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NIM 1911438037







NIM 1911438037




Untuk Memenuhi Persyaratan Mencapai Sarjana Keperawatan

Iswatun Yuliyantini
NIM ST181028





Iswatun Yuliyantini1), Galih Setia Adi2), Noerma Shovie Rizqie2)

Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan STIKes Kusuma Husada Surakarta
Dosen Prodi Sarjana Keperawatan STIKes Kusuma Husada Surakarta

Perbedaan Pengaruh Blanket Warm dengan Blanketrol Terhadap Suhu

Tubuh pada Pasien Anak dengan Hipotermi Post Operasi di Ruang PICU
RSUD dr. Moewardi


Pasien anak yang mengalami operasi berada dalam risiko tinggi hipotermi.
Hipotermi dapat menyebabkan distritmia jantung dan mengganggu penyembuhan
luka operasi sehingga diperlukan penanganan yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh Blanket Warm dengan Blanketrol
terhadap suhu tubuh pada pasien anak dengan hipotermi post operasi di ruang
PICU RSUD dr. Moewardi.
Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasy-Experimental dengan
pendekatan pre and post control group design. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara
Purposive Sampling, sejumlah 16 responden kelompok intervensi Blanket Warm
dan 16 responden kelompok intervensi Blanketrol.
Hasil pada penelitian ini didapatkan mayoritas usia anak-anak (4-12 tahun)
40,6 % dan jenis kelamin mayoritas perempuan 53,1 %. Suhu rata-rata setelah
diberikan intervensi Blanket Warm 36,430C dengan kenaikan suhu rata-rata
0,870C dan suhu rata-rata diberikan intervensi Blanketrol 36,710C dengan
kenaikan suhu rata-rata 1,150C. Uji Independent T-test didapatkan p 0,016< 0,05.
Sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara Blanket Warm
dengan Blanketrol. Penggunaan Blanketrol mempunyai pengaruh lebih signifikan
terhadap suhu tubuh pada pasien anak dengan hipotermi post operasi di ruang
PICU RSUD dr.Moewardi.

Kata kunci: Pasien Anak, Hipotermi Post Operasi, Blanket Warm, Blanketrol
Daftar Pustaka: 53 (2009-2017)

Difference of Effect between Blanket Warm Blanketrol on Body Temperature of
Pediatric Patients with Post Operative Hypothermia at PICU Room of dr.
Moewardi Local General Hospital


Pediatric patients who undergo surgery are in the high risk of of

hypothermia which can lead to cardiac dysrhythmia and obstruct operative
wound healing. Therefore, a proper handling is required. The objective of this
research is to investigate difference of effect between Blanket Warm and
Blanketrol on body temperature of pediatric patients with post operative
hypothermia at PICU room of dr. Moewardi Local General Hospital.
This research used the quasi-experimental research with pre and post
control group design. Purposive sampling was used to determine its samples.
They consisted of 16 respondents in Blanket Warm Intervention and 16
respondents as well in Blanketrol Intervention.
The result of the research shows that the children in majority (40.6%) were
aged 4-12 years old, 53.1% of the children were female; the average body
temperature following the Blanket Warm intervention was 36.430C with the
average increase of 0.870C, and the average body temperature following the
Banketrol intervention was 36.710C with the average increase of 1.150C. The
result of the Independent T-test shows that the p-value was 0.016 which was less
than 0.05. Thus, there was a difference of effect between the Blanket Warm and
the Blanketrol where the latter had a significant effect than the former one on the
body temperature of the pediatric patients with post-operative hyperthermia at
PICU room of dr.Moewardi Local General Hospital.

Keywords: Pediatric patients, post-operative hypothermia, Blanket Warm,

References: 53 (2009-2017)

PENDAHULUAN dan perawatan khusus. Pasien anak yang

PICU (Paediatric Intensive Care dirawat di PICU mulai dari bayi usia 1
Unit) yaitu fasilitas atau unit terpisah bulan sampai remaja usia 18 tahun, hal
didalam sebuah rumah sakit yang ini sesuai dengan UU No.35 tahun 2014
diperuntukkan bagi penanganan pasien tentang perlindungan anak bahwa yang
anak yang mengalami gangguan dimaksud dengan anak yaitu seseorang
kesehatan karena penyakit, kecelakaan/ yang berusia dibawah 18 tahun. Selain
trauma, atau gangguan kesehatan lain itu PICU juga digunakan untuk pasien
yang mengancam nyawa yang anak yang memerlukan dukungan
memerlukan perawatan intensif, ventilasi mekanik invasif maupun non-
observasi yang bersifat komprehensif, invasif, pasca tindakan pembedahan dan

multiple trauma (IDAI, 2016). World Suindrayasa, 2017). Hasil penelitian
Health Organization (WHO) (2013) Setiyanti (2016) di RSUD Kota Salatiga,
menyebutkan jumlah pasien dengan menyebutkan jumlah pasien pasca
tindakan operasi mengalami anestesi hampir 80% mengalami
peningkatan. Pada tahun 2011 terdapat kejadian hipotermi. Sedangkan
140 juta pasien dari seluruh rumah sakit penelitian Dinata (2015) di Rumah Sakit
di dunia dan meningkat sebesar 148 juta Hasan Sadikin Bandung menyebutkan
pasien pada tahun 2012. Sedangkan hipotermi post operasi dengan general
Institute for Health Metrics and anestesi pada pasien paediatrik
Evaluation (IHME) (2010) menyebutkan mencapai 9,3%-66,7%. Pasien
di Asia Tenggara jumlah pasien yang paediatrik memiliki luas permukaan
membutuhkan prosedur pembedahan tubuh perkilogram berat badan lebih luas
sejumlah 25 juta pasien. Di Indonesia dibandingkan pasien dewasa sehingga
tahun 2012 pasien pembedahan proses pelepasan panas lebih mudah
mencapai 1,2 juta pasien (Kemenkes, (Suanda, 2014). Hipotermi post operasi
2013). Ditemukan 2,5% pasien dapat menyebabkan distritmia jantung,
mengalami komplikasi setelah menjalani mengganggu penyembuhan luka operasi,
pembedahan. Salah satu komplikasi menggigil, syok dan penurunan tingkat
yang muncul adalah hipotermi kenyamanan pasien (Nicholson, 2013).
(Setiyanti, 2016). Hasil studi pendahuluan
Hipotermi merupakan suatu penelitian pada bulan Desember 2018 di
kondisi kegawatdaruratan medis yang ruang PICU RSUD dr. Moewardi,
dapat timbul ketika tubuh kehilangan selama 2 bulan dari bulan Oktober
panas lebih cepat dari produksi panas. sampai dengan bulan November 2018
Hipotermi terjadi karena agen dari obat menerima pasien sejumlah 64 orang.
general anestesi menekan laju Pasien post operasi dengan general
metabolism oksidatif yang menghasilkan anestesi tercatat 43 orang (67,1 %), 30
panas tubuh, sehingga mengganggu orang (69,8%) diantaranya mengalami
regulasi panas tubuh (Hujjatulislam, hipotermi.
2015). Setiap pasien yang mengalami Beberapa intervensi untuk
operasi berada dalam risiko tinggi mengatasi kejadian hipotermi post
hipotermi (Setiyanti, 2016). Hipotermi operasi antara lain dengan penghangatan
dapat diartikan suhu tubuh kurang dari eksternal pasif, penghangatan eksternal
360C (Guyton & Hall dalam aktif dan internal aktif. Penanganan di

