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Sekolah: SMP
Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester: IX/Genap
Judul Bab: Come and visit us!
Materi Pokok: Promoting Good
Skill: Listening
Alokasi Waktu: 10 Menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat

- Mendapatkan informasi dari percakapan terkait promoting good dan dapat menjawab
4 dari 5 pertanyaan pilihan ganda sesuai dengan rekaman audio yang telah didengar
secara tepat.

B. Media Pembelajaran, Alat/Bahan & Sumber Belajar

- Media: Print out, caption, audio
- Alat/Bahan: Speaker, papan tulis, spidol
- Sumber Belajar: Buku paket Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX Think Globally Act
Locally, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

C. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 2 Menit)
 Membuka pelajaran dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran
peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin.
 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan
pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya serta mengajukan
pertanyaan untuk mengingat dan menghubungkan dengan materi selanjutnya.
 Menyampaikan motivasi tentang apa yang dapat diperoleh (tujuan & manfaat)
dengan mempelajari materi promoting good.
 Menjelaskan hal-hal yang akan dipelajari, kompetensi yang akan dicapai, serta
metode belajar yang akan ditempuh,

Kegiatan Inti ( 7 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk melihat, mengamati,
dan membaca. Mereka diberikan bahan bacaan mengenai materi
promoting good.
Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi hal yang
belum dipahami, dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke
pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap
berkaitan dengan materi promoting good.
Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa pasangan untuk berdiskusi
untuk menjawab exercise terkait materi promoting good.
Communication Peserta didik bersama guru mendiskusikan hasil jawaban exercise
yang telah diberikan.
Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang
telah dipelajari terkait materi promoting good. Peserta didik
kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang
belum dipahami.
Kegiatan Penutup ( 1 Menit)
 Guru dan peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point
penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
 Guru memberikan evaluasi berkenaan dengan materi pembelajaran.
 Guru menutup pembelajaran dan mengingatkan siswa untuk mempelajari kembali
materi pembelajaran secara mandiri.

D. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

 Penilaian Pengetahuann berupa tes tertulis uraian / observasi terhadap diskusi tanya
jawab dan percakapan serta penugasan
 Penilaian Keterampilan berupa penilaian unjuk kerja, penilaian proyek

Banjarmasin, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alma Naura Firdhausy

NIM. 1910117320017


Materi Pembelajaran
Promotion is an effort to notify or offer products or services with the aim of attracting potential
consumers to buy or consume them of course by using interesting words and creative enough to
make people want to buy it.
-Language Features
1. Hyperbole
2. Informal Language
3. Modality
4. Interrogative Sentences
5. Adjectives, Verbs, and Adverbs

Promotional Words
- Best Quality
- Most Secure!
- Original
- Guaranteed
- Buy 1 Get 1
- Newest
- Exlusive and Limited
- Sensational

Example of advertisement
Information of the advertisement.

Soal Latihan
Direction : Pair up with your seatmates, listen to the audio recording and choose the correct

The students will hear:

Seller : “We server the best quality of Grandma’s Sambal Uleg for decades . With only 55.000
you can eat for a perfect dinner for the whole family, come to our grandma’s sambal uleg. You
can visit Grandma’s Kitchen at 25, Congklak street in Salatiga or you can contact us through
our instagram @grandma’skitchen.”

The students will see:


Names: _______________________

1. What goods is being promoted ?

a. Grandpa’s sambel uleg
b. Grandma’s sambel uleg

2. What is the prize of sambal uleg?

a. 55.000 rupiah
b. 65.000 rupiah

3. Where is the located of Grandma’s sambel uleg?

a. 26, Cangkang street in Jombang
b. 25, Congklak street in Salatiga

4. Where we can contact Grandmas’ sambal uleg?

a. Through instagram @grandma’skitchen
b. Through facebook @grandma’skitchen

5. What is promoting words that you hear from the advertisement?

a. The best quality of Grandma’s Sambal Uleg
b. The special quality of Grandma’s Sambal Uleg
Soal Evaluasi
Direction : Do this evaluation task individually, listen to the audio recordings carefully and
chose the correct answer!

The students will hear:

Seller : “Green leaf organic kitchen, we serve exclusive and limited organic meals. Get your
clean and meals here with us start from 45.000 rupiah. We open from 11:00 a.m till 21:00 p.m.
Visit us at 15, Jasmine street in Surabaya city or you can contact us through our instagram

The students will see:


Names: _______________________
1. What goods is being promoted ?
a. Green leaf organic kitchen
b. Green leaf anorganic kitchen
2. What is the prize of sambal uleg?
a. 55.000 rupiah
b. 45.000 rupiah

3. Where is the located of Grandma’s sambel uleg?

a. 11, Rose street in Surabaya city
b. 15, Jasmine street in Surabaya city

4. Where we can contact Grandmas’ sambal uleg?

a. Through instagram @greenleafkitchen
b. Through facebook @grandleafkitchen

5. What is promoting words that you hear from the advertisement?

a. We serve exclusive and limited organic meals
b. We serve delicious, locally sourced organic meals

Home Work
Direction : Listen to the audio recordings which has been sent via WA group and chose the
correct answer!

The students will hear :

“Are you visiting Cirebon? Don’t forget to come in our restaurant! We have some menus from
Cirebon, especially nasi Jamblang. With a good flavor of special Jamblang Rice! You won’t
forget how tasty this Nasi Jamblang. The prize is start from 35.000 rupiah. Come visit us
Cirebon Special Restaurant at Sudirman Street, No 150. Or you can contact us through our
facebook @JamblangCirebon.”

