Anda di halaman 1dari 16




1. Emdat Suprayitno 20151050007

2. Ganik Sakitri 20151050009
3. Neng Annis Fathia 20151050016
4. Sudarso 20151050026
5. Wiwit Sugiarti 20151050033
6. Yayang Harigustian 20151050035



A. Latar Belakang
Dalam era globalisasi yang sangat pesat ini, kita sebagai seorang profesional
kesehatan harus mampu mengikuti perkembangan tersebut dengan terus memperkaya
pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber ilmiah, baik berupa buku ajar, mengikuti pelatihan,
seminar nasional dan internasional, atau membaca laporan ilmiah. Seperti yang kita
ketahui bersama, bahwa sumber ilmiah yang paling up date yang dapat memperkaya
pengetahuan kita sebagai profesi keperawatan adalah berasal dari jurnal ilmiah, baik
jurnal nasional maupun internasional. Dalam dunia kesehatan, membaca jurnal ilmiah
merupakan suatu metode yang efektif guna memperoleh pengetahuan baru. Sebagai
pelayan kesehatan, tujuan akhir membaca jurnal ilmiah adalah untuk menerapkan hasil
yang dilaporkan oleh peneliti kepada pasien.
Evidence-based medicine pendekatan pengambilan keputusan klinik, dimana
klinis ini menggunakan bukti ilmiah terbaik (best evidence) yang ada, dengan
konsultasi kepasien, memutuskan pilihan terbaik bagi pasien.Untuk menentukan bukti
“terbaik” diperlukan kemampuan critical appraisal. Critical appraisal merupakan
proses sistematis untuk menguji validitas, hasil, dan relevansi dari sebuah bukti ilmiah
(hasil penelitian) sebelum digunakan untuk mengambil keputusan. Critical appraisa
lmembantu kita untuk memahami metode dan hasilsebuah penelitian, membantu
dalam menganalis kualitas sebuah penelitian dan menjembatani jurang antara hasil
riset dengan aplikasi praktis.
Critical appraisal biasanya digunakan untuk beberapa desain penelitian,
diantaramya randomized controlled trial, cohortstudy, case-control Study,
diagnostictest. Randomized controlled trial merupakan metode yang umum yang
dikenal dalam ilmu kesehatan. Metode ini merupakan penelitian komparatif
eksperimental terkendali, dimana peneliti memberikan dua intervensi atau lebih
kepada pasien yang digunakan untuk sampel penelitian. Dalam penelitian ilmu
kesehatn, RCT biasanya digunakan untuk menguji keberhasilan atau efektifitas
pengobatan. Selain itu, metode ini juga digunakan untuk menguji keberhasilan dan
efektifitas tindakan medis. Bahkan RCT juga digunakan untuk menguji peralatan
Dibandingkan metode penelitian yang lain, hasil penelitian yang menggunakan
metode desain RCT paling layak untuk dipercaya. Hal ini disebabkan karena dalam
prakteknya, RCT mensyaratkan sampelnya menggunakan pasien atau manusia yang
sesungguhnya, tidak boleh menggunkan hewan percobaan. Selain itu model penelitian
membandingkan kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok intervensi dalam realitas

B. Tujuan
Adapun tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah mahasiswa mampu mengkritisi
jurnal sehingga mampu membuat penelitian yang berkualitas.

Judul : Inspiratory Muscle Training in Patients With Heart Failure and Inspiratory
Muscle Weakness
Teknik : CASP’s 11 questions

Apakah hasil dari percobaan valid?

Pertanyaan Skrining
1. Apakah penelitian membahas pertanyaan dengan jelas? (Ya)
a. Populasi yang diteliti
Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pasien CHF yang dirawat antara bulan Agustus
2001 dan November 2003 ada 144 pasien dengan CHF yang disaring untuk
penelitian.Sembilan puluh enam pasien masuk kriteria eksklusi. Ada 44 pasien
yang masuk kriteria inklusi dan diacak. Untuk 22 pasien diacak dijadikan
kelompok kontrol IMT, 1 memiliki infark miokard, 1 fibrilasi atrium, dan 4 tidak
mampu menyelesaikan protokol pelatihan. Untuk 22 pasien dialokasikan untuk
kelompok intervensi P-IMT, 2 harus dikeluarkan karena ada indikasi operasi
bypass graft arteri koroner, 3 ada gejala muncul pada saat istirahat, dan 1 terjadi
perdarahan sekunder untuk antikoagulan oral. Oleh karena itu, 16 pasien yang
dijadikan kelompok intervensi.
b. Intervensi yang diberikan
Pasien diberikan Inspirasi Muscle Training (IMT) selama 30 menit 7 kali per
minggu, selama 12 minggu menggunakan alat bantu perangkat Pelatihan Threshold
otot inspirasi (Threshold Inspirasi Trainer otot. Selama pelatihan, pasien
diinstruksikan untuk menjaga pernapasan diafragma, dengan tingkat pernapasan
pada 15 sampai 20 napas / menit.
c. Pembanding yang diberikan
Untuk kelompok intervensi, dalam menggunakan alat Threshold otot inspirasi pada
saat latihan beban inspirasi ditetapkan pada 30% dari maksimal inspirasi statis
tekanan, dan beban pelatihan mingguan yang disesuaikan untuk mempertahankan
30% dari PImax. Untuk kelompok kontrol jadwal latihan sama, namun dilakukan
tanpa beban inspirasi.
d. Pertimbangan hasil
IMT menyebabkan peningkatan 115% PImax, peningkatan 17% dalam
pengambilan oksigen peak, dan 19% meningkat dalam jarak berjalan 6 menit.
Kekuatan peredaran darah meningkat dan ventilasi osilasi berkurang. Ventilasi O2
meningkat selama pemulihan, dan skor kualitas hidup meningkat.

