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KD 1.1
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
Interpersonal sederhana lesan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 1.1. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things
done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan
memberi kepastian, serta mengungkapkan dan menanggapi
Indikator : 1. Merespon ungkapan kepastian
2. Menanyakan kepastian dengan ungkapan yang tepat
3. Mampu menggunakan ungkapan kepastian dalam percakapan sehari-
Jenis Teks : Transaksional : Certainty /Uncertainty
Aspek/Skill : Mendengarkan
Alokasi Waktu : 1 pertemuan ( 2 x 40 menit)

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat :
1. Mengungkapkan ungkapan kepastian
2. Merespon ungkapan kepastian
3. Menggunakan ungkapan kepastian dalam situasi nyata

II. Materi Pembelajaran / Bahan Ajar

Dialog yang memuat ungkapan kepastian dan keraguan
Anna is talking to her brother, Andy about the weather.
Anna : It is cloudy. Are you sure you will go out ?
Andy : Why not. It’s Saturday night.
Anna : It’s going to rain.
Andy : I’m not sure . There are stars on the sky.
Anna is going to her grandfather’s house. She is riding her motorcycle with her brother.
Anna : Are you sure it’s the way to our grandfather’s house?
Andy : Certainly. This way!
Andy is going to see a basketball match.
Anna : Our basketball team will be the champion. Are you certain ?
Andy : I’m not sure because most of the teams are good enough

The expression of certainty

Asking for certainty
 Are you sure ?
 Are you certain ?
 Really ?
 Are you really certain about that ?
Responding :
 I`m quite sure that ....
 I’m sure about it
 Certainly/ definitely
 I`ve no doubt about…..
 I`m positive
 Obsolutely sure.
To express and respond to doubt.

Express doubt.;
 I’m afraid I’m not sure
 Sorry I’m not sure about it
 I’m doubtful
 I doubt it
 I’m not really sure that he told me the truth
Responding to doubt ;
 Please don’t worry
 Everything will be fine
 Don’t be worried too much.Next time better
 I think you don’t need to be worried about it

III. Metode / Teknik : TPR

Model Pembelajaran : Cooperatif learning

A. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
No. Kegiatan Waktu Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal / Pendahuluan
1. Guru mengucapkan salam / doa
2. Guru menanyakan presensi siswa /memeriksa kerapian,
ketertiban dan kebersihan kelas 5 Santun
3. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dipelajari
4. Guru menanyakan kepastian tentang sesuatu hal ,siswa lingkungan
menjawab dengan jawaban Yes/No
5. Guru memotivasi siswa agar siswa berani bertanya dan
menjawab secara lesan
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memperdengarkan dialog yang memuat ungkapan 5
kepastian dan keraguan Teliti
2. Guru menjelaskan contoh –contoh ungkapan yang menyatakan 10 Perhatian
kepastian dan keraguan
3. Guru melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan tsb diikuti oleh siswa 5
1. Siswa mendengarkan dan mencermati ungkapan –ungkapan 5 Teliti
tentang kepastian dan keraguan yang disampaikan guru
2. Siswa memberi respon atas pertanyaan guru yang disampaikan 10 Percaya diri
secara lesan
3. Siswa secara kelompok /berpasangan mambuat / menyusun 10 Kerja sama
draft kalimat yang menanyakan kepastian dan keraguan
4. Siswa bertanya jawab menanyakan kepastian dan keraguan 10 Percaya diri
dengan teman sebangku
5. Siswa mempresentasikan hasil diskusi secara bergiliran 10 Percaya diri
1. Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 5 Teliti
berdasarkan hasil unjuk kerja siswa
2. Guru memberikan penegasan kembali terhadap materi
C Kegiatan Akhir
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback
10 Perhatian
2. Guru membimbing siswa membuat rangkuman singkat tentang
ungkapan – ungkapan yang telah dipelajari
3. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
4. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan datang

Jumlah 80

IV. Sumber Belajar :

English In Focus IX ( page 2 )
Teks lisan disampaikan guru
Buku Mandiri kl 9 hal 1

V. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan./ tulis
b. Prosedur : Selama proses
c. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja ( bertanya jawab)
d. Instrumen :
1. Express your respond of certainty or uncertainty
a) Do you think Brazil will be the world champion ?
b) Are you sure you are be able to get 10 for mathematic ?
c) Heri is not so smart, but he is delligent. The teacher hope he will pass the exam.
d) We must try hard to get the higher rank next year. Our school will be the best .
e) Tomorrow is Anita`s birthday . We are asked to come to her party
2. Make a short dialogue about asking and expressing Certainty and Uncertaity.

e. Rubrik Penilaian :

Kriteria Jika ucapan benar, Jika ucapan benar, Jika ucapan Jika ucapan
intonasi benar, dan intonasi benar, dan benar, intonasi salah, intonasi
pengucapan lancar. pengucapan tidak salah, dan salah, dan
lancar. pengucapan tidak pengucapan
lancar. tidak lancar.

Nilai 100 90 80 70

Kledung 16 Juli 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yuliana Dewi Marithawati, M.Pd Sudarmi, S.Pd

NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013

Buku Mandiri hal 3-8

KD 1.2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 1.Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
sederhana lesan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 1.2. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta pengulangan,
menunjukkan perhatian,dan menyatakan kekaguman
Indikator : 1. Meminta pengulangan atas sesuatu yang belum jelas tedengar
2. Mengungkapkan perhatian atas apa yang disampaikan orang lain
3. Mennyatakan kekaguman atas pernyataan /berita yang disampaikan
orang lain
Jenis Teks : Transaksional : Pengulangan,Perhatian , kekaguman
Aspek/Skill : Mendengarkan
Alokasi Waktu : 1 pertemuan ( 2 x 40 menit)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat :
1. Meminta pengulangan atas sesuatu yang belum jelas tedengar.
2. Mengungkapkan perhatian atas apa yang disampaikan orang lain.
3. Mennyatakan kekaguman atas pernyataan /berita yang disampaikan orang lain.

2. Metode Pembelajaran
 Model : Cooperatif Learning
 Metode : Diskusi kelas / kelompok,Penugasan individu / kelompok

3. Materi Pembelajaran
Dialog yang memuat ungkapan meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian,dan menyatakan
Ungkapan minta Pengulangan.
Receptionist : Good afternoon. Kartika Hotel. May Ihelp you ?
Father : I`d like to reserve a single room for next Sunday
Receptionist : Certainly,Sir. May I have your name , please ?
Father : Dimas Ardika
Receptionist : Pardon ? Would you repeat your name please, please ?
Father : Dimas Ardika
Receptionist : O.K. I`ve written it now. Thank you. Have a nice day.
Father : You`re welcome
Asking someone to repeat his/her words :
 I beg your pardon ?
 Pardon me ? I am sorry /I can’t hear your voice
 Pardon ? Sorry /
 I`m sorry, I don’t`catch the last word.
 I`m sorry, I didn`t hear you
 Sorry, What did you say ?
 Say that again,Please
 What ?
 Would you be louder ,please
 Could you repeat again?

Ungkapan Perhatian.
Mita : Hi, Sarah. What are you doing?
Sarah : I’m making milk shake.
Mita : What are the ingredients to make it?
Sarah : You need 1 pint of milk, ice-cream, favouring, ajug,
a tablespoon, a whisk, glasses and straws.
Mita : Oh, I see. Tell me more ,how to make it.
Sarah : First, put four tablespoons of ice-cream into a
jug and pour on the milk. Add the favouring
and whisk well. Pour into glasses. That’s all.
Mita : Can I get some?
Sarah : Yes please.
Mita : Oh, It’s terrifc! Very delicious!

Showing Attention ;
 Oh, I see
 Tell me more
 Really ?…
 Is she ?
 Well ,...
 Has it ?
Contoh dialog yang menyatakan KEKAGUMAN
Ery : What do you think of our new classmates, Anton ?
Yoga : I think he is a sociable student.
He is able to make friends easily. Nearly all of our friends know.
Him well within just a month.
Ery : Do they ? What a popular boy he is !

Showing Admiration :
 What a beautiful girl she is !
 What a smart student he is!
 How nice it is !
 Terrific!
 That`s really fantastic!

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
No. Kegiatan Waktu/ Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal/ Pendahuluan
1. Guru mengucapkan salam 2 Santun
2. Guru menanyakan presensi siswa ,memeriksa ketertiban dan 2 Peduli
kebersihan kelas /lingkungan 3 lingkungan
3. Guru menanyakan bertanya jawab dengan siswa dengan
memunculkan gambit-gambit yang akan dipelajari
4. Guru memotivasi siswa agar memahami pentingnya kesantunan
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memperdengarkan dialog yang memuat ungkapan 8
meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian,dan Teliti
menyatakan kekaguman 10 Disiplin
2. Guru menjelaskan contoh –contoh ungkapan tentang meminta Rasa ingin
pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian,dan menyatakan 5 tahu
3. Guru melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan tsb diikuti oleh siswa
1. Siswa mendengarkan dan mencermati ungkapan –ungkapan 5
tentang apa yang disampaikan guru Menghargai
10 pendapat
2. Siswa memberi respon atas pertanyaan guru tentang meminta orang lain
pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian,dan menyatakan
kekaguman dengan gambit-gambit yang sesuai 11 Kreatif
3. Siswa diskusi secara berkelompok menyusun draft dialog Kerja sama
singkat dengan gambit yang dipelajari tentang ungkapan 10 Tanggung
pengulangan,kekaguman jawab
4. Siswa menyajikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan bertanya jawab
untuk ungkapan pengulangan ,kekaguman dan perhatian
1. Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 5 Teliti
berdasarkan hasil unjuk kerja siswa Perhatian
2. Guru memberikan penegasan kembali materi pembelajaran`
C Kegiatan Akhir/ Penutup
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 2 Tanggung
2. Guru membimbing siswa membuat rangkuman singkat tentang 4 jawab
ungkapan – ungkapan yang telah dipelajari 2
3. Guru memberikan tugas secara individu maupun
kelompok ,membuat percakapan tentang ungkapan minta
pengulangan,dan kekaguman
Jumlah 80

4. Sumber Belajar :
English In Focus IX ( page 52 )
Let`s Talk (page 134 )

a. Teknik : Tes lisan.
b. Prosedur : Selama proses
c. Bentuk : Merespon kalimat yang didengar
Unjuk kerja ( bertanya jawab)
d. Instrumen :
Complete the dialogue by asking the repetition !
1. Father : I think Brazil will be the world champion . Do you think so ?
2. Teacher : The English task must be submitted tomorrow morning. Tell the others !
3. Tono : You must fill in the form . Write your name,account number,address
and amount of money you will save

Complete the dialogue by showing attention !

1. Tanti : We are allowed to go home early. The teachers will have a meeting
2. Tuty : It is nice dress. I sew it myself
3. Mother : Your father will give you a new laptop.

Complete the dialogue by showing attention !

1. Tina : I heard that Mr. Agung has three luxurius cars
2. Dudi : That racing car can run 130 km/hour
e. Rubrik Penilaian :

Kriteria Jika ungkapan Jika ungkapan Jika ungkapan Jika ungkapan

benar, intonasi benar, intonasi benar, intonasi salah, intonasi
benar, dan benar, dan salah, dan salah, dan
pengucapan lancar. pengucapan tidak pengucapan tidak pengucapan
lancar. lancar. tidak lancar.
Nilai 100 90 80 70

Kledung, 16 Juli 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yuliana Dewi Marithawati M.Pd Sudarmi, S.Pd

NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013
Student`s worksheet
Listen and reapeat !

Receptionist : Good afternoon. Kartika Hotel. May Ihelp you ?

Father : I`d like to reserve a single room for next Sunday
Receptionist : Certainly,Sir. May I have your name , please ?
Father : Dimas Ardika
Receptionist : Pardon ? Would you repeat your name please, please ?
Father : Dimas Ardika
Receptionist : O.K. I`ve written it now. Thank you. Have a nice day.
Father : You`re welcome

Asking someone to repeat his/her words :

 I beg your pardon ?
 Pardon me ? I am sorry /
 Pardon ? Sorry /
 I`m sorry, I don’t`catch the last word.
 I`m sorry, I didn`t hear you
 Sorry, What did you say ?
 Say that again,Please
 What ?

Mita : Hi, Sarah. What are you doing?

Sarah : I’m making milk shake.
Mita : What are the ingredients to make it?
Sarah : You need 1 pint of milk, ice-cream, favouring, ajug,
a tablespoon, a whisk, glasses and straws.
Mita : Oh, I see. Tell me more ,how to make it.
Sarah : First, put four tablespoons of ice-cream into a
jug and pour on the milk. Add the favouring
and whisk well. Pour into glasses. That’s all.
Mita : Can I get some?
Sarah : Yes please.
Mita : Oh, It’s terrifc! Very delicious!

