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My Daily Activity

Awal bulan maret tahun 2020, awal dari pandemic covid 19, setahun yang lalu, saat itu
saya masih kelas V SD. Saya masih ingat saat itu, atas intruksi Pemerintah, kami anak sekolah
diminta untuk belajar di rumah selama 2 minggu. Sampai akhirnya belajar di rumah berlanjut
sampai tahun 2021 karena pandemi covid 19
Di awal pembelajaran online/daring, kami anak sekolah tetap dituntut semangat belajar.
Saya masih ingat saat itu saat itu kami diminta sekolah untuk melihat siaran belajar dari TVRI.
Tetapi kegiatan itu tidak berlangsung lama, dan akhirnya kami rutin diberikan materi tugas dari
guru sekolah dengan sesekali tatap muka lewat aplikasi zoom/google meet. Teknik tatap muka
dengan zoom/google meet cukup efektif sehingga saya bisa berkomunikasi dengan guru dan
teman-teman saya.
Sampai akhirnya pada Bulan Maret 2021 ini, sudah setahun saya mengalami
pembelajaran daring. Keseharianku selama hari belajar sekolah di pandemic covid 19 diawali
dengan rutinitas bangun pagi di jam 5 pagi. Kemudian merapihkan tempat tidurku, sholat subuh
kemudian mandi. Setelah itu aku membantu orang tua menyiapkan sarapan, dan 6.30 saya
menyiapkan bahan pembelajaran daring dari sekolah.
Pembelajaran daring dimulai jam 7 pagi. Sebelumnya jam 6.30 saya absen terlebih
dahulu. Foto absen biasanya diambil oleh Ibuku. Semua tugas – tugas sudah diinformasikan
oleh guru sekolah lewat aplikasi grup whatsapp. Dan rutinitasku sebelum mengerjakan tugas,
adalah selalu mengawali dengan membaca doa agar dimudahkan oleh Allah SWT. Dan
mulailah saya belajar sesuai tugas, mengumpulkan foto saat belajar, dan hasil latihan selama
Jika bingung kita dapat membaca buku/catatan lagi disaat sudah selesai
mengerjakannya. Disaat pukul 12 siang saya melaksanakan sholat Dhuhur setelah itu di jam
setengah 1 siang sampai 3 sore saya melakukan tidur siang.disaat jam 4,saya melaksakan
sholat ashar dan saya makan sore setelah waktu pukul 7 saya tidur malam sampai pagi.
Hambatan / kesulitan saya selama belajar daring yaitu kadang saya susah mengerti
tentang pembelajaran dari guru kelas. Solusinya saya bisa mencari informasi dari website atau
bertanya kepada orang tua saya agar dapat mengerti suatu materi. Ketika pembelajaran selesai
jam 12, saya lanjut sholat Duhur, makan siang dan istirahat. Tidak lupa saya dengan sholat
asar, magrib dan isya tepat waktu. Kadang malam hari saya mengulang atau melanjutkan tugas
yang tidak selesai pada siang hari. Dan saya membiasakan untuk tidur malam jam 9.
Selama pandemic covid 19, orang tua saya berpesan agar saya tidur yang cukup, makan
yang teratur agar tubuh tetap sehat. Karena pandemic ini keterbatasan untuk bepergian keluar
rumah jadi saya punya waktu hobi untuk sesekali mendengar music korea.
Harapan saya agar pandemik segera berakhir sehingga saya dapat berkumpul dan
belajar bersama teman-teman dan guru di sekolah. Selama pandemic ini kita diajarkan untuk
memahami protocol kesehatan, yaitu menjaga jarak dengan orang lain,mencuci tangan dengan
rutin,jika ingin keluar rumah jangan lupa memakai masker.Itu adalah cara mencegah terhindar
dari Covid-19. Marilah berdoa agar pandemic ini akan lekas berakhir agar kita dapat beraktifitas
My Daily Activity in Pandemic Covid 19.