The students will see:


Names: _______________________
1. What goods is being promoted ?
a. Nasi jamblang Cirebon
b. Nasi lengko Cirebon

2. What is the prize of nasi jamblang?

a. 35.000 rupiah
b. 45.000 rupiah
3. Where is the located of Grandma’s sambel uleg?
a. 120, Sukijan street in Cirebon
b. 150, Sudirman street in Cirebon

4. Where we can contact Grandmas’ sambal uleg?

a. Through instragram @JamblangCirebon
b. Through facebook @JamblangCirebon

5. What is promoting words that you hear from the advertisement?

a. With a good flavor of special Jamblang Rice!
b. With the usual taste of special Jamblang Rice

Teaching script

T = Teacher; S = Students
The teacher (T) prepares students (Ss) psychologically and physically to take part in the learning
process and greets students by greeting, asking how they are, praying before studying, and
checking attendance.
1. Teacher: “Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning, Students!”
Students: “Wa’alaikumussalam Wr. Wb. Good morning, Ma’am”
Teacher: “It’s amazing we can get back together in this class again! How are you this
Students: “Great! How about you, Ma’am?”
Teacher: “I am good. Thank you for asking. Alright, before starting the lesson, I would like to
invite Thomas lead us to pray, Thomas please.
Students : (Thomas) “Before we start our lesson today, lets us pray together. Pray begin.”
Students : (Thomas) “Finish”
Teacher: “Thank you, Thomas.”
Teacher: “Is everyone present this afternoon?”
Students: “All here, Ma’am.
Teacher: “Alright, very good.”

2. T motivates students by asking some questions relates to the today’s lesson.

Teacher: “So, I have a picture, can you see the picture?”
Student: “Yes, Ma’am!”
Teacher: “Have you ever see an advertisement before?”
Student: “Yes, ma’am”
Teacher: “Where, Thomas?”
Student: “On social media, Ma’am”
Teacher: “In what form the advertisement is?”
Student: “A poster, ma’am”
Teacher: “Do you know the purpose of the advertisement?”
Student: “ To promote something, ma’am”
Teacher: “Alright, now I’ll show you how to promote this (pop mie)”
“Mie sedap instan cup. Made with the best quality ingredients with extra real chili. With only
5 thousand rupiah you can taste the hot and delicious chicken flavor that makes
you scream. Grab it fast buy 1 get 1 free

Teacher: “Nice answer, so can you guess what we are going to learn today?”
Student: “Promoting goods, ma’am”
Teacher: “Correct! Thank you for all of the responses. Today we’re going to learn about
Promoting Good. Hopefully, you will be able to get information from
conversations related to promoting good and can answer 4 of 5 multiple choice
questions according to the audio recording that has been heard correctly”

3. T instructs the students to pay attention to the material. (T shows a board)

Promotion is an effort to notify or offer products or services with the aim of attracting potential
consumers to buy or consume them of course by using interesting words and creative enough to
make people want to buy it.
-Language Features
1. Hyperbole
2. Informal Language
3. Modality
4. Interrogative Sentences
5. Adjectives, Verbs, and Adverbs

Promotional Words
- Best Quality
- Most Secure!
- Original
- Guaranteed
- Buy 1 Get 1
- Newest
- Exlusive and Limited
- Sensational
Example of advertisement
Information of the advertisement
4. T gives the students an exercise (see Lampiran page 2: Exercise).

Teacher: “Do you have any question about the material, students?
Student: “No,Ma’am”
Teacher: ““Now I assume that you all already understand our material, so I will give you
an exercise. Please, pair up with your seatmate to do the exercise. I will play a recording,
so please all of the group listen carefully, and please choose the correct answer for the
question. After all of you finish the exercise, let’s discuss the answer together. Do you
understand, student?”
Students: “Alright, Ma’am.”

*T plays an audio recording a few times*

Students will hear:
“We server the best quality of Grandma’s Sambal Uleg for decades . With only 55.000
you can eat for a perfect dinner for the whole family, come to our grandma’s sambal
uleg. You can visit Grandma’s Kitchen at 25, Congklak street in Salatiga or you can
contact us through our instagram @grandma’skitchen.”

5. T opens a discussion to discuss the result of their work.

Teacher: “So group 1, what is your answer for number 1?”
Students: “It’s *their answer*.”

6. T reflects on today’s lesson with Ss by asking question

Teacher: “Give applause to everyone! Now, lets review our lesson. So what have we
learned today?”
Students: “promotting good, ma’am”
Teacher: “What is the use of promotting goods?”
Students: “It is used to offer products so that consumers are interested in buying them”
Teacher: “Great job all of you!”

7. T evaluates the students by giving them a task (see Lampiran pages 2 : Evaluation test).
Teacher: “Now that I think that you are understand the material, I will give you an
evaluation task. The instruction is similar with the exercise before, but the different is
you will work individually in this task. Do you understand, students?”
Students: “ Yes, Ma’am.”
(T plays some audio recordings a few times)

Students will hear:

“Green leaf organic kitchen, we serve exclusive and limited organic meals. Get your
clean and meals here with us start from 45.000 rupiah. We open from 11:00 a.m till
21:00 p.m. Visit us at 15, Jasmine street in Surabaya city or you can contact us through
our instagram @greenleafkitchen.”

Teacher: “Well, if you have done, you can submit the paper to me.
Teacher: “Done? Nice!

8. T dismiss the class.

Teacher: “Before we really end this class, I want to give you a homework. You can take a
look the last page of the handout for the homework. Then i will send the recording via
whatsappp group, please listen to the audio carefully and then choose the correct answer!”

Teacher: “That is all for today. Thank you so much students. Dont forget to do your
homework and study your lesson at home. See you in the next class!.”

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