Showing Attention :
 Oh, I see
 me more
 Really Well…
 Tell?
 Has it ?

Ery : What do you think of our new classmates, Anton ?

Yoga : I think he is a sociable student
He is able to make friends easily. Nearly all of our friends know
Him well within just a month
Ery : Do they ? What a popular boy he is !

Showing Admiration :
 What a beautiful girl she is !
 What a smart student he is!
 How nice it is !
 Terrific!
 That`s really fantastic!
a. Complete the dialogue by asking the repetition !
1. Father : I think Brazil will be the world champion . Do you think so ?
2. Teacher : The English task must be submitted tomorrow morning. Tell the others !
3. Tono : You must fill in the form . Write your name, account number,address
and amount of money you will save
b. Complete the dialogue by showing attention !
4. Tanti : We are allowed to go home early. The teachers will have a meeting
5.Tuty : It is nice dress. I sew it myself
6.Mother : Your father will give you a new laptop.
c. Complete the dialogue by showing attention !
7. Tina : I heard that Mr. Agung has three luxurius cars
8 Dudi : That racing car can run 130 km/hour

KD 2.1
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek
sederhana berbentukprosedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari hari .
Kompetensi Dasar : Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek
sederhana secara akurat,lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari hari .
Indikator : Menemukan berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa
pesan singkat dan iklan
Jenis Teks : Fungsional pendek :Iklan dan Pesan singkat
Aspek/Skill : Mendengarkan
Alokasi Waktu : X 40 menit

a. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1 :
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Menemukan informasi rinci yang terdapat pada teks pesan singkat
2. Menemukan informasi tertentu yang terdapat pada teks pesan singkat
3. Menemukan rujukan kata yang terdapat pada pesan singkat
4. Menemukan informasi tersurat yang terdapat pada teks pesan singkat
5. Menemukan informasi tersirat pada teks pesan singkat
6. Menemukan makna kata/frasa tertentu yang terdapat pada teks pesan singkat
7. Menemukan tujuan komonikatif teks berbentuk pesan singkat

Pertemuan 2 :
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :
1. Menemukan informasi rinci yang terdapat pada teks berbentuk iklan
2. Menemukan informasi tertentu pada teks berbentuk iklan
3. Menemukan rujukan kata tertentu pada teks berbentuk iklan
4. Menemukan informasi tersirat yang terdapat pada teks berbentuk iklan
5. Menemukan informasi tersurat pada teks berbentuk iklan
6. Menemukan makna kata tertentu pada teks berbentuk iklan
7. Menemukan tujuan komunikatif pada teks berbentuk iklan

b. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks fungsional pendek :
1 . Adverticement :

To develop your talent in music, come to :


The cozy atmosphere with qualified and fun tutors will make it easier for you to
Study either in private or regular classes of vocal, guitar, and piano courses.
VOA Studio also accepts demo and jingle recordings.
Interested ? Visit or contact the studio.
VOA Studio,
Jl. Margasatwa No. 16, Pondok Labu Jakarta
Phone 0257-3567890
2. Short message :

Dear folks,
Mum‘ll be home at seven because I have to chair the staff meeting.
Please don’t forget to do all your chores. Water the garden, feed the pets, and
make your own beds after the naps.
Please remind Daddy to prepare dinner for us as he promised to fix us grilled
snapper and chicken soup. He’ll be home early at two today.
Thanks and see you all soon.

c. Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique

1.Pre listening
2.Whilst listening
3.Post listening
Model :Cooperatif Learning

d. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Pertemuan Pertama

No Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal /Pendahuluan
1. Guru mengucapkan salam dan berdoa bersama siswa 3 Santun ,
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa,kebersihan dan 5 Religious
kerapian kelas Peduli
3. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas / lingkungan
dipelajari Percaya
4. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siawa diri
gemar membaca pesan singkat,iklan berbahasa Inggris Cinta ilmu
di koran, majalah maupun media cetak lainnya.
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan beberapa contoh pesan singkat dan 10 Perhatian
bertanya jawab terkait tek pesan singkat
2. Guru menjelaskan stuktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam 12
menulis pesan singkat
3. Guru menyampaikan teks ,pesan singkat secara lisan 5

1. Siswa mencermati contoh teks lisan yang disampaikan 5 Tekun
2. Siswa secara kelompok / berpasangan menganaliasa soal 20 Teliti
kemudian menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi teks sesuai
apa yang didengar
1. Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 10 Teliti
berdasarkan hasil pekerjaan siswa
2. Guru memberikan penegasan terhadap materi
C Kegiatan Akhir /Penutup
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 2 Mandiri
2. Guru membimbing siswa membuat rangkuman singkat
3. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
4. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk mendengarkan text 5
pengumuman,pesan singkat di tempat umum ,radio dll
5. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas pada 2
pertemuan selanjutnya
Jumlah 80

Pertemuan kedua ( 2 )
No Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal /Pendahuluan
1. Guru mengucapkan salam dan berdoa bersama siswa 3 Santun ,
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa,kebersihan dan Religious
kerapian kelas Peduli
3. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas / lingkungan
dipelajari Percaya
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan/kegunaan materi yang akan diri
dibahas Cinta ilmu
5. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siawa 5
gemar membaca ,iklan berbahasa Inggris di koran,
majalah maupun media cetak lainnya.

B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan beberapa contoh iklan dan bertanya 10 Perhatian
jawab terkait materi 12 Perhatian
2. Guru menjelaskan stuktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam 5
menulis iklan
3. Guru menyampaikan teks iklant secara lisan

1. Siswa mencermati contoh teks lisan yang disampaikan 5 Tekun
guru 20 Teliti
2. Siswa secara kelompok / berpasangan menganaliasa soal
kemudian menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi teks sesuai
apa yang didengar
1. Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 10 Teliti
berdasarkan hasil pekerjaan siswa
2. Guru memberikan penegasan terhadap materi
C Kegiatan Akhir /Penutup
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 2
2. Guru membimbing siswa membuat rangkuman singkat
3. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi 4
4. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk membuat iklan secara 1 Mandiri
individu maupun kelompok. 3
5. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas pada
pertemuan selanjutnya
Jumlah 80

e. Sumber Belajar
Practise your ENGLISH competence

LKS Bhs ingg kls 9

Buku referensi lain yang ada di perpustakaan

f. Penilaian
Teknik : Tes tulis /.,Unjuk kerja(penugasan )
Bentuk : Pilihan ganda
Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

To develop your talent in music, come to :


The cozy atmosphere with qualified and fun tutors will make it easier for you to
Study either in private or regular classes of vocal, guitar, and piano courses.
VOA Studio also accepts demo and jingle recordings.
Interested ? Visit or contact the studio.
VOA Studio,
Jl. Margasatwa No. 16, Pondok Labu Jakarta
Phone 0257-3567890

I. Listen to the teachers and anwer the questions !

1. VOA offers the following things, except…………

a. Taking courses of music c. Selling of guitar and piano
b. Recording jingle and demo d. Studying of vocal
2. How many classes are offered by the VOA ?
a. one b. two c. three d. four
3. If you want to develop your talent in music, the underlined word has synonym with …….
a. ability b. dream c. idea d. Activity
4. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To advertice an art studio
b. To promote the music instrument
c. To Offer the music school
d. To describe the music studio

II. Listen to the teachers and anwer the questions !

Dear folks, Mum‘ll be home at seven because I have to chair the staff meeting.
Please don’t forget to do all your chores. Water the garden,
feed the pets, and make your own beds after the naps.

Please remind Daddy to prepare dinner for us as he promised to fix us grilled

snapper and chicken soup. He’ll be home early at two today.
Thanks and see you all soon.

5. The text is about … to her children.

a. a mom’s love expression c. father’s information
b. folks’ will d. a mother’s message
6. What does the second paragraph tell you about?
a. Children’s task to remind their father’s promise
b. Children`s job to cook for dinner for his family
c. Mother’s chores to do at home for her
d. The reason why mother comes home late
7. The text shows that the writer’s husband … cook well.
a. can c. can`t
b. won’t d. has to
8. “Please don’t forget to do all your chores. “
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Special cares. c school assignments
b. Routine tasks. d. individual jobs
9 “To : All …”
What does the word “All” refer to?
a. The mother and father. c. The writer’s children.
b. The husband and wife. d. All members of family
10. What is the purpose of the teks ?
a. To remind Father and the children`s duties
b. To inform about the meeting
c. To aks permission
d. To invite the children

Kunci Jawaban :
1. C 6. A
2. B 7. A
3. A 8. B
4. A 9. D
5. D 10.A

Pedoman penilaian :

Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 10

Jumlah skor maksimal : I00
Nilai maksimal = 10 x10 =100

Kledung , 20 Juli 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yuliana Dewi Marithawati, M.Pd Sudarmi, S.Pd

NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013
Student`s worksheet

I. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

The following text is for questions no 1 to 4
1. VOA offers the following things, except…………
a. Taking courses of music c. Selling of guitar and piano
b. Recording jingle and demo d. Studying of vocal
2. How many classes are offered by the VOA ?
a. one b. two c. three d. Four
3. If you want to develop your talent in music, the underlined word has synonym with …….
a. ability b. dream c. idea d. Activity
4. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To advertice an art studio
b. To promote the music instrument
c. To Offer the music school
d. To describe the music studio

II. Listen to the teachers and anwer the questions !

The following text is for questions no 5 to 10

5. The text is about … to her childr

a. mom’s love expres c. father’s information
b. folks’ will d. mother’s message
6. What does the second paragraph tell you about?
a. Children’s task to remind their father’s promise
b. Children`s job to cook for dinner for his family
c. Mother’s chores to do at home for her
d. The reason why mother comes home late
7. The text shows that the writer’s husband … cook well.
a. can c. can`t
b. won’t d. has to
8.“Please don’t forget to do all your chores. “
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Special cares. c school assignments
b. Routine tasks. d. individual
9.“To : All
What does the word “All” refer to?
a. The mother and father. c. The writer’s children.
b. The husband and wife. d. All members of family
10. What is the purpose of the teks ?
a. To remind Father and the children`s duties
b. To inform about the meeting
c. To aks permission
d. To invite the children

KD 2.2
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / 1
Standar Kompetensi : 2. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek
sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 2.2. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana
secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Indikator : Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang
diperdengarkan secara lisan
Jenis Teks : Text monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk Procedures dan report
Aspek/Skill : Mendengarkan
Alokasi Waktu : 2x pertemuan ( 4 x 40 menit)

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1 (Pertama )
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Menentukan gagasan utama teks berbebtuk procedures t
2. Menemukan informasi tersurat/tersirat yang ada pada teks berbebtuk procedures
3. Menemukan informasi rinci tersirat yang ada pada teks berbebtuk procedures
4. Menentukan tujuan komonikatif teks berbebtuk procedures
5. Menentukan makna kata tertentu pada teks berbentuk procedure
6. Menentukan rujukan kata tertentu pada teks procedure.

