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Fakultas Hukum

Universitas Muhammadiyah
Sumatera Utara


Erlindawaty, S.Pd., M.Pd 0

Taufik Hidayat Lubis, S.S., S.H., M.H
Kata Pengantar

Syukur Alhamdulillah saya ucapkan kehadirat Allah SWT, hanya berkat taufiq dan
hidayah Allah SWT semata penulis dapat menyusun modul mata kuliah Manajemen
Kompensasi ini. Salawat dan salam semoga tetap dilimpahkan kepada Nabi besar
Muhammad SAW. Modul ini adalah materi kuliah dari mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris
Hukum di Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara.
Modul mata kuliah ini sangat diperlukan bagi setiap mahasiswa/i untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris agar mampu bersaing dalam dunia praktisi
hukum baik secara nasional maupun internasional, maka dari pada itu penulis merasa
mempunyai tanggung jawab yang cukup besar dalam menanamkan dan memupuk nilai
serta merupakan dasar yang essensial.
Tentu dalam penyusunan ini memiliki kekurangan dan kelemahan, akhirnya
kepada bapak/ibu dosen dan para pembaca kiranya dapat memberikan masukan dan saran
untuk lebih baik kedepannya.


Team Teaching


Kata pengantar ................................................................................................................................ i

Daftar Isi ......................................................................................................................................... ii
I. Identitas .................................................................................................................................... 1
a. Nama Mata Kuliah ................................................................................................................. 1
b. Kode Mata Kuliah ................................................................................................................. 1
c. Jumlah SKS ............................................................................................................................ 1
d. Nama Dosen / Team Teaching .............................................................................................. 1
II. Pendahuluan............................................................................................................................... 2
a. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah .......................................................................................................... 2
b. Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah ..................................................................................... 2
c. Sub Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah .............................................................................. 2
III.Pembelajaran ............................................................................................................................. 3
a. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 1 .................................................................................................. 3
1. Pengertian legal English, perbedaannya dengan general English…………………….. ..3
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran ........................................................................................... 4
3. Materi Pembelajaran ........................................................................................................ 4
4. Tugas ................................................................................................................................ 8
5. Evaluasi ............................................................................................................................ 9
6. Kunci Jawaban ................................................................................................................ 9
b. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 2 ................................................................................................ 11
1. Hukum dan Sumber-Sumber Hukum di Indonesia……………………………………. 11
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran .......................................................................................... 11
3. Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................................... 11
4. Tugas ............................................................................................................................. .14
5. Evaluasi .......................................................................................................................... 14
6. Kunci Jawaban .............................................................................................................. 14
c. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 3 ............................................................................................... .15
1. Sejarah dan Perkembangan Hukum di Indonesia………………………………............ 15
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran .......................................................................................... 15
3. Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................................... 15
4. Tugas .............................................................................................................................. 19
5. Evaluasi ......................................................................................................................... .19
6. Kunci Jawaban ............................................................................................................... 19
d. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 4………………………………………………………………. 20
1. The Position of International law within Indonesia legal system……………………… 20
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran ......................................................................................... 20
3. Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................................... 20
4. Tugas .............................................................................................................................. 27
5. Evaluasi .......................................................................................................................... 27
6. Kunci Jawaban ............................................................................................................... 27
e. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 5…………………………………………………………........ 28

1. Profesi hukum...................................................................................................................28
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran .......................................................................................... 28
3. Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................................... 28
4. Tugas .............................................................................................................................. 31
5. Evaluasi .......................................................................................................................... 31
6. Kunci Jawaban ................................................................................................................ 31
f. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 6 ................................................................................................ 32
1. Reading Comprehension, structure and written
expression about civil law
in Indonesia..................................................................................................................... 32
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran ......................................................................................... 32
3. Materi Pembelajaran ..................................................................................................... 32
4. Tugas ............................................................................................................................. 34
5. Evaluasi ......................................................................................................................... 34
6. Kunci Jawaban ............................................................................................................... 34
g. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 7............................................................................................... 35
1. Reading Comprehension, structure and written
expression about criminal justice system
in Indonesia ................................................................................................................... 35
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran ......................................................................................... 35
3. Materi Pembelajaran ..................................................................................................... 35
4. Tugas ............................................................................................................................ 39
5. Evaluasi ........................................................................................................................ 39
6. Kunci Jawaban ............................................................................................................. 39
h. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 8
1. Reading Comprehension, structure and written
expression about civil law procedure
in Indonesia................................................................................................................... 40
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran ........................................................................................ 40
3. Materi Pembelajaran .................................................................................................... 40
4. Tugas ............................................................................................................................ 43
5. Evaluasi ........................................................................................................................ 43
6. Kunci Jawaban .............................................................................................................. 43
i. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 9................................................................................................ 44
1. Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about criminal law
procedure in Indonesia........................................................................................................ 44
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran .......................................................................................... 44
3. Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................................... 44
4. Tugas .............................................................................................................................. 49
5. Evaluasi .......................................................................................................................... 49
6. Kunci Jawaban ................................................................................................................ 49
j. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 10
1. Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about adat law.................................................................................................... 50

2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................... 50
3. Materi Pembelajaran .................................................................................................... 50
4. Tugas ............................................................................................................................ 53
5. Evaluasi ........................................................................................................................ 53
6. Kunci Jawaban .............................................................................................................. 53
k. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 11
1. Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about company law .......................................................................................... 54
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran ......................................................................................... 54
3. Materi Pembelajaran ..................................................................................................... 54
4. Tugas ............................................................................................................................. 56
5. Evaluasi ......................................................................................................................... 56
6. Kunci Jawaban ............................................................................................................... 56
l. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 12
1. Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about labor law.................................................................................................. 58
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran .......................................................................................... 58
3. Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................................... 58
4. Tugas .............................................................................................................................. 60
5. Evaluasi .......................................................................................................................... 60
6. Kunci Jawaban ................................................................................................................ 60
m. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 13
1. Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about law of
consumer protection............................................................................................................. 61
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran .......................................................................................... 61
3. Materi Pembelajaran ....................................................................................................... 61
4. Tugas .............................................................................................................................. 62
5. Evaluasi .......................................................................................................................... 62
6. Kunci Jawaban ............................................................................................................... 62
n. Kegiatan Pembelajaran ke 14
1. Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about agreement law.......................................................................................... 63
2. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran .......................................................................................... 63
3. Materi Pembelajaran ...................................................................................................... 63
4. Tugas .............................................................................................................................. 67
5. Evaluasi .......................................................................................................................... 67
6. Kunci Jawaban ................................................................................................................ 67


A. Nama matakuliah
Bahasa Inggris Hukum
B. Kode mata kuliah

C. Jumlah SKS
2 (dua) SKS
D. Nama Dosen/ Team Teaching
1. Erlindawaty, S.Pd., M.Pd
2. Taufik Hidayat Lubis, S.S., S.H., M.H


A. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Hukum pada dasarnya mencakup kekhasan bahasa atau
style bahasa (legal term) yang dipergunakan dalam penulisan berbagai aspek hukum
seperti; kedudukan hukum internasional dalam sistem hukum di Indonesia hukum
pidana, hukum perdata, hukum perusahaan, hukum kontrak, hukum konsumen, hukum
ketenagakerjaan, hukum perusahaan dan juga keberadaan profesi hukum di Indonesia
baik yang dipergunakan dalam text book , literature, law journal, maupun legal
documents (statutes, treaties, conventions, maupun contract). Dalam mata kuliah ini,
berbagai topik hukum yang penulisannya menggunakan gaya bahasa legal english
(legal term-terminologyand linguistic peculiarities) dipaparkan dengan latihan
penyelesaian soal-soal, dalam bentuk grammar kemudian ditambahkan dengan reading
comprehensionsection serta structure and written expression section. Topik-topik
reading comprehension section maupun structure and written expression section dalam
mata kuliahBahasa Inggris Hukum ini selain memberikan wawasan tentang legal
english, juga wawasan tentang ilmu hukum baik dana dimensi hukum nasional maupun
B. Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah
Mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan dan menggunakan intrumen non tes berbasis
IPTEK untuk kebutuhan individu dalam pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling secara
professional berdasarkan nilai-nilai Al islam kemuhammadiyahan
C. Sub Capaian Pembalajaran Mata Kuliah
1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan Pengertian legal english, mengapa
legal Englishberbeda dengan general English. Reading comprehension (fokus pada
pemahaman isi bacaan dan penggunaan phrase legal English)
2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan mengenai apa yang disebut
dengan hukum dan sumber hukum serta jenis-jenis sumber hukum di Indonesia
3. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan mengenai sejarah dan
perkembangan hukum di Indonesia
4. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan the position of International law
within Indonesia legal system

5. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan Jenis-jenis profesi yang berkaitan
dengan hukum seperti; Hakim, Jaksa, Penasehat hukum, polisi
6. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dalam reading comprehension about civil law in
Indonesia I. Pengertian hukum perdata (civil law), dasar hukum perdata di Indonesia
(civil code)
7. Mahasiswa mampu dan memahami dalam Reading comprehension, structure and
written expression about civil and criminal justice systems in Indonesia II. Pengertian
hukum pidana (criminal law), dasar hukum pidana di Indonesia (ciriminal code),
8. Mahasiswa mampu dan memahami Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about civil law procedure in Indonesia.
9. Mahasiwa mampu memahami Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about criminal law procedure in Indonesia
10. Mahasiwa mampu memahami dalam Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about adat law in Indonesia
11. Mahasiwa mampu memahami dalam Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about company law in Indonesia.
12. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dalam Reading comprehension, structure and
written expression about labor law
13. Mahasiwa mampu memahami dalam Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about consumer law
14. Mahasiwa mampu memahami dalam Reading comprehension, structure and written
expression about agreement law

A. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1
1. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran 1
a. Mahasiswa memahami dan mampu menjelaskan legal English serta mampu
memahami dan menjelaskan perbedaan antara legal English dengan general
b. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan legal English secara tepat dan benar dalam
bentuk verbal maupun non-verbal
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Pengertian legal English, perbedaannya dengan general English
1) Pengertian legal English
Legal Englishadalah jenis bahasa Inggris yang digunakan tidak terbatas dalam
tulisan hukum akan tetapi juga pada komunikasi lisan yang berkaitan dengan
hukum. Secara prinsipnya legal English lebih mengarah atas penggunaan kosa
kata yang tepat dalam memilih kata, membentuk frasa maupun kalimat
sehingga pesan yang disampaikan lebih mudah dipahami. Tidaklah sama
bahasa yang digunakan antara seorang Advokat dengan Dokter ketika kosa
kata yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan isi pesan berkaitan dengan
pekerjaannya. Walaupun sama-sama menggunakan bahasa Inggris namun
terdapat beberapa penggunaan istilah bahasa yang berbeda untuk
menunjukkan suatu keadaan tertentu baik dalam kata maupun frasa-nya. Di
dalam legal English akan terjadi percampuran bahasa Latin dan Perancis. Legal
English masih mengenal grammar yang umumnya dipelajari di sekolah-sekolah
terkait dengan membentuk frasa maupun kalimat.
2) Perbedaan antara legal English dengan general English
Perbedaan antara legal English dengan general English adalah terletak dari
pemilihan kosa kata-nya. Khusus legal English setiap penggunannya harus
mampu menggunakan istilah-istilah yang tepat baik itu kata, frasa hingga mode
ekspresi yang sesuai agar pesan yang disampaikan mudah untuk dimengerti.
Penulisan hukum harus dibuat secara tegas dan tidak bermakna ganda

3) Legal English reflects the mixture of languages that has produced the English
language generally. However, modern legal English owes a particular debt to
French and Latin. Following the Norman invasion of England in 1066, French
became the official language of England, although most ordinary people still
spoke English. For a period of nearly 300 years, French was the language of
legal proceedings, with the result that many words in current legal use have their
roots in this period. These include property, estate, chattel, lease, executor and
tenant. During this period, Latin remained the language of formal records and
statutes. However, since only the learned were fluent in Latin, it never became
the language of legal pleading or debate. Therefore, for several centuries
following the Norman invasion, three languages were used in England. English
remained the spoken language of the majority of the population, but almost all
writing was done in French or Latin. English was not used in legal matters. In
1356, the Statute of Pleading was enacted (in French). It stated that all legal
proceedings should be in English, but recorded in Latin. Nonetheless, the use of
French in legal pleadings continued into the seventeenth century in some areas
of the law. In this later period, new branches of-in particular-commercial law
began to develop entirely in English and remain relatively free of French-based
terminology. As the printed word became more commonplace, some writers
made a deliberate effort to adopt words derived from Latin, with the aim of
making their text appear more sophisticated. Some legal words taken from Latin
in this way are adjacent, frustrate, inferior, legal, quiet and subscribe. Some
writers also started to use a Latin word order. This led to an ornate style,
deliberately used to impress rather than inform. Even today, Latin grammar is
responsible for some of the ornateness and unusual word order of legal
documents. It also lies behind the frequent use of shall constructions in legal
documents (Rupert Haigh, 2004).

Table I
Legal English meaning General English Meaning
Consideration in legal English Consideration in general English means; (1)
means an act, forbearance, or careful thought, (2) a fact taken into account

promise by one party to a when making a decision, (3) thoughtfulness
contract that constitutes the price towards others.
for which the promise of the
other party is bought.
Consideration is essential to the
validity of any contract other than
one made by deed
Construction in legal English Construction in general English means: (1)
means interpretation. ‘To the action of constructing [e.g. a building]; (2)
construe’ is the infinitive verb a building or other structure; (3) the industry
form of the term. of erecting buildings
Redemption in legal English Redemption in general English usually
means the return or means Christian salvation
repossession of property offered
as security on payment of a
mortgage debt or charge.
Tender in legal English means Tender in ordinary English means: (1) gentle
an offer to supply goods or and kind; (2) (of food) easy to cut or chew;
services. Normally a tender must (3) (of a part of the body) painful to the
be accepted to create a contract touch; (4) young and vulnerable; (5) easily
Source: Rupert Heigh, 2004

Patient: Good morning. Doctor Smith?

