyembunyikan; to hide, conceal nno yaaf melukai; to wound (Sc) nrar mawian janggut; beard (4b)
nmai kinia bersungut-sungut; to grumble (Se) nno yaf melukai; to harm, injure nraria hancur; shattered (Sg)
(7a) nnaif hidung; nose (4b) (physically) (10f) nre /ipatan paha; groin (4c)
nmai kinyah kesal; resentful (6e) nnaif mara batang hidung; bridge of nnot pikir, kira, ingat; to think, to guess, nre-re semai; seedling (Sa)
nmai tis kesal; resentful (6e) (4b) reckon, to remember (4e, 6e) nri raa'meiarat, miskin papa; destitute
nmak berdebat, berbantah; to argue (lOf) nnaif mato lubang hidung; nostril (4b) DDOt mio mengingatkan; to remind (4e) (12b)
nmat melihat, menatap; to see, to stare nnak menembak, panah; to shoot, fIre, nnot ye khawatir; anxious (6f) nriofputik bunga; pistil (2a)
(4e) bow and arrow, to shoot (fIrearm) nnot ye nyo egois; selfish (6c, 6h) nrioh memetik, panen; to pick off (fruit,
nmat iti melihat sekilas; to glance at (4e) Sc,10f) DObe asalkan, asal; as long as, provided flower), to pick (flower), harvest, to
nmat kaket melihat dengan jelas; to see nnis busuk (orang); corrupt (6a) that (14d) pick (5g, Sh, Sa)
clearly (4e) nnit mengatakan, berbicara, mengukur, noh me meludahkan; to spit out (4b) nririn merangkak; to crawl (13j)
nmat kiyam memeriksa; to give a medical membidik; to say, speak, tell, to nokke, menuju; to, towards (14c) nririt membendung; to dam up (8b)
examination (4f) measure, to aim (7a, 7d, Sc, 13c) noo gatal, mengambil, menerima, nrit mengunjungi; to visit (lOe)
nmat raa anya menghonnati; to esteem nnit ayo mencocokkan (jam); to set n:ernmput, membeli; itchy, to take, to orof noo mengurangi; to subtract (13b)
(6c) (watch) (lg) receive (letter, telegram), to graze, to nroh turnn; to go down (Se)
nmat rof bo belajar; to study (4e) nnit bo ukuran; measurement (13c) buy (4f, Se, Sj, 7c, Sd, 12a) nroh mam safo hukunian; judgment (lla)
nmat sas membedakan, menyelidiki; to nno membuat, bekerja, menjalankan; to noo bo nee mait memberi makanan; to . nrok bangkit, kebangkitan; to rise,
discern, to do research (4e) make, do, to work, to carry out (Sc, feed (3a) resurrection (lla)
nmat tan memata-matai; to spy on (4e) nno bo moof sifat baik; virtue (6h) noo boit nee memberi makan; to feed (Sd, nrok namboi bingung; confused, upset
nmeibu; mother, Mrs. (lOa, lOb) nno bo ninia tidak sopan, tidak hormat; 9h) (6f)
nme ro tis mama adik, adik wan ita ibu; insolent (lOf) noo bokyas nse menyimpan perasaan; to nrok nambokak bingung; confused, upset
mother's younger sister (lOa) nno boska menuntut bela, membalas keep feeling to oneself (6e) (6f)
nmin berdayung; to row (7e) den dam; to avenge (lOg) noo foh mempercepat; to speed up, nrok niskawowo bingung; confused, upset
nmiot bersembunyi; to hide (intr.) (5e) nno bosret lucu; funny (6d) . accelerate (13j) (6f)
nmo su berjalan bersama-sama; to go nno fye-fya bernsaha; to try (6g) noo hairowio rngi; loss (12a) nrom memperhatikan; to look at closely
with (5d) nno iro berdosa; sinful (6a) noo makon mengebiri; to castrate (3a, Sd) (4e)
nmoof aa kasihan; pity (14e) noDobat nse mengobati; to treat (Si)

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Bros berdiri, berhenti, berhenti beTjalan; to osaoet mencicip~ berlatih, latihan; to osi tarok kuda-kuda; trestle, sawhorse . . nsom mengganggu, mengaduk; to annoy,
stand up, to stop, to stop walking (5a, taste, to practice, exercise (4e, 7d) (8g) to stir(6e, 9c) .
Sc, Se) osaoet boit mencicipi; to taste (9h) \ osikerek mengganggu; to tease, annoy nsom bo olahraga; sports (lOh)
Bros far-far beriring-iring; to walk in fIle ro rabu sarapan, makan pagi; (lOt) nsom ita main kartu; to play cards (lOe)
(5d) breakfast (9h) osikowah merusak, mengkhianati; to nsom kakas sepak bola,· football, soccer
Bros kar kemerdekaari; freedom (lOc) osaotri berbantah, saingan; to argue, damage, destroy, to betray (lOt) (lOh)
Bros osit bersandar; to lean 00 (5e) (7a,10h) osio tri mengaduh, melawan; to whimper; nsom layaog-layang main layang-layOl1g;
oros otrot tegap,· big, husky (4t) osar menggoreng; to fry (9c) against (6d, l4C) to fly a kite (10e)
Bros wa berhenti(lah); stop, halt! (5a) osarer lebat, sarat (buah); laden with osioh omong kosong; chatter (7a) nsom pitis beTjudi; to gamble (lOe)
Bros wuri berhenti; to stop (5c) fruit (2a) osiro mengantuk; sleepy (Sb) nsom rar makao main kelereng; to play
orurur gugur; to drop (leaves) (Se) osarukmemasak; to cook (9c) osisis kelumpuhan; paralysis (4t) with shells or marbles (lOe)
DrUg mengelupas; peeled (4t) osasat. meraba; to touch (4e) osit menekan, tekanan, mendesak; to osom-sam rekreasi; recreation (lOe)
DrUg ratao membuka pakaian; to undress osasioh runtuh; falling to pieces (13h) press down, to press, pressure, to urge nsom sibibor gasing; spinning top (lOe)
(12c) osasye runtuh; falling to pieces (13h) (5e, Sh, 7a) osoo cabang, memungut; bough, to
osaa sepuluh; ten (13a) usaf memangkas; to cut (haiT, grass) ositah mengunyah; to chew (9h) harvest (2a, 8a)
osabe mengupas; to peel, remove husk osawer harum; fragrant (4e) ositri anya bersaing; to compete (lOt) osorni lupa; to forget (4e)
(9c) osbi hri mengatasi; to overcome (a osiwian mempersiapkan; to prepare (9c) nsot memotong (kayu), memangkas,
osabos menyapu; to sweep (Sk) problem) (6c) nsjoh menyerang; to attack (lOt) memotong,' to cut, chop (wood), to
osaet mengiris, mengerat; to slice, to cut osbyo menjunjung; to carryon head oska tunai, kontan, lunas; cash, paid (12a, prune, to cut up (5g, 8a, 9c)
into small pieces (Sg, 9c) nse menaruh, meletakkan, rnt'nVI:rT/L/un. l2b) nsrau boun berprasangka; prejudiced (6e)
ogara menyembelih, bedah; to slaughter, place, to put away (Se, Sh) nska fe mengampuni; to forgive (6h) nsrau jin susah, sedih; sad (6d)
operatiop. (8d, 8i) nse bo berada; well-to-do (12b) oski membangun, mendirikan; to build osrau mara tenggorokan; throat (4b)
osafo liar, kejam, jahat; wild, fierce, cruel, nse hre mendudukkan; to seat (Sa) (8g) nsrau marak tidak sopan; impolite (6a)
wicked, evil (3a, 6a, Hc) ose u menaruh kembali; to replace osmot mempercayakan, menghonnati; to osrau tie rindu; longing, desire (6e)
osaim membagi; to divide (5g, Sj, 13b) nse yate memandikan; to bathe entrust, to esteem (Sj, 6c) osreh yak membajak; to plow (8a)
osaka mengejar; to pursue, chase (to (Sk) osniem ro ano ibu mertua, ipar osrioh adukan pelester, campur; mortar,
seize) (Sd) osemaoa duda; widower (lOa) perempuan, menantu perempuan; mixed together (8g, 13h)
osaka kabes mengusir setan; to exorcise nsesaoim belajar, bersekolah; to mother-in-law, sister-in-law, oste menenun, menganyam; to weave
(Uc) go to school (7d) daughter-in-law (lOa) (cloth), to weave (baskets) (8t)
osam melarikan diri; to run away (5d) nsetmengebaskan,mengebutkan;to osoiem ro sme bapak mertua, ipar osten lemak, gemuk; fat, fat (person) (4a,
osama mencangkul; to hoe (8a) shake out (Sh) laki-laki, menantu laki-laki; 13c)
osamao meraung; to moan (7a) ogres benninyak; oily (9i) father-in-law, brother-in-law, nsu tenggelam, menyisipkan, menyulam;
osamer masak,· ripe (9i) osi beTjanji; to promise (7a) son-in-law (lOa) drowned, to insert, enter, to
osameruara setengah masak; rare (9i) nsi bur bar berkomat-kamit; to osnok hingga, sampai; until (14c) embroider (ld, 5e, 8t)
osamoh berbisik; to whisper (7a) mumble (7a) nsobak menyepak,· to kick (5g) nsukjarang, sering, kadang-kadang,'
osao menyerahkan, mengurbankan; to osi kowah raa anya merugikan; to nsohabet penyakit mulut dan kuku; hoof seldom, often, occasionally, rarely (lg,
hand over, to sacrifice (Sj, Hc) (materially) (lOt) and mouth disease (8d) l4b)
osi rau saji; dish (9h) osohaoif bibir; lip (4b)

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nsukabuk berbakti, beribadah, berdoa; to ntekofmenakik,° to notch (5g) ntrot lulus, lurns, sejajar, eembung, rata, numto mewariskan; to bequeath (Sj)
worship, to pray (lla) ntenkbis kuku; hoof (8d) tegang,° to pass, straight, paralle~ nut menutup, menutupi; to close, to cover
ntfa mengaduk; to stir (9b) convex, flat, taut, tense (7d, 13d, 13g, up (Se, 5h, Si)
nsusU tnundur; to retreat (iOt)
nsusu fe berpantang; to abstain from (6t) ntho bo membayar hutang; to pay a debt 13h) nut fe tak sabar; impatient (6e)
(5j) ntrot fe tidak lulus, tidak rata; to fail, nut matak tertutup rapat; well-covered
nsut tersedu; to hiccough (4t)
nti membangunkan; to waken, arouse bumpy (7d, 13g) (13h)
nsut-sut tersedu-sedu; to sob (6d)
nsya sama, dan; with, and (14c, 14d) ntiim mengirim; to send (5e) ntru menerima; to receive (letter, nuur membelok; to turn (rt. or It.) (Sa)
nsya •.. fe tidak pakai, tanpa; without (14c) ntim mengirim; to send (letter, telegram) telegram) (7c) nwaa fe tidak takut; not afraid (6t)
(7c) ntrukmasuk, menerobos; to enter, to nwar menyangkal; to deny (7a)
nsyau bo membuka pakaian; to undress
ntin menjahit, menisik; to sew, to mend shove through, break"in (Se, Sh) nwase bo bodoh; numbskull (4e)
(8t) ntruk samu ro abet masuk rnmah sakit; nwasim tersandung,' to stub toe (5g)
nsyo buang air besar; to defecate (4c)
ntiQf berdukacita, berlcabung; to be to be hospitalized (8i) nwatum menasehati, mendidik; to advise,
nsyo ntom penyakit kolera; cholera (4t)
sorrowful, to mourn (6d) ntu menumpahkan, menuang, meneabut, to educate, train (7a, 7d)
nsyof bo meneuri; to steal (5j)
ntis urat darah halus, urat; vein, tendon bertanya, memanggil, nwe kair menghina; to humiliate (6e)
nta menokok, memanaskan; to pound .
(4a,4d) mengundangmenyahut, berteriak, nweh iso memotong jalan, mengambil
(sago), to heat (9b, 9c, 13i)
nta nghaa mengayak; to sift (sago flour) ntis-tis eongkak;conceited (6a) menyiram, menghitung,' to spill, to pour jalalz pendek; to take a shortcut (5d)
ntkief menyembuhkan; to cure (8i) out, to extract, pull out, to ask, to call, nwioh mengocok; to shake (mixture) (Sg)
ntafat sangkar, sarnng; cage, sarong (8c, ntmi menusuk, menyuntik; to pierce, to toinvite, to reply, to shout, to spray, nwof memperhatikan; to look at closely
inject (8c, 8i) sprinkle, to count, calculate (Se, 7a, (4e)
ntai mampu; able, capable, to afford (6g, ntmi nana tidur ayam; half asleep (5b) 8a,9c,13b) nwoh wah eemas; worried (6t)
ntmin berliku; curved (13d) ntu mawian membului; to pluck nwre berdukacita; to be sorrowful (6d)
ntmin-tman tidak rata; bumpy (13g) (chicken) (Sh) nya mengisap; to inhale (9j)
ntai fe tidak mampu; unable, incapable
ntmo pam an; uncle (lOa) ntu nsas menghakimi, mengadili; to judge nya tabak merokok; to smoke (9j)
ntoh mempertajam, menusuk, (4e) nya menelan; to swallow (9h)
ntak merampas, meneekau, merebut; to
menggosok; to sharpen (knife), to ntu~at mengangkat; to raise, lift (5e) nyak belanga; clay cooking pot (ge)
rob, grab, to grab, seize (5j)
pierce, to sharpen, to spread, smear ntufrok meneabut; to pull out, extract nyo engkau, kamu, saudara, anda; you
ntakoh menanduk, menikam; to gore, to
(5g, 8c, 8e, 9c) . (Sh) (sg. familiar), you (sg. formal), you
stab (3a, 8c)
ntamam enam; six (13a) ntokof me~akik; to notch (5g) ntutu mengejar, menyerang,° to hunt, stalk, (neutral) (lOb)
ntomer ingin; to covet, desire (6c) to attack (8c, lOt) nyo nse bo memiliki; to possess, own
ntan menjemput; to pick up (5d)
ntos ku mengasuh anak; to raise ntuu menghafalkan; to memorize (4e) (12a)
ntanar retak; cracked (glass) (5g)
(lOa) ntuuk aya memercik; to splash, to splatter nyo nwaa pengeeut, penakut; coward (6f)
ntar menjemput; to pick up (5d)
ntrah membuka, membongkar; to (ld) nyoh bomengemis; to beg (12b)
ntaur anya bertemu; to meet (lOe)
to dismantle (5e, 5i) ntwain mengunjungi; to visit (lOe) nyok-yok eongkak, sombong, tamak,
ntawer memancing; to fish with a line (8b)
ntras rnsak; damaged, broken (13h) niwok masuk, menerobos; to enter, go in, serakah; conceited, arrogant, to be
ntbat namo to maam meloneat ke sisi; to
ntrat rnsak; damaged, broken(13h) to shove through, break in (5d, Se, Sh) greedy for (6a, 6c, 6h)
dodge (5d)
ntrofen mengintai; to spy (lOt) nukan mabo air matanya nyok-yok nyo menyombongkan diri; to
ntbat nroh meloneat ke bawah; to jump
berlinang-linang,' to burst into tears boast (6h)
down (5e)
ntehah membelah; to split, chop (5g)

