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Di Indonesia Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) telah mengumumkan jika seluruh

masyarakat Indonesia bakal mendapatkan vaksin Covid-19 secara gratis untuk

mencegah masyarakat dapat terkena penyakit Covid-19. Namun, sehari setelah
Jokowi mengabarkan kabar baik, jumlah kasus Corona di tanah air makin
meningkat. Berdasarkan laporan pada Kamis 17 Desember 2020 jumlah pasien
terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 di Indonesia kembali bertambah sebanyak 7.354
orang. Gejala paling umum yang diderita pasien virus corona yang melanda seluruh China
adalah demam. Penelitian yang dilakukan di 140 pasien di Rumah Sakit Zhongnan, Universitas
Wuhan menghasilkan beberapa pola khas gejala virus corona. Di antaranya yakni 99 persen
pasien menderita suhu tinggi, dan lebih dari setengahnya mengalami batuk kering dan
kelelahan. Tak hanya itu, kurang lebih sepertiganya alami kesulitan bernapas dan nyeri otot.

Pola harian gejala virus corona pada hari pertama Pasien mengalami demam. Mereka juga
mungkin mengalami kelelahan, nyeri otot, dan batuk kering. Sebagian kecil dari mereka mungkin
mengalami diare atau mual selama satu atau dua hari sebelumnya.

Pada hari 5, Pasien mungkin mengalami kesulitan bernapas, terutama jika mereka lebih tua atau
memiliki riwayat penyakit yang sudah ada sebelumnya.

Pada hari ke 7, Ini adalah berapa lama, rata-rata, sebelum pasien dirawat di rumah sakit,
menurut penelitian Universitas Wuhan.

Pada hari 8: Pada titik ini, pasien dengan kasus yang parah (15 persen, menurut CDC Cina)
mengalami sindrom gangguan pernapasan akut (ARDS), penyakit yang terjadi ketika cairan
terkumpul di paru-paru. ARDS seringkali berakibat fatal.

Pada hari 10: Jika pasien memiliki gejala yang memburuk, ini adalah waktu dalam
perkembangan penyakit ketika mereka kemungkinan besar dirawat di ICU. Pasien-pasien ini
mungkin mengalami sakit perut dan kehilangan nafsu makan daripada pasien dengan kasus
yang lebih ringan. Hanya sebagian kecil yang mati. Tingkat kematian saat ini berkisar sekitar 2

Pada Hari 17: Rata-rata, orang yang pulih dari virus dikeluarkan dari rumah sakit setelah dua
setengah minggu.Terdapat beberapa langkah-langkah yang dapat diterapkan untuk mencegah
terhindar dari virus corona, seperti dilansir dari laman resmi Kemenkes. Berikut di antaranya:

Sering mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun, 

Gunakan masker bila batuk atau pilek,  

Konsumsi makanan dengan gizi seimbang,

perbanyak makan sayur dan buah,  

Hati-hati ketika kontak dengan hewan,  

Rajin olahraga dan cukup istirahat,  

Jangan mengonsumsi dagin g yang tidak dimasak,  

Bila batuk, pilek dan sesak nafas segera ke fasilitas kesehatan,  

Minum air mineral 8 gelas per hari,  

Jaga kebersihan lingkungan, dan   Jangan lupa berdoa

Lets me introduce my self. My name is Fani Pranidasari. People used to call me fani.
Currently, I'm studying as a first semester student at a Semarang State University. I live in
Sidomulyo, Purworejo. I have some hobby, that is reading books, watching video and playing
social media. Someday i want to be a health professional

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will
experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special
treatment.  Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more
likely to develop serious illness.

In Indonesia, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has announced that all Indonesians will get a
free Covid-19 vaccine to prevent people from contracting the Covid-19 disease. However, the
day after Jokowi announced the good news, the number of Corona cases in the country
increased. Based on reports on Thursday, December 17, 2020, the number of patients
confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Indonesia again increased by 7,354 people.
Jumlah kasus positif virus Corona COVID-19 di Indonesia pada Senin (21/9/2020)
bertambah 4.176. Total tercatat 248.852 positif, 180.797 sembuh, 9.677 meninggal.Angka
kematian akibat virus corona (Covid-19) dalam satu hari tembus rekor pada Minggu kemarin
(20/12). Jumlahnya mencapai 221 orang, sehingga telah ada 19.880 orang di Indonesia yang
meninggal dunia akibat Covid-19.

The death rate from the corona virus (Covid-19) in one day broke the record on last Sunday
20 December 2020 The number reached 221 people, so that there have been 19,880 people in
Indonesia who died due to Covid-19.
The Covid-19 has analyzed the mortality of Covid-19 patients for the past 5 months based
on age and history of comorbidities or comorbidities.As a result, patients with congenital
kidney disease had a risk of death 13.7 times greater than that of patients who did not have
kidney disease.Then in comorbid heart disease, the patient had a 9 times greater risk.
Comorbids with diabetes mellitus have an 8.3 times greater risk of death
Furthermore, comorbids with hypertension have a risk of death 6 times greater than those
who do not have it. Likewise, comorbids with immune disease have a risk of 6 times greater.
Apart from comorbidities, the results of the study also revealed that the higher the age, the
higher the risk of death from Covid. Patients between the ages of 31 and 45 had a 2.4-fold
risk of death each.
Patients between the ages of 46 and 59 had an 8.5-fold risk of death. Patients over 60 years of
age or the elderly had a 19.5-fold risk of death.
Therefore, the Covid-19 handling Task Force calls on people who are in the high-risk
category or for those who live with high-risk family members to always apply health
protocols correctly and optimally.
Most people  (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment.
There are several steps that can be implemented to prevent being spared from the corona
virus, as reported on the official website of the Ministry of Health. The following include:
Wash your hands frequently using soap,Use a mask when coughing or cold, Consumption of
foods with balanced nutrition, multiply eat vegetables and fruit, Be careful when in contact
with animals, Exercise regularly and get enough rest, Do not eat uncooked meat,If coughing,
runny nose and shortness of breath immediately go to a health facility, Drink 8 glasses of
mineral water per day, Keep the environment clean, and don't forget to pray

People may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing symptoms. Daily
pattern of corona virus symptoms on the first day The patient has a fever. They may also
experience fatigue, muscle aches, and a dry cough. A minority of them may have had
diarrhea or nausea during the previous day or two.
On day 5, Patients may have difficulty breathing, especially if they are older or have a history
5of pre-existing disease.
On day 7, this is how long it takes, on average, before the patient is admitted to the hospital,
according to the Wuhan University study.
On day 8: At this point, patients with severe cases (15 percent, according to the Chinese
CDC) develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a disease that occurs when fluid
collects in the lungs. ARDS is often fatal.
On day 10: If the patient has worsening symptoms, this is the time in disease progression
when they will most likely be admitted to the ICU. These patients may experience stomach
pain and loss of appetite than patients with milder cases. Only a small proportion died. The
death rate is currently around 2 percent.
On Day 17: On average, people who recover from the virus are discharged from the hospital
after two and a half weeks.

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