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Sekolah: SMA
Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester: XI/Ganjil
Judul Bab: Letter Writing
Materi Pokok: Personal Letter Delivering Bad News
Skill: Reading
Alokasi Waktu: 10 Menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat
1. Mendapatkan informasi mengenai personal letter melalui bahan bacaan yang diberikan
secara tepat.
2. Menentukan unsur kebahasaan dan struktur teks secara tepat melalui menjawab soal
pilihan ganda 80% benar.

B. Media Pembelajaran, Alat/Bahan & Sumber Belajar

- Media: Print out
- Alat/Bahan: Papan tulis, spidol
- Sumber Belajar: Internet, Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

C. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (2 Menit)
 Membuka pelajaran dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran
peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin.
 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan
pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya serta mengajukan
pertanyaan untuk mengingat dan menghubungkan dengan materi selanjutnya.
 Menyampaikan motivasi tentang apa yang dapat diperoleh (tujuan & manfaat)
dengan mempelajari materi personal letter tentang delivering bad news.
 Menjelaskan hal-hal yang akan dipelajari, kompetensi yang akan dicapai, serta
metode belajar yang akan ditempuh,

Kegiatan Inti (7 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk melihat, mengamati,
dan membaca. Mereka diberikan bahan bacaan mengenai materi
personal letter.
Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi hal yang
belum dipahami, dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke
pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap
berkaitan dengan materi personal letter.
Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa pasangan untuk
mendiskusikan, mengidentifikasi soal terkait materi personal letter
tentang delivering bad news.
Communication Peserta didik dan pengajar berdiskusi bersama mengenai jawaban
soal personal letter yang telah dikerjakan. Setelah itu guru
memberikan instruksi kepada peserta didik untuk mengerjakan soal
evaluasi mengenai materi personal letter tentang delivering bad news.
Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang
telah dipelajari terkait materi personal letter dengan topik delivering
bad news. Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk
menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami.
Kegiatan Penutup (1 Menit)
 Guru dan peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point
penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
 Guru memberikan evaluasi berkenaan dengan materi pembelajaran.
 Guru menutup pembelajaran dan mengingatkan siswa untuk mempelajari kembali
materi pembelajaran secara mandiri.

D. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

 Penilaian Pengetahuann berupa tes tertulis uraian / observasi terhadap diskusi tanya
jawab dan percakapan serta penugasan
 Penilaian Keterampilan berupa penilaian unjuk kerja, penilaian proyek

Banjarmasin, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alma Naura Firdhausy

NIM. 1910117320017


Materi Pembelajaran
1. What is personal text?
Personal leters are leters that are written to people we know such as friends, parents, siblings,
and cousins. Leters are not only written to inform but to strengthen the bond between two
people writing to each other.
2. Structure of personal letter

-Date : Date when the letter is written (top left).

-Address : Place where you are writing from (top right).

- Salutation & Name : Greeting and the person's name you are writing to

- Introduction : The opening of the letter usually starts with how are you or refers to previous

- Body : The main part of the letter. It includes what you want to write to the other person.

- Closure : The part indicates the letter is going to end.

- Complimentary close : Short expressions like “love you”, “sincerely yours”, “love”.

- Signature : Signature or initials of the writer.

3. Some useful expressions for writing letter delivering bad news

- I'm sorry but I have to tell you that ....

- Bad news, I'm afraid, but no way to avoid it, so here it goes ....

- I'm extremely sorry to hear that ....

- It was heart wrenching to read about ....

4. Example of personal letter delivering bad news

October 12, 2021

Brandon Lim
54, Rosewood apartment

Dear Rhea,

I regret to inform you that Yuli passed away on last Sunday (25th). They been ill with cancer
for the past six months, as you know. Despite the fact that she spent her 70th birthday
surrounded by family and friends at home, her condition became weak at the start of this
month. She passed peacefully at the hospital, having been admitted two weeks ago.

You will be happy to know that her final months were full of laughter and happiness. Once her
condition became worse, she was not in any pain and she did not endure much suffering.

Her funeral will be held at St. John’s Cathedral in her home village of Wakefield on Saturday
(7th, where she will be laid to rest next to her loving husband [Insert Name]. It would be
greatly appreciated if you could attend.
If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation in lieu of any floral tributes, (in
accordance with the wishes of Yuli we are accepting donations. Details have been attached to
this letter.
I am sorry to have to break this news to you and hope we will be able to speak about happier
moments the next time I write.

Meanwhile, if you need to talk, I am here for you.

Yours lovingly,
Brandon Lim

Soal Latihan
Direction: Identify the structures of personal text according to the delivering bad news letter

July 11, 2022

Jhonny Jhanson
24, Jasmine apartment
New York

Dear Milke,

The last few months have been tough. Many people would be inspired by your courage in
facing your challenges and are sending their best wishes for your health.