Doctor: Yes, please come in.
Patient: Thank you. My name is Doug Anders
Doctor: What have you come in for today Mr. Anders?
Patient: I've been having some pain in my joints, especially the knees
Doctor: How long have you been having the pain?
Patient: I'd say it started three or four months ago. It's been getting worse

Doctor: Are you having any other problems like weakness, fatigue or
Patient: Well I've certainly felt under the weather
Doctor: Right. How much physical activity do you get? Do you play any sports?
Patient: Some. I like to play tennis about once a week. I take my dog on a walk
every morning
Doctor: OK. Let's have a look. Can you point to the area where you are having
Patient: It hurts right here
Doctor: Please stand up and put weight on your knees. Does this hurt? How
about this?
Patient: Ouch!
Doctor: It seems you have some inflammation in your knees. However, there's
nothing broken
Patient: That's a relief!
Doctor: Just take some ibuprofen or aspirin and the swelling should go down.
You'll feel better after that
Patient: Thank you!

Police officer: Good evening, I am Andre from POLRESTABES Medan. We

need some information about the situation, that’s why your statement is
important for us
Tata: Ok, what information do you need sir?
Police Officer: About what you saw, do you still remember?
Tata: Yes, I do
Police officer: Can you tell me your name first?
Tata: Tata Subargo
Police Officer: Please tell me everything what you saw
Tata: There was a tall man walking on Majapahit Street, I saw he brought knife
in his left hand. He approached the girl and stab her. I forget how many he
stabbed her but clearly I saw a knife sticked on her back. Is she dead?
Police officer: Yes she is. What happen then?

Tata: That guy run over two blocks straight ahead and disappeared.
Police officer: Do you recognize his face?
Tata: He has craggy face
Police officer: Is he black or white?
Tata: He is white. Excuse me sir, can you tell me what kind of crime that
Police officer: Felony, he will be convicted of felony. He could be charge for
Article 340 of Indonesia Penal Code “The person who with deliberate intent and
with premediation takes the life of another person, shall bwing guilty of murder,
be punished by capital punishment of life imprisonment of a maximum
imprisonment of twent years”.
Tata: Oh God
Police officer: Ok, thank you Miss. Tata, we willcall you if we need more
information. By the way you migh have to come to court to be witness
Tata: Ok sir, I will be able to do that
3. Rangkuman
Legal English reflects the mixture of languages that has produced the English language
generally. One word literally can have two meanings, to differentiate them depends on
the context relating the words refer to.
4. Tugas
a. Fill the blank conversation with the correct answer
Sarah: Have you read about the court case?
Toni: Which case?
Sarah: It’s about a ______1_______
1) Robbery that happened last week
2) Murder that happened last year
3) Fraud that will happen next year
4) Trespass that happened last year

Toni: Oh yeah, I heard about it a few days ago. It seems like the_____2______
1) Defendant is a very a nasty man
2) Lawyer is a very nasty man
3) Bailiff ia a very nasty man
4) Defendant is a very nice mand

Sarah: Who is alleged to have killed? Did he do it?

Toni: His mother to get her money as he owed a lot of money to other people
Sarah: This trial is still happening. There is still more______3______ to take the
1) Witnesses to present and evidence
2) Evidence to present and witnesses
3) Juries to present and witnesses
4) Lawyers to present and barrister
Toni: So they don’t know if he did it yet?
Sarah: It seems likely that he did it. Most of the evidence is very strong
Toni: _______4_______ convict him
1) I think the judge faull
2) I think the police office well
3) I think the lawyer will
4) I think the jury will

Sarah: Yes I expect that he wi;; be found guilty of the murder

Toni: if he did it I hope the judge gives him a very long prison sentence
Sarah: Yes, so do I
Toni: We should still ______5______ who commit crimes like this
1) Have fines for hae
2) Have parole for people
3) Have capital punishment for people
4) Have prisons for people

Sarah: I’m not sure the death penalty is a good idea, but he defiantly should never
be paroled out of prison. He should die there.
b. Distinguish the vocabulary of agreement or contract document used such as
bank account opening form, bank loan contract, insurance or others legal
document to medical diagnosis document or othersno legal document. First;
find the same word in different document (legal document to no legal
document) and second; distinguish the meaning of the words you have
5. Evaluasi
a. What is the meaning of legal English and what kind of different characteristic to
general English?
b. What is the necessity to learn legal English?
c. What are the obsctacles to study legal English?

6. Kunci jawaban

B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2
1. Tujuan Materi Pembelajaran 2
a. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan pengertian hukum dalam bahasa
Inggris dan menggunakannya secara lisan maupun tulisan
b. Mahasiwa mampu untuk menjelaskan sumber-sumber hukum khususnya di
Indonesia dengan beberapa istilah bahasa Inggris dan menggunakannya secara
lisan maupun tulisan
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Hukum dan Sumber-Sumber Hukum di Indonesia
1) Pengertian hukum dan sumber-sumber hukum
E. Utrecht mendefinsikan hukum adalah himpunan petunjuk hidup (perintah-
perintah dan larangan) yang mengatur tata tertib dalam suatu masyarakat dank
arena itu harus ditaati oleh masyarakat tersebut. Sedangkan J. C. T
Simoranglkir dan Sastropranoto menjelaskan bahwa hukum adalah
peraturan-peraturan yang bersifat memaksa yang menentukan tingkah laku
manusia dalam lingkungan masyarakat yang dibuat oleh badan-badan resmi
yang berwenang. Pelanggaran terhadap peraturan-peraturan tersebut
mengakibatkan diambilnya tindakan yaitu dengan hukuman tertentu. Hukum
digunakan untuk menentukan apakah sesorang telah berbuat benar atau salah
karena dengan hukum-lah keseimbangan kehidupan dapat terjaga. Tanpa ada
hukum akan timbul kerusakan dan yang terjadi setiap manusia akan
memangsa manusia lainnya atau sering disebut dengan istilah homo homini
lupus. Peraturan tidak menjadi satu-satunya menjadi sumber hukum karena
apabila hanya satu yang menjadi sumber hukum maka akan terjadi kekakuan
dalam kehidupan. Sumber hukum diartikan sebagai apa saja yang
menimbulkan aturan-aturan yang mempunyai kekuatan yang besifat memaksa,
yakni aturan-aturan yang kalau dilanggar mengakibatkan sanksi yang tegas
dan nyata (C. S. T. Kansil, 2011).
2) Sumber-sumber hukum di Indonesia
Sumber-sumber hukum terdiri dari 2 (dua) jenis, materil dan formil. Sumber
hukum materil merupakan tepat dari mana materi hukum itu diambil,
sedangkan sumber hukum formil merupakan tempat atau sumber dari mana

suatu peratutan memperoleh kekuatan hukum. Contoh dari sumber hukum
materil ini seperti keadaan sosial dan ekonomi, nilai-nilai agama, kebiasaan
dan sebagainya. Sumber hukum formil ini seperti undang-undang, hukum tidak
tertulis atau kebiasaaan, yuridprudensi, dan traktat.
3) The word ‘law’ is familiar for some people moreover it shows up at headline
news in bold type with big size even in electronic or printed media. People
conversation can’t be neglected to use the word of ‘law’ because of the
easiness using this word, but deeply do we understand the definition of law?
Has the word of ‘law’ used in the context? In this material we will discuss the
definition of law itself and how do experts define it. In general, the law is
interpreted as a form of rules, both written and unwritten which have sanctions.
Written rules are generally made and stipulated by the legislature with the
executive, but there are also written rules that have the form of a decision in
which the decision is not based on the rules that have been made by the
legislature but the decision is based on decisions by previous judges which are
known as precedent term. In connection with unwritten rules generally known
as customs rules that are known by the local community and the rules are
always repeated continuously. A rule of course has sanctions which aim to be
able to protect human interests from one another so that those who violate
these rules can be punished and are expected not to repeat their actions again.
a. Plato: Law is a set of rules that are well organized and regular and are
binding on judges and the community
b. Immanuel Kant: Law is a whole condition in which a person has free will
from a person who can adapt to the free will of others and obey the rule of
law regarding independence.
c. Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja: The law is the whole rule and all the
principles that govern the relationship of life in society and aim to maintain
order and include various institutions and processes in order to realize the
application of the rules as a reality in society
4) In general, understanding the source of law is everything that conducts to law.
Legal sources can also be referred to as the origin of the law. Basically, we
know two sources of law, namely formal legal sources and material legal

sources. Material legal sources are sources of laws that determine the content
of a regulation (norms) which bound the people. Material sources of law
originated from legal situation of the society, the economic and social situation,
public opinion, tradition, religion, results of scientific research, morale,
geographic development, international development and legal politics. Formal
legal sources are legal sources that have their own form or form that is
generally applicable and known or generally applicable. Formal legal sources
are sources of laws which determine the forms and the cause of inception of
certain regulation (legal norms). Regulations have two main function, namely as
legalization and legislation. Referred to as legislation function is to enact
phenomenon that present in the society, whereas referred to as legislation is a
process to conduct legal reform. The formal sources of laws can be
described as the following:
a. Laws
b. Customary or unwritten laws
c. Jurisprudence
d. Treaties
e. Doctrine
Laws can be distinguished into
a. Constitution
b. The Order of People’s Consultative Assembly
c. Laws
d. Government Regulation in Lieu of Laws
e. Government Regulation
f. Presidential Regulation
g. Regional Regulation on Provincial Level
h. Regional Regulation on City/Regency Level
Customary is the norms that adhered by the society without being stipulated
by the government. For a customary to become applicable laws and
acknowledged as sources as laws, following requirements needs to be met:
a. There is an action or certain action committed repeatedly in similar matter
and followed by wider people

b. There is a legal understanding from peoples/interest group, in the sense that
there is an assurance that such norms developed by custom is of good
value and relevant to be followed and have binding power
Jurisprudence is decisions of judges that are followed and used as guidance
as judges in deciding cases of similar issue. Treaty is agreement conducted by
two (bilateral) or more countries (multilateral). Legal Doctrine is opinion of
respected expert and legal scholars. Judges often use legal doctrine in making
its decisions which is then referred as jurisprudences
3. Rangkuman
Law can be defined as:
a. A rule that is supported by the power if government and that controls that behavior of
members of society
b. The whole set of such rules
c. A statement expressing what has always been seen to happen in certain conditions
d. Respect and obedience for the law in society
e. A field of academic discipline
4. Tugas
Discuss the use of the word ‘law’ in the following examples
a. If you break the law, you must expect to be punished
b. Boyle’s law is a scientific principle
c. With the president’s signature, the bill becomes a law
d. She is student of law
e. The ultimate goal of the justice system is to establish law and order
f. You’ll find the definition of ‘asylum seekers’ in the law of citizenship
g. He took the law into his own hands
5. Evaluasi
Make your definition about law and what kind of law do you know?
6. Kunci jawaban

C. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 3
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 3
a. Mahasiswa memahami dan mampu menjelaskan sejarah hukum Indonesia dan
perkembangannya serta mengenal sistem huku di Indonesia dalam bahasa
b. Mahasiwa dapat membedakan dan menggunakan linking verb dan action verb.
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Sejarah dan Perkembangan Hukum di Indonesia
1) Sejarah hukum di Indonesia
Sejarah hukum di Indonesia yang dimaksud dalam pembahasa ini adalah ketika
masuknya penjajah Belanda ke Indonesia yang saat itu melalui VOC
(Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie). VOC di masa itu menguasai wilayah
Batavia (sekarang Jakarta) telah menentukan aturan-aturan yang kemudian
dibuat melalui ‘plakat’. Plakat-plakat tersebut tersebut kemudian dikumpulkan di
tahun 1642 dan disusun secar asistematis hingga diberi nama Statuta Batavia.
Kemudian di tahun 1766 dilakukan hal yang sama dan menghasilkan Statuta
Batavia Baru. di tahun 1760 Freijer menghasilkan suatu Kitab Hukum
(Kompedium) sebagai hasil pengumpulan plakat-plakat tersebut. Di masa
kolonial Hindia Belanda Thomas Stanfor Raffles mengutamakan pembentukan
lembaga pengadilan yang terdiri dari division court, District Court, Resident
Court dan Court of Circuit (Ratna Artha Windari, 2018).
2) Eropa kontinental sebagai sistem hukum di Indonesia
Sistem hukum Eropa Kontinental adalah suatu sistem hukum dengan ciri-ciri
adanya berbagai ketentuan-ketentuan hukum dikodifikasi (dihimpun) secara
sistematis yang akan ditafsirkan lebih lanjut oleh hakim dalam penerapannya.
Hampir 60% dari populasi dunia tinggal di negara yang menganut sistem hukum
ini. Sistem hukum umum adalah suatu sistem hukum yang digunakan di Inggris
yang mana di dalamnya menganut aliran frele recht lehre yaitu di mana hukum
tidak dibatasi oleh undang-undang tetapi hakim diberikan kebebasan untuk
melaksanakan undang-undang atau mengabaikannya. Sistem hukum eropa
kontinental ini berkembang di Eropa daratan seperti Perancis dapat dikatan
sebagai negara yang terlebih dahulu menerapkan sistem hukum tersebut.