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nyon menyeka, mencuci; to dust, to wash oom mais yoyo musim hujan; rainy raa bokom sekretaris; secretary (Sj) raa ro haberek raa masu tukang sihir;
(Sk) season (1f) raa irah wasit,' referee (10h) sorcerer (l1e)
nyon nana berlangir, mencuci rambut; to oor suling, bangs~ peluit; flute, whistle raa isti terdakwa; defendant (lOg) raa ro kiyam pasien; patient (4f)
wash hair (Sk) (10h,l1d) raa kairmiskin,' poor (12b) rna ro mai anya petinju; boxer (10h)
nyon nasu mencuci muka; to wash (face) oos sendok, suap; spoon, handfuls, raa maat mhai seratus; one hundred (13a) raa ro makam aya nelayan,' fisherman
(Sk) mouthfuls (ge, 14g) raa mabe srau dasi; necktie (12c) (Sb)
nyon nbait menggosok gigi; to clean teeth oos maa berkat; owing to (14c) raa mabe uu dilahirkan kembali; to be raa ro mama amah anyo tamu; visitor,
(Sk) oot air ludah; saliva, phlegm (4b) born again (l1a) guest (10e)
nyon ratan mencuci pakaian; to launder ora kebun; garden, plot (Sa) raa mabi orang tua; parents (lOa) raa ro mase orangpenting,' important
clothes (Sk) ora ro hateh sawah; wet field (Sa) raa mabo baro mkun tetangga; person (10c)
nyum pakis, mendorong, memakai; fern, ora ro tabam matak ladang,' dry field neighborhood association (10c) raa ro masim bo pedagang,' trader,
to push, to push away, to put on osmami untunglah; fortunately (6a) . raa majin ro msom kakas kesebelasan; . merchant (Sj, 12a)
clothes, to wear (2a, Se, Sg, Sh, 12c) oto mobil; automobile (7 e) football team (lOh) raa ro masom pangkat; rank (10f)
nyum bo berpakaian; to dress (12c) owait pohon mangga, mangga; mango raa makbair kelompok, golongan, kaum, raa ro masom safo orang hukuman;
nyum ratan berpakaian; to dress (12c) tree, mango (2b, 2c) regu; group, clan, team (10d, 10h) prisoner (lOg) .
nyun mamo tiaro mendorong ke samping; raa mana bangsa, suku bangsa, raa ro matam raa pembantu; domestic
to shove aside (Sh) kebangsaan, warga negara; nation, help (Sh)
nyuum menanam; to plant (Sa) p ethnic group, tribe, race', nationality, raa ro mato mbor orang kudus, orang
citizen (10c, 10d) suci; saint (l1a)
pasa padi, beras, nasi; rice plant, raa mana ro Dani suku Dani; Dani tribe raa ro mato msiok anya tetangga;
o husked rice, cooked rice (9a) (10d) neighbor (10c)
pasa mara jerami; stubble, straw (Sa) Raa mana ro nsmot Thhan sidang raa ro mayoh bo pengemis; beggar (12b)
pasa ro mka bubur; cooked cereal (91) jemaat; church congregation (l1a) raa ro mbo pitis pegawai bank; bank
obat makan pili pill (Si)
pasa ro nsamer nasi; cooked rice (91) raa mana ro Sentani suku Sentani; clerk (Sj)
obat mkek obat merah; mercurochrome
pen biji, angka; score (10h) Sentani tribe (lOd) , raa ro mhaf moof saleh; pious, virtuous
pitis uang; money (12a) raa mana sau sanak keluarga, keluarga, (6a)
oh sudah, telah, setelah, sesudah; already,
pitis mata uang kerlas; paper money famili; relatives, family (lOa) raa ro mhai mawian roh orang mati;
after (14b, 14d)
pi tis maufuanglogam; coin (12a) raa manes orang tua; pi,lTents (lOa) spirit of dead person (Uc)
00 kudis, alamat, negara; scabies,
puri ikan teri; anchovie (dried) (3c) raa mari terdengar,' audible (4e) raa ro mhar ~afo manaahli hukum;
address, country (4f, 7c, 10c)
raa masim skak habis terjual; sold out lawyer (lOg)
00 ro bosafom rioh padang mmput;
(12a) raa ro mkah bo petani, pekerja, karyawan,
pasture (Sd)
oom hujan; rain (If) r raa mawat orang banyak; people (10c)
raa ro ayapelaut; sailor, seaman (Sj)
tukang kebun; farmer, worker,
gardener (Sa, Sh, Sj)
oom buji hujan siang,' midday rain (If)
raa ro beah srahjaksa; prosecutor (lOg) raa ro mktan ara penggergajian kayu;
oom hwiom hujan reda; end of rain (If) raa bam gum; teacher (Sj) raa ro bo mham mai orang yang sawmill (Se)
oom mafon gerimis; drizzle (If) raa bies ro Thhan pendeta; preacher berhutang,' debtor (Sj) rna ro mkyas bo nsana perama/; diviner
oom mah rabu hujan pagi; marning raa bo tkief dukun; witch doctor (Si)
raa ro bo rait pemilik,' owner (12a) (l1c)
drizzle (1f) raa bofen seniman; artist (general) raa ro bohra sau tetangga; neighbor (lOc)
oom mais maboh badai; rainstorm (1f)
136 137
raa ro yfen ara tukang kayu; carpenter ramo terbeli; for sale (12a) ro maat kelima; fifth (13a)
raa ro mkyas Thban yasom pengabar
ranse suanggi, hantu; ghost (Uc) ro miyi mbuCjengkal; handspan (13c)
injil, utusan injil; missioD;ary (l1a) (8g)
raa ro yfie bowes penyanyi; singer (Ud) ratan pakaian; clothing (12c) ro nkrema ketujuh; seventh (13a)
raa ro mmat tan saksi; witness (lOg) ratan mabi ro mnejas; coat, jacket (12c)
raa ro ybar bo ro mno Cane dokter ro nkrenjit kesembilan; ninth (13a)
raa ro mnaut bo Cee biadab; rude, ratanro mato baju kaus, baju dalam·
veterinarian (8d) ro nkrentuuC kedelapan; eighth (13a)
impolite (6a) T-shirt, underwear (12c) ,
raa ro ybu ysom kakas yo-yo ro nsaa kesepuluh; tenth (13a)
raa ro mno bo ro bnab sihir; magic, ratao ro mjiopryama; pajamas (12c)
olahragawan, atlit; athlete (10h) ro ntamam keen am; sixth (13a)
supernatural (Uc) ratan rte celana; trousers (12c)
raa ro ykyas bo hakim; judge (lOg) ro sau pertama; first (13a)
raa ro momama penganggur;"unemployed ratan ru kemeja, baju; shirt, dress,
raa ro yo mabo pemenang, juara; ro smejantan; male (animal) (3a,8d)
person (8h) clothing (12c)
champion (10h) ro tuuC ketiga; third (13a)
raa ro msya Cane betemak, rau to tentu, pasti; certainly (14b)
raa sait dua puluh; twenty (13a) ro wia kuno; ancient (lg)
menggembalakall ; to take care of rawiab pohon eru, pohon cemara·
raa sail babab sau"dua puluh satu; . ' Ro Yron Maha Kuasa; Almighty (l1a)
livestock, to watch, shepherd (8d) casuarma tree (2b)
twenty-one (13a) roko kayu bakar; firewood (9d)
raa ro mta nghaa penokok,· pounder (9b)
raa sbe prajurit, anggota ten tara, re kbe agar, supaya; so that (14d) ron ro bame hidup yang kekal; eternal life
raa ro mtin bo tukangjahit; tailor,
serdadu; soldier, armed forces (8j, ~Cat kakus, kamar kecil; toilet (12d) (U~)
seamstress (8f) remo alamat, desa, kampung, kota;
raa sbe ro mase perwira; officer (1Of) ru kair burung kasuari; cassowary (3b)
raa ro nkmot raa ro osmot Thban address, village, city (7c, 10c)
raa sme pria, laki-laki; male (lOa) ru maur telur; egg (3a)
gembala; pastor (Ua) reo kaket agak siang,· mid-niorning (lg)
raa sme sya flnya rumah tangga;. ru ro sawan belibis; small wild duck teal
raa ro nktan oa mawian tukang cukur; rere sebentar, terlambat, lambat, pelan, (3b) ,
barber, hairdresser (8j) household (lOc)
raa sriem orang asing,· foreigner (10d) pelan-pelan; short time, late , slow, rumber mati-mati ayam, epilepsi;
raa ro nra raa berbudi; reasonable, slowly (lg, 13c, 13j)
raa sya budak; slave (8h) epilepsy (4f)
rational (6a) ~re breba sore ini; this afternoon (lg)
raa wakus ibu kunci; lock (12d) rusian angsa, itik, bebek; goose, swan,
raa ro nsaCa raa ahli bedah; surgeon (8i) ne getah; sap (2a)
raa wamu beta saudara-saudara, duck (3b)
raa ro nsaruk bo juru masak; cook, chef r~eC kayu manis; cinnamon (9g)
sekalian; you(pl. formal) (lOb)
(8j) ~o pohon ~ayu manis; cinnamon tree (2b)
raabin negara; country (lOc)
raa ro nsroma pemburu; hunter (8c)
raa ro ntkieCbo dukun; shaman (Uc) raabin kair neraka; hell (l1a) nor bahagla, damai, selamat; happy, s
raat loyang kayu, belanga; wooden peace, safe (6d, 6e, 11a)
raa ro raa maun terdakwa; defendant rir kilat; lightning (1f)
dish, clay cooking pot (9b, ge) sa ro ~a ~bura bui, penjara; prison (lOg)
(lOg) ririt bendungan; dam (8b)
- raa ro sbe anggota polisi; policeman (8j) rabis ro Thban penginjil, pendeta; saa kula bla (triton), lonceng,· triton shell,
riwai tadi; a little while ago (14b)
raa ro smar penari; dancer (Ue) evangelist, preacher (l1a) clock (l1d, 12e)
rkah tangkai pancing,· fishing rod (8b)
raa ro watum ku ro mkom bo teacher; rabu pagi; morning (lg) saba cacing, umpan; worm, bait (3f 8b
rabu konok pagi-pagi benar; early in ro tentang, mengenai, yang; about, 8~ , ,
guru (7d) concerning, the one who, which (14c
raa ro yakab bo tiem pengantar pos; mail morning (lg) 14d) , saba ro tabam cacing tanah; earthworm
rahu momo pagi-pagi; early (in the (3f)
carrier (7c) ro aoo betina; female (animal) (3a,8d)
raa ro yasom remo kepala desa, kepala morning) (13j) sabe mengupas; to peel (5g)
rabu ti wawa setiap hari, selalu; roatipenting,· important (affair) (6a)
kampu!lg; village chief (lOc) sara membedah; to operate (on a sick
ro ewok kedua; second (13a)
raa ro yasom tabam presiden; president always (1g, 14b) person) (5g)
rojit keempat; fourth (13a)
rakaktebing; cliff (lb) saCe hitam, ungu; black, purple (13f)

138 139
safo kesa/ahan, perkara; mistake, legal samu ro abet kUnik,- clinic (Si) sbiah pondok, gubuk,- hut, cottage, shed sirori remuk; smashed completely (5g)
case (6b, 109) samu ro fane kandang; house for (12d) siroyo membohong,- to tell a lie (6b)
safo mai mentIenta, sengsara; to suffer, (Sd) sbunayoh alang-alang,- elephant grass (2f) sirurur meluncur; to slip, skid (5e)
suffering (lOg, l2b) samu ro kok kandang ayam; chicken sbyo memotong (kayu), memangkas; to ska lunas,- paid (5j, 12a)
safo mana politik, hukum; politics, law coop (Sd) cut, chop (wood), to cut (hair, grass) ska si menumpas; to destroy (5g)
(lOe,lOg) samu ro raa mse bo gudang,- ,,,..'n,JLlv,,,,,,' (5g) ske menuang; to pour out (5e)
safo mana nmit menghukum, (12d) semitjanda; widow (lOa) sken bintang; star (le)
menghakimi, mengadili; to punish, samu ro raa mse pitis bank; bank (12a) serar menyorongkan; to move over (5e) sken aya bintang laut; starfish (3c)
sentence, to judge (lOg) samu ro raa msim bo pasar; market serere jengkerik, riang-riang; cricket (3f) sken mabiplanit; planet (le)
safo mana nse menjatuhkan hukuman; to samu r o raa saruk boit dapur; kitchen sesanim sekolah; school (7d) sken mawatgugusan bintang,-
pronounce sentence (lOg) (12d) sese usungan; stretcher (Si) constellation (stars) (le)
safo ro netsu hukuman badani; corporal samu ro raa sukabukgerejah; church sesre menyimpang,- to swerve (5d) sken sawiah myo cint bin tang,- meteor (le)
punishment (~Og) (l1a) sfo bayam; spinach (2d) skum biawak; iguana (3d)
safo-safa bergeliang-geliut; to wriggle (3a) samyoh berat; heavy (13c) shat menyisir, sisir; to comb, a comb (4b) smai ara flah bun cis; l:?eans (2d)
safom belukar, hijau, birn; underbrush, saso mencari; to look for (<k) sheh kaskado; scaly skin disease (4f) smarmenan; to dance (l1e)
green, blue (2f, 13f) ' sasu ubi jalar, betatas; sweet potato si ro ayo jarnm jam; hour hand (lg) smi bennimpi; to dream (5b)
sarto mencekau, merebut;to grab, seize sasu ati ubi jalar, betatas; sweet potato siborin memutar; to twist, turn (5h) smiririo mengigau; to talk in sleep (5b)
(5j) (2g) sii jarnm; needle (Sf) smopohon bakau; mangrove tree (2b)
sah pohon kayu matoa; matoa tree (2b) sasye rnsak; damaged, broken (5g, 13h) sii bokom pot/ot, pena, pulpen; pencil, smok ro kakas lapangan olahraga;
sahafer air liur; saliva, mouth juices (4b) sato pulau; island (lb) pen, fountain pen (7b) playing field (lOh)
sai cuma, hanya; only (14b) sato mnaif toon tanjung; cape (lb) sika kancing; button (Sf) smok ro tet lapangan terbang; airstrip (7e)
sai feto walaupun, meskipun; even though satohpindah; to move (intr_) (5e) sikba meninggalkan; to leave (something) smos pilek; to have, catch a cold (4f)
(14d) sau satu; one (13a) (5e) , smot percaya; to trust, believe, to believe
saim membagikan, memberikan; to give sawan laut; sea (lb) sikora ro remo sekolah dasar; elementary (6f,l1a)
, out (5j) sawan maam tepi laut; shore (ld) school (7d) sna perangkap, undangan; trap, invitation
saim mak bair aro-aro memisahkan; to sawan mabi samudera, lautan; ocean simaut sukacita, gembira, girang hati; (Sc,10e) .
separate (5g) sawer bau; smell (4e) joyful, pleased, cheerful (6d) sne lemah, menunggu; weak, to wait (for)
samaan pohon kunna; date palm (2b) sawia tombak, lembing; spear (Sc, Se, simaut mase sangat gembira; overjoyed (4f,5c)
samas sagu bakar; baked sago (9b, 9f) sawiah ekor, sirip; tail, rm (3a) (6d) sne hoh istirahat; rest (Sc)
sambian cabe rawit; cayenne pepper (9g) sawro ro Allah surga; heaven (l1a) simsien bunglon; chameleon (3d) sne-sne halus; refined, polite (6a)
samer masak; ripe (2a) sayi nmo ne melihat-lihat; to look simuruf tupai terbang; flying squirrel (3e) sneh lembut, ramah, rata, halus; soft,
samoh berbicara secara rahasia; to speak (4e) simus lipas, kakerlak; cockroach (3f) tender, friendly, kind, flat, smooth (4e,
confidentially (7a) sayir kiyamjatuh sakit; to be taken ill sioh menipu, dansa; to deceive, cheat, 6e,13g)
samu bangunan, gedung, rnmah; building, sbe tombok, lembing, senjata, senapan, western style dance (6b, 11e) snek benteng,- fortress (10f)
house (12d) bersenjata; spear, weapon, rifle, siohsan arang,- charcoal (9d) snok tiba, hingga, sampai; to arrive, until
samu abet rnmah sakit; hospital (Si) armed (Sc, 10f) siret berkumpul, pertemuan, rapat; to , (7e,14d)
samu kiyam rnmah sakit; hospital (Si) sbi memenggal; to cut off (5g) assemble, meeting (5d, 10e) snok oh tiba, s~mpai; to arrive (5d)
samu ro aam kantor pos; post office (7c) siro ketiduran; to oversleep (5b) snyaf haJus; smooth (13g)

140 141
snyi bulan; moon, month (Ie, 19) sorafnangka; jackfruit (2c) sui sibuk,' busy (5c) tabak tembakau, rokok; tobacco,
snyi maboh bulan pumama; full moon sosa hayah serai gulai; citronella grass sukabuk menutup mata; to shut eyes (4e) cigarette (2f, 9j)
(Ie) (9g) sukekah melirik; to steal a glance at (4e) tabak mamuk puntung rokok; cigarette
snyi refo bulan ini; this month (lg) soso mengapung; to float (ld) sumambo lubuk,' deep place in river (ld) butt (9j)
snyi ro hariah bulan mati; new moon (Ie) sraa atap lalang; thatch roof (12d) - surah wiak tas; satchel, bag (7d, 8f) tabam tanah, alamat, negara, wilayah;
snyi ro msu bulan sabit; crescent moon srah eincin, gelang; ring, bracelet (12c) susu hren mundur; to back up, move earth, soil, address, country, region
(Ie) srak bo toni rakus; gluttonous (6c) back (Sa) (1a, 7c, 8a, lOc)
snyi ro tna awal bulan; beginning of the srau leher; neck (4b) susu namo maju; to move forward, tabam mauf sau segumpal tanah; clod
month (lg) srau ati bijaksana; wise (4e) progress (Sa) (la)
snyi rou bulan depan; next month (lg) srau fetut k~lirn; mistaken (6b) susu nee mundur; to back up, move back tabam ro mka rawa; swamp (lb)
snyi safe bulan gelop; dark ofthe moon srau kair iri hati; envious (6e) (Sa)
tabam ro moof dataran rendah; lowlands
(Ie) srau mase gondok; goiter (4f) sutet kakus, kamar kecil; toilet (12d) (lb)
snyi taa ro wia bulan yang lalu; last srau matoh pangkal tenggorokan; larynx swe pohon kayu susu; milkwood tree (2b) tabam ro riof alam baka; the hereafter,
month (lg) (4b) syawar pengaduk,' stirring spoon (9b) underworld (Uc)
snyikpasir; sand (la, lc, 8g) srau mtun gondok; goiter (4b) syo kotoran, tahi; feces (4c) tabam sineftanah datar; plains (lb)
snyik mana padang pasir; desert (lb) srenjanda; widow (lOa) syoh iklm gabus; pike (3c) tabam srioh fra tanah berbatu-batu·,
sof kasau; rafter (12d) srian boh hamba; servant (6h) syoh ro ha ikan asin; salty fish (9f) gravelly soil (la)
soh kalau, jika, apabila; when, if, srioh mencampur; to mix (9c) syoh ro mfru ikan terbang,' flying fish (3c) tabam tu tanah air, tanah milik;
whenever (14d) sror licin, meluncur, terperosok; to be syoh ro mya raa ikan paus; whale (3c) homeland, property (land) (lOc, 12b)
soh •.. fe kecuali; except (14c) slippery, to slide, stepped in (a hole), syoh ro nsawiah myo ikan talang; tafat sarang,' nest (3a)
sohmfe atau, atau ... atau; or, either ... or to slip, skid, smoothslippery (ld, Se, mackerel (3c)
tafoh senjata, api, senapan; weapon, fire,
(14d) 13g) syoh ro raa mkyar ikan bakar, grilled fish rifle, gun (8c, 9d, 'lOf)
sohsan arang; charcoal (lc) sror nawe jatuh terduduk; to fall into a (9f)
tafoh ben korek api; match (9d)
sold parang; machete, bush knife (8c, 8e, . sitting position (5e) tafoh makan pelurn; bullet (lOt)
lOt) srot eepat, lekas, lancar; fast, early, tafoh mhai api mati, api padam; dead fire
sold ro maka arit, sobit; sickle (8e) fluent (13c, 13j) t (9d)
som mabuf singkatan; abbreviation (7b) srot-srot burn-burn, tergesa-gesa; in a tafoh skentrat bunga api; spark (9d)
somba pohon kenari, pohon kemiri, hurry (13j) -t ke; to (14c) tah mena burnng bangau putih; stork,
kemiri,' walnut tree, candlenut tree, srur patek, penyakit kusta; framboesia, taa tija mefobarn-baru ini; recently (14b) heron, egret (3b)
candlenut (2b, 9g) yaws, leprosy (4f) taa menuju; towards (14c) tahabah eyok dua belas; twelve (13a)
soo undangan; invitation (lOe) sruru pohon asam, belimbing; taa oho dulu; long ago, formerly (lg) tahabah sau sebelas; eleven (13a)
soo ro om mais musim dingin; winter tree, starfruit (2b, 2c) taaf lumpur; mud (la) tak berbintik-bintik; spotted, blotched
(13i) ssafo fe tidak mampu; unable, _.• ~ ... __._ taafro aya endapan; sediment (ld) . (13f)
soon nyiur, pohon kelapa, kelapa; coconut (6g) taah undangan; invitation (lOe) taten kenari; walnut (2c)
palm, coconut (2b,2c) ste menunggu; to wait (for) (Sc) taait lipan, kelabang; centipede (3t) tau ore fefo oho beberapa hari kemudian;
soon marak sabut; husk (2a) suara kasbi, singkong; manioc, \A~,:'i1V4 ' taait bai kalajengking,' scorpion (3f) several days later (lg) ,
soon maya ro mhah san tan; coconut milk (2g) taam burnngpelatuk; woodpecker (3b) taur ibu panah, busur; bow, arc (8c, 13d)
(9g) subrakkeong, siput; snail (3c) tbat-tbat meloneat; to jump (5d)

142 143
tbu semen, tembok; cement, masonry wall tija kapan, bilamana; when (14e) tuuCtula, tiga,· 2 days after tomorrow, watau topi; hat (12c)
(le,8g,I2d) tinye pertama, sebelum; first, before ( three (1g, 13a) watum mengganjar; to reward (Sj)
te di bawah; below (13e) tinye rau gejala, pada mulanya, Thbao Tuhan; Lord (Ua) wau 00 selama; during (14c)
tern abi ibu jari; thumb (4d) mula-mula; symptom, at first (4f, tukre garpu; fork (ge) we sebab, karena; because of, because
tern kbis kuku; nail (4d) tinye snok lebih awal; early (lg) turaC gaba-gaba; sago midribs used for . (14c,14d)
~m masuCjari tengah; middle fmger (4d) tisai tadi malam; last night (lg) walls (12d) weCo di sini; here (13e)
tern myo jari telunjuk; forefmger (4d) tituuC tiga hari yang lalu; three days ago turan sirsak; soursop (2c) web manik-manik; beads (12c)
tern nkrere kelingking; little finger (4d) (lg) tut sudut,· comer (12d) wenas make buah pinang,· areca nut (9j)
tern ro suC jari tengah; middle fmger (4d) tiwayo sering,· often (lg) wer burung merak, burung nuri; peacock, •
teriri tenang; to be quiet (Sc) tiwia dulu; formerly (14b) colored parrot (3b)
tet burung layallg-Iayang; swallow (3b) tiwia tioye jaman dulu; ancient times u wereC laba-laba; spider (3f)
tet ro Cru pesawat terbang; airplane (7e) tiwio sejak; since (14d) weto di situ; there (near) (13e)
tfe buaya, buaya air tawar; crocodile, tiyo meto di mana; where? (13e) weyab burung kakatua; cockatoo (3b)
u di atas; on, above (13e)
fresh-water crocodile (3d) tmos mengisap; to suck (4c) wborarar mengeluh; tocomplain (7a)
un ro nkni kolam renang; swimming pool
tfeh oot meludah; to spit (4b) toa baru; new, just (lg, 14b) . wia ob tna sesudah, setelah; after (14c)
tfo pis au; knife (8c, 8e, ge, 1Of) toa ... fe kecuali; except (14c) wiak kapal; boat (7e)
usen pohon pan dan; pandanus tree (2b)
tro bo ktan gunting; scissors (8e, 8f) toa re kemudian; later on, then (lg) wiak msya hawereh barang pecah-belah; ----
utar ikan cucut gergaji; sawfish (3c)
tfo mao mata pisau; blade (Se) toos mengisap; to suck (4c) pottery (8j)
uu lagi, masih, pula; still, again (14b)
tfo mifra punggung pis au; back of knife tou tolo!; foolish (4e) wian jin, daya gaib; demon, magical
(8e) to ke; to (14c) powers (Uc)
tfo ro mbekapisau lipat; pocket knife (Se)
tfukmemerciki; to sprinkle (Sh)
to atu pedalaman; interior (lb)
to re too di sana; there (far) (13e)
w wisam keluang, kalong; flying fox, bat (3e)
wofo di sini; here (13e)
ti akutgerhana matahari; eclipse (solar) to tis di belakang,· behind (13e) woi e celaka:; astaga; irritation,
(Ie) tobek burung kenari; canary (3b) waa takut, gugup; afraid, nervous (6f) dissatisfaction, amazement (14e)
ti masa di muka, di depan; in front (13e) tobo tikus air; muskrat (3e) wafiob gua; cave (lb) wojo e aduh; pain, pity (14e)
ti masu di muka, di depan; in front (13e) tob mara zakar; penis (4c) waCu kelelawar; small bat (3e) wono di situ, di sana; there (near), there
ti oajoh di sebelah, di samping; beside tokpagar; fence (12d) wai pohon pinang, pinang, nibung; betel (far) (13e)
(13e) toni sangat, amat, sekali, terlalu; very, palm, areca palm, ~lack palm used for woo ah, akh; dislike, disagreement, anger
ti ro tija oh beberapa hari yang lalu; the (14b) flooring (2b, 9j, 12d) (14e)
other day (lg) tono tolol; foolish (4e) wak kantor, cahaya, pengadilan; office, wore selama, sepanjang,· during, along
ti taa kemarin dulu; day before yesterday too tali, menuju; rope, string, towards light, court, trial (7d, 9d, 109) (14c)
(lg) 14c) wanbinpopok; diaper (12c) wore woyo meto di mana; where? (13e)
ti taa mti kemarin dulu malam; night too ati rotan; rattan (2f) warah berkobar; to flame up (9d) worob longgar; loose (13h)
before last (lg) trek truk; truck (7 e) wasi asap; smoke (9d) wosa bemubuat, menujumkan; prophesy
ti trin ja berapa lama; how long (14e) tsire oh, sayang,· disappointment, wasi nsawer berasa asap; smoky (9i) (Uc)
ti yo sepanjang,~ along (14c) (14e) wata bubu, lukah, keranjang,· a type of fish wosukmerebus; to boil (tr.) (9c)
tibyo ob selamanya; forever (lg) tuan majikan; employer (Sh) trap, basket (8b, Sf) wosuk aya memasak air; to boil water (9c)
tien anting-ariting; earring (12c) tubor tiba-tiba; suddenly (14b) wata ro syob keranjang ikan; fish basket
144 14S
wosur buaya lout, buaya air tawar; marine
crocodile, fresh-water cr~codi1e (3d)

ya wios fuTU Selemat; Savior (lla)
yaf luka; to be cut, wound (4f, 8i)
yafrun kacang panjang; string bean (2d)
yahe cih; disgust (14e)
yata boon minum dengan rakus; to guzzle
yawian rnhai mempesonakan; to bewitch
ye kmo rna maa!; pardon (14e)
ye 00 maaf; pardon (14e)
ye tna ••. ye baik... maupun; both ... and
yejuga; also, anyway (14b)
yer jejak; trail (7e)
yok hama; plant disease, pest (8a)
yoofyhaiganteng; handsome (6a)
yoyo selalu; always (lg)
yuk ulat; caterpillar (3f)
yut kmo fe hilang kesabarantrya; lose
one's temper (6e)
yuu noken; string bag (8f)