PICU RSUD dr. Moewardi berupa tingkat kemaknaan perlakuan setiap
penghangatan eksternal aktif dengan kelompok dilakukan uji Independent T
menggunakan Blanket Warm dan Test.
Blanketrol. Blanket Warm yaitu selimut HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN
khusus bertekanan udara yang dirancang Berikut ini adalah analisis
untuk memberikan kehangatan dan univariat pada penelitian ini.
kenyamanan bagi pasien. Blanketrol 1. Karakteristik Responden
merupakan alat untuk menstabilkan suhu a. Karakteristik berdasarkan
pasien post operasi yang menggunakan umur
air sebagai media penghantar panas. Tabel 1 Distribusi Frekuensi
Umur (n= 32)
Berdasarkan uraian di atas, peneliti
tertarik melakukan penelitian tentang Karakteristik B B ∑ (%)
perbedaan pengaruh Blanket Warm bayi/infant (1–12 bln) 1 5 6 18,8
batita/toddler (1–3 thn) 4 1 5 15,6
dengan Blanketrol terhadap suhu tubuh
anak-anak (4–12 thn) 7 6 13 40,6
pada pasien anak dengan hipotermi post remaja (13-18 thn) 4 4 8 25
Berdasarkan tabel 1
operasi di ruang PICU RSUD
menunjukan bahwa karakteristik
responden berdasarkan umur yang
mengalami hipotermi post operasi
Desain penelitian ini
di ruang PICU RSUD dr.
menggunakan metode Quasy-
Moewardi adalah 4-12 tahun
Experimental dengan pendekatan pre
(anak-anak), yakni 13 orang
and post control group design.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni
Tidak sejalan dengan
sampai bulan Juli 2019 di ruang PICU
penelitian Dinata (2015) tentang
RSUD dr.Moewardi. Pengambilan
waktu pulih sadar pada pasien
sampel dengan cara Purposive
pediatrik yang menjalani anestesi
Sampling, sejumlah 16 responden
umum di Rumah Sakit dr. Hasan
kelompok intervensi 1 yaitu Blanket
Sadikin Bandung dimana
Warm dan 16 responden kelompok
responden usia neonatus dan bayi
intervensi 2 yaitu Blanketrol. Setelah
yang paling banyak mengalami
data terkumpul, dilakukan uji statistik
hipotermi post operasi (66,67%).
Paired Sample t-test untuk mengetahui
Morgan & Mikhail (2013),
perbedaan skor suhu tubuh pre dan post
menyebutkan pasien neonatus dan
intervensi. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui

bayi lebih rentan mengalami PICU RSUD dr. Moewardi adalah
hipotermi perioperatif perempuan, yakni 17 orang
dikarenakan oleh perbedaan (53,1%). Sejalan dengan
karakteristik fisiologis yang penelitian Mubarokah (2017)
mencolok bila dibandingkan didapatkan bahwa perempuan
dengan kelompok usia lain. Pada lebih rentan terhadap kejadian
penelitian ini, peneliti tidak dapat hipotermi yaitu sebesar 55,4 %.
menyimpulkan bahwa usia anak- Jenis kelamin berkaitan dengan
anak adalah usia paling rentan perbedaan konsistensi suhu
terkena hipotermi post operasi tubuh. Secara general,
karena sebagian besar pasien yang
perempuan mempunyai
masuk di PICU RSUD
fluktuasi suhu tubuh yang lebih
dr.Moewardi adalah usia anak-
besar dari pada laki-laki. Hal
anak dan pada penelitian ini tidak
ini terjadi karena pengaruh
dilakukan pendataan jumlah
produksi hormonal yaitu
keseluruhan pasien pediatrik yang
menjalani operasi dengan general hormon progesteron (Potter &
anestesi setiap golongan umurnya. Perry, 2010).
Selain itu, hipotermi post operasi 2. Suhu tubuh sebelum dilakukan
juga dipengaruhi oleh beberapa tindakan pemberian Blanket Warm
faktor lain seperti IMT, lama dan Blanketrol pada kelompok
operasi dan obat anestesi yang intervensi 1 dan intervensi 2
tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Tabel 3 Distribusi Suhu Tubuh
Sebelum Dilakukan Pemberian
b. Karakteristik berdasarkan jenis Blanket Warm dan Sebelum
kelamin Pemberian Blanketrol pada
Kelompok Intervensi 1 dan
Tabel 2 Distribusi Frekuensi Intervensi 2
Jenis Kelamin (n= 32) Suhu SD Min. Maks.
Karakteristik B B ∑ (%) tubuh
BW ± 0,25290 35,2 35,9
Laki-laki 7 7 14 43,8 BR ± 0,19990 35,2 35,8
Perempuan 9 9 18 56,3
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
Berdasarkan tabel 2
didapatkan hasil, nilai minimal
menunjukan bahwa karakteristik
kelompok Blanket Warm yaitu 35,20
responden berdasarkan jenis
C dan maksimal yaitu 35,90 C dengan
kelamin yang mengalami
simpangan deviasi sebesar 0,253.
hipotermi post operasi di ruang

Sedangkan pada kelompok Kelompok Intervensi 1 dan
Intervensi 2
Blanketrol suhu minimal 35,20 C dan Suhu SD Min. Maks.
maksimal 35,80 C dengan standar tubuh
BW ± 0,34587 36,0 37,0
deviasi 0,199 sehingga dapat ± 0,27295 36,2 37,1
disimpulkan bahwa pasien post Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
operasi di ruang PICU RSUD didapatkan hasil bahwa pasien post
dr.Moewardi mengalami hipotermi operasi di ruang PICU RSUD dr.
ringan baik pada kelompok intervensi Moewardi setelah dilakukan
1 yaitu dengan Blanket Warm tindakan menunjukkan bahwa pada
maupun pada kelompok intervensi 2 kelompok Blanket Warm nilai
yaitu menggunakan Blanketrol. minimal 36,00 C dan maksimal 37,00
Pasien yang mengalami hipotermi C dengan standar deviasi sebesar
disebabkan oleh karena agen dari 0,346. Sedangkan pada kelompok
obat general anestesi menekan Blanketrol minimal suhu 36,20 C dan
refleks pelindung suhu yang diatur maksimal 37,10 C dengan standar
oleh hipotalamus sehingga deviasi sebesar 0,273.
menganggu regulasi panas tubuh dan Hal ini menunjukan bahwa
didukung dengan suhu ruangan baik pada intervensi Blanket Warm
operasi (Nicholson, 2013). Pada teori maupun Blanketrol mengalami
yang dikemukakan Mangku & perubahan. Blanket Warm terjadi
Senapathi (2010), menyatakan bahwa perubahan rata-rata 36,430C dan
beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan Blanketrol terjadi perubahan rata-rata
hipotermi post operasi yaitu suhu 36,710C yang keduanya masuk dalam
kamar operasi, kondisi pasien (IMT, kategori normotermi. Blanket Warm
usia, jenis kelamin), obat anestesi dan dan Blanketrol merupakan alat
lama operasi. penghangat eksternal aktif dengan
3. Suhu tubuh sesudah dilakukan cara menciptakan lingkungan hangat
tindakan pemberian Blanket Warm dan mencegah panas yang dihasilkan
dan Blanketrol pada kelompok akan keluar tubuh (Paul et al., 2016).
intervensi 1 dan intervensi 2 Berikut ini adalah analisis
Tabel 4 Distribusi Suhu Tubuh bivariat pada penelitian ini.
Sesudah Dilakukan Pemberian
1. Perbedaan suhu tubuh pasien
Blanket Warm dan Setelah
Pemberian Blanketrol pada anak sebelum dan sesudah pada

