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Essay komitmen kembali ke Indonesia

1. WHY
Graduate school?
Sweden? Lund? Stockholm?
LPDP? Why me?
Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Realistic – Time-based
3. Highlight bagaimana kelas dan daftar kegiatan yang ingin dilakukan saat studi bisa beri
kontribusi untuk Indonesia
4. Ceritakan rencana jangka panjang dan pendek, dan bagaimana mimpi tersebut bisa menjawab
berbagai tantangan di Indonesia

Personal Statement

1. Serupa dengan personal statement saat apply universitas

2. Buat daftar kegiatan akademik maupun non-akademik yg ingin dilakukan saat studi
3. Usahakan kelas dan kegiatan sejalan dengan visi masa depan

Main Topic *coba buat satu halaman per masing-masing topik

1. Background:
- Education: Ceritakan alasan yg menarik tentang pemilihan kampus. Problematika yang telah
- Leadership
- Personal Experiences
- Ceritain secara detail (bantuin sales %-nya berapa, pencapaian kerja, pake format STAR)
2. Choosing campus
- Jurusan dapat menyelesaikan masalah dalam pekerjaan
- Program utama dapat memberikan peluang magang di perusahaan A
- Apakah dosennya punya ilmu yang dicari
- Kenapa background sosial science bisa ambil jurusan itu
- Korelasi matkul sama yang mau diterapkan
3. Career plan (contribution in home country or community)
- Step2 yang jelas
- Kasih goal yang tinggi tapi realistis sesuai background
- Buat rancangan short term (internal perusahaan) dan long term (industri e-commerce secara
keseluruhan, kolab asosiasi e-commerce)
- Buat bagan:

What we have What Sweden do/goal Collaborations

Essay komitmen kembali ke Indonesia

1. WHY
Graduate school?
 Ingin menerapkan bisnis yang sustainable dalam industri e-commerce, kegelisahan ini
muncul karena melihat adanya kencenderungan meningkatnya sampah tekstil di
Indonesia yang berbanding lurus dengan semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan e-
 Merasa ilmu dan wawasan yang dimiliki dalam bidang Sustainability Studies belum cukup
(meskipun sudah mencoba aktif dalam berbagai organisasi dan komunitas untuk terjun
langsung mengatasi permasalahan sampah tekstil). Namun, ternyata masih butuh
pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif lagi, sehingga harus memperdalamnya melalui studi
 Thesis: “Implementing sustainable business model in Indonesia’s digital fashion industry”
 Kesinambungan sama jurusan:

 Sustainability Index (link) konstan top 3 globally since 2015, 2021 #2 according to UN
Sustainable Development Report
 Sweden might be the birthplace of fast fashion (H&M for example), but Sweden is also
known for its innovation and sustainability. Sustainable bag brand Kanken Fjallraven
 Budaya lagom = ‘cukup’, ‘enough’
 One of Scandinavia country which implementing slow living culture. This quality is also
connected to sustainability and nature, focusing on things such as; well made clothes,
natural materials and simple living. This can lead to a reduction in waste, better mental
health and more time outdoors with loved ones. Saya juga ingin mendapatkan
pengalaman langsung budaya slow living ini, berharap bisa saya implementasikan pada
saat kembali ke Indonesia nanti.

Lund University?
 Lund is a student town. Most things in Lund are run by students. Lund has the best
student life you can imagine.
 This town is named after the university so you can imagine how spread out the campus is.
 Located in the southern part of Sweden only a 40-minute train ride from Copenhagen,
Denmark, I can learn both culture from Sweden as well as Denmark.
 Swedish people are fluent in English and I won’t have problem communicating with them
at all.
 Lund is a part of the Malmö region, the 4th most inventive region in the world. (Forbes
World’s 15 Most Inventive Cities 2013)

 Sweden’s business centre home to a culture of innovation
 A leading research university
 Making a difference by contributing to individual and societal change
 Researchers contribute to the development of public policy and political decision making,
and participate in Nobel Prize Committees and international expert bodies.
 Home to many industrial hubs and multinational companies: Spotify, IKEA,
 Ranked as one of the top 100 universities in the world

Uppsala University?

Lund University – Environmental Management & Policy?

Lund University – Service Management, Sustainable Service Management?

Uppsala University – Sustainable Management?

 Sustainability Index (link) 2021 world > #18, Asia > #1 according to UN Sustainable
Development Report
 World’s fashion trendsetter
 Tempat lahirnya salah satu brand fast fashion ternama UNIQLO
 Budaya mottainai = ‘sayang’, ‘mubazir’, ‘such a waste’

  one of the most accomplished research-oriented universities in Asia.