Oaftar Kata-kata

Bahasa Indonesia - Mai Brat - English

air jemih aya ro moof, aya ntwar; clear

a ,,)Vater (ld)
air kOlor aya ro mkair, aya muna; muddy
abu bo basiaf, bobj ashes (la, 9d) water (ld)
adat bo mafaj custom, traditional law atr liur sahafer; saliva, mouth juices (4b)
(lOg) air ludah oot; saliva, phlegm (4b)
adat istiadat bo mafa raaj various air matanya berlinang-linang nukan
traditional laws (lOg) mabo; to burst into tears (6d)
adik laki-laki nau ro yakuj younger air pasang bore maut, hore bantan, hore
brother (lOa) myomj high tide (ld)
adik perempuan nano ro makuj younger air surnl hore mrob, hore maUj low tide
sister (lOa) (ld)
adik pria ayah naja ro tisj father's air terjun aya maunj waterfall (ld)
younger brother (lOa) akan kbej about, in (14c)
adik wan ita ibu nme ro tiSj mother's akar mtisj root (2a)
younger sister (lOa) akh WOOj dislike, disagreement, anger
adil mhaf susai, mbu susaij fair, just (14e)
(12a) akhimya muktis rauj eventually (lg)
aduh wojo ej pain, pity (14e) aku jOj I (familiar ) (lOb)
adukan pelester nsriohj mortar (8g) - alam baka tabam ro riofj the hereafter,
agak baroj rather (14b) underworld (llc)
agak siang ren kaketj mid-morning (lg) alamat 00, tabam, rem OJ address (7c)
agaknya mfi bOj presumably (14b) alang-alang sbunayohj elephant grass (2f)
agar re kbej so that (14d) alat pemintal bo ro nfiob fon; spinning
agas bo sman, bo maSOj gnat (3f) wheel (8f)
ah WOOj dislike, disagreement, anger (14e) alis mata natsmi; eyebrow (4b)
ahli bedah raa ro nsafa raaj surgeon (8i) Alkitab aam ro bokyas ro Thhanj Bible
ahli hukum raa ro mhar safo manaj (lla)
lawyer (lOg) Allah Allahj God (lla)
ahli waris kubum; hdr (5j) amat tonij very (14b)
air ayaj water (ld) amplop aam ntafat; envelope (7c)
oms aya myi nsafo; current (ld) badai oom mais maboh; rainstorm (If) bangunan samu; building (12d)
anak ku; child (lOa)
Q1wah nenek moyang kahes ro wia; spirit badan netsu; body (4a) banjir imabo, aya mji; to flood, flood (ld,
anak bungsu ku tis; youngest child (lOa)
of ancestor (Uc) bagaimana fiye; how (14e) If)
anak muda ku tna; young child (lOa)
asalno he; as long as, provided that (1 bagasi bo ti weni; baggage (7e) bank samu ro raa mse pitis; bank (12a)
anak panah karef; arrow (8c)
asalkan no he; as long as, provided that bagi mkah; for the sake of (14c) banyak mawat, msis; many, much (13a)
anak sulung ku bum; oldest child (lOa)
(14d) bahagia riof; happy (6d) bapak naja; father, Mr. (lOa, lOb)
anak sungai aya nkre; tributary (ld)
asam mtah, mafah sre-sre; tamarind, bahan bo; ingredient (9c) bapak adik naja ro tis; father's younger
anak tak sah ku amo; illegitimate child
sour (2c, 9i) bahasa mai; language (7a) brother (lOa)
asam sendawa nhaf mham; hiccup (4f) bahu khek; shoulder (4c) bapak mertua nsniem ro sme;
anak yatim-piatu ku kraa warek; orphan
asap wasi; smoke (9d) bahwa he, fe; that (14d) father-in-law (lOa)
asin matan; salty (9i) baik moof; good, kind (6a, 6e) bara kan; glowing coal (9d)
anda nyo; you (neutral) (lOb)
asma bahaa, hooh; asthma (4f) baik hati nhafmoof; good-natured (6a) barang-barang perhiasan bo fayer, bo
anggota polisi raa ro she; policeman (8j)
astaga woie; amazement (14e) baik...maupun ye tna •.• ye; both ... and sniam; jewelry (12c)
anggota ten tara raa she; soldier (8j)
atap ali, afie; roof (8g, l2d) (14d) barang dagangan bo ro ,r aa masim; goods
angin fos; wind (If)
atap lalang afie sbunayoh, sraa; thatch' baik sekali moofati; very good (6a) for sale (12a)
angin bertiup fos mfi; to be windy (Ie)
roof (12d) bajak bo ro nsreh tabam; plow (8a) barangpecah-belah wiak msya hawereh;
angin ribut fos mmai; windstorm (If)
atas mkah; on, for, in (14c) bajing tanah hrohmhan; chipmunk (3e) pottery (8j)
angin sepoi-sepoi fos maya; cool breeze
atau sohmfe; or (14d) baju ratan ru; dress, clothing (12c) barang rampasan botak; booty (5j)
(Ie) '-
atau ... atau sohmfe; either ... or (14d) baju dalam ratan ro mato; underwear barangkali ban a bo fea; probably (14b)
angka pen; score (lOh)
atlit raa ro yhu ysom kakas yo-yo; (12c) barn tna; new,just (lg, l4b)
angkasa Iuar ayoh srer; outer space (Ie)
(lOh) baju kaus ratan ro mato; T-shirt (12c) barn-barn ini taa tija mefo; recently (14b)
anglo niska wowo; brazier, portable stove
awal bulan snyi ro tna; beginning of the balok arnu, arwarok; beam (of wood) barn saja bo tna; just now (lg)
month (lg) (8g) basah nka, mka; wet (ld, 13g)
angsa rusian; goose, swan (3b)
awan ayoh; raincloud (Ie) balung mana karon; comb of rooster (3a) basi mnis, mbare, myah, mka; serving
anjing mtah; dog (3e)
ayah naja; father (lOa) balut nhas; bandage (4f) dish, stale (ge, 13h)
anjingpemburn mtah; hunting dog (8c)
ayam kok, kokerek, koko; chicken (3b) bambu bron; bamboo (2f) batang mara, manaf, maa; long,
anting-anting tien; earring (12c)
ayam hutan kowaa, kawia; wild chicken ban lengan hotom ro natem; armband cylindrical objects (cigars, trees) (14g)
anugerah boum; grace (lla)
(3b) (12c) batang hidung nnaif mara; bridge of nose
apabawia; what (14e)
ayat mfar-far; verse (lla) bandel nana matak; stubborn, obstinate (4b)
apa sebabnya fiye; why (14e)
aayo nama; invitation (14e) (6f) batang kayu ara mara; log (2a)
apabila soh; whenever (14d)
ayunan nkro aa; swing (IDe) bangga nksoh ati; proud (family, country) batangpohon mara; trunk (2a)
apak mbare, mka; stale (13h)
(6a) batu fra; stone (la, lc)
api tafoh; fIre (9d)
bangkit nrok; to rise (lla) batu api fra nes; flint (9d)
api mati tafoh mhai; dead fIre (9d)
api padam tafoh mhai; dead fIre (9d) b bangku ambar; bench (12e) batu kerikil fra makan; gravel (8g)
bangsa raa mana; nation, race (lOc, lOd) batuk haiyah; to cough (4f)
api unggun kahman, komheoeh; camp
bangsioor; flute (lld) bau mnis, sawer; smell (4e)
fIre (9d) babi fane; pig (3e, 8d) bangun nasen; to get up, rise, to rise up bau amis mmioh; smelly (like fIsh) (4e)
arang sohsan, siohsan; charcoal (Ie, 9d) babi hutan fane ribioh; boar (3e) (Sb,5e)
arit soki ro maka; sickle (8e) bacaan bomat; reading (7d)
150 151
bawang merah bawang ro mkek; onion bengkak mtunj swelling, swollen (4f, berbicara secara rahasia samoh, mkyas beribadah nsukabuk; to worship (l1a)
(2d) bengkok mwak; crooked, bent (13d) wai; to speak confidentially (7a) beribadat murmur sukabuk; religious (6a)
bawangputih bawang ro mbob; garlic (2d) bensin aya ro nror oto; gasoline (lc) berbintik-bintik tak; spotted, blotched beriring-iring nros far-far; to walk in flle
bayam sfo; spinach (2d) benteng snek; fortress (10f) (13f) (Sd)
bayi ku mes; baby (lOa) berada nse bo; well-to-do (12b) berbisik nsamob; to whisper (7a) beristirahat bre rere; to get rest (Sc)
bebas nbu sai; free (lOg) berambisi nhafmyoh; ambitious (6c) berbudi raa ro nra raa; reasonable, berjalan namo; to walk (Sa)
bebek rusian; duck (3b) berangkat namOj to leave, depart, to rational (6a) berjalan bersama-sama nmo SUi to go
beberapa baro se; few (13a) depart (Se, 7e) berbulu mawian; hairy (13g) with (Sd)
beberapa hari kemudian tau ore fefo obo; berangsur-angsur kebet-kebetj gradually berburn nimsyab, nakam; to go hunting berjalan kaki namo naa; to go on foot (7e)
several days later (lg) (13j) (8c) berjamur abah mait, abah mabat; moldy
beberapa hari yang lalu ti ro tija obj the berani natak; to dare (6f) bercabang dua nkre ewok; fork (2a) (13h)
other day (lg) / berani mati nberoh Dsiko tna najat; bercerai nako; divorced (lOa) berjanji bosi, nsij to promise (7a)
bedah nsafa; operation (8i) audacious, not afraid of death (6f) berdagang niwar hOj to trade (8j) berjongkok bren toyut; to squat (Sa)
bedil munabj gun, rifl.e (8c) berapa jia,ja; how many, how much (13a, berdarah mes; to bleed (4f) berjudi nsorn pitisj to gamble (IDe)
beker ayo mai; alarm clock (lg) l4e) berdayung nminj to row (7e) berkabung ntiof; to mourn (6d)
bekerja nnOj to work (Sc) berapa lama ti trin ja; how long (14e) berdebat nmak; to argue (lOf) berkarat besik mait; rusty, corroded (13h)
belajar nmat rof bo, nsesanimj to study beras pasa; hulled, husked rice (9a) berdiri nros; to stand up (Sa, Se) berkat boum, bo yase, oos maa, bo mnOj
(4e,7d) berasa asap wasi nsawer; smoky (9i) berdoa nsukabuk; to pray (lla) blessing, owing to (lla, l4c)
belakangan ini muk tis wefo fOj lately berasal dari mbam taroj to originate from berdosa nno iroj sinful (6a) berkata nawe; to say (7a)
(14b) (1Od) berdukadta ntiof, nwrej to be sorrowful berkeliling namo nur; to go around (Sd)
belalai mbes-bes; proboscis of insect (3a) berat fanes, samyohj heavy (Lk:) (6d) berkembang moo hia; to bloom (8a)
belalang mo; grasshopper (3f) berbakti nsukabuk; to worship (lla) berduri maan; prickly (13g) berkeras kepala. nana matak; stubborn,
belalang sentadu mo nkawir; praying berbalik narno nhah nee, narno nater nee; berdusta bosioh; to tell a lie (7a) obstinate (6f)
mantis (3f) to turn around, back (Sd) berenang nkni; to swim (ld, lOh) berkernt bewakom-wakam; wrinkled (13h)
belanga nyak, raatj clay cooking pot (ge) berbantah nsantri, nrnak; to argue (7a, bergaris-garis mayer; horizontally striped berkhotbah nkyasj to preach (lla)
beliau bi ait; he (respectful) (1Ob) 1Of) (13f) berkicau mawaij to warble (of a bird) (3a)
belibis ru ro sawan; small wild duck, teal berbaring naburn; to lie down (Sa) bergeliang-geliut safo-safaj to wriggle (3a) berkilat-kilat nkren raan; shiny (13g)
(3b) berbaris-baris mfar-far; vertically striped bergerak mnah; to move (Sg) . berkobar warab; to flame up (9d)
belimbing srurUj starfruit (2c) (13f) berhadapan dengan mamot anya; berkokok mara, mmai; to crow (rooster)
belukar safom; underbrush (2f) berbau busuk rnnis; to stink (4e) opposite (13e) (3a)
belum faresj not yet (14b) berbelltuk bola mn bo kakaSj spherical berhala bosmot ro kair; idol (llc) berkomat-kamit nsi bur bar; to mouthe,
benang bo mafonj thread (8f) (13d) berhasrat nksoh atij to covet (6c) mumble (7a)
benar mabo ob, atij right, correct (6b) berbentuk kern cut rnnan fibo; conical berhenti nros, nros wuri; to stop (Sa, Sc) berkumpul siret; to assemble (Sd)
bencana iin; disaster (llc) (13d) berhenti berjalan nrosj to stop walking berlangir nyon nana; to wash hair (Sk)
bend nknait; to hate (6e) berbicara nkyas, nnit; to say, speak, tell . (Sc) berlari nhoh; to run (13j)
bendera bomabat; flag (1Oc) (7a) berhenti(lah) nros wa; stop, halt! (Sa) berlatih nsanet; to practice (7d)
bendungan ririt; dam (8b) berbicara dengan keras nkyas natak; to berhitung botu; to count (13a) berliku ntmin, mwak; curved (13d)
bellgek bahaa, booh; asthma (4f) speak loudly (7a) berhutang bo mham mai; to owe (Sj) berlumpur mkah hrotat; slimy (13g)

lS2 lS3
berlunjur njin myo; to lie at full length bertobatnashana; repent (lla) bilall mata, maan; flat, bladed objects buat mkah; for the use of (14c)
(Sa) bertubrukan mai kanya; to collide (5g) (knives, planks) (14g) buaya tfe; crocodile (3d)
bennimpi smi; to dream (Sb) bertukar nasim; to trade, exchange bi/amana tija; when (14e) buaya air tawar wosur, tfe; fresh-water
benninyak nsfes; oily (9i) bertunas mo tna; to sprout (2a) , bilang nawe; to say (7a) crocodile (3d)
bennuka gembira netsu simaut; to be all berudu ah hatof; tadpole (3c) bi/angan ganji/ mabut; odd number (13b) buaya laut wosur; marine crocodile (3d)
smiles (6d) berusaha nno fye-fya; to try (6g) bilangan genap mnan; even number (13b) bubu wata; a type of fish trap (Sb)
bennurah hati nhaf moof; generous (5j) berutang bo ro fyah raa; to owe (12a) binatang kak; animal (3a) bubur pasa ro mka; cooked cereal (9t)
bemapas nafos; to breathe (4a) besar maboh, mase; big (13c) binatang buruan kak; game (Sc) budak raa sya; slave (Sh)
bemubuatwosa; prophesy (Uc) besar kepa/a nana mase, nana matak; binatang piaraan bo ro raa msia; bui sa ro raa mbura; prison (lOg)
berpakaian nyum ratan, nyum bo; to big-headed (6h) domesticated animal (8d) bujur teluf mauf; oval (13d)
dress (12c) besok men rabu; tomorrow (lg) bingung nbun, nrok namboi, nrok bukit faut, fra mana; hill (lb)
berpantang nsusu fe; to abstain from (6t) besok sore men rabu hreha; tomorrow niskawowo, nrok nambokak; mixed buku aam; book (7d)
berprasangka nsrau boun; prejudiced (6e) afternoon (lg) up, confused, upset (4e,6t) buku catatan aam ro nkom bo; notebook
bersaing nsitri anya, bosintri; to compete betatas sasu ali, sasu; sweet potato (2g) bin tang sken; star (le) (7b)
(10f, lOh) bete hasioh; kind of taro (2g) . bintang laut sken aya; starfish (3c) buku tulis aam ro nkom bo; notebook
bersandar nros nsit; to lean on (5e) betemak raa ro msya fane; to take care biru safom; blue (13t) (7b)
bersekolah nsesanim; to go to school (7d) livestock (8d) bisa nkai; able (6c) bulan snyi; moon, month (le, 19)
bersembunyi nmiot; to hide (intr.) (5e) betina ro ano; female (animal) (3a, 8d) bisu nmai fe; dumb (4e) bulan depan snyi rou; next month (lg) .
bersenang hati nhaf nksoh; to rejoice (6d) betis naa mhaur; calf (4d) bisul kaus; boil (4t) bulan gelap snyi safe; dark of the moon
bersenjata nkah tafoh, sbe; armed (lOt) betul moof beta; real (6b) bodoh nwase bo; numbskull (4e) (le)
berseri-seri netsu simaut; to shine, radiate biadab raa ro mnaut bo fee; rude, bola kakas; ball, sphere (10h, 13d) bulan ini snyi refo; this month (lg)
(6d) impolite (6a) bola basket kakas ro nsrom; basketball bulan mati snyi ro hariah; new moon (le)
bersih moof; clean (13g) biak mabe msisoh; fertile (8d) (10h) bulan pumama snyi maboh; full moon
bersimpuh hre mbeka naa; to sit on , biar marahnya meredamhu re kmo bola volley kakas ro nsrom; volleyball (le)
folded legs (Sa) marak; let anger cool (6e) (10h) bulan sabit snyi ro milu; crescent moon
bersin nksi; to sneeze (4t) biawak skum; iguana (3d) boleh ae; allowed to (6c) (le) ,
bersiul hbo; to whistle (4b) biawas kiawas; guava (2c) botak nana maufmboh; bald (4b) bulan yang lalu snyi taa ro wia; last
bersungut-sungut nmai kinia; to grumble bibi nati; aunt (lOa) botol kusya; bottle (ge) month (lg)
(7a) bibir nsohanif; lip (4b) buah make, makan; fruit, fruits, big bulat mur mtan; round '(13d)
bertanya ntu; to ask (7a) bibit manaf; seed (for planting) (2a) objects (houses, ships), abstract nouns bulu mawian; fur, feathers, body hair (3a,
bertemu fri, nkai, nfri anya, ntaur anya; bidan linya ro mno linya mabe; midwife (2a,14g) 4a)
to meet (in the street), to meet (5d, (4g) buah berbiji kake ro makim; fruit with bulu mata nasu mawian; eyelash (4b)
10e) bijaksana srau ati; wise (4e) seed (2a) bulu tangkis kakas ro raa srom;
bertepuk tangan nai natem; to clap hands biji makan, pen, mauf; seed (in fruit), buah dada masis; female breast (4c) , badminton (10h)
(5g) seed, score, grains, seeds, small buah pala kat make; nutmeg (2c) buncis smai ara nah; beans (2d)
berteriak ntu; to shout (7a) things (cornpearls) (2a, 8a, 10h, 14g) buah pinang wenas make; areca nut (9j) bunga api tafoh skentrat; spark (9d)
berterima kasih nayoh atsik mawat; to biji mata nasu mauf; pupil (4b) buang air besar nsyo; to defecate (4c) bunga pala kat ,nksa; mace (9g)
thank (7a) buang air kecil naus; to urinate (4c) bung/on simsien; chameleon (3d)