kelompok Blanket Warm dan hingga 10 jam (Smithsmedical,
kelompok Blanketrol 2010).
a. Perbedaan suhu tubuh anak b. Perbedaan suhu tubuh anak
sebelum dan sesudah pada sebelum dan sesudah pada
kelompok Blanket Warm kelompok Blanketrol
Tabel 5 Perbedaan Suhu Tabel 6 Perbedaan Suhu
Tubuh Anak Sebelum dan Tubuh Anak Sebelum dan
Sesudah pada Kelompok Sesudah pada Kelompok
Blanket Warm dengan Uji Blanketrol dengan Uji
Paired Sample t-test Paired Sample t-test
Suhu tubuh Rata- Nilai
Suhu tubuh Rata- Nilai
rata p
rata p
Suhu pre test 35.56 0,000
Suhu pre test 35.56 0,000
Suhu post test 36.43
Suhu post test 36.71
Berdasarkan hasil Berdasarkan hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
pasien anak post operasi yang pasien anak post operasi yang
mengalami hipotermi sebelum mengalami hipotermi sebelum
dan sesudah diberi intervensi dan sesudah diberi intervensi
Blanket Warm menunjukan dengan menggunakan
ada pengaruh dengan nilai p Blanketrol menunjukan ada
0,000. Penghangatan dengan pengaruh yang ditunjukkan
Blanket Warm pada penelitian dengan nilai p 0,000.
ini dapat meningkatkan suhu Pengaruh yang terjadi pada
tubuh responden dari 35,56 C kelompok Blanketrol yaitu
menjadi 36,43 C atau sekitar terjadi perubahan suhu tubuh
0,870C. Hal ini disebabkan rata-rata dari 35,560C menjadi
karena Blanket Warm 36,710C atau sekitar 1,150C.
merupakan metode penghangat Blanketrol dapat menaikkan
eksternal aktif untuk suhu dari 230C ± 20C sampai
mengatasi hipotermi. Blanket dengan 370C (normal) dalam
Warm dapat menghasilkan waktu 12 menit (CSZmedical,
panas sampai dengan 44°C 2016). Blanketrol memiliki
dalam waktu 30 menit dan media penghantar air yang
memelihara suhu konstan memiliki waktu perpindahan

panas relatif cepat dan konstan dibandingkan dengan media udara
(Wadhwa et al., 2009). (Syam, 2013). Penggunaan alat
2. Analisis perbedaan pengaruh water warming (Blanketrol) dapat
pemberian Blanket Warm dan mempertahankan normotermia.
Blanketrol terhadap suhu tubuh SIMPULAN
pasien anak post operasi Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan
Tabel 7 Analisis Perbedaan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan sebagai
Pengaruh Pemberian Blanket
berikut :
Warm dan Blanketrol terhadap
Suhu Tubuh Anak Pasien Post 1. Karakteristik responden: sebagian
Intervensi Mean p
besar responden berumur 4-12 tahun
Blanket Wam 36.43 tahun (anak-anak) (40,6%), berjenis
Blanketrol 36.71
Dari hasil uji Independent kelamin perempuan (56,3%).

T Test menunjukkan ada 2. Hasil pengukuran suhu pada pasien

perbedaan pengaruh antara anak post operasi sebelum diberikan

Blanket Warm dan Blanketrol Blanket Warm minimal 35,20C dan

terhadap perubahan suhu pada maksimal 35,90C.

pasien anak post operasi di Ruang 3. Hasil pengukuran suhu pada pasien

PICU RSUD dr. Moewardi anak post operasi sesudah diberikan

ditunjukkan dengan nilai p 0,016 Blanket Warm minimal 36,00C dan

< 0,05. maksimal 37,00C

Menurut Rohrer (2017) 4. Hasil pengukuran suhu pada pasien

pemberian selimut penghangat anak post operasi sebelum diberikan

dengan penghantar air ini efektif Blanketrol minimal 35,20C dan

karena secara patofisiologi maksimal 35,8 C.

metode ini dapat meningkatkan 5. Hasil pengukuran suhu pada pasien

suhu tubuh inti secara konduksi anak post operasi sesudah diberikan

melalui aliran darah perifer tubuh. Blanketrol minimal 3,620C dan

Penggunaan Blanketrol maksimal 37,1 C.

mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih 6. Hasil analisis suhu pada pasien anak

signifikan mengatasi hipotermi post operasi sebelum dan sesudah

karena alat ini memiliki materi diberikan Blanket Warm adalah

0 0
penghantar air yang lebih efisien 35,56 C dan 36,43 C dengan nilai p

untuk perpindahan panas per unit 0,000

luas permukaan tubuh jika

7. Hasil analisis suhu pada pasien anak 4. Bagi institusi pendidikan
post operasi sebelum dan sesudah Dapat dijadikan bacaan dalam
diberikan Blanketrol adalah 35,560C meningkatkan pengetahuan
dan 36,71 C dengan nilai p 0,000. penanganan pada hipotermi post
8. Hasil analisis perbedaan terdapat operasi terutama pada pasien anak.
pengaruh yang lebih signifikan pada 5. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya
penggunaan Blanketrol daripada Sebaiknya penelitian berikutnya bisa
Blanket Warm terhadap suhu tubuh meneliti tentang pengaruh Blanket
pasien anak post operasi di ruang Warm dan Blanketrol pada pasien
PICU RSUD dr.Moewardi dengan post operasi dengan
nilai p 0,016. mempertimbangkan faktor yang lain
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Universitas Udayana.
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(2013). Efektivitas Penggunaan
Prewarming dan Water





NIM 1911438037





JUDUL ARTIKEL JURNAL : Perbedaan pengaruh blanket warm dengan

blanketrol terhadap suhu tubuh pada pasien anak
dengan hipotermi post operasi di Ruang Picu
RSUD dr. Moewardi

KATA KUNCI : Pasien anak, hipotermi post operasi,Blanketwarm,


PENULIS : Iswatun Yuliyantini, Galih Setia Adi,

Noerma Shovie, Rizqie

TUJUAN PENELITIAN : Untuk mengetahui Perbedaan pengaruh

blanket warm dengan blanketrol terhadap suhu

tubuh pada pasien anak dengan hipotermi post

operasi di Ruang Picu

SAMPEL : Sejumlah 16 responden kelompok

intervensi blanket warm dan 16 responden
kelompok intervensi blanketrol

METODE : Desain penelitian ini menggunakan

metode quasy-experimental dengan
pendekatan pre and post controlgroup
design. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara
purposive sampling.

