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Pengaruh Konseling ASI Primipara Menggunakan Booklet Terhadap Ketepatan

Posisi Dan Perlekatan Bayi Menyusui Di RS Dirgahayu Samarinda

Paskalia Monik1, Inda Corniawati2, Kurniati Dwi Utami3

*Penulis Korespondensi : Paskalia Monik, Jurusan Kebidanan Prodi Terapan

Kebidanan Samarinda, Politeknik Kesehatan Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
E-mail :, phone : 085250163004


Latar Belakang : Indikator utama derajat kesehatan masyarakat adalah angka

kematian bayi (AKB). Kebijakan program pemberian ASI Eksklusif bertujuan untuk
mengurangi AKB di Indonesia. Berkaitan dengan upaya peningkatan pemberian ASI
Eksklusif, diperlukan peranan konselor ASI untuk memberikan penyuluhan tentang
pentingnya ASI. Pemberian konseling dengan demonstrasi dan pemberian booklet
dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keyakinan ibu dalam melakukan posisi dan
perlekatan menyusui yang benar (Astutiningrum, 2016)
Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi experiment dengan
pendekatan non equivalent control group design. Teknik sampling menggunakan
purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian dengan lembar observasi pengamatan
menyusui dan booklet. Pengumpulan data dengan memberi pre-test terhadap
kelompok intervensi sebelum diberi perlakuan dan memberi post-test setelah diberi
perlakuan, pada kelompok kontrol diberi pre-test dan post-test. Data yang diperoleh
dianalisis statistik menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Analisa bivariat untuk menguji beda
rerata pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol menggunakan uji Mann Whitney Test.
Hasil Penelitian : Terdapat pengaruh konseling menggunakan booklet terhadap
ketepatan posisi dan perlekatan bayi menyusu primipara di RS Dirgahayu Samarinda
dengan nilai p-value 0,021<0,05. Booklet lebih efektif meningkatkan ketepatan posisi
dan perlekatan bayi menyusu dan baik digunakan sebagai media pendamping leaflet
di RS.
Kesimpulan dan Saran : Disarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk
mengembangkan penelitian dengan mampu mengontrol faktor-faktor lain yang dapat
mempengaruhi keberhasilan dalam intervensi tersebut.

Kata Kunci : Konseling ASI primipara menggunakan booklet, ketepatan posisi dan
perlekatan bayi menyusui

1. Mahasiswa jurusan kebidanan samarinda, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur

2. Dosen jurusan kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur
3. Dosen jurusan kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur
The Effect of Primiparous Breastfeeding Counseling Using Booklets on the
Accuracy of Position and Attachment of Breastfeeding Babies at Dirgahayu
Hospital, Samarinda

Paskalia Monik1, Inda Corniawati2, Kurniati Dwi Utami3

*Correspondence Author: Paskalia Monik, Department of Midwifery, Samarinda

Midwifery Applied Study Program, East Kalimantan Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
E-mail :, phone : 085250163004

Background: The main indicator of the degree of public health is the infant mortality
rate (IMR). Exclusive breastfeeding program policy aims to reduce IMR in Indonesia.
In connection with efforts to increase exclusive breastfeeding, the role of a
breastfeeding counselor is needed to provide health education about the importance of
breastfeeding for the growth and development of infants and teach in the early stages
how appropriate breastfeeding position and attachment techniques can increase the
success of mothers in breastfeeding.
Research Methods: This study uses a Quasi Experiment method with a Non
Equivalent Control Group Design approach. The sampling technique used purposive
sampling method with a sample of 26 people. The instruments used were
breastfeeding observation sheets and booklets. Collecting data by giving a pre-test to
the experimental group before being given treatment and giving a post-test after being
treated, the control group was given a pre-test and post-test. The data obtained were
analyzed statistically using the Wilcoxon test. Bivariate analysis was used to test the
mean difference in the control and intervention groups using the Mann Whitney Test.
Results: There was an effect of health education with booklet media on the correct
position and attachment of primiparous breastfeeding infants at Dirgahayu Hospital
Samarinda with a p-value of 0.021 <0.05. Booklets are more effective in increasing
the accuracy of position and attachment of primiparous breastfeeding infants and are
good for use as a companion media for leaflets in hospitals.
Conclusions and Suggestions: It is recommended that further researchers develop
research by being able to control for other factors that can influence the success of the

Keywords: Primiparous breastfeeding counseling using booklets, accuracy of

position and attachment of nursing infants

1. Students majoring in Midwifery, Samarinda, Poltekkes Kemenkes East Kalimantan

2. Lecturer in the Midwifery Department of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of
Health, East Kalimantan
3. Lecturer in the Midwifery Department of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of
Health, East Kalimantan

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