Pertemuan 2 (kedua )
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Menentukan gagasan utama teks berbentuk report
2. Menentukan informasi tersurat pada teks berbentuk report
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat pada teks berbentuk report
4. Menentukan informasi rinci pada teks berbentuk report
5. Tujuan komunikatif teks berbentuk report
6. Menentukan makna kata tertentu pada teks berbentuk report
7. Menentukan rujukan kata tertentu pada teks berbentuk report

II. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks monolog berbentuk procedure

I want to tell you about how to make Crispy Roast Duck, listen carefully !
Here are the materials we need :
1 long island duck
2 cups boiling-hot water
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper.
Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.
Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.
Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.
Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.
Roast duck, breast side up, until the skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.
Teks monolog berbentuk Report

III. Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique

Pre listening
Whilst listening
Post Listening

IV. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

Pertemuan pertama
No Kegiatan Waktu/ Karakter
. Menit
A Kegiatan Awal / Pendahuluan
1. Guru memberi salam , berdoa bersama siswa 4 Santun
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa,memeriksa ketertiban dan Peduli
kerapian lingkungan
3. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siawa gemar 4
membaca teks procedure , yang sering dijumpai dalam Gemar
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam bentuk cara mengoperasikan membaca
suatu benda,cara membuat jenis makanan/minuman dan
hasil produk suatu barang.
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan beberapa contoh Teks essei berbentuk 10 Perhatian
2. Guru menjelaskan stuktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam 13
bahasa Teks essei berbentuk Procedures
3. Guru menyampaikan teks essei berbentuk Procedures 5

1. Siswa mendengarkan dan mencermati contoh teks lisan 5 Cermat
yang disampaikan guru 20 Teliti
2. Siswa melakukan kegiatan diskusi secara berkelompok Kerja sama
mencermati teks procedures dan menemukan berbagai Cermat
informasi Tg jawab
3. Siswa menganaliasa soal kemudian menjawab pertanyaan Percaya diri
tentang isi teks sesuai apa yang didengar
4. Siswa menyampaikan hasil diskusi antar kelompok
1. Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 10 Teliti
berdasarkan hasil pekerjaan siswa
2. Guru bersama siswa membuat kesimpulan/ rangkuman
3. Guru memberikan penegasan kembali terhadap materi
C Kegiatan Akhir
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 4 Perhatian
2. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
3. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk menemukan dan 4 Tg jawab
mempelajari text procedure ,di kemasan suatu produk
makanan ,obat , peralatan dll.
4. Guru menyampaikan informasi materi yang akan dibahas 2
pada pertemuan selanjutnya /akan datang
Jumlah 80
Pertemuan Kedua (2 )
No Kegiatan Waktu/ Karakter
. Menit
A Kegiatan Awal / Pendahuluan
1. Guru memberi salam , berdoa bersama siswa 4 Santun
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa,memeriksa ketertiban Peduli
dan kerapian 4 lingkungan
3. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siawa
gemar membaca teks report , yang sering dijumpai Gemar
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari membaca
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan beberapa contoh Teks essei berbentuk 10 Perhatian
2. Guru menjelaskan stuktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam 13
bahasa Teks essei berbentuk report.
3. Guru menyampaikan teks essei berbentuk report 5

1. Siswa mendengarkan dan mencermati contoh teks lisan 5 Cermat
yang disampaikan guru
2. Siswa melakukan kegiatan diskusi secara berkelompok 20 Teliti
mencermati teks report dan menemukan berbagai
informasi Kerja sama
3. Siswa menganaliasa soal kemudian menjawab pertanyaan Cermat
tentang isi teks sesuai apa yang didengar Tg jawab
4. Siswa menyampaikan hasil diskusi antar kelompok Percaya diri
1. Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 10 Teliti
berdasarkan hasil pekerjaan siswa
2. Guru bersama siswa membuat kesimpulan/ rangkuman
3. Guru memberikan penegasan kembali terhadap materi
C Kegiatan Akhir
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 4 Perhatian
2. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
3. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk menemukan dan 4 Tg jawab
mempelajari text report.
4. Guru menyampaikan informasi materi yang akan dibahas 2
pada pertemuan selanjutnya /akan datang
Jumlah 80

V. Sumber Belajar
- Practice Your English (hal.37)
- Bahan Ajar yang relevan
-LKS bhs ingg kls 9
- Buku perpustakaan

VI. Penilaian
- Teknik : Tes tertulis
- Bentuk : pilihan ganda
- Instrumen :
Listen the following text ,then answer the questions by choosing the correct answer
I want to tell you about how to make Crispy Roast Duck, listen carefully !

Here are the materials we need :

 1 long island duck
 2 cups boiling-hot water
 1 tablespoon salt
 1 teaspoon black pepper.
1. Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.
2. Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.
3. Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.
4. Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.
5. Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.

1. What’s the text about?

A. The instructions to prepare crisp roast duck.
B. What’s needed to make some food.
C. The steps to make a delicious food.
D. How to make crisp roast duck.
2. What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?
A. Salt. C. A sharp fork.
B. Black pepper. D. Boiling-hot water.
3. What do we do to tighten the skin of the duck?
A. Rinse duck inside and outside.
B. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.
C. Pour boiling-hot water over duck.
D. Cool the duck.
4. How many materials do we need ?
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
5. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. To tell how to make the Crispy Roast Duck
B. To tell the step how to prepare the Crispy Roast Duck
C. To inform about the Crispy Roast Duck
D. To educate the readers
Kunci Jawaban :
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B
G. Pedoman Penilaian :
Tiap nompr benar diberi skor : 10
Skor maksimal : 10 X 10 = 100
Nilai maksimal : 100

Nilai : Skor Perolehan

--------------------- x 100
Skor Maksimal

Kledung, 28 Juli 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran
Yuliana Dewi Marithawati, M.Pd Sudarmi, S.Pd
NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013
Leeches are slimy worms with two suckers, a big one at the rear end and a smaller one at the
mouth. They also have powerful muscles which enable them to expand and contract their bodies.
Most leeches live off the blood of other creatures. A leech attaches itself to its victim by
piercing its skin and secretes a substance which prevents the blood from clotting.
Then it sucks up the blood. As it sucks, it expands so many times its normal size. Once a
leech attaches itself to its victim, it is very difficult to remove.
However, if you put salt on it, it soon falls off and dies. Many years ago, people believed that
some dieses were caused because a patient had too much blood in his/her body. Doctors would then
attach leeches on to the patient .
Some leeches in fact, were specially bred for this purpose.

Listen the following text ,then answer the questions by choosing the correct answer !
1. How many suckers does a leech have ?
A. One C. Three
B. Two D Four

2. What does the leeches live off ?

A. Blood C. Muscles
B. Worms D. Salt

3. Based on the text, What can you do to take a leech off your skin ?
A. Pouring some water on it
B Pouring some salt on it .
C. Putting it off
D. Cutting it off

4. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To tell about the leeches in general
B. To tell about how to breed leeches
C. To amuse the readers
D. To offer the leeches

5. .......used the leeches to cure the patients

A. doctor
B. patient
B. people
Student`s worksheet

I. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

The following text is for questions no 1 to 5

1. What’s the text about?

A. The instructions to prepare crisp roast duck.
B. What’s needed to make some food.
C. The steps to make a delicious food.
D. How to make crisp roast
2. What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?
a.Salt. fork
b.lack pepper. d.boiling-hot water.
3. What do we do to tighten the skin of the duck?
a.Rinse duck inside and outside.
b.Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.
c.Pour boiling-hot water over duck.
d.Cool the duck.
4. How many materials do we need ?
a.. 1 b 3 c 2 d. 4
5. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To tell how to make the Crispy Roast Duck
b. To tell the step how to prepare the Crispy Roast Duck
c. To inform about the Crispy Roast Duck
d. To educate the readers
II. Listen to the teachers and anwer the questions !
The following text is for questions no 6 to 10

6. How many suckers does a leech have ?

a. One b. Three c. Two d Four

7. What does the leeches live off ?

a. Blood b. Muscles c. Worms d. Salt
8. Based on the text, What can you do to take a leech off your skin ?
a. Pouring some water on it c. Putting it off
b Pouring some salt on it . d. Cutting it off
9. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To tell about the leeches in general
b. To tell about how to breed leeches
c. To amuse the readers
d. To offer the leeches
10. .......used the leeches to cure the patients
a. Doctor c. Breeder
b. Patient d. Nurse

KD 3.1
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Ganjil (1 )
Standar Kompetensi : 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional
dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : : 3.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang
melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian dan
mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan
Indikator : 1.Bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan mengungkapkan kepastian
2.Bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan mengungkapkan keraguan
Jenis Teks : Transaksional : Certainty /Uncertainty
Aspek/Skill : Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu : 1x pertemuan ( 2 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran.
Pada Akhir Pembelajaran Siswa Dapat :
1. Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta dan memberi kepastian
2. Bertanya dan menjawab tentang mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan

B. Materi Pembelajaran.
Ungkapan kepastian dan keraguan:
I`m sure I doubt that
I`m certain I`m not sure
I`ve no doubt about…. I`m not certain
I`m positive I don`t think so
Absolutely sure

Percakapan singkat memuat ungkapan-ungkapan kepastian dan keraguan

Situation 1
Amir : Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment.
Ani : Sorry. Could you repeat what you just said?
Amir : I said Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment
Ani : Yes, you are right, but, I ‘m sure that I can submit it before that.
How about you? Are you sure to finish it i?
Amr : I’m not so sure I will be able to make it.
Ani : Yes, you can. I’m sure, you can

Situation 2
Anang : Did you do the test very well, Andi?
Andi : No, definitely, not. I don’t have a hope of getting even 50.
Anamg : But are you sure?
Andi : Absolutely. Not a hope!
Anang : Don’t worry too much. Next time better.
Situation 3
Fatimah : Anisa, do you think that it will be possible to go on holiday
to the moon in the next fifty years.
Anisa : Well, I am sure it could happen. Why?
Fatimah : Well, I was just wondering it would be a great achievement.

Metode Pembelajaran :

Model : Cooperatif Learning

Metode: Diskusi kelas/ kelompok

D. Langkah-langkah kegiatan.
No Waktu/
Kegiatan Karakter
. Menit
A Kegiatan Awal / Pendahuluan
1. Guru memberi salam , berdoa bersama siswa 5 Santun
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa ,ketertiban dan Peduli
kebersihan kelas 5 lingkungan
1. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siawa
gemar dan berani berdialog dengan teman /guru dengan Percaya diri
bahasa inggris Rasa ingin
2. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dipelajari tahu
3. Guru menjelaskan kegunaan /pentingnya materi yang akan Perhatian
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru bertanya pada siswa dengan menggunakan
ungkapanan meminta kepastian dan siswa menjawab 5 Perhatian
dengan Yes/No
2. Guru memberikan gambit- gambit / ungkapan yang 10 tekun
dibutuhkan tentang bertanya dan memberi kepastian
dan contoh –contoh dalam dialog
1. Secara lisan siswa menjawab pertanyaan guru dengan 10 Kerja sama
ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah dipelajari
2. Siswa secara berpasangan /pairing membuat dialog pendek 15 Percaya diri
,tentang bertanya dan memberi kepastian /keraguan
3. Secara bergantian siswa melakukan unjuk kerja 15
/presentasikan hasil diskusinya (dialog menanyakan
kepastian tentang berbagai hal pada teman terdekat )

1. Guru memberikan masukan dan penguatanpada siswa ttg 3 teliti
ungkapan kepastian
2. Guru memberikan penjelasan kembali tentang gambit 5
gambit yang telah dipelajari
3. Membantu siswa yang belum menguasai
C Kegiatan Akhir
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 2 Tanggung
2. Bersama sama (guru dan siswa ) membuat simpulan 3 jawab
3. Guru memberi tes untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa 5
4. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk menyusun dialog tentang
meminta kepastian
5. Guru menyampaikan informasi tentang materi yang akan
dipelajari pada pertemuan berikutnya.
Jumlah 80

E. Sumber Belajar.
- Buku LKS Bhs Inggris kls 9
- Practice Your English ( hal 1)
F. Penilaian.
Tehnik : Tes tulis
Bentuk Instrumen : Unjuk kerja
Instrumen :
Make a short dialogue about asking and giving CERTAINTY ,using the following
1. Hi guys. I have good news. We are going to have an English native speaker next week.
What will you say if you are sure or not sure you are going to have an English native speaker
next week?
2. What will you say if you want to check whether your friend is sure or not that he will Come ?
3. “You know what? Next Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday. He will treat us all.”
What will you say if you are certain or doubtful that Satriyo will treat you?
4. What will you say if you want to ask whether your classmate is sure or not sure that next
Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday party?
5. Next month there will be an English exam, Are you sure or not sure you will get good mark ?

Make a short dialogue about asking and giving UNCERTAINTY ,using these situation
1. Hi guys. I have good news. We are going to have an English native speaker next week.
What will you say if you are sure or not sure you are going to have an English native speaker
next week?
2. What will you say if you want to check whether your friend is sure or not that he will Come ?
3. “You know what? Next Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday. He will treat us all.”
What will you say if you are certain or doubtful that Satriyo will treat you?
4. What will you say if you want to ask whether your classmate is sure or not sure that next
Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday party?
5. Next month there will be an English exam, Are you sure or not sure you will get good mark ?
Kunci Jawaban :
I. Certainty
1. I am sure ,the native speaker will come here
2. Are you sure he will come here ?
3. I am absolutely sure. He must have a lot of money
4. Are you certain that next Wednesday is satriyo`s birthday ?
5. No doubt about it
II. Uncertainty
1. I am not sure ,the native speaker will come here
2. Do you doubt that he will come here ?
3. I am doubtful . He doen`t have enough money
4. Are you not certain that next Wednesday is satriyo`s birthday ?
5. Yes. I don`t think so. English is very difficult.
Pedoman penilaian
Skor maksimal = 5 x 10
Nilai maksimal = 100
Nilai Siswa : skor penilaian X 100
Skor Maksimal
Rubrik penilaian :
No Uraian Skor
I Isi benar, tata bahasa benar 4
Isi benar tata bahasa kurang tepat 3
Isi dan tata bahasa kurang tepat 2
Tidak menjawab 0

Kledung 31 Juli 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran
Yuliana Dewi Marithawati, M.Pd Sudarmi, S.Pd
NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013
Student`s worksheet

I. Read the following dialogue !

Situation 1
Amir : Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment.
Ani : Sorry. Could you repeat what you just said?
Amir : I said Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment
Ani : Yes, you are right, but, I ‘m sure that I can submit it before that.
How about you? Are you sure to finish it i?
Amr : I’m not so sure I will be able to make it.
Ani : Yes, you can. I’m sure, you can

Situation 2
Anang : Did you do the test very well, Andi?
Andi : No, definitely, not. I don’t have a hope of getting even 50.
Anamg : But are you sure?
Andi : Absolutely. Not a hope!
Anang : Don’t worry too much. Next time better.

