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Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan

Kelas X
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kompetensi Dasar : Kisi-Kisi KD 3.2 dan 4.2

Materi Bentuk No
KoDmapsea IPK Pokok Kls/ Indika tor Soal soal soal
trensi Smt

Menerapkan Menentukan Ungkapan X/1 Disajikan sebuah PG 1,2

fungsi sosial, fungsi sosial selamat Surat ucapan
struktur teks, yang terdapat dan selamat, peserta
dan unsur dalam teks memuji didik dapat
kebahasaan ucapan selamat bersayap menentukan pendapat
teks interaksi dan memuji yang menjadi ide
interpersonal bersayap utama.
lisan dan formal maupun
tulis yang informal.
melibatkan Memahami Ungkapan PG 3,4,5
tindakan tentang selamat X/1 Disajikan sebuah
memberikan ungkapan dan text peserta didik
ucapan yang memuji dapat menentukan
selamat dan digunakan bersayap rincian peristiwa
memuji untuk
bersayap mengucapkan
(extended), selamat dan
serta pujian dengan
menanggapin rasa peduli
ya, sesuai (c2)
dengan Memahami Ungkapan PG 6,7
konteks tentang respon selamat X/1 Disajikan sebuah
penggunaann ungkapan- dan text dialog peserta
ya ungkapan didik dapat
memberikan memuji
bersayap menentukan
selamat dan
pujian tujuan yang terdapat
didalam text

ungkapan X/1 Disajikan sebuah PG 8,9
memberikan dialog, peserta didik
ucapan selamat dapat menentukan
dan ucapan rincian peristiwa
Menyusun Ungkapan Membuat dialog PG 10
dialog atau selamat berdasarkan tema
teks tentang dan yang diberikan
memberikan memuji
selamat dan bersayap

Ihoose the iorreit answer by irossing O, B, I, D, or N honestly.

5 February 2015
Mr. Kusuma Wardani
Dear Mr Wardani,
Congratulations! The most excellent quality production last month was performed by your
work group. Besides that, the lowest rework percentage was achieved by your group.
Your supervisors and your colleagues appreciate the passion and dedication of your team.
We are aware of the enthusiasm and extra hours of you put in this last month.
We would like to express our gratitude for your significant contribution to our division's
success. We are implementing your recommendations for new equipment and hope
it will accommodate you to maintain the same excellent performance.


1. What does Mr Perdana Pertama pay compliment to Mr Kusuma Wardani for?
A. The quality of the production process.
B. The excellent working performance.

C. The valuable recommendation.

Dear DM.r TDhiaez,solidity of the team.
CongEra. tuTlahteiofnasctofroyr sudciscceosvs.ering this uniqueredwoodcarving by Arthur
VPheutenoallmow. JiancgkteSxmt iitshemoruqstuheastvieonre6ally enjoyed receiving this writing tablet with quotation f
The finding is really important. It is a real pleasure to see such a prominent example of Californian early sculpture bro
nearly a century.

Best wishes, Edward Hughes

2. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To congratulate on a new novel release.
B. To congratulate on a great achievement.
C. To congratulate on a successful adventure.
D. To congratulate on a successful art exhibition.
E. To congratulate on carving a beautiful statue

3. Dian : Who plants these

flowers? Rina : I plant them.
Dina: ....
A. You are decorating your garden beautifully.
B. You are a best gardener.
C. That's a wonderful flower.
D. What a beautiful garden
E. It's a good plant.

4. The following are the expressions of congratulation, except...

A. Well done
B. Wow! You look great with that hat.
C. Congratulations on winning the first prize.
D. I must congratulate you for buying a new house.
E. I'm happy you like it.

5. Laras : Mom I got the best score in mathematic

test. Mother : ...
A. You are a smart student
B. You are proper to get it.
C. You have to study hard
D. You are a diligent boy
E. I'm happy you like it.

6. Dimas : Wow! That's fabulous

scenery Sekar : ...
A. I am happy to hear that
B. I am happy you liked it

C. I disagree with you

D. I don't think so
E. Thank you very much

7. Ryan : Mom, look! I get A for science test.

Mother: Congratulation! keep up the good
work! Ryan :
A. Who cares!
B. I don't care.
C. Thanks Mom.
D. Oh I'm sorry to hear that.

E. You must cheat in doing the test.

Dialogue for number 8-9

Grace : Winda I heard from Mila that you won a watch for the door prize in the
gathering event yesterday. Congratulations!
Winda : Thank you. I never thought that I would win the door prize.
Grace : You're so lucky. Once again congratulation for the watch.
Winda : Thanks a lot. Yes I was just lucky.
Grace : Do you wear the watch now?
Winda : Yes. Look at this, please! What do you think?
Grace : Wow! It's so fantastic! It's an expensive watch.
Winda : You're right. I like the style. It's very elegant.
Grace : You can wear it in all kind of events.
Winda : That's right.

8. The underlined word in the dialogue shows...

A. Expression of repetition
B. Expression of asking help
C. Expression of giving thing
D. Expressions of congratulation
E. Expression of asking for opinion

9. Who congratulate Winda?

A. Mila does
B. Grace does
C. Mila and Grace
D. Grace's friend does
E. Winda's mother doeS

10. Dimas : Wow! I like your soup

Sekar : ...
A. I am happy to hear that
B. I am happy you liked it
C. I disagree with you
D. I don't think so
E. Thank you very much

Kunci Jawaban:
Pilihan Ganda
1. A

2 2 E E
3 3. C C
4. E
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. B

Kriteria Penilaian:
Pilihan Ganda = 10 X 10 = 100

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