2. Apakah penelitian ini randomised controlled trial (RCT) dan apakah sesuai
dengan metode tersebut? (Ya)
Penelitian ini menggunakan randomised controlled trial (RCT) atau merupakan
penelitian eksperimental. Metode ini merupakan metode yang paling dapat dipercaya.
Penelitian dimulai dengan pengelompokan pasien yang menjadi sampel
penelitian dengan menggunakan metode randomized dan dibagi menjadi dua
kelompok. Satu kelompok merupakan kelompok perlakuan dan satu kelompok
merupakan kelompok kontrol. Kemudian dua kelompok tersebut dibandingkan
dalam realitas yang sesungguhnya.

3. Apakah pasien, pekerja kesehatan dan peneliti menggunakan metode study

blinded? (Ya)
Pada penelitian randomised controlled trial pembagian responden kedalam kelompok
intervensi dan kelompok kontrol harus dilakukan secara acak-buta. Pembagian
kelompok secara acak-buta ini untuk menghilangkan bias dan subyektifitas peneliti.
Karakteristik sampel pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi dibuat sama
secara signifikan agar tidak terjadi bias karakteristik, yang akan mengurangi
validitas hasil penelitian. Yang membedakan kelompok kontrol dan kelompok
intervensi adalah intervensi peneliti.

4. Apakah pemilihan group dalam penelitian mirip? (Ya)

Faktor-faktor lain yang mungkin mempengaruhi hasil seperti usia, Jenis
kelamin, kelas sosial, ini dapat disebut karakteristik awal
Kriteria inklusi pada penelitian ini adalah : pasien CHF dengan non-iskemik, dan
pasien yang memiliki keluhan disfungsi ventrikel kiri dengan kriteria ringan sampai
sedang serta penurunan kapasitas dengan kriteria ringan sampai sedang. Pasien CHF
yang memperoleh pengobatan yang sama dan dirawat oleh tim medis yang sama
selama periode penelitian. Penentuan kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi
mengguanakan metode randomisasi. Belum dikelompokkan berdasarkan usia, jenis
kelamin, maupun kelas sosial.

5. Selain dari kelompok intervensi, apakah kelompok kontrol diperlakukan

Kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol sama –sama melakukan inspirasi muscle
training menggunakan perangkat Pelatihan Threshold otot inspirasi selama 30 menit 7
kali per minggu, selama 12 minggu. Selama pelatihan, pasien diinstruksikan untuk
menjaga pernapasan diafragma, dengan tingkat pernapasan pada 15 sampai 20 kali /
menit. Untuk kelompok intervensi, beban inspirasi ditetapkan pada 30% dari
maksimal inspirasi statis tekanan, dan beban pelatihan mingguan yang disesuaikan
untuk mempertahankan 30% dari PImax. Untuk kelompok kontrol jadwal latihan
sama, namun dilakukan tanpa beban inspirasi.

6. Apakah semua pasien yang digunakan sebagai responden penelitian mendukung

pada kesimpulan ? (Ya)
Data hasil penelitian pada kelompok intervensi mengalami peningkatan.
Apakah penelitian ini dihentikan lebih awal?( tidak)
Apakah pasien dianalisis dalam kelompok yang akan dilakukan randomisasi?
Pasien ditentukan dulu yang masuk dalam kriteria inklusi, kemudian baru di lakukan

7. Seberapa besar efek dari intervensi yang diberikan pada penelitian

Intervensi inspiratory muscle training mempunyai efek yang besar terhadap
peningkatan kapasitas fungsional dan kualitas hidup pada pasien CHF. Pengukuran
yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini menggunakan spirometri untuk mengukur fungsi
Pulmo dan fungsi inspiratory muscle, Six-minute walk test untuk mengukur kapasitas
fungsional dan The Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire scores untuk
mengukur kualitas hidup.
8. Bagaimana perkiraan yang tepat untuk efek dari intervensi?α
Apakah ada batas kepercayaan?
Apakah penelitian ini secara statistik signifikan?

Efek dari intervensi akan meningkatkan kapasitas fungsional dan kualitas hidup pasien
CHF. Batas kepercayaan yang digunakan adalah 5%. Pada penelitian didapatkan hasil
yang signifikan, yaitu : Setelah dilakukan intervensi pada kelompok intervensi PImax
(p = 0.001), Six-minute walk test menggunakan ANNOVA, p = 0.002, qualitas hidup
menggunakan ANNOVA , p =0.001.