Situation 3
Fatimah : Anisa, do you think that it will be possible to go on holiday to the
moon in the next fifty years.
Anisa : Well, I am sure it could happen. Why?
Fatimah : Well, I was just wondering it would be a great achievement.


1. Make a short dialogue about asking and giving CERTAINTY ,using the following

1. Hi guys. I have good news. We are going to have an English native speaker next week.
What will you say if you are sure or not sure you are going to have an English native speaker
next week?
2. What will you say if you want to check whether your friend is sure or not that he will Come ?
3. “You know what? Next Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday. He will treat us all.”
What will you say if you are certain or doubtful that Satriyo will treat you?
4. 4. What will you say if you want to ask whether your classmate is sure or not sure that
next Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday party?
5. Next month there will be an English exam,Are you sure or not sure you will get good mark ?

I1. Make a short dialogue about asking and giving UNCERTAINTY ,using the following

1. Hi guys. I have good news. We are going to have an English native speaker next week.
What will you say if you are sure or not sure you are going to have an English native speaker
next week?
2. What will you say if you want to check whether your friend is sure or not that he will Come ?
3. “You know what? Next Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday. He will treat us all.”
What will you say if you are certain or doubtful that Satriyo will treat you?
4. What will you say if you want to ask whether your classmate is sure or not sure that next
Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday party?
5. Next month there will be an English exam, Are you sure or not sure you will get good mark ?

KD 3.2
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 3. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang
melibatkan tindak tutur menunjukkan perhatian atas berita yang
Indikator : 1. Merespon berita yang disampaikan orang lain dengan
menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat
2. Berdialog tentang menyampaikan berita dan menanggapi dengan
memberi perhatian
Jenis Teks : Transactional dan Interpersonal text : menunjukkan perhatian atas
berita yang disampaikan
Aspek Skills : Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan (2 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. mengidentifikasi ungkapan –ungkapan untuk menunjukkan perhatian atas berita
2. memberi respon atas berita yang diterima dengan ungkapan yang tepat
3. berdialog tentang menyampaikan dan memberi perhatian atas berita

B. Materi Pembelajaran
Ungkapan menanggapi berita :
-I am glad to hear that
-That`s great
-I can not believe that
-Thanks’ God
-I am sorry to hear that
-Wow ! that`s marvelous
-Terrific !
-That`s really fantastic,Sir
-Realy ?

Read the dialogue !

Tomi: I have a good news. Guess what !

Doni : What is it ?
Tomi : Doni, have you heard that we will have a new classmate?
Doni : Really ? Who said that ?
Tomi : The headmaster did. He said that she is not only smart but also very beautiful.
Doni : That`s really fantastic ! Tell me more !
Tomi : She has just lost her father. He death of the traffic accident
Doni : Oh, Im sorry to hear that
Tomi : By the way. We are allowed to go home early. The teacher will have a meeting
Doni : That`s great !
Speech Act
C. Metode / Teknik :
PPP (Practice Presentation Production)melalui kegiatan diskusi.
Model : Cooperatif learning

D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Setiap pertemuan dikemas dalam 3 tahapan:

No. Kegiatan inti Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal
1. Guru memberi salam dan doa 3 Santun
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa ,memeriksa ketertiban dan Religious
kerapian Peduli
3. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas lingkungan
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan /manfaat dari materi yang akan Perhatian
5. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siawa berani 5
mengungkapkan /menanggapi berita yang disampaikan
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru bertanya jawab dengan siswa, dengan memunculkan 5 Perhatian
ungkapan –ungkapan memberi perhatian atas berita yang Tekun
disampaikan pada siswa Teliti
2. Guru memberikan gambit- gambit / ungkapan yang 8 Percaya
dibutuhkan tentang memberi perhatian atas berita yang diri
3. Guru menyuruh siswa membaca dan melatih siswa 8
mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan tentang menanggapi
1. Secara lisan siswa menjawab pertanyaan guru dengan 10
ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah dipelajari
2. Siswa memperhatikan /menulis ungkapan-ungkapan terkait
menanggapi berita 5
3. Siswa berlatih mengucapkan ungkapan ungkapan yang
disampaikan guru dengan memperhatikan lafal dan intonas
4. Siswa berdiskusi dengan teman sebangku untuk menyusun 10 Kerja sama
dialog yang memuat tentang menyampaikan berita dan
menanggapinya Kerjasama
5. Siswa mempraktekkan dialog tersebut didepan teman 15
1. Guru memberikan masukan tentang tatabahasa dan ucapan
siswa 5 berfikir
2. Guru memberikan penjelasan kembali tentang gambit gambit kritis
yang telah dipelajari
3. Membantu siswa yang belum menguasai materi yang telah
C Kegiatan Akhir
1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 3 tanggung
2. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk menyusun dialog yang 2 jawab
memuat menyampaikan dan memberi perhatian
/menanggapi berita.
3. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan datang
Jumlah 80

E. Sumber Belajar
a. Teks dialog buatan guru
b. Buku teks : Practice your english ( hal 2 )
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan
b. Prosedur : Selama proses
c. Bentuk instrumen :

Give respon of the following news !

1. We will have a picnic to Bandung next holiday
2. Andi will have merry next month
3. My uncle passed away last week. He dead of heart attact
4. OK, Listen finally I passed the exam. I god the best score
5. There was a traffic accident yesterday. Five people were kiiled.

Make a short dialogue about Giving attention of the news given !

Kunci Jawaban :
Alternatif jawaban
I. 1. I`ve got good news.
2. Really ?
3. I am sorry to hear that
4. Fantastic ! You are the best
5. Terrific !

2. Dialog yang memuat gambit-gambit yang dipelajari

Rubrik Penilaian :
Pedoman penilaian
Skor mksimal = 5 x 10 = 50
Nilai maksimal =100
Nilai Siswa : skor penilaian X 100
Skor Maksimal
Rubrik penilaian:
No Uraian Skor
2 Isi benar, tata bahasa benar 100
Isi benar tata bahasa kurang tepat 70
Isi dan tata bahasa kurang tepat 50
Tidak menjawab 0

Kledung ,25 Juli 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yuliana Dewi Marithawati, M.Pd Sudarmi, S.Pd

NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013
Student`s worksheet
Read The following dialogue!

Tomi: I have a good news. Guess what !

Doni : What is it ?
Tomi : Doni, have you heard that we will have a new classmate?
Doni : Really ? Who said that ?
Tomi : The headmaster did. He said that she is not only smart but also very beautiful.
Doni : That`s really fantastic ! Tell me more !
Tomi : She has just lost her father. He death of the traffic accident
Doni : Oh, Im sorry to hear that
Tomi : By the way. We are allowed to go home early. The teacher will have a meeting
Doni : That`s great !

A. Give respons of the following news !

1. We will have a picnic to Bandung next holiday
2. Andi will have merry next month
3. My uncle passed away last week. He dead of heart attact
4. OK, Listen finally I passed the exam.I god the best score
5. There was a traffic accident yesterday. Five people were kiiled.

2. Make a short dialogue about giving attention of the news given !

Practice with you partner !

A :....................................................................................
B :...................................................................................
A :...................................................................................
B :..................................................................................
A :.................................................................................
B :..................................................................................
A :.................................................................................
B :...................................................................................
A :....................................................................................

KD 4.1
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog
pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk
berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 4.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam hahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Indikator 1. Menangkap pesan /perintah yang diterima dari orang lain
2. Menyampaikan pesan /perintah yang telah diterima kepada
orang lain
Jenis Teks : Fungsional pendek : Short message
Aspek/Skill : Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu : 1x Pertemuan (2 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi pesan singkat dengan cara merespon secara lisan
2. Menyusun pesan singkat untuk disampaikan pada orang lain dengan jelas dan bermakna .
B. Materi Pembelajaran
Teacher : Andi, please tell your classmate to submit the tasks right now. I wait them at the
teacher`s office
Andi : Dear friends. We must submit the tasks right now. The teacher wait us at the
Teacher : Dear students, tell your parents to come to the parent`s meeting tomorrow. We will
discuss about the final exam preparation
Students : Mother/Father , You are asked to come to the parent`s meeting tomorrow. They will
discuss about the final exam preparation
Mother : Nina, Mom will go home late. There will an office meeting. Tell father to take care
little sister
Nina : Father, Mom asked you to to take care my little sister. Mom will go home late. There
will an office meeting
C. Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique
D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
No Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal
1. Guru menyampaikan salam dan berdoa bersama siswa 2 Santun.Re
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa, kebersihan kelas dan ligious
ketertiban 3 Perhatian
3. Guru mengingatkan kembali tentang materi yang telah Peduli
dikuasai lingkunga
4. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dipelajari n
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru Memberikan contoh menyampaikan pesan secara 10 Tekun
lisan 5
2. Guru memberikan gambit- gambit / ungkapan yang
dibutuhkan untuk menyampaikan pesan secara lesan
1. Siswa mendengarkan dan mencatat ungkapan-ungkapan 15 Tertib
yang telah disampaikan terkait cara menyampaikan pesa Kerja
secara lisan sama
2. Siswa mendengarkan dan memaknai pesan /perintah yang Percaya
diterima secara lisan diri ,Tg
3. Siswa berdiskusi menyusun pesan tersebut untuk 20 jwb
disampaikan pada orang lain sesuai perintah yang diterima
4. Siswa menyampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara
1. Guru memberikan masukan tentang tata bahasa, ucapan 10 Berpikir
siswa kritis
2. Guru memberikan penjelasan / penguatan kembali tentang
gambit gambit yang telah dipelajari
3. Guru membantu siswa yang belum menguasai
C Kegiatan Akhir/ Penutup
1. Guru menyampaikan simpulan tentang apa yang sudah 5 teliti
dipelajari siswa tentang bahasa lisan berbentuk pesan
singkat 10
2. Guru bersama peserta didik membuat kesimpulan
3. Guru memberikan tes untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa
atas materi yang telah dipelajari
4. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan datang
Jumlah 80

E. Sumber Belajar
a. Let’s Talk (SMP/ MTS ), Bachtiar Bima M dkk, Pakar Raya, 2005
b. Pendalaman Materi UN Bahasa Inggris
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan
b. Bentuk Instrument : Performance.
c. Instument

I. Read the message then answer the following question !

4. Teacher : Andi ,tell your classmates to gather at the school hall.
What does the teacher ask Andi to do ?
5. Mother :Rini, ask your sisters to help me cooking.
What does Mother tell Rini to do ?
6. Nina : Father, Mom asked you to to take care my little sister. Mom will go home late. There
will an office meeting
What does Mom asked father to do ?
7. The student : Mother , Tell Father to come to the parent`s meeting tomorrow
They will discuss about the final exam preparation
What does the student asked Mother to do ?
8. Mother :Nina, Mom will go home late. There will an office meeting.
Tell Andi to pick me up ?
II. Tell the messages you have received orally !

Kunci jawaban :
1. To tell his classmates to gather at the school hall.
2. To ask her sister to help mother cooking
3. To to to take care my little sister. Mom will go home late. There will an office meeting
4. To come to the parent`s meeting tomorrow. They will discuss about the final exam
5. To tell Andi to pick her up

Pedoman Penilaian
Tiap nomer benar skor 2
Jumlah skor maksimal = 5 x 2= 10
II. 1. Untuk nomor 1, ucapan benar dan ejaan benar skor 3
2. Untuk nomor 2, ucapan benar dan ejaan benar skor 4
3. Untuk nomor 3, ucapan benar dan ejaan benar skor 3
Jumlah skor maksimal 1, 2, 3 = 10

Kledung , 1 Agustus 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yuliyana Dewi Marithawati, M.Pd Sudarmi ,S.Pd

NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013
Students` worksheet

I. Read the text carefully. Identify the sentences

Teacher : Andi, please tell your classmate to submit the tasks right now. I wait them at the
teacher`s office
Andi : Dear friends. We must submit the tasks right now. The teacher wait us at the
Teacher : Dear students, tell your parents to come to the parent`s meeting tomorrow. We will
discuss about the final exam preparation
Students : Mother/Father , You are asked to come to the parent`s meeting tomorrow. They will
discuss about the final exam preparation
Mother : Nina, Mom will go home late. There will an office meeting. Tell father to take care
little sister
Nina : Father, Mom asked you to to take care my little sister. Mom will go home late. There
will an office meeting
II. Read the message then answer the following question !
1. Teacher : Andi ,tell your classmates to gather at the school hall.
What does the teacher ask Andi to do ?
2. Mother :Rini, ask your sisters to help me cooking.
What does Mother tell Rini to do ?
3. Nina : Father, Mom asked you to to take care my little sister. Mom will go home late. There
an office meeting
What does Mom asked father to do ?
4. The student : Mother , Tell Father to come to the parent`s meeting tomorrow. They will
about the final exam preparation
What does the student asked Mother to do ?
5. Mother :Nina, Mom will go home late. There will an office meeting. Tell Andi to pick me up ?