Sebenarnya sistem hukum ini berasal dari kodifikasi hukum yang berlaku di
Kekaisaran Romawi pada masa pemerintahan Kaisar Justisianus abad ke VI
sebelum masehi(Ratna Artha Windari, 2018).
3) The Indonesian legal system is complex because it is a confluence of three
distinct systems. Prior to the first appearance of Dutch traders and colonists in
the late 16th century and early 17th century, indigenous kingdoms prevailed and
applied a system of adat law. Dutch presence and subsequent colonization
during the next 350 years until the end of World War II left a legacy of Dutch
colonial law. A number of such colonial legislation continue to apply today.
Subsequently, after Indonesian declared independence on 17 August 1945, the
Indonesian authorities began creating a national legal system based on
Indonesian precepts of law and justice. These three strands of adat law, Dutch
colonial law and national law co-exist in modern Indonesia. For example,
commercial law is grounded upon the Commercial Code (Wetboek van
Koophandel) 1847, Civil Code or Burgerlijk Wetboek voor Indonesie S. 1847-23,
The rules of civil and criminal procedure: the Herziene Inlandsch/Indonesisch
Reglement or HIR (S.1848-16, as amended afterwards) was applicable to
indigenous Indonesians in Jawa In addition, Madura, and Rechtsreglement
Buitengewesten or Rbg (S.1927-227) for those indigenous in other Indonesian
territories. Separate set of rules, the Reglement op de Burgerlijke
Rechtsvordering or RBRv (S.1847-52, S.1849, 63, as amended afterwards) was
applicable to European population, Criminal Code or Wetboek van Strafrecht
voor Indonesie S. 1915-732. However, commercial law is also supplemented by
a large number of new laws enacted since independence. They include the
Banking Law 1992 (amended in 1998), Company Law 1995, Capital Market Law
1995, Antimonopoly Law 1999 and the Oil & Natural Gas Law 2001. Adat law is
less conspicuous. However, some adat principles such as “consensus through
decision making” appear in modern Indonesian legislation.
4) Civil law also called Romano-Germanic law, the law of continental Europe,
based on an admixture of Roman, Germanic, ecclesiastical, feudal,
commercial, and customary law. European civil law has been adopted in much
of Latin America as well as in parts of Asia and Africa and is to be distinguished

from the common law of the Anglo-American countries.The term jus civile,
meaning “civil law,” for example, was used in ancient Rome to distinguish the
law found exclusively in the city of Rome from the jus gentium, the law of all
nations, found throughout the empire. The phrase has also been used to
distinguish private law, governing the relations between individuals, from public
law and criminal law. Finally, in the philosophy of law, civil law sometimes refers
to the positive law of the state, as distinct from natural law. Marry Ann Glendon
(2020). The French System. Retrived from
system. In the 5th and 6th centuries CE, western and central Europe were
dominated by Germanic peoples, especially those who had overrun the Roman
Empire. Among them were the Anglo-Saxons of England, the Franks of western
Germany and northern France, the Burgundians, the Visigoths of southern
France and Spain, and the Lombards of Italy. Although the traditions of Roman
law endured for some time, Germanic customs came to prevail in most regions.
In the Middle Ages these customs underwent vigorous growth in an effort to
satisfy the complex needs stemming from the development of feudalism and
chivalry, the growth of cities, Eastern colonization, increasing trade, and an
increasingly refined culture. Among the many strands that went into the
weaving of the complex pattern of medieval law, the customs of merchants and
the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church were of special significance. It
was principally through the canon law that the concepts and ideas of ancient
Rome continued to make their presence felt even when, as a whole, Roman
law itself had been forgotten. In the late 11th century, Roman law was
rediscovered and made the subject matter of learned study and teaching by
scholars in northern Italy, especially at Bologna. With the increasing demand for
trained judges and administrators, first by the Italian city-republics and then by
princes in other localities, students flocked to Bologna from all over Europe,
until the study and teaching of law were gradually taken over by local
universities. As a result of this process, Roman law penetrated into the
administration of justice north of the Alps, especially in Germany and the
Netherlands, where the Roman-law influence became particularly strong. Marry

Ann Glendon (2020). The French System. Retrived from
system. In the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, the reception of
Roman law was facilitated because its emperors cherished the idea of being
the direct successors of the Roman Caesars; Roman law, collected in the Code
of Justinian (Corpus Juris Civilis) by the emperor Justinian I between 527 and
565, could be regarded as still being in effect simply because it was the imperial
law. Decisive for the reception, however, was the superiority of the specialized
training of Roman-law jurists over the empiricist methods of lay judges and
practitioners of the local laws. Equally decisive was the superiority of the
Roman-canonical type of procedure, with its rational rules of evidence, over the
local forms of procedure involving proof by ordeal, battle, and other irrational
methods. Nowhere, however, did Roman law completely supplant the local
laws, and, as far as the content of the law was concerned, various amalgams
developed. Roman law strongly influenced the law of contracts and torts; canon
law achieved supremacy in the field of marriage; and combinations of
Germanic, feudal, and Roman traditions developed in matters of property and
succession, or inheritance. The conceptual formulations in which the norms and
principles of the law were expressed, as well as the procedural forms in which
justice was administered, were also strongly Roman. The system that thus
emerged was called the jus commune. In actual practice it varied from place to
place, but it was nevertheless a unit that was held together by a common
tradition and a common stock of learning. Although the law of the Corpus Juris
Civilis (especially its main part, the Digest—the writings of the jurists) was, as
such, in effect nowhere, it constituted the basis of study, training, and discourse
everywhere. In spite of all local variety, the civil-law world experienced a sense
of unity that corresponded to the strongly felt unity of European civilization.
Marry Ann Glendon (2020). The French System. Retrived from

Grammar Focus
Linking verbs are also called being verbs because they express states of being -
what is, will be, or was. Here's where algebra intersects with English.You can think of
linking verbs as giant equal signs plopped into the middle of your sentence. For
example; Law is a set of rules. Law = a set of rules. The word ‘is’ links two ideas
and says that they are the same. Thus, ‘is’ is a linking verb. Here are more linking
verbs; I will be a judge one day. Action verbs also called dynamical verbs to
express an action. An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing
or has done, for example; the policeman arrest the theif. The lawyer signs the
3. Rangkuman
The development legal system in Indonesia reflects Roman law influence through Dutch
colonialism. 350 years occupied Indonesia (called Nusantara) Dutch by the traders,
VOC, to Dutch Kingdom precept modern law called civil law system in Indonesia.
Otherwise a number of colonial legislation continues to apply today, Adat still recognized
as the original from Indonesia. Dutch colonial left civil law system understanding in
Indonesia and applied nowadays.
4. Tugas
a. Discuss and describe the meaning of history and development law in
Indonesia’before begin your assignment. After you finish it, narrate it.
b. Check the statements below by referring to the texts above
1) The complexity of Indonesia legal system because It faces two distincts system
2) Dutch colonial left important precept of law and justice nowday for Indonesia (T/F)
3) Civil law was introduced by Justinian I (T/F)
4) Basically, Indonesia is influenced by French which created Corpus Juris Civilis
5. Evaluasi
Reexplain the history and development law in Indonesia
6. Kunci jawaban

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 4
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 4
a. Mahasiswa memahami hukum internasional dalam bahasa Inggris dan mampu
menjelaskannya secara lisan maupun tulisan
b. Mahasiswa memahami bagaimana hukum internasional diadopsi oleh Indonesia
dalam bahasa Inggris dan mampu menjelaskannya secara lisan maupun tulisan
c. Mahasiswa dapat memahami pronouns
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. The position of international law within Indonesia legal system
1) Pengertian hukum internasional
Hukum internasional memiliki arti keseluruhan kaidah-kaidah dan asas-asas
yang mengatur hubungan atau persoalan yang melintasi batas-batas negara
yang bukan bersifat perdata (Ratna Artha Windari, 2018). J. G Strake
mendifiniskan hukum internasional sebagai sekumupulan hukum yang sebagian
besar terdiri dari asas-asas dan peraturan-peraturan tingkah laku yang mengikat
negara-negara dan karena itu ditaati dalam hubungan negara-negara.
2) Perkembagan hukum internasional
Hukum internasional terus mengalami perkembangan sejak perjanjian
perdamaian Wastphalia 1648. Sebagian dari perkembangan hukum
internasional tersebut adalah munculnya tantangan-tantangan baru bagi konsep
kedaulatan negara. Globalisasi, liberalisasi dan privatisasi serta integrasi
regional memberikan pengaruh besar bagi konsep kedaulatan negara (Adi
Kusumaningrum, 2018). Perkembangan hukum internasional dapat juga dilihat
setelah perang dunia ke-1 di mana telah memberikan status kepada individu
sebagai subjek hukum internasional yang mandiri dalam tata hukum
internasional. Pembentukan pengadilan internasional Nuremberg dan Tokyo
telah mendudukan individu sebagai subjek hukum yang dituntut atas kejahatan
perang yang dilakukannya (Adnan Buyung Nasution & Patra Zein, 2006).
3) According to Bentham’s classic definition, international law is a collection of
rules governing relations between states. It is a mark of how far international law
has evolved that this original definition omits individuals and international
organizations two of the most dynamic and vital elements of modern

international law. Furthermore, it is no longer accurate to view international law
as simply a collection of rules; rather, it is a rapidly developing complex of rules
and influential though not directly binding-principles, practices, and assertions
coupled with increasingly sophisticated structures and processes. In its broadest
sense, international law provides normative guidelines as well as methods,
mechanisms, and a common conceptual language to international actors-i.e.,
primarily sovereign states but also increasingly international organizations and
some individuals. The range of subjects and actors directly concerned with
international law has widened considerably, moving beyond the classical
questions of war, peace, and diplomacy to include human rights, economic and
trade issues, space law, and international organizations. Although international
law is a legal order and not an ethical one, it has been influenced significantly by
ethical principles and concerns, particularly in the sphere of human rights.
International law is distinct from international comity, which comprises legally
nonbinding practices adopted by states for reasons of courtesy (e.g., the
saluting of the flags of foreign warships at sea). In addition, the study of
international law, or public international law, is distinguished from the field of
conflict of laws, or private international law, which is concerned with the rules of
municipal law-as international lawyers term the domestic law of states-of
different countries where foreign elements are involved. Malcolm Shaw (2020).
International Law. Retrived from
law. The development of international law-both its rules and its institutions-is
inevitably shaped by international political events. From the end of World War II
until the 1990s, most events that threatened international peace and security
were connected to the Cold War between the Soviet Union and its allies and the
U.S.-led Western alliance. The UN Security Council was unable to function as
intended, because resolutions proposed by one side were likely to be vetoed by
the other. The bipolar system of alliances prompted the development of regional
organizations—e.g., the Warsaw Pact organized by the Soviet Union and the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established by the United States -
and encouraged the proliferation of conflicts on the peripheries of the two blocs,
including in Korea, Vietnam, and Berlin. Furthermore, the development of norms

for protecting human rights proceeded unevenly, slowed by sharp ideological
divisions. The Cold War also gave rise to the coalescence of a group of
nonaligned and often newly decolonized states, the so-called “Third World,”
whose support was eagerly sought by both the United States and the Soviet
Union. The developing world’s increased prominence focused attention upon the
interests of those states, particularly as they related to decolonization, racial
discrimination, and economic aid. It also fostered greater universalism in
international politics and international law. The ICJ’s statute, for example,
declared that the organization of the court must reflect the main forms of
civilization and the principal legal systems of the world. Similarly, an informal
agreement among members of the UN requires that nonpermanent seats on the
Security Council be apportioned to ensure equitable regional representation; 5
of the 10 seats have regularly gone to Africa or Asia, two to Latin America, and
the remainder to Europe or other states. Other UN organs are structured in a
similar fashion. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War in
the early 1990s increased political cooperation between the United States and
Russia and their allies across the Northern Hemisphere, but tensions also
increased between states of the north and those of the south, especially on
issues such as trade, human rights, and the law of the sea. Technology and
globalization—the rapidly escalating growth in the international movement in
goods, services, currency, information, and persons—also became significant
forces, spurring international cooperation and somewhat reducing the
ideological barriers that divided the world, though globalization also led to
increasing trade tensions between allies such as the United States and the
European Union (EU). Since the 1980s, globalization has increased the number
and sphere of influence of international and regional organizations and required
the expansion of international law to cover the rights and obligations of these
actors. Because of its complexity and the sheer number of actors it affects, new
international law is now frequently created through processes that require near-
universal consensus. In the area of the environment, for example, bilateral
negotiations have been supplemented-and in some cases replaced-by
multilateral ones, transmuting the process of individual state consent into

community acceptance. Various environmental agreements and the Law of the
Sea treaty (1982) have been negotiated through this consensus-building
process. International law as a system is complex. Although in principle it is
“horizontal,” in the sense of being founded upon the concept of the equality of
states-one of the basic principles of international law-in reality some states
continue to be more important than others in creating and maintaining
international law. Malcolm Shaw (2020). International Law. Retrived from

- Amicus curiae (friend of the court): Legal document filed with the court by a
neutral party generally advocating a particular legal position or interpretation.
The plural form is amici curiae.
- Agreement: The term usually indicates a technical or administrative legal
instrument dealing with economic, cultural, scientific, and technical issues.
Agreement is also used to denote a regional legal instrument that is part of
the implementing framework under a larger treaty.
- Comity: The principle by which the courts of one jurisdiction may consent to
the laws or decisions of another. The comity of nations refers to the
recognition accorded by one nation to the laws and institutions of another.
- Convention: the term is used interchangeably with treaty, but it can also
have a specific meaning as a treating binding a broad number of nations. See
the un explanation of how a convention can differ from a treaty
- De facto (in fact, in reality): Existing in fact
- De jure (by right, lawful): A situation or condition that is based on a matter of
law, such as those detailed in ratified treaties
- Dolus specialis (special intent): In international humanitarian law, genocide
is considered unique because of the special intent to destroy in whole or in
part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.
- Ex proprio vigore (by its own strength / of its own force): A law or a treaty
may be binding ex proprio vigore, or on its own. If an international law is not
binding ex proprio vigore in domestic law, then legislative action is needed. A
treaty that requires domestic legislation is referred to as a non-self-executing
- Forum conveniens (convenient forum): The court is convenient to hear a
case and has jurisdiction. The doctrine of forum non conveniens
(“inconvenient forum“) allows a court to refurse to adjudicate a case on
grounds of inconvenience
- In pari delicto (equally wrong):One party is as much at fault as the opposing
- In pari material (on like subject matter; same manner):Typically used in
regards to statutes which relate the same thing or person.
- In personam(against the person): Jurisdiction over the person of an