After your second stem-cell transplant and a round of leukemia, doctors felt that it was prudent
to place you in a medically induced coma when you contracted pneumonia. After a recent
biopsy last week, we received the unfortunate news that your leukemia has returned.

We deeply regret to inform you that your doctors have informed us that you are unlikely to
make a recovery and they will do everything they can to make this journey as easy as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

Soal Evaluasi
Direction: Read the following personal text to answer the question!

Desember 10, 2023

Bella Swan
25, Humming Bird Complex

Dear Alicia,

It was with a great sense of loss when I heard of Jenny's death. I wanted to let you know that
my heart is truly saddened.

Jenny was more than just a wonderful person; she was always so kind and considerate to us
that we always welcomed seeing her at every opportunity.

Her passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew her.
Jenny will always remain within my heart

If there is anything that I can do to help you in anyway, please do not hesitate to call me at
anytime. You can phone me at ( area code and phone number) to talk or if you need my help
with anything.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With deepest sympathy,



1. Who is the letter written to?

a) Jenny
b) Bella
c) Alicia
d) Jhonny

2. Who is the letter from?

a) Jenny
b) Bella
c) Alicia
d) Jhonny

3. What is the purpose of the sender writing the letter?

a) To inform that Jenny passed away
b) To invite to a birthday party
c) To inform that alicia can’t attend dinner
d) To inform that alicia has a desease
4. Which is the best description of Jenny?
a) Jenny was an annoying person
b) Jenny was a wonderful person
c) Jenny was a lazy person
d) Jenny was a boring person

5. “....I wanted to let you know that my heart is truly saddened.” The underlined word has
closest meaning with...

a) Overjoyed
b) Excited
c) Brokenhearted
d) Optimistic

Instruction: Find another personal letter about delivering bad news to read at home. In the next
meeting, please retell the story.
Teaching Script
T = Teacher; S = Students; ……. = silent for about 3,5 seconds)

1. Teacher prepares the students to take part in the learning process by greeting the students,
and praying before study.
T : (Teacher enters the room of the class. Teacher puts his/her books on the table. Teacher
walks and
stops at the center of the class. Teacher greets the students).
“Good morning, students. How are you?”
S : (Students answer the greeting). “We are fine, thank you. What about you, Ma’am?”
T : “I’m great, thank you for asking. Before we start our lesson today, I would like to invite
Thomas to lead us to pray. Thomas, please. “
S : “Sure, ma’am. Pray begin” (Thomas)
S : “Finish” (Thomas)
T : “Thank you, Thomas.”
T : (Teacher checks the present list) “Who is absent today?”
S : “Wanda, ma’am.”
T : (Teacher gives comment). “What happend to her?”
S : “She is sick, ma’am.”
T : “I see, I hope she get weel very soon.”

2. Teacher motivates students by asking some questions and showing some pictures related to
the material.
T : (Teacher takes one picture and shows it to the whole class). “Do you know what picture it
S : “It is a letter, Ma’am”
T : (Teacher gives reinforcement). “Great, students it is a personal letter”.
(Teacher points one student). “Do you know what is personal letter?”
S : “Personal leters are leters that are written to people we know”. (Kristina)
T : “Nice answer. Has anyone one ever made personal letter before?” (Teacher points
another student).
S : “I once wrote a personal letter to inform my friend that I couldn't attend his birthday
party because I was sick” (Raissa)
T : “Very good. Besides that, with personal letter we also can deliver good news, bad news,
asking for help, giving advice, apologizing and many more. (Teacher keeps silent for a while).
“…..Can you guess what we are going to learn today?” (Guru mengarahkan pandangan
kesuluruh kelas).
S : “We are going to learn about a personal letter “.
T : “Perfect”.

3. Teacher explains today’s lessons.

T : (Guru menjelaskan apa yang akan dibahas hari ini) “OK students, today we are going to
read a personal letter and then you will identify the structure of the personal letter and I will
give you an exercise before the class ends. I hope after this class you can determine the
structure of personal letter properly”.


4. Teacher instructs the students to pay attention at the material.
T : (Guru menempelkan caption di depan kelas dibantu oleh beberapa siswa. Guru berjalan
kembali ke tengah kelas dan menjelaskan/membaca tulisan yang ada di caption).

1. What is personal text?

Personal leters are leters that are written to people we know such as friends, parents, siblings,
and cousins. Leters are not only written to inform but to strengthen the bond between two
people writing to each other.