154 155
bunting mhaf; pregnant (animals) (8d)
bunyi mai, mawia; to sound (7a)
c cerdik nhar bo toni, bo har; wise, clever,
shrewd (6a, 6g)
dapur samu ro raa saruk boit; kitchen
bum-bum nhoh-hoh, srot-srot; in a hurry cerek bah aya; kettle (ge) darah mes; blood (4a)
(13j) cabai marisan; red pepper (chili and cennin bowane sromba; mirror (12e) dari mbam; from, of (14c)
bumk mkair; bad, ugly (6a) cayenne) (9g) cicak bukrim, kmu hubas; house lizard dari mana nbam tyo; from where (14e)
bumng bangau putih tah mena; stork, cabang nsoo; bough (2a) (3d) dasi raa mabe srau; necktie (12c)
heron, egret (3b) cabang sungai aya nsoo; fork of a river cih yahe; disgust (14e 14fMai bo tu- dataran rendah tabam ro moof; lowlands
bumng cenderawasih majaf; bird of (ld) Kata tanya - Interrogatives) (lb)
paradise (3b) cabe rawit marisan, sambian; cayenne cincin srah; ring (12c) daun mataj leaf (2a)
bumng dara iik; pigeon, dove (3b) pepper (9g) cinta nat tmoof; love (6e) daun sirih hror mata; betel leaf (9j)
bumng elang hofio~; hawk (3b) cacing saba; worm (3f) cirit bintang sken sawiah myo; meteor (le) dayagaib wian; magical powers (Uc)
bumng gagak huwioh mbioh; crow (3b) cacing tanah saba to tabam; earthworm cita-cita bonot; goal, ideal (6c) dayung mio; oar (7e)
bumng hantu kakaya, komi; owl (3b) (3f) cobek hri; bowl for grinding spices (ge) debu koh; dust (la)
bumng kakatua weya~; cockatoo (3b) cacingan bo aro msya nhaf; to suffer congkak ntis-tis, nyok-yok; conceited (6a) dekatkene,kine;near(5d,13c)
bumng kasuari ru kair; cassowary (3b) from worms (4f) cuaca arin; climate (13i) delapa'J krentuuC; eight (13a)
bumng kenari tobek; canary (3b) cahaya wak; light (9d) cucu nhohos; grandchild (lOa) demam netsu mbe; fever, feverish (4f, 13i)
bumng layang-layang tet; swallow (3b) cakap nhar bo; skillful, capable (4e) cuka aya ro matan; vinegar (9g) demi mkah; by (14c)
bumng merak wer, byot; peacock (3b) campur nsrioh; mixed together (13h) cum a sai; only (14b) denda oake, boke; fine (12b)
bumng merpati iik; pigeon, dove (3b) candu akan nas mamo; to crave (food) dengan msyaj with (14c)
bumng nuri wer; colored parrot (3b) (9h) dengan kepa/a dingin okah bokyas nsnehj
bumng pekakak hahabah; kingfisher (3b) cangkir hawereh; cup (ge) d temperate (6a)
bumngpelatuk taam; woodpecker (3b) cangkul baam tataro; hoe (8e) dengan segera mkah fooh, fooh ej
bumng pipit mbas; sparrow (3b) cantik moofmhai; beautiful (person) (6a) dada natmato; chest (4c) immediately (14b)
bumng rajawali hufioh mbioh; eagle (3b) capai hrowio, nkrio fre; weary (4f) daerah pesisir maru maam; coastal dengki nknait; maliciously jealous (6e)
busuk mnis; rotten, spoiled, putrid (9i, cat bo maya; paint (lc, Uf) region (lb)" depa oatem sorOj armspan (13c)
13h) cawat kiet; loincloth (12c) daging okiwiaoj flesh (4a) deras aya osaCo; fast flowing (ld)
busuk (orang) nnis; corrupt (6a) cekatan nhar bo; skillful, capable (4e) dagu orar, oaskate; chin (4b) _deretan far-far; row (8a)
busur taur; bow, arc (8c, 13d) celah hroh; crevice (lb) dahan ara fuf; branch (2a) desa remo; village (lOc)
buta DaSH mboh, nasu mti; blind, to be celaka woi e; irritation, dissatisfaction dahi oakit; forehead (4b) destar bo ro nake oana; headband (12c)
blind (4e, 4f) (14e) dalam mato; deep (13c) detik kebetj second (lg)
butir makan, mauf; grains, seeds, small celana ratan rte; trousers (12c) damai riof; peace (6e) dewa hamana, ahmana; god, deity (Uc)
round things (corn, pearls) (14g) cemas nhaf myi, nwoh wah; worried (6f) damar hyot; resin (2a) dewasa manes, mabij adult (lOa)
cembung ntrot; convex (13d) dan osya; and (14d) dewasa ini mfo refOJ these days (lg)
cembum naam; jealous (6e) danau maru; lake (lb, 1d) di mamj in, at, on (14c)
cepat fooh, srot; fast (13c, 13j) dangkal aya moe, mabo fe; shallo,w (ld, di antara masufj among, between (Be)
cerah arin moof; bright, clear (Ie) 13c) di atas Uj on, above (Be)
cerdas bo har; clever, shrewd (6g) dansa sioh; western style dance (Ue) di balik sana matioh linoj beyond (Be)
dapat okaij able (6c) di bawah tej below (Be)

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di belakang to tis; behind (13e) dua puluh satu raa sait habah sau; engkau nyo; you (sg.familiar) (lOb) gemar akan oks ok mkah; to have a
di dalam mato; inside (13e) twenty-one (13a) epilepsi rumber; epilepsy (4f) passion for (6c)
di dekat okeoe; near (13e) dubur hreo mato; anus (4c) gembala raa ro okmot raa ro osmot
di depan ti masa, ti masu; in front (13e) duda nsemana; widower (lOa) Thbaoj pastor (lla)
di ke/iling mUlwas; around (13e) duduk hre; to sit (Sa) f gembira simaut; pleased (6d)
di /uar mne; outside (13e) duduk angkat kaki hre ntubat naa; to sit gemetar mtetet; to tremble (4f)
di mana tiyo meto, wore woyo meto, with one leg across another (Sa) gemuk oase, oabob, netsu mabohj fat, fat
famili raa mana sau; family (lOa)
hayo; where?, where (13e, l4e) duduk bersila hre I;Ilbeka; to sit (person) (4f, 13c)
fatsal mana; chapter (lla)
di muka ti mas a, ti masu; in front (13e) crosslegged (Sa) gencatan senjata me ayna safe; cease-fire
Finnan Allah bokyas ro Thhan; Word of
di samping ti oajoh; beside (13e) duduk tegak hre ntrot; to sit up straight (10f)
God (lla)
di sana to re too, wooO; there (far) (13e) (Sa) geraham obait mair; molar tooth (4b)
di sebelah ti oajoh; beside (13e) dukun raa bo tkief, raa rontkiefbo; geram okmo wer; to be furious (6e)
di seberang atirno; across (13e) witch doctor, shaman (8i, llc) gerejah akwioo, samu ro raa sukabuk;
di sekitar mur mtao; in the vicinity of dulu taa oho, liwia; long ago, formerly
9 church (lla)
(13e) (lg, l4b) gergaji hsyoh; saw (8e)
dungu nmai buba; foolish, simple (4e) gaba-gaba turaf; sago midribs used for gerhana matahari ti akut; eclipse (solar)
di sini wefo, wofo; here (13e)
walls (12d) (Ie)
di situ wono, weto, beto; there (near) (13e) duniawi bo ro tabam; worldly (lla)
di tengah masuf; in the middle (13e) dupa bosawer, boswar; incense (llc) gagah berani oatak ati; courageous, brave gerimis oom mafoo; drizzle (If)
(6f) getah maya, rie; sap (2a)
dia ait, au; he, she (lOb) duri bmuo; thorn (2a)
gagang mafio; handle (8e) gigi mbait; tooth (4b)
dia punya bo rait; his (lOb)
gaji boren; wage (8h) gigi seri obait mabio; incisor tooth (4b)
dilahirkan kern bali raa mabe uu; to be
born again (lla) e gam bar bofen; picture (llf, 12e)
ganas kmo, mbrurur; savage (6a)
gigitan mafit; bite (4f)
dimakan rayap bo osbie; termite-eaten gila oker; crazy, to be crazy (4e, 4f)
ganteng yoof yhai; handsome (6a) ginjal mbtik; kidney (4c)
egois nnot ye nyo, nhaf mrat, okar mrat; garam ha; salt (9g)
dimasak bosaruk; cooked (9c) girang hati simaut; cheerful (6d)
selfish (6c, 6h) garpu tukre; fork (ge)
dinding hri; wall (12d) golongan raa makbair, group (lOd)
ekor sawiah, mifra, mana; tail, animals gasing osom sibibor; spinning top (lOe)
dingin ario kanam, nfos, okaoam; cold gondok srau mtuo, srau mase; goiter (4b,
(3a,14g) gatal 000; itchy (4f)
(If, 13c, 13i) 4f)
ekspres fooh sai; fast (train) (13j) gaya berja/an namo mo; walk, gait (5a)
disiangi ofit; weeded (8a) gotong r~yong mberur otem, berur boo
ember bo ro raa mwian aya; bucket (12e) gedung samu; building (12d)
dokter bi robo tkief; doctor (8i) su; mutual cooperation (6a)
empat jit; four (13a) gejala mas mair, tioye rau, bomaja;
dokter hewan raa ro yhar bo ro mno faoe; goyah mhah; wobbly (13h)
empat persegi jit mtan kauya; square symptom (4f, 8i)
veterinarian (8d) goyang moah; unsteady (13h)
(13d) geiang srah; bracelet (12c)
dongeng bomna; fairy-tale (7a) gua isra,ako,wafioh; cave (lb)
empat persegi panjang jit miyi; rectangle gelap mti; dark (Ie)
dongkol okmo oato; angry inside (6e) gubuk sbiah; shed (12d)
(13d) gelap gulita ario mamur, amurhto; pitch
dosa iro; sin (lla) gudang samu ro raa mse bo; storehouse
enak msu; delicious (9i) dark (Ie)
dua eyok, ewok; two (13a) (12d)
enam ntamam; six (13a) gelas hawereh; glass (container) (ge)
dua belastahabah eyok; twelve (13a) gugup namboi, waa; nervous (6f)
endapan taaf ro aya; sediment (ld) ge/ombang fikyom mai masej big wave
dua pu/uh raa sait; twenty (13a) gugur nrurur; to drop (leaves) (5e)
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gugus nkabar; clusters (bananas, hantu kabes fane, ranse; ghost (l1c) hukuman badani safo ro oetsu; corporal indah moof ati, moof tooi; beautiful
bamboo) (14g) hanya sai; only (14b) punishment (lOg) (things) (6a)
gugusan bintang sken mawat; harap nariot; to hope (4e) hutang bo mbam, bofyah; debt (5j, 12b) induk mme; mother animal (8d)
constellation (stars) (Ie) harga mabioh; price (12a) induk sungai aya mabi; main river (ld)
gula pasir asam; white sugar (9g) harga mati mabioh ro mhu tu; fixed price ingat onot; to remember (4e, 6e)
guna mkah bo; for the sake of (14c) (12a) i ingin otomer; to covet, desire (6c)
guna-guna bo tldef, moon; charm (l1c) hari ayo; day (lg) ingin mencari nama oksoh bo osaso
gundul nana hariah; shaven head (4b) hari ini ifo; today (lg) Iblis kabes yabi; Devil (l1a) oasom; to covet fame (6c)
gunting tfo bo ktan, tfo boo ktan; scissors hana benda bosatoh; riches (12b) ibu ome; mother, Mrs. (lOa, lOb) injil aam ro bokyas; gospel (l1a)
(8e,8f) . harum nsawer; fragrant (4e) ibu jari tem abi; thumb (4d) insang manoh; gill (3a)
guntur bra mabyo; thunder (If) hati mwan; liver (4c) ibu kunci nake matak, raa wakus; lock ipar laki-Iaki osoiem ro sme;
gunung atu; mountain (lb) haus nhai sbit; thirsty (9h) (12d) brother-in-law (lOa)
.guru raa bam; teacher (8j) haus akan nhai sbit; to thirst for (6c) ibu menua nsniem ro ano; mother-in-law ipar perempuan osoiem ro anOj
hawa arin; climate (13i) (lOa) sister-in-law (lOa)
helai mata; flat, thin things (paper, cloth) ibu panah taur; bow (8c) irama mafot; rhythm (l1e)
h (14g) ikan asin syoh ro ha; salty fish (9f) iri hati srau kair, hawer; envious (6e)
hiburan bohorit, bosH, nisoh mhaf; ikan bakar syoh ro raa mkyar; grilled fish isteri nfainj wife (lOa)
habis terjual raa masim skak; sold out entertainment, recreation (lOe, 10h) (9f) istirahat soe hohj rest (5c)
(12a) hidangan boit ro raa mek raa mait; ikan belut kaban; eel (3c) itik rusian; duck (3b)
hadiah bo fan, boren; gift, prize (5j, lOh) serving (9h) ikan cucut gergaji utar; sawfish (3c) iuran namabioh; dues, collection (12b)
hakim raa ro ykyas bo; judge (lOg) hidung nnaif; nose (4b) ikan gabus syoh; pike (3c)
haiaman bohra; yard (12d) hidup namosj to live (4g) ikan paus syoh ro mya raa; whale (3c)
halus sne-sne, sneh, snyaf; refmed, hidup yang kekal ron ro hame; eternal life ikan talang syoh ro nsawiah myo; j
polite, smooth (6a, 13g) (l1a) mackerel (3c)
hama yok, afan; plant disease, pest (8a) hijau safom; green (13f) ikan terbang sYO~ ro mfruj flying fish (3c) jagung botsen; corn (2d, 9f)
hamba srian boh; servant (6h) hUang kesabarannya yut kmo fe; lose ikan teri puri; anchovie (dried) (3c) jahat nsafo; cruel, wicked, evil (6a, 11c)
hambar msu fe, mafah fe; tasteless, flat one's temper (6e) ikat kepala bo ro nake nana; headband jahe hyauj ginger (9g)
hilir mudik namo nee; to and fro (5d) (12c) jaksa raa ro beah srah; prosecutor (lOg)
hamil nbaf; to be pregnant (4g) hingga nsnok, snok; until (14c, l4d) ikat pinggang hotum; belt (12c) jala foo; fish net (8b)
hamil tak sah nhaf amo; illegitimate hitam safej black (13f) ilmu bumi bohar ro tabam; geography jalan iso; road (7e)
pregnancy (4g) hujan oom; rain (If) (7d) jalan raya iso fraj paved road (7e)
hampirmami; almost (14b) hujan pagi oom mah rabuj marning ilmu hayat bohar ro mam; biology (7d) jalur iso refo; furrow (8a)
hampir-hampir tidak kerit ma(mi) ••• fe; drizzle (If) ilmu kesehatan bohar ro abetj hygiene jam ayo; hour, clock (lg)
hardly (14b)
hujan reda oom hwiomj end of rain (If) (7d) jam tangan ayo ro ose natem; wrist watch
hancur nraria; shattered (5g) hujan siang oom bujij midday rain (If) ilmu penyakit mafot ro Idyam; pathology (lg)
hangat mbe; warm (13i) hukum safo manaj law (lOg) (4f) jaman dulu tiwia tinye; ancient times (lg)
hangat kuku mbe kair-kar, mbe ro fe, hukuman nroh mam safoj judgment (l1a) iman bosmot; faith (l1a) jambu biji Idawasj guava (2c)
mbe kaket fe; lukewarm (13i) jambu monyet armonj cashew nut (2c)
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jaminan bo tosi'guarantee (12a) jilid mata; volume (7b) ka/ah mroh keriwai mtai fe; to lose (6c) kapal wiak; boat (7e)
jamur abah; mushroom (2d) jimat ho moon; talisman, amulet (l1c) kalajengking taait hai; scorpion (3t) kapan tija; when (14e)
janda semit, sren; widow (lOa) jin wian; demon (l1c) kalau kbe, sooh; when, if (14d) Kapur fra makyo, fra ro nkom bo, boh;
janggut nrar mawian; beard (4b) jinak mha; tame (3a) kalong wisam; flying fox, bat (3e) liIne,chalk(lc,7b,~)
jan tan ro sme; male (animal) (3a, 8d) jiwa nawian; soul (l1a) ka/ung haban, bo ro mabe; necklace (12c) karangan bokom; cqmposition (7b)
jantung nkar; heart (4c) jodoh mkier anya, mhaf mamiot; to mate kamar amah war, amah mhawar; room karena ke, kewe, we, fe; because of,
jarak fari; distance (5d) (3a) (12d) because (14c, 14d)
jarang nsuk; seldom, rarely (lg, 14b) . juara raa ro yoo mabo; champion (10h) kamar kecil sutet, refat; toilet (12d) karib iranya; close (friend) (6a)
jari natem nkrem; fmger (4d) juga yee; also, anyway (14b) kamar makan amah war ro nit bo; dining karyawan raa ro mkah bo; worker (Sh)
jari te/unjuk tem myo; forefmger (4d) jujur nhaf moof ati; honest (6a) room (12d) kasar markaok, nkrema; rough, rude (4e,
jari tengah tem masuf, tem ro suf; middle juling nasu wak, nasu nseh; crosseyed kamar mandi amah war ro nate; 6a,13g)
fmger (4d) (4e) bathroom (12d) kasau sof; rafter (12d)
jaring fon; fish net (Sb) jumlah beta; total (13b) kamar tamu amah war ro hre; living kasbi suara; manioc, cassava (2g)
jarum sii; needle (St) juru masak raa ro nsaruk bo; cook, chef room (12d) kasih nat tmoof; love (6e)
jarum jam si ro ayo; hour hand (lg) (Sj) . kamar tidur amah war ro njin; bedroom kasih sayang boatmof; love of God (l1a)
jas ratan mabi ro mne; coat, jacket (12c) furu Se/emat ya wios; Savior (l1a) (12d) kasihan mitsire, nmoof aa; pity,
jatuh mbtek oawe; fall (5e) kambing nek, neh; goat (Sd) compassion (6d, 6e, 14e)
jatuh cinta nhaf hri; to fall in love (6e) kami amu; we (excl.) (lOb) kaskado sheh; scaly skin disease (4t)
jatuh ke dalam mbtek mamot mato; to k kami berdua amu mbewok; we two (excl.) kasur aam ro sneh; mattress (12e)
fall into (5e) (lOb) kata mai; word (7a, 14a)
jatuh sakit sayir kiyam; to be taken ill (4t) kampung remo; village (10c) kata dasar mai masmair; root word (14a)
kabut bias; fog, mist (le)
jatuh terbalik mbtek mabum; to fall head kamu nyo; you (sg. familiar) (lOb) kata depan mai ro mana; preposition
kacang panjang yafrun; string bean (2d)
first (5e) kamu sekalian anu beta; you (pI. (14a)
kacang tanah kacang ro tabam; peanut
jatuh terduduk sror nawe; to fall into a familiar) (lOb) kata keterangan mai ro mbenaan; adverb
sitting position (5e) " kancing sika; button (St) (14a)
kadal aheh; lizard (3d)
jatuhtertelentang mbtek hafiut; to fall on kandang samu ro fane; house for animal kata sambung mai tldot; conjunction
kadang-kadang nsuk; occasionally (14b)
one's back (5e) (Sd) (14a)
kain boo; cloth (Sf, 12c)
jauh fari, ee; far (5d, 13c) kandang ayam samu ro kok; chicken kala seru mai botu; interjection (14a)
kain katun hawe; cotton cloth (lc)
jejak yer; trail (7e) coop (Sd) kala tanya mai botu; interrogative (14a)
kakak laki-Iaki nau ro yabi; older brother
jejak kaki naa mayir; footprint (4d) kandungan nhaf ku; womb (4c) katak ah; frog (3c)
jelek mkair; bad, ugly (6a) kangkung monkrain; kind of spinach (20) katapel bonak; slingshot (Sc)
kakak perempuan nano ro mabi; older
jembatan frotet; bridge (7e) kanguru jif; kangaroo (3e) kaum raa makbair; clan (10d)
sister (lOa)
jengkal ro miyi mbuf; handspan (13c) kanguru kecil kajo; tree kangaroo (3e) kaus kaki bo nksa ro raa msya maa;
kakek natat ro sme; grandfather (lOa)
jengkerik mo sah, serere; cricket (3t) Kantor wak; office (7d) , stockings (12c)
kakerlak simus; cockroach (3t)
jerami pasa mara, bosafom ro okat; kantor pos samu ro aam; post office (7c) kaya hobot; rich (12b)
kaki naa; foot, lower leg (4d)
stubble, straw, hay (Sa, Sd) kantung kema/uan /aki-Iaki nkon mauf; kaya raya hobot toni; very rich (12b)
kaki kejang naa mhai; stiff legs (4t)
jerawat kosafos; pimple (4t) testicles (4c) kayu ara; wood (lc, Sg)
kaku nkoako; stiff (13h)
jika kbe, sooh; when, if (14d) kapak baam; axe, adze (Se) kayu bak{lr roko; firewood (9d)
kakus sulet, refat; toilet (12d)
162 163
kayu besi ataf; ironwood (Sg) keliru nantutu, srau fetut; mistaken (6b) kepala kampung raa ro yasom remo; kesepuluh ro nsaaj tenth (13a)
kayu manis rief; cinnamon (9g) kelompok rna makbah; group (10d) village chief (lOc) kesurupan bohyaj possessed by a spirit
ke nok, -t, to; to (14c) keluang wisam; flying fox, bat (3e) kepala panah karefmaan; arrowhead (Sc) (Uc)
ke mana namot hayo; to where (14e) keluarga rna mana sau; family (lOa) kepala pusing nakit mham; dizzy (4fj ketam kabai; crab (3c)
kebaikan hafmoof; goodness (6h) keluarga berencana mbe ku ameSj family kepala sekolah bi yabi-ro ybo sikora; ketiak nkrek; armpit (4d)
kebangkitan nrok; resurrection (Ua) planning (lOa) principal (7d) ketiduran siro; to oversleep (5b)
kebangsaan raa mana; nationality (10d) kelumpuhan nsisis; paralysis (4t) keping ftaah, mata, mauf; slices, flat ketigaro tuuf; third (13a)
kebetulan mas mabu; by chance (6a) kemanakan laki-laki ku bero smej objects (coins) (14g) ketika ayo ro, ati ro; when, at the moment
kebun ora; garden, plot (Sa) nephew (lOa) kepiting kabai; crab (3c) that (14d)
kecap manis bo ro msu; sweet soy sauce kemanakan perempuan ku bero ano; keran niska wowo; brazier, portable stove ketimun bun it mioh, bun it tto;
(9g) niece (lOa) (9d) cucumber (2d)
kecapi mulut kororl".bi; jews harp (Ud) kemarau hwiom; drought (1t) keranjang wata; basket (St) ketujuh ro nkrema; seventh (13a)
kecil maku; small (13c) kemarin iisj yesterday (lg) keranjang ikan wata ro syohj fish basket keturunan kubej descendant (lOa)
kecuali tna ... fe, soh ••• fe; except (14c) kemarin dulu ti taaj day before yesterday (Sb) khawatirnnotyejanxious(6t)
kedelapan ro nkrent~uf; eighth (13a) (lg) keras matak; hard (4e, 13g) khotbah bokyasj sermon (Ua)
kedua ro ewok; second (13a) kemarin dulu malam ti taa mti; night keras terhadap natak mkah; strict, stern kikir nar kmoh, bo siah, kikir; stingy, file
keempat ro jitj fourth (13a) before last (lg) (6g) (6c, Se)
keen am ro ntamamj sixth (13a) kembali hah ne, nhah nee; to return, kerasukan bohyaj possessed by a spirit kilat rir; lightning (1t)
keguguran finya msasiana; miscarry (4g) change (5d, 12a) (Uc) kilometer baro farij kilometer (Be)
keinginan bo amj desire (6c) kemeja ratan rUj shirt (12c) kerat mabufj anything that can be easily kipas angin bo ro ntiaffosj fan (12e)
kejahatan bo ro nno mkair; crime (lOg) kemenangan maut ati tiaroj victory (lOt) torn, broken, cut (bread, meat) (14g) kira nnot; to guess, reckon (4e)
- kejam nsafo, nkrema, nashomohj fierce, kemenyan bosawer, boswar; incense (Uc) kerikil fra kinyah-kanah, kamiorj gravel kira-kira mfi bOj approximately (13a)
cruel (6a) kemerdekaan nros kar; freedom (10c) (la,lc) kila anu; we (incl.) (lOb)
keji mkair ati, mkair hmainj shameful kemiri somba; candlenut (9g) kering nkat; dry (ld, 13g) kila berdua anu bewok; we two (incl.)
(6a) kemudian tna rej later on, then (lg) keringat nimyohj sweat (4a) (lOb)
kekal hame; eternal (Ua) kemuliaan nase; glory (Ua) keriting nan a matak; frizzly hair (4b) klinik samu ro abetj clinic (Si)
kekuatan natak; strength (4t) kena mame, mai; to hit (target) (Sc) kertas aam mataj paper (Ut) kodok ahj frog (3c)
kekurangan mabut abatj lack, deficit kenaikan gaji boren mautj pay raise (Sh) kertas rokok aam kbosj cigarette paper - kokoh matak; firm (13h)
(12b,13a) kenapa fiye; why (14e) (9j) kol batsaij cabbage (2d)
kelabang taaitj centipede (3t) kenari taten; walnut (2c) kesaksian nkyasj testimony (Ua) kolam kayah, amanj pond (ld)
keladi awiahj taro (2g) kencing naUSj to urinate (4c) kesal nmai tis, nmai kinyahj resentful kolam renang un ro nknij swimming pool
kelambu boo ro niwa bomafitj mosquito kendaraan asia; vehicle (7e) (6e) (10h)
net (12c) kenyang nhaf matuj full (9h) kesalahan safo, asti; mistake (6b) kontan nska; cash (12a)
kelapa soonj coconut (2c) keong subrak;sn;rn (3c) kesasar namo tit; to be lost (5d) korban ajat; victim (lOt)
kelebihan rnase, mawat; surplus (13a) kepala nana; head (4b) kesebelasan raa majin ro msom kakas; korek api tafoh ben, bo tafohj match (9d)
kelelawar wafuj small bat (3e) kepala desa raa ro yasomremOj village football team (10h) kosong marak, mfej empty (13h)
kelima ro maat; ftfth (13a) chief (lOc) keseganan bo re mtie hawe; apathy (6g) kota remOj city (lOc)
kelingking tern nkrere; little fmger (4d) kesembilan ro nkrenjit; ninth (13a) koteka bah; gourd (12c)