- Inter alia(among other thingsI): Used to indicate partial disclosure of details,
facts, statements, etc. Extracted from a whole.
- Inter arma silent leges:in time of war, the laws are silent
- International court of justicealso sometimes referred to as the
world court. It is the primary judicial branch of the United Nations.
- International lawthe set of rules and legal instruments regarded and
accepted as binding agreements between nations. International law is
typically divided into public international law and private international law.
- Ipso facto(by the fact itself)example: when a state joins the united nations,
the nation becomes an ipso facto party to the, since the ICJ statute is
embodied in the un charter
- Ipsojure(by the law itselfexamples: the ratification of a treaty by a state
shall ipso jure bind that state to the obligations of that treaty. See ipso facto
- Jurisprudence constant uniform jurisprudence
- Juslaw or the body of law
- Jus ad bellumright to warwhen and under what conditions is war ever
justifiable? Jus ad bellum sets the boundaries for the use of force. War was
denounced in the 1919 covenant of the league of nations and the 1928 treaty
of paris (briand-kellogg pact). The un charter adopted in 1945 states: “all
members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of
force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or
in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the united nations.”
Article 2(4). The charter authorizes the use of force in self defense. Article 51.
See chapter vii and chapter viii for more provisions. Compare jus ad bellum
(right to use force) with jus in bello (conduct during war).
- Jus cogensuniversal peremptory norms, while not defined in any treaty,
include those “higher laws” which no country may disregard. If part of a treaty
violates jus cogens, then the entire treaty invalidated. See articles 53 and 64
of the un vienna convention on the law of treaties (vclt). Generally, six types
of crime rise to the level of jus cogens: genocide, crimes against humanity,
war crimes, crimes of aggression, slavery, piracy, and torture. The first four
are included in article 5 of the rome statute of the international criminal court
- Jus gentiumthe law of nations
- Jus gentium privatumprivate international law
- Jus gentium publicumpublic international law
- Jus in bellojustice in warthese principles govern the conduct of parties during
the law of war and armed conflict, and in a broader sense define the rights
and obligations of neutral parties. The basic legal frameworks include, but are
not limited to: the 1907 hague conventions and regulations; geneva
conventions of 1949 and the 1977 protocols i and ii; the 1925 geneva gas
protocol; the 1954 hague cultural property convention; the 1972 biological
weapons convention; the 1980 conventional weapons convention; and the
1993 chemical weapons convention. See also jus ad bellum.
- Lex locilaw of the placethe notion that the rights to a legal proceeding are
governed by the law of the place where those rights arose.
- Male captus, bene detentuswrongly captured, properly detained
commonly used in reference to abductions and irregular renditions. “wrongly

captured” refers to the removal of a person from one jurisdiction to another
jurisdiction, such as from one country to another country, without bilateral
consent. Absent a protest or demand from the originating country to return
the person, the person may be “properly detained” and tried in the new
- Malum in seinherently wrongan act that is wrong by its nature, regardless of
specific prohibition against it
- Malum prohibitumprohibited, as by lawan act that is wrong because it is
expressly prohibited by law.
- Nunc pro tuncnow for thenrefers to actions that may be taken with
retroactive effect.
- Pacta sunt servandapacts must be respecteda basic and central principle of
international treaty law and detailed in article 26 of the
vienna convention on the law of treaties: “every treaty in force is binding upon
the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith.”
- Per curiamby the courtan opinion written by the court with no identified
- Proprio motuby its own motionacting with one’s own initiative
- Proprio vigoreby its own forceacting independently.
- Protocola protocol to a treaty can clarify terms, add additional text as
amendments, and establish new obligations. These new obligations can be
quantitative targets for nations to achieve.
- Ratification: The formal acceptance of the rights and obligations of a treaty.
If the treaty has entered into force, the treaty thereafter becomes legally
binding to parties that have ratified the treaty
- Rebus sic stantibusat this point of affairs:
under article 62 of the un vienna convention on the law of treaties (vclt), a
party may be able to modify or terminate a treaty due to an unforeseeable
and fundamental change of circumstances. This principle cannot be used for
a treaty defining geographical boundaries and cannot be invoked as the result
of a breach of a treaty
- Res communis(belonging to everyone/law of the commons): Typically used
to refer to a territorial category for property and lands incapable of being
owned, such as the high seas and outer space
- Res judicata (a thing decided): A common law doctrine holding that an
adjudicated matter cannot be litigated again by another court
- Self-executing treaty: A self-executing treaty may be binding ex proprio
vigore, or on its own. If an international law requires domestic legislation, the
treaty is referred to as a non self-executing treaty
- Signatory: A party that has signed an agreement. In regards to a treaty, a
signatory is not yet legally bound by the treaty. Instead, a signatory agrees to
an obligation not to defeat the object and purpose of a signed treaty
- Sovereign: A sovereign state is an independent and self-governing nation
with the right to control the land, laws, and governance located within its
territorial boundaries
- Stare decisis(to stand by things decided): The doctrine under which courts
adhere to precedent on questions of law

- In statu nascendiin its original form / in birth status / being just bornunder
international law, this term generally is used to refer to a nascent state or a
political entity seeking recognition of statehood. It also is used to refer to
emergent laws, rules, or principles of customary international law.
- Succession: state succession applies when a new state is formed from
territory once ruled by another sovereign. Essentially, a new state replaces a
former state through annexation, union, dissolution, or separation. Partial
succession occurs when a sovereign state partly loses its independence or
when a partially controlled state becomes fully independent. The criteria for
statehood is controversial, with political and legal divisions over which criteria
are declaratory versus determinative of the formation of a legitimate state.
Some criteria traditionally considered include: a defined territory, a permanent
population, a government recognized by that population, the capacity to enter
into relations with other states, and recognition by other states..
- Terra nulliusempty land / land of no onetypically used to refer to a territorial
category for land that is not occupied but capable of being occupied.
- Treatya formal agreement entered into by two or more nations. See the un
explanation for terms used in the titles of treaties, such as “convention,”
“agreement,” “protocol,” and “charter.”
- Trusttypically used to refer to a territorial category for land that is not subject
to the sovereignty of any state because of some special status.
- Ubuntu: an african term loosely translated to mean “humanity towards
others.” Ubuntu or “bantu” law embodies important african cultures values,
such as the restoration of equilibrium, reconciliation, and formative justice
derived from the community.
- World courtanother name for theinternational court of justice

Grammar Focus
Pronouns make up a small subcategory of nouns. The distinguishing characteristic of
pronouns is that they can be substituted for other nouns. For instance, if you’re telling
a story about Antony, the story will begin to sound repetitive if you keep repeating
“Antony” over and over again. Example;Antony has always loved law subject.
Antony announced that Antony wants to go to law school. You could try to mix it up
by sometimes referring to Antony as “my brother,” but then it sounds like you’re
referring to two different people. Example; Antony has always loved law subject. My
brother announced that Antony wants to go to law school. Instead, you can use the
pronouns he and his to refer to Antony. Example; Antony has always loved law
subject. He announced that he wants to go to law school
3. Rangkuman
Indonesia as a sovereign country certainly does not obey international laws, but
because for the sake of maintaining balance between countries in the world, the

ratification of international law to Indonesia is indeed very necessary, especially to
strengthen relations and cooperation between countries..
4. Tugas
a. What is international law?
b. What is the important international law for every state in the world?
c. Who does international law apply to?
5. Evaluasi
Who does need international law? What is the purpose of international law? Why does
Indonesia need international law or not?
6. Kunci jawaban

E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 5
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 5
a. Mahasiswa mampu mengenali dan membedakan istilah-istilah profesi di bidang
hukum dalam bahasa Inggris kemudian menjelaskannya secara lisan maupun tulisan
b. Mahasiswa mampu untuk menggunakan modal verbs
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Profesi hukum
1) Jenis-jenis profesi hukum di Indonesia
a) Judge
In general, a judge is someone who has an authority to examine a case in
court. Article 1 point 8 of the Criminal Procedure Code states that a judge is
state officials who is given the authority by law to adjudicate a case in court.
Judge has independence in carrying out his/her duties and functions,
because if there is intervention or interference from other parties in the
adjudication process, it is feared that the decision made is no longer in
accordance with legal certainty and justice. Judges can not reject a case in
reason that there are no legal regulations, therefore Judge is considered to
know the law. Judge is required to explore and understand the principle that
exists in society.
b) Public prosecutor
Prosecutors are civil servants in the field of law with the duty to charge or
accuse someone who are suspected of having violated the law in court
proceedings against people. Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Attorney General Office of the Republic of
Indonesia, prosecutor is functional officials who are authorized by law to act
as public prosecutors and implement court decisions that have obtained
permanent legal force and other powers based on law.
c) Police
The Indonesia National Police (Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia) based
on Article 1 number 1 of Law Number 22 of 2002 concerning the National
Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Police are all matters relating to the
functions and institutions of police in accordance with the laws and

regulations. The function of police is to maintain security and public order, law
enforcement, protection and service to the community (Article 2 of Law
Number 22 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of
The main tasks of police are:
1. To maintain public security and order
2. To enforce the law
3. To provide protection and service to the community
d) Advocate
In Indonesia, the term “advocate” is for practicing lawyer and under Law
No.18/2003 on Advocate, an advocate appointed by an advocate association
such as PERADI is eligible to practice law in Indonesia. The Advocates Law
defines “advocate” is a person with a profession to provide legal services,
either inside or outside the court and has met the requirements set forth in
this law. To acquire a licence to practice as an advocate, an applicant must:
- Be a national of the Republic of Indonesia
- Be domiciled in Indonesia
- Not work as a civil service or state official
- Be at least 25 years old
- Be a graduate from a law school who has taken the Special Education for
Advocates course run by the advocates association (equivalent to the bar
- Have passed the bar exam run by the advocates association
- Have interned continuously for at least two years in a law office.
- Never have been imprisoned for committing an offence that is punishable
by imprisonment of at least five years
- Be well behaved, honest, responsible, fair and have high integrity.
Foreign lawyers cannot acquire a licence to practice as an advocate as they
are foreign nationals, but they can obtain a work permit as a foreign legal
consultant (Ministry of Law and Human Rights Decision No. M.11-HT.04. 02.
of 2004 concerning the Requirements and Procedures for Employing Foreign
Advocates and the Obligation to Provide Free Legal Services in Legal

Education and Research (Decision No. M.11-HT.04.02. of 2004)). This work
permit is renewable on an annual basis and requires the foreign lawyer to
fulfil certain requirements.
e) Notary
A Notary Public is an official of integrity appointed by the state government -
typically by the secretary of state-to serve the public as an impartial witness in
performing a variety of official fraud-deterrent acts related to the signing of
important documents. Notary services and PPAT (Land Deed Officer) is
needed in the process of buying and selling property. Any agreement that
intends to transfer the right to the land, grant any new right to land, pawn the
land, or financing with land as collateral, must be proven by a deed made by
the Land Deed Official (PPAT). The land deed and the deed of sale shall be
made by Notary/PPAT as it is the only authorized official. A notary is required
to hold a bachelor’s degree in law (SH), a Masters Degree in Notarial Law
followed by Ethics and Company incorporation courses and one year of
practical training with a licensed notaris. Licenses to practice are issued by
the Ministry of Justice. Notaris typically provide legal advice, handle civil and
commercial agreements/contracts, leases, deeds and company incorporation.
Many notaris also hold PPAT licenses issued by the Ministry of Lands which
qualifies them to process transfers of ownership of land titles.

Grammar Focus
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs (also called helping verbs) like can, will, could, shall,
must, would, might, and should. After a modal verb, the root form of a verb is
generally used. The word to should not appear after a modal verb. An exception is the
phrase ought to, which is considered a modal verb.Modal verbs add meaning to the
main verb in a sentence by expressing possibility, ability, permission, or obligation.
For example:
1. You must turn in your assignment on time.
2. He might be the love of my life.
3. The doctor can see you now.