9. Apakah hasil penelitian dapat diterapkan menurut anda? Atau dapat diterapkan
untuk penduduk lokal (ya)
Hasil penelitian ini dapat diterapkan di penduduk lokal atau pada pasien CHF, akan
tetapi bisa dilakukan dengan melakukan latihan otot inspirasi dengan melakukan
manual atau tanpa alat Threshold otot inspirasi, yaitu dengan melakukan pernafasan

10. Apakah semua hal klinis dianggap penting ? (ya)

Apakah kebutuhan pada penelitian ini dijelaskan dengan jelas?
Hal klinis yang di teliti pada penelitian ini adalah pulmonary function, inspiratory
muscle function, Six-minute walk test, cardiopulmonary exercise. Pada penelitian ini
untuk penilaian masing – masing yang akan diteliti sudah dijelaskan secara jelas.

11. Adakah bahaya dan biaya? (tidak)

Jika penelitian ini tidak menggunakan trial, apa yang kamu pikirkan?
Di dalam penelitian tidak dituliskan adanya efek yang berbahaya yang disebabkan dari
hasil penelitian serta tidak di tuliskan mengenai biaya yang dikeluarkan. Akan tetapi
penelitian dengan metode ini biasanya mengeluarkan biaya yang besar karena
membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama. Seandainya penelitian ini tidak menggunakan
trial, kemungkinan hasilnya kurang memuaskan karena pada penelitian trial ada
kelompok pembanding yang sama – sama diberikan intervensi dan observasi dalam
waktu yang cukup lama.

Melalui penyusuna nmakalah analisis jurnal yang berjudul“Inspiratory Muscle

Training in Patients With Heart Failure and Inspiratory Muscle Weakness”. Reviewer
dapatmenyimpulkanantara lain sebagai berikut :
1. Menggunakan gaya penulisan yang benar, tata bahasa yang digunakan mudah
dipahami dan tidak menggunakan singkatan-singkatan.
2. Populasi dan sampel sudah tergambarkan
3. Hasil penelitian teridentifikasi dalam jurnal penelitian
4. Inspiratory muscle training dapat menjadi salah satu intervensi alternatif yang dapat
digunakan untuk meningkatan kapasitas fungsional dan kualitas hidup pada pasien
5. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Randomized controlled trial(RCT).
Desain RCT paling layak untuk dipercaya. Hal ini disebabkan karena dalam
prakteknya, RCT mensyaratkan sampelnya menggunkan pasien atau manusia yang
sesungguhnya, tidak boleh menggunkan hewan percobaan. Selain itu model penelitian
membandingkan kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok intervensi dalam realitas
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006
© 2006 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/06/$32.00
Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2005.09.052

Inspiratory Muscle Training in Patients With

Heart Failure and Inspiratory Muscle Weakness
A Randomized Trial
Pedro Dall’Ago, PT, SC D,*† Gaspar R. S. Chiappa, PT, MS C ,‡ Henrique Guths, PT, MS C ,†
Ricardo Stein, MD, SC D,‡ Jorge P. Ribeiro, MD, SC D ‡ §
Porto Alegre and Canoas, Brazil
OBJECTIVES This study sought to evaluate the effects of inspiratory muscle training in inspiratory muscle
strength, as well as in functional capacity, ventilatory responses to exercise, recovery oxygen
uptake kinetics, and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and inspiratory
muscle weakness.
BACKGROUND Patients with C H F may have reduced strength and endurance in inspiratory muscles, which
may contribute to exercise intolerance and is associated with a poor prognosis.
METHODS Thirty-two patients with C H F and weakness of inspiratory muscles (maximal inspiratory
pressure [P I m a x ] 70% of predicted) were randomly assigned to a 12-week program of
inspiratory muscle training (IMT, 16 patients) or to a placebo-inspiratory muscle training

(P-IMT, 16 patients). The following measures were obtained before and after the program:
P I m ax at rest and 10 min after maximal exercise; peak oxygen uptake, circulatory power,
ventilatory oscillations, and oxygen kinetics during early recovery (V˙O 2 /t slope); 6-min walk
test; and quality of life scores.
RESULTS The I M T resulted in a 115% increment P I m ax , 17% increase in peak oxygen uptake, and 19%
increase in the 6-min walk distance. Likewise, circulatory power increased and ventilatory
oscillations were reduced. The V˙O 2 /t slope was improved during the recovery period, and
quality of life scores improved.
CONCLUSIONS In patients with C H F and inspiratory muscle weakness, I M T results in marked improvement
in inspiratory muscle strength, as well as improvement in functional capacity, ventilatory
response to exercise, recovery oxygen uptake kinetics, and quality of life. (J Am Coll Cardiol
2006;47:757– 63) © 2006 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation

Most patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) are limited contradictory (8 –11). Nonrandomized trials (8,11) have
in their physical activity by fatigue and dyspnea, and it has shown improvement in maximal functional capacity after
been suggested that respiratory muscle weakness and decon- inspiratory muscle training, but these beneficial effects have
ditioning may be involved in the increased work of breath- not been confirmed by randomized studies (9,10). More-
ing during hyperpnea (1). Some of these patients show over, the effects of inspiratory muscle training on several
reduced maximal inspiratory pressure (P I max) and endurance markers of prognosis obtained from cardiopulmonary exer-
of inspiratory muscles, which are currently recognized as cise testing (CPET) have not been previously reported.
additional factors implicated in the limited exercise response Therefore, we conducted this randomized trial to test the
and quality of life, as well as in their poor prognosis (2). hypothesis that a 12-week program of inspiratory muscle
Abnormal ventilatory response to exercise (3), periodic training could be associated with improvement in functional
breathing (4), and delayed oxygen uptake kinetics during capacity, circulatory power, oscillatory ventilation, kinetics
recovery of maximal effort (5) have also been associated with of oxygen consumption in the recovery period, and quality
severity of and poor prognosis in CHF . The precise cause of of life in patients with C H F and inspiratory muscle
this respiratory muscle dysfunction remains speculative, but weakness.
diaphragm biopsies have shown a variety of histological
abnormalities in CHF , including fiber type I atrophy (6), METHODS
which have been implicated in a generalized skeletal muscle
Patients and design. A prospective, randomized, controlled
disorder in C H F (7).
trial was conducted in patients with the diagnosis of C H F
Few studies have evaluated the effects of inspiratory
attributable to left ventricular systolic dysfunction (left
muscle training in patients with CHF , and their results are
ventricular ejection fraction 45%) who were recruited
from the Heart Failure Clinic at the Hospital de Clínicas de
From the *Department of Physiological Sciences, Fundação Faculdade Federal de
Porto Alegre. Entry criteria for the study were a previous
Ciências Médicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil; †School of Physical Therapy,
U NILAS ALL E, Canoas, Brazil; ‡Cardiology Division, Hospital de Clínicas de history of symptomatic heart failure caused by left ventric-
Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil; and the §Department of Medicine, Faculty of ular systolic dysfunction, inspiratory muscle weakness (P I max
Medicine, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Supported by grants from: CAPES and
70% of the predicted), and clinical stability, including no
CNPq, Brasília, Brazil, and FIPE-HCPA, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Manuscript received May 24, 2005; revised manuscript received August 21, 2005, change in medications for the past three months. Exclusion
accepted September 26, 2005. criteria were unstable angina, myocardial infarction, or cardiac
758 Dall’Ago et al. JACC Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006
Inspiratory Muscle Training in Heart Failure February 21, 2006:757–63

training sessions were performed at home and one training

Abbreviations and Acronyms session was supervised at the hospital.
relative amplitude of oscillations Pulmonary function. Measurements of forced vital capac-
CHF chronic heart failure ity and forced expiratory volume in 1 s were obtained with a
CPET cardiopulmonary exercise testing computerized spirometer (Eric Jaeger, GmbH, Wüerzburg,
IMT inspiratory muscle training
P-IMT placebo inspiratory muscle training
Germany) as recommended by the American Thoracic
P I max maximal static inspiratory pressure Society (12), and results were expressed as percentage of
Pthmax maximal inspiratory pressure sustained predicted (13).
for 1 min during incremental test Inspiratory muscle function testing was performed using
R respiratory exchange ratio a pressure transducer (MVD-500 V.1.1 Microhard System,
/t slope kinetics during recovery
T1/2 time required for 50% from peak
Globalmed, Porto Alegre, Brazil), connected to a system
V˙CO 2 carbon dioxide output with two unidirectional valves (DHD Inspiratory Muscle
V˙E minute ventilation Trainer, Chicago, Illinois). Maximal static inspiratory pres-
V˙E/V˙CO 2 slope relationship between change in V˙E sure was determined in deep inspiration from residual
and V˙CO 2 during incremental exercise volume against an occluded airway with a minor air leak (2
V˙O 2 oxygen uptake
mm). The highest pressure of six measurements was used
for analysis. The P I max measurement was performed at rest,
and on the 5th and 10th minute after C P E T . Predicted
surgery within the previous three months; chronic meta- values were corrected for age, gender, and weight (14).
bolic, orthopedic, or infectious disease; treatment with Additionally, for the determination of inspiratory muscle
steroids, hormones, or cancer chemotherapy. Patients with endurance, an incremental test was used in which patients
previous pulmonary disease (forced vital capacity 80% of breathed continuously through a mouthpiece connected to a
predicted and/or forced expiratory volume in 1 s 70% of Threshold Inspiratory Muscle Trainer with an initial load of
predicted) (12), history of exercise-induced asthma, and 50% of P I max, and increments of 10% of P I max were added
smokers were not recruited. The protocol was approved by every 3 min until the patient was unable to continue
the Committee for Ethics in Research of the Hospital de breathing. The greatest inspiratory pressure that the subject
Clínicas de Porto Alegre, and all subjects signed an in- was able to sustain for at least 1 min (Pthmax) was taken as
formed consent form. the measure for inspiratory muscle endurance, and was
Eligible patients were initially evaluated by medical expressed as a percentage of maximal inspiratory pressure
history, physical examination, resting electrocardiogram, (Pthmax/PI max). In the second part of the protocol, subjects
two-dimensional echocardiogram, pulmonary function, and breathed against a constant inspiratory submaximal load
inspiratory muscle function. Patients were randomly as- equivalent to 80% Pthmax, and the time elapsed to task
signed to inspiratory muscle training (IMT) or to placebo- failure was defined as the inspiratory endurance time.
inspiratory muscle training (P-IMT) for 12 weeks. Before 6-min walk test. The maximum distance covered during
and after the intervention, pulmonary function tests, in- the walk test was used to assess submaximal functional
spiratory muscle function tests, cardiopulmonary exercise capacity (15). Patients self-graded their degree of dyspnea
testing (CPET), 6-min walk test, and quality of life assess- during the test using the Borg scale (16).
ment were obtained. After finishing the intervention, none Cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Maximal functional
capacity was evaluated with an incremental exercise test,
of the patients continued with inspiratory muscle training or
with expired gas analysis, on a treadmill (INBRAMED
with any formal exercise program. One year after entering the
10200, Porto Alegre, Brazil), using a ramp protocol, starting
study, 11 patients in each group were re-evaluated for inspira- 1
at a speed of 2.4 km·h and 2% slope, with 20-s incre-
tory muscle strength and quality of life. All evaluations were 1
ments of speed (0.1 to 0.2 km·h ) and 60-s increments in
performed by investigators who were unaware of the allocation slope (0.5% to 1.0%), to reach volitional fatigue at approx-
of patients to different interventions. imately 10 min. Twelve-lead electrocardiographic tracings
Inspiratory muscle training. Patients received either I M T were obtained every minute (Nihon Khoden Corp., Tokyo,
or P-IMT for 30 min 7 times per week, for 12 weeks using Japan). Blood pressure was measured every 2 min with a
the Threshold Inspiratory Muscle Training device (Thresh- standard cuff sphygmomanometer. Metabolic and ventila-
old Inspiratory Muscle Trainer, Healthscan Products Inc., tory variables were measured during and after exercise by
Cedar Grove, New Jersey). During training, patients were 20-s mean aliquots, by a computer-aided gas analyzer (Total
instructed to maintain diaphragmatic breathing, with a Metabolic Analysis System, TEEM 100, Aero Sport, Ann
breathing rate at 15 to 20 breaths/min. For the I M T group, Arbor, Michigan), previously validated (17). Peak oxygen
inspiratory load was set at 30% of maximal static inspiratory uptake (V˙O 2peak) was considered the highest value of V˙O 2
pressure, and weekly training loads were adjusted to main- calculated in a period of 20 s of exercise. Maximal circula-
tain 30% of the P I max. The P-IMT followed the same tory power was calculated as the product of V˙O 2peak and
schedule, but with no inspiratory load. Each week, six peak systolic pressure (18).
JACC Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006 Dall’Ago et al. 759
February 21, 2006:757–63 Inspiratory Muscle Training in Heart Failure