Hipotermi merupakan suatu kondisi kegawatdaruratan medis yang dapat timbul

ketika tubuh kehilangan panas lebih cepat dari produksi panas. Hipotermi terjadi karena
agen dari obat general anestesi menekan laju metabolisme oksidatif yang menghasilkan
panas tubuh, sehingga mengganggu regulasi panas tubuh. Setiap pasien yang mengalami
operasi berada dalam risiko tinggi hipotermi. Hipotermi dapat diartikan suhu tubuh
kurang dari 360C. Pasien paediatrik memiliki luas permukaan tubuh perkilogram berat
badan lebih luas dibandingkan pasien dewasa sehingga proses pelepasan panas lebih
Hipotermi post operasi dapat menyebabkan distritmia jantung, mengganggu
penyembuhan luka operasi, menggigil, syok dan penurunan tingkat kenyamanan
pasien. Beberapa intervensi untuk mengatasi kejadian hipotermi post operasi antara
lain dengan penghangatan eksternal pasif, penghangatan eksternal aktif dan internal
aktif. Penanganan hipotermi pasca operasi yang sering dilakukan di rumah akit
khususnya di ruang Picu yaitu menggunakan Blanket Warm dan Blanketrol. Blanket
Warm yaitu selimut khusus bertekanan udara yang dirancang untuk memberikan
kehangatan dan kenyamanan bagi pasien. Blanketrol merupakan alat untuk
menstabilkan suhu pasien post operasi yang menggunakan air sebagai media
penghantar panas.


Hasil pada penelitian ini didapatkan mayoritas usia anak-anak (4-12

tahun) 40,6 % dan jenis kelamin mayoritas perempuan 53,1 %. Suhu rata-

rata setelah diberikan intervensi Blanket Warm 36,430C dengan kenaikan

suhu rata-rata 0,870C dan suhu rata-rata diberikan intervensi Blanketrol

36,710C dengan kenaikan suhu rata-rata 1,150C. Uji Independent T-test

didapatkan p 0,016< 0,05. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan

pengaruh antara Blanket Warm dengan Blanketrol. Penggunaan Blanketrol

mempunyai pengaruh lebih signifikan terhadap suhu tubuh pada pasien anak

dengan hipotermi post operasi di ruang PICU..





NIM 1911438037



Prevention and Management of Neonatal Hypothermia
in Rural Zambia
Karsten Lunze1,2,3*, Kojo Yeboah-Antwi2,3, David R. Marsh4, Sarah Ngolofwana Kafwanda5,
Austen Musso3, Katherine Semrau2,3, Karen Z. Waltensperger4, Davidson H. Hamer1,2,3,6
1 Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 2 Center for Global Health & Development, Boston
University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 3 Department of Global Health, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United
States of America, 4 Save the Children US, Westport, Connecticut, United States of America, 5 Tropical Disease Research Centre, Ndola, Zambia, 6 Zambia Center for
Applied Health Research & Development, Lusaka, Zambia

Background: Neonatal hypothermia is increasingly recognized as a risk factor for newborn survival. The World Health
Organization recommends maintaining a warm chain and skin-to-skin care for thermoprotection of newborn children. Since
little is known about practices related to newborn hypothermia in rural Africa, this study’s goal was to characterize relevant
practices, attitudes, and beliefs in rural Zambia.

Methods and Findings: We conducted 14 focus group discussions with mothers and grandmothers and 31 in-depth
interviews with community leaders and health officers in Lufwanyama District, a rural area in the Copperbelt Province,
Zambia, enrolling a total of 171 participants. We analyzed data using domain analysis. In rural Lufwanyama, community
members were aware of the danger of neonatal hypothermia. Caregivers’ and health workers’ knowledge of
thermoprotective practices included birthplace warming, drying and wrapping of the newborn, delayed bathing, and
immediate and exclusive breastfeeding. However, this warm chain was not consistently maintained in the first hours
postpartum, when newborns are at greatest risk. Skin-to-skin care was not practiced in the study area. Having to assume
household and agricultural labor responsibilities in the immediate postnatal period was a challenge for mothers to provide
continuous thermal care to their newborns.

Conclusions: Understanding and addressing community-based practices on hypothermia prevention and management
might help improve newborn survival in resource-limited settings. Possible interventions include the implementation of
skin-to-skin care in rural areas and the use of appropriate, low-cost newborn warmers to prevent hypothermia and support
families in their provision of newborn thermal protection. Training family members to support mothers in the provision of
thermoprotection for their newborns could facilitate these practices.

Citation: Lunze K, Yeboah-Antwi K, Marsh DR, Kafwanda SN, Musso A, et al. (2014) Prevention and Management of Neonatal Hypothermia in Rural Zambia. PLoS
ONE 9(4): e92006. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092006
Editor: Waldemar A. Carlo, University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States of America
Received November 6, 2013; Accepted February 18, 2014; Published April 8, 2014
Copyright: ß 2014 Lunze et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The authors would like to acknowledge the United States Agency for International Development, the support of which – through Cooperative
Agreement Number: GHS A-00-09-00013-00 – made this project and study possible. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision
to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:

Background requirements and is associated with hypoglycemia, hypoxia, and

ultimately severe infections and newborn mortality [7]. In a recent
In Zambia, similar to many resource-limited countries, some community-based study conducted in Sarlahi, Nepal, mortality
progress has been achieved in reducing mortality of children under increased by approximately 80% for every 1 degree Celsius
5 years of age, but less progress has been made to increase survival decrease in body temperature [8].
of neonates, or infants under the age of 28 days [1]. Globally, Many neonatal deaths, particularly those related to severe
neonatal deaths account for 41% of mortality in children under 5 infections and prematurity, are preventable with relatively easy
years of age, a rate that has been increasing over recent years [2]. interventions to keep babies warm [9]. The World Health
Nearly 3 million newborns are estimated to die every year [3]. Organization (WHO) proposes a ‘‘warm chain’’, or a series of
Immediately after birth, an infant is at highest risk of dying. About interlinked procedures to minimize the risk of hypothermia in
25–45% of deaths occur during the first 24 hours [4] and 75% newborns, which includes warming the delivery place, immediate
during the first week [5]. . Neonatal hypothermia, defined as an drying, skin-to-skin care, early and exclusive breast-feeding to
abnormally low body temperature of under 36.5uC), is a risk factor promote close warming contact with the mother and provide
for newborn survival in low and middle income countries, energy to generate heat, postponing bathing, appropriate clothing
particularly when associated with preterm birth and severe and bedding, and placing mother and baby together [10].
infections [6]. Hypothermia increases the newborn’s metabolic