When a modal verb precedes the main verb in a sentence or clause, use the root of
the verb rather than the infinitive, which contains the word to, incorrect; the lawyer
can to see the contract
3. Rangkuman
The explanation above concludes there are five legal profession that provides in
Indonesia. Judge, prosecutor, police and advocate are legal enforcement agents but not
for notary. Those legal professions agents whose functions and roles have different
tasks. These differences have been explained in the law so that their roles do not collide
with each other. These agents have institution where they are affiliated.
4. Tugas
Define the term of judge, public prosecutor, police, advocate and notary. You also add
the main Law which regulates them. After you finish define the terms, compare each the
role of the legal professions and comment on the problem of law enforcement regarding
the role of legal profession in Indonesia nowadays.
5. Evaluasi
Which legal profession you prefer and why?
6. Kunci jawaban

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 6
1.Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 6
a. Mahasiswa mampu mengenali dan dan menggunakan istilah-istilah hukum perdata
dalam bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan active dan passive voice
2.Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about civil law in
Indonesia I. Pengertian hukum perdata (civil law), dasar hukum perdata di
Indonesia (civil code)
1) Pengertian hukum perdata
Hukum perdata hakikatnya merupakan hukum yang mengatur kepentingan
antar warga perseorangan yang satu dengan warga perseorangan lainnya. H. F.
A. Vollmar mendefinisikan hukum perdata adalah aturan-aturan atau nroma-
norma yang memberikan pembatasan dan oleh karenanya memberikan
perlindungan pada kepntingan-kepentingan perseorangan dalam perbandingan
yang tepat antara kepentingan yang satu dengan kepentingan yang lain dari
orang-orang dalam suatu masyarakat tertentu terutama yang mengenai
hubungan keluarga dan hubungan lalu lintas.
2) Perkembangan hukum perdata di Indonesia
Hukum perdata Belanda berasal dari hukum perdata Prancis yang disusun
berdasarkan hukum Romawi 'Corpus Juris Civilis' yang pada waktu itu dianggap
sebagai hukum yang paling sempurna. Hukum Privat yang berlaku di Prancis
dimuat dalam dua kodifikasi yang disebut (hukum perdata) dan Code de
Commerce (hukum dagang). Sewaktu Prancis menguasai Belanda (1806-1813),
kedua kodifikasi itu diberlakukan di negeri Belanda dan masih terus
dipergunakan hingga 24 tahun sesudah kemerdekaan Belanda dari Prancis
(1813). Pada Tahun 1814 Belanda mulai menyusun Kitab Undang-Undang
Hukum Perdata (Sipil) atau KUHS Negeri Belanda, berdasarkan kodifikasi
hukum Belanda yang dibuat oleh J.M. Kemper disebut Ontwerp Kemper.
Namun, sayangnya Kemper meninggal dunia pada 1824 sebelum
menyelesaikan tugasnya dan dilanjutkan oleh Nicolai yang menjabat sebagai
Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi Belgia. Keinginan Belanda tersebut terealisasi pada

tanggal 6 Juli 1830 dengan pembentukan dua kodifikasi yang baru diberlakukan
pada tanggal 1 Oktober 1838 oleh karena telah terjadi pemberontakan di Belgia
yaitu: BW atau Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata-Belanda. WvK (atau yang
dikenal dengan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang] Menurut J. Van Kan,
kodifikasi BW merupakan terjemahan dari Code Civil hasil jiplakan yang disalin
dari bahasa Prancis ke dalam bahasa nasional Belanda.
3) The Republic of Indonesia is a country which adopts Civil Law system and
as a former tributary of Continental Europe, the Netherlands, up until now,
Indonesia is still bound by legislation of the colonial (Dutch). Article 1
transitional rule of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 states
that "all existing legislations are still valid as long as a new one has not been
enacted according this constitution". Source of law inherited from the Dutch
remains applicable as long as the new law has not yet been established.
Source of law in the Civil law system among other includes legislation, customs,
and jurisprudence. Indonesia adopts a hierarchy system of legislation and the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 is the highest in the hierarchy
of legislations in Indonesia. Civil law in Indonesia is adopted from the Roman
civil law covering both written law and unwritten law (customs). . According to
history, Roman civil law was the original law of the countries in Europe. There
was no unified civil law because each region had its own regulations which
could not be homogenized. As a result, an initiative emerged in 1804 and
Napoleon compiled and put it in a book form in a set of rules known as the
"Code Civil des Francais" or also called "Code Napoleon" which consisted of
several writings or scientific articles of legal experts such as Dumoulin, Domat
and Pothies. In addition, the written law and customs, namely the Old
Indigenous Law, Jemonia, and Cononiek Law, were used. Since Code civil des
francais only regulated the civil scope and in the Roman era there was no
regulation on commerce field such as securities, insurance and corporation,
around the mid-century, the rules of the commercial law was made in "Code de
Commerce". In 1809-1811, during and at the end of the Dutch colonial period
to be exact, King Lodewijk Napoleon enacted Code Civil des Francaise or Code

Napoleon as a the source of civil law in the Netherlands in "Wetboek Napoleon
Ingericht Voor het Kononkrijk Holland".

Grammar Focus
Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive
voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action. You may have learned
that the passive voice is weak and incorrect, but it isn’t that simple. When used
correctly and in moderation, the passive voice is fine. In English grammar, verbs have
five properties: voice, mood, tense, person, and number; here, we are concerned with
voice. The two grammatical voices are active and passive. When the subject of a
sentence performs the verb’s action, we say that the sentence is in the active voice.
Sentences in the active voice have a strong, direct, and clear tone. Here are some
short and straightforward examples of active voice. For example; the judge
punishes him.
A sentence is in the passive voice, on the other hand, when the subject is acted on
by the verb. The passive voice is always constructed with a conjugated form of to be
plus the verb’s past participle. Doing this usually generates a preposition as well. That
sounds much more complicated than it is—passive voice is actually quite easy to
detect. For these examples of passive voice, we will transform the three active
sentences above to illustrate the difference. For example; he is punished by him/her
3. Rangkuman
Civil law is a law that regulates the interests of human persons. Indonesia recognizes
civil law in a modern concept with codified rules known as the Civil Code. This modern
understanding of civil law is obtained through the application of civil law which was
previously through the Dutch colonialism in which the Burgerlijk Wetboek (Dutch Civil
Code) was applied in Indonesia but adapted to the existing conditions in Indonesia. Until
now, the Civil Code for Indonesia is still being used and has not been updated at all.
4. Tugas
What is the main law of Indonesia civil law code?
5. Evaluasi
Explain the concept of civil law
6. Kunci jawaban

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 7
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 7
a. Mahasiswa mampu mengenal dan memahami istilah-istilah hukum pidana dalam
bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mampu memahami simple past dan past perfect tense
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about criminal
justice system in Indonesia I. Pengertian hukum pidana (criminal law), dasar
hukum pidana di Indonesia (civil code)
1) Pengertian hukum pidana
Hukum Pidana adalah keseluruhan dari peraturan-peraturan yang menentukan
perbuatan apa yang dilarang dan termasuk ke dalam tindak pidana, serta
menentukan hukuman apa yang dapat dijatuhkan terhadap yang melakukannya.
Sedangkan menurut Sudarsono, pada prinsipnya Hukum Pidana adalah yang
mengatur tentang kejahatan dan pelanggaran terhadap kepentingan umum dan
perbuatan tersebut diancam dengan pidana yang merupakan suatu penderitaan.
Dengan demikian hukum pidana bukanlah mengadakan norma hukum sendiri,
melainkan sudah terletak pada norma lain dan sanksi pidana. Diadakan untuk
menguatkan ditaatinya norma-norma lain tersebut, misalnya norma agama dan
2) Perkembangan hukum pidana di Indonesia
Sumber Hukum Pidana dapat dibedakan atas sumber hukum tertulis dan
sumber hukum yang tidak tertulis. Di Indonesia sendiri, kita belum memiliki Kitab
Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana Nasional, sehingga masih diberlakukan Kitab
Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana warisan dari pemerintah kolonial Hindia
Belanda. Adapun sistematika Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana antara lain:
a) Buku I Tentang Ketentuan Umum (Pasal 1-103).
b) Buku II Tentang Kejahatan (Pasal 104-488).
c) Buku III Tentang Pelanggaran (Pasal 489-569).
Dan juga ada beberapa Undang-undang yang mengatur tindak pidana khusus
yang dibuat setelah kemerdekaan antara lain:
a) UU No. 8 Tahun 1955 tentang Tindak Pidana Imigrasi.

b) UU No. 9 Tahun 1967 tentang Narkoba
c) UU No. 16 Tahun 2003 tentang Anti Terorisme.
Ketentuan-ketentuan Hukum Pidana, selain termuat dalam Kitab Undang-
Undang Hukum Pidana maupun UU Khusus, juga terdapat dalam berbagai
Peraturan Perundang-Undangan lainnya, seperti UU. No. 5 Tahun 1960
Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria, UU No. 9 Tahun 1999 Tentang
Perlindungan Konsumen, UU No. 19 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hak Cipta dan
sebagainya.Hal tersebut dimungkinkan karena adanya pasal jembatan yakni
Pasal 103 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana
3) The Indonesian criminal code in force since independence is basically the
Netherlands Indies Criminal Code, which was put into effect in 1918. It
incorporates certain amendments promulgated by the revolutionary government
in 1946. Since 1958 it has been applied uniformly throughout the national
The Code of Criminal Law is contained in three chapters. Chapter I defines the
terms and procedures to be followed in criminal cases and specifies mitigating
circumstances that may affect the severity of a sentence. Chapters II and III,
respectively, define the categories of felonies and misdemeanors and prescribe
the penalties for each type of offense. The distinction between felonies and
misdemeanors generally conforms to that in Western countries. As noted above,
several other statutes dealing with criminal offenses were also in force, the most
significant of which were laws concerning economic offenses, subversive
activities, and corruption. As of 1992, penalties for major offenses included
death, imprisonment for periods up to life, local detention, and fines. Total
confiscation of property was not permitted. Penalties for minor crimes and
misdemeanors included deprivation of specified rights, forfeiture of personal
property, and publication of the sentence of the court. Punishments listed in the
code were the maximum allowable; judges had discretionary authority to impose
lesser punishment. A public drive for the abolition of the death penalty was
launched in 1980 following the execution of two persons convicted of murder. In
1992, however, the death penalty remained in force. Because of widespread
complaints about the penal code, which many regarded as a colonial legacy ill-

adapted either to Indonesian cultural norms or to modern criminal offenses, a
committee began working in the early 1980s on a complete revision. The
committee was expected to finish its work in early 1993. The draft would then
have to be approved by the minister of justice and submitted to the DPR for
passage into law, a process not expected to be completed until mid-1993,
assuming no major controversy arose over the draft law. The proposed new
code was likely to eliminate the distinction between felonies and misdemeanors
and to pay greater deference to adat in the handling of certain crimes. Although
not likely to replace the special subversion law, the proposed code attempted to
describe offenses against the state with more specificity. It was also likely to
recommend that prisoners who committed crimes because of personal
conviction, such as political offenses, be treated differently from common
criminals. Whereas two-thirds of the crimes detailed were expected to be the
same as in the old code, the new penal code was expected to cover new
classes of offenses such as computer crime. A new Code of Criminal
Procedures was promulgated on December 31, 1981. The new code replaced a
1941 revision of an 1848 Dutch colonial regulation that stipulated legal
procedures to be used in both criminal as well as civil cases. Both national
jurists and government officials had complained that statutory ambiguity in the
old code and certain of its provisions in some cases had led to abuses of
authority by law enforcement and judicial officials. Under the old system, several
authorities, including the police, the regional military commands, and the public
prosecutors, shared powers of arrest, detention, and interrogation--an often
confusing situation that sometimes led plaintiffs to file complaints with the
particular agency they believed would deal most favorably with their case.
Individuals could be arrested and detained on suspicion alone, and there were
broad limits on how long a suspect could be held before being charged or
brought to trial. Moreover, the accused could request legal counsel only when
his case was submitted to a judge and not during any pretrial proceedings. The
new code represents a considerable step forward in the establishment of clear
norms of procedural justice. Criminal investigatory powers are vested mainly in
the police. A suspect can be held only twenty-four hours before the investigating

officials present their charges and obtain a detention order from a judge.
Specific limits are established on how long a suspect can be held before a trial.
The new code expressly grants the accused the right to learn the charges
against him or her, to be examined immediately by investigating officials, and to
have the case referred to a prosecutor, submitted to court, and tried before a
judge. The accused also has the right to obtain legal counsel at all levels of the
proceedings. Should it turn out that a person has been wrongly charged or
detained under the new code, he or she has the right to sue for compensation
and for the restoration of rights and status. In practice, the new criminal
procedures code did not always live up to its promise. Prohibitions against
mistreatment and arbitrary detention, for example, were sometimes ignored, as
were guarantees regarding adequate defense counsel. This was especially true,
as noted by outside jurists, in political cases. In addition, the 1981 code was
supposed to apply to all criminal cases, with a temporary exception made for
special laws on subversion and treason that contain their own procedures for
prosecution; these special laws had not been brought under the provisions of
the new code in 1992. No name (2020). Criminal Law. Retrived from

Grammar Focus
The simple past tense is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now.
The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the action can
be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not important.
1. John Cabot sailed to America in 1498
2. My father died last year
3. He lived in Fiji in 1976.
4. We crossed the Channel yesterday.
The past perfect tense is a verb tense which is used to show that an action took
place once or many times before another point in the past. Read on for detailed
descriptions, examples, and present perfect exercises. The past perfect is formed
using had + past participle. Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and
had. Negatives are made with not.