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kotor mkair; dirty (13g) latihan nsanet; exercise (7d) lima maat; five (13a)
kotoran syo, bokair; feces (4c) I lautsawan; sea (lb) lingkaran miyi; circle (13d)
-ku bo ajo; my, mine (lOb) lautan sawan mabi; ocean (lb) lingkaran cahaya kek ro mabi; halo
kuah bomaya; sauce, gravy (9f) laba amot, mafer; profit (12a) layu mharoyoh, haroyoh; withered (8a, (around moon) (le)
kuat natak; strong (4f, 6c) laba-Iaba weref; spider (3f) 13h) lintah but aya; water leech (3f)
kubangan metum; puddle (ld) labu bun; pumpkin (2d) lebah bur kuwet, bur ita; bee (3t) linu h~hfon; pain in the bones (41)
kuda-kuda nsi tarok; trestle, sawhorse labu siam bun tetmus; squash (2d) lebar mase; wide (13c) lipan malt; Centipede (3f)
(8g) laci hawar; drawer (12e) lebat make mawat, nsarer; laden with lipas simus; cockroach (3f)
kudis 00; scabies (4f) lada bo ro mafit, bo ro sambian; pepper fruit (2a) lipatan paha nre; groin (4c)
kudus moof; holy (Ua) (9g) lebih awol tinye snok; early (lg) lobang hroh; hole (8f)
kuku tem kbis, ntenkbis; nail, hoof (4d, ladang ora ro tabam matak; dry field (8a) lebih suka nksoh ati; to prefer (6c) logat mai aro rau-rau; dialect (7a)
8d) la/ol bokyas; pronunciation (7a) leher srau; neck (4b) lombok marisan; red pepper (chili and
kulit marak; skin (4a) lagak mfi nhar; attitude (6h) lekas fooh, srot; early, quick (13j) cayenne) (9g)
kulit bia (triton) saa; triton shell (Ud) lagi uu; still, again (14b) . lekuk mwak-wak; concave (13d) lonceng saa; clock (12e)
kulit buah kake marak; rind, pod (2a) lagu bokanaet, howes; tune, song (Ud) lelah hrowio, nkrio fre; weary (4f) longgar woroh; loose (13h)
kulit kayu ara marak; bark (2a) lahap nasmamo; glutton (9h) lelucon bosret; joke (6d) loyang afos; baking pan (ge)
kumbang kwiah; beetle (3f) lahir dini nabe mioh; premature birth (4g) lemah sne; weak (4f) loyang kayu raat; wooden baking dish
kumis nawian; moustache (4b) lahir sebelum waktunya nabe mioh; lemah lembut nhaf sneh; kind, gentle (6h) (9b)
kunang-kunang bun; firefly (3f) premature birth (4g) lemak nsten; fat (4a) luas myar-yar, spacious (13c)
kuning fiyaf; yellow (13t) laki-laki raa sme; male (lOa) lemari buku ambar ro aam; bookcase lubang hidung nnaif mato; nostril (4b) .
kunir bun kinyaa; saffron, turmeric (9g) lalat buba; fly (3f) (12e) lubuk sumambo; deep place in river (ld)
kuno ro wia; ancient (lg) lama kait; long (time) (13j) lemari pakaian am bar ro ratan; clothes lucu nno bosret; funny (6d)
kuntum masyoh, nkre; flower bud, lamban haweboh; sluggish (person) (13j) closet (12e) luka nabet, yaf, abet; sore, to be cut,
flowers (2a, 14g) lambat rere; slow (13c, 13j) lembah mbair; valley (lb) wound, break, cut skin (4f, 5g, 8i)
kunyit bun kinyaa; saffron, turmeric (9g) Ian car srot, foh; fluent (13j) lembing sbe, sawia; spear (8c) lukah wata; a type of fish trap (8b)
kupu-kupu frukak; butterfly (3t) landak semut kie; anteater (3e) lembut sneh; soft, tender (4e) lukisan bofen; picture (Uf)
kura-kura akoh; turtle (3d) langau buba mioh; horsefly (3t) lengan natem mhaur; upper arm (4d) lukisan orang bofen ro raa; portrait (Uf)
kura-kura darat akoh; tortoise (3d) langit ayoh; sky (le) lengket mrat; sticky (13g) lulus ntrot; to pass (7d)
kursi ambar ro raa hre; chair (12e) langkah tarian mafot ro smar; dance step lereng atu ntkah; slope (lb) lumpuh hre amah; paralYze~ (4f)
kurns nkerit, netsu mroh; thin, thin (Ue) letih netsu utwar; tired (4f) lumpur taaf, iwi, hrotat; mud (la)
(person) (4f, 13c) langsing nksiah; slim (13c) lezat msu; delicious (9i) lumut fabo, katsir, moss (2t)
kuskus kak ara; cuscus (3e) lantai armah; floor (12d) liar usafo; wild (3a) lunak mka; soft (13g)
kusut nana make, moot; uncombed, lapangan olahraga smok ro kakas; licik krek aam mase; crafty, cunning (6g) lunas mkak, ska, uska; paid (5j, 12a, 12b)
shriveled (old people) (4b, 13h) playing field (10h) licin sror, mbsok, mbanet; to be slippery, lupa nsorni; to forget (4e)
kutu hate; louse (3t) lapangan terbang smok ro tet; airstrip (7e) smooth, slippery (lei, 4e, 13g) lurns ntrot; straight (13d)
kutu busuk hatenten; bt(dbug (3t), lapar nhai sre; hungry (9h) lidah hrea; tongue (4b) lusa fjah; day after tomorrow (lg)
kutuk nko; curse (Uc) larangan boye; taboo (Uc) liku mwak; curve (13d) lutut nimna; kn~e (4d)
kwitansi boo mawian; receipt (5j) lari nhoh; to run (5d) lilin hyut; candle (9d)

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malaria tropika bo mafit; cerebral matahari terbenam ayo ntwok, ayo ntruk, melihat dengan jelas nmat kaket; to see
m malaria (4f) ayo twok; sunset (le, 19) clearly (4e)
malas haweboh; lazy (6g) malahari terbit ayo moo maul, isi ntara, melihat-lihat sayi nmo ne; to look around
maafye kino ma, ye 00; pardon (14e) malu hrenaut; timid, shy, embarrassed ayo moo; sunrise (le, 19) (4e)
mabuk mbisier; drunk (9j) (6f) mati-mati ayam rumber; epilepsy (4f) melihat sekilas nmat iti; to glance at (4e)
maeet bo reto mkair, mkair; blocked up, mama adik nme ro tis; mother's younger mati rasa nari bo fe; numb (4e) melirik sukekah; to steal a glance at (4e)
plugged, stopped up (ld, 13j) sister (lOa) mau nksoh; to want (6c) meloneat tbat-tbat; to jump (5d)
madu kum; honey (9g) mampir nhreiti; to drop by (lOe) mayat hai; corpse (4g) meloneat ke bawah ntbat nroh; to jump
Maha Kuasa Ro Yron; Almighty (lla) mampu nkah natak, natak, ntai; capable, mega ayoh mboh; white cloud (le) down (5e)
mahal mabioh maut, mabioh mase; able, to afford (6c, 6g, 12b) meja ambar; table (12e) meloneal ke sisi ntbat namo to maam; to
expensive (12a) mana aumyo; which (14e) m eja makan ambar ro raa mait bo; dodge (5d)
mahir nhar bo; skiiiful, capable (4e) mandi nate; to bathe (5k) dining table (12e) meluap aya maun; to overflow (ld)
mahkola bobot; crown (lOc) mangga owait; mango (2c) meja tulis ambar ro raa mkom bo; desk meludah tfeh oot; to spit (4b)
main eari-carian nku~ woi; to play mangkuk hawereh; bowl (ge) (12e) meludahkan noh me; to spit out (4b)
hide-and-go-seek (lOe) manik-manikweh; beads (12c) m elahirkan nabe; to give birth (4g) melukai nno yaaf, nayaaf, manyaaf, nno
main kartu nsom ita; to play cards (lOe) manis msu; sweet (6a, 9i) m elalui mkah; past, through (14c) yaf; 'to wound, to harm, injure
main kelereng nsom rar makan; to play mantera bo tkief mafot; magic formula melanggar nber; to bump into (5e) (physically) (Sc, 1Of)
with shells or marbles (lDe) (llc) melanggar hukum niwrek safo; to break melukis nfen bo; to draw, paint (llf)
main layang-layang nsom layang-Iayang; marah nkmo; angry (6e) the law (lOg) meluneur sror, sirurur; to slide, to slip,
to fly a kite (lOe) mari nama; invitation (14e) melangkah niserar naa; to stride (5a) skid (ld, Se)
majal mbin; blunt (13g) marlelu hbat; hammer (Se) melarat nmore, nri raa, nkair; destitute memadamkan nikabuk; to put out (9d)
majikan tuan; employer (Sh) masa ake; doubt (14e) (12b) memainkan msom; to play (instrument)
maju susu namo; to move forward, masak samer, nsamer; ripe (2a, 9i) m elarikan diri nsam; to run away(Sd) (lld)
progress (5a) masakan ake; doubt (14e) m elawan nsin tri, hafrah; against (14c) memakai nyum; to put on clothes, to
makan nait; to eat (9h) masih uu; still (14b) m elempar nai; to throw at, pelt (Sh) wear (Sh, 12c)
makan besar bokyo ·ase; feast (9h) masuk ntwok, ntruk; to enter, go in (5d, melemparkan nai mamo; to throw (5h) memaku mai; to nail (Sg)
makan daging nabo; eat meat (9h) 5e) melepaskan nitsre; to release, free, let fall memanaskan.nta; to heat (9c, 13i)
makan malam boit ro mti; evening meal (5e) . memancing ntawer; to fish with a line (Sb)
masuk rumah sakit ntruk samu ro abet;
(9h) to be hospitalized (Si) m elepaskan busur nitsre tosu; to release memandikan nse yate; to bathe someone
makan pagi boit ro rabu; breakfast (9h) mala nasu; eye (4b) a bow (Sc) (5k)
makan sayur nabat; eat vegetables (9h) mala air aya mana; spring (ld) melepaskan diri nitsre nyo; to escape, to memang menofea; of course, certainly
makan siang boit ro bas; noon meal (9h) mala kail mos; fish hook (Sb) escape from (5d, 5e) (14b)
makan sirih nait wenas make; to chew mata kayu ara ntmin; knot (2a) m elepaskan panah nitsre; to shoot an memanggang konta; to broil, roast, bake
betel nut (9j) matapisau tfo man; blade (Se) arrow (8c) in fire (9c)
makanan boit; meal (9h) matahari ayo; sun (le, 13i) m eletakkan nse; to place (5h) memanggil ntu; to call (7a)
makanan kecil bo soh mnah; snack (9h) malahari bersinar ayo moo; to be sunny m elewati niwrek; to go past (5d) memanggul nasom; to carry on shoulder
malam mti; night (lg) (le) m elihat nmat; to see (4e) (5f)
malaria bo mafit; malaria (4f)