PLOS ONE | 1 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e92006

Neonatal Hypothermia in Rural Zambia

However, even seemingly simple strategies such as skin-to-skin Subjects and sampling
care are not consistently practiced in resource-limited settings [11]. We convened six focus groups of mothers of children aged
Data from facility-based studies in Africa indicate that neonatal between 0 and 23 months and eight focus groups with
hypothermia is very common even in warm climates, with grandmothers, all with 10 participants. Inclusion criterion was
incidence rates at hospitals in Zambia ranging from 44 to 69% willingness and ability to share experiences with childbirth and
and high fatality rates [12,13]. However, newborn care practices newborn care practices. Exclusion criterion was lack of consent to
in sub-Saharan Africa at the community level, and their potential participate in the study. We randomly selected health facilities
impact on neonatal hypothermia, are poorly understood. (HF) (two health centers and two health posts) as the sampling
While hypothermia has long been recognized as a potential frame for informants. In each sampling area, we asked our
threat to newborn survival in resource-limited settings, it has not network of TBAs and CHWs to identify mothers and grandmoth-
received sufficient attention [14]. In Zambia, a majority of the ers for the FGDs from two communities, one less than 5 km from
estimated 18,000 newborn deaths yearly are attributable to the HF (‘‘near’’) and the other more than 5 km away from the HF
conditions associated with neonatal hypothermia, such as severe (‘‘far’’). For the IDIs, we selected two community leaders (such as
infections (25%) or complications from preterm birth (37%) [1]. chief advisors, church leaders, or members of neighborhood health
Implementing context-appropriate interventions for reducing committees), one of whom was female, and four local heath
hypothermia among newborns and might reduce associated risks committee members (two from near and two from far commu-
and adverse health outcomes [15] and address poor neonatal nities) from each of the four selected HF catchment areas. A team
survival in settings such as rural Zambia. of community mobilizers trained by Save the Children contacted
A better appreciation of environmental and local behavioral potential participants, explained the study purpose, and, if the
factors, and traditional practices that place neonates at risk of potential study participants expressed interest in taking part,
hypothermia in resource-limited settings in sub-Saharan Africa agreed with them on a time and place for the FGD or IDI that was
might improve the design and implementation of interventions to convenient for them. Focus group participants were offered a
prevent newborn deaths in the communities. Understanding refreshment drink and the equivalent of USD 5. The majority of
perceived barriers to and potential facilitators for preventing and potential participants approached agreed to take part in the study.
managing hypothermia is key in ensuring that seemingly simple We also interviewed district or provincial level medical officers,
interventions can be implemented. The objective of this qualitative who were sampled purposively.
study was to explore and understand practices and attitudes
regarding newborn hypothermia among communities in Lufwa- Ethics Statement
nyama District, Zambia, a typical rural area with limited access to Ethical approval was obtained from the Boston University
health care and a poor infrastructure. Institutional Review Board (BU/IRB) and the Tropical Diseases
Research Centre (TDRC) Ethical Review Committee in Ndola,
Methods Zambia. Before the interview took place, on the day of the FGD or
IDI, we introduced the study team and obtained written informed
Design consent.
We conducted focus group discussions (FGD) and in-depth
interviews (IDI) from April to November 2010. Data Collection
The field study team consisted of four female data collectors
Setting (three nurses and a teacher, SK), who conducted the interviews in
This study was conducted in Lufwanyama District in the the participants’ native language. All data collectors were Zambian
Copperbelt Province of Zambia, a large, rural, undeveloped nationals from various tribes, who were not part of the
district formerly referred to as Ndola Rural with a population of communities they collected data from, but who were familiar
78,500 [16]. Lufwanyama District has little physical infrastructure, with life in rural Lufwanyama from their previous work as nurses
poorly maintained roads that are frequently impassible during the and teacher. They were supervised by a male physician (KL,
rainy season; a near complete absence of electricity except that trained in pediatrics, public health, and medical anthropology)
produced locally by diesel generators; and no piped water or with a research focus on maternal and newborn health. All had
sewage. The district health office, located outside the district in the prior training and experience with qualitative research, and had
town of Kalulushi, 14 kilometers west of the mining center town of no relationship with study participants prior to commencement. In
Kitwe, was responsible for 15 formal health facilities (11 health addition, data collectors were trained by KL and KY-A, and
centers and 4 health posts) staffed exclusively by nurses, nurse interview guides were piloted and refined during the training. We
midwives, and/or clinical officers. At the time of this study, there conducted FGDs and IDIs at quiet places in the community, each
was a single physician at one of two mission hospitals (St. Mary’s, lasting 45 to 90 minutes, and we audio-recorded them in addition
St. Joseph’s) serving the district. Neighborhood health committees to taking written records. All FGDs and IDIs utilized the same
(NHC) are nationally recognized community structures, composed semi-structured discussion guide to allow for open-ended respons-
of volunteers who collaborate with health facilities to address es. The guide did not specifically mention thermal care, but rather
community needs. As a consequence of all of these factors, a high asked questions and probed about general neonatal care and post-
proportion of basic health services are provided through several delivery practices that might reflect the management and
categories of minimally trained community workers – trained prevention of hypothermia in the community, such as the location
traditional birth attendants (TBAs), trained community health of births and persons present, the definition of the newborn period,
workers (CHWs), male motivators, safe motherhood agents, family common practices for the newborn immediately after birth,
planning agents, disease surveillance agents, malaria agents, actions for newborns who look smaller than usual, and newborn
tuberculosis agents, HIV/AIDS agents, family planning agents, danger signs. In the FGD, respondents received a number as
as well as untrained TBAs and other volunteers. anonymous identifier and were referred to as respondents 1
through 10. During debriefings at the end of each day, the study