1. Statement: You had studied English before you moved to New York.
2. Question: Had you studied English before you moved to New York?
3. Negative: You had not studied English before you moved to New York.
3. Rangkuman
Criminal law is different from civil law in that the role of the state interferes in it. The
characteristic of this criminal law is the existence of a corporate law in which a person
who has been found guilty through a judge's verdict and has legal force can still be
locked up in prison for his actions that have harmed other people and the state.
4. Tugas
Find a news regarding Indonesia criminal law cases and outline the criminal case legal
5. Evaluasi
Explain about Indonesia criminal law with your own words
6. Kunci jawaban

H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 8
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 8
a. Mahasiswa mampu mengenal dan memahami istilah-istilah hukum pidana dalam
bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mampu memahami definite dan indefinite articles
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about civil law
procedure in Indonesia. Pengertian hukum acara perdata (civil code
procedure), dasar hukum acara perdata di Indonesia (civil code procedure)
1) Pengertian hukum acara perdata di Indonesia
Hukum acara perdata Indonesia adalah serangkaian kaidah, prosedur, dan
peraturan hukum yang mengatur pelaksanaan hukum perdata pada tata hukum
positif yang berlaku di Indonesia.
2) HIR/Rbg sebagai sumber hukum acara perdata
Berlakunya HIR dan RBg dalam pengadilan perdata di Indonesia pasca-
kemerdekaan, dengan pengaturan yurisdiksi yang sama (HIR untuk Jawa dan
Madura, RBg untuk luar Jawa dan Madura). RV, yang sebelumnya berlaku
untuk golongan Eropa, masih digunakan untuk praktek-praktek tertentu, yaitu
pada hal arbitrase. Pemberlakuan HIR di Jawa dan Madura kemudian dikuatkan
dengan Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 1947 tentang Peraturan Peradilan
Ulangan di Jawa dan Madura.Selain itu, Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata
dan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Dagang juga dianggap sebagai salah satu
sumber hukum acara perdata. Pada KUH Perdata, peraturan acara perdata
terdapat pada Buku IV tentang Pembuktian dan Daluwarsa (Pasal 1865-1993
3) Teori pembuktian dalam hukum acara perdata di Indonesia
Pembuktian adalah perbuatan membuktikan. Membuktikan berarti memberikan
atau memperlihatkan bukti, melakukan sesuatu kebenaran, melaksanakan,
menandakan menyaksikan dan meyakinkan. Membuktikan berarti memberikan
kepastian mutlak, karena berlaku bagi setiap orang dan tidak memungkinkan
adanya bukti lawan

4) Both petition or claim under civil case shall be filed into the Court of First
Instance in the general court jurisdiction. However, family cases for moslem
citizen, which include divorce claim, inheritance, guardianship, shall falls under
the jurisdiction of Religious Court, while same matters for non-moslem citizen
shall falls under the jurisdiction of General Court. Party can file the claim by
themselves or having its own legal representation to the President of the Court
of First Instance having the jurisdiction over the matter (article 118 HIR). The
claim will only be registered if the plaintiff pay the court fees stipulated by the
Register.In general, Mediation is compulsory procedure before the hearing
commences, as implementation of article 130 HIR/154 RBg. As compulsory
procedure, failure to offer mediation prior the hearing shall render the court
decision’s null and void. According to Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 Year
2016 on Mediation, if the mediation succeeded, the court shall issue the deed of
settlement which have equal power to a final and binding court decision, and
failure to implement such deed, will allow the plaintiff to request court order from
the President of the Court for execution. If the mediation failed to reach
settlement, the result of the mediation shall be recorded in the minutes of
hearing, and the hearing will be continued. (Pasal 131 HIR/Pasal 155 RBg).A
summary civil dispute shall be handled by the procedure according to the
Supreme Court Regulation Number 2 Year 2014 on Small Claim Court which
allow the case to be settled not more than 25 days after filing, heard by single
judge and appeal only possible to full panel at the same court. For ordinary civil
dispute, the process is handled according to Supreme Court Circular Number 2
Year 2014 on the Settlement of Cases in the Court of First Instances and
Appellate Court for Four Court Jurisdiction which stipulates that cases in the
court of first instance should be finished by maximum 5 months and maximum 3
months for appellate court.Generally, court hear cases in panel of three judges,
except for petition cases, which usually heard by single judge. According to
Small Claim Procedure, small claim cases shall be handled by single judge.
Appeal to the decision of the court of first instance can be made to appellate
court, further appeal is available under Cassation to the Supreme Court. Special
Review to the Supreme Court is possible under very limited reasons, i.e. after

the decision was rendered, it is then known that the decision was based on
fraud, deception from the defendant or based on the evidences which later
decided by criminal judges as false or fabricated; after the decision was
rendered, key evidences that may determine the outcome of the decision was
found; the court decision grant matters that is not requested or decide more than
requested by the prosecutor; in the case where some part of the requisitor has
not been decided without any consideration; in the case where the same parties,
on the same matters, on the same basis has receive inconsistent decision one
to another; in the event where there are error of the judges or visible mistakes.
(Article 67 Act Number 14 Year 1985 as amended by Act Number 5 Year 2004
on the Supreme Court). Certain type of cases can be appealed directly to the
Supreme Court without the need to go through the appellate court, for example
in bankruptcy, Intellectual Property, Appeal Against the decision of the
Consumer Protection Body, Appeal Against the Decision of Business
Competition Commission, and Industrial Relation Dispute, which allow cases to
be finalized in more expeditiously. No name (2020). Indonesia Litigation
Processes. Retrived from

Grammar Focus
In English there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or
noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. The definite article (the) is used before
a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite
article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
There are certain situations in which a noun takes no article. As a guide, the following
definitions and table summarize the basic use of articles. Continue reading for a more
detailed explanation of the rules and for examples of how and when to apply them.
Definite article
1. the (before a singular or plural noun)
Indefinite article
1. a (before a singular noun beginning with a consonant sound)
2. an (before a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound)

3. Rangkuman
Civil Procedure Law is studied as the basis for every legal practitioner and non-legal
practitioner to know the procedures for going to trial when facing a civil case. Civil
Procedure Code is divided into two, namely HIR and Rbg. HIR is applied to the Java
and Madura region while Rbg is applied outside of Java and Madura. Although the legal
basis is different, the procedural law used remains the same.
4. Tugas
a. What are some reasons why someone takes legal action against someone else?
b. What are some reasons why courts award money to palintiffs who win their cases?
5. Evaluasi
Explain what is civil law procedure by your own words?
6. Kunci jawaban

I. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 9
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 9
a. Mahasiswa mampu mengenal dan memahami istilah-istilah hukum pidana dalam
bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mampu memahami conditional sentences
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about criminal law
procedure in Indonesia . Pengertian hukum acara pidana (civil law
procedure), dasar hukum acara pidana di Indonesia (criminal law procedure)
1) Pengertian hukum acara pidana di Indonesia
Hukum acara pidana Indonesia adalah serangkaian kaidah, prosedur, dan
peraturan hukum yang mengatur pelaksanaan hukum pidana pada tata hukum
positif yang berlaku di Indonesia. Istilah "hukum acara pidana" merupakan
terjemahan bebas dari istilah strafvordering ("hukum tuntutan pidana") di dalam
bahasa Belanda. Andi Hamzah mencatat bahwa terdapat padanan Belanda
yang sebenarnya lebih sesuai, yaitu stafprocesrecht. Dalam kaitannya dengan
hukum pidana, hukum acara pidana adalah hukum pidana formal yang berfungsi
menjalankan hukum pidana substansif.
2) KUHAP sebagai sumber hukum acara pidana
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum
Acara Pidana (dikenal sebagai Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana,
disingkat KUH Acara Pidana atau KUHAP) adalah undang-undang Indonesia
yang mengatur tentang pelaksanaan formil dari hukum pidana. KUHAP adalah
dasar hukum bagi aparat penegak hukum seperti kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan
pengadilan untuk melaksanakan wewenangnya. Kitab ini mengatur tentang
penyidikan, penyelidikan, penahanan, penangkapan, dan hal-hal lain yang
menjadi prosedur dari tindak pidana yang diatur oleh Kitab Undang-undang
Hukum Pidana (KUHP). Sebelum berlakunya UU No. 8 Tahun 1981, hukum
acara pidana di Indonesia diatur oleh Het Herziene Inlandcshe Reglement,
produk hukum warisan pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda yang berlaku lewat
Staatsblad No. 44 Tahun 1941. HIR tetap berlaku sampai tiga dekade pertama
kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia sebelum Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat

mengeluarkan Tap MPR RI No. IV/MPR/1978 Bab IV Bidang Hukum yang
mengamanatkan kodifikasi dan unifikasi di bidang hukum, salah satunya pada
hukum pidana. Selepas Reformasi dan munculnya institusi Mahkamah
Konstitusi, KUHAP menjadi salah satu undang-undang yang terbanyak
dimohonkan Permohonan Pengujian Perundang-undangan (PPU) dengan 63
kali permohonan; sebanyak 12 permohonan dikabulkan atau dikabulkan
sebagian. KUHAP pada masa Reformasi juga telah dilengkapi pelaksanaannya
dengan undang-undang lain, seperti UU No. 4 Tahun 2004 tentang Kekuasaan
3) Teori pembuktian dalam hukum acara pidana di Indonesia
Teori Pembuktian Berdasarkan Keyakinan Hakim Semata (Conviction Intime /
Conviction Raisonce). Teori Pembuktian Berdasar Keyakinan Hakim Atas
Alasan Yang Logis (Conviction In Raisone). Teori Pembuktian Menurut Undang-
Undang Secara Positif (positief wettelijke bewijs theorie). Teori pembuktian
menurut undang-undang secara negatif (negatief wettelijke bewijs theorie).
4) Investigation. Criminal justice system commences with inquiry and
investigation process. According to article 6 par (1) Criminal Procedural Law
investigator shall be the investigator from the Police Force and certain civil
servant official provided with special authority by the Law. In addition to that, for
criminal act of corruption, according to article 6 letter c Act Number 30 Year
2002, the Anti Corruption Commission shall have the authority to conduct
inquiry, investigation and prosecution over corruption offences and further article
30 par (1) letter d mention that one of the authority of the prosecutor general is
to conduct investigation over certain offences according to the
laws.Prosecution. Prosecution according to Article 1 Number 7 Criminal Code
shall be the action taken by public prosecutor to file a criminal case to the court
having jurisdiction over such matters in accordance with the applicable
procedure with the request to the judge to review and decide upon the matter. If
the public prosecutor is in the opinion that the result of investigation has been
sufficient to prosecution, the prosecutor shall prepare indictment and file the
case to the court. In the case where prosecutor is in the opinion that there is not
sufficient evidence, or the event is not an offence, or the case must be closed on

behalf of public order, the prosecutor may discontinue the prosecution by issuing
the Order to Terminate the Prosecution.Court Hearing. Court hearing is
conducted by panel of judges consist of at least 3 (three) judges, except the
laws determine the otherwise. Exceptions include hearing for juvenile cases,
minor offences, expeditious procedures and pre-hearing procedures. The
hearing process is open for public except the laws determine the otherwise.
Cases examined with closed procedure shall be offences committed by minor.
According to Article 1 Number 3 Act Number 11 Year 2012 on Juvenile Court
System, referred to as minor shall be child at the age of 12 but not exceeding 18
years old suspected to have commit crime. The timeframe for court examination
for criminal cases shall be based according to the following condition:
a) If the defendant is under detention, the examination process shall take the
consideration of the detention time. A judge can apply detention for 30 days.
If the examination is not yet complete, the detention can be extended into 60
days. In the case where the defendant commit offences which subject to
more than 9 years of imprisonment or the defendant is ill, the detention can
be extended to maximum 30 days and can be extended further for 30 days.
b) If the defendant is not in detention, the examination shall be conducted in
accordance to the Supreme Court Circular Number 2 Year 2014 which is 5
months for court of first instance and 3 months for court of appeal.Court
agenda in a simple criminal case shall consist of the followings:
1) Reading the Indictment
2) Exception from the defendant
3) Examination of evidences
4) Reading the Requisitoir / prosecutor’s charges
5) Reading the Pledoi / defences
6) Reading the Decisions
The court decision shall be read in a public hearing, a typical criminal court
decisions shall consist of:
a) The decision to punish, a decisions imposed if the defendant has been
proven to be guilty committing the offences mentioned by prosecutor,
followings are type of the punishment:

1) Death penalty
2) Lifetime penalty
3) Jail penalty
4) Fine
5) Confinement
b) Acquittal, decision imposed if the defendant cannot be proven to commit the
c) Release from the charges, if the defendant is proven to commit the act but
such act is not offences.
Offences under the Indonesian legal system shall consist of general offences
and special offences. General Offences is offences regulated under Criminal
Code, such as murder (art 338), theft (art 362), fraud (art 378) whereas special
offences are offences regulated in specific laws such as Criminal Act of
Corruption (Act Number 31 Year 1999 jo Act Number 20 Year 2001) Criminal
Act of Money Laundering (Act Number 8 Year 2010) Criminal Act of Human
Trafficking (Act Number 21 Year 2007). No name (2020). Indonesia Litigation
Processes. Retrived from

Grammar Focus
Conditional tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have
happened, and what we wish would happen. In English, most sentences using the
conditional contain the word if. Many conditional forms in English are used in
sentences that include verbs in one of the past tenses. This usage is referred to as
"the unreal past" because we use a past tense but we are not actually referring to
something that happened in the past. There are five main ways of constructing
conditional sentences in English. In all cases, these sentences are made up of an if
clause and a main clause. In many negative conditional sentences, there is an
equivalent sentence construction using "unless" instead of "if".
Conditionals describe the result of a certain condition. The if clause tells you the
condition (If you study hard) and the main clause tells you the result (you will pass
your exams). The order of the clauses does not change the meaning.
If you study hard, you will pass your exams.
You will pass your exams if you study hard.

Conditional sentences are often divided into different types.
1. Zero conditional
We use the zero conditional to talk about things that are generally true, especially for
laws and rules.
If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep at night.
Ice melts if you heat it.
When the sun goes down, it gets dark.
The structure is: if/when + present simple >> present simple.
2. First conditional
We use the first conditional when we talk about future situations we believe are real
or possible.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the beach.
Arsenal will be top of the league if they win.
When I finish work, I'll call you.
In first conditional sentences, the structure is usually: if/when + present simple >> will +
infinitive. It is also common to use this structure with unless, as long as, as soon as or in
case instead of if.
I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.
I don't want to stay in London unless I get a well-paid job.
I'll give you a key in case I'm not at home.
You can go to the party, as long as you're back by midnight.
3. Second conditional
The second conditional is used to imagine present or future situations that are
impossible or unlikely in reality.
If we had a garden, we could have a cat.
If I won a lot of money, I'd buy a big house in the country.
I wouldn't worry if I were you.
The structure is usually: if + past simple >> + would + infinitive. When if is followed by
the verb be, it is grammatically correct to say if I were, if he were, if she were and if it
were. However, it is also common to hear these structures with was, especially in the
he/she form.
If I were you, I wouldn't mention it.