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Patients Randomized to where y corresponds to V˙O 2, V˙CO 2, or V˙E in time, a
P-IMT or I M T corresponds to the slope, k is a constant, and t stands for the
P-IMT IMT time.
Group Group Quality of life. Quality of life was assessed with the
Characteristic (n 16) (n 16) p Value*
Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire (20).
Gender, male/female 10/6 11/5 0.60† We analyzed overall scores as well as the separate effects of
Age, yrs 58 2 54 3 0.21 physical and psychological perceptions of quality of life.
Body mass index, kg·m 2 27 5 27 4 0.86
Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed on the Statistical
Etiology of heart failure, n
Ischemic 7 6 0.90† Package for Social Sciences (version 10.0, SPSS, Chicago,
Non-ischemic 9 10 0.60† Illinois). Based on the results of previous studies (8), we
Ejection fraction, % 38 3 39 3 0.79* estimated that a sample size of 15 individuals in each group
Forced expiratory volume in 90.1 12.6 83.7 14.5 0.20* would have a power of 80% to detect a 10% difference in
1 s, % predicted
peak oxygen uptake, for an 0.05. Descriptive data are
Forced vital capacity, 84.7 8.8 85.3 13.4 0.96*
% predicted presented as mean SD. Baseline data were compared by
P I max, kPa 5.7 0.1 5.9 0.9 0.29* the Student t test for continuous variables or by the Fisher
P I max , % predicted 59.8 2 59.5 2.2 0.89* exact test for categorical variables. The Pearson correlation
1 1
V˙O 2 peak, ml·kg ·min 17 0.7 17.2 0.5 0.75* coefficient was used to evaluate associations. The effects of
Drugs, %
interventions on continuous variables were compared by
Diuretics 80 86 0.82†
Digoxin 50 57 0.79† two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures
Angiotensin-converting 78 85 0.86† (ANOVA), and post-hoc analysis was conducted by the
enzyme inhibitors Tukey test. Categorical data were analyzed by the chi-
Beta-blocker 50 42 0.10† square statistic.
Values are expressed as mean standard deviation. *Student t test. †Fisher exact test.
IMT inspiratory muscle training; P-IMT placebo-inspiratory muscle
training; PI max maximal static inspiratory pressure; V˙O 2peak peak oxygen uptake. RESULTS
Ventilatory efficiency was estimated using the relation- Patients. Between August 2001 and November 2003,
ship between minute ventilation (V˙E) and carbon dioxide 144 patients with CHF were screened for the study.
output (V˙CO 2), i.e., V˙E/V˙CO 2 slope, by linear regression Ninety-six patients did not meet the inclusion or met the
model using all data points obtained during CPET (3). The exclusion criteria, and therefore, 44 patients were ran-
relative amplitudes of oscillations ( ) in V˙E, V˙O 2, and V˙CO 2 domized. For the 22 patients randomized to IM T, 1 had a
were calculated for every 20-s period as the ratio between myocardial infarction, 1 developed atrial fibrillation, and 4
amplitude and its respective mean throughout the test. The were not able complete the training protocol. For the 22
ratio between metabolic ( V˙O 2, V˙CO 2) and ventilatory patients allocated to P-IMT, 2 had to be excluded because
oscillations ( V˙ O 2/ V˙E, V˙CO 2/ V˙E) were also calculated of indication of coronary artery bypass graft surgery, 3 for
(19). The V˙O 2, V˙CO 2, and V˙E kinetics during the first 3 min the development of symptoms at rest, and 1 because of
of the recovery period were calculated by a linear regression bleeding secondary to oral anticoagulation. Therefore, 16
model adjusted to a simple exponential curve (V˙O 2/t, V˙CO 2/ patients completed the protocol in each group. Table 1
t, V˙E/t slope) (1). The time required for a 50% decrease describes the clinical characteristics for both groups. Etiol-
from the V˙O 2peak (T 1/2V˙O 2), V˙CO 2peak (T 1/2V˙CO 2) and V˙E ogy of C H F was predominantly non-ischemic, and patients
peak (T 1/2V˙E) was calculated using the mathematical model had mild to moderate left ventricular dysfunction as well as
e( kt)
of the minimum squares through the equation y a , mild to moderate impairment in functional capacity. Pa-