II. Tell the messages you have received orally !






KD 4.2
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog
pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk
berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report
Indikator Melakukan monolog pendek teks berbentuk Procedures
Menyebutkan bagian teks procedures
Menyampaikan cara membuat /melakukan sesuatu
Jenis Teks : Essei sederhana : Procedures dan report
Aspek/Skill : Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu : 2 Pertemuan (4 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Menyebutkan bagian-bagian teks procedures dan report
2. Menyampaikan cara membuat/melakukan sesuatu (procedures) dengan runtut secara

B. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks essei : teks Procedures

I want to tell you about how to charge the handphone battery.

We need a charger and a wall outlet . Here are the steps
1st, Connect the charger to a wall outlet
2nd, Connect the charger to the phone. The battery indicator bar starts scrolling.
If `Not charging `is displayed, wait for a while, disconnect the charger, plug it in again,
and retry. If charging still fails, contact your dealer.
3th, When the battery is fully charge, the bar stops scrolling.
disconnect the charger from the phone and the wall outlet.

Generic structure teks procedures : Kalimat imperative:

-Goal Be active…
-Materials Choose the menu of….
-Steps Type your message
Connect the…..
C. Metode Pembelajaran:
Model : Cooperatif Learning
Metode :Diskusi / Penugasan
D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Pertemuan Pertama
No. Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal / Pendahuluan
1. Guru menyampaikan salam dan berdoa bersama siswa. 2 Santun
2. Guru bertukar pengalaman tentang macam-macam teks
procedures yang sering dijumpai dalam kemasan 5
makanan,obat,minuman peralatan dll.Dan fungsinya
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan contoh-contoh teks procedure yang Tekun
ada di buku-buku sumber yang disediakan 8
2. Guru menjelaskan generic structure penyusunan teks 5
1. Siswa mengamati teks yang disampaikan guru dan Bertanggung
mencatat hal-hal penting terkait struktur yang dipakai 10 jawab
dalam teks procedures Percaya diri
2. Siswa mendengarkan dan memaknai perintah yang 8 Kreatif
disampaikan guru tentang cara membuat/malakukan
sesuatu 20
3. Siswa berlatih menyusun teks procedure untuk
disampaikan secara lisan sesuai perintah yang diterima
secara lisan
1. Guru memberikan masukan tentang tatabahasa dan 5 Perhatian
ucapan 7
2. Guru memberikan penjelasan kembali tentang tata
bahasa yang telah diperlukan untuk menyusun teks 5
procedure secara lisan
3. Membantu siswa yang belum menguasai
C Kegiatan Akhir
1. Guru menyampaikan simpulan tentang apa yang sudah 5 Teliti
dipelajari siswa tentang bahasa lisan teks procedures
Jumlah 80

Pertemuan Kedua
No. Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal / Pendahuluan
1. Guru menyampaikan salam dan berdoa bersama siswa 2 Santun
2. Guru bertukar pengalaman tentang macam-macam teks
procedures yang sering dijumpai dalam kemasan 5
makanan,obat,minuman peralatan dll.Dan fungsinya
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan contoh-contoh teks procedure yang Tekun
ada di buku-buku sumber yang disediakan 8
2. Guru menjelaskan generic structure penyusunan teks 5
1. Siswa mengamati teks yang disampaikan guru dan 10 Bertanggung
mencatat hal-hal penting terkait struktur yang dipakai jawab
dalam teks Report 8 Percaya diri
2. Siswa mendengarkan dan memaknai kalimat yang Kreatif
disampaikan guru tentang melaporkan 20
/menginformasikan suatu berita
3. Siswa berlatih menyusun teks Report untuk disampaikan
secara lisan
1. Guru memberikan masukan tentang tatabahasa dan 5
ucapan 7
2. Guru memberikan penjelasan kembali tentang tata
bahasa yang telah diperlukan untuk menyusun teks 5
Report secara lisan
3. Membantu siswa yang belum menguasai
C Kegiatan Akhir
1 1. Guru menyampaikan simpulan tentang apa yang sudah 5
dipelajari siswa tentang bahasa lisan teks Report
Jumlah 80

E. Sumber Belajar
a. Let’s Talk (SMP/ MTS ), Bachtiar Bima M dkk, Pakar Raya, 2005
b. Pendalaman Materi UN Bahasa Inggris
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan/ tulis
b. Bentuk Instrument : Performance.
c. Instument :
A. Create a draft of short monolog in form of Procedure!
( How to make Flick Book ) English in Focus pg 56
B. Answer these questions.
Diambil dari Buku English In Focus pg 106.
1.Where does the dialogue take place?
2.What is the name ofthe guest ?
3.How many room did he reserve ?
4.What should he do after making the reservation ?
5.Where does he come from ?
6.What is he ?
7.What is the number of his passport ?
8.How does he intend to pay ?
9.What room is he going to stay in ?
10 .When is he going to leave the hotel ?
Rubrik penilaian:

No Uraian Skor

A Isi benar, tata bahasa benar 100

Isi benar tata bahasa kuranr tepat 75
Isi dan tata bahasa kurang tepat 50
Tidak menjawab 0

Skor maksimal : 10

Kledung, 4 Agustus 2017

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yuliana Dewi Marithawati, M.Pd Sudarmi, S.Pd

NIP 19680216 199802 2 001 NIP 19650818 198703 2 013
Students` worksheet

I.Read The following text, identify the goal, materials and the steps!

I want to tell you about how to charge the handphone battery.

We need a charger and a wall outlet . Here are the steps
1st, Connect the charger to a wall outlet
2nd, Connect the charger to the phone. The battery indicator bar starts scrolling.
If `Not charging `is displayed, wait for a while, disconnect the charger, plug it in again,
and retry. If charging still fails, contact your dealer.
3th, When the battery is fully charge, the bar stops scrolling.
disconnect the charger from the phone and the wall outlet.

II. Create a draft of short monolog in form of procedures !

Choose one of the next options !
1. Please tell us how to send message to your friends using your handphone
2. Please tell your friends how to save money in a bank
3. Tell me how to keep our body health !
4. Tell me how to make an omelet
5. Please tell me how to borrow books from the school library

SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 1 Jumo

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Genap
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca
Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar : 11. 1. Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Indikator : 1. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional berbentuk iklan
2. Mengidentifikasi gagasan umum teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan
3. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi rinci teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
4. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan
Jenis Teks : Teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan
Aspek/Skill : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu : 2 pertemuan ( 2 x 2x 40 menit)

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah menganalisa teks berbentuk iklan ,siswa dapat :
1. Menemukan tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan dengan benar
2. Menemukan gagasan umum teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan dengan tepat
3. Menemukan informasi rinci dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan dengan benar
4. Menemukan makna kata tertentu dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan dengan tepat
II. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan

Authentic Italian Pizza
By True- Blue Neapolitan Chef
A cozy little restaurant with creamy sand colored walls,
deep- tone wood counters and furnishing and natural grey stone.
Food and Beverage :
 Italian Cuisine
 Italian Pizza and Pasta
 Various Kinds of juice
 Best Italian Wine
Business Hour Details :
Sunday to Thursday : 11.30 AM to 2.30 PM
Friday to Saturday: 11.30 AM to 5.30 PM
Address :
30 Robertson Quay Riverside View # 1-14 Singapore 238251
Telp : 6567340139 Fax : 6567340652 Email :

Kosakata yang berkaitan dengan teks iklan

Business Hour Details , Address,cuisine,creamy,cozy, wine
III. III.Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique

IV. IV.Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

Tiap pertemuan dikemas dalam kegiatan sebagai berikut :
No Waktu/
Kegiatan Karakter
. Menit
A Kegiatan Awal
1 Guru memberi salam pada siswa. 5
Guru mengaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan pengalaman
siswa,dengan menunjukkan koran berbahasa inggris yang
memuat iklan
2 Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siawa gemar
membaca iklan berbahasa Inggris di koran, majalah maupun
media cetak lainnya.
B. Kegiatan Inti
1 Guru bersama siswa melakukan tanya jawab tentang hal yang 25 berani
berkaitan dengan iklan yang ada di media cetak
2 Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan tentang hal-hal yang terdapat tekun
pada iklan ( kata umum ,struktur bahasa dll )
3 Siswa mencatat hal-hal penting dalam iklan
4 Siswa mencatat kesimpulan materi tentang iklan cermat
5 Siswa menjodohkan kata terkait dengan iklan sesuai maknanya 30 cermat
6 Siawa membaca text fungsional berupa iklan tekun
7 Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi text berupa : gagasan teliti
utama, informasi rinci dan tujuan komonikatif
8 Siswa dipandu guru mengoreksi dan menilai pekerjaan teman 10 teliti
sesuai rubrik.
C Kegiatan Akhir
1 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 10
2 Guru membimbing siswa membuat rangkuman singkat
3 Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
4 Guru menugaskan siswa untuk mencari text iklan di
koran ,majalah atau media cetak lainnya
Jumlah 80

V. V.Sumber Belajar
Koran : The Jakarta Post, Sunday 22 July 2007

VI. VI.Penilaian
a.Teknik : Tes tulis.
b. Prosedur : Selama proses (butir tes sekaligus juga student’s worksheet).
c. Bentuk : Essay
d. Instrumen :
Read the text carefully
HOTEL GRAND CENTRAL 277 1885 Restaurant, Eastern & Singapore Zoo & Night
Orchard Road, Singapore Oriental Hotel 10, Lebuh Safari. 80 Mandai Lake Road.
238858.Tel(65)67378666. Fax: Farquhar, 10200 Pulau Pinang. Tel:6269 3411. Free unlimited
(65)67322204. From hotel Grand Tel:604 222 000. Luxurious Singapore zoo tram ride (worth
Central, it is near to all the setting with food served on SGD 5/adult and SGD 2.50/child
attractions of the new heart of bone China plates with between ages 3 and 12) with
Singapore. Beautiful and silverware and wine is served in every purchase of 2-in-1 Park
comfortable rooms to delight crystal glasses. A classic fine Hopper. Opening hours: 8.30
even the most seasoned dining outlet, this restaurant am to 6.00 pm (Singapore Zoo),
traveller, with all the facilities to serves American and 6.00pm to midnight (Night
expect from a superior hotel at contemporary continental Safari).
your disposal cuisine. There is small dance
floor and a resident pianist.


22 Cavenagh Road, Singapore S045, Level 2, Mid Valley SINGAPORE FISH
22 9617. Tel: (65)673379944. Megamall, Lingkaran Syed REFLEXOLOGY. 80 Siloso
Fax:(65) 67333175. The Hotel Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. Road, Sentosa, Singapore
Phoenix, a superior 4-star hotel, Tel: 603 29383187. Inspiring 098969. 40-minutes session
in the heart of Cavenagh road décor with interesting Thai (spa fish pool dip & foot
with in-room multimedia objects d’art projects reflexology) for 2 at SGD 60
computers with broadband contemporary setting. Features (usual price SGD 35 per person)
internet offers the perfect venue mainly Northern Thai cuisines 50-minute session (spa fish
for both business and leisure with helpful indications of the pool dip, foot reflexology &
travellers level of spiciness of each dish. head and shoulder massage)
for 2 at SGD 85 (usual price:
SGD 50 per person)
Answer the following questions based on the information from the text above!
1. What is the purpose of those texts?
2. Which hotel gives the best offer for businessmen?
3. How can we make reservation for both hotels?
4. Which restaurant offers both American and Chinese food?
5. Where do you go if you want to taste spicy Thai food?
6. What does Singapore Zoo & Night Safari offer?
7. How much is the tram ticket for a ten-year child?
8. How long does “The Underworld Water Singapore” serve for spa fish pool dip and food
9 What time does the Safari Night begin?
10……..superior hotel at your disposal.
The word “your” refers to …………..