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memangkas d'§at, nktan, nhais, sbyo, membayar kerugian iihrat; to pay membuang sauh mbeak; to cast anchor meminjam nayoh waor, nayoh nbo waor,
nsot, naal; to cut (hair, grass), to damages (lOg) . . (5h) nayahwaor; to borrow, to borrow from
prune (Sg, Sa) membebaskan nitsre; to acquit (lOg) membuat nno; to make, do (Sc) (Sj, 12a, 12b)
memanjat naut; to climb tree (Sd) membedah sara; to operate (on a sick membuat angka mno pen; to score (10h) meminjamkan nee waor; to lend, loan .
memarahi nkmo; to scold (7a) person) (Sg) membuat biji mno pen; to score (10h) (money, food) (5j)
memarut mba kioh; grate (coconut) (9c) membedakait nmat sas; to discern (4e) membuka ntrab; to open, to dismantle meminta nayoh; to request (7a)
memasak nsaruk; to cook (9c) membeku hre; to freeze (13i) (Se, Si) memintal maya, mfioh; to spin (t;hread)
memasak air wosuk aya; to boil water (9c) membelah ntehah; to split, chop (Sg) membuka ikatan mbenan; to untie (Si) (8t)
memasang nii; to install (Sh) membeli noo; to buy (12a) membuka mata nasu maah; to open eyes memintal (tali) nfiob; to roll, twist
memasang lukahni fon; to sefafishtrap membelok hawer, nuur; to turn (rt. or It.) (4e) (string) (Si)
(Bb) (Sa) . membuka pakaian nros ratan, nsyau bo; memisahkan saim mak bair aro-aro; to
memasang tali busur nakataur; to string a membendung nririt; to dam up (8b) to undress (12c) separate (5g)
bow(8c) membengkokkan nno maka, naka, membului ntu mawian; to pluck memohon nayob; to request (7a)
memasukkan mbetruk; to insert (Sh) mbeka; to bend (tr.) (Si) (chicken) (Sh) memotong nktan, nsot;to cut up (9c)
memata-matai nmaUan; to spy on (4e) membentangkan (tikar) mbehaf; to open membungkus nanes; to wrap up (5i) memotong jalan nweh iso; to take a
mematahkan niji; to snap, break (Sg) out, spread (mat, rug) (Si) membunuh marne; to kill (8c) shortcut (Sd)
mematuk mame; to peck (3a) memberanikan diri nirif matak; to take membum nakam; to hunt (Sd) memotong (kayu) nsot, sbyo, naru, nkbis,
membagi nsaim; to divide (Sg, Sj, 13b) courage (6t) memecahkan nii babab; to break apart nktan; to cut, chop (wood) (5g)
membagikan-saim; to give out (Sj) memberi nee; to give (Sj) (bread, fruit) (Sg) memotret noo raa mawian; to take a
membajak nabah, nsreb yak; to plow (Sa) memberi makan nee mait, noo boit nee; memecat nitsnok; to fire (Sh) photograph,(llt)
membakar nkah, nko; to bake, to roast, to feed (Sj, 8d, 9h) memegang nbo; to hold (St) memperbandingkan msimsi anya; to
to burn, bake (9c, 9d) memberi makanan noo bo nee mait; to memenggal sbi; to cut off (5g) compare (13b)
membakar dupa mkah bosawer; to burn .feed (3a) memerah susu nbutiok sis; to milk (Sd) . mempercayakan nsmot; to entrust (Sj)
incense (llc) memberikan saim; to give out (Sj) memeras mbewaya, mbujuk, mbokait; to· mempercepat noo fob; to speed up,
membalas dendam nno boska; to avenge membersihkan nbais, nfit; to clean up squeeze (Sh) accelerate (13j)
(lOg) (Sk) memercik nluuk aya; to splash, to splatter memperhatikan nwof, 'nrom; to look at
membalik njin mberek; to turn over (Sb) membersihkan hidung nau smos; to blow (ld) closely (4e)
membalikkan baberek; to turn upside nose (4b) memerciki tfuk; to sprinkle (5h) memperlambat nno rere; to slow down
down (Se) membersihkan ikan nisob syoh; to clean memeriksa nmat kiyam; to give a medical (13j) /
membangun nski; to build (8g) fish (9c) examination (4t) mempersiapkan nsiwian; to prepare (9c)
membangunkan nti; to waken, arouse (Sb) membicarakan nkyas; to discuss (7a) memerintah nbies, nawe; to command mempertajam ntob; to sharpen (knife)
membawa nbo nan:lO; to take away (Se) membidik nnit; to aim (8c) (7a) (5g)
membawa turun nbo nroh; to bring down membohong mbe sruf, siroyo, bosiob; to memetik nriob; to pick off (fruit, flower), mempesonakan yawian mbai, marak; to
(Se) tell a lie (6b, 7a) to pick (flower), to pick (Sg, Sh, Sa) , bewitch (llc)
membayar nbain; to pay (l2a) membongkar nitrab, ntrab; to unload, to memikat nake; to lure (8c) memuat masio; to load, fill up (5e)
membayar hutang ntho bo, nbain; to pay dismantle (Se, Si) memiliki nyo nse bo; to possess, own memuja nbaut; to worship (spirits) (llc)
a debt, to repay a debt (Sj, l2b) membuang mbeak; to throwaway (Sh) (12a) memuji bobaut; to praise (lla)
memilin tali nfuoh fom; to twist string (8f)

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memukul nai; to hit, to beat, to beat menarik nkuk; to draw, haul, pull, to pull, mencoret-coret nkwais-kwas; to scribble menekan nsit; to press down, to press
(gong, drum) (5g, 109, l~d) interesting (5e, 5h, 6a) (7b) (5e,5h)
memukul belUlang-ulang bra; to hit menarik busur mayo taur; to tense a bow mencubit mbohri; to pinch (5h) menelan niya; to swallow (4b, 5h, 9h)
repeatedly (5g) (Be) mencuci nyon; to wash (5k) menembak nnak; to shoot, fire, to shoot
memungut nsoo; to harvest (8a) menalUh nse; to place (5e, 5h) mencuci muka nyon nasu; to wash (face) (firearm) (5h, 8c, lOt)
memutar baberek, siborin; to turn, to menalUh kembali nse u; to replace (5h) (5k) . menenangkan mirare; to pacify (7a)
twist, turn (5d, 5h) menasehati nwatum; to advise (7a) mencuci pakaian nyon ratan, nkamus menentang nako, nhawe; to resist, protest
memutar (jam) mamo; to wind (watch) menatap borit, nmat; to stare (4e) ratan; to launder clothes (5k) (lOt)
(lg) menawan mbu; to capture (lOt) mencuci rambut nyon nana; to wash hair menenun nste; to weave (cloth) (8t)
memutar kembali namo nbab nee, namo menawar nkyas naut-nroh; to bargain (5k) menerangkan nbe to, nbe nan; to explain
nater nee; to tur)l around, back (5d) (12a) mencukur nmur; to shave, to shear (5g, (7a)
menabrak nber; to bump into (5e) mencabut ntu, natu·, ntufrok; to extract, 8d) menerima noo, ntru, nkai; to receive
menabur furere; to sow (8a) pull out, to pull out, extract, to pull menculik nfau wai; to kidnap (5j) (letter, telegram) (7c)
menaburkan furere, {uin; to sprinkle (9c) (5e, 5h, 8a) mencuri nsyof bo; to steal (5j) menerobos ntwok, ntruk; to shove
menagih nkyas, nko boo, nbre boo; to mencabut bulu nfarir mawian; to pluck mendaki naut; to climb a hill (5d) through, break in (5h)
demand payment (5j, l2b) (8d) mendendam botoh; to hold a grudge (6e) menetes mikit; to drip (5e)
menaikkan harga nkab mabioh naut; to mencaci-mt;zki mamus, mwiat; to scorn, mendengar-nari; to hear (4e) mengadili ntu nsas, mbeak srah, safo
_raise the price (12a) ridicule (7a) mendengarkan nari bo; to listen (4e) mana nmit; to judge (4e, 109)
menakik ntekof, ntokof; to notch (5g) mencampur srioh; to mix (9c) menderita safo mai; to suffer (lOg) mengaduh nsin tri; to whimper (6d)
menambal naru; to patch (8t) mencangkul nsama; to hoe (8a) mendesak nsit; to urge (7a) mengaduk ntfa, nsom; to stir (9b, 9c)
menampar nai; to slap (5g) mencapai nkai; to reach, achieve (6c) mendidih myoh, myooh; to boil (intr.), mengagumi mbibi; to admire (6c)
menanam nyuum; to plant (8a) mencari saso; to look for (4e) boiling (9c, 13i) mengajar nirif, nirif bo; to teach (7a, 7d)
menanduk ntakoh; to gore (3a) mencari ikan nakam syoh; to go fishing mendidik nwatum; to educate, train (7d) mengaku nawe, nawe ae; to confess (lOg,
menang maut ati ranu; to win (6c) (8b) mendinginkan nno nkanam; to cool (13i) 11a) .
menangis nawia; to cry (6d) mencekau sarto, ntak; to grab, seize (5j) mendirikan nslti; t~ build (8g) mengalahkan mberasi; to beat, defeat
menangis dengan nyaring nawia ntu; to mencela namus; to criticize (7a) mendorong nyum; to push, to push away (6c)
cry aloud (6d) mencelup nberuu; to dip, immerse in (5e, 5g, 5h) mengalir myi; to flow (ld)
menangkap (bola) nfot; to catch (ball) (5j) liquid (5e) mendorong ke samping nyun mamo tiaro; . mengambil noo; to take out, to take (5e,
menangkapikan nfot syoh; to catch fish menceritakan nkyas; to tell (a story) (7a) to shove aside (5h) 5j)
(8b) mencicipi nsanet; to taste (4e) mendudukkan nse hre; to seat (5a) mengambi/ jalan pendek nweh iso; to take
menangkap (orang) nfot raa; to seize mencincang nate; to chop (9c) mendung arin mkair; cloudy (Ie) a shortcut (5d)
(person) (5j) mencintai nhaf hri, natmof; to desire, menebang (pohon) nfat; to cut down mengampuni nska fe; to forgive (6h)
menantu laki-Iaki nsniem ro sme; love, to love (6c, 6e) (tree) (5g) mengandung nhaf; to be pregnant (4g)
son-in-law (lOa) menciptakan bumi nfen tabam refo; to menebangpohon nfat ara; to chop down menganga nasoh maa; to open mouth
menantu perempuan nsniem ro ano; create the world (l1a) trees (8a) wide (4b)
daughter-in-law (lOa) mencium (bau) nari nsawer; to smell (4e) menebarkan (jala) mbeak; to cast (fish mengangkat ntubat; to raise, lift (5e)
menari smar; to dance (Ue) mencocokkan (jam) nnit ayo; to set nets) (5h) mengangkat sauh nayo, nkuk; to weigh
(watch) (lg) menebus nhrat; to redeem (l1a) anchor (5h)

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mengangkut mWia; to take away, to mengepit nkrek; to carry under arm (5t) menghabiskan nait mkak; to eat up (9h) mengipas njar; to fan (fue) (9d)
transport (5e) mengepulkan fr us tabak maun; to blow menghadang mburut; to ambush (lOt) mengiri nknait; to be jealous (lOt)
mengantuk nj in maka, nsiro; sleepy (Sb) smoke (9j) menghafalkan ntuu; to memorize (4e) mengirim ntiim, ntim; to send, to send
menganyam nste; to weave (baskets) (8t) mengepung mburut; to round up (8c) menghakimi ntu nsas, mbeak srah, safo (letter, telegram) (Se, 7c)
mengapa fiye; why (14e) mengeram mabum; to sit on eggs (3a) mana nmit; to judge (4e, 109) mengiringi nkro; to accompany (He)
mengapung soso; to float (ld) mengerat nktok, nkokin, nsaet; to gnaw, ,menghamburkan firere, mfuwin; to mengiris nktan, nsaet; to slice (5g, 9c)
mengarang bonot; to write, compose (7b) to cut into small pieces (4b, 5g) scatter (Sh) mengisap nmot, tmos, tnos, nya; to suck
mengarungi frit; to wade across (5d) mengetuk nai; to knock (door) (5g) menghancurkan nmuk; to smash (5g) in mouth, to suck, inhale, to sip, suck,
mengasah ntob; to sharpen (8e) menggaji naren; to hire (8h) menghapus nkaru; to rub out, erase (Sk) to inhale (4b, 4c, Sh, 9h, 9j)
mengasapi nku kuk; to smoke over a fire menggali nahah; to dig (Sh, 8a) mengharapkan ninaut; to expect (4e) mengisi penuh nfau matot; to cram (5e)
(9c) menggambar nfen bo; to draw, paint (Ut) menghargai mbibi; to appreciate (6c) mengizinkan nbies; to permit (7a)
mengasihi natmof; to love (6e) mengganggu nsom, nsikerek; to annoy, to menghentakkan namo safsafo; to stamp mengkhianati nkanait, nsikowah; to
mengasuh anak ntos ku; to raise children tease, annoy (6e, lOt) (Sa) , betray (6e, lOt)
(lOa) mengganjarwatum; to reward (5j) menghibur nisoh mhaf; to comfort (6d) mengobati noo obat nse; to treat (8i)
mengatakan nkyas, nnit; to say, speak, menggaruk hrir, mabah; to scrape, to menghidupkan kembali nee mrok U; to mengocok nbetbum, nwioh; to shake
tell (7a) rake (5g, 8a) revive, resuscitate (4g) (mixture) (Sg)
mengatasi nsbi hri; to overcome (a menggeletak mbetrot; to sprawl (Sa) menghilangkan nno marak; to omit, leave mengolah sagu nfi nghaa; to cook sago
problem) (6c) menggembalakan raa ro msya fane, neh; out (Se) (9b)
mengawal nkmot; to guard (lOg) to watch, shepherd (8d) menghilangkan kesusahan nisoh mbaf mengorbankan nake, bero; to sacrifice
mengayak nta ngba3; to sift (sago flour) menggemukkan nno nsten; rich, fattening moof; to dispel sadness (6d) (something) (Sj)
(9b) (9i) menghina nwe kair; to humiliate (6e) mengorok hnor, naim; to snore (4a, Sb)
mengebaskan nset; to shake out (Sh) menggendong nabe; to carry on back (Sf) menghirup nmot; to sip, suck (9h)" mengosongkan lukah nfa is wata marak;
mengebiri noo makon; to castrate (3a, 8d) menggerakkan mbe tbom; to agitate (Sg) menghitung ntu; to count, calculate (13b) to empty out fishtrap (8b)
mengebutkan nset; to shake out (Sh), menggigit mafit, nafit; to bite, nibble (4b, menghonnati nsmot, nbaut, nmat raa menguap maun; to yawn (4a)
mengedipkan mata nasu warwaru; to 9h) anya; to esteem, to respect (6c, 6h) mengukir kayu nfen ara; to carve wood
wink (4e) menggoda nashe; to tempt, sedu<;e (6e) menghukum safo mana nmit; to punish, (8j)
mengejar nsaka, ntutu; to pursue, chase menggoreng nsar; to fry (9c) sentence (lOg) mengukur nnit; to measure (7d, 13c)
(to seize), to hunt, stalk (5d, 8c) menggosok nkaru, ntoh; to rub, to mengigau smiririo; to talk in sleep (Sb) . mengukus nanes; to steam (9c)
mengelakkan namo twat; to avoid (Sa) spread, smear (Sk, 9c) mengikat nake; to tie up (Si) menguliti pohrm nabot; fo take bark off
mengeluh whorarar, mberamai, hanki; to menggosok gigi nyon nbait; to clean teeth mengikat jadi satu nkhamit; to tie in , tree (5g)
complain (7a) (Sk) bundle (Si) mengundang ntu; to invite (7a)
mengelupas nrus; peeled (4t) menggotong nberur nsom; to carry a mengikis nakioh; to scrape (carrots) (9c) mengunjungi ntwain, nrit; to visit (lOe)
mengembara namo yiya, namo ninya; to thing (several people carry) (Sf) mengikut nkro; to go with (5d) mengunyah mbtak, nsitah; to chew (4b,
wander (Sd) menggugat nko; to sue (lOg) mengingatkan nnot mio, mti bonot; to , 9h)
mengemis nyoh bo; to beg (12b) menggulung beah; to roll up (Si) remind (4e, 7a) mengupah naren; to hire (8h)
mengenai ro; about, concerning (14c) mengguncangkan mnah-nab; to shake menginjak nber kait, nber; to step on (Sa, mengupas sabe, nbioh, nsabe, nbuoh; to
mengenal nhar; to recognize (4e) menggunting nktan; to cut (with SC1:SS0rs} .1 5g) peel, remove husk (5g, 9c)
mengendap mroh mte; to settle (ld) (5g) mengintai ntrofen, frotan; to spy (lOt) menguraikan mbenan; to untie (5i)
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mengurangi nrofnoo; to subtract (13b) menjawab nawe; to answer (7a) menusuk name, ntmi, ntoh; to stab, menyimpan nse; to put away (Sh)
mengurbankan nsan; to sac~ce (Hc) menjemput ntan, ntar; to pick up (Sd) . insert, to pierce (Se, Sg, 8c) menyimpan perasaan noo bokyas nse; to
mengusir dengan asap njaf mkah wasi; to menjemur nkoti, nraik; to dry in the sun menutup nut; to close (Se, Si) keep feeling to oneself (6e)
smoke out (9d) (9c) menutup mata sukabuk; to shut eyes (4e) menYl mpang namo sre, sesre; to swerve
mengusir setan nsaka kabes; to exorcise menjerit nkakiah; to scream (7a) menutup mulut bermut nasoh; to shut (Sd)
(Uc) menjinjing nbo; to carry by hand (Sf) mouth (4b) menyiram ntu; to spray, sprinkle (8a) .
mengusung nkatar; to carry on a menjual nasim, nbu bo; to sell (12a) menutupi nut; to cover up (Sh) menyisiki nktan; to remove scales (9c)
stretcher (Sf) menjulurkan lidah niyum hrea; to stick menyadap nkri; to tap (tree) (Sh) menyisipkan nsu; to insert, enter (Se)
mengutuki msyo bo, mto bo; to put a out tongue (4b) menyahut ntu; to reply (7a) . menyisir shat; to comb (4b)
curse on (7a) menjumlahkan mberur; to add (13b) menyalakan api nko tafoh mait; to light a menyombongkan diri nyok-yok nyo; to
menikam name, n~koh; to stab (Sg, 8c) menjunjung nsbyo; to carry on head (St) fIre (9d) boast (6h)
menikmati nit mafer, nit make, nksoh; to menokok nta; to pound (sago) (9b) menyangka naun; to suppose (4e) menyorongkan serar; to move over (Se)
enjoy, relish (6d, 9i) men~lak hawe, nako; to refuse (6c) menyangkal nwar; to deny (7a) menyukai nksoh; to like, to enjoy, relish
menimpa mbtek mai; ,to fall on something menoleh haberek; to turn around, about menyanyi nji howes; to sing (lld) (6c,9i)
(Se) face (Sa) menyapu nsabos; to sweep (Sk) menyu?am nsu; to embroider (8t)
menindas mberasi, mbesauf; to oppress menombak name; to spear (8c) menyatakan nirif; to state, clarify (7a) menyumbat telinga nbut nimara, nbu
(6e, lOt) menonton horit; to watch (performance) menyebar mfirere; to scatter (Se) nimara; to plug one's ears (4e)
meninggal dunia mhai ; to die (4g) (4e) menyeberang frit; to go across (Sd) menyungsang haberek; to turn upside
meninggalkan sikba; to leave (something) mentah mamioh; unripe (2a) menyeka nkaru, nyon; to wipe, to dust down (Se)
(Se) mentega aya nsten; butter, margarine (9c) (Sk) menyuntik ntmi; to inject (8i)
meninju nai, nmuk, nmuk anya; to box menuang ntu, mbeoh, ske; to pour out menyelam nfus; to submerge, to dive (ld) menyusui mee sis; to suckle (4c)
(Sg, lOh) (Se,9c) menyelesaikan nno mkak; to fInish (6g) meraba nsasah, mbo; to touch (4e, Sg)
menipiskan nakyohj to flatten, make thin menuduh nauD; to accuse (7a, 109) menyelidiki nmat sas; to do research (4e) meracuni ikan nfo syoh; to poison
(Sh) menuju nok, taa, too; towards (14c) menyembelih nktan, nsafa; to slaughter (8b)
menipu sioh, nastro, mbesruf; to deceive, menujumkan wosa; prophesy (Uc) (8d) merah mkek; red (13t)
cheat, to cheat (6b, 12a) menular mbet; contagious (4t) menyembuhkan mno kiyam marak, nisoh merah muda mkek; pink (13t)
menisik ntin; to mend (8t) menulis nkom; to write (7b) moof, nfe, ntkief; to cure a disease, to _ merah tua mkek; dark red (13t)
menit kebet baro; minute (lg) menulis surat nkom aam; to write a letter cure (4f, 8i) meramal bokyas sawa; to tell a fortune
meniup nfie; to blow (flute) (Ud) (7b) menyembunyikan nmut; to hide, conceal (Uc)
menjadi mno; to become (4g) menumbuk omuk; to pound (9c) (Se) merampas ntak; to rob, grab (Sj)
menjaga nkrnot; to guard (lOg) menumpahkan ntu; to spill (Se) menyemir nkaru; to polish (Sk) merangkak nririn; to crawl (13j)
menjahit otin; to sew (8t) menumpas ska si; to destroy (Sg) menyentuh mbo; to touch (Sg) merasa jijik nhrehfon; to detest (6e)
menjalani nari safo; to serve (sentence) menunggu ste, sne; to wait (for) (Sc) menyepak nsobak; to kick (Sg) meratakan betrot; to level (5e)
(lOg) menuntut nko; to sue (lOg) menyerah nifare; to surrender (6h) meratap nawia yoyo; to lament, wail (6d)
menjalankan nno; to carry out (6g) menuntut bela nno boska; to avenge (lOg) menyerahkan nee, nsan; to hand over (Sj) meratapi mawia; to bewail (6d)
menjatuhkan nno mbtek; to drop (Se) menunmkan harga nkah mabioh mroh; menyerang ntutu, nsjoh; to attack (lOt) meraung nsaman, mhoo; to moan (7a)
menjatuhkan hukuman safo mana ose; to to lower the price (12a) menyetujui nksoh; to agree (7a) meraut nakyoh; to whittle, sharpen
pronounce sentence (lOg) menUlut mfi; according to (14c) menyiangi nfit, nisoh; to weed (Sh, 8a) (pencil) (5g)