Table 2. Pulmonary Function and Inspiratory Muscle Function Tests Before and After
Intervention for Patients Randomized to P-IMT or I M T
(n 16) (n 16)

Before After Before After

FV C % pred 84.7 8.8 83.2 9.5 85.3 13.4 84.8 15.2
F E V 1 % pred 90.1 12.6 90.1 12.6 83.7 14.5 82.4 15.1
Pthmax, kPa 3.1 0.5 3.2 0.6 3.2 0.5 3.8 0.5*
Pthmax /PI max , % 55 14 56 15 57 9 66 7*
Endurance time, s 256 132 246 121 298 154 924 503*†
Values are expressed as mean standard deviation. Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures. *p 0.001 for training and
interaction effects. †p 0.001 for group effect.
F E V 1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FV C forced vital capacity; I M T inspiratory muscle training; PI max maximal
static inspiratory pressure; P-IMT placebo inspiratory muscle training; Pthmax maximal inspiratory pressure sustained for
1 min during incremental test.
760 Dall’Ago et al. JACC Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006
Inspiratory Muscle Training in Heart Failure February 21, 2006:757–63

Consistent with improvement in ventilatory efficiency,

the V˙E/V˙CO 2 slope was reduced after IM T. The relative size
of the oscillations in V˙E ( V˙E) was reduced after IM T. The
relative size of the oscillations in V˙O 2 ( V˙O 2) and V˙CO 2
( V˙CO 2) was not changed by either intervention. However,
the ratio between the relative oscillations of V˙E and V˙CO 2
increased after IM T.
Before the intervention, V˙O 2/t slope at the first minute
in the recovery did not correlate with P I max at 5 min after
maximal exercise (r 0.18; p 0.15; n 32). During
recovery, T1/2 of V˙O 2, V˙CO 2, and V˙E were faster after I M T
(Table 3). Likewise, V˙O 2/t slope in the first minute of
recovery was higher after I M T (Table 3, Fig. 3). The
Figure 1. Weekly values of maximal inspiratory pressure (P I max, mean
change in V˙O 2/t slope at the first minute in the recovery
SD) for the placebo-inspiratory muscle training group (P-IMT) and for the
after intervention correlated with the change P I max at 5 min
inspiratory muscle training group (IMT). After 12 weeks in the program, after maximal exercise (r 0.70; p 0.001; n 32).
all training was stopped, and 11 patients from each group were re-evaluated Quality of life. The Minnesota Living With Heart Failure
at 48 weeks. *Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures: p 0.01 for
group, training, and interaction effects. †Significantly (p 0.05) different Questionnaire scores improved after I M T (IMT, 27 4
from baseline evaluation by the Tukey test. before and 6 2 after; P-IMT, 30 13 before and 30

tients received similar medications and maintained the same

medical regimen throughout the study period. At one-year
follow-up, three patients from the I M T group had died and
five patients from the P-IMT group had died.
Pulmonary function and inspiratory muscle function
tests. After 12 weeks, spirometric evaluation did not show
change in any of the groups (Table 2). The I M T induced
marked improvement in P I max, which was apparent after the
second week of training and reached an increment of 115%
after 12 weeks (Fig. 1). Despite the fact that training was
stopped after 12 weeks of intervention, patients in the I M T
group maintained part of the effect one year after starting
the program. Inspiratory muscle endurance, evaluated by the
Pthmax, Pthmax/PI max, and time sustained in the inspiratory
muscle function test, increased after I M T (Table 2). The
I M T resulted in improvement in the recovery of P I max at 10
min after maximal exercise (Fig. 2).
Six-minute walk test. The I M T resulted in a longer dis-
tance covered during the 6-min walk test (IMT, 449
17 m before and 550 17 m after; P-IMT, 432 41 m
before and 411 60 m after [A NOVA 0.002 for
group, training, and interaction effects]). Perception of
dyspnea rated by the Borg scale during the 6-min walk
test also improved after IMT (IM T, 3.7 2.0 before and
1.5 1.4 after; P-IMT, 3.1 1.3 before and 3.0 1.4
after [ANOVA 0.002 for group, training, and interac-
tion effects]).
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Before intervention,
V˙O 2peak did not correlate with P I max (r 0.08; p 0.32; n
Figure 2. The P I max values (mean SD) at rest and on the 5th and the
32). The IM T resulted in improvements in V˙O 2peak and V˙E
10th min of recovery after maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test. (A)
peak, whereas the peak respiratory exchange ratio (R) was not Values before and (B) after intervention for the placebo inspiratory muscle
changed by intervention in either group (Table 3). The change training group (P-IMT) and the inspiratory muscle training group (IMT).
in V˙O 2 peak after intervention correlated with the change in Two-way ANOVA for repeated measurements: § I M T versus P-IMT (p
0.01 for group, training, and interaction effects). Multiple comparisons by
P I max (r 0.62; p 0.001; n 32). Maximal circulatory the Tukey test: *5th minute versus rest (p 0.05); †10th minute versus rest
power also increased only in the I M T group (Table 3). (p 0.05); ‡10th minute versus 5th min (p 0.05).
JACC Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006 Dall’Ago et al. 761
February 21, 2006:757–63 Inspiratory Muscle Training in Heart Failure