Early in March 2020, the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, a year ago, I was
still in 5th grade in Elementary School. I still remember at that time, at the
government instructions that students were asked to study at home for 2 weeks. Until
finally Continuing studying at home into March 2021.

In online learning, students are still required to study hard. I still remember in
the early pandemic, we were asked to watch educations programs From tvri. But it
did not last long, and eventually we were regularly given out The assigned material
from my teacher, and sometimes with zoom/ Google meet application for our
communication. Zoom/ Google meet application is very effective as a learning

And Now, In March 2021 is one year for Online learning in pandemic covid 19.
My daily activity, I wake up at 5’ a.m in the morning. Then I make my bed and pray
Subuh. And then I have a shower. After having a shower, I help my parents to
prepare breakfast. Usually at 6.30 o’clock I prepare my online learning materials
from my teacher.

Online learning begins at 7:00 a.m. Before that, I have absent first. Usually
taken by my mother. All the duties informed through the whatsapp group
application and, i always prayer before to start learning. And so I learn all materials
from my teacher, collect photos while studying, and practice results during study.

If I have a problems to understand, I usually read the books again or ask my

parent. Usually, I finish my online learning 12 0’ clock. After all, I pray Dhuhur,
have lunch, and take break. I pray Ashar, Magrib, and Isya according the time. I
have dinner at 7:00 p.m.And sometimes I review all materials until 9.00 p.m and
prepare fot tomorrow’s class. Then I sleep at 9 p.m. During covid 19, my parents
told me to get enough sleep, eat nutritious food and keep the body health. Because of
the limitations to travel outside so I have enough time to listen and enjoy Korean
music as a hobby.

I hope the pandemic will end soon, so I can meet my friends and study at
school again. During this procedure we are taught to understand the health protocol,
which is to keep our distance from others, to wash our hands regularly. And if we
want to get out, we have to wear a mask. Let's pray that the pandemic will end soon.

My Daily Activity in Pandemic Covid 19.

Early in March 2020, the beginning of
COVID-19 pandemic, a year ago, I was still in
5th grade in Elementary School. I still
remember at that time, at the government
instructions that students were asked to study
at home for 2 weeks. Until finally Continuing
studying at home into March 2021.
In online learning, students are still
required to study hard. I still remember in
the early pandemic, we were asked to watch
educations programs From tvri. But it did not
last long, and eventually we were regularly
given out The assigned material from my
teacher, and sometimes with zoom/ Google
meet application for our communication.
Zoom/ Google meet application is very
effective as a learning techniques.
And Now, In March 2021 is one year for
Online learning in pandemic covid 19. My
daily activity, I wake up at 5’ a.m in the
morning. Then I make my bed and pray
Subuh. And then I have a shower. After
having a shower, I help my parents to
prepare breakfast. Usually at 6.30 o’clock I
prepare my online learning materials from
my teacher.
Online learning begins at 7:00 a.m. Before
that, I have absent first. Usually taken by my
mother. All the duties informed through the
whatsapp group application and, i always
prayer before to start learning.
And so I learn all materials from my
teacher, collect photos while studying, and
practice results during study.
If I have a problems to understand, I
usually read the books again or ask my
parent. Usually, I finish my online learning 12
0’ clock. After all, I pray Dhuhur, have lunch,
and take break. I pray Ashar, Magrib, and
Isya according the time. I have dinner at 7:00
p.m.And sometimes I review all materials
until 9.00 p.m and prepare fot tomorrow’s
class. Then I sleep at 9 p.m.
During covid 19, my parents told me to
get enough sleep, eat nutritious food and keep
the body health. Because of the limitations to
travel outside so I have enough time to listen
and enjoy Korean music as a hobby.
I hope the pandemic will end soon, so I
can meet my friends and study at school
again. During this procedure we are taught to
understand the health protocol, which is to
keep our distance from others, to wash our
hands regularly. And if we want to get out,
we have to wear a mask. Let's pray that the
pandemic will end soon.

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