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- - ------_ .. _ - - -- -----,

merdu moof ati; melodious (l1d) miskin raa kair; poor (12b) nyamuk bomafit; mosquito (3f)
merebus w{)suk; to boil (tr.) (9c) miskin papa nmore, nri raa, nkair; n nyanyian howes; song (l1d)
m erebut sarto, ntak; to grab, seize (Sj) destitute (12b) nyeri mham; painful (4f)
m ereka a na; they (lOb) mobil oto; automobile (7e) nafsu makan nhaf nksoh; appetite (9h) nyiur soon; coconut palm (2b)
mereka berdua ana mbewok; they two mogok nhai, mamo kaket fe; to strike (Sh) naga kabes aban; dragon (l1c)
(lOb) moncong mnaif; snout (3a) naik naut; to go up (S~
merendam nai, nber; to soak (9c) moyang laki-laki nhohos ro sme; naik kapal naut wiak; to go by boat (7e) o
merica bo ro mafit, bo ro sambi an; great-grandfather (lOa) naik keatas naut; to go up (stairs) (Se)
pepper (9g) moyangperempuan nhohos ro ano; naik kendaraan naut asia; to go by
obat botkief, bo tkief; medicine (4f, 8i)
merintangi jalan nhu wa iso; to block the great-grandmother (lOa) vehicle (7e)
obat merah obat mkek; mercurochrome
road (7e) -mu bo anyo; your (lOb) nakal narmtuk, nimara mboh; naughty
merokok nya tabak; to smoke (9j) muda nbotna; young (lOa) (6a)
obat pencud rambut ita ro nyon nana;
merugikan nsi kowah raa anya; to harm mudah pecah mbontata, habah fooh; nama baik nasom moof, mnaut masom;
shampoo (Sk)
(materially) (lOt) fragile (13h) . good reputation (6a)
oh tsire, mitsire; disappointment (14e)
merumput noo, mabat bo safom; to graze mudah robek mfian-fian; easily torn (13h) nangka soraf; jackfruit (2c)
olahraga nsom bo; sports (lOh)
(Sd) mujizat bo ro msai; miracle (l1a) nasi pasa, pasa ro nsamer; cooked rice
olahragawan raa ro yhu ysom kakas
meruntuhkan betu; to overthrow, pull muka nasu nnaif; face (4b) (9a,9f)
YO-YO; athlete (lOh)
down (Se) mula-mula tinye rau; at flf§t (14b) nasib namos; fate (l1c)
ombak fikyom, hore mata; wave (ld)
merusak nsikowah; to damage, destroy mulut nasoh; mouth (4b) naskah bokyas mafot; draft, rough copy
omong kosong nsioh; chatter (7a)
(1Of) mundur susu nee, susu hren, nsusu; to (7b)
ondoafi bobot; tribal chief (lOc)
mesin jahit mesin ro ntin bo, bo ro ntin back up, move back, to retreat (Sa, lOt) negara tabam, 00, raabin; country (lOc)
orang mabo; people (14g)
bo; sewing machine (Sf, 12e) mungkin mba, hemba; possibly (14b) nelayan raa ro makam aya; fisherman
orang asing raa sriem; foreigner (lOd)
meskipun sai feto; even though (14d) murah mabioh mroh, mabioh maku; (Sb)
orang banyak raa mawat; people (lOc)
mewariskan numto; to bequeath (Sj) inexpensive (12a) nenek natat ro ano; grandmother (lOa)
orang hukuman raa ro masom safo;
miang afa man; stinging hairs (on leaves) murah hati.nhafase, hafmoof; generous nenek moyang nhohos; ancestors (lOa)
prisoner (lOg)
(2a) (6a,6h) neraka raabin kair; hell (l1a)
orang kudus raa ro mato mboh; saint
milik boum to; property (general) (12b) muram nanwaruk; gloomy, sad (6d) ngengat hesik; moth (3f)
minum nata; to drink (9h) murid ku sikora; pupil (7d) ngeri mti waa; horrible(6f)
orang penting raa ro mase; important
milium dengan rakus yata boon; to guzzle musik bo ro mawia moof; music (l1d) nibung wai; black palm used for flooring
person (lOc) /
(9h) musim arsoo; season (If, 19) (12d)
orang sud raa ro mato mbof; saint (l1a)
minum obat nata obat; to take medicine musim dingin soo ro om mais; winter ninabobok bouror, bobaut; lullaby (l1d)
orang tua raa mabi, raa manes; parents
(Si) (13i) noken YOU; string bag (Sf)
minyak aya, aya ro saruk; oil (lc, 9g) musim hujan oom mais YOYO; rainy nol aro fe; zero (13a)
orang yang berhutang raa ro bo mham
minyak goreng aya ro bo saruk; frying oil season (If) nomorganjil mabut; odd number (13b)
, mai; debtor (Sj)
(9c) musim panas hwiom; summer (13i) nomorgenap mnan; even number (13b)
orang yang betpiutang bobot; creditor (Sj)
minyak tanah aya ro tafoh; kerosene (le, mutu mofer; quality (6a) . nona ku ano; Miss, you (formal) (lOb)
otak nentaDf; brain (4b)
9d) -nya bo rait; his (lOb)
otot nkiwian m!ihoh; muscle (4d)
miring njin nat om; on one's side (Sa) nyala mait; flame (9d)

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pandai nbar hoj intelligent, wise, clever, pedalaman to atu; interior (lb) pengadilan wak; court, trial (lOg)
p skillful(4e,6a,6g) pedang krewan; sword (10f) pengaduk syawar; stirring spoon (9b)
panen nriob; harvest (Sa) pedas mafitj hot (spicy) (9i) penganggur raa ro momamaj unemployed
pabrik bo ro msair bo; factory (Sh) panen keladi nbum awiah; harvest taro pedis mafitj hot (spicy) (9i) person (8h)
pacat but; land leech (3f) (Sa) pegawai bank raa ro mbo pitis; bank pengantar pos raa ro yakah bo tiem; ·mail
pada mam; at, on, in, to (14c) panen ubi nabah sasu; harvest sweet clerk (8j) carrier (7c)
pada malam hari mkah mti; at night (1g) pot at os (8a) pegunungan atu ro myo yaaj highlands penganyaman keranjang nji wata;
pada mulanya tinye rau; at ftrst (14b) panggung ambar; stage (l1e) (1b) basketry (Sf)
pada pennulaan maban ti tinye; in the pangkal tenggorokan srau matoh; larynx pekarangan bohra; yard (12d) pengasihan bo atmof; mercy (6h)
beginning (1g) (4b) pekerja raa ro mkah bo; worker (Sh) pengecut nyo nwaa; coward (6f)
pada umumnya jaana beta; generally pangkat raa ro masom; rank (1Of) pekerjaan bo ro nno; work (5c) pengemis raa ro mayoh bo; beggar (12b)
(14b) panjang myo; long (Bc) pelabuhan joh; port (7e) penggergajian kayu raa ro mktan ara;
padangpasir snyik mana; desert (lb) pantat brenj buttock (4c) pelan rere; slow (Bj) sawmill (Se)
padang rumput 00 rn bosafom rioh; panu byir; light spots (skin disease) (4f) pelan-pelan rere; slowly (Bj) penginji/ rabis ro Thhan; evangelist (l1a)
pasture (Sd) papan ara flah; plank (8g) pelangi nar; rainbow (Ie) penikan;t ate; spear (8b)
padat mkit; solid, dense (Bh) papan tulis ara flah ro nkom bo, ara ftah pelaut raa ro aya; sailor, seaman (8j) penjara sa ro raa mbura; prison (lOg)
padi pasa; rice plant (9a) ro bokom; blackboard (7b, 7d) peluit oor; whistle (lOh, 11d) penokok raa ro mta nghaa; pounder (9b)
. pagar ana, tok; fence (Sd, 12d) papaya betseren; papaya (2c) pelurn tafob makan; bullet (10f) penting ro ati; important (affair) (6a)
pagi rabu; morning (lg) papeda aof; sago porridge (9b, 9f) pembalut bo mabat ro raa make yaf; penuh matot; full (Bh) .
pagi-pagi rabu momo; early (in the parang abio, soki, sokie; machete, bush bandage (Si) penuh sesak matot ati; jam-packed (Bh)
morning) (Bj) knife (Sc, Se, 1Of) pembantu raa ro matam raa; domestic penutup bokait, bonien; lid (ge)
pagi-pagi benar r~bu konok; early in the paru-paru natrer; lungs (4c) help (8h) penyakit kiyam mafot; illness, sickness
morning (lg) paruh masob; bill (3a) pemburu raa ro nsroma; hunter (8c) (4f,8i)
paha nafamu; thigh, upper leg (4d) pasar sanlU ro raa msim bo; market (12a) pemenang raa ro yo mabo; champion penyakit kolera nsyo ntom; cholera (4f)
pahit mtah; bitter (9i) pasien raa ro kiyam; patient (4f) (lOh) penyakit kusta srur; leprosy (4f)
pajak namabioh; taxes, tax (lOc, 12a) pasir snyik; sand (la, lc, 8g) pemilihan bo sok; election (lOc) penyakit mulut dan kuku nsohabet; hoof
pakaian ratan, botruk; clothing (12c) pasti rau to; certainly (14b) pemilik raa ro bo rait; owner (12a) and mouth disease (8d)
pakaian rumput mbiait; grass skirt (12c) patah mji; broken (stick-like objects), pemuda merej teenage boy (lOa) penyakit paru-parn natmato mham;
pakis nyum; fern (2a) broken (steel-like objects) (5g, Bh) pemudi finya fainj teenage girl (lOa) tuberculosis (4f)
pala kat; nutmeg (9g) patek srur; framboesia, yaws (4f) pemukul hbatj bat (10h) penyanyi raa ro yfie howes; singer (Ud)
palu kayu hbat araj mallet (Se) pati a moof; core (of sago palm) (9b) pena sii bokom; pen (7b) penyengat bur mu; wasp (3f)
paman ntmo, namUj uncle (lOa) patuh nkro; to obey (6h) penakut nyo nwaa; coward (6f) penyok bewakom, nkoya; dented (Bh)
panah nnak, karef, bomaun, ate; bow payung aam; umbrella (12c) penari raa ro smar; dancer (Ue) penyu akobj turtle (3d)
and arrow (Sc, 10f) pecah habah; break, broken (glass) (5g, pendek mabuf; short (Bc) perabot bo ninya tna; furniture (12e)
panah beracun karef ro simun; poisoned Bh) pendeta raa bies ro Thhan, rabis ro peramal raa ro mkyas bo nsanaj diviner
arrow (Sc) pecahan babah; fraction (Bb) Thhanj preacher (8j, Ua) (Uc)
panas ayo mafit, mbe; hot, heat (If, Bc, pedagang raa ro masim bo; trader, pengabar inji/ raa ro mkyas Thhan perang me anya; war (1Of)
Bi) merchant (8j, 12a) yasom; missionary (l1a) peiangkap sna, boka, fooh; trap (8c)