If she was prime minister, she would invest more money in schools.
He would travel more if he was younger
The 1981 code represents a considerable step forward in the establishment of clear
norms of procedural justice. Under it, criminal investigation powers lie almost entirely
with the police. A suspect can be held only 24 hours before the investigating officials
present their charges and obtain a detention order from a judge. Specific limits are
established on how long a suspect can be held before a trial. The 1981 code expressly
grants the accused the right to learn the charges against him or her, to be examined
immediately by investigating officials, and to have the case referred to a prosecutor,
submitted to a court, and tried before a judge. The accused also has the right to obtain
legal counsel in all of the proceedings. Should it turn out that a person has been wrongly
charged or detained under the 1981 code, that individual has the right to sue for
compensation and for the restoration of rights and status.
4. Tugas
a. What are some things that happen before a criminal case goes to court?
b. Why might the judges not be abde to agree on porsecutor’s prosecution?
5. Evaluasi
Reexplain about criminal law
6. Kunci jawaban

J. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 10
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 10
a. Mahasiswa mampu mengenal dan memahami istilah-istilah hukum pidana dalam
bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan phrasel verbs
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about adat law
1) Pengertian hukum adat
Hukum adat adalah sistem hukum yang dikenal dalam lingkungan kehidupan
sosial di Indonesia dan negara-negara lainnya seperti Jepang, India, dan
Tiongkok. Hukum adat adalah hukum asli bangsa Indonesia. Sumbernya adalah
peraturan-peraturan hukum tidak tertulis yang tumbuh dan berkembang dan
dipertahankan dengan kesadaran hukum masyarakatnya. Karena peraturan-
peraturan ini tidak tertulis dan tumbuh kembang, maka hukum adat memiliki
kemampuan menyesuaikan diri dan elastis. Selain itu dikenal pula masyarakat
hukum adat yaitu sekelompok orang yang terikat oleh tatanan hukum adatnya
sebagai warga bersama suatu persekutuan hukum karena kesamaan tempat
tinggal ataupun atas dasar keturunan
2) Pentingnya hukum adat di era modern
Kehidupan masyarakat di saat ini tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan adanya
perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang sangat pesat dan sebagai
efeknya masyarakat juga akan mengalami perubahan baik secara perilaku
maupun pola pikir. Namun apakah perkembangan dan perubahan yang terjadi
terhadap cara pandang maupun perilaku tersebut juga akan menyebabkan
hilangnya nilai-nilai luhur masyarakat adat dalam bentuk kearifan loka karena
tidak dibutuhkan lagi? Ternyata pada faktanya nilai-nilai tersebut masih
dibutuhkan sebagai sarana pembentuk cara bersikap masyarakat yang tetap
melestarikan kebudayaannya. Generasi yang milenal tidak harus meninggalkan
nilai-nilai budaya yang dimilikinya yang berperan dalam membentuk generasi
yang berkarakter sehingga berkontribusi menciptakan identitas bangsa.
3) There are many terms used to refer to the customary law such as Local
law, traditional law, original law or the Folks Law. Adat law as the living law

conceived as a legal system that is formed by the empirical experience of the
people in the past. That was considered fair and proper and have earned
legitimacy of traditional authorities so that binding or compulsory obeyed. While
meaning the Adat law itself can we quote from the opinion of some experts of
Adat Law. Cornelis van Volenhoven opine that Adat law is "the overall rules of
positive behavior that one side has sanctions (because of that it called as the
law) and the other side in uncodified (therefore called as Adat)." Furthermore,
Van Vollenhoven stated that the Adat law is Living Law in indigenous
communities in Indonesia with its own legal system for hundreds year existance
before the arrival of the Dutch. Koesnoe stated that Adat law is the law which
comes from the root of Indonesian people who are not familiar with codification.
While Snouck Hurgronye viewed Adat law as “taken for granted” as the original
itself without knowing the forms of separation as in western law. If the western
legal discourse separate between individual entities from the public, Adat law is
not in this case. Because of that, Adat law is pervaded by a spirit of kinship, the
individual subject obey and serve the community rules. Furthermore although
boils down to the same goal which is to achieve harmony between the individual
and society, western law (that have an individual character) has a primary goal
in the implementation of the law to protect the interests of the individual,
whereas the public interest will be considered if there is violation in the
communities. In the Adat law (that have communal character), The primary
goals is to achieve harmony between the individual and society. Along with the
development of Indonesian society, codification system has been implemented
in almost all the legal field. Adat law is often interpreted as the original law of
Indonesian society that is rooted in customs and cultural values. It means that
the basic mind of Adat law was binding and determine the mindset of the people
of Indonesia. Even the spirit and mindset has been outlined and recognized in
the Constitution of Indonesia, namely “Undang-Undang Dasar 1945”, confirmed
that Adat law is part of the basic law of the state of Indonesia (droit
constitutionelle). Thus, the existence of Adat law right now more depend on the
written law (statutory law), like the constitution and legislation. Historically, the
relationship of interdependence is an implication of the Dutch legal system that

adopted by the Indonesian legal system through the principle of concordance.At
the time of colonialism Dutch East Indies, van Vollenhoven stated that the
implementation of Adat law system was not based on rules and authorities of
The Government of the Netherlands (Hindia Belanda). Adat considered valid as
the "law" was not depend on legislation that admit it, but because of actions by
the indigenous peoples are considered appropriate and binding. In addition,
indigenous peoples have the same confidence to maintain the Adat rules by the
The Adat Chief (Kepala Adat) and other the law officers, as well as Adat
containing sanctions was the one who really regarded as the law is Adat law.

Grammar Focus
Phrasal verbs are mainly used in spoken English and informal texts. (The more formal
a conversation or text, the less phrasal verbs are found). Phrasal verbs consist of a
verb plus a particle (preposition, adverb). The particle can change the meaning of the
verb completely.
1. Account to means to make a payment to someone together with a breakdown of
the amount and how it is calculated. For example, the lawyer accounted to his
client for damages received.
2. Enter into means (1) to begin or start a formal agreement; or (2) to start to deal
with something. For example, the company entered into negotiations with its
supplier to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
3. Factor in, means to include or take account of something when calculating or
planning something. For example, «the company needs to factor its legal costs
when preparing its end of year accounts.
4. Find in favour of/Against is often used to describe a judicial decision. For
example; the judge found against the Defendant or the judge found in favour of
the Claimant
5. Hand Down: means (1) In an inheritance situation to give or leave something to
someone else. Eg the property was handed down to me by my parents. (2) To
announce an official decision; e.g. the court handed down its judgment.
6. Pass off: means to pretend that something or someone is different from what
they are, for example, «the company tried to pass off conterfeit products as the
real thing’. ‘Passing off’ is also a specific tort in common law countries, which for

example prohibits companies from giving the impression that their goods or
services are associated with another.
7. Rule in favour of/against as with find in favour of/against is often used to
describe a judicial decision. For example; the judge ruled against the Defendant
or the judge ruled in favour of the Claimant
8. Strike Out means the removal by a judge of a case before the court. For
example, ‘the judge struck out the case as it disclosed no reasonable grounds of
9. Sum Up to sum up means to give the main points of something in a few words.
In legal english ‘the summing up’ is the speech made by a judge to the jury near
the end of the trial.
10. Weigh up means to think carefully about the arguments before making a
decision. For example, the jury weighed up the evidence carefully before handing
down their verdict.
3. Rangkuman
Adat law referres to as customary law that lives in the midst of customary communities
or in general has traditionally been around for a long time. Although adat law can also
be called customary law, customary law is not always called adat law because
customary law is not always identical with traditional communities.
4. Tugas
Relate customary law and adat law and differ them
5. Evaluasi
Why adat law is still needed in modern era?
6. Kunci jawaban

K. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 11
1.Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 11
a. Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami dan menggunakan istilah-istilah hukum
perusahaan dalam bentuk bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mengerti untuk menggunakan question tag
2.Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about company
1) Pengertian hukum perusahaan
Hukum perusahaan adalah badan hukum yang mengatur hak, hubungan, dan
perilaku orang, perusahaan, organisasi, dan bisnis. Istilah ini merujuk pada
praktik hukum hukum yang berkaitan dengan korporasi. Prof. Molengraff
menjelaskan perusahaan adalah keseluruhan perbuatan yang dilakukan secara
terus menerus, bertindak keluar, untuk mendapatkan penghasilan, dengan cara
memperniagakan barang-barang, menyerahkan barang-barang, atau
mengadakan perjanjian-perjanjian perdagangan. Di sini Molengraff memandang
perusahaan dari sudut “ekonomi
2) Sumber-sumber hukum perusahaan di Indonesia
Undang-undang No.40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas
3) The discussion will focus on a limited liability company (perseroan terbatas
(‘PT’)) set under Law No. 40 of 2007concerning limited liability companies, and
its implementing regulations (Indonesian Company Law). PT is the corporate
entity form allowed within the context of foreign direct investment in Indonesia
(with some exceptions in the banking and oil and gas sectors under production
sharing contracts, or the construction sector in the scheme of joint operation)
and can take the form of a private company of a public company (also known as
PT Tbk) with a minimum of 300 shareholders and issued and paid-up capital of
a minimum of IDR 3 billion. Corporate Governance of Indonesian limited liability
companies is mainly governed by: (i) the Indonesian Company Law; (ii) for
foreign investment companies Law No. 25 of 2007 on Investment and its
implementing regulations (investment law); and (iii) for public companies, Law
No. 8 of 1995 on Capital Market including its implementing regulations (capital

market law). Public companies, banks and non-bank nancial companies (e.g.
multi- nance and insurance companies) are regulated by the regulations of the
Financial Services Authority (OJK).The Indonesian Company Law sets the
general rules on corporate governance of PT-the duties, roles, rights, obligations
and liabilities of PT and each organ of PT, consisting of (i) a General Meeting of
Shareholders (“GMS”), (ii) the Board of Directors (BOD), and (iii) the Board of
Commissioners (BOC). The rules and provisions set by the Indonesian
Company Law are generally applicable to all limited liability companies.The
Investment Law works in conjunction with the Indonesian Company Law as one
of the main sources of corporate governance practice for foreign investment
companies. While most of the corporate governance rules are covered by the
Indonesian Company Law, the Investment Law provides additional
obligations/requirements such as: restrictions on nominee-share ownership
arrangements; and the requirement for a foreign direct investment to be
conducted in the form of a limited liability company.

Grammar Focus
We can add question tags like isn't it?, can you? or didn't they? to a statement to
make it into a question. Question tags are more common in speaking than writing. We
often use question tags when we expect the listener to agree with our statement. In
this case, when the statement is positive, we use a negative question tag.
She's a doctor, isn't she?
Yesterday was so much fun, wasn't it?
If the statement is negative, we use a positive question tag.
He isn't here, is he?
The trains are never on time, are they?
Nobody has called for me, have they?
If we are sure or almost sure that the listener will confirm that our statement is correct,
we say the question tag with a falling intonation. If we are a bit less sure, we say the
question tag with a rising intonation.
If there is an auxiliary verb in the statement, we use it to form the question tag.
I don't need to finish this today, do I?

James is working on that, isn't he?
Your parents have retired, haven't they?
The phone didn't ring, did it?
It was raining that day, wasn't it?
Your mum hadn't met him before, had she?
Sometimes there is no auxiliary verb already in the statement. For example, when:
... the verb in the statement is present simple or past simple and is positive. Here we
use don't, doesn't or didn't:
Jenni eats cheese, doesn't she?
I said that already, didn't I?
... the verb in the statement is to be in the present simple or past simple. In this case
we use to be to make the question tag:
The bus stop's over there, isn't it?
None of those customers were happy, were they?
... the verb in the statement is a modal verb. Here we use the modal verb to make the
question tag:
They could hear me, couldn't they?
You won't tell anyone, will you?
If the main verb or auxiliary verb in the statement is am, the positive question tag is
am I? but the negative question tag is usually aren't I?:
I'm never on time, am I?
I'm going to get an email with the details, aren't I?
3. Rangkuman
In the limited liability company, capital is the primary factor which allows the Company to
conduct their business activities. The Law number 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability
Companies has set out the provision on the company capital. Organ in limitied liability
company based on Law Number 40 of 2007 rules; General Meeting of Shareholders
(“GMS”), (ii) the Board of Directors (BOD), and (iii) the Board of Commissioners (BOC).
4. Tugas
Discuss with your friends what kind of organ has the essential role in on company?
5. Evaluasi
Why we need company law?

6. Kunci jawaban

L. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 12
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 12
a. Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami dan menggunakan istilah-istilah hukum
ketenegakerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami comparative dan superlativeclause
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about labor law
1) Pengertian hukum ketenagakerjaan
Hukum Tenaga Kerja merupakan istilah lain dari Hukum Perburuhan. Istilah
buruh merupakan peninggalan zaman feodal dimana orang melakukan
pekerjaan tangan atau pekerjaan kasar seperti kuli, tukang yang melakukan
pekerjaan berat dan kotor, yang lebih dikenal dengan nama blue collar. Istilah
Tenaga kerja dan pekerja dapat dijumpai pada Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahhu
2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Menurut Molenaar, Hukum
perburuhan/ARBEIDSRECHT adalah bagian dari hukum yang berlaku, yang
pada pokoknya mengatur hubungan antara buruh dengan majikan, antara buruh
dengan buruh dan antara buruh dengan penguasa. Pada pengertian tersebut
hendaklah dibatasi pada hukum yang bersangkutan dengan orang-orang yang
bekerja berdasarkan perjanjian kerja/bekerja pada orang lain
2) Sumber-sumber hukum ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia
Undang-Undang No.13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan
3) The main source of employment law in Indonesia is Law No. 13 on
Manpower (Labor Law). In Indonesia there are three types of workers: fixed-
term employees, permanent employees and foreign employees. They are
distinguished to the length of service, to the nature of the job and to the type of
job. For permanent employees, the contract can be in writing or oral. However,
for fixed-term and foreign employees it has to be in writing or they will
automatically become a permanent employee. The minimum terms of contract of
employment regulated in employment law as below:
a. The name, sex, age and address of the employee.
b. The occupation or the type of job.
c. The place where the job is to be carried out.

d. The amount of wages and how the wages shall be paid.
e. The job requirements, stating the rights and obligations of both the
entrepreneur and the employee
f. The date the work agreement starts to take effect and the period during which
it is effective
g. The place and date where the work agreement is made
h. The signature of the parties involved in the work agreement
Labor Law refers to Collective Labor Agreements (CLA), which are similar to
collective bargaining agreements in other jurisdictions. CLAs are a result of
negotiation between a registered labor union or several registered labor unions,
and the employer or several employers or employer organizations. An employer
is not obliged to have a CLA, but at the same time, no provisions in Labor Law
prohibit an employer from taking the initiative to propose a negotiation of a CLA.
In practice, the initiative to negotiate a CLA typically comes from the labor
union(s). It should also be noted that the Labor Law requires an employer to
have at least 10 employees in order to have a company regulation (CR). A
company regulation is different to a CLA. A company regulation needs to be
ratified by the relevant local office of the Ministry of Manpower and
Transmigration (MOMT), depending on the employer’s location. The bargaining
for CLA or company regulation usually takes place at company level.