1. To give information about the facilities 6. Park Hopper and Night safari
2. Hotel Phoenix 7. SGD 2.50
3. By telephone and fax 8. 50 minutes
4. 1885 Restaurant 9. At 6.00 p.m.
5. To Amarin Heavenly Thai Restaurant 10. The reader
Pedoman Penilaian :
Tiap nomor benar diberi skor :4 Skor perolehan
Skor maksimal : 10 X 4 = 40 Nilai = -------------------- X 100
Nilai maksimal : 100 Skor Maksimal
Rubrik Penilaian :


1 s.d 10 Setiap jawaban benar, pilihan kata tepat dan ejaan benar 4
Setiap jawaban benar, pilihan kata kurang tepat dan ejaan benar 3
Setiap jawaban benar, pilihan kata dan ejaan kurang tepat 2
Setiap jawaban kurang tepat, pilihan kata dan ejaan salah 1
Tidak ada jawaban sama sekali 0

Jumo, 16 Juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dwi Margiyani, S.Pd, M.Pd Winarno, S.Pd

NIP 19671121 199802 2 003 NIP 19660806 198903 1 010
Notice this text , state What kind of text it is. Answer the questions orally!
Where do you usually find them?
What are they used for?
What information can you get from the advertisements?
What do they usually offer?
TASK 2 Work in pair!
Match the following words with their meaning!

1 Splash (V) a. feeling of excitement
2 Waters (N) b. to challenge somebody to do something dangerous or difficult
3 Dare (Adj) c. very uncontrolled and excited
4 Journey (N) d. mass of water in lake or sea
5 Thrilling (Adj) e. move or fall in drops
6 Adventure (N) f. traveling to a place
7 Wild (Adj) g. exciting or dangerous journey

Read the advertisement and match the main information with their part

Scream and splash your way into the “Waters of Africa”

Part 1 Scream and splash your way into the “Waters of Africa”, the theme park’s
newest attraction. Dare to take a journey into the African wilderness with
new, out-of-this-world thrilling and exciting water riders in Malaysia’s only
African-themed Water Park.
Part 2 A wild African adventure waits for those who dare!
You have to see it to believe it.
Part 3 Contact us:
3,Jalan PJS 11/11,
Bandar Sunway,
46150 Petaling Jaya
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel number: 603-5639 0000

NO Information Part
1 Where to go
2 The description of the water park
3 Persuading readers to visit it

Answer these questions based on the advertisement, and then discuss with your partner!
What is the purpose of the text above?
According to the text, who can visit the water park?
What does the water park look like?
What does “African-theme water park” mean?
“You have to see it to believe it”.
The underlined word refers to …….

Find similar advertisement in magazine or newspaper and stick it on the display board!



KD 5.1
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Kledung
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana
berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 5.1.Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk proedures dan report dengan ucapan , tekanan
dan intonasi yang berterima
Indikator : 1. Membaca dengan pronounciation dan intonation yang benar
2. Menentukan tujuan komonikatif teks berbentuk procedures dan
3. Menemukan informasi tersurat yang ada pada teks proedures dan
4. Menemukan informasi rinci tersirat yang ada pada teks procedures
dan report
5. Menentukan gambaran umum teks procedures dan report
6. Menentukan rujukan kata tertentu dari teks procedure dan report
7. Menentukan makna kata/frasa yang terdapat dalam teks proedures
8. Menentukan ide pokok suatu paragraph dalam teks proedures
Jenis Teks : Essei: Reports and Procedures
Aspek/Skill : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu : 4 pertemuan ( 8 x 40 menit )

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama (1 )
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat :
1. Membaca teks procedures dengan pronounciation dan intonation yang benar
2. Menentukan tujuan komonikatif teks berbentuk procedure
3. Menemukan informasi tersurat yang ada pada teks procedure
4. Menemukan informasi rinci tersirat yang ada pada teks procedure
Pertemuan Kedua (2 )
5. Menentukan gambaran umum teks procedure
6. Menentukan rujukan kata tertentu pada teks procedure
7. Menentukan makna kata/frasa yang terdapat dalam teks procedure
8. Menentukan ide pokok suatu paragraph dalam teks procedure

Pertemuan Ketiga (3 )
5. Membaca teks report dengan intonasi dan ucapan yang benar
6. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berbentuk report
7. Menentukan inforrmasi tersurat pada teks berbentuk report
8. Menentukan informasi rinci /tersirat pada teks berbentuk report
Pertemuan Keempat (4 )
5 .Menentukan gambaran umum teks report
6 ..Menentukan rujukan kata tertentu pada teks report
7 .Menentukan makna kata /frasa tertentu pada teks report
8 .Menentukan ide pokok suatu paragraf tertentu pada teks report

B. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks essei : Reports

The Octopus is a sea animal with eight powerful feet which it uses as hands. These are called
tentacles. The word “Octopus” comes from two greet words that mean “eight feet”. The octopus, the
squid and the cattle fish belong to the same family that has no outside shells.
Their bodies are covered entirely with skin. Therefore the body of an octopus is soft. It looks
like a big balloon. A fully-grown octopus can be as large as 8,5 metres from the tip of one tentacles
to the tip of another. It can weigh as much as 45 kilograms.
Besides using its tentacles to catch small fish, sea plants, crab and lobsters, the octopus also
uses them against its enemies. The octopus wraps its tentacles around the victim and squeezes it
before eating it. The octopus escapes from its enemies by giving out a thick dark liquid to darken the
water. It can also change the colour of its body to match its surroundings. It hides from its enemies
by doing this.

*Langkah retorika teks report

*Tenses : Simple present tense
*Tujuan komonikatif
*Informasi tersurat
*Informasi rinci tersirat
*Gambaran umum

C. Metode / Teknik : Three Phase Technique

Whilst reading
Post reading

D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Setiap pertemuan dikemas dalam kegiatan sbb :

No. Kegiatan Waktu/ Ket

A Kegiatan Awal
1 Guru Mengucapkan salam dan bertanya jawab terkait materi 3 santun
pembelajaran dengan membandingkan teks report dan
deskriptive yang pernah dipelajari
2 Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siswa gemar 2
membaca dan menyadari manfaat membaca teks report untuk
menambah pengetahuan
1 Guru memberi contoh teks report dan menjelaskan ``gereric
structure``teks tersebut 15 berani

2 Guru menjelaskan cirri-ciri kebahasaan teks report ,cara

memaknai frasa ,kalimat active dan kalimat passive
3 Guru memberikan contoh beberapa teks report dalam berbagai
topic untuk dianalisa
1 Siswa membaca dan memaknai teks report yang disajikan guru 10 Berfikir
secara kelompok logis
2 Siswa mencari arti kata,frasa ,kalimat dalam teks yang 5 cermat
mempermudah untuk memaknai isi teks secara lengkap
3 Siswa mencari informasi /menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan isi
teks secara kelompok 20 Berfikir
4 Siswa berlatih membaca teks dengan lafal dan intonasi yg benar logis
1 Guru membahas hasil pekerjaan siswa / menememberikan 10 kritis
masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan terkait dengan materi
2 Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari dan membaca teks report di
buku sumber yang ditentukan oleh guru
3 Guru memberikan penegasan kembali terhadap materi
B Kegiatan Akhir
1 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 5
2 Guru menugaskan siswa untuk mencari text pengumuman di 3 Tanggun
koran ,majalah atau media cetak lainnya g jawab
Jumlah 80
E. Sumber Belajar : English for Junior High School 3
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes tulis
b. Prosedur : Selama proses
c. Bentuk : Pilihan ganda
d. Instrumen : Read the text
Leeches are slimy worms with two suckers, a big one at the rear end and a smaller one at the
mouth. They also have powerful muscles which enable them to expand and contract their bodies.
Most leeches live off the blood of other creatures. A leech attaches itself to its victim by
piercing its skin and secretes a substance which prevents the blood from clotting.
Then it sucks up the blood. As it sucks, it expands so many times its normal size. Once a leech
attaches itself to its victim, it is very difficult to remove. However, if you put salt on it, it soon falls off
and dies.
Many years ago, people believed that some dieses were caused because a patient had too
much blood in his/her body. Doctors would then attach leeches on to the patient .Some leeches in
fact, were specially bred for this purpose.

1. How many suckers does a leech have ?

A. One B. Two C. Three D Four
2. What does the leeches live off ?
A. Blood B. Worms C. Muscles D. Salt
3. Based on the text, What can you do to take a leech off your skin ?
A. Pouring some water on it C. Putting it off
B Pouring some salt on it . D. Cutting it off
4. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. To tell about the leeches in general C. To amuse the readers
B. To tell about how to breed leeches D. To offer the leeches
5. .......used the leeches to cure the patients
A. doctor B. patient C. victim D. people

VII. Pedoman Penilaian dan Rubrik Penilaian

Setiap nomor score max 2

Jumlah score max : 10

Jumo, 16 Juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dwi Margiyani, S.Pd, M.Pd Winarno, S.Pd

NIP 19671121 199802 2 003 NIP 19660806 198903 1 010

KD 10.2
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 1 Jumo
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Genap
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog
pendek sederhana berbentuk narative dan report untuk berinteraksi
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar : 10.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks
berbentuk narative dan report.
Indikator : 1. Menyebutkan bagian- bagian teks report dan narrative
2. Menyebutkan ciri- ciri kebahasaan teks report dan narrative
3. Melakukan monolog pendek teks narrative/report secara lisan
Jenis Teks : Teks essei : Narative /report
Aspek/Skill : Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu : 1 Pertemuan (2 x 40 menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mendengarkan text narrative lisan , siswa dapat :
1. Menyebutkan bagian- bagian dari teks report /narrative dengan benar
2. Menyebutkan ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks report /narrative yang didengar dengan benar
3. Melakukan monolog pendek teks narrative / report didepan kelas dengan lafal dan
strukturyang benar

B. B.Materi Pembelajaran
Contoh Teks monolog berbentuk Narative

Once upon time ,a grandmother and her granddaughter lived in Roti island, Nusa Tenggara
Timur. They had a field and grew some vegetables. The grandmother sold them at the market.
One morning, the grandmother would go to the market. Before she left, she asked her
granddaughter to cook, “ Please cook some rice for lunch. But just cook one grain of rice. Its enough
for both of us. “ Why Grandma ?” asked the girl. “ Just do what I said “ The grandmother said and
then left for the market.
Later the girl started to cook. However, she thought a grain wouldn`t be enough for them.
Then she took two handfuls of rice. Suddenly, something bad happened to the rice pot.
“ Oh, No ! The rice flowed out of the pot ! “ Shouted the girl. “ What should I do ?’
“The rice became porridge. It flowed and flowed until it covered the kitchen”.
Suddenly, the grandmother came home. The girl explained what happened.
“ You are naughty girl ! Why didn`t you listen to me ?” The grandmother was so angry. She hit the
girl with a wooden stick. “ Please forgive me grandma “ The girl cried and cried. But, the grandmother
kept hitting her. Then, an incredible thing happened !. The girl turned in to a monkey. The monkey
then ran away and climbed a tree. The grandmother chased the monkey. From the tree the monkey
said: “ Grandma ,I am a monkey now. I can not live with you anymore. You are alone.”Then the
monkey climbed and disappeared.
The grandmother was very sad. She regretted what she was done to her beloved
granddaughter “Please come back to me. Please forgive me my granddaughter ! But it was too late.
The little girl has turned into a monkey and never come home.
C. Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique

D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
No. Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal
1 Guru memberi salam 10 Santun
2 Guru menanyakan presensi siswa Berani
3 Guru Memberi motivasi pada siswa agar siswa berani berekspre
bercerita secara lesan si
4 Guru bertanya jawab pada siswa tentang teks narrative yang
pernah dipelajari sebelumnya
5 Guru bertanya jawab tentang generic structure teks narrative
B Kegiatan inti
1 Guru menjelaskan perbedaan narrative dengan teks lainnya 18
2 Guru menjelaskan generic structure / bagian –bagian teks
3 Guru memberikan beberapa contoh teks narative secara lisan
4 Guru memberikan gambit- gambit yang sesuai dengan materi
1 Guru memberikan tugas pada siswa untuk mencari teks
narrative pada buku sumber yang disediakan guru 10
2 Siswa menyusun draft monolog pendek teks narrative 15 Percaya
3 Siswa melakukan monolog pendek di depan teman-temannya 7 Percaya
1 Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 5
berdasarkan penyajian siswa siswa. Berfikir
2 Guru memberikan penegasan kembali terhadap materi 5 kritis
C Kegiatan Akhir
1 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 12
2 Guru memberi penegasan tentang apa yang dipelajari
Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
3 Guru menugaskan siswa untuk membaca teks narrative dan
4 berlatih menceritakan dengan bahasa sendiri.
Jumlah 80

E. Sumber Belajar
Buku teks : Let`s Talk , English in Focus IX
Teks Modul Bahasa inggris hal 24 ( Meda )
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan
b. Bentuk Instrument : Performance.
c. Instrument :
Read the text carefully !