Mau menerapkan praktik bisnis fesyen berkelanjutan di industri fashion Indonesia
Masalah yang ingin diselesaikan: mengurangi hingga menghilangkan potensi sampah tekstil yang
diakibatkan oleh bisnis fashion e-commerce di Indonesia di masa depan
Efek panjangnya untuk mewujudkan Indonesia bebas sampah 2030 dan Indonesia Emas 2045

Why me?
 Leadership: Jadi panitia webinar, tujuan dan hasilnya apa (misal bisa raise donasi
sebanyak Rp xxx), edukasi sebanyak xxx partisipan, leader untuk team Indonesia sampe
dapat award Best Employee of the Year
 Networking: punya banyak kenalan di beberapa organisasi (bisa collab bareng), punya
kenalan di fashion ritel maupun digital, memanfaatkan keanggotaan perusahaan saya di
asosiasi e-commerce untuk melebarkan paham praktik bisnis sustainable fashion, jadi
speaker dan LO di organisasi (kenalan sama organisasi lain), sinergi pelaku bisnis dengan
komunitas lingkungan untuk mengubah consumer behavior
 Academic: Top 3 murid seangkatan, dapet beasiswa pertukaran pelajar ke Jepang
selama 1 tahun, sama beasiswa 2 juta buat memperingan bayaran kuliah, mempelajari
Jepang menambah wawasan saya tentang sustainability (kenal thrifting pertama kali,
pemilahan sampah Jepang, budaya nyimpen sampah pas lagi jalan)
 Professional background: waktu kerja di ritel fokusnya di R&D produk kerjaannya ngetes
kualitas pakaian supaya awet dan tahan lama, waktu kerja di e-commerce bisa dapat
peluang listing green-product meskipun produk2 yang saya jual waktu itu asalnya dari
Korea dan secara emisi karbon masih ninggalin banyak jejak sih, makanya di next career
saya mau fokus memberdayakan brand2 lokal, O2O ukm, pas pandemi bisnis fashion
online meningkat, alternatif yg lebih baik untu mengurangi jejak karbon (cari jurnalnya)

5. Highlight bagaimana kelas dan daftar kegiatan yang ingin dilakukan saat studi bisa beri
kontribusi untuk Indonesia.
 Internship at Fashion Innovation Center (link) held by Swedish Fashion Council. (FIC acts as
a hub for the fashion industry and combines skills, knowledge and resources with the aim
of leading the fashion industry towards a sustainable future. All projects aim to research
new business models and revenue streams within digital fashion. At a high pace, get to
take part of the ongoing development of the industry by participating in innovation
projects. Give the intern opportunity to influence, contribute, and develop through own
thoughts and ideas.

6. Ceritakan rencana jangka panjang dan pendek, dan bagaimana mimpi tersebut bisa menjawab
berbagai tantangan di Indonesia.
 Short term:
- Balik ke perusahaan lama/ kerja di Zalora / Tokopedia
- Naik jadi Junior Merchandiser
- Menjaga networking dengan teman-teman di komunitas supaya gampang collab
dan bahas ttg bisnis sustainable
 Long term:
- Kerjasama dengan iDEA bikin workshop/webinar tentang praktik bisnis sustainable
- Buat inovasi dalam perusahaan untuk fokus listing green product dan produk local
- UI/UX yang ramah dengan green product
- Kerjasama dengan networking di Swedia (?)


Kekurangan: kaku terhadap peraturan (harus lebih fleksibel) terlalu stick to the rules, ga bisa beradaptasi
untuk melakukan sesuatu di luar ‘standard’

Insight data
”80% of the climate impact from Swedish clothing consumption comes from the production phase. In other
words, most of the impact occurs even before the garment reaches the store. A new report points out what
changes both producers and consumers needs to commit to reduce the impact through behavioral changes and
technological production improvements.” - Mistra Future Fashion

The drive behind productive sustainable business activities is the own commitment from the company. The
obstacles for making sustainability work are the lack of company advantages the business get from the
sustainability actions.

The Swedish fashion industry has been a role model for other countries on how to implement and operate
sustainability work.

The consumers can influence - The companies have the power to make the change
This report is the fifth sustainability report from Svensk Handel. In October this year, the government
launched a strategy for a more sustainable consumption. The problem is that the consumers can’t make
active green choices , if they don’t have access to a wide range of sustainable products. The study does
not only highlights the importance of sustainable products, but also the relevance of new business
models and solutions that can be implemented in a more circular business. 
Download and read the report here:

The fight for sustainability is global, and in 2015 the world agreed on 17
sustainable development goals. 
The first country in the world to pass an environmental protection act in 1967,
Sweden also hosted the first UN conference on the global environment in 1972.
Seeing that Sweden has such a long history of speaking up for the climate, it's
interesting to see that it took a teenager to make the world listen. Greta
Thunberg started striking for the climate in 2018. A year later, millions of
schoolchildren around the world were protesting against climate change, and by
the end of 2019 Time magazine named Thunberg 'Person of the Year'.
If things have to be scrapped they can be recycled, but it is also a question of
consumer behaviour; the key to a sustainable economy is changing how people
meet their consumer needs. This means that every product has a mapped life
cycle, and that customers become users rather than owners. 

Swedish universities are now even obliged by law to integrate sustainable development into their
curriculum, from literature to finance.

‘This is an area where Sweden can take a leading role in moving to a more sustainable circular
economy,’ Behrens says. ‘We’re ready.’
Overall, there is no strong driver for consumers to sort or return textiles, requiring education and
guidance by policy makers and companies in adopting sustainable habits. Directions for further
research include observing consumers’ disposal behaviour with home textiles, studying correlations
between demographic variables and behaviour, an in-depth study on internalization of social norms
and its impact on disposal of home textiles, as well as analysis of strategies for companies and policy

 I am always learning about new challenges and ways to find creative solutions
for a sustainable future.

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