Grammar Focus
Comparative is used to compare differences between the two objects they modify
(larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are
compared, in this pattern:
Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).
The second item of comparison can be omitted if it is clear from the context (final
example below).Examples:
My house is larger than hers.
This box is smaller than the one I lost.
Your dog is faster than Jim's dog.
The rock is higher than the roof.
Jim and Jack are both fast, but Jack is faster. ("than Jim" is understood)

Superlative is used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a
quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences
where a subject is compared to a group of objects.
Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).
The group that is being compared with can be omitted if it is clear from the context
(final example below). Examples:
My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.
This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
Your dog was the fastest of any dog in the race.
We all have trees in our yard. My tree is the tallest. ("of all the trees" is
3. Rangkuman
Normal working hours are prescribed by the Indonesian Labor Law as not more than
seven hours per day and 40 hours per week based on a six-day working week. With the
written agreement of employees (and the union, if the employees are unionized), a five-
day working week, with eight hours per day and 40 hours per week, can be used.
Wages of employees who work five days per week must not be less than the wages of
employees who work six days per week.
4. Tugas
Define the labor law
5. Evaluasi
Explain again about the labor law
6. Kunci jawaban

M. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 13
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 13
a. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menggunakan istilah-istilah hukum konsumen
dalam bahasa Inggris
b. Mahasiswa mampu memahami relative pronouns
2. Materi Pembelajaran
b. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about law of
consumer protection
1) Pengertian hukum perlindungan konsumen
Hukum perlindungan konsumen adalah keseluruhan asas –asas dan kaidah
yang mengatur dan melindungi konsumen dalam hubungan dan masalah
penyediaan dan penggunaan produk konsumen antara penyedia dan
penggunaanya daam bermasyarakat.
2) Sumber-sumber hukum konsumen di Indonesia
Undang Undang No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen
3) Consumer protection is a legal device created to protect and fulfill consumer
rights. For example, sellers are required to show price tags as a notification to
consumers. The example relates to the standard clause issued by the business
actor as a producer. Unfortunately, the inclusion of a standard clause is often
burdensome to the consumers who, however, still have to accept the imbalance
due to their need of the product or service. The weak position of the consumers
is accommodated by the government with the establishment of Badan
Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen Indonesia or known as BPSK (in English:
the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency) based on Law No. 8 of the year
1999, concerning Consumer Protection (UUPK). The Consumer Protection Law
No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection of the Republic of Indonesia
explains that consumer rights include:
a. The right to have comfort, security, and safety in consuming goods and/or
b. The right to choose goods and/or services and obtain the goods and/or
services according to the exchange rates, conditions, and warranty as

c. The right to be treated or served appropriately, honestly, and fairly.
d. The right to get compensation or refund if the goods and/or services received
are not in accordance with the agreement or not appropriate, etc.

Grammar Focus
Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses. The most common relative pronouns
are who, whom, whose, which, that. The relative pronoun we use depends on what
we are referring to and the type of relative clause.
1. Who: Refers to a person (as the verb’s subject)
2. Whom: Refers to a person (as the verb’s object)
3. Which: Refers to an animal or thing
4. What: Refers to a nonliving thing
5. That: Refers to a person, animal, or thing
6. The woman who came to the door left flowers for you.
I am not sure whom this book belongs to.
Interpretative dance, which I find a bit disconcerting, is all the rage.
Is this what you were talking about?
She finally visited the coffee shop that had such great reviews.
3. Rangkuman
The development of era is very influential related to people's behavior, what is
increasingly worrying is when the actions of producers who only want to get profit
without looking at consumer protection. Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer
Protection does not only regulate consumers but also the rights and obligations of
4. Tugas
How does strict liability applied in consumer law protection?
5. Evaluasi
Does consumer law protection applied well in Indonesia?
6. Kunci jawaban

N. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 14
1. Tujuan dan Materi Pembelajaran 14
a. Mahasiswa dapat memahami mengenai perjanjian dalam bahasa Inggris sehingga
mampu untuk menggunakan istilah-istilah hukum dalam perjanjian dapat
digunakan secara lisan maupun tulisan
b. Mahasiswa mampu untuk menggunakan reported speech
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Reading comprehension, structure and written expression about agreement
1) Pengertian perjanjian
Perjanjian adalah suatu peristiwa di man seseorang berjanji kepada orang lain
atau di maa dua orang itu saling berjanji melaksanakan suatu hal. Perjanjian
dapat dibuat secara tertulis maupun lisan tergantung dari para pihak yang
membuatnya. Namun untuk memberikan kepastian dalam pembuktian telah
adanya perjanjian maka perjanjian haruslah dibuat secara tertulis.
2) Sumber-sumber hukum perjanjian di Indonesia
Sumber hukum perjanjian di Indonesia adalah KUHPerdata kemudian diatur
dalam Buku ke-3.
3) In Indonesia, Agreement Law, regulated in Book III of the Indonesian Civil
Code. This book is open in nature, so that everyone has freedom to make
contracts, provided that the contract is not in contrary to the general provisions
regarding contract as set forth in the Act. The provisions in Book III of the
Indonesian Civil Code are only effective as complementary law (Aanvullen
Recht). Ontologically the term agreement in the Indonesian Civil Code includes
“Verbintensis” and "overeenkomst". The term Verbintensis comes from the word
verbiden which means binding, a bond or relationship that constitutes as a legal
relationship. Whereas overeenkomst comes from the word overeenkomenwhich
means agree or it implies an agreement as in the principle of consensual implied
in Article 1320 and Article 1338 of the Indonesian Civil Code. In Article 1313 of
the Indonesian Civil Code, agreement means "An act by which one or more
persons bind themselves to one or more other person(s)." The relationship
between those two persons is a legal relationship, in which the rights and

obligations of the parties are guaranteed by law. An agreement is a consensus
made by a person with another one or more person(s), delivered in a written or
verbal agreement to perform a legal act. An agreement shall be deemed to be in
existence at the time of the achievement of mutual agreement between the
parties. A person who wishes to make an agreement shall express his wishes
and willingness to bind him (her) self.Some legal experts define agreement as
a) According Subekti, an agreement is an event in which a person covenants to
another or in which two people covenants to each other to perform
something. From this event, the relationship between those two people
arises, which is called an agreement. This agreement incurred a bond
between two people who made the agreement. In its form, the agreement
constitutes as a series of words that contains promises or willingness that is
verbally spoken or written
b) According CST. Kansil, an agreement is an event in which one party
covenants to another party to perform something. From this agreement,
arises an event such as a legal relationship between the two parties, such
relationship is called agreement
In implementing an agreement there are a few things to be considered. The
first: the elements of the agreement must be complete and the second: the
validity of the terms of the agreement. Because if the agreement does not fulfill
the elements and validity of the terms therein, then it is considered invalid and
considered has never been made. The elements of the agreement include the
parties (the subject of agreement), the agreement between the parties, the
objectives to be achieved, the acts to be carried out, and the certain
requirements as the content of the agreement.An agreement is said to be valid
and binding to the parties who make it, if it meets the validity terms of the
agreement as set forth in Article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code. In
accordance to Article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code, to enable an
agreement to be valid, it should meet four conditions, namely the binding
agreement between the parties, the capacity to make an agreement, a certain

subject matter, and the cause that is not forbidden; what is meant by the four
validity terms of the agreement include:
a) The agreement is a rapprochement between the declarations of a will of one
or more person with other person(s). There is agreed will between the parties
which includes the elements of the agreement, under certain terms, certain
forms. If the agreement has any element of coercion, deception and trickery,
then it can be cancelled so that the agreement becomes null and void by law.
How to determine the occurrence of "an agreement" has always become a
question when the agreement between the parties takes place.
b) The capability of the parties or capable in accordance to the law by means
that the parties entering into agreement shall be the person considered as an
adult (have reached the full age of 21 or have been married) and having
common sense. Article 1330 of the Indonesia Civil Code states that any
person considered incapable by law to enter into agreement are:
1.a. Minor persons
2.a. Person put under custody
3.a. Females, in the matters determined by the law, and
In general to whom the law has restricted to enter into certain agreements.
Article 330 of the Indonesian Civil Code states that minors are persons who
have not reached the full age of twenty-one years and have not entered into
marriage before. However, with the enactment of Law number 30 of 2004
regarding to the Law of Notary (Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris) Article 39
paragraph 1 stating that an adult are: the appearers have reached the full age
of 18 (eighteen) years old or have been married), then a provision in
c) Article 330 of the Indonesian Civil Code shall no longer valid. There is a
particular object, as the main agreement, as the object of the agreement,
whether in the form of a property or any particular achievement. The object
may be tangible or intangible. Any Agreement shall have the main (object) of
the property, at least it shall be determined the type of the object, and the
amount of the property may be further determined when the parties enter into
the agreement, provided that the amount of the property shall further be able
to be determined and calculated (Article 1330 of the Indonesian Civil Code).

The judge shall, at his/her best effort, find out the main or object of the
agreement, therefore the agreement may be executable. If the main or object
of the agreement shall not be found, then the agreement shall become null
and void.
d) There is a lawful cause which shall constitute as the substance of the
agreement, and shall describe the objective of the agreement to be reached
by the parties which shall not be contrary with the laws and regulation,
morality and public order. In accordance to Article 1337 of the Indonesian
Civil Code which states that “a cause is forbidden by the law, or if in contrary
to good morals or public orders.” It is implicitly stating that a party is prohibited
to enter into an agreement with unlawful cause/reason by the law and shall
not be contrary with morality or public orders, for instance the objects of the
agreement are any prohibited items such as sale and purchase of narcotics,
an agreement to commit any adultery and so forth. Any agreement made with
unlawful cause/forbidden reason.

Grammar Focus
Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we
can use direct speech or indirect speech.
Direct speech: 'I work in a bank,' said Daniel.
Indirect speech: Daniel said that he worked in a bank.
In indirect speech, we often use a tense which is 'further back' in the past (e.g.
worked) than the tense originally used (e.g. work). This is called 'backshift'. We also
may need to change other words that were used, for example pronouns.
Present simple, present continuous and present perfect
When we backshift, present simple changes to past simple, present continuous
changes to past continuous and present perfect changes to past perfect.
'I travel a lot in my job.'
Jamila said that she travelled a lot in her job.
'The baby's sleeping!'
He told me the baby was sleeping.
'I've hurt my leg.'
She said she'd hurt her leg.

Past simple and past continuous
When we backshift, past simple usually changes to past perfect simple, and past
continuous usually changes to past perfect continuous.
'We lived in China for five years.'
She told me they'd lived in China for five years.
'It was raining all day.'
He told me it had been raining all day.
Past perfect
The past perfect doesn't change.
'I'd tried everything without success, but this new medicine is great.'
He said he'd tried everything without success, but the new medicine was great.
3. Rangkuman
Agreement law regulated in Book III of the Indonesian Civil Code. This book is open in
nature, so that everyone has freedom to make contracts, provided that the contract is
not in contrary to the general provisions regarding contract as set forth in the Act. The
provisions in Book III of the Indonesian Civil Code are only effective as complementary
law (Aanvullen Recht). Ontologically the term agreement in the Indonesian Civil Code
includes “Verbintensis” and "overeenkomst". The term Verbintensis comes from the
word verbiden which means binding, a bond or relationship that constitutes as a legal
4. Tugas
How does an agreement bind to the parties?
5. Evaluasi
Explain about agreement law regulation in Indonesia?
6. Kunci jawaban

IV. Penutup
Modul mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Hukum ini disusun untuk memudahkan dosen dalam
melaksanakan pengajaran dan memudahkan mahasiswa melaksanakan pembelajaran
yang diharapkan nantinya memberikan sumbangsih besar di lingkungan Fakultas
Hukum universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Peningkatan kualitas pengajaran
dan pembelajaran sangat perlu dilakukan agar penetapan standar dapat dilakukan.
Semoga dengan adanya modul mata kuliah ini kegiatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran
akan jauh lebih baik.

V. Daftar Pustaka

Glendon, Marry Ann (2020). The French System. diakses melalui
pada tanggal 20 Agustus 2020

Haigh, Rupert. (2018). Legal English, 5 edition. Routledge: Great Britain

Kansil, C. S. T. (2018). Pengantar Tata Ilmu Hukum dan Tata Hukum Indonesia. Balai
Pustaka: Jakarta

Kusumaningrum, Adi. (2013). Kedaulatan Negara di Ruang Udara dan Perkembangan

Angkutan Udara Internasional. UB Press: Malang

Nasution, Adnan Buyung & Patra Zein. (2006). Instrumen Internasional Pokok-Pokok
Hak Asasi Manusia. Yayasan Obor Indonesia: Jakarta

Shaw, Malcolm (2020). International Law. diakses melalui pada tanggal 20 Agustus 2020

Windari, Ratna Artha. (2018). Pengantar Hukum Indonesia. PT. Rajagrafindo Persada:


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