Once upon time ,a grandmother and her granddaughter lived in Roti island, Nusa Tenggara
Timur. They had a field and grew some vegetables. The grandmother sold them at the market.
One morning, the grandmother would go to the market. Before she left, she asked her grand
daughter to cook, “Please cook some rice for lunch. But just cook one grain of rice. Its enough for
both of us. “Why Grandma?” asked the girl. “Just do what I said “The grandmother said and then left
for the market.
Later the girl started to cook. However, she thought a grain wouldn`t be enough for them. Then
she took two handfuls of rice. Suddenly, something bad happened to the rice pot.
“ Oh, No ! The rice flowed out of the pot! “Shouted the girl. “What should I do?’
“The rice became porridge. It flowed and flowed until it covered the kitchen”.
Suddenly, the grandmother came home. The girl explained what happened.
“You are naughty girl! Why didn`t you listen to me?” The grandmother was so angry. She hit the girl
with a wooden stick. “Please forgive me grandma“. The girl cried and cried. But, the grandmother
kept hitting her. Then, an incredible thing happened!. The girl turned in to a monkey. The monkey
then ran away and climbed a tree. The grandmother chased the monkey. From the tree the monkey
said: “Grandma, I am a monkey now. I can not live with you anymore. You are alone.”Then the
monkey climbed and disappeared.
The grandmother was very sad. She regretted what she was done to her beloved granddaughter
“Please come back to me. Please forgive me my granddaughter! But it was too late. The little girl has
turned into a monkey and never come home.

A. State the part name of each paragraph !

1. 1.Paragraph 1 is the part of ………..
2. 2.Paragraph 2 is the part of………..
3. 3.Paragraph 3 is the part of …........
4. 4.Paragraph 2 is the part of………..
5. 5.Paragraph 3 is the part of …........

B. Identify the following sentences , state the subject, predicate and object.
1. Once upon time ,a grandmother and her grand daughter lived in Roti island, Nusa Tenggara
2. They had a field and grew some vegetables.
3. The grandmother sold them at the market.
4. One morning, the grandmother would go to the market.
5. Before she left, she asked her granddaughter to cook, “Please cook some rice for lunch. But
just cook one grain of rice. Its enough for both of us
C. Find a simple narrative text and retell in a simple language !
Kunci Jawaban :
I.1. Orientation
2. Orientation
3. Complication
4. Resolotion
5. Re oreantation

1. Once upon time, a grandmother and her grand daughter lived in Roti island, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Adverb of time S P Adv.of place
2. They had a field and grew some vegetables.
3. The grandmother sold them at the market.
S P O Adv. of place
4. One morning, the grandmother would go to the market.
Adv of time S P Ad.of place
5. Before she left, she asked her granddaughter to cook, “ Please cook some rice for lunch.
Ad of time S P O

VI. Pedoman Penilaian

A ,B. Skor maksimal =2
. Nilai maksimal = 100
Nilai siswa = skor perolehan x 100
skor maksimal
B. Penilaian
Skor maksimal = 10
. Nilai maksimal = 100
Nilai siswa = skor perolehan x 100
skor maksimal
Aspek Keterangan skor
1. Pengucapan Mudah dipahami dan memiliki aksen penutur asli. 5
Mudah dipahami meskipun dengan aksen tertentu. 4
Ada masalah pengucapan yang memuat pendengar harus 3
konsentrasi penuh dan kadang- kadang ada kesalapahaman
Sulit dipahami karena ada masalah pengucapan sering 2
diminta mengulang
Masalah pengucapan serius sehingga tidak bisa dipahami 1
2. Tata bahasa Tidak ada / Sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa 5
Kadang –kadang membuat kesalahan tata bahasa tetapi 4
mempengaruhi makna
Sering ,membuat kesalahan tata bahasa 3
Banyak kesalahan bahasa dan sering menata ulang kalimat 2
Kesalahan tata bahasa begitu parah 1

Jumo, 16 Juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dwi Margiyani, S.Pd, M.Pd Winarno, S.Pd

NIP 19671121 199802 2 003 NIP 19660806 198903 1 010


KD 10.1
SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 1 Jumo
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Gasal
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog
pendek sederhana berbentuk narative dan report untuk berinteraksi
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar : 10.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks
berbentuk narative dan report.
Indikator : 1. Menyebutkan bagian- bagian teks report dan narative
2, Menyebutkan ciri- ciri kebahasaan teks report dan narrative
3. Melakukan monolog pendek teks narrative/report secara lisan
Jenis Teks : Teks essei : report
Aspek/Skill : Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu : 1 Pertemuan (2 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Menyebutkan bagian- bagian dari teks report dengan benar
2. Menyebutkan ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks report yang didengar.
3. Melakukan monolog pendek teks report di depan kelasdengan ucapan dan struktur yang
B. Materi Pembelajaran
Contoh Teks monolog berbentuk Report
Penguins are birds that can not fly. There are eighteen different species. They are all splendid
swimmers and can propel themselves through the water at a rate of 30 kilometers per hour. They
only in the southern seas of the world. Australia continent, New Zealand, South Africa and southern
South America. Those that live in the snow and ice can not build nests.
The biggest are the emperor penguins which stand about 1.2 meters and weigh about 75
kilograms. When a female lays an egg, it is the male that keeps it off the ice by resting it on top of his
feet. When the chick hatches, the male, which will not have eaten for two months, then goes off to
feed, while the female stays with the chick to feed and protect it.
Adelie penguins gather in huge colonies, sometimes as many as half a million in one group.
Rock hopper penguins are so called because of the way they hop from rock to rock. They
have long crests on their head. Their chicks are covered with soft down when hatched. They are
helpless at first and need to be looked after and fed for several weeks.
C. Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique
D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
No. Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal
1 Guru memberi salam Santun
2 Guru menanyakan presensi siswa 7
3 Guru Memberi motivasi pada siswa agar siswa berani melakukan Berani
monologue berekspresi
4 Guru bertanya jawab pada siswa tentang teks report yang pernah
dipelajari sebelumnya
5 Guru bertanya jawab tentang generic structure teks report

B Kegiatan inti
1 Guru menjelaskan perbedaan teks report dan teks deskripsi.
2 Guru menjelaskan generic structure / bagian –bagian teks report 18
3 Guru memberikan beberapa contoh teks report secara lisan
4 Guru memberikan gambit- gambit yang sesuai dengan materi
1 Guru memberikan tugas pada siswa untuk mencari teks report 10
pada buku sumber yang disediakan guru
2 Siswa menyusun draft monolog pendek teks report secara runtut 15 Percaya diri
3 Siswa melakukan monolog pendek di depan teman-temannya. 7 Menghargai
1 Guru memberikan masukan dan penjelasan – penjelasan 5 Berfikir
berdasarkan penyajian siswa siswa. kritis
2 Guru memberikan penegasan kembali terhadap materi 5
C Kegiatan Akhir
1 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 12
2 Guru memberi penegasan tentang apa yang dipelajari
3 Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
4 Guru menugaskan siswa untuk membaca teks report dan berlatih
menceritakan dengan bahasa sendiri.
Jumlah 80

E. Sumber Belajar
Buku teks : Let`s Talk , English in Focus IX
Teks Modul Bahasa inggris hal 24 ( Meda )
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan
b. Bentuk : Performance.
c. Instrument :

Read the text carefully !


Penguins are birds that can not fly. There are eighteen different species. They are all splendid
swimmers and can propel themselves through the water at a rate of 30 kilometers per hour. They
only in the southern seas of the world. Australia continent, New Zealand, South Africa and southern
South America. Those that live in the snow and ice can not build nests.
The biggest are the emperor penguins which stand about 1.2 meters and weigh about 75
kilograms. When a female lays an egg, it is the male that keeps it off the ice by resting it on top of his
feet. When the chick hatches, the male, which will not have eaten for two months, then goes off to
feed, while the female stays with the chick to feed and protect it.
Adelie penguins gather in huge colonies, sometimes as many as half a million in one group.
Rock hopper penguins are so called because of the way they hop from rock to rock. They
have long crests on their head. Their chicks are covered with soft down when hatched. They are
helpless at first and need to be looked after and fed for several weeks.

A. State the part name of each paragraph !

1. 1.Paragraph 1 is the part of ………..
2. 2.Paragraph 2 is the part of………..
3. 3.Paragraph 3 is the part of …........
4. 4.Paragraph 2 is the part of………..
5. 5.Paragraph 3 is the part of …........

B. Identify the following sentences , state the predicate of each sentence !

1. Penguins are birds that can not fly.
2. When a female lays an egg
3. They are all splendid swimmers and can propel themselves through the water at a rate of 30
kilometers per hour.
4. They only in the southern seas of the world. Australia continent, New Zealand, South Africa
and southern South America.
5. Those that live in the snow and ice can not build nests.
C. Write a simple recount text and and do monologue in front of your class !
Kunci Jawaban :
I. 1. General classification
2. Description of the largest Pinguin
3. Description of the Adelie Pinguin
4. Description of the Rock hopper penguins
1. Penguins are birds that can not fly.
2. When a female lays an egg
3. They are all splendid swimmers and can propel themselves through the water at a rate of 30
kilometers per hour.
4. They are only in the southern seas of the world. Australia continent, New Zealand,
South Africa and southern South America.
5. Those that live in the snow and ice can not build nests.

VI. Pedoman Penilaian

A ,B. Skor maksimal =2
. Nilai maksimal = 100
Nilai siswa = skor perolehan x 100
skor maksimal
Skor maksimal = 10
. Nilai maksimal = 100
Nilai siswa = skor perolehan x 100
skor maksimal

Aspek Keterangan Skor

1. Pengucapan Mudah dipahami dan memiliki aksen penutur asli. 5
Mudah dipahami meskipun dengan aksen tertentu. 4
Ada masalah pengucapan yang memuat pendengar harus 3
konsentrasi penuh dan kadang- kadang ada kesalapahaman
Sulit dipahami karena ada masalah pengucapan sering 2
diminta mengulang
Masalah pengucapan serius sehingga tidak bisa dipahami 1
2. Tata bahasa Tidak ada / Sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa 5
Kadang –kadang membuat kesalahan tata bahasa tetapi 4
mempengaruhi makna
Sering ,membuat kesalahan tata bahasa 3
Banyak kesalahan bahasa dan sering menata ulang kalimat 2
Kesalahan tata bahasa begitu para 1

Jumo, 16 Juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dwi Margiyani, S.Pd, M.Pd Winarno, S.Pd

NIP 19671121 199802 2 003 NIP 19660806 198903 1 010



SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 1 Jumo

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Genap
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca
Memahami makna teks fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 11.1. Memahami makna teks fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
Indikator : 1. Membaca dengan pronounciation dan intonation yang benar
2. Menyebutkan bagian – bagian surat pribadi
Jenis Teks : Teks Fungsional pendek : Iklan dan surat pribadi
Aspek Skills : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan (2 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Membaca nyaring teks iklan dan surat pribadi dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar
2. Menyebutkan bagian-bagian surat pribadi dengan benar
3. Menyebutkan tujuan surat pribadi dengan benar
B. Materi Pembelajaran
Iklan dan Surat Pribadi

Favourite stories
Good news for bookworms.
Pay only Rp300,000 for a set ofstory books in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
All books written by our internal writers.
If you buy now, you get 10%discount on your purchases!
Don’t miss this fantastic offer!
Famous Fables
Don’t miss this great offer!
A set of the most read children’s stories written by both local and foreign writers.
Get fifteen books for only Rp400,000.
Available at all bookstores.