PLOS ONE | 2 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e92006

Neonatal Hypothermia in Rural Zambia

team reviewed the audio and written records, discussed interview Protection from the cold is thought to prevent diseases that
strategies and experiences, and assessed data saturation. result from being exposed to wind and cold without protection.
Some diseases are believed to be directly hypothermia related. For
Analysis example, though not specific to newborns, akalaso [‘‘result of being
Interviewers transcribed all audio recordings verbatim, and exposed to cold’’] is a concept often mentioned in context with
translated those conducted in Bemba or Lamba into English. One newborns being exposed to cold. The term akalaso is often
of the authors (S.K.), a bilingual speaker, verified translation into translated as ‘‘pneumonia’’. These grandmothers explain the
written English transcripts. concept of cold and akalaso in the newborn:
We used Nvivo 9.0 software [17] to code and analyze qualitative
data. For the content analysis, KL started with open coding of the FGD 08 grandmothers: R5 Like during this time, in cold season,
text to formulate analytic codes, and agreed with second coders we put a brazier with charcoal in that space. [What of in hot
(AM, KS) as to which codes to include in the analysis. We coded season, what happens?] R5 We don’t use a brazier. R4 Ok, if it is
corresponding to each of the first-level codes (descriptors of in hot season like October, we try to close up the windows to avoid wind
important components of the FGD and IDI), using focused coding, and we also clean the place where the delivery is taking place. R5 Yes
guided by a specific thematic issue. We compared codes using it’s important, because a newborn should not be exposed to coldness.
theoretical memos and techniques such as systematic comparison
The baby might catch a disease like akalaso.
and far-out comparisons [18]. We then compared our codes and
agreed to refine first-level codes, organizing them into several
Drying and wrapping. In Lufwanyama, drying and wrap-
categories (delivery practices, newborn care, danger signs, care
ping are part of newborn routine care. Both caretakers and health
seeking, community needs) to identify higher-level codes, relation-
workers emphasize the importance of keeping babies warm with
ships among categories, and to ensure saturation of categories. SK
this simple measure:
provided feedback on the data and the analytic process.
In order to increase the scientific rigor of our qualitative
approach we took, we report our findings following the COREQ FGD 12 grandmothers: R8 We cover the baby with warm clothes,
[19] and RATS [20] guidelines. and avoid wind from outside. R1 Also we try to protect the newborn
from coughs, so we warm the place by putting the brazier and also
Results wrapping the baby in warm clothes.
IDI 13 Neighborhood health committee (NHC) vice chair:
A total of 140 participants, all mothers or grandmothers, [What are common practices for the newborn immediately after birth?]
participated in FGDs. In addition, we conducted 31 IDIs (13
When the baby is born… just after birth they try by all means to wrap
community leaders, 16 health committee members, and two
the baby in warm cloths so that it does not catch cold.
district or provincial level medical officers).
In most cases, caretakers or birth attendants just use a piece of
Hypothermia risk awareness cloth or a chitenge (a traditional garment worn by women
Respondents commonly voiced concern about exposing a wrapped around the waist or over the head), if available at
newborn to cold. Mothers, grandmothers (caregivers), and health delivery, to dry and wrap the newborn. Sometimes, pregnant
workers all believe the baby should be kept warm to emulate the women are advised in advance to arrange for clothing to be
conditions and thermal environment in utero: available, as exposure to cold is believed to be potentially fatal:

FGD 03 with mothers, respondent 2 (R2): When the cord is cut, IDI 02 chief advisor: Every newborn baby should be wrapped in
they wrap the baby properly. Sometimes it is windy, and for a baby who warm clothes to avoid cold on its body. Otherwise the child can die and
has just been delivered, that is not good. So they quickly cut the cord, that is why we are advised to buy warm clothes in advance before the
wrap it [the baby] in warm clothes and put it on the bed, so that it is time of delivery.
kept warm, because the womb where it is coming from is warm.
FGD 02 mothers, R1: A baby is not supposed to be in a cold place.
[Why not?] R2 It is because it comes from the womb where it is Other thermoprotective practices
warm, so even outside we need to keep it warm. [What about in hot Immediate and exclusive breastfeeding. Although re-
season?] R1 It is the same; we also keep it in warm clothes. spondents did not mention breastfeeding in the context of
IDI 17 with NHC member: The baby is supposed to be covered neonatal hypothermia, newborns are commonly breastfed in rural
because it can catch cold, so by wrapping the baby it is protected, Lufwanyama. However, in consideration of the strain a delivery
considering that the baby has just come from the womb which is warm. puts on a mother, breastfeeding is not consistently practiced
immediately after birth:

Hypothermia preventive practices FGD 03 mothers: R9 After delivery, you take a bath then you can
Birthplace preparation. Consequently, particularly in cold feed the baby. R1 When the baby starts crying, it can be fed. R4 With
season, families prepare and warm a birthplace, usually with a me, when I give birth, if it is at night, I start breastfeeding the following
charcoal brazier, to prevent the baby from being exposed to cold. morning. [Why do you do that?] R4 All my babies don’t cry, they
just sleep, and I do experience severe abdominal pain after delivery so I
FGD 12 grandmothers: [What are newborns particularly just let them sleep until the morning.
vulnerable to?] R2 Cold. R6 We put a brazier to warm the place FGD 13 grandmothers: R6 If you deliver at night, you will just
where the baby is sleeping. R1 We try to protect the newborn from cold. sleep until the following day that is when you start breastfeeding. Some
[Why?] R1 So that the baby doesn’t get a cough. babies just don’t feed there and then.

PLOS ONE | 3 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e92006

Neonatal Hypothermia in Rural Zambia

Delayed bathing. Women and grandmothers recalled that In the interim, the newborn is sometimes just put aside or laid
newborns used to be bathed immediately after birth, but this is on the floor, exposing it to environmental cold. In some instances,
now usually deferred until the day after delivery. Even though it is only after cleaning and caring for the mother, is the newborn
not always practiced, education from trained TBAs has helped to taken care of, often placed next to the mother in the bed or on the
propagate delayed bathing as a thermoprotective measure: mat where the mother rests.

FGD 13 grandmothers: R9 Babies are given a bath immediately FGD 12 grandmothers: [When is the umbilical cord cut, is it
after delivery. After the cord is cut, they first wrap the baby and boil before the placenta or after the placenta delivery?] R7 After
water and then they bathe the baby. R5 No, what I have seen is that the the delivery of the placenta. [So what happens if the placenta
TBA wipes the baby and leave it like that until the following day. The takes a long time to come out, where is the newborn
following morning, the TBA will boil water to bath both the baby and placed?] R8 The newborn is just placed aside a bit.
the mother. R1 The way in which TBAs work…… after delivery they FGD 02 mothers: [Where is the newborn placed before the
don’t allow that baby to be given a bath that same day. No, they wrap placenta is delivered?] R2,9,8 (agree) Just on the floor where the
the baby and emphasize that the baby should not be given a bath. mother is.
FGD 14 grandmothers: [Where is the newborn placed
Infants born small or prematurely are recognized as needing before and after the placenta is delivered?] R7 We just put the
more intense thermal protection, so that bathing is delayed for newborn baby on the floor after you have spread a cloth. R3 I wrap the
longer: baby and put the baby on the bed and after the placenta [is out], I put
the baby with the mother.
FGD 11 grandmothers: R9 Long ago, they used to bathe the baby
A mother’s ability to provide thermal care for the newborn over
just after birth immediately. R6 Some are too small, premature babies; an extended time of the newborn period, as is necessary for
they don’t get bathed. R10. I have seen that with my baby, who was too premature babies, is often limited by her need to return to work in
small. So the TBA told me not to bathe the baby, and the baby took two the house and the fields.
weeks without a bath.