Table 3. Results Obtained in the Maximal Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test for the P-IMT and
the I M T Group
(n 16) (n 16)

Before After Before After

Peak exercise
V˙E peak, l·min 1 47 3 49 4 48 2.7 62 4*†
1 1
V˙O 2 peak, ml·kg ·min 17 0.6 17 0.8 17 0.6 21 0.7*†
V˙ 2 peak, l·min
CO 1.3 0.1 1.3 0.1 1.4 0.4 1.5 0.4*†
R peak 1.0 0.02 1.0 0.02 1.0 0.01 1.1 0.02
Peak circulatory power, 2,714 505 2,592 421 2,829 409 3,696 524*†
2 1
mm Hg·ml O 2 ·kg ·min
Ventilatory efficiency
V˙E/V˙CO 2 – slope 37 4 37 4 35 3.5 30 3*†
Oscillations in gas exchange
V˙E 0.06 0.005 0.06 0.006 0.07 0.005 0.03 0.006*†
V˙O 2 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.004 0.05 0.035 0.04 0.004
V˙CO 2 0.06 0.005 0.07 0.006 0.07 0.004 0.07 0.006
V˙O 2 / V˙E 1.52 0.27 1.08 0.37 1.8 0.26 2.12 0.35
V˙CO 2 / V˙E 1.02 0.05 1 0.02 1 0.06 1.18 0.02*†
Recovery gas exchange
V˙O 2 /t – slope 1st min 0.48 0.12 0.48 0.10 0.48 0.12 0.81 0.27*†
T1/2V˙O 2 (min) 1.55 0.22 1.47 0.35 1.56 0.29 1.04 0.16*†
T1/2V˙CO 2 (min) 1.60 0.3 1.59 0.2 1.60 0.3 1.31 0.2*†
T1/2V˙E (min) 1.63 0.1 1.63 0.2 1.62 0.2 1.33 0.2*†
The values are expressed as mean SD. Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures. *p 0.001 for training and interaction
effects. †p 0.001 for group effect. 1expressed in l · min 1 · min 1.
relative amplitude of oscillations; I M T inspiratory muscle training; PI max maximal static inspiratory pressure;
P-IMT placebo inspiratory muscle training; R respiratory exchange ratio; T1/2 time required for 50% from peak; /t –
slope kinetics during recovery; V E minute ventilation; V E/VCO 2 – slope relationship between change in V˙E and V˙CO 2
during incremental exercise; V E/VO 2 ventilatory equivalent for oxygen uptake; V˙CO 2 carbon dioxide output; V˙O 2 oxygen
uptake; other abbreviations as in Table 1.

13 after [ANOVA 0.001 for group, training, and inter- tained after one year of follow-up in patients with C H F and
action effects]). The global improvement was attributed to a weakness of inspiratory muscles.
change in physical dimension from 6 3 to 3 5 because Inspiratory muscle strength and endurance. In accor-
no changes were observed in the psychological dimension of dance with previous studies (8 –11), I M T did not affect
the score. Despite the fact that IM T was stopped after 12 resting pulmonary function test results but had a major
weeks of intervention, patients who participated in the IM T impact on all measures of inspiratory muscle strength and
program maintained part of the effect on quality of life scores endurance. The magnitude of improvement in P I max (115%)
one year after starting the program, from 27 8 to 14 3 in our patients is larger than described in previous studies
(ANOVA 0.05 for group, training, and interaction effects). (8 –11), a finding that may be related to the fact that we used
a linear pressure resistance device with weekly adjustments
in load, resulting in possible training of other inspiratory
DISCUSSION muscles in addition to the diaphragm. Moreover, daily
In this randomized trial, a home-based, three-month I M T exercises and the presence of inspiratory muscle weakness in
program improved inspiratory muscle strength and endur- all patients may also have contributed to this increment.
ance as well as quality of life and functional capacity in The improvement in P I max after maximal exercise is consis-
patients with C H F and weakness in inspiratory muscles. tent with delayed development in diaphragmatic fatigue (1).
Moreover, I M T improved peak circulatory power, ventila- Functional capacity and quality of life. Patients who
tory efficiency, and oscillations during incremental exercise, participated in the I M T presented improvement in func-
as well as oxygen uptake kinetics during recovery, which are tional capacity as shown by a 19% increase in 6-min walk
all markers of poor prognosis in CHF . The efficacy of I M T distance, which was also accompanied by a reduction in the
was tested against a similar program with no inspiratory perception of dyspnea. Likewise, there was a 17% increase
load, which served as a placebo intervention, and outcomes in V˙O 2peak and a 24% increase in circulatory power,
were blindly evaluated. Interestingly, part of the effect on consistent with clinically significant improvement in
P I max and quality of life was sustained after one year, even cardiovascular and respiratory response to maximal exer-
though the patients did not continue training after four cise. The improvement in functional capacity and the
months. These data provide the first evidence showing that reduction in perception of dyspnea were probably respon-
the effects of I M T are consistent and are partially main- sible for the changes in the physical dimension of quality
762 Dall’Ago et al. JACC Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006
Inspiratory Muscle Training in Heart Failure February 21, 2006:757–63