Namie <Namie @>

From : john>
Date and time : June I,2009. 20:30
Subject : Next month visit
Dear Namie,
A good friend of mine, Wanda, will visit Tokyo next month. She would like to attend Ikebana classes while she
is there. Ikebana is becoming more and more popular these days in America, but there are few people who can
teach it.
Could you help her find a class in Tokyo ? I know you have taken Ikebana Classes, and I thought you might
have some information or a telephone number to contact. Please just show her how to get there. If she can
attend a class or two,she can tell her friends here in Portland what a real Japanese Ikebana class is like. I`m sure
she will enjoy it.
If you can help, Wanda and I would both be very thankful. After June 25, you can get in touch with her at the
Princess Hotel, 3456 – 9876, or if you, that`s also quite alright.
Thanks, Namie.
Best wishes,

Letter has variety purposes such as :

To give or request news
To share your feeling
To thank or apogize
To renew contact with someone
To respond to a letter that has been sent to ypu
To make arrangements
To ask information about something
C. Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique
D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
No Kegiatan Waktu/ Karakter
. Menit
A Kegiatan Awal
1 Guru memberi salam 2 Santun
2 Guru menanyakan presensi siswa 3
3 Guru Memberi motivasi pada siswa agar siswa gemar 2 Menumbuh
membaca teks kan rasa
4 Guru bertanya jawab pada siswa tentang karakter teks iklan dan 4 percaya
surat pribadi yang pernah dipelajari sebelumnya diri
5 Guru mengucapkan beberapa kata terkait dehgan teks yang akan 4
baca ditirukan semua siswa
B. Kegiatan Inti
1 Guru memberikan beberapa contoh surat pribadi menjelaskan 8
bagian surat dan iklan serta menjelaskan teknik-teknik membaca Bekerja
2 Secara bergantian siswa membaca iklan dan surat pribadi dalam 15 sama
kelompoknya untuk melatih lafal dan intonasi
1 Secara bergantian siswa membaca sebuah surat dalam 10
kelompoknya. Bertanggu
2 Siswa yang lain mendengarkan dan membetulkan jika ada 8 ng jawab
kesalahan dalam mengucapkan kata/kalimat dalam surat tersebut
3 Secara kelompok siswa menyebutkan bagian-bagian surat pribadi. 8
1 Guru bersama siswa membahas bagian – bagian dari surat pribadi 10
Guru mengoreksi kesalahan siswa serta memberikan contoh
2 pronounciation dan intonasi yang benar .
C Kegiatan Akhir
1 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 2
2 Guru membimbing siswa membuat rangkuman singkat tentang 5
bagian –bagian surat
3 Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi 3
4 Guru menugaskan siswa untuk membaca nyaring teks surat pribadi 2
dan iklan yang dijumpai
Jumlah 80

E. Sumber Belajar
Pendalaman Materi UN Bahasa Inggris
Practice your English (page 10 )
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lesan /membaca nyaring
b. Prosedur : Selama proses
c. Bentuk : Tindak tutur
d. Instrumen :

A. Read the text loudly !

Favourite stories
Good news for bookworms.
Pay only Rp300,000 for a set ofstory books in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
All books written by our internal writers.
If you buy now, you get 10%discount on your purchases!
Don’t miss this fantastic offer!
Famous Fables
Don’t miss this great offer!
A set of the most read children’s stories written by both local and foreign writers.
Get fifteen books for only Rp400,000.
Available at all bookstores.

Namie <Namie @>

From : john>
Date and time : June I,2009. 20:30
Subject : Next month visit
Dear Namie,
A good friend of mine, Wanda, will visit Tokyo next month. She would like to attend Ikebana classes while she
is there. Ikebana is becoming more and more popular these days in America, but there are few people who can
teach it.
Could you help her find a class in Tokyo ? I know you have taken Ikebana Classes, and I thought you might
have some information or a telephone number to contact. Please just show her how to get there. If she can
attend a class or two,she can tell her friends here in Portland what a real Japanese Ikebana class is like. I`m sure
she will enjoy it.
If you can help, Wanda and I would both be very thankful. After June 25, you can get in touch with her at the
Princess Hotel, 3456 – 9876, or if you, that`s also quite alright.
Thanks, Namie.
Best wishes,

B. Mention the parts of the the letter above !

C. What is the purpose of the letter above ?
Kunci Jawaban :
Address Salutation /greeting Ending
The date Date and time Name
Addressee Body /contain Signature
Nurma Penilaian :
Soal A nilai maksimal 5
Soal B nilai maksimal 5
Soal C nilai maksimal 10
Rubrik Penilaian :
No Uraian Skor
Lafalbenar, intonasi benar 10
C Lafal benar intonasi kurang tepat 7
Lafal dan intonasi kurang tepat 5
Tidak menjawab 0
Score : Jumlah nilai x 100 = 100
Jumo, 16 Juli 2016
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dwi Margiyani, S.Pd, M.Pd Winarno, S.Pd

NIP 19671121 199802 2 003 NIP 19660806 198903 1 010

Student`s worksheet

D. Read the text loudly!

Favourite stories
Good news for bookworms.
Pay only Rp300,000 for a set ofstory books in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
All books written by our internal writers.
If you buy now, you get 10%discount on your purchases!
Don’t miss this fantastic offer!
Famous Fables
Don’t miss this great offer!
A set of the most read children’s stories written by both local and foreign writers.
Get fifteen books for only Rp400,000.
Available at all bookstores.

Namie <Namie @>

From : john>
Date and time : June I,2009. 20:30
Subject : Next month visit
Dear Namie,
A good friend of mine, Wanda, will visit Tokyo next month. She would like to attend Ikebana
classes while she is there. Ikebana is becoming more and more popular these days in America,
but there are few people who can teach it.
Could you help her find a class in Tokyo ? I know you have taken Ikebana Classes, and I
thought you might have some information or a telephone number to contact. Please just show
her how to get there. If she can attend a class or two,she can tell her friends here in Portland
what a real Japanese Ikebana class is like. I`m sure she will enjoy it.
If you can help, Wanda and I would both be very thankful. After June 25, you can get in
touch with her at the Princess Hotel, 3456 – 9876, or if you, that`s also quite alright.
Thanks, Namie.
Best wishes,

E. Mention the parts of the the letter above !

Example : Namie <Namie @> is the part of addressee
From : john> is the part of ...........
Date and time : June I,2009. 20:30 is the part of ..........

F. What is the purpose of the letter above ?


KD. 11.2

SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 1 Jumo

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX / Genap
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca
Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar : 11. 2. Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
Indikator : 1. Menentukan tujuan komonikatif surat pribadi dan iklan
2. Menemukan gambaran umum /topic surat pribadi dan iklan
3. Menemukan informasi rinci tersirat pada surat pribadi dan iklan
4. Menemukan informasi tertentu pada surat pribadi dan iklan
5. Menentukan rujukan kata tertentu
Jenis Teks : Teks tulis fungsional pendek : Surat pribadi dan iklan
Aspek/Skill : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan ( 2 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Menemukan tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional pendek berbentuk surat pribadi dan iklan
2. Menemukan gambaran umum teks fungsional pendek berbentuk surat pribadi dan iklan
3. Menemukan informasi rinci dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk surat pribadi dan iklan
4. Menemukan makna kata tertentu dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk surat pribadi
5. Menemukan rujukan kata tertentu yang ada pada teks fungsional berbentuk surat pribadi
B. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk surat pribadi dan iklan iklan

Jl. Surtikanti 10
Denpasar 21010

November 15,2009
Lucy Mutiara
Jl.Panglima Polim 2
Jakarta 12983

Dear Lucy
My parents and I are in Bali now. We are staying in Nusa Dua Beach Hotel. Our roomis big and cozy. It
is viewing the beach!
This is my second visit to Bali and Bali is still wonderful. There are many things to see and to do here.
The beaches and temples are amazing. The ceremonies are also interesting.
So far, we have shopped a lot. I bought some t-shirts and hundres of wooden accessories. MyMom
bought a beautitul statue and my Dad bought a large painting ! The painting is not only beautiful but also
very expensive.
I will return to Malang next week. Hope to see you again soon !

Authentic Italian Pizza
By True- Blue Neapolitan Chef
A cozy little restaurant with creamy sand colored walls,
deep- tone wood counters and furnishing and natural grey stone.
Food and Beverage :
Italian Cuisine
Italian Pizza and Pasta
Various Kinds of juice
Best Italian Wine
Business Hour Details :
Sunday to Thursday : 11.30 AM to 2.30 PM
Friday to Saturday: 11.30 AM to 5.30 PM
Address : 30 Robertson Quay Riverside View # 1-14 Singapore 238251
Telp : 6567340139 Fax : 6567340652 Email :
Kosakata yang berkaitan dengan teks iklan
Business Hour Details , Address,cuisine,creamy,cozy, wine
C. Metode / Teknik : Three – phase technique
D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
No. Kegiatan Karakter
A Kegiatan Awal
1 Guru memberi salam 2
2 Guru menanyakan presensi siswa 2 Santun
3 Guru Memberi motivasi siswa agar gemar membaca teks 2
4 Guru bertanya jawab pada siswa tentang karakter teks iklan dan 5 Percaya diri
surat pribadi yang pernah dipelajari sebelumnya
5 Guru bertanya jawab tentang informasi penting yang perlu 5
diidentifikasi pada teks iklan dan surat pribadi
B. Kegiatan Inti
1 Guru meminta siswa mencari beberapa teks berbentuk surat 5
pribadi dan iklan di buku sumber yang disediakan
2 Siswa diminta menyebutkan gambaran umum dan tujuan 4
komonikatif secara lesan
1 Secara kelompok siswa membaca contoh teks berupa surat 5
pribadi dan iklan yang disediakan oleh guru. Secara kelompok Menghargai
2 siswa mencari gagasan utama dan informasi – informasi lain 20 pendapat
sesuai dengan soal orang lain
3 Siswa mencari tujuan komonikatif dari teks-teks berbentuk surat 5
pribadi dan surat iklan tsb
4. Siswa melakukan kroscek jawaban dengan kelompok lain 5
1 Guru memberikan masukan atas hasil pekerjaan siswa 8
2 Guru menegaskan kembali materi yang dipelajari 3
3 Guru memberikan bantuan bagi siswa yang mengalami kesulitan 3
C Kegiatan Akhir
1 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa ,sebagai feetback 2
2 Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi 2
3 Guru menugaskan siswa untuk mencari dan membaca text iklan 2 Kreatif
di koran ,majalah atau media cetak lainnya Cinta ilmu
Jumlah 80

E. IV. Sumber Belajar

Koran : The Jakarta Post, Sunday 22 July 2007
F. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes tulis.
b. Prosedur : Selama proses
c. Bentuk : Essei
d. Instrumen :
Read the texts and answer the questions !
Jl. Surtikanti 10
Denpasar 21010
November 15, 2009
Lucy Mutiara
Jl.Panglima Polim 2
Jakarta 12983
Dear Lucy
My parents and I are in Bali now. We are staying in Nusa Dua Beach Hotel. Our roomis big
and cozy. It is viewing the beach!
This is my second visit to Bali and Bali is still wonderful. There are many things to see and to
do here. The beaches and temples are amazing. The ceremonies are also interesting.
So far, we have shopped a lot. I bought some t-shirts and hundres of wooden accessories.
MyMom bought a beautitul statue and my Dad bought a large painting ! The painting is not only
beautiful but also very expensive.
I will return to Malang next week. Hope to see you again soon !

1. What is the purpose of the text ?

2. What is the letter about ?
3. How many things did the Astuti`s family buy ?
4. Our room is big and cozy. It is viewing the beach !
5. The synonym of the woed`` Cozy`` is .......
6. Hope to see you again !
7. The word ‘You’ refers to……

Authentic Italian Pizza
By True- Blue Neapolitan Chef
A cozy little restaurant with creamy sand colored walls,
deep- tone wood counters and furnishing and natural grey stone.
Food and Beverage :
Italian Cuisine
Italian Pizza and Pasta
Various Kinds of juice
Best Italian Wine
Business Hour Details :
Sunday to Thursday : 11.30 AM to 2.30 PM
Friday to Saturday: 11.30 AM to 5.30 PM
Address : 30 Robertson Quay Riverside View # 1-14 Singapore 238251
Telp : 6567340139 Fax : 6567340652 Email :
Kosakata yang berkaitan dengan teks iklan
Business Hour Details , Address,cuisine,creamy,cozy, wine

6. The text is written to ..................

7. What is the text about ?
8. What does BELLA PIZZA provide ?
9. Italian`` Cuisine``. The synonym of the word `` Cuisine`` is .......
10. ``Our`` business Hour Details . The word` our `refers to .....

Kunci Jawaban :
1. To give information about the writer`s activity in Bali
2. The writer`s visiting to Bali
3. They bought 4 kinds of thing
4. Comfortable
5. Lucy
6. To advertise the Italian restaurant
7. The advertisement of Bella Pizza restaurant
8. Food and beverage
9. Cooking
10. Bella Pizza
Rubrik Penilaian
1 s.d 10 Setiap jawaban benar, pilihan kata tepat dan ejaan benar 4
Setiap jawaban benar, pilihan kata kurang tepat dan ejaan benar 3
Setiap jawaban benar, pilihan kata dan ejaan kurang tepat 2
Setiap jawaban kurang tepat, pilihan kata dan ejaan salah 1
Tidak ada jawaban sama sekali 0
Score maksimal = Jumlah nilai x 100 = 100
Jumo, 16 Juli 2012
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dwi Margiyani, S.Pd, M.Pd Winarno, S.Pd

NIP 19671121 199802 2 003 NIP 19660806 198903 1 010

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