In general, premature and smaller babies are recognized as FGD 07 mothers: R7 When a mother delivers she has to stay at
being at higher risk for health complications. Caretakers and home to rest for some time. [How long is a mother confined?] R5
health workers agreed that those infants need particular attention, One month, so that the mother and the baby get strong. R10 We cannot
especially thermoprotection, beyond delayed bathing: go up to one month. For some of us here at the village, there is a lot of
work waiting for you. You have to fetch firewood, water and food. So,
you can only be confined at home for one week.
IDI 17 NHC member: When the baby is born prematurely, it will FGD 01 grandmothers: R10 Mothers are confined for two weeks or
be kept in a warm place until it is strong enough. even a month if she has somebody to look for food. But if she is alone,
FGD 03 mothers: [Some newborns look smaller than she just stays for a week and starts working. R9 Village life is hard, you
average. Are there any particular or different actions you cannot be confined for too long, otherwise you could die of hunger.
take to protect these babies?] R10. When that baby is born like
that…. Because the womb is warm, so for that child who is premature
to survive, you should look for warm cloths and wrap the baby properly. Improvised devices to protect premature infants
And the room in which the baby will be kept should be warm. A For smaller babies and those perceived as needing more
charcoal brazier should be kept there to keep that room warm, just like protection, heated water bottles are commonly used to provide
the temperature in the womb. external warmth. Both caretakers’ and health workers’ narratives
FGD 05 grandmothers: [Some newborn look smaller than reflect that warming babies, particularly premature ones, with
average. Are there any particular or different actions you warm water bottles at times for weeks and months and feeding
take to protect these babies?] R10 Those babies are kept in the them expressed breast milk are believed to foster their growth and
house only, warm the room, wrap them in warm clothes, avoid the cold development:
and the wind, and that child will grow. R8 We buy charcoal to light
the brazier, which warms the room where the baby is sleeping to avoid it IDI 15 church leader: The premature babies in the village, they take
catching the cold which can result in a loss of a baby. R7 No bathing of them to big health centres. But if they can’t go, then for these babies, they
that baby. It is just wiped and kept warm. use hot water in plastic containers and cover the baby to make them and
cover them properly with blankets.
IDI 06 female NHC member: If it’s a premature, you wrap the
Handling of mother and newborn baby in warm clothes. Some get empty 2.5 liter containers [and fill
Immediately following the delivery of the newborn, the birth them with warm water]. Then you put the container closer to the baby
attendant (if present) focuses primarily on the mother. The mother while the baby is wrapped. Sometimes you even put a brazier in the
is usually cleaned and taken care of, so that she gets the chance to room to keep it warm. You try to breast feed the baby. If he can’t suck,
rest and recover. then you press out the milk and feed the baby using a cup. Most of the
time, we don’t bathe a very small baby until it grows a bit.
FGD 12 grandmothers: R2 Ok, what happens is that after FGD 13 grandmothers: R1 When a baby is born prematurely at 6
delivery, the mother is given a massage and a bath, then is dressed in or 7 months, I should put that baby in warm cloths, then I boil water
clean clothes. Then the newborn is given to her. into two bottles… The charcoal brazier in the house should not be put
out. The house should be warm, all the time. I will put the baby in

PLOS ONE | 4 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e92006

Neonatal Hypothermia in Rural Zambia

between the two bottles until 9 months elapses. Changing water remained common in resource-limited settings both in rural and
regularly. R6 Just to add on, the same TBA who is conducting the urban areas. Examples given in studies mostly from South Asia
delivery will be the one to tell you what to do. Then you run to the include insufficient heating of the birth place, placing the
hospital when the situation becomes worse. R9 Ah, us we just leave it uncovered newborn on the ground or other cold surfaces, delayed
like that…. If God wishes that it lives, then it will live. But if not, then wrapping and early bathing [15,27,28]. A study from Dhaka,
it can die. Bangladesh explained that babies were typically bathed soon after
FGD 11 GM: [Some newborns look smaller than average, are there birth to purify them from the birthing process [29]. In Nepal, less
any particular or different actions you take to protect these babies?] R10 than half of newborns were wrapped within the first 10 minutes
My baby was very small so the TBA used to come in the early mornings after birth, and almost all of them were bathed within minutes or
hours after birth [24] [25].
and encourage me to boil water and put them beside the baby where he/
she used to sleep and when I want to feed her, she just tells or asks me to
press in a small cup. Emerging theory and opportunities to improve thermal
This study identified opportunities to prevent and manage
Discussion neonatal hypothermia, with potential implications for similar
settings in rural Sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 1). In spite of reports
This ethnographic, qualitative inquiry of hypothermia-related of many beneficial thermal care practices, newborn care practices
practices, attitudes, and beliefs in rural Lufwanyama, Zambia, did not conform to the ‘‘warm chain’’ proposed by the WHO.
revealed that community members and health workers are aware TBAs reported that they usually place mothers on the floor to
of the danger of neonatal hypothermia. Community members avoid soiling the bed. Often, a TBA is the sole birth attendant, and
report practices such as birthplace warming, drying and wrapping immediately postpartum she needs to focus on the mother.
of the newborn, delayed bathing, and immediate and exclusive Therefore, the newborn is often just dried after birth and wrapped
breastfeeding, which all contribute to keeping newborns warm. if something to wrap is available, and then put next to the mother
However, the warm chain as recommended by the WHO as the or into a corner of the room without receiving attention until the
standard of care was not consistently maintained during the first mother is cared for. In a previous prospective, cluster-randomized,
hours after delivery, when newborns are at greatest risk and controlled effectiveness trial, we showed that a combination of
thermoprotection is most essential. Community members in the interventions including immediate simple thermal care, i.e. drying
study area were not familiar with skin-to-skin care and did not and wrapping the baby, together with neonatal resuscitation could
practice it. Many mothers in Lufwanyama have to assume be done by trained TBAs and reduced neonatal mortality almost
household and agricultural labor responsibilities soon after by half (45%) [30]. Educational messages to promote thermal care
delivery, which makes it difficult for them to provide continuous in rural areas such as Lufwanyama need to reinforce the
thermal care to their newborns. importance of immediate thermal care after birth and need to
address various potential delays.
Current practices This study indicates that delays in drying and wrapping the
In Lufwanyama, there was a general awareness among infant persist. Educational messages should reinforce hazards from
caregivers and health workers that exposure to cold places early heat loss and aim at early thermal care of the newborn, even
newborns at risk for adverse morbidity and mortality. In the past, before the cord is cut. Likewise, while breastfeeding is commonly
knowledge and awareness of neonatal hypothermia were poor practiced, early (and exclusive) breastfeeding should be propagated
even among health providers, as suggested in studies conducted in both to facilitate taking advantage of the mother as active heat
India [21] and in a multinational study [22]. source for the infant, and to prevent hypoglycemia, which initiates
This study’s participants perceived heating the birthplace as a a vicious circle of depleting energy sources and increasingly
critical practice to protect the newborn from cold, particularly in insufficient heat generation [7].
the cold season. These findings are consistent with community- Skin-to-skin care (SSC) was not a reported practice in the study
based practices explored in a qualitative study in rural Ghana [23], area. Continuous thermal care beyond the early period after
where most informants knew that keeping babies warm is essential delivery is often assumed to be beneficial, e.g., for premature
for their health, but where traditional beliefs led to delays in infants or those born small for gestational age. In Lufwanyama,
thermal care. In contrast, studies from Nepal reported that the women traditionally carry their infants on the back, in a chitenge
birth place was heated in only slightly over half of the settings [24], formed as a baby sling. Several studies conducted in various
often only after birth [25]. settings such as Uganda [31], Ghana [23] and India [32] suggested
In Lufwanyama, newborns were reported to be dried and that in the absence of health facilities prepared to deliver essential
wrapped, which prevents heat loss from evaporation; bathing was newborn care, community members would accept the implemen-
delayed; and particular attention was paid to smaller and tation of thermoprotective practices such as skin-to-skin care.
premature newborns who were at higher risk of hypothermia. In Further formative study in Lufwanyama would be necessary to
this study, delays in drying and wrapping were reported with late explore the acceptability of skin-to-skin care on the chest, to
cutting of the cord, i.e., after delivery of the placenta, and with promote breastfeeding heat transmission from the mother; or
attention to the mother. In a study in Tanzania, the practice of alternatively to test the thermoprotective effect and safety of
bathing newborns immediately after delivery was shown to be providing skin-to-skin care on the back if practical and culturally
motivated by concerns about ‘ritual pollution’ [26]. In Ghana, preferred by mothers.
early bathing was linked to reducing body odor in later life, A mother’s female family members are actively involved in
shaping the baby’s head, and helping the baby to sleep and feel newborn care in Lufwanyama, when available. Training them to
clean. Informants felt that changing bathing behaviors would be support her with thermal care for her newborn might include skin-
difficult, especially as babies were bathed early in facilities [23]. to-skin care by caretakers other than the mother. Mothers often
Qualitative studies conducted elsewhere indicate that high-risk need to resume their work responsibilities soon after delivery. In
home delivery and newborn care practices that lead to heat loss these cases, a complementary strategy to skin-to-skin care might be