2. Structure of personal letter

-Date : Date when the letter is written (top left).
-Address : Place where you are writing from (top right).
- Salutation & Name : Greeting and the person's name you are writing to
- Introduction : The opening of the letter usually starts with how are you or refers to previous
- Body : The main part of the letter. It includes what you want to write to the other person.
- Closure : The part indicates the letter is going to end.
- Complimentary close : Short expressions like “love you”, “sincerely yours”, “love”.
- Signature : Signature or initials of the writer.
3. Some useful expressions for writing letter delivering bad news
- I'm sorry but I have to tell you that ....
- Bad news, I'm afraid, but no way to avoid it, so here it goes ....
- I'm extremely sorry to hear that ....
- It was heart wrenching to read about ....
4. Example of personal letter delivering bad news

October 12, 2021

Brandon Lim
54, Rosewood apartment

Dear Rhea,

I regret to inform you that Yuli passed away on last Sunday (25th). They been ill with cancer
for the past six months, as you know. Despite the fact that she spent her 70th birthday
surrounded by family and friends at home, her condition became weak at the start of this
month. She passed peacefully at the hospital, having been admitted two weeks ago.

You will be happy to know that her final months were full of laughter and happiness. Once her
condition became worse, she was not in any pain and she did not endure much suffering.

Her funeral will be held at St. John’s Cathedral in her home village of Wakefield on Saturday
(7th, where she will be laid to rest next to her loving husband [Insert Name]. It would be
greatly appreciated if you could attend.
If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation in lieu of any floral tributes, (in
accordance with the wishes of Yuli we are accepting donations. Details have been attached to
this letter.
I am sorry to have to break this news to you and hope we will be able to speak about happier
moments the next time I write.

Meanwhile, if you need to talk, I am here for you.

Yours lovingly,
Brandon Lim


5. Teacher throws question to check students’ understanding regarding the material.
T : (Guru mengarahkan pandangan keseluruh kelas) “Do you have any questions about
personal letter?”
S : (Siswa diam dan tak menjawab)

6. The teacher instructs the students to do the assignment.

T : “Alright. If there are no questions. Now please take a look the print out and do the
assignment on practice time section. (Guru mendistribusikan soal latihan kepada siswa)
S : (Siswa mengerjakan soal latihan secara berpasangan dengan teman sebangkunya).
T : (Guru berjalan kearah siswa, melihat siswa bekerja, membantu mengarahkan dan
berhenti ketika siswa memiliki pertanyaan)
7. The teacher discusses the answer of the assignment with the students.
“OK, students. Time is up. Now, let’s check the answers together.”
(Guru meminta siswa berhenti bekerja dan mendiskusikan jawaban bersama)
T : “Which part of the text that are introduction?”
S : “It is on the first paragraph, Ma’am”
T : “Great job, now which part is the body from the personal letter?”
S : “It is on the second paragraph, Ma’am”
T : “Perfect” (guru mengacungkan jempol)
T : “Now, what is the structure for the last paragraph?”
S : “it is a closure, ma’am”
T : “Nice answer”

(Soal latihan selesai dibahas)

8. the teacher asks the students to summarize what have been they learned today, and the
teacher may add some point if it is necessary.
T : (Guru me review pelajaran hari ini) “OK students, what have we learnt today?”
S : “We have learnt about personal letter delivering bad news, ma’am.”
T : “Excellent! what is personal letter?”
S : “Personal leters are leters that are written to people we know such as friends, parents and
so on”.
T : (Guru mengacungkan jempolnya) “Nice answer. Thank you”.
T : “Now, do you have any questions about this topic?” (Guru mengarahkan pandangan)
S : (semua siswa menjawab) “No.”
T : (Guru merangkum pelajaran) “ As you have learnt, Personal leters are leters that are
written to people we know such as friends, parents, siblings, and cousins. With personal letter
we can delivering bad news, delivering good news, asking for help, giving an advice, and
many more”

(Guru memberikan instruksi untuk mengerjakan evaluasi terakhir kepada seluruh siswa)

9. Teacher evaluates the students by giving them an exercise.

T : “I have one more exercise for you. Please do the test on the third pages of the print out”
“Now, what you have to do is you have to read the following personal letter then you can
answer the question”.
S : (Siswa mengerjakan evaluasi)
T : (Guru berjalan keseluruh kelas)
“Well, students. Time is up. Collect your work now.” (Guru mengumpulkan hasil kerja
dibantu siswa)
T : “I will share the scores from your test next week. if there is a score that is below the
standard, it will take part in remedial next week”
10. The teacher dismisses the class.
T : (Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah.)“Before we end this class, I will give you homework.
Please find another personal letter about delivering a bad news to read at home. In the next
meeting, please retell the story.”
“Any question?.”
T : (Guru menutup pelajaran) “Well, I think that’s all for today. Thank you very much. Don’t
forget to study your lesson at home. Goodbye, and see you next week.

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