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perangko aam masun; stamp (7c) pesta bokyo ase, bokyo, korat; feast, party pohon jambu monyet armoo; cashew nut pu/au sato; island (lb)
perapian oiska wowo; brazier, portable (9h,10e) tree (2b) pu/pen sii bokom; fountain pen (7b)
stove (9d) petak hawar; section of a field (Sa) pohon karet ara karet; rubber tree (2b) punggung kbor baut; back (4c)
periJentiaharaan kata bosatoh, ktaa; petang iri majit; dusk (lg) pohon kayu besi ataf; ironwood tree (2b) punggung pisau tfo mifra; back ·o f knife
vocabulary (7b) petani raa ro mkah bo; farmer (Sa) pohon kayu manis rio; cinnamon tree (2b) (8e)
percaya smot; to trust, believe, to believe petinju raa ro mai anya; boxer (lOh) pohon kayu matoa sah; matoa tree (2b) puntung berasap bohana; smoldering
(6f,l1a) pidato bokyas ro raa ro mase; speech (7a) pohon kayu susu swe; milkwood tree (2b) .block (9d)
pertiamaianiranya, irat; peace (6e, lOt) pikir onot; to think (4e) pohon kelapa soon; coconut palm (2b) puntung rokok tabakmamuk; cigarette
perempuan flnya; female (lOa) pi! obat makan; pill (Si) pohon kemiri somba; candlenut tree (2b) butt (9j)
pergi namo; to go (5d) pilek smos; to have, catch a cold (4t) pohon kenari somba; walnut tree (2b) pupuk bo ro moo wora mo mbur-bur;
pergi ke dokter namo ook bi ro bo tkieC; to pinang wai; areca palm (9j) pohon kunna samaan; date palm (2b) fertilizer (Sa)
see the doctor (Si) pindah satoh; to move (intr.) (5e) pohon mangga owait; mango tree (2b) pusaran angin mfi mbewak; whirlwind
pergi keluar Crok namo; to go out (Se) pinggang naka; waist (4c) pohon nipah aas; thatch palm (2b) (Ie)
pergi tidur namo njin; to go to bed (Sb) pinggir jalan iso rna om; road side (7e) pohon pala kat; nutmeg tree (2b) pusat hrobit; navel (4c)
peTjamuan kudus aya msya awiah ro pinggul nkais; hip (4c) pohon pandan useo; pandanus tree (2b) putih mboh; white (13t)
mbau; Lord's Supper (l1a) pingsan nasu mor-mor; famt, pohon papaya betseren; papaya tree (2b) putik bunga nriof; pistil (2a)
peTjanjian perdamaian bosiro irat, unconscious (4t) pohon pinang wai; betel palm (2b)
bokyas ro iranya; peace treaty (lOt) pinjam an bo yob, bo yoh raa; loan (sum pohon pisang abit; banana tree (2b)
perkakas bo ntnya tna; tools (Se) of money), loan (5j, 12a) pohon sagu oghaa; sago palm (2b) r
perkara saCo; legal case (lOg) pintu mato; door (12d) pohon sukun ijik; breadfruit tree (2b)
perkawinan msya anya; breeding (Sd) pipa ara komik; pipe (9j) politik safo mana; politics (lOc) rabun nasu har har; short-sighted (4e)
perkelahian mak, me anya; fight (lOt) pipi nrar; cheek (4b) pondok sbiah; hut, cottage (12d) ragu-ragu not myum-yam; hesitant (13j)
perlombaan bosintri; competition, race piring baoa; plate (ge) popok wanbin; diaper (12c) rahang naa tsmi; jaw (4b)
(lOh) pisang abit; banana (2c) pos laut aam tiem ro sawan; sea mail (7c) rahim nhafku; womb (4c)
pennainan bosi-bosom; game (lOe) pisau tCo; knife (Sc, Se, ge, lOt) pos paket botim; parcel post (7c) rahmat hafmoh; mer<;:y, pity (l1a)
pennainan kasti kakas ro nbiat; kind of pisau lipat tco ro mbeka; pocketknife (8e) pos udara aam tiem ro tet; airmail (7c) raja bobot; king (lOc)
softball game (lOh) pita bomabut; ribbon (St) potlot sii bokom; pencil (7b) . rajin mur-mur; industrious (6g)
pernah maCa; ever (14b) piyama ratao ro , .•Jio; pajamas (12c) potong mabuf; anything that can be easily rakambar; shelf (12e) /
persemaian bet; seedbed (Sa) planit sken mabi; planet (Ie) tom, broken, cut (bread, meat) (14g) raket hbat; racket (lOh)
persimpangan iso krewe; crossroad (7e) pohon ara; tree (2a) prajurit raa she; soldier (Sj) rakit bubak; raft (7e)
pertama tinye, ro sau; first (lg, 13a) pohon aren joo; sugar palm (2b) presiden raa ro yasom tabam; president rakus srak bo toni; gluttonous (6c)
pertandingan bo sintri; match (lOh) pohon asam sruru; tamarind tree (2b) (lOc) ramah nraa-raa, sneh; friendly, intimate,
pertemuan siret; meeting (lOe) pohon bakau smo; mangrove tree (2b) pria raa sme; male (lOa) kind (6a, 6e)
pertunjukan boiriC; performance (l1e) pohon beringin akyar, ifio; banyan tree puas nhaf mnan; satisfied (6d) ramai mni 000, msis-sas; full ( of people)
perumpamaan boCret; parable (l1a) (2b) pucat netsu mroh; pale (13t) (13h)
perut nhaC; abdomen, stomach (4c) pohon cemara rawiah; casuarina tree (2b) pucuk hmun; treetop (2a) rambut oana mawian; hair (4b)
perwira raa sbe ro mase; officer (lOt) pohon enau joo; sugar palm (2b) pukat Coo; large fish net (Sb) rampasan botak, bowiok; loot, booty (lOt)
"'pesawat teriJang tet ro fru; airplane (7e ) pohon eru rawiah; casuarina tree (2b) pula uu; again (14b) rampingnksiah; slim (13c)
lS2 lS3
ranting nkre; twig (2a) rnmah sakit amah ro kiyam, samu abet, saksama nkaket; accurate, right (6b) sarapan boil ro rabu; breakfast (9h)
rapat siret; meeting (10e) samu kiyamj hospital (4f, 8i) saksi raa ro mmat tan; witness (lOg) sarat (buah) make mawat, nsarer; laden
rasa nari; taste (9h, 9i) rnmah tanggaraa sme sya flnyaj salah mkair; wrong, erroneous (6b) with fruit (2a)
rata haf haf, ntrot, sneh; flat (5a, 13g) household (lOc) salah jalan namo sre; to lose one's way sarnng ntafat; sarong (12c)
rata-rata mnan anya; on an average (13a) rnmpun nkabar; clusters (bananas, (7e) sarnng tangan bo nksa ro matemj gloves
rawa tabam ro mka, hrotat, iwi; swamp, bamboo) (14g) saleh raa ro mhaf moof; pious, virtuous (12c)
inarsh (lb, ld) rnmput bosafomj grass (2f) (6a) satu sau; one (13a)
rayap bo msu, kama; termite (3f) rnmput kenng bosafom ro nkatj hay (8d) salib ara warok; cross (l1a) saudara nyOj you (sg. formal) (lOb)
regu makbair, raa makbair; squad, team rnmput liar bosafomj weeds (8a) saluran aya ro raa manj canal, irrigating saudara laki-laki nano ro sme; brother
(lOf,lOh) rnntuh matu, nsasye, nsasioh; to collapse ditch (ld) (lOa)
rekreasi nsom-sam; J ecreation ·(lOe) (intr.), falling to pieces (5e, 13h) saluran pengairan aya mahhoj irrigation saudara perempuan mano ro anOj sister
remaja ku tnaj adolescent (lOa) rnpanya mfi bo; apparently (14b) canal (8a) (lOa)
remuk sirorij smashed completely (5g) rnsak sasye, ntras, ntratj damaged, sama nsya; with (14c) saudara punya bo anyo; your (lOb)
rendah hati nhaf snehj meek, humble, broken (5g, 13h) sambil nkii-kri; while (14d) saudara-saudara raa wamu beta; you (pI.
modest (6a, 6h) sampai snok oh, nsnok, snok; to arrive, formal) (lOb)
resmi maboj official (lOc) until (5d, l4c, l4d) saudar"a sekalian raa wamu beta; you (pI.
retak ntanar, nkak; cracked (glass) (5g) s samudera sawan mabi; ocean (lb) formal) (lOb)
revolusi me anya; revolution (lOc) sanak keluarga raa mana saUj relatives saudara sepupu na kanyaj cousin (lOa)
nak aya mnaf-nafj small wave, ripple (ld) (lOa) sawah ora ro hateh; wet field (8a)
sabit soki ro makaj sickle (8e)
nang nksoh; cheerful (6d) sandal hri Marak; sandals (12c) saya jOj I (formal) (lOb)
sabut soon marak; husk (2a)
nang-nang mo sah, sererej cricket (3f) sangat toni; very (14b) saya punya bo ajo; my, mine (lOb)
sagu nghaaj sago (9b, 9f)
nndu nsrau tie; longing, desire (6e) sangal banyak msis toni, msis bia; very sayang nat tmoof, tsire, mitsirej love,
sagu bakar samas, ketanj baked sago (9b,
nngan menanj light (13c) many, very much (13a) regret (6e,14e)
robek mhahj torn (5g, 8f) sangat gelap mamur; very dark (lg) sayap maim; wing (3a)
sagu buluh nghaa ro bron, nghaa bronj
roh har; spirit (Uc) sangat gembira simaut masej overjoyed seakan-akan mfi bo; as if (14d)
sago cooked in bamboo (9b, 9f)
Roh Kudus har ro moofj Holy Spirit (Ua) (6d) . sebab ke, kewe, we, fe; because of,
sagu mentah nghaa mamuoh; uncooked
roh orang mati raa ro mhai mawianj sangat marah nkmo werj to be furious because (14c, l4d)
sago (9b)
spirit of dead person (Uc) (6e) . sebagai mfij as (14c)
saingan nsantrij rival (lOh)
rohani boit ro nawianj spiritual (l1a) sangat menginginkan naam tonij to desire sebelah kanan ati ro ntem ati; right side
saji nsi raUj dish (9h)
rok kiet yan; skirt (12c) very strongly (6c) (13e)
sakit kiyam, mham; sick, painful, ache
rokok ~bak; cigarette (9j) (4f)' sanggup nkah natak; capable (6c) sebelah kin ati ro ntem ta; left side (13e)
rotan too atij rattan (2f) sangkar ntafat; cage (8c) sebelas tahabah sau; eleven (13a)
sakit gigi nbait mhamj to have a
rnangan kelas hawar; classroom (7 d) santan soon maya ro mhah; coconut milk sebelum tinye, fe fares to, fe faresj before
toothache (4f)
rngi noo hairowioj loss (12a) (9g) (lg, l4c, l4d)
sakit kepala nana mhamj headache (4f)
rnkun tetangga rna mabo baroj sapu bo ro raa sabos bo; broom (12e) sebenamya mami; actually (14b)
sakit pernt nhaf mham; to have a stomach
neighbo·rhood association (lOc) sapulangan bo mabat ro smos; sebenlar rere; short time (lg)
ache (4f)
rnmah samUj house (12d) handkerchief (12c) sebentar lagi baro feto; in a moment (lg)
sakit radang selaput mala masu mkek;
sarang tafat, nkan, msif;nest (3a) secara mkah; in the manner of (14c)
conjunctivitis (4f)
184 185
sedang nkri-kri; average, moderate, sembi/an krenjit; nine (13a) seret mifrok, makah snok; sluggish, sombar. ayo mha; shade, shady (le)
temperate, while (13a, 13~ 14d) sembuh noof oh, noof; recovered, to slow-moving (traffic) (13j) sombong nyok-yok; arrogant (6a, 6h)
sedap mSUj delicious (9i) recover (4f, 8i) sering tiwayo, nsuk; often (l g, 14b) sopan-santun nraa-raa; politeness,
sederhana nabosasj simple (6a) semen tbu; cement (l c, 8g, 12d) sesendok maku; spoonful (13c) courtesy (6a)
sedih nsrau j in; sad (6d) semenanjung aya mastu; peninsula (lb) sesudah firwas, wia oh tna, oh; after (lg, sore hreha; late afternoon (lg)
sedikit kebet; a little (13a) sempit maku, mrat kanya; narrow, tight 14c,14d) sore ini rere b rehaj this afternoon (lg)
segan hawej reluctant (6g) (13c,13h) setan kabes; satan, devil (Uc) stoples main; jar (ge) -
segenggam bo kaitj handful (13c) semuanya beta; completely (14b) setelah wia oh tna, oh; after (14c, 14d) suam mbe kair-kar, mbe ro fe, mbe kaket
segera foh, fooh; immediately (lg, 13j) semut ii; ant (3f) setengah nhariah; half, one-half (13a, 13b) fe; lukewarm (13i)
segi tiga masmtuuf; triangle (13d) senang nksoh; happy, gay, joyful (6d) setengah hari ayo mros; half-day (lg) suami naaj husband (lOa)
segumpal tanah tabam mauf sau; clod senapan munah, tafoh, sbe; gun, rifle (8c, setengah rnasak nsameruara; rare (9i) suanggi kabes fane, ranse; ghost (Uc)
(la) 10f) setia nhaf ase; faithful (6h) suap oos; handfuls, bites, mouthfuls (14g)
sehat noof; healthy (4f) sendi natem tkoof; joint (4a) setiap hari rabu ti wawa; every day (lg) suara mai; voice (7a, Ud)
sejajar ntrot; parallel (13d) sendok oos; spoon (ge) siafu fosiref, kaif; kind of sweet potato subuh nkene ren; dawn (lg)
sejak mbam, tiwio; since (14c, 14d) sendok sago etet; sago spoon (9b) (2g) subur moo mbur bur; fertile (8a)
sejarah bomna; history (7d) sengsara safo mai, nkai ho, mno bir; siang baas; noon, early afternoon (lg) suci moof; holy (l1a)
sejuk arin mhai, nkanam; cool, fresh, suffering (12b) siapa awia; who, whose (14e) sudah ooh; already (14b)
chiUy (If, 13i) seniman raa bofen; artist (general) (llf) sibuk suij busy (5c) sudut tut; corner (12d)
sekali toni; very (14b) senjata sbe, tafoh, munahj weapon (8c, sidang jemaat Raa mana ro nsmot suka akan nksoh nkah; to be fond of (6c)
seka/igus mun sau; at once (14b) 10f) Thhan; church congregation (Ua) suka bertengkar nksoh nmak;
sekarang mfo refo, mfo; now (lg, 14b) seolah-olah mfi bOj as if (14d) sifat bo ro mno; character (6a) quarrelsome (lOf)
sekolah sesanim; school (7d) sepak bola nsom kakaSj football, soccer sifat baik nno bo moof; virtue (6h) sukacita simaut, hawion; joyful (6d)
sekolah dasar sikora ro remo; elementary (lOh) sihir raa ro mno bo ro hnah; magic, suku bangsa raa manaj ethnic group,
school (7d) sepanjang isoyo, ti yo, worej along (13e, supernatural (Uc) tribe (10d)
sekop ara meruk, burak; spade, shovel 14c) siku natem nkof; elbow (4d) suku Dani raa mana ro Dani; Dani tribe
(8e) sepanjang hari myo to wawa; all day (lg) singgah nhreiti; to drop by (lOe) (lOd)
sekretaris raa bokom; secretary (8j) separuh nhariah; one-half (13b) , singkatan som mabufj abbreviation (7b) suku Sentani raa mana ro Sentani;
selalu yoyo, rabu ti wawa; always (lg, 14b) sepatu hri Marak; shoe (12c) singkong suara; manioc, cassava (2g) Sentani tribe (10d)
selama wore, wau 00; during (14c) seperai boo ro tom njin; sheet (12c) siput subrak; snail (3c) sukun ijik; breadfruit (1c)
selama-lamanya hame wajin; forever seperempat hariah jit; one-fourth (13b) sirih hror; betel, betel plant (2f, 9j) suling oor; flute CUd)
(Ua) seperti mfi; as, like (14d) sirip sawiahj fIn (3a) sumbangan bo sbah; donation (5j)
selamanya tibyo oh; forever (lg) sepuluh nsaa; ten (13a) sirsak turan; soursop (2c) sumber air panas aya ro mbe; hot spring
selamat riof; safe (Ua) serai gulai sosa hayah; citronella grass sisa nhariah; remainder (13b) (ld)
selat aya nkre; strait (1b) (9g) sisanya nhariah, makok; leftovers (9h) sumber mineral aya maun ro safo;
selendang bo mabat ro nanaj scarf (12c) serakah nyok-yok; to be greedy for (6c) sisik maan; fIsh scales (3a) mineral spring (ld)
selimut boo ro nkait; blanket (12c) seratus raa maat mhai; one hundred (13a) sisir shat; a comb (4b) Sumsum nawor; marrow (4a)
seluruhnya beta; completely (14b) serdadu raa sbe; soldier (lOf) soal matia; problem (math) (13b) sumur aya raa mabah, aya mato; well
sernai firere, fuin, nre-re; seedling (8a) sobek mhah; torn (5g, 8f) (1d, 12d) .

186 187
sungai aya, aya mase; river (lb, 1d) tanah berbatu-batu tabam srioh fra; telah ooh; already (14b) tercekik mjiah, mawah; to choke (4f, 9h)
sungai kecil aya maku; cree.k, stream (ld) gravelly soil (la) , telapak kaki naa maban; sole (4d) terdakwa raa ro raa maun, raa isti;
sungguh mabo oh, ati rau, mabo; real, tanah datar tabam sinef; plains (lb) telapak tangan natem mhaf; palm (4d) defendant (lOg)
truly (6b, 14b) tanah fiat koh baa; clay (la) telegram fon; telegram (7c) terdengar raa mari; audible (4e)
supaya re kbe; so that (14d) tanah milik tabam tu; property (land) telepon fon; telephone (7c) tergesa-gesa nhoh-hoh, srot-srot; in a
surat aam; letter (7c) (12b) telinga nimara; ear (4b) hurry (13j)
surat-menyurat nkom aam ro mamo me; tanduk mankaron; horns (3a) teluk aya snok; bay (lb) terkenal nasom; famous (6c)
to correspond (7b) tanduk perasa mankaron ro mari bo; telur ru mauf; egg (3a) terlalu toni; too (14b)
surga sawro ro Allah; heaven (lla) feelers (3a) tembakau tabak; tobacco (2f, 9j) terlambat rere, namo rere; late (lg, 13j)
susah nsrau jin; sad (6d) tangan natem; hand and lower arm (4d) tembok tbu; masonry wall (12d) terlentang njin trot; to lie on back (Sa)
susut mayo; shru.nls, (13h) tangan kanan natem ati; right hand (4d) tempat buku ambar ro aam; bookcase temak bo sya; livestock (8d)
tangan kiri natem taa; left hand (4d) (7d) terpelanting mbeak; thrown to one side
tangga barit; ladder, stairs (8g, 12d) tempat tidur ambar ro raa mjin; bed (12e) (5e)
t tangkai nkarioh, mafio, nkre; stalk, stem, tempayak fan; grub, larva (3f)
tempurung lutut nimna; knee cap (4d)
terperosok bsok, sror; stepped in ( a hole)
handle, flowers (2a, 8e, l4g)
tangkai pancing ara wera, rkah; fishing tenang aya ntwar, knar, teriri, nknar; tersandung nwasim; to stub toe (5g)
taat nkro; to obey (6h)
rod (8b) calm, to be quiet (ld, 5c, 13h) tersedu nsut; to hiccough (4f)
tabu mbau, boye; taboo (6f, llc)
tangkas nan-nan; dexterous (6g) tengah hari ayo moo malak; high noon tersedu-sedu nsut-sut; to sob (6d)
tabuhan bur mu; wasp (3f)
tanjung sato mnaiftoon; cape (lb) (lg) tersenyum nasah beseh; to smile (6d)
tadi riwai; a little while ago (14b)
tanpa nsya ... re; without (14c) tengah malam arin masur; midnight (lg) tersinggung bokyas nsre; to be offended
tadi malam tisai; last night (lg)
tarian bosmar; dance (lle) tenggelam nsu; drowned (ld) (6e)
tahi syo, bokair; feces (4c)
las surah wiak; satchel, bag (7d, 8f) tenggorokan nsrau mara; throat (4b) tersungkur hren toyut; to fall forward (5e)
tahi telinga nimara msyo; ear wax (4b)
tawar msu fe, marah fe; tasteless, flat (9i) tengkorak hamana, ahmana; skull (4b) terlawa nasah; to laugh (6d)
tahu nhar; to know (4e)
tawon bur kuwet, bur ita; bee (3f) ten tang ro; about, concerning (14c) terlawa terkekeh-kekeh nasah nhai; to
tahu dengan baik nhar kaketj to know
teacher raa ro watum ku ro mkom bo; ten tara raa sbe; armed forces (1Of) giggle (6d)
thoroughly (4e) ".
guru (7d) tentu rau to; certainly (14b) tertidur njin ntu; to fall asleep (Sb)
tajam maanj sharp (8e, 13g)
tebal rnase, honto, marmo-mo; thick tepat mnan sie, mbris oh; exact (6b) tenutup rapat nashafuk Malak, nut
takpemah mafa re; never (14b)
(13c, 13h) tepi laut sawan maam; shore (ld) ·m alak; well-covered (13h)
tak sabar nut rej impatient (6e)
tebing hwai, rakak; cliff (lb) tepi sungai aya maam; bank (ld) tetangga raa ro mato msiok anya, raa ro
takut waa; afraid (6f)
tebu asam; sugarcane (2f) tepung sagu nghaa masnyaf; sago flour bohra sau; neighbor (lOc)
talas hasiohj kind of taro (2g)
tegak bulu roma hre hfon; goose bumps (9b) tetap; menohe, he; but (14d)
tali too, aa, antabej rope, string (5i, 8f)
(4f) terang maah; light (lg) tetes makan; drops (liquid) (14g)
tamak nyok-yok; to be greedy for (6c)
tegang matak, ntrot, nkaur-kaur; taut, terbakar mait; to catch on fIre (9d) tiang amu; pole (8g)
tampaknya mfi bo; apparently (14b)
tense (13h) terbakar hangus nait skak; charred (9d) tiarap njin tbir; to lie face down (Sa)
tamu raa ro mama amah anyo; visitor,
tegap nros ntrot; big, husky (4f) terbang fru; to fly (3a) tiba snok oh, snok; to arrive (5d, 7e)
guest (lOe)
teguh matak; firm (13h) terbeli ramo; for sale (12a) tiba-tiba mbrah siamah, tubor; suddenly
tanah tabam; earth, soil (la, 8a)
teguk hawereh; swallows, draughts (14g) terbuka maato, mato; uncovered, open (14b)
tanah air tabam tu; homeland (lOc)
tekanan nsit; pressure (5h) (5~ 13h) tidak fe; not (14b)

188 189
tidak honna! nno bo ninia; insolent (10f) tnlk trek; truck (7e) usungan sese; stretcher (Si)
tidak keno mai fe, mir fe, msre; to miss , tua mabi, nabi; old (lg, lOa) u usus mbaftaba; intestines (4c)
(Sc) tuak joo; palm wine (9j) usus besar nbaf asu; large intestine (4c)
tidak lulus ntrot fe, mbtek; to fail (7d) tubuh netsu; body (4a) uang pitis; money (12a) usus buntu nbaf somit; appendix (4c)
tidak mampu ntai fe, ssafo fe; unable, tuduhan palsu boun ro raa so mikyas; uang kertas pitis mata; paper money (12a) usus kedl mbaf kinya; small intestine (4c)
incapable (6g) false accusation (lOg) uang logam pitis mauf, makan; coin (12a) utang bofyab; debt (12a)
tidak mau ksob fe, bawe; to not want (6c) tugas bobis, bo ro nno; task (5c, 6g) uban nana mbob; grey hair (4b) ufas maa; long, soft things (threads, '
tidak mengkilap nkren fee; dull (13g) Tuhan Thban; Lord (l1a) ubi fosiref, kaif; kind of sweet potato (2g) cords, strings) (14g)
tidak pakai nsya _. fe; without (14c) tujuh krema; seven (13a) ubi jalar sasu ati, sasu; sweet potato (2g) utuh mbau beta, muuf fares; intact (13h) ,
tidak rata ntrot fe, ntmin-tman, maut tukang cukur raa ro nktan na mawian; ucapan bokyas; pronunciation (7a) utusan injil raa ro mkyas Thhan yasom;
mroh; bumpy (13g) barber, hairdresser (8j) udang abas; shrimp (3c) missionary (lla)
tidak resmi mabo fe; unofficial (lOc) tukangjahit raa ro mtin bo; tailor, udang karang ata; crayfish, lobster (3c)
tidak sama sekali fe saut; not at all (14b) seamstress (8f) ukuran nnit bo; measurement (13c)
tidak sopan nsrau marak, barenaut tukang kayu raa ro yfen ara; carpenter ukuran panas bonit; thermometer (Be) v.
Marak, nno bo ninia; impolite, (8g) ular aban; snake (3d)
msolent (6a, 10f) tukang kebun raa ro mkah bo; gardener ular biludak maut aboboh; death adder vet sin bo ro msu; monosodium glutamate
tidak takut nwaa fe; not afraid (6f) (8j) (3d)
tidur njin; to sleep (5b) tukang sihir raa ro baberek raa masu; ular kaki empat aheb; lizard (3d)
tidurayam ntmi nana; half asleep (5b) sorcerer (11c) ular naga aban raa; Komodo dragon (3d)
tidur nyenyak njin tuu; to sleep soundly tukul hbaat; hammer (8e)
(5b) tula tuuf; 2 days after tomorrow (lg)
ular sawah aban aya; python (3d)
ulat yuk; caterpillar (3f)
tifa ain; small drum (lld) tulang mtai; bone (4a) umbi hofuk; tuber (2g)
tiga tuuf; three (13a) tulang punggung nifra; backbone (4c) umpan saba, bosruf; bait (8b, 8c) wahyu bosmi, bonya; revelation (l1a)
tiga han yang lalu tituuf; three days ,ago tulang rusuk nasin; rib (4c) undangan sna, soo, taab; invitation (10e) waktu ayo ro, ati ro; when, at the moment
(lg) tuli nimara mtuk; deaf, to be deaf (4e, 4t) ungu safe; purple (13t) that (14d)
tikus kaut; mouse (3e) tulisan bokom; writing (7d) untu~ mkab, mbau; for the benefit of waktu siang baas; during the day (lg)
tikus air tobo; muskrat (3e) tutus hati nbaf moofati; honest (6a) (14c) walaupun sai feto; even though (14d)
tikus besar kaut sitab; rat (3e) tumbuh mo maut, moo; to grow (2a, 8a) untung arnot, marer; profit (12a) wanita finya; female (lOa)
timpang naa maka; limp (4f) tumit naa nkotis; heel (4d) untunglah osmami; fortunately (6a) warga negara raa mana; citizen (10d)
tinggi myo wer toni; tall (13c) tumpul mbin; blunt (8e, 13g) upacara bo mimna; ceremony (lOe) warna masu aro-aro; color (11f, 13t)
tinta aya ro nkom bo; ink (llf) tunai nska; cash (12a) upah bo ren, boren; wages, salary (5j, 8h) warna muda ,masu Dtera; light color (13t)
tipis nksiah; thin (13c) tunas kmob; bud (2a) upah dosa boren ro iro, marer ro iro; wasil raa ifah; referee (10h)
tokek kmu rat; gecko (3d) tunggul ara kmob; stump (2a) wages of sin (l1a) weker ayo mai; alarm clock (lg)
tolol lono, tnu; foolish (4e) tupai tanah hrohmhan; chipmunk (3e) urat ntis; tendon, vein (4d) wijen arus; sesame seeds (9g)
tombak sbe, sawia; spear (8c, 8e, lOt) tupai terbang simuruf; flying squirrel (3e) urat daging masir; tendon (4a) wilayah tabam; region (lOc)
tonggak amu; post (12d) turun nroh; to go down (5e) ural darah halus ntis; vein (4a)
topiwatau; hat (12c) tutup bo masoh; lid (5i) usaha bosaso; effort (6g)
trenggiling Ide; anteater (3e)

190 191
~ rOj the one who, which (14d)

rr toh maraj penis (4c)


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