PLOS ONE | 5 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e92006

Neonatal Hypothermia in Rural Zambia

Figure 1. Practices related to thermal care in Lufwanyama, Zambia.


the use of culturally appropriate, low-cost newborn warmers Conclusions

designed for resource-limited environments to prevent and
manage newborn hypothermia [33], such as the Embrace device Understanding and addressing community-based practices on
currently marketed in India [34]. A recent clinical RCT hypothermia prevention and management might help improve
conducted at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, newborn survival in resource-limited settings. In rural Zambia,
Zambia, demonstrated that preterm and low birth weight infants possible interventions include the implementation of skin-to-skin
placed inside a simple, nonmedical polyethylene bag (costing 3 care (as currently piloted in Lufwanyama by Save the Children
cents per bag) experienced less hypothermia than those with and MCHIP-Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program),
standard thermoregulation care (wrapping with blankets and training family members to support mothers with thermoprotec-
placed either under a radiant warmer or in an open crib) [35]. tion, and appropriate, low-cost newborn warmers to prevent and
Innovative, low-cost devices might particularly prove useful for manage hypothermia of infants whose mothers need to return to
work soon after delivery. These interventions, once tested in
premature infants, who often have a prolonged time of need for
rigorous evaluations based on randomized, controlled trials, have
active thermal care [36].
the potential to prevent early newborn deaths and thus save
newborn lives in resource-limited settings such as rural Zambia.
Limitations and further research needed
A discrepancy remains between community members’ reported
awareness of beneficial practices and the reality that neonatal
outcomes in the region studied remain poor. This study focused on We gratefully acknowledge the valuable contributions of Mr Shepherd
neonatal hypothermia; other major underlying factors of newborn Kondowe, Mr Sondashi Ngosa and the Save the Children team, notably
care such as resuscitation and clean delivery practices need to be Chilobe Kambikambi. A particular natotela (thanks) goes to the data
collectors Mrs Victoria Luo, Mrs Joyce Mulenga, and Mrs Lyver Fichite,
taken into account to explain poor newborn survival and devise for their dedicated work. We thank Jane Liebschutz from the Boston
optimal strategies and programs to improve newborn survival. The University Preventive Medicine Program for her support for KL. The
study is based on respondents’ narratives, limiting our ability to funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to
quantify any practice. Participant observation could further publish, or preparation of the manuscript. We thank all who participated in
elucidate how recommended practices are implemented, and this study for sharing their insights and perspectives with us.
how current practices could be optimized. Given the indication
that trained TBAs have had a beneficial influence on community Author Contributions
members in the recent past, an important question to be addressed Conceived and designed the experiments: KL KYA KS DH. Performed
might be the potential to strengthen the role of TBAs and other the experiments: KL KYA SK. Analyzed the data: KL KYA KS AM DM
community health cadres in newborn care. KW DH. Wrote the paper: KL.

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PLOS ONE | 7 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e92006





NIM 1911438037





JUDUL ARTIKEL JURNAL : Prevention and management of neonatal

hypothermia in rural Zambia (Pencegahan dan
manajemen hipotermia neonatal di Pedesaan

TUJUAN PENELITIAN : Untuk mengetahui pencegahan dan

manajemen hipotermia neonatal


Hipotermia neonatal didefinisikan sebagai suhu tubuh rendah yang

abnormal di bawah 36,5 c , merupakan faktor risiko kelangsungan hidup
bayi baru lahir di negara berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah, terutama
ketika dikaitkan dengan kelahiran prematur dan infeksi parah. Hipotermi
merupakan faktor utama kasus kejadian kematian pada neonatal. Hal ini
dikarenakan bayi baru lahir lebih kesulitan dalam mengontrol suhu tubuh
dibandingkan orang dewasa khususnya bayi premature. Termoregulasi
pada bayi premature belum efektif, sehingga bayi premature lebih
membutuhkan suhu yang netral untuk mempertahankan suhu tubuh.
Dampak hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir yaitu cardiopulmonary, sistem
saraf pusat dan sistem vaskular. Gangguan metabolisme akibat hipotermia
pada bayi baru lahir yaitu hipoglikemia, hipoksia, dan asidosis metabolic.
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) mengusulkan '' rantai hangat '',
atau serangkaian prosedur yang saling terkait untuk meminimalkan risiko
hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir, yang meliputi pemanasan tempat persalinan,
pengeringan langsung, perawatan kulit-ke-kulit , dini dan pemberian ASI
eksklusif untuk meningkatkan kontak pemanasan yang dekat dengan ibu dan
memberikan energi untuk menghasilkan panas, menunda mandi, pakaian dan
tempat tidur yang sesuai, dan menempatkan ibu dan bayi bersama-sama.
Faktor utama terjadinya hipotermia yaitu lingkungan, prilaku,
fisiologis, dan sosial ekonomi. Memahami dan mengatasi praktik berbasis
masyarakat tentang pencegahan dan manajemen hipotermia dapat
membantu meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup bayi baru lahir di
rangkaian terbatas sumber daya . Di pedesaan Zambia, intervensi yang
mungkin dilakukan meliputi penerapan perawatan kulit-ke-kulit (seperti
yang saat ini sedang dirintis di Lufwanyama oleh Save the Children dan
Program Terpadu Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak), melatih anggota keluarga
untuk mendukung ibu dengan perlindungan termal, dan sesuai , murah
penghangat bayi yang baru lahir untuk mencegah dan mengelola
hipotermia bayi yang ibunya harus kembali bekerja segera setelah
melahirkan. Intervensi ini, setelah diuji dalam evaluasi yang ketat
berdasarkan uji coba terkontrol secara acak, memiliki potensi untuk
mencegah kematian bayi baru lahir dini dan dengan demikian
menyelamatkan nyawa bayi baru lahir di rangkaian terbatas sumber daya
seperti pedesaan Zambia.

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