ment in the ventilatory efficiency, as shown by a reduction in

the V˙E/V˙CO 2 slope. Patients with C H F present hyperven-
tilation during exercise, with increased breathing rate and
decreased tidal volume, resulting in larger pulmonary dead
space (3). Recent studies have indicated a putative role of an
exaggerated chemoreceptor reflex originating from the ex-
ercising muscle and explaining the hyperventilatory re-
sponse in C H F (23). Indexes reflecting the chemoreceptor
stimulation correlate with V˙E/V˙CO 2 slope and ventilatory
oscillations during exercise, variables with prognostic value
in C H F patients (4,24). To our knowledge, this is the first
study to show attenuation in ventilatory oscillation during
exercise by IM T. Therefore, improvement in ventilatory
muscle strength and endurance may also attenuate the
exaggerated chemoreflex and improve ventilatory control
during exercise.
Oxygen uptake kinetics during recovery. The effects of an
IM T program on oxygen kinetics during the recovery from
C P E T have not been previously studied. Results of the present
study show a faster T1/2V˙O 2 and an increase in the V˙O 2/
t slope after IM T. Nanas et al. (1) have shown a relation-
ship between inspiratory muscles weakness 10 min after
maximal CPET and the reduced magnitude or prolonged
V˙O 2 recovery time. Therefore, the delay in the recovery of
blood flow to the fatigued diaphragm could contribute to
prolonged kinetics of recovery of V˙O 2. In contrast to our
findings, Myers et al. (25) showed that two months of
high-intensity whole-body aerobic training improved
Figure 3. Values of the oxygen uptake kinetics during the first 3 min of V˙O 2peak but had no significant effect on V˙O 2 kinetics in the
recovery (mean SD) after maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test before recovery period in patients with reduced ventricular func-
(A) and after (B) intervention for the placebo inspiratory muscle training
group (P-IMT) and the inspiratory muscle training group (IMT). Overall
tion. Therefore, our findings underscore the role of strength
two-way ANOVA for repeated measures: p 0.001 for group, training, and endurance of inspiratory muscles as determinants of
and interaction effects. *Significantly different between groups (p 0.05) oxygen uptake kinetics in the recovery period.
by the Tukey test.
Study limitations. In this small clinical trial, we showed
that a 12-week program of I M T has a consistent effect on
of life scores, which was partially maintained at the several prognostic markers in CHF . However, this study
12-month evaluation, several months after IMT had been was designed only to evaluate the efficacy of I M T on
stopped. functional variables and not on survival. Our findings are
The I M T can delay the development of diaphragmatic limited to patients with mild C H F caused by left ventricular
fatigue in patients with CHF , leading to a reduction in the systolic dysfunction and weakness in inspiratory muscle, but
recruitment of accessory respiratory muscles, increasing a recent trial of IM T, including patients with more ad-
ventilatory efficiency, and/or reducing the blood flow re- vanced C H F and with a higher baseline P I max, found similar
quired by the respiratory muscles during exercise (21). In results (11). The training period was maintained for only 12
CHF , there is enhanced ventilatory sensitivity to both weeks, which does not allow us to conclude that the effect
central and peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation (22), which on functional capacity and quality of life is long-term.
can reflexively induce sympathetic vasoconstriction and However, one-year follow-up showed that the effects on
reduce blood flow to skeletal muscles during exercise. quality of life are partially maintained. We have suggested
Therefore, diaphragm fatigue may elicit sympathetically that part of the beneficial effects of I M T could be mediated
mediated vasoconstriction in limb muscles, a reflex that can by a reduction in sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity to
be attenuated by whole-body aerobic exercise training (23). peripheral muscle, but no assessment of sympathetic nerve
By improving ventilatory muscle strength and endurance, activity was made, and mechanistic studies should be con-
I M T may also delay the development of fatigue of the ducted to test this hypothesis.
diaphragm, consequently reducing sympathetic activation, Because whole-body aerobic exercise training is currently
improving the perfusion of the peripheral muscles, and indicated for patients with C H F for improvement in func-
increasing functional capacity. tional capacity and possibly for reduction in mortality (26),
Ventilatory response to exercise. The present study con- it is not known whether the beneficial effects of I M T would
firms that three months of I M T causes substantial improve- further improve the functional capacity of patients with
JACC Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006 Dall’Ago et al. 763
February 21, 2006:757–63 Inspiratory Muscle Training in Heart Failure

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Dall’Ago, Pedro. Inspiratory Muscle Training in Patients With Heart Failure and
Inspiratory Muscle Weakness. Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 47,
No. 4, 2006
Critical Appraisal Skill Program (CASP) Randomized Controlled Trial Check List

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